Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-02-10, Page 2• TELE SEMI- ' mon afignat, - Migrate G. W., FEB; /0, 1865. Buret and -We have- ,•.no doubt that the the 'Own Hall, *it. evenin, to consider Government wili feel itself indepeUdent .what is known here as ;Woods' Rally/ay • enotigh tot- brow the Bill out, if it finds _ . that it will -be heartily supported in so _ doing by a vast 'majority of the people of this section of the Province. ' ItAll4WAY.AMALGAMEATIO11. n -vn the other *side Of the question we • • ' give a Ie r from Mr. Pratt, the well - Amalgamation Bill the following resolutions , were unanimously passediee • Moved by A B Bennett. econded by Win SIGNA.L.• volimee ••••••••••••••••••••.....o.m.••••••1..•••••••••••••• Mr Donki4-irIf so, why seek further authority? -lin Macrae's* urged that the bill should stand over i • Dr. Down. in the interests of the town of Matthews, That this rneetiti *dew with, aeon' Brantford, ihielf &wild be very maternally_ ishment and, alarm the present proceedings effected by the bill, also urged hi postpone; now taking place in Parliament in reference re-l-ent, to allow. his Constituents time thunder - to legalizing the the contract of amilgarnsition stand the effect. The B introducedy r. _ . - of the Grand Trunk. and Buffalo and_Lae Huron Rai , lways thereby in Mild agreement, , . He.coMplaiued that large quantities of pro- - Mr. Dickson led urgedforpostponement. tte for known m er of this town, who .,,seemS to jeopardizing -the rights and interval; of the duce were lyingl unniove,d along the line of think that the danger is not so great as most of us 'apptehend. - Our differieg from hini reason why his views, and thepurpose of legalizing the Amalgama- tion of the Grand Trunk and Buffalo and Lake guron Railways, will have the ef- fect of arousing the attention of the Leg- islature and people of this country to the great danger of the huge Monopoly which threatens to swallosiup every material in - tenet we pdssess. That the Grand Trunk managers have deliberately set themselves during the past few years to the abserb tion of all the minor• branch lines in Aro Province witirthe ultimate view or coer- cing the- Great Western, is obvious to the those who concur' in theta should not be .heard.- - _Copy. of Petiton to the Legislap tive Assembly. Tothe Rotzbrablejlie Legislatiie-Aceembty of Canada* tni Provincial Parliament - Assentbled. .1 - • -- The Petition of the Mayor, Councillors, Merchants, and iehabitants of the Town, of meet casual Observer, and it is- equally Godericb humbly itherveth, manifest to every true Canadian that Taat your petitioners, resident:: the town such. a policy, however advantageous to of Gederica,feel that their inttraeree: onletuhnotr the Grand Trunk in the -end,. if Success- of the lai-ge and populous North Of POriS sect Stratford are about to bYe All, la not calculated to; enhance the cont. prea judiced by: the Passage of the B' mersial and agricultural interests 'of the ' country or add We all knew that as it is now, the Grand - the working of the two .Comprimes as one i Trunk Itinl- way "'wields a . great political under its. present Management -lin consequence influencer...a* in iimwe of ministerial of the Rolling Ste* formerly used on this _ section of the 13. rt -L. H. R. beine- withdriwn - crieis it has made that influent'Sfelt in.ti for the. pnrpose of - ficilitating Che' throisgh _ . remarkable degree, and that it. only re. - quires. ' the abtorotien of the Buffalo .and - Lake Huron, Prescott and Ottawa and ether briurh tinei to render it invincible,-, - tO place in its grasp * power for mit ti ati the produce of thl -(hy the statistical returns) ill Antal- g mating the Greed Trunk and Buffalo and to the purity °fits polities. Lake Huron Railiray Companies; That al - teed your petitioners have been injured by boirdholders and further-• - • • the Buffalo rind Lake 'Heron 'railroad. At Resolved, That this. meeting take unme• Seafoeth alone, there were 110,000 .bushels of wheat in that position- '. The Buffalo and Lake liuron proper had•lietween 400 and 500 freight cars before ,the arrangement, and Of •these all he cou d trace the week before .,he lefthorne, as employed on the Buffalo and Lake Huron was 33; the rest bid _been placedon the Gilead Trunk. - The Motion Was the postponed. till this day yreek. • diets steps to counteract this movement, and request the. Mayor and Council to petition Parliament to protecf-our rights, and action to be by the Council 'forthwith. Resolved, That inastatieli our tepiesen- halve in Parliament is advocatinat this rail way measure so evidently in opposition to the best interests of our town, and if the report of tne Parliament:ry proceedings, as publish- ed in the Toronto Glebe and the Leader of this date in reference tOtiiii matter, be true, we have -just Muse a suspicion of his motives, and deem him no longer worthy of our con- fidence -as. our representatiae. • Resolved That the thanks of. thWmeeting f are justly doe and Ms hereby tendered to. Dr ttown,., member for Bast Brant, for his timely. move in deferring the consideration Of:this Railway Sill until the subject matter- could oe duly bionaht before them and duly. consul. ered. - - - Resolved, That the Mayor and Town Coun- cil he requested to meet early hour- to morn* evening, to execute the petition as .set forth in the resolution's passed to that. effect. , - : • • Resolved, That a copy of the resolutions 'palaed by- this Meeting be sent 'by-. telegraph to the Toronto-. Globe and Leader. with ar- request that they will publish forthwith. - 7b the HonOrab. le the Legisi alive. Assembly, of the Pronanee -enncida Pitrlia- mein assembled - . _ • The -petition of ties ratepayers of the Town of Brantford, in -public meeting asSembled, held on Tuesday evening, the seventh day of February, 1865, in the' Town Hall, - - 111witibly-Shetvith . _ The we have rad the Bill proposed to be passed by the Legislature of this Province, for the purpose of legalizing a -certain agreement made between the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada and the Buffalo and Lake HUTAM1 Railway, :bearing date the: 70. Vey of July last. Arrieriacts tratfic of the Greed frank Com- pany. Prior to the Amalgamateni of the two roads, occasional' delays- and • difficulties were expetiencedi through the lack of a sufficient number f cars for the removal. ot- the largest wheiit growing county in the will be felt in every election and through- Province, but slime- the agreement' between _ Out every branch of trade. That ever the Companies thesedelays' have beep not the occasional, hui the norntal state of the facility ought tube granted to these great . working of the reed and your petitioners fear commercial companies.' for the -purpose of _that, should theagrliement be coufirmed hy • i -.o secure a mutual your ;honorable body, the Interests -of• this co-operating order _ importerit section/ 'of the ktor ince- will be -benefit, should beheld as a first ptincilge, •penziaehtly sacrificed to the clearly-defined but when it comes to downright mon-opo-_ American Tbroegb .TratliC Folic! --af the 1 -to an effort to crushu rival line. that Grand Trunk RailWay. • • • • that year petitioners view with dread the 'alone. stands _between it and the entre further increaie in!,power and influence- of the control of the carrying trade of the Pro- Grand Trunk 'Company and feet that should Since during the winter months it is • ." . '-. e' • • - $ - carrying their present measure the absorbtion high tuue that, the Canadian people should by Ilie_Grand Trunk of the Great Western bestir themselaet to prevent the calamity, - Railway would fellow of -necessity, thus es- •. tablishina a -hen monopoly which would, •in if •possible. • - - .. s , . theoeinion of yea peetioner04 ptove as de- the Manaeers of that Company succeed in When this' arran&ement with the Buf_ structive to theAgricultural end Cemniercial. . l'' interests of the country as it would be preju- dicial to the purity and safety oft polata. We, therefore, pray your heeorable body will be pleased to throw out the said bill, and your petitioners, as in duty bound, 4ke. . and over 200 other ratepayers of the town. falo and Lake Huron was first mooted, we strove earnestly to show the evil ef- fects that ttould inevitably follow in the withdrawal of the through traffic, and the . signed byl the 'Mayor, eight Councillors, rollintstocknidessary for it well as the cranny" local trade - to the -Sarnia and . Buffalo route. Although the agitation raised at that tithe had the effect rtf baulk- ing the Bill introduced at the last session of Parliament, the arrangement between , AmOlganintion. getting heard.with regret that a. petition ia circulation, to he sent to the House Pailiament, to prvent the -amalgamation 13 of the Companies went into practical effect, the &dale and Lake Huron R. R., and` th alt will be disae. and we hi've Since had an opportunity op.:Grand Trunk R.' R. The res watching its infitience on the legitirnate traderof this section. We have the word . mr. Brydges himself for it that the • gauge worked very advantageously- for the Grand Trim* Railway, but. our per. - chants and graie-traders„ especially know . that the effecenpini the interests of Hu• , ton hasbeen moat baneful. It destroyed the shipiiing interests of Goderich mate- rially by the diverrion of the through - traffic to Sarniz,, which;-wwe predicted, was Made the Canadian terminus of the Grand Trunk -it caused the removal of the rellimi stock of the Buffalo. and Like Buren to ouch an extent that the local - traffic was neglected, -and at this mo; " ment•it is notorious that the accommada- tiOn forremoving the productions Other- ' ed at the stations nlong the line is not oae- fiturth of what it should be, and hence our trees to this equity and town, and to the •whole tract of, eountry west of Stratford Clarming extent; rThe diffieultieS the petition. ers complain of .era nuMerous and should cOntigeous, to •the •line of railroad; to an •min111011 Provincial Parliament.- ' Queue Feb; al. 1.:XOISLienvit Aftervoutine husker* the House resumed the adjOureed,dbate on the Confederation resolutuafie, HOO. Mi Campbell being the first ipeakert folioned by Hon Mr. Currie: The House adjourned at 6. . LEms4Tive Atacama'. • • ' t - The following Ills were 113 rodueed and read a first timea-Mr. Wood, to authorize theadmission George Thomas Webster WI a barrister and glut -rimy for Upper Canada; Mr. Currie,_ to incOrporate the Ottawa skat- ing and curling •club; Mr. Bourassa to. amend Lower Canada act concerning abuses prejudicial to egriculture. • - • .- McGiverm- Moved for a number of 'returns relating to the trade and finances -of the several, Provinces proposed to be united in the Federal Union of British liorth Amer- ica. -Carried. • - • Mr, M. C. Camercn nioved that it be re- terred to the Committee on-erinting to make arra- .ements for the printing of the debates 'on the Confederationeelearried Mr. Brown moved the re -appointment of the Committee of last Session on the prc•motion of agriculture, to consist of Messrs. Brown, MeGee, McKellar .. Darien, Perrau POO, Stirton, Wilsen;Walibridge, Chards, and Dickson: -Curried. - • • Mr. Brown then moved that &message be TRE AMERICAN - WAIL 11.A.MOW.PW.W.W.,""+, ••••• • 81.1%&,01••VC.•":0,6%W•ft,rt",4* Headquarters Army of the Pout/etc, Feb. 6, a. in. -The result of yesterday's engage- ment appeared this morntng in our advanced lines beyond Hatcher's Ran, the capture et about 200 prisoners, a train of waggons and mules with their drivers, and considerable loss indicted en the. wiemy in killed and wounded. - • . • ideraa,-Feb. 6, 10 p. m. -Quite a severe engagetnent took place this afternoon between the 5th corps and the enetnyton the-Dahney's Hill, west of Hatcher's Run, the result of which was not favourable to us, as far as posi- tion is concerned, but the enemy paid deafly fOr the ground be gained. - - Shortly after, an attack -was 'made on the left of the 2nd corps, near the Armstrong, House, on the Duncan road, but the enemy were repulsed with loss. - The 5th corps are believed to have lot firm 300 to 500 men tiering the day, the others losing very few: The enemy's.: loss is estimated as much heavier. I - • 11:). It is 'rumored -that Russia and the Pope Iled th vim* over e encyclical OW. • _ Kjil. Judge Short,. at Sherbrooke, has de- cided that Crawford is to be surrendered to the New Hampshire authorities under the extradition tteat,y.e Crawthrd was a drafted Man who resisted an officer. in an attempt to a4rbresystiaohdimery. and. i the in. elee used a knife, nutting the constable and severely wounding The limes, m its-mty artlele,rnentions report that by an areaagement virtually concluded,- the Powers. protecting Greeee have agreed to forgive that much embarrassed State its old debts,and to accept what appears to be equivalent to a corupaettion of a vertsin rcentage with regard to more recent liabili- res. , (c3c, Mr. -leaser' will introduee till for a branch railway from Durham, in the County of Grey, to the nearest point on the Northern *Rival; which would be between Bradford and -Angus statibrus. This would afford autlet t� the North-west, and is iniportint for Toronto likewlie. That if the said Bill should become law, we sent to the UPper House praying • them to censider that the same_wsll meterildly interfere with the rights and hiterests held by us in the Beffido and Lake Huron Railway, :by , virtue of our holding upwards of four hundred thonsand . dollars of the bonded debt of the said Railway. " We, therefore, pray that your honourable body will pleesed to throw, out. the said Balt. and your petitioaers, in-dutt bound, will everpray. - ; •(Signed) JAS.- WEYMS, Chairnian. - THOS. JAMES, Secretary. • , there be an amalgamation it would be a coin - pieta nionOpoty. I think tae opposite. The complaiets itgainst- the • road it -re that there are not suffiment Cars to move the produce, this is easiltaceoantad for. Owing the immense . quantity of snow and continual drifting, the .whiter has been without a thaw, consequently there has been a daily supply of Wheat, Pork, Flour, &c., to the different stations, and -the:receipts hare beea much larger them in former years!. Had 'there been a thaw so as to Rreierit the farmers for a few days from bringing in their productions to the marketL there would not have been such accumulations at the different stations, and the railroad company would have ' been. able to move as Much proaluce in one week then, eith the same rolling %trek, as they could do in a motith in the present -Mite Of the road: -Certainly the G. T.' R. R. Co. cculd have no otive in keeping the rain -in the different . . . faunal are made feelingly aware of the - store houses along the line if there ,was a dangers to which they are exposed. .1 • 'Were there anything in, the Grand Trunk policy, as developed within the past few years, to indicate that Goderich stood ariy chance of being made the Westera terminus of that NG; we should freely admit that It would be better for uS to unite our material destinies with it -permanently, but it is evident that, under existing circumstances, the Sarnia route must be the favored one. The Grand Trunk, in that direction, tape the through traffic from the far West as it can in ne other, is...:unreasonabie to expect • that it will ensles.vor to taro trade out of its old channels to favour Canadiatut.;-- EVell now,* line direct -to Chicago is in contemplation, which, when completed wiffinevitably monopo' Hie -the passenger irifte to the West, as well as the carrying trade during thee winter months. All these facts and many others diet Might, be addseed point to the virtnaf closing of the Buffalo and L. Huron front Stratford The Itallway Ant:algal:nation . • . - ,1 In the House of Assenthly on the inst., Mr. Wood moved -the second reading to the bill to legalize and 'confirm :in agreement made between the Grand Trunk railway corn - party. (Cries of -"':Exptaiti,: explain.") He said, sol far as the public were concerned, this bill went no further than was already author- ized by the 131.1t, dense of the Railway Act, that the directors of any railway company miaht entirt into any aareement for 21 years for the -7egtilation of traffie passing over their railways. . There was 'a clause in -the agree- ment whichlirovided that during the term of six years the Grand - TrunkcoinOany inight buy up the share capital of the 13uffalo and Lake Huron company for a certain -sum. Thatawas a power already on the - statute book. • The act was required because•it con- tained a domestic arrangement between the creditors end the sharealders of the Buffalo and Lake .Huron company that did not con- cern , the public at all. , • - Mr. Mackenzie objected to the bill because it was not hie first but one of . e series for the purpose of placing thewhole railwat interests of Canada in the hands of one Corporation The. member, for Walt -Brant had told there that the bill:ems merely mterided to prevent the bondholders into When hands the bonds of the,vompapt might fall„ froin. adopting any measure to upset the agreement. Mn nothing of the - kind - 1 said it was to carry out a domestic arrange- nient between themselves.. Mr. Mackenzie repeated that the power; was wanted to 'cavel the bondholders to stand by this .e.greernent- for 21 years, no matter how inn& they ntight find it to their disadvantage.- The House to vote away the rights ot these bondholders and the interest of Western ('anada. The object was to bring possibility of meting it Their -winter rates being so much higher, _than their summer rates speak • for itself, the G. T. Cu. are anxious to mates& their receipts. The accomodation forimssepge s mie.h better now, there being time trains daily, Their 'freight -tariff has Inot been bereased.. The 'great benefit we derive by the G. T. R. R. -Co. having the egad west of Stratford a glimpee at the • present tariff will convince atia one that the rates of freight west -Of Stratford to Montreal is 4 to 5 cents per bus- hel less than wheothe B. & L. 11.11. R. Co. had the road which is easily 'accounted for and all shippers of, produce will agree with me in aisertingtbat our posttion is much bet- ter by haring only este tine of railroad to pay instead of two, for thste.nce, freight on wheat from Stratford. to Mwitreal, say 14_ cents, when thevoad was in the possession of the" B. & 11- Pore and since the aznalga- mation it remains the same, but not so at Mitchell, Carronbrook, Seaforth led other stations along the:yead. Stratford rates will take the wheat ts hiontreat from all the statione west as * few mites 'make but little difference on the take When shipped oil the one line of railroad. Consequently the value of all our *tittle west of Stratford are increased in valueto the extent of 4 IA icents per bushel on .500,000 bushels, which will amount to the stria of $25,000 upon our errs ductions west of Mitchell which 'certainly is a large item and should not be lost sight of by our agriculturists. It is in the power of _the G. T.. Co. told° great things for ue_sis a community and the town of Goderich. Oar Goderich. ,The argument Of mmy who favor Amal- gamation ia this: "We are virtually in port might be batty under us management, Startling wive trona France. - " Druid," in his last letter, sends some It is rumored that a new loan for Mexico is contemplated. The London Times' 1 Bennett E M Miss y artiale believes that the rumor is prem. Benton -C .turet but believes that if the loan is brought' B.seaaint James out it will be tor the purpose of 'developing Denton ustris k Brocelhank Jac Agurtiumtittlo FOR SALE. 4 f OTS and 9, range B, lbe :of -siantey, $20 per acre; snail SO, Aires pir lot ett. Labe hre, Aehfield, $9 yet *en i• ae scree ofeeuth easterly quarter oiler 2 ta. ese 9th con.. W. D., Asbiekl, Over urea 40*.ree of lot 61,.eon, 1 south of the D Acted, township of Yoscirdtnefriblime pen lento - Apply to MOS- .vitonzaAtiv, wi.tf • • -Gaeta*: * List of Letters " REMAINING in the Gm:kr-rich rest -o$4,1 10th February, 1865. . Anderson Lietender Untidy Thomas Averay Mrs • lint Win Leeson Wm Belcher A E Mahar Annie Byron Alkander Mathison Donald- 13usel Evens Mane Fred 44 Burnett Elijah (2) - Mills Erancis Mitchell George - news.to the frorlde which, tract 'nf alio resources of Mexico and benefiting the airibiagimPertauee• He aaYa a bearer 01 present bondholders. • • despatches from Mr Slidell in Paris to the el. They had II biiv rumpus in the Port 'Confederate government arrived recently Dalhousie school on edneaday night, says_ at Richmond-. , The purport of his de- the Journal.- Some of the beys-got lute the spatches is said to be a full confirmation of bell tower, and cotaminced punching holes the statement heretofore made; to the effect with their feet, through the ceiling of the that -the government of France -rang- senior department.. The master sent for the MU the South as an independent power early Trustees, had fifteen or sixteen of the boys in March: This 'assurance is said to have arrested, and they were adjudged to pay a been officially communieated to Mr Slidell fine of 25 cents each, or leave the -Echool.: by the &names minister of foreign_ affairs. Served them right. • . The reason that Drouyn DeLlluys caused to Os- The new steamer Columbia; belonging beconveyedto Mr. Slidell is' that it has been to the W -est India. and Pacific Steamship the practice of all the nations of Europe to ,Company, whish left Liverrol on the 10th concur in -the eppointmeet of a' joint Com- mittee on Agrmulture.-- Carded. The House thin resumed the adjourned debate, on the motion of Attorney -General Macdonald, for the adoption "of, an Address based on the • donfraleration resolutions; Attorney -General Cartier being the first speaker. Feb. 8th. LROIRLiTIte ASSEMBLY. Mr Somerville ineved that the time -for re- ceiving petitions for private bills be.extended to the 23rd inst.', for receiving privet& bilk; to the 2nd Mitreli, andIfer receiving_ reports on private bills to the:16th of.: March -Cate riel.- Mr McFarlane introduced a bill re Ipecting the Canadian Lend aud Emigration Coutpa- ny, In reply to Mr M C (.:stineron, Atty-Gen. idteltonald Said it was not the intention Of Government 'to introduce any raiment &drag the airesent sessioa for the payment ef witnesses in criminal *eases iu UP - Pep r Canada Mr AllI c.**eitzte moved an addressforfor return of the fees and emoluments of regis trars in certain counties of Upper Canada.- 'Carried.)-tien. ::ofDunkin-..' air the OnmI to estah• lish the validity of ams pe -formed in Canada b; certain clergymen ordained in , foreign parts, wasaes.d a -third tune and finallypas 4f:, Bills were then read a second . and third time after which the Heade ad- journed. . , - tecagaiaa tha Vvarament de facto °I. al ult., sunk on tbe 17th of riset„ where she is cOuntry: and that the Rowena' cannolengeri supposed to have run for shelter. Thirty Of ad government, as minbitetedlby Mr- Davis 0- her crew and one passenger Were &owned,- Only three of the cre* were saved. The lost close his eyes to the fact that the Confederate stantiehiego v . 4:e rpen mrieoncit oder four yeeeafnithoot,1! Richmond,ciut rn iwar, carried on with alt the net aaperiarityi essroitscie.cugaenirpwaisui.M. r...lohn -Thitailton, of leeer. S - poid, the renresentative of the Panama Rail - of land itud naval forces e in possessed by the , .-.7..............04-4..---:-. opiorth, has been, in the opinion - the fin'E, on o'lenitive FirPhiladelphia. , , perial government, quite long enough te - . . ,- -,..-...- decide onithoone hand the inability of the: 2,000 sienr.48 OF zit. strum). North to subjugate the South; and on the other, the ability of the South to maintain its. •••=m1M.., ; Philadelphia, Feb, f3, independence. The Emperor is convinced, A large fire 'commenced about 3 o'clock, therefore. that all attempts on the part of the -this morning, in a coal oil works on Ninth Barr James Brice j Blew Maleohn 12) Brown Richard Bailie Robt (2). Borrows Sarah ;largess Thomas Bray William (2) Brooks Wm Blair Wm Burnet Wm Murray George . Millar James Matheson Jobe Xartinell Jamey- • Munroe Ames Jno Meyer J Miller bates Moore leewie Mann t Matheson Malcolm Murdoch Mr • Martin Thomas Mathewson Wm 3fclond'A Cameron Alexander McKinnon Arvid eatneron A - McKey Catherine Coy Benj - Coe& ' -Cameron John p Caton Jahn McDonald Dotiald (2i• • ileKey Dona (4) Iffethintraon Vomit - McDonald Thkeld Colwell John McLean Donald John McAuley Geo Ortpt Crow Lager 'Miss McKernan jOhn • Canalon Sarah McPherson Mr - Cowherd Thomas McKinsey Mr • 'McLean mutioat - Demsey Bridget . McLean Ike Doyle E lleLeod Murdoch Drumm Henry McLellan )itary- Donaldson Jsmei MiTallak Mr Doyle John ideKillop limy ra 'McPherson Malcelee McIntyre 11181, lIclIstain -North to subjugate the -South, will be fruit. and Federal streeti, .About 50 dwellings hove Eiekler Franz less, and that the latter, unaided, meld con- been consumed, oicupying two squares on Want Ge.hriel tin" the struggle ftecesstillY for um, th sides of Ninth street, besides a few on Elliott Robert ^T 4 years. Federal and Wharton streets. Fifteen lives Elliott Thomas tbo kande of' the T. --that Otinpany, las SO mach influence that the consent of rarlimient is-giure; :and when it inay do la so notch 'damage would certainly be letter to gin aagranetally as pciesible Thititegatim argument reveals the real danger to which NiTeisterk Canada is ex- posed. In view of the great power wielded ivy , -.Abs Grand Trunk., people. fear and - um*, yet they. Irish- to give that powerful toirration die Seri thing it re - Oro imeosiantore formidsible still, a sir** way* of -traffic.' The Great , Wateri rifle feel this molt deiply„, the pee* otiknatford,43tratford, liedortik Guelph and other nsi is it furprising that a etas people of Godetieh sktoOilk. 4114004 to strengthen beads et the most libeial end =light! shisj ampalters,of Padianient opkasing 44; MI epniti "poi House by .10. Wood. The feeling in the Home Asmattbly is vary strong against tim rmeripsis of the taint of Braatfort held in power now. WO certaiely ought to work co,dially with them, as x ofateameis might as easily be running between our poet and Chicago sod osier western.cines, as 10 Sarnia. We can- not expect it if jive oppose them in their dtdelgamition. Our sitoation is one of 101- portance, we bout of our nivigatioo and proud of old Heron, whylatnew any ebsticle in the way?. The posieffai of our town is each that the trade trent the west .must pees through it. The dietaries. by • railroad -being much kiss thin the Sauk routs. .There is some difficulty blithe heavy grade front: the wharf to the stalker' thatcorildbe remedied by building a road from the dock to interne* Inc present fine somewhere about the Huron "Road, a full traitilof eais could have then at 410 -Elevator ' are reported to The streets were at that- Ervine Wm Tho. Guelph Town, Council baa time flooded with snovewater and oil. The • • oil ran aleng the streets in full blau, setting Fraser Alex Executor adopted strong resolotions against AmalJ fire the lower portions of dwellings and,e- -of tlie late Fisher Edwin Fisher Joseph Fowler Jno Fifa Jacob Farrith Martaret Fitzkerald G • Ferguson Was Gordo]. -Catherine Graham John Ooldthorp Joseph -Golden Tames GordonM. Griffith Thos Gordon Wm • gamation, and will iietition Parliament tic venting the escape of the inmates. our non Catherine throw out Mr. Wood's Bill. children sre iaid to have perished in one house. • - CONTEMPOItARISS.--The Essex jour- flow 'name are done out Westi 1 nal adopted the cash system, on entering - A Yankee traveller who GaW the iive upon its sixtn year, which was last week ; Hoosier, wrote tolus mother as follows • . • • end states that as a first step, 132" dead -1 heads" had to be cast adrift. _ 'The Strati ford Bectcon now publishes AR excellent supplement, in addition to its regular weekly issue.' Both are beautifully printf ed. The Mechanical part of the Beacon -could not be better. -The Huron S'ignat announces the commencement of its 18th volume and speaks favorably of its pro* peat& volume, three of our contemporaries have our best. wishes for their euccess.-= .3.pecptor. Harbors In Idatikellinton. ' In hiephice in the Legislative: Canna on the 3rd inst.; god. Mn -Macpherson inquired Whit -student, bt eiperidito s was intended to be-iitade ii'y the:GOvernmeet daring the ensu ieg,season, in!the aniptovemept and construe - non of harborson thecoara in the county et Bruce ?.. Withtheperteiesino ofstbe House, the 6°124 gentleailio proceeded to offer some • eemarki in connection with his 'inquiry. • Ile said he Mishtalate for themformatien.of the House ti .'t there was not one harbor eu the coast el Bruce Where a vessel, even of the timeliest size, ectuld load with Safety, 800 the farmers of the want/ were, 111 cOnsequence, subjected to censideraideloss in the experts - tion -of their viheat;of whiclr staple the county. about an amalgamation:Of ell the railways in exported 'annually; not less than .-700;000 I the country.- He was Prepared l to facilitate bushels. . He did :not think a stronger reason the passing - (Irony . act tat matte 'running ar - than the -extent of this export couldbeOffered rangernepts .between -these ccimpaitiei work to justify the. Giivetnment in making . the harmoniously,holm Must • oppoie this bill •= necessary outlay.thaitipply this se Meek felt ,which was Mainly, designed "to eurreund the want of harbor.* in Bruce. • By their absence,tsreat Western with * pre -oars Which would ,the farmers of the localitywere_losem te the make it succuithth that gigantic corporation, , extent of five ,ceetaa beshel. on their wheat, the Grand Trunk Railway. - . . . owing to the luereased distance of transpor• Mi. Shanly said • th,e bitl• had only been dile , tation, and the leis *0. the county amounted teibuted to -day.. He thought, discussion ,to net lees than$15,000 a year. Owing to should he postponed till the member" bad the *int of& harbor • •ot retiree, the- annual time to Consider it. ' ' - s - loss by iihipwreekan this coast wee also con. Mr. Wood hoped the House Would allow siderable. Last i year, twelve. Sessele Were the bill to go to the railway cominitiee. He wrecked; with their: 'entire cargoes,' and the was astonished that theanember for Lainbten hies by these disasters amounted to $250,000, should have eo far forgotten - himself u to besides several ..enable lives. He ought 7,- have made such an outrageous ' utiarepiesete •ato lio . State thatan order in Council had 'Wien to this House. It was not true that been passed hurt air. ordering:the survey Of the bill would - have the effect of voting - away the coast for the 1purpose of selecting- sites the rights' of _bondhcIders. ' The : bill youi toteharbaratbirt he was not aware what action petitioned for by all the bondholders to rat* ' bad resulted froniithe 'step.- • ' ' an agreenrent theyhadentered into. . . -. ,Ilon. Mr. Campbell said tinitthe necessity Me: Mackenzie said what .be means Twee rotesOlishint barbers on. the coast Of Bruce that the object of the hilt was to prevent "eny .:had'iong since impressed- itself on the Gov- -bondholders, into whole hinds the bonds ernnient, and the play question- now was at might fall hereafter, from bateau/lig with to.the beet situation for thein. - An order in -this 6g:eerie:it... ._. ,, ' Council had been 'pawed to send a .sneveyol• Mr. Wood welt' on: to dept. OM the bill to the locality: With a view tethe selection of was in 321 W57 designed to maks the Great &site for the 'rnitablishmentof a hither for Western succumb. to the Grand Trunk cent- _ coinmercial porpoises and as a harbor ,of re- pany.. But on the other head" it had been foie. No report: had yet been received; but toe:. pOley of the Great Western fer_yeare when it carnet he hiel-- no . doubtlhat the pest to crush the Buffalo and Lake. Heron neciesarysteps w tad -be taken to carry Out road and - make it bankrupt. The Buffalo thir week u - soon, as -poreible. AS- to the company- bad a right under the :statute- to amount ofexpenditurelit was imposibte to ,. . melte these mnning arrangementswith the foresee it at preterit, but he might say that at Grand Trunk, arid the bill irris mit *ought all .events - it wduld - be reasonable. The fir that purpose,: but while running the - road neceseity of these harbors was recognised by for some years put, the proprietors. -lied ia-. the_ Government, rind they would do all- ur curred certain bonded debts, and the creditors, their power. to meet the want. . - skutrzte PLATT. - We the undersigned heartily concur ia the seatimeatobesa **Frilled. . C W• &Tao,. Drodigee and conimition merchanti &tot Gibbons W. T. IlayS- town councillor ; W. Elliott. , Interesting Items! 1 The Liverpool Post save extensive ordere for a iny clothing for the Confederates had been executed in Liverpool. tr:r. A man named Atchibeld Mt:Laughlin', wide under the influence of liquor, was the other day frozen to death -three miles west o the village of Durham, County. of Grey. rat' A woman died recently'm Danbury of a polypus, Which. appeared only a year ago, in the shape Of small red spot under her right eye. Af the tirue of her death it was the size of a quart bowl. &Western people,' said go to their -death on `etiquette. You, can't tell s tnau here he lies, as you do down east, without fightiteh A. few days .4.0.11i 1111ko _MIS telling his neighbors, lb my hearing,. a pretty large story. - • - Says I Straugei that's whopper? Says ih en t Lit w oliftraanngerely'e* I found myself in a ditch, the -worse of wear and tear. Upon another occasion, says I to a man I never saw before, as a W001011 pass- ed : That isn't a specimen ol your- western women I should think.' Says he, Pa are afraid of fever and Agee, stranger,- ain't your 'Very much,' saidL replied -he, that lady hi my wife, -and it you don't apologize in two minutes. by the honor of * gentleman I !wear that these two -pistols (which he held in his band) shall cure you of that disagreeable disorder entirely-solon't fear, stranger,' . - So I knelt down and politely .apologired. I admire the western country mach, but con- found me if I CST1 stand so much etiquette - it al ways takes me so ,,..unaWares. - (trae Atilt has been introduced by the Hoe H. B. Ball to prevent drunkenness and vag- rancy. It provides that after vagrants). have been comMitted six times to the commod gaol, that for i further offence they shall be ient to the Proviucial Peritentiary. - . 'Here, fellow, hold this horse.' 'Tom he kick?' 'Kick l-nol ' Tike hold cf him." 'Does Ito bite?' 'Bitel--no! Take held of the bridle, I say.' 'Does It take two to bola bit?' 'Nor 'Thee hold him yourself.' •••••••••••• . Iffeeting hit Brant A414. Eliarrrosi, Feb. V; 18 'At a large and italeeettel mak- 0 ordl. 65. - f the ae bestthoy could do bad entered into this - ; agreement, and iskerj the House -to pass his AttOther Great Vire inlifOiitreal. kiii• . - ' - ,,,,. - . . . t --... 7 ,r . Mr, Dunkin said the bill was one 'of a' ; L GIRL LEAPS YOR LIPS! moat extraordinary character, 1 A. privnte ,., . I- ,........ -.. . agreement_ entered into. between two corn- . _About I. oichiculon Tuesday ,morning a fire ponies was embodied in it, ett lia to have the broke out in a b ' ding (*posit • the Court same effect as .1111.. Act .ef Perliament. It gime ?owe , aanotineoegenopwiedned bytmtb., e Hon. .James Ferrier, unlimtted ramounttthe etwo nee°17 PscapitaluieIlfor I I ej o lat:It with ;is wife, by Mr. hliar,Ccin' **Trier' will(/' d 'fervent, slept on : the purposes, whiala alla ta have a Prelim -nee °"' third storey: The stair was on fire, and theta everything else. , The seventh, -section pro. was ' no 'way :attesting dolts,: There was vided that the sereement should subsist for latoiltir *multi:- Of four on the storey Above 21' yea* and be without prejudice to the -ext the:strop. -- -They, appeared' at the windew. isting agreement of .December, . 1863; this .1_4_14_ 1,,.. ,i,,, walla the _Aimee were oththeear aogusereelataduntothtusseepato.pond to hh,._losslised ;;;;;tan joy747011,6ps,twhe` .1,07101'witrrtawterriertiobsosidows:jiri brheut Mr.- Wood -It doe% not iernliwanat, atm*" • she ladders were 'Ito short trs reach the caster was 'lately met by his landlord, wb 0:3's A farmer in the neighbourhood of.Do; accosted Mak thus :---".Tohn, I intend to raise very -much obliged to you, for c,annot raise • V The following beautiful,lines, says Onetti Week; are said to have been written.by Mary Queen of Soots,. a few days before her death o Dimine Deus, speravi in•th 1 _ 0 care Jen, nune !there me In duracatertat in miser* pceua, - Desidero te Languendo. gemendo, et genufiectendo, Aloro, implore, ut liberes me. The musical sweetness/ of the Latin is scarcely translatable into -English ; but in default of a better, 1 subjoin an ittlitation;- MuytheLordorinudid omfYmGyodan: mg:40:i el tbbaaPlaraseaadf',ItsaiYty fdy Jesus, thou dearest, 0 take toe away : paw,- - your rent' -to welch John re lied, 'Sir, Imil have longed but for theez;-let me long not Fast sfnaivliant.gn,;IseWatline all lowly I tow, Adoring, unPloriogrj--0°' reecue ine nowl it myself.. • - A Wotan Ditolnize IX A Witt,L.-On the 18th inst. Hannah Warnicker, --of Wellesly, nesr Linwood, was fouridArowned in- a sine surface well neer the house. The deoeased was some sixty yea*" Of age, and was subject •to. -fits. • (tIr The wife of an operative asys the -Sinicoe• aeronaut named Waterhouse, in the Norfolk Woollen Milk, Port Dover, has fallen 'heir tit 'is fortune in England. Her portion of it will amount to' ne irly one -beta dred thousand dollars. . psi The Leader advocates the immediate analog and equipment, and Isis monthal.drilk ing of 100,000 men, at cost of about tivelve millions ands half of dollen', or nearly . one yeer'e revenue. ; 4 -11311 Ai Frenchman cannot pronounce "'ship." The wordsounds "'sheep" in hie mouth. Seeing an iron -cls,, he said to hey gib a war -sheep ?in "No," answer, ed the boy. "Its a -ram. ' - F. Widder, Esq., late chief Commis+ mmaioner of the 'Canada Company, died at the St. Lawienoe • -Hall, Montreid, on the 151 inst. It is reported _that • canons meetings -a,gitinst the Uonftideration •scheme have been held in Montreal, and the city mem- bers warned not to support it. ipso: tooely says "Without Pre.lagiee third. They were! spliced, and then reached t° it*"; fir enough. The !child wu thrown dews on lir. Dunkin sallthe bill did not eigpmsidi blanketleld by A•ipectitom., 'no girl, in affirm it, bet mentioned it in a Way wine - issiljediros tits:third stem, and fa ttecl.. It was lamming' terror, i°2Pliect" bitinn* In tin) Put place, it on the snow -menu:A no fatal injury. vava t,he Trent theopt7b: of pu * .Th01,116116, was ut. g ap, yeen, bodY and sbe Queen's. areoc Buffalo and Lake IllirOri. railroad. for $2000 t London and Lancashire. • Mr. Wood said the Grand Trunitisd that • The ram of thit pot Knows•-moof• • The Brantford Expositor is glad to learnthat Mr. Swinyard, manager of the Great Western Railway, Ime established a ticket offiee in that town for the sale of tiekets OVer the Great Western Reilway. Henderson James Hay John Reek ;sines Halsted H 8 Nuttall Chariest Nagle ' sO'Connor Jolor O'Gara Thomas :91Comicr Tim Pontine Amines Patterson imam PapstElmino SA 4 Papist Richard Parker L Ceti -Popo "Wat Querriailarit Rol3ertson OK Richmond D 0 RewJohn Right Myer 1.aviilik Reekie Win Robertson wa Itolioson 4111k fklibosiltl/d ASIR &WWI OMR Henderson Agnes Mrs Shiumos D Hutchison Mathew Shanahan Melt Harris 'Mary Sinclair 011tftt Harkin Noble -- Shannon /- Harrison Thomas Stanley Jae Remy Thomas Simons Jain* Hansel . Payers Rose • Smith frill Er Strain - Band.seinek Theism JefreY Joseph. Scott W H Johnston Jsmes Setherlaed (44), 'mintage Thomas Johnson Thomas ToddJitasea l'odd Wat- A chemist wall called op at two o'clock the ether Mot ning by the ringing of the bell. On opening the door hs found *damsel who told him she was going to a pic-nic that morning, and was oat cf rouge. The im. prima druggist turned off with the assurance that he hadn't enough' in stock to cover cheek like hers, - Dr. Haw* on one occasion, had- en ats gement with on. of Vet vestrymen in refer - once to the increase of his salary. Then you don't believe the Lords/Ili feed the young menet' said the vestryman. 4 Oh yeti do ' the doctor replied, but nothing is sail about the young Hawke miANDSOXS 'Orrin,. 4-, he liamaiton. Ttmes learns that a deputetion from ths Scotch -Presbyterian Church in New oik waited on Dr. °quieten, on Monday, and presented to him. a upaniesous call to the pastorate ofthat la* sad influntial gallon, proffering* salary of$5,000 and otbsr very stronkinducements. We believe shot solilthstiamtlar offitr was Mao to this gsa- tleman some tame -since, Sind declined. " The. califentra, mere has not yst awed to boast of the huge agricultural prodoettof, that States Their .lateit sumer is over A niaeigtiiitstator of tile species. known as Os Bothiporhich .liesseres baleen inchilia length, fire -"Schee- in sai is tines incUs duct. Its weight -is** sad a guar. ter pomade, sad it is aid to 100 'cry liesnatit. 24rns tRuttrtistaents. • .•--. •- Kendall E ICerr IT S • Kerr Joseph (2) Lewis or Benson Link David 1/0101111 James Lahart idattew -" L.s.!Jottings hotly' .Journalm.' A111 TO IRELAND AND BACK, BY Rev. James Oarmichaell IN' AID OF ST. GEORGE% CHURCH RECTORY wznyz),, On Thursday gitg. loth Inst. Farther pertkulars regarding the Lecture will appear in tite nest bane of the &pied. Goderich. Feb. 10, 1865. -Sw46 td 12) Willie* /011113 Watts Mathew Dr Woodw if Whitely Walters Welik Thoielif JAMES WATERT, Paakmaster. .014DER87011 001) 11 rftENDERS will hereciiindbathe A. up to noson THURbDAY, letit Ter •and on belmif ofthe Went "01 School Trait's@ of thisioWnifet 410 Verdi 01 Ogiod Amid *taw lined, Mute and Beeob,) free from baits add Isola to be delivered oil •of bears 1st A•._ ego, lb a the Central &boot end ity se the -mmet **East street. Birds* westering mot Breeielttmeitsis nreenired- - Tenders "ensile* he received isesastiale, tang, and piltac 4t cords; ot weed (wee or at the Camel adorn - work le Ise alter diatelv , " - By order ot the Board. Wx ititoKAT; STRAYED TNT°. the premises of Bernard McCabe, sat J..con., lot ti. Wawasesh, early IR Vilma of 19941 a ted heifer wtat', e spats; star ia the face, years - Tim writer le leePolted 10 prove property,pay, aortas, and likelier away. . BERNARD MetiA.11E . Wavrance14 Neb*." Sta. 184. w$461 NOTICE. Ak-.LL -Wee istektoi to the tadereical lot adirratser ib. .Towa 07414.richas :law° -our *ha ,istisfaincii at will es piaosi is the load. *flan aliailacantr, anzimito. • .11.4164t. Godeiiek,Srd Febaservaatt. A Want 811 Dina Milicatstia fiONG13 AND Ts** ORIGINAL AND ISELBOTED1 811 ; 17E: D;-Elc.bwOG°Itaineigrniut4r3rons Eft" Principal qf the Ceattabgelooeto folimiekt Price pudie50aCe"sTEACHERS wko -. 10 rsoitti'v s Gasbag( into. their A.ddrem ed. nberal 41"glitT. 3:001a1M1 Iva. IS*. 1$16. A .0iied Arm lot with& woe mites of the of enstiomptear -forty some cleared as& haestOritti s grfi..4gliones and bon. Terms Use,* •e, 4411 cdki. IOW el erto WItt