Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-02-07, Page 1wtory,
1'"V to *the PlIN 0
!� iQ on Pnnd
V -
. -et t) ci" or
W49 6M
tor Sale.
fir Prviraw -;or
6"%:ve przvifv . - -
t'jr.:prna(.1a Ga-
ffiwlvd, vendir
All PerriNbs
t withia the
W 1.1EK, S
British Defence of Canud&,
Ileferring to the arguments of the Woldwi
n, the Liverpool Cimrier of a recent'
date rernarks:-
iij� \ir 11ergurnent tbeT use is the vulgar 6
that it doet pq pay W-- keep
..... force to pi-pie(Nm'Our dDlhnies. Eirmintbarn and -Ashton-under-Lyne, as will
as the Freshniun of Oxford,are W
that immense sums are required annvawy ap defray the expeiNes of our military deoxi�o
ts in the colonies. Now,tbeendwex.
f_1 IT R, 0 N A N 11) B R U C EA XIDVER`"�QER men
1 penditure on all atur colonies, fbr. ?Mjwas
1. It. IV. 00.(40, v6 hiell is not 611" a flea -bite. -
X3 A.
Of course three willions are not tob& tkq*p
1- W. T. COX, E litor and Proprietor.' The Greatest Possible Good to t:1e Graatest Possible NUmber." away A it hout a return ; bu . t do we r 4 ho
L remurieration,no beriefli froin tbi�lnv%te�
�Nlr. r.iwt .,r-i,,r eh t ?I
Is it not something v%luable to powis iff o4r4-
colonies a vast field of emigmijoafol 9up
surplut; popti7ation ? Have- %'e not . op�ger
PE 11%, A L AN GODE'RICHI C. W., TUESDAN17 FEB, 79 1865. VOL
3. --NO 40' i sons or �rnthprs steniffliy working their wa)r
j in Itiese fur -off lands R8 farmers. tradegs"
1witiers,niercliants? �iavewe uotyssf,mer.
DIR. A. WORTHINGTON, 'OW IS THE TI31E eal,tilvcuiiijc-xi(iiisivitlitbese colunjea uh4r
11titisil law, EnA all the "Aty thit
tI-lie Emperor Napoleon w
TO TV LL 6rse inflebtee to Writ. E. CRACE� by! 'Wool
mail, a ud be declar, d']Pra'n(-e WOUV t�,-
or British AmerTea Insurance Co. LISH & AMERICAN Anote or bouk arcount, will please
C DRUGS, DRITGS ENG I the niip!ress of the world if Ae had -,eabulpsr e t
1 -al I �e k Chief O.Tien-'ruronto. j with ships atid commerce. ' -If we qbj@Qt -"� ..
pitr- 31 A G A Z I N E S i the expeuditure of X450,000 to preserve
I' E- 11-1'01','�EY-AT- tptjrt-ha,,P % CALL AND SETTLE
ii�i I Colliltv will jile.i%t- CuLpital, $ too,000. The barne without delay. 1 Canada, why do we expend mildons-yea0y to"
AT THE retain -Ireland, when a large partion, pf
St I
Office on L!zwethouse -F , populace
MARINE DEPARTMENT. -is not quite so 10�yal, as thelwatlivp.
0— Next to.&Ir rew Donogh!s- of Canada 7 Are we to 8 . Ose t at x1tv
Insuranee,; Eflorted atLow Rate.q. a I h
i,; r I: k r I, o i: v I-, y - DNRK*�.) A* : thx� we -idw
B & Itoretain,*tany cost. k divafficted toadtif., ,!v
X C30 M:I- 3:3' ]For Sale
A6 COOD W 0 RIDS provided it pays, but to thr
& I EAST STR-7-j-i, I, GODE11ICH. C. W.. T:ilv 7. IS62. n24 ow 1(y all avel W;bo
(Sijecessortolt.B.Ite"138) Pleases t assail -them our loyal, fell6w'.811b.'
V E Y- 1 2W BARRELS SALT T . 3, iinIL-Is they exhibit a balante of ProW I;
Bku-b I.-; r i:, -�, ),, " D IT Sunday at Hotne, a ject!
ovi-r t-.1neerely !,i 1 5
j. V. im! tile lit' 3 U 2 A'_7 d i AND AT for the protection that we gire
Tho Cisadians could -not be expecteq
j. re- W rh,, . '4K,25 PER BBRLO oppose ;one suceessfully an inv*ion bt 1 0
kjnvric2 A-4.qiiranve Cout lis nv; liend. whole power of the North. ActhYdint,ld -7-A
Ili- newhoii,t- lut, h-en tij�), Marine, Fire anti Life Insurancles AT TEE IGNAL OFFICE.
I A QUANTITY OF the uew theory, lio*eye'r,
ifd DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRI[IGGIST ld W, and lop ever ah;.ndon the Caakkdas, auO gi"p
011ice ill Air.
A,r t, r y - -kr - I'A J. B. (romDo.NIs Law Chain -
B hers. Dealerin,and linporterol English & Amerie= Publications our eyes to her sufferings ns- %%e btive M those
We,�t Prooi-1 t-ir JOHN IIALDAN, Jr., Agt. of the Souih. Yel with the addftioh of,,,'," -7,,
Goilerieh.Nov.24.1860 (371 F,' N UJ.N IE D IZ UIG-S FUR-NISIIED TO ORDER Canada, the United' States ;Poatd .&,44 i. ry-,
I ll . i Assorted, at
nwst powerful nwritzme afiqn. i"' ij,
r _1111T B, HOTE, GOVE Ckemirati, Perrume!V� AT LOWENT RATEN. $2.50 PER 100 PC.UIJDS I uorld. Tbe Americ' h
___L D rs t reaten'"Vi&ay.-
V,- T) Ii 1.0 'Irlit LIVERPOOL LONDO-11 11air .117ooth. AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE, they have settled thea"r [her -ate - n&r aoi, Corner,; 011 Street, ti.)� 9 - 4 21 Fllnd Wm. E. GRACE.
Pt-0PRIETOR. Tlmi LIFI�INSI!RANC"O. gaged in, to'sw*ep our com
PUNCH'S ALMANAC qoderich, December 22nd, '864. 8%,32-fi mabove pi j)iea,aift1x- �itualvd o all! PAINT8,01W., COLORS, DYE STTTFF&,.
y I C.71fital, X2,000,000, St--.; Acrmulatrd Fund 17011 -1865 -PRICE i�40ts. seas. They think -they re :able'.tg do thA
eminence l',) teet [lie 11 rboi withotftCaAlada. Whamighttir $5,671,-42s. 11OR8E4 CATL 'M ey 1pbt do, if
and La%v I lurwi: 0renarilpr, Garden andi E_ ED16INES C,dc,*,c`b. lati. 9th, 1864. w20 they hiild:the C-inaft I - It would 66
q I L.. - 5si Poor - - �:i
B- otarie-it, iI Rurif Wit! ks ;twivileti. Board $1 perglav;
(ay's corner, West Street, (iotierich. Mealsorlieds.23vents. V15MIOVIV Brittan'ta Life Assurance Co. of LoIndon. CA*DEN SEEDS, &C., &C� coi.lolatioa -when our: commerce -the ISL 1*w
.1ohn 13. fkorcton, Ord,-rsfrorn M . 6d:ca. men,punctuall,; a' Kai Ayr tht: Sigpoil. Swept fiom the Atlantic and . rencer..
HE und rsiare( ttendip Closed- a&Ainit Us to 4ind-t1iatiwiwe"re*ot-*74
TTOR\ , havivp been IPP01"Itea at Lov-pst Traele LINES
TEY-A,r-L_A_W. D A -Y S' H07TE e NEW _"T"ART 11 11
Azeni furLhe above nighly respedlable aiinually.�,�iled.
ACtianeerr. -Notry Prtmw, (;onvevaneer, N.B.-Physician's Prescriptions -c raliv dis-; lipom to pemcl,
WRITTEN IN VfEW OF 11 HE PR61109EFI BENEFIT the*mibt�ry fi-nee of Cauada-- . A#d to VBs,,j
%cc., Gruderich. Canada We,�t. odic -011 WROXETER Corn panlesj!-Pter, a rea to accer-bolh Firewrid pened. - ESTABLISPIMENT1 de
he South side -if %Ve.-it !3treet, tiird door troju. the S situaled on the Gravel Road ranninq riorn, Li ler i sks, at in*deratt ritte-`b In reniiii.m. 10. 1858. .1 , TO 1111. WILLIAM B.A'NNATYNE. we..delipod for i6 lbocv�r6o 49
OP guou
rth to -onthanipton, one mile norlh of A. VLROS- so firuch 061 *f
lourt-House Squaie. 7 �eaf .7 Atrer.*� . _1 n he air
where it leads; off to Wroxeter, and anyone trav- lode.-ich Jr_'1il--t 18.,39 w I 2n2l. But seldom is there boni unw th6world
-I*elj* v
With- the 3rholemorth of, the; - -.4 1pq
Abf S
ling to A Poet -with a beven-Ofted rongu�_
linfin; in A4eirpossemion
LIC ,,,the U�ited jk
HIT LIGHT! III�ATI EGS to ahnounee to his b�rner patr�ns; and Wt�t
o1.I(1j_T0.R IN Belmore,"Walkerton, Southam on, Whose,%ydrdsare grartso on th& heart$- ofmen� W
Bthe ublic general4y that he'has-opeii6a a., And ji�eu to thdir -children ivitivi'Iteir'b1lood i ,,lit eame, An unpira614 p
t4oder i
or any place to th-A direetiGii.,.Vi. I find a'ccti rno over H, Udrdinet& Co's -Bilt-sometfines f oma. hid olisruiv Toecit; 'fjiary fevra from
at 6 091NG�.ESTAB ENT! p
IRO _1 C &r 'JOAL '011I S TA 'A There*cvmeh pitird
v lrotels, in ill respeet$'. hi t9 the busy wetid-"
A mau upon whose lift.ed -tiou did not
rotec 7
su"am 0M ru-
Vardware Store V15n, dation -wtieft as lie otilv expect.,to find r-st xAne:� to, Lend on 'Re)61 Prsperty. P 1144 1135 OLD STAND) jT4,34ty brow
eteinal uuth te
!Burhiuk Fluid�-Latnp. Oils. rjl.0 Wo ef poses
0' -ND ItY, ALWAYS V -r-A ext La ovincertvoulcl be. the i 'bM Ave4V v -j
wist st-ju -door Fair &,CO.'S StOre One who bai walkd ifil fttarei Pi
FOR HIS Sal�- by -beadi' For And drimi oflmau% juent eonreivblp f�g�ciman
F -j 0 N nice asmortment of f6wrthbi
gazipg Iting-upon tile azure sky,
.-Goderich PT OT Bal�feli' . %v� 7FirA Door wes:t MA CAPI-TAL—TWO MILUON 00 Ian. 17, 1 h*59.
r W If. a very
F11 09. T
W. -0 Trout i s- M Fripli
.lockt ". t �t.; entrance LLARS. it, eir cQme.down into hisTopi
hil held sweet converse wh th stm Ru owers,
b 000 -ble'-for the A L41 dgwMati-na -r)
as-aw L 3HION d 11 -The Rsi
I - . - .. . . .. _! .
-83,000 -_ . , .., -xiis b 'Or
A uniulated Fands on hani, L sulta ibeirlidden lanputige I" looirie,
IN -111, FIFTY FE T 10 c
it IN K
HE Who. wanoeiink b0hq� fiverss grafsOtide, CHARLES D -LYS, FALL. AND WIN fER TRAD2 1. 7.
Has listonod to the iow-com ji*
P, trinig waves,
to inak(,,-up in illitil lijelriangled heunraveledj It rnov ber. worhbiJe t
L14 -a ew.
-'$2;500;000 ap -CASA. Asplendid
OjrjcL- AA
qnual 111come EXCegd� i. DENTI Y, a Which he is preparld 1,
Profiriet r� *�-te and Ve�ryche. for
And wepi ift.pity atthe tale of1%vo6_ words 1�-h e6obs'* Se
IU E Inturances eflbc-ted at -the LOT %*LAC F. TOW4. of Otte -who Iths made commalbus ofthe7irieff, to app T , f5r-,P. op.
Natci�lfftelyelj 44-.w 46ial, act vf; *imdgijj&tj&K.
(Wodohch.Auzust 27E[i�, IS64. wl=w3l FRA TEE$ consistent- with safety.. Es!, D.r. T" Bi omery.- -vand . iiing summer Andwooed 11. rA. ]DOY-ke. jutheirbizime eip-theiihn soul usle
_;: S; VALT S Aladeni _h
4en Ilr� Ou4
wnid biet%
SURGICAL 0 V E I C Was 11'rilled with melodv uuknow)lto ntan
ere is no*
-ablych' d
JOHN- HICKS; Projitrietor, This is Th blvi
Imple S -t�ltyf._ 0 f Alletextu re:and remark
:30AIGITOR-Ae. OFFICE, Life Insurance
VTZ'b�_.'MIT w` Biock-, Ooderich' P. Mra the An sweetaseverre
1 a& , i
arna atioti
0 has wait
s!antf best Coun6y Hotel in We xtern JOHN 0AAMS. -'.Otte wh ed for the tbnuder_Aid�jh,
l5swi5ly large,
Canada.iLnij L. LARGS' RA -TES LOWRIt- THAN,
tab or sw erests'p, 100
c arges as itiodeitite mg any F",L)Hse G
- . . " I -OFF WM beating.heartand hope-resplontlaott*i6i
Sta; VOST EXGLIS11 _(CR S. de 64" the ime 1111
in.NEWhett. e -Proprietor. Goods Ill if 'it r -
itvaif-enacte'dufatiqib4bi *hWif1&_ 41
And heardi ivi
160-florses. ffor,se;s-and Cariiages for Hirt on ing Wer thib darkene hfi* GaJerieh and ClitirZim Vie SfiOrtest-otic.a ttled, Without Wshtt'ar'stheOtWdihefoQlstopsvI her loyf,.T.;
And wheit its blackuess bursi aborp his head..
-0111 ICH- 13 RI A— H A I Y1 S 1I I T H
Losses Promptly. Be COU UUSE. SQ
Refdre'lifi, -to a Board of Directors ''of ailvq fro rp �Aq
Witil thip red lizlittlipgglearitialgr, p,*eL4j to
GodcrieIr.. nth. cloiids'�`
��,(11003111 OVER F."JORDANI'S D19UG &TORE it, w d i �a'bfe 10 1 in ifice in, riinton-a re -,r doors mirex ofthe. P.,�t Office.. �Roll.e.dvue.sbovei:ie other. as"impLIled
CHARLES _.FL.LT0HERp;.:, ant.'Tafl By;tfie . regist ess futy of trol6ni'lliaY
CH advantage of the d pre cia-
G 'Agen't. tion of curiencyand vl:'..-t47 Theu did-% poekraise bis song of6impho.- Fkad-wbed s
1 0 1%TaLV-,-l864i. W15 a very Itirge M16electquilpk 6fdontal via erial t CHI Then da bis-ootil Amen= -p-ii I;C11 cfeQ00 it,
greAti), re'duce'd _HA JUST RECEIVED A Of-, 'ye,fii.� prices, is 11o3y prepat,6,d1t4.(Iz;1111I e liwith an uneortilly.'fire, e same,poje
-too tij for 9tterrob4- 'New- Art;rk ma,wer, and at1prices'be coinp iii weait., abo
Usti and K
pertainintr to I.
ressed'.1he thoughts
XorthL" ie Lar ge We. Such thouOt as sel&m fi�LA ifi,6 Iii
etc 11 -Assorted
Ganida! m4011
lasurgncf- G o., leits particular 0
rbd 0w,
that apoet thus Insfidd6d hetween,& a
teselitto man the loquence-Lefaittitire, �;t,ititr'od�&
And lead him from his low aild)s�lfishalmz,
101fice in Mr. Gordon's Law Chambers.- rea Ing oueovt4vVelm1ji6terfWW
V Up�oaheaveuof * I" �-
rL h" D
tile' follow' 1T A a IINTER -Y so]. 0 F Tis M60 ' Q &Z
W. TRELEAVENt Dr, Kontgouierys 19 � lb myan4T#0 fh,
Freftrick Proudfoot attintion t T
Gty. 13ruce.- MIST OE PRI purityand oye..
This is d.,
his mis-tionoli the tart egives
HN HALDA'_ one;,au, we u
Wr�h a�e.l s than ha I vt the frmer bes _1) S1
e corporalloli.into
Another-revelittionio.the world Beautiful u canize fle'6rinistousilad fidings,alla hfff'fet
A' e rai way-intierev0s in thht
40 00 iiiiAvakils And a variew of ancyAr -e
Goder.;ch.Oetoberl3,,1k3. -v�i2.lvr Rubber. Qoin ................ to liesp vp *'�roperbaltan&. It.
Aj . beaurifulupoa the imomit-�1111_tolw:
Land Rame ce and Residen C, Lower such as
d be b.e plact4
�W,�such;L.gjffif ingshould
"tV- ofone tooill... 1.50 -Shlrtt,Collars, NecAties- -Caps,,. ra
ilwa k
Oil come h gh pitihac e, fr;m wbxhhis�
3 M a fqtS. st, vothpamps'ean ma t�a
It tio
1%1%ghtTeach tile heart bilmiji caefi ........ ......... I-od
-ASSU '15 Ifiqnsimc! s6uld be eitrolled-amfor1jr thdat'gVjr, i"1*a7,co*a1W
:cc For �ac add[tional looth.. zra�y -Wo r i a ; i i! i 2 r- ALL ING
S ....... T
Beaulifu I (Itild Whicli he is �rep�r6d- to.' sell ClieIIp
............ . . 50 1400bril Shoud Pieq�owercd uponjklis head And
11%rit4 no;njead, iqnrj#g.9rjrelue1aig haji(j.. ffiffato, ten j
Citit Eng -ince.. Clinton. Oash.
Tomb3, Tabll_ t-:- ON THE Otfierfilliu,-,.� innralloniiiii. -T r t
Q.n �Lre
251 V Q.n are
...... Is this t e way in wbicli t
11� EILILMlin, on Extra�fln, i"th ct.12 1864. 12 hi L e busy*6r1d
Wa�ribg .1 0 aelte Ifiej�et willili6wealth 6fb t i
Before the 2 qj�va
-1 f V Ef, 'E Gr K E 9-, X N 1) -- t , I - butj. Ill g;P T iJngj,bo1T3,;Qo4*Qj4
oFT. - *. #
_jtV_RyOR WIT -1 C
FT RO F1 T P I., IL N Aquppl� noili 11 -5th_iRstant with er, Ah.ix6! ToQp 5eit rf q fte hqlsine ilyppurnp4,. the. pa.rtnersfijVi90%UV
GODEPLICH C.. Wr roform admint4tttred vi Ag fru�yned upc;nwitli prQud audl cold 4isdain-, TIPIs aw 15, sw
f:To6`brri�jaWd`and&siIiTied of men,
Coo -illN. ehar-oe fo r- it i's h'Pe" rai o d %o4a I
iff At 10E f r
T. LON 14
SURM Cracted
Wi I I rece iv4,T WO vea risl Bon us at - t h e -1) k --sion call liave ardfiefaIr"tihiscried Over theme
ei in sHout sorrow
-i�jormweary huibs -way,
0 IS NEXT YEAR.- I . . . ; - .. ---?"Vlz,:
rill smaller comb9n0" 91907 V4'01AjW
I IT AR.4�0 4 give rbick.evn present a argutly more
Xen&th 1he heav
-i ort Build- RASAY,. Referen d�y THE LONDON QUATITERLY PEVIUff-
got up in vi neat VVI ENTA LL IV. -9. ftt�ora-b%-tli� - I
LA.NS &NO �SV _r AR and correct style... Ve his
? (Conservative.) But scatee tbegmss. is Ar (AN -big.) reenub4i 11avell. 'Pe %ev*jr*le
c heii tb� itivak-enedpeople cry, al"I "A
fjLtr&d Auctic Man�gerfi6r Canada.. Rev�g.'B. L. A. in Mart, King AND REV
fsw rieb J. Us) r. L. M. ]ones. WE Buff4loitAd te jj- ta
11cDou it NORTU BRITISH REVIEW. (Frc&��Q r A mig V gourds We have lost --forever.
- c
R1 Duilgannt�n P. A.
CHARD BULL, - I �k ,f�op
Mb - � . I e post. 161iI�bf thesb 'tir D.. —11111niftoll. V ric AND .1, His miftraVe d
;treet, Goderiche Parh It
amoutary. trauemockery Th t
Itzspector qf Agencieg. ULNCKWOODIS EDINBUROH MAGAZIN (9�ory) Close-loll9wed I by his apothroSIPI.-
waras ekcholici
s, appiv to: -M. D.. T-o6wn - .1. 13)
For Ratesand Prospeetum dn; ILL.Ailliter. ruee- d4sturb his Facred W=�, e
L GTL3_ PUJI'l r n And th ej i'44st ri-ecils eat
(rd D jE-_jSL WITff ALCENTq, RNSA T14E- field : .1,13i Nleac4utn,.Di` D. S di- W rnt� n ri it riblishe-'sibutirmol re rintl e Ativii And I�l ati� thini, jv1dja j)oja� Ofif`urleft3L h ILD
t:L lj' _ - -_ J. D. BLCK, Agent. r9ug al
2t3rket aquare, Godeiiall.- r L;autij a�(J-rithe_r Cover inen e.!; Alhattg1r; Chicago; Ji cDofta% grodni, th, _,tween, u a 0
nAmed peti but 884weqst o itin
nMd 0o*ljL (be 10 iand Trfihk�&
Fiilr, theprice. dr.n t homises. And P
g r Ifin n Take -at out PatelUS -tbr ftivenild-08, D A1A_r0DOU6ALLL- Nedical'Referee.- ENq*,'%V.':Sei-niodr,1 Sq., J
t4 I -
etc., 1q v I rch t e are! c I e jo. vaiice As: ifilicysuperstitiously A ra t, 0 Esq -J. V. etlor, Ira Li�wi Es, Gode wn4j,*0;�1WO
S11:10 anti t4es chorge otPriv, e Bill'd uri n, LLW i5W.l1jufie5 L
3 o. flik �i t t: r
for Pa`rf ie_q. residit)g in his h4uted
manes loappease. W1"!Vf5.!liLt(rbps' o .4
�(3otlgr!6 -MaVL23 This iiihe tale 4 the rieglecte4puditr '-'ib,6 Acelpts fro i re t
TERM& FOR 1865 =Ni tw_h
a odrin
Forany one ofthe Reviews shades!oMhaiteirtonalgignpu I -c
F or any two qt the Ke:�_ ....... 7.00
is lc;y Ito
d6tjon'& Commissjou Merchants P1OE
orally three cafthe ev-jews ......
A, R' w� e with�s hch �xgnfpjo put before zo
lit "BERT N or. all f
Witfln't for' 'tL b lyipyin e.1
Tbfts bir-y W_ I
nvoodys -Al jilus,
Ifp;oturie , ,
4.00 e
evi gmw�-
re Aud zhi�lw. lm� oFpn I L e
Camp les Riez COMI)Any to eare Ira. c" ��2
- AND'. ForUJa6-1 -0 and pue R 'iew, 7.00.
! A%'ave&griiezj vj of,
r 9d alla 4n two oftbe
I F6 111.ekx�o ja
m&- ndzt� Dodr td StrOng's, Rofe, thent. � , ` � I
.A I , L - V, , I H
K. WITN ESS; i aliout, to ent 10.00.� Ere.
ye a r - as a candidata for 1
tury 1. we aWard Uke boniorshe d" UPPLIIA
T er, -j Av*t, j -t P 1pne i oserves ?
Ynbh(rf.avor�66 the For BiAck %V96d "d �Ilree of the Re- ax0v9d9p that washisuld do tkisthint,.. same Drin qwe p
ay ,%tip 43 of &j;jt;hQItj cipls with w iich it set, an �4
-F0 . I.. four Kevriews k5.0,D For wlifich our very"children. yet urt
N ur uy andtbe
_Br beinglof utisirki .-]reading mAtt. r, T�ngled
ery aturday lit *_ -84
E917139ORT -.11BEGS TO1* posel lii - il-Te
the taie e-1 h ta it of tbd eatinties ofiftiro Rs or party str&e.'. L 11.18eribers hi tfie Brid, Would Atlye 171 J*t"V"
with SeetraXiiii binerne.
r th 'n n4i vi(,�is' JAV!, I in ani- eer -qu_r -m#wwyj-
-it '116011 Pai
aulketari le -News department ciintailiq the lal ti4lviotht:Q pr1ces;ttvNty_fo - i6ok it #w ror, iBia Wo I We sb#YuHdty k* "y ".,kgh4-.%j
sip I t; f1;j_jftr. A ho" �'46& 4�
ap -icreover. r
lit wpod and eig �ents
-hand a b hi c A jeg for 4iach Riview
by tt
_ I" L,__ _ r . �, I - - t P on
14 84 Posut, � 7 416
n -num er of hs-Iegraph,.-4un1m*rics_of an' And cad the h glip-q-t-place ofboiior,,
i ,
executed. rn-jet-fa,161 f,)rerlosd. haaw-,; reir-1, Pi' 410- ne�;vs from C
Stoek &M tid Bruce that lie Tlk
an paperaj and t!yi d our. much4oved.
British and.Amerief ielec The-worpk=1 e-printe oriagrew -d, :ed a ,.Ail there6hesh&fIrpres; .;wil
cle v a nw, . '4diinded ofth
on cur�rerrte enisjr6la le journals, paper. mid while nearly all Ameri tEali Piiif Xe-1tTret*1*a
Con - rt Ba4w 'UPERIOR FANNIK MILLS & . " r the " - * -
eirery Thu -day Redodicals Are.. . Fti I oft big fdi
-Ate- terr ofthe world.' either advasteedrill 1%de6 or reduced n�,size-sp4 -ve
C4aatjf S�Ies aftewtd to 07tre iie:Goind' li ab rsoe
X.&NUACTURER iefc1al department comprise He e1iing'iftelodiesloflove", MW
articial4rly draw. atteniort t hig; T e7ally b6tir4-W iliall confifthe to
prices. cUrrentj . reviewl of the mark, and of all they matter 1&rfi,djj&jA;ehWNr - r -
HeAct,�oarrprenIttie7es b.sWuAmIlYnt upuu I Goderich. hity 12th, lsst�' W29_,jyr Rewould P glvd"fa'thful Copies *pd,martial that rquso the Ir
thelia to free Wheat rom, contained, ill The orlXual -editious.-' anly IpoA
lgl$. ak'he will warrant . OF ALU Itliq SOY' tiatte .11
cockle che4m. &c.., Ptimps made ta 4 el fi al intelligenee; butile 1. , ; last,
sh tridyStUdIftir
;e affloufit 111'rhatter furni, ed. as those bl a 6,
qy.okhe com-
peting perioilicals in this y. Aldip] A ipp
4rid warrant The. epartmb
T OTIONZEE1, KIYFIELD d d tit of Family ..Rea.dinj c atn*,R _U And
CQmparSd with thw. co a] edidimp. whia
'ara -it 'iVelsolz� st., 56tween Vicioridf.jrge ive n
11 Sales ill village or counti eopious� seleeCto jtrut!t* 'bfjt*��Vp o0qPj4je*A
-or of,mv a tIng at-theItreselilt: itll& b-
pfeMitilinbrt giold%.. 6 alibut 011'66. IL licittibrillinkson lse will jievertfr�
f c, , r .11 .� jj]
aj.Cntbria Road� y0an our prices (Sl 1y low. 0 lie
the fad a�we-inake-4neabimaipb�Mejits;lotbe 1�h din I
Valuable Kgii6iltural aria-11artictilfti 18n1cles L*tal� Aeuedpoise jui0pr w4ny,*in$pe6.. 'inatteri ta4es,.pbtr 5) arei fgopVj�, 9: "1
TOR '35 6r b .............. d
............ 4d SUrH AS
bI ear) AhjqtC4ad.cog1right-,go?d
the. bi
Bureaus, Sofi Bedstefads-in endles4 are c6piki 11rdin time to tirrie�" -T n arl Ali
.Alex. ]Pzndleyi� It for sitiq 01 'it qr,-a n,14 pte hot�n�es, 4"
tug little [Jan.. 1865jxn arly.
"ULTIVATUR, Which IM -4 neVe co in at
nati y.�,usefikl
variety, Wan
t- Anj suckit poet must noi �elheglect to W felt,
r nii-patent -Book Oasest$'- Mattrassesi . The Myertis' -g*deparrment.bhs' 1 ronev I we trust 11 -ill, tile , I we. fire 1ji4Wt1stvWceiveth�j
Jatj 11
jFD k(;G f0.VEFj9 IWA; drobes, in
'0tMctagljV,*-ttendejt0 liledfopvegenemlsatl-qfac;tioiitGfikrmers
L a nr Hit-ag zRales center,rablesL Dinjn::� 'rablesi Brenktast Tablesi and--huportaut avertfseinvew bov �adjl I iresball.beentirelyius r u 'dribb iade, in quiv. I
usea them-- D
sj.Wasli Standsi Chairs, and many fanL,ilnmorat.'qriujyripu,�tenoeacy., e-havIieen-Bardii otyled" ISO
Addreds, ffWVft.P.0- wba-lyr$a #-Iv#- ToiletTable, rd;i4if*bih1k , , - r'�, I . 1. . c
mentiow. e eso ricah 'readdift
lotliter-actictles too numerous 10 Efe whQ& h
lee? is rather inc7redsed lhandiminish�d is Iliyi
Tim -Can'0jfiuj.,e*s iiger"'"OtalRipf; Tile biterest pyto ka]ls Ato Ame"
g� u6- 64. tionoftheliesfatid-Alog haeri�stf' juat 6171be B�Ufid Is -w6filly er title
Goderfeb, April 22nd. J� fefintairion quir Civil %Var, and. thoug sometimeWtin Wetv 'joWee.jimy iday_-st0L- 7 4fat
'ode.'cOpy gra ls,l]6- ability and tild. digbrent stand-�4inis-from whi�b tff�y And-SARD OF CANADAbis naine Aall ke,
w'-. i I h Us to-st clul;oftell.- t tacUUans I
ed to -ft "tralil 1 ldrealp are written. b6 f0id anil itudied jVftti,
Vol NVIdlea
IV, I ireM s�
ftomptly attended 46, UPHOL Tt Tempt pbople c d' T WA*
oiqujtur�; i d pon- of,"counqy
qan�nan4 A Qf every creed ph
equen ' ii,iiftowed
ardera.0 Aerrha7ntF branche elijion,14M
OF 9
crywiti$# -with Ihemi
7Z & itU20AL14 Pkii"Wky Jay$ fig"
ANit y. t paiii free 'thro mh �tlj Th6,-F_6 ;.W it
A fl�w.copies, of.the ftbore, remairr bw shilwfill
UNDERTAKINOtA 'Mr. resliectfuliv invrv�s an exaiaLngtion-01- T -be softint*5 An, the whple-four or 2for gfes
Fj0jlr,.rgWjt Park1VAAy,,GQ&IoLUMb'T&C piqZ-131ENDING Opp faviii4i
%toek . WArratriv;d to be mado ofth' . Daily WitnessiSteria. wor -112- IN grC Vr f WVL9nLMai wj.� s,-. �,,;,ejjkii�Kly`j TRI I. . "j I lie report. u ons
e says
�,t&_ftUXs._A LTAvrNCT -Tnade-arrangenients with a 1. pripes. Call art c be-satified 'b n'ning - orn -113R 0 I'd,
Tito om a and Ofe same forhLthit it'lids n'sinee jj1d, pany *o1dju x
KGOR, Book; -binder and Ka By HrxRy 8,mPhzN4.P-.�FAWm;gh. and.1lie late J. F. .4
LX ATeGR e fj�JTW.
n n!lmero
6e r od-atid all i 'Or� Farmors Pro- Weekly Witnos, peraffinum. d - ' 'ijs_Eh__rav,u-;s.
goingelsewlie; STperannndi N oa*4ffjtt . rlyfild Collep.. 'I It 0 r
_qypl_ _,ay men LOX I W
-has lattely return a_ qp!avol W afil*
&A.G of _BindinK Pa $11 -ishhei '%P
turino stationer, (who, r
It dWY-
8 -annurn,'�1. PP§tP4A1 W
ang 'I 69�(_ n �ijl]jufiejj�,.. h
0 EX .�h� tNKq yj
T I phila -Iplua. with a, lar�e-sto(,, n 1 Aicetaken in exA ()in Messenger, 25cl kc e
)the L tvri, u
I h_0ft ifob"
edi v
;(L Coustiv of 'Ruwer 0 &0� t riiw', iri, w cent. a owd
in J-4 u rit?
4.1, jut ptinted, ffeadin4si 10*acq�tptf I B.) -ries vili I
-var.Th ta$:ebfKi*caY4i4J -er Streit;.N 'ug
he TT-& C
aq, I alit pn�,pare to urnish
1.9 zr T -'and
KPI.44� adian #or js.,.skins, 2M,,$ 5b ;A erjc�aq,
02 00 - , ehA'gfl '11114 Igin Strett L]�ONAP 0 rabbits. , Th ize tftqls
.1lik][11 ksofallkinai.sizeafidstyles withan i ft J orn on DA, h prw
Rread -.24th.;'1863.
o tei.Der cent ch( Goderielt. March _&I I C _&d
py grpUo in eaphdase. for -arlu w rejopond
No. tt8 Wall -fA]e Jastjreaq
IM ififtneW.4
uuftv stto t -so;de
-3;fuaite . . S=RIxed.Cfub be sient, with :not, rimitive a
vr halh Tcironto pricids—
.itilbert and Dille, &jlkjnd&o( (Agi ngsatisf4etibir, inap 6ofitrw -is
Mr. 8otes and 'BUTL ofone-:ttnth:6rr6ntifta I I Aff
-Lf tMt J� B. 0,,01ir.ofGCFd& Wittionslo� be Addresseil
Inat""j, &Etl�jto C. js_,ffftERY (.,IVL - _" "VE.
sig. and b -o - - - q rp T1. i� * - 40 w__ 110. Rapprs. Will'tuit4r*d!dO -to't 4W
r,�Ws Acro" the is ' ' ' 4 . _giraiia 31 ON
VORWARDIK AN -9 CORM SIGN 'ere*redffe#�,or - AN
beinir Convert ped1h4.telegiajAic,viie-
-Ail cordmiuni 'or i e elm
ectmnec,,has thia&j assigned. all. treal Witness�4. of 0 . e0j
�bis Estate and effects to thd undersigned f9k. the,, in 171 wyale
JOHN fDO UGALL ASoir. arrignift-,
d W -fr$psx genera fierit'meetfnx, for" MY'N'ef io�c&lhfifilci, -are noy, 7 g con -Iff un4a to'thf 4rpud,-Til4jk-- "I 'r,
r. well jim iqfed 00 t betiefit.of creditors. without,pref. `60 ' dlud-ed Y1 r 66 -are
7 4 -AL: (A'
.. 1 d_ 1h4&ewitWthL-iv&reir poliit -in Zanid i
wasted -1 t s Lepaluxurx Ine-, WA orwe $bow$
illamicipatwa sines �`bf aiii1riffidth- h, conr 4% 1 1 its
L L -BB I UA * ��,&jsjature ron I
or Wrawaposk WPM wrilriticeiii4i6rip to t9fi UO umbia.
-N! en
0 m"'i"d'
Ilt ertaitbirs ot. this estattet; are requested 4o send b
in erests-.6
&r 1-�imwta -11�561L, .1tipy" 'POtn-P� Amt; I berotdytbe*xw4
t -LL parfle� indeWd to thq EstiA TAXE9 SXAIL.�, leru;lt
COWaY ot
*0 Vj3qe U ,uompanj seitlid fo'�R eir,
ettle the. Goderich, d" 7 *00 NW
hi)63% Oki Ai$igiiect . ; - T
fto bern. an* a, fewn street Exe, Cq idW,. n
?t'�jr.jrj�� are r_ Noy. 17th,li,64, -:IjW2 I ),'tf
's t� , -.1 S�MlMdbti!lel; e
ra 4t Fig 61`1
W MA118, M " R ft:
! -0the
1�- i*6 I JOY `1864;4u wolu wta e 1Wr y
equested to, mi'ok - -
I ' . , 'fi - jjk;.qn pr�ygne won eaitt'ibhiflo"imi.
Gr e
nd: - - --- z k� i� 44 Act
106U 4W 00 AM IM
tirthe n stanledV and iiief4iiiadiligt-,'oiiiittythit It ti�beda,
iMmediate , thefffbabifints-bf-th
ont. fifth ly withAhw uiid i. e'di T mm 0 1
itints wilt b PE14 1k
fW -tho r unil. .. - f- � - ,
0! fw'bued. Wo ap was open -to t 'a scomff
itt iden - tnd hill.-uniUqui - �l s T� ffi R'
-k nev - , ., - � A ffi
to lend into& -it' CortimissioniHo tak*
_KG1g.UNF.,NTS, TO XBS�TdXES,' C po r
dit . - a a
1�6� &c!;; oFeir -estattai of the ss0?i A tjp- The 10nister of.A
Trace. tovrslii ery &serrpti6n and dainis -AcraifiK th-e zZuiftii Uft andall affier
pi�fp.4r044t 1-iji'me4lo mske,Qut ort
�atyte�o& —4e1vAuq vn IL000 A 4"
�z - o.F W oftheA no '-Ij1r4Wqdon dF to this daw, _vkre I in �commuu If!
_tyte� , W., a -w,0 ill
the -anksatk .01 ers of
k-11 - &Z�qiisea e on4ble teftas % Q KU on
ga as ou., An qeamnle al�'k '04VIC41CUOrt- P)
�W#,M WX�Wtl�., 40 UM X PCX; ttlfli CF-- W —C*, Apply
In.agle farvash. Itro, P4j�pjajnrl aL 1rtCt9XVUa I Q6 om If Zr thi Mier'; the Dublin luten ition. inpefor,
municatiolik *illbe -a e tde i� ZWWADaitis
4";Ft siii& adjestmout' L. DOTLI t, 4 ENIU: 6dailePlitfariq
249(ril - _X 0
u!jht in jjvthe eXeciflor witions
ry f.-, - -11 — I
6 WAS Xec
Y IN ,�iil ;q9F
0PtgUf1%AU"T=V To d Laka HarowRad
RUGH LOVE1:8i0i. ti
rab V
- I I � � I . -4 — ; � pdrpop,, .
411IJ . - 11 �if4yletterpoa � 1-1
flay ibe ANTRONY WyArmrt P.01. P41 Z.
Goderich &a. IC Wtvdw�BIOCTG FS
- J,� - 1, � -
Oj _j i
0 BE, I — � I.. � . 1 11. 1 . �OaXqb tir
45.0 1 pt, 10, IN4 "ir . -�
.9tviiit; 18 'i,
bag 6 Tr; v
"tj "', i - 'C ad�
_W31t "
-4. 01.