Semi-Weekly Signal, 1865-01-06, Page 2-WEEXLY S
b TRVWX P.. X - upplies ii�ad Upper Canada 48.495. A letter published in the city afticle of the but most fal extrays.,gafree.
GRA 'Deman, Win. McKay, Jno Payton, Geo' KAXORALTT. ELEOTTONS. If you wish
Tidies on the tmdtn,,* re ulatione with the to leave r rom f6r welt
The ];%test trublished Militia st.1tistics slowly I Cougli, Jas Bann, Jiro McLeod, Win ort -lime blow In el at h" 11tt -mideme, N
-South,:eontend-i that It calculated to out. the hiceille inatch-box where
X 3 1, only:). 'Wifirst-cla4sservice men in Lower the and
Fit rald, Win Loonard Jas Afills, it' [it HAMILTON. Street, Goderich, on
k;e A edneaduy, Jan
Camud, leaving a leficiency of about 7,001, ratLer than prumbie traffic. He you ban ily find -it i',and_ if yea are com-
-'Menzie -T
GOING Hyslo Win 1cl(nightj James he numbers 'Oiiiin6l for polled to a Iiwbt Abroagh the-. night, be 4 in the 61st. r of her
to be provided fronitbe ratihs of the inarried p? M I asadrts that the' only available yell age. AIIX
eExpress dep.: 9 a in. Ilixed 12 in & 4.30 pan, i at ELiz
luell. 11, Vpi�er Caliada, -the number of first- I Andrew,' 1ontgoniCry, Brock Ja(lues, Jos he eldie of the ADETH; beloved wifeof J.; V. Del
getting cotton, is. through the blockade and tur6the i is turned up ra? enough tosecure'
ve i alker-, Jas Parson, Samuel that diffi�ulties of this trade have beed in- a clear flume without smo
Arr 4.30. P 4ixed I OJ 0 In 4 well sltbwii by the -eturns was Hunt, John- W 249 ke.
blills '�eiied ---------------- Ardently tored in life,
a Surplus of hbout 1142000 in Rae.) Jessie Mills, Afex Atelch, Sivil Wiso: c -not by great efficiency of' the block-
- platiods of Abe Confe&rate t:jpr� The peils of - diligene� travelling in led.
ive- believe the as. mer, Thos Campbell, JerrilAcK-iy, Win :ade, but by the -re And ky all, in death lamen
*aJorit-k fo '861
ime is thr.9 d pribe-'d
Overni 'eat terAng, to give--ittIt a mono Italy it the present tj
9(188018 have fiat ilin),el-rectl perfornied thei in- Collin'— E lijah Thoin-is, es ]a
irw %F J. -ED I I .
NTOOD WAtNTNA - IV Walker W 8 Ply duty/ awl -that in Uppor-Canada as %yell as of the profits of blockade rut the Ni respondence of the London I'arties who intend paying the so Jobn Applob& Geo Grandey, BLI[w. . Ral- Ce Coi
r �sub rip- in b The reply of -the Papal g?ver 'nent
Calldit. ho accotid class -servicar S- Darso Glass, t eipeWdi. The num era I to the Times of the i Ist Insl;ant': stMon 81TRAYEDi
tions. iq 04rdwood will please brin- it On rulls cunsistill of t arried ntanan IJedgre,liobt, . zzlewood w h) aailesto of - cgluluissionell apd'Coum: ralae'the news of a sadaiDciaent. The Sai- to the 'premises of the uidep,
Wt bri:p.- us a lot of mis-_ without children, upol't e), 00 a it.
ia be largely drawn' emed to e, An the evenia& Brow
Robt Gambl G J- irk Y�ress of1he,Confbderi , a4e states fddr iigned, Lat Wo. 6)
d uidowers -at the-cloie of oxffV recent r
urday'befbi ,e asou I tn�j
773 ra' It publishe& cominr� from Gen I oa 'attemp led jo grey 8,
rwl Do -Glass t, -European powe tke. dili SKIP ofiStaul,yv,
arable to itiake up the re uil*gd pumber under �lie 2ncl -Aobt kliln. Ripliard. .'A30 sE the
-and is sign;dd by - Car- Loan&, -betweeti Allienga, and Finite. The about thmejervoi; 01a -orns med Or
present cal I. daitid Rome, Dec. 2,. --with It in 31 Ili ai --Hay, JJ ame.3 W er win
If ihereL f tfeL bilit.- face, and a piece ,cut ofT the a
no: ww the duties o dinut-AutonellL &fter ackao;vtedeintf the streiftq was terribly swollen by the late r?ceipt of lette ear. The *wner um, Thos Thos McDonold, 3!ijoihyKQr,GI*
taljd i the i6iddlo tbe' ireai. ea�vy.,re tide of each
its now- orgam; ed'for a lie6udof :tbr r.of -the Confederate commis- atld i. I se
.11111AXTFOND_� It' Magyra - Al X Carson `Peter -*Ma-' of the -proveprope -expen
he 16zueec ing-ly light. T av sioners and _rt
years Will the:mikhifesta of Coa�irreit camp. to a staud still. 17%e postillion, 1 Stro7lIL, Walker Henry -Jam_es.Wejms,"Nq.. m-electd; Thi -irate- ConfeLrate . Bi"t s; -C away@
d III arditial. Anonel1vt says ihat the horses ere driftiu -tow.ards theieii�
or mkv not bc_� ealledotit for 5i drill I grant, wn of
o t --the "etiments expressed in the- ut ifesto, tried to -cut the traces-; he wag -owept a -W
each ear, for which they Y�ill' r -i eive.- coma - P. I i - I
Wigini Thoa Pa�e Andre* Brown was very sma he close -of
an ay of�thel by the torrent.- Ashfield. n, 2nd. of 50 c6tits a day". ,,-Oil Spencer. Cars. Henry- 1 4 as they do to the' ce"Ittion In he' ; Toionde a pas
nstion t the rat im mer, wm Arm. the* leading,
most -bloody 4ar whi
I he Other hand, sho l. ld troilbloui timei'arise', eyms. . ch still ra�es. in yourl ger unabloo 6penthe d6wf escaped y the
-strong as Gluthric Henry. Fotteii John 'IV 41 -
th of I rhy. eou )utting an ead to disasters w lAlid the -1�rovinee be rgittened with' h6stili- ' - Peo. Spearthan, O.Tl' X.e, ntry, and. toll in�o 'was cairie,4 Out to Rad fiis AN. MPLICATMN
illigah, Ar�h Alilr
tl�s, tht,*r,iviall be the, first to be caUed qpou which accompany it; by pro'ceedijig to nego- riached land�. 1111. two -otheis yiered hLesislatan win Haeiy, ohn '�Ba6r, rowned.
THE XILMA DRAFX active servic Thos peace, ein ei WILL BI
T by. 1149smilen'ey - for or and . Keno ajority for Weyms 135.- for b tirelyin acco, Italians.
rdance The -In - the. -mentilme a� this Legislafure.'&f this Province, at �i
'Oh,s, ra6ter" Of the real' personal next meblingy, f6rnAct -to tmfita
-bef -will. tourse,! -.a win . Adam %i Knox,. - a - Nilnei Ino ST . RTFoR . D with the disposition a cha Car y
and. nt Or..' all b had sume4ed at
In laying Landers, John Hazilewood, 'A 'd L tif head of the C11tholie church Ir 6. not �bj
ore oar readers the names.
P ng the.1horses go;� and after a agreement
re-elicted by- I mae entered it and' between i1w
in I o manyJ oura'the neighboring, villagers Buffaload Lake Ifuron J&Awsz C
NTY OF 11URON, W meat id br* the notice Work f hi
T .1 i;AAFT4C0t:. r, H.6tiry Den i6rt, n R ry's' L risL
of the p6rdns' draftbdl, for the 9 6�attalions ia e a
tyF_ His oppor�.ts were.j..-F. McCul o�h of the Holy Fa r! gi
(Ti ri e
deem I propqr td -ster ( 'fias Finl
of Huron and ]Bruce, we. t Si6g ;q waltersciiit, ri th lai Be f7who. has, made., a roualt- b Mg, 'by wLich A ie, rem in- and the Gmnd Tiunl,-
Jo -GODERICH TOW. Mulli-au,-Jos Drive adL n..most deepl affdc -t a accounts in- assengers were satbly landed I but four o" Or r Chas 'Hirrisona; bee y affdc _d t 4h
publish the f6flowktig syn 'sis,of the I � . . . p Caua a. tindated
pp, BZLL;RLLT fi Ightfat earnare stinate imen bad I hree Already thention. in] *h d�T �Gf
of the hi ob 3erished, t6't
Dm- HdIden Plected.;!i ;y" His 3tf u has -hea wit ti ti ex- rles. Noblel, Richar4. In* rd-
HULDETT.- ,184, and for other purposez;I
tia ct taCea from the.GWe. -tie Wa6oti;.VVllt Orreeh, Johif ed and'.- "i a 'nit -a- of Lo4no -who, in
sc�i Eli.
(uln attalon. tThe ballot, for -the ;r ranization of On th- -lif wis
'eottmill Xc=Leod thas --JO pressio
o Bed, opponent was L. H. dit. Esq. n -of the -same Ingif an sentiments zr1viB rgtos e e of Auot e
1 . ir
-v;earou- earth'.*6f tW !od -who is Uwn.92 QTRAY H-91FEIL-Oiatne to tL
ai hie eDolo,
Hell It -id Alex M I I -
i -11aggat Gaw Jho-Hetts jr Sim
pastor, 0 peace.
Service Batealiotts. f Lean bein G
com the several recri.
8- Abstin Motely Jam6s ile yearns to gee -those ure of thesubscriber, lat 6, i,)n. To t,
Jewis 1111hotti, Fre& Anningi James Rpidl Cole, John Alill Adam Oliver, Esq.,` The BiIiAers mtAtS of cad- throtighout �.Cq,.s ivrathi and, petrA �of Goderich.ub
militia, conimen _MaJar,'G,uia-Dudd,. Fkancis-Ilildan, Brans hriit6phei Foster, Jas Watti tit' the- d1o'se:of the :t- out four. oi3ths ago, It briad!e
on INI.- D. -:of te-h ifer,
aware proof ofthisA `rzote to tbeAiclibishops wit -a-staroRher$
the-?rovince,, �svur teaders -aid iG' C Shannolf. Heary.5mith, rhohms John' Watt jr; Ge Thompsouj G XeKay,.
-Oliver.. iThv- objetoof scoi*i*auce,yrhicL V.)"Oists -coining two..
itlorit Johu M ar, Thoa- Ball, Chg�!Cll New Ybrk aA kf�x ww: Q leans. -As far back as 744saw M
'i,,1hein-to exertt, em -
this is `D' 9i t October, I$ Ly Friday tUe30th December. As Allan. Fan III h biorton; Ilk Hett" odifieWton, of tke, fiiia:-r c�uphn.,!, is to prove propeMyt lay qjyonsez,
1 or4
s T 108, n -object. etw
7 1 ilfis hb
i Thompson Da iel
11olmes, Friincis Jorlart, R Doyle Lw,
the firif'ttime that the draft has Jno Han. Dual. Brun "den to cut of t&e 1" en. I a eno-inie aw0y.
titkety- t -6y, Robt Smith. J. IT.. Finlay, A. L ly
Y .Ck .0� � I
hJ 40 -f
ou-may.-t en, hon6hible geutledtin, eel well
'heL Act of 1863 a good deal Leith, Mm. igixiAier,, Pdter V. M ority f5ji0liver.'. IC
McGirvin Robt; Hoggard; ganl Thewed,, and eat _6f a tr��'wienevlir the -en-ine M
ace under t
Alex Meaw rutis off the''i'ails, Henry Walker'* E, assurecr that whefiever a favorable oi�c�iion ari as to prevent.the test of u W5031
o_,.,,, Geo�ge Barri; John McIntyre, J'Ohn 9'. 1
isa -to itit mean- �orge, a a pr�senf Ase is- o ness -wi not ta, dragred ftn' ppithinsien exists as. the tMia. being fter it over
Kerr, Thos Raddv obitisol, John ley, Aebt - McDonald, Reb� rmstrong X6 W� Brown, Es electe ppon h 11
fcase Dark Ale Mciitivar; Donald Strachan, ualdtClarke, -Jai, JRaiiesod,. lfartlq 'The
ing- and f tect. So. much is- this the Do' e L at was 11 J.,4acgaell Esq.- tor avail himself of it to has*ten so desi ments. or brides, improvement
J _t acion the'*mo t.the en 0
-j. -a result, as t is his most. ehrn�it wii gitto r tender
hn Bates. Thi mons"JuS BlaU, Thos Walker jr. n
..I . — ... . N L_ .
Win Th Goveir, e r John Me Whinnii,'FAq.p elected. Hi
y 9f Mont- Wat itke of railway, the mata coup Ing is th a 0 na
aware, !he: draft -in: the,cotint -Capin
111 L .0anada that, as.� ow reader are,4 -Richard Simmotis )i Siurdy- Fttzsim WoUg irt 0
owef Toft. tions may be united in bonds -of `a b4ppe fis' to diverie at'a� cerWin angle from A
31' P'te , -Barry,, love. e rf fincl
win. Morrison Jas 0� Joli'a Ca. e
Richard (bU % Th6s Videap,_ Heqry- $ _t"_ pouent-Was H.- Richardson E OP 0 - . . . 'I
Rieb'd Jackson, Cleo Biewin, Anaw! Soot Thi -annou thrown but of geat and released from its It Ill.,
2norenea-was stopped on- the first day.' by -rhler,' John Ailelea i Rod4 McL--od John a Progresi, f Lyotis,to aces that �o
he cotton.'erisriii is d 'in -TOROXTiO-'. bse'
in IVAters, Robt ',Scott ir Ja the opriag bol is areriven-bick. by the springs
the riotous -proceedings- of the Itabitansi Thompson- Wilson -8 ilkeld, Richard:Mt:Ml-__ Ahe�L Cfraw SPECIAL. NOTICE.
son re-elected. where cl�usfilera e tino the void left by -bar beinap wi&
John Black, -i as ears"' SimotiWilso'll, Alex Smith dward -Connor,-' Andw ka�6, r Me'deali
by� a. ajority �f de�artment ct the Rhone, bl
ge pas; Gi 531. drawn,- the safety chainsare instantly libera., who agitted they wete.all to be draw a on, Anthony VaftEmmond,.Robt Mri�ou)` arrivals of the raw matqrial have "ii _,S effected th this Comliguty 1W
'0 10 It n ry i revived that bbs. wl
ranch of indust fiam;--- of
cari Alie en-ine or t6der,"is thus. 31 7t
n2nd. BdUation. C�eorge WigginitonjVtii Itobtliallafid. 'b y.- tdd from the eve -bolts .. 64 the fore
away fro ibeir homes for fro Wer, dikt, and
ue ames Sh�ppa -FEi
anct a volunteer co from Q to John Sautillera, Cha's A 41AN 9HOT jDFAD IN
compete sep rate of the
rl* bee had FL . _L I i
nes rain.
lek- -B . pawns'. a.rd 27ad BattU�bn.�nobt Motley, W -m A- e from 4 U79
s i W rest is and
to. quell the disturbance.- all be ordereo out, T Carlisle;
Thompson Win Ale-Vittie Jao Fariah adf�
Hart,Joseph frilson,'-JVir,'H�Ca,,ue-Geor,-�e Will, 'be ei�ititled atthe next-divigion.of Pro,,figiv
In Uppei Canada,, also, we have rea ;I V Elwood, Rod*k McLeod,;.kohn -Wm Fa 'ahall Wra Millet Sam Me- week
so ;A, During Iasi ind the 'fore'padof this BY late Englis mai s we have the an.- to one yearla, addidonal B-ono4over those of
Ifflin Lani- Ewen Ad -cott of .0::�- A most important discovery,. f4i more later date.'
'�e "roms; Fred Svk-
F. p- k; 9 thego d
*igno Jas Young am .8 o " fo I ks Wallace h . been go ex nouncement of tfie diiath,
to believe that, from ran of the c' q $ ' , - i _yra. '&, . - of George illiarn
Josleph Mairtin. -Mark M aw w, John AleD�nallf, -Geo Beattia cited over, the anticipated lVenian' risill, - that Frederick Howard; K ,,E4 1 so 4han. that of t�he.alletred source of the Nile,
dou Thoa Barry;. a- L' so* G r Carlisle.
na of- the'statutea good deal ri
pro"No K!L-nzie,, Abraham - IM Ison It- 11" Col lins lf-A�t Witt Monk, Geo - Knot,: R, Robeirwon, jr. manyL 6f them have passed sliiejiless- ui�ghts was-bor- -has just ll�6 iltade-in 8dath Amii ia. It is, Secretary,for C4nada.
-1, 2 - it April 18th 1802 and conseqRe '
omf-- Johnston -Js'Milferf, J lin F-Vils"On. Archie an anxiaus weure'� gl'a- "tly -the 1, 1 - Ainnon has beein
o(exciteme'nt has been causid'in a d idlearn was at- t6 time'ofhis that found,
Gilbert Clarke-, Thbui4s. Sloan: je Dom- fk days. B death in the- 63rd 1, reat Rive.
.1 - � f - - I e . L ear to be naii,�able from- one' end to tire- other that Nf-�Lean..Gavl n- Iroud ot, Chas-Th6nisbn, lVin th ell. as� their'llei-r1bors- f t6 of.his age. He W a -CANA.
locali tes, the idea haking pt abroad Foy, Wai Smith, Moman Aliltie as educat;W at atqn
'Ife-liee,'NAe townships, It ve arri�,ed, at th -en now route has been opened be. -HE
i I-M"cliellar Alex art. ;VW a at 'is e cono Ch 7ist Ch, arch - AD OFFf(
G t6c djoildin thailin fact, a _;R- ToUrn#A' D§ift ThompsealL John IVI lurleigh. Win 1ler, I;uke ta-bgrBy, A16; till this quite ace
the emb.o&meni of the migtia i's a'war- Caiser;-John Brow lee* Ge� 0hristo- y - , tdred pubk.liteWhen tween the Atlantic -and ..the. Pacific.' "The I
.61usion' that the re is. no- occu0io"br young. He -first represented the ror.
d that the. authuriiii John plier Win Ali Morona.: a Per ' steamer, which wag sent
mea'surel, -an es are cat. ado'ab,)6t-nvthiug.'l - -To give a fa hit idea peth distri , avian
U ictim-th Ho i nions, and- to explorebe Amazon,.fissarrived at Mayra,
he W,
i John U? ards eledted *present -t
e, - use of Coin I::)-- Agent in Godezich-19
[ey n, 'Alex TFatt jr, -Robt of tbia t '
8�orey.- Robt Stewn orm E GrAcej 4a.rues Ali;i exte t6 this ullfiece8*�ary'_ex- was- afterw to i
rdn- Riding of Yorkshire. -In 1844 Lb in
lin- thent out for actual service.for the I , - L e I est
3, - HuAi 4 -eitemetit was carriedf.we hiiie_ only -f ima.
-1 ouni Stephew And �ew nderson N1 V L ibo*ut 300 miles to Li The Mo .0 i ; I Hawthorne, ara, A. 9ses A tie,
immediate --defince, -of our, hearths nd John Arth r Cantilon- '111ti-Ache- icle the 14et Wat orre-of th6 F 'ot' navigated mc
a the officii of the�Clitef Secretary- of Ireland, ire han 2 000 ortragg sale of
Geur-Pqpe, Rich-'Cron�rin Manning enians was A I -miles of tboAma
on. Dan, O'Connor "James 11amil, Done4n I � 0) dead si zon. properi and 690 ofz Alie Yeayali -and ihe
�homes.,, Thew notions are of do-ars e- 1,Fln 1.,ackie tdw Ti -h ll'in Grant -Jno Be allace and in L1846- was ppointed Comniiisioner of
a ni'_,ht:or two 6, by a W
ti) 11 eoize DodZhe�ty. farmer, 'Re retired to - Wd'- wiih . liii'�Aettei the Wo as accosso . Patchitea Rivers, wbic'h,'. until then,- had seen NDER and*.hy -vir�ue--ofapower.vf sau
Thcis�-N6,vl* -Q
'very wide 'Ofthetrath. aad oine explana- Smith, RobE lrwin�,' Win .8in'-61air 'Tfios ods and Forests. He �Y" s� ca" -The ountry is of cotirm
Seymour 0' anelf go how-� Lora Cainp oitly Indian noec
sorge Cathcart -W It Ky" frin. .1 half not with ut- makink-bi
be�l, -Egi Chkneellor of the, Duchy . contain6d in=7a yinhabited only'by but it izof w - uder. aek -,f tga _J0
.-of, the' draft, as. Joho.M�Xeuzie, Eli Win.' Gr4ham, - 3itcom Jaines.Browalcef Francis Kettle -not be f6utid, of tarfeaster. In 1855 zt�an D. I le made
tiona oC th� real object [ever, viat his. muslidt :wdld' oil Lord Palmerston 0
fut fertility. the town 0tGO&00J%
F L Joha.O'Hara; Robt H _-Simpsonj AlexJ wanting in tbii.-hoirr 9f iieed. tie laid' hi b Prime Min �jarl.�f Carlisle. -Cou -Hur6i4 Gentleman,
weu as.the* mode of ca - ing� it out, May red Glali Timothy oil.-�-, ta- ecorning
a) ister, the. I ny self qui-etly dOwnaftert Aaua .'pr
GODRRIC Lackie John,11ands, John.Br tton. was appointed Lord -Lieutimant df Irelai
be accepuble at the- P' I ecititiodii1ri nd. 44
resent- time� to the:'Zuran 04 - Bod
-subject his shooting In 1959 he was re -Ii
measures had b6en t4k n,�p -A. most librible suici
Ist Ba�talion.-D.i alellae, James Mcln� ppointed to the same office. &was.the
of a coroireesiquiry. in London -on the
By the Act of 1863 the militia consists JOS-pb iron datitily , c6rgi� III - Id' ReF gave much of his-'the siudy of the tic'ea ade in -the- due piiyatent!
is si e, and
Xatiles Check e -&I 'hid' already- condition 'of Arah _01tonolly
tosh., Thcos Johnst�ne st Baltall6h.-0 Lewis, Geo Wib(le. waited p' wit Ang It. -A woman nam'S
in the joor of England, W'trarel u
of all zh� i6ale inhabitants oftherovince. Sloan, Geor,,e McMahon,. Jas To'uch'bourne, r g, a . us )oner had -led-ourtty- for that �paipoie, throuh he beold on
Barww Coahlan,-Itohi, Hodwiiis,- Saut`17 over-taski-A.-o Montpelilir, Bromt6B, *as about -to be de
nd s F ser, Jno
betweeii-th�_apps.of S a W, not-, ox� John It Rolme Geo re ra Willson; liVeied of`a childwhen she got- Of'bed Tasday, the S-eveldh day of
-ders, Edw Scagule'd CLas Gidby, the clock ann'o'cinced th6 'fiour df tivolve than UnitedStates
and other of
fie elo�ko at?
qj I-' Win Me.' L Jits' Thomson, Po 0 a-noige ws-'s
is div' heard lh� our-paiwil i4ndow, On his -return to' �alkin-t;O-the-.dresaing .-table,
�mpted or d' alified �,y law.. It Gev 11tcStoll, et�i. Brzee in an
I E-ing.and. in. 18 d 0ft'ller
50, he lectured. .1865, at Tivelve oJ61ilf Whitely ewis'. BoAvie, 10t. -edlc iLsm it- and*,a pil5ets -of an,oldl Blora 11 Ubserver, on Aerica b6fore tile Me hunid's Soci wiih'a-rszdr Wfore the surgeon wh 0-1 Auction Mart of*
lVinte Ft H, all, Geo Si' c u ithroat.1'
deil into three: classes--firsk-clawt service Si ety i At a
mo .31iCulloch-J. n A. Johnstone,. Wta., D which was. u, to n.. e
.0 -aulim -W P-- lichl Stepheds, aste ovf. wt e -also delivered a levtu on the who was in b prevefit her.
3fessr, Thowa & N42"Urst,
N d__ k' -1i lit was H t e room could
nijr-, al., Will, OC' I CiLtnerou, Robt, Moritieth Dold McD -nald ruthlealy 'torn otf.. nia!pn ngr that the. life'and'writin, 6 ly' bo zwn,., connstia- of un rrie*d- men and 0 W, kefield, -Robt. Tayl ilid Child subsequent rn, Is. now
f Poxi, which creLd quite
n -14 SamuetJ MWenzie, as Lath�va�te, Wl' iam I live ; but the mother Aied from a&cis' KINGST
-widowers'without children,. Ilet*een the Mic !I Hilrr Win Da�vn,,Thom - euidus had arrived i ear st, iti-Jouiped-up 4 sensaii6ft Wthe 6ne;.lds it l4oked as, a Ox TEET, GOVER 11q0
'Wilson. Jas C Collins, -Tuotal*on Gr'eares hill . 6 -1red thefollowing proorty., ihat is to �my ing 0 e-tl e. wife cried cQudesce Wi jamson, D,Lvid.04e'hlan Rubt in -the twing-l' f an e I-011 was of -the woulidia thmat-;I She. de6
-�ed Gale, David Mu4TO,' flu I lure- had . d " tire deed because she could IIA: Number te"
na of 18 and 45 s-econ"lass -service Edward Acheson, Alf L i%vson fart eart to lee
_Joli i 1nous Cucher, as 81611, Holy $t.'Peter saie -us-the-children -Were in. tqi mechaid Re iabsequently* visited 'the- Ono n hn (16
arrie 1, tire ain. she was suffe T iry Huibor Flats, in the hy I .
0 - 0 travels. -00an'61% -
4n ustone, Jai e r, Jus cD.)na 'a't i cliia -k, an uproar r bafked oavi ply and abli bear nag. he It
of ba d men and, wi& Robt Bakei, Jo�h Jo Ii s Mille* sh d -a f- s said town -or
Philip Morley, &rch�i L4 P k dog -the el's book o
lobbic. Alex Gardner,: e
ein' Geo itre r' J�s atheson, ere icharzed and c a. I iary of ltrkiih -and round a verdict of t inporarrinsan"
h he I.. Deed u't:d6rPow0rLSa1e.',--
WriL R)bt cLean', Jamei M.-Cul-
,pwers.with�childrin, betwe6i 18 and Robt muske -*as di
'4 -
Atigus Campbell, JOSiah-lPeddlero' U Bhick� is quick!y reloittled. 'Havidg, in Gt6rik1Vutcis:1' rs also. t lr� 4'66r -of al IL C. CA
Vetween tht lourb,. Hugh Johns one James eVicarl, :in n 'Peter 13ainer, Jufl-tis Ita 'eyi G_
and4her.reperve menL those
c -Slon b hleAi f6r* a quarter*- On pro hecy. HOW:& Int"s I
rest arvhour, woyl Hd was looke4.upon, Solicit OT for -W.ftpgow,
Chm Frase Edwd G eeson Win Aendcrson
a -,ft- 0'r.45 an 60.- Eaefi coutily. in. the 'Tubias-Faliu�r Jhu-MeGinnis, J.'s -parent,; and hearillgr no ftirthoi �Ixoise the d�i 'Pate'd akmy cliambem.414 tu,
_ - I - ng - a man- of. gr ibilityi and- by his Crab Schlaberi
,fali - J
raticisDowtien Dennis on, Parein, stru,gl.6a of his of- the orkii.,rmea 9f tllrOttlld 'won dort, a- w4ter no1ittle 1065.
m'L, I noble de
irzas a liezimental Di t6, Our 1wro 'etetit fence
provitice fc VISIOD). Clarke, jr.f Edwd 8lateii, . Alex 14elidembn aqd .0 1 the 'the i-steent o nearl all classes.L
y rroie:es Ile de ot&
Anthony Ch; tied 4 power, �who lived in a -Piirkgarre�
T Ifeild' 31i to tjie"da *as dkiserly
and tha-militia, ap,pearing by the first and. �Smuel Knightly, Alex Andersor; Satifield y T
generou$ in gre;
f tw-llis Astonis'lied much time't'q. ihe`sWdy. Of the A ricu'l, ural ;t-thinwi- INS0 Iml
Jas Ste4art. 4iglit whi k �
eli preienii 4h. it t6fles und.lavi4
A u, e dead -16o best cows regourc
-Thos L -%w -
Stokes James Millar, W -M Ford, Joiai For1deiR,:ibt Hicks 11) is w
second -elan service mffitii' rolls compiled 0.8 1 1 - imiparily a hearty friend",
;Sat' itin! h 11 es of Ireland while Lord feuiennilt,
lek "irtind-sli he speedily fouAd his way- IN THE M
Jogeph Grahua James Ha�, RAph Ob -ATTEn.oF TH!03US.D. V,
rason Geo Wells, John Nlartindale org *hi weltering in lierr attqm-pted to inaugurate a lhor��jugih sy of the G AV
Ge ellwaine,- Thus.
=MsorS7- Itsi --he Hini; Jotn Gardne Jug -M es W -J. Black 'Williaia- vriison under the AND_
from -the retur form -for- C -eg -Holmes, - Sam M'Cd all A ...... t6mofliberale-ducation. ILlin-lit he was to. erre. One -EVERY GEOILGH UXBA114
entof theR mental ichd Malqoff �)npr, J' sie Dunkiey, 17 VE
time beirig tha reggint �,r NEW yoJ�N.,, I . OL STS
N - - ARRIVAL 0F.T119. mornirg the death; i a
w Mitchell . Rutild;Ill McCa"rke' di � - 0 - ca=jPri its a ust
:john Taylor Thos ent Whig owwe. , -
numberof victi me t
Arthur-O'L-arey' %V -m &-iweliTe, B insliand SchlabeadoWs na
2nd Batt Gbore*Yoqng., William in
c vernm called �ut HeAmLiediately ;fflit.h tbe MHE Credito of tu Inwilvents AM zwl.
ze hos greapest cool
may, frotn'time to tim. 't Y4 Jan -1.
in�-WQhief, . � NEW' N
Division in, which thel. reside. The Com �Iion Edw Draw, Jtio 11y. n,Silas 3tunlu : .1L
HE,, Ew ZEALAI iD-The Britigli cr Cockllhl? �neu and ood.humor
in Neow Zealand fiedthafthey have mode'an 421141tillow
is, W org-pnization. John Edwdl Balkwell, Edwd Gil- Shnton u. 0 for'departure. th it,
Anderson, David Linosa Henry Stouehoui�6.. %V M Woods'. lVni Clarke,.Chas Swit T "imlitillues uh pre,
I The st 1�ew Yor frodi s utli. tailiavit tiv _.1e
r. direct the _t I Prdseude of mind in soie
by gene�d orde Le -w 'iehollse and th4 En-lish ly- - *bor*
Stld' Thos 1% In Air ate and effets' undei i
I prRss s crying or f loud n , �'e
a' JOhn'SLOphens, Albert Fi)rd, Rich Whitney, amptou--oft the 2LIst December, arrivi sha. grand stoicism of mere hidiTerence', Act to -,the undetii�ned Aj4Xnee�,JLVX,
Mou-�,J s FowlerW*- Findlky, Jas Harri8oh,L ed here pe, aL
of such number of service bit6ffons I pinst the expense and 4anoyance �t eauses. 1P
� 6 � 't . . . James Stacher, Henry Baconi, Wm ardinti Il'o'clowc this inorn ntr. were common In
Gh;W-Mill4rd J -RA ins, Put -at ho_s,� territilli times.- they arerequi =e witun two
d TeIn eports receired iWas not'llre man *to make 'an months front this d- 0*itht-Wrilal"
M Wh* Ion, Were prema.
-e ififpression 1 the reiielH -bla:brndorf
r some titue a bbf th.
rgWMen aS. shall appear to -him jr, W 'J Johnione. IA16t Gov u Gordon, &ibt Ireland, Johlivinhen. -.-The Timcis says that r. Line-oln's )Iessa-.-,e -tii _-Sc - L
-aluder,-Jno Frickle, Q-'Uldi Gabri�l branville, �vd idl -ains little It the r4 lt*ill not pressA, -a b6n- -theinevitable
pwper. The' Actproviaes; that. the first Peter Cantilon, John A16Y v S fill ederals; c IfL. Itire degarture %V fvinr the%e6urity, It any, and ilte. viihiipiat
ey. Auth con S.lay sup] a"he 0- - " -
lrul�churehill, -Win 16nkini, M-61 AeG-ireiL Holland,- Johit Fenweek Win Bird j,)seljh- derive encourt.,reipent, or consoation. The -late Mu�t or fate stood, ster
-orvice battalibits shall -take -if . 1 .1; -kout� two ban efHe j', if none statinr she� fiatr,tliehole
orgaitizatioa of. t Rews is.very sin4ulur. A adGovernmen.t.'s -Do4tivIn 11iii-itary,and fillan. w soon only--his-boots were mining.
Jas Barr, stone.' Thos Cooper Lewis..Veser, J cCi)v, Fd Rupert w di�ssed, imi Joseph Uran dred' Tebels had been Iteld as prisoners attested
a -mg tj and
The Mesi- I hey hod n6 weapons. but spades, arid spades
year and'it �o6 hn Rapson. 1 1 -.d. -cial�is rapidly'gr6wi of -war' He souAt;f :and s,sup.
in It
Piter CookJohn, Barker *Jo i ndetson, 13'�iijamia Wilson, E W worse. �
I . - ticis A ught, slid p:)rt of such t-Isdurs,
linstone, Hugh t Gordon,. Win Disi sv!e effectuady -destroy. 'pence iex0ectaiions. sought, and the jailek with iit.t
was *ccordanc6 with this,that the. Oom, jaS JO ney Darivie, Jolin'sweet. seeizi to 'have proved t-itinips and swortls� own of 46defleI4 in'1116.
-they were not to be found. Cutrill
4a-Ohief isnuea his ordei direetin- 1, ML.. 'y of Haron. lie Thir
Atex: McDou 11 W R -)be tqon- D it. th so, �fbr they first seizel -boats, and, using tire t rst4sy4f.De�.-.,
in.[ Ste 'MACEILLOP. The Times t6itilA tho,, oi do�s k3o&�possess A that bt�t
1Fal1,_Alex'M(. T he y4i
.a linxi Ge6- Sta.ay. J CNU t1je power -of cenfisca! v. I.A.Veil said Selilaberridorf,
sharplyp -cember, A IS
spalles as padd ached the shore.- Th I - D.
Js O'Gra dnzio A Is -flattalion.-Alex da I O'Cor. this is too bad-; t
-Nft-�K- .
tho'ballot t6 be made on the 30ih' of--Dre. Da�ald'j �1 it ere threat of.ciirifisca,
t Uuth too� o -be -uilloiined will never
0 ou
w rj ,
s Hol
te.d by
t� Sa
It that a
peace It
(if v
0 the mogntains, and then mtLde t eir &I. Hemir le I I miy
ti�ll Jim Cullittf Tiiiiuthy 1)Lj*Vi1 Pitt )V.tlsb .-the stromm-st posiibl� otive to the good'ft: itonfinued
IL4 16eh -service battalion'shall consist e., L I .. I . 2, - deS 'thro4inco, up earthwork and ietid,
�h f extremity- ',Thii repoil of � the state Of - 'a
13e spa useful in, he with 4' Pie -ood'humor-to the jailory. TOMS MOORE
the Aw hundred es'
eave baiid out He
Watkins D t'd eave S-iml Aas Bugler Win Niluri Aun,.J144 i tie w - 11
M L Kit P tlLl . Intrenchments re 0
often companieq, and shall embrace, Stewart. Jita. Slatter Win UvKave, Jolin L Won, Thos Rourk ichl- Fl Federal finances is even more. disc'ourag
ery "talce me to-mormw f one mikes' It
-0 fe InadIrprittL
J4m tile tlle�as�lves, -and z&:nWlj de.0-the, dillerence.-it is
eRea. Thos. )bC Parr, Rob Acliesoii Thos.,.,tnitituryinioligejjeL- is unfimfor.- the man. they want Iiot
elusive. of thi� proper complement of non- 'Evans, Jno Sturily, W m, M unr( Ith
nsoldiers..' IAX
g6vernor with twenty ' thous tresdavor Wedn is
depic Ti
Jas Shep ardfWm. Mc%�qllau, Al' -Q�i ble, ilthoug&- the" sitit. as
commimioned ollicers, the number of 750 p ex sbolm. Fair� ch C.uff. Itich Rvan U =
C ' - - ' Herd is. hicb, -of ic �!l r0e...cre re' Jailor a 'The --on -full
eu Mesie. ace Pik itic, the r6 I . J Zree(
- 0 Wirt 11cltea - Chas Slve S4jnl Dickson, G_ aiei greitt'surprise in --'Eng:and. re. is
Geo Leithwate,,Ge' '(1huftihill�Jno Stiirdvjr, -tid in tl,.e By �crts wit
servicemem Theseiretaken M" thefirst ri, t 0 * L r.. - 'D I T) 1 9. ID I #_tL gh 1. IL
I ntle4_01
0 111Vb In L assel 0 L It M, V-Altuuril, out - I tirt ay, das I luntlitly a OL111 I I VIA, V a& 19 suvelt greai app�reheaio that.thi�sw met I I ut ill.. IN Out, 1 41, Onv -head, w r, off to
nnedyJua-d.aff, JtAh Corijr. Tlio8 _5I6Qda( iiddr6gf. er r - eri 'its, ektination. Huren and Brut*, YeallittanizzPan"ast
ftomthenames ot, tlie firswlass J410 Alie' table ead to an Am i _� A.P - - '
to execut do Bch', A.erudorf ':remained in roWlt-.. Fmi F"hal for TeAdmi",
can I ion their threit'of rousin Ole
Tbos Fox,,Thos-1N1cPildyen, J.-is-.Muld( Hb asb of- Rep entativ' British -distrial prison. KF"� iled *)utorHer N C CV111t, Of -dw
service.-rolf, and, when they ire eillausted, coi4iiiimu. which has' for some lime ver . � ounly
f - 1L*.'Keener JasCuuliri -Jas-ltidly--Jas neatralitylia-s'beeti nit; tained-l'so Well- ilat Xqxt niorai g ed Cwnt" offluron afid Bruce, anil to mw
John 1. ie rigatth?usuath6ur the vehicle Unit
from the nameson the secand.-olass service -1st Biittalldi' Jao' Black, Win Church, qo L ILI
Hatry Cartman, MAI Luhan)- Fran's there is only --t;ne in e Swre riturnedi-iind- the victic% whohad so strAnkely direc*ed against the lands and 14mements. -*(Areb-
'�s n. -Sohn Ge' Jus 8411 ows. 'itp
Reg p
o ntles ibald McNauiliton, at The sit
Raph b4italion. Oo� organized shalt� John Th m o oan hn Bark, Alex which* con'c E ed on the pre7ious ds�y,' wus read
James Kearney, Joi erned and, ifectiv' the ese . I - . T, -and Norman MrIntraff'. I v ffiel gift
in Reuben Tillba, I Wm-- abstone, D'Ahl-Millee, Ma. Gr;,LDsTom1c',oN- 1THE-.,COLO*1Es,-The bo�ls" and All wai It
eontintko i eXistenee, or three y�arlq and Clar_k, lf�t'k Kane, Jo*hif Xin.r DanI.Mauley. reng1ru�iort", An. ditionat foree an the ting -t e Word of command'
Jos Xclistyre.'. Jiss�'re- jr, . Wra. tv Oats- "in the British mind. henever 64 iiiExecution all the pghLp litle xW inhwt* ofth&
I omplained "s9els - But behold his n"e was not heardlha0aT utd Delenditut in and to Lot u�rnberTwoul
,%piry of that. perioc -shall be ' -2nd Batiation.-��John Dawn, Juorxclt�itv -6olefiies twee
at die &rbli'd. Bord, Dkvid C urneii J. Linkla. -,rrjat-'Ijtkes.�`JThi&4 N,b Mon X. J Alte F
sue ter, Rot ari thought 61, is W a. fhe e'
y sii&her'servic� ba of. "W tops t6 anad"
sde&4 b' la"s *ill lake or the third day nor the fourth day, %nd not -in Aeventh,t;oncesilion 6j, rost-
Henderson", te,
M N141 McKe"z' 0 a at all. There was no Mystery i - a t I fie-matteri 46
ttalion formed kdarn. Kahm -John Mauiyj Thus Codd, Gio--Torrance.-Tun. peneiie charges which these'impotli-mipou the n lbol ii W
reient 0 hada'bitinty mad Kincardine in the Gointy 0 Hn�*
Inlike - annef. For the Walk jtAlttj%, 'ust, Kinney, Edwd Measures toT I a Jt was nalu
--arpose of or, Ater Robertson _:Ri& Guildem Re�,majriWin' Twix,Aug .. . - . . . 9- - .. - I mother.eOu4-yi in the way of military, 1pro.
McKeener Jes. Keener Davidson .1 1 fie I lenements I shall off at -.Or
b"ii; ofificaria oh ita f n d ly. Siate., By� rally an ppiMed 'he had1allea- - with 'no hundred iterismm*irle", W WKS.-
i4mg the'battalions -'iyhea the qrder of the Chas Mcflardy, Lewis � Meslahannialz Amos- tectioni . and the injustice which is. f -the
Erie victim alighted for 4he original
osts, on Aoniirio and elt to be or or sMe ldiii:�
Commimaer-in-Chief has been issued, itt Fisho, Rich Whaler'.- Geii Carion J116 Ilector, SWmmore, 'John XcInt6sh, Wm Fer. plaiiing guub involved in the burdenit laid. upqq British Other
Chid- - 1. i -Lincoln -the in- CourtHoaft' of its
the enterprise eanbeii �Xr. . day� In ullitude. of thesufferers noo
Onnada. the Sh Ion. 13�gnsou.Benuitt, Jas'Farrent,-433` sigw- I eommerce in the shape of high tariffsef 'cut- Be the- Tbirty�4* day- nitryiiext.,,at the litor.
-eriff -summicits the ris Pat O'Niali Put kidigan,:,David Me- w: ecto, in w I could curinusly injuire for an individual For ef'Twave-of-theiel ak.n
Upper it engaged to h*ch the
_Wi toms. 0. 004
art,- Peter MuLaren John 'Kart. K -ld lliattq -Jus Trawley, David. Ctuff, -John -Mr. orladsturfe, in a. Tecenti,sFeech,
days that foljow6 aire wa
County t4ge, and Wardexi of the County 13,r.itis authoritiek;vill- 114- If) assiat him * 5 iolfbl MACDONALTY,
it Y' -Ingram. J�fia 13yrus,461in Dow- V, 'a r pointing but'. thit., -Great Br4ain had
ht* remain
to meet, J
Court. liouse, the Clerk
a at ReidXtidw Young. T ut,' Jer.i Iles. we sincere It t 'inerleibe of withbuffiPap and
-entirely. a a on, *6 old cohm
2nd. Battalion. s�Gal r, Bey, Thes Campbell, Alex Maple, Jos-- HiA.- y re M in, on ed in prison #Y 8.,x
gri s, Michl Fu , 'Ttios'Tully, Xarnst. B mean rutaimn 'a' 'd9z :of till the fall f zo
Of 9W JOV--n-Ach. Aso �Wtm,moned__ to laghe Hamil'n liatce isnof 11�iiit to her o Rob6spidrre 'frhen with
Stair Fitsoerra I Jim blcHari n Xf en- no, or colo e sub 133rz. POLT.Ocz, t -SW
h, Raft at, dy ak ord _y F.
Dav inate to her cont his
d. e cannot concove them itylthat occasional others, hi't-dodt liberty; - He .9b eriff Is Wee, 6& ch,
attend with- the militia -rolls', to, P"- Iflawy. Thos Br ce, J otk-willu6n, J 406- nawii, Pat-Qarty,'. Xie4l',.F!weeiu,: Michael- --I' We It e
no 1? Ryall., MiChl.MeC mercial ititerestsi.i. . ed. ven-
foiays by. a few adven Ps shptild;be�br' ight. a his ii utimetifoui escape-n6t; -the- least oetarwri-IM
I" the balloL The tiltme, of each soft ter" Frlaeig L Morron, Col . Slilelairl. Pouald IfeCatidle, Pat an'try Timi y rattic -1i
appeiui4ou the SeiViCo rlrz, X, into. ci�fiaiicu,pir Otft'l a ebod,tin. mot, Stranke-in'the-stuaW, historyL j6f JA9 neVOI, QUAY -STEER.--;-Stmyed two -tim peap..
_rolls, _tbL -Dond -11 iiigef 11 In. Ca ze as C W"In . I d ' F'that there
cElonsitli, Coleman John W Ide � it) J N!gbett,--Juo . oweverpimpare -to- saj is not the.
uing. - ot ubdIfyinig-tai- ghts of tnilisit from UtiO6_pJ;rtl7 to
Haaall. Win Wa ker, Wto bleCroHo'ch,. DLLvid inda of jailor -
Hart jr, wIA-91 Wikllan Ch4s-Chumli somi-thifit"o be rectified ontlib. other side of ises of the inbs;,riber, llclii
ri�si&nce A Ill., . 7 1 'tin ff_S'IM1uQP4.j eanadi- d1fttes -aiflwetllm X pirtly'a tuldol In He loth
having be& wilhei 6n A. card.. 0 ; :. -'r. -_ - %in. QapM e14 aj"
i he T"4t.
t ur yur i IF -a
hite; Ge I r kanh
'i MeJory, Neil Me. -a-11' t6-tnpo. was a.upivermal e I
N i he debount. -' cer
Jonathan 2 Pad 1,
all the alirdit befoii-_An-� to -a township i of
,4ty, $� tied at it:7--!"we seei I my, n
�&rily establis
ta ust, A A Is- -Aq infor-m-m;m
-;iincorporated tilluge are thrOwir 4tr It. im to"beldrig, ots bu, 'him.
Guirf�, JaG W W,:Cates, Im ot bit be,,grie ild S
-town., Hy �&Phee� Jadr Chu. St -41 Fisher, t led, ie�
xi -t` win- colonies wliic f
of �1�.4. pro
ry an 1, r uc to -will be thwkfigy
Robt Uont- ton to apply 0.11he ipdtot d 4 dd I- Sandwic $J�6M a'
ingo:- an am and shaken kwgethersuffleient- T;ebl6v Fred Ist Battatwa.--rWn;. le
I Hor on Jai Mcflisrdy, Robt nxiousl�,Joolrmj out, his reeoveFy Aim
t1w, names; and-- -the County y r tpiosnis' of i6'e -col6inei'the' ierrors . and' k1sid -fro tWjUniteAS
ohn�., Jao ee, ',*m. Clarke. David g6m;ry,� Da-vid'WAchteE--' Iii Allati�- ltia.�vl . - F,
z MASI.V'. . I . ek for.newis III large.clip-
-R-y I -of the sysiem;.af pidtv�tion Wfiielt: we tates a
lufteliir Warden 4hen dra"w&out a suffici- FUR -TAE -a ;, I
buy* per.!arritedfrom�&n.Fa isia,andozibei
4TILMiCiOal John JohnsCon, Edwd Johnston, * ' . . — i - � . . , . TA
Hai. Lz�tgz =0
ent number Of, 'names to contpletw the Jos Carrick, Francis -Papi u. Thiii Laing. d - I think that the only Pot
�Wisbed -an rep of
men speci Ist Bai a Wmn.---Sa Hoaan Will4m Are. Alft MuLuren Johif -ColliI4 IW'done, slowly the Captain waiii i
`Haij `Jaa:- 4 5. 's it
Aa ZLIN' Ilea ,In thesd 4epe bosrde&ky the news -he 'Boc,, 14* -1864�.
*_112*11bei or as thb pm wri6d" Slimes th"86 'den-cilig there* is much to
there was a reat At
r immeratan, u o. ph - eshi T6-*wy. and Gazel e' pe precaution, tat, A Ty a d row i the t
.p6dlm to be f1kirnished to the battalion. by Knight�'T6o%airdue _Alex Ferguson, M1 Dick jr, Align t ha�s and with n nitedS atei� dida t. earn
the s*11 .' i -but U Sam
There is m6t 8 t preteiffor aujin' Us
I John Paterson August.Chu. t, o.t- llen with detirminationi to riiet'f� he distribution the particulig
iQ0Wt0wu8U,PAtyAQwzt or village. Under Claie, Jus Uuuter, Gec Storyt-Ro I ' iliat.8fiermaIll was ob I toAliavi, Kilignia, of 1j, ra.: futo If* pronlit"s
uald Young,
Ut Rtqtd Finlay -James Slilipp 4i, 41
VOM&'bider- %ha'CoV Jos - Ma iow, ard Wareii Digiian, WM barrit o c net] c. arges, mots to plit lhepeoplwofGm J eon., Vatbwni4 obotitz--torer &
t1W - I - CID CIA*
"L r that hi dould not.,,
uuQr,-,Mo_rp 8 Lane,' Geo Koigh� J- ob- - aier, I'S, 'homson.. 0 e:'I�rud north not in that -position � of su�t" MIXISCY. STSANC.9 COIN01 )W" two .'W" "d lwia V M-01, -Aft&
of York,
J�"Wh Co ful6m; J110, d" ws�d Britkin
All-ludog Tormto, Aruish" five baiW J'ohn Northat and.eastWard `04rd r mithout 0 --re-nounpled, but' itill one- of otbor M*t*A11,-Whft, The-owwi yequestaL
tons Pat,;Cojemait, J X Gar nbr, Jas Hwifer, V'd- , Ali vilich they'have wifter him the folr*ing - -49 General -W4whing. to Prave, prope
ne.1V'm dgerL Wat 11 Cope. Iran
arA five drawingsr therefb�ii, take plaee-.t.he GIs whadhia9p, iu,;.d." jusiieleind equality, 4eir
y I'-* - landi Henry u I r
Ads -Jw. Gr.au4 Thos rksi Win Gi erts, a and Prince Albert died on ille same d*y them.
-tio �hic'h`is to 'ay, I JIM
iin H h illid, Tlios Osery
bittallou -it co �ML
Toivata, 4 -for
_W ram Po;he Loitdon mes. at, an editorial on undeniable."
John Motriso o - - -ompson the 8, of-theyeiii, 6htbe=me*y of tlw mouth I,, pec.,21
T urr*yf W Andrew Jr, Jaimes Rdssell, 1? RON � Tif
34.1 awn. he,qtiotasupplie4byeach..1' fw Ge the letter, of Cteta � of 'State, Sevard
ii , trio proorif on L6 its populauut, A& - coin. day of fiLo week and the
oca MariniouL HI 11 a 'McGiut�y, Airgds a Sher.ritt, Ged Switzle John Rraderich,, -and the - same
riiiply,to Lozd4hairn' c W_ Sante hour of L the-,a*yl .0
to AW
11u. iineth Korrk6n,,-Jas Jaa Dicks jr-, David. Clibairn, Martin Pyer,' live's i.kpilicaijoij. to 1110ORTANTp rr,Tkvz.r-Wi find thilollo
Beatter Pat I All, I
p tedw" that. at 'the same
Drenan, Wm r stro Rolaul �Finla' -Jacob Zimmermart,, gd*j -Sherri; Wat 1)uns. federate prponeit& sphl head.-"' A Bad Practicer -11 deiiiVaskiniton got wet', tw-k li-se- ASHED:01iore -%&M tho Istiot bw,�,
-whole rL distribute aidiimbli IngparAL,011 "Use and from the
i6vidot6 Wot mord than one, it'
Wir-'o 'lie M t testimony -to. the oiie of our exel a -fthe longs
oit beiiingiag Humphre Lu .114timin -Jos- Aubien ZiStir It says that it is no. 1isages :�-Af By, perso w. a vere cold, and died Of coWgr"tion!o a boat 4boat 20 *d lont a I a . Pala
W tip Whit��Iy; foFilt 8010my as, - ouri
sme-Aamily Xmidmig ia--thq Sam* h7ollse ke th 144 -when,
McLean' is$ 'Lan'e, Ti os. Graham,--- Michaei Seller, Abrabain. H"Iin Dart' course taked, ily Her My 4. govorument :040 rosene ampsare in -8 on Saturdaf, the 15th itif December, I
799, prove her, akebw
Ing -a room for a Ance Albe
te I "It rt Sa Wat W. V.�
a * e bi drawnt.unlin ibi number of nsaues Conn6ly, Arthur- Tw! -ell, Jas W�ljh, Allan Refiry Stelk, Chils'Whiie . iiaani NaleskyiL A _koini�.to-bed or when.leavi Pity I I
n, . � 9 itieury Wilter - -in its- dei . diti, L� With erit America th4t a - - 11104 16 _Jit.12 ci�alodltt p.m; -am", AW t
- hisaf let* the, steri.SituouX t, -wit ad an;I 'of't w took A -�W,ere cold, and dia'o agettiomm
iu"W be Eciout to co' Ft
op re- Ucl*afii-"Dzin'LWebsi.erAbianiGtkIley 11yacinth PApiueaull Baia 0 he esinnoteduceal short time, urnin's the - wick do
P�D-Prum orstimiee inen. 4 V.0f, t ID 9ppo -order to save i Wfle in tlie' of oyi SiLturday. the 16'6 bei, 1861 at 12 December,11,adis64,
Armstrong,, Gee Harris. mant Peter Howe., is f(r, h to iiike Ithe It *rtunhy coltsumption tNeem AA
le 0
`16�xpo 0 ilsawl6feich endured hot
ii niibI � oil. The, co
Th* ilifine balltaliont'thus or$anized ?r &rid WaiV, 1n W7010-mv .
2nd Rattalian.-A Y�A Ix �Qa% hoL i ifsequeace-is that tbi t
"y "NIP"Wt th-MO4. May at Say ddie. JUL 2nd Aattaffim;-Alp,an._ McKenzie, Rod,, 4 Clarki John me -ii wriof,thaj P.M. The
J 6s 'BicWtibow as'* ispresentative, of,: h1i britio -na room awn becomesyi I �69con
Milleck, tion tia Led by, the
Milroy Thos TAirgart, Jiustin a -few dan' shd
11. lroltaad,� Hu -'h-. OVee - George Chf lIoth reftised to t4a wed -
be COW OuL by Gerierat Dirderof ristian 0 - - i
iu �� swald Weil Smith deorgm Pei% His -letter itididiiies,--tha he-is.prepzr&f10 'sumed oil the I -As pioaticild dow, iiiine"In ifie isoy� itage of their eomplaint.
Dizouf L AleiL Yottog, 1J;;7.McKinr'1b'a,- Wiel STEAM ENGINE
for drill -or iustrue niake-the most of A he', -I offibial slip ithat buttiou'and also. by thi6 minate'pardeles mod -with heartfelt griiif -the
array, Jao'Portei, Owen
dor0w4law A" ilixeiiiedin sfz'd&ys;, �iid McKay; - Peter X Eu_Ane Bellaire, Jos Gill; Joha Laing 'Fre.d'k - Of America thed' A14D
Brialimaup wat'Fos6r. Mat salith Michael ight hi,PA48filii B smokiaa4400t *bichkiethro* 'off. ' -Ai dem' - -of Washiniz
Dean; X Edmondson I john Bli6kliv, J- e, - ritish a ISO top-Baglaind with sim.
4ack Mon-pAtimi4siatrad. officar Aud man shall ohn PiciTels6u, b, wald dabitietai.,*0 . 4
03 O'Brien, Thon �Xr.
tiy�i. thtis, poisoned id deadlyin its efrecv� aud the
Knightlt, 1)a�id'Shea, JobaRiley, Uard- lar-Orecti011 MQ[tri;et for 41bert-:4 tribute
litpaid fer- aselk daylit drilt ilit si . - I .. � i
ueriL GeoSifnpaon,_ Girvin lioss-ji Robt Pi4ersou. Edwar ven-w e�k. he fit& wondeic'is t! ati -more ye nt.die not ]m- paid to,gooduess
um of fifty Siewo. %nius d i
COU4& r-iii-chior 0ay call, F I I
I I .,d Gill _pkoth �cases,"`
inn BnT
I Chwi D.Atou. n, 'it-ffd.cessaiy. to expre much ..indfg -breaffingit.
-John NielL Shiusy,,- Thoi MeXan ohn. Evanii ation mediately arid Wally jqjMd by MEMO
I, Ferguson," SW
pan t4reof. 6i ucti&l Jeremiah
in'so In Ida an a ir.,
-Parks, Wat KeTaggaq nst6ne, J ThoWiVilsoffi-Ow-hilti -ter'Mid Jno friptilloh and itiflani6atioit of 'the ibrojit iind
U-"-I*e% wheamr it is in. id opiliju Jus, Cra as. Ivillis Eu 1r;,L Pe
bla 44 W,_ Quoire; wair Hogalti JA , i M600j, Hy 8 -fine Bellairi. George. Witner, -H' Thil-Tihiefi- It d3hirdom,and g headache, diziiness and �iriusda a -IP4[> W -410-1M WDIM
4a, by ream u. 0 t w4r, razieri 8 . I ,% - wh I, P
1110-hillon, zr uii6-4 Lord 8,66it -but it; re.- am6ni- its -effle&6. "-The alarming.p
Atax Qaiiiid, Win I M-mon&'i-on, Duulian U'Affl, Dob4ld, Taylor,, Job
&.11 -Or Of Any bt them - swd 1 pj$
n! A -yiz*
GoDz Jan. fm� U64..' �.w
7 we SAutet, Joseph pudiifei' W. Fs. agalne - the of diptheiia of lite, �eirsas cmuinly trai RIqKJF
z'ie1,Juha Farlih,.Alex Gibson- zo� O"d*
JA 40., am_ Ow take; from, 14 rogt,. ColliwitcKe ThomwCullin Gd'
iiismorej. Rritii6pe-60 i1i -onj Of mllu kj6
-r" Gattibr, Win. WitiOn, Ji, V". D 0 low ihat to t y pr anus. am". - It Fall- Whea�.
-shall be fimtly-, 'tbq IN& ve, ob ei!" r. 7rth. 1964. w4"WIN
Hichd L
Bi4e Pickering, 4pea , ha, ti' itals6true do
am Men. n Thorharne,-- John ugutq Omni
.A z TAluxbor, FrAicia Creman, Nath.: u,
0;16.14 �ayxvftry_l .�f the dreadful.idisease'
_.know* tb
pa"46ffirovelauservi ham, Wit illson, Jq'h .0
a very
4,11"611a vecojidef" Wilkinsong T.A
Domil _Uiiqan`. James: Pdtuxm J aym BArldy, .
3*1 - t1i battal. Composed- AMN Hy B�uwo d Da 4 aco mitli, Hugh, Smithj 4 w A �r; at. Long -0rant4,-X. i"..J. ..;, 6:60,
- I., f b 8 only ke I n-ou An- &00 'AW _8
-the ixiilrbr6ii
traisid bi §potted fevey 10:28
John ZalWr - L
�.0 aniel Qatrick, George 34pion, ha�in',� bro
Iti;*4jil jhe;:lja��; ffital-f # EVA
w 0
Mac of u 0 if
W, A�Chfd[L -McUan' J Otto M t 6 'e-ims-cience Nuill of -4 committee.orlphys'elang wilbi" ifed ,.;d owfto; Q;50 vex isX.
HOW101r. - - thLe pljj6 t
'i . Pork cent
L %Ve 50 Shoo
Pr John floffinit Vork-� finibe Vtwi --unife States. to exatifinit ' iirlt%� =ue;,. ..11111
and pub 16 6p
e "Me -on- ve -2
ar gie X;eshct Frozei, John Urandii-aTimia ihk;'D�jiald- are 111 -8 .-7 and Wbat� am _wthwip -50-. 3-00
eilled Biatq --john, V ri& geauselt to it OU
?r: - man, W W. MeRwen; -Hogg - EU-mau.. .4;bades ANSAIUM
.11trish on as hOit ofburnwg-�*ro#ew -2 0" un -proft IrO
QW__,M& w1mr, '51 and in .70111110
199 UI J04 rJr, Adam Scotti,-2t, to.
te. B, a W lker, Win. Slatter. through -the bs
night Lambe oo. &e
a a 41W 6, w- n pee- w" ith. the Iiiap4lik turned . do Qi. ' TO 'a -ave fittkies, a -A& 00hty Att
au agr*p simply recolli i
K�Iedyj. Jud I!otter, Thos Ru - r. Geo j, cow UO. 1-
QC8460 NM of 101it Lower Uau*da 00cre n0dir 11=4i
0:00 41()derieh. septelaber"th., ks";
bitat the cost of sounk lunggs, is not ecdn e Jw
ese.-,-do" 020: (fh*