Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-02-10, Page 3THESEMI-WEFKLY SIGNA-Lo OTS five and six in the First Concession INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864. To Rent or Lease. CHRI-STUA& NOTICE. L tow aship of Colborne, W. D., about two GRAND TRUNR R- R- ------------- tes an an., after i tie %ill inst. virill be put ip I THE IATTEI� OF CHARLES W11, miHes irow Goderich. Appl to HOLIDAY ESENTS GodenCh Br=Ch LIAM PICKFURD, AN 1INSOLVE-T.' _y the hand -i or in,, tmiliff for coiret-tron. T1111 MAIM HENLEY, P�', your taxes and savr osts. All IMPRId Twy &xA*, Valver Sooltsif *a -Inod% A. McKAY. Lighthouse at.. Godericb- Toychumh Serviees, 11yula f6aks� IES I .I,- I"-- ; Loileclor 11IIE Creditors of the Insolvent are noti-! December 5tb, 1864. v45tf Div* 10arnabir "ST Goderic'n, Feb. 6th. 186b- sw45-td* fieO that I the undersi -ned Phillip Simp. -1 A-1,BUMS. SATICIETE-1 - h%preW Loca. Loco. son Rosb. of the City ofMontreal. have been; now' -40 riienp* of Losto laidies, compamom. SID W, 00ft i FAw (110DERICH- 9L' A 31 12-'Oy A )d 4:40 P x 1 appointed official aasignee of his estate and -e 0 5 Aw 2 = tae 1:00 r x 5:40 N or near the Villa. of Zerswater. on q-&*- effecu-, and they are reqnired to proiuee be: i T WOEX-Bomm -OAM ve- acre. Wenerly .I I-13"1111. OV KE Saturday. the 14tb inst a p
Me Dvdmiak H.k PuKHriv. 2:w 6: 1 me within two months fram this date 1 )per Gere- SSAFOR 1`H 11:05 titeir ciaims upon the, said estate. under ontli, I BOOK, containing three notes of hand, 96e AL of which is Arawn �m favor of Jaures Astiew 'My -
2 -.6o 7:00 DEPARTXFVr OF CROWN I�AXDSI specifying, the security they hold, if any, and vmy-mw- 1 � �1
for the sum ot 38 dollars, ayable by George And vanow-vidwir-amcies, all, vJwW Ax 12.30 r x 3.55 7:40 Quebec, 20 tbe'valuc
STILATFutILD fA January. e of it, and if none, statiog the fact, V C&vtii, due January, 1864, the other -two GoiING VEST. E -is -hereby given that the residue with voucheTS ill support ofauch claims. X
OTIC -Joka Henderson to,,Xh&,-s*1-- 110LWA 4RIF"l STP.XTK4Q1LD DEF I I - I . e- Island of St. - 25th January, 186��' OF CANAD.&. unfortunately t
2-00 1) 31 'NOF e. tb for, he intere�ts of the Proprietorsf the GLASGOW notes payable by
r x 9:.'K) - the farm ' lots I P. S; -ROSS, scriber. -one amourtiqg -to $19.50, due Jan, 3:15 '. Algcmu. an mers MITCHEUL. ... 2:00 JmepL.iiithV-.Judicia! District ol HOUSE, and -fortunateb, for the inlerests, of those whomay w t 2:35 3:4b .4:10 1 1 . 1866, and one for the Sum of 440, due Jan., CARKO '% BROOK I U. C., will be open for sale on and atter the, Official Assionee. erich PON offiesk, SEAFORTH.... 3:00 4:0 9:." Nan Street Montreal. L867 pkvment of the abpe4e notes has been well laii.en with 4:50 9:3,% _Q.1VVChN6Xt 8 Grey w2 2t stoppied. -Any'resson U'ving found thesame 12resents for Am llaaavdai� HARP1.7 &HEY 3: 10- 3z4O &40 9-.&S G Lt KTON First of ]VIEML. ES9 -b- wAW -by eturning ibe ir Taotass 10:40 i BOOTS AND SIR -0 will - e uitably revro I -6:30 3EIM A3>QVJk= GODELUCH -Ax 4:3U Bo4 and its.e6ntentot6 Wgadwen, W Daltv lines oi. stages run from Goder,c), to 1(7pbo applicatio'n to Joseph Wi`lson. quire, ek _FAq., AT JMZLIMX. W= I " A r unknown 'go these deponents of Sten pa"master, Teeswstpr. Ard e I m- 'kkleh&,Dec.2L1ft4. - + e, dtained the ttansit in som ne . ;
W Lucknow. Kin e, &C. Ciown Land A- nt. a Sault Ste. M ILE olvent Ad of 18u% b* sh 'd -delivered. at THOKASAGIS an pes v ich sh have �been- an A re -Cases of 800ft and, hc it is now late Culrc&% 17th Jan., 1865. [Tweitv Cents e Railway 'Station here tbout th d or 23rd Decimb r last,.and s .Cas Province o VV THE 0()= f Canada, ment. of Goods contained there, they w!U be sold At -,a -8 TEAM I- rt4 �3) I h. and subject. to atliet seul pit the tb County 0 Hui on the Season f6r the desefiption Kim
?f �tm. ian&-and to current tifiber licenses. COUT OF 14- '0V saerifice in order to Zia' �6aale of them before tl season a over. UNITED -N- Each Batler wili be'allowed ta Our6base, AND il. Gezrwt Counties of Huron. TIES OF HURON Ifour -hundr6d acres and -,the condid4ns..of pjqRso-.j]LL,—We are fleasea lte -.11ke F et to -see and-Vi-tice. J ANP -BRUCE. it -appheable- to a rot-lof two �Jntendllng Pdrdasrfi I d to- well[ 0: lgettlement now . - I .. .. 1. L*",� jdbr abitable, ouse, IN T It OF ROtE RT H. IsiacY, Toms, Esq.. of this place. Of I hundred . acres, namely, a. h HE MATTE R- -SA mew'. enty reg, cl -e -would alqo -take this aportuni of in'6rmig---our iiame that' U elre - and tinder', crop, rous, Irrie6da ja Roo _i4ffi L d, G I VV tho-- law Jim de''Messrs. Toms & iand tw ac ARLD.NtR AN INSOLA
re, I . . 1. - - I . T-1- 'Jaaft& . 7 . ' for four-.buadred 1 sha'i be- deemad cleat -bow in the hands of t M -that facturers aj2d a G-STOOKJ i le, anu ! hjL4 mbeem the degme or. B- rrister- rder--ibr out SPRIN A acres.; A� C -A I XPBELL, OTIC . E -is- bert . by given that der.' on -br abou * lle -ready-to *nit mp )n k dt' OY t1b A the, an' t the Ist of March we t - silt" 1) e ill -e3 own 0 ISS t oods such -as th er aa preseu .6 ted to. their view 1 1 old 0 ch T at -Law. duor!g the PrWnt term, 2 N d has -filed" theofficeof hisCurt- -G �-have riev -h -C man' ion r� 02900& Ran Toroatcp� 7 - 14wis wcorisent, bT �u 1114J,pritr llnumbers of his. ere re -respcictivel� cred ODERICHL ditors. who a'; itors for TTTIM b, -.hundred dollam and u L16UrL-2Lj,—We (firect attention to the ..suin ofoix p�yard 13 V -.OF-- 6 in. � value of his. whiwrevresvnt delivered i�n'this motic�-- Ora lecture, to be -e aridvint on 'deavo fb -t tb6 cm the ey.=ng of Thursday. 19tb tialailities. to his dischai h-bir appred n
Cr.) -8 for t --- of on atio r en rs., We oWe out best and sibb�re thank TN CGN8EqTlZNCEVf0WA0dh*fWr-*JG WW Armidhael, Of Olin- Our JL WEAMMICRAIM-the 1"W"" 1welarere awaisa MONDAY, THE 10th DAY OF th their- T��remi ents. ilust., by Rev. Jata�5-0 their wishdin- furnishing them -with an artile. -suitable ted an Aim *M -be, pl -or,a um. We have no doubt the talen d ATRM N=T, noon,. . -s 01 ek: i the ease them.., very At..e1j-of1hL o . n , Jore SeWemgn WiR hive a Is --e i 'ONTU eloctmut ra .- - I . T � I. I can be fieurd be will apply soon its counse I to the.. Judge of the said court for s36d to klna- audiew. I - N-I)Ef4z. addre he postmaster xk.confirma- -in his i%v DojW (4'-,- ra�- icill be- received at Quebec ulitli tion'of tbe'discharge, thereby -effected Gene w7 ft-r-DoxT FoaGxT the Benefit Qon- favor.under the said Act. -ASG v )IOUSE �30jh.jnnuary 1 86 noon, on �G.� -ON ROBERT H� GAIRDNE It-. Ir Wi e eat to -night to -Mr. !"Riyne- If -You. A APEM
All Vartift womed Arm welwa. ter Vr LANDS bytiouified Aat idl
p�et kv pu rc11=Ik9 e-, few tiike64. on.z p ed �ontratt- 'ibui-yei SAIX- joilire aboi;aj
Dro 08 :nowsand �bo&'Asqunw
SKAT, 4lue-onThe t-; capt �or the converance o�'Her Fridan. 10th -11a'' 19T X OF IM. Bairfield,-F b. 3rd. 1865. w) ShIDW VO f cannot atten. ur appreciation 0 'IF
K S A'TE%P-;, Pali we& each way. L7 iue Review IoAm upon nitod Conn leg of > Y Nirtue' of a *rit of W- MeKiticardl AT FEWY BET WEXN uco, eiii] and BEIME&=rm Huron and BIr B V iltioni.ExP06" -day -of "Wet Ila
To�rn as - finallv 44ttled, at "i next. Gonveyamee To wit �,.FieriFacia, for res the -1 Mrs C-PURV io and from th -Ap 6urt ofthe % , . ., . ji,%sued out. off! er iajesty`p- Ubunty, C will behanded to t1ior SoWtor ier volkwuea. -f to be mad- or. horsebsick or otherwi -be vood Icc, and to me ave every n a The Maiis to. le 4dnes P uned ounti of Huro','nd Btu Theatocir art hand v611' rd. -re �aiast the landand tenements dt'Arch� ae�cd a-- -a�i- 'nv and Satardav zvt 12 nuo AAUMP —b IC;4
nes- Fergwso� X g to d McNauihtou. at the aut of Paul MeIn ishes us ; fand NormanAlt-Innes, I bove seized and taken Xii:wpen a GR SHORT MMTT Mrs nounce that lie, wil! I iv one of hispopuiar -the riaht, title and interest ofthe. FULL AND. COUPLE OF SK.k`TE!i�Af every Vari 7 son t ofA IlLetuin' --ieavf, p. n;. and im. TE STOCK. - 11 coast" -of A James"000 _Lph403 '111b e 0 -Ont e tuost celebrated illakers. usi i sat.1.1iliteii-dani i n and to. Lot n u , er TW i A The Cheapts *- & spicami mea at 5, p. m. Serving the 0 I. zncl- best imar offered. Rftd from th cosicerts in the. Sc400 -r the -I alnvLl Re-rtie afiip of eolleation -of . 1 w7the Eievefitn Conce.usion of the Town,. '�flice at each w4Y. Cgthd�lc C111rah. Ashfield. on Tues&� i invarditip. in tile County of Brilee, contalinaw . , , . . IL � .1 % , more or less.; will -1 . I."� L . - .- further i4formi a ouff MACH
Printed notices containing I one truildred acre- bb lands,"and the I 4th inst. c�ondnioiis of proposed t witis I'Shah offer for sale at niv in the to terien n- of Qoderich,.-pi VL �ML ism g AF.J SAL I mim be seeu. uwl hiftftkfA�= r ma v Uoiiry Houe* ill therow --------- i Tue�du C of Tende, litrty-iii-st dav of January. next, at lixt. heUr, I -4 Chimnieysw I he iibtaineij at the Post' OffiteS L e� Berae and 'til' mp� Also a lot 'hose cele irated Ranging -And Si4eJA of f V ec -.noou.- JOHN PAIR 002' iiw- uffice of the silbscri-- JOHI N ,gow ITI -4-,.B. 6* 31d Rw was kilie(I in'this wwnghip oii GILBERT GRIF I IZ -T) . epu ef 4 r - 1,X - - RE 8 LLMG OFIR thm.-i Whole
D-E&TH-r--A MaU 'name I oer [a -- E
Uolm Post'Office Inspector. -13v S. POLL"ocK, I v ShefM L -Gtist sad SavrANNI& -W= -Stock - fl ()ffit tinAalotof %4r.bivery46r ri All patim iquitiag the ji.bvre arficks mvidi
oil 11 the 20th ulL, by the falling of a lim . b. Post Office Inspect ox i W26 -Truits 16- ]�Iuaamp,* �=d F�p, 1), G lbtyin .4 rineeries
.29th DecurnDer, 11. ty, oldsp , JoLejtli.aud *oi* Xew do4ril IAT whiie rl�ppping, in the Woods -e leaves Loudou� C W., Jar- 2' B r Gia les wd A,%ffe aud fatir szriall- chi above -sale is postoone , d -until Taesd win The 111D37tgage 14-th Februa 1865.. Ck of Wo"Z""L r F.-Cim Forllolidav �re Lents'; alLatid eiamide the. Sto. Sde of Lali%&Q. Im T#,jereaft lo the abovi, A. RunciWea WV C3- 0 0X>S, T o nihke, ro o m fo r Alterstio ns - 1*T- beft 0 Spting, "EPvJT'SA1Z OF --1Aa%1D& -J -be prepared to eaffy an timla*w"of Died tbe Till QP 0 s on � 4t!i'inr,, at' !be resitience of,.- -DERand brvirtuepfaPiwerofSaleeoa AT & 7 n -law, wMiam Arbackie: It' woberi'! U Nlaxacd- ip Wo ae ixiadf� by John f.UnieedConntievof of a, *r1t of 6dirich,120h,Janq 1865. sw67 I& son L lius r .0 f ke e-tea0mi-of All I 1i -ed 8 Years. e of Pa* sons* B1 and next door tb Parker and �vawes Xare 31gs 4 ?B ruthers, Tile d cessed _)I tile tnWJj OIL (jode;r1eii. '11, tile Uodntv,ut Huroll nod Bt ucel' VeuditronlEkpo and st n. k.�'ul-t. vztkie ftrt part, and Etirll 'i Is.) Wit, Fier its V". *4qn. em, 'I Lonzwortu� ni-� wit,, Liurine. (I oil[ (Jkf 14�r Majesty?a Oounty QOuV1 a naziire o.clanad"hire, -ScOU44. -purpose of barrim., Mile -ev 4 lier dttwerj of the -iccoitil par,., to John W. V IMARA16
;ft:�nl! PIC grated -to Ciinadaiv ISU.: Aeyrasan.indu!� lotweL;n)tedC,puntjv-, til'�kltiron and' Bruce suill Wouro. Vra ti-elaudsand tencinent.6 X11 TJ ric acht!zilft.\o.n.nbndv,intbeXi'ng-,.L,,� tire �Iireeleil I I -IS iN Jesse"" aumofFrance, quire.,olilletaird I. Irebtr'-at th i, irious, and an, inteliigent man. and w rirg!ezted Par default obisort and Job esuit C -elk CrAlb"t we". 0aine. &y all who kreavr whard Hu d a hli�,' Up to thl: V"y 0" ;aving-.been made in the. due Payment n ter, I have setze nd -taken tn.,eze�- kw Win I& intellect wa�s as bright and clear as ever oid on Friday the -third hay .6f Jilarch Lille and iriterest ofthe, 'said SW4.3 will. be s cutionallAherr lit Goderj4i-])e"Mbe_r 16th, Me deiendanis-in and t"o 1,:ots �oumbrrs 12 and 13. in Wml 1 foi -He liad been cou5ned to his be, I - .. ` I ' _IJAZIt.. I _ io of ttieTo ihipbi . 14PLIJ L 6ttr, in. - arto! Wax (2) last six years. and bore his affliction w-,Ih Auction W Tnomsun" aiA. rn Fam- -u. the I , i o W I tity o adineasure- -or in�t oil 1714nroa, cuntainin� -by Christian fortitode, and pawed away. a, last. K-irrsion 4treel, Goderit 'Pon 0! . lot -be the *nine triat ib toz-81- .1ve I Inent two hundred 'oeres of* jaud� :F- NJ aitian concession, of tile, tawnstup, invii lands anti, tcnemenl---� I shall t-Aand Aim like a staig V. wheat d ' Tim SJUV= ummo
ia#e or w f ot-Ood and whmh-4uay-beoiherw&e rnowit -r for sale at inv offlee.iii-the Gourt'libuse, ill. mvs. commeric an,- C, P, ant: dsc r the Tweniyw 4_,t�eL - � I -e -ttutneri�",iLn!--ioofsaid,�L)-iNumber i%t., uent f first day. m Fenrunry neXL, -at ti dcgr6e-S, twentv -t 1xie. sen.. o4: Hi -I a ilas been U1 no cloUk, 110011. \� kCD0:XALDt Col. L Mr Arthur.i Reaping tat -11uron Road sixteen chrann and �iarix emcz, 20 *mono' !ad t& see. by ated briL MT pri F ie hour of twelve er f On luesda-g. ted vent fm - � - - . I I &P . thence' ortii 'forty ou Lu.. iune, sup flatterin.L. Zwo- fiftns� link. to an, angle. i.,.er J00 tilree degrees, lo,; minutet, kabt �Z. POLLOex. Deirutyt;berifl, fortv-six; '?2 T THE Pind tittv haks-x4y an ai A 'bow iSTAN1j] X i..,even IhTee-ifiil- Itulis -to an 'a bowed howance for aor v t Ito* '101tvAhret. I' L 4a llw�. aild - faq qn�s to all -Mmmiam
G0WkM R003L -STAIaML chi Idiournment NIL 4th FelxuarT ce t ;1lllqu1e�,,Ed I . wentv liam Note
cMi 710MM 1W then - North tortv-sm t ffm z 19yat"a
71te vve.�,t�,evcfi.chain - s, ninetV- liVe ciar.-Wtil LM 'The ism for hwaraim -Cou=-- me. *U-111% daypplusuarx, la minutes, t- ia- the Reeve i t from iiatz meeiing. ikert: beluipreft tie ne Mad bein W4 Win (2) Tti, I fin s more or t V r �Is E. LP q nei ove -and lof the aforesaid 1,6t aurn v ber five, ih,;neo Norl f;f ille having been read r SURGICAT, ECHANICAL by FTOP"tau re -that 7R :n -A I jtirtv-wth e degree forty- mfuutes)Eazt.,ai6w- se I b:;, � . tfoundqr� -, I I -7 :1 ItWas ol je. A" k James condvI bv I %) toe --Tiiat Taoss Simplonnike steps to clear a cerili'll Wa gomery-, -C, W.' I ]F
L -argawatermar ot tire 14yer Niaitiaod; thence, I LkiZh water marl, t Soodwood i�oheeteda, a bridge i up strearri woug tha 0 wi ag OVLT Xr.,F. JordaWs.Drw Store FAward thesevera winkihgsth�ieof io the N oitn-,Easterly 4w� Tie pe im-1 o�, Dorwd MeLe= and others. V*viuz J anpar-V 13th, 1866, a lk J W&W 4 kwa. granl,, of $110. �v-, tuud a Wqe aerms ule. ba, an0e (of trie 'aforesaid lot -, thence Sout I kiftY- km ir FALTI,AND I three degree forty ininaLes West Llong Ill tWINTER zzircr,-was rereivedand read. whea ir Nvxr:-� - a nearly C implet�a thq' Lots Five andll,-*.�rx ou'T tv, 3illhew Moved b7 Til(r3 HmrcL secoude I ipr'r tinirpso... Timfj ance for a Road between bliti-ITs SAle OfLands..: ar dessary the trade 'fiz jQWard J(.A JEW -very tie16 -t for'l 'a
owardthe;rection oft brict.,c, TSTOL.K, whicb:-oomprises. Most,- W to, Ah, Nk, camucag='. 312&�t *pk no ericti jo the' easterly angle. of of M, 1W across the Havileld river Pit the 2d and 3rd coi.. of Mail- ship 0'1- Cod, y or 'S ke�ir UnitedZpunfieslof ,,virtue -o a writ ectots *f jour A J%provided inattioderic.-It townshirl &#alit aiurther sum e u �oi number F.iie; then ..Nmurth Fieri Faciasm for, t lot): of thti residue, n's Surviry of th' 'bdl": Huron and Br en said L A Gammon i to wit. C -ee
Mand b-. seconded b -v 3 WHiley. Thi Th a Jokil lurty-sm degrees twentV minutes toirnnup treasurer to pay u! %V.est -five --ued out of Her Alaieqy�s Court Of, Queen's L" sen% f-artimi -L)ngwott dmoviExponasandu 0 ace G f.Letter B m ?B iteckwas.t wper"vftekiorluxweek:ieo encill-tionk tv-six iwo�fittrls Ila" to- QLa angle; thence. D R -Y 00 nd - f , Aid in .Airectej a--ain-,t the landt.. -and, i Ae ion wee,4.m'F0bman- ang=412- belag iiii;l'; tenement., of Dan" t the suit,01 toe degrees forty minult!t MeGauiey. a fty V lSHnF NI).-AEAV, Y RARDW4RE, nd and destaute cxrcuwstilnqe3--Cnniedi ehAins to an a 'fortv-. 11aaki Montreal, .1 have 1pized a laken itt ex- CHOY- a un ag e., I. lence : 1006d - - twenty mi h Aludedby -A Canreroi4Thw xx degree. nutes East �fivt c ains fivedo- llccu tion all th- -right, titfe ffnd 'interesi *of the said For + Mnety-wsMtwt>-fiftjslin"iuthe of q of Lots Num- km for govenunent). and sho-j� licens- efendarit in. and to tne sdutivilolve., Iots Frve and Six� nU, i thfirst conceSSIon of -for the currer.tviar-Garried. ance for- a licad.between bers 31. 32 33 a minutes lie LOTInlyc" fley.That --ihi degrees. foLift at a - * - - , , I.,
'destivas ofPW
'F*r 'DART)
nte severa. iownsinp Officers W as foi- I fifty chdins more Or vorialairia t I wo ainiar First Ohm, iliong that, Row . . q hundred acrea� e building, THOU0
lows. ior tue.artent ytar:- btherwise iinown aip Park- I shall �L CcdarlorlF r-ngandBuMngpurpaW* call the place of begifiniag, ih�reon; whictt'lancisand tenement-, Offer I0 VA" D, No"d br ve towpni *of Morris, in the L' uanirron. sec6nded by J1Tr Ft thenee South forry onat of Huron,. -to with TownswPelerk ...... Lots au, 7 an rimosawo mbers Une; Two; Tlaee,�Four. 6eviiii. -mv ollice: in the Court !JouAe ld the dawr sekvangjary and .......... 6.00 for sale'at Elevin, Twelve, town of Godericihm rierve and Assess" 1br do .......... aOD Eight, NNine, Tell, Tuesdiy, the Fourteenth Trausarermliew0frercearage G.L00 Fourteen, k Lfteea,;Sixteeu, eywitee hor ofTwelve ofthe ZLILIOTT. -btl"* da1V'efFebruarvnc;ELuVihe T '80 OD Twenty,�- Twenty-one, Ity '-k.uoon.* . :- Nineteen, �two. . - - -0 -Uh, ........... ...... - S� H`0 1 Assemo. elm .......... W.00 Vwemty14ur,Tweuty, ea- 'r MACDON Twcnty�three- ........... 3G.00 tv�xm -TwcnEy--,-even, Twent. I Inspector, Shedff� 1-1. Z� . ............... Bv S. Pollock, Deputy bheriX.- ...... 'Chirty-one. andni un Lot km been "Sherifils Office, Goileriall, in A* �Cocricftjors per day . .... ..... ed, Contalni M
or less. - n e . and i2- cenl* cock for wu'+-,Carned mind forty-one aww, ino ;f Ifke Musi JrS hereby Vveo tha seUng 4 T-olwaship -of 310 LA 'd moved bVJ ;146ey. secodded byJL zairperou. That power 16f piale�', . . a' - F lt H .4 vipalrWectors -ofAbe -F OF AN I .5 lop. x I be UARYNEK tb;6 - Ime. who - $"bit e
-dZo hand IhelrilaS *t Apr mer., 60 at LsolicitorlorMortgagpe. SH, IT I TI.- 1i marked the 8ekC4Dj OW FafC fWat Dated this Slat January, A..D 186 da *0 I At the bourof to wsk�j A. MovW by A CAmerou, seconded by J WRilev. That- cli"of DA Y G which United Counbe r I Y virtue of two writs of Attection'totheir sto 0-0-01S. -Nor-4, xillopr c abdr ame xifto the e or Ther-,witih, par),aculirly to 'th sum of t" dpHars over Paid Air stafin bv IVOTICEC enclosui th6 nT Efuron nd Bruce, V-eud 13001 Ezponas and CAM 1�1; STMI? L N subscriber, reeve order Lanuth, two -while -.sieiirs on residue -nclzm.. ammw Thoomm be refunted, and itatthi: -Lot No 1, ccpu� 3rd, Tucker-� To Wilt.. ftZrIdM At 2ft AXI aflftbnary
The Flied FaPias for lim e year d1d issugil out - cf- Hir. Majestv'.4 0-oanty Court _OR VA;7 A6vied J;vk QLmerom seemAell byT Baird. That the owner rty-3 pay of ontari.0', Una U requested to prove pr6r ourr f Com-;� fi'w t1wPor- bb &-Re JR&UM. am o(%ea:*pI1w* and 9fi5r reaw be Tchux" tor -Alex A are, ofthe County r ek Xoberisoa.* sisid sum being bmck =csovercharTed oil o me directed READY.MADB is most COT AMES
Ct the
charge&aud takV them awa again , behou of,10 4ack, y- mou Pleas, and* t ni --(;arned )LE. X. -MOVOrNALT). The hii im L adnandienotti.en�,sofdtep�en,l).CrawfordiP.-g. -notthelb4owin 1 -law ke A&plmd* -1. . - - W'AWS86* 14;*L 14"j, . I - I Moved bT A Caammo. seoiluded by T Simpsm That TUCLemmith, in wl - 6 or-, � j
AM&Y, -Lynch Staunton. Enoch 6. Dowling and Pohi"t, �y iN. L in* ju - . . "tues. am handred dolbem for "ch . warAL toe ap- or tke improvisient of rasils� bridge& and M gwopmMd f t. §t
Gilmotir,atthe miim of 11-tatic viard ind -10dowandertimsoperuitand- 061T. A promisoty Note, for Out! tile Corporittioxf of t mution. , all the right, -.and L tka BMW of 17f I
he To;;aship 7p o FaWc6gib h e scized und t -Ex L akenfn Anes vethe C4unewor I" the WArd-Carned- dellar a 'r-bornion �ha.V- daid defendants, in', and to Xovvd bT A Cameron, seconded by JL V-1 lc�, That .r. Any peml �. finding I title and interest vfUe, in favorofJohn Drove �Siiuth balf. this Comm,, ww adjoura, to nkj�tt again on *d6iiiiisly-the the iam willpleate destroy it as I haVe !g0giAr.ed of F4krk-LotNo.15,LotNo.8a UpliRIORUALITY im of 1&e 2ft igaignt at I olckxk4 P. fif.--CametE - Queeia stieet North, .. JAT)1E9`FUA5 OF 70
I .1 br.Loi, No 6 full value for U. aieof 'Lot Lk AiNt jL being subdivisions.of Vnrk Xo. .4 irr. 4hej -St r - 4 N f4!fljot 22 on thq 4114 I I "imm I J()LIN FAMM, rawmwp C J7011 o Von -of Boxix� 1=dBy-,Lw. -of %waaaah 5M
41910 South -mL Tqbkersmilh Jan.30,1biL VE low T sideof Queen. Streef.South:Paisley, Park r jot lom - samiat* V!� of 1" to AaenaWe 4 - . t* . . -
VbW (,who has, heard J6 T . tWe -Towadiitp a keXillop kAftb
DAY .: . . 'IT ' remarim =A& b� Are you odr 'Alair orth side -of Gambridge 4treet.and Block�35 -TV61%reL eqabl4djoseifthem- quire & '6e I "6*d . . . � be jolmain. 4ermixdf.U.ell IkortM fiale o 1", . I - ; - I . I .g W�st seof'Queen Street,.Nonh Paisley, 1,ot 13 f Tmd 4 .-Of 18".' to &1eflai0fii Teinpeiance 'AS $ Eke. tif lot South side and 1.3 and 14 Northside of Cambi-idge thou, r -w one of tho6e boys U11MER by virtue ofa,? -et; Paislev; North hall 6f L'Ealtt, aide of iried Japat
*biether, I r Sald stri -oraothe 40iliW—I- Wei Lnd OW9 -of Haroiiitmt;So.uthalupton,60feet-Ot4be-MOrth AM di&J�y-lAW "*W%M who am 0 -So - contained in a Mortirage made, bv, jov- -part Iligik M.A. WALU4 Jer
mly, be viianaged wfth kindness. of Lot No. 4; North side feet, 09irmlopbou-, P :y t;f the W; �Gode and..10 on the North side -Tott U -d better gif somor spongeeakes, and athadmD. Black n of rich) in S,uthainplon Lots29 -to i *" laid Towniatiffie EMPOR110 V, -and inspect tWx the County of Huron, Gedtlemi Damot rXe in ourl"
iii, 'Of 'tbL- orClareridi3ii 'I.-Itreet, Southampton ;Lot 18 Eak f0owing much We AM- Ask flrsit Pa u 03 op I emngft at ouce.i Lois 21 anil of I;""" -T" 2 *me - t�- to the Huron -D&trict,B ildin- side.of Norfolk Stre&,. Souffiai�Otoji Ad fiou to wit
f Pamtsirm—A Connecticut 'Yanicee, In South tjtde of Loursa street, �Sotdhampton,' all -(def sale -a Intaxiomfog Liquors tp *st33y-1&WpVVW1 Society, of the seconcl kult hivirig 0 r* -11k dear4414 eme to al tollE in the Gddifty o Bruce; which'lands and tene� P r fo-. sale at my o cc in Inut beert made the due pay ffe redYwill ffi f L
a, WSW witit e the I mentsi shall o ds' rdirej w1um he Wd, after his 0 a bis6ld on laourt Houie,in the Town of.Goderich.,on'Extis- be Toaship - of Maxillovi A0101fty of 1"�. day tha4weaty�Kighth. day of ir owat0%-forj=ta1 Til�sday, iffie r -TVnP09.=ftACV like asubt. I shan't 96enth day.. if- Flebma y-. chick noow AW W-2'tAM low
thehourt Twelveoilhe Li,tor X A are CoMpellea -that they JOHN.KAODONALDL aecountsAnd n.otba ym after idl..� n in, - r . - . A. D. 186.0, at. Twelve of the clo�k� They wish�to intimate to Udirm Vr8:1 w to t on PROMPT -PAYMENTS witallso j4ht- upcm-vaftful. calculation, it is estimatea -at the Auction Mart,bf Akt Pneident Lincoln. in two 'hours of I", in thyvar or opik LA *me '1h&iimd,- t4ht O'lPM4ji Nazkhurst, rvwerieh�l to inftedleeb S�Ly L t "low will, be allow e f6llGWitr_w-.Vwper1y, t1iit, is to levee-, on Konday, shook hands. with about XIGST STREET, GODERIGH' 25thJan aMIS65. awl ..0 -UDJT AL. --i Number tea. lCundred. thifty4i e F all aM saaks and mess. 1111 Him 1 7" an(! in (1039) A lwwv. T-0, v514t lbor 'Flats� in tho.said, towii of 19oderich. TA "-'TM Sax r IDETILOR '" is' V a"eat bead unde rv"j, of Sale. "A FOR 6 LE jut., i5le iffe -of *wu, ad Aeth IL C. CAA�BROI�, 2 an I 'I e Xr. Goome Barryofas, du&or for,mort mem .0 TFD o'41 At Gawt Mrs. nhu 1 Ndg abasabers-Ilds i5ili�7,JansaiT,r ffUX F 10 R N 11 Dated -at= ! on the London 11o4d,adjoining Ae Village L ;4r Fkeidr. the 50 A lau� -UsSW*Cei Jim- PC= Awi% "of time 8-_0 rM ofUtLXQ'3;. Vmd ftit% 111 *6 of -am -Abotaade _po$*oW4-z t elosw* 3101ise 13M V—Aa=. �pe --A -good wol,.:�"d .amfi ion= 'M
All - w. By flo Iky Xr Zagior AA&dd Mr- y =— -Came, nt6 the premises orchwd. h g 21 Ir 1WP"48sr*N to W0 A& 0 6tkeon.,"eridh land is. of the best - Clay .loant Sill 'Well tiw- Tnw Wtaneiant-and for -oiie;-*4k-sKer I P -It %.;Ir -oftny jig- -aad J"h. :,Tbe Sbap Wad -red jig iaas�,wa, ape ,f slid MONAM
Zftir� bo& or Wvf � .. - �14 * - t .. owper aaa6ptiast orilwCoutif
The T=w-nsde,iw0*wma oulhe-pmmilek br - pay expems Pr to, IkAQ&m.Comm, ftft.*fXwwYoA, �aa nmovo him T 91,H] an WA d; IE R WOO -Alik" Q*Nrt bro&sre ]WIS.T- Sno, of 2*11 sedwa. A --TV, wl -old 19JIM.Sed C�