Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-02-10, Page 3THESEMI-WEFKLY SIGNA-Lo OTS five and six in the First Concession INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. To Rent or Lease. CHRI-STUA& NOTICE. L tow aship of Colborne, W. D., about two GRAND TRUNR R- R- ------------- tes an an., after i tie %ill inst. virill be put ip I THE IATTEI� OF CHARLES W11, miHes irow Goderich. Appl to HOLIDAY ESENTS GodenCh Br=Ch LIAM PICKFURD, AN 1INSOLVE-T.' _y the hand -i or in,, tmiliff for coiret-tron. T1111 MAIM HENLEY, P�', your taxes and savr osts. All IMPRId Twy &xA*, Valver Sooltsif *a -Inod% A. McKAY. Lighthouse at.. Godericb- Toychumh Serviees, 11yula f6aks� IES I .I,- I"-- ; Loileclor 11IIE Creditors of the Insolvent are noti-! December 5tb, 1864. v45tf Div* 10arnabir "ST Goderic'n, Feb. 6th. 186b- sw45-td* fieO that I the undersi -ned Phillip Simp. -1 A-1,BUMS. SATICIETE-1 - h%preW Loca. Loco. son Rosb. of the City ofMontreal. have been; now' -40 riienp* of Losto laidies, compamom. SID W, 00ft i FAw (110DERICH- 9L' A 31 12-'Oy A )d 4:40 P x 1 appointed official aasignee of his estate and -e 0 5 Aw 2 = tae 1:00 r x 5:40 N or near the Villa. of Zerswater. on q-&*- effecu-, and they are reqnired to proiuee be: i T WOEX-Bomm -OAM ve- acre. Wenerly .I I-13"1111. OV KE Saturday. the 14tb inst a p Me Dvdmiak H.k PuKHriv. 2:w 6: 1 me within two months fram this date 1 )per Gere- SSAFOR 1`H 11:05 titeir ciaims upon the, said estate. under ontli, I BOOK, containing three notes of hand, 96e AL of which is Arawn �m favor of Jaures Astiew 'My - 2 -.6o 7:00 DEPARTXFVr OF CROWN I�AXDSI specifying, the security they hold, if any, and vmy-mw- 1 � �1 for the sum ot 38 dollars, ayable by George And vanow-vidwir-amcies, all, vJwW Ax 12.30 r x 3.55 7:40 Quebec, 20 tbe'valuc STILATFutILD fA January. e of it, and if none, statiog the fact, V C&vtii, due January, 1864, the other -two GoiING VEST. E -is -hereby given that the residue with voucheTS ill support ofauch claims. X OTIC -Joka Henderson to,,Xh&,-s*1-- 110LWA 4RIF"l STP.XTK4Q1LD DEF I I - I . e- Island of St. - 25th January, 186��' OF CANAD.&. unfortunately t 2-00 1) 31 'NOF e. tb for, he intere�ts of the Proprietorsf the GLASGOW notes payable by r x 9:.'K) - the farm ' lots I P. S; -ROSS, scriber. -one amourtiqg -to $19.50, due Jan, 3:15 '. Algcmu. an mers MITCHEUL. ... 2:00 JmepL.iiithV-.Judicia! District ol HOUSE, and -fortunateb, for the inlerests, of those whomay w t 2:35 3:4b .4:10 1 1 . 1866, and one for the Sum of 440, due Jan., CARKO '% BROOK I U. C., will be open for sale on and atter the, Official Assionee. erich PON offiesk, SEAFORTH.... 3:00 4:0 9:." Nan Street Montreal. L867 pkvment of the abpe4e notes has been well laii.en with 4:50 9:3,% _Q.1VVChN6Xt 8 Grey w2 2t stoppied. -Any'resson U'ving found thesame 12resents for Am llaaavdai� HARP1.7 &HEY 3: 10- 3z4O &40 9-.&S G Lt KTON First of ]VIEML. ES9 -b- wAW -by eturning ibe ir Taotass 10:40 i BOOTS AND SIR -0 will - e uitably revro I -6:30 3EIM A3>QVJk= GODELUCH -Ax 4:3U Bo4 and its.e6ntentot6 Wgadwen, W Daltv lines oi. stages run from Goder,c), to 1(7pbo applicatio'n to Joseph Wi`lson. quire, ek _FAq., AT JMZLIMX. W= I " A r unknown 'go these deponents of Sten pa"master, Teeswstpr. Ard e I m- 'kkleh&,Dec.2L1ft4. - + e, dtained the ttansit in som ne . ; C T W Lucknow. Kin e, &C. Ciown Land A- nt. a Sault Ste. M ILE olvent Ad of 18u% b* sh 'd -delivered. at THOKASAGIS an pes v ich sh have �been- an A re -Cases of 800ft and, hc it is now late Culrc&% 17th Jan., 1865. [Tweitv Cents e Railway 'Station here tbout th d or 23rd Decimb r last,.and s .Cas Province o VV THE 0()= f Canada, ment. of Goods contained there, they w!U be sold At -,a -8 TEAM I- rt4 �3) I h. and subject. to atliet seul pit the tb County 0 Hui on the Season f6r the desefiption Kim ENC ?f �tm. ian&-and to current tifiber licenses. COUT OF 14- '0V saerifice in order to Zia' �6­aale of them before tl season a over. UNITED -N- Each Batler wili be'allowed ta Our6base, AND il. Gezrwt Counties of Huron. TIES OF HURON Ifour -hundr6d acres and -,the condid4ns..of pjqRso-.j]LL,—We are fleasea lte -.11ke F et to -see and-Vi-tice. J ANP -BRUCE. it -appheable- to a rot-lof two �Jntendllng Pdrdasrfi I d to- well[ 0: lgettlement now . - I .. .. 1. L*",� jdbr abitable, ouse, IN T It OF ROtE RT H. IsiacY, Toms, Esq.. of this place. Of I hundred . acres, namely, a. h HE MATTE R- -SA mew'. enty reg, cl -e -would alqo -take this aportuni of in'6rmig---our iiame that' U elre - and tinder', crop, rous, Irrie6da ja Roo _i4ffi L d, G I VV tho-- law Jim de''Messrs. Toms & iand tw ac ARLD.NtR AN INSOLA re, I . . 1. - - I . T-1- 'Jaaft& . 7 . ' for four-.buadred 1 sha'i be- deemad cleat -bow in the hands of t M -that facturers aj2d a G-STOOKJ i le, anu ! hjL4 mbeem caHed.to the degme or. B- rrister- rder--ibr out SPRIN A acres.; A� C -A I XPBELL, OTIC . E -is- bert . by given that der.' on -br abou * lle -ready-to *nit mp )n k dt' OY t1b A the, an' t the Ist of March we t - silt" 1) e ill -e3 own 0 ISS t oods such -as th er aa preseu .6 ted to. their view 1 1 old 0 ch T at -Law. duor!g the PrWnt term, 2 N d has -filed" theofficeof hisCurt- -G �-have­ riev -h -C man' ion r� 02900& Ran Toroatcp� 7 - 14wis wcorisent, bT �u 1114J,pritr llnumbers of his. ere re -respcictivel� cred ODERICHL ditors. who a'; itors for TTTIM b, -.hundred dollam and u L16UrL-2Lj,—We (firect attention to the ..suin ofoix p�yard 13 V -.OF-- 6 in. � value of his. whiwrevresvnt delivered i�n'this motic�-- Ora lecture, to be -e aridvint on 'deavo fb -t tb6 cm the ey.=ng of Thursday. 19tb tialailities. to his dischai h-bir appred n Cr.) -8 for t --- of on atio r en rs., We oWe out best and sibb�re thank TN CGN8EqTlZNCEVf0WA0dh*fWr-*JG WW Armidhael, Of Olin- Our JL WEAMMICRAIM-the 1"W"" 1welarere awaisa MONDAY, THE 10th DAY OF th their- T��remi ents. ilust., by Rev. Jata�5-0 their wishdin- furnishing them -with an artile. -suitable ted an Aim *M -be, still.to pl -or,a um. We have no doubt the talen d ATRM N=T, noon,. . -s 01 ek: i the ease them.., very At..e1j-of1hL o . n , Jore SeWemgn WiR hive a Is --e i 'ONTU eloctmut ra .- - I . T � I. I can be fieurd be will apply soon its counse I to the.. Judge of the said court for s36d to klna- audiew. I - N-I)Ef4z. addre he postmaster xk.confirma- -in his i%v DojW (4'-,- ra�- icill be- received at Quebec ulitli tion'of tbe'discharge, thereby -effected Gene w7 ft-r-DoxT FoaGxT the Benefit Qon- favor.under the said Act. -ASG v )IOUSE �30jh.jnnuary 1 86 noon, on �G.� -ON ROBERT H� GAIRDNE It-. Ir Wi e eat to -night to -Mr. !"Riyne- If -You. A APEM All Vartift womed Arm welwa. ter Vr LANDS bytiouified Aat idl p�et kv pu rc11=Ik9 e-, few tiike64. on.z p ed �ontratt- ­ 'ibui-yei SAIX- joilire aboi;aj Dro 08 :nowsand �bo&'Asqunw SKAT, 4lue-onThe t-; capt �or the converance o�'Her Fridan. 10th -11a'' 19T X OF IM. Bairfield,-F b. 3rd. 1865. w) ShIDW VO f cannot atten. ur appreciation 0 'IF K S A'TE%P-;, Pali we& each way. L7 iue Review IoAm upon nitod Conn leg of > Y Nirtue' of a *rit of W- MeKiticardl AT FEWY BET WEXN uco, eiii] and BEIME&=rm Huron and BIr B V iltioni.ExP06" -day -of "Wet Ila To�rn as - finallv 44ttled, at "i next. Gonveyamee To wit �,.FieriFacia, for res the -1 Mrs C-PURV io and from th -Ap 6urt ofthe % , . ., . ji,%sued out. off! er iajesty`p- Ubunty, C will behanded to t1ior SoWtor ier volkwuea. -f to be mad- or. horsebsick or otherwi -be vood Icc, and to me ave every n a The Maiis to. le 4dnes P uned ounti of Huro','nd Btu Theatocir art hand v611' rd. -re �aiast the landand tenements dt'Arch� ae�cd a-- -a�i- 'nv and Satardav zvt 12 nuo AAUMP —b IC;4 nes- Fergwso� X g to d McNauihtou. at the aut of Paul MeIn ishes us ; fand NormanAlt-Innes, I bove seized and taken Xii:wpen a GR SHORT MMTT Mrs nounce that lie, wil! I iv one of hispopuiar -the riaht, title and interest ofthe. FULL AND. COUPLE OF SK.k`TE!i�Af every Vari 7 son t ofA IlLetuin' --ieavf, p. n;. and im. TE STOCK. - 11 coast" -of A James"000 _Lph403 '111b e 0 -Ont e tuost celebrated illakers. usi i sat.1.1iliteii-dani i n and to. Lot n u , er TW i A The Cheapts *- & spicami mea at 5, p. m. Serving the 0 I. zncl- best imar offered. Rftd from th cosicerts in the. Sc400 -r the -I alnvLl Re-rtie afiip of eolleation -of . 1 w7the Eievefitn Conce.usion of the Town,. '�flice at each w4Y. Cgthd�lc C111rah. Ashfield. on Tues&� i invarditip. in tile County of Brilee, contalinaw . , , . . IL � .1 % , more or less.; will -1 . I."� L . - .- further i4formi a ouff MACH Printed notices containing I one truildred acre- bb lands,"and the I 4th inst. c�ondnioiis of proposed t witis I'Shah offer for sale at niv in the to terien n- of Qoderich,.-pi VL �ML ism g AF.J SAL I mim be seeu. uwl hiftftkfA�= r ma v Uoiiry Houe* ill therow --------- i Tue�du C of Tende, litrty-iii-st dav of January. next, at lixt. heUr, I -4 Chimnieysw I he iibtaineij at the Post' OffiteS L e� Berae and 'til' mp� Also a lot 'hose cele irated Ranging -And Si4eJA of f V ec -.noou.- JOHN PAIR 002' iiw- uffice of the silbscri-- JOHI N ,gow ITI -4-,.B. 6* 31d Rw was kilie(I in'this wwnghip oii GILBERT GRIF I IZ -T) . epu ef 4 r - 1,X - - RE 8 LLMG OFIR thm.-i Whole D-E&TH-r--A MaU 'name I oer [a -- E Uolm Post'Office Inspector. -13v S. POLL"ocK, I v ShefM L -Gtist sad SavrANNI& -W= -Stock - fl ()ffit tinAalotof %4r.bivery46r ri All patim iquitiag the ji.bvre arficks mvidi oil 11 the 20th ulL, by the falling of a lim . b. Post Office Inspect ox i W26 -Truits 16- ]�Iuaamp,* �=d F�p, 1), G lbtyin .4 rineeries .29th DecurnDer, 11. ty, oldsp , JoLejtli.aud *oi* Xew do4ril IAT whiie rl�ppping, in the Woods -e leaves Loudou� C W., Jar- 2' B r Gia les wd A,%ffe aud fatir szriall- chi above -sale is postoone , d -until Taesd win The 111D37tgage 14-th Februa 1865.. Ck of Wo"Z""L r F.-Cim Forllolidav �re Lents'; alLatid eiamide the. Sto. Sde­ of Lali%&Q. Im T#,jereaft lo the abovi, A. RunciWea WV C3- 0 0X>S, T o nihke, ro o m fo r Alterstio ns - 1*T- beft 0 Spting, "EPvJT'SA1Z OF --1Aa%1D& -J -be prepared to eaffy an timla*w"of Died tbe Till QP 0 s on � 4t!i'inr,, at' !be resitience of,.- -DERand brvirtuepfaPiwerofSaleeoa AT & 7 n -law, wMiam Arbackie: It' woberi'! U Nlaxacd- ip Wo ae ixiadf� by John f.UnieedConntievof of a, *r1t of 6dirich,120h,Janq 1865. sw67 I& son L lius r .0 f ke e-tea0mi-of All I 1i -ed 8 Years. e of Pa* sons* B1 and next door tb Parker and �vawes Xare 31gs 4 ?B ruthers, Tile d cessed _)I tile tnWJj OIL (jode;r1eii. '11, tile Uodntv,ut Huroll nod Bt ucel' VeuditronlEkpo and st n. k.�'ul-t. vztkie ftrt part, and Etirll­ 'i Is.) Wit, Fier its V". *4qn. em, 'I Lonzwortu� ni-� wit,, Liurine. (I oil[ (Jkf 14�r Majesty?a Oounty QOuV1 a naziire o.clanad"hire, -ScOU44. -purpose of barrim., Mile -ev 4 lier dttwerj of the -iccoitil par,., to John W. V IMARA16 ;ft:�nl! PIC grated -to Ciinadaiv ISU.: Aeyrasan.indu!� lotweL;n)tedC,puntjv-, til'�kltiron and' Bruce suill Wouro. Vra ti-elaudsand tencinent.6 X11 TJ ric acht!zilft.\o.n.nbndv,intbeXi'ng-,.L,,� tire �Iireeleil imaim.it. I I -IS iN Jesse"" aumofFrance, quire.,olilletaird I. Irebtr'-at th i, irious, and an, inteliigent man. and w rirg!ezted Par default obisort and Job esuit C -elk CrAlb"t we". 0aine. &y all who kreavr whard Hu d a hli�,' Up to thl: V"y 0" ;aving-.been made in the. due Payment n ter, I have setze nd -taken tn.,eze�- kw Win I& intellect wa�s as bright and clear as ever oid on Friday the -third hay .6f Jilarch Lille and iriterest ofthe, 'said SW4.3 will. be s cutionallAherr lit Goderj4i-])e"Mbe_r 16th, Me deiendanis-in and t"o 1,:ots �oumbrrs 12 and 13. in Wml 1 foi -He liad been cou5ned to his be, I - .. ` I ' _IJAZIt.. I _ io of ttieTo ihipbi . 14PLIJ L 6ttr, in. - arto! Wax (2) last six years. and bore his affliction w-,Ih Auction W Tnomsun" aiA. rn Fam- -u. the I , i o W I tity o adineasure- -or in�t oil 1714nroa, cuntainin� -by Christian fortitode, and pawed away. a, last. K-irrsion 4treel, Goderit 'Pon 0! . lot -be the *nine triat ib toz-81- .1ve I Inent two hundred 'oeres of* jaud� :F- t.re NJ aitian concession, of tile %:.art, tawnstup, invii lands anti, tcnemenl---� I shall t-Aand Aim like a staig V. wheat d ' Tim SJUV= ummo ia#e or w f ot-Ood and whmh-4uay-beoiherw&e rnowit -r for sale at inv offlee.iii-the Gourt'libuse, ill. mvs. commeric an,- C, P, ant: dsc r the Tweniyw 4_,t�eL - � I -e -ttutneri�",iLn!--ioofsaid,�L)-iNumber i%t., uent f first day. m Fenrunry neXL, -at ti dcgr6e-S, twentv -t 1xie. sen.. o4: Hi -I a ilas been U1 no cloUk, 110011. \� kCD0:XALDt Col. L Mr Arthur.i Reaping tat -11uron Road sixteen chrann and �iarix emcz, 20 *mono' !ad t& see. by ated briL MT pri F ie hour of twelve er f On luesda-g. ted vent fm - � - - . I I &P . thence' ortii 'forty ou Lu.. iune, sup flatterin.L. Zwo- fiftns� link. to an, angle. i.,.er J00 tilree degrees, lo,; minutet, kabt �Z. POLLOex. Deirutyt;berifl, fortv-six; '?2 T THE Pind tittv haks-x4y an ai A 'bow iSTAN1j] X i..,even IhTee-ifiil- Itulis -to an 'a bowed howance for aor v t Ito* '101tvAhret. I' L 4a llw�. aild - faq qn�s to all -Mmmiam­ G0WkM R003L -STAIaML chi Idiournment NIL 4th FelxuarT ce t ;1lllqu1e�,,Ed I . wentv liam Note cMi 710MM 1W then - North tortv-sm t ffm z 19yat"a 71te vve.�,t�,evcfi.chain - s, ninetV- liVe ciar.-Wtil LM 'The ism for hwaraim -Cou=-- me. *U-111% daypplusuarx, la minutes, t- ia- the Reeve i t from iiatz meeiing. ikert: beluipreft tie ne Mad bein W4 Win (2) Tti, I fin s more or t V r �Is E. LP q nei ove -and lof the aforesaid 1,6t aurn v ber five, ih,;neo Norl f;f ille having been read r SURGICAT, ECHANICAL by FTOP"tau re -that 7R :n -A I jtirtv-wth e degree forty- mfuutes)Eazt.,ai6w- se I b:;, � . tfoundqr� -, I I -7 :1 ItWas ol je. A" k James condvI bv I %) toe --Tiiat Taoss Simplonnike steps to clear a cerili'll Wa gomery-, -C, W.' I ]F L -argawatermar ot tire 14yer Niaitiaod; thence, I LkiZh water marl, t Soodwood i�oheeteda, a bridge i up strearri woug tha 0 wi ag OVLT Xr.,F. JordaWs.Drw Store FAward thesevera winkihgsth�ieof io the N oitn-,Easterly ­4w� Tie pe im-1 o�, Dorwd MeLe= and others. V*viuz J anpar-V 13th, 1866, a lk J W&W 4 kwa. granl,, of $110. �v-, tuud a Wqe aerms ule. ba, an0e (of trie 'aforesaid lot -, thence Sout I kiftY- km ir FALTI,AND I three degree forty ininaLes West Llong Ill tWINTER zzircr,-was rereivedand read. whea ir Nvxr:-� - a nearly C implet�a thq' Lots Five andll,-*.�rx ou'T tv, 3illhew Moved b7 Til(r3 HmrcL secoude I ipr'r tinirpso... Timfj ance for a Road between bliti-ITs SAle OfLands..: ar dessary the trade 'fiz jQWard J(.A JEW -very tie16 -t for'l 'a owardthe;rection oft brict.,c, TSTOL.K, whicb:-oomprises. Most,- W to, Ah, Nk, camucag='. 312&�t *pk no ericti jo the' easterly angle. of of M, 1W across the Havileld river Pit the 2d and 3rd coi.. of Mail- ship 0'1- Cod, y or 'S ke�ir UnitedZpunfieslof ,,virtue -o a writ ectots *f jour A J%provided inattioderic.-It townshirl &#alit aiurther sum e u �oi number F.iie; then ..Nmurth Fieri Faciasm for, t lot): of thti residue, n's Surviry of th' 'bdl": Huron and Br en said L A Gammon i to wit. C -ee Mand b-. seconded b -v 3 WHiley. Thi Th a Jokil lurty-sm degrees twentV minutes toirnnup treasurer to pay u! %V.est -five --ued out of Her Alaieqy�s Court Of, Queen's L" sen% f-artimi -L)ngwott dmoviExponasandu 0 ace G f.Letter B m ?B iteckwas.t wper"vftekiorluxweek:ieo encill-tionk tv-six iwo�fittrls Ila" to- QLa angle; thence. D R -Y 00 nd - f , Aid in .Airectej a--ain-,t the landt.. -and, i Ae ion wee,4.m'F0bman- ang=412- belag iiii;l'; tenement., of Dan" t the suit,01 toe degrees forty minult!t MeGauiey. a fty V lSHnF NI).-AEAV, Y RARDW4RE, nd and destaute cxrcuwstilnqe3--Cnniedi ehAins to an a 'fortv-. 11aaki Montreal, .1 have 1pized a laken itt ex- CHOY- a un ag e., I. lence : 1006d - - twenty mi h Aludedby -A Canreroi4Thw xx degree. nutes East �fivt c ains fivedo- llccu tion all th- -right, titfe ffnd 'interesi *of the said For + Mnety-wsMtwt>-fiftjslin"iuthe of q of Lots Num- km for govenunent). and sho-j� licens- efendarit in. and to tne sdutivilolve., Iots Frve and Six� nU, i thfirst conceSSIon of -for the currer.tviar-Garried. ance for- a licad.between bers 31. 32 33 a minutes lie LOTInlyc" fley.That --ihi degrees. foLift at a - * - - , , I., 'destivas ofPW 'F*r 'DART) nte severa. iownsinp Officers W as foi- I fifty chdins more Or vorialairia t I wo ainiar First Ohm, iliong that, Row . . q hundred acrea� e building, THOU0 lows. ior tue.artent ytar:- btherwise iinown aip Park- I shall �L CcdarlorlF r-ngandBuMngpurpaW* call the place of begifiniag, ih�reon; whictt'lancisand tenement-, Offer I0 VA" D, No"d br ve towpni *of Morris, in the L' uanirron. sec6nded by J1Tr Ft thenee South forry onat of Huron,. -to with TownswPelerk ...... Lots au, 7 an rimosawo mbers Une; Two; Tlaee,�Four. 6eviiii. -mv ollice: in the Court !JouAe ld the dawr sekvangjary and .......... 6.00 for sale'at Elevin, Twelve, town of Godericih­m rierve and Assess" 1br do .......... aOD Eight, NNine, Tell, Tuesdiy, the Fourteenth Trausarermliew0frercearage G.L00 Fourteen, k Lfteea,;Sixteeu, eywitee hor ofTwelve ofthe ZLILIOTT. -btl"* da1V'efFebruarvnc;ELuVihe T '80 OD Twenty,�- Twenty-one, Ity '-k.uoon.* . :- Nineteen, �two. . - - -0 -Uh, ........... ...... - S� H`0 1 Assemo. elm .......... W.00 Vwemty­14ur,Tweuty, ea- 'r MACDON Twcnty�three- ........... 3G.00 tv�xm -TwcnEy--,-even, Twent. I Inspector, Shedff� 1-1. Z� . ............... Bv S. Pollock, Deputy bheriX.- ...... 'Chirty-one. andni un Lot km been "Sherifils Office, Goileriall, in A* �Cocricftjors per day . .... ..... ed, Contalni M or less. - n e . and i2- cenl* cock for wu'+-,Carned mind forty-one aww, ino ;f Ifke Musi JrS hereby Vveo tha seUng 4 T-olwaship -of 310 LA 'd moved bVJ ;146ey. secodded byJL zairperou. That power 16f piale�', . . a' - F lt H .4 vipalrWectors -ofAbe -F OF AN I .5 lop. x I be UARYNEK tb;6 - Ime. who - $"bit e -dZo hand IhelrilaS *t Apr mer., 60 at LsolicitorlorMortgagpe. SH, IT I TI.- 1i marked the 8ekC4Dj OW FafC fWat Dated this Slat January, A..D 186 da *0 I At the bourof to wsk�j A. MovW by A CAmerou, seconded by J WRilev. That- cli"of DA Y G which United Counbe r I Y virtue of two writs of Attection'totheir sto 0-0-01S. -Nor-4, xillopr c abdr ame xifto the e or Ther-,witih, par),aculirly to 'th sum of t" dpHars over Paid Air stafin bv IVOTICEC enclosui th6 nT Efuron nd Bruce, V-eud 13001 Ezponas and CAM 1�1; STMI? L N subscriber, reeve order Lanuth, two -while -.sieiirs on residue -nclzm.. ammw Thoomm be refunted, and itatthi: -Lot No 1, ccpu� 3rd, Tucker-� To Wilt.. ftZrIdM At 2ft AXI aflftbnary The Flied FaPias for lim e year d1d issugil out - cf- Hir. Majestv'.4 0-oanty Court _OR VA;7 A6vied J;vk QLmerom seemAell byT Baird. That the owner rty-3 pay of ontari.0', Una U requested to prove pr6r ourr f Com-;� fi'w t1wPor- bb &-Re JR&UM. am o(%ea:*pI1w* and 9fi5r reaw be Tchux" tor -Alex A are, ofthe County r ek Xoberisoa.* sisid sum being bmck =csovercharTed oil o me directed READY.MADB is most COT AMES Ct the charge&aud takV them awa again , behou of,10 4ack, y- mou Pleas, and* t ni --(;arned )LE. X. -MOVOrNALT). The hii im L adnandienotti.en�,sofdtep�en,l).CrawfordiP.-g. -notthelb4owin 1 -law ke A&plmd* -1. . - - W'AWS86* 14;*L 14"j, . I - I Moved bT A Caammo. seoiluded by T Simpsm That TUCLemmith, in wl - 6 or-, � j AM&Y, -Lynch Staunton. Enoch 6. Dowling and Pohi"t, �y iN. L in* ju - . . "tues. am handred dolbem for "ch . warAL toe ap- or tke improvisient of rasils� bridge& and M gwopmMd f t. §t Gilmotir,atthe miim of 11-tatic viard ind -10dowandertimsoperuitand- 061T. A promisoty Note, for Out! tile Corporittioxf of t mution. , all the right, -.and L tka BMW of 17f I he To;;aship 7p o FaWc6gib h e scized und t -Ex L akenfn Anes vethe C4unewor I" the WArd-Carned- dellar a 'r-bornion �ha.V- daid defendants, in', and to Xovvd bT A Cameron, seconded by JL V-1 lc�, That .r. Any peml �. finding I title and interest vfUe, in favorofJohn Drove �Siiuth balf. this Comm,, ww adjoura, to nkj�tt again on *d6iiiiisly-the the iam willpleate destroy it as I haVe !g0giAr.ed of F4krk-LotNo.15,LotNo.8a UpliRIORUALITY im of 1&e 2ft igaignt at I olckxk4 P. fif.--CametE - Queeia stieet North, .. JAT)1E9`FUA5 OF 70 I .1 br.Loi, No 6 full value for U. aieof 'Lot Lk AiNt jL being subdivisions.of Vnrk Xo. .4 irr. 4hej -St r - 4 N f4!fljot 22 on thq 4114 I I "imm I J()LIN FAMM, rawmwp C J7011 o Von -of Boxix� 1=dBy-,Lw. -of %waaaah 5M 41910 South -mL Tqbkersmilh Jan.30,1biL VE low T sideof Queen. Streef.South:Paisley, Park r jot lom - samiat* V!� of 1" to AaenaWe 4 - . t* . . - VbW (,who has, heard J6 T . tWe -Towadiitp a keXillop kAftb DAY .: . . 'IT ' remarim =A& b� Are you odr 'Alair orth side -of Gambridge 4treet.and Block�35 -TV61%reL eqabl4djoseifthem- quire & '6e I "6*d . . . � be jolmain. 4ermixdf.U.ell IkortM fiale o 1", . I - ; - I . I .g W�st seof'Queen Street,.Nonh Paisley, 1,ot 13 f Tmd 4 .-Of 18".' to &1eflai0fii Teinpeiance 'AS $ Eke. tif lot South side and 1.3 and 14 Northside of Cambi-idge thou, r -w one of tho6e boys U11MER by virtue ofa,? -et; Paislev; North hall 6f L'Ealtt, aide of iried Japat *biether, I r Sald stri -oraothe 40iliW—I- Wei Lnd OW9 -of Haroiiitmt;So.uthalupton,60feet-Ot4be-MOrth AM di&J�y-lAW "*W%M who am 0 -So - contained in a Mortirage made, bv, jov- -part Iligik M.A. WALU4 Jer mly, be viianaged wfth kindness. of Lot No. 4; North side feet, 09irmlopbou-, P :y t;f the W; �Gode and..10 on the North side -Tott U -d better gif somor spongeeakes, and athadmD. Black n of rich) in S,uthainplon Lots29 -to i *" laid Towniatiffie EMPOR110 V, -and inspect tWx the County of Huron, Gedtlemi Damot rXe in ourl" iii, 'Of 'tbL- orClareridi3ii 'I.-Itreet, Southampton ;Lot 18 Eak f0owing much We AM- Ask flrsit Pa u 03 op I emngft at ouce.i Lois 21 anil of I;""" -T" 2 *me - t�- to the Huron -D&trict,B ildin- side.of Norfolk Stre&,. Souffiai�Otoji Ad fiou to wit f Pamtsirm—A Connecticut 'Yanicee, In South tjtde of Loursa street, �Sotdhampton,' all -(def sale -a Intaxiomfog Liquors tp *st33y-1&WpVVW1­ Society, of the seconcl kult hivirig 0 r* -11k dear4414 eme to al tollE in the Gddifty o Bruce; which'lands and tene� P ment.th r fo-. sale at my o cc in Inut beert made the due pay ffe redYwill ffi f L a, WSW witit e the I mentsi shall o ds' rdirej w1um he Wd, after his 0 a bis6ld on laourt Houie,in the Town of.Goderich.,on'Extis- be Toaship - of Maxillovi A0101fty of 1"�. day tha4weaty�Kighth. day of ir owat0%-forj=ta1 Til�sday, iffie r -­TVnP09.=ftACV like as­ubt. I shan't 96enth day.. if- Flebma y-. chick noow AW W-2'tAM low thehourt Twelveoilhe Li,tor X A are CoMpellea -that they JOHN.KAODONALDL aecountsAnd n.otba ym after idl..� n in, - r . - . A. D. 186.0, at. Twelve of the clo�k� They wish�to intimate to Udirm Vr8:1 w to t on PROMPT -PAYMENTS witallso j4ht- upcm-vaftful. calculation, it is estimatea -at the Auction Mart,bf Akt Pneident Lincoln. in two 'hours of I", in thyvar or opik LA *me '1h&iimd,- t4ht O'lPM4ji Nazkhurst, rvwerieh�l to inftedleeb S�Ly L t "low will, be allow e f6llGWitr_w-.Vwper1y, t1iit, is to levee-, on Konday, shook hands. with about XIGST STREET, GODERIGH' 25thJan aMIS65. awl ..0 -UDJT AL. --i Number tea. lCundred. thifty4i e F all aM saaks and mess. 1111 Him 1 7" an(! in (1039) A lwwv. T-0, v514t lbor 'Flats� in tho.said, towii of 19oderich. TA "-'TM Sax r IDETILOR '" is' V a"eat bead unde rv"j, of Sale. "A FOR 6 LE jut., i5le iffe -of *wu, ad Aeth IL C. CAA�BROI�, 2 an I 'I e Xr. Goome Barryofas, du&or for,mort mem .0 TFD o'41 At Gawt Mrs. nhu 1 Ndg abasabers-Ilds i5ili�7,JansaiT,r ffUX F 10 R N 11 Dated -at= ! on the London 11o4d,adjoining Ae Village L ;4r Fkeidr. the 50 A lau� -UsSW*Cei Jim- PC= Awi% "of time 8-_0 rM ofUtLXQ'3;. Vmd ftit% 111 *6 of -am -Abotaade _po$*oW4-z t elosw* 3101ise 13M V—Aa=. �pe --A -good wol,.:�"d .amfi ion= 'M All - w. By flo Iky Xr Zagior AA&dd Mr- y =— -Came, nt6 the premises orchwd. h g 21 Ir 1WP"48sr*N to W0 A& 0 6tkeon.,"eridh land is. of the best - Clay .loant Sill 'Well tiw- Tnw Wtaneiant-and for -oiie;-*4k-sKer I P -It %.;Ir -oftny jig- -aad J"h. :,Tbe Sbap Wad -red jig iaas�,wa, ape ,f slid MONAM Zftir� bo& or Wvf ­ � .. - �14 * - t .. owper aaa6ptiast orilwCoutif The T=w-nsde,iw0*wma oulhe-pmmilek br - pay expems Pr to, IkAQ&m.Comm, ftft.*fXwwYoA, �aa nmovo him T 91,H] an WA d; IE R WOO -Alik" Q*Nrt bro&sre ]WIS.T- Sno, of 2*11 sedwa. A --TV, wl -old 19JIM.Sed C�