Semi-Weekly Signal, 1864-12-27, Page 2s
GODERIVII, C. W.,' DEC. 27,. 1864
" Hen D. Ne.Do' tiara, X. jaines
* Dickson, Rsti.,M. P. P.
_ The Dinner to the aboved named hen,
- • Amen, in the fluron Hotel, on Thureday-
night last, canie oft under no ordinary
difficulties. s. A heavy, scow storm ob-
structed the railway to such an extent
- that the Express train bearing Mr. Dick -
lore could , not get - up until about half
past nine, o'clock; and, of course. , -the saute
cause' prevented t.henty from coming in
from the surrounding country who weidd
Itundoubtedly have attended Under . more
felt equal confidence that when s e.upon to hurl the term corriiiitionist et the head of Cnille it power in the state; Its debates a -re cote territorial area ofthe Prep:tied -Confederation
he militia woeld do their duty manfully. eetjeenraye differe -with hint ; 'nor will. ducted with a degree of intelligence, ability, is somethiee epee -esusee eau Owen wile
b II t ba I relMeners al and temper to whieh the prerie and the People pleastire. New Brunswick ancle-Neva-Scotio
ate. se e a) t! 0 r nt .
Th Viee-chairtnan, in rising to propose
-` The Guests of the Evening," said that
one of them represented in the Legislative
Court il one of the largest constituencies
iu theProtinee,and hadfilled. the position
with t a degree of statesmenlike
-him greet .honor. .,[Cheereil
her, ae they all knew, had been
tcly connected with the working
the Municipal syhtem in these.
• revulutiortists and • febels, when reform inglt• have borne ungrudgin'e testimony: [Hear, contain 84,000 square miles., Or as greet an
erovee. lop much for the conservative mind. hear.), On tide bead', indeed. there is but area- as Wales and old Scotland. Those
these nicknames must disappear; or, at al r .one opiniore 1'Mr. Galt, iiddressiiig his con- t. Provinces.abomid hi minerals. such as goal,
vents. it' ese,I they must take their
reie some particular transaction. hereafier
t ocean-, instead Of beinz tertieeSein general use,
to: be einployiel as often . with -sat es with
remote The paet goee into oblivion, Unit We
emit afresh with a :clean state; au& with- every
liadyeertified Well, I take
it • this alone ie boon of very great . import-
Aince. -Men -taiw .meet. and.. work legether
whom partyeniektnitues Iteve. separated ter-
yearii. and belie end betieve that this fe-
iiewed arid COmparatively unrestrained politi-
cal intercoerse will redound tto,the oredit
and eaiisfaction :all parties-. ;Ditierenees
will come again; courte. Neer parties
will spring up, and party .lines. be drawn as:
tight tie sif .yoee. Bat surety the, present
The o
thounties for many. years, and-tiow; "wheh
ealled anotner sphere of usefulness hi.
chscharged the onerous &ides devolss
int; non him with a degree of ability and
zee whieh aroused the -admired in of ail.
(Loud cheers.). The- speaker then went
on to hceite the political events Which con-
. spired to break dowd . the present eystem
and pi•epare the way, fors the proposer.'
Confederationefront which, when estab-
lished, he -sincerely hoped we woald de.rive.
theleenefits it was calculated to confer-
upenslas.. He had great pIeasufe in pro-
posingl The Gaehts of the' evening.' -
The toast Waa received with. prohnihed
• favorable _ circumstancee. As . i( was, lieu. Dtieato Mel/wail), L: C..
. however, the attendance. was very good,: 'et -roming . forward . - le ,resiond Was'
:for at the appointed hour about one Nun- "ritlrallY applauded. , sa;d, Mr.
stheteete the ether day,unreeervedly s dmitted , iron, and I might say gold.. Wheu Mr. Galt
t at the up -•interit or art eleetive.Conneil iu I saw the _produce Of the Gold mines ills eyes
Caumte ties -ti/orked well, But he - said that distendedland he wet. heard to say, "here is a •
the delegatee &Om. Nova Scotia and New specifia for -all the finencial crises that could
Brunswices were unanfineysly eganist • the ever take place l'i •(Laughter and upPleuse.)
applicatien Of the electiee principle- to a- The area of thciee, Prorinces *hen added to
seceed chamber, and the -Canadian delegates that 'et- caeleia win make 350,000 square-
gkive. itp the point. the conceSsion wise? tulles', enough, certaittlylor.a •gpiendicl-cain-
I think not. -I Was ittneceesaty ? . "We :shall try. Atid_when ehe time vonies when we can
and bie..s Ctirtititily Ithiele thats-we have a the far.,Weet, it is. hardly tootsmuch to Ana
be- able, . to enswee the questien better, bye have an -opportunity of sending oursons up to
right to kilo* why; epott thie poiot the larger /het we shale -06041y athird place amonget the
body in the icorkederation :deemed it ex,te• -natioes. of alte.ivorld: .(Cheers.) . Mr.. Galt
d:ent to yiel tO .the smaller bedies...- E.Ap, in his bis speech at Sherbrooke told us thst
please...I .; M I view, gentlernee, isethat tether the inverts and exports of. Canada add 'the
. ,
than rever. t a Csown nominated ' so thstia;-, Ileoeinces in'1863, aniounted to the sum of
guished 1 or a popularly elected chanibers it $137,000,000. . Of this, Canada prodticed
eventfuleire, wheizeu.shallhave passed awey; WoUld be better to diepetise with the:form ef Seg,000,000. He tiold ue at the smile time
eta leave blessed fruit. in_the shape 91 a rese_a_.seconsi Chaluber altogether, and cenfine the. that the tonnage of the -Provinces trientiemed
spect'eliat Will- prevent -meturil recritninatien' law-maid:4 Powee to the represeetatives :01. amounted to 12,000,000 Of tons; itial I, my- +facia are briefly these: For many years there
based On traditional antipathies,:and seeure a the peeple.; 1For if nominated by the Crown, self, hi looking into -the Tonleand Navigation Itted in Germaity-it Cologne: we beheyeee
More healthy. as well :as a: more. agreeable the menshereofthe Legislative Council woald returns, found that tipoti the Lakes we led young banker by the name :of Louts. Golden-.
state of ponticed existence -than would other- beetnerely the eteatui es ;Pfe the Executtve Seven millions of tons, a portion of which, fauSs. Ttuetedby bialeinploy-ersandac-quainted
withsall secrets of the financial :world, he is.
said to ,have not only forged the names •of
pronSinent merchants as drawers ondindoosers
on hills of exchenhe, but also to.have suede!'
felly imitiited. the:private mark which denoted
the genuiheness of -the paper. Leaving e
wife and child its . Prussia, he came 7 -to New
York with a beautiful young ledy (of .eourse
a lady is in. the caseh.last May, and is alleged
-to have negotiated fraudulent bills on persoes
in-Ger:rue:ay to the yalue of 400,0 thalersi
Which* at the equivalent of 72 eenthper tbaler,
With gold at 0.20, gave hinithesougfortune
iif $85,000. He cattle =to Troy, and made
Many friend.s-especially among his fellow
ceenttymen. Pill in: person; intelligent in
Countenance.and conversation, LettieGeraud,
as he called himself, was a man -to make his
mark .anywhere. - He -4..banked " in Wall
Street and purchaee-d a farm at Pitisettw.n iti
e tthis eounty-paying sixteen thousand dollen
for jt, and fitting it up in great style, equal to
the island.heitine of •Blatiathasset; ' But the
:Elystiare dream Wal8 of short duration.
Yesterdey afternoon, Deputy United States .
Marshal Jarviseof New -Yorke arrieed here;
With extradition papers from the Prussian
GOvernment. -lit company with officer lied
but t, he proceeded to Pittetown and areested..
.Galdeitfauss, .nlias Gemide at his bone. The'.
officeis also -brought ; with them it,sefe cote.
tinning $30;000 in gold, and -readied here at
midnight, .Tlais mornieg the -prisoner yes ,
taken to New York,. but• his friends secured
the legel services of, IL 3. Townsend and P.
.11. Bagman, and endeavored : to o ,btaitt poi-
-ea:idiot °fine sefe, ohich was- lodged in the
jail office. It will probably be Sent by express -
to New York,:atid Goldenfatiss will start .fer
Germany le the next steetners _ Bis friends .
claim his inineence, but the elfieert say that.
when be was arrested -he .made a *fall -toeless
Wallace and •SGUltItif110011 'Shall be the - sloe, The affair .liss inadesuitoeneexcitement
ehout town.
. - t ..:. --
. Pingress tn Ireland. 7 .
elan of our population. Our agents hese no
authority -to grant passports to others than
British subjects. They and Americans mil
are provided for. The question arises. how
will Fienchmea get acrohs to the United
States ? It would seem proper that ibe
American Commis should exercise this 'furs
veillance over &reignite, other thaw British
subjects. Young, when arrested near Riviera
du Loup, had a passport to enter -the- United
States under theassumed nemeof Mr, Joseph
bad beeu granted in Montreal.
_ .
Sensation Li Troy.
, ROXANTIC ease or ata.EGen Blery LOU,
time, Loxes; ASSEST.
he Troy Times; of December 3rd, las
fullowiug spicy though brief story ise-
eeldedly the meet startling and sensation-
al ewe that hes eccurred in the criminal his-
t° y of this vicinity for alone time was broug'ht
to light, bp the United States and local au-
thoritlee yesterday and this, morning. lite
wisie have been poSsible. Bali gentleMen, -- the reflex Of its will ; and a* such of little however, has to be credited to American bot -
more .thtin. altered and amended political real utility, htoweher ornaieental they may be toms, Mr. Wit sayi that tnis tonnage stands
feeling. --more than new parties, purified and considered. This not. a new view. with me. perhaps forth ti-Motigst the great mitritimenit-
invigoreted-ie destined to result from the er one .Whipli takes its rise ur the poi- imd that in it we heve a nueleus.'whieh
et I datary - event; which we herdly yet eibility . of .1 the . application of. am ob• will euable us to compete with Great Britatn,
lietriti to realize. We passed inte a coali.ion Jectionable kinciple to my own case.- or the United States in a very few years.--
alder:one form of- cemetitutional- beteg ; we
ehall emeree from it under another.. We
sonen a hilly to realize the fact. Our neigh
b0r8 on -the* other eidehof the line are still
At- far back as the 4th April,- 1861, in my I Oust, Mr. Chairman; that when the new
place in- Parliament, . I -Moved. to Cxclude state f things is introdeced, we shall be ible
.from the Le;4islatKe Council itidividea!tz to- gi te away our iCiown Lands . to actual
inn; collie* ander the Crown. The reselation- settlers and ao aWay forever With what I will
ice-ehairinan- and gent lemete- eny.a.ged in terrible conflict, the end. whereof- r 10-v7d orhhhat occasion affirmed thet " 1.'he the eurise'd speculation in lande. (Cheers..)-e-
dred gentlemen tool: thir pliCei at. the
r . • ' . •
tables. Robert Gihbons, Ee.q., Warden,
occupted the char, supported on the eight
and left hy the guests of the etening, and,
also; by -Sheriff...MeD.Msld, Detltrh
Esq., Mayor ,elect of Goderich, arid- other
prominent -gentlemen. - •
M. C. Cameron, E occupied the
-Vice-Chair. Amongst those present we
noticed nearly all the members_ of, the
.Comity Ctouncilh -Cepts. Seytnour and
Ross, Me.Qermott, S. Sieclairs
p -* mann r
with ieluch -you, sir, have introileeed the
toast to which it is my agreeable sluty
part to res nor at the geuerous warmth
iind Coidiality 'with which you; geneemen,
have giXeii it your endursemeuvatel approval,
None khowa bettc,r' than myself the hearty,
kindly impulses Which animate- those who -
have made ihis mngnificent sectioo of the
heye h
d niore abundant opportuaities tha,t1 1
a0 of testing -the sterling triente
ship by whiek niy friends are ateueuel
!elision like this. Without presuming
ipitte the speech of my friend and coi-
n. .E. maguey the respresenative of flame in the
on iin
to anti
rsq., jno Hardan, El., S.. Po oe eties. •he ,ista ive Assembly-, I ans:sure that he; Coo;
C. Cribb, E..sft. and many ' others of our I aria tef thg,Isame tog. tenethe. he. ara, 1
azree on all Other pointshor noted this i ani
coatide it -that we have, both of us, rare
sood fortune in beipee identified' welt a cen-
etitueney Which, beeides!being iinpottant and
on the hole, i trus., prosperous, is. ktiown-
leave t. Piekson, however, himself to etc-
ever to be Most generous and confiding, lh
'cote a heikswhieh teiv know how to - perforce
more all -only,. and couteet myself with ah
expression of ley own ' apprestiation of- the
confidebee nod kindness shown to tne. In a
cdse like mihe, the, Cynic's defilade:1: of 0,ra-
most respectabl% townsmen. The dinner
and arrangements.ginerally were never
surpassed for -completeness eat any _such
occasion:in Goderkh, and the wOrthy host
certainly deserved all the encotniums pass-
ed upoo himself and Mrs. Wright towards-
- the close of the entertainment. Consider -
:lag the very shed notice their had -only
three or four days -they suede iaed in
. . . titude it.not lediniSsilite. It is not A lively
maintaining the ancient honor of Goderieh 1
. , - 1 senee o favors to 011ie, for On :deist puha .1_
in the matter ot spleddid repasts,. i•have n ' '
s that the Gederich 1 aecessi
tries pariah stationed io an exteniporned hwrri:th%
orehestre,- did most eicellent seivice dur- nwhich
. ing the evening. ' . 'ma 1 a
' After thecIoth, had been- removed the
Chairman =pressed his regret that- the
tiain by which Mr. Dicksott wai eipeet-
: ed had:not _been able tO get up- 'He-
. hoped,: hewever, that he might yet arrive
- before the evening was spent Ile• would
impose the health of -our noble clueen, . visitor !Amid, et day rater be. compelled to
.. God Hess her.
Band-" God save the Queen:'
'mammas and I have therefore-- no
• g' =
'for reiorting to -artifice :to. woo and
:r favoe I . L trust,. honestly
for the long ceetinued cotifidenc
on hive been pleased to repose in Me,
verv glad of the freilt. oppartunity
. -
you ha •0 afforded for meeting- in this Manner
so malty of thoae who hi a municipal. if Inn a
parliamentary ebese, are the rePresentative,
of-Hurd:I. A stranger &shine stedy
what 9ay be -re'rmednhe non-political ezoil-
'omy ot,, Hefei' m the least. poSstble
could Mit do bitter than eoalyse the Comp°.
sition.e1its Comity Council; and the general
nattire end order 01 hi proceedines. • Suet).
;applaud the :excellence ail' a municipal system
whieh has deireloped'so muCh inteltieence
neither they nor others foresee, they are 4‘ Legislativei Couned is at once an expression -With' reference again to Confederatihn,- I
going none know: whither tii the direction 4.4 Of the popular will. and a cheek to hasty hope before it is passed there will be an up -
of -great organic Change, amidst it strife which legislation and the iniproper exercise of peal to the peopleses(..ear, hear,) -and I can
to friendly spectators like ouree4s cennot " exeeutive . poWerell I reepeetfully submit assure yott if it is asked ' for. you 'rill find my
but be appalling: Oir the .other hand, we -of that tio body would. be-dieeste.d -of the quad- name, amongst the yeas. ,. (Cheers.) The
tions, the ino ent it is stripped ot the eleetive have a right tobe appealed- to m a matter of
ties,. mid hp otenf in regard te these -rune peOple-should haye the Supreme power, and
character and converted iiito a mere creatioe so inuch importance. lald. not- deeire it. dig--
of eue Qrown to a condition berdedng Isles('
upou tiatioeriiitycherishine ardently as ever
attachment to the old flag-, but with responsi.
bilities.worthy of a ereet colonial fedeiations
The transaction. conies - suddenlyebin I don't
keow thitt it its objeetionable o:: thataccount.
Had we been at:Iiherty long to euritemplate
the change: in advance. we should probably
have beeu like the bather shivering on the
river s brink, and a 'raid to take the decisive
the British Colonies: are passuir peaceliilly.
and. with icarcely a yipple to break ehe
face, froni a condition divided dependencies:
ef the execut ve. Whether you in common
•with theother electors of Canada viill have
an opportum cfPronouncieg an opinion on.
solutiou-a sintple ;vote yea or noy,. is all
that -is required. [Great, applause.) Mr.
Dickson sheakine on the proposed chanee
the. subeeet, , .remeans uncertain. L nless i the mode Of selecting Members for the tipper
lettrnals whiCh- w,e aro now accustomed tO I House. hare testunopy toethe increased efla
consider welli infermed are in this. instance Ciency and energy infused_ iato that branch'
miainferined, the detention is not to submie under the elective pritietple,. and expressed
the question Of toitstituticinal change to the his belief that when the selection came le be
direct verdiet1 of the people, At the earne Made by the Crown, - they would find the
. titue I nem say thet the -position Honorable metalier for recuniseth filling ao.
_plunge. We viere deep in ' the strewn well the; atheinisti-atioh,- as: explained_ by Mr. honorable pesition in that body. ICheers.)
eiieh before we knew What was happeniitg.- Brown at the Xi/put° feStival, is not• ia fai Taking up atiother subject, Mr. Dickson sitid
V.r,e- 4re iii it now and the instinct of self hese open to she aninuidversiOns .to - which that confounded Comity Town question of
preeervation, if rioaling'else,-will inapel us to many sournali !ewe given utterances Iltr; Dna*. had cosi:him many au hour's sleep.: -
strike boldly tor the laud. Who d,uhti that Brown remarked thatstt is hot for theeAdmite tiss,ughter.] He had resolved to . do: as the
had we been asked .12 'meths ago, enter- tion to !say. that this .ineissure shall:or ehill people of the Vontity 'dictated. tene night
thin proposals for the abainloilinelit of the not be tient specialty th the people ; ,adding :deem canie the Reeves - of Kincardine and
system of goVernment which %I -elutes,. liad•fur oi we are in the hands of the representatives Southampton. _The Beeve of Kincardine:said
years, and to eMbark on 'a great'und costlY of the People tind ov theite decision we are 44 DiekS011) you will have to exert yourielf, for
the people of Bruee are , determined to have
twe counties, . and tbe CaPital of South 13ruce
shall be Kincardine, 'I'he Reeve ofSotithampe
ton, said " we intend 'to heye a county named
Chunty ' own." I said if the peepleso dpereed
I app•roved ofit. They told me a.gyeat many
people apptoeed Of it. I went in -foie% of
course,' but the -scheme fell through. Thee
:down cornea Mr. Gunn. -of Inverhuron, and
says, " Diditsontthe eld scheme was a farce=
Caughter)-the people were detertnined to
he pro..ince, are objected t4=then -,ati a•ppeal -Atm d he keep the Coup* as a whole -and not theide it
tie cenetit u• Made teithe people; that they may decide -19e into Wallace and Bruce,aind what they,eranted
now *was. to have the ,question Put whether the
County Town should be in the jetetior or on
'the coast." Although ' that Scheme failed
eXperiznent-who deehts tbat.a large propor-1 ready to abide..." • Thei soueds fair - enough. -
teureof the people would have. hesmited ere
Upproving of the ? They weeld have
-said, :1' Tis -better to -bear the 'ills We ..have
than. fly. to otherS welstiow pet of." A period
usiong and teinpestuousses that which usider-
ed responsible- goiernMetit into. existaece,
and as that which preeeded the secularliation
of the -Clergy Reserves -would iti.,all likeli
hoed. have intervened 'betweetv eheinception
of the change and its final Coneummattoreee
Now. how different Thanks:to the marvel-
. .
lull -in the political wortdot
we no' sooner hear_of a . sweep
tionai chreige, thaeswe find our
eve ef its accomplishinent.
anno.nice t .e as% o e.ia ion some six
1.0r s.,teed laoatlis ago, and aireadi the leaders
of. :the two great parties hav.:4 -agreed oir
outlines and detaile, and in aemonth -or two
more inay expeci tobave the whoie thiiii
finished; Never beferd 114e. L[hiStory oi
eoustinitional change bile a- Ork of . Such go.4 t. Even sfter the scheme shall have
.cultivated so inuch healthy public spirit mignitude been wrou rht so spe diiy or with bie,n settled' and `.sarictioned the e still
There is zio-onstitueonal necessity that I
know of for dissolving the [least because of
this • ineasureehin the step may be expedient
nevertheless. ; That expediency should be
judsted by the character. of the. discussions in
the leeislatur4 : When the measure is under
coneideratiorei .If there be wide differences
of opitiimi. whether atnoterst the represent-
atives of LI peir or of Los•er:Catiadare Kit be
-.apparent that • whilst the wisdotn of some'
erearid ran ve is conceded, essential_ dettiils
elves cui the. elleinselvei. I will not, however, myself
Was vaguely give scope to e tspirit whinli 1 deprecate in
other& Thei , need Of forbearance and
tond.iaiion o ell aides, end pu all poluts .also, haeoUld wiy that Mr. Gunn did his duty
ihiS grit' tit questiote and I am; not disposed to rot Bruce faithfully. pezzled hitn was
heluige enything savoring of' dogmatism what the County wits goitiis to do now. Mr:
We Must Ihernt to make our individuel vieWs Gunn lied told thems I* famous resolution -
and.preferenceS, subordinate to the..eetteial not lone since. that in -order to make 13ruce
0 . 10
right taere must be a reconstruction of Huron,
.Perth. Wellingtea and G ley, but he -Mr. l).
• •
• .0 •
' The Prince and Pri sit of W'ales and laid sce Solid a foundation far future 'local s little apparent_dissensioa. II 'this feaiure be need . for great forbearance, in parliament, r -did not know whv that doctrine should pre -
thereat of the Royal Family.
Band-" Rule Britannie.."
In lookineer around upoie this Island, 30 long
the home of poverty and 7nisery,it ia cheering
to wituess at last the returning signs (if pros-
perity, A lite Irish paper says
-Die darkest cloud may have asileer lining,
arid so if its Ireland'we heive noe the advent -
awe of -immense cepital and unlimited com-
merge, We ire without the ditnisters which are
.-e-Ceasional y connected with both. The short
davs ure closine in upon us and we liave
slavered ia oue harvest ill adiairal4 con-
dition and in , abundance. Fuel ltas been
stored for winter use, the potatoes have been
eenerelly due outand pitted svith no elhieuse
0 0
worth speaking of to taint them. Tee crop
• - Th 4 h• - let flax is -a. succe-ss, and has-been valued at
. tbr wonder; for, deppnd poen it the change .ment die. a eitalsone ;sit we invo ve more peon e of retie wishe toconsu t t e interests
• of th; affair however 1 see more lhan cause in the preeseem by t peoe e. e experf. vai . Jr is part • le ievect t tat t te v4 000 000 and et it is but tbe rawMaterlio
erowth -arid g,reattless. It has &sea the - • • - • •
. . ,
fashion-eu serae quartere to seeer .at these
ments. t I wilt hot ---though -I thig;it pePr4hra';',s-
h . .
-say eserliament the great aught not
unfrequently study with advantage the apti-
Ade for business evince.' by these ntinor
lefrislatnres.: But this I will see. -that tl.e
0 , , , . •
Couutyi of Huron, iii. (Summon with -every
county in Upper Canada, would. seffer mole
leen, It material and meral interests *um
the su den suppression or annihilation' uf
its mun cipal organization than by deprivation
ef the nietearie lutnintiry Whieb shews itself
once a year at Quebec. • In Eieland. public
opittioulkipehrs tti_ point ty the conclusien
thet the world has been.governed too much -
that goYernment is at beat an evil, tO .be re-
strieted;Within nhe narrewest possible limits.
• "I I 8 • d • * 1 th ' Y
• uni • I b d• •
gf" TheGovernOr General-, _ .
Band -L:" The Fine add Irish. Gentle,-
man?! -
It was here given out that Mr. Di. k-
- eon had. arriOd. The announcement with
reoeived with applauee. • t
The chair -min said the . next toaat she
had topropose WAS " The Government'of
the day."
Ira-Leh/is, Esq., County Attorney, bet-
ing called upon, responded. lie said he
- wasa confederate and went in for coaled-
[Cheees,3 "itith regard to whioli. and to he seen and -felt in the feweet passible But prudence
. '
of a rensuierative manufacture. Ireland has
would nut be su'eaev. ner would acquiescentie
delicate issnes than I to enumerate ; of the county c.tS a wank they would place
not suffered from droueht in the . degree that
et it be se geneeal, ue e not tue gierit bode and for e tune, ett leastrit wIll not Wcrk. with 1 the County town neither at Kincerdiee nor Enkland has. Fedgter is compirativily cheap,
of the community in thei: lteadts weary pf the. etiV frecnient jiirring . of th_e_ governntental. Walkerton,. but at .111,3.P=SISLETr--WhiCh W" Whi e theeticessitiessolNorth Americans -have
old stale ol ',thing& They Were. th.goui4hly..inachinerv.. Let . tie. th-eny make up our undenbtedly the mbst centi al place.
,ciftstit:stied, and 'therefore the chateve We nre minds to teiir and foietir, that - ti change plattae frGM It number of Bence Reeves.) - :li. ..; and flout
CA'ij lill 4 Our...harliors with ships laden; with corn
le Food Must lie elleap as well as
witile:isincris accepted joyfully, as a delieer preznant with iniehty results to every one of I Dicke -oil then xesumed his amidst contiu-
e . u throu 'tutu the cumin s wittier. We
0 i
and evils,--ae break:tie Amen ol party,. per favorable' circinnstances, but ine.e. manner ' ' , . a • .1 i V J . I. 1 .
• 4 :
"',r4 Commercial Interests of Ooderieh,17 yet we ba c a greater t abendasine to give'
sonal-utlil,seiitiona/ d.fliculties, a id leuai ig tn meet -surely calcutated to attaia: the ends
waittesponded -to bi .1, V.- Detlar; Bee., who them. . . • • ..,.
a new an we tiust, a niore pleasant state of desired.' Meanwhile, --we are afloat'on the Sea
dilated Upon ehe vast benefits 'itecruing from -Ireland passed buoy:Intik over the last
thidgi. (Cheers.) 'Let ue take eaie that Vie or chanie) and Lean hut Pr4y that Pobvidence 1, a hotriihi g
i n commerce; and expressed. his 'financial crisis, and she will tide over the
liaste to be rerof old evili leads es not to ac. may guide us niiiidst its peri.s, and sustain its li;
regret that the variklue eeverainente of the present -disturbance of iredlt. Our traders
t ceha of new thines without suffie'ently weizh 'Maier all its t lids., 'Gentleuien, alein I .
country had dene 34 little. tO further the coin. i indeed suffer, as they -must, *hen . money is
te esenpe thane yeti. -(Gseat applause.)
. .inerciel-interests -Of - these counties, by ihe 'nine or ten per vent. ; but thee they have
litisbaeded their resourees and have mitt in-
dulged in wild speculations,: and they look
forward cheerfully to the future: We have
not to'record lady the anicide of some -great
tnercantifeleader orepeenlator in the etoeke.
Seven tame ot staudieg in the Dritish Qoui
-iiercirit world have ane themselves to , death
, within the last fertnight. „ Too prtied to bear
a cloudupon their credit. tee weak to -Oppose
manfully the 'storm of misfortune, they earn
lice life, inure preciouS-than all weilth. The
list of failures, already largee is oontinually
ihoreaMirg, and tho sums acknowledged to be
110s_tel are positively enormous. We hive
nees, mere of which had been shown hy -Pi:hei5,eyr)shtesdeirithittaiellaeteTunhasiliesac4neltilete9filirutls'
the people themaelves Perhaps, than by ieue.rii uf indisetuel misfortune. At the very
their reeves. He: spo'ke of the want of
proper hatters, and said -he was in a posi- svith triumish ep ei the eiereritie- -expansion. of
mineet whoa the .whote British press dwells
their battles in Qwbee with- -great energy- -
Mil tO aSsert that 'Mr- Dlekann wathnoe to alsrtistish trede and manufehture, the bankrupt
blame ai ell in theinatteros he had fought commercial *reeks. .
. - contain aa unprecedented- number of
a ice from the bonda:re ot old p rtizan be affeeted. not oidy tinder the most ued cheering. • h v u tu- ate'y fe ve mouths te feed aed
mg, their bearin zs. It is got;
from party -deltdiocks, and sec tonal squab- 1 i•
•:-. , • - . s .
tees and stru v %lee and governi areal c le • • - AMES DM SON, gsQ,; 11. e. 2., then colistroiAion of ilece7ary „,11,aibours, itejui 111;
of these all re tired- sick nto satiety'.
. came fbrward 0 respond, and Was veCifer.- might be permitted to sueeeit that wl - 1
foun the Genet nrnent in such e ' tight place,'
equires :us la see w i. ler We , , • 1 ---
Wu - ouely cheered - lie said, , Mr. Chairman,- d t t '
But they Who put ferwaid this view ',Ire ght).ihnilhea„li, htu,hin„7,kaPelAre
fni°Orlislts.eagerly and persietently,' invariably on `-
he hoped' to hear a good deal durithe not pru
- assert the value of the municipal system as. -
ea enter lino!, such a diacussion,
evenine- •
Sheriff' MacDonald' arose .to respond the only tri to centrehe T1
arpe, 4f:ten. jzoilextha, t.6icipa-rboduti•es sholuelyd indicaie!as necessary tor thoi gh the -gen-
eral features of the new schern , have been.
ous bog.. I shall nut presume
t the ground
* a treacher-
his evening
'that which
his friend Mr. Diekson might have 'tot some-
Vice-Chairmai and gentlemen, I desire
inter for us by telling them. thee hisn _eupport
to return my lAst thanki forthe very kind t :upon. a degree of justice bei g' done
manner in whieh the-slast toilet has bee ctioelieis constituents (Flew het r )
• d a d • "
propose n With which it hes been re-
icieso-te, prOposed Thd jdnior
eeived by this ' assembly. It -affords me
Caunty of Bruce,. coupled with the name
-great pleasute iddeed sto meet ori this oe-
easion so inimileacling and influential men of -Atr- -•
of these United Cotinties, in. order that Ma. GtNiki responded. Ileattributed
we may discasii some of the -great ques- the whole hlarne of_the :want of succeis in
tionSwhich.are ooiv occopyiog the publie-settling their Co. town matters fo selfish -
wind. Illear, hear.' Before. setting
out, however; in _that direction, permit me
to say that I Cordially coincide -with the
amid Tend applause; Ile said the Comity_ h
Attorney Might have patisfied them upoe; _dwell o the impottance_nf
not overtep 1 .eir. proper unctiolieis, mlluntinetilipez
. pu is le t e are etans autnea with
hi' I- • ch "" '
the -Point at isine. _He claimed to be a syste:n as providing the beat nia•elii • ' which we Sit:Mid be. familiar be ote pro:it/411-
confederate, - (Laughter.) - - What he- 'nee, e
meant by.that -he 'did not koow, but he
- t - t eating t hedpweiospe j1; rt,i)gulisteel v tethoet '
at tue same time as th b e. 1
,er - lie Y for „
cpsooc,aiortle bop: 3. eert)ort it tee z .
- .. sou.' al the scheme sha,1 be promote,. ited
officially and,in its enthety,.. the duty will be.
- - tinef thee eat bull- of p i - • t --1`). a
4. %teens, and ° - -
final aud positive jud, mama. So
sentattve ust tutitnis. In ordinary eircum ,
atandes;meeting yeti at this table, 1 shoeld
hardly feel at liberty to go' much further, 'for
as a meMbee of_ ,the Provincial Parliament,
.1 am mcire or- leis proiie ie. talk poti.tics. and
polities ;a a party,sense are always in theory
excluded from the range of municipal dnties.
Thebretically speaking., County Commits ale
nonspolitical. We meet here irresnective of
,patty politics. Conservatives a dte
_hoped he had nOtbine. to do with raiders.. genius an lecumbent upen us 'to examin closely, -its
icLind and just, if not perfeet, y this '7 do
. .
net, tient' met every man shoal insist -upop . ,
. 1 . . , of my worthy-holleaglie as regards
his partieular preei ences and opposg the ' retha49
scheme unless his own peculiar % iesv.s pievail. the duties end reseoembilities ot County
Shouid - ancli ' a spirit as t nit , prevail; Councillors. • The great .queition at pres-
we should iiieviutley go back to the elti entoccupying the public mind lathe con-
deaulock -would ocenr again, en *e should -p i - :
'Ouse- -A .federation.of the British North American
a d I dl i isli th t h i (.-
.sinuFh of partizae Malice and
be c‘iineelled to start :afresh, with :tempers mv !lea% 11 - °Yw awen is°
(Cheers -and latighter.) He-tha
-was etrongly in favor of Canadian- Con-
federation, which he trusted would be the,
means of bringing Abut a better -state
- of things. (Cheers.) - • -
" The army and NavY,',' was propose&
Sergeant lohnston responded, saying he
felt it to be rn honor and -a privileie_to be
able to reapOnd to the4Armf and Nail of
Gieat Britain*. . That Army and Nail
Would alwayabe .found where honor and -
*glory niight lead. (Cheers.)
a verY neat little -speech' the Vice -
Chairman proposed." The Volunteers of
Canada.7 The toast was drank with en-
• thusiasm; - • -
eaPt. Seymour said that "the Volun
leers -a_ Cenada, organized. for the pro -
Milieu of their fellow countrymen, had
within. the peat few days shown that they
were.prepared to. go forth in the discharge
of dtity- to -defend, if aeed be; their henies
front the unhallowed. foot of the invader.
(Cheers.) He hoped and trusted that
this fair county would never be scourged
by war, but if; itifortunately, Vouble
' should arise, the ir.olurtteers iould en-
deavor to show -to the eauutry and world "
• that they were so- unworthy descendents Or
- -dte militia of '1812. •• (Continual Cheer -
i i • every point, end so to aid in reodernie
n formers
we are here regardless of old party differ-
encei, mid I apprehend he would not be. a
welcome; pest wbo should. venture to drag
them into a speech this evening. But theee
are not ordinary times. We do not reeet
uhder ordinary , circumstance& A change
bas came o'er the spirit of the provincial
dream which the _majority amongst us would
fain -not hastily arrest. We have not heard
front Dee Cumming lately, or we tnight find
Ourselyea nearer the millenium than we have
Supposedi Ourselves fo be. For saddenly-
Most unekeeetediy-the voles of ariery parti
zunship has been husbed. TheY who have been
wont to scold; spold no More. There is no
more ceiling of ugly names=no More inipti
Wien- ot Unworthy motives-eno More detrac-
tion, andivenote, aud ploteing, and counter-
plotting. I Tire lion liee down with the lamb;
the 'elves and the dogs sleeh together.
sort of. Political millemuth has dawned, upon
nr, and partizenship is dried up. We are all
uu tne sante side of the fence, with -nobody to
quarrelserlith On the other s'de. Aiyet, t:one
of us seers disposed to disturb this heppy
its probable duration 'The gourd that grew
state of t ines by enquitinh too closely usto
t - e
tan nieht withered ia it day Far tny part
.5- I- , -
eeme next what mav s rejoice Ina; the won-
&roue metatnOrphosis hi occurred, sod theres
fore, I lithnot pause to scrutinize very Closely
tile singular political events hi whichit hat
bid its origin. It see nhose discusszug the
merits af4 detiterits Of coalitions in general,
and of the exi4ting coalition .in particular. -
Suet% a dneussten would certainly not be pro-,
Auctive of much good, whilst as certanity it
would tend to damps interest, which most of
as, irrespeitive of partY, are most anxious to
promote. Enough. that die ehenhe has sm-
eared. Eaough tint the - ooalaion is:in
uisteneth, with: the-coefessed approval of -the
-.great majority Of both parties, Whether ih
stand -Wag er inane Of ode thief
confident the yer.y fact that it exist, u a gem
of no cotamon `kind. For henceforth the
trocabulaty of*Osztizan slang Miist undergo a
process of expargetiou which& , Till relleitt
favorably on the reputation of die Province
&bread, And on the -temper of the peohie at
home. It will otio hereafter fora reformer
Ciptaita Eou said that to be prepared
to do justice te thequestion of Defence
• Would be ono of the moat important duties
theprop000d-Con9desation.. Seperated
mirth* Prouniu wore it was- necessary
tber should be united ordeelo
ittnnuit alotroy,bold frost to anibivader
(Hoar, beer.) Howas sot aurirised at
the warmth with labia the tOast had been
1.6shrtd, euisalluring the: important pool -
des it Ma country. abo
trusted Wilt would be long before Great
laitaist °nay one of her oolonies should be
polluted by that feqt of au invader, but tie
soured by what- had- 4aPPened. r feat dish \down te•Quebee I may be sure that I. am
eosed to take it foe granted that certain veting thet subjett coniformably"witn
. .
c anges la ave,
preferred were discuseed in the
and found impracticable. Sue
mean. as that which would. have
. •
changes 1
limited' :the
new ionstittititie to the Canticles, .postponing
to. a.. faun! period the larger qeeslicia, of
geheral federation. We know that this view
was held by our frtends in the governmetfte
h I -
an- we earn from correspoedence which 12 di
appeared in jciurea!s. E•itbl.ined -In the - mari-
time provinces--inepi ed If not Written by
prenunent delegates.
at Quebec. were con
broken -off by differene s of opinion on im--
portant questions. Mt4nal concessioes wete
iielispensable. I only ope that all the cop -
cessions hare not been ostlie aide of Canada.
Yield something-yief inuch-ewe undoubt-
edly mutt. . But shou
should it turn out ilia
mainly on our eide.
matter zu which you a d I have a common
ititerest bir way of. illuetretioneI refer to the
propbsed constitution atlie Upper Cnamber.
You are aware that under the scheme as now
proposed, the intetdion is to make the Legis-
lative Council it Crowe nominated body in-
stead ,of an elective body. To my mind
this tile retrograde moYeetentewit a move-
ment in. the direcdon of reform. It is a goine
that the deliberations
tent danger of being
thndesire asgreatannjority of theileople
of these United Vouaties, remembering
that the gOod of the ceuntry, in. so far as
coecerited consist -is in the fieseplace,
in the welfare and proiperity of these ptip-
ulous snd wealthy counties. [Laughter
and eheers,j .T. ant 'free to _confess that I
heartily' agree with this sc--henie of Confed
eration, earl be shown te a deinonstr*.
tion that itrwilfnot trench too deeply.upon
pur pockets% b*tise I believe the time has
fuliy collie when we should grow mit of
the littleneas of colonel politics and lay
the fpundations "of a nation 'which. shall
stretch' from seit te Sea. (Ininiense ap-
plaus4.) .A. Orhat Republic is pur nearest
as a conservative ',with liberal tendencies' Etow T0m.L0sT ma snaap..-An old former
and. ability. Ele looked upon Mr Dickson •
Mr McPherson, their representative
. la Worcestershire sent flie tele Teel in A
-atld laughter.) - -- „ better hands than he did, he vats cleaned out. , ntb,_e•eighinho°0nery-17 eaTttle . ft tvheitthha _ a floack of
Upper .Hoese, en the centrary, was ,.. seeep to sell. out so t s isep .an got
ral with conservative tendencies. (Cheers some shaeps,bwuttiofaolfit irsen"mtbaenageerTP:iion7holf
,po, sTile.a i it ocd:sdat usolf rp'es'mToposhVNeecridarto,d;Tub'e1 7,:::::. Tb aaiee grant WIdne nhtithniodiancte; ,s -bb tie twaoekoZnetwb es a sold-gotn;
his mother, however, of whet had
wi ich was .briekneknowiedged by dr. 4.1 She could to the muter ofthe muter, and
lir. T. Coi. - - . , :1„YlTec:sr :IeltjrCousr c' :lit :et asortt
GE°. SPROATI Esq., of Tuckersnuth, out of his till. One day the farmer bad A
proposed "-The Agriculturis of Canada," ;friend to dinuerotad 101043 spirituous potatiots
ill Ha aveNt.y:3nieaa;t lmitot1De oiipesAeoLhD. ;ropos;d, oft 1 being hitioducedtheyebecame +lune merry..
This win Tomhtopportenity, He nishedinto
" Bar." Messrs. H. McDermott and J.. titter tom, holding tour ...kluge in his hand%
§. Sinclair responded in &tin,' terms. , ..eHd ex'"iniedl • •
0 4Father would you bet anything On such a
- " The Ladies' Ins acknowledged by nand as that?:
Mr, S. H. Detio-t; in a witty,'speech. - 'Yes, I would -and 13 bet every fir -
the yieidine has been I resent
neighbor said it behoves us as a people to ea to by Mr. Wright in his usualcff-hand .Well,''aria Tom, with a sight Ithat's what
;Iola thont to the dangers that style.
" Our Hest and Hostess " was respond- thins,' tad.'
d hardly be satisfied
may sidye-rt- to one 't oh f t t t. t beforzacmites.ef. thc. sheep. The other fellow had
fhreaten I,said before that it is al- We mus „tit men o men ion a ex -
ways my desire to carry out what- I be-, cellent songs were given darn)* the even- -
Zaribot Railroad. .ikeettlellt,
heve to be the Wishes of the people ot -this ing by Messrs. fit:Gibson, T7 Adair, X. I -
greet constituenOr and I have no doubt Gillies, Mitchell and others. elevated; phi°, Dee. 21r_Tite mail
that when. I g0 d"t1 again to Par- — The odeemblY broke up about 1 neloOk, tram going east en the cievannd & puts.
'lament you. will still entrust to me after -having spent **Most happy evecing. burg Railroad broke through the bridge
the task of trying to do the best I can for •11 ""' - • at Hudson this morning. Six men were
you, under the circumstances. [Oheers.) GETTINGTOWN IfEAR RD. The New blatantly bile& No fowler particulars.
York Times states that correspondents who
witnessed the battles before Nuhv Ile last Smarms Acopuser-eA singular occident
week say that the rebels did not fight lyith has been reported to tis. A little girl betook
their wonted spiiit. " They, Beeleedj dia. to Mrs. Harrison, river, broke her
_heartened aid diseenfage&' irfiey ;ide' thigh bone last Sunday night in the following
back ?ilia io_the old days of colonial vassaltige [If 1 "h. is la" annulmeed' tav°e.
teeta d.oetso oc fu s oafi onnrietwfnoi swattaii ropd:i .ht oa r tthhheeei ed: xzwpteiutryi ide a tn doe eiendtee,t*._utinofiochitthittie bneostt hfeoeraiiieseoflGeociviteirintre.'uta,
eonada reintiett_ v.) the. elective.pnmii --for I 0131 -an. adiocate of-la:gift:give Union,
(Hear,' hearo-lint the difficulties are-: SO
CP1oenhneceillitaultliern4v;rort ae. r.estta6tei ,L:hge4sniactvme- gwr:rilktbtal:Intghsec-°14:1"-erdrete-ideet"-1 biiirePi'erac-thtieemdbelle‘
l'°Ied or oofelecess 'to * haw' . estate. ;when gatiA. were, -OW right in laying out ehe.
litBluettch;thteetiefpbrope7pos. poi.itheiti2tiPeoilaPtcrieurtisothrioeortiriuttwitie;tuohildedrpbeateili"trii. "'OZ. IrichthAlklije linte;inlieddiuslar-"175°1°Int
1(012,24 the. council compoied exanive; inLeatreisihaotiinveogeunniohenuawuPei tikPleei:plishicie7(dcohdeiorinh!):
ly of nonduees'of. the Crown; it .vari,destitute, The "441 liate41 wie4a ***thing; whnt
ialuenwin couatry. 'Of -debates it is herhapa diffieult to iiitYhbut 000 dereet that*
bhbadaaresunt°4tiesetultiPire7ne:,:weihnedtchau,rteltifeosr fo .iodet w:sa ?:1L'iii4 hh'Irtrestoebrebilifarld°11;earirlialigehihb:.".:nteall
P -
troduetion Ortiz* elective element-whithiore
we hid? Why,the Legislative Council has he-
little resistance behind:their breaktiv ks, ' Ilannar t-Slie left her reeiller's id° Snd rat
•. and nrecV3-ti,lie judo bewilliw, -to be _round behind the cheirIstublitid ber toe lig14414
- nue of the rockers, struck her U4114%04*
takep prisonem-to end their troublei. On theihteah ...a.bnihn-ihe hone coespietely off
ion did I hol* tbe cid defiant 0111',• about as vies. DA -Smith wm sent for -owl
whie they have leen oneustatied to howl Sitecieded vednoinithe &sante. The little.
hack t our boys, :even _ retreat. . The .aufreror bele the !Iteration with e great deist
'Simi' rill ..0f;thetr- :behaviour taday, and of Patience/ at4 doihg. "1:10-18t. Xates
at- th baideolldisslon itidge,iseekulated. '411311" - -
to .rentivery bit% Atthe Centime 4F.ex4retty Saslow *a
: -Oct. 5thf.twrilaherers were charged Ity thou.
the . General Government. The Canadian , TIII1Paajoar OaDaa:-.4haiacent order -master with hiiiingto,a the 4th Sept, refined
and other delete* propoted, to remedy thati. it Washington with regard tnpassports, to attend tin Pprisk. caureh, wide') lief.
by pursuing: directly contrary policy. The prove very embarassing, tO coesiderible reeeleerl hunistitnept,
At -his residence in the towinillip -of Gode-
rich, by the people of which he ere" 'mach
respected, .Mr. Win. Jimmy', et ithelee of
Yorkshire. England, and- for lame lime a.
merchant in the thy f London, Eng., in the-
griv%dfutto 0.
.-st,„.0, •
SOLD by 'Public Au • pursuant
cr° hoBEhe
t decree and final • • for isle.
made in a tertain cause in the -Court of Chan.
eery for Upper Cansda of the Beek of Upper
-Canada, against William Prondfoot at the -
Auction Rooms of Xessieura otedeld
Ccooanr: sopud. Company; in the City of Toronto,
-hith theannrobrition of Andrew N.J;kitle gee%
Wye, Milner in Ordinaryi of the said
1865, -AT TWELVE O'CLOCK, 1100Nh
the following valuable freehold owes -
situated in the -County of Bruce, -together
With others in the Coundee of Gray, &MOO.
Xent; Lambton, Ontario, Tictotia and Wel•
lington, in thirty-four parcels.
• Pareel 1. -Lot -number one, in the twelalt
concession of the Township a limb; con.
taininh cue hundred acres, mere or len. Uste -
set price, one thousand -dollars.
Parcel 2. -Lot number two, in the twelfth
tonceasion of the Township of Brenta sone
mining one bundled *cress more lot less.
Upset price, one thousand &Bar&
- Parcel 3 -Lot number 1114Weti 4,13,
eierellth concession ot the. Tow*ip of
Carrick, containing two hundred more
or less, . Upset price, one thoueand Whirs.
• The purchaser to pay one tenth 'of his •
purchase the tithe °Nide by way.
of -deposit to the Vendor's, or Their Seheitote,
and two tenths more without Were* witalit
two months of the day of alt. aid
balance in four equal yearly inetelments with
uterest from the day ofside, to be locorsd
by mortgane on thesproperty theexpense
of the purchaser. Upon payreentilihree-
tenths of purchase money as af0
giving the said mortgage the purchaser will
be entitled to a conveyance end be lot into
pass scion. la all other respeete lite con-
ditions of sale will he thestandieg sontlitions
`of the Court °fat:tomer. r
- For. further particuliers etiuditions
apply to Mes,siears Boydle Siam%
lifel Solicitors.
Dated at Toronto this fifteenth- day of
Deeember, 1864. ;
(Signed) A. 413 B*ELla
A School Towhee Wanted. - the Teacher
ix who *as etteriged is& S No..% Goders
ith Township„hasexpresiedcelealre,to
Application will he received 17 the under-
signed Trustees till Saturday, Dtiu,3Iit 1864.
-JAMES WILKINSON hrhehesset t -
tt JOHN ELLIOTT. 4"'"ww.1
W.. Apply to -
'Dee. 23rd 18641 , re, s. er48,3t*
litray Cattle*,
/IAMB into the Premises of thesulseriber.
'he lot- Ith -3nd COM. Tnekerstaithe In the
middle of October late, Thyeeirling _heifers
itid one red yearling Steer. Otte heifer.
jashr!etrie;ethsteedottl:prrr:.:Ie pranoved Tholiepe,onsecwner
and -take them awity. _ t
Tuclierimith. Dee. Med, 101-, w4S .
.4TRAY STEER. -Strayed Volts the prein
b•-' 'sell of the 'subscriber, Iht-14 tIthit con.
altent the PO-th-4if Stay lot.
a four year. Old Steate leellIft with _large rid
Sputa Gil itint;' Any in oiniatiln- Alit wilt
lead to his recovery will be -thankillty re-
ceived by
Bilfatt. Deo. 17Atin't$01.---' t
SHEELER'S SALE or 42ifinfi.
Hamm end Bruce, Fieri F**41 ironed
tinned Coyotes of D Y virtue or dye Writs of
'To wit: °mot -Her Court
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Jinamenesisiefificilialianinobkinu.sonenifxotti.ajtattneshn Irividersonitit of
Wiliiam Gooderliairt dierielsGs!W TAW John
Wilmot, John Sprott, Jolut *poet,
Robinson and James Beadereon I I
and 'taken. in Execution all -the r titleselitedied
interest et the -skid tiefendeittiW '
lased w.tieratierng lands, via; 11471°N04,44°"1641.
the 5th eoncessionaD the I ..„116nutbel,
conteining one hundred scree -off bisisesidoe
moreor lees. Long nuns13ers3.4 add *the 4th--
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Tiotoweinunsibeedp oft i„coistrrheickele, coattattitventh sistv.0000t*
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