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The Blyth Standard, 1947-04-23, Page 1
1111•11•111.1111,1••1111111i11111 -.141mcsidtitahlmst VOLUME 57 - NO. 33, LYT Council Approves Daylight Saving Time Effective Saturday Night, April 26th A Special meeting to' the \!,t 1'i eel 'I'11e iuijortty rule, in any issue, and Council of the ('„Ip'ratil'n of Ill\t'I, nil' ;111 1111'' urban municipalities in to con- bier ch:menet of time to 11.1\•- the district aolot,ling daylight saving light S'I\in1; 'loins', 111'111 1'11 .\;'r l 21st, 11111•, it was hardly feasible for Illyth to do anything else blit fall in line. The decision \\•a; made at a special meeting of the village council on Mon- day night, and as stated in an ad\•er- ti•cntent on another yetge of this issue, Blob residents \\ ill nlm'c their clocks ahead an hour on Saturday night, Ap- ril 2t.tll and they «'ill remain there un- til nlidnieht of Saturday, September _'7th. \lost urban residents like the "fast" time for the sinnnter months, It gives an extra h ur of daylight ;titer supper 11, putter anoint' in- the garden, even though it cause; a few extra ya\\ns for the fiat morning or so, Net ,o \\ ell plt`tscd arc residents of VILLAGE COUNCIL 3ITS IN ON the rural area; who claim, and \lith CLINTON HOSPITAL MEETING `'1111 I reason, that it throp\, their daily eh1'dulc completely out of line. The (''011o«•ing an invitati+•n (1.1 III a dole- Fe i.r tion of Agriculture presented a gation tshirh Waite i on 'ill". ilk "II plea 1 • the various urban tnunicipalit- Comlcil at the \1ar11 1111'111111;, the ie, t,, remain on standard time, and members of the Illyllt Council attend- no doubt many towns \srnild have been ed a hospital board meeting in I'linlnn t\illir; to co-operate, but the majority on Monday night, ;dom.,- v'h rt" rt'- «•amt. and rill have, the fast time, and t•ntat've; ft'1 it Ul11Cl' lig' 1!11'1'1' is no 'alternative but for others municipalities. The Clinton i lopital Board is plan- ning an addition to the let..iial, the \lith Reese Itaimtnn, till.! ( tnlcilhlrs 1'atlfor ), Robin, •:I an I \\',It•.nn pre,- eitt. \foes 1 by ('o:nu•i!!orc Rollin, n and \Vallt'on. that in vire: of all the 11,•.p,!1- honlir.,; nnl'ir'pallico h:It'in: r''au'el over to I)at\IIi:1t Savin Tile,. that the \'illi;(• of 111.01.1. r''•tr ',• 1,1 I t•;\''i'_'!Jt Saving Thee, effc ;ipe `;atlu'11a•,, .\ ;it il 2ntli at mi,llli'.,Ilt, x11'1 r ./tint r until tiIidnieht Sat:rdity, Scot, 11:',1 r ' , 111.17. Carried, \loved 'y ('onn i'I rs Itetlf'rd an 1 Roblll.< it, t.iat Rt' d.1 111,11 at'IJ 11111. Carried, ( torn.,) I?Ilio(!, (lrrh. to tall in line. Tobe decision of the town of Clinton «a, Ivatt'letl \vitt] interest here. At cost of 'which has beton laid down as ' their regmlar heeling the Council of $9(1,(1000, ,\ cons:der:111e portion of that to\sn split 4 to 1 11 the issue, but this \sill be made np 1'r nt government at a >11ecial meeting a «•ceklater, vot- IIIII county grants, and the led:tree tel unanimously to adopt daylight sav- «•ill be taken front the ho•,,'ta11 fund;, int; time. With the Callcgaite bus and b\sults forthcoming from the }1.11(' !Ills' 1•t111I1I11g' nll standard time, itiltl bordering municipalities. It is al at the Collegiate on fast time, it would planned to 'talo' a llersnmal appeal in have been an imposition on the stud - the to«•n of Clinton. I cul, Iroltl Ibis area who «'ould 'lave A schedule of grants «vats presented had to arise an hour earlier to get to at this meeting. The grant. from out- school on time. lying nnuticipalitic; is based on the nnnlher of patients treated in the leo; pita( over at year'; peri td from te,e'1 V mnicipality. The grant fry m Myth lll0l'1'1S Area School Board was figure.( at $F0' .(0. The 1111111 t t , All nn'ntbrrs of the School Board township grant wars iigurt.d at ti10'(f.C;>. No action has set liven t'Iken b\• the were present at their meeting in the )llyth Council, an'I the Bert -ion of a •I't,awnslti,p hall, on Friday, April 11, grant rests entitcly \\ ith tach muni -"lobe next meeting. will he on' the first cipality, ."Thur, l,ty iu \! sty at 2 p. tn. Only one tender for wiring No. 8 and 11) was received. it was decided to ask East Wawanosll Council 1•!•e' Inspect( is approval for alter ng Council met on .'prig 1st, \\ :tit a full the plans hef,)re lotting contract. Atr. attendance. 'Sleeve J. 1). Ilpecroft pro- Ronald Lawless, Walton, addressed the sitlin;. The minutes of the prwvions Itralyd regarding setting a salary sched- meeting were road. On motion of tile for teachers. The trustees are to Councillors Robertson an I 'retain the sleet with the teachers at an early date minutes were adopted, to discuss this Matter. A letter trout the investigation \Ir, \V. If. McMurray was appointed Dept, of file _insurance Company re general maintenance than for all Mor- claiill ir ' damages to an atitemohile ris :eh'• :>Is for 10•!7. Was 1•i fared to the Road Superinten- ! Tho Secretary was authorized to pay dent. I the following accoi tilts: F. L. '-lord, :\ letter fr,'nt the Ontario 1listor;cal SII )0; llcintzmaut Co., music books, Society requesting that all owners of $37.5'1; Advance 'fines, $3.15; Post century retained forst complete the I'ubli>hing, $a.Ct); 11. 11. Aluffatt, satp- yurstiunnire ‘which 'nal} be obtaliiiell blies, $9.50: 0, E..:\. membership $10.00 from the 'I'owtodli;> Clerk. \\'. R. Sholdice, 0. I?. A., expenses \Ir. Sinton 1lallahan, President 01 813.775; Spciran's ilardpware, $3.05: Ivan the East \Vii\\antosh Federation of \It'.:\'ter, $2.75. t\fiss E. tValsh is .\gri'm'turC, adrlres:cd the council rr I asked to report to the Board on the \\arblc hly S;Irarirfg' condition of the pintos in the carious \lotion: Councillors Robertson and Ireland: that we proceed to investigate the /tatter of procuring a sprit) int; unit and, if possible, purchase one. Carried. \lotion: Coun;iliors Blark and Rnd- dy : that a grant of 820,131 he t:ieen the 1 clgravc School Fair. ir. (lat'ry Sturdy, representing the I The regular monthly meeting of the North I fur, t ''lowing \s,oc!atip,il,1 Blyth \Vonian's Institute, which will stated the match would be held in ' he held in the Con:anuuity'Tall 'I'hurs- East \\'awatosli in 1047, I day, \lay 1st, will he held at 8 o'clock \lotion: Councillors Roddy and in the evening instead of the trstial Rohcrisnn: that \vt cn•operate with the time of 2,30. '('his is to be an open North Huron Plowing Association in meeting. Cone and bring your lilts - carrying on the plowing, ntatthi in East Kauai, or friend. \\'anvatttosh is 1047. Carried. I This being the 50th anniversary of The Roa'I Supt. gave his report 011 \\ Flinton's institutes, a splendid' pro - the (tot- I Roads Conwenliun. The clerk gram is being prepared. "lobe musical was instructed to complete and file an I>' rlirn is in c'hiarge -°TMrs'. Sallie agreement with \I r. Inc Kerr for Culling' and Mrs. R. 1), P11111). An in- crushimg and delivering gravel at the terestiug item, as well as amusing, will sante price as in 1040. be "i\ Style Parade of the Ages." Motion: Councillors Robertson and At the conclusion of all business and Black: that the Road Sttperintettdent the program, refreshments will be be paid 71'c per im>ur, and wnrlattett on served. Remember, Thursday, Alay township roads be paid 511c per itcur.1st, at 8 1011. You are cordially in - Carried. A Court of Revision Alunicipal -ram was were no appeals. Motion: Councillor,; Itudrly and 13latk: that the amended 113. -law be given final reading and passed, and the The 111,\•thi 11oy Scout 'Troop will Court of 1tevisiou be close;(. Carried.' conduct a waste paper drive this cont - The fol1o\ving accounts were o'nc'e 1 ing Saturday aftern,on, conlmeccing to be paid: 11, C. \lacLcan, premium at 2.30 p. tit. \\'acted by the Scouts ort treasurer's bond, SI2.60; A. R, are old newspapers, magazines, and Scott, Godcriclt High School District cardboard cartons. l-lon•seh.•lcters are levy, $100.00; A. 11. Erskine. (-minty asked to tie these secttrely in bundles Treasurer, hospitalization, $20.75; .\!cx ;aft I place them on the verandah Robertson, convention expenses $15.00; I \vhere tatty can he readily seen by ?Inter Ireland convention expenses,1 the Scouts. $15.00: Stuart \lcllurney, salary, tele -1 ''',bis is the first project sponsored phone and convention expenses `121.71 ;1 by the Scouts since tlt'ey re -organized. Ha•cld kerr, snow; removal `~(19.00. 1 The proceeds from this drive will be ('ouncil adjourned to meet on NI -ay put in to a mutter camping fund. (pill. Please et -operate by giving as much R, 1.-Retlniontl. Clerk. ,crap paper a, y•c c,u) find. schools. \\'. ISl, Sholdicc, Chairman, R. L. Shaw, Secretary. W. I. To Meet I wiled, on the Scutt I hell, 'l'Itcre SCOUT PAPER DRIVE ON SATURDAY _,,....an. ern. BLYTII, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 23, 1917 Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. I3LY'1'I-I A'11NIS'!'lalt TO St1Ni;:1Y SEItVICE WINDSOR CIIARGE GREATLY EN.JOYEi)' \\Tar Bricles Honoured At a «yell' attend'. I meeting of tht• Official Board of the 1'nited Clime'', held on \Ion•lav evening, the 1e,itn•t- lion of the minister, lcv. :\rlhtir Sin- clair, tt•as regrettal,lti• rece.yed, and a Pulpit Supply Committee consisting; of Irvine 1Vallace, N. P. Garrett, N. \\'. Kyle, Frail: (tell, It. C. \!c(ite\an, J. IL Riehl/ lid, and Bernard 11x11, was appointed to arrange for the fill:n;; of the vacancy. 1tcy. \1 r. Sinclair hits accepted a call to St. lame, ('hnrt•h, \\•int, ,r, and he and Mrs. Sieclair \ti!I 11'sive L'lyth at tht' end of June. \!r. Sinclair tool, dyer the I;I\ th Charge in June, 1038, succeeding Rev. it, A. Itr,'oks, Of It', 34 \cars in the ministry, 31 of them have been ;pent in the County of Huron. After three years as minister of a Sarnia clime!), he came to Huron, taking. a pa,torre at I1.Intcsville. \\ here he served for 3 }•car,. Sime that time he has hely/ 4 years at Centralia, 15 years at 1len- sall, and 9 )'ear, at Illytlt, •\ir. Sinclair remarked to 'lobe Stand- .\ hug, eon:'r,oatti n \\'a, present 1 the Ill\ thl 1 „ tett Church on ` nntley Itlorllalt{ 1„r the ;Illllllai thank-, Iletamg i Sponsored J''!Iltlt' lo the It!1t!t Lions steo•ice of the \li••ion Hand of I. net, t 1 III', amt 1!!, Itl\t!i I;a;ut !1 1Ii it e Sert'ire. , I;lll!Il j; IIISt Corrected (;,IiIdi;,n Ir: i, n, ;, pu!,fr r)•cepti ti NI i-• \l:lrii ' il, hall, pr)•,:,!ent , f t\ as 11,-1,1 in il. t' \lelr.,'li:a 11;111 on the \hi -i 11 It,utll, llrcl•'ded oyer the The .,t tnd:u'd wading l: -t- ! ,I\t 1,t,1 it 1 1;IL, ui 'I 1'.. p..u' bride, of t'I'p'it'r, correct, ! tet to and inclm!tm•, • I•'It 1. .!I\ nbic!1 included p'ali m, 11x/1 C ' til - •!i :\ : "d tnrncrl out leer, '\ the Wei:Weis of the \li•,i' 11 ofIhi, t\ 'cl:. I'L a•c 1 ;,u , n. ur ' I' , \, n' d'. Irl lu he I11,n1 I Tilt. i1 !.uu 1 t e that the 1,!,,.,,'r !:It" 1. Sp.; ,111x'.' I.r„I n na, 'lot At Public Reception 11,.11 III,,' idly .',II• :'1 .1t I air„'r by \Wt n'Ic I Sb • r,c) l al• out I \ ' •1. • I u„ 11 , ed,•rt u1 ,;, :old It itti to It- ;.t 1,11.,' 1 error,. wn1111'Ibtll,^I ;I rradll";, br II', ;lee :u- .,111•. 11, or, 1 ot1111r. 1 rlfurl(watt 11•, palll(d ;0 Ill)• 1)1;111'1 lit' \Ls, \lilt\ of our , llll't'rillll,lll, ;tie n\•,':' Iaizabelh no tit e I,i then! r 111,1 't. 1/'(•,1'111, I 1111x. I'i:•;I•1' 1;11, 11- I,I 'Ir the t', •t off , \till the jnnit'I nic'nther, of t.I . 1 li - .Jt, 11111''.' Vonl.t \I r. Getri4e \Ic- ,mllt 11x11'1 to 11':dolttetl a vocal III!:II!1l•r, 1111!la•, 11 11•',1'1! ;'r1,e• '1v ,,pj:111 .n ;1',1 ll' Co. I.:i te.o.„( Ma,ll'I' ;tet' )11 the piano t \lat'g,1e-- ','1' ,let 'll!,l ;Il "Ph'''. Ili 1 , I I'IL;nII11', iltr tilt' 1 \1 ni11q. D'illt'- Ili• hi•Ill, 11c.1 hl:l'• i;irl,, :\1111 it11t1'1•• --._-- 111\' 1 , t,il' 11111,1' tli •Ltel„u!t', (trebles - ford an 1 Car Ie \larks, captivatet1 the ' t Ira t,, 'l. up the nidi1 ;. ,rutin of 1!11' 1 1( t11i Parti Committee Lays r,nr;rc'ati. n nit' 'their rcntli ion iisl 1110 Thy lade, present proyide'I a d,,al,1 reeit,lt'on: Janice \lorrl1 , 1'1:1I1!i For '1lit', ''ear tlo• hitt- 1, and il11lnr:li;itlly af'cr the read life \Veieh Tower. Four °1)•111• •I''ae I.II, p, I',:rl: ('tninl iltre rl ;,,.; Iltnch hour, \Ir. \le\all called Mr. hers 1.f the ':and received the o i' r \\':'dr,. , i•• I,i_'1 \y Ill ;1 full ;,;;,I I,,. ,Int \Irs. Vo:n!': t , the phtforin, in' , I;bea 11x11, Lnrraino Ilantil' n, \\hl'rt. aer,lurlan \'•I by a verbal ad t'1ti'-ta 'ir ;.t,und.lmI e, nh1 n ; 1 u:. f 'r Dennis \\';nnuub and Wendell Grout. (JJs,, he presenod C •'1111 a stun tut, \)•;u•', \‘',1.';',.1111 tis- ;1,Ir,. \ 11' Nit's. Carman 1( 11 _tins loll the Mi- • sllgec,t"d ;111,ru- (•,I. I.in!i Iter. "f money. .11 r. Young rt•;Ibe,i on br- siolt Ilan' Story on the \Ilss't,ll Bold ''all 01 los brill('. A stitll t•:a't't'tllll't Theme, "Touch hand, around t!,1' l'ashe's chairman of the park cotemo•' ,,ul! «'a, pre-cntcd to Barb of the and that ali''•omgb he \toils not it native tee, na ill Ill,u'ge ''f tut' n P1h 1'. rolling av'rld." It was a beantiiul ; t!n•ec brides, resulting from the c,'Ilec- of Huron. it psis Iik1' Ica\•in; bunt,., , flan, n'c•e 1 11;deted f r Ir;r,ynlq irn} of an arli.l, 'brant, tint all the door. Ile hint:,elf i; a tiltive of Sarnia 1'11\11Sinclair the stone, prcparrtor\' to Lnildito hes. :lrfhnr , lbo pa•tllr, ship, Lantbton County. \Irs. Sinclair,) spoke briefly, directing. his rein;r•ks t t o'm'itp.'•• gats 10 tilt' ptint. \ oorl, the former Elsa Jenny/, i; a native of 1 the y, .wig Imide. 111' chose as hi; Marty o1 Lan, t\ ill d 1 t''1, nork till ,Ii}1111'5 .1011!1 Lee text, the words of le,r;: "1 \Itt,t I'hur,daly afternoon. 1,0ollin;g prepar- Ti„. death occurred om Tioir,day last, A successor to \I r. Sinclair has not 1 L'1' Ah, iii \It' lather', Ilusino,,.” I'll' allil,n plus \\ere ala rout;JeitlL x11!1 in Victoria hospital, 1 -melon, after a yet 111'1'11 app0 111'll t P1 the lP1)tlt t y(lllllg pc plt' of to-dos are our lead -lilt ,holt a s this 1, e molded the _trotted- fiVt• '!a\• illllt•,•, 1 Janie, 101111 1-t'1'. church. 1'r, of to-iliol•rnw, inchllrc t, til state, will be ;11•eptlrell for ,u\\Illg e era-, sed'.111th'' of Mrs. 1. L. II. 1'It•ndl•i•sntt, of . _"'-'•--\1--- and hll int <, life, rent;Irked the speak-. ot' IIs;''here is also tall: of buil,lilig, a han'1 I;ly t!l. ''s'e'al ;cryires to.'I: ;,lar(' on er. The train:lig and attelltfon they hell Burin, this year. (Sunda} front 'h1' ('hnrch of tht R' Mrs. Oster Guest Spealier hhc nx'ctinl; at nn1;t , . . . a,til' (let -tier, I l ellgatc. ,\I Loc \vasa Ire- - in lhe!r youth \\'ill be reflected in , , x,ke \sell for the future ' I I. Meeting the- world t,f to-Inorro\r. 1Ie charge 1 affair, stn', ; tut' 1 visitor to Meth, and follu«'cd At Belgrave W.success of the park. ! t town', doilies with interest ill The ! the young people to harken to the The regular monthly meeting of the words of the \taster, "I \lust be Belgra\•e branch of the \\'nulcn's Inti- about \ly Father's Ilu,incss", and to lute was held at the It tine of \Irs. put this th tight foremost in their Kenneth \\'heeler, on "fue•day after mind as they go about their daily file \lorris •1'onarsltip Council tact 011 in their su !t!e) hour of hercatcu,ent. noon, April 15. Thei're•irler.t, \I rs, tasks. April 14, in the •I'l' vnsllip hall with all --_____ Stewart Proctor, psis in the (..hair. Hi The speaker spoke highly ' f the members present. The Reeve presi•led. BIR['ISS The minutes of the last meeting was decided to bol ;1 the \laly meeting smhoelid leadership given the Mission SO\I h.RS—t', ngratelati,nt to NIr. and a week later than usual, fweatt•e f the dant, and in s., doing referred to the "ere read ;ural auhlpted or /told 11 of 'District Annual meeting. 'wino- held in present leader, NI rs, Calvert Falconer, ,Harvey Johnston and inc Vttill. illyth on May 20th., Mrs. McGuire was as well as tleoe who had preceded her, ! \liuutes f special meeting on \hIre'tI l,lread x dtd lt nu,Lon chosen as a delegate to this meeting. Mrs. Leslielic Ililbnru, \Ir;. I rant: Mar- , auaoI euof .\prig lith, 1947. The roll call was answeredansweredby I'1' pay ,ball, an -I Mrs, John Charles Coultes and Sam AIcock:. airs1'r\ cc. \V•\IMI—\I r. and \Irs. llarrld \Valslt, utenit of _ fees. \Irs, George Michie 1 -hr ser\ ice of ,rug «'as Icledb\ a ' Minutes (.1 s' ccial meeting on of \\'in;llanl, ;tn.. happy to auuunuue gore ;t very fine book -review and chose group of bot••; ;oil I. i ' •m the Lions \l arc,( 31 read and ad; ptc'1 on motion Ithe arrival of a baby (laughter, at as her subject that vers o 'pular fay- hand The hall(' pl„ved the \.,ii.mil, Charles Coultes and Joe Yuill. 1Vingh;tit -- \a— Standard to which he subscribed. The syll,'„tthe of friends in hilt th Morl'iy Council i‘Ieeting j i• t'xtrndcd to NI rs. Lee and the family \Irs. Keunet!l R. S ntcr,, of \iitl- land, Ontario, on the birth of a son, I i'1' ;ors Barton, born on Frirlay, \loved by lot' 1'uill, seconded by their home in \Vinghant, on Sunday, orile "The Moho" by Lloyd Douglas. hymns, accompanied by A. E. Cook, \ Iril 1311'. 1)47-11x''1 Anne.In the time at her disposal s'•c ga\•t. a church organist, at the organ. \fisse; barge;' Johnston, that a building per 1 very cnmprchcnsisc outline ul t'hr Slnrhev Phillip, ;111'1 irnta \\'alt x1'11 1110 hr granted to the Itclgrasw 5.11/- story, \which \gas 'cry mach enjoyed, d11cted the band in their \inions nun(- Upcca:i\c to build au arlditiolt to for I Music I' estival To Be Held mill. Carried. Mrs. Fred Oster, President f London hers. I Ill Blyth Convention Area, was inv:tc i' es sitee'al 1 The large congregation 'a ! Movee by Charles ('oultes, seconded +,t1' tt!- a > by Sall :\leIPl'k, that the auditors rt'- file ltc'bi rare School hili' Board gueslt sneaker and gave .i talk on the prcciatcd the service, ltaso decided to hold their atonal port he acceleted. Carried. antic's of the compiling coing ofitice convenersbie _v.— Movp'd by Harvey Johnston, sec•r,nrh- Mu,ica! l't.stiyal fn the lllyth NI em - ant on the rontpiling a '(•purl. She rill I tall on the aftcrnoun and cwc11- tt•as also asked to conduct the electit'tt1'(I by ('hale; Cuultes, than the i . Mis iOil Band Meeting ('1'''s report un the Crash} Drain he nig of \Vednesday, June 4t11. The of officers which resulted as follows: Festival includes students from the Ilon, President, Mrs, Anderson. \li,sien Land of Loving Service pr,)yi•ionally adopted. Carried. ! held their regular meeting Saturday ,Moved by Harvey J,hnstun, second I lu\\n:-!li;;, of \I orris _ale' East \\'a - President, \Irs, Stuart I roc•tor• I p\;u„h. \\'atrh for further ,trticulars ls,t Vice -Pres., Mrs, George Michie. with a good attendance. The theme was ed 1 l.dierles ('/aIle,, that Court of I a (:hri<tiaut II: lidays,--Easter. The meet- Itc'vi,ion on (trashy ')rain he held on I'll this outstanding event at a later ?nolo Vice -Pres., Mrs, J. C. 1'Delo • date, Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Ken. Wheeler 1 ing cpcned by singing the hymn "Marc \Ian• 12 alt 11) a. tn. Carrie'''. _ 1_^ District Director, \hes. Earl Ander- li tve to Thew, (4 ('hr's.' . The Scrip- \loved by Charles Conites, second. I tore les•on was read by Rose Marie by Sam Alcock, that the ter'ic:• of PURCHASES PROPERTY soil hearty vote of thanks was tcndcrcl1 \V.Itit(ivid. 'I'hc of was taken by Gcorgc ltadfurd, to supply, cru -It and for being present, and, the Ag - Carol Tyreman and Doreen :\tt noon: drliscr •• ertxt r •ls 70.01 cubic Yatrc!, through the Elliott Rea! Estate :1g- \Irs Oster f l 1 I ant( the nflrratory praner repeated in rf gravel at 0) cents per runic yard be ettry, the Albert Sellers property on meeting closed by the singing of the National Anthem, :1 dainty knelt was unison. Tobe Ilynut "Faith of our! accetit(•rl ,object to t!!1' approval of the south cast corner of I)insley and at the conclusion lathers” was ,ung. 1' hen the Vice- 1) 11ct \Ittnicipal 1?/Linter, Carried..\lit! Streets. 1'os;esston will he taken served ie the hostess I president, Betty 'fait, alt:'' assistant se ) \1 'sed by ('paries Cottltes, secontic i early in Maty. It is Mr. Sellers inten- of the meeting. •cretary, Janice Morritt, took over the 1 by Sant :Meta 0,- that the road bills its' ^ V tion to exert a small cottage on the rlm'cting. The minutes of last meeting , t'rescnte I by 'toad Superintendent he tut to the roar of that just sold, during HOME FROM MEDICINE 11AT \gas 'cad lord the toll called. The !'!aid. Carried. I tilt. stunntcr months for his o\\•n ac HOME 1lerald, Olive \Iaric \Vit -I ploved by Charles ("unites, seconded 'tnudation. Blyth friends \serc deliebtcd 10 sou, read a poem on Temperance. June to 101' \'/ill, that $15.00 be given to i ---•t'---- grect \Irs. Leslie T-Tilbm•n, who rchtrn- V. -stet' gave a recitation and tilt. \\'atoll i \\'auto/ Library Building Fund and BOY SCOUTS TO MEET CU home after a \\•inter spent at \fedi- t„\ger was read by (anile \lorritt, The ;:'ILII,) to \Talton Library glint. Car - The [tot Scouts will hold their re- cipe 1-iat, Alberta. Mrs. Ililhorn has hirtbclay suit; was >mng f,pr one mon- ricd• eldar meeting on Thursday night at taken up residence here for the stint- her. 'Then Mrs. Sines told a ehaoter of , \loved be Harvey lohc,tou, ,cccutl 7 lar.. m tt the Scout flsil. ' Also gen - toe months, and NB.. Ililhorn \sill fol the Study Hook and the meeting closet( Irl by Joe \•(till, that the meeting all crit meeting I'ucsda} night at 7 low her herr 111 the course of the next h}' singing „\\'11x1 :\ I rietu',1 wr have four11 to sleet attain on \lay 5, 1')17 at -'. month, 'Ch1. Tlilhnrn's have purchased 'o'clock. :111 Scouts are asked to meet 1 1 in Ir; us", 1 p. nt. Carried. Ito the Scout hall to proceed to the a home at \fcrliciuc hitt, and plan to i Nexf Sunda} nv ening during the rt' The lullop\'ing accounts \t'crr paid : i to earl: «herr we /ill be return there in the fall. They intend' gala' ('hutch Scr5ire at 11.1.5, the NI is- ('h\\ l 111511ti,ing) 87,5') to dispose of their Illytlt property. ' ,;,>n Band will hold it; I':asder 'I"lank- C. R. It nitc,, (gas and transport 1,27 ,\'t'in`t by the District Commissioner, A host of Myth friends will regret this M r. i1. birth, of Lrnulott. OIfcring service, Everyone is «cicrnme.I IL'l,,ral (10 -Operative (rant of decision, but Mr. 1lilborn's health is of room for short c••.'urscl . 15.(1)' much improved in the dry ,western AMONG r1,IIE CHURCHES Sion :Ur,'cl: ((xpeu c; rt' truck of Alberta. A "Z x and s;(1,1011 15.111)1 Congratulations to Jane Salter, of BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Sate .\Icor!; (Gond Roads Cony.) 15.(1;) Blyth, wit I celebrates her 21tJ birthday --- 27 :, t\ ,.....1.... (expenses t,•,,,.t: I 11 Saturday, April 26th. 33.:0 Congratulations to Agnes 1:ilcy, of . 5.01 Londesboro, who \sill celebrate her 5.0'.1 birthday on Monday, April 28th.. 4301 Congratuiations to \lurray Cook, of 4.1)1 \I itchcll, who will celebrate his 6th climate NI rs. Fred Oster has purchased CONGRATULATIONS ,1 i iani w■ - 'Walsh Sunday, Antal:- and ,',rayed A quiet wedding was soleminiicll in All re-li•e; em Daylight Saving Time 1(1.15: Sunday Schu.'1. (•, \\ heeler (Gras!;v I)ratin) Auburn, cn Saturda\•, ,\prig 19th. when i 11.15; Children', Scrulnn, ''T'hr Three \I. Grashy ((trashy Drain) Rev. 1-1. Snell Vatted is daughter mar_ Golden Aoples". Regular Sermon, 'lobe (t• \\'a1,h ((trashy Drain) . garet Cottee/ \\oils;,, Baugh(('' r( \f r. l C. \\'alsh (Grasby Drain) and Mrs. Alpert \Walsh, of Myth, t'i 1tn Virgins at the \l 11011.1) r r roc cum of 7 p• In.: There was nu room in the I \\'. \'aut'anv, 1( trashy Drain) .. •1.0'1 birthday on Fridar, :\prig 25th. Clare J. Nierganth, youngest S. \\'..\rch'bald ((trashy I)rain) 1rdl.tl) ('ongrratulations to :Donald Johnston o, lotmes (\t I' •''' for relief) . 2'.01 of Blyth. who wall celebrate his birth - C, \V. Hanna account (relief) _.. 18.42 day on Thursday, April 24th, Douglas Lawless (11'altrnt i Congratulations to Douglas \\'hit- bral \') '5.(10 .more, of Blyth, who will celebrate his (teurgt' C. \linin, Clerk. lith birthday on Thursday, April 24th. \' (''tm'tratulatinns to \I r, and Al's. 1 Gorge Cowan. who celebrated their Agricultural Society.tl,l \Vcdding Anniversary on Tuesday, Presenting Popular Play \prig '?ncl. t Conerattdations to Mr. and. Mrs. Nit-, and Mrs. Harvey Niergarth, of Ins. 11 gh ani. The cot'pIi was attended , by Miss Edna Walsh, sister of the TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH bride, and ,lack Mclluruey, cousin of orbit 1 Sun ''av .\fter Easter the groom. 11 a.m. Sunday School. The bride \sore a light blue facou••c 12 noun: Morniu,; 1'..l;'' and Ser, crepe dress with black ances,•trics ;It 1 mon - the hector. a corsage bouquet of red roses. The ` 7.:11 0.111. Evening Prayer. bridesmaid chose a pink jersey dress TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE with brown accessories and a corsage 2 pan. Sin'daySchoel. bouquet of pith: roses. 2:15 pan. Evening Prayer and Ser- Under the auspices of the itlyth .\g- (i' •rge Cowan Jr., of Cookstown, who Following the ceremony, a reception Clan. nccultural Society, thepopular play, celebrate their 4th Wedding Annivcr- teas held at the Bruncwt'bc 11- tel, ! ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN ".ldyenture P,'und will hestaged in s;iry on Thursday, April 24th. 1 \\ringhatn. \[r, and \Irs. Nicig;nth i 0.43 a.m. Sunday School, l the Mvnutrial Hall Friday night. .\pea Congratulations to \ir. Kenneth left on trip to Eastern Canada and 11):311 amt. \lorninl; Prayer. ..5th. This play \\•;t° presented at :\11-1 Cowan, Midland, who cclwbnited his upon their return will reside in Turn -I Be'vi'es last Sunday, in the :111'1'1' '1" burn on Friday night and .o great was birthday on Sunday, April 20th. berry, of the Rector, were c aiducted h\' Mr. tits demand for tickets, that a '(';,cat (•onerltmlatl,uls to Doreen Augustine \r Marr\ MIPhloomcl•y, of Illus' Pulte c. 1,erforulance \t'a: necec;at•\ Munch)' \\ Ito rclebrrl;t s her 7th birthday on RECUPERATING FROM ILLNESS - ui tt. \I:u'', ativatcc h,) •kin:; have Saluda\•, Mr. Georgi Mc\all is rrcnner: t'ti ; RATION COUPON DUE DATESI he 11 pet cured, The ea.' con::<ts 01 Con iratmlati,nls to A'>t;• . , Lawrence nicely following a brief and enddeis C',1tpn11s 11 sv v111111 arc s'l'ur-pre'f'r- Ants'/ people. most of wit•,'0 are n ell l who celebrates her 51 It birthday on week -end illness. George say: you wt': 52'1 to Sill, butter 1t35 to 1 !'i. 1:t 1111 i11 this community. Come ;111:1, smithy, \•''O sit11. can't keep a gond man clown, and he'll Three •/ciao•-Ilre,ct•res taunt 'ns ni11 ht'- en. 'y a gin' evening, and itt the ,:mitt t' •'ratttl:looms to Mrs. Alice ('i' -trier be hack to par in no time. Ills friends chile valid during, May, the first on lin; • al,-ist a local orcani•rtion t,t raise of .\/burn. who eelehrat.- her 87",h I :tat 1. till^ ('.'1' l ?C cob'l'!11: ialg f;lil. I bit llt 11 011 1!litl `el illi 21.b, are delighted to know, this. I ! CHRONICLES OF GINGER FARM By Gwendoline P. Clarke There is an oldish lady hi town whose birthday 1 try to remember. It falls on ,1 mil 10. Before that day realm around this year, instead of sending a card, I took her a bunch of daffodils and narcissi, which I had picked (tom our own earlier'. This year—what a difference! \Vial the first green shoots only now just about o couple of inches above the ground it will be sometime yet be- fore we can pick a bouquet of spring flowers. "But the flowers that bloom in the spring, tra-la— have nothing to do with the case"— it is clearly a matter for the weatherman. After all, it is not only the flowers that are backward. It tva3 actually April 11 before we heard the swamp frogs singing—and ac• cording to the old saying, the frogs must be shut up three times before we can really look for spring, 13ut it will get ber- .you'll see—tha, is if we wait long enough. Tile robins think so anyway. There are two of them making a nest some- where near the house -1 am not quite sure where yet — but evtry time I look out 1 see one and SOMe- tinies two cheery little mike tsts oopio.o. ;tround or calling back and iorth to can ther front wham; tree hps, Yes, the birds and the loast- are surds getting their ovn varif .‘ of spring fever. One day last naok as I set out for town three blue heron flew up from the creek near the road. 1 watched t hem as they winged their way over towards the bush and then, to my surprise, one of them landed while the other two half circled and flew on towards town, I wondered why they parted company. Could it be that one of them was a hen -bird and was being escorted to a place of safety by her two gentlemen friends or was the one just a young bird and not considered old enough for distant hunting grounds, Again it may have been she had a few chores to do at home and went back to get on with than. One thing 1 did discover — \catching herons isn't exactly a good policy when one is driving and the road is full of bumps and pot -boles. 1 dropped into one hole so hard it was a %yonder the springs survived, • • , And here is yet another sign of spring. It is the time of annual meetings. Last week was our Women's Institute Annual. 01) blessed event — how we look for- ward to it! Sounds rather as if I were referring to an expected birth in the neighbourhood, doesn't it? ldaybe 1 am not too far out at that —certainly both can sometimes be described as painful long drawn out affairs! However, from now on it is our annual meeting to which I all referring, For some unknown reason I was put in as chairmen for the election of officers, "Good grief;' I thought to myself, "how am 1 going to make these women say 'yes'!" Yon know how it is— someone says "00 no, I couldn't possibly do that!"—and then that negative attitude spreads like a prairie fire, and, like a prairie fire there is nothing left in its wake. however, on this occasion, except for a few bad moments at the be- ginning tie got along all relit. One officer told Inc afterwards that I just rail-roaded the ladies Into their jobs. Which, of course was Just a lot of nonsense—they were just good sports, that was alt. After all, you 'can't railroad a woman into doiug anything if she isn't so in- clined. Of course the WOMen event- ually turned the tables on me so that 1 ended up with a convenor - ship myself—which the WI. may yet live to regret. What do you think, 1r 1.' At this point I paused to go clown for the mail—and to look for more signs of spring. I found our daily paper, a maga7ine and a rcceiptcd account . That was all— no fan mail this morning, much to my disappointment. I like my fan mail. By the way, "M. J. 11.," thanks very much for the papers. It was nice of you to send them and I was also glad to get your letter. "Mrs. N. P.," you may be interested to know that 1 received a letter from a friend of mine last week whom I have always encour- aged to write and now is meeting with some success. In fact one magazine to which she sent a short story suggested that she try her band at writing a book. So that is just what she is doing. "W. G.", please don't think I have forgotten to answer your letter or that it hi any way offended me The fact is it contained so much food for thought 1 wanted to take my time in answering it—and I still look forward to that pleasure. By the way I didn't find any more signs of spring on my way for the mail—in fact when I got back to the house my first thought was to put another climb nf woo') ii 1! e tuiitaur. TABLE TALKS The Lunch Box . The spotlight It ts been mined on the school lunch box. Too often it has been 1iil unao,1 1, too, un- appl. nd ve ;,ll1 hL lack- ing itt Choc foo tocommentled by Canada's Food roles \\ !licit are icory 10 le.OLl It h,oy, virile botlies. '1..o overcome these ddicieucieS, Many communities have inaugurated school lunch projects, with great success. The homemaker has learn- ed the necessity of packing lunches, which are good to look at, good to cat and "good for her child". Through this medium, the child has also acquired proper eating habits. To pack really good lunches day after day is a big task for the home- maker. It requires plenty of plan- ning, particularly at this time of the year to give that needed l'ariety. The home economists, Consumer Section, Dominion 1)cpartment of Agriculture, have a few suggestions though NvhiCh will simplify your work. * • • Ilan a lunch box preparation centre in your kitchen. Store all canned and staple foods, also equipment required at this point. Plan lunches for the next day when planning and preparing the day's meals, This makes possible the preparation of lunch foods while cooking other meals. Sandwich fillings should be mixed the night before and stored in a cool place. Several fillings may be made from one base—such as with a cheese base vary the flavour with relishes, jellies or hard -cooked eggs, Use fillings that will not soak the bread and (10 not allow them to run over the alp.. A variety of breads or quick breads add interest to the lunch box. Wrap in waxed paper alt foods not packed in covered containers. Desserts such as baked custard and fruit gelatine may be packed in the custard cup in which they are baked or molded, Put salads, creamed or scalloped dishes in a screw top jar, To give added interest and variety slip in a few tid bits from time to time—such as candies, nuts, raisins, dates, or a wedge of cheese, Be sure to serve raw, either a fruit or vegetable each day to pro- vide something fresh and crisp. Mock Chicken Spread 1 cup coarsely ground cooked pork or veal 1/2 cup chopped or shredded raw carrotts 1/2 cup chopped celery 2 tablespoons sweet pickle relish 3 tablespoons mayonnaise 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/a teaspoon pepper Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly. Yield: 1.1(t cups. Baked Bean Salad 2 cups baked beans 1/2 cup diced cooked beets 2 stalks celery, chopped 2 tablespoons chopped sweet pickle 1 tablespoon catsup Boiled salad dressing to moisten Mix lightly together and serve well chilled in lettuce cups, Serves five to six. Sour Milk Gingerbread 1/2 cup mild -flavored fat 2 eggs 2/3 cup sugar cup molasses 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 2 Vi cups sifted pastry flour 2 teaspoons baking soda teaspoon nutmeg 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon ginger 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup sour milk Cream fat until fluffy; gradually cream in sugar. Add beaten eggs and molasses and beat well. Mix and sift dry ingredients and add alternately with sour milk, combin, ing lightly. Bake in moderately slow oven, 325 deg. F. 50 lo minutes, .lakes gingerbread 8 x 8 x 21 inches. School Days Junior came home from school after the third day thoroughly dis- gusted and declared that he couldn't go hack. Mother, troubled, questioned him about the cause of his displeasure, "Well," declared lie, "I don't know how to read and write and they won't let me talk, so what's the use in e,oing /1 Governor 110111ZONT.11. 60 Portag 1,"; Pictored laity governor 62 Lieutemitit 12 Cloth incostire (ab.) 13 Notion 63 Seorclo.c 14 sithworm (1 1 1511one 16 Skin 111 Assistant 20 Notive of Latvia 22 Fish 23 Annex 25 Scottish F,Ileepfold .tosiger ill Pro'410114, Plitvie ,T A'D Alt !s:', 1,... 11- A,1 -.."1L C A i'qt,..i ., 0 \ N.c,:1;77,:.,l.':'; T A T 051 riLl ATvo ca 1,1-•-.1!7RyL..1. l... iki 1 TIE RITA -5" o I 'N PA eik: -I- -5 DAIGLE A N E Les1 - 1._ '! !A I !-Pi. "t'l i_ 1 IP N RI T a;ta Pio,t_ot-El , RF l'EllTICAL \11C,v' 1 PiSI'l IA R 5 .i.......—,,—, 7 ' 1 Kind of sheep 1911 pto 43 Paid notices 2 Ignored 21 Age 45 Tun 3 Disencumber 23 (hs 'la Ciiitiintly 4 Editor (zib.) :14 IThvle 19 Compass point 5 Conduct 27 Ate 50 Tronsaction 6 Prostrated :10 I longinan's 51 Ardor 7 Observed knot 54 Wapiti 26 Requires 8 Hour (ob.) ::6 Herons 56 Small shield 211 Silly 9 Be indisposed ::7 Gratify 59 Biblical :to Nat woo power 10 Puissant 40 Colonize pronoun 31 Ile — gov. 11 Revere 41 Play:, the part (i 1 Ilypothetical tailor of 17 Born of host structural unit South Dakota 1 a 3 1t 5 6 7 B 1 10 11 32 Proceed . 33 Symbol for thulitun 34 African antelope 35 Steal 36 Epistle (ab.) 311 Print measure 30 Electrical unit 40 Street (ab.) 42 Clear space in a forest 44 Cut 46 Crimson 47 Sensibilities 52 Dined 53 Facility 55 Meat 56 Girl's name 57 Tasto solo (ab.) 58 Lixivium It W3 16 r .1.):18 Fr. ;VZ3 30 31. =•" 31 31 3 21 53 51 41 NB 49 51 V 55 58 59 15 5 'Z5 33 • 114 45 50 51 ath o et, EM11101.11111111.1 0 II 1 63 TEEN -TOWN TOPICS By BARRY I think it was George Bernard Shaw \Vho said that a womait's tears are the Salt of the Earth. How true, how true. Ile might have added that ,Vhen svontan pulls the act of the flushed eyeballs, it sends most inen, even the tough ones scurrying under the veranada. And this little introduction takes tis into another story. "What are you doing tomorrow Mein?" asked Susie over the iiotic. "Going fishing." "Can I come':" asked the voice at the other end. "No, you'll fall in and anyway, women are only in the way." The sound of soft sobbing, trick- led over the line. I weakened fast. "Do yott really want to go.-' "Yes, Barry, and I won't be in the way, honest. I'll bring some sandwiches and some cokes." "Okay, I'll pick you up at seven." * It was getting dark the next evening as we started down through thc bush, following a small stream. Susie carried the lunch and I played the flashlight on the wa- ter. It was quiet and long lines of moonlight played through the openings in the branches over our heads. Suddenly I jabbed into the water. There was a splash. ".Nlissed him," 1 groaned. 1Ve moved along a little farther. Susie walked behind, not saying a word. An hour later we had seven fish in the basket. "Gosh l'in hungry," said Susie, "let's stop and have lunch," "Just tt'ait until we get up a little farther and then we'll quit," I re- plied. "What's that":" asked Susie. pointing to a tiny light, playing back and forth through the trees up ahead. "Yipe'," 1 gulped. "Game war- dens, let's make dust." \Ve scram- bled along the edge of the stream. "Don't fall in 1101V, whatever you do," I called over my shoulder. • 11'e fell over logs and crawled through underbrush. There was a steep bank on our left and the stream on our right. "There's a log up here some- where," 1 whispered, "we can cross there and cut through the bush on the other side of them," The light was coming closer and the voices of two men carried through the cool night air, "Ilere it is, you cross over first. Give me the light and I'll shine it on the log." Susie stepped gingerly across not making a sound. When she reached the other side I tossed the light across. Grabbing our equip - RECUR FELLERS—On The Way To Fame M U R KA R — matt, I stepped out on the log. "Hey you, wait a minute," war - ed it deep voice front behind me. "Japers," 1 yelled, slipped and fell into five feet of ice cold water, My heavy boots pulled me com- pletely under for a moment, 1 reached up through the water and felt a hand. It pulled and I came with it. Opening my eyes, 1 looked into the face of a man wearing a hat with a badge that plainly said —Game Wardell, "This way you dope," shrieked Susie. I turned and lunged back across the stream, stumbled up the bank and we headed through the bush as hard as \ye could go. A crashing of broken twigs and un- derbrush followed tis a short dis- tance and was lost. * • Up at the far end of the bush we fell on the ground, panting and exhausted. Soon my teeth were chattering. "I'll get a fire going," offered Susie and try to get you warmed up. In a few moments, my clothes we're steaming from the heat and Susie was stuffing warm sand- wiches in my mouth, \Ve trudged home, tired, without our equip- ment and our seven fish, To make the night complete, pop had gone off to bed and locked the door. As Susie turned and head- ed for her house, she. called out: "I don't think itt take you fishing again. Vou get in the way and you fall in." "flub," 1 gru»ted, "some people think they're mighty smart." "What happened to you?" asked pop as lie opened the door, letting the light fall on a drowned rat, As if he didn't know. "Fishing, bah Women, bah! Game Wardens, halt." I growled and headed for bed without ans- wering him. Giveaway 'Dogs arc a terrible nuisance, 1,1 rs, Biggs." "00, you don't have any either, Mrs. Diggs. How to Combat RHEUMATIC PAIN Rheumatic pains may often be caused by excess uric acid, a blood impurity that should be extracted by the kidneys. II kidneys fail, and excess uric acid remains, it may cause severe discomfort and pain. Treat rheumatic pains by keeping your kidneys in good condition, Get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help your kidneys get rid of trouble -making poisons and excess acids—help you feel better. See what Dodd's can do for you. 137 Oh, To Be In England . (..)0, to he in now that April's here . , . "Po Lage oi plea,;e?" "Sorry, sir. None 'till Thilis• thy," Oh, to be in Fool old, now that Aorik ".% friend of iny looloind's itot got o new at- 11 we'll be on the wailing list for at lort-1 two yeoro" "You have to be an American to pet anything •iti dd.; couniry." "Oh, to be in 1:noland, now that . . you leave me the Daily Bugle hereafter, pleao., itotead of the Doily Clarion.;" "Sorry, sir, if you the Bugle We can't serve you at all. We're hot allowing any changes le - cause of the staff loge." 011, to he in . . -- "Package from America for you, miss. 1Vitli the duty and purchase tax, that'll be two pounds telt (10 dollars)," 00, to be in 17.11gland, now . "1 know it's chilly darling, but there's no use fiddling • with that electric fire. The power doesn't come on until four o'clock." 00, to be in England • , "1'es, I can renew your ration book — but you have lost three months' clothing coupons by coin- ing in late for your renewal," "CA, to be • . "Let's scc, I'll have the soup, the roast becf—" "Beef's gone. I'll see if there's a portion of fish left." Olt, to 00 Britons Must Stay at Horne About a ntitlittt British people would like to take a sea voyage, but they won't be able to for an indefinite period, writes J. F. A. Frost in the London Daily Tele- graph, The reason: ships requi- sitioned by the Government daring the war haven't Item all turned back to owners; those that have been returned aren't ready for ser- vice yet or are being held up hy fuel shortages. Britons will stay home, An editorial approves the order allowing British and American firms now to Import German goods, It says such a lifting of restrictions is good because any increase in German exports, which will help to pay for imports of goods, will reduce the burden on the British taxpayer, Carrier Pigeons Replace Telephone Few loco are bos (-miaowed about a telephone sti 'Ilse than How. itril At I,ct 111:111, :I 1111:(113111e, ileC311SC: ( 1) t IC 11-4'5 t':11 I ICI" pir,t'utlti to (0111- 1111 11,111111':'h. hi' '61" til (2) he not 1:1 1' tVICI,LUilit' itnyWay. Mr. .\( 1&Ultltt lrllIcItliy takes to Ids eoark t the Todd Shipyardx N.Y , a low of the :10 pigeons' he kccp4 in the backyard of his 1._hieetts Inc They can make the ,isoit Ho flight home in tO minute-, W:t messages 111 r. 11:111 might 1vi,,11 to send "I can tell my wife, \label, when I'll be home, what to have for sup• per---thiugs like that," Mr. Acker' man told a reporter. The ma 'ionic likes to take birds along on trips out of omit, too Encore A concert was being held in a village schoolroom, and it was S311(1)''S turn to give his bagpipe solo. \\lien he had finished and the applause had died down, a yoke from the baric shouted: "Give us 'Annie Laurie,' Sandy I" " \Vhat!" a, -ked Sandy, surprised and Haltered, "again?" Poultices of Mecca i*tIvs pain, bring out com, heels quickly, no scar. 25c, 35c, 50c, $1.00. Says Rheumatic Pain Runs in her Family But Safeguards Health With Kruschen Many people seem to think, because a complaint runs in lho finlily, that there is little they can do about it. On the contrary, all the mora refloat) for taking stops to avoid IL Especially if that complaint is rheumatic pain. Read how ono W0111811 keeps free from it:— "Rheumatic pain runs in my family, My father suffered very badly with it. 1 have been taking Kruschen Sults, off and on, for about seven years, n little morning dose, in my first cup of tea. Kruschen is a great help in keeping rheumatic pain out of my shoulders. My general health ix very good, I am 57 and can do a clay's work with nnyono. I would not be without Kruaehen."— (Mrs.) A.B.S. The whole secret of ICruachen is in Its action upon the organs of oliminntlon. ICruselten helps these organs to remove front the body the acid deposits which give rise to rheumatic pain. So try the morning dose of Kruschen for the next month or so. For rheum' ic pain, take half to one teaspoonful in 'at t water first thing in the morning. Two ..tzes: 25c and T5c at your drug store. Sure it's delicious, when you • make it with Canada Corn Starch and it will be a favourite with the whole family. The quality of Canada Corn Starch is the reason for its popularity with housewives front Coast to Coast. When your recipe calls for Corn Starch be sure to use Canada Corn Starch; its dependable qual. ity ensures excellent results. Also Manufacturers of Croton Brand Corn Syrup ccs By GENE BYRNES . _ r • 4LL FLATTeilLP F)Y r,/ ;AHEAD (SOC.:Kea.) VuFrY win% OPIRY ) Ofic POKE. iy Att•ttA ttsqAtttch.• ,••••,A1 a - The Quality Tea ORANGE PEKOE sysoests CIIAITuit \II1: AIcCalr t•,,.n to Vol - int t o u1 to i. r..I. It. Thyro I.e tncountcrH Shari Lynn. 1In ItIIN tier that \'nllnlnc"ul t tins been shot. CHAPTER XIV "Von followed hint?" She hesitated a moment, a look of doubt coming over her face, as if she were not sure of saying the right thing, That pause made a lot of difference in NIcCalc's calcula- • tions. "Ile was a long way ahead of me. There was another dame coming up over the hill Road that meets the path he was on at the gate by the Bigelow horse." "You're sure of that, Miss Lynn? Remember, y ou may be making a dangerous accusation." Rage flared up in het. She jumped up. "Dangerous accusation," s h e screamed, "I should say it was. She killed hint — that little blue - blood, Killed hila. I tell you i sate her. IIe's dead. Dead!" Ile_ crossed to her tplickly, shak- ing her by the shoulders. "'fake it easy. You're in a spot yourself. Whoever it was that met Vallaincourt at that gate had on a green suit or dress." Angrily she brushed his hands from her amts, faced hint. "I know that she had on a green suit. 1 saw it. lint 1 was a long way off, I tell you. You're not get- ting me for this just because I'm wearing this green thing. I wouldn't have killed Curt. God, I loved hint. I loved hint." McCale left Shari Lynn slumped on the couch. Ile knew it uas use- less to talk to her any surer. She wouldn't be of any help, so he left the apartment. -.um ii w'as nine -fifteen v.aen the buzzer in Mct ale's outer office announced a late caller. Rocky Iljorkland stirred his huge bulk from the chair by the sputtering fire. Ile cocked a quizzical eyearuw at McCalc. "Tile clammy hand of my psychic control tells rale that is the Law," he grunted. "Our friend, the lieutenant, no doubt," N1cCa1e said, reaching auto- matically into a cabinet for a bottle of Scotch and soda siphon which were always part and parcel of every visit by Marton Donlevy. "How are you, Bart?" said Mc - Cale to the mans who towered in the doorway. "Ready to take you over the hurdles for sneaking out on use this afternoon," Uonlevy's senile belied his growl. + * + Donlevy threw his hat and coat on a nearby chest, and settled him- self comfortably in a big red leather chair facing his host. "1'm not really sore," he began. "I only wondered why you took a powder when you and Adelaide Bigelow were practically the only eye witnesses to this ghastly busi- ness. It dawned on Inc very soon when 1 found no keys on the corpse that you'd gone to \'ailain- cotirt's apartment to steal a starch on Ole. \Vas that nice?" lie raised an eyebrow facetiously. "Not nice, but necessary from my point of view. I've got second look before—after your squad has fine-toothed a place — and there's ncvcr been a hairpin left for tis Iellotvs." ''What exactly did you find from being first this time?" "Nary a clue, The place was as clean as a bone. Beyond getting a good idea of what the lad who lived there was like, there wasn't a Labe whisker for my trouble." "The setup he had was quite re- vealing, wasn't it? Pure Hollywood —half De\lilde, half Dorothy Drap- er. Very Suggestive. Is that all you have found:" "I found a woman." )lcCale watched the quick inter- est flash across Donlevy's eyes before he controlled it, before he BROWN w.N.a FIATY1l$0' said casually, "1 would call that a clue, Duke." "Well?" he questioned, "Shari Lynn, the chanteuse at present of the Latin Quarter and The .\bbev." "t'nun—I've heard of her." McCale went on, then, to tell of his encounter with the night club singer. "You think, then," the lieutenant queried, "that there was an old affair between them? Something in your telling it stakes me feel you are convinced that it was not too recent --something flaring up again after a long time." \icl'ale nodded. "1'm sure of it," he said, "I'm sure you'll find that they may even have bee's man and wife at one time—that they have never been out of touch with each other for long." + • Donley y digested this; "Then?" "vlh sure, Lynn was back there after any letters of hers that Val- laincourt may have kept. I don't think there were any there, how - c\ er. There wasn't even a stray phone number chalked on the bath- room \wall." "It was exactly as if the place !cul heel) cleaned of everything by the boy himself. Kind of disap- pointing, what?„ "There is the possibility of a safe deposit box at some bank." "That's been checked. He had a small balance at a downtown bank, but no box of any kind." \icLale hunched himself over his glass for a minute, musing. "It becomes very confusing, then. For he must have got rid of every- thing last night or today, Before" —Ile stared unwinkingty at the rim of his glass—"just before ile went to his death." • Duke \Ict_'ale paused in front of the big ratan, Donlevy. The gray- haired police inspector looked up at hint and said, "I suppose In re- turn for your information you want to be hrought up to date." "That's only fair," \IcCalc smiled, Donlevy had never once let hint down in a matter of this kind, though he covered it always with an air of assumed ill grace. "(fere it is, then, for what it's worth," he said. "There was, in the Bigelow house at the time bf the murder, besides Adelaide Bige- low and yourself, the cook, an up- stairs staid, and the Butler, King. The cook was preparing dinner. The maid, Kitty Shane, was hang- ing around the kitchen. 'They're out, obviously. No motive, no op- portunty. Ring was fixing a tray of hors d'oeuvres for the usual cocktail hour. 1lc's out for the sante reason. None of them saw or heard a thing until the prolonged ringing of the bell." * * * "About five minutes after the cruising car got there, I arrived. It was then about twenty minutes since Vallaincourt had been shot. Shortly after that, the fancily began to wander in and I questioned them in the order of their appear- ance. Sybil and Stephen, the son, caste in together. She said she had walked from the church across the Gardens, stopping at Sitackley's drugstore for cigarettes. Slie had chatted a few minutes with the clerk, whom she knew. She met Stephen as she carte out of the store. Ile had been wandering along Charles street, just killing time, he said. I-ikes to walk in the rain— that sort of thing,"• + + * "There's a jangled lad for you," McCale waggled a finger. "Neu- rotic. Worried about his %wife. \Vas probably out hunting her up, wher- ever she was, "Sybil is no calm, strong pioneer woman either. Collapsed like a bal- loon at the news. You'd think \'al- laincourt was her own chee-ild to hear her rave." To Bc Continued COSY AS MOTHER'S POUCH—ALMOST "Chickie" eight -month-old kangaroo is a pretty lonely little fellow since he lost his mother and Bronx, N.Y., zoo attendants are doing their best to cheer him up. For their first step they placed him inside an old sweat shirt—with only the animal's head sticking out— making it feel as warm and soft as the mother's pouch (top -photo). Then, Jim Coder, the kangaroo's personal attendant, was assigned to give "Chickie" ample saucers of milk (lower photo). At last reports the youngster was coming around to a happy frame of mind again. Teen-ager you can sew this your- self! Pattern 4832 can be made in school material or party material— either way it's "whistle stuff"! That neckline is strictly snazzy! This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit, includes complete illustrated instructions. Pattern 9832 conies in teen-age sizes 10, 12, 11, 16, Size sw frock takes 2.5 yards 35 -inch fabric. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to room 421, 73 Adelaide St, West, Toronto, Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Spring Fever Nature's own remedy is recom- mended by the medical profession for "Spring Fever," The tonic is simply compounded of lots of vege- tables and fruits, plenty of water, and milk, adequate sleep and as much fresh air as one can get. This, say the authorities, is much to be preferred to the old-fashioned Spring tonic of sulphur and mo- lasses. C.N.E. BULLETIN Cupboard Space Makes A Home! Open the cupboard, I-Iub- bard! That's what happened five or six years ago when a housing shortage began to grip Canada.' And ever since then, people have cried out for more cupboards as they doubled up with the in-laws and strangers. Manual training classes in Ontario Technical schools are devising new ways of making more cupboard space in the home as their contribution to the home exhibits at the Cana- dian National Exhibition this year, it is reported. The students are concocting ideas for new - type cupboards and experiment- ing with ways of concealing storage space to provide more comfort and tidiness in cramped housing quarters. Kate Aitken, in charge of Home exhibits, says that stu- dents from the manual training classes will be Johnny -on -the spot at the C.N.1.., demonstrat- ing their accomplishments, This means that amateur carpenters may talk over their individual storage problems with the stu- dents and pick up dozens of new ideas for their own homes, No Excuse For Hunting Accidents With one suggestion made by Ontario hunters to the fish and Game Committee of the Legisla- ture, there is bound to be fairly general agreement, says the Wind- sor Star. Froin the Kawartha dis- trict conics a recommendation that anyone causing a fatal accident should suffer cancellations of his license for life, If this scents to be a harsh pen- alty, consider the fact that there is not one of these misht.ps in which negligence does not figure to a greater or less extent, There is simply no excuse for shooting a man in mistake for an animal, or for the unintentional discharge of a shotgun or rifle, Anyone guilty of such carelessness is not a fit per- son to carry arms in the woods. The port of Marseilles is almost cut off from the rest of France by high hills. } BEGINNING NEXT WEEK NEW FEATURE By ANNE HIRST Who presents kindly and intelligent solutions for n<<ny of Life's Personal Problems WATCH FOR IT .4444 14•4S4.4114 Sunday School Lesson The Glory and Decay of a Nation 1 1'.iuy. !i; 4.:I'-:111, 31; r,m-17; 11:11,8, 11. ti..ld.1 '1''t.---1lurt in the Lord with all Thine hr;trt; and lean not unto !him, tarn undo 1-aatntling -- 1'ro\tt lrti The nazi, nal Elory 1.i1,1 decay of Israel wilc as>otiatr'1 tvit1l the glory atnd decay of one luaus --hint, Solomon, 11001 of v;i-dont, temple builder, cnn-olidattor of the king- dom. At tlic height of Ili. glory decay began to set 1n aluost c\ cry hill in \which strength and t liar trtt'r count one will find in1unn ratite instances where_ some titan 'Alio died was really intli•ptnsable, and failure and decay en,ue,l Let ael-r 110 one arose 10 tele !;i• pla•r. * The sort of rte no!) and charac- ter that Solomon represented in his early career v;as iudi'pencable to a strong and stable kingdom. The outward (dory tarred \thilc Solo- mon lived, but deny began when Israel departed from the principles of his early reign. The w'ay \vas already laid for the rebellion and division that quickly caste in Israel following his death. The story of Ole rise and fall of the" Kingdom of Israel is in- structive anti full of guidance and warning for our own times, The opening chapters of the First Youth Training The vise approach to the prob- lem of juvenile delinquency is based on the assumption that boys who get into trouble are boys who have nothing else to do. It is a wise parent who encourages his sons to put their hands to useful things, comments the Detroit News, lie will go to some trouble to provide whatever they need to pursue the instinct of self-expresslon In the staking of things. Countless men, so encouraged in youth, find that skills then acquired become sources of gratification through life, Need- less to say, young builders are not conspicuous for the delinquents in their ranks. 764 Book of Kings tell of hitter mufti. ties and violent deaths perpetrated in feuds, rivalries, and hatreds. It would be a mistake to assume that feud , rivalrie, and hatreds are not found in the modern \world. In fact, we have 1,...11 familiar will "purges" 111 sonic countries, but in (11nlo•racirs of the British and American type the reign of tats and the function e,1 law in main - tinting the freedom of the nlrin'i• dual have become At ell established. Rival leaders of ,groups 011,1 pat tier no longer resort to violence and the \wcapnn of :I` a sin;ttion, If \re tan learn fr,ot aluri,.tll Israel, ancient 11,1.1 !Mehl, have llarlletl some tiling` 11„111 Ili 111 our progress toward tolerance and fteC - dom. Good for TIRED MUSCLES MILK OF MAGNESIA TAB LETS BRING QUICK RELIEF MINT•f[AY0Bf0 ISSUE 17-1947 BACKACHE The Plague of Outdoor Men The outdoor man, whether ho bo farmer, truck driver, or railway operator, is often subject to backache. This may be the result of exposure to cold and dampness or the result of strain from the jolting and bumping of the vehicle he rides. To many people, women as well as men, it would be great to bo free of backache—one of the most common and annoying of ailments, And here is how you may be relieved of back- ache and other symptoms of poisons in the blood, The treatment suggested is Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills. By reason of their stimulating action on both the liver and kidneys, )'ou have two chances to one of getting relief from your backache by using Dr. Chases Pills, The torpid liver is aroused to action, the kidneys aro stimulated and consequently theso organs help to purify the blood of tlto poisonous impurities which bring pains and aches and tired feelings. Keepp regular and keep well by using Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills. 35cts. a box. 00 APPLE CAKE RECIPE Add 1 envelope Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast and 1 teaspoon sugar to th cup lukewarm water, and let stand 10 minutes. Then stir well, Scald IA cup milk, add 3 table- spoons shortening, 1,4 cup sugar and 3/4 teaspoon salt and cool to lukewarm, Add 1 cup sifted flour to make a batter. Add yeast mix- ture and 1 beaten egg. heat well, Add 23/4 cups sifted flour, or enough to make a soft dough. Knead lightly and place in greased bowl. Cover and set in warm place, free from draft. Let rise until doubled in bulk, about 2 hours. When light, punch dough down and divide into 2 equal portions. Roll dough 3/4 inch thick; place in 2 well -greased pans (83/2 x 113/2 x 2" deep). Brush tops with melted butter or shortening; sprinkle with 1/4 cup granulated sugar. Peel and core 12 apples; cut into eighths; press into dough, sharp edges downward; close together. Mix 1',4 teaspoons cinnamon with 1 cup granulated sugar; sprinkle over cakes. Cover and let rise in warm place until light, about 3/4 hour. Bake in moderate oven at 400°F. about 35 minutes. tAdt 4. Village Of Blyth Abstract Statement Of Receipts and Disbursements FOR THE YEAR END114G 315T DECEMBER, 1946 CURRENT ACCOUNT Balance as at 1st Januar\, 1t14r1- l'ash on hand Balance in lank Add Receipts: 1940 "taxes and 1'rn,,hi s Censers• Arrear, of Taxes, Penalties and lntc:r t )og Tax Solicited Sank Loans -ecs, Fines and Rents ietnt r Control Board , f Ontario Zeccived re Gifts to Re:urnc 1 Per -,1111:11 :stun 's Ise it \Vcigh S• ale. Wateme ries Licenses Suftt4•y Receipts Ontaria Government Gasoline Refund Refund re the .. Total to be accounted f r Deduct Disbursements: County Levy .. School Ilcard Waterworks D hcnture Pr:nc'i1:al . \Vaterllorks Liebe: tuts Interest Blyth Tele)'h 'tie Company (;'fts to Returned Perscitt'cl Fire Fighting Expense Bank Loan Principal Herald Loan Interest and Bank Charge, Sataric; and ('intilissious Fire, 1Vater and Street Lighting Charity anti if s,litalization Transfer to \\'char,: Account .. Roat'1s and Bridges insurance, heat and 1.1.410, ... \Vetg 1 Scales . \Va4erworks ..... ..-. ._ Board of health Printing, Stationery and .\rlycrtising Grants ....... Fire l,quipment I'.Icction f.xpenr.e Repaid N-te on Fire Engine Sundry llis')ursen:ents \Ienlorial Iiall Rental Agricultural Park Balapce in I3ank, 31st December, 1141i -.. Cash on Iland, .31st December, 11,45 F. T. BAiNTON, Reeve. MRS. Audited and found correct this 31st Day ;i 1) 11) 53 07 :0 5 ,17.3 50 ;02 7.1 12)11') 61`1111 III r4 45 0) ,''t ,0 I; 172 17 Ct elft S; 43 111 3', '1,7;oU; 4,732 23 c3 i� 3_' 24 37i, 1'1 1,7' it leu 43'11':l Jrn (LI 11775 tiV ;tl 1,3-',2 7,, • 2r15itf 1,147 5:t 31'1 ?'1 4`1 01 307 23 (t; 41 .')1 7') 2411 141 lir ?? 5V. 21 770 Il' 170 01 10'1 141 25 01 -77 3! J 37 THE STANDARD We:lnv:1day, April 23, 1911 AUBURN •I•hr - - 1 1 JII:L " \d,cnttar 10 1111d" e•:, 1st'ru:t•I) 1111,1t't idle ,111 }IN's, ul In 11.t-ch,,ll c 0:11 0:1 I ridgy rrcu ,1 c:tpacit>crl't\,I in hore.ster's Ilan. 0re,•ss'.talttl_. ;t t,}'r,tt }1erf.•111- :utcc t,tl \L'1111y ct The. cart of Itt'rt- as 0 1) des: Harry Sturdy, \\ :n. (•r,ti; Ir., heti' tus, ,\rtlien (;1 Inge, .\')los 1. .\n ,hon \\ :;i m I • (,1'.+14, sr., Mar Ia•tn ui, \Its \\','seer lira,inock, mt.>. :\r- thur (ir:ur;e, \IIs. i:o\ Fin:Agan. Mrs. ' Ellis Little. I':acl, talaii.2 their part c1. e' u,.nally a'eli. Rec. 11,11:01,1 1, a.14,i 11 Sne'1 .111 Mrs. 111':1 Craig as t.o.,,cl,c: (11'i1e Mrs. \Villia'n 1. Craig :as st t e 1:rr oto:. The pr. 1.1'(11, f ' I :'i lav e\ e':';1, a1'l.mine.l to ow r 11• tttrea TOWNSHIP Cr HULLETT TENDERS FOR GRAVEL :;i:\1,1:1) 'ThiN111'.1' hill in recri,- ud I,, the 111,1,1,1,411e ,mil0 Nlay ;:'l, 1047, I /r rt tag?tin and t'ucl,- int; on the it,1\u !tip r,+:1.' :,, d re.!•',I the Po:hi 'haler:nlenleut ai'pll'x1- trttedv :11:', cubic 1:11,1, , t gra \el. The 'awe t be pry, col\ mixed and to pass i through a three,tmirter inch -:recti. The wt Th iit 1,1, t,,:u,'ietc,l by Sr;,trnt' bet' ,30111, I'i47. \ 1'7:u•kc ' c' '1)0' for `:)I':IU mu t '11c scut \title the '1',11:(1' ht:i t.1' r i : atiru tr:i<t' br I'rt'r;v (11 from the ` n' er.ntem!cnt, r any tender n ,t neees•':r- itv :wee; tc I. George \\'. ('olcan, Clerk, Londe's- :, tett ::': -r' t\ ere touch r,1- horn, i tr 1 1 } ;t 111,11 ,p2:,:i;) 1'i Yh t'1, \Villiain Carter, R a,l Su,lcrinten- \I, . he hide, i a\\rir, 11,;;i -ll an 1 dent, Londesborrd. 33-2• \\:'I.Il:tee, :u'ocint,an e.1 be, Miss Alice 1'„a;er,•'I1 Between acts at the N1n01• - day evenly,, rc•',t'tt i t','; iI...... E3 :1''(� W.\ \\TAN 0SI 1 t .. \Ir.. Qui"":pant tile ,ycck-cud at \ir t . WaLcr Pot: 1 :,'• 1 1':l r• halt rte, of I0 til, per•, i ;ed ntu•ic,t1 c1' 11u 'll,h. tertaitiment. On \Yoh!c•day evening, ne•g111)',tr. .1111. :111 ; \Irs. \\':' :,n ar 1 ia'1'.1 a"d (lie,' 's E athcretl :7t !'Ir Flan c of have 11:1':1,1 t' 1141'.11 Re'gi's i,,.1 \!r, :11,11\11',. \Ihert \\'):l.tt 21,345 1 } in t' ,t \1';1 tc:l1',,.':1. their dau',,l:ter, \I'• ' 031,-e n Jlr. ani \Ir+. t f+'t ,'II ( Ill1r :u; 1 ' n 0,1. i'.'; : n of her fart!, •,,01.1, 23„St 21 hale,' dau(i:i:r, of \\'i:,o!ta •u, trait \Ir. 1't:fila;;e. The event t,> 1: the-fornl of ellan,,In, \\r:' e, hen M and \Ir<. 0l:: Cart, r. a 100, \Irs. N'ls,n If It, of (;'.'rr'c'', Re; \Valsh rrcclt'e.1 maty beautiful and Carter, Mr, and my,. hi td, t i I'• rt :,. iul gilts. Miss \!arga,ret Marshall '(':,ri , f'i'le it::1 an.; S11, (-(11.1,,1•• rt'a': tb•' ;Mitres.; 4,.1 ..\li'sc• Shirley i\''rthl• 111 'r Raclf.lyd ar 1 Mildred ('flat ter made Vounr, t tot pr(s`mtat:, n. c `21:11'1•"(1 11 .Irk ;,t "(':11:114. S. I, h:,- st '1''s garage. 1102 \1'al h (xoress(I her apprecia- (ion in a ic•,s 11.111 t•h'.'srn \\01•c!s. :In 1 \ids. ("bit 0 \`'I)'1':ted an I 1112, i\'al !i !::'Irl a 11'„11 4411 teaiu lamill t\i'h rcla'i;, s :'( iV , xc;er• 1•er daogl:ter on 'I' nlrs.''1y after') 'on, 0.7e1;:el Phillips : t Si. Helens while therehe vi,;(1.1 Irs 10(:'11t',,,, It t n IIULLETT TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Plllll':1s, 1eho ba. 17:!,1 ;,7:e,711L1111a. Inc:''.itell he pig- ' sed to ht,..„.• he The regular nt)ntltly niceti:r; of the ,l 1 �> c' ltr lave I,' !t' rt•e+,\•t'ry. 1 Itili•0 1o1vit,l11p l'olllll'll i.' l: Pial•( Ill Iles 1' L .ndc>'ano, ou Mrs -r:. \Vi'liant A'i 1:'1..'11 has return-0.\il 7n'n'unity 11;0, th, :t(' 1.11:. Rccyc a,:I all eel t.-• her holm! here after spending "n the \eiith't Leith Mr. ant!\Irs. \Vurf, meulbers ri the Council prestnt. Thr hnylrr, of (;odetic(1, ' ')mute. of la'•t regtilar me, ting of \l:u•rh 1,1111, '':til. 1 \'i,'t r Vtntehiul l: rota+'11111 to It'` \il+titut - 1Ja!r ;1. the home Lere from \Velton II 'spit;'. Friend, kill be p1 •::l;ell to hear that "'inn'," 1cl f \I:u•rin 1(11!1 a:eet'ng 1>e 411E ted :11 Le Ivo, made s:i-t'.' 1 recovery. • I Several p'•r,ons att. ode I a 'r"cJ •' .\ ,11 t,', a '^ of r•,tepayers \':cry r( Ill 1)tln.a111n11 nil irid4\' nL''.i tel' 111', cetytd lr .0 the 1,'''t r me,-- ion. 'lh^ti• r and NI as. (;.,d unnc : \Vats , n'lyn•c,is. \vasa c,n'Haint laid on t' dings ai 23,7,01 52 1 -'111 1. \\ i!soll i:- s <'•I , ICs farm t0 1,1.1' JIIIt. •.+ill ,Ii 1hl' 1:•111 c''""";`:1 and\Ir, lIc\iirh:tie' ‘rho \':ia :-et pnt♦'i't- •i 1 5 r1' nest fall. 1 \bd.!, r -Reid -1141(: That the Dept, s 1'1,rnuhl, tial tTI t of iiigi't.ays he arhe%: t•) rettll• dr !in \I1 ls: i '1 ltollit', n, of LCUiSE DURWARD, Treasurer t\itt: Mr. :Inti \Irs. alirrtl R Ilia•oi' 131 c•e•m out at the juncti.70 f the M ell r. and Mrs. Mel Cr: i t and family 13th r .11'11 111111(11 anti 4 of \larch, 1ct47, ,. , . In;,,t,.a•, Carried. • \1i h \Ir. •+1'd Mrs, \I'u• tnriron'� MONTEITH & MVMONTEITH, C.A.,of \,est \\ ,rn,utos 1 rain front Clinton ho>p tai was rrccived. Mr. (;, i1, 1:1X1 - 'and ifrs. Arthur Grange. s n ) ,,. ( 1'a l''c prop 1'1111 of the 12obert NIcNall with \!r, and \Irs. I:nil17:114 the 1',,t• u'in: to the ho Ii1al. ^^^ , Stanley \Ic\:tiI, tei (;a1:, llc t arc a report on the financial 1 Bob, Harry and 10:11: .\rtllur \situ standing; of the len rital, the ):.0s I \ire Pert 1)•1 r aid bas •,n ' the Bo•trd1, and the hopes of reedy - Hospital " Hospital ,Delegation Heat•d Airlitors, Frac!: M'ille'r. of"fatriltrn, with \!r 1 de(c;. then MOTHER'S � �� Sunday, 'ay filth Our Cards are on Display for this Occasion. See Them Now. The Blyth Standard WESTFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mcl)owcll visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deans, of 1Vinghant. Mr. 411';1 Mrs. inhn Vounghiut, \Irs, Anne \\'alper, of Auburn, visited on Th,ursdlay wile Mr. and Mrs. Andrew 1. -'7111'1 friet'r!s ort , ( 1 )y lave its; aso•tance Irani neighbouring tlf nuul- retttrned,front Gnderir't hn,',itrtl. it ii:t!ilies. Ile. Shan ,arc ;t1' Inter 1 Rev 1ingfortl ('1 drrirh, s'rc:ni eating retort on the percentage of Sunday coil his mother, \f 1I tqc tat ,� 't(c ut 1 J, ,pet 1.(111..'"1 - Mr. nu )- \ ' , s I s. ;cor;c0' P:,tient; admitted 1,1 Ole 110 'ital from 0, Yungblt:t' !the >inralmdin, municipalities, The \I r, a1ul lir:, 1icrhcrt \foetid';( :. Ilavc returned from 'Toronto where re ')tent to properly care f ,-r the nt0n- \lr, Mog••itlgc received uted'cal treat -1 bet. r1";airing ho'' hal attention 1142 111011 - went. also d0russed to hint, 'There will ile Mr. and Mrs. Gormley Thcmp-nn '1(1 it In1»itlt ; in Clinton in the near iat- 1lrampt ,n, with fril"t'rls ar,1 rel:,tiyee. 1 tire \, 11(11 the ltosritlal Board Will Mrs. 1\'iili:int I. 'i':tutu-son \cit', Mr.' meet the l'nuncils of the surrrnnufin't and Mrs. Gnrnnb'y Thom; sem f. `•in'niel'alities to go further into this 1314111; tan. I praicct. Mrs. Clark iters returned from hit- \loticn--R't;• son- Reid: That by -lav' che;tet• aiter yis'1in0 \rill) Mr. al 1 N x1047-6 he given tits first and se - 'Nt.'s Nun. c'nit readier,. Carr;rd. \Vi11.111t 5, (.valla ir., and Itr1a1117 \I.'tion- ewitt-laps:l1': That by- \'unghlut attended a vow. , 1 (rule's late No. i'.147..6 as read a first and se_ rally at Clinton on 'I'hiirsd•ty 1'i:'!1t. con -1 tints he pas:cti. ('arrie,tt. 11111 C'rai'g etlioyed singing Waith his, \loti' n-Raps,u-Reid: 'l'!tat by-ia\' 'ant17 pa's, 11:31 Rohiit, ii an I Glen No, 1047-11 he given the third rca;l'ng. t i1'•1rro1, of \litchell, Carried. art \'un -blot \1''t': 1)r:r, it friend,. Mrti„n-Jewitt-I)alc: 'I'llat by-law I-,_____v \o. 1047-n as react a third time be L2N1?ESBOROPassed, ei,tned by the Clerk anal Reeve ( am' the tows.:tlip teal attached, Car - S en by \irs. Charles Smith, on "India", A reading Inas given by Johnny Bu- chanan. A story was told by Mrs. Norman lfcl)otvell, The Easter Thank - Offering was receival. \Ics.,rs. Elwin an'IF irlir Tayh,r, Misses Norma and Eileen Taylor, \Irs.' ifaryey McDowell, were London \'i;- I-iornc. I The parents and children of S.S. \., and meein;; open as a Council, Car - 10 spent a 'Cry 111 lyenitr, 14'11'a14'11'the s 1:'•ol last Friday evening, \lotion - Rapson-Rcirl: That the Roy, \I r. Penman will take as his Iliad Superiitendcnt a•k in the Clin- sr''0('ct i'''xt Sunday morning "\\'hire 1, n :u'd 110th papers f.,r Ten':crs for in the :world is (;:'d". :\ hearty inviter- the ereslting and delit•cr'ng of 50(10 tit •1 1s extend:,to a11. yards of gravel on the 'Township roads. The Mary Grier:otf Mission nand Carried. ')let in the Sunday Sch''nI re,'m of the ` '\((tion-lapsan-Reid: That the ac - church on Smulay morning with the t'022005 he paid. Carried. Pre idcut, Kc•n•tc•th \Vnnd, in the Elmira I Motion-Rcid:l:apsott: That cnun- '1'0,' seril,tute 1„„-," was read he line t'il 1':u',' idiom)) to meet \lar 511,, at Manning. The minute; of the last 7.30 p.m. Carried. were read and the roll cil'ed Accounts: by the Secretart•, flails C'\t•an.• Of'cr_ III:,:h Standard, printing, a•I'ver- in¢ taken by flohhie Sundcrr'ock, Mar- I t'; 41111 ,t:pplics $101 03 jnric Vonn•r, amt Kenneth \V7 1''t gave Clintt ;t .vs -lace -rd, printing,i ivertfci',�, - , 10 5 ) 1 1 , pt. of l lc•tltlt, insulin 4 07 Geo. \','. ('owan, part salary .. 70 00 1 lily'': Tel. Sys., r0:',,,etir'; hales 175 62 I ;l.ayi; Construction Co., >...nl• re2)1nya1 \li-s ,Margaret 'timidity), and \fr. tied, 1'1,1,14! \ic\all, ,f Londtnn, visited at '('itis by-law was fir the licensing of their home here over the nick -End, taxis in the township, \lig; Mary Ellen Prest (Cl) hag M+ ti' n 1a'',"n-Jewitt : That \y" taken a p-sitinn in Pie "Cosy (;rill" in adi urn Council an.d open as a Court of Ievisioi, There 1\ ere no appeals for the Court, \lotio-n - Brill -Jewitt That the recovery. Court of levi-•(01 now be :Olj earned Clinton, spent the week -end with 111'1• paten's. s. John Scott 0 a patient in Pie Clinton hos; ital. \Vc wish sum a speedy \fisses Dorothy and Roberta 1fcVit- ftC"'s on •"wrsda\. tie of Goderich, spent the Iveek-end .\ number .: t the ladies of the ,•:cin- ti'ith their parents, Mr, and Mrs, \Vitt, ity attended the trciuss(au tea at the 11eVittie, home o1 \Ir. and llrs. A. E. \\'al''t on 1 :lir. Elmer Horne of \\indr.--r, spent 'Thursday aftcrnr an in honour of lei;.' the week -end with his parents, Mn, I Eileen \\':k)) of \Vinghatn. And lits. Andrew Horne.i \Irs. las,,cl• M1'lirirn who 1'' been Dlr. Ronald Taylor left 011 \\'r:I11cs- caring for leer si ;ter, firs. A. Horn, day to join his ship at Port Colborne, lt•ho has been sick for sr'nc weeks, wet; Mins, Kenneth Campbell visited last called to her home at t:,,,ler',01 -n Week with Mr. and Mrs. ,,rthur i Mon) ly coving 114 0'' illness of her Speiglebcrg, c f Kitchener. husband, Mr. ,McBrieu, The llissi.m Band stet on Sunday Mrs. Fred Cook returned home tial' With 19 present. Lorna Itue,lranan led, Friday frctit 1-Iamilton, after spending the meeting and also read the Scrip- 1, several weeks with her sister, t1rc. ture lesson. The Study hook was tak- 1 Albert Nethery. 1. l it .J j I 1 1 1. 1 I . 1. 1111 1 niIWJ 1 ,1 , 1, 1 11.7 I,: :IY11 ■ I.Y I, W.1-,,,. ,iii Jl 41:. ]u Ail -III 1. 111JII1.t. .11,111 iA.Alur.•ur.il'.. j,11RI.. UNINSURED "ACCIDENTS ARE COSTLY Accidents happen in n flash. If you are not in. suited, repayment may cost you your home, your savings or months of income, Let us explain Pilot Automobile insurance to you, 1t costs so little, \\'c write Pilot insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, hire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Glass, Public Liability and other general insurance. BERNARD HALL Phone 122, BLYTH . .. 234 Robert i\ilto, 2111)11' removal .. 4 Ren. Riley, snow rcmewal . 4 �Vcx. Riley, snow removal 3 Doug. Husk. snot: removal .. 3 ('Itis. 11 -ggant, steaw removal 2 lir 't 1lo:gn,art, .snow removal.. 2 (II, n Carter, snow removal .. 2 K. 11::s-sef1101)(1, snot' removal 4 F. Phillips, snow removal 3 1. 1•ttlt'esol), snow r('111o1•al 2 Geo. Radford, slimy removal 1574 i. Niel{win(, 111 \vao,,1111 I ifarty Snell, sn:t\v tem vat 3 \to '', 1;1 e1', :11 1(1' removal .. 9 (t lex 0(:"t -s, snow removal 249 75 F. Tanthlyo, auditor _-- ...... 200 00 00 00 00 0:) 00 59 51) 0') 0.1 1)1 (10 15 7 (1'1 MORRIS GRADER HIRED FOR 1 FOR SALE BLYTI: S'I'REE'I' WORK 1 hi:u tity Ili \ al,,r Seed ( tett,; 1 purr- 'I'ltr Ste, et (•,'...t•.it ter of :'te 111\1'1 ltrttl llcrel rel 111111. 0 month, old. ;\;1- \! unicip;,l (, on.:I 1:e\e ettt;,lcc 1 the i 11' 1 \1 1111, 1 1! .\1, ., 1 ie. _ t 1',, Tonnslli;l o1 or, t;r:t,b1,; 11'1+- I,I,tli. 33-I. meat t,, _rade the street:, of the t. \\tt. 100! tort; of 1;1':1 .i:: 1 cx- ' prrird t„ :' l tint art t!rs 111(1;, HOUSE FO!; SALE FOR :.'ALE 3 little 1 dais, ready t , :1 :t•:: 1 r an r w, 5 yt•al, 1,111, 111 fte,:It•n irate 1111'1. coedither. .\11,1 10 Tot r 1't: r Pun - (Lis, 1,11.1111• 13-15. iii t't. 33 1 oo flc.PaYl1C6.IMIIIW or _.. 1'_ 1 1•\ 11x1(1. 1I, a e, . n \• rtori:l. ;u,et, Feud :u 1 .1f1 \utter ins'de, r!rr'1leut', :1011 te',•;,!tare. .\ her g,' barn that timid Mouse 411; to 5.11 chit -Len,. i;>•, 7-0 :Inc ,'i 1,,111 .\11- i,l\ t , },h ,1'r 12o, 111!.0:. )3 -Ip CORDON FLAX, LIMITED 'Will luxe sufficient Sccd .lent for •`()O Acres. .i'.;Cd 1.3 sellree but local farincrs \Vill have first choice, 1,101, I7iii'thel' Information Contac N Gard .�lax, LtL Telephone l?lvill 1.80 and 111. .1') I: �.Jam.e.l-„n': r ^1'r-acisl��wnwwt>lac'r+fos:r.awrracmeinivtwlluutwm nuu*rua/.rrlwbun�t.� ONONNdONO ONJONj' rt.'i:iSln, Fruit Drops, Oatmeal. Shortbread and Sugar Cookies. tf Ices fr: Pe Ry FRAPI:"S EvaL 1,9„qap)4.5. YIIJ•P01'NO"SAO OOit000tOfO000IJ!'ONI0001lNOJlf e00J lgI-. Ill .?9II!OP*00M Y✓' tgiaYa4ali(j! th Radio o:Nife t'a a ) 1'; , sW' RADIOS DICS - COME IN AND HEAR THEM! Batteries - All Types - 1?it;iio, Ig'niiioll, Electric Fences, Etc. RADIO REPAIRING - ALL MAKES, & rTTYPiE Bring year I'adio in and have it's performance improved. In Stock at This Tinie -- Rocs Battery Radio, nearly pew; also R.C.A . Victor Battery Radio at a bargain price. Trade iii your, old sct on a new. one - Best prices possible; offered. L�LL�R` p•w'• 41' i' :Y Y EYP" M` V u ' Work Guaranteed. Phone 1C'5, Blyth. ?j ..,!•''lt �,t'1 •'� 11.L• > •t, I +*,.. r,:i.:,r... � rL3i• 41';11'-'5...'K. smicgazifigig OONOOOOOONOMOOONOOOOf0•IJ••94•DIOOIONIJNOJIJ••muntNOJIO •4N74P #4,41. 1 ainting ecz rating Lowe Brothers Paints - S(In\~,nor{ley Wallpapers MATERIAL SIJPPLIED WHOLE HOUSE interior decorating a SPECIALTY No Job Too Large. No Distance Too Great. ESTIMATES GIVEN FREE. Speak Well in advance of the time you wish Decorating Done. EDITH CREIGHTON'S Phone 158. DECORATOR'S.SHOPPE. Blyth. .j.1I.W 1J. ir.il uJi.. ...I,J .11,:.1.Ito,M.41.11.i•'JWr1,.FifJu•.4.WwrMY..4.w:.,u.1.Y'i+.rn t�H�H�H�H� f�H�, ± �11'H�♦ f� .�11�H0 �♦ 1�N�H�H�1 �� f�N,♦ f� ♦�♦ 1�.1�I i�♦ 1�11�♦ii �H♦D,�H� ♦�, �♦ f�, I�, 1�. �A �. �. �♦I�H� .', 1�t1�•':f l,. f�11�11 ft, U N G?!;1t:IL i`, T. ,:.; r K4 EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE : t Meals at All limn, , :_: ANN G i NG Proprietor :_: ,t1 BLYTH --- ONTA RIO. 1,1 , ,AH�H�„� I�H� .�H1;1 ,� �„� yl f�,1'{'�, y1'� 'dill, {'HTH� 1,1 � 1�11�H�.1�H�11`H�I♦� ,�11�♦1�11�11�♦f�1 j,11�19,H�1 �. 1�N� 1�H�H�H�aI.�!�f� WeClitesc1ny, ��pril 2�3, 1917. We ave on an Co -Op Universal 1; ilking Machines. National Fertilizers. National 0:111' ideal National Mineral Supplement for Livestock. Builders' Supplies and Shingles. WE ALSO OFFER PLANING 11'IILL SERVICE. Any iliilk producer wishing to sell milk to a Cheese Factory, phone 172 Blyth. We 1,7;11 ;wash your cans or supply whey. Concentrates and Oyster Shell when Available. Your Patronage Will Be Appreciated. • Blyth Farmers Co -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 - BLYTH. I.. L • ,, urw Mar • 14.1.11g1.11111.1.1 ...r, . 7 1 1 I .. 1 � '�1•r�" 'lyre.... •1lv. �::t:. d`'�f'�t; lyth Electric Shop PLACE Y URO ER NOW! For Westinghouse, Easy and Cof f ield Washing Machines and Refrigerators. We Will do our utmost to supply your requirelments. A Complete Line of Electrical Appliances. WILMA I'' l T ULi L L1 Q PROP. TELEPHONE 5 AND 99, BLYTH. ;1?t .k # l;i .)1.° r 1':' 4 4Y ey :•'_..t., '1 . ;; `. ; •,.1 strC►4�RtEhi'�:ldli".qty(�✓t(�C1��QX�"•QK-+ttC�Q�iIC�CKt[tEpIK�QK�O Elliott insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life • Sickness - Accident. J. I -I. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE. p L STANDARD Newton Yarn ' ; 2 -Ply, Grey, Yellow, Pink, Green and Scarlet. Table Oilcloth 95" wade. Men's Overalls, Work Shirts, Work Pants and Work Boats, Penman's I0:0 Work Socks. GROCERIES, FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES 4•string Brat ms 89c each Sunkist Oranges, 392'a 2 dozen 33c 5 Other Sizes Bananas, Grapefruit, Lemons, Pine- apples, Cal rote, Celery, Lettuce, Cabbage and Onions. 1 Royal Purple Calf Meal, Oyster Shell, Robin Hood Five Rcses and Prair'e Rose Fleur. I No, 1 Grade Dutch Sets & Multipliers , t Rennie's and Steele Briggs Lawn Grass,'Ccmine rMay 5-''•7: Tyron^ Po�.•er: Corn:n ; May 5-6-7: "SUSPENSE" ',;ming May5-I'.-7: "Three Little ''THE RAZOR ;iEDGE" \ It;l; I.:tr. • , STEWART'S _.. n' in _____leac. _ �.�_ _-! -_--!_ _t Girl, in B.ue" 1 Matiaea Sat &Holidays at 2,30 p.m. blare, V✓ed., Sat,, Ilolidnya 2.30 pm Matinees Sat. & H614itlya a' 2.:0 p.m, GENERALSTORE. IIIIIIIJII.IIII..INIINNIIIII ;,.............. ......... PAGE 5 N.INIIIIIIN IIIIIIII. NI NII NIIIe,#*4 BOXY TIIEATRE, CAPI'T'AL, TIIEA'I'RE i REGI N'1''l'i1EATRE CLIN- LN. _ _ GODERICH. _ SEAroRTN, Nt w Playing, April 29, 25, 20, ' 1'he NOW PLAYING: Ga 1 Russ -11 in: Now -PL:,yingApl it 21-25-267 Pat An7e1 And The Bad Man" with "The Angel and Ole Bad Man' O'Br:en in: Pc ,;10,,, 1.1 liday." Jchn Wayne- -- Moa., Tues. Wed. Aril 28, 29, 30 Mon., Tues, Wed., April 28-29-20 f.lw1., Tues., \\red„ April 28, 21, 30 p Irene Dunne, Rex Harri.on and Jeanne Crain, Alan Young and Irene Dunne, Rex Harrison and Linda Darnell. Lynn Bari. Linda Da'•nelh am, t'.at rtru'p,e land of el:- 11'• :I I,Ir• \I I . /antk 1, t•r,. 111' 1 :.:1 I'i i r-lr:,\,t1'ant I,Intatent, Not ;,u I no, ir, I .\I yin !,r f uir .1..1- ;cal t,':- 11 t tri:• tin .t r'. 1,1 an 1:ng t_ Ii, :11 l a\i h , ,_tunil .. I , 1.1 ,, t:n! . rtt II Ili., 1.. 1:! ., .,!; t ,'•, r i:l it c (ir,rnt. I ,•.,:'.!',!1 w men, a:I t;n ,• „MARGIE" 11 Nt'11 n i ; "ANNA THE KiNG OF SIAM" "ANNA AND THE KlIrti OF SIAM" ;',, ,a) It;,Uu - ,Elft , i ;,u, Thu•s., Fri., Sat., May 1, 2, 3 ! T!t::rs., Fri., Sat., May 1.2-3 Ginger "-;;c::, D .vid rlivcn and Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo and Thurs,, Fri., ...at., May 1, 2, 3 t Burgess Mcr :dit't Vivian Baine, Perry Cor.. ;, Vera Ellen Harry ,..l.aes ant Cara -.en M;ramll I he ears,-; 1 I f'oo,.,11 I),..i', \I,t', I;t :1 • !,•„1\'. 1. ;, c.)111 IC ,';.r, l!, him- l'",,!.,I1( i.;,,t of Ill, year. Ilio •1.!! 1, :!I . ;I tlil'lllin. t i .l ' :i to I!!;•. !1yn!>.'. d:l,:n-r L. I, e 1, fa -test Ilill,.1,11 you lacy,.( r:, l(lIIJ -Cr, , :.. 1 ., I. -.,-.i':ti:.tl' (m .ow. "IF I'111 LUCKY” "THE :'. \GNiFiCENT DOLL" "TILE KID FRGM BROOKLYN" WE DELIVER PHONE 9 Card Of Thanks 1 \yid , to thank n!y many fri,'n for yards, le'.tcrs and gift,, v.:ich I received %\'Vile a patient in the ho, Ii- tal, and after 1 cane home.e. They were all greatly appreciated, I, ,lull trill • nrwcr be forgotten. 1 13 Ip. —\IIs. \Icnno Jack -on ( �°J 1'1 v/1•11Mwr.,..++row,.. - p;• . ...•11.1 ; 1 . ,,•,.,,t ! T ..,......1,..,. a ...,:: o.:. :.'-• HORSE FOR SALE ` /, •t. I,1't.',,;(JAI 'T1-HEATRE ::: .\ 2;1,1,1; .,:l.,r',', .i \,;tt, I,i.l, tlei,ll; ESSO GASOLINE WINCHAM-ONTARIO. t: I ;,1. ,!,. i11-1 't ,,:r1!1';. .1,,I,Iy t1, :\Ihe:,1. i! Two Shoiws Sat. Night :1: "i'' 1•:. R. I, :\u!,!r u, ; !t' ne ,ih _'', i� I'i'tl:rr •uLjlrt to r.;am e 1 AND GREASE ? tt it'! an noise. :t; , ------ -----. -_.-- - --- _______ __ __ , ?j .t,•T•, o shwa each n'gltt-..3) and 9.393' WANTED "I'LACIiER 6 'Pill'. e I ,! I I r tt•.1:!t11 lt' t!1 lt•r \'.;;':t r'' h" 1""1 fur•ll '�i1 r4j t' A l.. ..a u: day Aftcrnocn at 2 p.m. ii, `� t I'i ;;;.(11::;•,.,,e, to time tti;l he noted brhltc 1 �..1. \tt. ; , 111111(;1 'I' — e•ny, l lnrt,,l (:, ; 1 1:1 1 . \l,trlrrl! c'11ut,1,e 1 ur,'l< u'!lat,l AGENT FOR— >7' :: Tl;::rs., Fri., 5a'., April 24-‘5•26 h„u, ltntics to couuncnrl' Scpte 11- Airfoice Surplus C•oent's, 25 pairs i l! "THE COCKEYED MIRACLE' i ',rr ! State experience. qualiCcl- I111)ERIAL ®IL i,td.t• ,t,l s ;lar eetr:l. \',;sly only, ,405, ()lite and get thcrtl while 9 ( Frank Murgan - Keenan Wynn i� I S l'. R. I),II-. `,erret;uw I'rca urer, It.h. . ; I. Clinton, Ontario, phone Seaf 1';11 MARVELUBE MOTOR OIL SPECIAL they las;. Harris & Phillips, Myth. ;[,Mon., Tues., Wed., Aptil 28-29-301 xd1r5. .33-t f. 9 PIANO RECITAL ]ntcrposed with songs by PUPILS OF Elizabeth Mills, A.T.0 . lI . in the basement of the MEMORIAL HALL, BLYTH Wednesday April :30 - 8 pan. Silver Collection. 334. WANTED Waitresses wvalted, good pay. \o experience needed, Apply to Venus Restaurant, Godcrich, Ourari_'. 32-2. FLOOR SANDING Floor sanding and finishing expertly (lone. Apply J. Crce Cook, (,hone 23J, Clinton, Ont., Box 103, 30-•lp. SEED FOR SALE Ajax seed oats, grown from regis- tered seed. Also quantity of Ajax oats mixed with barley, and quantity of Cartier oats mixed witu barley. Priced 9(k per bu;he1. Apply, Ivan Beau, Auburn, phone 19-5, Iilvth. 32-2p. ID IINDIMID121M)a2a s:ANDtst)..DID +_vr1tlx::htl )vt7t:_)MDIDMIt2t2122M) 7tDtANNDI atislaa r .t;... , ..t�.i��is.A.L� ,�:';, ti•i�r• �"'ir ted +f?� � `. Conic Lu and See Our Stock on Hand Consisting of One -Way Disc; Tractor Plows; Spring -tooth Drags Drag I-Iarrows; Milking Machines; Cream Separators; Electric Motors. ALSO AGENT FOR IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS. Gasoline, Motor Oils and Greases. ATLAS 'TIRES AND BAT'T'ERIES. ELE:CI'RIC & ACCTYLENE WELDING. All Work Mile on a Guaranteed Basis. STEW ;?1t T J STON For Prompt & Efficient Service Phone 137-2, Blyth FOR SALE 1arin property, 101) acre:; medium clay loan, good grain land, nn the 1I 7th concession, ,Morris township. On i the property is a gold barn, h0'xbtt', drive shed, pig pen, garage, and 2 :1 good never -failing wells. Fell I,ne t,f farm implements will be sold w•itlt the farm or separately. Possession at • once if necessary. Reason for selling, ▪ house destroyed by fire. Apply to J. '1', McCaughey-, 259 Wellington street, Stratford, Ontario. 32-3. f1•44-44.•14+1•4•••;•-•840:4-4•44-•:•4•01•40.•04 .708' ' f ff 11 / 1•1111f/ 111fN•H11111f f 1�11•Hf1 1N••11f 1ff1f111 ♦ • N Does your boy need shoes for every day or Sunday Wear? . We have just received a shipment of .Boys' Sport Shoes, brown and black Oxfords and Running Shoes. Sizes from 1 to 10. Also have in stock Boys Tweed Trousers, Wool Sweaters, Golf Socks and Spring and Sumner Windbreakers. "Often The Cheapest - Always The Best." I . • -. , 11114 •aif.,,L... I. ,.I. 11411.... k.1 L k I. 1 , I.1,. \n. IiA. EIS & PELILLIPS w� "The Corner Store". Blyth, Ontario. 7.4 11•1i0+11 4•0 111H11.04•4H:H .:.+•: 1;•0 00 4H+H�H1O.114 0 4*•1 H•O 4+ •44÷1.f 1.11414:.+.+ { GROCERIES Canned Tomatoes, Peas, Beans, Car- rots, Beets, Pears and Plums. Canned Meats. W YI (SPECIAL) "NOTORIOUS" 1.\dnit Entertainment 1 r1 Ingrid Bergman • Cary Grant r1,1•;1I�H;11�•1;11� 1;11;11;11;1 �11,N .1111;1 �1 x•1;1 11;•1;11;11:.111 ymLy-u...'xoriL__o. l _ I,r L...J b loo a 1.1 11, •f 'GENERAL TRUCKING i ' The h:st in truck'nq service al- 'ntt',a at tr1t11' ill lllcdiatc cath )1 All Loads Fully Insured. 4P4/IA. III•I IINIIIIIIV! IIIIII,IIIIIIIJI• 1 d i Cc rn Syrup, Prunes, Raisins, Fit Starches and Soaps, Matches. ELLIOTT Rates Reasonable. 1 Sat'sfactien Guaranteed. a Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, , J. II. CAMPBELL Dutch Sets, Bulk Seed, Peas & Corn, Real Estate Agency l j 1'. r the l.rr -eat phone 70c9, • L'ru cs!s. 1.3-tf. GRASS SEED BLYTH Alfaifa, Timothy, Red Clover, Alsike, ` -`-- Yellow Blossom and Orchard Grass. Our Agency has the following y 'r.,perty listed for sale: Poultry Feed and Concentrates Calf Meal. 1i0 ares farm ‘within 1 utile esti the am ers neat-I,L„ 1.14 til 41 Vi , it 1.11,11.111,1 1., DURWA\RD'S iCE CREAM ALWAYS ON HAND, A. I. rNICK WE DELIVER—PHONE 39. FOR SALE Orchard grass see,(, with slight amount of timothy, \\'ill sell at slightly reduced price, Apply to Leon- ard \leNall, [,hone 21-I, L'lyt11, .30-1. TIIM'IE TABLE CIIANGES EFFECTIVE Sunday, April 27, 1947 Full information from Agents. \•,l a•_e of 111.cth; two-storey in•1.11 }}'' )54 brirl:-clad dwclliug, 20x,'.6 and 14x 1-1; flaIIIC barn 50x70, steel and ,! in';le roof, cement stabling : hen !louse 30x14; \winyhna! and 2 g n•1 -. well,; [water supply in the barn: 21) acres plowed, 8 acres new• seed- : in'!. Sell farm, or farm inclu rug st ck and implements complete. :\!- ' most immediate posse,•sign. 11,1 storey frame dwelling, six room, phone, hydro, well, single t;ara ;e, on the west side of ()Alec!) Street, Myth, 1't.ssession in 6'I •lys time. i 1'.:.' storey frame dwelling on the Z , south side of 1)inslev Street, ;Myth; : I)nc-ci'gl1th acre of land, hydro, well. 2 storey stucco clad dwelling 011 Din -ley Street, lllyth, Immediate possession. on Guaranteed 0 Trust Certificates ISSUI';I) for any amount , , , , fora term of five years .... guaranteed hot as to principal and interest .. , , interest cheques mailed to reach holders 00 due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to aceuilu1111tc 111 compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, com- panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors slat other hat -Aces. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 36 years In Business FOR SALE BY THE CORPORATION OF BLYTH. 1 Steel Garage, 12'x1G'. • 1 frame or matched lumber building, 12 1-2' x 9 1-2'. Both in Excellent Shape. 1 Pumping Engine or Fire Engine. Also 2 ,30 -foot ladders. 32-tf. Apply to Reeve or Clerk if Interested. WI.NIIIN JI•IIINIIIIIIIIJV+d•I+•III+JI+JN'+'I4•MNJ'II' 14 2 acre tarns ideally situated , n ! Highway -I. On tl,•s farm i, situate a frame dwelling 33x28, hot water 1 ' r I I t .1 r i ff s 1•'.1:.:• :.•:H�1f♦H;• :H!1 :H:1 :1•;HO.:H;H:H:11:1•:. .a4H�aJH'�.l he;illllt, 1\'It.l llwn barba. ,+ ••. TT•_. i •t• • POOL ROOM. :_ 11 3. \West l2 lot 39, coneei,1/111 5, 1'a-.1 ; .1• \\•aw•an,,h, ccn1prising 100 acres. t i3AIOKER'S SUNDRIES± 1 (01 the premises is situate 11.” storey ` 1t, ._. 2 frame d'.elling 2(,x 8 oil stone \wall : t 11,, 1 �t• I , + 11,1 obaccos Cigarettes Pop 111 franc barn ,8x70 on stone founds- r },. 2' 4. and Other Sundries. lion With water ill barn; tranlc drive .i. heel 20x60; frame pig pen 20x20. i ; 1. .1: The lana is clay loam particularly t 1 :_: .i. suitable for grain o r hay a\ c r l' p s. II i.:.1:11.1: 1�. 0:44X0 Pt. -0:44:44:f0:44:•4:.:141+4:14:1+ 4044t :\n ideal building lot for resider- '( tial purposes, comprising one- t ciphlh acre of land situate oil the,, 1 THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL 1 n rtlt tide „f Hinsley street, les, i FIRE INSURANCE CO. than a h1,1ck of. trout the main inter - se tion of the v:llagc. -! HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. S :\ number of other dwel'ings nn'l i tarins listed. Particulars on appli- i. Officers S cation. Attention: Spring is just around the corner, and the spring rush of cultivation and seeding will lie here, \\'c 11..)w• have three tractar..outfits and are now taking orders for spring se:ding. Give us your order early and we will he better enabled to do your work 011 time, MORRITT & WRIGHT IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario frame 90x38 \w,th wing 3200, ,tone t X tabling with water in stables: drive ' 4. shed 20x1,11 nu:al: milk house frame t 11)x10; cliicl;en house 2,)x18; silo t .1. 13x40 cement. This property is now et. nilciatcd as a �,a l'v farm with .• handsome annual return. 14.' 1 President, F. McGregor, Clinton; \'ice President, C. \V. Leonhardt, Brol1- FLEECE-LINE YOUR HOME li;igeit; Secretary -Treasurer and Man- 1!ll'twn Ru;kw:,ol ap;,hrd to walls •`ager, M. A. (:cid, Seaforth. Directors and ceiling, of 11nes :awe fuel w'it1t \\', R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank in tee L-1111'011 and fire protection. Onr \lcGregor, Clinton ; Alex. llroadfoot truck is in the distort now, For free Seaforth; Chris• Lconhardt, Born- cstintate and terms phouc 13r, Myth, holm; E. J. Trewwartha, Clinton; John or write Lowland C. Day, 5 'I:tornton 1.. Malone, Scaforth; John II. ilcEww- Avenue, London. 33-10, inti, lllyth; high :\iexander, \Valton; -_- S. 11. \Wlt`tmore, Sea fe..";a; 1larvey FOR SALE Fuller, RR, 2, Govlcricli. Timothy seed No. 1. Apply to Wil- liam rear, phone 12r4, Myth. 32-2p. FRANK KIRKBY AUCTIONEER Walton, R.R. 4, Ontario. Prices Moderate, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Phone Sea forth 842-24 Agents John E. Pepper, 13ruccfield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, 1'rndhagen ; George A. \Vatt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be t,ronlply attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post of- fices. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Exeter 235; Seaforth 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. ... JUST IN FUN ... Overdone A doctor IN ho had a neuracthcn- ic patient said to hits: "Say each morning 'The .Mediterranean sun is beating down 111 nle and evil) mel'" A week ;ttttr\\ards ilia patten went to report progress. "Doctor," he• said, "I'm ouch Letter." "Goofs," replied the doctor, "Go on with the trcat'ut nt and don't forget the \leditcrrailean sun is beating don n on you." In another \vet% the doctor called On 111n1 and \va> to tinct the blinds down. "What's hap!'. :ed:" he inquir- ed of the staid. "Please, sir, \(r. Robin son's very ill." "Heavens, \\ bat v.as file cause: "Sunstroke, sic." Free Air! One of those tin new postwar motor car; \vas stopped in front of a service station. "Ginn, a pint of gasoline and three ounces of oil, please," re- quested the big man squee4ed in behind the \when!. "O.K.," said the station attend- ant, "Would con like Inc to sneer, in your tires?' Handy Gadget On her first visit to the city, little \lary, who had always lived on a farm, saw a sprinkling cart for the first time, "Mummy, mummy, conte here quick," she called excitedly, "see what this man has fixed on the back of his wagon to keep the kids from hooking a ride!" Thrifty Then there was the Scotsman who returned home unexpectedly and found his wife with her lover, "Stand one behind the other," ordered the enraged husband, draw- ing a revolver. ''Then 1 can make one bullet do," VICTORY AWARDS Two new bronze medals, above, will soon be ready for distribution to United States veterans. At top is the World War II Victory Medal which will go to veterans who served from December 7, 1941, to December 31, 1946. The Amer- ican Defence Service Medal, below, is for service between September 8, 1939, and December 7, 1941. HOME -TOWN ECHOES /f ry Scrubbing Comes Iligh A Far Rockaway, N.Y., resident reports this incident as trite: An- swering the front door bell the housewife t'. as confronted by a colored lady \who asked: „Docs you nt cd a body to do a day's cle'anin iso which the fou,e\\ifc counter- ed: "What tlo you charger" The reply carne; " :\h get s a dollar an hour, and when Ah bends. :\h gets a dollar -anti -a-half." Temptation :\s the train pulled up at the ttay- sitie station the guard noticed smoke pouring out t,t a compart- ment lal,elled "No Smoking." Open- ing the door, he eyed the six guilty - looking tia-,tn;.'trs stated inside, "Gently i en,"lie rcmarlhcd, "there are two rules on this lin, tt hid) are repeatedly broken, First, that smok- ing is forbidden in carriages not set aside for that purpose. Second, that the company's servant.; may not accept bribes, You have ,rtrcadv broken one of these rules." Same Occupation A story goes that a wealthy visitor to an Eng li.h elementary school offered a whole crown to the student who could propound the best riddle. .\ shrewd young lady of tett won the prize when she inquired, ''\1'hy am I like Princess Elizabeth;" The visitor stumped and request- ed tlic answer. "Because," replied the young 311iss demurely, "1 am waiting for the crown'." Eyeopeners An elderly minister thought it advisable to starry. Calling on one of his elder's to inform him of his intention, he said: "You see, I'm an old man now and 1 cannot ex- pect to be here very long, so 1 teel that when the time comes I would like to have SOIIICone to close my eyes." ":\+reel," replied the elder, "I've had twa, and I can tell ye they opened mite," Well Caught Gert: Did you ever catch y'ottr husband flirting? I3css: Yes, that's how I slid catch him. Book Parade .A quarter placed in a new U.S, slot machine will start a "parade" of 9(3 of the latest paper -backed books, Pull a lever when you see the one you want and it slides ottt. It Pays To Provide `Lounge' For Cows That milk from contented cows has extra nutritive as well as ad- vertising value has been demon- strated in experiments conducted under the auspices of New York State, says The New York Sun. A cow at liberty' to wander about in a "loafing barn" pays off with milk of Higher nutritional content than docs her sister anchored to a stanchion. Such a bovine lounge should have a ceiling at ieast ten feet high and the cow should be free to enter and leave at will. Al- lowed to pick her own spot for rumination, she will keep herself cleaner, run less risk of suffering injury and consume more, of the roughage essential to the hest milk. There was a time when few dairy farmers could consider providing lounges for their cows. But in these days of guaranteed prices the cow has brought a more abundant life to many farms, It scents only just that she should share in the bene- fits. RJE ____ )APPE1L PItCt1ES ra Castut6 MACK. 7141S' `/EAR. ?t t' A1NLt:71cs tUit.L tgx1 7tir P'ENOMT AT TN' OPER , 110Us't, 7',UIGIIT, C ' 5L.ME12 2 • l� ME Y By C. Kessler - dtu GtvAN, 0.4tAT' ECdr CY 0'-18 Oosrarl Reo Soil OFCGURS' r14E a1126E1? ,ALWAYS SIWtIED `TJalr BACiL OF OUR JJCCK-- r�:.51,lE.'„3>=j: r-- L CSAWATOMIE AD i STOVE LF.A. tlr. Hist9rian Claims VOICE 0 Fi T H E Hitler Really Dead i;illing a legend is like laying a ghost -- an unsatisfactory achieve- no nt because people twill continue to believe in both. The legend that Hitler was not diad was so persistent that to avert its political dangers in Germany, the British gotcrmncnt in Septem- ber 11)15 commissioned a noted his- torian, Mr. 11. F. 'Trevor -Roper, to examine into all the evidence of the last hours of the infamous dictator in the underground "bunker" where with Eva Braun he took refuge as the Red army was breaking into • his flame -And -bomb shattered capi- tal. says the Ottawa Citizen. The historian's findings have just been published. 1le tact and qui-tioned many of the actors in the terrible drama whet remained alive after the capture of Berlin. 1le sifted ;ill the written evidence derived from the questioning of others. 1lis conclusions are that 1fitler shot himself through the 1)201)111 anti that Eva Braun poison- ed herself. iler face was seen as her body was carried out of the slreiter but 1 fitter's smashed face was covered with a cloth. 1lis black trousers, however, were recognized hy witnesses who after- wards testified to the fact. That another body could have been substituted for Hitler's no witness questioned would consider for a moment. 1t (vas Hitler and none other, they maintained, who killed himself on that day in April 1915 when he realized that his blood -bespattered rule was ended and with it the existence of the German nation. Where Peace Is Needed A dispatch from Nanking says China has been working for svvera1 months 011 preliminary drafts of a peace treaty with Japan. It might be much more to the point If China tt'cre to work en a peace \vith China. --flra»tford Expositor. Iles holiday Postcard from girl on vacation: "1 lasing a tvonderfnl time. \\'ish I could afford it." —Abbott 1'ha112 A1;1aph. Evolution 18115—Look! r\ horse! 1025—Look! .\ motor -car 11155-1.00lc! A pedestrian! For Sale—One Idea D, C Abbott says his "personal" sympathies" are in favor of Income - fax reduction. Now it remains to be seen if he can sell the idea to the \finistcr of Finance. —Ottawa Journal. Safe Bet You can safely bet on a girl's wedding if she starts her married life with more kitchen aprons than lounging robes. —Chatham News, For The Indians It's old-fashioned to suggest giv- ing this country back to he Indians. The modern plan is to let the War Assets Corporation sell it back to them at 20 per cent discount, —Peterborough Examiner. PRESS Save the Walk If you buy a ear you 110 not have to tvalk to the hank to t»;ike de- posits. You h 1) 0 none to slake. -- I randon Sun. Cheap At Any Price Cost of v.c•a1her information dur- ing the war years was 11,0011,000, says Andrew Thomson, of the 'letcorological Bureau. What we would like 10 is hots 1)211011 some warm tveather would cost ? -•-1 )wen Sound Sun -Times. Improved Turkey The experts are attempting to produce a higgcr and better turkey. We are fairly well pleased with that bird as it is, but could go for one with a couple more drumsticks. And 210 neck! Ottawa Citizen. Come Junc It is predicted that we shall reach the all-time high 1n the cost of living by June and that's the time so many decide two can Live as cheaply as one! --Brandon Sun. Playing Sate lo a mieroseopie study 01 pocket change, girl students of St. X 2vier's Academy in Providence, Rhode Island, have discovered that bac- teria avoid clinics but cuddle up 10 nickels, \layb0 that explahlS why so many people avoid attending church. They're afraid of the germs on the collection plates. 'Thomas '('idles -Journal. [1/4/ We in Canada have now come through the hardest part of the post-war adjustment period. By buying in moderation only what we really needed, by resisting the natural desire to rush madly after long -absent luxuries, we have been aIle to keep prices at reasonable levels. We have been able—so far—to escape the strife and the uselessness of inflation. knowing where we want to go, we have also known how to get there. Credit for this lies with the foresighted planning of our Government—the wisdom of the people— and the Canadian habit of uloderatiotl in all things, which as The IIouse of Seagram has long maintained, is unquestionably one of this country's finest assets. it a...:, W.11 u , )I.L! , iiia. You 11'111 Enjoy 8tn1'Ing At The St. Regis Hotel '1'0110\'1'0' • L1rry Itooul With (loth Shnttrr null Telephone • Ningle, $..611 ti — ❑ouble, F:1.60 up e (rood 1'nnd. Dining and Unne- Ing Nightly Sherhourno at Carlton 'l'rl, 11A. 41311 1100.(15 11i•; :TI1,1'1 LT Ft11iNIS111:11 $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE Ni.l(GARA r,ti.LH ('.S.11. t9'rA'I'ION , dkh, eel& Pilo ergimorro«' 9'irwt4ce ../go2 ?fl7/ow gate' .aa Aut TIIE JIOUSIiI OF SEiIGRA4I POP—Not Contagious VMvk1'1S TH MATrhrz, sort e XM NAVING TrtOUL1.17 WI TN GI:z!iMA �tlj 1/1 it+Itf+il GrZF.GICus, iiMV GID 0111 GCT -ill/tT 12 TONIYS15 0 DRU STORES M-138 By J. MILLAR WATT i NAV1_N'r ear IT ! T CAN'T SPELL - tT %\,,,---1:412„,_-_,;,. ! e:-.45 V`, .` �0j11111i 1111t I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 11.111V ('1111'1113 BABY CHICKS ANI) STARTEI) CHICKS Our 1.11, for Bal.; ('11111(13 and f,l,,l 1 1'11111113 55111 nut is.) len. All Chicks (1,3(33 bino,l t,: tel stork. l',ul ion Il.lt.hely, lit Hamm' .11,6:11(;,, 1 )01. Lit 1:1111'1:1 for b.gFer p1.1111I, 1;3)81 'fop Notch chicks this yell, I1eacy meth antresg producers, TNot. "t. h 1 lit. I1, grow (tet, fr,rthl'r last 1111,1 11,1 1013 (WA.: plo,lurlioll quhlll'. Now' Is 1110 lime In older for 311. 11v' a y 15111.11 3',11 11113'. ,111 01 1.,1• now as,.ure8 • 3.330 ") 111'' 11(1(11,1 prir,1 1(1131 1(1 1111 riiIR the 1,!1131 of chi, 1,8 30'1 5van1, 5Vlien you Iva sit them. 1Ve have all the most pnpubu' bleeds pullets, corhl,•I1I, non -sexed, day old 11 114 oilier All ate n) I (111 'd 111111:,3 from Bello, um 1,-s111 stock. 100'' live delivery of ;,boot;, husky, Irufilable 0,1,•1;1 glnran. 1 red. Send 1331' 1'I,',! '1'11;1 Notch ea t911)31ue owl prlrrlint. .11'40 started rhe9ts (55o 53e1)1H 10 f,5•,, wr,•ls, nisei Older pullets eight ',reeks in 1a 113;. Top Not, 0 ('l:,dtcrh's, Guelph, OM:trio. cut)>'H,ti F.1110 n)mrdlol,' A111111011. —.011E1. 1 a1111ps, Nov Ilamps1ires, 1, S, ;.11. Onhq• no(e. Also sone darted heavy breed escheiels, catch good ma ket31 5133(0 these, µ11h 0 minimum of 11111e, !akar, fad, 'tray mil, hely, 130 John N., Hamilton, (In1. J)(N"'J' DELAY! Ilver3' day means le:+1 profit mixt fall. 'I'Weddlc bred chichi' will Assure you of a Proper start 11( n prof itablo 1947 season, Order 11"55' and he sure of the kind of chirps you want on the date you want them. %'r love the following pure breeds: 11'11:10 I,ughornH, 111311c 9))norcas. Auc)nas, 7;1115(11 Leghorus, /tarred Nooks, 11,110 Hints, New Llai ' liIreH. Ilhode I9l:rnd Reds, 111111e 11'3:uplaltes, 1.1611; Sussex, Itlacl: .111alralnrp, ,lersev w'hlte Glands. Also 7.2 cross bleeds t0 ( hoes,' from, non -sexed, pullets or cork- ('re)s. 'I'hel' aro front strong, pulloruul test, ml stork— (lnverunlent apps oVed, thio In type, \51111 Proved rccnlds of Ilvabili13' and 111611 pro1111(.Ur.n 'I'1V1'Il)e clurla are fast gr0SVing, 11(11(9' prodmriIIg olid our Prices are right. 'Vs hmo hien 111 bus.le1H for 23 years, 111e guard our repel:Won by shipping only husky, healthy, Pre-selerp•d chinks. Better sold for the fere ']'Meddle catalogue and pl'icllio) richt away. Also skated (,10)113 lad older pullets for Inn,ediato deliver('. 'l'(Verldle (:1i k Hat. heries 1,1m,led, Ferpus, Omru'i). 11.1110.0IN.S 11 (15', three, four and five \reel( old chicks 55'hi1., they last. 2 w...•0 (.111 Ila, red Rook, N)IV 1lanipshlrc X ';Mena 1to11e inn -sexed $15.95, pullets 921.95, cnck- etols 110 95. 'There \,.ek oil add 13.110, four ',Semi: old add 95,00, five week aid add $7.00 ler hundred, Large 11gg motif y nd,l 11.00; Spl rially SrlcCIr,l add 92.09 per honored to ahoy.) 111111x. .'\13131)l. (3',) 1(e"Js :,O, per 1010- dl41 less. '1'13)9 advertisemeUt must aero111pm)v your order With 10';0 deposit to der„lye these Fos, kit pr11'e1, Also 1.1111e1H eight weeks 10 la vim: Ton Noll, ('hlrk,'ries, Guelph, (1111, ELECTRICAL BROODERS 9111:1111'1( 31)13,', D•'llverv,l tot' only 112 95, saving Sou $9,00. w•rte nnty for Particutars. G"Iden's )'33ultly 1:quip:nrll, Imola llc, Ont, IIEAVY BREED COCKERELS Sic, dal Low I'rire13 on day old and started. Thousands ',3,1111'. Assorted heavy breed car 5e. Overlie (eh Assorted chicks 10,•. Also 2-3 v;eek old (uclu'rels. Send for Special I'1', , Llat. 1,nkevi1)1 1'nullly )'aria, l:xeter, (1111:11 Ilf:AVY MCI: ERE LS S.; 01_ p,•r 101111, 11011y- 55und lel;110111 pellets 121.00 per 100, Sussex 3111,1 11''.) Fnxsex pullets 920.00, Marred Rock. N.i). (ted and leg roe and redt'oc hybrid pul- 1,tie, 120.00. illi; 1lusky guaranteed to live eltbl1H from b10udleoleI pullurunl free hens. ke shred by 250.300 egg males 5131111 11161 egg rismols for past In generations. ']'bele inherited egg laying ability added to their extra health and Vigor male. them the biggest (hick bargain for 1!117. %'rlto for priceil(t or order 4!lect from this ad. Wo ran 31111p t\\ ire 13111 551330 111111116 1113' and ,1(1lle, Big It,ek Tann, 51111e Roches, Ont, POULTRY PROFITS 341,0011 he good this year but you must start with chicks that have money-nulkins chnrtc- ter1131ira, 11'ith feed costa Increased you can't afford to gamble on (biros. By buying chicks frau' an established firm, paying stricter attention l0 management practices than ever heron., and constantly culling the laying hens, ft Is possible In realize even lower Production coats than formerly. Cminforlh's Chicks are hntrhed lu livo and bred to lay. Day old nod 8)811ed chicles for immediate delivery. Barred Rocks, Light Sussex, Nen' Ilampo,ires, '\(bile Legh1ru8, Light Sussex X Barred Itock13 and light Sussex X New Irar11P13!Iirea, (laIllfortb'a 1(atrherl', 'neaten, Ontario. 1'ro- durer(1 of good baby chicks 0111.0 1927. It(01C 1'Uld,I:TS 920.00 per 100, Order May (11!cka now, barred rock, N.H. ited, Sussex and hybrid pullets 120.00 per 100, Hollywood Leghorn pullets, 92 1.00, heavy cockerels 15.00 -Der ton. 3(I't 1111811y livable 0,1(!1,4 hnl(died from hlg ('3gn,.eit 1 by 230.300 egg nates, Order from this a/1 or write fol' circular, Bile Rork 1'a'u), Mille ltocbc8, Ont. ....END Bolt our special reduced Price Ilst un two, three, foto', .4 IVO 1111(1 six Week aid started ('111rks hi non -sexed, pullets and coclk- erels, Wu have the fo11owving pure breeds and cross breeds l0 choose from: Barred Rocks, New Iiann)shires, lthod, Island Meds, White hocks, IJlack Aust retort's, %'I,ito Leg- horn, Light Susses, New Hampshire X Light Sussex. I,Ight Sussex X New 1lnnll'sklrc8, Light Sussex X Barred Rocks, New 1lnnln- 31hire X Barred Rocks, also older Pullets eight 5.1111118 111 laying. Free catalogue. 'l'w•r"die Chick hatcheriesT.Itnlled, Fergus, Ontario. _ 1Oc HURONDALE CHICKS 12c 1'111'0 511013110, SUHHPX x 1111)1ps, [lock x Ramps, Barred Rocks and New Damps, mixed chicks 12c, pullets 24c. Leghorns, ]tock x Leghorn'', Sussex x Leghorn'', and Leghorn X 11(111ns, rt'Ixed clicks 12e, pullets 2lc, All breeders A complete stn' 0 of Webster faint Spraying double blondtested and banded, (larked by Units. Hines for the Ilnme. Shop, or.Coat ran. pedigreed foundation stork. 51111' customers tor, priced from $27.50 cenlplelo with rniw- report—"Ile8t Chicks i laver ilad." Pressor, gull and hose, Thinking of painting 9011' home, write MMIi,IMOM'S to -day for full Particulars. Air ('onlpresoors for (11nnt) 3nr- ngen, or large contractors, giving tip to 150 pounds pressure. Motors 23 rind 00 cycle, Factory distributors for Logan Precision 1(0)331 Cutting T.nthes. All Fazes In stock. For further• (11foram( Ion, write, phone or rIHlt Ontario's headquarters for everything elcctl'lrnl. MIILGROM ELI:('7'lIIC T.11117'i11) 70 1(hlg Street, West, Hamilton, Ontario. --� ___-.-i'11T.1TO 1'.11;11 FOR SAL1E, 160 -acre tarn, Northern Ontario, 60 acres cleared: good potato farm; 1 miles from town; hydro. if Interested write for Information in Omer Germain, Box 9, I.'orquls Janet inn, (mt. "PEERLESS" tin"PEERLESS" WATER SYSTEM 1'01; FALLS 111;1:.';';':{ — l:hvVbody -- At base Gum ween) 1118 lump bulbs. Details. olive, 101m, 1111011 jun.-Hon. OoLuiO. AMERICAN SEPARATORS and minims. 11igl,ern quality at low,.st Price.. power 8pray,•1s for orchard, white•nsshing or palmling. Anlrr9un ti.d.a1d1o' Sn191, diode - rich, 1)11111'111. Ati'I'i(01.u1;1'---.\ 1, e,' n„inr Iteedwq, Ilelpful advice find e'lldanu'". Send birth 'title, sit afoped-n,!')r,•nl1,l e11n1030, '1'111; I'c\'Cl1(1- $1!('('I:S7 INS'I'I'I'I'7'1: M. 81, 922 Federal Building, l)l-lu11„col Nu'eet w1•:,L Turnuln, \TTI1N'I'I'N 1'.0(11i1;11ti 111- f'noel19 thrl- 'I%, 1 ern prepared to Pgrelo,90 In this district for rash If pi 'reit right, parcels of )and, largo (di small n'llh fair buildings. \Vrlte (Will full parueulatH of lot windier, ran• cession windier, in5(nnhlp to 11. 1'rnguell 1),'ally, 1.5,51 D,n3ath Avenue, 'rnlontn. ARC WELDING MACHINES 11)',-), '1 M. 3 3(0, 111,8 driven Alliance i110rtOr, 10051 Beaver flail, 5f out real, or t5ritn neatest uff,(e--IialiOtx—Ituuyn- 11'!nlilp,g. ,1'1'7'1:\'1'IIIN 1'.111111:1;1 FOR SALT;—Tru"tar Tires, made of rubber, 3nitable for bolting on steel wheels, 015.00 each, rear wheels; 17.50 each, front wheels, 11'11111 ordering stale diameter and width of wheels, National Rabla•r Cn, 1,1,1,, 6 w'llt• shire Ave , Toronto, Ont, A'1"1'I:x'J'ION (;lass i:3e ;Weal er.—Ha5'o your (lass 1;yn duplicated in unbreakable Aery- Ile-I'Ii,t1,:, Writ') Stein A(1)1)1191 1:3'8 Co., 3112'1 Troost Ave., 11:10808 Clty 3_ Min.^ BROAD BREASTED BRONZE POULTS \VI'I'I[ coiling prices removed, 'Turkeys will undnu)tedly be n gond i'I(3 next Fall. Hexed youths 1111 tools or ns -hatched available on most elates. \Ve can x11)119' 3'(ul If you order NOW. All p011118 hatched from Broad Meant - e.1 Bronze Illo ltcstrd Breeders in automatic special turkey 110'nbnl,rs, st'I:('1.01, D1$('nl'N'1' fitter: FOR A1'1111( 29TH 11.0'1'C!) — (81)1)1:)! TODAY Send for ]'ren Turkey (7uide. LAN 10'11:11' '1'C11141IY 11.0241.'1! \VeinThor, 1'hnlle 29) Exeter, Ont, 11.tltlat i;lil:iiNII 1-1.1111':IL model back"; typo, on eaterIillar's, gasoline driven wild Buda nlotnr, in good rnudukin, Write ]lox 339, ';'1111111131, Ont. 11:.11:'I'II'l-L, large, g'•0u1110 ladies .\Ilii.ator llandbagH only 1,1.!'3 postpaid air mall but "los Port of entry tax C.0.1). Satisfaction guaranteed 1'eolt flradford. 1 1e .til, Ancon, Panama ('anal '/.one, — ^ CANVAS COVERING Henry 55'01to Durk waterproof with light rubber coating one side, 60 Inches wide, $1.25 ymd. Suitable for ('anoe Duck, (;round Shreds, hoof or Deck Covering. full rolls NEW \ViIITIIIIS aro ('''0''l. Enter this 100 yards special price. Supplied In 'Tar- highly paid 1)3.10. earn 111 snare time, enr1Y violins, sturdy, long wearing, reitlpllele with profits, DetaRH free. authors t'nlinllted, tin rules 12c 8gmlre foot, write for sample P.O. Box 37. 1Vlnnipeg. John Leckie 1111111.31, 77 Wellington St. w., TWO GRADUATE NURSES Toronto. 1 )11) S,11.l2 'TIRES \Vo aro everstoeked at 11„1 Ples,•lt of INA mind tuull-ll Mel (('111:11.11• I to he 111 ex- cellent sham.), GOO X 113 — $5.00 Ali nrd••rs shipped ('.O ). Spe'!al rg11lpnnt for v1l, t11,g ')'ell 11 and Paoli 'Praetor 'litres. 1111.11'01 '1'(11): 1oun'r (1'11,'11 and Yell( ata., (inonit„n, (for ON')'.UUO'S 11„S'I' NI. 1I 1:(Jl'll'I'I:D '1'11:1: :1101' Dealers \Vented Tw'O ('T,Y1)l:SD.\1,1: 1,1010,,113, 11111 7 years, dal le bay 11. 111 endow .0, excellent finality. Cheap for qn), 0 sale, '(bore. Colson, myth, Ontario WAR SURPLUS STOCK SALE tipsily Paint L'nc,t 111„1. and l''in gl:ic' Yellow and Main laeque• ranine). (d -gallon con - hinters only) 11.23 Per gallon. Srifet)' ('111113 !Jerry (:n,H, f,-.lmorlrnn gallons). New complete t3!)11 flexible shout, 53.93 conl- p1, I,•. Stirrup pumps, `tee• frnnlpletn 551111 (rose and nozzl:l; Ideal for spraying and other uses, $2 98 roopIrtc. friers F.0.11. '1'nronl0. ]]'rite or wire 1,9 Salle Sales Limited, 121 ng Cross1 Street, Toronto, 6 VOLT WINDCHARGERS Oompletn 551111 lav •r-945.00 !dance Electric, 10G1 Heaver Hall, Montreal, or write nearest 0111,•0-11,3)110x—Rouyn—To- rnnro-1Vinnineu--\'nneoutier. 100 ACRES Smileless, heavy producing clay )mint, flowing Hi renal, large barn equipped for dairying, silo, 10111c contract, attractive brick bonne, bathroom, funnier!, hydro con- tracted, 5 mhos from town on paved high- way, Ion” service, 'Toronto 60 nllles. Price 111000 with 11000 rash nod 43'i on balance, iu,x 141, 73 A 1,•la!ao \V„ Toronto, 200 -ACBE dairy farm, 9)1amted on ICing's Bighway, nine miles west of Cornwall, Fern) in excellent Ionlition, earrying 70 head present. Buildings consist of of 11111111 nt 1 1131101;. 1 11111 nga t ((10 houses, large b:u'n, large h(nhnu80 and pig pen, all In excellent repair; also sugar bush. Modern equipment In houses and barn. Apply to R, (.1. 110111', I'.O, I)0x 1075, Corn- wall, Ont. HAIR U1{I1"1MINIi 1.1:.11124 Hairdressing the 1;obe1lsnn method. Information on request regarding classed, 111.1 orison's Hairdressing ,\c:ulorny, 137 Ave- nue (toad, Toronto, 11111,1' SV.1N7'1:11 EXPERIENCED II.))'.S1:1L11I) for new room u'V home near O.ln55a. Pr3•ntn room, wal.hroonl, radio, 1,1,''131 1)111 off. (;and bus rounerllona, Appy 111,x 111', 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, ('lll:I•:F(: I'.lt'T,tltl' and equipment 3 ft. 20 !torso Inver 1)01)0r, 3 inch When, also vatic and Ilt'rss, Apply .1. G. 731131:5ve0, 11.11. No. 2, Pot Omni, Ontario. C1ILoitve :55'13 11.:xleo—vnutlnresr, 111 41f- ferent. 1'islt by mail. live 25e; fifty $ 1.50, 15'0 )nun nlrmsaues for you 101, Color - views, 1tux 712, Del ilio, 'texas. CONC111:T1.1 111.01'11 mn1'him'8 2110 to 240 lila k8 lame, others hand or power 45 to 100 hour, 1trick I(111111111111. latch Mixers (1) 14170. Molorn and Ons ]Engines. Madison (Equipment Co., Madison, Tenn. •' CANOE CANVAS Genera) duty, 8 -hour day, 1123.00 per month gross 13011111'. One month ho11,13Y with n:lY after one year He(vlee. 'l'rmloportat ion ar- ranged. Apply 1f(oa C. w'elr, Matron, w'rinch Memorial Hospital, IL•azellon, w(M,\N In help 00 Poultry Farm, State 5(agr0 rad Porticularo, Chas, 1111110P, Heaf9)_ 011ta 0- MNI)1('.1L Wad) .0 DMC1:! Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or 1e11'111s should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 235 Elgin, Ottawa, Pool ,aid 91.00. '1'15EAT YCri:RS1:1,1' at home with electro - All w•ekthlH and 50,1111,4 also copper nails, matme11sm for Arthritis, Ilheumatism, in- 13cl(H and canvas filler. Write for prices 8onntn, Vntlr080 Veins 1,11,1 other circulatory John. Lerkle L1m11e(1, 77 %'ellington Street ailments. Free explanatory pamphlets frotq w'.,' Toronln, C:nopeltemedles. Yonge Street, Toronto. I',1R5(. FOIt S.V,iE-100 nere8 do/ r)• farm, HAVE YOB[ 1)1;.1111) about Dixon's Neuritis nem' school, cheese factory and general and Rheumatic. fain Remedy? It gives good store; ion acres good hush Inn). Priced to results. Mlunro's Drug Store, 335 Eight, sell, Box 139, 73 Adelaide w'., Toronto, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. 1'01124.51.11,-1'e,Ilgreed .ingnra Itabb1111, does find backs and juniors, ally 11111011111. .ioe Smolders, Nnrt1(1ond, Ont. (101,1)1,,24 DI'('ICw'iNG Daae Il:ull:un8 85.00 pair, cockerels 93.00. :\iso Pit games. ,Tim Yo031, Espanola, Ontario. _(OPFER 771 INVENTORS AN OFFER to every inventor—List of inven- tions and full information sent free. The llnnl13nv Co.. Registered Talent Attorney's, 273 Bank Street, 3t to two. OPPORTUNITIES 1'111; 51'111111\ _ ` MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I'ltl':1) A. IIODDiNGTON buys, sells, ex- changes 11101(31 instruments. 111 Church, Toronto 2 31'1':1!1,'1):'(' ;'.\TYLE, purebred and grade; all rages, both nexen. %'file for pekes. (1. 51. Platt, It Nn. 2, Hamilton, Ont. N1 1I1>4, new 8'eel ammunition box handles Ideal for fruit boxes, bushels, trap doors, ele, 10c. Pair, Newson & C311101e1l Co, 1111111n1011, Ont. BE A I-IAIDRESSER JOiN 13,1XADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great O:pnrlunity Learn iairdressing 1'I, 00:111; dignified profession, good wages, Ilionsands successful. 11arvel graduates, .1111er1)11'13 greatest 133'ste111. Illustrated cata- In,:no free, 1V'ile or Call 51.1ItVIII, 11.\111D1t1ES51NG S7t10OL5 351 Bloor Sl. 11'., Toronto Branches 4I tang St., ITnnitllnn & 71 Rideau Street, Ottawa HOLSTEINS Service one ftrnndson of "I,nc111nvlr” from rlrbly bred (tag Apple Dans, acerc,lited, I!8ted. .\Ph1:' It A. 1.111111114, 1,istnwrl, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS A.C. OR D.C. Largo stool: — .Milano' l:l,rtlI', 1051 11rnve1• 111111, 1lonO.1 ), or me:nrsl ,;flee—I1111f81;— Itoay'n-✓Ibrunln—whullpec--- Vnneouver. T 11.05 (1 fall SA 1.17 INTIII1N.1'1'1024.11, soil pulverizer, 21.1 hila Roughage 51111 and Little ]Conder draining machin', all 1,8 gond (1) (11155•. 1Caper 51.1'11er:to), Route 2, 1)u:1 - (1;111c, Ont. ].1111'1'1:13 quantity available pedigreed l'nr Angora rabbits, Phillips Angora Rabbit rY. 111 5l33nklnnd Boulevard, Saint Laurent, lluebe '. NO. 1 3,110111E 1S.\ItLEV, $1.10) per bushel. Bags free. W. .1. 1'. 10.11. Known, Ont. (111.11, OI'ensar,--'fires, Insec'3rldrH, larclrlc Pearn Controllers, Wase and 1Taru Paint, Ilnnf C,,;lllnas, rte. 11"1"r3 wanted. %'rite Waco Grease & Oil 1,1111),1Toronto.___ 131,0to.__ PAINTING STARTED CHICKS AND PULLETS 2 weeks old add 4r, 3 weeks old add 10e, 4 weeks old add 15c, 5 weeks old mid 20e, 0 weeies old 50c each for this week 11191 uext only, 4c HEAVY COCKERELS 5c Ment Typo New 111mps, 4e, other heavy breeds 5e, Assorted Heavy Cockerels 4c. 2 %reel(H old add 4c. These bargain cockerel Prices for this week and next only. OVERHATCH CHICKS 9c Out choice of breed or breeds 111 heavy or ilgbt breeds, here's your chance to get good chicks c11enn. 100% live delivery guaranteed. 91,00 per 100 deposit, Order from end en- close Ohio n(1. or send for Piles T,lst. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY London, Ont. SUSSEX X HAMPS FOR SUCCESS MAY delivery, book your order today at the following prices. Unsexed Chicks 912.00 per 100. Pullets 922.00; Cox 9c; Leghorn Damps unsexed, 112.00 per 100; Pullets 20c; Cox 8c. I'ullorunt-Tested Gov't Approved Stock $1 00 Down, balance on delivery, BONNIIE'S ('HICK HAT('IiERY Box )15G, Elmira, Ont. 100 CHICKS FREE With every order of 100 Pullet chicks we gl5'e 100 free chicks (our choice) Barred Bock PO - NH 921.95. White Rock Pullets 925.95, White Leghorn Pullets $24,95, Brown Leghorn Pul- lets 925.95; Red -clock Hybrids, 921.95; Leg- horn -Rock xHybrids, $225.95. Ali chicks Hold aro from blond -tested stock backed by high pedigreed stork, 91.00 hooks your order, D3lnilce C.O.D. Guaranteed Delivery. Kent Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. 3000 8 TO 10 WEEK OLD PULLETS for delivery April lot, (1190,4 and G week olds for prompt delivery, All raised In brand new brooding plant under ideal conditions, all floor raised. here's your opportunity to get In on tho early high priced egg markets. Lakeview Poultry farm, Exeter, Ontario. — 1 Si to 81 IT.P. All)anrn Electric, 1001 Deaver Hall, Miontreal. or write nearest 0011.0 — Italifax — Rouyn —Toronto. Write for details—Alliance Electric, 1091 [leaver Boll, M0nlrrnl,'or write nearest office —Ha t t fn x—Itotlyn—Toronto. 11F.A1) "Inflation 1s Coming". Leath how you can protect your Hnr1n319 from this catastrophe, ]'rice 91.50 postpaid. R ASMUS, Box 205, Sta. F, Buffalo, N.Y. REGISTERED corker spaniels, H01111 black mato and (011(8019, Sire Ch, Rucksburn Rombor, dans Caw of Ch. Kappa, son of Sur - 1(119e, whelped Jan. 13, 1947. Write for par- Heulnrs to Miss M. $1ellrl(1e, Fenwick, Ont. It1:GI5'1'ERED SPRINGERS, also cockers, by champions, Tnlbotcrnft, Ileg'd., Rockwood, Ontario, IREGiSTERE,D SPRINGERS, 2 females, 18 and 5 moths, Liver and white. Reason- ably priced, F, MacLeod, L'Orignnl, Ont. TALI{ through your radio with a Mike Jr, Fits all radios. Fool your friends. 91.08 postpnld. Mike Jr., Box 985, Victoria, B.C. TARPAULINS Sturdy brown or khaki Duck waterproofed Covers with tle ropes, all weights. Write for quotations and samples John Leckle, 77 Wel- hnglon St, W., Toronto. TOILETS For Summer Collages, etc. Can be used with or without running tenter. Caustic 5011131• Gm, Ltd., Dundas, Ont, "WISCONSIN" AIR COOLED ENGINES - DYEING ANi) ('LEANING SLAVE', 1'011 anything nerds (1931116 or clentl- 1ng7 write to us fur Information. 11'e aro glad to 31119ver your questions. Department Ii, Parlor's )ye ]Voris Limited, 791 Tonge Street. Toronto, Ontario. ISSUE 17-1947 PATENTS 1'!E'I'lll':ItS'I'0N.11"O11 & company Patent Solicitors. Established 1990, 14 1011g West, Toronto 131,oklel of Information on request, PERSONAL 1.0(011! $10 reward 10r any' watch w1( cannot repair, best workmanship; written guar- antee. Atlas Watch Repair Co., Ilox 01, Station "0", 31011('cnl. STO1' 24910111NG without miring anything Internally or timing any will power! Send 4c addressed envelope for Information, Pierre,. 412 Birks Bulidln1, Edmonton 5, Alberta, —; -- PHOTOGRAPHY FILMS DEVELOPED and Printed, 25c Roll; Reprints, 3c Each SPECIAL COMET folding camera, Atli 127 size, guar- anteed, $8.95; with leather shoulder carry - log case, 911,43; shipped postpaid. COMET PHOTO SERVICE Box 9, Postal Station D, Toronto REPRINTS 4c EACH STEN) US 1'OI'11 ((1,11 NEGA'I'iVES 2 1':NLAI{GI:1IIINTS 25n 4 x 0 In Folder Mounts Any Size Roll—G or 8 Exposures Developed and Printed 30c Enlargements flamed 7 x 9'' Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black fint0h 71c If Picture colored 94c. 10'o make prints and enlargements from prints of lost negatives. 1)EI'T, Ml, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE IIOX 120. I'(1ti7' (IF('iCTS A, TORONTO 'it -ASTER WANTED—All kinds of Brei sed poultry. Top Prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept , 2054 Danforth Ave., Toronto 8. (we do custom grading), HELICOPTER TAKES ON BAGGAGE Navy representatives observe "Rescuer," largest helicopter ever built, demonstrate its load -carrying ability in Philadelphia, by taking a jeep aloft. It's the frst time a military load of any significance has been carried by helicopter. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") In this space recently we quoted a gentleman who is getting rather tired of trying to sponsor small. town IIOC key, and who gave some of his views as to what ails amateur hockey in general, 1n this connec- tion it is rather interesting to note a statement from Mr, George Patl- ter, President of the Ontario Ifoc- key Association, a body that is lvidely self -heralded as the greatest amateur hockey organization in the world—or maybe that should be the universe, * * * Out in 'Winnipeg for the junior playoffs, Mr. Palter was greatly shocked at the stere suggestion that the poor, hard -worked Toron- to St. Mikes should travel all the way to Edmonton for one game of that series. Matter of fact, he seems shocked that the St. Mikes should have to travel from their own cosy fireside at all. "It only serves a minority interest," says Mr. Pan - ter. "The teams and players all want to travel cast and play in Maple Leaf Gardens. They benefit financially by such an arrange - 111(211t, * * * The Presi(ient of this great AMATEUR association went on to say that the participating clubs stand to lose something like 25 G's by having the junior finals in Western Canada this year, Ile seems to overlook completely the fact that those western fans, whose loyal support throughout the sea- son kept those teams going, just possibly rate a break once in a while, and (deserve a chance to sec their favorites in playoff action without having to travel halfway across a continent, Maybe Air. Pas- ter, in his touching zeal for the welfare of the M,i„ Gardens, has forgotten that ordinary citizens cannot pick off railway tickets as painlessly as (lo Presidents who travel on an expense account. 31 * • Just as eels become accustomed to skinning, sports writers are sup- posed to get hardened to seeing their predictions go haywire. But for once we were really glad to see one of our prognostications go tvi(Ie of the target, when the Brooklyn Dodger's finally decided to give Jackie Robinson a chance at the big show, Whether or not ite's able to stick up there may de- pend, in a large pleasure, on the sort of co-operation he gets from his teammates—as all unpopular or unwanted player can be made to 'look bad' in scores of ways almost impossible to (detect wth the nak- ed eye. But Robinson has loads of natural ability-- enough, perhaps, to overcome the handicap of play- ing/out of his proper position; and thousands of Canadian fans, who admired not only his hitting and fielding but also the way he con- ducted himself in general, are pull- ing hard for him to matte it. Only 3,6 per cent. of the land in Norway is under cultivation; the rest is unproductive or forest, MUTT AND JEFF—Before He's Kicked Out At )1:e pre,ent time of writing it looks as though there i, a rc;ll pos- sibility of a Canadian horse—C - Ilafli;)11-Ow'1101, that is—winning the 1aiutucky 1)uhhy, 9111(1 Which recalls the last time, in fact the only time, that such a thing hap- pened before, That was in 1910, %viten Sir Barton, owned by J. K. L. Ross of Jlontrcal, and one of the few maidens ever to turn the trick, popped doyen 111 front of eleven other starters, paying off at odds of 13 to 5, ('What a inarvel- lous memory'' ]Chat a handy rec- ord book!) New AlloyUsed In atchmaking If you have bought an Elgin 10:11('11 since Jan. 1 of this year, yin have a 111 ai1111)1';ng which, It is claimed, will not rust, is non- nutortic and will run from 2 to 6 hours longer without finding than older wat('lie'S, This is due to a new alloy called "Elgiloy" developed after 12 years 1,f research by the Elgin Nasional Watch Col1)i,any, Called "the most important dcvclopulf'nt in watches since jewelled bearings were in- troduced 24:1 years ago,” Elgiloy is expected to have applications in many other fields, Razor blades, stainless cutlery, guusprings and electronic appliances May all be improved by the new alloy.— Finan- cial I'ost. Plastic Air Cushion Air cushion of fused plastic conies in translucent or bright opaque col- ors; folds to pocket or purse size and can be inflated easily by mouth. Makers claim use for picnics, spec- tator sports, boats and cars and for invalids. I. ' ' YI ' 'all "Gin Pills Helped II el ed ▪ my Sore Back'' says Montreal man. "1 had rheumatic aches and atif/ back—could hardly straighten up after bending. A friend advised Gin Pills , , now I'm et'er to much better",—L11,, Montreal. Por more than 40 years Gin Pills have broughtrelief to victims of _ Rheumatic Pain, Backache, Sciatica. = Lumbago. Get a package today. Use proves theft merit. Regular size, 40 P11Is Economy size, 80 P111; (In the U.S.A. 31(for Olno PlOs) National Drug & Chemical Company of Canada, Limited +s• -res'•+• Plan Your Career As Agent Telegrapher This career is well worth considering, because in addition to receiving union wages from the start, many receive free house, fuel, and light, commission on express and telegrams, as well as being on the pension list. Anyone with public or high school can qualify, through our spe- cially -prepared Textbooks that make the study easy to understand. We assist you to the position. CASSAN Systems, 1499 Queen W,, Toronto Please send free folder without obligation. Name Town Prov, .-..... For constant Smoking Pleasure find 00**/#4 JEFF, WART ARe YOU DOIN'? i'M SEfIN1 IF i CAN RUN FAST ENOUGH TO GET To THE FRONT DOOR INTIME eoks, TO LET MyELF IN! o l.; • ` 0© 0 1) 7. By BUD FISHER 400 'Ct^, Cru 3' •111;).\',1,11 ) 1'1 .�:1(l•..3>:::>�.;<a:Z�::.•a.�,•:,.•-r=�,r .. , PAth 8 1 1waN2tm;nxyt±tiVta+Dtsta;latalNNDtatN-MMMNItADt»4t. .I I 4119 � - (17 c;our•.RICH - ONTARIO. •"� thr \\ rek-end with I 'r ire •nr' I • h • •' • ., : 1�.•�H:H�•4".0 4•.:": ••**M:. •:• �• •t+�M1 •�1.�N••••�H:U..H..r 1i i... I.••.• •••1 •: e 4 •:. NI r. i I I I I I Nit's. I' r C 1 Oster, i I I I lI IQNIs•>L t�d_b•1••I••±0•'A•1vi' T. j cot GL1t 695 Fill ;' !ill•, keit) \Ir• and NIT • \\*.Tier U e, L EY()) IJ., aa.!Led and Will :5 Veers Ex; crimes Yes! We Have Them! ALL READY FOR SPRING. Men's Work Shoes $3.95, $450, $5 50 Boys' Work Shoes $2.95, $3,95 Boys' Oil -Finished Rain Coats with Caps Sizes 6 years to 14 years, Men's Top Coats $16.95 Women's and Children's Plastic Rain Coats. Men's, Women's and Children Rubbers at Special Prices. Olive ' cGiII if e1 THE STANDARD PERSONAL INTEREST \I o1•e the clock ahead ;ul hour 1),.. lore \'UU retire to Ilett on Saturday ' night. M r. I. 11• 'I'ieru:ly, \Irs, Arthur Acetylene and I lectr1C 'I'!erua roil young son, of North Iia,', Welding A Specialty, ul \I r r. Terence T:eimay, of 'Tor1•uto, Tett .the w''''"'"11 wit.:' \Ir:. .1 e- Agents For Illtel'11at1o11l11- '1'irrnay, Vera an I It%tll• llarl'etitel' PartsSupp1ie ,\Ivy. ('har1e> hell visited with \Ir• `}rhite l►use Gas and Oil. ar I \Irs. Nelson Na) lir, of Elmira, Mrs. Peter 11r; wit visited las( \Yee!; Gill• Painting and iZepairing. +\oh her aunts, N11.''' \\'. J. '1'.111411 :nl'I RUBBER•TIRFD FARM WAGONS \liss :Annie Laidlaw, of Clinton. EQUIPPED WITH AUTO TIRES Ali ; Velma N;0, r \i,i'.r l oyer the SIZE C00x16. \t't't'I:-roll at llt•r hurtle here. '............`^""""IM, .. - I \tr. peter 1.,r,,,,,,, rf \\'iurl,or, s; cot �r'f1•I J1.tre•trrrrrrrrIllNrrrrrrrr` L COLE 1 1 • R.O. Doherty Bros. GARAGE. I: roll at his L;un, here. } \Ir. and' \Irs. I:11 lloltzliauet' of Clinton, •;Il• .1 t''e week -end I\Ilii Mr. an I \Ir.• \l. sc, 1101!:nailer. NIT. and \Irs. 1!o•aard Oster all' Inur Dianne, of \Vint! -or, Yi it ell ve• s OPTOME1 KIST and OPTICIAN , 11 • •- FOOD STORES -- Campbell's Vegetable Scup Standard Quality Cut Golden Wax Beans Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour Robin Hood Flour Snowflake Ammonia Kkovah Health Salts Sweet Mixed Pickles Nature's Beet Peas Aylmer Choke Carrots Lombard or Green Gage Plums _ . ..... Texas Grarefruit Juice ... .. Dr. Ballard's Health Dog Foods ... 2 tins 21c 29 oz. CI: 13c per pkg. 157. 7 Ib. bag 23c per pkg. 05c amnll lin 29c 16 oz. jar 37c 20 oz. tin 15c 2 70•oz. tins 15c 20 oz. tin 15c 20 oz. t'n12c 2 19 -oz. tins 29c FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. PIONEER AND LIFETERIA FEEDS. c Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 :_ t• lull I;))nil}. •:ti\I I;, \\ III i 111 h:Ill,ol•II \t 1' it I"' .J ON., TITINIrINNrIINrrIN _ •\Yellin sday, April 23, 19'17 Hon ehold Supplies And othocides PARACIDE (MOTI-1 CRYSTALS) LARVEX MOTH TOX SAPHO LYSOL CREOLIN CHLORIDE OF LiME SAPHO PEST PAINT FORMALDEHYDE MOTH BLOCKS 49c t:3c 49c 35c Sc3AND 65c 25c AND 75c . 15c . 25e . 35c 10c AND 25; R U. PHLP,Phrn. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, 11'ALL1':1I'E1l—PHONE 211, tl rNlr .f I 1 �. L 1 11 ., .4 . .AL.. I.•.1.,_4 ....b f., U�.i .. ,. i n' vi,nur 011 'Inv:. !^y. - - . .. !><�..1l1� es:(41[+C1414YFtettilettt+4t6t5t=t41{: LKICAlatttitC:0—st‘VCI ight.t,:�t(: :CKIL:i•C t:t4t4lGtCtt�7) }• \: t ralnT.7C �.r'rn..w"r y� Lige f� r. ,!} '1-tl ni �I. Catharines N Oil a �ildg�al �� L� Li a if :pent the week -end at :•i• house here r , r y A Ali Mehta \!e!.Irll,, of Guel 11. I ITO :1L'OU t (IIA l $� Spent g Bed \ s ted here over the ,Peek -e1111, awl l,•hC{)F'1'l'OIt'�' .=. with hrr un'''nr \I's. I :II, ill 111; �I , S JOB flint 11 hos. 'ital. • . t Thus the importance of having your lied 1. '1 y1r. lard: \\'alson, \\h.!! 's a sin lent .;. al vie (iael;lh l). \.l.: Irl. rr•^tltrletel •• his second Ye is •t1:1i; s, and has lal: .$• a• en a prsilinn for the summer months : with \Ir. \\'il!ia:u 'I'ln1:11, lot .l dee •t• trieian. ._. ._. � \I r, RI . ; 'T:nmll, v'lo has been ill- 's'', tending ::•11,)01 in \\'inds'r, is also 3• •• hone for the. s1'nmer 111011t'hs, rind is 1 \YOrl:in:. \vitt' hi. father. •: \Irs. John C. I-leffr n Hits sold the farm on the 7th concession of \)orris 'Phomas and \\'illia ti l�el- h•, who now have t•os:es.ion, :_: 1 \I r;. I'. Rutledge rclure rrl home t 11 o. s, Tuesday after visiting t\ith 11rs• Iti •f' chard 101', of Ioselantl, WHETHER WALLPAPER OR PAINT -- IT WILL PAY YOU. INQUIRE AS TO STYLE AND COLOUR FOR THAT PAR• TICULAR JOB, • WHETHER INSIDE OR OUT. I 1•'l_-- i�hine \\' o II ock visited .- phn37- ) oe :(iLOIIDESBORO - , •� •ANO••0..+W�.J�•.•�r•�O�a�H�•r4•w�.•�.��•r�0•�.•P i"'iHi.'i'•i'•:"i.•�..�.•�..�••�a�..�. �•44444(,;.,:..;..:4.,:-.:...:4 \Iiss Josep with Or. and Mrs. \lelntyrc, of Cl p- I ` r ton, on Tuesday, 1. Spr:y ani Brush Painting I Or. an I \Irs. K. \faelean of .Ajax, : Sunwurthy Wallpaper e •Is »EST 1 NOTI Daylight Saving Time , Effective In Blyth commencing at Midnight SATURDAY, APRIL 2GTH, 1917 until Midnight SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH, 1917. --Gordon Elliott, Clerk, Corporation of Blyth "Adventure Bound A'I'NIIEEACf COMEDY THREE -ACT COMEDY Presented by the Auburn Baseball Club in the Blyth Memorial Hall under auspices of Blyth Agricultural Society 99 Friday, April 25th commencing at 8:15 p.m. THIS IS A ROYALTY PLAY. This Play Conies Highly Recommended Admission: Adults 40c, Children 20c. Frankie Banks Returns to the Blyth Memorial Hall THE NIGHT OF friday, May the Ind UNDER AUSPICES OF THE Blyth Lions Club were Blyth visitors on Toes 'ayPurls nndC nam! r. and \Irs. \\'. SIri1tun arta family ,. .,I Ii.141 1, spent the Wee): -end frith Miss \Lir- aret !Ikons. \Irs, \Iel)onald returned' here \\ills .them after attending the funeral of her brother-in-law, \I r• 11. G. \IcCaifrey, I \Irs. .\.Ibert Stead and Carolyn are in 'Toronto, where Carolyn is receiv- ing treatment at the S:ck Children's 1losttital. \Irs. I. 11, \I ac(orl:in'.ialc, of ('hats- 1 t\• nth, \I rs, \\'. E. \I cl;Irtun, of 1)1- I - tinea, ;tre visiting with the former'; ;laughter. and the latter's s''ster. \Ir; R. I), Philp, \Ir. Ph Ip, and family. DANCNG 9.30 TO 1.30. LUNCH COUNTER ADMISSION:' Students 50c Adults 75c Cone and Dance to the Music of this Fine a•a*Ameear,p .;:eT;r�r+7va W.M.S. Thank -Offering Meeting There %las a Targe A:!temilince at the Thank -Offering meeting of the Myth United Church \\'.\I.S. in the school- room of the chttrch on \londily, Apr -1 lath, :.t 8 p.m., with the President,' , \Irs. llodd, presiding, and \Irs. li. I), Philp ;It the piano. The theme of the \\' rsllip Service was "'The Power of the Living Christ." ) :After the CaII to \\'orsltip,anll )evo- cation response Hymn ":111 hail the Power of Jesus Name" ttas sung. The ;cril,ture readings told the ):aster Story. 1)uriug the singing of "Re - the Loral is King" the offering was received. The treasures, it I nteurbcrin� that "inasmuch as ye have Garrett reported having sent ;'97.011 to tie it 11111)) at 0f the least of these ! I' I I 1 'I•y a Nice Thicks Centre Slice of SUGAR -CURED HAM For Frying. Steaks )toasts, Boils. Bacon, Sausage and Cooked Meats. Butcher. �CaBlum ped \with a comfortable Mattress and Spying. Take ten minutes to -slight to inspect the Spring and Mattress you sleep on, then come to our store and compare what you are using with our wide selection of Box type, Steel Slat and Cable Bed {)rings. Luxurious Spring -Filled Mattresses, and Lasting Steel Beds. which we are offering. at attractive prices. 0 '': }''O Home Furnisher — - Phones 7 and 8 Funeral Director. llilDi3t`d17t2t�7?iZ�i+r31r9tnt3��7:1�`i?1y'i`.`ldt:751$t:J,41'�1tr1?t21Zn�ii�i^.ID1F9�t�:oi3;3ic9:71� i'.J7/i'dt'i1)72) QC. euroym,�.+,d+cud.... 1.1 ',m'.�i:. �,i a,G•4a1.iL'!' �;.tare Speiran's , a� PHONE 21. Bi.YTU. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. i s CLEAN UP! Phone 10, Blyth. Deliveries Wednesday and Saturday. ) the res tyterta treasurer c+in mg I:.te. tt brethren, 'e (lire it tnrlu tI a„ fiat quarter of the year. \Irs. I:Jntunl i� Mrs Ilodll eoiccd the appreciation and \Irs. Garrett were apt.' into! dole of the nu•c4!ug to \Irs. (irecr in a few gates to the Presbyterial to he )ctrl in „ Exeter on 'Thursday, April 24th, Mrs. !Veil-c)oscu s'or't'!<. Itte lItieJng (''os- Phillips favoured with a solo, "Ifo erd !!11th suging; "Crown 111,111 Avid) many Crowns", iul,l prayer, 1)ied of a Timken 'Hear:." \Ir;. Rin- I Refl•eshanents werecserved and a oul conducted the Meditation on the social half hour enjoyed by all. me and led i.11 prayer, The guest speaker, \I:•s. Greer. of \\'inghaut, was svelcoued attt introduced by the President. She chest.' for her subject: Miss (:race Thompson visited (hiringy "The i1inis...1-y of \\'muco, their service the Easter vacatiiin )cit) friends in to Jcstts,'' beoiunin'. with the qtrota- \Vingham. lion from \iattheo, "And many wo- I Isliss Irene Robinson of London, men were. there - - - (at the Cross) spent the Easter week -end al her )onto which followed Jesus - - - ministering here. Unto }fiat." I•:aster hrings thouglr's )Irs. Arnold Craig was is Lon1. a yi5 of Jesus' suffering, death and resttr- iter one day las4 week. rection. She reminded her listeners 1 str. and \Irs. Cr rCltit l:uhins0n and of the woolen of the Bible Avhese brief son, Russel, of \\'iitgltam, Avers Sunday, I ii' raphies have lived in history visitors with his parents, \I r, and M its. through the centuries and she spoke J. C. Robinson. - i of the v wen whose lives Jesus 1 Mr. and \Irs. James Craig visited on t(tuchid; revealing His Divinity to Sunday at the home of \I Y. and Mrs the \Vonan of Samaria: the (lope of \Vill Gardiner at )lie Ressurection to \iartha, and )lis j Miss Irene Jefferson returned to her first appcorauce after the resurrection school at 1)unvillc after spending the to Mary :Magdalene, bringing reward holidays at her home here. for her faithful devotion,I \Ir . Stewart Smith ;Ind sons, of Kit - After 1?aster the first Christians cb• aer were recent visitors with her formed the church, each Christian be; s.l ter, \Irs. Edward' Robins'mi, Mr. rind \Irs. Edwin Thompson and (:hill',rcn and Mr. and Mrs. John Tif- f it-, of \1'iugh.:uu, were :1;::'Ikly visitors with N11". end \Irs. Norman 'Thompson. their birthday pennies. Report of Temperance, Joyce I'augrad. 1.ep r of World Peace, Pert i.yon. Solo by June Manning, 'Miss )'irk gave the chapter in the study hook and Vcr3 Lyon read a Missionary story. The meeting was closed with prayer by , \I rc, Bert Shohhrouk. 24 menthe's DONNYBROOK I ing a missionary of the gospel, and Ieach honk an Altar 11'. God. Our challenge to -day is to minister to Jesus in a more truly Christian way. Sento urn follow 1 -lis command to go 1 teach, preach and heal. Some can never do the spectacular, but all can be faithful it -our ordinary every day duties of life. \Ve all can take a de - (Mile stand for right on all nt;,ral qucstilouts arising in our community, SO ! That others may knr,w where we stand. ,'There is a place for each one of us, !vers preset'!. I ; every woman can do i;etching. \\'e I. ------- , can all give, wort: :rod pray. She I LOCAL OFFICIALS INSPECT stressed the need of more prayer in i \VINGIIAM FIRE IIA1.1, i Tour everyday lives, chal!ett irl•r ns tot Officials of the Myth Fire Unart- hl•lic e i+t-prayer, pr•'ctisilt: the zeal "'"•1t. alt! :I reprr•'•'ttati-c of Bic 131•'''. of \lartln. Ire devntinn rf \I•• . !Ittn!ri-al C-nr-i! irs1'e:tel tit. \Vi•„- ,,:y,;;,; 1 hr inning our service 71 Jrstt , Nc- ham fire hall on Tuesday night, with PAINT UI:'! PLANT 1.11' IA( II11 UPI "Beautify Canada by Beautifying Our Community!" A Cleaner Community Means a Healthier a11(1 Safer Community. START TO -DAY, TOMORROW NEVER COMES! 1 ...J . I 2fR•6!)Mb%IM MEIRMEMEMIUMMIEMIZINEMEnam .nom IIfM+N'INrr ent.#4N•I##NIINJN•nir P4.•,/~ •re~,1N•f~ Daily Delivery of Bread Starts Next Weck 6 COMMENCING MONDAY OF NEXT WEEK, APRiL 28TH, DAILY BREAD DELIVERIES WILL BE MADE LN BLYTL-l. Cur Bake Truck will CALL AT YOUR DOOR Monday Afternoons, and during the morning the balance of each week, WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE. "Fresh from the Oven to Door" MI Ii 11I,Ii,i11.11•1.I•lei: 1,141.1 N.Anial:• The BAKERY II. T. Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario F J,la ,.i il-t�Sxt1� •- -. ;41 TS 4L• ,r Housecleaning an Painting This it the time of year for all good housewives' to assert their rights. We only await your instruc- tions to start that Painting Job - either inside or outside. Phone 56 Blyth, for Estimates. We are Specialists in the Painting Business. TAIT & HIRONS Jepllone 56, Blytli I)ecoratorf 1 , ,z1 an eye on a silnillr btulding- here •an, Captain of the Dlyt!t De - "1. hose cn the tn=pe:.i-n tour yere'lartmcnt. and (;e;-ir;ri Radf::rd, a mema Fire Chief Herbert Dexter, John A: ler of the Blyth Council,