HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-02-07, Page 4v THE S E M I -,W E KL Y SIGXA� L.' �T j W 41 Ai& N GfvEN.1- 0ND Im 21 Q tet 66.20 40i Kinloss, 2;.'.' Fiol)r qs from. R A LIBE, RM an _ f �111 djV1;D;_ - 6, �red, -vvjith good.. -W491 to 4T rone g, t. ere�o ime sleadm, h be.gMen'tbr'll 4, A --pa.tinents-which"eh inkide.to tbe.0 NV IN CH, 60k�.res cli. 0 will L -tN�artine.ult'in L­nd ,�.Mp N—ce- card n iey. For fur- AT -8 R 31 !L� &M Lik 0' N. and CH IR_ 110, T. 11) P iQh - - 1 8;16 T % La'u' 1 .0 L%0`48thron-tBrii AiM 4�O _01F_ .Tth * I t. po 11 Of 0 rc lose mor _y dgtAri 2AIVA. 90 ENT. ppr 1111r -irticulars a t6j. B. GORDON, Esq p. 07 -orto 4.1 Solicitor, Lioderich, -D . . - I , , '- A,-'- WT ID S*1 -S !Some Invest'-' litTowit' TOPOtyj rk6uit i Co., -,c Gpder' J)t: E -7- in CM NA it -h. Go tiricil. gib ;N�iv I'mr. Is *417 B. - G 0 RD A Wf, AT DUNCANS' T. Barrister, Ap 0rich. 717171, -r Z. h P, It-' -Vffl r, A d?G. sIS hp t a or the Ulf- Gdericb' OT 33i Con. Aj Township -of SAL BOO ANI F, 'I Una. Ash- nici Ate t* FARMTOR Y TiO.- L flow I. �l 6 �,qMoo 11 MO -NE A -T 'GEi LADIES' A XTS' Rtvl�*`a BOOT.�Nl) SHOE STORtj GODERICH I 6all owdielth roucessioti, olt JL_J mile irot, Wroxinery an f&RAN-) tDVNCAN'S St.4'ck of 80MO-MADE. WORK i the Count 1 7 4?.M- M- -40 LIGHT -HOUSE St,,W see -Me Nat '.-ROAD- _,1L 1W_ 1F.jVj ML316 COW Xr,,L. P-1jr �A Im r31V rjR7 WIL lot e 20th CU G -R lil, - _zv� - 40 � � �,y of r0iivar llpetp - jed .'Boo T theptiblie-forpa-4t favorsrecei- -at tfigj# ved U ss. naw Id d egitini 'all on, for- .tlie.:. Thougands havqAj ate busin" ji andsto ly Log� -house and bar uncan's ts' and Shoes, and Jbuod them ill'illat Wag rep _to VE 04 rD � .. re�e The *ubsbiiber CA�NOT BE NDERSOLD:.b anyone. ing a 'beg to intymafe 4hat at f he hosW tli�fo�eno' 114mem-ber the pidee- t tskia of -a Poll to decide whetlier or not the 92 'ACRESP-28 CLIEAWED Wit Of. Warke �qu AO Mik ggons are, Apply.to MAL D. SHADE �CHEAPER T14AN EVER— 'bf tho OOD - d by- such Elec-, 7 ApplY to TWO DO900 SOUTH OFFICE - follow, I F.'1V. -THOMAS Egq.).,13. M. �01 e T A W_ -D#90AX 1citor, West Qtr et, office oer BI.'. Booth's 1,will sell -t n...ft *2ggDn` -C011iplete farotmo* -8.64. J�w Dry Good"Store. oderic"hi Sep 24ill, -64 T'p. Cterk. Ashrield. r4 casli, and all other things inproportion. Al qd0rich. June 9th. 184. *orjk._ G .6 r WArrante to glye SatIS&C11 A.' E 4 0 -S.A All kindsoirjjr�* -tin B j, WN't to Leiftd. OTS,13,67,. tp .13,7 1, ueai�tbe RAILWAY eac V L "'..NTION G6derich fbiI#150: h Goderich, HE jiubierierhas $20,000 to� ljDaik on reaen- At. Fiv Year's;,�Creidlt' T rticu ars Rpp v to'. tor 441w -"hip of �Asbfield, ere b v e 91:WV Able tehus. -F' 'p4 I 1 1) 9RI r IT iind6iiie;nect,. qua ified ITUIllreelip De - GO -N 7G requit Apply"to 1 -1101%1 19 GARD' ORACE ON. L�me IT In, terlil'; Pf the co -Coder'ch, 19th -A zust. 1*. W30 Bin TdmperAwFe'lCet of to, deternlin,p 4RON M. C. CAME -%h;-ther or not thir qualified 31tinicip.dElvc- Qo&ricli'. AMS�.h '864. 62*11 tars 06 djparit� i6ll Wolyt,ullder W10 B Nod Mortgage' Wanted to Filrehase. author#y- *:4d jor etiforcemcrit- OL said Act, GOODING rtH�su]3.SGRIBElIftSvv:ou'ldberto.info-rmhisi ustome the Dv�Uw lo lb*in which w4 hereby pro pply:to D. SHADE 9t - . B po§e-fQt LhQir ad,3ption, to wit.: armhi ()SAnqu n , his. ne�w prem-' Solicitor, West Stre'Let The*' stmet, Goderieh, 20th-Dem.1864." - : ises on East 7zicatiug I r3 and the 1FOR: SALE (D 'of ug, ia- by the- pivaent TO HE -SQ-UA*R.E' RE JED-0 RS-FROWT by�lwir prehi6iteO willun he Tawu;tip U TH 0 B Ashfield;4nder_-autbo�i4y. aa for onforce., MONEY r tTNW7,118fG.11�'90 10*rsfor ."�ol Carding,. =entqftfi6Te.nperaiWActof 1�46t!' be opened on- the Ikst of Juiie,.* for trnacting the V Cloth Dressing and AT Avit'hess our harids, this sixteenth' -dav of lot, 2.()j 12th pon,. tow7lishipr Bosauquet'. -ManuR, cturii4a.basille4s in courect.joli with his. WOOL.FACTGRY, where all orders.,and countv"Of 'lubtut�i. The farin consists of IVo In e_ a ess i e actua at e e to EIGHT'PER C F3 xi JLR u Sand xv Sims OF 0 flundred -Dovats and, qwaT-#p -1 -a .01 rift of fifeli -clear lid, X10-ths d, VIESu"bieribe n arc. ed. it situatW near- a-, an r would a nouricito 'the p'h1i6 A 1% ly to -ail d station.. 0-1-i 1,e Rail,way, There is- R: LOG App of Huron 1hat te h4j vn hauJ Jolmm Coolup, -RAIIIE willbe I-eptozi ba'ad to-etd1i'mr.ge forwool-I. -'Havin this *ear added another I rii e I o o rd r, C a r ri ag 1) 1 f -E L 7,1W. o USE-. AND TO.Mb & moos And wi Wagoni, Har,.� *51. vp c AZ -BARXon-the lot. itors. rbvvs,.& bich will be sold cliesp 'CUABROS WE W BLOCK. approved credit. Ou h and aadfor ale cheap, 1VIE LL,�TUIJBEZCED VTER1 GoderiC'h,7.q 'Sth, 1864. w331f CUTr jR nd SM! ATI CARDING.. XACH -C L19 - FIRST L 8 ]DOU18 e C+ b 6 vill be pre his extent I Ared to execut fartner's'woik to any reasonable M. 0 G arxD_0 N, p a shortnotic6,.. Cuqt)iu.ers coming-to.the factory themselves will be promptly ttended to]" riff.'s.Sale of Lands 'ch. (iolletich P 0, 0 She aj�fbrmerlyj �nd 'a iou will be paid to those, fmm a distanc6mi bin- their - Aumitz Vittorlastrebt, F -Zn t. Uth, lS64' w27 I P icular attent virtne*of a, writ DT C+ Huron and.=,r WOicri-Facias issued oul x p e,. d i -t.]_ Co 7U S'l 3, jM e United0oun Of 'To wif--� Of- Her -Majesty3d�(Jounty_ ot FARM.'to R ud-L INT lioeral patrdna,&,e of foriner-years in the*above �bnsiness,-the C Durt.-ofthe United to-inties of flurow, and 8 B. -Wile thanWaLtor-the 0 it- ruce ftsines�atl sea and to me directo-against the lands Ibn6- BRIOX COTITAGE on the zautUft sein me6ting the'vants nd -is by st q_atteution to -b -d ring- f2b- expen GODDSt %:u'bqciib6r ho -p J�i FA enfs ol'Aleifknder Swinton, t4,e elder Of his'bustoniers, to tiltiedeiv a share of A"R E*S same; at the suit of James7A. Bur�rasb,homas B.VanEvery. Ila th L E 'r 0 N" S H mb Eist$'reefsdcond d -MILTOIN 7-REtT- 14me er the �.�ace- t o1jr from CRA:BB'S. BLOCK.� and Gei)rg ur -jzed andtakea in 1+1 A z -e-K nballjhaves� let hisflarm in Col- n the foijowing,!property, * -all the .-LOGAN. e eouto WITH 0003) Cr9h s'tbrt TIE10MAS. st:ottltesaiddefeildant, in and t n - ots 10 and 1, 9th con;. cither on jl� and X:T I intere -a* -The 'Airil, lftt -1864 W12 lf of-Lot�oumber Nineteen alid Iot ROOT-1101NE,and O1JTBFikD1Nft-. sharesor otherwiQe, smaAr be agte,&d upon' Goderic Stiitable� Gifts,f6rluili old LA e North h. C+ mb& Twentv�in, eoncession B in 06 Tqwnihip 'h'Couniy of Bruce; w n, in t e a d tenement s a Iorsa iitinvOifice-ir rra. liti-b. lands -ai- pieseni occupied bv Thds. fie lro of 11oderich -1rWJCIL_Vt jRUNDRFD Do" .0111001 TORE TWO HUTIP t e Court House in t o4TtleMay the Seventh dav of March next, at Fotarthery 100 of wh ich are cleated� and 80 frifeof -stumps, -6 thebourl.Telve of the ck, n Cl; - Nip 19A-D�ceipber '1864;1 C+ Well- %irwered-within JOHN MACDONALD 40 00 ICHt -;FOUN aXIPS OF G ER R ---U R_. 0.-N-,' B tr S. Pottocit, Deputy SberifL and'dnivt eni 6sfrointWoSa*-mfl1s. Barns hiIe � l 1: . or For furt 'Seriffs 0ifice; God' WILUAIK PERCIVAL, Fa -q in gott-order. tier KM ME 41M h 24th Nov 1864. -w44 iculars apply to ROBEAT GIBBONS, Esq9 -3 �b�r f7th, R)rderich, dr on thep �Goileri&'h_. Oct remiWS ARK., DAVID CL Gredeite.h. 0( ;t..3, 186 1 W36- 3= TO INT A fP.- 1!SA-:A0:FR1.J -A ON' to Ht7$ro e moskqsetift AqW nae for a F rmem there CD is pubn9*d( TIV+64f I . * .1. a arh# 4twe foripetuor �PMSTEAMrNGINE:- or _%1!ert day in- t4e. year, besides Ta rodch rajuage �14�v ui�su& as _0_1 M�A N. &,D R'. U N CD 00 rist a"d T1 CHKA _Am P IDU KS G T anufacturers -of WZST ST., GODE -CH; (THE OLDOST IN THE COUNTY.. -ul Sash LISTS- -OF XATT-Ki S* circ,ular X aV, and 0 SaV MiUs. totts, D. Gf%' D ON., Ant 400r West of Mr. 8 iaddlery, H ILL ]UNDS or ATIMES, �" LOCKS -AND- JIMMY am C a. A ent ivisioo 1P XMIS810-NER i P- UNDERTME 'Saor W ntaq Mtge Josep son, b. -Wi.1 t' Judi "ary Pidi' Tr 11 10 1 �111 gb� W- I Aaft dn D Am s 'ana Tiss now oft hand a complete best Style & W rM COCK. MALC E111 GEQ.,IAY the ar -at [wig 13UILDEIL and- CMURACTOR, - at.,%Ftirnit0e� A1�50; A GOOD ASSORTMEXT OF wooLItn struct ST=' RTT GODE RICH W'En �1 d.& PI a t c4lJ-6we1ry_jWAtches, ei-ifications at moderate ch arges, and warrant the ame to gi hictiOn. All letfv-rs oil b6i- _y A 4 , I -furnish plan anWEST%' �aq ve satis NOR suen.As- . ­_ � t� I . . - . C if. answers art- ortantl on hand and warrant6d 19 be as ritprimew. d negs must. bepo-A- paid. a ud% Xadxin "Wo.od S H, NLOR C -ontain- one Canad ian Dollat, marl, Sofasj,_ Btireapoj._ Tiblies, Bedsteads, ITAir a d eap aws f nox, Tfioi,ey rerwide'd. P 0 94 :d., :want Mg es, monev,elseii6treleszcd. 1heabovenamed ul erieh July 27th. -IS rs,, Vilt goillidini, Cane in�d O�� I "Ifid" nd' M17K Ir -4- attend Dtingaution, (xoderjcii* Chaton, Harpurhey and Loolkin,, Glasses, in variky-,of 0 . .. . . C�T=Eja= NDS �1 (hea1thp I Ar M audtfayfleld.,,ourts, althp. rinitting)iolotgas the:-ishalabints -'ouGotterl(i h6may". find it to pay.. 114M6. AjaAllfadllre --Ind Im tet?. Wtotbesho .- --T , ', 1� - I - - briss C acksmi ths' work done in aheat and wibitantial nian tier il i � 1. 1. . POT th t as ings nilidl nd BI under� 'tooldparronshe appeals., rilthcionfid -le , - - P ence. t o -of any deg6ripticku made to order. Also, Lt _Caithicrs llki'ds'of.ma6bine n -infendul'- ones, ry ir6nafi on.- i - D. kt� ;)I 74r& oil b 4nd a onintil te vq- d short noti a. A large stock of c H.Ei-followirig Lands arre o1re sortment df uf-e Ginpry,: OFFIRS reA. for -ajo, .Eit.tl I atiMirthiarnot ice. TO 'HIRE. anno 4 T Ilan- tip. 0 COOKING �;-_,!:-P RLOUR'- A1111 - Dungannon. Dec. 19ths 8 w48-tf. La w 0 STOVESP Ke des -a oxes. As- our patterns� o xi JLU inber and Cord o d laken in . ex7 8 on"hand Su..' a im and Pipe 9 f the above are -N Furniture. -0 X-1 chave fdr t ON' ,jW W=,. we 'would' solicit an' i stapprqv nspqction' io our stock_befo�rb pure. lqg ofthe�mo ed k' Gerich. 27th Oct.. i863 - 7': 5&ix OY LANDS,- *2 elSewherej as we are. o lowest: remuftera tive fo ' a ss, opper, JLU, p roved -Or t d "L r c or r p t 6 ediL Old meI all kinds of, vroduce' 'ken% ex(haiige.-6 Igo ](01y 1101811, IT Till Very �Clod6tiqh! ich he Unitod oii f .1 f 'a W, r, ta �"i f0piji. Traft., wil p Gqd6rich..Qctober.-l8Cv9. ias 'd Is re ftqron jezi Tim ,!Pe 0 To: wa . o sty ftull aU Q i an4 die TYLE -RATS W39 A THE LOWEST ePSIr-PRIOR. Vomiof tueUnifle-d Counties -of Huron -and Mee' and- tome'dimetclif wam qua st� e lands ari r VEN vita iiii i4tpreot at per cent. ol"JIUgh axow�.Uf-tle suit iarw of Will' (fo:kri theTo-iiship of Tiicke*oh -will bp bold I* - of thesalcl Sfptei� - fkj.1 t i ri a n d,4 tqat t, in the -0 'Bch ol Vill. ageatEgnibiQ111M.' & the rigirt.titleand i e d 161- r 6WN st. LA! MILL! T ��U&a U i4qitthton4�,,Zion of thej hisjifp ouh7: �k of Usborne' id . I �-., , I . 50 OX-FtIDA'T" 'T'HIff Huron, wiff f Sas4, Door# and I .. � MIS tr g kiwi st con. - IaOs t6effients E sbuith !It 8 iA I Cris BRUA.UY. PE4 �,At the hour 0110 o1c.I6c;,AJAZ 10r the Mpow thetowneirGodeq 0.1irTaw 100 tell, �40uth 21 in 3d don acrej� *fvoting lea or Nay to dee4dawbether or -not the. I t 24 con. )r val". RL illy otlipe in jha.Lui j a ofrer ft Soutt 0 NOVA 20 -in 41i'oomi 100 acres;" roffowiu* Lsw, be 4opleA A Xv W- 004. k f t & CO.' OHN 41 OPON.&LD- IVI 1 0 JOhil X orth 21 in'th on. 100 hbtei noon. SEWINO T46c '23 n in 41i. co ,1106 z e. S- AT T ckeramithjam. IN141MA u EX1111313 NSHIP By S. Porxocx� Deputy She 'ff. _TTA IXG,'O TOW 07 ftOWICK.-, FActorF,�ftrauoVrPrejjaT_A t4ko niio ra, t t in oAle to -'eke 17th, J863 eTro- toany.fttent. Fr9in their hifigpxperietive in the, Jo Iff 'arch 1 6: A WON 'field Shqifl`�04r j JL -L I U , Will, and t'jfii� -Wontreid, September 14th, )btk. *52 hi 'e Goderich gexporiege BI, businetiNandha m ed workmen, anoa COPLY f R6#11iltioll. knd A vinciii ember 'to X lit 22ndj gZjrd; s Ofa othat they can Jor a& t they 1jj4tfr themselireS InMJK und i I ws gard nolifiod.Nouct and 61 tbq ulucipa pof 0;IW Tucidtinifth hbre6yrtt4t1heTht-_&MN%r '-&Ou 4A -r4ed to.us at the simifal, Ftakicter ere also awa V1 ir Pro dt, TtW.jj%UFAy lbu% cres, I in of apf 4F T UniW (39 fB. vIrtue. .,a Lots a�A 5 in 4 lcaji,,.10 termige wheilier,or nott at theaffrotind fHurork ana tis'dud - I and� 32 -in 6 con.,10.0 ereLeach M, oe! rendit'jril f s fefeetr* of aid win - xa* _11jitl )r f, uz 6a"da-' falliblitVing 6t'26 id �8 con.. 99 �Ae, airo Ifit: nt 4said 4brk *1buld do t suett qu W�l "0' L ob i. .Fiqrt Facial - on. '100 acre:8i" Im- ebr ptop W, con! thoiradoptio7n, to wit'. F x quo" 4 e Pleas 'and to me directed against the ]a d tei.einentsof John Winter' the vouag-:r, a 014101., t the Ud th moinsiff 1lk r0is albo any quantity. o" -su d. -OF Ttrltl' )1Y t, title and interest fftlk�n in eicebtion all the ri'g I �ftoljj Wed, ithin'tll V�'QrthVe TOWNS.. #etit Hamilton. it of Janies Daniel AlFtelcay, I liave: efiiM lau AAA&= i jb r.1 jjjeL.$.aid �q_efen2,1iinvili. and 'to lots Xtimberdrill T-u�ktrsiil Al, -itnc*r af a con., �,Z 4.' LE. TI.W.­­ 1n,rt:jbd jjoj��if Witne"'ourisitodi -Ahij_� -mftDoebews. mber t4iirie�n- tor to 'ber,,in- the I.ew Wifie first cancpskion of the township of Tlicker- A DOO.R15-& DII and -SA$H 210M tG9 Ak t Tast3116­111arker-Square --tinibli.in the Muntyof aLlirtin, of an. acre inure HAND offer. for -f my dflice in thun id AEL' �KIN 1)8, f 0 gh -de ind =ty-&m '4 or*jeSs; Which lands and A� gel" shall -ale a d) 61mea 6%yrv.�ot -oder 1 %nd 'y� 't H - , C. jcb,,, also 6er - SA= a h 39 Otb*f MOW*#: ;LL S. .�A 20-qcCqr_ T6, W. �t�6 hour of Ae I Vig u 1Qd s. T"C"I fOebruart geit fit t or 1"D j. ug pehterk untwx 9f Febtuary' 2 -MACDONALV 0 1a; noon. UnitedL.Cfo Y virtue o JOHN' 7­ aB. By.. a;- PdLLQCx, Nputy 4C LIRE THE NORK" -h IN of F G 13thJan.. 1h a. ineiiiaXWor - I o _T* U"A S' W fi, au con. 011 �ff 4'eirto vore *r of yfuton; edilts ized 'flatterin a' t -fro 14fS Zeldersdif-- ge X-Lforthevery fave Lit g LOT Tfa- 21 jn B Al P tl D EURNS HIS AIO "J RI1l9MffA:W ;C �W. ar d ()R SALEL, E a�st half of Lot No. 17, eon, 3 ti 'git r9je-ivell1lbe,-� li comme #A;�! Wfum *ft)&& rd Q 6. Z At 16bq; ekccute-- ever one AWTA avieli-H Ft Lot 4 -hali.-o a Tuw;i hipof WAWA_\0$H, do V 77 a a:n 4 to. fa.e no 18611ii 3-0. RL, -SELL in 2T4 _R WV� no, JL% -cm Tit' XCL klp,.,4 4,qiqbel NEL ENT AS Con mind A*Of 0 11 1po ranr,_cPTu%i4­ n WON, a in ' A Du#gannoD P S:TA:N jnAe To_ a 4 1. 4t trhX,6Qnn1 "ern N_GQFTW qV4 4P rrence 1v -4 eaL Apply to file C i0q Inj �cl "I ant, -lat6 Wm.. Harri LERT' It I 40kW&kW1q._9 Extcutors orthe Est e bfthe AN JEX -4 r .0 rof all"tn I 4f TAVBRN D PONSISTI it ri on IMIT - sec?Q(dt if aip itl a 190i shih o To .&DAVIS P RA RD Ri� E b a swrtw. Kok* or ww. paiv 'ifi"tbeVillacroofBluevaloi:gwnshipof a' Aftv pr rn4 tiElt 11 IN' D iin 1, pL I owiq. t y.� the�Lqaxueif tY9 WLUE. 90 very, tIoll !Nd _Tq I I tion of lid 9% 6rrv,kind kn t FypmLjFL a Of. -to , , 11�z;l exts, at the, hour of ditt -U . ;__1 - ! C; ich- to, 41*01" at MA efocir, neo 'RepatA VP eip Shew Go49L OW XAdD baa large aild bi th t 09 T 0X'AxT-,-j �-G 01),; wo! 4k of RUY L 6 lam p potic iHe at his astabbahment I -A 04ce- h 4 -ml - . mpgjj:�� 7 7 - s . if t, W W41 J Coderilch.04.10: tin. `Lswi-.��jy 4 49 -*31ft -1 A CAM IS W. 14WXr-wo ............