HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1947-05-14, Page 1VOLUME 57 - NO. 36. LYTH; •a A I�.AR Mrs D. G. Hodd Addresses W.M.S. The \lay meting of the \\'norm', Missionary Society of the Tufted Church w•:1; Ilt!d in Ile h. -W:11(111 of the Church, en NI (Inlay, \lay 12111, at 8 o'clo:k. 'There was ;t Tart;:' attend- ance. 'I'Itc t\vo special feature, of the evening \yeti a r(rort of the 31111(131 1'reshytcr'al held in lames Street Un- ited Church, Exeter, April 2I, given by \Irs. N. Garrett. and an illustrate I address on the Cann livor Labrador by Mrs. I Todd. The President cond••cted the meet- illg throughout. In the ah• (ono. of the Secretary, \Irs. Garrett was ap;,ointt•I to act in her place. The meeting opened \\it1 3 hymn,l r followed by the Scr'pture los son front 1 Cor. 13111 Chapter, read by \Irs. 1•` Sims. \Irs; \largarct lI:rons Then , f- fered prayer. TIT minutes ..f the last nutting \vert rya I and improved, i. I- I0\0ed by the roll call. The 'I're ourer's report shoved that the h:aster 'I'hank- Ofifcring amounted to $25.1l0. \Irs. A\'if;litinan reporting for the literature department stated that the "bine book" is now ready, and anyone wishing- to obtain one sholhi give their older to her as soon as possible. \Irs. Brigham, the supply secretary stater) that the 31111031 hale for the \\'est is lasing pre- pared for shipment in June, and the surplus above the allocation \vill he' sent to the ('hinese Relief, for this the Illyth Society is ii -ked for five pairs of pillo\v cases. NI rs. I lo.ld also read a request for donati u0, of mist_ len knitted articles, f r rue China re- lief, contributions to go to NIrs. Brio - haat. This was followed by a vocal duet by the \lisscs Clare and Ida Mc- Gowan entitled "Ile i; counting 011 us, the story to tel accompanied on the piano by Nips. Philp. Mrs. N. Garrett then gave a very de- tailed and interesting report of the 21st annual convention of the Huron Presbyterial which showed an advance in the work of the Woman's \I issinn- ary Society in all departments, there was a substantial increase in member- ship, and also 111 cnntr:b11C01s, thou;.;!( out the Huron Presbytery, NIrs. lio(1(1 gave an illustrated ad - 'dress on Labrador, showing I-lodd's work on the field. Preceding the pit°tm'es, she gave an otitline of the geography of the district, illustra- ted by a blackboard trap. The Cana- dian a- dian Labrador is a section of Quebec then taken by Linda Situs, and prayer which was ceded to that Provin:c by was repeated in unison, The Peace the British Government many years Herald was taken by .Beth Powell, ago, Included in vile pictures, which 111(1 the Watch '('ower was read by were very beautiful and vivid, being \larlene Walsh. Mrs. Falconer told a of natural photographic colors, showed very interesting story to the children, the Doctor's home at 1larringtrn Har- "David anti(' the New Shoes." The hor, the hospital, and the churches. birthday song w•115 'sanrg for Carole and The Anslicai Church is the larger, ih•ian Marks and ]beth Powell. Rhea which operates full time. The United Hall contributed a piano solo, and Church is conducted by a student who i Mrs. Sims told the story from the works during the simmer season 011} i Study Book, "Sheri of the Punjab." The husnital and Doctor's residence i The meeting closed by singing the Avery built about forty years ago, and hymn, "Jesus Loves the Little Chil- are considered really old for that r'.,i- dren." The children are reminded mate. \Irs. 1ledd referred to them toplease bring 10e to the next meet - as "sky sc••apers". They till soon he ing, replaced by new modern huildines, V which will be of a lower and broader George W. Daer type, more suitable for a wind savept g country. The pictures shoved the George W. Doer, 68, Colborne town - country to he of rocky terrain, devoid ship resident, and brother of Hierntan of trees, but trees are not tossed so I Daer,of Myth, died suddenly at his mach because of the mil 1 summers, • home near Godcrich 'Tuesday morn - the temperature seldom, rising above ing of last week. Ile had lees busy 70 degrees. The winters are very cold,' with outside work and collapsed int - with ice and snow everywhere (even merliatel}' on his return to the house. more snow than we had in Blyth last The late \Ir. Daer was born in Au - winter). The Doctor travelled mostly burn, son of the lat^ Mr, and Mrs. by boat in summer, and by clog teams John Daer, and hall farmed and con - in winter, assisted socio hies by a dnc:le 1 a market garden in Colborne plane which -.uric(' the mail. Fond township for the past 28 years. and seconded by \Irs. \Vnt. Lyon that also was carrier( by plane. Dishing religion he was a Presbyterian. we send for Blue Book, for use in the (especially cod -fishing) and scaling,' Surviving are his wife, formerly Society. Reports of the Presbyterial are the main industries, On the whole Anna Dietz, a native of Wellesley; ( meeting were given by delegates, \Irs. the pictures showed the country to be one son, Walter, Godcrich; four Bert Shobbrook and \Irs. Arthur 01\0 suitable only for people of rttggc(I brothers, Robert and William, Godes Clark. Group No. 2, with \Irs, T. pioneer qm tliI les. rich; Herman, Illyth, and Samuel, of i Fairservice in charge, led the pro - This part of the meeting was 151) 01- Auburn; three sisters, \Irs. Joseph gram, as given in the Missionary ally interesting since Dr. 1 lodd will \I illcr, Auburn, \Irs. Stephen Thibi- Monthly Theme: "Out \Vorid on our soon Ieave Myth to resume his work cleat, Ingersoll, and Airs. Rose Willis, Doorstep," Those taking part were in this area, at the pressing request Godcrich. Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. R. Caldwell, of the Grenfell \lission, under which I The funeral service, which was Mrs. \\rut. Govicr, Miss 1., Young \Irs. he formerly served. it was clear to largely attended, was held from the J. McCool and :\Irs. C. 11uddell. Meet - everyone present, that nothing but a Brophy} Funeral 1lonte, Godcrich last ing closed b37 singing hymn 520, and strong sense of duty, and an ovcrpow•- Thursday. Interment was made its repeating the Benediction. Bring love for humanity could prompt i Colborne cemetery. 'Turf Club Members Please Note! .\ to tntg of the Myth 'furl Club will be held on hriday night, \lay loth, at the Elliott Insurance .\gin^y office, at 8:30 p.m. All member; of th's organization are urgently repiested to be present. The meeting is being called by the ('resident, \\'. N. \Watson. Westfield Makes Softball Entry After some deliberation the softball 'nthusiasts of the Westfield commun- ity have decided to place an entry in the \\'.O.A..\. Interneediate "11" series. chairman of the Presbytery, w -ho \vill Tl(nnino Ont. 'flier(' was also a Bap - This decision \\ ill be good (hews to be at Kippers for the day.,'ti,ntal Service Mien the following supporters of the sport in this district. --•--V-- r hildren were boot c 1 : Sandra Lyn The \ Vest fiel,1 leant were (toted for ' Items., daughter of \Ir.'and \Irs. Ilob- 1111.ir clean play, aml tio•d sportsman- I,ONDESBORO cot 1Ecury; ilarbara An ii fleury, ship, and they have a large following \Irs. Charles \1'at,on visited with daughter of \I r. and Iles. \1'illiuu of Guts. "One reason that they were iter daughter, .\Irs. B. Kiley in Gude- theory; Julie Ann Chapple, daughter not entering a team was because of 1of \Ir. and '\Irs, lied Chapple, Kip - the leas} schedule of games," Mr. Al- rich last week, i l t•a McDowell told 'Hie Standard car -I \hiss I.tizahcth Mains returned home pen; Bonnie \lac Bell, daughter of last \week after spcndint{ the winter. 1.11i-riice Smith, son of .N1r, and Mrs. and \1r, Robert bull, and Hoyt tier in the season, 'ream members math \s, ' • sister inti In ol,lie iu lite • BLYTH, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 10.17 U. C. Congregation To Vote Mother's Day Observed In I Sunday Night United Church f At 11 :15 o'clock on Sunday morning .\n exceptionally large congregation the service in the Blyth United attended the \l.,thcr's Day service last Church will he conducted by the Rev.' Sunday mrning, The service tea, a Gordan \\'cies of Centralia. Rev. A.' joint meeting of the Sunday School Sinclair \will take the anniversary I and c. ngregati.nt. TIT S. S. Siiperin- scrviccs at Centralia. '('Itis year is the tendert, \Ir. Bert Marslt, assisted the 25th anniversary of the Dedication of minister in conducting the service. .\ the Centralia Church. \Ir. Sinclair large choir of mothers led in the sing - was minister there trhen the church � ing, rendering two anthem, and a \vas built. The Centralia choir will quartette se1ec(ioti, cumlposcl of \Irs. use the sante Ity'ntn, and the saute alis Jamie Sint, NIrs. 'flus. L•tidla\t•, NIrs. tttents that \very used 25 years ago. ; Leslie Nolte' and \It's. Robert \\'al- t'At 7 pan. the service twill be con- lace.. All these numbers were greatly ducted by Rev. \\'. J. Rogers, of loin- appreciated, Lott. l'hr.lp told the gallium. Ev rylr.0 ' is especially urg• story of the "11ap;�y \\'hitt l louse on ed to attend this service. After the the Hill", and the minister gave the everting service ;t ballot vote will he ; story of "The Dins; \who Honored his taken \\•Rich \vill he couducte'd by 1 Merthyr." 'These stories were wrilt�•n Rey, Gordon 1lar.Ie\vood, of \\'altotr, I especially for the \I)rther's Day 1'ro• who will pre-ide in the ;tb•ence of the grant by \Irs. hnt!t Lucas Snaith, of found it most difficult to wort: in the tit ' "' ' \ir. and Nies. 'Iliropp in Chicago. Bruce Smith. heal} sr11edule of games last year, \ large congregation ; \hiss \lase} Caldwell, London, spent h ) ttion wars also pres- ent in the midst of harvesting opera- the week -end with her parents, \i r, int at 7 o'clock '',hen Rev. \V, G. lions. and \Irs, R. ('11'cll, \\'s lie, of Oakdale, conducted the ser - There i; a possibility that last years vice. A s ,ecial feature of this ser• grouping of \Vestl•ietd, Benmilter, r\1rs. J. Nloreso and fitly \hiss I ki, of 1laaniltun, arc visiting the I vice 50115 the presence of the Mythth Boy' Londtsloru, and G ulcrirh township \ icformer's mother, \Irs. 11'ill Lyon. Scouts who occupied the front scats. and Dungannon may be broken up. \I r, \Ict).•w•cll hada tentative sclicd- NIrs. F. \\rood returned hone 011 , A large choir of mothers was also Friday after spending three wrecks present at this service, which was ale which placed \\'cstf'eld, 11cnntilier with friends in 'Toronto and Brant- 1 greatly enjoyed by all. \Irs. Frank and Uungamum in ;another group with Marshall and \Irs. Robert \\'allace some northern teams, anti LohTesboro' ford. and 1113111 in a group with Brussels, I Misses Beth and Elva Govicr spent contributed a lovely duct at this str- Godcrich township and some other Sunday at Monte. vice. I Alr. and NIrs. 11. Riley and :\hiss t teams. Extra entries are going to nc- Fern \Vatsoti spout Sunday with \Irs. ). rc>sitatc a reshuffling of groups. I loperty Changes It will be generally regretted here L. Vas)n. I \hiss Dorothy little was henry tar \ir. and Mrs. Dan \IcKenzic mov- is last year's grouping is broken up, e l on '('Wella} ircm their Earn) on particularly the \Vestiield, Blyth and .the week -end. Nu, 4 hithw'a} to their town resi,.lena: Londesboro combination. Mks Bina Kirk returned home of \, Thursday after spending a couple of 0n 'Misty). street, Blyth weeks in Leamington with Dr. and County Constable Charles Salter, Mission Band Meeting Airs. E. K. Lyon. i \Itis. Salter, and Jane, have moved Mr. and Alrs. Harold Johnston ant from the .Mel<euzie residence into a The \lission (laud of Loving Service )ortiun of the dwelling" re"C'''': pur- chased held their regular meeting Saturday i3etty Ann, London, were Sunday vis- 1 . hors with \I r, A. \\'ells, by \frs. Fria Oster, from Mr, with a toed attendance. The theme , I Albert Sellers, also on' )iiisley street. was "Learning to be a Goold Chris- I 'Mr, and Mrs. \\. •McCool and Joan I l `Ir` Nurnlan Hamilton has purchased than." The meeting opened by sing- of Toronto, visited with Al r. and Afrs..''M ' J. AloCo01 on Sunday. former Oster property on Queen 'nig the hymn, "far Around the Ad r, and Mrs, S. Mc('all, Stratford, north, and the Ilantilt(in lank \1'nrld." The Scripture Lesson was I visited Mr. and Mrs. :\, Wells on ily are new occupying the property. oral by belly 'fait. 'Irby offering was c 1 I \I r, and,, Mrs. \baloney, of St. \larks attr( a). Mr and .\Irs J. 11. hobhrook, NIr, have ptnrcbased NI r. I'jtntiltun resi- and Mrs. Norman Radford and \hiss dunce, also on Queen street north, and Shirley Raidford, 131} tis, spent Sunday took up residence on Saturday night. with Mr. and Mrs, Percy Gibbings,Mr.1lertnan Daer, Norma and Mr. and NIrs, F. Roberton, Billie I Louis, ha0c taken up residence in awl Joan, Seaforth, visited with Mr. their dwelling on Queen Street, north. and A[rs. J. Nott on Sunday. Mr. and \I rs. Leslie Fear, formerly AIr. and NIrs. M. (holland, Barbara of \lorris, are now settle.[ in their and Valerie, Walton, visited with Mr.new home, formerly owned by \\'illiam and NTrs. G. ;Moon on Sunday.Thuell, Mrs. John Nott is visiting her (Ile Standard extends a welcome to daughter, Mrs. E. Stevens, at \\'altou. Mr, and :\Irs. Percy Mantling, Clin- ton, and All. and \Irs. 'Drank Tam - all these newcomers to our midst. V -- blyn, spent Sunday with Mrs. M. McKenzie Family Honoured Manning. . Prior To Departure The \V.M.S. held their meeting at For Blyth the house of Mrs. \Vin. Lyon ' on Thursday, Ala3' 8th, with \frs. R. Townsend, the President, presiding. Meeting was opened by prayer from prayer 'cards, after singing of hymn 41. Psalut 753 was read responsively. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Penman, Mrs. Townsend read a point en the heeds of today, and it w•a15 decided to contribute to the aid of the people of England, goods to be left at the home of Mrs. Bert Brunsdon within the next two weeks. Moved by Miss 1.. Voting one to leave his family and c intra t- Friends and relatives were present able surroundings to Minister to the from Zurich, Auburn, Blyth, and many Tess fortunate on these outposts of other centres, civilization. '('his is missionary work ,TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTI-1 Sunday After Ascension 11 a.m. Sunday School. 12 noon: \I oruing Prayer and Ser-. in its tritest sense. The Jane meeting will he the "Baby Band" meeting,. and will he prepare(( by group 4, under the direction of \1rs. R. 1). Philp, the convenor. '1'ltis mon. The Rev. Maurice Farr, 13.A., will be held in the afternoon at 3 1,Th., hector of St. Paul's Stratford. o'clock. Lunch will be served at the i TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE close. I 2 p.111.: Sunday School. This most interesting meeting closed 1 2.4-5 p.m.; Evening Prayer and Ser - with a hymn followed by the NI izpch 1 atom. benediction. 1 ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN \r ct :45 a.m. Sunday Schou RATION COUPON DUE DATES 10.3(1 a.m.:Morning Prayer and Coup)n.s now valid are sugar -pre- Sermon. ''\I r. Farr. senses S'6 to S50 and 1;1 to Y5, butter .....__v.........._— D?•5 to 1351. Coupon; Y1 to Y5 have SOLD FARM been declared valid for the purchase ,\Ir. John Brompton, 10;11 concession of canning sugar. Alternatives in pre- of Hullctt, has sold his farm to Mr. serves may be purchased with these Scanlin, of Guelph. Mr. Brompton is c0upen5 if the consumer wishes. holding an auction sale. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Blyth Students Excel At Festival Iormer School Property Stn lents from this community were 'co BecoItle Apartments prominent in the various competitions at the (iudcrc h 11 u,ical RecOr Franklin 'kiloton i, rcnu)d- Festival, held elling the oil school property on Queenlast week. Lr,ral students' names ap- ',ea cd in ahoy st every clam, and the street, which he acquired sonic time young people brought Icon aur not onlyago, awl i, filing it into a f�.ur-apart- to themselves, but to our community. sunt rl,sellitg, two downstairs ;1(1 ttvo Large crowds were present at the upstairs. Carpenter; ;ire now bus}• at the work. \1'hern it is completed there, Festival and an ever-inere"sing tumi- dly be room for lour more families Ii,er ni congx'lit rs participated iu the fricnolly rivalry 50111011 he Festival in our midst. \I r. Ilaintou's glo0c is meant to promote. J-ligh praise 'was factory has been moved from the build 11 to new 1111111 WI', iu his recent- given by the adjudicators, G. 1:oy Fen - \sick, of the Ontario I)epartinent of 1} enlarged still. I Education, and G. D. Atkinson, of the 1 "Toronto Conservatory of M us4:. Prominent auuog the winners were AUBURN the student; of \hiss Elizabeth (dills, Mr. and \Irs. Gordon Dobie, Ger- .\'I'.(:.\1., and also those of A. C. Rob - a! 1 and Lill Uolie, were \linghant instill, band master, cf Blyth. Stud - visitors on Sunday. eats of A. E. Cook, who competed, are Miss Elizabeth Nicholson is a patient not listed here, he being out of town in Godcrich to spiIal. Iler many friends for the present week. 111•.11 her a speedy recovery. Competitors who ti., i : 1 80 marks, or more, were eligible for a Certificate Reg. :lsanith ..I 'I'u.ronto spent the week -end with his parent:, Nies am, or prize. The object of the music fes- NIrs. Charles E. Asquith. rival i, not to gaits a (size, or defeat Lila \'uunghlut, ling. \,, of (;ode- I at rival, but to pace one an )titer on Gude- the road to success The following rich, with relatives here. I students, accompanied by Elizabeth The Ladies Guild of St. Mark.' \lilts, were successful as follows: Church lost at the hone of \I r,, 1.1 Vocal—,lack Kyle, first prize, wrist wain Letlerlaud on '1ttesclay. l'!'• .'watch; \lac Taylor, first prize, wrist Sant Daer was in charge of the meet- watch ; Gloria Sibthorpe, first prize, fug and Niro G.:\. Traylor presided at silver medal; Claire Taylor, first prize, the piano. 'I'Ite Scripture was read by silver medal ; duct—Gloria Sibthorpe, Mrs. John Uacr and prayers offered Jean .\Icl)onald, first prize, ten (1o1- by \Irs. S. Daer. A reading was giy- (;ars ; \f arguerite Hall, Janis Morritt, en by \Irs. .1. Taylor 3101 3 duct \vas Iona Griffiths, lan Griffiths, Muriel rendered by Marion Taylor and Laura I Shobbrook, Joanne Hodgins, Dianne \lay Letherland. The topic, "The \\'asinan, each received certificates. Bridge of l'u•lerstanding," was given Piano—Loraine Hamilton, Marguer- by \Irs, T. S. Johnston. \Irs. Gordon tic (fall, first prize, silver cups; Lor - Taylor favoured with a solo, accorn- ;tine Hamilton, milton, first prize, silver nted- panied by Mrs. 11. '. Phillips, and ;tl; Claire 'Taylor, certificate. \Irs. A. i:irl:conncll contributed a Gloria Sibthorpe and Loraine Hautil- reading, The president, \frs. s. Nes- I ton were chi'sible in classes competing bit, took charge for the business. \Irs for scholarships but lost in the home \V. Gooier thanked the Cuin for run gy a couple of marks. Gloria flowers scat her while a patient in competed for singing, and Loraine for Clinton hospital. The roll call was piano. answcrc.l with a "housecleaning (tint." Other pupils of \hiss :\tills' conipet- Rt\. I. I., Ilenderson closed he ing, were as follows: Ann 31orrit't, ntceting with 11. prayer• 7'he hostests Rhea Hall, Gletivice Baintot, Beth served refreshments. Powell, Betty 'fait, Grace Brewer, \Irs. \Villiam Robison was called to Joan Benninger, Olive \Vilson, Garth Fergus on account of the illness of McKnight, Donna- Jean Sibthorpe, her sister. ('arol 7'yrentan, Jack Tyrenlan, Rose Mr. and \Irs, Donald Fowler, Geo. • Marie \\'liitfieht, Carl Whitfield, Irwin, of Dungannon, 11 r, and \Irs. (-11nistena Cunningham, Brock \odden, \IcCuliy and \Irs, Henry, of hlcshcr- and Evelyn Young, tun, were visitors in Aubnru nn Sat A Blyth chorus scored 82 marks. ttre;ay tight, Band Students Receive I(igh Praise Students of A. C. Robinson, band Mr. and \Irs. Plunsteel of Clinton' master of 111}111 ',ions Boys and Girls with Ret. and \Irs. hlauolrl Snell. Band, were also prominent among the NH-. and \Irs. Mac Alliston, Betty Alliston, Leslie \loricj•, of Parkhill, , competitors,nand came f for bight with Mr. ant Nies. Gordon It. Taylor. praise form the adjudicators, as well \I 1. and .\Irs. . Go Beverley French11,'l'and as the audience. 1'lte general feeling \largaret Ellen French, of lleUuit, \\ as that their presence added much zest to the Festival, and, according with Mr. and Mrs. George Beadle. 1:.Ihinson, more stress will be Mrs. \V. C. Robertson suffered a placed of these classes another year. slight stroke on Sunday. She is at i winners in these various classes were the home of her daughter, \Irs, as follows: Trombone, Mary Kyle, 83, Christie, of Cromarty.? 1).:\. McKenzie, 81 ; E -flet Alto Saxes - Canvassers have been busy in this district contacting the public for the T. 13. X-ray Clinic to be held in (lode - rich May 17 to 22. ruts 7b; Clarinet (another class): \fil- Fricnds and neighbours gathered at \\'illiam J. Craig has started to build 1 tired Charter, 83; PhvIlis Shepherd, the home of lir. and \Irs. Dan Nle- at stew' home in Auburn. It is situat- irma \Vallace, Nlarjorie \Vatt, Lois Doherty, Alice McKenzie, ?Mary Kyle, 81 point. Boys, John Sibthorpe, I-Iar- old NI ow•att, Gerald Augustine, D. A. NIcKcnzie, Ron, Philp, Don. McNall, 80 points, Saxophone, Lois 1)olterty, 80; cor- net duet, Iruta \Vatt, Marjorie \Vatt, 111); Cornet solo, Irina \Vatt, 82, Alice '\IcKenzic, 81, John Sibthorpe, 80; Alto solo, Margaret Marshall, 81, Irma Wallace, 80; Baritone solo, Brock The NIcKenzics thanked everyone I baseball club treasury. Wod len, 80. present for their gifts and kindness. \Irs.:\ndrrt\ box, of \Vltitechurch, Irma 'Watt won a medal andschol- Refreshments were served I and Isobel Fox, Reg. N.. of Kincardine arsiip of k35.(X). Rohcrt \larshall, Mary 15ylc, and Bert Lyddiatt, won nu(!als. Students of S. S. No, 11, Hullctt, who were successful at the Musical Festival, were as follows: Baster Shad - dick„ won a silver medal in the boys class under 7, for singing. David Fairservice was third in the class un- der 14, and a double trio from ,the' school won a shied for singing. Their phone, Bert Lyddiatt, 85; Don Cart- wright, 82; Clarinet, Robert Marshall, 82; Dorothy l.yddiatt, 80; Irene Log - Kenzie on Friday evening to bid fare_ ed on John street, which is next to' • well is them in view of their depart- 1 ('Forge Ilamilon's residence. ure from the community to their new Euuuerson Rodger and Gordon Mc- hotne its Myth. Presentations were Clinchey entertained a number of their made to the various members of the friends at a dance in the Forester's family. Walter \(.•Gill read the ad- ' Hall 0" Friday night. Local talent dress, Earl Caldwell and Bert Fear ;Irovided excellent nntsic and a fine presented Mr. and NIrs, \IcKenzic time eras hal by all. with a table lamp and two wall Brack I The play "Adventure Bound," was its. Kathleen \taloa presented Alice given at \fonkton Friday night. The with a boudior lamp, awl Jack Cold- characters reported a wonderful crowd well presented 1). A. with a bed lamp. and over $40, was brought back for the 80, Sextette, girls, \tart aret Marshall, Following is a copy of the address: , with lit•. and \Irs. E. Phillips, "Blyth, May 9th, 1947 \Irs. Rose Bracdnock, \I r. and NIrs. Nits and \Irs. McKenzie, Alice and 1.. Gorier, of Godcrich, with '\ir' and D. A.— Dear Friends: Time has Mrs. Wesley Bradiock. brought ahott another change in our Donald Campbell, who is sailing on neighborhood, \\'hile we are sorr\. the Great 1.akes, spent the neck -end to lose you as our gond neighbours, at his home.' we will always count you our friends. 1 --I.-- WALTON During the years that you have lived among us, you have always leen ready and willing to juin-in any con- Rey. G. \\', Ilazclyood, minister of teacher is Mrs. E. \Vendurf, of Clin- 1 munity activity, •tied we have had Duff's United Church, has decided not Two New Houses To Be 'maty good times together. \\'e will to accept a call to Parker. Street Built On Dinsley Street, be glad to have you hack at any time. United Church, Sarnia. NI r. Hazel- ! \\'e have gathered here to -eight to wood was called to the church after a .Air. George i:adford has purchased wish you health and 't^•,.mess in your dcleg;aion from Sarnia had heard him two lots just cast of the Blyth United 1 new bout, and ask youto arse; t preach 011 Sunday last. After visiting Church, and will shortly common:: these parting gifts as a token of re- the Parker Street charge on 'Tuesday construction of two modern dwellings itteitihrance from your old neighbours of this week. \lr, Hazelwood an - thereon. The houses will b0 510103-' ;and friends 01 1'.S.S. No. 3. Signed, flounced he had decided to remain in and -a -half frame construction. 1 Arletta Feer, Margaret Caldwell, Viola Walton for another year. The addition of these two new dwel- , R. 1 faints." 1 Grey township School Board has hugs will help in a small degree tot \I r. an•1 \Irs. \Ic•Kenzie and fait- re -hirci! some school teachers and has relieve the housing shortage which is ily moved to Myth on Tuesdayengaged four Normal School graduates becoming increasingly apparent in the _____________N_______.I to fill the teaching p.,sitions in the town. —v --- DEA'I'tiS CONSERVATION PICTURES TO schools made vacant. Mks Ruth Wil - BE SHOWN HERE, MAY 16TH s"" of Brussels, a tu)rmalite, has been hired for S.S. No. 1, while \hiss Shir- A conservation movie chow will It ley 'I'hont'son, 11. is)y(' and \1 r. Ihm- CO\VAN—At Glendivc, Montana, on staged in the Memorial [fall, Illyth. at Iris of Ethel, have also) been etttzagcd. Thurstlay, \fay 8t11. 1947, \frs. John 2:31) o'clock Friday afternoon, \lay 11c -; l..awlcs, who is teaching at No. Cowan (Annie mains), formerly a 31 tit There will be no admission 12 -hoot in the township i; staying in resident of Blyth, in her 7801 year. charge. \\'. 11. Cantetot, Game N\ or- the hoards employ but f: moving to Only surviving sister, of \1 r. George den for North Huron, has made the 1 Fti I. Salaries range from ;1,500 to 'l'unncv, who celebrated he- .3rd i•irth- Mains, of Hullctt township. ..cramg,sntent=. ;'I,i ). day on Tuesday, `.' ;• 12t1-1, ton. —v CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to \Vatter and Ar, not.' Gwynn, twin sons of Mr. and \Irs. David Gwynn, East \Vaw•anosl, vlto celebrate their 3rd birthday on Saturday, May 170. Congratulations to \ir. Harvey Mc- Callum, who celebrated itis birthday on Saturday, May 10th. Congratulations to Sharon Gray, who celebrated her 2nd birthday on Sunday, May 11th. Four generations, were present for the occasion. Congratulations to hiss Lenore Ann 1 [allahan who celebrated her 4th birthday on Sunday. May 11th, Congratulations to L...: Johnston, who will celebrate her birthday on Monday, May 19th. C'''tgratuiaui,,lts to Mauna T eine JUST IN FUN Chivalry in the Park Some Wren, too few perhaps, are never caught lacking in courtesy. One professor type we know of cringed inwardly as he observed a woman descend heavily upon his new hat which he had placed beside him on the park bench. Realizing her mistake, she apologized pro- fusely. Then the man of gentle breeding quickly replied. "Think nothing of it, madam. Before, my hat was siulpiy frit—nt,w it's sat -in!" His Contribution While visiting in Dublin, satirist Jonathan Swift was asked for a subscription by a charitable organi- zation that was planning to build an orphanage. Ile promised five pounds. The following day, it was an- nounced in the newspapers that he had promised 50 pounds, Furious, Swift voiced his protest to the members of the committee. They offered to print a correction in the next edition of the papers, but the author refused to be subjected to such embarrassment. "l'11 give you the 50 pound=," he said, "on the condition that you permit me to choose the inscription over the main entrance,' This was agreed upon, The in- scription chosen by Swift was de- scriptive and appropriate. It read: "eI was a stranger and ye took me In." What More? Temporarily discouraged with the apartment in which she sited, the mother complained to her four- year-old son: "I do wish we could find another place to live." "I don't, .Ionunic," was his quick response, "I love this apart- ment." Earnestly seeking a fresh view- point, she asked: "'Tell me, dear, what do you like especially, about our apartment:" "Monlmie," he explained, "the rooms are just the shape 1 like and they are just where 1 tvant them." Whoops! The young candidate for admis- sion to the Navy was being given a test to determine his general knowledge. One of the questions put to him was "What kind of ani- mals cat grass:" The young man fidgeted and looked uneasy, but apparently could think of no an- swer. "Come, come," said the Admiral who was examining him, "surely you can answer a situp!` question like that! What kind of animals eat grass?" The boy brightened up, "Ani- mals!" he exclaimed. "1 thought you said admirals" The Heckler The Scot is frequently the goat when jokes are on tap, but not always. Listen to this: in an English political oration: "1 was born an Englishman, I have lived an Englishman, I hope 1 shall die an Englishman." From the back of the hall in an unmistakable accent, c a in e the question, "Mon, hae ye no ambee- tion ?" Brevity "Get my broker, Miss Jones." "Yes, sir—stock or pawn;" Western Sheepmen Short of Shepherds If you are tired of your present method of making a living and looking for work in a field not too crowded with competition, take up shepherding, suggests the Windsor Star. `tVord from Saskatchewan is that sheepmen have an acute labor problem—a shortage of shepherds. They arc finding that young men take no interest and the old-timers are starting to die off. For those who think their pres- ent occupation offers too many trials and tiibulations, shepherding should be most attractive. For it is very routine. In June you load up your camp wagon, leave the ranch and set up camp on the range. Your only link with civili- zation is the weekly supply wagon. In winter, you move to a per- manent camp nearer the ranch, but you are out with the flock in all weather, You faee the chance of being frozen to death, and frozen hands and faces are com- mon occupational hazards. The shepherd's responsibility is to see his charges don't poach on someone else's property; to watch for signs of disease among the flock and see none stray. And if you take up such a pro- fession you will soon learn that, instead of being the ones you must watch with distrust, the Mack sheep of your flock arc the most valued members. Black sheep arc scat- tered throughout the flock for count ng purposes, and the shep- herds count only the blacks. If any are found missing they assume others have alto strayed, and begin a search. DEMOCRACY COMES TO ITALY'S ARMY t•, Something new has been added: In Fascist days Italian soldiers had to dance with each other; girls weren't allowed in troop halls. Now they can bring their senoritas, but there doesn't seem to be enough to go around. Rome.—There was one good re- sult of the war in Italy, G1 Gius- eppe HOW can it down at a table to eat his nieals. Three tinges a day the improve - men in Italy's small but effective post-war army is thus brought honk to the men in the ranks. Before the war, an ordinary soldier in the Italian Army simply picked up a mess kit of food from the camp kitchen, found a shady spot around the camp, sat down and had his meal there. Now he it Good Paint Protects and Beautifies For those homeowners in this district who are contemplating the beautification of t heir home s, whether interior or exterior, we have a message of vital importance, It has to do with the paint you are going to Ilse, "There is a great deal of truth in the statement "good paint is free." As a matter of fact, its preservative effect on the wood- work is so great that there is a bonus for using it, So many homemakers have learn- ed the importance of using quality paint that a mention of the import- ance of buying good paint is of vital interest to those who are going to paint or have painting done this season, Professional painters and home owners of our acquaintance have told us that quality paint pro- ducts cover a greater surface and hold their true color for a longer time. The reputation enjoyed by The Martin-Scnour Co, Limited has been built on the quality of their products tested by discriminating users over a period of many years. Our readers can rest assured that vhcn they use a product of the quality of Martin-Scnour paints they are taking no chances on sur- face coverage and lasting finish. Only the skill that comes from years of experience in the paint manufacturing business could give to The Martin-Scnour Co, Limited the reputation that they now enjoy. Your local Martin-Scnour dealer or painter and decorator can give you valuable advice regarding de- corative materials and Co lour schemes with the aid supplied by Martin-Senour, Your insistence on the use of these products for your painting and decorating will be your assurance of a satisfactory job this Spring. Fish Story Prince Naruhiko I-Iigashi-kuni, former commander of the Japanese Army in China, commander of Jap- anese homeland defenses during the war and premier of all Japan fol- lowing the surrender, has obtained a license to run a fish market in downtown Tokyo. Boys Bands at C.N.E. Must Have New Deal There will have to be a new deal in the boys' band competitions at the Canadian National Exhibition this year. So many boys enlisted that new classes to meet new con- ditions will have to be organized. For example seventy boys from the Ottawa Boys Band joined the col- ors, sixty went from Brantford and proportionately large groups from smaller bands. Many of the bands have recruited so many boy musicians it has been found necessary to provide new classes. The London Police BoyS Band now numbers eighty while sixty youthful musicians arc wear- ing the uniform of the Leamington, Ontario band. London police started a boys band as part of the cam- paign to combat juvenile delin- quency. Now the move has spread to Chatham, Hespelcr, Dundas and Guelph where the guardians of the law have sponsored bands. The Police Chiefs Association of Can- ada has formally approved the plan. Service clubs also are encouraging the young bandsmen, The Opti- mist Club of Chatham has donated one thousand dollars to the band in the Maple City and at London the London IIotel Association has contributed various amounts to a 'total of four thousand dollars. not only provided with a tress hall and mess tables, but there is a read- ing room in his barracks, something never before permitted except in officers. quarters. Enlisted men now have their own shows, dances, bars and refreshment rooms. Democratization of Italy's army began with the first landing of Allied troops in September, 1043, A special Anglo-American unit, known as the Military Mission to the Italian Army, was formed. This unit was to co-ordinate the rem- nants of Mussolini's army with the Allied forces and to see whether the Italian troops could be taught to work and operate along the same lines as the :Allied fighting forces in Italy. Inside of .a year the MM l:\ had three divisions of Italian troops trained and fighting w ith the Allies against the Germans The troops used American and Pritish equip ment. VOCE OF THE P Not A Buyers' Strike Alan3 people know the:, :are no longer hating decent t,tlue for their mont y. So, they are simply not purchasing. It is not a buyers' strike or anything of the sort. It is just the commons,. e of the buy- ing public is it (ling people they might as rayl! trait until ill,: balloon C0111(• dip \\ tl --Tlir 11 int! e,r St:,r, Very 1)ear,—Dear A \i`itioo stare st,1r from ..tx York is reported to hate said in an inter\ kw, "1',inada is t c r) dor to the." \\'c ',o ld like to notes the lady drat, to t.',nladian', the raiser is getting dealer all the time. --Toronto Satnrtl;,. Russia's Needs \\'hat 1:u—ia nu d- is :1 \will] wintu• port :1,1 a diplomat or t•,\J who ti iit'rn.o tliiroional til. it S. Odds on Britain 111 it,tin, it is occasionally nuiutt out, may a,tonish the world by Ler t recovery, Her failure to rt r.;\ i i I ttoultl ast,mi-;t us more, -- Sault Ste, .11.trii ,L:t„, In One Day At Liverpool in one day sift parcels of food for British families were received iron) indi- viduals in the united States. This is the sort of friendly. gcslure that is remembered long niter the words of stateseiten are forgotten, —Ottawa Journal. '(t c ESS Grim slut Logical Sir .11esander ('lutt':bock. the Lnitcd hiugdom's high Crni is- Si,ner to Canada :.i)S that unless nations can achieve closer co opera- tion there will he another upheav- al. The deduction is grins but bih- ical. It is up to the ,rations in act acoordingly. Ilnoltfotd F,.tat,itt,r. Isn't it Awful? The rile lancholy days are herr, \ioo frenzic,l days of all the year, IV bt n ;nen } o home to find the looms All torn up in housccicaeing la urn t .1 Lomas 'l inks -Journal. Ilay or What? farmers paid $7,111,926 into 111 Dominion 'leasury in in- comc tat during Jttd,,-to, If that's not flay, it's the next thing to it. —1)antilton Spectator, c� TABLETS "e/ 4.rALL DAUO',10AtS Even though the "lunger" signs of Inflation can be tal.en down now, they have to be replaced with signs reading, "Proceed Witli Caution.” The ice is still too thin for any Canadian to tell himself, "Now, at last, I can go ahead and buy everything I want." -We can't ---yet. But we can proceed to enjoy—in moderation —many of the goods and services which were so long in short supply. These good things are ours at moderate prices now because we were moderate in our demands before. Today, Canadians can indeed be proud of one of this country's finest possessions, which is, as The Nouse of Seagram has long contended, this nation's policy of moderation in all things --in its thinhil3g, i11 its buying and 111 its personal habits. «Ofo L9-7/a.0/0//l/MV Oriente thele e/'ae c TOF IIOUSE OM SEAGRA%I * POP—Novel Beginning 1 THE OPENING 5e.&NE Ola MY NEW NOVEL tg IN A SALVAGE. DUMP •^e., .. 11 '.re rel r.eaime. 1101 r.. M-145 By J. MILLAR WATT THAT'S WHntzz NC5T OF 11-itl; E?Np1 �.l CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BUSINESS OIT0tt'IY)N11'I' A'I'l'I;N.1'10N: 'Tourist Resorts, Souvenir ;;Lops, Drug Shires. I have 0 mar heal Iwo tono combination 1111 tray rind cribbage board. f.nhprnl commission. 1'or pet Oculars write Rudolph Carlson, IClplIng, Ont. BAI11' ('HICKS BABY CHICKS AND STARTED CHICKS Our Prh(a for Ilahy (:h'rhs and started ('hlrks will surprise sou. All Chfche from blood tested stock. Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, (int, D.\Y 01.0 thlrlt L;ug:nna lar Chili -07:,:k and n' -%L. haired limb's, New Iltlmpahlre:,, New Tt;unpahle X Barred hock, Barred Rork X ':ov 1lit nppllire, New 1lunpahIre X Light Suns'•x, 1,101 Suss''/( X New 1lounn(nlre, Light $It'uox X Barred Rot lot non-n'xed (9, 9e, pullets 517.95, cockerels 9L95. Assorted ifenvy ilnvds 11011 -Hexed (3.95 ,pullets (10.9;, 1 (wit oi els 53 95. Cockerels: White Leghorn .X Varied hocks 51.95, 'While Leghorn:+ 950, 'lows weeltn old odd 16.00 per hundred, 'Niue weep o(d edit 811.00 to non -sexed raid pullets, 15,01 to (0(11.1 0,1, S111Ppe'1 C.O.H. 'Thin edr(•rtise- ment trust neon:IPsn)' Your otd'rc In receive these special prices, Top Nuleh ('(0 horlen, (;'plph, (Inlet tot_ LAKEVIEW CHICKS rat gr'atly Ieduced irirr•i for Airy end ,luno. 11:1[rhea weekly. i'r"tnpt delivery. Egg prices ore oxpe('tcd to Le High next Pall 111111 psi ceilings removed. 1'O18 HALE CANOE CANVAS Alt weights and widths also copper nails. lacks and canvas filler Write for prices John Leckie I,Imlted, 77 Wellington Strout W., Toronto Indian I-Iill Turkey Ranch tVe gas ta,t,'n (le germine hr'rld-breasted bronze turkey polite, Our flocks ate tube traded and were heeded by Hopei£ 'loins direct from Oregon. Write for free chctiler to Indian 11111 'Turkey Rani h, It,x 208, Stnyner, t (itarii, A11'SICIANti S'r1t1NrS-\'lulus, Steal (woud) Set (I') .50e, (00') (1 25, (X1 81.5). Pro- f 'sslnnal Set (X) 12.60. Hawaiian Guitar - Silver 1' wound 6 at doge .75c. Hawallirt Gui- tar -Bronze wound 8 strings 51 69, SPanlsh- Silver 1' wound 8 s0116s 00: Bronze 8 strings 51.60. 6lnndnlin Sot 81.60; itanjo Sot 11.15; Ukelele Set ,(0c Postage paid. Pully guaranteed. Send Money Order to: APO u1,IAN, Box lit, Station 'D', West Tor- onto. Until 511, MODERN GUN SHOP ,1N'I'101'(5 ANI) 810111:RN It 1114 /MI:UII'I', 5,111.1), EN( 11.1\1;1;0 itl•:I'.111ta EE I sls available moot leIneet. :(011(1 01N1'1111'1'11 A\'1;., 'TORONTO, 1 :; Greases, , U1 . ( r las( s, Tires, InHOcticld"s, lanrtrfe ['erre Controllers, (louse and Ban Paint, Itoof Cool Ingo, ere. Donlete wanted. Write \Vnrco 0nut tie & 011 Limited, Toronto. BREEDER HATCHERY PAINTING TIME o! 5000 Breeders. All double lloodtestd, handed and rolled for body typo end high 1I duction hoisted tinder Idee1 coed 11hots. "Rest Chicks We ]:ver Ilad." pullets err 1nyin6 Hwrll, eucl;eroln gond (liar, reports Lincoln laiedio, 1:dcu Grave, Ont. Never had Hurl' gond Inch with pullets, D42011,8 honest (1. lnuulha'dt, I In wkpatnnr, (Int. Send for free i'uuhry (7uido and 1'11ce List, also hull pnrliruler9 011 dos Old turd mil riot ehxits std !teary Reset cdrketc)i. Lakeview Poultry Farts Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont. 11'l: 11,41'1: 001 0,',1,1 ehd,, for prompt :•liilaurnl, also H111111. sinned heat'(' breed t .'•Lerch, 2-)•1 week old. 11mule your June ehlel(H 11(110 10 get Qn11mllly, breed, O., to of del ivory you wort,. pullets. inn-Hex"d un,I oultervIii. 111,0 110l(lou y, 1"0 John N, Ham- ilton, Ont. Ni IV A 811\(15'0 to 11,ste, Garly (hicks neon lug fall eggs, 'I'wodd le (11(1te trill matte tit0ney for you 100. Pot' two's tlurrn-; ernes uo.0 tvc }Inv, been hel'ing 1) moirePolito' L'ei,li g profitable for our customers. proof of satlnfoolion Is 111a1 Ihry tome harp year nh('r year for 'l'weddln chicks. We have the fob lotting ciossbreeds. hla(k 9! l(rvl X White l,rghurns, \Vhlte Leghorn X 1lorrei Mork, Barred Bock X %%'hlb' Leghorn, White inwi( X \V1,111) Leghorn, New 1Ia mordri re X \\'hire Leghorn, Light Sussex X White Leghorn, Itl;,';k Anal retort) X \Vinic Leghorn, 1('lv 1la npshiro X Marred [tock, mored hark X New' Ifnn111shlre,,, 1,18111 SIIHHex X New Haien- shires, New Ilampsluire( X Light Sussex, bight Sussex X Marred Rork and 12 pure breeds to choose from. All from Government Approved Pullorlum tested breeders with pray 0.1 records of livability and profitable produe• Gott. 100(i;, live delivery Is guaranteed. You get Only iealthy, lively birds, day old or uhler, pullets, cockerels or non -sexed, T'w221r'le chicks aro fast•growln6, brnvy producers, Start Mi- los In 6 to 51 monis. Tho sooner .von net a flock of '1'lveddle chicks the sooner they'll start making money for 500, Send now for our Illustrated catalogue and reduced prices for ➢ins and June. A Iso 1 w and three Werk old started chicks rind older pullets eight weeks to laying, TIv,J'lle Chlelt hatcheries Lfntllcd, Fer_ue, Ont. SUSSEX X HAMPS FOR SUCCESS 11AY delivery, book your order today at Ole following prices. L'osexed Chicks 512.00 per 100. Pullets 822,00; Cox lc; Leghorn X Romps, unsexed, $12.00 per 100; Pullets 26c; 'Cox le. i'nllorum•Tesled Gov't Approved Bloch $100 Dawn, balance on dellter)', s1111NN185 53 ('111014 HATCHER 1' Box 256, Elmira, Ont. 2, 4, & 6 Week Old Pullets Also mixed chicks and cockerels, All raised In brand new 111r -conditioned brooder plant 'ender Ideal conditions. Send fur Weekly [prem' last of ❑farted chicks. Lakeview ?'niIly Pa em. Exeter, Ontnriu. '9c HURONDALE CHICKS 11c Sussex 9: New !lamps.. Reck X 1lnmPs Barred ,locks, New 1lamps. , Rock X Leg - boom, 111(90x X letdowns. New IlnnIp, X 1.r,.1oros end Purr I,eghorns 1 le, Pure Sus. h"r (20. Assorted SDxe,' Chicks Sp, HURONDALE PULLETS 19c All heavy breed pullets 19r•, after ,lune lel 17', Medium Breeds and In'ghorns 210. An. Hot10d Polhill; 17e. 1lcovy Breed Cockerels - Send for Special ['rices. 31111(1 IBI1•:IsI)1:1)H All ductile lloudtr'st,d, handed and r11/10,1 ly' tri' -rectors, !melted by high pedigreed fuundu- 11ou sheik.0Maley customers report wonder• tut lill(•Cese. "Itc•sl (:hlcl(s I 1':1'(•r Hall," STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS tl'E1:1(s TO (i 00101a(N 01.1), 2 weeka mhl 4e, a weeps add 10e, 4 weeks add 15e, 5 weeks add lac, 6 weeps old pub 1,18 600. 1111':;, lira delivery tmaranteed. 1,00 per 100 deposit ott clay nide. 10'5 an stnrled 111 dpi s. Order from rind ENCLOSE th:n ad. HEAVY AND MEDIUM COCKERELS Sleet type New 110 nips Ge, all other hwlvy breeds 6'('c. Assort •1 heavy Cox fitye. P,orlt X Leghorn Sussex X Lebhorna 24ec, Day old ("0 on IY Htlrondale Chick Hatchery, 1,O2080IN, 0N'1'. 1,011'11'11,1, save feed hind also cutch up 011 1143 Hen non If you order some of 0111, well Warted two and three work old started chlck,, We have the following breeds tit 000 -Hexed, pullets or cnelu'rrls for Immediate delivery: :New 11:1111p111tl'es, Barred 1torlts, 1111 'Ted Ilock X New Ilnmtwhircs, Light Sussex X Barret) 1(1 It, Now Illuupnhlre X lbtrred Rock, Light Sussex X Kew 1111111P9hIPe9, Ilhode Island ]reds, New 11nmpOhire X Light Sussex, Light Strna(•x, ❑Igo pullets eight weeks to laying, Tweddh 0111(0 lhiti'hcries Limited, 1•ergus, ontnrfo. DYEING AND CLI:ANINO HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for Information. 0\'o are glad to answer your questions. Department II. Parker'e Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, 'Toronto, Ontario 1'OR HALL: a AT'TEN'TION i'A1111151)53 FOR SAI,[; -Tractor TIres, mode of rubber, suitable Inc bolting on steel wheels. 815 00 each, rear wheeler 17.50 each, front wheels. When ordering elute diameter nml width of wheels. Nntlone) Rubber Co. Ltd., 5 Will. ehlro Ave., Toronto, Ont. Al'IHSA010 nn lake, %veil wooded. imitable for Boys' summer" camp, C. Wren, 11 Ashland Are., Toronto. 300 AM P. Electric Welder on rubber Chrye- ler 'Engine T 120, used about 100 hours, 31375,00, Waller Plane, Stamford Centre, Ont. BALED SHAVINGS POR SA1,16. baled soft wood ahav'iegs, car- load Iola nob', Write flus Products., P.O. Ilox 75, lIon[tea I ;I, CANVAS COVERING [[envy Whlto Duck waterproof with tight rubber coating one aide, 60 Inches wide, $1,26 )aril Suitable for Canoe Duck, Ground Streets, Roof or Deck Covering, Full rolls 100 yards epeclnl price. Supplied In Tar- paulins, sturdy, long wearing, complete with tle ropes 1le square toot. Write for sample John Leckie Limited, 77 Wellington 80 W., Toronto 11 EWES, I ram, 7 lambs; sheep unshorn, 5175. J. A. )'ewtrese, 11.R, 1, Navin, Ont. FO11 SALTS-\\'. 1. Victory. cook hooks, 800 recipes, postpaid, 50c. Airs, Andrew Mc- Cain, Floreucevllle, N.B. rho 11110 to hrlghlen 1111 your bonding, with a mew Webster Paint Sprrlrer, Use the same compressor 112111 to pomp tip your tractor Mel Implement rubber Broca. ]write for full part Muter 0. ,11r 0,m,pr,•s'lnl0. up to 1 30 po' ti l3 pressure, 121;2'021 1111 t'. 5016,00, i'ull stock of woodworking machinery, moors, pumps and electrical wiring 0011(1100. \\'rite pots for detsili. MILGROM ELECTRIC LIMITED 79 Bing Street West, IIA8111,TON, Ontario, PER 91ANEM' Pasture Mix, 812,00 per Acre: 111.50 1'ivo acres or more delivered, four typ10 to ,suit your soil :old climate, When ordering stele soil type, drainage and fertility. Sllttsvnle I'e"d Fiore, StfllovlBe, Ont, POTATO GROWERS l' HM': 1) see the NOV 11 1(12 1 potato her• rt stet.. Digs 011,1 h:ge your c(01) (111 0110 mnchinr•. 11'1111 MI1(1111, Sl, Jacobs, Out. 11EI)I('AI. \\'.1NTED -1':very trot toter of Rheumatic Polos or Non 14 to try 101',',, Remedy. Mulado Drug Suite, 3'3 Elgin, Ott ay,a. post. - pat.( 51.00. ----- TREAT YOURSELF at home with electro• magnet -ism for Artltritfel, itheumatisrn, In• snook, Varicose \'cloy and other eltetllnlorY alirnonts. free expl:waory pamphlets from Conpeltemedles. Ynngn Street, Tot unto. WHY SUFFER ARTI-IRITIC and tc te(01.0t v:1("n Itteehietnnc of- fers prompt lasting 1 chef. I111r t1r•atnu'nt (1.00 postpaid. Indian 1ternrdlr0, (lox 115, Vora 11111','1'. I'itl'1T ,1('1('1;5: The Prinrtpil ingredienln 111 Dixon's It"mods for iII''uln,ute 101100 NentiIin. Munro's ening F'ore, 3SS Elgin, (muffin. Postpaid 8t 0'+. 111'NIC:11, 1 \Sof It 1',111:N'J'S FRED A BODDINU•r)'IN hays, Hells, ex• changes musical Met rum, Me I 1 t Church, 7 memo 2 O1'I'EIt 10 INVENTORS AN OFFER 10 every Inventor-1,1st of Inver. lions and full Information sent free. The Ramsay Lo., Registered I'atent Attorneys, 273 ilunit Street, Ottawa. OI'I'OR'l'IUNIT'IJSS FOR 001)91EN BE A HAIDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Gress rtuntt ilOpnonlydreselnsy Learn Ph wont dignified profession. good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduate'. Atae:ice's greatest systern. Wont rated cats• Logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIIIDiRESSiNG 8011001,5 368 Bloor St. W„ Toronto Branches 44 Ging St., IInmllton & 74 Rideau Street_ Ottawa PATENTS I'ETIIIOItSTONAL'G11 & Company Patent Solicitors. Established 1890. 14 ging West, Toronto Ronklet of information nn request. PERSONA I. ST'll' 89f0i01\'CJ without taking any'lhing Internally or using any will power! Send 41'- address( d envelope for Intro -Illation. Pierre, 442 Birks Building, Edmonton 6, Alberta, LONESOME, john a Society which operates i'ul'I,TitV swinges; delivery, Irem Christian principles. Somewhere e future sweetheart Heelts your acqunlntance, 511011 ,1 positions, means, Information free. Calnd'an t•'rieudship Society, ]tux 113, Dur - hang, Ont, 1noroI '1',me Recorders. 93 Church Si-, 'rel pl,111 P.\R'I'S FOR ARMY TRUCKS 9.00 x 13 or 9,00 x 16 New GOODYEAR TIRE AND TUBE -$55,00 Pa roe for nil Army Trnrlin both Canadian and ('.S. Levy Auto Parts Co. Ltd. 735 Queen 50'„ Tonn11o, ant. SAVE YOUR LEAKY ROOF! 01'1 lea Ito toils made Illte new ngain with liquid mshe91011 Elamtlk Roof hoe. Early to apply, Saves you stoney. Furl Information ft re, Dominion Gement Paint Company, Dept. S, 434 doing West, Toronto, tour 65th. year. ) S.1W111L1. 1(01,1')' lettable Hawfraw and Per - rings etc, Soni descrlpllon, location and cash price Joseph Woolley, Atweeter, Ont:. SAWYER-MASSEY 36•,70 1tireshet', 35 1[1' Runlet hector, In good running' order, The out(It (700.00, New, White, 28.16 all steel with shredder. Ivan Martin, tit. Jneuhs, Ont.' STRAWBERRY plants for northern dist'icte. I rc•ronunrttd Catskill leer %,triply. [lardy heavy prndueer, 51) for 52 (10 or 100 fur 13,50. also Hera I:verbon rer hearing this Hee Hon until late fall, 25 for 2.0 0, a0 for 14,00 nr 100 ler (7.011, ]'repaid. Order inn'. L. 05', Phillips. Box 11, Welland, ant. STORE EQUIPMENT Traded -1n, romm�uurr scabs, moat slivers, electric meat rhopPet,, Mr. Berl['! Products ('o, Linilte,l, (.151i lunar 11_, Toronto. TARPAULINS Sturdy brawn or khaki Duck Waterproofed ('overs with tie ropes. ell weights. Write for (1111111111011s and samples John Leckie. 77 [Vel. TIRES We oro overstocked rat the present of good used trade -In Ares (gu:trmueed to be In ex• .01,1'!'U171,.8'l'ION of 511111110 rolleeled over 16 ecllent ah:lpeI yearn. Conndele rollertun for 111110 10 high- est bidder. Box 721, Iaobicohe P.O., Toronto 1I. ASTROLOGY -A tree Solar Reading. llelpful advice and guidance. Send birth date, stamped -addressed envelope. '1'1[1: PSYCHO* SUCCESS INSTI'TUT'E (91 81, 922 Federal Ilullding, Richmond Street West, Toronto. ('11) ((' (1(i 11,01' 115' FILMS DEVELOPED and Printed, 25c Roll; Reprints, :lc Each SPECIAL COMET folding camera, full 127 ntze, guar. nnteed. (8 95; with leather shoulder carry- ing arryIng case. 111.45; shipped 30.01 pa lid We 11a%e Mimeo Films 111 mock, COMET PHOTO SERVICE ]Box G, Postal Station U, Toronto � PROMPT MAIL SERVICE This hie, reliable studio doom 1u11111y work AT LOWER PRICES Don't risk your films. Send them to Star Snapshot Service. ANY 141'/,l: It(1L1, 6 nr 8 Exposures DEVELOPED and PRINTED 30c Reprints from your negatives 4c. 2 mounted enlnrgenlente 4 x 6" 25e. )l3. l rgarnenta framed 7 a 9" In Gold, Silver, Walnut or illnrk Frames 74c. If picture colored 94r, Prints and enlargements made from prints of lost negatives, Hent, 31 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE mix 1':0, POST 01'1101: A, TORONTO S'1' A31 I'S GIL%IIAMM 81:1,1, on Paper showing postmark Wanted, Collectors to join New '/,ealand Exchange Club, World \\'Ide-errespmndenIs. 51.00 year membershIP• A. C. 00011 field, 24 Glen Iton(l, Toronto 600 X 16 - $5.00 A 1) ordet ',hipped C.O.1) Specie) et/Moment for vulcanizing Tool( nod Farm Tractor Tit es. EA ("ON 9'1111, router Queen 1111,1 Yells 818., 1)1401111011, Out ON'I'A1RIO'S 61(155' 6101)011N EQ1-11'!'E0 'VIRE Sif01' - - Dealers Wu Hied TRACTORS & BELTS 12.21 llnrl Parr & 1'ordson cheap for (mirk Hole. Gno,1Near bells In all standard lengths Anurlean Separators & 0 American Separator Sales, Gud(:rlrh, Ont. TYPE\VIH't'I:IbS standar,] and Portnblr, re- built, guaranteed A-1 rond11lon, Write Cittilot Supply 254 Bank St., ()Hawn, Ont, FARMS FOR N:11.1: 1'Ott S.1[,i0 200 acres good clay loam, 6 Issues from good town, 3 neves hnrdtv0011 bash, balance tractor land, brick house with furnace, 1011112 barn with litter outlet, %%Mel la form, heft house, pig pea, implement shed. Shed fur trartnr, one car gat age, Iulntedlnte possession Apply' to A. I.6. Bales, 11.11.1, Sh)1. 11111'11), (alt. 200 -ACRE dairy farm, situated on Ring's Highway, nine stiles weal or Cornwall. Farm In excellent condition, coorYIng 70 head of cattle at present. 10011,1in1,, conelst of two houses, large barn, large henhouse and pig pen, all In excellent repair; also sugar bush. Modern equipment 1n 11011800 and Karn Apply to R. C. Hartle, P.O. flex 1075, Corn- wall, Ont. 100 ACRE farm, iot 29, Mutm er; clay 10111", lovely' honne, 8•roonled house, hardwood moors, 2 Largo learns, ato»o foundation, all rtnn•nled, Hprhlg (cater to pasture, well near buildings. Early Possee0(00, Near school and church, hydro end telephone a'nllable. APply 143 Donlnnds Ave„ 'I'ironlo. IIAIIIDItESSINO LEARN [laidreaaing the Robertson tnelhod. Information on request regarding classes. Ilohertson'g Hairdressing Academy, 137 Ave- nue Road, Toronto KELP WANTED 811121!1150 COUPLE wanted, cook and house- man for country residence on bus line near Brampton. Ptivatn Quarters, high wages, no laundry, Telephone 99, hruuptot, or write Arcs. W. I,. Olbson, WANTED -Elderly men and boy. NI endow - mount Farms, Newcnalle, Ontario, Moate 3. GENERAL I0OUSEKELOP1NG-(lood wages for competent [woman to live 10 modern residence, excellent locality. Young family with four year and Infant girl, Reply -G. Barrett, 0 Alexandra, (lilt. EEXPERiENCED HOUSEMAID for new country home near Oshawa. Private room, washroom, radio, liberal time oft, Oood bus connections. APply Box 140, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto, 4 GRADUATE Nurses, General Duty' Wanted for a 36 bed Municipal hospital, In a thriving town, population 2,000. Recreation facilities good. Salary $110.00 with Lull maintenance Increased to $120.00 per month atter nix months service, 8 day week, 8 hour day, 8 weeks holiday with Pay after one year cervico. Taber Municipal hospital, Rog 560, Taber, Alberta. HOUSEKEEPER, capable, reliable, for busi- ness couple with two echool-age children - small house -no heavy work -modern home appliances -plain but good cooking neceesary -good wages. Private room and radio. Write Blrkan'e, i Oxford Street, corner Spadlna, Toronto, f 1-('11 EIt5, 11'.1 N'I'Ell -M,_ P(1.' it 01' 01,11"115() Public School Tenebere for St hoot Area No. 2 9lonlengle end Herschel Salary $1500. per year, Duties to rummel'0 September 2nd. Apply slating, (mall( ions 10 1:nt1 9!no'Qun•, 5,e. 'frena. SIIIH'Iuw, 1111. SALTFLEET AREA NO, 1 NIAGARA PENINSULA '1'1:9(11lat5 for S"pl'•nllel'. Modern one - roomed n, Imola with enrolments 1(1011 36. SQhnrh;nt rreit of Hamilton. School nurse.. Music Supervisor and free Pupils' supplies in 001101111. Salary $1,750.00 for experienced leachers. Stole (lutlifications, experience and entire of present Inspect or. Apply SD's George Ler: Salt fleet School Area. \Ventworlh Calmly, Stoney Creek, Ont. WANTED H.IRDWARtE. BUSINESS wanted for cash, town or village. ilox 113, Room 421, 73 Adelaide 00'., Toronto. '1'YPL\V1i'rEMMS w'nnted, state make eel model, %villa 537 hesserer St., Ottawa, Ont. WANTED -All kinds of dressed poultry. Top Prices for lop birds. Joseph Cooper Limited Poultry Dept , 2054 Danforth Ave., Toronto 6. (\\'e do custom) grading). REF111:D WIDOW, 51, desires position nH hnt,oekeepr'r 10 elderly 0e111(mnn, city or country, 'Box 144, 73 Adeladn W., Toronto. SHOAT NTOIt5 writers wanted. Poerne wanted for short 1,101101. Send for type and Information before sending 11110, 11 tort - verse Publishing Co., Box 1432, Columbus, 01110. ATTENTION FARMERS and Property Own. ere, 1 nm preps ed to purchase in this district for rash If priced right, parcela of land, large or small with fair buildings, Write giving full particulars of lot number, con• cession number, township to II, Prngnell Realty, 1653 Danforth Avenue, Toronto ISSUE 20-1947 HERE'S WORLD'S FASTEST FIGHTER World's fastest fighter plane is the "Thunderjet," pictured in flight over Republic Aviation Corporation's Farmingdale, N.Y., plant, Officially designated the P-84, the jet plane makes over 600 mph, climbs higher than 40,000 feet and has more than 1000 -mile range. SPOTS OF SPORTS ByFRANK MANN HARRIS { I S ("A Sixbit Critic") With sports of all varieties bounc- ing throughout the land as never be- fore, it is rather sad having to in- ject a sour note Into the general harmony. However,. we learn on good authority that one minor branch of sporting activities is suf- ferig from something of a slump, A young friend of ours who, for some years past, has bolstered his pocket -money allowance by search- ing for lost golf halts and then re- settling sante, reports that things in his line are by no means as they should be. * e alt's getting fierce," he Says. "Balls that even last summer 1 could have got hal-a-rock apiece for, nowadays 1 have to let go for thirty-five cents or ct'cn two bits. The golf hall makers are Turning out far Lao many balls these day's, and somebody ought to stop them before they put business on the bum for keeps." * 4 t This L1 -year-old added, however, that far more people are taking up the game for the first time than ever before in his experience; and this, from his point of view, 1s all to the good. "'That is what I like to see out on a golf course," he said, "Plenty of these new beginners that swing \vtlt their eyes shut and spray balls over the rough, and then are ashatn- ed to spend a lot of time looking for them, Gee, atter a twitch of them have been around a guy can find balls without even hying, so I guess that even if prices are all shot, it all * * * • Ire told L.,' ('('111(7 gl'nfleo„in that smaller individual profits mid increased Volume of ,rales was sound business procedure, and asked hint if he'd ever tried to enlist the aid of his (log in the search for lost nails. "1 did try a few times but it wasn't any fisc," he sadly replied. "The dumb pooch always thinks it's skunks instead of golf balls 1 want him to hunt, and he's too darned good at it so l have to leave trim at home now." 7 he kid thought deeply fora mo- ment and then added, "Olt, brother, if they'd only find some way to perfume their golf balls with skunk oil, what a cleanup me and the dog could slake." II'e pass the suggcshol along to Messrs. Dunlop, ,Spald- ing and all the other manIfac- 'IWO'S W1111011/ (0111111'112. * * * If r !tea's ('o'er' been chary of RELIEF FROM ECZEMA A Lady writes: I had Eczema break out on my leg and Tried almost everything, but 11 did no good, Then I Tried Mecca and god relief from the smarting, and Itching. I cannot speak too highly of Mecca. 'MECCA" :�.CJNTMENT RELIEVE BY RUBBING IN Brings Gquick relief. reaseless, fast -drying, no strong odor. Large, economical elte, 63c trying to hand out advice to any politicians; but if Some 0/ 1!tc s1)lens at Ottawa, Washing- ton and I.ondutt were in start a mo7'eml,'ut aimed at calling off the coming O/sept; Caines, in our opinion they would be doing more for the rause of interna- tional friendship than all their talk about the United Nations, (tomie bomb con trot, and all the rest of it. Of course by so do- ing they would earn the eternal enmity of "the badgers" - those amateur altthoritfes who are looking forward so longing. lv toward that free trip to Lon- don; but the public generally would approve. • * Just let your mind travel back over past Olympics - those that took place \viten the world was com- paratively calm ad settled - and recall all the unpleasant incidents, all the squabbling and name -sling- ing, all the international disputes and near -riots, and we think you'll agree that 1101(1ing these Gaines un- der present conditions is just about as sensible as fooling With a gun that may be loaded. So, while there is still time, let's call the whole thing off, \\'hy not write a letter to your \fenlber at Ottawa? It won't do a bit of good, of course, but it will slake the poor fellow think he's getting popular, receiving so touch fan -mail, U.K. Fishermen Fear Poor Season Hundreds of small fishermen, who not1nally stake a 1easonable living from fishing in the Firth of Forth, hate this year been hard bit lly one of the poorest seasons on I'(ord, says' The ['Alibi/rot Scots- man. Herring Las 7110ust gone 1: ((12 thea' waters. No one 1(1101,03 why, :At preselit any 1,1',:1 1. lid' can tial:e enough ]Honey to pay its (rew ')-5 per ‘% eel; is doing ex- (:''In('ly Generally catches are so poor that fishermen, many of them cx-service- Irlc'n, are making only ,E2 to £8 for a week's v,ori:-a x'cek in which r.8('li 10 (11.1111; day lasts for 1() hours and more, CIGARETTE PAPERS Famous Pre -War Quality The only Cigarette Paper BLUE COVER MADE IN FRANCE PURE WHITE on sale in Canada Free Burning Double Book Automatic 100 Leaves For EASY ROLLING use a ZIG-ZAG 0 CIGARETTE ROLLER PLEASE YOURSELF, Choose Maxwell House Cof- fee in either the Super - Vacuum. Tin or the Glassine - Lined Bag. You always get the same smooth, full-bod- ied Maxwell House blend. ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WFTH..:J:v<^:�;.'rya •i.. CIGARETTE TOBACCO por "YOUR "NIIGGET"roLISH Is WONDERFUL,DEAR- BUT YOUR SiIINES SO BRIGHT THE BUGS THINK IT'S A LIGHT!" tt1 I°,4(t� 01,1.1.1'• t1 "II (TI' •tt h). 41 re it. FOR A SPARKLING, LASTING SHINE, ALWAYS USE "NUGGET": MUTT AND JEFF -A Fiddle Must Have A String -If Only A "G" String bit...A BASS FIDDLE! WHAT CNA ,,DOIN' JEFF? 11 I'M REHEARSING! You ONLY GOT I GOT A JOB IN ONE STRING ON ABI BANS THAT THING! YEN, I TooKe" BUT YOU'RE "5'OTAER FIDDLE 'YEH,THOSE 6U) THE OTHER ALWAYS PLAIN' PLAYERS HAVE - ARE ALWAYS THREE OFF! THE SAME FOUR STRINGS LOOKING FORTHE IT'S EA5IEFt NOTE! YOU AND THEY RIGHT PLACE THIS WAY! DON'T EVEN MOVE THEIR' I FOUND CT! V YoQR F NGERSAROUND,I YEAH AN! UP AhiD DQtV-7 By BUD FISHER HEY, MUTT/ I'LL SETTLE FOR A NEW 57RIt� 1 PACE Irk MUJCIPL 1 Ratepayers Poblic Meeting A public meeting of the Ratepayers of the Cor- poration of the Village of Myth will he held in the Blyth 1 Ielllorial lull commencing at 8:30 P.11,, on Tuesday, My Nth for the purpose of discussing the Project of a \Tillage \Vater System. Ratepayers are requested to Attend this Meeting. 35-3. --Corporation oi' Blyth, (<crdon Elliott, Clerk. Tl l is STA \1 DAR GI'; l,('lRA ti'- NOT;c! To CUSTOMERS! 11:'1 e.. e 11,! I I. 1. t"e `111111 11(1. ulorit!s only, the 11;1'• ,,y 1'1;!'.•.::11 11.111,1 1111 I1,111 Ile I I115e11 t•Crl•%. •'01 11 11\ 11 !;I al ..'u 1 t11. Pala n, .1111 ,:t 1', •!..,...iu r'tu!',.I �r1•„ \ I "1;' .''1'1 t1; • ,1' '11"IIS I'1 tr' \\ill !I!r.,•'. 11•11 Illi- 1113111;c ill our Iter,' 1.1 1i 1 1, 11ur,a. I"r;I i11u1,. 1\t. „i!I 1 1;'111111 c'prtt crer} ue: I'r race, •I. , .1:x..1111 \Ii,. \\ ! I:;IIi ttr.l. 111;1t. I', t 1111 !1.m .I- I;•'1'. 11 I'i KEN SCO'I'T NIL.1':I1 `i• , '1'4' I 11:,•11. It ; lir t!l B.i1;are! ;1Tcbae:eu'st• Blyth I..! „i I; .4111 \I r,, ul I', (:1 I \t, 1, 1i,.. ,'Iter Ir NI r. and 11 •, \\ II rn ; n 1 I.o.\ t, (l,u,tal,. (11r.; Antique I urn'lurc ,t4•111 Son !.I.. :11 ;111,1 I1,,i,c:1„!.I 1.111.11,, of the ICstalc , Th..\\..nlil'i ;111.1 NH,. `;c 111 -Irr \I. (1. IC.0i,1 nl• ;11 alis L'te resi- S:'u.1,1•.' t'. 111 MI-. \\ . ,!rt;, e. 1.40. .'' , 1'11(1. 1, 'I'uckersutilh 1, t111,Hi, 1•11 No. t'i 1101tta\', 1 mile 1•;1 1 '1 t 1:111 .11 on Saturda, \Iay :1t 1 -'..ii 1'.11. :1;i1', (1).S!.) ! : AUCTION SALLA: 'ul.l \I' t ! . Coaly. \',., 1 ''I H 11, t: It .1,11 . 1,• • 11 II. ! 1:'t:!. Ir.' 1.1'1. 'Ir11 .1 . 1 I 1I.1; L11.•••''11 1 TERMS CASH :It Ilam:,. .':t ',n I hi, rd 1', 1141' 1 \tr;1111cr 1. 11111 1t, 111-31114.. salt. trill 1't. I %%1 IS later. 11. G. Mcir, E'ccutor of the Estate. I'. I' IIII't.11'r 11.1111 l'lll;ll'r 11' 1151111}{ all• I'. 0 'I, !' nl i \\ i! I !\ to 1' !Ita•d \V. Fitt, 11, .lnctionecr, l'apt . I r',:,' (',Il cr ,, el . Nit... ;1;.,1 l I ii t, It x J'I,I, I':I no _01. 3o-2. ;1111 \!r. \\.I'. ..1 14'11 , i It! Ct. \Ir . IIi'I4L11J tt'I� AUCTION SALE 1.1/,.1t. \'i», I ,\e.. Sr, .1nIL \kr., 11' .\1 1. 1 23, t',':i, 111, I Iilittt, half mile _ ` :el, I,I ,1. 1,1 ,:'I, \II'. at' 1 \I'', 1'111 1•:.,t ,,I 1. It I,' -h I•I,, et'll•lstlltg tit I'arltt �` Ilj1'�Jrhll II'iI:1! \Ir. aniI Mr,. \\•illi on \!,'%11th', ! l'1 1••on,, Iir, .•, \Ir'. .\I'ie IIri•y, ..� I 1.., Ili 1�1"111'1;1, and Furniture, 1111 •dH:..:.i hed11r lid 1 i I\int;st lir eat The !�illtlrr• tt!r.rll tt, rt. t :,at.,' 'I't ,. \!r. au{! \! ..\t.1:• 11! \Ieil r. , a 1"OIl)ls 1"f dais u'it!I \I r. and \!I•. been shl'\\'n ''n I1 \11,t• ii,l•'1 s:1111, 1'11 1'11111,11,\, \I; __0d, at I p.nl, 1 11 I i 'I' "1111.11;1. \'t'. �'ru'.1.�n, t', ti. .\. 1 , 2 (.'.\Tri.\':: ('Inv, 1 re'rs, iresh; co11•, •, Jac lirol,11e. \londay ni'.ht \\Ir lncrll•'II o'•\ n:.i \ Ir. Ilu;h t :alt•',;11 11, of \\•alt n, \\1'11 Ur. :ld Mrs. gasper \Icllrien i t•' the illue,. I.i 1' 11 :1c'Itr. \lit•. 4 \Tar,, j-, 'I; r \I', r, \Tar,, fresh; re;ot', r.11:; I:I�:u ;111011111 11' 1, i ,la'.' I t rot\, (1 �rar due in .\u .; ro1v, ,3 years .1. Goikrll'!I vi Io i last l\l''l: Ivtt!I \I I', Jamieson. ;11111 ,1'1"1'1';11 111 111c !•I1;Ili,. 11.11 It;: , 1;•III'.1..!,' \It-,. (;1.111•,4;• 1• Ire,h • r.n+, n I r.u',, ;nr in may ; cuts, ,1, and \II's• (i.'rllun Snell. 1':trl,'r. t ear.,, fre•11 • heifer, 'li' t't':Irs, +1• Mrs. Brach; 1� e and \1 r, (*hark,. - _ 1"cd:ustlay, ��H� 11, 1917 EAST 1V:11V:1OSII (•I'ti l';Itlll I •:I, 1, \!I,. \\`rat:!.ri. due in i).•t.; ; , t'ak'e,. 1.irachic of `frront " r'i'te\I la•t tr111' \I r. I'Ilir•rr\irr 1.i Ilullett •i,ent ;I II 1`i 1'! ut1'r, 1 u t` e , 11 r,' - ui Ice n'an,' I'ItiS -- J •,'.ts' I(1 111;x. 't• with the i n•nter', d:n:tttiter, Mrs, 1. felt liar, 1\.111 Iris dor;htrr, \Ir.. I'apil' ;1t 1be rl•rtrt out ii f1sti\al ;It III•'\ti'll Len,: ' (' .-t\r:k chicks; :1: lirophey, v' 1 \I r. I1r, ;t'Ict•. (ie.1rge !''can' : (, 11"1.1111. .. .1. tin" "1,'• ,, 1t. I1';"111. \Irs. A. 1'.. 111111,010, \Ir. \heli'} \!t•s.. Il'''sfor,l (Vent t1" Ilanli:I'''I 11'1' \Ir'. \\';Its 01 l;•' r' S. S. \.'. 11.' !, II'I.I•:\IEN'I'*--t)livcr tractor "(,;I" I:1: Johnston, of \\'est \\:its :tl`.'sat, v .s,te11 1,,11.1, :I\ 1,, {It•i',Il 111';' 111111:',111'', >Il, 1111 It• flet III I I !111' 1,11; Il, ;1, 111e\' +:• on rubLcr, with c.0nhination rultivat- . „ on Sunday tvitll \I r. and Mr, How- ¢rulmltion front \1. \I:,•; 1 ciiilcrsitr 1'a;'tu:e I Ina ,.1. 1, r1:i ,':,t1, 1.1 It,1u,•r;. „r; ()liver ' itnrot\ plow, Ike nett'; .. and Campbell.I,ilii!l tock I11cc 1111 \l 'ii iv, -- bean miller; \I, -I1. hay loader; \I. -If. ; :4 lilt, Ivan \\'iLhl ratan and .\Iiss \lac \li,s 1•:11x1;t \1'111 It :11111 ,\ win...". of I.' „Ire; \I t' roti, h-I)el r'n�r nunvrr; J4 IN 11E,1101 1A111 i 1 !I :. ' ru111,er-tircll wagon; rill'ii 11-1v; h:u'- 414 Air- andMrs. Geor;;e \\•i;;ht:uan, of of Myth, and \lr. 1111,1 \Its. \ew'Larth .\I':I.l'''N • 1.1.1a,!Irrd •,e'1"'ries 1l' a rt1v-; ha\• rake; ouc-horse scuffles; I=+ fine River. ,i \\'ivallatt, will) \Ir. and NI 1.-. .\. t!r:1r 11ife, .\nn .\ruenl, trig" 11'1: 1:. ,rt.:nn st'•'arator. 8I;!<., in good condi. :i: I\ Er, awl \1r7:. l.. 11. Lloyd, \1r. and \\;11s11 on Sunday. 1 (Inc r1'',(1' ago. \I:ly 181h, 1'111,• Mrs. 1-I. I,. Bosnian, of \\iuohlull,' \!r. and \Ir.. 1'indlay \It'('.ttatt':1n1 were guest.. on Sunday at the flume daughters, t1'ith \Ir,..\, \lc6,,wait for• \I} ",'.' ca1100 tell h'Iv I alit„ her \Iy ht.;:rt cannot 11!1 \\ hat to say, Mr. aril' \Its. \laurice ilosnlan. ' Mother's Ilay, r\Ir.s, 1'1. \lathers 1 I' l.urknow is v:.,- I —v — hint; at the hook of \I r. ;oil \I r-. 1 Earl \Vigllittt ti. IiIORIRIS The farmers are .:Itd to sec the weather warmeranal :Ire 1111,vq ,r 1v:"rhinl \Ir. and \Irs. 1?arl Craig of ' trat- on the land and are hoping for good 1 tor) visited on `iunday with the for_ seeding tvrat!ttr, I rater', mother, Mrs. 1\'111• Craig, and \(r. and Mrs, I.u1 \fr\'ittie of (lin- brother, Itertard ('rail;. ton, \li5s,, \larj. ri1 \Ie\'otic, e.f i\Ir. and \Its. BertCraig of Auburn t\'I Ir h., i' s1" 11i'4'.1. 0.•111 1'te 1':'111 hir,l; loltn llrompton, I'roprletot•. 131y11t, and Dorothy and I'obert;a \fe- visited on Sunday t\ith \Its. \\vitt, pr, ,,f t:a'I; all I !1:111 .1't.•, .\' 1.1: a1 i I Iaro' I la 1;, 01, Auctioneer. Vitlie of (nulcrirh, spent Sunday with Craig and Bernard. t.1tt.!1:-1I (iifi',' ,'I} '., l:, P. ('he,i'••r, ('!'.'rk. 3(i•1, \Vightntan v'i,ited , tt ~'t'al'ly \vith 1lrn,,Ill, :Its 1 \I r, and \It•,. Ilrn \\•al,'t' tl,1n ; 17 -11111th cultivator, with tractor .1. ' hitch. i it.. I'l'I1, 1't'I I? --fall line of Ilotne ,i; h ill :II. ne hit .w, 11,.\,,' 1 1111•, her Iurn',1in,,s irelttti'n•, 3-picre ciiestrr- lie In ;l 11,"1111' 11!'11 I, ! 1-,L,•1Ills' 1111!•;, ;!end .:11:tU,.1lt1Lr room sidle; ileacii •4•, l'noh >I'vc: 1'ltllr11, kllcI'cl1 tables; 1•. -\!I':I\' 1'1iwtly renten,h red by her 11. Ilnsl,and anti s 'n, ''1-1. 1.. •bathroom rale,: R.C,.\, Victor clec- 11. heir r:r!io, Ilse Here; Connor electric 111 41. ir11'lll t; mai.. "1tiC, and nuttier- 1t. FOR SALE t t ou, ot'1cr :1t. idea. : TERMS CASH. •• I1!',"• ed 'll'1'e i�IL'1 du"1' '1'11" •;1 HA)iDS AT WORI{... LEARNING TO PRINT ONTARIO'S future prosperity depends directly on a sufficient vol- ume of production to satisfy domestic needs and assure for Canada a fflrc- crninl.ut place in the markets of the world. Every individual product of Ontario's manufacturing plants requires the services of printing at some or many stages of Its development . , . order forms ... production r•'rms ... invoices ... shipping hills 1 . . advertising ... publishing. The :lulc print;ng industry is faced with unprecedented demands... and to meet those demands skilled hands arc needed. Por them great oppor- tunities ile ahead. higher wages, job security, better working conditions arc within easier reach of those who have plastered a skilled occupation. Today, through the plan sponsored by the Department of Veterans' Affairs and other agencies, thousands of Young workers are being trained to mea the printing and other industrial needs of this Province. Grad- uates of these rehabilitation courses arc now ready to take their places in Ontario's industry. Available to yon are veterans, well started on lire road to skilled printing trades such as hand composition, Iinutype and monotype operation, bookbinding, lithography and presswork. Seek them out frith confidence. They are your future craftsmen. Puhlithrrl b1• 'hill; BRE\VING IND( fS '1(Y (nNTARiO) Yau The Graphic Arts course, give students a thorough grounding in many aspects of the printing trade. Practical instruction of an individual nature is offered in the course, available at 'Toronto only, together with education in related work. Previous ex- perience is naturally an asset. Vocational training courses in the arts, professions and trades are offered at training centres located iu the following cities and towns in Ontario: Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener, Windsor, r. '11illianl, Brockville, North Ottawa. ViIIage of lyth. I HEREBY PROCLAIM Saturday,� _ .a24th (VICTORIA DAY) A PUBLIC H LI ���' rl�•iI aY. FRANKLIN BAINTON, REEVE. "GOD SAVE '1'F?'. KING" ++++++ +t.i I..P .* + 4 4 ♦4H' 1 *441* * 1 Y.♦1♦ 14 SALE By Publie A By instruction of the Municipal Council of the Village of Blyth the following property will be of- fered for sale by Public Auction at the BIJPrl'II MEMORIAL HALL, ON Saturday,May179 19417 at the hour of 3 p.sn., that is to say --- 1 steel garage 12' x 16'. 1 frame or snatched lumber building 123`4' x Both in Excellent Condition. Also 2 30 -foot ladders. 35-2. Corporation of Blyth, Gordon Elliott, Clerk. •.I: +�4 +14 .1+ 4, .1.. ;1* .3+ .4 .34 ♦4 43. +4+ .i. •14 14 +14 41• +14 +S4 +11 44 41, -1+•1•�44��44�HjH�H:/•:1+� +:H�1I�H�H:H:H:I I�+.:H:H:+I:.I:H� I� ISI ♦:11:+ X11:111 . 1:+1�+It+♦•4+1�1+++1j+4' - -110.'. it.1 'vice NEW RADIOS IN Spartan Radio Pllono Combinat:oil (electric) 109.95 Sparton Mantel (electric) 5'1,95 Stewart \'Varner Mantel (electric) '19.95 Stewart -Warner white mantel (electric) ..$39.45 Astra Mantel (electric) X19. i0 USED RADIOS -- Philco, reconditioncd elcclric mantel, in excellent condition 1$22.00; Philco re- conditioned battery, complete with new pack, $30.00; Marconi, reconditioned (electric) a real buy at only $15.00. We specialize in radio repairing, all makes & types. Appliances, Batteries, EIe t,ric Fences, ces, F!':shlights. N KEC1 1 E York Guaranteed. Phoae 165, Blyth, kms, n, t; bvaiGAlMikC "'if.Aminirhaa:aradrQ.B.• — - --.. �• i,span:at...-•c..t.e.tfler rlsms.-.mss 14N41rtrr11V14,4.4Vr4'r 000,1,••Y•rrrd rt. 01.0r.wr04.r0M4.I11`r04,14,0 r. 4't. rrNrrrJrl 15.166,W7.,:JK'Clav1:•ia hrtiZi YiZah:..saa ..+ai=tAl'io kAilkI ,S'1r IRO":•Lt1Y4 •.:,—.._. �•cc •r.vi�ueF.r. ^,Oji \ Just Aive `Sunworthy Wallpapers' - 'Lowe Bro:hers Paints I'1:•tstique Papers Decorator's Cotton raraltioutit Parte Plastic Faris. High Standard outside white. JIigh Standard outside cream, White Undercoating I� l rlor Enamels. Interior & Exterior. Shoppe Cpcn Saturday Afternoons • Other Hare by Appointment. "Buy your Paint and Paper Requirements NOW and avoid future disappointment." EDITH CREIGHTON'S i Phone 158+ DECORATOR'S SHOPPE. Blyth. n 1 II 11 III I1u.. II. a. .I III .1I 1 p '�� L. ..iw 41, .i.11 r,.. ..14 411.1, In I .1 Y - 1 I. r. IIIc I. ui. III,Ir ., J m. il.tl.�.41 M.Y.Y.., I:Y:I,I'.. 14111,1. 1, 1111Y :4*.:44.1.6:41•:4444:44 1 0+++++4++44+4..• 444.4.4144444.40 +7 ♦ +ti 414 UR N G1LL I3LYTH --- ONTARIO. .EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE Meals at All Hours. if FRANK GONG ® Proprietor '_ 1.4 ,,�yY. '1,+-4•44.1.4:44.-4,44-i4.:-.1.44•1•44-444.:.:.++.14.1.44” • . 8.•:..4.4.44+++.244.1 ,...•:..4. +tH+++ ++.2441= 4 S ecinebday, May 1.1, 1917 'I'lE STANDARD ,--411 PAGE 6 VEGETA: LES, LN. NO :s AVALALE— FRUITS Al§iD GR w%r CERIES E/ ly Blyth Farmers (o -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 BLYTH. IMENIIIMO.,, i,r.YJIdJW-'-•. ••"-- —',..'6- • ----fLLLYt45rib IA 41i .In N11 PLACE YOUR ER NOW! For Westinghouse, Easy and Coffield Washing Machines and Refrigerators. We will do our utmost to supply your requirements. A Complete Line of Electrical Appliances. WILLIAM THUELL 0 P TELEPHONE 5 AND 99, BLYTH. . aivcsocba►ec ttrct (:cox elo ctclortc iccietatttcwitittecat IMI Elliott liisurance Agency BLY TII -- ONT. INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. 1, J. II. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott 4 b 6T.'at14'Ji'D•rAip73a2.DtN'shptn1DI N:')t$t2i`WH*-1 r 4 te;ddJ �l2i�ta 9i3i9t�UMI2INDIDO t'J1713gDt3f0AINOMI Office Phone 104. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE. We have on hand at present a 9 -foot stiff - toothed cultivator, used, price (i for quick sale. Rubber -tired F mn Wagon3; Milking Ma- chines; Cream Separators; Electric and Tractor - Driven Crain Grinders. ALSO AGENT FOR IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS. Gasoline, Motor Oil.:, and Greases. ATLAS TIRES AND BATTERIES. ELECTRIC & ACCTYLENE WELDING. All Work Doi:c on a Guaral►tced Basis. STEWART JiIIIINSTON For Prompt & Efficient Service Phone 137-2, Blyth e� ,` . r 6 . s r ''?r4t� ., �,!.1,1A `7 ✓<',•.1 �4y'>S�'�� I � .1:.>::�.�:' I► Grapefruit, Oranges, Tomatoes, Pine• apples, Apples,,Lettuce, Carrcts, Celery, Radish, Asparagus, Cabbage, Onions, Mange', Turnip, Lawn Grass Seed. No. 1 Dutch Sets and Multipliers. Renn'c's and Steele Brings Seeds. Peas, Corn and Beane in Bulk. Juicy Prunes 2 lis. 33c Cooking Figs per Ib. 25c Pitted paten per Ib, 25c Dried Apricots per Ib, 55c Dried Peaches per Ib. 49c Fresh McCorrnkck Sodas, per Ib. 19c 4 -string Bro; ms 89c DRY GOODS Men's Wcrk Clothes and Work Boots Newton Yarn • 2 and 3 ply. STE ? I ART'S GENERAL STORE. WE DELIVER — PHONE 9 NINI e#### •••#* NIIIIIIIII WON ###### r rN IINIIfI NNIINNIII ROXI' THEATRE, CAPITAL THEA'T'RE REGENT THEATRE CLINTON, GODERICH. SEAFORTH. Ncw Playlag May 15.16.17 — Roy New Playing May 15.26.27: Vivias Now Playing May 15-16.17: Ginger _Rogers in "Dcn't Fence Me In. Blaine in "IF I'M LUCKY" Roger, in ''Maga (;cent Doll." Mon., 'fuer„ Wed., May 19.20.21 V— _ --` ''THE MAGNIFICENT DOLL" Ube 1. „ st,.ry of Dolly \ladikon, the 111 ,t \\!t s: vied J• -,tit woman in Anna lea. G'ngcr Rogers, David Niven and Burgess Meredith. Mon., Tues., Wed., May 19-20.21 Mon., Tues., Wed., May 19.20.21 It I.nlertainntcllt Vi\ia Blaine, Pryr Como and Olivia dee Ilaviland, Lew Ayres and i y ?Tremas Mitchell I Carmen Miranda \\'hen he Balled her "biller" and took herr t\\in in his arse, diel he ku w which %%;,s which' "THE DARK MIRROR" \\•ith Ilary Jain( .and a top-notch east of entertainers in the liveliest tint -••how 11i :hi. season. "IF I'M LUCKY" ThudsFriSat.,May :..23•'14 I Thurs., Fri., Sat., May 22123-24 Thurs., Fri, Sat,, May 22.23.24 ZP., ., engy Ann Get.rar, Randelpa colt Randolph Scott, Ado Dvorak and and Lynn Bari.I Glenn Fora, .meet Blair and Edger Buchanan Presenting ;1 likeable st ry ..f lite Dare Reiter. Ulm" and see an ext iti i- rinse a -1a:11 1 how," enlivened h� l;riaa t.1 life the liheahh characters neem, the I\:111,;1 plains where 111,' I�Ill,llal rualplU'I,t;oll Ir.,;il a w'Idrl\-real novel el;liihmt• t;•11 Li Cie: west nets her man "HOME, SWEET HOMICIDE + "GALLANT JOURNEY" i "ABILENE TOWN" _-- Comin': May 26, 27, 28, "MARGIE„ Coming May 26.27-28: James Cag- Caning May 2G-27.28: In Techni- IN TECHNICOLOR new in "13 Rue Madeleine." colcr "Centennial Summer." Matins -At Sat & Holidays at 2-10 p.m. Mat., Wed., Sat., Holidays 2.30 pm Matinees Sat. & Hclideys a' 2.30 p.m. .rIIIINOIrrr"ININNINI..rNII rI Oh,0:.400.104.:H• 4'...00HW; 4..0,; 0. - • •••%• 13f� LYCEUM THEATRE ESSO GASOLINE, ° WINCHAM--ONTARIO. 3. s s Two Shows Sat. Night r Picture', subject to change without notice. ;i Two spews each night -7.33 and 9,39 ,=,,Mat. Saturday Afternoon at 2 p.m.X i;(:hanges in time \yill be noted holo v ..�t T Thurs., Fri., Sat, May 15.16.17 „"MY DARING CLEMENTINE" Henry Fonda - L:nda Darnell MARVELUBE MOTOR OIL To the Citizens of Blyth and Vicinity— In order to finish a final shipment of AND GREASE waste paper we slush collect once t again on Saturday, May 17th. Please leave your bundles outside, n,, slatted LES NAFT 's'tjj hew small they are. Every little bit ,, B'.t r• �'jJtd twill help towards our Camp Fund, —THE 1ST BLY 121;1 TROOP, AGENT FOR— BOY SCOUTS 1.MIPERIAL OIL, Ltd. 1 `MINI"NIIINrrrrlltrrl NNrrINT c FOR YOUR SPRING Grass Seed Requirements GROCERIES call at The Seed Cleaning Plant IN LONDESBORO PLEASE NOTICE We have a full line of needs. 1 I have disposed of my Egg Grading NORM. ALEXANDER Branch of my business to Mru Borders Cock, and i wish to, thank customers I.ONDESIIORO, ONT. , for their loyal patronage in the past. Phone: L'lvtlt 25r8 In doing this 1 also bespeak a con- ' tinuance of this same support for my ALSO IN STOCK— NEW ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. Canned Tomatoes, Peas, Beans, Car- wINIINNI#IN-# ~..***IIJIIIN rots, Beets, Pears and Plums. Canned Meats. NIII•IININdNI OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR SALE - Outboard motors, brand •new, 1 11.1', `71)50, jowled delivery. Trans- portation prepaid, Christian's Elec- tric an l J1a Itvarc, Oshawa, Ontario. 3-1-(,. WANTED TLACHER I'r te,tatt teacher wanted for rural Pnhlie S -: n --I in Village of Constance, S.S. No. 3, Mullett •hitt, 11urun County. Modern equipped brie:: school ' house. Duties to commence Septeut bcr 1st. State experience, qualifica- tions and salary expected. Apply t C. V. Dale, Secretary -Treasurer, RP. 1, Clinton, Ontario, phone Seater n Mon., Tues., Wed., May 19-20-21 . 841r5, 33-tf,14, (SPECIAL) tr' rA is " "BLUE SKIES" Al Bing Crosby - Fred Astaire , 8.44444H411,H4H4H4H4H414H4+1;44444H4H;H`4�14�.,�. �..•,�.� r.4.,mIt• '.' 1. .04,0`,IIIN0.1,44/,I.I1 ELLIOTT Real Estate Agency BLYTH, Our Agency has the following VICTORIA DAY - MAY 24 Corn Syrup, Prunes, Raisins, Figs, property listed fur sale: Starches and Soaps, Matches. (,Il acre farm within 1 mile of the i Village of Myth; two -store)• instil Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Dutch Sets, Bulk Seed, Peas & Corn. In irl: clad dwelling, 20x36 and 1 lx Poultry Feed and Concentrates 14; frame barn 511x711, Steel and CaIF Meal. shingle roof, cement stabling; hen house 36x14; windmill and 2 t;. od DURWARD'S ICE CREAM wells; lasted supply in the barn; ALWAYS ON HAND. 2(1 acres plowed, 8 acres new seed- ing. Sell farm, or farm inclui-ng st:'ckand implements complete.:\1- ...4L9 ItiK.df�liNICK. most immediate possession. 1% store); frame dwelling on the WE DELIVER --PHONE 39. south side of Uinslcy Street, Blyth; 1r.., 1.1 :,n1 One-eighth acre of hand, hydro, well, TEACHER WANTED HOLIDAY WEEKEND SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES 13etwcen all points in Canada and to all United States border pc ints. Fare and One -Third FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO: any time Friday, May 23r4,,._ until 2 p.m., Sunday,. May 25t1: RETURN: leave destination not later than midnight, Monday, May 26th MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children -- 39c. Trull particulars front any agent 2 storey stucco clad dwelling 011 Protestant teacher, for S.S. No, 8, re, , y street, Blyth. Immediate 1-1,nl1ett, situated between Myth and possession. Londeshoro, 00 No. . Highway• Hy.Z 142 acre farm ideally situated en dr()in school. Untie; to contntence llielrn•av 4. On this farm is situate Smb, , pply ngoal a frame dwelling .;,3x28, hot water ificepteatinnser, cxper1917icncitc andstatisaglary to heating with two baths. darn Stanley Lynn, Secretary -Treasurer, frank 90x'8 with wing 32x(10, stone R.R. No. 1, Auburn, Telephone Myth, • 'stabling with water in stables; drive ' Ontario ^� Blyth, 4 and 93. h l - — e ` 21x17. 35 ?, shed 28x(1 nte:al ; null: house tframe7 BI FOR S- ALE — I 1(1x111; chicken house 2(1x18; silo Telephone Y I Pekin cluck eggs. Apply to Alf.I WANTED 13x41) cement 'Phis property is now Ilaggitt, phone 15 12, Blyth. 3(1-1p. ( A boy's bicycle, juvenile size. Apply . operated as a d:airy farm with handsome annual return. I FOR SALE + for information at The Standanl Of e4�4 .. .. .. ... .4. 1 4044.4 4.+44+.44. �W7.."0444.14.:1.0:44:44: +W1.:..�H1H:H� est 1e. lot 39. cnucession 5, 1 , t + •_+ 1I S .i, el+iu.:• L,lI . 114:I ._ .. ... _4111. . GENERAL TRUCKING ! Tic b. st in trucking service al - way at t our immediate call. AH Loads Fully Insured, Rates Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. J. I -I. CAMPBELL Fe -r the present phone 70c9, - Bruscsls. 13-tf. ,tr1 : IR L , 1 1.1. 1I i1... I . ,I ,I I Farmers Attention! ..111111111.11 Spring is just around the corner, and the spring rush of cultivation and seeding will be here. \Vc now have three tractor outfits and arc now taking orders for sprint; seeding. Give us your order early and we will be better enabled to do your word: on time. MORRITT & WRIGHT IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR OLIVER IMPLEMENTS 1 (4 hall) croquet set; 1 high ch;.ir ; Tice, phone 89, Illyth. ,in -1. cabinet. :\i:ply ali(Iti i BARBER NOTICE I .')n the premises is ��uate '�: storey ,t, � TT' \f y shop will remain open everydwelling S 1 empty radio I \Va\vanneh, c nlprising 111(1 acres. 6 =� 'i• Rtans�c, Blyth. FOR SALE 1\'er!n�'sdar. ,\rend;., from 7.30 to 111 Ir,uuc 11,un 48x711 on stone founds I ante _hx_ all s -:t POOL ROOM. :1: hem With water in barn • franc dine General Electric washing machine o clock from May until the er'I c't }�} t 1 0�(,� frame pig pen Ili 0 j (used). Apply, Lewis \Vhitficld, phase August. S. \\', Sib-thorpe' I i The bund Is clay loam particularly „4 ;. 130, Blyth. 36-3. Myth, Ontario, 3r;-ip. ! , suitable for (;rain or haw crops 'r. 44 . Bill' lel', ,t 44 �� '• F' I.44.:H4.4 4+�H^14�H1�H� 4.4' 0 1014.1 �/ 1�H�11,11�H;11� r+' :«:«:•':H�11�.4�.1; ':«: +:.•:.' 11 1�1.+�.� '.4 '.4 w L r t ran4t ,2tStock Ladies' Pure Silk Panties - While They Last. Baby's Training Panties - All Sizes. Men's Fine Dress Shirts -- Lay in a 'supply at this Price. Men's Summer Und erwcar- shorts and tops or combinations. Men's Sport Coats and Sport Shirts. JUST RECEIVED -- A shipment of good trousers for the man who needs a good quality everyday : trouser, and for the school boys. • • We are Often the Cheapest, but Always the Best. SEE AND COMPARE. • 4 , 1 1 J .. �, 11 11 1, e.1 _1, .1 : .4..,4 •�.1 1 11 . 1, Iu1 - .Y.fl�____ I..r.y 1 ■ , 11111 • 11ARBIS & J'IIILLIPS Blyth, Ontario. 13 "The Corner Store". :c• ----''''"""-•'�-- �--- "" I; 1:0,, 'IOKER'S SUNDRIES � :1n ideal building lot for resides- � I4t41J : tial purposes, comprising one- 1•Z+ :: eighth acre of land situate on the t I:torl'obaccos, Cigarettes, Pop,' i n rth side ni om the :wain Street, ler- i : and Other Sundries. $than a hl•u•I: from the twain intcr- 4s4 ;. ti section of the village. >. 1e A number of other dwellings and 4t4 ; ;• (, 1444 40 44 4 414* 44 *4444 010444 1..40.,4.4.} 4"4444,4.444. 4-H�H.r farms listed. Particulars on appli cation. ' ffi For Prompt and Courteous Service, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Leave your shoes at HARRIS & PIHILLIPS AGENT FOR Pobek Shoe ;4 '.4 -4 4 ;.4 i4 4 .:4 14 -4 :4 --4 441 4.1 ;.4 •4 w♦ .t. �i4���,�� 44+44+ 44, 104044+444+44 44+411.14+++44+444 �+ 44H4H44+144•i'1H0++44'4.4 FT7 � .. WINGIIAI!'I - ONT. epair CEMETERY NOTICE The Cemetery Board respectfully asks your co-operation by paying up your pack. dui::. This year the Board plans a number of im- provements and also the purchasing of some new equipment. This is only possible if you, the lot - holder, will do your share. The rates are as follows :--- Yearly $1.00, or permanent upkeep $25,00. If you wish to purchase a lot, or half lot, please contact the secretary -treasurer, Mr. Glenn Kech- nie at his store. W. N. Watson, Chairman; Leonard McNall, John Doerr, Trustees; Glenn Kechnie, Sec'y-Treasurer. ''•I' ' '''"''r''"" """•"" THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FLEECE -LINE YOUR HOME FIRE INSURANCE CO. L'Iw\\n Rockwwnl appl;cd to walls HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. • std ceilin},s of homes save fuel with more c1 mfort and fire protection. Our • truck is in the district now. For free Officers estimate and terms phone 136 Blyth, President, F. McGregor, Clinton; or y;rfte Rowland C, Day, 5 Thornton \'ice President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brod- 1\enuc, London. 33-10, hagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Man- ager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. FOR SALE Directors C.G\I. man's bicycle. \l,dy to \V. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank I \Ic(;regor, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot Borden Cook, Illyth. 35-2p' Seaforth ; Chris. Leonhardt, Born - FOR SALE holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John I.. Malone, Seaforth; John 11. \icEw- large Size Barn. in good condition, inti, Illyth; 1-lugh Alexander, Walton; l•! new steel roe'. Al ply to 1.10 d S. 1-1. Whitmore, Seaforth; Harvey Medd, phone 801x41, Clinton, Fuller, RR, 2, Goderich, 3(i- l p. Agents John E. Pepper, Bruccfield; R. F. \fel ercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, itrodhagcn; George A. Watt,Blyth, Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promply attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post of- fices. WANTED Protestant teacher for S,S. No. (i, 1lullc't township, in Huron County. Duties to commence September 1st. (School has hydro, new desks and blackboard) Apply, stating salary and qualifications to Secretary -Treasurer, John II. \Icl?wing, Blyth, Ont. 36x2. • Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Exeter 235; Seaforth 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. CHRONICLES OF GINGER FARM By Gwendoline P. Clarke What women will• dot Yester- day I was talking %vial a little Old lady over se \vho said that her daughters often wished she would get a perm:rttel:t %t'al'e. "But I don't thing: 1 could sit that long," she said. ".1mrl twh\' t\ou1,1 1011?' I asked. "Anyone with soft, wavy (lair like y, ;u s doesn't need a permanent." "oh, but I put it up in cinders every night," she said, and laughed at tilt surprise. Imagine -eighty - odd -and all that patience! But thea the little old lady told sic a b:'tt,'r one. She said a friend of hers still \vials her hair in ringlets and puts it up herself every night, and slakes i; into curls every day. .11;11 that little old Lily is t4-'. t . * Tile foregoing was \vrittcn Satur- day. This I i ening-\lunday tnorn- ing--1 didn't :Tend Hutch time thinking of little old ladies either \vith or without curls. But the %Monett% did cross my mind that I could write a pretty good story on "\\'!'at docs a Farmwife do that a City t\ih' doesn't have to" -it you get ,\'I,at I mean, \'es, and I really Ilan' rata,' tvol:l,l supply a pretty good answer to that question. I its• I should tell you that son loll 1; aeaw for the veck-end. Time didn't sweat any reason why he shnnldn't go --flit' \\'cattier being what it Is 11.1 (1,! getting on the land impossible. .\nd of course a farther must :1.v;115 take hi; holidays in 11:u1 \vcather. No basking in the sun for him-sltuny days are work- ing days. So I': i Ulcr and I and the chimes were here to ourselves, Sunday was ung restful - and of course. --wet 1 1lunday morning was even Lester, so \\'e did not feel in any partirniar rush. telt course we knew that glen if we only atutdcd to our chores, they alone would provide ns with enough work for most of the day. 101 cm a farm you never can tell . , . five minutes after he had gone to the barn Partner was hack again. "Call the vet.," he said to me. ''that red heifer is having trouble. Put some water on to boil and then you had better come to the barn," So 1 called the vet. -and 1 rather fancy I got him out of bed. How- ever, as I trent to the barn with the hot water he was coating up the lane, Naturally 1 thought my services could nolo be dispensed with. But no -the vet. took one loot: at the heifer and called to me -"Don't go away, Mrs, Clarke, it will take three of us for this job." + * So that was that -and there wras nothing for it but to forget my natural squeamishness at what might be required of ntc. At long last 1'.e heifer was delivered of a calf -hal the calf leas dead, It was too had, but it couldn't be helped. It Wars 111s1 one of those things - .n abnormal birth - tvhich will happen occasionally in the best of \yell regulated barnyard families. But it threw the ‘whole day off schedule. \\'c were late with the nti!I:, late with the chord, late tt'ith brea''fast and certainly slopping around in the mud didn't help things at all Ltul the other calves were not %%nerving, 11'e have several that aro being raised for veal. They are lam en hack to their mothers twie a day Ihr a meal but the rest of the time they fire kept tied up, Le:'dine them hack and forth is run:t('l ably good exercise, I can f1;+tile you. The antics of those 1:11%es i; tnntctliing to marvel at. Ilow anything so young can he so stroll;;' This morning PEn'tner (vas taki;lg one back to its pea while 1 tan!, ;mother -or rather It took ate. Presently I heard Partner say- "I)aen you -- can't yon step any - (4. '''r,• I."1 nal 11\• feel'" I.an11 111 the :Horning the trucker arri''r11 to take one of the little acrobats off to market. I watched it • • • ' . Ic'l e 'vi!ing fel of life nt'.I:t be sacrificed before veal steak can be fed to honer,- people or money Landed n,cr Io luo•:cmc n5 with the %ehcre- witl-all tr, 1)10T1 :ice lilt' Ilscrssllles of life. Of coltr-l' in between trips to the loon I was attending to my chicks, They should be penning nlrt but the weather forbids Since they cannot get to the grass the hest I can do is cul grass and taf:c it to them, Ana do they love it. \\'high re- minds mc- I have yet to rnakc a trip to town to get more feed for my biddies. Three -ninety for a hag of feed and it lasts five days. Pretty soon it will take two hags a week to feed them. ''here isn't touch change front the weekly egg cheque when one has chicken feed to buy. * * * By the way -and in connection with the weather -the Globe and Mail must he developing a sense of humour. This morning, up in the corner where it gives the weather probs. it said -"Wash Day -wet and cold." Ability Undisturbed Despite all their setbacks, Britons have something to be thankful for. They haven't lost their ability to muddle through. - -Kitchener Record. a O inem vr to Pre 1l"u* %'afar leads Canada's First 1 1 NIT �-, �'[� (,;I. ~ - • t It�1 A,N1 t==1 -It}! _;f' ;!J t. ti :1 (F;irl hit-'%:!�':1' F,1 1' )1 IIURI70\TiII. 55 Seines { '' `_'i''' cal I ..!,�;`r;l cel -'13:; N ale, H7t. 1.5 Pictured 5ti Observe - C=!ti r\ ti NINTH S T r.;, :-"- Canadian 57 Ito is a nalire - i l DIVISION I Q I` commander. of -- j„r_1D'-!ol (95 ARl'I) N f Pt'',r• - Maj -Gen 58�')utor ,, 1:IEI :sioIT I CII- 'PlEit' -- e 1I'erilt., ,\... _ IAVT1IRS 1 l' E. T Et C. 10 Nalit':' metal <'F.itTiC'AL iull_!:Al2 `fh 1 "SAN!!=_1$' l'. 'eat Lake 1''ol'I'irl iIt�ISt,iIiJ� �i-- f<tl [�I[? 11 Winglike part 2 Brfurr 20 Greek letter 16 Fartn tool la Beverage 3Closer 21 Bachelor of 37 Awaken 15 Existence 4 Shout Arts (ab) 38 Biblical 18 Five and five 5 Cost, 22 Send In pronoun 17 Relative (oh 1 insurance, payment 44 Orchestra 19 Hawaiian freight (ab) 25 Loans 45 Fewer garland6 Stagger 211 Animal 46 Sinbad's bird 21 Measure of 7 Share of food 28 Arrival (ah.) 47 Man's name area 8 Malt drink 30 Negative word'19 Meadow 23 Half -ern 24 Toward 25 Behold! 27 Whisker's 29 Building addition 31 Written (oral of Mister 32 Upon 33 He comtnands the Canadian — Army .16 Convenient 39 Near 40 Transpose (all,) 41 Either 42 Southeast (ab.) 43 Chest bone 45 Lion 46 Narrow inlet 480n the sheltered side 51 Indian 54 Boundary (comb, form) 9 Sped 12 Rhode (ab) 18 Finish 33 Musical 'tote 50 And (Latin 1 Island 34 Stress 52 Telegraph 35 Three (comb (ab.) form) 53 Long fish 1 t 3 10 5 6 17 8 `i TEEN•TOWN TOPICS By BARRY I hurried into the newspaper oifice and knocked gently on the editor's door. Ye editor looked up as I entered and a scowl took the place of the smile usually seen on itis very pleasant face. "11'cll where have you heeu?” he demanded, "press time and you as late as usual," "11 et Cs my column," f replied, "just finished It a few minutes ago." The editor reached for it, "What have you got this week? Let's see nolo, It says here": Well, the middle of fay' is here, and the %earn% weather is welcome, Teeners are getting committees drawn up for the graduation dances, told everyone is in there pitching. Final exams are being crowded for time and the young ung are going around these days with a somewhat per- plexed and worried look, as if they wonder what some of the stuff in those books is all about, We have noticed one young fellow, several mornings of late, sitting beside the bus stop, with a book on his knees trying to catch up at the last minute. * 1\'hilc we are near tltc subject of graduation dances, we might men- tion that several of the high schools now hate their 00'Il live bands and have no further worries about who is to supply the music. One of those towns that boasts its own hand is Brockville, Bruce NNcr and his seven solid senders are staking a name for themselves, not only in Brockville, but in many of the towns in the eastern section, An- other eastern outfit trade up of tee agcrs is Altura), 1lartis and company who are constantly in de - mold w!1c'cvcr lcencrs are dancing. Up north at Owen Sound a group of young fellows, with a girl bass fiddle and girl pianist under the direction of Lewis 11aeDonald, arc getting around plenty. This band is strictly on the side of "sweet music" and lie leader says that sweet music is much in demand up there, Not to be outdone by the , smaller centres throughout the pro- vince, 'Toronto has an up-and•cunt- ing band under the leadership of a young fellow named Dun Iiackett of 1\'esters feel% Don organized this baud last Jul) and since that time they have been very .busy fill- ing engagements in and around the city, * * *• "Well, that's interesting news for young people," said the editor. 'Now what's this stuff here?" .\many of the gals who have taken a fancy to the jewel -specked sun glasses will be unhapp) to I:now that Sun glasses should not be worn at allunless an eye specialist has specially advised them indiscrimi- nate use of sun glasses tends to lower the tolerance of the eyes for light, The trouble is-at•d we quote this from the Department of National Health, Ottawa -"Sun- glasses should not change the hues of natural colours." i oo bad, and sometimes we think we are going 1follyw'ood with those fancy cheat- ers. * * * Changing the subject again, we have been told that tin new picture poyou suffe//H//NT/ [r FEMALE P1/Ha This fine medicine la very effective to relieve pain, nervous distrea.+ and weak, cranky, "dragged out" feelings, of such days—when due to female functional monthly dlhturbencee. Worth lryintl ITUMAf. PINA'NAMS coMicoNo MURKAR the "Egg and l" is chuck full of laughs. \fell, it must be very dif- ferent from the hook. It was chuck full of smut. 1\'e saw the picture "The Sea of (grass" last \seek and once again we felt that Spencer Tracy is the greatest actor in Hol- lywood, \Ve'tl never forget hint as Father Flannagan in "Boys 'l'o,yn." After the show the other nikht, we said to Susie: "There is a elan 1 would never want to meet persun- nally, for fear that he was not the saute in real life as on the screen." * * Nov"tthis column isn't bad, so far", piped ye editor, "'fake that first page 10 the composing room, white 1 finish reading this." "11-nhnnl," he purred, \iurkar suggests that young people get out on bike hikes this summer. la's good living and good living means good health, Sunshine is vitally important to everyone. Ontario Holiday, the weekly radio program, will give you free details concern- ing youth hostels, if a gank of you deride to lour the province or pal r of it 011 your holidays. This is a grand way to vacation, 'lire is plenty of fun in it an I you , an do it cheaply if a group go together on the Ilea. The program, On- tario Holiday, is heard over CFltB and is under the direction of Barry Wood -a man who really knows the vacation spots of Ontario, "Well this column is alright," the editor told us as the came hack from the composing roost. "lint, that column two weeks ago, where you started giving advice about kissing, wasn't so hot. Lea ye that stuff to somebody that knots, ‘what they are talking about " "Okay, okay," we shot haelec!'1'tl be in early with my cot,ysAe,xt week," "You had biter be t t i nu 11 be out of a job," warned ye editor. And with that we left hint to finish his pipefull, and "Teen-To\'11 Topics." World Needs It Uncle Sam's winter wheat crop -Iris big wheat producer -shows a February condition which is an all-time High, Uncle Sant may raise the biggest wheat crop in history this year for a hungry n orld. No Wedge Allowed "1 say with alt sincerity that out policy with Russia Must be one of honorable friendship front strength. It cannot be cowardly appeasement froth weakness. It must be absolutely clear that we shall allow no wedge to be driven between Great Britain and the United States of Anierira,"-Wii- ston Chul'chill, R 'd''FALI(S RIuforb Time uIII 1.111,1 iu .'d ,n, Id %sLicb gill c•, ,' of ,I' :4 fulit, iI \11 ;h till', :1 i; often astute 11,, 11 'ie cc4•7,0:4.;'4.1s ni th' t nal' , 1 S,'rti„In, D,unilli n 1) ':I:tro('nl 1,f :\, rieuflule, s,,y that a little u.'ar t:i\1 1„'ttcr c, ' t,r !t•^I tt.ii „. t', 111:Rt itirtt' 11: , ,''tv 'm''n,l •in;: a 10r'11,1111 sy 111,. lit:,t 1; a sy1111 matte w th 1 to 1 ,'up water. The rllltl':r,l, ,liolll,l br thoroughly tit” pli- ed, thin c!'t in 1 -inch pieces. The cold pact: inetlio11 s preferred for rhnl,;trl'. Tack the jars, cover will' boiling syrup Ira\ing a headspace of half :1 inch, Process In the boiling tva:'r Lath pint scalers lo minutes, quart scalers -15 minutes. If an oven tit iltt automatic heat collttol IS (Bell, III I11' ;1I'1' 11'' Ces,etl 20 minutes and (Ilial l; 25 minim', :After numerous experiments the Consumer Section has found that the use of tin cans for rhubarb is not as satisfactory as sealers, and that only enamel tins slloul,t be Rhubarb Conserve 14 cups rhubarb (4 lbs.) cut in ;i" pieces 3 cups raisins 7 cups sugar Juice of 2 oranges Rind of 2 oranges, thinly sliced 1 cup walnuts. l ,online rinnb:n'b, raisins, sugar, orange tinct and juice. Let stand ; hour. tiring to boil and hod, uncovered, 40 Minutes, stirring fre- quently, Add u'alnuts, coarsely chop- ped, and boil to jam stage -about 5 minutes, four into hot, sterilized jars. Cool and seal, Yield: about 12 culls. Rhubarb Cream 4 cups diced raw rhubarb 3 tablespoons flour r'b teaspoon salt ?4 cup sugar 2 egg yoks 2 egg whites 2 tablespoons sugar Mix diced rhubarb, (lour, salt and hi cup sugar I ct stand one hour then cook over hot water for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Beat egg yolk until light, four rhubarb sauce over egg yolk, stirring mean- while, then return to double boiler. Cook 3 mititiies;'.. Fold tit meringue made with stiffly beaten egg white.. and 2 tablespoons sugar. Pour into sherbet glasses. Chill. Six servings Dandelion Greens Good, Cheap Food \\ i!II 1111'5w' %will"y.'; 1,0111i11g, it is ;11111,':,1 time (or Elsa% talk 1 11- aey, the Iland&G„n 0' 111. Ut' 4141'1 pt'o1,14' beat datldel!,•,l (;I'rl'ui any mole? ;As The , •,' fork Sou. the eulli,,;l, for tl', 1.' 1 ,,1' these drys I'I'obablt ore 1-•••i.1'1 !iooel- ries do not hided( the dandelion ou the hit! of far,'. Let the noeld is the %vr, ,r for 11, i ,. ;r tut o1 peol,le are lu:in;: c•tl1 ''1 r„I:lt' 111':i11 1:,tme, 141ea-041, To gig the. tlaio1e.1,•,1 :1 its 1 recessar\' to I:'':c 'o the field; long hefule the bin::0015 appear, Thr blossoms may bring ioc to the port, but they ado nothing to the eating medities of the weed. Loosen the earth aroluirt the root of the dandelion with a del! kitchen knife, Scrape a little of the (a oil off the white root and loo•5 the d:,ndelion in 0 tin pail. Preparation of dan- delions for the table requires no special qualification<. I landelinns are at their best Lofted tvi(II purl; rind and served tvith %illegal-, The result is a dish that has a pond tangy flavor tv'ith in,t a taste of tartness that the c li , ficial greens cannot produce, And in an early 'mess of dandelions" even the epicure might well s,t,ify a jaded palate. Light from the "tum 11,11loc's Ilse earth in a little mina. than ('1,111 111111111es. TAKE NO CiIANCES widi coffee. Insist on Illnxwel4 Iiouse. It's an extra -deli( I'IOIi, blend of coffees than; is t{ntliant•ltonsted to '4104 veloh all its extra•rich, fitll lolly. i/YLs LLL en.tll'',lI.111,I0n1L I'nlny Ntrlying At The Si Regis Hotel 'metol 'ro Every Doom With Orth !butter and Telephone 9hrlrlr, 112,90 up— Double, VIA() up (snort food, I)Intng red Dorf- . In* Nightly 0hrrhnurne .1 Carpue Tel, IIA. 41815 il.,+t�PII:Y.i54urIL* 1,lYi►I.WGY1i4,Y «.', rli,yl+.. C • • ileum 111 't''I'IFt'I,I l rt,aNistiro $1,50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NItUUTA E.11.1.13 01'1'. — c.N.u. NTA'I'ION ISSUE 20-1917 The CHANTECLER 1200 Feet, Above Sea Level at Ste. Adele en Haut, P.Q, Visit this 11v111111 al 'ilk) acre Laurentian mountain estate, on crystal- clear Lac toad, 1,200 feet above sea level, offering every facility for relasotion or play, Sntor uccouunodalion still available in June. Less that tlwn balm's by train or car from. Montreal. See your l'ralcl Agent or „cite for full information. 'I' lHE C HANTECLER Ste, Arley era Hata P,Q, (Tel, Bl) WHEN YOU'RE TIRED AS YOU CAN BE... TRY A CUP OF LIPTON'S TEA ONLY LIPTON'S BRISK -TASTING TEA GIVES YOU THAT • What a lift you gat from famous Lipton's Teen! id's Lipton's FLAVOR -LIF"' ... a delicious, Aim .11,rting combination of brisk, luellow flavor , .. plus a lift that sends exhilarating new energy right through you, from head to toe. Lipton's Tea is P. wonderful "pick. rue -up" when you're tired—•^r,nderful anytime, morn- ing, noon and night. And only Lipton's givea I' you that FLAvon-Llr-r—because it's the blend that snakes Lipton's and the blend is Lipton's own secret! Get Lipton's, the tea with •thin.-.- FLAVO1t''LiVT, at your grocer's today/ REG'LAR FELLERS—Spring Fashion Plat, Ib LOVE 70 PICK someSPRING FLOWERS, PIN HeAD - P0 YOU KNOW WHERE. `THERE ARE ANY T ) / ls WE'LtR FTA SET FIXED UP, ZOOLIE - • COME WITH Me.! FIRST WE DRESS UR LIKE A OXPLE Op BLULDI,RRY MR. BRAsKsays—_ 'AND REMEMBER -NO FUSS...NO MUSS WITH LIPTON'S TEA SAW. By GENE BYRNES Vetiecevad TEA E3AI B Cowe,ta' hYNol'l IS MATTER XVI: Victoria ltlgolnw culla on iIcCale at hla efface In the middle of the night. film anka him to ollatn home kttere from Volta lncourt'a apartment. Chapter XVII She seemed suddenly drained of vitality, There was a thwarted look on her face, "So that's that." "Just that, I'm afraid. However, I think you'll hear from your let- ters." IIe followed her to the door, watching her down the stairs. At the tarn, she looked back at hinm. She stopped, waiting a nunncn1 un- til he became aware that she in- tended to explode a farewell bomb- shell, "If they don't turn up, Sherlock, 1'lI go to Shari Lynn for them, what?" She laughed insolently as she continued Clown, McCale shook his head in utter weariness as he went back in, He was sure the interview had here a fiasco, At least his share of it, Things were piling up too quickly, too fast, one conclusion contradict- ing another, * i The telephone was ringing in- sistently, JlcCale rolled over, opened one eye, swore, and finally grabbed the extra pillow, bund- ling it under his head. He fumbled with the light, snapped it on, lifted the telephone off its cradle. "McCale speaking," he growled. ,"Rocky, boss." "Where are you?" "Corner of Aspinwall, opposite the Vallaincourt den. Didn't you tell me to keep a lookout?" "Oh, yeah, All quiet?" "All quirt now. Listen, boss, 'long about .five this morning—" "All right. \Vhat happened at five o'clock?" Sleep still hugged hint tightly and there was an unreasonable barb in his voice. "Okay, okay. Around five, a girl showed up with a key to the Vallaincourt ron-day-voo." "What did(, she look like?" "Just my type, boss. Sort of dark and well-rounded, you know, Big eyes, A gorgeous damsel. she was trailing Persian Iambs in the gutter. Very snazzy," "Come in a cab?" "Yeah. She left at the corner." "Did you get the cabby?" "Nal. 1 followed the girl." * * McCabe stifled a chuckle. "Well?" "I cornered her in the apart- ment. She turned tough, but I only got a scratch here and there. "Who was it?" "Hold on to your hat, now. It was Victoria Bigelow." "Victoria Bigelow?" Surprise jerked him wide awake. "Uh uh, She was after some letters of hers, she said." "Well, well." Victoria had cer- tainly had a busy night, he thought. "The place was clean, like you said. No secret panels, cithcl. 1 —tfiat is—I finally helped her hunt for them." "Go honk and grab yourself some grub and shuteye," said Mc - Cale. "Get here about one o'clock. I'm going to he busy this /torn ing.a, "Right, Signing off," * , * The line went dead. McCale sat there, forgetting the telephone in his hand. I-Iis eyes were bright and exasperating as his Mind la- bored in a disturbing whir! of the unexpected, At eight forty-five he called Ann Marriott on the telephone. To her cool "hello", he said, "Good morning. This is your boss." "Oh, good morning, dar—boss. Anything important? I'm on my way in about five minutes." • "No hurry. In fact, this is just to say you /might shop for an hour if you want to and then do an errand for me, At eleven you /might be around 11roadniore." "Broadmorc?" "Yes. The Baysreuth, to be exact. I want you to drop in on Shari Lynn. V"'." " . . . And pray wl'at shall 1 use as an excuse for dropping in, as you say? Don't tell me you're sending me along to smooth the way for you—a more subtle ap- proach, so to speak?" "No—and that's comedy enough for now, my girl." He grew serious. "I saw her myself late last night, for that matter. "1'd like a line on how she is this morning. You know—sad, gay, expectant? Ask her for her autograph. Anything to get in. 'Palk about Vallain- court if you can without being thrown ottt." S ♦ * "That all?" "Yes. Just a check-up to satisfy a point that's been nagging ole. Stu's fairly transparent. It ought to be easy." "01,, yes, indeed. It sounds, too, too easy. All right. I'll do my hest. See you when?" ".\bout noon, Isere. 'Bye, sweet." Ile knew that to solve this prob- lem, he had first to breast down the buttress of tradition that sur- rounded the Bigelows. Ile knew he was up against something that even the overestintataed awe, or if von will, Majesty, of the law could not upend. On impulse he dialed police headquarters and asked for Don - levy. After a slight delay, the curt, incisive vaice of the lieu- tenant came through. "I)onlevy here." "McCale, lieutenant." "Olt—sure. Not out yet hunt- ing the foul criminal?" M • • "011 the way. I'd like to know what the Bigelow woolen were wearing when they they carte in yesterday — outside the green thingmajig Veronica sported." "Of course. Didn't I mention that?" "No." "Well, here it is. Victoria, an oiled -silk affair, yellow; Karen, a black velvet suit, black cape; Sybil, a light brown raincoat. That help?" "Uh 1111, 1t was Sybil, then, who walked away into the fog." "You think so? She claims to have been at the drugstore." "Not for my money." "1 kind of think not. That _family! It's almost impossible to get them to admit anything. They're all protecting one another. \Vilat? i've had a devil of a time and got nothing so far." "Yeti"II get less, very likely, now they've had a chance to compare notes." There was a pause. Then Don - levy said, almost cheerfully, "I guess Veronica's our girl, "You really think so?" "The I.ynn woman's evidence till put the finish on it." "Oh." McCale pondered over that for a moment, then decided to add, "I'd keep a sharp watch on the Lynn wonman." * • "\Vhy?" i)onlevy's interest was immediate. "1 would. That's all." "Now, Duke, you must have a reason. \Vhy be mysterious?" "I'll drop in to see you later in the day. Okay?" "13y all means." The body had been removed to the morgue and laboratory for full- er examination. Lieutenant Don - levy and his squad had finished with the preliminaries. '1'he• hun- gry press had been thrown a hone to nibble on, Men had been sent to \'allaincourt's apartment to look over papers and belongings for a possible clue. Then, at nine this morning, a plainclothes elan had interrupted breakfast with an urgent request for Veronica. He was politely in- sistent that she must come at once to the office of Lieutenant Don - levy for further questioning. She was not to be alarmed. It was ,t matter of routine. But— 'I'o Ile Continued 16 Be1's—All's Well The only time during the year when more than eight bells are sounded on shipboard is at Amid - night New Year's Eve, when In bells arc sounded. ALL ONTARIO AIDS FLOOD RELIEF DRIVE Today, under the auspices of the Provincial government, every Ontario community is collecting food and clothing for the Ontario British Flood Relief Campaign, whose chairman is the Iion, Russell T. Kelley, Ontario minister of health. Shipments will shortly proceed overseas to aid people in areas such as Maidenhead, Berk- shire (above) where a policeman is seen aiding a woman who got into deep water, The Ontario campaign continues until May ]5 under the executive directorship of Christie A, McDonald. Head- quarters are in the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, ANNE HIRST J iota r"usn i ?y t vwa s eArt You Must Decide Your Own Future DEAN ANNE HIRST: Shall I re- * marry my first husband, or an * older man who laves lac now? At 17 I ran away and got married to a boy the Salage, l bothlie our parentsStil demanded it be annulled. II c Ment off to school, 1 had a child and stayed home to care for her. Now 1 * ale 28, and engaged to this man a dozen years older. I admire him, * and he can give me and my little * girl everything. She loves hint as * though he were her own father. * But recently I met my first 1ms- * band, Not knowing 1 was engaged, 4' he came the next day, and he * ;'ants us to marry again! 1 know * now that is what 1 want, too. \1y * little girl, however cried when I * told her and said she would never * stay with him. (She doesn't know * ,he is her real father), My fiance * is away so 1 haven't talked with * hinm, Do you think my child will * learn to love her father? (He * can't provide for tis as well). Or * shall I go ahead and marry my * fiance? * * WAIT Yon are indeed in a dilemma. Un- til you sat; your first husband again, you felt you could be a good wife to this other man even Though you did not love hire. But IIo10 you real- ize where your heart really belongs —and yott know that /tarrying him would not be fair. 1',,t afraid you would find it impossible to be a loyal wife, with your nature calling out to this first love you knew. And you wouldn't want to marry any foam merely to give your child a bonne. I'm sorry you sprung the idea o/ marrying your first husband so soddenly on this child of yours He is a stranger to her, She had al- ready accepted the older senna as her stepfather, and naturally she resents anyone else Had she tact her real father merely as a friend of yours, she might have grown fond of him. That can happen, even yet. If you have made .tp your mind you can marry no one but your first husband, tell your fiance. !1e knows life .roll enough to understand, I expect. nen bring your child and her father together naturally, dispel the idea of an iunnediate marriage from her mind, and let him win her friendship and her trust. Once the older reran is out of the picture, she may transfer her affections. Chil- dren do, you knots'. Only you can decide your ow» future. iVo one else has the right to influence you. 'lake your lime—and all my good wishes. * * * Anne 1 lirst helps you choose the wise course to follow. 11 you want her opinion, write her Box "A", 73 Adelaide St, \Vest, Toronto. A COSY IIOME is cosier still whcii you serve Max. well House Coffee. So deli- cious it satisfies completely. Expert blending assures you coffee that's famous for smooth, mellow flavor, Sunday School Lesson Struggle For Social Justice Antos 5:6-15, 21-21. (-widen Text.—Sock good, aol not es il, that ye may live.—Amos 5:14, Nu)ihere, perhaps, in all the history of nations are there to be fount( more indealistic regulations for the prevention of social injustice than among the J ews in their an- cient homeland, One recalls the Cities of Refuge, the land laws, the provisions for the protection of debtors, the \'ear of Jubilee and other regulations all designed to safeguard human rights and welfare, Yet, in spite of all this, injustice and oppression were prevalent. 'fuer, as now, there were grafters and exploiters, * * Imagine some thoughtful, intelli- gent, hard-working farmer who un- derstands the conditions upon which our life and welfare depend coaling into one of our modern cities. 1 -Ie would observe the ease and luxury of those making no real contribution to society, not to men- tion the evil and corruption that are so flagrant, 'Then you can un- derstand something of what the Prophet Amos was to his tinges in ancient Israel, Antos was a herdsman, accus- tomed to clean living. He was roused to indignation by what he saw , "the dust of the earth on the head of the poor . , , the righteous sold for a pair of shoes." He saw the gross immorality of fathers and sons, the turning of judgment to wormwood, and the abandonment of righteousness. He saw the very acts and rites of reli- gion perverted, * * * Antos represents God as saying, "I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell itt your solemn assemblies." Ilut he calls for re- pentance: "Let judgment run down as wateis, and righteousness as a mighty stream," Don't we need that call today? The association of righteousness with peace is not accidental, It reminds us of the only true foun- dation upon which pcacc can be built, whether it be domestic peace, industrial peace or international peace. Cheer Up! The doctor was visiting a patient. "You're getting along nicely, airs, Brown," he said, cheerily "You'll soots be up and queueing." C.N.E. BIJLLETIN Best Kitchen Plan Takes $100 Prize --- Tilt ;1' s .t Mannan apt n !s more time in !:r r bitch( n than in any other room in the home. if that's the case, than a well pruned kit- chen can wave many .t home- maker's diffiruity. Did you ever stop to figure out how you ft -Ad rave steps in your kitchen, how you could accomplish more with h': effort by moving the kitchen furniture, by altering the fixtures? Put down the plan of your prt:trnt kitchen and then draft one containing your own ideas for improvement'. The Canadian Na- tional Lxhibition is off' ring :j100 itt prize money for the bent re- modelled kitchen plans scot in. Kate Aitken, 1)irector of \Vo• Wren's Activities, makes it clear that every conteft,ant ;must be a bona fide holm maker, Architects draw- ings or prole•'-ional layons tviil not be considered by the jndgcs. Two plan must be sr nt—one of the old kitchen, showing its size, opening and working difficulties. The seconds plan w'uul,l show the kitchen as it could be re -modelled, done to scale, with a list of the changes and their approximate cost Kitcicn plant nlu4t be received by July 25, according to Nit's. Ait- ken, 'They Will be judged by com- petent jurls es land the prise winning kitchen will be set up iu the Coli- seum. 1,titry forums are 110W ayilil- able by writing; direct to: \Vonlen's Section, Canadian National Exhibi- tion Grotindk, '1•orouto. • Mezt Jonathan Jonathan, a 2011 -year -oil tortoise which was on St. Helena when Napoleon passed 00 there in exile in 1821, haat his photograph taken by the Royal Panaily with they broke their jc,urttry home from South Africa by Ni,iting the island. The Queen lett Jonathan a banana. Churchill, the Artist Winston Churchill v;cnt to the head of the art class recently—two of his paintings were selected for exhibition itt the Royal Academy. The former Prime ',finistcr has been painting for years but this is the first titer his work has been select,d for Britain's foremost gal- lery. Rheumatic Pains? ! The moment you feel •° the first twinges of 'rheumatic pain—start taking Kruschen. V, l: + 'J'Iurttsands of people who have suffered from rheumatic pains have written to tell us how Kruschen has helped them. Why not Id Iiruschen help you? 13y taking ICruschen regularly each morning, the system is benefited by the mineral salts in this fino old remedy. The organs of elimination are helped to act normally and that lends to an improvement in health and ease- ment of rheumatic pains. So try the linlschen treatment, according to direc- tions on each bottle for the next few weeks. At all Druggists: 25e and 75e. KRUSCHEN Helps to keep you smiling! PARKER NOOSE Ro//s Better Bance Plenty Add 1 envelope Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast and 1 tsp. sugar to 1 c. lukewarm water. Stir; let stand 10 min, Scald 1 c. milk, add 5 tbs. sugar; add 2 tsp. salt, cool to luke- warm. Add to yeast mixture, Add 3 c. sifted flour, beat until perfectly smooth. Add 4 tbs. melted shortening and 3 c. more sifted flour, or enough to make easily han- dled dough. Knead well, Place in greased bowl. Cover; let rise in warm place until doubled in bulk, about 1 hours. Punch dough down in bowl; let rise again in warm place until nearly doubled in bulk, about 40 min. When light, roll out 3i" thick. Brush over lightly with melted shortening. Cut with 2" biscuit cutter, crease through center heavily with dull edge of knife, fold over in pocketbook shape. Place on well -greased shallow pans 1" apart. Cover; let rise until light, about 1 hour. Bake in 400°F, oven about 15 minutes. ,.-*-.-•-•-.-. 5 5 * Goodbye to Kitchen Drudgery With the New GORGE GAS RANGE Famous Spiro -speed burner — oven heat control — automatic burner lighter — perfect broiling —safety oven lighter, and many other amazing features, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY $159.95 BUDGET TERMS Mayfair Radio Co. 1384 St. Clair W. (at Lansdowne) KE. 9049-9400 Toronto Open Evenings — City-wide Delivery 1 PAGE8 imanannotwoogtocutoctoatvextatexporoctinclogiovcovoroc 1.1 • • • • 1 .4 F 0 aimDIMANDON31)nat3za3.3t311n3ar atN3tDailDMA313M313M:n3tAialatAi3t31700:13i3Ohlost, , W•1440.844.+44444444++++ ++.; 4.+444444++ +4.+4..0+44+4.4. + ++ +++ 11/ Yes! We Have them: ALL READY FOR SPRING. Men's Work Shoes $3,95, $=150, $5 50 Boys' Work Shoes $2,95, $3,95 5 Boys' Oil -Finished Rain Coats with Caps Sizes 6 years to 14 years, Men's Top Coats $16.95 Women's and Children's Plastic Rain Coats. Men's, WVonien's and Children Rubbers at Special Prices. Olive McGill 3 gg1 rMaxwell House and Chase & Sanborn 1 lb. 47c -- FOOD STORES -- -- SPECIALS -- Club Ilouse Homogenized Peanut Butter 16 oz. 39c Aylmer Vegetable Soup 10 oz. tin OSc Savcy Custard Powtier 16 oz. tin 25c Catelli's Readicut Macaroni or Spaghetti 16 oz. 10c Robinhoud Quick Cooking Cats 5 Ib. bag 29c Snowflake Ammonia per pkg. 05e Nugge't Shoe PcIish Chcice Pumplcin Hawe's Floor Wax -_ - Coffee Sale--- rcr tin 12c large 28--d, tin 15c 1 IS. tin 49c FRESH FRUiTS AND FRESH VEGETABLES. Garden Seeds, Dutch Setts, Multipliers and Bulk Seeds t• • PIONEER AND LIFETERIA FEEDS. V e Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 15(6 X. 1.►..1H�H+44+4a.•�14444H444.4•+ +4.4.4.+4.4. I.44+44++++++++++++4.4“:4+444.44 .: .: e. 4144~PNJII NNN44.4•NNJ.r1 mei ow. I1N11Nsms4P4Jt1N141N•~WI.. We Specialize In dome -Made Baking Of All Kinds. FRNK'S HOME BAKERY •NNNMII NNNlNJNmoom owe. g.er## m THE STANDARD Wednesday, May 14, 1947 PERSONAL INTEREST Doherty Bros. Saturday is a lig day - the !lions Rummage Sale, and. also the auction ,ale of town property. Be on hand. \I r:. \\'in. Johnston i, visiting friends in 1. melon this week and will attend the Dundas - \liner wedding on Satnr,lay, \lay 17th. is. 'Tillie \Iain, R.N., of Loudon, is itt (ilendive, \Iontana, where slit. attendecl the funeral of her aunt, NI rs. John Cowan, \which was held last Sat- urday. \Ir. Andrew NIcKague, ..\ nit alt 1 Marjorie \I1Ra,gue, of Essex, and NIrs. 1latnilt n of 1?ssex, formerly of Myth, called e:l \I Iss I{lizabeth Mills Iasi Sunda:. 1)r. Lorenzo Brigham of Star City vi•ite.l with his cousin, NIr. John \. \till. Iew. 1. It. and NIrs, Laine v:sitect \with their uncle and aunt, NIr. and NIrs. John NI ills. \Ir•. Glenn llib, on, 1'von"e an I D\\it;i:, in c ntpany with tri f a'nn is parent-., NH-. an,I \I -s. Noble holland, rf ('lien n, spent a fe,W d lys in 'Toron- to \\ith Mrs. (i ha it's si ter, NIrs. 1I. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting' and Repairing. RUBBER -TIRED FARM WAGONS EQUIPPED WITH AUTO TIRES SIZE C06x16. 11. I Ieeley. S \I is: Glad ;s Fawcett of Timm. 0, \ spent the \vee,: -end \villi her mother, NI rs. :\, Ea\\cctt. Oth-r S ;ud• y vis- itors with \I rs. Fawcett were \I rs. Cooked A/lents. I.n\vc, anal \I r. an 1 \Irs. Gordon \Vorkntan, of Iirnssels. Mr. and NI rs. ("ho;!I, and son, Itil-I( Iv, I f 1).tro't, \Iirh. \1r. and NIrs 11, Hall. Sarnia, NI r. and lit t \• rEd. Bell ce in and family, 1 Ir.Cctt, s;.t.nt the eek- 11 ) d S j Boucher, Phone 13, Blyth. Deliveries `Vednesday and Saturday. Ir Ir . IVY", 4s•PON, 4 eNI0,01I441^4,41Ni r I { 'fly a Nice 'Ticks Centre Slice of SUGAR -CURED IIAM For Frying. Steaks Roasts, II.;i s. Bacon, Sausage and r 1! end with the'r i.arcnts, \i r. and NIrs. \\'•n, hell, Mullett. \I r:. II Mord s• ioit the \week -tad in I'! 'uilton, and while there attended (*envoi ation at NI (•,\taster l'nivcrsit ', ,ler (laughter, Kathleen, was auton:t tho,e receiving a b'.:\. I)evre(•. \I r. and NI rs. \Vc.ley Itowen, of Loyal Oak. \lick., s••ent over Sunday. NI other's Day, \with their mother, 1lrs. % II. l,n\ven. .NIrs. Sadie Ctnttitt v site l in Luck- Household Supplies And Mothocides PARACIDE (MOTH CRYSTALS) LARVEX . MOTiI TOX SAPI-IO LYSOL CREOLIN CHLORIDE OF LIME SAPHO PEST PAINT FORMALDEHYDE MOTH BLOCKS 49c 83c 490 35c 35c AND 65c 25c AND 75c 15c 25c 35c loo AND 25c R U. PHILP, Phrn. B. 1)1(1 GS, SUNDRIES. IVA!IPA I'ER-PIIONE 20, 1 t - , EGZ♦1K111Yt{1'-,k."+K��atfiMl'd'�`�61.14:t��14'�.ki7t�t�iil�k:l:,''6�ti,+i�.'if:2i'.ii''1fn�w',i.'4"•:1:i'�'tP.��i'14'tPtPtK`Mfd One-Tlalrel o' Your Lige Is Spent Ira ed Thus the importance of having your bed equip- ped with a comfortable IVIatt:•esh and Spring. Take ten minute; to -dight to inspect the Spring and Mattress you sleep on, then come to 011)' store and compare what you are using with our wide selection of Box type, Seel Slat. and Calle Bed Springs. Luxurious Spring -Filled Mattresses, and Lasting Steel Beds. which we are offering at attractive prices. 1 now \with her son, Ilu,h, and wife, for Mothers day. The c n ircgrt'rnt of the Presbyterian Church, celebrated their :\nniversary, and fredicati in of NI (on- OPTDrv:E'1'iZIST and OPTICIAN orial Organ, a Hammond Electric Or- GODERICH • ONTARIO, gan, \I rs. G. \I, Henderson, Palmer- s,\,, who vac gust urgan.st, an ont- tanding artist, brougl' nut nta•;ttifi- cant music, and NH., Cante'•on Geddes, who always thrills itis audiancc, \\••u t'ut.'t soloist. 'This \ya, a most de- lightful service \\hielt filled ones silt' and mind with something Wortlt \011ie. v -hies will never be forgotten. \Ir. Duncan Stewart, of Ilensall, s')titt the \aleck -end with his nephew, \Ir. Dctt;4l:ts Stewart, and Mrs. Stew- art. \I l: Irene NTcCallnnt, of London, spent the week -end with her parents, NH.. and Mrs. Duncan \Ic('allun, Visitors with \irs. Isabella ('ole, tf L'lyth over the week -end were Albert 1.. Cole c'f Regina, and soli, 'Ted, tlf Kitchener, \I r, and NIrs. Robert Cole, and \f r. and \irs• Ellwood ('cic, all of Toronto. Mr. !rwinc S. Wallace is enjoying a holiday \with his brother, Richard 1\'al- lace, of Oklah:nta City. On his nay . home he will also visit with relatives P�! 1 �i':"i •� •0,1.�w1a.�..1w�..� .�H�..�..� %..� .�. i,..�..� .�..O.O.O �..�..,0.� �..�. �r.�• 44.4..x.4:.:.4,OO,.i. 0.4.O140+441 a t Newark, N.I. A. R.O. LE Lions Rummage Auction Sale The Blyth Lions Club are sponsoring a Rum- mage Auction Sale in the Memorial Hall on Sat. 1 Sale to commence at 2 o'clock D.S.T. 3' \ir. and Mrs. II. O. Con ins, of ��! Orillia, visited with NIr. and NI rs. F. ' I), Rutledge over the week -end. ,\1 r. Cousins is (;lobe and \l ail re;ucscn- tative for the \Iu'knka District. \Ir,. Cc•it:iins an 1 NIrs. Ru:ledgc are sis- tors. ;t: • \lotorists tr;n•cllin,; un I ligh\vay No. 11, Colborne, view with pride the lovely No.': of daffodils the entire length of :Vere\Ir, ere Cuunintrhfarm am's farand lane- ' way. It is understood that these were planted by the late E. V. Lawson, who I at one time occti led th .: i• farm, and .. i himself was a great horticulturist. (NIrs. Albert Campbell gave her •=1 home for the \lay meeting of the \V.\l.S. of l'nox United church. The :,: president, Airs. Jas. \\roods, presided, and opened the meeting With prayer. The corresponding secretary read "thank you" letters from \iiss \i. Small, Toronto, and \1 r, and NIrs. Foster Wright and from NIaynooth, Northern Ontario, for gifts donated toward furnishing a new parsonage there. The treasurer reported the Easter thank -offering \Was - 71.17. The Scripture was read by NIrs. A. I. Fer- guson. The heralds responded, NIrs. F. 'Poll on Africa, NIrs. E. Patterson on Christian stewardship and NIrs.• \\'owls on 'temperance. ;\ report of the Presbyterial meeting held in Exe- ter was given by .hiss Ethel \\'ashing- ton. \irs. \Vuods was called to the front and Nliss :Margaret King read an address expressing regret at her departure front this community and Airs. \Vightinan presented her with a wool blanket. \f rs. \\roods, who has been president of the \V.A1.5. for a number of years, expressed her ap- preciaion of the gift an•l the kind thought conveyed to her. NIrs. Camp- bell closed the meeting with prayer. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The following address accompanied the presentation of the gift to Mrs. \Vuods: - "I)car Airs. \Voods: The ladies of our \kr:M.S. were sorry to learn of your plans to move from our midst in the near future. \Ve have appreciat- ed the (Jeep interest in the work of our Society which you have always shown, and the devoted leadership you have given as our President thrcu•;h the past years. \\'e know you will he a faithful n tuber of the \V.\i.''. \vherc- ever you may be. \Vt• trust • '11 Part of Proceeds for British Flood Relief Fund. 4. 4. YOUR CO-OPERATION will be APPRECIATED. 4414-4W4+4.-+++.1.444444.4_. -+.1 ii i'Tv 44+-O`{- e.14'fM*'1'•MO• +++.444.44+++:44+++1` on Guaranteed 2''/ • 4 Trust Certificates ISSUED for tiny amount . , .• for a terra of five years .... guaranteed both as to principal and interest , . , , Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due elate, or, at holder's option, may he allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investtnent for individuals, corn - parties; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees, THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto AUBURN 36 years in Business 1 who this spring purchased new gravel NIr, and Mrs. Gordon \',•att :o:-'! trucks, have accepted contracts with David Nall of Holyrood, Ruth Arthro, the Sandy Cmistrucion Company, and IZeg. N.. of St. 'I'hontas, spent tis have commenced work on roads around 'peel: -end '•;'tit Mrs. john :\rt!t'tr Black Horse. The.; Aril!. b)ar(i \iia 1Zotert Arthur ani Barr.; ?.rtltut, their sister, Mrs, Gordon \V,.(11. , have many happy memories of Eyes £xa:,tined and Glasses Fitted, Wills :5 Years Exrerience HOW ABOUT THAT DECORATOR'S .1013? t WHETHER PAINT - i • e vv eil e . h v N 9 01 ianAt3t3iN2131?.;7i'u1,`+7.1000;ID1'di'V,Ztli1`sAut'eAa1 aDilt;3ia'1:3;11'NIV:=1`Ji`124313t3id11731)13iLt Home 14,rnitsher -- i'hones 7 and 8 -- Funeral Director. ijf 17• 1.16 l i, . ua.a., n. a all3•1r4 `-"-11 • ��. - 1=e0B/GR4.1•44104.411Vt. pern's liavd are PHONE 24. BLYTII. WALLPAPER OR ' IT WILL PAY YOU, • 1 INQUIRE AS TO STYLE AND COLOUR FOR THAT PAR- TICULAR JOB. WHETHER INSIDE OR OUT. F. C. PREST Phone 37-26. LOIIDESBORO Spray and Brush Painting Sunworthy Wallpaper Paints and Enamels. ,. .. I. C 1 et. NIJNN44.4me JJ wNNNfN., NOTICE TO FARMERS GODERICH ELEVATOR REFUNDS ARE NOW AVAILABLE The refund from the Goderich Elevator an -1 Transit Co., Lim- ited, of overcharges made ott grain loaded in bags (luring the pericd of August 10, 1943 to June 19.45, is now held in trust by the Federation of Agriculture of Iiuron County f r dis:rihution. All farmers and feeders in the County \•h.) asst,n'd this over- charge may secure refunds by furnishing proofs as to grain purchased on which overcharges were paid, • A sheet of explanation as to proofs, etc„ is being sent ottt to the township units and may be secured from your Icrtl secre- tary. fly agreement with the Godc- riclt Elevator and \\'.1','1'.13„ the unclaimed residue may be used for Junior Farmer organizations in the County. Anyone wishing to d•, g) may assign. their claims f.,r this purpose, All claims ntttst Lc made within thirty days of the above notice to \\r, V. P./y, l.nudcsboro, Sccrctary- 'I'rcasurcr of Huron C-.;;nt' Fe(i- eratinn of Agriculture. An: Huron County farmers who put c lase l grain from Bruce Comity dealers, should present their claims to Bruce County Federation of Agriculture. 35-2. EVERYTI-IING IN HAhDWARE. Softballs and Bats, Baseballs, Tenni` Balls, Rackets Golf Balls and Clubs, Roller Skates, Wagons $8.95 to $10.95; "Flight 9" $7.50 Electric Fencers and Batteries QUEEN COOK STOVE OIL BURNER Quick heat for summer cooking, economical winter heat, no coal to carry, no ashes to dump, no mess to clean up -- Just fill once a day and regulate by the turn of a knob. .1u . 1.16. 1.:.14.A Jinn 16:6 1 11 1,161..R' 44.44,1,11•4•9•44,0 N4.4.•IeI.MNJMI N#4.~~NJV?tNJlNI.11.`OtNN,IC1tlNJIt1 1 Bread Cakes - Pasta+ ave our er very CaII at Your oor aur c444.4.4141•44u.L,.rir444044.114411ria...wts1iAal.l,rwa.+1r+w44•44404.40144•4a **4414r The II 1 11N41.~N MN44.#I•M4.0.I ,40,014~#.1 1• it5SOelatiOn with the Auburn Society. .1[ay the great God above, v, ho send; down His love, shower files ;n;: upon you in your new home. Please ayce-,t this gift as a small too: -:n of , to a preciation and regard for y(it. _Si;_,ti- ed on behalf cf the \1'.:,[.S." E BAKERY II. T. Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario kI~~ f1N1NJN1 N104M1W.141 4,"WNNNNI1,t+4,0MNNI4`..04N1w Housecleaning and Painting -' This is the time of year for all good housewives to assert their rights. We only await your instruc- tions to start that Painting Job - either inside or outside. Phone 56 Blyth, for Estimates. "We are Specialists in the Painting Business. iephunt' 56, Blyth Decorators ti iN VICTn1A HOSPITAL in Victoria hospital, Lon,' ecd.• return to Q-0-1 health is 1cped N•[r, A, \1'. P. Smith is a patient 1 for by a host of friends,