Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-01-31, Page 2"J
ir V
T H- E.7 �S E M.I - W E E-1
lid kind and flattering v astiner in which the toast I as-- one have been instrumental in /Song- by Capt. Ord, I TheMerry Maids of1plause.) Imity-ft4diheexpresionoTs
Ca:ptilill'Itoss fespon ed, itgr that It W3161 our-lake-irtcoustnud irilandiseenerb a top&
all - -ill 0 d had been proposed''tind drunk, If -he bad ingthess improvemente. But, Sir, Brighind.' that anion at otlier matters, the dAnw-wilth
well kitown that it sold er couly4i alwayi fi" ht even our barnyards, to occupy no secon 'dies' respolaed to by R. which the 9 Reciprocity Treaty I '
et I I a a councillor, 'it wAs that pride- inerenses and swells my.- bosom Toast 'The hi
ton 1-0 A% ,at
better %yhen his blood a up, and of course,1 111116ce in the Art Gal leri o of our Provin.-tal been at all succespl7i i
see my entitions areso highly-appee. r, ei on,hyd Dr. Munror wi!I not beoverlooked. Judgip
be Bak of sp�cakiug. Ilei Yen- 1v
ber.. ciatell'bylthe ism-roubdirig community. This umerous Songs and ft6fations 4.1te:
the. saine ml li,'xhibiiionsii tIft-y- inightt bestir -,themselves because lie bad etW stood aloof from all wlidu
-in fillin.-I uR the cUmbill" Couirc!l Chain Ee already. taken placeut Washkigson,
1865. get i Any oil that tile only made bywhich I
q t ari om a �ain detire.'ont
a Outal r
ally' Buccessfitil tioll.
erally looked upon this toast'ps somethint, to. and be eirli, co pany broke up, av;deat y impressie w
, 0 L. who.adopled 1hat reeliu., acies no se fr my I "' * d' ith
GODE910,11. G. W. XA N: 31; Lhe Steam Alludin-ri hallsandstalls with stnialc-and producetitthe He bad n6ver.seen of t L - - - - bejahirglatialt
.1 . . . . 'to' of the people 'the truth he lines, when he si�ytr,
n ar - have tile ilaodi
Nl,r. JUJInStiltiL, t1eL C at u ity of the Treaty. suay be preyvwed,
in London show to cours,e'j ultimately icceisful- .11's -CO 1 iv p t to
to the ad jl� con.
ta,folldw Ili Ouse , B O,�,r upon-.ti)y head f. but frotn�. an "honest I little pleasure now-audahen sentlug I
n-SeeMr. Kerr's Grita'd Trunk advertisement. sdid -Itc! [Ar It] Was -W lat tlligrfit,�) C" 11t:d'a Other CotllltieS and tile Province genei-ally Clerk be shutt"( Cn eay(jr )y o its revision; and reme rin
e it -z b
fidoi0elia of Mi, worthy pr0l, 66tiviction that I.have ende.ayouredto'do,;my
poissitile ill Ilif is relishea by the wisest n.' the treaty concer
it's..,�-ASSiree itt civitivectioti %Yilh ille Ne- feather ued. 9111dier, all (I that Iluron.alld 'Bruce 'a�e not so Me Wesf its deepiv
ithadid, I
ave tlijpt Support of duty.,in ilia in -which nYJL -lot was cast,
ill thiA touht. will come !off c uslont. 6
Connexion MethMist Chilirch after all. (Clicers.). ]it,, -con I urn decesi;or, all& lie' bo:)�d to It. iphere beunwilling to jeopardiza is by. A too
dero-atory 6) his char et r: ug a v0ittleer. t al I hi' -it ii about fourtaeo yeara since I-he-ame 8 Hom. D.-IffeDonalid ols the A4d- adberenci,to thei pun nifidiplow - -
onThurallityeireningnexi. Tickris 26ets. 0 - - tile Board in �the. ati eiplit tti. discharge ctili3s
-ess the hope' that e �liglxt be.-. k 0 Say till"t dur
Soiree will.fir I . kelit ill 1111licites- �%,Ortliy guas,t. is all air tios'raithfully and 04licie Ap�jauk.-,: - resi4ant mliongst id during that -time
1.3wA Temperance eli -Iist,:-iind' if-�e sl ain with :du Y007 all dress..
e Service. altul, louid still rein
ouCof activ Calladialls. 8111)u!d re .1 He I be.r Ao L propose .1 have watched t�e grow'th of the agricultural.
9th -1.8,6& at 6 P. I a e�w6tik
lie' tllitt 11ritaiiii e'luld h:1rdiy spare -inore in thwral. west or return to'his I attv hind Mr. Bishop said I i
-main rL us 0I W to develo*pements of. these Counties -with a de a repo of t i bellf
-The Hullett Council Alinutes w blest, U -ju the language of the health of Me. G A ' ho be was bippy.. The followin a A ffpe
ig -1 mo Id.'any
men to P -q st-thear. in ii strug .1e.- moril V. Jill
than 60,000 a ni'leel) the rooin. grie of interest. Atthat'jime this porti6D or
ioiF had
pow W ow next. ue p ision fl�r th Poet, i re
0:5 -The T6wn Council �proceed, the coulitry-was sparsely '�leiired, but now-,
'6' - (Cbeeis.*
f1l,,s will . nnoune t a e del vie d, by M r 1VIeDonald on the an.
alid - hence the necessit a
otirowndefbiice IV',e-sh6u' not undityrot
a easing ISL
Fridwy!s pape "Goad b go6d.bY, iiiir Warm and hands, but pl egntfast. The broad awe 6 the Addrass.-
Y! - come for ward tmidst- a perfect Plarill $try -w
dtary power of lit' Me Outin wh
the mi. mericwisI slid
11 phritsei olapplailbe. He ilia Led ibie conipany beartily' ac
hav -it One lif-10 horest Riaxon res ich Strdtch.otit on all'sides, and the
"o -We -e to: -clitivi'the indulgenci� of a -y for itbis". court y.10
5 a -ibiolutely ite I he Sta On tdan�of.khe toprcs�adverted tbin ifieSpiech
Po high state of caltivation' to which. t -are ithL a
-be with him til for their kindue4ii an I fluding to Ili@ presence
x4amberofcorres ndo is. They will bw*At ;a a nce hi oidcir Say, God pds, hey
'hi ing di
said Ilia low.11ship bw spiriaLd-with C40W); LANI)i
-teed :'Pre'ller Ant� ofdefe' b n -fit, are chr6ring indiestions.of Ahe im- expressiow D'EPARTMENT OF
I shall be content W ainiple
tended to in our next Aniong thla Scottisli D (011iders.) ro
u oil we l6re. We vice'g, he Was now- o )!is wity to Quebec 1.6 to- of my concurrane-ei'leaving the more ftill-coni
Ao 4114ititain, provernents-"of our Counties, As Well as the Quebec, 10th Janua", I-g6t.
C��There has been no imoortwit, war newil could not go: 611 wi lie s.,mal I force oil paper deavorlojid,�aiive I a! interests o ru sideratiop of they I
6 a e Air' riticip es f`ehd details involy-
OTICE is'llereby 'given that the texV
-had-Ilitherlo. e1ime. when the ral
since- our ISSL Ile i
Mf.*. Adair santr Ca - at' a in, tb Industry ant] -0ei-seviriiince . of our �N ots in the Island
% loul Oil of
We ol�ile �vould -m mored. spoLe at some liangth of I be c P!ospect Thlebtearrs. of
.opW tMF agnifice'ut style and iins-rapturously eric
inviiiiurouji-Autiur kat certain Amitiricartgen� pioneers before whose brawny arm$ the forest ed for III' seve
the Cabinet i presented bodily to Vai of the arm I of it.
-t the overixtrient, shpuld iti -1%1r.:.Sutt3n prdpos6d'. I The Commercial oti.q. *ere shall be
"i-riteveoursi-rialof t,.li4 wdek 'Will heartily suppol ncouragbd 4y-' ilia indicati
IntL -e yielded its Onini Ad out 1eilile,:aoil. -Our in the Judicial lyllittict ot Algcniat,
'rcsls or Huron And' -bo, *er'J aim U
contain - the. fittlest rep`ort�of Go. Council pro- decide to call. out the'? -Brtio -iangeinet ts IQ' to niatter liamen(. Upon one Subject. wev Josephj
f ld
tilt ilia for Arill and e uc;ricullural productione, which a ew years
itfg at r test ng it
a r- beim J,. AVatson Esq..V'Ill response said it llibroughly-...,r0l. tho-asandslare now f ibe I X1.
u�lishmd in the thorouelirpre aration--tchM J merl.j . _ . '. & - unwilling -to remain- sisent. - refer 1i opjmi for iale -on aja d zi ths,
at -hag re IL amo couTd be niimbei*4 by
'in I t' �d 6 *iot
181r."Votus also resli� lit lie said lie had 6The Latfies". was I s orided to. by Me Tomi. subi -of o r tious with the
Mudge's. was Yery proper. that the'toast of Agricultural by millions. (Oheers.) We are often told
en called upon W placed andother United'Staies,and the duty. w 6 devolve -S'
'be unex )ectedly. kild- a rather alid Conimercialluteresis. should unny, plains o :, Fir8t of Iffarch N
.-Mr Gibbons propmed 60qrHost. and Hoste'tzs.-' thattlie cultivatio the nLUS*,6f doin,r wha V
beli-dvid it'was, quite. tave to mitigate the
-MR.- new,in. Ahe -business. He as near to each otherlds possible. no they d I a ill a oure-, in- point 4PO
C016BOIS Mr. -T Dark respohdit d; saying- ir, lie -. had hai Enorlaild am f r dvance son, E
t U applicalflilin &0 -Joseph wil
0110 of know that i ILL d �be othe� Pon sqqirej,
true h& bad. bee-il suce -sfdl'iii drawing ality.they US.11&llLY* why unf64unately pr,6v* iling on I
I re went hand a he would �hi cudeavidred to do of n 'ed we' -*onder
1014er notle VIC cultivation but e ro
FIRX.�-The, 6ra on thi fitrin tit this 1 . .7 1 . - . I side oftheL border. - Of ilie., exist' �f n IC' WII. 1-jmd Sault Ste, Xaria,. At
first �kizes in thu race ;t 1pttery, lint he ivas.. in hand- Anything. that depressed one* also -betiere enre
is SO? - The owners of 'those vast p1aififf in
r -spending one -of the -be no TWI cents gru Aere L
r. r. 0"Nara, from qui a e Uffe6ted the -other; The. Commerce of- this, ver . . I I
townshipL-ireuted. by X te'Willill'- to 8 "eve I I th, Kiliiiit'u�rlder such The compariv, I fle er Melini there clin 6ntv I
a witnessed in Goderich, tile mother country are men of capital abd
U had -'i Buell W flouria,hinry ings ever ailid to,my migid I Ja equally cleartbat
a io I not: been III e ash. and al� Act lor RetalA Aptilavill"k, . 4".
a at. pleasnilteill-eve d
wea as tile - -guest of f ie ev4 .�u�t�,i
M,.,DAkNA1A wasconlint ed bV fird. ' - - .. -0 sun -Auld Lung St -n 1 nnd Ood Save the'Queen, thus nabled to 'bring their hind to the
who *oidd lea them. on t9 t.vlctoi�( 8RQ all s -ate* as it mialithdre reaOicd foe some time, and dispie-itell-quietly atliqid 2 o'clock a. In. - . -this* i6ountry, however latuen-;Auile ana however
- , . a highest state of cultivation: but in land, and tocurredt-timber licimses.
X A_ . . . . I . - - erroneous, is n unnatuiAl. . Pro
-of'thin [Is iirliterj It Would be -haek, but, d '-five-Aa hope that -such� s not the se. Tfie own ' Each ap'ttler will 'be allow
-early on Monday morningr last. Res.ides -thitt*irt era are.striv- ot ii1together.
ed t
fotlrL COW iff ir� 6e serviciii, to thim's would Soo erly to appreciate- the temper of our neig
implements, Ac� bur add absurd for oni so you n-. take it chuntre' for Jhe Ing to surmount' those 4ifficulties which ever four:. hundred acres and--fle 11 1 'gin bf
'fitry,'and ther suppose ourse yesoccupying mow applic . able- to j lot;,of
some other stock iperisha 'in -the As -B-BU EVIELD. a I . law cou efbie have
make a long Speech,- i nd 1 would therefore bi�tter. He had lived amoncisi them for bors, Jet -us their
- I ` a L . . - T- appear in Bettlemeni two
mes. content hisrispit with t izin -ii.j 16m. on behalf and -he could say that it hwd position. Let us faney ourselves citizens ond
- - -hL"_j -' twenty years, ams, although the will, of cultivat- . ".b L 'hundraid, .&a
-insurance on'the prenit- of the Militia for 46ne.� DINNER TO D. L. nut the. me Id'(15 of St Albaftd, for example, res, name a habitabli lion",
on -prospen y.
There was: sonte a or alWays been.-hiti desit4 -to ste the" it
ing their lands as they wbald desire. (Elea-, property o acres cleared, and under
d'muider pe
ien Judge Cooper returnd& ihhnks on behalf ;I LEI WI easing ro -an rDe-
a". The Ere ii ppdsed to ha'Vo be of the couutry -enhanced. by ev ESQ bbery, arson and twen four hitudfij
Su he But, Sir, th"at day is not fiir distant
wrie space
l" I' h. shall be deemed sufficiest for
'he work of an imendiary 0 means. (Appinuse.) trated in our midst by A baxid ffillas
t f the:Aide Company ri 4 ta F.'- of ru
ing the pat'as a criterion fbrjud�iooy the
qla� also d"sp AL.
116Lwished it' bad (Re0otte cjall� f6t.the &oN 0 acres.
The Chairman ilien k. D.. L. Sills, Es responded. He said W iliaj dineiging- from Cau'ada for !be Purpose, and
fallen into abler handE tL 01"'T s . e the -health i" -, to, io -atinou . neemen4 t fatuie hen. ertile plains and'verdant Ic to Canada fpr- abeher. 0 'A. CAN E
119po his object ic comiagy !here was not so much Accord ng , Pr Y us lid fleeing bac, n let FOR. L4
Dinner In. God ' valleys of CAnada - -Will- baffle in production
AC�oinp of the guest. of t--- i D vViD raelves citizens of a-lal:e Owl,
� 1 .011 t!) respond tGi the'totistt-juit proposed as to do fiLrmers of tbd i urrounding'neighborho-od -in quality the boasted. -US Suppose -ou
to D. IL Ritchie E both in quantity and'
�'i - - Clerk- I honor to �orie of Sftitnley's most noble -citizens.
9 R-Mhtie, L qq late Cduniia JL , was ourr Shipping imp6rrilled b.v pirates hailing [sw43 Gt
It 0 . - of thi - -plaiii&6f&Noi-f'ollc'or&Li-ticolushire. -(A,
V 4;It i6e :Ail res ectell in high ap'rdtiatioh e ability, energy
ais . a p P
Out Ila r""VW 1W
A r kppla se..) No doubt r. 41it s c- irmall, there is another
ellity_aHe'r so -Mr
and untiring pers eran 0 of" . Di 1'. Sills P,Ause.) . Me Cha
him for that was a midt6r 1p'ndeistood. Ile inariy long yea of sierivice, should feel proud torchby parties.wboltaie sought 'in Canada.
. I rs
a and bad. hold. onimeTtil n ait of business, en, presented to my vi6v townight. When. -aneutral Hag. I 'sub. A IX -VOD- FARM
Inonost ter6ined scene he prote'ution.of mit
0. C the. defijolistration of ihai uight., It hould� as Q6 co t
- I -, -ast my eyes over this larcre assemblage
-.-announegment, in our many it, zes of trust, A� die Judge had siid -, I (. . 0%
Accolding to the prove avinittilus to -younger men'to be faith. him ai a public di iri&�. which was held in the !bat in eithir case our feeling toward 'the
which I see- ciongregated-'en- of every
lime issu the 'Utaed Counti Council lie *as one aniongrat hose' whou see FOR. SALE,
I the dis- tut in the discharge of duty, ill ordw that, Exchange Hotel; imepfield, onthe eve6ing idicating country which thus become a� hiding; pli
8 an
-liadp. of- p6lit that 'wh the
ch tr,-,#e or duty were. -eadj io.-staind . u 110 ics, it ASO Aer
gm I Complioentmy Dinner iii. Dark's -of Friday, Ja- sequence -common interest of' emq,l)A. -an mng P r in artee. years,- they might feap a similar to. nd base- of operations for ourialiemies. Would 00nUl 7i - .. r nua . the �7th. In cop ndiff
the defence (if tile coil itry when it was 'ward. - (Npplau e..) He' : (m s') i boon lapse froth iiordiaift� into erence,
V -se 0 most a joi
muni " lid weather a, nat" alities, ' :
8 a sq f the, 'verity'. - and -: at" asodiation ot all shade Mi and 'a
Hotel to D. IL Rit:Aic� tsq.- late Cosb. -id-red ill d4tt,,er. - 11 e- us 00- oldeft thoug��f this toust'and that -which �id&ded iind-fromindiffereuce,to BUS Idn
picioug col ess SITUATED on th London Road, ad
ty P sible state tbe�rogds-fbr' a fe w days- -da, these party feelings for the time inust -the Vithitge of
impas eree.
Clark,. an hursday eveninl� last. Al- "'Pal repres :11tative fll s con usBesied,arld it skould go li�ndin -hand,.'as"no doubt they and qualified dislike. - (H -ear.) - Ailid-Aould: Exeter. On the
Thisi there is a goo&
stand in abeyance.. (Applaus is a
after No. h4d etired f`r)m:.f O.Cooncil lie bad. were too4t, initimately, uutited. in rialit�- Hav- pl�evious matly.-at aldishatice ward extremely e see those whom we..ii-neWto be'thieves,
ijeteriniiied upon t le- Position' of � 0 odlit es' Clerk for.14 very desiral)le state of Society, atio artiotig the though the' ovation vm min
fin. spoken -At lar*,e`on the subject at the.* recent Incendiaries, and- murderetraj. lirotected by an Frame Rdwe and -Bam I
lint disappointid being able. to,& a.
his private ano i --unreasopailits. t law -
character e Zte 'ia Fayfleld- -he would. . -n to a great de,,r6e. In eon- 0 A.11 new., A I good well sind a fin youn.-
Pre ant other advantaires of our country it promises
an4d &e session: of Council noihin dilltit-r I i hie application isf.1beforms
to give their aid i i. iciblebrailing the '6ceiYon tliis qualifibatio
d all that time Wi4l uttexcepti6nal-4a. this f
40fillite was aetided.upm until. the Tues-. ul . - " ; .not ttem speeelz ion athere is :`the 'U'rceAudeffi....acy o, a treaty mhich'we
ie wits oil of the oldes ' . pt, to make 4. Ion, I merited 31r, Sills the Par ners' fusion, Mr Chairman. I would state . orchard.., -It ill 'be sold verycesm. T
IS a maoistrate I Occasion, ynd would.'- coutent: hiihae)f with so -Just. y had bariied out in,good faith, annulled by the.
still another cheering sight here presented to land is'of*the best -cl�y lostux Istil well u
ev re those -pireseni. and wish 'Th-osel" 4?WAvee, in tW immediate minor judg6.-w-and thescoull-
ening :befo it',cawc' off hence I lj70a `,, Ile bad s t ' ' J in -Of a
t Ye rd oo. orwar and assis Friend...
]my view, and thifis,. I find deals whose e . tradition We,
i -t- hi rietiremient all tile blessin�s vicinity were. dete lin6d"Itot to- be behind: in with whoininy business bringio me in imme- T�rms made known on application, it by -
ted his brother magist t,.; y every.means. in Rit6hie Mr. not oRly1hose bered..
�Qliiaers ha& little or 64 notice the gate ioleasoll
pite o.0 ra a n
iln- diate -contact, but,a-lmost every profeWtQp sh I -
Id his power,, and it was n bunt, of �il -those -of -peace leli6ry nridlon& -life. 'pro ii�proci In a- f "fremonst neek laoprob. dthat gieter p. o,- or -,the-
event and sliird-rate hote4eeper wou ving they ated the- lettir preopaid. t
valuahle !a U14 he had beel iti.- ouldnot be -very Orofuse-mith our com-
pyblieseryiq Valentihe proposed t ie blealth.of Robt.
k -a o'f t It p�eient Dioner �l , the f the Maion, and felt; it to lid and.c.raft which- adorn our country are Mrs
hare bat splendid' clialaw to extitso vited to. psista p6it'ince 0 premises to
-AVard phinents. nor, for wtimieI very. iocriminating
Gibbons, Esq.., In of. Hdrou afid Bvuce. are I hi,rhly necessary to AXeCONNE14
iheir duty a a -,asure - to ameiable represe -(Hear, hinwiffer-a tA&d-ra`te,- dimer but -as it character ot truest. Or.) was..pl6as6a The tou§t was very warmly received. Wfiled; These. in our cl�toice'of retaliatory weapons, --(Hear,
)or c 11
-ouritryli welfare, but there is o's claeg
ubt t( in tlem, hi is exactly Ex ter.
no do Me l4e themsel-�es ),,ivAo6or-6who honorwas
O:--10 see Mr. Gibbon&* i ad btien chosen' bon keu en, t is
Waa, idite atkolaxwe. and -a its sons. with"thai
whose -honest toil mark
Dar hpar.) Welli
r-neiahborc.bT the Notthern
so many noble faces, att this Board:. M r.. Warden f6r the sav6yt h fline Gd due At eight o look when dinner was Ili 'a ever the e lern -of the potition of �u
Su 1-i brow I mb -cannot f6',.,,n
proved kitaself fiol equal -40 the -OCC-2- Kiiiiihie i boa a 84.tisfied t but he was Spared him lie intended to fill Lhe:dutie& of his announced, James p.Tominemi States, slid therefore.], foe one,
nbui ch
av" I
indugtrv.qnd whose represetUatins assembled
hL n: .1 knew him, iid lie oflice to the bt-st of his'ability, altliough he f1jr. 6 at, the. ebullitions of- we have
Id i . esleeni all wl surpris
I -took the -chair, SLIP- ior for my Special effo
13S. mei'of Ttickeral a to ni"Ilt. o -me hot its
trust0d'he would ioll& witue ed,',ncr jude uncharit4b] he motiveR
iv eidoy fl*u*ts couid not help feoling that th"re were otherb t air behalf, Which I think J 58 y t III
lie, of -the a- the bulwar
lit a th potted Gin -his rigbi �y 9 -evep-- 11,
The Dinner was lai(I a e. lar,(,,e* (if hislAbor and if lie around ' 'the _Coulicil Board, much: better. and purposes ;A a policy . Cyltich 'causes some.
jow career' o4'alltherest. f-thesrormsof-adve�siv fill
did. not crime back ill tl d bapitei ty he ho ped (jualified -for. the-.-Ousition than lie kw 62 R.. Bl and'11 WIR allally. E qrs., on the lo'ss and Much incotive 0
Dising-Room of the RrilEih Exchay�ft' a -sails of this.class the- oteers:-wre rtfirow�m iiieuce t the Province.
-he would appE r t the Btiard of-Aud. V oic'es; - I �No l.'.N o- 1") He.haid come here a -lefCby Dr. Monro .8. John,, 'Esq., Ed- 'But may we not now filvito our nei,flsbors.W
Ll 6 a
at least, 'y -wit
H*W, which -tafillefultv decorated --�te h-
fle*ould- no.w Pl. 1ho health of our u ion the 6'siaei. and in some degreeALtnend; their Very. young man -and- a very poor -one, and ard Bri-ra, sq ice4h -ir 0 Lt I without-& rudder' rec n
ire spipie U W. . -E ' fi�rst v a and- A.
chie, itidment? Grant, that --.they have been pro- DERS addres3ed tis
T'Genteral, will be receive -owl".
fw the occasi -2nd" al to alll*ho- G eat, D H. 7 Itit E�q. 'been nabled td-.V)oyk hituself-6p int - I I-
0 ' Torr, Esq., Second' -.way. The words- of the ..poet
tee -chair., Amoii.,st-tfie t( vu -that he fe - , . 0
was re L -ning �.positibn use)
d with de -0, it 'proud7.Qf, (App!a voked into a misunderstandin of our attitude 4 t Qu
W= present ir doubt6 ajise. when we state -.The� loiast We te to thi --ciass of occlety rant that there is ishow - 0 pla, usibity'in
of gentlemen preient*e A ed Capt. Ord, 1�1�1 noon, on
cheers add was dran wilh a, a ilia h and he could a --a* them that the welfare s : .. . . . . a Oth Mareh,
er, was' end of he 'best - v . i - - .
that, the &W hese Couljtie� -A.- Strong 1 r. P-- -McDonald,- Mr. J. Me..
; sh.buld Miswayi be the'deaTestl of -1 - 11 - . . I I . .. . leir' misappre.hension o) . ur position, stl
r. 11-itchie In re3pC s6.� said,.4r. Ch.airmano .1. -it F �Yi
cooked,, beit siezved and best got up gen-. wish of hii heart. (Cheers.) H� h6ped to Donald. -itle. U. -Mr.- j.. Luidlay!, Proud ships may hold both. silver and havemistindiii-stood asrstill heir re i-
re- utory poiley Proc isapprelieusic F h veyanco 'of Her Vice,Chairm6n,aiid G n4lenlen, I yon tal
old crally that hAw ever been- seen in Gode- -sce the day iihen;11%e YorK 11114'Peel eecfs upidn ia.m. ie onort ;reop'eoos'e'd Contract foribur yearlh rice
-my sincere-thailk fdr th _�rd, �' �.A. X Riehardso Me of our-resoives and &swes. For thou,-, th
turn e very flatterillir The producs o lore �n strand h tl
000 or $25- 000 wbitill p i all their indebted
ri& We have attiaided pablic f1basts, in and. complimentary III anne-In which oore of Hamilto yl, r. Lloyd' of . Bo3ton er w ek each
I -. P 1 9
oa( But ships would ad- e Way.
- t
he toast ness. 1 Cheats.) He would 'most all be valu, 'not ight.of asylum which Brivain mar
had -been -proposed by Mr. 1-tibbons and.ri. Ale Clw Ali. r.. J, J eelyn� r -on
Hamil. A -e' -0
torontoll- ton, mn for i manner IV4re there;n -ro
tke first. Hotieli of I erely thank-thi lie' ki e to til t he land." politicadrellapes hai beendandalously abus- ETWEENSERNS&KIPTSW
pos It is inde
vedby the ciiipany.l ed �mfyst n hich. hi's I;ea th ild' be�e'n'drunZ -Dicli 14r. Murd6;c r. J. Brdadfootf. W. ed -b -we assert W �y men holditi.4. or pretendin,
itive to fro
Again .1 must thank you for he. high tribute in t lie Ist April next. Conveyance
Zdkiille, U, big afteir -SeiVi lie, l'i 11 h )'a Mr;- Natson propus-d the' -lieuifth. Of the R. M. -CaKtnoy, Mr.4.11attenburyi.arid about commi-qsi,oGs from� the Confederate govorti-.
tip be mAde on horsebce'k or otherwse. 6w'of theft,,isurgassed, if, indeed,.- trict, Couticill and in , he.� Cciuntv...Ciotincil as ofmpect you have -paid -me. Air. 08ills took af actS:'-.huve
.. I .. . -County officers. (Cheers,- -and.' y of the 'most piiominent farmers. pro- ment, I am. -colifident ill ifile Mails to leave BERNE,eery Wednes-
Mr. - - 1 -his seat amids rbilinds of lip p a, sht4red, liy
-Ueever. and afterward4 CleikIfor twentv years They are. ?ig9t -never be6'n appi4idd, much less
J Darko�
equalA that which did' yla a Ahe com-
n Pr it t Good, iiiiy. lid rdayst 12. soon, andis
'ha J U-d,.,e eooper' rose to 170 fenikpnal me' an&m. chants'of the surround. par
to be rec--ived-asl by this ty -rising to their and ainrin He -i
9.64,biat biurin- a he Canadian piDole.. (Hear, hear, fro Kililien at 2 p. m4
Muck 4credik 'on Thursday bight. Thd P.
Jar,_ reap c. ble�` body of.g wnships- Ou!r w :pro. a ri
ire simid highly- clitle to the noise and tile irreldvant-rern orthy, ost -had i,rhi -rood fellow'� &a.. ift Stich a-, manner miious quarter; differences. of . Returnin -Ieav-e KIPPEN at 3 p. In' . ud
arks sh In 10 i ),.'Or cour�e
ntiments of the
following is a transcript of Ahe handsome men,.' A great many e an iis taken place
that fully indicated. that the se
-A'out by-diffrerem pa-tiesi we could not' ateh-- vided a full suppl�' of the trood thinc,4 of life' exist amonrst:; re-,ard to -rne at 5 p.m.. .-Serving theliast
since the time when I rs J ifie'Distric V on'? opintori arrive at.
-vateto -e the s6ritinituits of each individual �ila Bt
h jue3t foand beside nwe4 if, 115 merils ita conduct, and
biaof-pte whkk ew tjie learii�d'gt-titleinaiiA.reitisi-lvs. -f6.- his cruests whieh. they partook of,with a a. OrILT, office- at HILLSGREEM ec`h way.
e, present. i's The Satui differences -exist
te a. F
a U) I said eint
'very grea oluinin furibir iofste4
kit ilato Council. The po of R4 vei re not so S. Polloc Eiq., bein e'lled. 0' will, thes&ea ed notice a
then as POW. PL6 wer of el i . Ferguson os It reed letters of -a U
a . d.r crtA t
ectin it, 0 -Mr - then r a 0.
he could not idlow the oceusion to paqs with-�- -ixon lion-asto conditiobs f proposed* Comrdc�
notre t �Vlt --the 1) --of his fitnew apolbay from. F. W. -Thomas, Esq., Bo M., amo4gst the :pe - ople f tb States beru-
BCLL OF FAR& thd Warden did Aheni v- and'showed'evidehee OF
_go . Otit Saylll;f it word or Iwo. �Sh' riff M.&Dori Selve.: and* tire. -therelldie not it cause
aid may bLeSeen, an -d blank foruis -of Tender may
ernment.44ainincr- t114 t N r to. tuake' III#-- ie pi�blic' In fac�t ever roWn. AttorneY, quar6d. "t 11�uae can. bear witnesi. .0 . U
fLEP WOW �2 -
R0 d have beli 'there * he belio%vd, - had -it. I's A cateter to ti. and ITa Lewis; Esq County, C
Not only� th arden but the to attend- -oni' of
selectii)n# I ntiti-that, the w re- unble Ki Lot; and Also at the -,office of 6
Turikey-Celery Iivhg.-,was-in perfect.'Pr6fudi Which were as f*o-*Iows-- -* � r
f-Carr'ots. �Gi not been for the inclemency ol ilia --I omi,4rorn 'the. noble regp that ft -one end f-Canain. to theother 'but
Rousicl of Beef r t a i � - - . . . - lip
-t2.. L "- Ile bad been ulidtir the A feellfrig, exists in reference to, the pioceed-
freasure' wai. under i er o - f the,rovern' eriff -bar.
t roast -6f beef and -ki�s
iace-. fo�. a number I tui Ati4n to' the dellbte
f eiv, patronage that
fUSL (-.nde 7-- mii&ht be permitted -to. say I. at GOIXERIgH, Jan.. 27th, 1863. ings which re ii source e6injA'aint, and but IFFINLI" ment,- and it W of yeats, :and h
rem *t e. Co-inty Clerk 4S.of.Nk*m-Caper$auce.- Beer Tongue. - E I . . sardinir Wines,- 'Brandiesi Alei in. GILBERTGR
he was appointeL .-he f tbe S�heriff] hi�;h- a position a. one determination in ref6rlinl'�e
-The-viole t which has to the midn
Pott Offift I
ZXT1tICZSi' Dr-,tn gin 11 in
wasnoi elected by th! As ully�. nian I b stoi P
it the Cuttuties. Thev Would it undan prevailtd for the past three dars bus iuXer- tenance of peaceful relation� wi.1,tbe govern Salmi of Dae1r, Fricasseed Chicken Ron& �Vqre �reconimended bitiue br the 110. 111L - 0
gree With hina that hare � was ore im-- Oil lhi-re iloval.'oflha -cloth, the chairman foied with tit ; so merit -and people of the U. Stittet, Allclasses
e fitisiness of ilia* Rank -tdL udon, W., Jan, 1 1-866
Council,',and m6lit
iTurriedChicken. out of* t6 iheG6%-ern P;lf tialL ill Canda agree.upon this point -'that whilst wl
man -in the discharge of his.cNties.-' before. proposing, the usual loy�d t reat art exient that I -Shalt -be preclu&d
selected vne.-The S V Y o r -.oasts,. pasa,
ROAST', tIT .9 selected by bear.] And- lie. had ;in op' i - f be -ivpn we frive- -.8helter to- refu,�dest, t-liey shall be
portunity o Ptsd persons _from being present at the Dinner to
the Warden. he pore of the Council in. ed a. lilgh en -Qmu;m upon many a SAJUE4
saidee or tutton, Tdikey linowitkgr that 'his desire. was- to benelit thli. It- wo liave mada to. respect lbe.ob, ations coliaLCquetit
the war. of raisin- nione... reiiqt. the saitio ivho liyTtheir-perse.%-prancii and enterpiise hail this evenipg in your bi�inor.. uld.' uponhositality; that whilst �v� reinain rm i!l,
Chickens, community as f'a' r as his p9siton would enabie fforded' me vleasu�e- to have addPd noy testit fi
We, iraised thems6l�es to the highest positions ill chwea tothe British flair, so far from
as at present. cou�ld. ot,ev get prilitil" %. . t --
pie Lim to do. a qn� - intelli-ent eti- our au t.
-bui the' h le sfate. ofaffirs sin- a ivell-merited "a. r'ry, .- o --
G000e-Ap Sanee" L V6 C H. the* means lileVand. c0liel'tidet) �y,Pas. in to t utitiritur en6 ' ke at 'ruptu I% IN done for credit of m im, hundreds peaple- f�ocn ruin- I tseekiiig to provo r �w I
VZGETAZLZS� for his correctness so amp.y
terprise and unva -e the United
has been chan,red so C omple tely tti. rdu call on the goest, (if I ie ieveninL
BoRed Potatoes, Cab -).-!-and it "aa iniposs.ible that A more. 6har clerized in -your business relations afid States, we will do'all. that is Ltompatible with rVHE; undersigned oMrs.for- sale the following -
ow travel- from one: a it 1of ie uni'Y" to the w eliterpristrig spiri.4 uprur itnesi- of chaiacter a pur duty'as B a to preserve, :
A y mail szm, situated on the Gravel Itutalm
. indomitable 'Presery imply peaceful, but cordial relations With the -Towaship at 1XI;twanosh.
Co w-ut h could fill the olfije'.* lie [Mr P.] of Nviliell I haie bactfavorable- Opportunity to ritisly 66ject, not piem.'
rid dealinsrs, and. ilia
Turnipail ther without meetingk vi-itt. an. obstruction. beliee that, when an -oil -cer - co'ujd uot for nt �opiaion from our large and
-tit lie believed that r.
Beets. The- Warden. hag kindly fe 6red to my serri and declareO;ih - in a compete
clia�.-ebisd'uti'esfaiihftiliy�atid-eflicietitlyhe. , I � . - . M- tFe States itidividualli, and with the. govern.
11 y - - a numerous transactions for the last yiar. I Wifain U Mes of Go-doield,
deS m inagrisir Sills -niorl fully' etxjmed t4q confidence bf Lh
ate.. lie �sa A quite truly merit at 'Washingtott- For my part, I trust
PASTIkT, should nt.once esign. (RearI hear.1 s' thit the agricultural. ining 10D at -rev, - 50 of whict a littitaltingstthe,ol4csi-i fairashe wasconcerned lip faxiningcommuill tiari tiny co"ImprCial, in� ani pleased, also., to see -ess, will -conla . prer re z arn
Peach Ta;rtI. Trifle, 0 . I Of your Widely a . xtended district thafthe. unh in pr6gi
dividual iti tfie�counly of'lfur6n. that It Unibn =a good me House, young orrh&Td-
Plum F addinay of-th& Peace. and I ce rtainly. make Ili' b Le was UPPY war, vel 04 tilt, pises there is of Solid Frame B
-Minv& pieI Raspberry Tarf, Tartle Sheriif) had distliai,,i�d his ofierot vidue' of havin ill the restoration of -the pearance. at the Bo4rd 4 Andiu.' I did go a dwies' fally entitledL,to. th iappellatibu thefrmera' are. all ve' to the a man'.of evelltuata Fra
ap reek runit'.14 Through iffilrr
W1. -;fixet U benefit to We mpleiwaa it was before the war began,, at
kpoa Ple): PluntTart.: th sati-, ibli t hilielf and- bi A -good
-ude throu ,68sionqailedfortli-aien. your enter rise aroongst them, and �that they itsolidated, and 4trenfithened by Apply to
when it WaSL not 8,03- e frten.4 (which e p puritied, 6o far,
tb t gh the. public. [Cheers.j have ialied an oppor un* lie
MadeiraJellies,, Alniond Blanc Man t Ity- to ilia polic HUGH MCLUALTRj,
whei icimistances are dif ui e burst of applai.0.
Johnston i thir recogynnion �jo you
mud, and no* w �c'. Huh Eiq.. responded h1tirman J 0 f r merit and the the contest :irought hiph I it have Lot -3, 4th e6in
py to att6ndi- alt hou the - L pose 1 believe that in thii-consuvaniation
ZItTL fer�ut 1 shalt be 1'"' . also, L � 6 n pro d the
DE218 iap h The c ass'd.
every -one thankip., the company for the liortor done identity of your interests With theirs, a 30,1X5. wl�
Pound Cake CelL my presenctf may not` leas 58 her)'. human
Almonds ip fficial'. He-cuiiiriL�t�d�tli�-!pfes,.�nt.stateof (G64 ble ire involved iiiiierems near and dearto
7 , th em. Lain �qurs truly OTICE,Came into enclowire PrOw
t as,,ure ott, getitlemeo, the. ovation of' a Son the Nat'01nal Anth - 11 -
so a world- over, and .1. -should indeed
11ce a -the iest F. V OLF EASTAN THOMAS.
Kpples. y i rid �rin�---4ss Of Wtiles alld� D. L.Sills- Esq subscriber. W o 1, eon. -3rd, Ttieker-
Sponve Cake, Walnuts, to n _h mpoiftics with the time when he could hardl-v-
Raial worth a for. Pr dipjare the occurrence of any -contingency, N
ors. h6ni '0 to a tea-pattyL -6 cr
with6u ad by of - the Royai-Yahily 'Son u
ti%Lle' shal_ i's 'go and -oraiffied at C3, R 16 Brit- -e he.
1;iqu I iud6ed t beilig charg _Smith, two.w�iite steers, one Year ap of . Signal.Q�- Globe. 'With'-flavini, beein' calculated event tompQrurily pla. owners are r"
itner 'i P Lve been an- talli
the very kind 6A a 4h I the r, a uested to prove projiertyp par
. A British I Gimpire 'and the. American Vnionin- hirges and. take them away.
Afterthe numerous guests had satisfied at OIL in some p6litidal intr'i-rue. Governor- Wneral.4ontr- b
themimlyips that. -the. bili -of' f honoed by this Cqlllp�ny 0: are 1 0 (L It lei y M r'. C0rXTYCii9OwX-,A�TT0RXZY'5 CleFICE, antagoaiim. �Tbe two malions rs pi,6perly AL6X,. AlcDONAL
are represented -h
t e repreientafi-ves: ot the .1 rgest and 'finest Mr.. Ross, madeoup of his usual - neat and 'Clarke, 'Thefineo�dlrish.Gentletnafi2 Tuckeramilli,,lan. 30p 1106.' --4wl*
'for appeasing the Mott Goderiebi Jam 25tb, 186 frietili and I trust that we in Cinadt will
The chdi rmll
all- that was desirable pointituency in IL Ovn . [Cheers.] I quiet littleL speeches, which,, by this way,,- are 13 t eln-iproposed il The'Army ar Sills- r T omas- (Mansigil miny OST. -A promi ty to for gim Itundred
he P� -My Dei M,.. .0 of never by I -act of oMiSojon eom(nissiop
-�rltaim ' cou with it.
-removed rermt very much .014t I is and!Navyf-Grea ri
Ot'L express my receivedl.
rrai wn Jhn Thoultsm
around. ee as al lie ve e . unteer.fd W Canada. -Io . your 4,
-gsl iW - a and ih -Vol BLink M I an.'afflance to.vitally In-
ispicurew appetite,' the. cloth was f lino betterthaii-V .- . -i optegal)-and myself had u aed' to imP6 ' 'affacting our-'
6 but POU will Dr. MeDou ll 0 lipis. - Entertaining these views,
mW we had Via �pport�uity to look Ire down Dinner at Brucelield. erests and7 bc in favorot-John
Deputy Beeves- of the. County of Btice,�- Chpit.- Ord, in a �ai and telling speech.4e. 3ence (through anow-stbrims) us'willedit -I need not Say d
-please accept the will for t dead And allo*, . I . 111 a
add discover wbo was preient. Mir. RitchifL t1at I h.esitily� approve of the the satai -ple it, "osived
me., to'resume my sea (Cheeri.) I thanks.! erred to various
t1wguest ol� ilia. isveni wagi in the seat of. otherwise. teps tacen by our ExecutiVe in revatA to. full0lue for ito
b ark$ Mr- Ite ie J"ames Brocelbank, Esq., Pro. lVard ritiih Army slid Navy very Marh
of t f 19 OHN wvm�
aAt the iiouch, on,6 I en, 'achievements
U egret -I; but -to find the people thse interfiational difficultiesi, and 'that: I
at the ceniraL"of tite table r W
ady to recagnise vour energy, shall 38 heartily austitin any mealifu at -Tu kersmith, Jan �Ojll[865,
onor nnin- as. loudl applauded rsnoaded.' He -thanked't hose present forthe of the very excelk a t iseiplineli of the careful
I? . - of uron re re th b
Mr. Gjbs
.very kiad way in hick they -had - drunk the 1.0 werq always provided
rou the head of -the room. 'On his -Tight Son,, in splendid'st le on., talents and enterprise in So becoming a man. Ma5 be- proposed during theSe ANTED,�A -nilirried man to work as a
set Dr. McDougall and A liew th of the PWeves of Bruce. He bit one for. Stated' as t had diays' been -an fanit 0n6 WjtfWUt Ohi;dren
ner. Tfusting that yon.and your friends.will to. ency to prevent compifeatibins; 1 slid' to,
'feassure car neighbors as- Wthe wishes and Aably on lot,13 St
t. Gibbonsi ho 9
X I he Vide-Chairmarii P 'OF. Dsed the Agricul, f�l -up to,. as an have a ko6d.gutheringt
Ross. Esq., on r I ing, present to do .1 armi- t hat- could e r e looked
tha left Bob -.Esqe, Warden, w ho tural Interest -of- Caraid. Baiill-'-16 Comin' -t.great pleasure la be' -skill-' hp felt quite 00noession, �Wborne.
figirto one whoru'be, with tinny of the example of. brjiv d 18m, trul intintions of Canada' towards therit- 401 thro, tfie Rye.!' �
actedasch9ruian, Xames, Broicel4fin ; . other Reeves (f*bee* i is erbe Zoitia d-' ready abd WIS.
ir, Wur� of Bruce- ba n connected' spie -that they wo
George �iproatj Es real s'. IRA LIE
tit -go fort
ilien of' B and aines- Watson, Esq., Withsolona.- ill Mr. Ritchi6 they had always. willing to t -d battle. for' iheir- T-rup
cet - I . 1 0 - I . -0 D. L. Sillsf Esq-, efield.
d, And. Queen and countr v
M' Chairmannd e thmen,- Lam aston. felt that thy possessed a warm fri3n, eir sertices-
mt. Amonat those presen' we noticed r.
It . I - The Vice-chairman then rose, find' a
ColiniieS iahi6d that -1 p a they cou with him -without fter�lled u a .o res'-iond L&,tlli ld not' now part were 'realpired. . et pa"ing'a,high euldiry
tho members of. the council witli toast when Isee 6 -regret.' hinialit be�true upon Me -dan -compliment.ibg the party * and biiefly Stating
mail oig guns - around feelin4rs of sincere the et 10 ada., he con-
h4r&_V as. exception, His Honor Ju4--e thqobject'for which they had -6avoned,'Ite
ill- board a t
Cooper, H. McDerniotti, FAq-�,. S. iPoilock, 'a fiut sirl I there that the Reeires of Bruce1fad - not been ibld ctuded by. propo! iog to sind I Thai B
c -a . -dpbri.Mr. Jocelyn for a Song entitled -
settle. White-aud-Blue,. *11 ch he iscomp'lished in
'*room for towenty tolre 4 to,, strid What. io. make much progress. towards the led
Fjq., Augi Johnsto I.F.Tom' Esq., ngstanding d.iffie a, vv - cipitsil- style. 10 1 retired &midst -mucfi the Pilot which he San,., in splendid styli. i
everel am deficient ill.% t willbe made It Went of 16 ultio - . r. - I The Viceichair 'neXtL pro,'
Hugh. Cameron, FAq., Prinoijitt of the Conio P ed7lbe -_toast
Invir A -ouni applause. P(W -0ilderich, W. MacL tol. el far 'also true that in material progrgsa, the C was
non Schools, --tri Esq., r �ed not. trAv y
by those; who .. materiitl en'ugh-. for --a few as'avancint, as y as ny� en*ose and said he w4hed
b nI e. Proy- a
1110. Win. Young, Esqq ofCol. abroad t' rapidl n Ah. 'The Chairm n t Canods our Home' which I Esq.1 spooded to by- Mr.. Vater McDonald, and
it bid devolved
renifarks - ofi-the progress o. Agriculture in ince. LCheers-3 some- ane -.1111111ore able
-gave I tau Mau
�apeter Adam re yott that I -exciedingl
borne. son, FA.q-,-.*Cos-- Clerk I these �uited cotinties.When we taket's cursory J - Gillies, Esq.0 of Eldirslie it thaii himself to p�se'tlie tout he was 7 regret
Gsoi.-Gould� Ew�,..Pro. Clark,-Braeo, . ud. - will preclude me -from
jr"� i ant -of spac'e..
th 606r, it i0be orthy and m1ti that w
pany numlbW glance, bdck to the yeIr 82 T. we -'see thi�t my hini gre*t. p!easure to attend the presem� diii about Ch many othergentlemen, the-com d1jar, and our ner. c g it; but in - justice, to Mr. -McDonald, I
ia an about ej 4 natnesa is prout, IV Mr. Bit' hie had been -greatly edlogized -respected Guest. el ha -known -Mr. Sills 9.1"R
- - -k Is ., -. f be. must say'lie haldled the subject -in 'a.
worthy Sheriff stArte0rcin he Wilmot line but ot, too much. . He had discharj6d' hi's- since first it real 11" t Is
. - - - . . -in' a inastiorly'-ifmatiner: as to. fully convince all
The .1stand 2ad Viikhairs wer6 occupied pay aithfully and it w6ulit be ii�mrati- Village. of-- Bruce -,I tb
and cat their I he the unbroken duties ingiat f. -1 at I his rel'
that thus &r. his oratorical AN
�'by Messrs. Adamson, and Sutton. co e.. 9 commun ty he had present-
7�res� to *the moth -f tie aii1andf on the tude not to ie Ka ze them in aome`�Lblic tiona.wich he. fa !era
raft,Baud w tationed cations. are of the first- I lie re
The Goderich B' shore -of Lake Huron .. at d re.: raised the way. . (Hear, hear.) Dr _F mid OR AN AR& unfortuhatel or the 'interests of the P of Alo &LG0W.
eve�r pr imself a friend indeed. y f IV 1164"M
-rate servic6 dur.. 66t rude e Judge Cool surt was tba. bw w'ad held, in the' -highest perfect 6rat of applauM ts of
sha which in -the -P kess of Cana-. There WIL6 Ift4y watit,
tU Orchestra, and didArat nty oii t a per wows.ed the OUSBI and ortina"li for the interes
thi- isventaii the pieces perforiped so da, which was re'so;nded, to by Mr. W. Le esteem *Iierever k . mown; A-kongby the guestof the evening
ihort space. of one thi 11 -century. a popul- and no mat -
no les# in ty thousand - inhabi. Cox of the SignW. er whether.. in ptib 1 0
itiblybeirtZ neitiber'too lolaff lod Waterloo.,
n6rtoo, d,*
ation. of or private aftirs be.had- for Such Ant ocession.0 a . im, as their cil -They Were. �fopirsed. health of the shewn- himself libro .- man in Next toa st,that.folloxed, AThe Educational
tant�, CI lint I eat. Me Sitton tigh1onest. I I
Intereais of Cinada whiih 'was very- le;n -AN -uOE
Me priaciple-��An&he sure that Mr.
The Chairmilt pris sed - - 5 1 BO
po, in succession the the-p-.ecursors Of o miev ng here to -night, Reeves. and Deputy -Reeves* of t1aron. edly responded to 4Y.D.r." Munro of' Br . . : . enstomary loyal toasts, of the; QaeeuI Prince and if ever there is , al picnieer - dinner n G ibboni gracefully acknowledged, t4e' co7m;. looking-, back, upon al ast commere
ial career _deponati of
pli eld. aim 111. M some-ininner -it a . det i ed, the tram it WaleN and Governor General is cupy' mem� 6
of *111 of -which these Coutities, these gi 64,en) 6, shbuld oc would 'find aging satisfaction for
w 00ts'; aft 'hich ihoula hA'r8'bM-daV*N4A6.
men reiteied with marked denioustratious of no tneaa seats at tha;, board. It must be roat prop6ted odr Manufacturing him tbi kno 'that it orts .*ere appreciated a The Old -Shoes
It ip oug by Tlids. �kC� 001 �S+j
cases- of 0 d,
erulng-pu I he Vi here about the 22nd or -23
ffradfyin to them �zh �m Va sing throu IntiaMts acknowl'id- d by- Xr.T. -Oak Tree..' the Aailway -Station rid Deiildmber IMt and so it is no* kt&
which as e by a -dese 1-. Re would . I
gh. this T ce-chairman th the tout 1, 0
Ili . 4 -Guest of: - en gar in the 8 -for -the- denription therein, they will be at
'Tim -'Army' and� 9xvi,l-i(choers., Band.. �Iie. countr to see Gibson burboi -to it +ealth'of t eason Add'
t hu an 0 orgy with Pose a he 0 ed
Re; the eVenifig, D. 1. -�illsi- &q. - The toast *'the Land we- lef4 apt with the -name
G&d WhitAL strA B11,1192 divine assistance ice mplish. W6en. r Brocelb"k 'proposed the Bar. iffice -order tQ Mf&e of them Woft
R. Ferguson. 'site
fine cut irsto farm- ii com� spouse humorous by Mr.McDermott. was reftiied with- rda. e. .'Song, -of Mr..
Sargiumt JohrAton. responded. He L si d be they ee the. 3 A ods of applaus
I &C. . . Mr.' Ferguson in his ustial masterly A'nd
ProfesAod Wcknowled;eoin a -For he is a Fight. j6Lod fello
proce din artkasen . felt to his the 'honor ot returning tdrtable -homeisaeac& a Medical
PY � To supp ating the rod Wi
thanl[a fQr� tb& niatnerL in Iftet.
forcibWatire, Wed to draw large de- lutes g, P Woldid -do WeH .90 tO Aw
whi& the toast had khantlez-our. ruing, t was lid 'Villages, fuill very Sensible speech y Dr WDoucral lb r. Bills- rose�(redewed- Agpl�ause)- and
N ory�. an L a
besim drallik by thst �wfederatianii ti might -oftheatir and bustJ4 of -ici -;-our Shipping- Interests ot. Aued --and. biuce.- add- Mr'. Chzirnian,�. Vice' hairman- and ductiolisfrom English bi.t d bowed
mons that CahrAs' could derive We would also no
1 the len�kh and' Response by Capt X McGre ordina take th" Ifskmas ftt 611115.
slay_(6ughti� Upplillige') He. trusted avol ' rowb, travarsi� Gentlemen, it is Ir ry fetilings.of Ate various"le u ailport ity �tinf ing v
ore fidin-1-the ex*ibnc6 of - her tiocestors, and
present loved and reveired their breadth of the county -our milroad with -the M.r AdaInson propoiled. health- of Mr- I rise o retUrn you -my sincere order ior our SPRING STOCK is,now in the -hands of the Manufacbms, and Vot-
one erizid by seople- of
lifter aerrb mtion- charaCtL
-Pipir-, one. ot the -most respected members of thank& for the ent us Jit which
110bre queent aitit ihs. 6S u*der whick they'. iroallorse groaning u ide'r L4e load of reduce iastionianner . f on or about e1_&t of 31afth we will be reso to Wait UP01111 AM With -A or my health wait drailik tiy this leirge sminbly ion, elegance of dicticn. sabliUlItYL 01.
iond- - merry is
r of war- and -or whioling along M ith i- it,� imaginst
the Counti Council, (Cheors.),
Amidst the -a plaue Goods sack as tNey have never had presenUd to thdmvie.w in gOO4 OW -994W& %will.
'sentimentL he Sat down
1 C�t hav*'Peace. He also alluda�- Ir'll he &lid our tele. Mi Piper &iot6d us with otte of his admi. the bione. and- 41 p
will 'excursionist& to ol sinew of,".out country. - ButI ir,
e. f�
*:'a to -the - h flasting " U asago of *eat or woo nble" sonq. min let heie is a sons&- of the "ambled multitud
_p pinion be ea rtained of M gle.4 with thi Aiiigare t
Then folfowe& a song -by Capt. Ord and
titled: 'A adA TH OF, 8 it sppew=m ofthe Aifierican in ding of. -a eye': ftom- Shore to Ar W posed the.. health of Mrs don of pain caused ss OF -6 ODERICH soldiers, itreitwini 6yi my inability. tq expre
Mr. S . John en
aim Ul isin tbuit. Tills gia!ant Sergeant� shore - of " viiist tine the winuat be Ritchie. gratitudeti'as-4 faml� would dbsire.-.. -This t TO: THE
filld �witi *at t. -What has Song br., the company, I hereli*&-health to. tributsii6f Your. h, of ray past The Vic"hair then gave The
bui hi a 4ppitabiktibin
8VV9"lt6psWe sivilho W-Iiipentlo �wt is air, b V_ road lbuies.- 'eifforts among you redly tural Interestff of.Cansdar" *1eh -Vall abl
yean plished t�'e energy -and will prompt the thairlm fr fie, 4 OM ep"VMS tA VOt
Mt -James' McDona 'We owe our bat afid sincere ir apprMation
tL? Although We have ct -the compliment t
roft 6 , rioulturi 'detiii n
in:Lt responded to by
of Va We !athe Adidilt waik and bad seen Me Witchie stoknolirledge,, o tho'ke more . iiI dd e0bru fisture in'furniahing ftlU With &a a
muff a the I . I. I i noillor.of Tuckeremith. their wishes
sei-vice. Should uvbist not t -ol a. of h rvia-,' or Nova Scotia I rs Ritchie, - saying that; sliuch, o' f this to bi' a greater rVice-1han I have been i COu
British, Artay that pai a to the agnt -next toast The Commere
ada1w Amly Minister's eyes glisten little sucom his. dL the*mt, The ial Ititirests aim will be to �1" thein.
made -our Fifiafi c met with- ia life should auttliral and, qn0marcial
d 11, our' t et .0 le. thL e di--' -to her hearty co ton, fed - of Canada,' which was iespoinded to in a neat
ol n r duri feet - Sir,'whin
V"Wil 41100i"t 14piallatiall f�r lot- wo have gold Ilia be attributed opersit'" intemis of these I �i � Counties."
echanica'of these. peec propose Secoidi Es
It the'f Me Gillies i; in a ni�at s d thi� I- look back'. to "ad appropriate manner by J.B
tic. armers ad this time 'wheu,I becam
qM Vo[untillerff- glad Militist. of le f -them -health of Mr.-Adaizusain the iiiew Counties I 'd tracq up tile improve;
I unli" won"d follol t oCitedam6ng you an
.Can&&' 0
The Press ibly responded to by. lfr,.P,�
V" inents, nce that 761 e., there arises In
?ropowd WA r6ceiv6d Wi by our worthy artist, 11 o -rudk. Clerk..
tit opeated
McDonal GL SG
arltWithiL wh Ur Adams n. rstiirnqd4l�a Y. it. Ferguson. -A OVV IROUSE 30th J less.
grille of neat prid�, wheal thin, and X
o can Ond int 0 a a U, alin ak� for -the very breast "a
�,:the M-
Ack. 01
-until -.t'
-apd ,
the -1
tive! M
,on V
wldi 4
of Pi
P- ndiil
10 41
eto jam
11*1 110wi
-Tar, $i
Ro", N
A *0
raw U
rilt I
lof 00 Li
Rolm 14
I cia
Am"t to
vex *1
as *