Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-01-31, Page 3A L16
NOTICE. C H R 18 T M A S To Rent 6r Le
I- wa-- 4,orIo: :1�5 It. tue five and six in -tjjqyirZt Can
--.t: at Pear: stree-.. by the a', tilt tirr Ell' -Innua' Meetm;.- of the members o! SEN -1 Wwrisaip of .6olborm, W. D., laboa t"
T the SKATES" 1! -SKATES ovo I inliee frow Goderith
at nartment. Cu. ol llur,n. Amriculturaf hocietv will Apply to
ni. evrn:nz out a;a-n in Bullv 'be held at Dark's Hotet. Godench. on Satur-, Pravei Boo'- c f all knids. MARVEInmul
AT Tov B )L
SeMcezt. fiyuin Ruoii,,,
C "I' A. Tilt. firt- department w" day. 21 st i as-,.. at I o'c',ock p. m., for. the par- T"tCutireL Liglithouse at.. Gode-ric.h.
L�— I December Arb. 1864.
nar a --.,i sa'! X %orinz a, eve,r disa,�vantaze wmcL lizeuse Ilosw of eiectin- afficers. reeeiving reports - i V45tf
0 r1r XI 140 ID ID -17 d&-- 4C o.'s AILBUNIS. SALTCHEESI.�
w IWI. c-,- .�ient %-IU. tl7lv:n- snox. from Branch Socif-tieq. &c.
es co �d r.luct- 6- M Tilt-EM,&N-, Secv. -jll! Ladw,* Companion,. r Sale Cheap.
1* he de- enz,.n
to,.Owll.�- are am.,nq Int'- &Lfil:,"Pr�:, bT Goderich, Jan. lutu, lot;L.
-LL AND COMM,E TE ST(ItK ()F SKVI"E-i, of'ev-ry varietv. s,vle ar. natt— CF F TN A,�. -20, 4M Kiniou 1113
FT CON, 11
3,!c �c t \'al, The Carapes, ELad bets' ufle*. an! from tile tnost ceicbrated -utaiiers. A spieseie; ALCy40C)1MRMMC�01Vj4W Li-htron- Applj�to
,ek! tIT 'all w::0 TRAY SHEEP.—Cam- into the enclosure'
a,. Was IeSntl r�-itauran-. and extend
in ce or. Mu— Jerne7-*s druz sume. A 1- Sc:Yer s
X:,e,W MAL n't tvur, - of
, k of tile subscribet, lot 7, 12111 con.. town., Al. C- CAIMON.
Pau Bejuvot,'19 conlectismary. ; And various otbvr arucie*. al', cheap very suit- Codench.0dfbb"-r`28.jW.
dA,q tue :-�d :ast 211C was the, jarevest that snot. s )re. ship of Colborne, about the inkidle of Octo
n her
then v t.h n atite. jr: itz�� rear. abie for
0� thr Ck,
tlas ever taket. riac* tis ant. eArntrica wo Sheep a Ewe a d Limb. lie
or. tile 0,'Mun4 floor Ti
a -le thr toliownic, stores _WA M HOLI]DAY GEPTS:
()u. - reswc*. L. td#-dece"ed.ttie stores owner. by provincr property and pnyincr
tv a, RL enau: Bros. 000&8: - 0 a
0'Int' fjoteL: as r ;& char can taie them.away. -NOTICE
iiess were c )s liocnegte- I St -aa--. d" good,. And LocivO Zlea I .
Z,d ttt.1je--P.aCeS V tniiiv eC atlL -Han g and SiZeLamps. J, Also, a lot of those
&JAMES DT cele6rated 4 oz. ChinineT3. fS HEREBY (;I'
oe vi'tage presented- quite a fanerea. Appear Gtesnji�rs. dry IOUDUI.4: liartutuei s bar w.r wel: laden with VEN Utat A ANIVIdw-st",
r � Jan 19tti, 1865. 52"3t, JL Municipal Eleevore- of dw
it, �he
t- tfiv na'. dinini 47% olks.
an Ce 1. 2 uT I N1
Inan F Presents for the lAttle F
go* is:
Mr. Dickson. and the ImF�rov-t tinattrarner. 0 01-
-r the Villaze of Tees.water. oTf IT ZMEWS. I
't. M
ot nea If
Vo; G 1"M TS T Lm, S is C L
n Kni-fit. liqu. �tj, i I ind Lost.. Pudding, Nuts wid Figs lip. TAN -Of ULDOXV*
int- t Pund. fiz.',Tm,�rc. men' 0, TN1 New Fruits fd
JL Sattirdus. the 14th inst a FOC
The otter bud:r5, to the corner of� Court I - .KET' Go4erich,'Dec. 18. M4. Will be held in the &hool Rodse.
ItUo P? - -
L more or less. and Wrre. ms -Ale and Port
K. cimt'vning three notes of 6nd, one 1 Wine's anffie,� Go
MInt: ec ers !ra!i*s -I lills, (Centre
B the f141L whicL we 6p from street. were damair L ')
11S$ Hotter. Buffaily S- of which is drawn Road
or.& in favor of James Agnew,
t how MUCL 0� For Aolidim Prr is i cat: and examine the -:10Ck of A e 4A dap af Febivd, 10
he It - is.'!.fea�ed for -the surn in ry next
SeCL ;w g Bank- tattl Gaze. Zrdcer. of 38 dollars,. payable bT'George: . � i
CAUTIONF. 0 _j. 31... ferthe. taking, -of Poll- I
tm- credi- V the rVS" na, C.; -set. wl!' be destroye� to; wo A. -INT 0- "T' Ca -(Z-) 0 M G�o --D B decide whether orn6t*eTollowi*r2j-kwm.j
Porattor" L Of the lm- ui.,,ht� 1"Coivin. due JaaaarT, 1864.'the oiherje" :r
t 14
p uble,by'JAn Henderson tolhe sah�,., .7 L parties are heirby -cautioned alminst.
va d that some pers -bh4h.aotes av #�
proventent Fund is due tt, Our represen �:aha It 1-1-- rePoT _R O.D by.., L
ta by such ZlemtL7-
t AT THO Cr-edititi.- or'larborina, mv wifi, 8,,r -pttd
a -criber. ;ne am'ountina to.612.60i. due Jan. & CO2
been in' 'red bv a I �T a
'finstone, onL My siccount.
ti ue- Jan..-'. Atih Jo al -she has
tt� aguert I th� 1 1866, for the sum of S40. d of Parsons'&c.i. and neXt dorto Paricer-and Cattles Iett, in jusl eatise or Godnj&r
iq impo- D
ift. and IH e note5 baii been j bed arid board without
pay 186 7. - payment of jTp. Clerk
James Selway. Harm, T arrf the ahev Goderich Tp. Dee.4d�,- M.
'jo�, - provat-a ion, atid I will not hold myself Tes-
-IOUs 4r, dimptoventent ii� - , , ". -ca -ound't t
.Z. jm�- tlie.r- ian * r I., , Tart s Rose Innativ; Atopped. --Atfr person havin,, f he same i . . I
ble fordebts of hercont
ea P 11 -6e -'suita e, mating after this
4 bl- -w�rd�d " retu, i h
riz.-rue rur tue sa
IL 'it'd. not 1. sh' rt. o
lty&- 'wit ..T re by
IR U 9P. "r. V 4ate. -COPY OF
S tok Book. and its contents: to M; fladwen aq
at)G.u-- of pefto
4. Postmaster, Tee3water,
RSIGNED �qualifiedjfuniew
*htc their proriprty wou occuipte erthe-upper itorl'. THE UD]k
rich, Deiember sw4l
-d�- BV AZ --mlc 'PEW. :Gode Colbortie Jan. 7th 1965. �,00 .4t
-tit T110MAS-AGN1
t Orde. of the 1 7
--two ot the torsttif the Township ;of -
. A .- 0 - - I . I f . culicss, 17th Jan., 1865. w52 llt..�
lebrua-v AIIS64, the Gaveirmineat retained fhe Count of Hnron,.,one of 11te'United
the Countr
No,rHER SIDE TO TEE S�fj RY'.— -Cetutirs of Huron and Bruce hmb+T#qgr#
A Wiih reference to, the adertise.--ni pub "'that a Poll be taken in term
i of fte Tez�per..
riv 1 S e -V
rurde�- The diS:rfbutOZ.. to a& shed by Robt John' slene, I beteb�v deny determine *hethej pr
q. �, not, the qualifi4l-anicipal Electors of the
c-- �ue- roa�s in. tnat cournr.— ther isany truth in 6e statemeift He is. a
that Ance Am of U64., to
1,worthless creature. u -bo abused me as no tru,- said 316nitipalit *iltdopf un&r authotity
1C AL ail Act ihe By-law
MECHA e, ant] I only left him and for enforee
-LeCL pro=
D'-rHIS DA 1 -when I found, it'impds84 letolive.ini ace It folleivi 'hich we keteb� propolse for tkeit.
1 man: yould have don nseift of
ed tna-. th-e PUBLISHE V 11311' w
aW. at'-Siip 1i
P r., P
oderic ge.w. GOODS
He somi "Unle hfileatlahis.i6of. As for my-iutining bills on. adoplion. to
his account be nevd not be 'alarmed- f6r- -he 'The salle ,of Into%- t* T;1 load t1W
IPTT Store. 1eaL ing quors
IZ7 Z-aG W. IeM- Itooms-over.M.Y.76rdan's Drw
A ary linkno diedit to J)e abused b me or."Tone- of Licenses therefor, is by
JLHE- Janu 13th. IS65. sws�-vl�
the THE
Abolition Of th�-e Passport Sys- 14LT
I!Elat- U coiltectior. Gi ialse.
-prohibited vii*in- the
MARY TI1U-A.Y-,r-',TEEPL—Came into theL vremiseal �Ccunt of Enron oneut jheC-jbj.
rif theT Colborne, in ied Count;tsf huron and Bruce, under
u er; on-Goderieb
T -SONGS', AND LYRICS Is bsqrib' lot'212.6t1i c
A niiiate fnyiii Wa.4�.- -t;m co- I 'ittiout the Isi7of Dec. last.. a spoti�d ry tnat cement zf 11ps Tompor
tp, d ihor it+ and -for e
rc!)orates re�� -o- White ste The owner Act of 1864. -
and er. 2 years i ild. oF -tihe nee
CE Wittiess.-our Iiiinds thieUdi &.T-ef Deem
bm 'in the vftr of ur ljord #ne
Al "P% PC,
^,"A C3
d rehitive him'
ie., *c* Fearuary neit.— jeader.' py,
fe requested to �rove pr6perty.' pa expenses res For� SchoolE & Fan3dl
reicfnde d or.
i-ight hundred an
SALE Ea. -r R d six
d U11i ON
an. a. 51
-Z. G
Gunb6;Lts tor 6!nr tak+es. am on, (Signed) MILLIAS MCDOUGAL4
I IN CONSEQUEANCE of the di-aihof %Jr. X. X
Icretofore 4�arried
i i-i-ift Princ-i'mi'o Wit Ceutra,SCIL40 Go I h and over 40,otker FAiaclam;
e a ae
I on uuner th name and sityle of
A True Copy..
L.54J, f -d rri SUBSCRIBER- negr�y -.0ihpleted'their FALL AN WINTERi
STOCK, v�4idh eompris� al' ece." trad9s, V1Z w4j� U
- - . P. I - ciman
We =Te nat of t ro4u -ILobt: Run &'Co.. TP
me:" are t--. oe sat. -out trom En4- rablif P-,ry artie'le n art for the
be k" I
-a.-' cz- t�-.e T Gatiand. into the SchoGls viill
Me,,parture ; ou: there 'i,* ri�i dkubt that Qw-
rielt wi!� be hert- as soa as navigazion
COPY seTt-., postagge pAia uh. recerpt of DI ust be'ciosed-on -or b�fbre th@,'
tfroe w:- be recewed. 'S 'GROC Or
OF_._ FR]l 1865,
1ST Ff XB -S*
-lot, - I . I I Z- 4,�:;
t SE[tu LA DS. 0
-to lhe'above. firm are here-
a'Publis e -All parties indi+ted 1111E
balance 'of Linds uniold -will U *gab
br notaica that alt. no
R, OT I )ff�ryij lor'sate
S.-Ilin rw- tleer, is t re, due -or, the t:l -nil
ay day
t d ay o FE81Y rr' —7
'inw Cz;W5 0.. -ree-en - - � - ue.. E 111Y 'A. -DIE C L
o; -t neXt.
ve t .1� re,ease . he
nant- ra;ders.,' the� misan;iron�iatwn of the, wifl., handed totbeir-Sohritor forcollecti a thi To
_e tile siocft on hard will be so.d Clo&r-
ar. nad tiie- cand,,
h ut-the b
11 -lit the mattpr of Jazice, Cotrml arid our oft -
Me meantime. Aurt f the ICIOCk, MKM,
At e
Th� be- S0
6' po:-.m
_AUC ON -1 It Jar- o.1meniol'Ploughsi Culti-
z-ie tiairer, a1Tf- 4.1— --t: oysists ota ge as�
PUBLIC'.-, T i . I rs..H'. R Wriff's Office, QodeTiab
vato arPuw.%,Z1rAW Culfers,
isON- THE 18".
ir.. "ales.
otrash and stigat,kettles, wa
ggou -and
-TIE. boxe3
4C. or
-is. - - d H
ob. a L lit' F61t' at �6 EUT M -
Cooking, Parlor& Bo -Stoves I 'HEREBY A Giv t
draw'r tt;ex�tion o 19DSj which A goed.second-hand wish:pairii�ularly to t their- stock of.DR Y 6rO -Llie.Munieiput t�eil.torrvt thic
.Charles D
a bm-i� c: no A. MIM
Tu, fpn
im QW..
0. �.j J_ , FOR QUALITY T
it. the, b�er-v.-: N SU. PASSED. 7jid .0 ehinery for Grist ZZW =-f' I - - - . R IMve at a�1!17 L 0 e "i a I y
ane cour- 11"tre MM!1PL. rl—nw- Ali pdnies requirinj the above art,' Won
A Won
acres c e.tred
The ItEiDY.31ADEE CLO G is. into
F�.ix*rdt *-rNrat- Rrzl�zrl s.tcomplefe.and' re�d�id thi -I-' to-culi and in,,prct tile �WILL RX MUD
aiid a.;! 14 * -. . . stock al once
hoc se, wautfactli 14o w� as
71 1 - L . . - -get ba rg-ains.
1,4ey well
R. RUNCMA�i. I 71j.
On nurjc4r
soz-, wa, r �vr - Nif firips an Fashionable Sty -1 eso , &MXd day ra"ik
LOG AND 7R64ZE B"Xsll. T�4E'T;OWN f4A
Best- d m' 11,�Ctj At 10 -94ri
Ix refi�ierrce to the a-bove, U. It1uu-imali.'i;vM ary Mk1
Ifte 02 VV1% antl fi-ncelt' lie waim. �1'be �reparej to carry on the bu%ine&-; of -
be: - I ' . T - . . : - I. -- - -; . _ . ing.. import4a lar iantitr -of 1) -Y Fortbe taUitir'of U poll- WBetkrL*r
iand :in6 ir -a nate. ot cufti LADTES'- FUng OF SUERIOR C ALITY. Hay e�,-qi
not the
TiTE BURON followitic-ByriAw 'be 4dop" by fiv
r ir The erertion or all kin& of Ili- said Ma6t4m.
I r t- leg; X te M. and ftin&v us usual "atig ad will %unblv
n. ta �ot,�of
e a �e enabled to sell them
Oth Dec vs�; 'ttff� a-tv Sto4s'and-castingsat. wassodable rates16rCA 'Ib
W. sate tur coutmecce W. J01*4 FAIW* 00.. Crew' -
e 2vL 135
FF t1wir
'2 It
1 - Uod rich, svk-,3- -4
W3,r- EMLT k7l. L016 AT WX , --DETL 0010ET T -I
P1 Of
.1 A,9tuek df
rget Qkjr-ir, alid itisnect their -Farm bsuranc.e -
n Q call wben ir T F1 HE VNDERSIGNZD� ua]
40 .3 r
Dz�y Goods, Clothi Grae6ries t osyn at tb�' EM� 0111y.
I rou R-.Pt� 11' 0. 1� - i di
. - -,-% Be 6f Laws.; A puf E ectoes of the TvirnaMp of
ortgaa de,
T- -a poll be taken in tenn of
TAL require that.
0j"ANy the Te�aptye nee Act of 1864, io, 4etarnww
A 1C -NDEU . ar.4 bv a Power 6 f'S ,
S -� I - FU
11- - - LY �LQW
_0 e a-
4.,t -1-4 M L Nlom�aye ade hr j4p- 9 P
.e ri�-Iaw be ILI whether -or -not the quarified
OFFLUE1 - 20 'TORO�Nlf 0 ST.,, TOIC01_fTo. e kunkipal Ewe.
ons in their' prem,
MaS6. t(m of - the said MuniCipality Mill � Ad"it, m1b.
df Gn.df. I -rn-),rTo alterati
hefa,e Spritm. der authority and for tMforeemeni af-Ae
Gola.'E. M.-Tirouson. Presideii�t. Ft. L. Dzx-
e torri ,rs dwinz al, a
Bu idirt", Th,?y wish'tointiate to�th ir cat; co gur -nntl notes- that thvy Act, the followin By lAw, to wit:
are conjpel�er tsox &q. Vice -President.
-insist c L PRUMP PA -into)tieating UqUorS"S" T�m. - sw ur- s;- e Pa Goderic Jap.. 1865, t tl� the fluro:- D-%
sirjcittZv, of ti n, rt.., Caefault, I
Tlie sale of
.-en e In We au p, na L issuin of, Licenses therefor, is by fderec Hr9 A aBlij!diiigs. and property By-Ijaw prohibited within. the'Uwai* -Vf
be ;�q J� ssoem lon' lasu
M P,
P -!r -_Or %I and ISol;Qed
on -ian be eff cted'viter on jl� utid thority and for ealbregumn df
naurances e
'N' * - ' tem or -Cash
remiuM AMe Sys td in r:u
zrtmin-r� z, Lv 'SILL - e tee
H E 1 -JR. I R* [0-11 RN Act of 1864.
t ;zr-erth da ST T
I Wr ;r tax� if, ��av- a Tue� ywthe n, of 'reb,�,ua;i
tj A. 11. 1 at. Tweve of the 1 6 the.P
our hands twe jith day of J)P*.j
=;w Anc - J,Th� rates for Insurance are exciedin.1 -
at th- Ma-Cd�
Wa a -
being I than one third the prices charved
roprietary ompA
Thonmerm & -Haz, (Signed)
01: 4 - . & V. C10JETLOR SOIL by P
7: U, e - G S ET-GODERIC.R.4' and Fjp�tpti�o dowm.�
n_r ily itud oviorably
4MI, 'A -rue-Copy.
-is te,� L Sealed.
the fo.tovwtn-�propertf. th-it.
VZ�?C-rF. PaY 46derich,.- Sept; 26! 1864. WMLIAM- '%TL6W.
Township (;k* ZB7.
_)Qy- -V— - jr 7, um -hundred Mtb,-1864� -4t
ber te, BLTTHEj Noy w49
inHarbor Fiam- in the'sa G
id'town or.
To the: Manag, er aj W Beaver Alutual
sita-2o Rob,- Hcwe- saw. IL f ii�,ffa sitt ov Deed under, P
ower o+ C.. CA
-NOTICE lnmrq
nee, Association
m Fair& f Ila. allee
Our ;*undre4 'tur - -' That -a*Meetin- of 66 Mu- beg, hereby t�) thank ihe Di
c Mortm iiveT,. U
AM95 lfieM7 A: Sor $104 40� W T. Com jlil Soli r-
st�,21 T. I- :F0R'jjAT,1F'-
rs this
Dated at my charnbe nicipaf Electors of the TowushippfAsh' bfyour Association, ifirougb you, f6r
X&L I - I ectors
-%-; La- - ,
-we mew Tour'satisfactc
k nx -ved beid.witt be Three and a half wkei from the iry settletrient of my -claim �f AIM E
IS W. Brow.. 4 F. CurrAn $13.5D. OUSj@
-Seven Dollars N
0 Tb e fliandred and. Eighty
LAI� . _ . I �
V FI '&.SCHOOL and -live c - en'ts oss v
s 1W,v ar- Nir Ba- vnh.w
SIEEMM. 'S SAL fb�r �4 1 f' - ba6 and. N D.
rirwfl�- ars.-AQ IV * I - ; 7 : j � L L ' I -the"M'coitice my
on ssioq, on
*Mkoo. in your
v., A. Camert;i. asiig a' 6
Mon ff bay and, grin - which- w�re. insured
45W If ne 4": on' On -the- iAke.z4hom Rose. . Un red -Countie-t o? y dPt7hrre 1!4 1 IT IF 'CO. i.'* OF TWELVE.
Zf r'be not gmted-W. T-�'� Ruren and Brtice� Z -B. wrl'ttacliment- is"d
. Il- the 2fth 4 r9onday. btabie bliedipumpland largegarden.,
-ke Committee mm- d in �tlie 'Vitla,-,e,cpfBl-wv.sleTowmhip.of Tvtx*
-0. W, Her 512j"M2�4 1761)l1li-t' E. underi*.g d graiii beii fmfd in full -
Cox $29 25-_ mkr SM0,0 T T out o; tie has been instiacted to hay a
y noxt UEL MOORE.
:j PL�
rhmentec Nir Ram.fti- we iuctc rlwurr of me Count ofliuror of Februar' ITH DAN
und Bruce, of C0 offer for sate inxt d linown -ibe name.ofthe BZVrT
mn�ewled tuat 31r. r) -Queen's Bench and -.KB
the- Witness
ewi_and Court of it' at,the hourprTen in in the accup"iGu d
Nw- ni rr�e i v e at- -am o-� sw '0(. a- 'a re;i & izkg a i:owauc the-fore:66on,-; i VALE B07TA sid
nst the'goAs.and-chattels o Jo*�it -or Insurauce and fall L particulars apply to
r 0
Whee!(Ion tU thLe its' VCH. The 0
-decide whethe* or,n't.the B106k
Tar Coahcz� directmi azat
%: the, 6= day of June afti:� a vety hiirmmo- ofRobert RUL taking of' a j?011 t6 .4-00 acres, M One
Tuesda the proprietor.
1oki8 ji )LAES,J. r*j
1�tw 'is indopted,bjt 1514c E fie c
following By
P. P"MSewwa. qurvivinA rtner of Maltihew 1%LWcatj=:.f has large dilitionsand
ii* -Bark. havel tor§., 0
a Lots t
About 72 ofwhich ate cleared or, in [*514eq3 raird-tite Ontar wor-th0euoticeafany-Man.whe iA
-tiqkken .0 C00i
and -in execuE n the foil 3; suit purchasers. Ueing, domposed f Lovi 5
XAAIRGIR FMIE IN IM]UPIFAL0. seizeti, a home.
zl: A quantity of Dry X:Toods M aproperty vi C 6 i he 13-cqncession. and lots'a and 6
Jerk, AbI
and Hardware; fournorses hnrn",wzig-1 11th Jan ry, 1860L the 4 concession. all in the Towtiship.of-col-
Mr�S MTD -a- TFM �:T ffillo,000. 4bfigld, us NOTICE.`
tfei * h and a numfier ofeler attic ts too q 'Detabvr�,811i. IN3.
borne, Western Division. Themuresupefter
numerous bi mention ; whiefi I shall offer rx4le
--of the Nun-
buiidigis'aud a, good Orchard on t - TS given, that a. meeb
BrrrAL*f Jan. Z��A' 4.30 this m2ming at WheeldQals - ire in the Village of ele6s,lf, he proper
-ty rt aitipality of the
re r pa' JL - an in the townshiprill,Wawatichill, on Thund ty. tii' popy of,:&9qi3"iLuoiij A liberal cQit vh1l be iUowed (o icipal, Pjtectors of the Mu
is fire was discoveted in sto 299 a
-ht;ld in the
Niiith (9th) day of Mibruarr 1 -;be
Hone in School Section No. 'I
next. at tht hour; ofthe rehast Township of Wawanealf -wit WILL p
,street . money.
Theeather wag intenselr cold and -pu
BR XAM io Alie. L
of- tweive ofthe ciock, ncKm.
rr ry. TRUEMAN.- school
fearfa! mow storm ragin, . .5rhe this
E undersigned, -qualifie�d Mnnicl I Elet-, next mejtjnj;jL f
or Aet 16 "Efiln 4t_�M"
JOHN JdACbGXAM).- -ich an 10 1865. 50-Im- MEDIX�SDA,
qodez Ly, THE 12ad DA -Y OF, FEB-
jTread'with reat rapid and 410
tom..of the Township� of Ashfield ipreby
that Z PollL !lie agree
-elsM7S. *bakery o of
-ed. in flan2es Xan V n the Sherim me, Goderldh, I inent entered into. by jmd lemple
require be aken. in. tei'm
ffiside and FeritheimeFs block oft the 30th lififralo and 1A6 liarea Beaw
ot 1864, - to de 'ermine a .,Tor ihe pur-
Tempermce Act. At t6e kour of 10 o'clnCL - In VON;
ied Munlelpl,i El* -C- of -1 ai�d*.fhe Orand Tmak
11110. th aide, accapio b Diehl's restaura4t, -or- -not the pose
whothei quAlil otiumvea -or nay to decide %hether
er -dealers. Sip- AM efthe- tors of the said municipalitr ill dol Lunder ]ENCANE
-N,FoodraT & Wii6iil �vst pel I 01t LM F, LN-ro TuE EN 'TEE or not �he foil und datid At
19 SA CLOSL ""EAM [6wiii", * &by
s! A11011b
July, itl",snd firr ot'herLP8jP0@M-
1611othier. and Xennen,'s drug storeFi- the upper , . -, f.
eel -14 inAc4 'lectots.
R firon R6ud Towif. authority and for etAbree ent of an d- ch
er-Lot su
stones were mmpied 'la Subs . b -AVD
ed Counties of) -tueof two, *rits of ricb;:ab6 pro- scorr,
Giasww as . ir offices� -J1kt Unit ut th; �rst o�Noveml;eir -theBy-Lawfo'lowing which we-her(bv' -JAXES
hipQf Godei
48a 14 T'P.. Clerk.' f;TRAY-1UM7E&—Q iu*
entertain re, atead;ly progressed ri Factas- for. id The sate mat r..30 hGpes ofsavin-,, the Ame i hotell werer ni I I last, a roan-coldred. Cow. ears lold.
I*, Huron and BruceB v=jo Expon� pase foitheir adption, to *1t: tb
ed, but the fi it - - - 5 -Fie The owner may take -her b- of ifitoxicatin Itiluors.4" sure of the subsofibee, Jet-fi, in.*,
To Wj,. &WILY y pr-OTIR,- 11 e BoijiMAR. Tan. 1&41 ism
and soon i Hk T AfajeStVS C-01111tY Col rii'- I - - 1: , -1
despite the exertions of0w fire an wufd on,. cf I limn�s ihettfor".'is by- the. -
114� I! property and pating.-charges. issuing of nesent of Goderih. about four Xmfl
e L County FOR -SALF,
S -Abe swith end of the hotel was it, - flamez orth of0ritariov ana C61irt of Col n7! ST.' by-lw L h1wted.`with1n the Tow f
pleas. . arid t6 me directed azai st ili� &A3113 -F14 PAP pro 1p 0 qu=#on =a J3y.LILW. a. ad while heifer, -with s atuon
nw-ether with the American hali in rimr. i�el opy 0:1 Ite
Laudsand tenementsofStie-piti-n.D.Cmirfo Aahfi4ld under a4hority and f6r force. coming lwoefaold lievwjwr
jx�. 11tb
f the Americart o imuce 186 T
'9 - I Lynch Staunto Dowlinjr-and lit ; I
S -ever - "Und floor 0 lioter. block was. n, Enoch C f t1ke'TempL Acv 6f � 186
me Appty.�o I Elee, to PrImm PrOPeM'rj,- MM
S o1vula E �mdersigned qualified -Mun cipal My
OcIlUpied by A. L: chryTer. boot'and shoe, ifilift r t the Isaac - N. H
a d&vere4 at ou a Witness our hinds, this sixteenth of
in tho W -:E- -GRACE- L -to ofthe-Municipalit -the. Township
a lie" ers of
toe Paul Banyan, M - urant, Hoseh rporatio of the- Township -dt 1E 1. ; �
. i I WAIN'TED �,entleman wishesto obtain 'erich Xov--2th.-l8(4- ' : Lw4lawl!) .
ta flig- Co year of.Uur Lord, on It-, G�,= her�by require that- a Poll be
ros- Nocbstelie;A; Straiiss, Loewi Grier- I -have geized and takeri in EX-M-ution all t nrL t, .. a , - - . I
of �Va;4ianosh.
B Rourd'aad Lodging in a' -private flamily sand liandred smd take�a in Jagar 4th, 1865.
nd term$ of theL-Tempenuce Ac,
interest ofthe said deliendants. in' jid:fo� g teru�S
Park Lot No. 15.Lot No.8, and tothe - 12411 'T MU
sbafer. drr g'Godli t and Barthaner, itair drew title a in Goderich.
JOHN -RD0011, hheriff's Shleof LIMAS. Of. 1864. tol determine whether or not
street drt D
L int rwins, Darling*s, billiard. roorna� m rear of*Lot No. 6, Eait'� side -of -Queen Sivial office.' and 8T other is. SCHOOL TEAMMIL.-W"bed iie
meri=. Wl. vrere also burned. The being subdivitionsofP rk in t the L -qualified . Municipai � Elect6ra of the
Lot NO. 4 V114 TUnion %hool;'No. 4� Hwm md Ask.
writ Of said -Municipalit ill adapt
-A T United Counties or? -bY virrue of. a'
buiWisigs. north of the Americlinoliatel, kuown� tare ofPaWer;-South hall oflot.22 Eost- w under �avrthorij-
on, t -and -field, a riy q-10"4
IT Huroit and j3'ruce.?.ALJ Venditiont Exporwas
XD T - I and for enforement of the said am,
IsWenPark- L OHN. CQUE E, -To I F teri Factas. ior re,*W iii, i It- I .
queen Kreetsouth 1 incr A-Fitst or Second Ahm 0ertWwq*j4-
6e, botel alumt 11 &-m� were side of I and k361 Wit Gott o following, 'which *elerabj pro holdii
North Paisley, BMW sued.. dal -of RPf 11iije%ty"i C Queen�q'l the BVAAw '141,
P + ament to
ard-re 15 North side of Camtirtd0 streit.. W51 Clir -
d to beila'wa up bi Mkvor, Faro to West side ofQueen, Street, t ill be *eeived by the. undei- upBench and tome dim -ted azliumitIe lan& Andj pose for theiradoptiou, to wit:
Aum the ring element ad 14 North side ofGam jj: -at 1865. Salar? mot to ixeeed
progrw 9f the' devou to voon. of W�dnexdsy, 1
vals -of intoxicatinir liquors, ani the.
Bqard, AP 0 tenementsofDaniel', -Cauley-,atthesuitoftnel
have sejz�d and taken. in ex- 1:
feet Of t rth, -Se F said mding fUteenses -therefor, -is by the - V"-.
aa� 62C bw proved successfull. . Feum were streel, P�LWer- Worth halt oflot L East )DU �'Febmzr at and dri. 1wlialfof the
Tnex;f i 11ankd Montreal, f Tim
a Ste* of C"iUtharrrptonyAD feet of the --nt*rWned that tite bTock of Widitig own, ecution all Lh- right, tide nd intere�vaf-the
,s n Haranstres orcommon hool Tontees of thk T
b.'. YE No. 4, North- side'of - i I Pasti Areet wo� -but the Twft Of Ll 14fftt- !for the situation of-eiriaor. -for flie - Central Byr-JA-w prohibited within -the Municiipality
South M -Ptah, jotsZL.anCl J6 oil t66 fjorl I'*j& defendant iii and to thesouth �AiM64 T*n ACRES of Lof Ila. -3 2 'Iake bers3l -ion of of tli� Tow.wbip of Wa wran uthati
*nlew of t6 flumda- W bpen- xiayed'.in School. "d also for *e Fast StTeet School. 33audU. in osh under a
ofMarendon street, Southampton - Lot ff earity f0t &0 Flas 32
the towanip ofMorris. in the Vounty or 11aron, and for enforcement jot the Temperance
dn*aian.- Ifieloeiitemimated-st from sideo 'Pa#tieitenderin-triust furnish-�se Road, -Hay-*-
Norfb& Street, Southstuipton, Lots , N O'd Teqo=L rowainitig two hundied acreI4 witit the buildings ty
f -of tim duties (if
22 South side ortbuisa smet, Southamptc n, ill the full peliforsaame thereon; -whicti laudsand tin ntsrAinloffor
Witum our hando this 8isteenth"c* of
4 About 8.3& lait night the UdLoli, Stom. ia therotinty of Bruce; *hich lands and tene- ed)andtheBoard ¬ -bind flxm@&W- to PIR -ST -0 -T- E for sale at mr-offi& in the -Goart '11ouie in the "D\I. JL
works, on Swan stredt., owned by - tel shall offir to- sale at mv offitv the RA LAND Gea, ]3; man tovm of Cojerieh Cn Tueodav, the_ F.�ourfwnjh jan"mnt. Tel3ritifeniLord'OneTkounud
aceept the lowest -tender. be
de TU"-' can -Im
with eon cowt Illative, ip -tb,., To*iif Go the datio -'red' -Urms easy,apply to ihehouiofTwelve ofthe E7ight Handi to swat M1 a Co., togethier A* Schedule a re 4arefFebruaryi2extat ed and Siitr Five.
ere Meta on . application to ibe an&W-gned, 'DSU- elcick. nooO. (Signed,) J
ow - da Ontl . . -
varfiu - MISMA&tal tents, w _Ylh*Tw S(l
�-Eighth day ofFe DOXAZDU oil. RELEAMN
ipw(, Twelve or jbjMLCJ� 10AN MACDONIALD,
tjW P� ff qs T
on.the un, mr be supplied iv*r WA
dr&r of tw-- arid �joer 30 others.
SECOND DESPATCH. true topy. Uri", r
_heria'f "Orn
ft"&La, Jan. 24:&' P. MTjjj. 15-po=)ex DMuty ghtnfi' . 0"
WW -fire Mai .#T
st *e&r-t&. AprRtkh- 1,89*r w 4. -
ran 'ClerX
*"wad tbiv xhmwokov b4wjj6,, up the
S., H-- E