Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-01-27, Page 2-- •
- _1 the Finance Committ e to Equalization Come
ittonOVI-81141* in place of that Mr. corrigen, and vice versa.
The' Report, as _amended, Ivas sustained
- • • ,when the Warden had resumed the chair.
ERIN, C. W.-, JAN. 27, 1865. . Letter finut a Mra. SimpSen stat "g- that
.••••• •1•••••••••••••••••••••••••6•1•••••••
- . CO1UNTIES- C011.111CIL.'.
• she -had heard that the pont Court -
keeper was -stbout to olio, 101d offering to
discharge the duties•at a reduced rate. --
Mr. Sutton' suggestld that it:Teen's:1 be wol
• The- new Council met at -:the • Court• .
House, Goderich, ou Tuesday last, Mr.
Mamson, Counties' Clerk, tbok the chair
and before the members took their seats
read the opininu of R.. A. Harrison, Esq:-,
relatin to the duty of the Clerk' in the
matter of infoinial certificates . bourne by
Beeves and Deputies.
The following gentleinen. answered.- to•
-tnetr names
Ashfieid-Wm. Mallough Reeve, Maurice
to refer.the whole matter to a committee •in
order that the _chat% s spinet Mr. Fraser
might -be itiyestigated
1 Mr: Luipsden opposed the- views of Mr..
Satton and mild the 1 tter should he tyled.--
Mr. Fraser htkcl disc arged -his duties faith:
fully and besides. thei4was ,no evidence to
sbow that ie. Fraser had the least intention
of resi,gning.- ' -': • ----------
Mr..Jos Whitehea4 said Mr. Frillier had
written instructions and never had it been
- h .
alleged that lie haddegmrted from t em.
Clinton Village -Joseph Whitehead 1t. . - Sweet, That the Clerk be and - ie hereby in•
Colborne-lienry Spence R. - • struiited to draft a By Law for the purpose of
Gederich Town-Itobt. Gihbons It, Dr Mc- raising..the suin of $200 towards beilding a
- '-- Dctueallp. R. bridge acress the Sable River on the boundary
Gederich Towaship-Wm.. Piper Rt.. fli'llrf - and.S.-Tollock relativs6 to the danger f
. . Ford D. R.,. _ i .rom. lien between the County of Middlesex,- and
having so insurirresponsible parties to attend that the Clera of the„County of Middlesex be
to the various offices. .lid:aslting that a cote. notifie_d accordingly --referred to Road and
Bridge Committee. , • . - ...
mittee might be appeinted to. confer with
MOved by Mr Currie, seconded by Mr.
them On the subject. Itel'erred to Gaol and .
mestizo; or this Conned- to. authorize the
treasurer to raise 120,000 •for theca -tension
and improvement,ot •Roans in the Countyof
Miran, and - !hat a special meethig of...this
Cr-meil be held on Tuesday the 2nd claf of
May next, at 3 p. m ,to vote oil the
said By -Law, and further that In the event of
rid 3y Law bein. g carried, that the Engineer
be instructedao advertise for.Tenders and let
the contracts forthwith.
On the 'yeas and nays being: taken there
voted yea 19, nay IO. The motion was
therefore declared carried. :
. Moved by Mr Broeelbank. seconded by Mr
Sutton, That the sam of $300 be granted to
-*bit repitiring two bridges , over the Saw
eeen River on the Derham Road -one at the
Village of Walkerton; and the other nein- the
Villa •eof Hanover to be •
aid on receipt a the
certificates of the Reeve and Engineer tha*.
the work was completed, and charged to
.funds 91 Brucer-referred to Finance Com. -
• Dilten, Deputy Reeve. Moved by Mr ParsOns, seconded by Mr
Theletter was fyled:
Memorial from Messrs. Johnston, D.
Lizars,Ire Lewis, Judge CoOpei, John .Galt,
• Grey -Arch. McDonald •R, John Leckie
.• D. R.
Hay-Robt. Brown R, James Sistine D. R.
Matfett-Humphrey Shell It, John Warwick
• . - D. ft.
Howick-Thos. Gibson. R, .Wm. Strong
• • D. R. -
Me-Killop-DZDownie R., jno Elhot D. R,
Morris -•Chas. haehead Alfred Brown
Stanler--Alex. johnstotie R. Alex, Cameron
D. R.
Stephen -Richard Sweet R, Jura. . Parsons
D. R.
Tuckersinith-Geo Sproat. D L Sills,
D. R.
Turnberry-John, ke-ssar R.
.1.,ishorne-Arch Bishop R., Robert Creery,
Wawanosh-Rpobt Currie R., Wm Farquhar.
/ion D.R. . •
staadta r before It is
Xmabel and Albeinarle.--Representative not g'
in. •
Meitsar, That as difference -of opinion expos
as to the proper.equrse or route to be pursued
regarding the extension of the Northern
Gravel Road froze . Clinton, that the Gravel
-Road Committee report thereon as' ao the
best and cheapest router '
-Moved by Mr Sproat and seconded by Mr
That Rev Mr Barr be appointedL. S.
of Schools for Tuckersinith anct McKillop for
the current year in place of Mr Stewart who
•declines to accept so large a division, -Carr.
-*• Tit Utistur.
Court House Committee.
- Moved. by Mr.. -Sproat, seconded by
Ford, That the' Warden' be a member ex
officio of all the counaittees--Carried.,
- Moved by Mr. Sutton, seconded. by Mr.
Sproat, That it -shall be it rule Of this i,ouncit-
for eny member applyIng.for a money grant
to give at leant:one day'e notice, or that such
spplications be referred tO some of theatand-
ing comaiittees; to grind sufficient thee for
consideration and disc sseta, and that h shall
be a fUrther,rule of t Counci1. for eery
member moving thin to read the sante
ended to the chair -
Arran--Xue LumsdenR Phomas -Nichol- Letter from Crown Lands D.:pertinent was
ton D. R. read and referred to Finance Conimittee.
• " Brant -James Brocelbank.R., Thos. Wilson, Report- of Mr. Haw' sworth Local Super-
intendent was readan referred to the School
Bruce-- Jim Scott IL, Duncan McKinnon,
D. R. Committee.
Carrick-Michaet Fisher R.,Jno Hogg D. R. , Letter.of John Darisen, Esq.„ read and
• -
Culross-rrancis Schoales R, Paut.Rosa, ordered to be !pled.
.Fourteertaccoutits ere read and refnrred. Gilliel ;•jno.-Dalibin D. R.
• Greenoci-Jno VaIentiee R., Thos -Corrigan 11,.?piirt Of Mr.- Sherlock, L. S. wins referred.
. D. it - • Aloved. by Dr-MeDJ,ufatI. seconded by Mr.
' D. It.
Enron-Robt Johnston R., Robt Martin D FL_ Jolonaton, That Rev., Alex McDonald and-
Kiueardine Stitton.•
_Kinloss-Robt grvis. •
Sauseeu-John Wallace.
..Soethanipton,-Thos Adair.
Kiimardine tp-Wm Millar R., J P Mein,'
. tyre D. R.
The gentlemen composing the:uouncil hav-
ing taken their seats, it was 'moved - by Mr.
Jos Whitehead, seconded .by Mr. J. M.
Talluatian. That Robert Gibbons, Esq., be
'Wardenfor the current year: -Carried unani-
:money "midst loud applause.
Mr. Gibbons briefly thanked the Council
for theircontinnid confidence i t ham, and
said he would_ondesivor to discharge the
dunes devolving upon him to the hot of his
abilaty Raving sabserihid to the oath of
office, ice., he took his seat, and the session
was opened ill usual. _
•thefollowing Committee was appoint-
ed to draft Standing Commit ees, viz :-
Mean., Sutton, M P
o• -113 ' 'sive, beton. the next
Brocelbank, Adair and Gibson, order that the Corn
Petitions from over 600 ratepayers cr report in readiness to
.. -
the County of Huron; recommending a -Carried
- retiring allowance to John Naint, Esq,
who has tarred in the capacity of Local
D. if...Ritchie, Esq., re -appointed Gram-
mar &hoot Tru.stees 'Carrie& .
Moved by Mr. Bi hop, seconded .by Mr,
'Smilte, That Robt D nia, Esq.., be appoint;
ed boost Superintendent of Schools for the.
townships of Rah Stphen and Usborne-
Carried. .
Moved by Mr. "Lumsden, seconded by Mi•.
Adair:, That the Cleric be and ill hereby
strueted tosend A SProat, En., L: S., a
:copy of the resb'utio?--Pas.sed in December
last appolatiug him te superintend the repair
of Allen's Bridge, Sangepti-Carried.
'Moved by Mr. Maltorugh, seconded by Mr..,
Dalton, That a Byla be passed authoiising
. • .
the County Treasure
several municipalities.
restdent saxes collect
to -pay over to the
their. -amoumt of non-
r-.31-eved by Mr. Mal ough, seconded by Mr.
Gtbsoa That the ineMbers of the Elualiza-
Cerninittee do meet five days, Sunday incla-
toting of Ceuncil, in
ittee may have their
lay before. the COtincil
ohnston, seconded by
ev. EL Gibson be Lo-
-for the Townehip of
Goderich and Stanlepa.Carried.
Mored by -Mr. len, seeended by Mr.
Moved by Mr. A.
Mr. Ford, That the
; Superintenden and otherwise for a Ittlni- cal S t Sh
_up. _c _oo
ber of years. _
Moved by Mr. Sproat, and second-
• ed by Mr. Sweet, That James Scott, Esq.,
be reappointed -Auditor ,for the present
. year -carried.. .
The Warden named Mr.. R R. Owen
- as the other Auditor, which was confirm-
- ed- by the -Council.-
•- Letter from Dr. Ryerson in answer to
•nimmorial of Councilletating that he was
endeavoring to have a' compulsory clause
added to the School Act, was read a.nd.
- ordered to be fyied.
A number of accounts were read, after
• the'Council adjourned.
. • Staltdiar-ComMiefees.
The Committee, opionied to draft the
the Standing Committees for thesourrent
year repot,ed
actlizalien and leseasnseitt-Meleri.
-Sprott, Mallough, Gibson, -Bishop, Par-
sons, Messer, Spence, Snell, Adair, Cor-
rigan, Lumadeo, Johnstoni Brocelbank,
• Sutton, Risher.
- Messrs.-,. Valentine, Ross,
Scott,- Hogg, Sutton, Wallace;
Bishop, Gibson Sills, McDonald, Chas,
Whitehead, Currie, Sotilie, Ford.
Millar, R Brown, Lumsden and Wilson;
Salaries, --Messrs. Piper, Downie, Strong,
Are.Whitithesd,Laci_tie,'S west; Creery, Came,
rout Gilliis, Mai!. *Kinston, Purvis, Kribit,
Hag; and Nicholson.
Soteolik-:-Messra: Strong, Mohnston,
ton,Sneli,17.arquItirson, A Brawn, McDonald,
Schools, Dohilia, Martin, BTocelbask, Luan-
da; Millar and Kribs.
Roads and Bridget -Huron.- Messri.
-Ferd, Crury; Spence; Censeron, Elliott.
Silts, Gibson, Sproat and Sweet.
Roads and. Bridges-Bruct -- Messrs.
_Brieelbanke Adair,. - Ross, Valentine,
Corrigan and Suttun.•.-
'11r.erdsies • Committee Piper,
Whitehead, Buttoned McDougall.
atiol sod Court- House Contnt.--liessre.
Lim**, 'Moldy, Fisher, Gillis*, Currie,
Piper. Spendi, Maltiough lad Purvis.:
• Wager 'Sessions' Coa4essrsi Sproat,
J. Whiiehired, Malltsugh; Piper sod- Sutton.
' Road Cos&-Messrs.4 W.hiteboad,
Bishop, Dalton,. Sproat, Warwick, Spence,
:maws Pagans, Smilie nail -Carrie,
• •• itat.SUTTON, Chairman..
statiesittee of **whole Mr. Voientine
obleetet Se having *re villages ist.,.Bruee re-
- -ratiaatett lat Vertitalisation- Commie.,
let 00111(0ifo =vie; 'seconded by -
; tv4maes,,,.,That 'the; name ir the TOOTil eif
• *lbw althstititted for that of Mr. Benoit on
Lo4 nun-
• .0a Mellen's( W. Luvistlea it Val resolved
, that XL, Italentine'seeate be changed from
Warwick, That the 11,..e.' Mr... Stewart of
Blythe be re -appointed L -peat ,Superintepifent
of Schools for the tovinships of Hallett, Mor -
Hs,- Wav.ranosh;- :46 iliCip,... Turn berry awl
Tuekersmith -Carrie
Mitred by Mr. Milner, seconded by Mr.
Seett, That the Rev Wm. 'Fraser be re ap-
pointed L. S. ot Schools for District No. 1,
in the Catinly of Pruett for 1865, . viz: the
to.waships .of B nee, giecardine, Huron and
KinIoss7-Carried. -- , ..
Moved by Mr: *enough,. Sect-en:ea by Mr.
- Dalton,. That the Rely Wm Barr be re-ap,
pointed L. & for the Wweihip of Ashaeld4-
Carried. •
Moved by Mr. Schoales,•seconded by Mr.
Adair, That the R v Mr Forbes be appointed
Gr tminar School TrulitelO for the ,County of.
Bruce in roem. of the Itev Mr Smythe, who
has left the cotinty-Oarried. . - ••
Moved. by *r &twig. seconded by Mr
Gibactn,'Tbat Cyrus :Carrol, Esq., be re•ap.
pointed -L. S. -of Schoele.for. 11--awiek-Car.
Moved by Mr Mc oneld, seconded by.. Mr
Gibson„ That the Ret Mr Young -.4..Ainley
villeite reaapointed L. S.: of.-Schtiola for the
tevinship of GrepiCarried. •• ..
Moved by Mr BroCelbank; aeconded by Mr
Galles; That. Inn Fekfor& Esa., he re tip
pointed L 5 for Bant.,.... Carrick, Calrosit
Greenock, Elderslie ands Sa:ugeen 1br the cur;
rent year-Carried..i...'-
- Moved by Mr rem, eecooded- by -Mr.
Sprat, That the su of 13000 be raised in
the County of Huron for the improvement or
the BOundery lines of the several municipali
tiee; the -sum, so: 4isect to be appropriated .
according to 'the -.11qttelized Assessmeeti of
the current year-thie sasount to -be included
in the Estimates, the • expenditure - to -be on
the Sante principle al 'last year, the town of
-ilioderich and the Maga of Clinton to ex.
pond their proportiee the same- as last year,.
and that in. future &Ill'. gravel used on Bonn-
dary Imesbepaid for out qf this fuad by the
respective multi:Aped ties so using the same -
Carried. -. .
.. .
%raved by Mr L laden, secondectby Mr
• Nicholson, That Dr., Hawksworth be contims-
ei L. 8.• for the to nihips of Arraa,Antabel
and_ Albemarle for t
• Report of Mr Bon
COOnty Regineer'
referred to the' Gra el Reed Committee,
Letter of County jTr.uurer referred Fira;..
. _
*DCS Committee • “- '' . .
Moved by Mr S tttin; seconded by Mr
Millar, That thesua$300be grimed to.
wards detrsyuzgp.4 of the_ctist. of rebudd-
ing the Qiiethre'street! Ericlge, Kincardine,
which tris lama: away by the ,late bog
freshets. - Referred • le *I fineiiie ,,Commit
'Al. - - •
"Jdovied ley*. Gil
*bilehermi, That th
necessary period i
Huron Med!, the
Mr..L.Kribs, reeve of Amabel and .Albe..
marle, and Mi. John Leckie, deputy- reeve
of Grey presented theircertificates and were
allowed to take their seats. ; •
• .h1ovell by Mr. Sills, seconded by Mr.-.
•Sprout, 'That the Clerk be instructed to draw
up form of _certificate and affidavit. tor
Reeve and Dewy Reeve, according to_ the
Statute and that the seine be inserted in the
minutes of this Carried. •-
Report of the Committee appointed to re
port Amendments in the -Assessment and
Manieipal Acts, referred from . the begetnber
Meeting to the January meeting of this Coun
cil was read and referred to the Equalization
and Assessment Committee.
"Application of Mr. Saunders for office of
inspects)r of weights, and meastRes wes read
and referred to the Salaries Committee.
- Moved by Mr. Spence, seeouded by Mr.
• Mallough, That Mr. Joseph Sherlock be
local superintendent for the township of
Colborne far the current year.-,Cari ied.
. Moved by Mr. Gibson„, seconded by Mr.
Spence, That in future the Inspector. el
Weights and Measures keep the standards in
his own house and in no: case allow there to
go anywhere out. of his possession,aed farther
that they be insured to the full amount of
their' value. -Carried. _ -
Moved by Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr..
Fisher,'That the sum of$300 be granted to
repair the boundary line betWeen Certif.:It and
Culross opposite -lots 1 and S inclusive of the
aforeisaid townships, and the sante to be paid
out of the funds of the County of Bruce, on
certificatelrom the Reeves of the townships
of Carrick aid Cuirass, that the work' is coin
pleted.-Referred to Finance COmmittee. :
• Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr.
A. Johnston; That the sum of $502 be grant-
ed to improve the Lake Shore Road' in the
township of--Staaley.Referred to Finance
Committee. • .
Moved by Mr. Adair, secOnded by Mr.
McIatvre, That Mr. P. D. 51eltines and the
Rev. kr. Dawson -or the village. of Khmer.
dine_ be appointed Grammer School Trustees
in room -of the retiring trustees.'Referred to
Sili3o1 Comm:awe. •• • • -
Moved by Mr seconded by - Mr
Valentizie,That the balance of S.600 remaining
unpaid for the erection ot Bridges across tae
Teeswater, Elora lloia be_ paid by this Coun-
cil- ac -d. charged to the Funds of 'Brace. Re :
ferred to F. C.
Moved by Mr, Ross,- seconded by Mr-
- Brant 12• 338196'
Bruce ... . . .. 58.84 -
Carrick : . 10.60
Culross ....;.. •. 45A*
Elderslie - •- 33.78
Huron 21.85
• Greenock . 11.54
Kinloss • 54•55 - •
Kincardine t'p., ; ... 61.34.
village .1;T: ... 91149
Saugeen ▪ 113.57 -
Southampton 4 . •-• . • 228.88;
- The By -Ls* waSadopted.
e Current year -Carried
Si referred.
.Report was read- atid
SChoates, hat_as that portion, of .thetownship
of Greenock, lying Smith of the Durham
• in the way of Road
aewnship of Culross in
tlie Durham Read. _Be
That the Warden peti-
Road is,art itnpeditne"
improvement to th
gaiain,g an outlet t
it therefore resolve
. -
tan motioa of Mr. Jos: Whitehead, 1*. was
resolved 'that insteac1, of, the -Special Meeting
inoved for and a,„ereed up; . she- J upe 'Meet
in be heliron the 6ili ofJune next.
The report of the Salaries Committee_ was,
read. The corninittee recornmended that the
following he the salarieS paid to the various
pincers during the yeer : '
Treasurer . . .. . $1400
EC Inetzrkin..e.e r. 60 8000
.Warden ...
'Auditort, each
:Court !louse Keeper- • 160
L. S. for each:So-hoot.- . 5 .
Ins: Weights it Measures, ex-- .
_elusive of-his.Statutory fees.... 175
Moved in amendment by Mr-Jop. White
heed _seconded by Mr. Adair, That the Co.
•Enaineer's salary be -.$900; Lost on a
sion by a majority of 30. •
.Moved by Mr. Lumsden, seconded bv Mr:
Piper,. That the , C. H. Keeper's eatery be
$180 Instead Of $160. • wonid be rejected_ by an„everwhelnung
non -the Legislature fee the purpose of strik-
ing off the said por on from ep: Of Greenock
and attach it to the' township- of Culross to.
afford that te*eship aa opportunity tif in
proving its roads to Connect with the Durham
Road told constitute: the same its town line -
carried. -
Moved by Mr. 5‘ittOn, seconded I”, Mr
R.. Johnston, That Mr. David McKeiarick" be
appointed a Grammar S. T. for the -Rianch
Grammar Schoolfor the empty of 13ruce,_if
it is found- thatle is one of 'the rendes mem:
bers-referred School tom. ,
"• Moved by -Mr it Johnston,- iseconded by
11-r. Sutton, That the BUM of 8300 be granted
towards building culverts and repairing. that
portion ofthe Durham Road between lots 1
and 20 inclusive in the t'p. of Kincardiee, out
of Bruce funds -referred to F. C.
• -
secoaded by, Mr .J
Clerk advertise for the
the - first hate Of the
pLoti- paned at the last
-- • -
twenty-eight Bishops,' and one hundred
and fifty...eight Baronet As1111,13iallaP of
Bath and Wells sits also At -Bann, or
Auckland, the total number et Wens le
four hundred and thirty-five.
PArtlament on -Monday.
. ADDikEE13 P-133/D:t.•
The debate on the Address iaa com.
menced in, the Legislative Council -yester-
day, Hon. R, L. Macpherson moving
and 'Pon. Mr. Bosse seconding it. The
discussion was:adjourned 'until to -day, .
;to the Lower House the Address! wah
carried,,M. Robitaille having moved and
Col. Haultain seconded -it.: The debate
is a curioos medley, the members attack-
ing and approving with the most -remark-
able. indigcrilnination, An important
-amendment was made by the Attorney
General West. Replying to an enquiry- the terms on which they were to meet. Thr
'made. by Mr. Holton as to the nature of proposed convention -must meet on the basis
althea. that no Stave ehould against its owe
the bill which the Government proposed
!in. be hounlby the decistou-nf the comfi-
t° introdece enlarging their powers to deal
!ton, .or tha. t it Shonld be so bound. .Butit
.with alientresiiing in the conary. is plain thpt .an agreementon the basis that
ntake a&perateteris ofpeace-„rthemsehres
and if such a sulticion..iiotvever unfounded,
were ones elgenderedeincing our own people.
itlitulifbeilleetructive of thisb*itit of -mutual.
con.thlenci and support whiebrernii our chiet
reliance for success indult maiutensince of our
the proposi
l 'of separate State action
was ittat mooted it appeared to me so itnprac-_
tiCahllerso void of any promise of good, that
-nye no heed to the proposal ;Thut upon its
adoption by citizens whose position and
"rave weight to the exprestioa Of the:r
'opinions; 1. was led*0iv 88.1ROUt tronsideration
of the subject. My first impreasiimr Bove
not beer. changed •by reflection. If all the
Stetesof the two hostile federations are to
meit in convention, it is plain that such
meeting can only take place after an agree.
ment as to time, place and tertas.,,Mviivhich
they aretomeet. New, .without 'discerning
the minor, altbopglv not tridiag, difficulties
of aereeing as to time and place, it is certain
that the States would never consent to a
vention without a previous agreement as to
-ridiculed the idea that the writ of habeas
be bound,re withoii.t its consent
corpus - would be su.sperided as against .hc" the -shouldiatehedegy1bninon., woed,be
them; as suggested by e paper in this city an abandonment OQ the part -of the North of
which professes to speak for the Governits pretended r141tt of chercion-wculd be an
meat. We felt certain that no such legis;
abrserleavieraPie Statesnitothe
i°nf of th-Lnracifneddeey-on
ment, and equally so that if .it were it f
lation could be proposed by the govern-
thbe, in a word, so complete a concession of
The increase was Made on the ground that majonty.
- The Federal Governmentand1 people
cannot.complain of the temper of the de-
bate so far as it relates to our relations'
with them. At the same time Col. Haul-
tain and others pointed strongly to the
necessity of making mere extended prepa-
rations than we have vet made for our
..Aceording to notice previously given, a own defence.
public meeting,oas held -in the ToH
_wn all. It was made- apparent that th-ere will be
Mr. Frasers duties were to be increased.
Carried unaniniously. •
Moved by -Mr. Bishop; seconded by Mr.
Sproat, .That the -L. 6:fees be $4 per school
instead- of $5. -Carried. --
TN Report wrisladopted as amended.
Public Meeting.-- -
• "'
Tuesday evening last to consider the an opposition to confedetation, but if the
steps necessary to be -taken _TOO s
the put- divisions taken last eight represent its
pese of Procuring a " life boat and mortar ‘- the Ministry will have an easy
n Pushing.; their measures through
apparatus for. the port of Goderich.- the House. Th l strength of the Opposi-
.. • •
On metier! of J. DetlorEsq:, see. tion will, however, in... all probability, be
scheme come to bt discuesed.,--Leader.
Conner was requested to' act as 'chairman;
ended by My. Cot, -His Honor Judge better developed When: the detafil of the
I- •
'which he did. '
. . . . .
. Mr. E. H.osker was appointed Secretary.
The chairman explained the -Object of
,the meeting, and, the necessity for an
effort to induce t i e Government to grant
tia suet sufficient o procure the. necessary
boat ansl apparattis. •-
. Moved by Mr. Gibbons, _seconded by
Mr. Potter, Thata life -boat Company be
formed and that )Lr.. Mosher go . round
and:get-the nares and that the list so
formed be •-sent '. with a: petition to *-
Moved by Dr hieDougall,, seconded by Mr.
Adair,That the Warden be inetructed to draft
a memorial to the Government for the pur
poseofplacing one or more Life Boats On the
Eastern Shore of Lake ..4orbn• • '
- - FRIDAY. • ' -
The Clerk read as petition 1 rom Mr N B
Hisralin stating that the Grand - Lodge of
Orangemen of B N & would meet hi Goda•
rich, on the 20th June next and -asking far
the Court Room in which to hold its meetings
.1kIr C Whitehead thought it would be th,
means of brining a good deal of money into
the town and the request shouldbe gtanted,
Mr Sproat said it was :it secret society and
end ahould not be recognized by. the Council.
It it was proper to gram their request; why
would it not be just at proper 'to recognize
the Finians. (Laughter.) --
Moved by C Whitehead, .1 seconded by Mr
Lumsden; that the request be granted. -
Moved in amendment by Mr Sproat, secon.
by Mr A. Johnston, That the requeat besot
granted. :
Moved further in amendment by Mr Sutton,
That - the document be *fermi to; Court
House and Gaol committee.
On the'vote hertz takenon the lut it was
declared carried by a majority of two.
The Clerk read a 13y:Larr for the appropri-
ation of the sums accruing to the respective
municipalities from tbe Non resident Land
Fund account. Th ii sums so appropriated are
Colborne ..... .. 794.03
Clinton -261.17
Ooderich tp .............:. 143.67
• " town ......1289.09
Grey ..........................100.48
Rowick -..
McKillop ..........
Stanley- ..............
Tuckersmith .......
• 324.24
... 125.47
....... " 3.17
....... 379.33
....... 166.64
thborne . 859.47
Wisivanosh, . • 923.91
:Arran 48.22
Ainahel- ....... • 313.76
. Moved by Mr. Detlor, Mr,
Gibbous; That the Chairman, Mr! W. T.
Pox and Mr. E. Hosker be appointed a
Committee to draft a memorial to the
Government, pr ying them to . grant a
Life Boat '
The chairman Made an able speech on
the subject, after which the ineeting
, -
broke up.
The Muller Limit Night:
_ -
ven last night under the
JOS. Council, in Dark'
. -Ritchie, Esq., "Is a
splendid succesi We did intend to pub-
lish our fultreport of the proceedings this
evening, but, as we desire also to give as
much,Couficil news as possible npto the
hour of going to press, we are col -ripened
10 defer it to the- beginning of the_ week.
Parties wishing for etra copies will please
order them to -night.
The Dinner g
auspices of the
:Hotel; to D.
The following amendment was Put on
the reading of the lith paragraph : -
M. Dation said he could not allow it to
be put without entering his earnest protest
against -the wording of the paragraph, and
with this view he moved the following
amendment :-" That the following words
be added to the resolution-‘ That this
Saturday anti Monday v
JANUARY -28th and 30th.
Twelve Star Performersr
- Manager.
sirialksis 11A.LE 01114314
United countreeofi BY vistae or two avritsof
of the Comity ot Ontario and Heart of esti-
To Viet Fieri.Facias for residue
issued OUL oft r Majesty's County Coen
mon Pies; and to TM directed egaittee-the
LsodsaratevementsofStesben 11-Crawford,F44.
14mcbstaunten, Enoch 0. Dowtits and Robert
Gilmour, st the suits of Isaac N. Howard and
the rightfulness of our cause that the most lila corPorattaa. et the Township of,1
Huron and &Lice, VendstiontExpoosaad4
' vutonary cannot hope for sects agreement.
In advaoce of the meetingof a convention,
the only other possible basis o!meetingis
that each State should agree beforehand to be
bound by the decision- of -the convention;
and such agreement is but another form of
submission, of Northern d arwerwell
know that in such a convention we shoubi be
outnurabered _nearly two to one on the very
threshold, of the scheme _proposed. There-
fore we are met by an obstacle which cannot
be removed. Is not the impracticable char-
acter of the project apparent
You will observe that I leave entirely out
of view the suggestion that a convention of
all the States of both federations should be
held by common consent,- without any. pre-
vious undeistanding as w the effect of it. de-
cistons--should meet merely to debate and
pass' resolutions that are to birrd no one. It
is not supposed that this can really' be the'
meaning attached t0. the proposal, by those
who are active in its support, although the
resolutions to which you invite my attention
declare the function of such' a convention
would be simply _to propose a plan of peace
with the consent ot the two belligerents -or.
haviveised and Sakes in Execution all the i•
title and interest ofthe said defendants,in a17 *0
?ark Lot -No. ir*slibt lb:48k sod lathe South half
of Lot No. 6, East side- of QUEelt street North,
being subdivisions of.Park Lot New. 441 the vit.
lage of Paisley; Smith half of Lot 22 on the East.
side of -Queen StrertSeetts Paisley, Park Lot Ile.
lb North side of -auntyrsige street. sad- Slock
West side ofQueen Street,North Palate-3,11.ot 11
Sauth side and 13 and 14 North side _0[am-bridge'
street. Paisley: North ball *riot L- East Adept
Humn street, Sontlismpton, 50 *et ot the North
part ot Lot No. 4, Berth side -ot 114rit Street"
Southatnpton,Lots29 and JO North ilia
ofClurendou Street, Southampton; Lot 18 East'
side of Norfolk Street, Southampton, Lots 21 sad
22 South side of Louisa street; Southampton, all
in tile Comity of Bruce; which lands and tene-
ments shall offer - sale at my- office in the
Court -Houses in the Town of Godericli, on Tves-
daythe Twenty -Eighth day of February next, at
the hour Twelve or the clock, noon.
. • Blarif i?
By S. Por.Locir, Deputy fherzir.
Sheriff's Office, Godench,
25th 3anuary,18fi5. I - seri'
sHER.Frii-Aueir LAunis:
thiitedConntiesof BY virtue of a writ of
To Wit: nen Fames for mildew
iinngethfoerr wpeoradco, Tahcitsaspnaettgpotinittotrae isnatreaemet- 407tinet:i lunoiniza.
ol.f"OUlinteries. Mlie"ifirflon '°ulabl'inite41°311:td
isrotoitiolltyinttoel4eligi,bh1:14towmiteh. the
tchoengectoitnvoefnttiohne itoarnese dbire. jt.olnauTasibealv alettithemeeint71
two belligerents that i'consent . cannot be
le‘ul ihol Hunter,the "r i g11 have eazed
sinneire'tsatk:fathela 4tIstige- .
defendants in and -to Lots Numbers 12 and 13. nt
the 9th concession of the Township°, BulleAt, in
the County of Huron, containing by admeasure-
ment two hundred ACM'S of land. be the same
more or less ; -winch lands and tenements 1 shall
oiler for sale at my office in the Court House, in
thg,town of Guderich;on Tuesr1ny, the Twenty-
first day of February next, at the flour of twelve
of the clock, noon. -
Se.S. Pout.ocx, Depntysnerill.SherifrifiAr
- SherielsOnice.Gode.rielt,
Huron -and Skeet, VenanloniExponasead. •
House deetu itif-daty respectfull to obtained vnthout negotiation. The ' plan
•Y" ex- then, would roolve itself into a scheme that
the two. governments should negotiate an
agreement for the appointmentof negotiators
to make proposals for a treaty. .It seems
much pore prompt and simple to negotiate
Lan peace at once, than to negotiate for the
appnintnient of negotiators, who are to meet
without power to do anything but make pro-
posals. If the government • of the United
States is to nude peace it will treat
for peace directly. If unwilling. it will re
fuse to consent to a convention of States: •
•The author of these resolutions and those
who concur in his views, appear to me to
aorn-nit the radical error of supposing that
the obstacle th obtaining *peace which we
all des': e consists in the difficulty of finding
proper agencies for negotiating, so that -the
whale scope of the resoludonsends in nothing
press to HisExcellencY its firm convic•
don -that the people of Ls country, fully
appreciating the blessings of their political
relattons with the great empire of which
• they form part, neither wish nor seek to
create a new nationality'"
The members were calla in without
farther debate, and although Mr. Dunle-
vie tried to speak afterwards he was de-
clared out of order and the vote was taken_
on the amendment with the following re-
Our only:exenSe for the altno-ak total
absence of general- news in this issue is
that we have had no mails from die East
for the past three daysonamount of. the
almost unprecedented - snow storm which
haa blocked up all the_cuttings and render-
ed. travelling either bylmail or Otherwise
impracticable. : , •
Another rtre,in London? C. W.
'London; 0. W.,-january 20.
Shed!y after half -past eleven O'Cleck,oti;'
Saturday night laist,tfir4roke out in the
City Rotel Meek, and in less. than three
inure the entire :pile was a mass of ruins..
The City Hotel -stood at ,the corner of
Dundai and Talbet streets, and - occupied
it large apace of ground, having an exten-'
.sive.froritage on both streets. Thehotel
premlacs were amtinied over three stairs.
The end stare -4M( oticupied' by -31r
Hewitt, hoop -skirt maker; the centre by
Messrs Jarvis .Bro., grocers; and the
one neatest the Corner by Mr Whitnall,
eeedsmati. Th fire was first discovered
in the centre,. etipied as the grocery, but
the cause of th ,00nfiv,ration has not yet
been discovered .1 The loss by the fire will
- YEas--Messra. Bourasco; Capron, Coo -
pall, Currier, Derion, (Drumm, Rd and
Arthabasker,)_Dorioe,( Flockelaya,) D uck-
ept, Dufresne, (Ebereille,) Dankins, For-
• ' -
.,, Graffiti:in, Holton, Heade, joiy, but suggesting that, if the enemy will treat,
Hidriehhevigor, iafronitouse, Lajire I the hestogeftey -would be State delegates to
wher.nia, the whole and only
O'Halloran, Papa, Perrault, Rouliot,la.abesIvrenitsw inh;,--it.
the enemy will -not treat at
'Rama', Thibadeau, Wallbrid•re; (North
Hastings,) Wright,. [Ottawa Countyi-
Totai .25.
NAYS -Messrs. Alleyn, Archambault,
.Beaubien, Bellrose,* Biggar, Mancha,
Bowman, Brown, Burwell, Attorney Gen-
eral Cartier,. Cartwright; Catichon Cham-
bers. Chapais,Coekburn,Cernelliet:Cowan,
Degoucherville,Dickson,Dufresne, [Mont -
calm ,,
,] Dunsrord, Evanturel; Ganon;'
Galt, Gambier Gouda, Haultain,
Howland,'Huot) Irvine Jackson
' --
Jones, [South:, Leeds,' Knight, Lanffeevin,
Attorney General IVIacdontild, Mackenzie,
[Latubtonj Mackenzie, [North Oxford,1
McConkey, bleed o ugell,McGee, Mc Inty re,
McKellar, Morn*, Morrison, Pinsonault,
Poulson, Remillard, Rose, Ross, [Cham-
plain,] Ross, [Dundas,] Ross, [Prince
Edward3Smitn, [East Durham,] Smith,
[Toronto Rasta Somerville, Stirron; -Syl-
vain, Taseherau, Thompson, _ Tremblay,
Walsh, Wells, White, Wood -66,
Amount to over
iof which is coy
(!buildinL,,os burn
Scott, Esq., It
insured to the
of which was in
and a like au
other building
Messrs glass,
also the proper
damaged to th
which is fully
Mason's effccts
and were inn
extent of $3,00
will be the m
be estimatedHewitt's losses
Bursae ot SI ;5
of Messrs. Jar
goods t0. the
which were
oecUpied the
Aide of the b
portion of his
loss of abort
no insurance.
stir The E
psesent cowls
Dukes, three
Dukes, thirty
and fifty-eight
20 000 the greatest part
3 3.
red by instil ance, The
d were all owned by W. J.
1-1' England, and were
alOallt of $10,000, $5,000
thoLiverpoOl and London
ri in the Pluenix.' The
adjoining, Occupied by
Itogers and Harris; were
Yr of Mr. Scott, and were
extent of about 5206,
Tiered by insurance. Mr.
were worth about 58,000,
a, we -understand,. to the
•in the Phandx. Hialess
sem* of any and cannot
t less than *5,0691 Mr.
about $900,havingan in-'
lin the Royale The stores
is and Whitnall contained
diint of $1,000; little uf
Mr. Graydon, who
lice in the Dundas street
ding secured the greater
edit, and will only suffer
5200, on which there it
glish House- of Peers at
of one Prinee, - two mid
hbislicips; twenty-four
Marquises, one hundred
owls thirty-one Viscounts disposed to abandon their sister Stotts and
, Presidep,t, Davis` pi Pea65.
. -.
, Riessoitn, irii., Nov: 17, 1864 •
To the Hons.'Senators of Georgia, Messrs.
A. R. Wight,' President Of the Senate,
J. L. Guerry, J. AL likainkrs, Mos.
- E. .Lloyd, Ftederick K. West, Robert
• .13. Nesb t :- ', , • :
thatall, or
that we are criminals; and appeal to
they. m?.rey _for' pardon. •
Aftir this statement- of ohjictions it mar
appear supertluooe-to add others'of less grav-
ity • but as you Invite A full expression of my
view;, I wilt odd that history is rejileie with
instances of the interminable difficulties and
delays which attend the attempt -to-negetiate
on great and coefliettiltinterests: where the
parties to the negotiation,- are numerous. If
this had been the case where. the parties pox;
sessed full power to conelude a treaty, what
can we hope from an assembly of negotiators
from thirty or forty Statesi orb% in the midst
of an exasperating warfare, are to meet with-
out. power to conclude 'anything ?. In the
history of our country we fiadthat itt $ ihne
of profound...1race,, When .-the mdse cordial
bretherhOod sentiment exiated„-aind when -a
long and bloody war bad been brought to a
triumphant close„ it required two years to
assemble a•convention and .bring its dilatera.
flouts- to an:lend, ,end another year to proeuri,
the ratificatiOn ortheir labors.' • With such
aver as the present in progress, the views of
the large asselutilage or negotiators proposed
would undergo constant changel aceordidneg
to the viscissitudes, according to the songs%
and the attempt to secure _concordant views
would soon be s,bandonet; and leave the -profits
moroi embittered', than ever, less hopeful of
the possibility of successful negotiation-
Aeain. bow is the difficulty resulting from the
conflicting presetittons of the two belligerents
it regard to ieveral-of the ',States to be over
cime ? Is it supposed that -Virginia would
GEiTLE14EN-1 answered by telegraph this
morning- pint letter of. the ilth inst., as re-
quited, and new respectfully tontof ilith
your desire that I should .ei?ress my 'views
on the subject to Which you invite my atten-
Li forwarding to me the resolutions intro-
duced into he_ [louse Of Representatives of
Georgia by Mr.. Stephoils, of. Hancock; you
state that you are not iuclined ta favor. the
passage ofthese any similar resolutions,
believing there te have a tendency to create
divisions ameng ourselves,. and to unite and
strengthen our eormies;but that it is assert
ed in Milledgeville, that I favor such action
on the part ofthe States, and would be pleas-
ed to see Georgia -east her induence in that
way. You are kind enough to, say that if
this be true, and if the passage of these or '
similar re:elution, would in the slightest de-
gree aid or assist me in bringing the war to a
succor:Wel and speedy close, you willgive
them your earnest and hearty' support. I re- impracticable; and offers no prospect of good
turo. you my cordial thanks for thii expres- to`eounterbalance ita manifold injurious cpu-
sion of confidence, but assure yet- that there sequences to the cause -of our country,
is no truth in the assertions which you men -1 •Very resjpectfulliionrs, ke..
tion; and 1 presume that you will already
have seen; by the closing part of my annual
Message, which innst have reached-yria since
the of your letter, that I have notfon
templated the use of Any :otherr agency in
treating for peace thin that ' establedied by
the cOestitution. of the ,:Confederate States
That agency seems to me to be well adapted
to - its .purpose and free Conti the injurious
consequeinces that would -Anew any other
atom's that have been seggested. • The. ob-
jection to separate _ State ecticin Which you
present in your letter appears ;to be so cons.
elusive ari to -admit!, at- no reply- -, The im-
mediate and Inevitable tendency of such dis.
tint Action by each State brio create tliscer
dam instead. of Milted 'criminal& to suggest to
our enemies the possibility' of the dissolution
orthoCentedentcy, aid to encourage thsoi
s wi
There will be Sold
2 -0th Oat -of fehroar.i, 18$5•.
• 4TMJ{.
Charles Days' Tavern--
Turtiberry, Lots Numbers 23 and 24 in .con.
C, in the Township .of Turnberry. No, -.23 -
consists of 91 acres; havirg 85 acres cleared
• sad fencol, and a goof dwelling home
sad stables erceted.thereon. Lot No. 24
consistsof 88 sires; of which there are 25
acres cleaned- and fenced. The whole is ex-
cellent land and in good state of eultivatier;
being Well watered by the river Maitlend and
situated at the- termination of the Gravel
'Road leading north from Seafortli station of
the Buffalo and Lake Huron Hallway.
; TERMS will bestated on the -day of sale
sale to commence at 2p. m.- _
Turnlierty; 18th Vairealy,:1865. w52.3t
itiortgaga Sale_ of Lands.
TTNDER ant by Timor alter' _OW_
41 contained in a Mortgege made by or -
:than D. tlie town of filodetilthr itt
the County of Huron, Gentleman of the
first part, to the Huron Disttict 513utidiiig
Society, of the second part, (default having
been made in the %due payment *erect) will
• besold-on
Tuesday, the Seventh ay of Feiriary
At D. 1865, at Twelve of thS clock zoom)
• , at tile Auction Mot of
Messrs. 2.7totnson tk flageharst„
eater into. a convention -with a' delegation _tile fonouinc property, %NW is 10 say: Lot
from whattur enemies choose to term the Number ten kni;dred nod tbirty,eem‘d039)
State of West Virginia, and thus recognize Harbor mu, in the ..„1 town of Godench.
an insolent end violent dismemberment of her Deet =der powerii-Nae.
territory! ' Or wouldthe -United States eon- . lc. e. carkitco,
-sent that West. 'Virginia should be deprived of ani.initorsor itortgares.
her pretensions to equal, rights after havitz Dated at UST cliambert this fttle lanstatyl
formally admitted he as a Stale, and allow
..,. 1855. • ' *SO
her to vote at a Presidentielekction ? ono
would send a delegate from Louisiana, Tenn-
essee, Kentuaky or Missouri ? The enemy
claim to hold the governments of those States,
while we &siert them to be inembonr,. of the
Confedmey. Would delegates be .-reeriired
from both sides? Ifso, there would soon be
a diaruptien or the convention. If delegates
artenceivid from neither side. then in con-
vention the States .ntost vitally interested, in
tlui_ result *held remain unrepresented, and
what value could be attached to mere recom-
mendations of a body of negotiators tinder
such circumstances? Varian other could;
erations suggest themselves; but enough has
hien Said to justify my. conclusion that the
proposal of separate State action is unwise,
by the spectacle a our divisions to more
deteimined -and united action 'against us.
They would readily adopt the false idea that
Ude of the States of the- roefetersey are
Mr The celebrated speech of Sir Boyle
Roche: ‘Mr. Speaker. I smell *rat; I
see hun floating an the air; but mark we,
-I shall yet nip him in the bad,' was evi-
dently the model upon which a writer in
Icaosas framed, the other day,some re-
marks upon the recent election. The
Leavenworth Conservative says that, by
the result of that election "-the fall .1corruption has been -dispelled, and the
wheels of the state government will no
longer be tramme'led by sharks that have
beset the publinprospenty like locusts."
on Wedaudir
the Wife of Mr. iJobari_ , bushes*
of TaiirdirtelYiee -4-1(othar -014
-children ActwitstxPected.
5ilt inst.;
TShare* vat* that a' 1111411,
eipel Bleeton of the T Of Made
lop, will be lield -
IN THE $CHOOL 1110101111
a &Ojai X434
rtlitY. tliellGthilarefloiweaw
Isar ,
et the hoar of 10 o'cloek, a,in" for
pose of voting yeti or asty to sleelie w
or met the following By-Lerfbe 111110Pied
inch Elector&
McKillop, jam MI,
Copy 01 Aoptisitiots and .14f-Lry.
TEE uudersigued qualified Iftusicipal. Ekc-
-I. tors of the Township a moicalop bereby
require that a Poll be taken in terms( tu
Temperance Act Of .1544, to deter/aim
whether or not the quartded Municipal Elec-
tors of said township mill adopt loader awilsor-•
ity or for anforeenssat of laid .4ct the By -
following which we hereby propos, fee
adopfloe, to wit: - •
he sale of Iatoziosting_
*nisi Pattie, thatiftie
By -Law prolillniedlAidn the y
its 'Township -41102111p, wader authority
aad for attforeement of the Teetraitell AcI
of 1864.
Y4teessosrhandoltie 15th day elJanuar1.
fo tis year Or oftrjand one thosseltd, •eitikt
hundred and sieu4rs.
• (Signed,) ANDlitlitWOOVENLOM
Rad 30 ctsbor