HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-12-27, Page 47 4 •� �:� - :CABINET WAREHOU (TIME O.LDI;;STIN THE. COUNTY. ` t`a Con. O ON ,I D. GORDON - ,AND.UNDER `AKER, !-POR SALE, _VERY CHEAP. FARM of 100 acres of lanai, :51 nr:k•. Aron • - E (.t a1)1;.:1R11'I•j, 1 Oneres clearest wit), good roars lt•aant:: thereto. Tonle w-ili-be given for . .tr::g tio1•t:an:4 the loneliest, nttinev. Por Aute t•rpattienitn•s, aptly 10.- 13. GORDON., ,ii 11E \V M. SEYiMOL'R .f. CO. ( (SO( `ria h. 9.11-\tjveutt...•r 1;51;3. w41•tf I• _. r . • j � IMP II. THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIC IsI' L. a OF A' DUINTCA 'S, MONY TO.!JJEND, t:R1 I ; 0 0 i f,Oil.IM?ROVED FtR PAT t J AT 8 PER CENT i '[ A-11 S, desirous of 3trtaining First Glass Cedar for F c.ng and Building -purposes can •--Also,--� be supplied in any quantity, and ori reasonable Soni to Invest in Town Y ProPerf . ` terms, by applying to . • T W ELLIOTT. •GOR N, Goderich. Feb. Oth. 1664 - w2 Barrister, dtic. �Gloiierc�I: S H M OR SALE MAMNOTII BOOT ANS SROE STORE G1lefieb; Shpt 13,1$61 sv3 tf M1 antifti hire s Una; tt tS 11 -tip. ••n 'i'too .t. a t,r:t;J t•1( t sortnie(►t Fara:etre, at I.Vait-capital, _ ,I4 ON141 i U LEND, - I, Township of Iipivck, -theles iron t oxeter,. 0►1, - : > REVIEW atiI NCA1S.1100T AND SFIOE 31ORL , GODERICH:l.Call and "P R` N YT,n•a see l/e'best 5toclro 11UIL1tl)1D.1iO4 in the •Counti _ . ono MEW 'lir 19►.. ice:. ;3tt� '.i R _ AIL r " ' " rhorrsands have tried Hunan's B t �T .'FARMS -: oT ar d Shoes, and foand:them all that Nes re r seiated: rlte situs t ila .. , : ;: , , I. s ,• , P 4IJY. c er G.1 \-:� O i f3L f I I) ] .T r g 13 _ o. (Piing a le„rtzrnate titr$uess.� tt. • r-- Remesmbei the pluses— Weil side of Market Sgiiare, .Abel} -'to _ • TW DOOR SOUTH _ ` D. SHADS GOODING," - . 11TH of the SI.CNAL'OFF/GE - w 0 F.I,1 Log house: • tt(11)srn, WEST STRE :ET, : GO-DERIC : 92 ACRES. 28 CLEARED a'f•la`etr. tar. '11103.1AS gag., I3 [ . - lofits'.T.it);1 `.i sj..t' • • i.; i i.t:r' (ioklertefr. Feb- 211..1564. eine and «O`era aft. si 1 i .'t =, t . 'r lI. "=el"lite«4• and Iit7o ii i(a',i .� ".l, ;tt :F `E of donee 41 lanlf►iretlicf', and*.:Ini'lorted' r 1 D G. has :Ow-iv.;-ivelr1 I:b:i`l a sgrtment of COFFINS. - -11 o,. HEARSES 1 - • 0 0 use and Lot for Sale. 1',If'l C(JT-TAGE.on the Southerly per= 1 . HAMILTON STREET, ( 1 -tent ofLutS$O, _ • • Lumber and Cordwaeld.i.talsen zn g change for 1'urtliinre. _god -enrich. 27th (kt.. w Z7 SPR1N STYLE HATS • -1t1¢;� 1 Watt caro - ROOT IOUSE ani LDINGS 2.1 `'at 11r1`�C[]t ocr•upicd by Thos.. tt'catherald, f:u1.;•t pride . - - - 1� 1 I U D Lt RS FTI. S t ItSCIIIx,1 3 w ould bear to inform his customers and i the. p ibltethat:tiis new prem - -WILLIAM DUNCAN. Coilerich. S pt. 20th; 156.4. isw64 T3�` Y, .Il£iDIiOL t' 'r'� - •'Y . . ... t ' w Jk, (. . ii tW¢L. 1V7�1 Apl1J4+b,4a+lYU+Iw14,44+N,4,4Nj,VIt Alihoeti,6n,�gY41►t►h,A °Bettor, West Street, office over . R_ . Booth's. - - Drv. Good Store. - Godes ich, June 9th, .1864. sw81 w20-tf �tUMO of' `$100- and. upwards: advanced 'a fti7 EAL`• ._TA. •wi t,out delay toth, Ir' borrower. -Apply to - - 0 0 * - SHAW . SINCLAIR. • Goderich, lit July. 1864.. ' w23 `6u, 0 I er -entree dart rnl•trc apply to itisern Last atrE €sir '1i: 'aI. �•it,_11 Ii1.RAI.It, —• 7 • • • Goderieh, ETHRE ,,yr_ • - WILLIAM .I LRC1V 1L. I�..(I... .tit I1 bi-ii .t'-'ne:(1 on the fest of June for tr ins ictinZ :t le Carding, Clothi , 1 , _ � } Wool Caidtn37 . Dressing, arta ilanufnetnrinr-,liu••iiie s, 11 connection:�vrtlr his' WOOL. FACTORY, where ail ordersandwork in the abovc,businnss will be punctually attended to. :.Likewise a variety of Atii(! " est Islatui. tiuclt� till;`Oetol,er 17th, 156.1. sw13-t1 • RS FRO.M- THE SQUARE, • a loths,i- _ Blankets, . St6okilig�:Yarn, . . A r • • , RA__ NTOR SL 1 ;ill be.bept'on. hand to-.escita toe_ for tvool. flaying this year added another 1'! N , -101 •C'%� S� • .�T.4 Av 4J �- '`:!. t i - _ t • AN. EXCELLENT FIR 'S'=CL,t� DOUBLE - q /� � �' 1 oderlleh. Sfarcli I .th. I'z:'t. • as•.-ia A Si .3i CAR•DIN•G .• �l+IAiIIiT.� 'to his establishment, nt be' iilI•l t • A BEAUTY E S honey toy Lend,: THE subscriber bas$20,000 to loan on reason. a bl a terms. For particulars app'Y to HORACE. Hara ON- Goderich,19th August. 1864. • w30 3m. ISIONEY-TO `LEND AT_ EIQHT PEI :_ CEti T Iti SL3IS'.tit? ne IJundred Dollars and u. ward Ap yto • r . �Tb�iu k hi0 Jlih, • 1 )e oe , ecce to -tart r e •k — s- of prepared m w to -a nv reasonable � • ; fitP. TWELVE e [lt ,..0 T T''��GO� on shortna `• - lrutors • b I_ liUO.li« '�c•th rice. tt: SALE. S, i t C ytoliiers coining, to lte,faetory theariseitie -wilt: tie rromptly: attended to 11.4111. 4.8.1. S 7.1.0 BLOCIK: t<ar. q Stable Shedeptamp a€id large gardens as formerly, and particular attention -wiil lie aid'to. those from a gLQOO11cr( .�-tali•O11f I �luetr - - P dtstairce wishrna their_�in LI1c ilia a ofIkluecale'rotvnslii of T:urn= Gederich' Set 8th1 �.. J - 864• vt 33 !1RG1�L� tJII Fcl 1.0 n.t., r Jatxe a:€t`.ttt' -.stn [irtt m _, the of BLUE t ►� berry. nd 1.•iocrn by �r O r k. i . alma:the bank t•€� t tC. RA, r ii 13f .Faitl. 44/4:44 -4. -the_ '. - . - <y i.1� .L0.. "�� • T.OWT1 of l oderich anti •.1.• (.,ols.• ,t • t t t:te tetra= I.3L 1107'.EL and in - 'the occupation of - �-= -- - . -sats , 3' 7 rue aloand take tfon•{t its:ive.e. t ''W , Apply' it be ti:ti • td g m` re LI H - rg. °pp 01- � tit- 27 IT . :rac,.„ at • (i - '5s Lands i ttnitedWountrexoi I' chane -of a writ . Huron and Bruce, Elton Facial issued em To .wit : ilei M ajesty',�t vounilr. l C'xiitrtofthe t'nited (o -tutees of-11wirrr 2nd Entq and tsi me directed -against 'the }tads' and tette, ments of Alexander ,�winton, the eider, ut a.SUit at James ,A.t13J rwaali/ `momaaB. VanEv m 1. and Ge�orga liumbaff1I JIa>ie a*iirred rad tal.elr execution thefollo;ran;; property, all the ri�t title and interesfofthesaiddefendant, in. an i,, The North half of Lot number Nineteen :tad t -nitm-ter Twenty In nonce• ion B in the Tow 'p of 3rran, in the County or Brune; •mtise•h 1aiidf and tenet/lents 1 shall otfertor nate at a,y Meet. the Court House is the ¶to n of Goaeficlic on Tuesday the Seventh day of_i3tareh next, , fjiehonr'otTv e1ieofi`TieeToc'. , niton: JOHN MACDONALD, lterill'' , ' ty S,ler4 D ce, erieb 2316: rev.,1b64, , SRERIF S SALE`4 LANDO. trotted Counties of BY •-T' Writ ot Huron andBritt*, � ' .ice 'e �{ Fier; racial issued out To Wit: 7 of Her Maw's Court of Comma Pleas and to me .dirt cted- agent:a tic Ilames and tenements ef. Peter 8 Brown, 21- ilt suit of ire Fulfcrd. l have seized unditaltea tip execution all the rilrt, -title and, interest of the said defendant ilj and to the north halves-ot Lois. Numbers 14 and lam; in the 6th concession -of tie Township of �.'iiitross, to tie Counter of ice coninlnrng'39 ales, be the same thereur1ds.i -which lands and tenements 1 shalt :offerfor p at iny:otfice in the Court House, in the Town q toderich, -on .Tuesday, the :Thirty -$est day or January next, at Lite hem-ofTwelre4 iMse tie*" . talon. JOHN MACDONALD. • sherlt'i; .�Jf3 By S. Portoctc, DeprztgShe,r i. Sheath �= enlace,•(ioderieh, _ . October, 1865E • ,was SI R c SA Hinted -Comities of: tjp}i Y virtue of it writ or Huron and Bruce, ,17 Fieri Facia, l3sued-off; i ' To wit . . _ )4f Her I► ' 'Is Coutzt — al t Court of M Ltuiteed CoBruce `:and .-lo medijectr ,agm the sane t e . �. •vs r inents of Denis klagarty,.iiat the • of Joseph ,. , Herr, 1 have seized and mien in eiteentiori all:Oct - • i�� ; r'gb$, iltiegtnd aterea 111 ibe £soil *palatal, ai-� and 20 Lut uitiber . Tyvven .11tree . -tale ftQk concession of -the :'Township of form, in the wltY of Huron -with i'iliidtgns. thereon. - erected , which landsand -tenements 1 shall oder • for sale at illy otfire Tit the Co rf -Mouse .itt the town -of Oodench, on . Tows syn the third day of January a u ext at tit hour • . twelve o . fi'rhe clock, 1. noon.' k , EEG1!IILLER 7 m- .„. N HcDO? ALD, = 1. B. Bg.Fo i.7.iAClC,ppitty}1Er1% Shertfi a office, f1.,.1ertelr_i- _ _ i J. erpeatl>:z:ti::n _: the pr priewr. H. C. Prcu. - The .property N. B.—While thankful for the litferaal:' 'patronage rt � ,, former year in the above. business - the Ei i� I +'t =� . Jerre .r. (..: t>ti, i,. i has adlliti(nissod lin roceinents and ' • a a � t rift � l.. , is ub, caber h € es by- s. rrc.t .itteati zi 1 Q • P _ P o to iustne s .•andsparing . no expense in meeting '•1 th .an' w :lac .. r tt: � e. a t wants 1J �t rct • 4 't', ' [Y F worthy the notice of-. g1 • y roan why isseekiu of his customers, to still . • .:1. ' t. r -receive . . O TN.- l � f � SIFT". /�? ' a res i e •t I1re. of the• same • ISA ACRElFRiGK).i IerSCHof QI.D sum WATCHMAKER- & JEW T,FR . WEST SM. GOD1?1 tCH,r Next. door West of lir. Stotts' Siddlery.' /Lr. xtxns of- WAflHES, CLOCKS AND.. JEWELRY REPAIRED ON snows NOTICE. lit they best Style ,&- Warranted.: - ALSO, A GOOD ii`011.1•51Eltr Or . beard* PIrttcd Jewelry. Watches, to C e:k ., Cc, Kc•, • C.onstatttlyon hail ti nd warm writ to be as represented , .if not. tnohey refunded. Goderieh' Jaly 27114 l C1 ' ?falter •AES, : 8110-i GtJ NS,_t PIsTor,s, • .MADE D ORDIR, `BY • • • Opposite: the Market.: All kinds of repairing done on -,most a Iiotn Itemetitber the place- Ea'st Street;:second door fiiltn R4B13'S BLOCK: • )ctoer Silt. 1863. RE 11. C. PUG:H. wrift AT-.BARGAIPi llRY GOODS. THIN JOHN FAIR & CO., Always on hand, Sugar -Kettles., Wagon and Pipe Boxes:: A=; our patterns of the above are, ireryf udvanta • Goiierich,April 19t1:, 1864 SLOGAN OM s;.: A 80.a ,Ha . �► � . _ FIRST RATEI iAND - 1 _ Terms a 1sy ap+►IT_to•. it DONALD ,SI"r THE$ AND, deer remisea,�.nr _ - ORES of Lot No. 32 East •IN a1.e U'nitell'COiIIIIit if:''1161t s rttle'of t'7iIwritsOf Huron and Bruce,_ .g }it* .Fale a outt To exit: cf lI(r Majesty's County - . L 11 L SS Court of the County of Ontario nude of mon Pleas, • and, to rare directed against -the Lands a'scd eneitrentspiien DCCrawfond,F.H.. , Lynch -Staunton, Enoe C. Dowling and Boberr Gilmour, at the shits of Isaac Y11.:tiowsrd atm tine Co rzatiost ElFktdie, i hate seized'and tak in_ t�o��� right: tirtie� and interest efThe llel f e e and to stv47,➢v.+; Park'Loti11o.14, Lot. N a _ .-,ni to 1 -troth bar of Lot aro. 6; East ` side of sqUeen street North,. . -being-so bdiv tomato/ ': SLot '(y: 4 :the vil- lage of Paisley; outh halt of Lot 22 ort the Ea* side.z f queenStreetSouth Paisley, l°arieLo( No. Th. Xs' trth stile of Camrrnockic.. street head /Block . 35. West side oftlueen'Street, North ;lt.�'ai , Lot II Soatih"»de and 13 and -14 tlioit i•eide of ambndgs• street, Paisley; North half oflot: Jit side off 1•luron street, Southampton, b0 reel of the North I Q =JOEID i rl'!1•"i 1 1 !. i'-J"t� .•'e'.fie{(Uu11�III1 ►.t t lI 1•..1 {1•• fitlel .44,4111 17,4'144 "4_lt t�, 2:444 -:u, .�M:.C•-::44-I €•' -i11�°1 Irl• i (t'a't - .••t• /' 1•STEAMIENGII WORK -S's RU :N. C I MA N.: li Manufacturer s of . Grist and Flouring Circular. Mulay and. SashSaew-,NLills, OA- ff1:51 4-3 SEPERAT RS AND . HORSE 11,4' .04 OD IdH. ?ebruary 12,1864. Crotlericu. • Code icb, April 301;6, 186'f. w14-tt FOLLOWING ,FROrERTI£S LRE - - rla 'o n sAL ON • Vori Reasonable Tem! f CATS t11oa. 117, 118. 119, 120, 135.; 149;in the •• GODE1t.i:CII 'A&011 4CARR • / rising Vil1a^of II•iverx(tale. in 1.he. County ` 'I ' ""'r 'e of Bruce. Thisilillae•a e is situated -on the main - - Et, 33 is ± „Et0 t41r�tT : road between ICrncardine and Walkerton, the - County Town of Erni-4.. -• S Lot 'hntller 16, Smith side of Mechanics' Avetitie, lin.the owe of Kincardine, and Lots 47, 4'-, 49, 50,al,52and 53, in the Village-ofRivers- dale;alsd 75 and 76, WPestsideofltrictoria Street part of Lot Alio. 4, North, si4!a-vf . Street?' ,S'ontbampton, Lots29.a id- 0.o,n the 1 Orth side ofCiarendoia street, "Soetbamj orf X18 Ear• stcte. oar Sire et, -Serine 1.• ! , Lets 21 andl 22 South side vf"l ouisa street 1 ,. tnulttoa, tail in the County of Bruce; which. lauds and este- : npetits,l slyie ,n;11(;r•- office itt tot• -.troir t o;>rn tit � ch -oa Tues- day ibc Tent of January next, ttthe bons w Twelve of the cloek,_iioon. - --a- JOHN-MACDONALD s_porinctt De pu ) , D p ty�henit, fheriA's O ice `t iebr. : l• tat;.October.1864, ;- w3$ ►j- H'E'subscriberwould pounceto--tile pilling .; i - of titiroi and Bruce thathe bag on hand and a=ill'iitake to order Carriages, Wagons, Har. ro'Vi s, $.e:, which will he sold cheap for cash of in the'1'awn of Kincardine, :Conn vLf)3ruce. ' trP rostdcrcdit. _ + t JOHN P A S3I ICE Lots N -timbers 3, 4 .b, on the 1\ nth ut the Ditr r Lam 11arket-Sgoare, in the village of Cineardine� • rictoriaStrees,troderi . 'County Of Bruee, containing one-quarter of 7.. an 't>f'r` 151• 1563. w49 thn acre. of land each, with the buildilig 1ht.reen. Also 1,4 5,:6 5,-6 and Son the Durham Riad, and! tot 25. on .the igotth -sale of the 1)urttatn .Road, in the •Townshi i of Kincardine, containing 50' acres each, parltra,ly eleare i. _ powEns theToLotsw3ltaof nd32onKinWcardine side o lteeen'$treei.an . • Mowing and Reaping Machines, *cod :Saws, y For particulars apply 1 o ` . • IRA LEWIS, n26. - s • brass Citstings made, and Piaeksmiths' work Cone in• �a_ neat and substaniia1manne r Castings of anj* description made to order. Also, all:kids of mitchiner- =n s , renair•ed on short notice, A Iaraestol k of Y Barrister. Gederic h COOKING', , :PARLOf AND 'Ili& ' LAD -S -FOR--_ 81-LE..1 ands are offered for sale T NT 0 LY. •8e HE f llowing L .IS order to effect a speedy ,clearance of their' of the most approved I,iid, ave -would solicit an inspection o cine stock before pnrchasare `_.' �- � races or: as . - ._ c t, o. or'aP READY-MADE CLOT1I1NO, WiFl,during the proved Credit. Old measly $rasa,. Copper, and sin kinds of oro _ace taken in esehant*e, nett Pine*weeL--x--� .weeks --viz: from this irate to 30th b - • . S on geou. term. s ` pre-ent lame stock% of D'RY GOODS and •elsewhere, as we _are ofi'rang the abetve at the lowest reml1ner•t eve prices f 1 p .1862. w39 November—allow Cocleric b October otauonitb1e terms. - DISCOUNT Or TEN PER CENT Goderieh„ August 2n 1864. sw94 o\ ALL . CA 'H; PURCHASES zFfaSAIA F'' LANDS. amountin ,to FIVEIIOLhARS,or more, eXeep > 1 e sueh -BR ar pard insilver, on which . they, wi United-Countiegof IDV virtue of -a writ of Pieri bn' allot �ceeen pe* rent.. - Boron and Bruce, j- Farlas iKC 1 ---out ofHer `' Thdeect iletice of this tccl. is well l:nown,aiiZl akr- itit ,t•Iiia estv''s E.aanty` Court of sa gcod art opliortunityF for makint ♦fthet ted:Counties of heron and ':Bruce and ' ADVANTAGEOUS PURCHASES ! v nllr direccted against the lands and tenements of:-- Jame L. Robison and -John Taber, at the suit of .iatthe .beginning of beginning does not :usually:: Richard •tluuter,t hares setze(I and taken in.exe- present itself: R tgin.al1 the right, titre and interest of the shed dei ndants in and to Lots umbers 12 and in fiorner of f Market Square `and West St; - the 9jh concession of the Town -hip of Hallett, in' Go eiich, flctuiler 2ath,l;864: sw67 _ e(lonutj of Waren-, containing by acl(nea.ure .. 1170084.twa hundred sores of lands, be the seine more oriels, which' lands and tenements 1. shalt offer`for sale at inv office in the Court. House, in • . . 36ptfris of eti oat lideid/1,11/e twenty • - fenf;l i f o January ne't,- t the hour of twelte • • of the elixir, neon:. t' • --,4- - JOHN MFA:CDONALD,.;` - . Sheriff, If. & B. - A): S.PoLzocx, DeputySherill. Sheriff's.O tfice, Goderrch,:. • 'I2tiiOctober, Imo. - w39 --1i la�a,IFFIS. SALE 01' LANDS,, tratied-Covititiesot .O virtue Of a writ of . Buren and Bruce, Fiert :Faciax issued out - •: x u f tier, Sty34 County. t o ;+ ited aunties oHUrsen Jr Bruce, , saki Mae direeted against the Lands ' and - tent- ments Of William- Ha-Otborn:, at the sure of John :urates l lay thir,Jnlut Idelturrich: --_ ittrtrd=Johtr S. Plagfafr,i have seized -a in Execution all the right,. title and , ofthe said clet'rndaot,iitand. to lot rgumher ; - .TEalff; suje of Willia nstreet, inthevillage - kertoh iia the 'County of Bruce, which- [ n4* d tenements 1 shalt offer for sales act my - o taefailleConn House in. the Town tot elude- ,re son TuesdgY the J`entlt day of January, ii; its 2 ,tJ r ot; Twelve of thea dock, noon.. -3 • • - JOHN M cDONALDy • :..1 .',4- 1. ' Sheriff' f1. B. y S. Po cicDepntp Sherif". For Sale Cheap. . .. .. �—ter•:— Tr OTS(T., Sth eon..$rure: 30, 4th :L inloss; 22. - .9th con. Huron; 'Applyto t �