HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-12-23, Page 3_ drcritsrmruts. NOT [OK CE: :he death of Mr. M. M. !•es.ness heretofore carries". and ‹x.e.i nciinan & Go.,. 11 1F: IR „ r Ite!"..re !he W.A_PRILI 1865. d its 7ite tetoive firm are beret. _les anti betel, aceounts over tee January nett, Lois $0..eitor tor collection. Lardw.. be sod (74..A.S1E-1. t.asionment km- Ploughs, Cuhj rows. Straw Cigars,. 4G MACHINES- . -ket.et. watrgon andpipe• fk-bxes., & Bp -x St0Nregi, w.sr.a.:•takul 1C -1V -43:1V-431 f:sr abeVe artiees, would (Jo sti,-e1.. a: once. as- IlfUNCIIIAN; 'r• a< ve, tt.1 Race:man will • t tie t ONIFOUN DitY eflia3 kinds ot Ma. iielj supply OA, 1,11.1MIETIEVICS, st:easoualK rates,for CASK *W3•Zw43.- so.rted. 100 PQUNDS L 3r3f.J E_. GRAcE. 27.ad, 5w3.241 L.' 1r Cib.WSe: - /m:ses al lthe subseri4er, Ern' the k erne of October red w'th White Wit. the - c. Tile owner r‘ requested chargesand remove ess X SINCLAIR., . w48 -3t FOUND. about the latt of Noverober, t..tttr. ton* and painted black. The (Korner is reqoested es.and taike her away. = W. O'NEIL, Lake 54. v:45-30: - itta IL Agent Ibtisiots xd CONTRACTOR, wt,r1 turnish plans aacl erate aharges, and warrant • f.tetroa* AD 'fetters on litssie fo arid_ if answ_ern are eauselthit Dollar, markett kL Theabove named well .sierieb.,•Clintost,lierperitey teatth permitting) so tong as. _ ppeals 11111 conidencet to. 232., t (S. nutil further notice.. q:,b, 1864.- • ,w48-tf ORT u1 PI' 4Ibum sr TsIttLos, 4-i*of:).104,. Services, dee. WIC OF BOOKS; ABLIC Fi:4X Presents. ND TOY Bow t iyariety..--ot the - _Exam 31/.20. or. t1iYoung MONTHLY, RONTO. oei Snperintenddts. at appeal to alt interestedin obbath Schools red or she FropOrfilSt its the effort a a ?tali first-ciami Mos.. ler their use. We guar-% 11 he iri er•or to the present ,ort snaking improvements fhe fat:t one havieg been. is Issuing a sunder paper,. /4 a large circulation, wilt attempt to supply a really' perLodua it will hare bors of being adapted to . ittfl. as there is no postage published within the Prove sea published caber in or ER ANNUM: or V; 22 for $.3; 3.2 for $0; 144 fw$10,..50, and ay Urger isimoilier. Pay- siatest. They/aro:my com- er. - OF THE MRSS.AGF..ft Toronto. heti.% Quo(Gocki kat thisday astarised alt o the aidersimtei for the Mom. stritheittCpc*SeSteas tatst *TV ritqtratcd. =Kr i•MBS '8.43,U4* ' _ Agriress4 11/64. ' 3w22-tt WOOD WANTED. Parties who intend paying their subsenp- tions in Cordwood will please bring it on right away. Don't bring us a lot of mis- erable knots. - - GRAND TRUNK R. R. pI)111 rAHI1i. Got:VG EAST. Express dep. 9 a m. Mixed 12 in & 4.30 p.m, 0t7ING WEST.. Arr 4.30 p m, hilted 10.40 a m & 4" Itarn& &ratio Sunday ,SchoOl teacIers and others are requested to read the adv. in another_ .eolumn of an admirable littlepaper, the Message for the Young." Bar We • understand that the St. 'George's Society of this town has deter-. :mined to give the poor Englishmen, of ° 'Goderich a Christmas dinner.. Parties liiterested are to apply to Mr. Thomas Andreivs; treasurer, or - to Mr. Georgi secretary. • • - - qua YouNtE FoLxs.--"-We, have re- ceived from the publishers; Messrs. Tick-, nor & Fieid, Boston, the opening number Personal. It gives tis pleasure to publish the folloW- ing lestimohials to Mr. Andrew Donogh, Treasurer to the County of Hutton Agricultural Society, from the Treasurers of branch soci- eties throughout the County:— BM:01SLX, 7th Nov. 1864 A. DONOrGli, ESQ. DEAR SIR.—I take great- pleasure in ten- dering you the unanimous .,thanks of the officers belonging to the Turnberry and Mor- ris Branch Agricultural Society.- for the very satisfactory manner in 'which you from time to time have been pleased to forward all in- structions desired, also tor theeorrectness and straightforwardnessdisplayed = in all, transac- tions appertaining to our office and trust that you may long retain an office the duues of which you 5-) faithfully fulfil. I was very much pleased while exariiining *your books which you kindly.allowed me to do ; it is certainly the l best method for cor- rectness and simplicitywhich I have as pit seen and by which have greatly bene- fited. . _ Your i respectfully. TI = ' - ($.01) JOHN IIVADDELL, llreas. T. & M. B, A. S. , ExibEit, 3rd Nov.1.86-4., , Dear -Sir, -.I have g eat pleasure in tender - in.; to von the thanks f the Exeter Branch Agricultural Society f r the:promptness and kiecluess niinifested by pin it -al[- communi- cations crienteted with'the Setiety!s -welfare, hoping. we •-nia,y have your efficient services tor the coming year,: • 1. remain of this bilk We consider a fully up to Your lit servant. the Standard fomshadowed in the pros- (S d) AME, PIOXA,11D. ,pectus published some Aim& ago in our Treas. Exeter B. A. S. .columns. It is a .beintifal specimen of the printer's and Engraver's art,- and the reading matter is or a most interesting character. Price .9.0cts., or S2.00 (Am- erican) piir year. . . ' LErTER FROI bra. SMIT1I. Tactic Editor ot the Huron Signal. SiR,--4:nintentiona1ly, doubtless, in your issue of this week you place me i0. rather a false position. Were It not that mar be again before the electors for civic honours, thatwould matter but little; but fustice. to. the ratepayers as Well as myself:demands an explanation. . When, as Mr. Detlorsetnarked, a requi- sition as placed in my hands, bearing the signatures of many of the 'most respectable men in Goderich, although not ambitious tor public honours- consulting the inter- ests of the gieat body of the electors with - whom my interests are indeotifyed, and • not supposing that it was a sin for an uu._ learned ancLungentlernanly man to do what i• n -him. lay Wprateet dig:se interest, I ac... cedCd. If, ats no one can doubt, for gr. Detlor has aid sal. it necessary that. the man who a.spires .to embody in his- own -person the.whole- population of Goderich, . if he had knowd that his name would. be made a target for every one to shoot at, if it were touching an unclean thine,nto At in the -chair at the head of the Council Board, surely a. younger, more illiterate, less Christian, and more ungentlemanly efficient 3 ever since o man than hiniscfr might be pa„rdo.eci for never have had the slighest mistake either in - once going when even the pleacher has nioney matters or correspondence, and 11 oping . sinned four times! . That it behoves every for the benefit and *efface of the . Parent - pan on whom the Collector can call to look well to the future. No sane man will deny thatit would be bad policy on the part of the great unwashed to allow them-, - pcNos...N4ex, 2ind Oct, 1864; Dear Sir,;-- You wlI please. accept cur thanks for the very -ble manner in which you have filled the office Of -County Agneul- twat Secietfs.Treastner for the past years and we hope that youwill long continue to fill the same office an: giie the -same. Satis- faction. - - THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. APPEAL. Gifford vs. Gifford.—This was an appeal against the conviction ofJames Watson,Esq., Mayor of Goderic h. — Our readers will remernher the facts of this case, as they appeared in our columns about two months ago. When the case was before the Mayor's court we gave publicity to the material facts. It appears that. Gifford, the appellant, was -charged by his wife with com- mitting an assault upon ber about two weeks after the matrimonial knot had been flee. The wife (who was allowed to give evidence before the magistrate egainst her husband) proved an assault tOthe satisfaction of the Justice; All legal questions raised were overruled by the convicting Jatice and the husband was fined $5 and costs. Against this conviction he appealed to the Quarter Sessions. The appeal came on ter argument on Friday last, R. Cooper, Esq., chairman, presided. Sinclair for appellant moved ,to quash the conviction on senral grounds -apparent on the face a the conviction. He contended that the conviction could not be sustained on the grounds taken and thatit must be quash- ed on the usual terms. - The court said the conviction was clearly . bad and must be quashed. -with costS. Ordered- . accordingly. - - • • . • a.curious" article upon the " Canses. of Hurricanes and Meteors," the Scientific American thus concludes •:7 -"If ---the earth should be sto-ppedin its orbit, it would begin to fall straight toward the siin. As, it.ap preached mere nearlytolhat 'great sourcalf heat 'undoubtedly it wouldStilln reach poiut where the temperature .is as higli. as two hundred and twelve degrees; and then all the water in the ocean Would be evaporated. As it drew- still nearer, the rocks would be meltedand afterward they would also.evapo- rate. Before it reached the sun, this solid earth would be converted into a vast • volunie. of red hot'gai,which when it fell into the fiery atmosphere of the sun . would Merely produce. blasts of Ivied frorn the point where it struck - Outward in all.directions-,• •• Yours truly, - (S'i3) CL.F,NDENNIN.G, . freas.,F.• & IL •A. S 25t1r Oct; 1864. . Sir —1 icertainly uust ;acknowledge an recommend you as belt 4 pointed and correct in your office as Trealerer. • • • . . I reinai4 • . - - Your ob't servant, (WO* RO. ".t. PATTERSON,. TreaS.-_Etay 1.3. A,. S. - CLINTON, 31st Oct. 1864: . ,1 Mar Sie,—I -beg toi acknowledge the re ceipt .of $229.33 for . the money due the 'Clinton Branch' Agricultural: -Society and -althotigh the troVernMent•Grant delayed the reception for sonie tithe I cannot but express my satisfaction at ha:vi g to •transaet buiniess with a gentleman,i, as easurer of the Parent . . . Society, so prompt • in . 'business. -uietters. as yourself and witYwell wishes to=yoursell and . the County Society. • - . . I.re. ain ... - , 7 f . / oura, very, truly,.. . --d)__ 11.'..11. READ, ' Treas. C. B. A. S. ' Viims„ Nov . -1864. congratulate you on tisiness, which- is most r Society started we Dear have* t your mode -of doing se/ves-to simply act as ." hewers of wood. and drawers of water," while one immac- ulate satsupinely happy and eat thefat- and drank the sap, nor care nor pain; and Society you may long etain- yotir office. - •• I remain - Yours respectfully, (S'd) • irm. AitMTRO NG, treas. Stanley 13. A, S. Howlicx, 20th Dec: 1864 pear.Sir,7,Yoer c06duct as Treasurer of the County Agricultural Society, since I have - happlly eyed the lowly hut= with , proud. iLid. ihe pleasure of c4rrespondin4 with yeu, disdain." As, to the position Mr. Deilqr's (.vhieb is now seven Years) meet3 MY MuSL cordial aptirobatien. ,I • • opponent may occupy, it is not necessary Yours truly, - __to say what is as plain as the nose on a (S*(1) Wm. STRONG, man's face.. If be, •Mr, Dcilor, has been ' Treas: 11,13...-1s. S. 10 years a resident of this Place, I have mingled and lived amongst the classes he 1LY. - - affects 'to dispise 13 years. I am not anion.' those who 'believe the end 'Justifies uj tke County of the means,—were it So- the world might itE ro the Treasurers eulturui Societies • Iluron.-. • be different, and some who occupy chief -GETLEMP.S.—I betoto. acknowledge the the sat there —it mi ht e they rea y e ne P They are stabbag; cutting arid. shooting one auether in Greece with lunch suec,iss. The population is diminishingrapidly - The -Montreal meeting to ,condemn Judge. Coursol has been adjourned stne die. There might have been trouble.had.it taken place, The Federal General..Rosecrans denies the charge finide in the newSpapers that he is an- • iv • opium -eater. A man got married in Hamilton jail on Mouday in order toObtain his release. Under the protecting wing of an angel in -crinoline he emerged a free , 2 The Riehmond Examiner ' think& the Federal government. is endeavoring to pro- voke Great Britain into ear in the hope that it will reunite the North and South, but says such a result is utterly impossible. . The mayor of St. Catherines has: rezieived the following suggestive letter from New York, signed-Peter,McKeriny your worship please inform me by-feture • of post what troops are now: stationed in your . city; und ?about the .mimber, You might also -please inform me what the average deposits in the different banks are, and oblige." THE MARKETS - • GODERICii, Dec. 23, 1864. Fall Wheat, _ SO:80 -® 0:82 ipring do 0:71 ( 0i72 0:00' 0:28 - Barley . 055 - 0i`60 -Peas- - 0:01:1 (d, 0;50 Pork 5:00 (rt . 5:50 2:50 (iJi 3:00 Limbs ; 0.00. furicies, each ... ... 045 (cr, tlaese, • do- . 025: . (to 0:00 tit lickens, 0:20 ® 0:00 I tacks, . 0:00 Os 0:25 Rides (green), 3.00 (n2. • 0:00 bitter 003000i Petatoes oud ” . .. 2:00 (44 0:00 • ze's . • 0:0S.-® 0:10 040 (al 0;-50 ltay, (I1 ton ; ........10:00 (412:00 ..e.traw, per load.......... 2:50 3:00 Orate, ,the Brandt. 4gri CLINTON MARKETS. _ [Reported expressly .forthe • seats in the sinagOgue might be asked wny receipt of your very tittering testimoilials bthathad 1 1 u ble to re I ,to you in "suttil not on a wedding garment, el....nuy.warm terms, but rest assured, what 1 You sir, say that one tune during the speaking it was impossible ter even short- hand to do justice to all—,granted, , but is it not strange that all seems to have been heard with oirr ear It is said fail to -express is abundantly felt. in warm gratitude tor your Madness. I am more pleased at. this appro of my conductduring the. past' as it will enable me to so guide my actions -in the future -that I May give contin- ued sati.sfaction. - _ And with every respect for your .liberal Cusitii, Dec: 22; 1864. Fail ViTheat,.V.bushel.....$0:80 :(d.,, ., 0:81 -Spring Wheat, IR bush.... tr:68 02, 0:71 Oats . ........;.........0 0 '0, 0:0.0 . Barley . . ... ., . ;.....,..... ci 45 @; - 0:65 . Peas . ----------------------00......-.. ..7 (a., . 0:00 Potatoes . ,-;-:„ .- . . . . ... . : 0:25 (d..; 0;30 Hay (fp ton). *. :-............,10:00 ((ft 00:13 Justice shoed have:. a' sinfile eye bin, it a / Pork (11 linridred).:...... -.5:00 -(ce 5:75 Beef ....................... 2400 (a', _3:00 i-, sHides......... •.. ,...... 3:00 (4... 0:00 Butter (11.1b)......--..:... 10:15 (44:, .. 0:18 - Apples. •., ... ..... ,.....i.. ; 0:60 (ii, 6:75 Eggs (1.1 dozen)...-....:. . 4 : 0:10 (d, .0:12; Turkeys, each, . . I _0i30 (Ic-, 11:37,4 Geese;.. -.........:... :I. Oi-25 .(..., .0;30 Ducks. . .. •. ......... J...4. 0.:00 (it, 0425 Chickens. -.....................; .0:00 61:, -: 0:124 Strew ....................4:00 (t_i; ;.6:00 -Natoli ..............: ... -4:00, - (iiis, 5i00 CHRISTMAS AND HOLIDAY PRESENTS 11". 41 Toy hooks, rrayet DOutis el au luaus, t Church Services, Hymn Books,- A.I.,,T3U.IVIS, SATC1IELS ! Ladies' Companions. WORK -BOXES WRITING -CASES I - eo,cER.TINAS, A.CC)IEltariMC0141.09 knd various °Vier articys, :all cheap ; ir iry suit - hi tor HOLIDAY -61FIrS : - "INV.2 i1 tt OMB if) well laden with Presents for the Little Folks. . 1 i icAD QuAlcr Ext s• — 4 AT BUTLER'S. Oodericli, Dee. 18, 1864. " . S BANKRUPT -GBEAT - - - lifli Henry's,.old.:Stana . oriosi - -. - " A_ Li V. ! OF - - STOCK. BARCtAINp - ... GIVEN At ri. TUE IRA:ttligli': - - : MUD JI1E-• .11L4 ._ .. i , I 'SEE - • • 1 • AIL tlIG. de ., . . ' I • — . and the fiesi•Stoek _ . Of • Hats Caps, kz -I The Sale is the unsold . ,,' ' • I. W47sW30-4 IRK 111 THE La mein. .1. West of . - - Dver,coats, Call and examine o continue Only iortion- will' 1e Goderieh,:Dec." ...a...a...a the Cheapest Montreal. contesting- . Tests, :Pants,, . sic. tty for yonrselves: tin a few weeksi.and .givenawayt 16, 1864. ABRAHAM .$311T11. ... _ . , .1Werchant. Tailor, • : • wAiptzi. SQUARE, .GODERICI1 ., . -I.IAS JUST . RECEIVED ,... .. .. . Large- 8.46 Wen -Assorted- , . STOCK: .oPi FALL MW WINTER -0, 0 0 D . . -:. And a variety oj't ancy Anieles, , Shirts,Col lars, Nicktiii;Cops,- - . - - &C.. AO: . - . . . Arkich he is preppred -to . Sell 3aelt.' ,. .. :- ' Gis.erien, Oct. 12,1864. • . ,„ : , .. $ , - , A - . . , . such as : . .Cheap for ' wig' • . . -- 3oed Mortgages Wanted to: P.Orehase. Apply -to D. SHADE GOODING, .. SolicitOr, West Street Goderich, 20th Dec. 1864i- : NET SUITZNILE In Large Suitable _• AT THE ci„IN-To..,,, Canadian. . e, rhe most is published. andums . melt Post LIS Judiajary •IEveryjetimer Clinton,19tk tor = . . Price Book usefel for valuable :. Offic3 STAMP. .S - lio. BOOKS,i rANCY - . . &C &C" "to Assortments! Holiday Gitii inr.both, young; Just received CLINTONIOOK .. GE rith De,..ernb is, GOODS:• J.- J - " - i• old and ' STORE .laycocK. - r; 1864.. ". . . . S Almanac .. . there for memor year, brsides such as --. i . 1 ! Lists. one: — VA.YeOCK.- ; - •• [w19. LAYCOCK' Farmais': 26.cenli pnrdoxeri....c0-' Store! Ahronet fol;Farmers • It centaidS sphee eVery day in the infermation . . i 0.,Regulations,_. DUTIES,' . .1 OF II1ANK.S • AND. . & Parliamentary sluitildiluzve ' - GEC,i.- , December, 14364. , . IS hereby ••1 icipal Electors will be , - • Thursday i At 10 o'clOck, to decide uhether Law be adopted .. . . . . Farquhar, .:_f*: -copy RIME undersigned, &- tors of requile that Tempers:4e_ Whether or tors of the authority' and the By;,Law -pose for theiradoptinn,. „ The sale inning ofLicenses eat By-Imw_probibited of Ushoine, 'tient Ot the -' Witness cember in the Eight HundredandSixty,Foer. ' !Signed)) : : A true copy. . Y w47 -4t1 NOTICE given, that a meeting of the Township heldTn the Town the 19th day of a. m., for the or net the by such electots, - WIL1401 rii. Clerk Dec. 19th, 1864. otthe-Munt of Usboine Hall, on. ; 'January next , 7 taking of a poll, following *- ' - - ' EDMOND, . Usborne: - • . . , • • , ?Innicinal Elec- Imborlie, hereby terms of the IA/L.. deterniine Elec- *ill adopt, under of the said act., We „hereby pro and the is by the the Township and .for enforce of --1864. !day- of De; One Thousaud , -: other electors-. . EDMOND. 'Uaborne. - 0/1EQuismoN. AN u , BY-LAW. . qualified the ToWnshin- a -Poll- bettakendn Act of . isp4i nor, the Iiiilifiedlluiiicipal said Municipality for enforcerneal following,rWhiCH to ofintoxicatiug therefor,1 withia under authority. Temperance our hands- this year of our '. .DAVID P. . and -or. WILLIAM 14. ' ., of wit ltq!Mrs, LeC 'Third Lord bkCLOCKLIN, r.-30 . : Clerk, 41 ahold be in the foretivut, not onesided. It would be is unchristian and unmanly - on my part to ask you to produce in your columns the epithets with which Mr. • Detlor fettled his Month ns it was in him to use them:; therefore let them rest ib oblivion. The totighest - shell has often the best kernel, and real -truth and chris- ' tianityare not articles, usually hung up in a- shop window. 2 One word as to how some votes are :made, -there is a certaia Mr. Smith, and a Mr.El • -wood, who are rated °a a lot on. the' 'South tbouudart—these votes may be as good as the. ;Mr. Ropinson's—an old hquse ou the corn-- asies used as saiimmer retreat for the cattle, may qsalify other young gentlemen. .to vote, i j but t surpasses my.oarrow . comprehension • how the law enabtes those to qualify, witL labors civil law cau do nothing else: Ia conclu.siou, I beg to thank thole who tendated their support to nee without money and without' price; and assure them that should say occasion arise- when my. services Would be of use to them I shalt be at then. ie - dposal, ' W. Gr. SMITH. 'LGoderich, Dec. 22nd, 1864. RoiAtuirs..—If Mr. W.G Smith had Mien a friend's advice he would have Itapt the above very absurd document in -his private possession. He abases the $ignal for not.pablishing. a speech that #e never delivered, Nr Detlor tor using eir.pressions thattould' not possibly apply to. bin, and a number. of respectable gating men for having legal votes which, were never used against bum. We are. =cretin& fulfitielingd to apologise to the ; toiatlemen named in theletterfor publish- lugit at ill, but real& we did not like that c candidate for the - Mayoralty' of °octal& should have it: to Say that we. refsiedhun " • • • at opportunity of explaining hizaiself. If by any sin of °Mission or cammiselqa we hAT.a Placed Mr. Smith in &Ns; position, we sincerely regret to . hue to say that hehas voluntarily assum, calisksepositios. ,searase-41 iu Ike presentyear 4325,000 pounds apsiast bays bets purchased or manufacr ttited. expressions,. • , • remain, Dear Sirs, • !our obi t..s,er,kr.vp't,o-No GH Ireas. C. IL A. S.. V• .0.1;43it.E DISCOTERY OF afiNDI41.8 AT RANRINSTON, AICASIRRE.--=It may he interest - • for the raining work' to know that the lands of Rankinston; the property of Robert Sulpioud„Tisq., in the parishlef Coylton, have been for sonic time Subjeeted to rigid exami- nation= by .Mr. Lumsden, practical mining en- ginenr,Jand with singular success. ' Iii a bore about eighty fathoms,F two black band iron stones have been discovered, the first three feet six inches thick, the second, two feet six inches thick, with a Stratum betwixt the position of int feet tight inches. - erbp first of:these to seems have been tested _hem the calcined,stoneland three feet; of it yieldi 64,3 per cent -of metallic iron;the remaining cleave of six inches yields 8 per tent of metallic iron: The second seam is the Burnfoot posi- tion, and is well known in the district. In a different part of the same property, soother black band has been !discovered eighteen in- ches thick, and a brown stone about 8 inches thick, at a,. depth about ten fathpins. • The :e have - not yet been tested, but the samples promise well.f Other minerals are plentiful onthe estate, such las 'bematite ironstone, yielding `60 per cent of metallic iron. ; and coat for any marketable Purpose, viz:. house Coat, smithy coat, furnace coal, blind coal, sedges coal; the gal .coal 1 yielding .10.600 cubic feet per ton of volatile matterialso ahate, of which there is a large field, pixiticing 48 imperial' gallons of paraffin 'oil per ton. it may be stated further; that ihe supties of ar- gilianous _calcareous, and intissel band have met with On the property as travellers,. yield- ing from 30 to 40'. per, cent.of metallic iron.— [A.yr Observer. sar An interestingcase was decided -g• the Circuit Court lately: 'A perish priest, named M. Tremblay, had Caused one of his parishenersi. named- Poulin, • to be ex- pelled bon; the church by constable; for this act Poulin brought- an action.— 'The priest_ pleaded that .40 was master in hi OSHI 41111,26, and could expel whom he liked. He ".therenpon ineffectually,. at- tempted torcaed thlatroclin had laugiled one day. While he was preaching The result was.a judginout. :against Able priest', and $20 damages and -costs—[Quebec Gazettes • ;. QTRA YFD froin the subs.cnber about the first° September kik. fou i Steers'two years old -past, there is one all wbite, twc; mil one of them with a whiteface, the other hai a white spot on the face; the fourth.is mixed red and white. They are all branded with the letters W. D. W." on the horn. Any person finding, them and taking_ them in, aridIwnding- word to me, or to the Sign& office, Goderia, Will be paid for ineir trouble. . WILLIAM DURNI.N, • Dungannan 12, Q. Lot 15. Con. 6, Wawanosh, - . • '- October' 3154:1864. • . 1 • w4n-tf: InsolventAct :of 1864.. THE Creditors Of the undersigned are notified to meet at the office of M. C. Cameron; at the Town of Qodertch, in the County • of Iluron. ' on ' Monday the -19th day of December nett; at ten of the clock in the torenoon, lei the pur- panel)! receiving statements ot his affairs, and .01 naming an a.ssignee to whom* he may make an assignment under the aboveoket.' . Dated at Clinton In the County of Ituron this 26111 day orlNoVember, A. 0,1864. CHARLES CRUICKSHANK. M. C. CAMESurietiNor 'for :.Insolvent. ' *w25t1 .13-E,MIN ABY TOR General Education, • — CONDUCTICD.DT _NB& SHEIRLOCK. ICE2 sTEUMET. THE course 01instruction Includes English, as taught in first-class &Wale in England. French', Music (Piano -Forte, Guitar and Sing- ilittlsO'twiltg, 'Ana* Week ate; Toitng ladies whale, iisaim itaa beat neglected wit recess the greatest attention'. . • =RIB iptowir gut AP:PLicAries, _ Plano.Fortes togadlead. a large svpply Music by tile bet comnes.rsior sate. voritifell • I; 111€4. • - SKATES! -SKATES!! AT rir IT co -s. it Co II -Y" Co.'s. A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF SKATES,. of every variety, style and pater' £1 The Cheapest and best es er offered, and from the tnost eelebrated makers. A splen? collection ol IL:« AL.,,J11"... 11.111 AL. 31E4P211..1111'111EmMtli_ Hanging and SiCe Lamps. Also, a lot of those celebrated 4 oz. Chimneys. To) .1, 1_, zsermA,3 gomx New Fruits for Puddings, Nuts -and- Figs, Wines; Brandies, Gins, Ales and Porters. For Holiclav Presents, call and examine the Stock - V.A.1\T a-oc5tas - AT THOS,. •RODDYI & Oo.'s, • Corner of Parsons'illoek,--and next door to Parker and Cattle's. Goderick December 16th, 1814. a • TAKE NOTICE. .fr HEMU NICIPAL CURPIMIATION OF • JL the Township of Coder** iritezii paisingte By -Last on Manday, the 16th' day -of Jarittif 1865, at Hohneeville. fite the purpose of selling the rend mini se- tweeu Lots 41.iaucl42, hayfield Concessioa, Tournihip of Goderich The said Road e.scribed as follows, viz: Com- nieneing at the eon Istwesterly angle of lot 42, th, nee south fifteen degrees eighteen tninutes east un easterly limit of road allowance snily 1 chains eighty links to the hayfield river— hence weak, rlyttiown stream on beak of said river hence one Main; thence north fifteen degrees eighteen minutes; west sixty chains eighty links to conces- sion road; thenee north seventy -tour degrees 42 ininutes east on limn of said roads One 14:11 to the place of begionues, c intiuning „by MI Um - Meat biZ•aeree- and thirteen perches a 144. _ Rue Copw. = JOHN SHAW,. Townslitplelerk.- Thir of God 1o.Vnserich. 1 December 121h, 1864. 4, sarle-4t ' - ATOTICEi— All parties indebted 11:1 the LI estate of the late Donald McInneh bnote F or otherwise; are hereby required to : t, y in. the same - Co the ondersizned, i And alt persons having-chtiats againit the said 'skate are renuested' to sena 'their s,cconnur the und'e ersigned forxamivation and liquidation. CHRISTINA McINNO". . - Hay, Dec..19, 1864. Achuinissitrix. 47'w3t• rburr rr AT031(..t..._:rhis is to forbid eh person* Mom pureitasinga note, -drawn by A.11ii.v "trawls in Inver ot John 11, Garner, M D. -and witnessed' bS, s_zerab Codlaus, dated -pa the'fitfeenth ida} of • February, 1864. • sCinloss, Dee 16th, 18 4. - *a- ss - sw43 GOOD GREY COTTONS CHEAP AT Prints and Calicoes, cheap at - THE GLASGOW HOUSE. Bed and White Fraanels, CHEAP AT THE GLASGOW HOUSE Clot4ing, Vests and 0 -ver -coats • CHEAP AT THE GLASGOW HOUSE. Was, fine, fresh aciilpgAoTod - THE GLASGOW HOUSE. The Largest, Cheapett and best Stock - OP BOOTS AND 'SHOES IN THE CITY. AT THE GLASdrOW HOUSE. D. IERIt, .Tr. & Co._ w7. West Street, Goderiek C.W, Dec 18,1S61 FILL To Rent' or Lease. T.OTS live and ilia in the Fit* Concession,' IJ township oreolborns, W111, alio*t two miles .frolD_PcsdeTiCit• .Aply to MARY flENLEY,4 Liglitht90'4t-. GOatrigt• ,December - • w45-tf tr AT THE 120, ON SALE CHEAP FOR CASA rrHESUBSCRIBERS- have -nearly coinpleted their .FALL AND WINTER STOCK, which comprises almost every article necessary for the trade, viz : • CIAME into the enclokue of The /site William' Crld, lot 1 , eoncession 1, Cothornefahent the -first of s3epiember, a tied and White Heliertnsiiiir two veers old, the owner is requestid_ toisttnte property pay ehargts and take her astaf. .ROBERT YOU1NIG.- Colborne, Dee. 10,18e4. w7 -3t 'TZACHER WANTED. A SeW;lif";;;* lTaNtEll, a Teacher fortenool VI Sect:on No. 11, Township of Ashfield.-- Good relereH_nces relovultir.eda: vAAdndressAmplostse-Actx.id_,to Port Albert, Dee. 11111, .1864. wri3t EXAMINAT Ole SCHOOL TUC flIHE BOARD OF PUBLIC INFIREV— TIoX forthe County of HUTOU wiul Mgt in- the 011it itooni,dode eh — _ ON Wednesday and Tbursday,, the '28th AND 29th DAYS OF DECEMBER, instant, both days at ten o'clock A, X4-ithen candidates for licerses to leatis lei 1 Alen have an opportunity of.being exithiPer.= Taahteosseonwiws hiendguesdPirasyt, oLdTseohirdpi4ClasisooPert: Tcalludid irr2daateY:will :11 tave present certific4s , of - 'Before being admitted to an examination', aood•inoral character, awed by a cleric's's* or Justice of-the:Peace. All certificates granted prior to December, 1-862, were cancelled, by; A resolution of the fidard passed in December of last year, and teachers holding zilch were required le pree sent theirselves for re-examination in Angnar last, but as a number of teachers bolding . these cirtificatet failed Then to appear; notice Is therefore liereby. giveth -dust all snob certifi. cafes are void and of no effort, and those lioldmg teach., will bave to present tbeinsekat for re-examinatien. It.izem: if the.yD.witElt. un- to oneont: to seertlaq' Goderich, 3rd Deceniber, 1864. w45.3t NEWMARBLE Waal Main Street, 'Exeter, 1 M'CONNELL. -SHELF AND HEAVY B.ABDWABEy READY MADE CLOTHING, FURS, Ladies' and Nnts' Felt Hats, Ste, They wish particularly to draw attPetion to their stock of DRY CTOODSf which FOR QUALITY AND PRICE CANNOT BE SIJRPASSED — The BEADV4ADH CLOTHING is most complete and manufaetared in the . Best andmost_ tashionable. Styles. DIES' FILM OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Having imported a large quantitiof Ci-d0'2X:1 inoii ENE-LAN:D! We are enabled to sell -them PRICES MUCH DEFY COMPETITION. Doisot forget tocall when mn Town at the EMPORTUf, and inspect their Stock of Cheap Goods They wish tointimate to their =towers owing accounts and notes that they:ire compelled te *Dist au PROMPT PATIONTS - Odeire. Sept4e; , - • EDIT 1Aiu SE am+ rare TOI1BSliONES, Pow, Arc., of over, description and style of viorkmanship. furnished on ',bort maim, and at the_lowettpteess Liberal reduetion made tor rash. oniin Mirilit Designsof itionuatenu; may ha seen at theahop. Esker. tciobrrt.iA41: J1ST Ma se12-11* LADIRS! AND GENTIVI -. , 0 • . _ 8 AT Drienrs. _ - Moritlei -fintss for i385. TWITNESS is Omit toeateroa 10111 .year aa a candidate Cor pith*" istiVirkla Itts name principles with which it net bat t its sins beiveleityikitTilthhigsoe,gelliticiaarafiewstlonenttrudhAlittldb*unirebievespagittraft‘t7Irticlia.c..fli:es;oideon;:711ftewuus.lnias:Yrini,nedoistthenkr.ele,'047tederipitamnistaaboinewaitgla:s . iirke64°. IlbehewOcurr°43wricletne. nii:irealyttrawst_tmencit gietrommirmassprnesrelia. ar 1:meolttarbvpantiaoe:::tialdistablesetiainjeltertitsreZeittih"."0.0:_ttutry(iolf::Isetiattimea7ettodirY R.Iteadvoirticwitittle 14141insiroreill attieus' are -copied loom time to time, The A.dvectisnw rumen! LIM away .iisOfiti and ipportant -i0vertivements, but *acute WAS aim immoral or injurious tendency. ThetionogeanbenadtiasundlAntemenost 4einter'res7""anting'airgter* 14e6. 1150(ibe 'Wiunn.,'ispuWi.bed ausartily at 25cts perciia., atis lIt 11111]:,,Fittog:r00-!:77411.nite:alii!:E4Itibgricillitt:.allte$Z1"1:11 sequently. is albwest to pas free b TERMS; Montreal Vilma* senti;iveekitp nnDotty Witaars,'S$ Conan= - uaccons titat St lain *cc $2 per swam. WeeldrAVitses. prraneent. Cam .4kalvikativie*' Aietaita Mosetage4h 4vocia par ols-V DIETLOR 141 ropy modiste swab vase lee. Liovie4 0 bk. siO. pod will** oTiite-tentlroftarn Alltoeunnewatidas to ha a4sImatmo Mast irtal Airitnessser - _ JOHN ivrintaltik , _autiliste vst