HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1865-01-27, Page 4All T HE SEM-1-�W_YEKLY' :S-IGNA'L. so C land$. TER.T: IBM h8dfta Act -of. 1864o. f Sheniff Is Se -&-of r ILE, ........... ed Goij, r 100acres of land. bilinil for -Time will be jiven tor a Fiery Factas r,,s,,dll -'athng 0. X MP Exponas and I'll Of E,,=rf,`ie,,,,0 a writ Of AfFft'O'DI"E'Rolft, I §0aeres cleared, Witt, good. D FA 1 81 Carr 0' e Fneto A ­0ENT g mmued out, of Hei_%1`ajw!ty?s. Court -S A.NDRE.W - ROBE . RTSGXI Riarod and. krelie t --ALL: -.01F. I AND. large portiqu. of the- purchase orfur- ow ti 7 1 Unit f esfront 11n or C q 0 0._00 _�Pl I.R AT 4' 71 MOqe 'Pie be. lands- anJ Esq, 1. CEEARLBS WILUAK PI FORD, S3 e vid Snifth at tber, p"rtie"larl, y ioJ.'B '�.Goa") leneme fit's wlilvh were of --the, -.011 ' DA -in the:.handm of Atidrew P Defeadmit. tho time- oftim'd.ath W' it In Whl SMfOiCTR-4 CO. r 113140:10. JIV -S, AA- ID Town Frojerty. niijiustrator of' iflt and sitigular At. Pb0sklt ad Goderich. 91b Novitimbar lt�03._- Readtitz the Writ.of P 0 N the estate and effLV1.94-fights and credits oi tachment her-ei'll., the" ritOrn, AT DUNCAN'S t David Smitfi"* deceased to �be admintsteret? Barrister, 4;c.i Godeej�b? an Auit Of J ore . and, th affidavits d Pa- j at " Me arnes mith. I have selz 1864. 0 11 ff L I Godiricb. Siapt. 13, 1W34 d, I nat thit'ed . in je rio i title hiterest of. the said David Smith, dec;,. of the def and t -SALF endatit be and creditors INR -Suff, STORE, per$ -do order t d taken in e'xecution a' ARM -FOR., ff1XXQT.q-�! 10.07, ed. in and to Lot n0m.Wr; 93 1, nin it ing. n qni her i, LA' re. notli fied to meet)at they hei�ebjilis -theTown dfCh1deri(-h,�ia the Vounty Of tittror ism, XONEY TO LEN' 30c, F.F. my chanxbez in the - Court H �;,use, with the builldhigs tlio�eon erecteil; A T OT 3j Cc�nw. , ownship of ow" amok" �Liw Sep at', 64Tiw"n 'of odericb, in the and ienerueni,,, I mhal(oflitr for sal�At iny office f . . . 1- 9 'REVIEW at DNCAN% BOOT AND SHOP STU AT J mile irarn Wroxeteri. on 419, 00DERICH I CaU an ' d erre 0'- IR -0 X: -3L'-T qJ see 14best Sr&k 0 6f Ifirorr, --on WEDNES. the Court RoMle -MADE 11"ORN in the County.1 M-liiiHO in the Town 'of G d, f 110M.E 7 M! LIG USE St. DAY the � Tw�nty-Fift TuesdaNr tile 8-venth day of February n6st. it It day, o E GRAV AL_ 1W IN-TVMX 4111M KAL -w- AIL Im -JOL- -3v. W AIL. the -hour Qt Twelveofth6 cloo'k, noon.s. E1,11R.OAD. at Tes ON E, SUELRCRIBER wishes to jeturn tbak JANUA917, A. D. 186.5i- J010t MACDONALD. Lo Thousands have trii-4., unean's Boot# aod.Shnes, and found thein ill t4t was represen . wd. Tto IflePtiblic for Past favors receivt�d a (�'Clpckl a. M., for thit purpose of Sheriff H, & B. g house and barni 7. -D JFARMRw IMPROYIE hands,and'-would beg,tointimate jivitig theAir advice ppo'h: the ap'- The subscriber CAN OT BE UNDERSOLD bv' -tnv onp d-inv a lezitituate' business.— t�hat he Is gv 8 pow.oufc, Deputy Sheriff'. ritined to liiell voggolls Oiq�inetlllof an- official aognee. '8heriff Is 0111ce, Go4erich,.j Remember 6e,ptw— West -side of Mdrkefqquarg. 92 ACRE% 28 CLEARED I . . . y 10 Apply. to PER THAN'EVER' WO- DOORS SOUTH Of the -OFFIG11''- 61h Jan. 1865.� I I, Appi Dated- the 6th January, A. D. 1665�, Z GOODING, F. W., THOMAS Esq.t B. M. (Signed)L _a. COOPER, t rb A .- . 1. * W UIAX DUM,". Solicitor, esttreet, offict over- a. Booth -'a will lxeil yous wa Goileric Foh 26,._19164. Wi nou itiplete iiiiii, sfi� it-­ ---"deL.Huron,& Brucei,, J".AG FL 0 R, y 'Gw rich. -sop Ptli, Dry Good:Store.. i- 64 tmah.,andall other thinp in proillortimo" W Ale 1964. Goderich. June 9thi 1M4. 4 mlo-tt, V -W aw -.earnville, Ca4 Huron.. L -W-Arrunteill tp,gllye *ntlairavion, T. 11twY Toronto, NIT PlatotWs Attorney. sw­ I w50 -2%v All Vins.of arminig IntlAftwats IDW 16 bild O11N McPH 3 ..+FOR S'A L E Noney. to Goderich, Jan. 9th, -1=67, to 13,77, near'tbe.RXI'LWAY ilE subscriber has $20.00046-40ail on rpAson- ON le ter tu#� For partic6lars apWv to. IT __Gl�dderich. for $1.50 each.' B� R D I NOTICE 00, C A HORACF, HORI ON. A 7 , At, Five'.;LYear Credit. W1 HER'Ka.r. a Meeting of the G i6lderich, 19th A plot. 186.C-. *30 3 ar -Municipal Lqec of -the unicipalitv to, in or'longer. if. required,, App!y to t " it -- . 0. -N ton]= BAI libTownship of fckeftinith wi -be held WATCHXAXFjt 0:jEWMLER. 41. C.- CAMERON. Hartgages 1411led to -,Purchase., Good i 8ohooIH*usa_-Nq,9,,Vil1ageaf W11 hi 64'. 0. Apply io D..SRAD'F, GOODING WEST �ST Q�Dk G derick- Ap ON F It I __Y 'OF DAY" THF, tOth 1) solicittir, West Street; r I?jg iftil-ky -.N;.EXT I f wo -t door -IVM.of mr. Sto t -Saddle' VHKSUBSCRIBERS.� uld beg,to inform his, customers and public' thafbis nex prem - IL 'IDS' OF:� arm m@ san Godench, 20th,Dec. 1864i At the hour of 10 olclodk, a- irn., for the -put Poft _I � L . . F Of vonng Yen or Nay to (le,-tde whether or not i he- fiaflo*itig B YLLaW be adopted bys ch. elector. 'WAT(;HES, -'.CLOCKS ANP JEWELRY. FOWSALK -FROM. THE S:QUARE9 wr n THREE DOOR S MONEY. .,TO LEND -kiftsm ox sji T NOTICE UIR BAII will be p�ned in f rftLof June, for triifisA inj the Wool Cardin 1, Cloth Drewiinz and IG T V -R 0 TjjCkerSjn'thLj4Rn. lotil,JS63. -thii best -S t Mati f IT connection ;ith his WOOL FA -ETt aft rd nd T'JIL Clerk- cl"d:.- yle %&arrant u juri!)_)u al� 81"es. OTO *herc o ers a iT 010 AL06, A GOOD*A�.401T VEN - HE UNDERSICTNED offersfor s0le'er-to l6t worli, in th v( Likewis st val Ipty of, IN SUNS or all q , net, e abu b. sitieso will be ptinctuall altended to lot 20i 1:211 cl)qj� township of Bosa 11 e B CcqVof equxamon and By-L&W. County, of'L I;L it.. The farin consiAs of Municipal Ele.-tors one Hundred Tollars and -upwards. 23-1mrzk,<D� tA:z V V - Constant on ann an %imr it Itcli ..4t'- of the Townhip f, to 011b, ' I r would announce lo 1hepulgic Tuikersittith fierguy require That a- Folt h! takt- �HUIWDREER ACRE and of -the - lu" 'Blankets, - [IN find igned qulified eTundco. 89- : st o' ob, T h 411 to, ile 11.repi-tises 016th, r ONJ Ag Yarn PHEsubscribc T. MOORF -haii on land -term -to tHuronnd 18ruee tilat-he in --of he Tem'prranve Act of je-1 iG or to to flaf6. L e will bd kept on,hand to exchange rwool.. Havinr this year added another teroune whether- oc notlile quaadvi muntinpall 1,%ixtyol t0whar cleared.. Rnd ituated nd will mak psler Uarrjages, W.sgo eleefdm or the said utunicipall Avill of tile G. T. -Railway. Thewl-is a LOG t 4BB91; IV I EV 13LIEkCK.. which wiJIbe oh] cheap for emishor DIVELLIXG 110 U -S R. AIVI) FRA31B duthortly and for en foreemett t �rsa id On hand and for sale ceti. -the Bi- w11P roved credit. Gode'rich, Septs' 8% 186 1. *03 ff ere4y pro -se for S Lw r .1 * - - title lot. FIR TXLA ]DOUB CARDING h Pa - A -r thoir a loption, tt� w. .0 WATEIV WELL D. ei CUTTERS and SLEICH6 Tneaate of tatt"Ch-ating-Liquorc wi-I to7h;s.est.il)lisl�Eo'nibi--ivillb6prepa�edto't?xeciitetarmei-'swdrL-toliiy monable extent; e s ale oflam:ds. 16HNASAMW"? For partictuhars apply. to S p i zS on i;l��rt notiee. 'Clist( mers corning tio the facto thernselve wilfile promptly attended -,to h lff!i M. C'd(IRDON' r and Ar ictil Vjztoria Stmet, prohapitedi W111till tilt: jjUute.jjajjlV U.-L'IfteFuwa UIVENTILRBOOKS -,As f�rrri I ar attentiou will be paid to thoi�e_frurn a diaanc� wishing tii Y- virtue of It writ or ApA lot. 1M.- w49 6in W'. t NO GOODS. Anw-ust'l I tit 11864". Vac4as issu�d out s:up, of Fue4crNairth, tinger 111111ILICAY j nd 1�)r 111 Uni bountle ys. PIT eir ofthe 01 1 FA odcrieli P�O )L_0 U S n O'� te) loot - d T., Ut f t 4ill of Her Mijesty"s CountX or Witness our bands day of Decent- Toys. USar. rt ofthe Enited 06iinties of Uuron and Bruce, _-Whilo th I'll an. tel kful'foi4he IiD %I o zo, er vl(,ars in'. the above busine-'s The -ame I and' ber,-In tile vear of . our Lord one tho 'd K.R Coli It rm d to rue direc 1'agiiiust -the! ndS nd tene- eight- hundrZd and sixty-four. r 't ni-san paing, no expens, ments of Alexa0d _,;wjbfon,'ile elder, at the mubqqribcirh,)Pes-bv-3i _:AtbIjtion,6 huii d le in m0etincr the --wa h . a 11ahh 'I r6 eiv a sha ult of J ames- A.. Bui*amsh;Thomas B.VahEveuy... ffOUSE ofbis custome -to qtII C, e re of the same. JEjn 0"Ut-8801 F.0131:11T LANG. Lar e Ass A BRjrLK C0qrTAGEon the Sout ed G, A B I N T and Gpi)eze.guirilinl],J-biLveseized radta anti 38 other ElectoN. . �Uitab It: lor�.bothjo . Id n(]----. -fromjCR.iBB'S BLOCK. th ken in 114 0:�F- Remember the h Ea tSt -youn_�, ju r,�et, secpnd'dqor iropeny,-.all,. e right, fe d to ft E ETj; A.T'ne A ro e.i.Ked HAMILTON r*T' tide and interest of the said de �jjajjjll an IffOXAS LOGA.� the.NorthlialtofL6intlinber, -of ' 1. WITH 401M. T W1 T -TR, 'Nineteen aad 1 B in jheT rk. '0 9 8 T 0 11 r, 11,April 1911, J-864 W,12 number Twentt 111 ed Goderie ri. eonceasgur; owns tip -County of Bruclt:; which lap of Irran, in, jh� T Ind 'OUTUMMM91. -kYCOCK. ds G ..h. a -atertements- isball olrerforoleat,my-Offia-eir Woet cLL'M._N 1qthL Dee e JSG_J. t_Wk I - ; . . 7 - - A ot 0oderich t presi�nt occupied by Thtw. ri- ToWj SAiar:, OF LIN -US. tile ouri House jiL, tht Ott 1`6exda the Krvenib day of March next, at vine of a- wr;t or T -ol the�cliIek,tloon. BU.NDRIMID VOL-L'A United Coun,,T ,Df Y vi irehour 6 . I TweWe JOHN.11XIODUNALD Poritirther . )laftiCU1*r4 jPpj 19 bLDAST x es: o I aroft ad gi-tree 1. THE CO�TN twa United Count' 11 0 BV S., PoLLOCM4, Nputy Sherft, un*4ALAC To wa of Ber y M lier! H If C L-AXCOC K �S Huron and Fieri Facias tz,_4ued out and tohittdiret'led against the lanclo Ani tene-. ana a far Goderich$l shrill"s Odic Invom of Hugh -NLxq n, att the suit of -%V il ia in e, V44 or h �-!)..'-GORDON ]M: 2.4 h Nor.11864. it - 4r�� WILLIAM PERCIVAL.% BlackWell, I have setz_-d and taken n. exerut 0- Price 25 cents p d6zen. Q- M]D E� q., all the right.. tit"teanti intafest. ot the sa-id tietend- `S_ r TI Godencli, 01-tolier 179hp IN -C T' auL im arid. io the north ballot lot levenI in the 11. awl&u* 1 iff AND UNDERTAKERy e' tba-tt)wusliip)ILTs!)orne AID I NTON futon, AM Aj ROMTE1 ofier for sale in ihe-Coun V of Aa wi6 the buildings there, Manufactures. anu Tlas'"'n"OW On hand a complete. on ermed ; whl"ff -ids and tenements I xhall 130. k algwe FOLLO at in'y olfiee lit the Lourt aou:se in at-sortmelut or Furniture,.at his Warer6oins, ARE town ofGoderich.6a Tuesday the --gateetith T&O of the ae orFarnie . I - Tile, mosttisefy. AG4n rsthere 'WESr 76TREET, GODERICH, of noXtlo at tib- hour' 01 T&O is published. - ft contains q;Va c n ce for'memor S17CH S .jqHX M -(,DON 'd for'levery 'day in -esides ��VF, an urns, the year, -1 ON (MEMO SofrISL' if, H. 4- ff. ranch valuable' infilrm ition; Such as Bure-ans,: Tables, Be4stpads, Hair; OXON s 11111, nil 1: li��i airs, Gilt Mniiildirl(r Lor MS Plif aiidLt)ol.-it�,,iOiass.es.itivariey.p 0 ns 11,YSTE I W__0_ R" K 8 BT S,For, r htio Cane and W61)I ented Ch t t V�ery:ReaWiRble Ter 1 x; Deputy She ift' Post QJ96.4 Re` u R'.0STE 1865. w52 OT N 111, Ill§. fig, tj 1491 tit the Home allufactute and Im. orted-H- U.. in't-he Counly T; T01P' DU P. rising Vill t�_ of Bruce. M ge this ill. i situiltedcru the ranin road n Knicardineand Walkerton, e on "hand 'a crim'Oete fts-*; SH91UF?9,S SA14 7 R aI MA N- betwee th ]f on Town of Brut e. LISTS Of jAN.KS_. a C ntv r4 INS. Also, HEARSES -Afechanie.e. W witlisd0ount If virtuer Of a writ of ft Grist and Flo Lot Nutubet.46,- South ifflont Ofl- Uor otliters 0 siJe ot ZIB 'xponasand q � - - I � . - m MIRF - Ruron,and. H. endittoni h To jfjRr own of Kinc4idinj�;Ljltfid Lots 47; v P -76 Weus-t -side -of Vieloria, Street, dal 4M Ul sift'Sa. ue- ven it in the wiv�' Fiert Facias fr resi-I 1-?J- sued.,out of fler Majesty's C -Curt of I Conituort Judiciary.4 Parl-,16tekaTy Lists, 0:�- Lumber and­Curdwood tal,6n -in- ez.-: 48,49? 50,51,52 and 03. in tilt,- Villake ofR- ers- e, Also 75 aiid Chan e or Furniture, 013l culitiI, X &y ind a. w- ? rleas, and to, me directmi against the ands and LOU in the'rown-ofX card -Countv-of Bruce. ner &OU. have one. w27 in tee e litsalohil Winter thevougur, at the Everyflar 4. 5, on theorth of the Dur - Lots Numbers2, q a re VV harnMarket �q a n the Village,of Kineardine, SuiVdttaines Daniel.&IRckay, I hive, eizi;d a:tsd * j,' -.-:* H o'fzhe saidAef -in and. to lots Nuinb,rs i Coupty of- Bruce-, containi one-quarter f an Cliiitou, 19ffi. Decentb6r'�1864. Z! Q G taken4at exe utiun. all thi- aetest A W1. rfght. tit e and it. T1 andL SaiVey, itj tbe village of qar- with AlsoLois .5..6 and:8 on the Dnr6m and lot SPRINON -STYLE-'.HATS acre of lund each. Me pn!.tiei.b-Cri,-s.:ibdisristom(ifloi Number thirteen -25. on"the North 1jVthW.#,A Concession, of -the townhip of Tncki�r­ BMWs sideof the Durnito Road, ini-the Z4 tq -acres I TWIM1111 Township,., 61 Kineardine, c6iitaiding 50 smtlh.'rh'th& Gauntv'of'Huronj contaia, One - PER S earei.; r of, 31 an 22 on Wesiside o 14ueeii St t in te*rnfents I shall,offer for, sale ar Ojfi(;e JW the, Town or Kinokrdine. se -ric on lirh of ita acre lno�e�6 tess; winen. lantis and lite'Cot"it Hdi' in th� toWW' 0 SE _j_T -W or particulars appiv to its IRA LEWIS LCH Tuetdiwy�.thA-'Thirtee'ixth.(Iay of Feb Al aSWI tie h6iji�ot TWelve, of the clock- NG m0win and Reaping Ma �nesq Wobd Saws, H akenthe'Frist Prizes -Gde rich. &zeriff, g4- B.11 40RN�IACDONA t OGLOCI THE PROVIIN(11 TION held C>Tff-CA-3E3E93 e" tand, Zea*v Offic God ALTi 4herifr.. ir, t)epufy, L xiitgr g37 dar^wxyr _d it blont a1,1,2eptember 4thI 15th. 1.lith 0% brass-Coistings-lua evaild Blackstni-ths', work done in n, hatantialma a eai a6 iu 131b, Jaw -A W-51 11t1i, 1863,- finer over all other.-. LndalSo Pro- Castitigs of y deacription made LA inpial i,. Septenibei- o order. AIM), alf kinds of machilue, Ekilibitioa held: -in Ikk gaton rAT t notice, A lare stock of 'S -1� OF LANDS- 22i,d,.'23rd,.-and -23th and -25th, 186,3. - PAzes of a. on shor ry LUDS "�Fv& SAU I ellaracterwEve also ardtid to us at the NN A V_A Q Lr.R Is , I . - - . . . . I . . - - -1 -oro 1862.-. nd Sit -1864 �. HE fbllo%�iug Lands are oiTered tor -*ale on Goderich 15th. at London it, '-PAR-T-OUR AIRD BOX T very advantage6tis terms it of Provincial Exhibition -held - InT 11to. it :kir virtue of a. Wx j itthe Provincial Exhibition I efd 100KINY i B vermlitwitiE.-Cillon" and 56 ToF Wit-.- Fle"n - ra*;:ias, lot rq�';sldue;t Always on, hafi.d; Sugar Kettle' s, Wiq-onsnd Pipe Boies. As our-patterlis' of tbeabove are 0 WniW&Cbuntie*orf1ur&-nir-r& Bruce, and -it) me, nnim *-Kim iwiftd- .3at of Her',Nlajftty-�z C to ty Court of Lit It 0 e of flie.,most approved kind., we would s licit an inspqqt�ion of our gto k bi 0 Gj c efore purchasing Prices have -.ken Reduced 1 -90, J_A.JT8 BO as we,pire 06 iribi-I the above at --the lowest prices for vash GOD"W'Y'81 OK elsewhereJ :ONR I or oi direomdaicaimit the lauidsand. tefirruents. of Arch- B ' """ - A N--TH ONLY 1 10 IT ibag-Mbi at the suit or -Paul X.-_"W"2EF'-1i_C0'j -proved*Urediti ',Old DI&RIJ rass.CupDe aid all -kinds of vroduce taken i exphinge. XafigFhod, McInnes r. 07 TUC t4 7 Ctober Jill. -a 3p Lares, I h;kve eileized and Ertlt�a and INO'rman Ale Harril ton o erie-fi. 0 W29 t. of tile The Faskon Magazine fbi., eW FURC1181 1011T is CISK 17' Tilt OF 1.011clus ia Execution alithe rx-_,ht,.titlr_ and int 'ros 'A ITAIff re ABRXLLL__ S]V PTrP ;jaifJWfeixtantilmai�lto-".otciift-ilber' the Ctoiunty'of-flrue contaitling- T ITEIIATUBE, t�%ne Nris,ind Fislitons. The AND TXX BATA . XFX1N -eut 1, e -1h6tit Ilia, i( feel Engravin�s. Doi bl anat lesidnests, JeStt 'which, tandsafi& square. Fashion- Plates, CroehetknfttingNett1nE'Eru- quit. A bioidery, rticles for flip Toilet, for the - ra nor, Court Hftm _NG- M I LL.: I ;iftiest at -O'per catit. teavinentor1 shalt o&r-lim site at my Uffice in the East Sidellbrket rat the Towwoftlodeeichoa Tue.-Jay .. : — - . '' . n PLAN11 �9 a-mtetteli-New. 27-9 1863-11. SW25w(4 �the Huidoir, and the Kitchen. -Everything,* i 4 A-* dt,�-!aituanrnextut the hour fact, to -make a colli plet&, LadvIs Boo kj _fX A, South- 7 �-Injst con;,, 50 kcres South 8 pplirAtiom to Ali 01fol 510 *drell1jit I 14inkture for ernaw Or Y, W I N "So]". C. /D OF� h Z �jw v f tb PRIVATE 81 -Bash, Doorp TO: The lad 9 FavoritIe for. 35, year sfie"T, H 4. B_ Montle S NoMagazinehasbm o compOe with it.: al NO 10-U51 n able I None'ktemprit. srg J'V* sprep, -Umj JWO* Cab" joi gmatiiair xCqWme prWAe- HE !VlTNESS isabout 4o 0ter.olrits 20th SOU& or M ng�oorwWeqowem1br jpiopw� 00n., 1.00 - year as "andidate foi 0ablicilavor 6n the for every dcpartmen't of it JlOusehold'- TW" M$ John McDobald & doing" T North 20 in 41i, seeare& inerples with, which it t "e. t itts aim alone art, worth the price -,of the Book. , M c ada nc%.. or f6r hlnr e I to difif4he 8� u oFFS -SAJ[X OF1,"DS, uinuingled_ OW ;e gives them), 'With NokjLh j .21 in on. 400 gem jights or 06perty -0 otb"411iffiesi, aci.ngtqftiruish-gocvt-'readiijg ruattei�; (nq other fj�VING CONPLETED.THEIR NEW n q n.,- 100-alork hambr-o-*ified1%hiA;%r rian bilterneti4 or arty-,%trife diagran the youu with,sweta t4 or is. Drawingmszsonslor I Factory, are now prepared to take in orders 'od 9— 000WItilir qf Ae I ON* mut _ ed. Coun �B_;y Virtue -ora-writ of. jewg Afl0tl1Vr'SpeC1AltV With tv' ev.- Orifinal)nwq i.-Th6N.eWsdepartinent cotd*fin 'the laieln r toanylextent. Froin1heir.longexperiencein the . T QF 11OWICK - -As igraph,buturnsrt, busi Be", and having experienced workine% -a NSHIr sued out I a year. Other hldg�tzjnes publish old Huron "d J=2- ier! Faciifs iso . *by tele es olP ew.43roxii C.-anaeian. WOith OW C -the .. " rhuA To W ot Her I t but "the, subSc6toeto t� and am in tau 12 C=V ourt of Britis:ft and Ainlerican PaPen und selected arti-' W ..GuLey first-class.set Oftuat-hiliery, they fiatter thernselvis Lots -24 3 and 4jit 15th: con'-� 10 acres eiiitsl� and to- directed ag nst �Iie on cu."nt eve geti beire the'.111ust lstores. ' 7ardl� Corntqon Pleas G of at he ltiadii�g jLournals. iF7 c nlng that. they can JO.Ar - - L . I I . I f. - !er'R Bro%--n, -sodey. Fa. -h- C lan4*and.-tkiiiiiiienis ofqPe at the -of iho woild. le . -Another pecanrity with A' T9WN.TS1UP 'OF GRU.t -hfg 'WOUt* it coin wo_ Mon't g1farlIk, I ftio seized anti taken, in epaTtrud Ik H* ni Messrs. A. T. Stewart Co -i of fSlew' prit-eb- curren In _0:26- lit con, 100 acres, saiddeffiii rifth-anif�&tWu4th hal;Vei _Q111y'LiNagazine that'llas tbinv. Also.Failibions L-acial in!e1h JA 0 C_ the XAftU;m Kind -roneezision (if the. jl,ii - . . I orntsit Canaiia. -Tartidthaviiiig Lots 34and:35 in Ing its uatwr�Ozvd **cQ1 iw tb* 411 The Gour ercial d Onses rt�lial York, the milliOnaire mergliants,6ppear iff Goduy, 1, 606 init iatirest of the -the t, reviews (it firom the i!elibrafe03roJie.ol.New Yor*k die 4 con., 100 sereseac a Thi dep:trtinent 01 Family. gea con ainr a 0 &nnets. -.We gl�e.niore a k'd;jr_ than *ork would do wel to Lots 31 and 32 in 6 100 acreitft� ch, sette,34 auj also in 7pa in e thti sanie jnor,�� or lese copiouq sel o L n &eon. 99L'&CM ng rpatter. . ff L t26 i Tawosbip, tar 1, 'L "19 a. to tjkt� County of I race, ecti it of Instr4et X4� ninterestij tile. L4dvys Ala -c uv-.othet,,14aga.zi6e'. - It 'fact, - 10 OI.-nian 16f*coRf1t; tentttiles. lxmtry, tk iits I shalt otrer f6r enablve ever fierown 6 nuel lualikr. - w-. AL. at 1UTQXt* in tile Court House,'i kZrictilturitran , y -lady to'. LotUin"fieon. 100.acres,, copies of the trot 04 1W 4, u (be rawn qj Valuable a rtieu(turai articles Private mu Ofike,6f eac* ROU4. All pettlions— XAIUON 'ELARL con.,,100-scresesch- for Pnratillilifttlowbit 6mmed WAkin the 'erifabv_ -on lruesdiv he Tifirty-first d:sy of are c6piea.. fro6 time to. time. 3 10 a Lots 33 And t quitutity janualT next. act our of kivehre bi.tlie clock The Advreitisu* d- partmen -1jas 0auy tibe6if FIRST' TMR19 4xilAdrossof 499AImm, lt6Hidde*_1c1atA,2-1 4,AJOS'L. TOWNSHIP OF'TURtBERRY F, WEEK#& iii), d 'tetnexit:, -blat fia", - o.1 verti, portant eflie" OUL JOHN Ofan i itkorat or in)uri g7 tLe Jency., lie BASH DOORS NOULDWiGS. crrell h4 Sfterilt.U. ar� B TtiemfCaui(Aian Mea".nger, (0164rining a selee­- writes top Godey each month, 'and. for no other Via I rai, 0 X o4 rifr nte,d.-ting luatter ofthe magazine. We have also retkined all our old and 1. y pt; puty e tion ofthe best and niost i '10 ya -qs kr ann., favOift6 contributors.. ,.Oocriew Clerk of 7livate Bills. .1�viritnes,-ispublished.nionth 0, N A pPjyf0C3Al&�Z5 W_PVkRL.Z8.q.Aoderich, 'D!9' ALI, Xil IN -;vftli ane -copy gratis to a elu tof 114 i'de- vouadh� AD to the ovAer, Voted to lleljgioiw� Mloralitv,E lucation, (Aildreh-s aiff -OI)D. . . TE Readhig,feinperant:6 and Agric�tilture; and co.; THOMAS 'AL rkVilvate M Office, A; T G T WXUrYIS j5AL9 o L"ns, I s F CbierCle 41a 'sttfuonayo. is. allowed pass firee'llirpugh the At"alft- ost - GODEVS LADY'S BOOK QR 1 661. C t* 0 ar elders, -'w Quebm, 1ADIft..H". Unhited -)Mee T 0 1pleiaters &Bm- QW! �s Of I T whii :YT -virtue of fiie Writs of (P i chtlke, e can be na Devtali'on.) S -Zieri Facias, issued T E R � The efoll-owitig-gret.k6te�r.nisof'th6Lady-lsB6ok �A To -wit: ont.of Her aiesWla (,ourl. 3' in. of C Dnily Witne."." for 1865.. -At will'jeceivo-sulm'6 11ITFLES ,4ur'eu?V lj�tjjej�aQd �LqtjlWt- Of jjdjon-*PjtLjS: T riber' n- 0 *ill begive t real:Witness Qetj Duen6fice Orin that it. has Wen -1 ce tj tile 01 OUNS, nWots6f William erpnjtbot, suits iaf begin .9---.ifweare.oblig�dtt)adviiiee.whic Will dep I d LIBERAL DISCOUNT fOR �THE WORK. Sir h en obqi600r aU4_ Xltrnes Henderson wjt.,_jes,� St per Rai 111m.. -L k- -9 on Ene prive drpaper�' 11 U -P OT -Co. 2. in thr 0011; M Fi. fk M ethifin, James G.'Wt*tg .,pyt $3.00 Cana_dian.Ue4,4eugcr,256rs: �er a one year t;prvtt, J.OAIQL Swat, JZ11 Two copies,on wiltnot'j0M e year or ....... &00 A0411140IX440 JAInet Hende -e copies,one year 7.00 Witnout ZfAtineti6nwixet bdl CASM ,-4ixed XnI A � a- I - - I willwint oolle eslAkia I , roo have All. C�a!gu i opies, on42 yr -d and beoutifv� wi-taken, 4)a fight, title at qpy gratisin eachr cm 6 f6r, cl ub of ten� -Five eq ihjIlear�#nd tin extra copy t3-RetojAeirfiberthept.06: if pjwxzte%d v1d hX nuts adj6kk* t own wress the, intirtwVot the said &i1andant. )vtlifaui rrou4foo ()Ile pies;ont P A- ;2gravel _ik(f io t 'h1lfd$jLViA:—tot_q 161n be sent, with -not 1e, a -le r'jllo*15f *f0 to'thopersoil-sei3dingtite.clubinaL-�;. lent to. Would a Mjwd Clu4 than PaPeM *ill N-librwarded 0; the- value" ing six c-opies-, _30 aCm Lot addres�ed-te-34 Urnberv,3,4 nd a in Lit& co,� to the.pers�n ending the club p juitioneandefrom4e o0ortil nor All Wftness,. or - : - -F�ndf tote.- MdwTfl*W&1P,4f 6 a e Ot. uutu r copy to the Derioij-sebding,the 71&16 ar. mid in extra D IV making twelvecopLes and tin DOITGALLA SO. Eleven copiesone ye 00. 3 'ind 4 ng7nirie'oopie E_ the 5th tria 164"lishilo -it An bel . . . . _... 41:10 . . . 14.00 eopi�S int f e ittance. Eight -ar, and an extrit andl the j 0 Hx 9-3 T 6 ow. in �Ilbrivr . ­ 0 27-60 WOOM 41071 re -o less --Additiotistou.iv'.,Ofthe.a%veAblu1iiii2;50ea&. 'ham UW" a for,�5ALE- TO U21- 1PV#j1d`-, c it) �01 ED i'to the: irguil"s of the-4nder- TRAY sulxwriber. �Wf y*Lady k _P0 Darticir'Leo-ntaining'ainty-ode,;- � � i �� �5: Lin)t No. 13 Line Vounty-9f lir I ot.No. 17,r 3 orw r. (in of in _ #nililorebt oft. It SALE, Eiist hiilf of receipt of $4 50. We havip.. no 'Ctu.b with aity Township _r, W2 I of-stanley ired a;jgrey_ Step 4 4Gj&"jRoa& wftij 4 -ne time for rnv Club.. Ca usda pillprtsing. other Magazine orNewopaper, Thiaul0nev"'ust' abouAltr6e years old, 4ith' horns tufned id -1 iws tht -0T"wt*_,ip-Of �VP JuST ff 1110EITIM 401 F. L all bii I, twat, at o e IN*" Of tk h"K 01 ov r his face, anUa Pi(tie".ut' off the under 'It Im ANVI -k- of Colborne. wbich NE RUNDRE11 A P_ R E nilm.-jQditionalfor 4sch its i e af LMf 48 ppq$ he,*r -TOWA afmode*& subscriber. 'Add-ess of each ear., The rier is reque0tetto, gtbe LD t ­ . . _ .; . . - .1 r I the -PsuLtO Wp y 04 00DEY.'- prove property, ajr- ez fir avy'. liber if A veneiis -and take himr. MONEY r")n1 Jae if b) etterpog ne cUaranc errnx� L e-outors ofthe away, XG8 -treets. All kiiiiii1f; late X1, !r0N 0T.;, 0() WX0 ROAN WNW, -Estate ofilid Karrit, P, 0. ff. Corner Shkth'andChestauts Al il Philadelphia. 'JOHN -KING. rewonible t - ems. 48 Al G11111.06r, Duagannor n 15th, .1894. -*42 Goderich Aujim -Duagatwo 0;t. lat Ajhd Tau 2nd'I !6.5. A dnLi w48 eldl W _t2n '11864, ilk