HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-12-23, Page 21 _
uton (Oignal.
GODERICI C.. L, DEC. 23, 1864.
We fully intended to give in. to -day's
, issue an extended report of- the Dinter
hist night, but 'es the principal speeches
- were sOmewhat lengthy as well as very
interesting, we have found itimpossible to
. .
secure space in which- to, publish them
• in =truss, In. our next, therefore, will
'appear a full report Ofthe speeches of the
evening. , Persons wishing extra copies
will please give in their orders early. Th
Dinner, .we may say, was a complete
tLierby separating himself from . the whole
body'pf his French-Caeadian fellowcoutitry-
men.,[ For that he was defeated in his cou
stituency, failed to find another, and did not
returnko Parliament until about the begin-
eing ofthe railway era. He WAS apmewhat
ptominently connected with the Grind Trunk
legisIntion by -reason of his efforts on behalf
of his et-schemethe branch from Artha-
basica to Three Rivers. -It is something of a
coine' ence tha't he disd just' a few days after
the re` lization of that acheine hi -the opening
of the branch. -Be was a large contraetor
for th4 Grand Trunk. After las return to
Parliament a dozeu years &got, he always
acted vith the Lower Canada majority, -sup'.
portin aa his leaders, -firia Mr. Morrie, and
afterw rds Col. Tache and Mr. Cartier.' In
1861, ie was chosen Speaker of the ASSelll•
bly bythe votets of the party supporting the
Cartier -Macdonald Government, and served
in that capacity: until' that Reuse _was dis,
solves! His sudden death-, of course'creates
a vaca Ica in the representation of the borough
of Three Rivers -[Globe, 22nd. .,
--__ -
Th ou Unded Counties' C nen met in
FLYING RITMOItS the Curt Rooth on Tuesday last, at 3
• —- o'clock, p. rn. • .
- No AP114RENT. FOUNDATION FOR. !Eh following 'gentlemen were :present :
, .
. THEM -
Mess MallOneh Dalton J. Whit'elead;
• We adopt the aNsve heading because it Spcnc4 Van Every, Piper, Churchill, P.
faintly reflects the intense eiCitement that McDo ad, A. McDonald, Case, Brown
. °has 'reigned paramount in this county Merge , Snell, Gibson, Sti-ong,Go.venlock
••• _during the past week.- Roused front their 0. W!liteheed, Perdue; Adamson, Alex• .,
, enjoyment of all the blessings of peace
• and quietness the people give themselves
up entirely to _the disetission Ofthe all -
absorbing topic of the _day. - •
If h tack part of the twig rumors
-were true, people might well be alarmed
Coffins full olpikes were said to have
gone ip the ,gravel road from Seaforth
towards the back* townships , Rumors
also, came intceTiowiek from the East that
JQhnst n, Sweet, Parsons,Chesney,Sproat,
Messa , BiShopi- Creery, Cook; Lumsden,
Egplin Brocelbank, Smith, Gunn, Mc-
Kinno , Fisher, Hogg, Gillies, . Dobbin,
Pinke ton, 'R. Johnston, Millar, J.- --P.
McIntyre, Sutton, Chapman, Rowand,
-AdairAiter, Kribbs, Martin. ,
The minutes of the last session of
Council were read over,, after which -
-The Warden addressed the Council on
half the people of the township of Arthur tbe H4dgins' law -snit, Which is not yet
- had been murdered in cold blood, and settledand pointed out the necessityof
that armed Fenians'svere marching West- certarn improvements 'asked. forat the
- -ward burning and destroying -all before '1(1 .- He spoke of Proposed changes in
. them.- The protestant farmers of Hi4.. the -mefde ochehllug the County -kgricul-
ick turned mtural , out at once wenre inform- Land concluded by . ... . 1alluding. _
- . . ed that they drilled for a ,.whole day, ex- to the pixilation of the Counties' Clerk,---
- pecting an uprisipg at any Moment; It which e held in his 'hand * Mr. Ritchie
turned out, however, to be false alarm: had fu filled the duties connected with his
-• No Fenians appeared and no was able office fPr a number ot years with the great;
to sift a single- grain of truth out of the est dil (rope and ebility. Ile, (the. War: -
'alarming stories put in circulation. - In den) could assure the. gentlemen present
, Wawanosh and -Ashfield the excitement that t is resignation, was the only paper he
. lies still more intense. No -story, in fact, ever i eretted - having, to deliver to them.
. seemed tobe too wild for belief. -Whole *The..Warden was considerably ' affected
families fled for refuse to the houses , of duringthe delivery of the latter portion of.
• . their more courageous neighbors, and his address - We need hardly say that hih
. .
several cases of :hardship from exposure personal remarks' were receind , with
are reported. It being rumored and be. founds of applause. . : • • - • .-
by many that bands of Feniani
• were organized an! Ormed .in those town-
ships, the protestant yeomanry &ruled
themselves into companies and for several
• hts kept up a mentor patrol upon- th
lug • e
• _Letter fromthe Counties' Clerk to the
Warden tendering his resignation, was
received and read.
Certificate from the tp. Clerk of Wawa -
nosh to the effect that Robt. Currie, Esq.,
cross roads, but without seeing an enemy - had been elected Reeve of that township-
or stopping any'suspicious person. No
want of evidence, however, could stop the
stories which seemed to swell the further
they travelled. A coffin fall of pikes, it
was said, had passed through Goderich,
. secret Fenian reeeting,s were being held,
• and to crown all it flew from mouth to
'mouth on Wedpesday that: Dr. McDougall
had gone out to hold ..an inquest on the
bodies of six. murdered men; somewhere
near Belfast. Of course there was not the
least.tratkiii this --last report. Although
everybody had heard all thikpot a soul had
- seen anything to create alarm. But alarmed
thereple were, in earnest, and during tbe
- week a constant demand. has been made
upon the storekeepers storekeepers - of doderich for
guns, pistols, lead, sliovcaps, 4c. In one
case.a -farmer was so . eagerly bent -upen
having pistol home with. hini that . he
actually left his watch as security. ,
- For our owa part we must confess that
although we have made careful enquiries
; cannot see the slightest foundation for
all the ado that has been made, and until
We have something more Substantial be-
f• ore us, if is only reasonable to attribute
the universal feeling of asixiety and dis-
' trust to the imaginations of a few- individ-
uals who have nothing better to do than
help on the sensation of the day:- In the
name of coMn5soi sense,. if any one has a
charge to make against _ ?aliens, he
should institute it before tlie proper. au-
thorities'aud let a thorough sifting sifting . take
place, but let us not 40 injustice' to those
who., for all • we know to the • contrary, are
- innocelit of the charges brought against
them. We feel convinced that every
• - reader of the Sign -al -protestant or catho;
lio-will concur in the view *e- take.with
• regard to the necessity: of an investigation
into the ante of the trouble . is n
serione matter, and for the sake . of the
timid women and children dwelling in
lonely country houses, we earnestly trust
. that all good meu will, if they can find
nothing against their neighbors, try hty
every mans in their power to allay, the
exeitement ere it leads to irreparable
mischief, And, in Oottelnuon„ we implore
--cur Protestant readers, believer watchful
• they may be, to. allow. no - mere rumor,
- however wild, "to hurry them On to the
commission of msy,act of fancied repara-
toCtl, which dig would have to regret
after the present. feeling of alarm /his
sabeided. We may my before 'haying
the subject that perms.- from Lucknow
inform usAhnt the- excitement -is deems -
• Ikea 02 Ir. 2nrcotte.
TT" selegraphanionnees the death ofIthe'
-Rea. leeepli E. Turiutte, which occerrad_at
Three Bina on Tailmarvisht. -,by Kr. Stront, That the Warden and
. 'ante was * ow if ansiderithht ability and!' mit ballot/Is petition the proper
department ot the GOvernnient to neer-
tain tbe.rizason irhy the share belonging to
the new M4,1811438 of the County of Huron
of the amount el the Improvement., Fund
instead of Mr. Mdthers, resigned; was
,received and read, when Mr. Currie was
requested to take his seat.
On motion of Mr._ dillies; a committee
consisting of Messrs Lums-
den, B'rocelbank and Rowand was. appoint-
ed: tO receive, any oapers-conneeted with
Roads 1 and Bridges in the County :of
A "large number of accounts for %%Hods
sums; 'read and referred to Finance Com-
Moved by kr. A. Johnston, sebended
•by•Mr.:Millar, That the letter of D. IL
Ititchie, Esq., resigning the office of Co.
Clerk; ishich he has So long and so honor-
ably -held, to the entire satisfaction of this
Cormeil and of the, people ofthese . United .
CountieS,together with any letters addres-
sekby applicants for said office, be. re-
ferred to a coinmittee, and that said Com.
shall boinist of Jo&Whitehead VanEver
Sproat; Govenlock, Lumsden, Sutton .and
Gunn. -Carried. ,
Application 'from Mr. Robt. Pinkerton,.
asking'for County Clerkship; Mr. Pinker-
ton alluding tp his qualifications, said he
was proficient ip. the French and German'
languor. • • -
Application for county Clerkshirfrom.
Peter 41amsen, Esq, Wm . -Fraser, Esq.,
and Thomas Kydd, Esq., were referred to
• the special committee. • of _County Clerk be kept open one day in each
Moved by Mr. Bish.op, seconded by Mr week, v • iz : on every Wednesday, add that
- the office shit also be kept open for one
iat par ies..,,om. an returning,
tute Labor be exempt. from Week immediate Y enseing each meeting of
r.ing toll, and that the Engineer be iustpruajic--
. - tehfriesetCboeuignicviel„n That public notice to, this
by hini.throughout the United
ted make that proviso in the letting • of', Counties,a/nd that a BpLaw bepreparedap--
pointing Mr.. AdaineOn • to' the -Said offi-en of
Clerk of the UnitedCounties Huro n it Bruce
to enter upon the duties of the office on Wed-
nesday -the 18th- January, prox., atter Mr:
Ritchie shall have. finished u the business o f
haft been wtthheld,. ancl.finra. statement o
f now readbe !said over until the January meet -
the expenditure Made by the Colonial -En
gineer in former years, and where said ex
penditure was made. -Carried.
-Petition of delegates from*Branch:Agri-
cultural Societies with regard to Memori;
aliehog Government _ for changes' in the
Agricultural Act, . relative to tlia. mode
* '
hoidlog e omit/ Shows.- The petition
was published in full in Our cblnnans Some
time -since. . • ' •
Mg. •
ON the vote being taken" the raped Was
sustained by niajority. of 15, - and ma- con-
firmed accordingly.
A Special Committee reported recoinmend-
ing the ereetiOn of the Bridge in VI awanOsh
on the site iniicated as best lby the -"Coady
Engineer, vizi between the 5th and 6th -cons.
• Mr. Currie-inoved, seconded byldr.Church-
ill, That the report he so amended as to
. place the Bridge on the site for • Which the
grant was first obtained. Report confirmed
•on a division. - • •
• On motion of Mr. Sproat,- a committee - ---r.-.....4-... •
cousisting of Messrs Gunn, Lumsden, , . E 'Man& _
Brocelbank, Bishop Adamson Snell' and Th f 11 ' 12 - b•
•the mover, the -Ward n ex officio was ap- breach Town(Iship of Heron and Bruce under
f f e - e•wine is.t e quota to e furnished
pointed to. report upon. the. matter. .
Mr. C. Whitehead Moved that :the
grant' of $2,000 made at last session of
Council to build a bride ie Wawanosh be
withal mail said township paid up its co,
rate. " . • _
Mr. Currie remonstrated against such
Motion being brought up, and after some
conversation it was withdraWn.
luspeCtor of Weights and Measure* report-
ed that he had nearly, completed his retiaid of
the`'Counties,.- but that, unfortnnately, the
_standard weig:hts and triea.sures belonging to
the County hadheen•deitroyed in the recent
fire. . -
THE count' ei.citasule.
• Report Of the Committee appointed to re -
'port on the resignation of' the County Clerk
and on the applications for that effice. Mem;
hers: Messrs. Joseph Whitehead? VanEveryt.
a.t, ,Govenlock.m
, Lusd,en, Simon and
l'-'0111OOftlmittee haring carefully considered
the docueents unmated beg leave to repoit
as follows, viz: , -
lat.-Letter from Dr 11. Ritchie, ,Ea -q.,
tendering his residnatiut of the .office :of
County Clerk. Your committee deeply regret
that Mr. Ritchie has decided epee ,resigning
the oilideefOonnty Clerk...which' he has so
'honorably, -: ably, and Creditably filled
during a -pe.riod • of fourteen years.---
During the whole of that thee the duties of
that office have been discharged by Mr Ritchie
with a degree of efficiency, zeal, assiduity and
accuraey,'..never,. We venture to state,excelled,
in this orally other country: .
In the .natural cemse of thing: all .puhlic.
bodies, aresithjectacq change. : In the course
of years, and during ,the inciambency ot Mr.,
Ritchie, this_ council has net been exemp;,
from- the mutations to. which 'all Anunicipa
bodies are subject, hut whaever-inuy hay
been the annual changesin the coin ethics
of the Couneil, County interests haVe - ever off the tountry:and has aacumidated a "coe
been safe in the vigilant 10aping.- or Mr.- recierable number of horses and cattle. ,
Ritchie, and his friendly worq and smile have t ''The tolfotng Is a copy of the despatch
the pending, raft :- •
lizatmenat..Divistow or Bauc*.--sToWn-
ship id Albemarle 2 service men; Amabel, 5;
Arran; 74; Brant, 90; Bruce, 65; Carrick; 91!
Cult -Ott, 66; Elderslie, 51; Greenock, 64;,
Huron 70; Kincardine, 84;•village of Kincar-
dine, 2'8; township of Kinloss, 53; Saugeen,
44; village of Southatipton„ 1.8. Total, 795.
One service battalion from each regiment.
Hunox.- First Battalion: Township of.
"Ashfield...46 service men; village Of Clinton,
18; Town-thipiof Colborne, 33; Goderich-, 64;
town of Goderhich, 58;. township of Grey,. 44;
Hay, 64; Howte!c, 40;_ Hallett-, 43; MOrrisi 42;
Stanley, 61.; Stephen, 50; Taekersinith, 58;
Turnberry, 22; Usboree, 58; Wawanosh, 56.
fiTi.ostat.1: 79. 5. T,Ssi service battalions froni.. each
regiment. Second Battalion ; same as tee
, .
. Gqsztucti,„ 19th Dee., 18.
MR. General Shermates
move from Atlanta through Georgia to
the -sea cbast ia triumphal procession, or is
it the miserable retreat of,a brigand? *
- The question is fully answered in the.
following despatch from 'the Major-Gen-
eral, of the right -wing of the Federal
attny to the War Department at Wish-
NEW YoRKI Dec. 20. -The eor
respondent,- writieg from. Fort MeAlliste
and Hilton Head on the 14th, saysthatwhen
Gen: Sherman arrived in front of Savannah
after having marched_ three hundred miles
his troops -meanwhile living on the very hes
provisions, he had With him a drove of 1,200
cattle, though he ;started from Atlantis with
only 200. He also gathered upon - the .way
over 7,000 able bodied negroes; and so many
horses, milles and waggons as to embarrass
His army, diming a considerable por-
tion of the march, extended overla sweep of
country sixty miles in breadth, at much as
four miles at times inte.rvening between the
right Whig of one icolumn and the left of the
-other, but communication- was at all times
kept tip between the two.. His whole lou in
meet- from the time ofleaving Atlanta to his
arrival in front Of Savantrah, from wounds
sickness, captures, straggling, and all other
causes, was only About one thousand. The
_Average daily march was about 12 miles._
- When the city of Savannah was invested by
Gen Sherman; it was unprepared fOr a siege,
and it was believed it could not hold out more
than a few days:- • -
Maj Gen Slocum holds all the approaches
on the north side of the citylineluding all the
railroads leading out of the towel and Gen.
Howard's army connects with his rightrand
stings around the Ogeechee river at Fort Mc.
Allister, which is now in our possession.
BosTot, Dec, 21, p.m. -The. steamship
Canada isdetainedlby the snow storm. She
will. probably- sail at daylight to -morrow
The steamship Canada sailed at 16. o'clock
this p. taking 28 passengers and $50,000
. .
in specie for Liverpool, and -25 passengers
and about$13,000 for Halifax. A heavy
snow storm commenced this nocn.
HataFax, Dec. 21. --The blockade runner.
Old Dominion; 15 days from_Wiliningtonlvia
Nassau, arrived here to -day.- •
PORT MONACO; ;Dee. 20. -1 -he flag of truce
in Charleston barber is ended. -
Col. J. E. Mulford arrived here' last even-
ing ftum Fort Royat in the ;steamer New
York accompanied by the remaining Steam-
ers of the flag of truce fleet, the and
Geo. Leary. These three steamers brought
about 1,000 prisoaers, being the last instal-
ment of the entire number oti 12.000. -
At the time the New York sailed f.o.n,
Pint Royal, the 18th, "Savannah had not /et
been captured, but vigorous preparations
were being made- by General Sherman to
either compel the city, to immediately sur-
render oroarry. the intrendliments by assault.
Pen. Hardee, with his entire command esti
I -
-mated at from 12,000 to 15,000 inen were
cut otf-frefn .escape, and the- capture of the
city was deemed certain, .
". The Auguste Constitutionalist ,.ot the 14th,
publishes a private letter frein-Nasseu, which
says the opinion prevails, that during this
svinter blockade runners will- have more to
fear from eaemies-in -their crews than from'
the blocicading fleet. !Hundreds of Yankees
Are here, and it is a settled elan to capture
vessels by strategem sea. An attempt was
thus made to capture the Owl, which
end eight of the crew are now in irons; one of
them, holding a Yankee commission as mas-
ter's mate/ Owing to the dubious character
of English neutrMity theserniidons of Yankee
government wilfeacupe.punishmela. -
' minding battalions, will iortnWith inctease
l the strength of their several companies of
_1 rifles or infantry to sixty-five non commis -
r 1 sioned officers and men and will hold them-
, -
selves in readiness for immediate actual ser-
vice when his Fxcellency may see it to veil
outthe same orlany part thereof. .--
N o. 3.
Its Excellency has been pleased to disband
Cat:Stain Retiree company -401m 9_1113attalion ino
Volunteer Militia Rifles, or Voltigeurs de _.au u Run' ciman. & Co
Quebec; _ • - *Y -
The thirty companies Of -volunteers to. be :L"C) M
stalled out will be despatched to the frontier must bO-DolooOdoo or before the I`
IST DAY O' 1865
Montreal, will be ready AO move in a couple
.:sioTsonioriliatiuplinaedy:ecionf:beminagnotd :0-befeazdoyid3tinwiothf,roomf byAniol tirleardestiltdaibill matirtiesool:bniehase.b.tz are, Law,
of days, and will be despatched to Windsor •
and Sarnia. _The -headquarters of Col Smith
will be at Windsor, Ind the balance of the 1st day of Januar heal
• . .
companies require to Make up his battalion
will be p'ac:d under his command as they ts:e
• celled out. .
• Col Dude's headquarters will beat Niagara
where lie will take a couple of companies of
OWil battalion, and the remaining compa-
nies will be drawn from other points. .
Col Taylor, of -London, will -be stationed at-
Lapratie. ithe several -pompoms ender his
command will likewise be drawn from. differ-
ent points in the Province. •
The whole forte when called outovill num-
her about two thousand men.
- Offers, by volunteer companies forfrontier
duty, continue to pouf. in from all parts of the
Province.'" At .the Department, all is.
The aeveral Companies Will be distributed at
libusexttlemaanyd. activity:in furthering preparations
Buell points -us circumstances may require. -
The term of service will probably be mail
• Tbe Quebec and Montreal companies
probably leave by Thursday and reach the
western frontier this WeekiGlohe.
Pentane at Home aid Abroad.,
on inuivr, Are name and styleof
falr. IL IL
ore earriedg
counts over
• WA -summon, Dee. 14: --The folioWing -
telegram. his.s been received at the war depart-
6f Hilton Had, S. C., Dee 12, via Fort
Monroe, -Dec. 14. -,.Ta. Major Gen. Halleck,
-Chief of Staff :11--General,--eCapt:Dun-cah, of
Gen. H sward'siscbuts, has 'just •conneie from
Gen Howard, having descended the Ogeechee
river in a Sinai!. beat. - _He left the army on
the eveni-ng ef the-.9t1U Getieral Shermati's
whole army Was then within ten Miles' of
Savannah, advancing to attack it.. • The ene
n4.-0 works, fiie miles froiu the city, were.
probably attiseltedyeaterciay, as heavy firiiig
was heard in that direction Capt._ Duncan
represents thearmy to he in the best possible
spirits, and th Mind excellent
Very little oppositiOn lied.. been met with On
the mareh, as the enemy could not tell whit
routeswere to betaken. Alio army ha i lived -
at all tittles Cheered the new Tnen0ers ivhil
refiring membera have parted from -hire wit
regrev,-On a:1 occasions his ceeductaysiard
individuals has been; characterized bi- a Mos
laudable deer es. o f impartiality suavity an
sincere freindship.:. ' -
our. committee_ feel 'satipfied 'that ever
memher ot this Council parts with Mr. Ititchi
with reluctance and regret, in which_ feelin
they are confident that they.are heartily join
ed by every ex:Reeye. and Deputy Reeve 1
these United Countietr as. well as evvy indi
tidied who has had oc'easion to come in con
tact- with Mr. Ritchie, either id .his officia
or personal ciipacity.." • -
Your.Connittee feel confident that you
Honorable "oody will .cerdially join...with them
in their earncsV wish and sincere desire; tha
in his partial..reiirement from; official lite;11.1r
Ritchie may ieeg live. in the full senjoYinen
of lieatth, prosperity and every blessing cal
culated smooth the rugged path, aticl„to
"alneliorate the illa of life, eul to _administer
to his comfort; happiness- and welfare in the
evening of his days. • .
. .
• Nov.3.1, 32. 31 -and 49.-4pplications for
.the office of County Clerk frona Messrs. Robt,
Pinkerton, Peter Adainsoer Wm. Fraser and
Thomas Kydd..., ; I •
Ycur committee' beg to recommend the
appointnient of Mr. Peter Adainsont Reeve of
Stanley, to the office of County Clerk,vaeated
by Mr Ritchie.. They do so in one respect
with -reluctance regret, seeing -that in
appointing Mr. Adamsen to Coun-
cil loses the, benefit of his active; Useful end
valuable services as a tueMber Of this Council.
They are corsoled, howevert, by the reflection
that the Council in this appointment will stilt
have the benefit of Mr. A.damson's exp ience
and thorough kn.oviledge of municip -1 law
and municipaLtiffairs; - • •
:Your eel:mitt-Re recoMmend that the office
rou htt Ca t Duncan •
e " Headquarters. Army or the Tennessee;
Savannah -Canal, Dec.. 19, 1864 -To
s the Commando; of the 'United States Naval
t 'Forces in. the• Of Savannah
We have met With perfect onecess thus far. -
The troops are fine spirits and hear hy.
. (Signed.) A. HOWARD,
311ill-Gen. Com, right vring of
a - r• - : The Aruiy."
A 4-ictorio§ army passing thiOugh a
dountty 'on the • car: of Victory does hot
'" • • • • • - • •
•Case, -T
from 8
the:toll gates for the ensuing year. -Car-
ried.. . -
Wednesday.- "
A. co mittee of five was appOioted to
take up he -subject of fairs throughout the -
. the Present year. •• -
*country. - All of which is respectfully submitted. -
Petition of A. C. Hawkins, John Allen . wm. .chairman.
and others of the townships of Colborne
andAsh eld relative to the iraprovement" • . pemceGde
of the ti eld road, was read and refer- The Report was imaninioully ad -Opted,
red to t e committee on Gravel Reads •
Moved by Mr. Parsons, seconded by Mr.
appointe1 at list -meeting. Sweet, That this resolution No. 88, passed at
Serer41 other petitions were read and the last June meeting, be reSeinded relative
referred io - comniittees. • ., ', . to paying the boundary line, appropriation in
Movecl by Mr. Motion, seconded by one sum on the certificate of the Reeve. and
Mr.-Cn te, That ths Rev: Mr.. Stewart, that boundary linetaccounts. come before the
of Blyth, be appointed Local.Superinten. Council.in the usual way. Carried. - ..
dant for he townships of Wawanosh and - On mti°11 . of Mr• PIP" a By Law for
Ilnllet ' the place. of the Rev. Mr. S. • . Authorizing a deviation Of road in the township
1 nnisz of Gaderich was*confirmed
resigned. Referred to Schoolcom: .. - _ - - Friday. .
Letter Troia grl!iairtt- to Dr, Stokes By Law appointing Peter Adamson Chanty
was read .11Hd referred to School cont. : Clerk in place (AD, 11 Ritchie ' d,wl
*, Moved by Mr. Sutton, seconded by Mr. read aud adopted. Ur. Ad'at:slgileson briefly
Gann, That the time 'appointed for collen7 thanked the Coeucil, enl said he would en.
tors to return their rani be extended to deavor 'to diSals,rge his duties to the best of
Via lit 1'March 1565 -Carried. . hill -abaft'''.
. s _ _ . .
_ moved by, Mr../Gibson, seconded by - Report of the special .commsttee on Gravel
Roads was read. It was Irecommended - that
the sum of 820,000 be mord by debentures,.
for improving certain ro , es follows es-
, 0000, • step6n *4000,Wingham.
,dohfield. and'Colborp* 7000, Seaforth and
$2000, Hay $1000. ... ' -.
Moved he Mr. Govenlack That the Br Law
. .
r. and was litany years in
public Bk. In 18374, -be was prominent
111111011g tile leaders of the rebellion: During
the Draper Administration be was induced to
Seeept the office ef Solicitor -General East,
find it:nccessfri conceal from the ene-
my " the routes which were to be taken."
Nor, does a *eat' nation; which 18 not
thoroughly demoralized, permit one of
their generals and an army to live off
the country" of a belligerent, and to .as
cuMulate "at considerable number of
horses, and cattle ;" in *other words, to
rob peaceable and unoffending citizens of
the fruits of their :honest industry.
Let, thel world- observe that the facts
above. stated are from Federal official
aathorityq the deductions are Inevit-
able. I
. • • • „ •
We regret very meek: to learn that the
hotel Of gr, Hitt:ley, Walkerton, was
destroyed by fire..on theAight 'of Wednesday
fast. , •MeLehn's hetet, in Teeswater, was
also hurried on the Baum night. .
• EuroPeaw Newt,. .
The steamer Cuba, Mini Liverpool Dec.
3rd, has arrived 4 Political news unimport--
ant, Mr. Dayton, Ameeican Minister, died
it Paris on the 21,41of apoplexy. No details.
It is Stated that 'there are apprehensicns of
wholesale desertions from the frigate Niag-
ara in Scheldt. Twenty five seamen recently
got away and were pursued to: the Dutch
frontier, most et them escaped into Hol,
land. The TiMes, thinks- that
Mr, Lincoln may: now seie-• the. opportimitY
to make an attempt to end the ;war by nagetiatin, but doubt if the terms will be accept,
abie to the South : The Loadon Index, in
an article on Earl Russell's letter to Slidell
and others, think a -Earl Russell to be con-
sistent should not stop short of actuat recog-
nition. The Morning Post gives e report of
the partial recognition of the Mexican Em-
pire by the Washington Government. 11 11
rumored _that the question of troops in the
Duchies will be satisfactorily. adjusted. by
Austrian mediation. The Madrid 'Epoch&
says that mediaticin between Spain and Peru
is at present impassible. Cotton in limited
demstid,suid price higher. Breadstuffii-
Flour unchanged.. Wheat -price maintained.
Advices from Japan report Prince Nagato to
have declined payment of the indemmtS..-\A
strong feeling prevailed against him, and Ids
palace had been levelled with the ground.
• MELaxcfiovr 4octoos sus THZ VIOL-
A most melanchoiy accident Occurred on
Nov. 30, on the river, vrhich- Sas .nousualle
swollen at the time. One of the boats plying
attire Olydestreet ferry, a few minutes atter
six O'clock, wu taking over 4 large limiter
of passengers _who were going home from
their work, where, in the -mid-channel, she
capsized, drowning' not leis than 14, and it is
feared even a greater number of persons. -
The accounts of the survivors do not exactly
epee as to the number on board, -but the
boat was licensed; to carry twenty-four pas
Bengal; excluding the ferryman. At le
tuneme accident occurred she was almosTif
not quite full, but of all on board eight per-
sons only were saved; the: rest, including
the ferrynimi, perished. The cause of the
.aceident is not. exactly known, but it would
seem that the boatman Was not very expert,
and that on the boat -shipping some water, a
rush made to one side by the patiengers
occasioned the catastrophe.
will be handt4 to -GO- Solicitor i r eollectson: -
- Thestock on band will be sosd -
LOW- Ft..4.11, C SEE.
It consists of a target sortmentof ghs, Cultr
vators.11arrows,StrawCut Eno _
- Pot-iesh endanger- ttles, wage
CoOking, Par 43i. et Box StoVeiG
A good second-hand .
do weIl to call and ins ct the sock at -once, se-
ta:Ay:vivo:lag:It baearhigna:s. for. -Grist and,Saw-Mills:
,All ernes requiem the above articles -would
- IN reference to the isbove Rtfaciman will
be prepared to carry o? the gnsiness f
• 'Re -Arrest of the Ithulers. • •
_ .
Froin the Globe 22iel.
- Quante, Dee. 21st.
Thanks to the stimulus of the 'Government,.
itided by: the energetic police fere ot this
city, several of the raiders have been re.
arrested. ' -
Information. having been given Judge Ma-
guire, of this city. thstt aconple of the raiders
had passed 'three Rivers,. the police were
directed ao proceed aloe,' the North Shore
road, in that direction. They reached Point
aux 1'rembles; about twenty-six from
here, and put up at a hotel; but had not been
there long before a two horse sleigh drove up
with the very particle for --whorn they were
waiting. When confroeted by the two police
officers they admitted that they were raiders,
and gave their names as Charles 'Moore
Swage'. and Marcus Spurr. They were
brought,to this city lett night and kept in
cuatudy by the police, takse before Judge
Magure this 61renoon, and confronted by Mr, -
Payette, the Montreal guider, who had-ihesn
Originally in custody, and at once identified
by hiin. This cemplete identification dilipos-
ed of the matter, so tar as it concerned them..
Gaoler Payette had poem down here at the
request ofJudge Maguire, . for the purpose of
examining, with a view to iudentification, a
person who gives his !mule as Betterswbrth,
and who was arrested Manday at Point
Levi on, sespieion of being a raider;.. A gin:
tleman from Montreal testified, according to
the best Obis belief, that he was one of the
raiders.. On," his being examined by Payette,
the Montrealaolorttliis merningt that einem
at once declared that he was not one of those
who had beer in his Custody. There being
some ciretimitsinces of suspicion Judge Ma -
&ire directe that he should be sent to -Mon-
treal, i,n'com enr.w-ith Swager and Spurr.-
rhe- three were this afternoon accenting'',
'dispatched •act-osi the 'river in charge of the
pcifieet _and will proceed to Montreal by te-
mpt s tram. . - -
As further proof of the, activity displayed
by. Indite Maguire and the police of this dis-
trict, I have also 'to -state that information
has been received by the Qiivernment - that
_Bennett H. Young, William M Hutchinson,
and Squire,Ttirner Tevis were this morning
Arrested at St. Francois -a place about 16
miles from Biviere du Loup, on the Temis-
musts Road -evidently -on their way to the.
New Brimswick frontier. . They were brought
to Raviere LOUR today, and will be
brotiglieup b/4--1:he train.. It it expected that
they he *pitched to -morrow evening
to Montreal. Illy information dries not en'
„ . , .
able me to slte whether they were simply
identified by e Police euthoritiesior whether
they admitted theniselivee to be the parties
they are alleged to be. The information is -
of course by telegraph. There it but little
doubt entertained'. here that all the raiders
will be arrested, tothe active measure's
Froin • the New York Tor- ld of the 1-7te
inst., we learn of a -meeting Of the Fernans of
Jersey City in that city on the evening of
Friaay last.: Some disturbance was created
by the appearance ot a priest at the hall, who
endeavored to preveni
t ngress, and who pro-
nounced the following anathema upon the
Fenians : "Men of Jersey citymy curse!
the curse of the church; the curse of God 4 IL
thousand curses upon yiiii, if you hold. this
meeting!" About1200 Of the Members went
.home in-obedienee'to the venerable priest's
instructions, but A majority held the meeting
in spite of opposition. After seyeral of the.
menibers had denounced clerical interference
-the initial topic . of a Fenian meetille, via i
-Abdse to England, was conunenced. A Mr.
Hodnett said that if there . was any member
of the Brotherhood- afraid to stand by the
princip,les of the organization of which he
was a member; he now had an opportunity
- to make his objections known and leave the
organization. [Applause.1- The time Was ..
fast approaching. when Inc. Fenians would
have the long desired foropportunity otArap• •
pling with their old hereditary and most dead:, I
and contract for the e onofa $indsol Ma-
chinery as ustellt and will arnply
CA.0111 •IFILTUlithL 1311PL !RENTS
Stoves and castingsat)easonablerar,foreASH.
cr short credit.
Goderich, Dec./I st, '864, • aaateraft
A LI those indebtesdlto Wm. E. ORACE, by
LI note or book account, pItirnse
The same Without
Office on Lighthouse at.,
Neat to Me A rely Drntoihss.
For Sale
*125 PER 111311,11.
ly enemy Eaglaed, and that would occur ou •
Ainerican soil. A war :was eminent with gismIstroimos t
England itt, regard to the St. Albisns raiders, - -
$3 50 PZR I
and iet the American people leave. ille matter .
to be settled between ne Arius and the * • Wm, E. GRACE,
government of England, and we would not Goderich, December 22nd, 1864. 4 aw3241
guaranteethe possession at Canada to Great
Britain 24 hours. -(Applause.) The men
-can easily be procured it 50,000 Fenian' can
do.the work. (Applause.) Irishmen should
I not talk but, work. Ant he wou'.d gotten -
the the 'sympathy_ of; all true Ameritans in
bidding their efforts God speed. [Aeglause.]
"One of our leading generate who at present
occupies the attention of the people oi. ibis
republic in one of the Most splendid and diffi-
nessed, with us. and has said that he hoped vy boat &bout oaree-ptangand jtkintedbia,k,„
apple ae.] The speaker_concladed by coon -
cult militaiy move,ments the world ever wit.
one blow tor the liberation cif Ireland. [Loud Provo hers Pa:Yeharges
that he might not die vbefire he had..struck .1118 four seat* in her Tile srsvaerni re -waited trrn.
VITASHED ashore a„boat t thwisek.1:stojteewofityNoo;mber4.
sellin firmness and -determination in their Ldt 14, Lake Shore,
;' -
effort , and. they wou,',11 have the good wishes Decembei:22nd,1V,S. wagat*
of all goodjnen.
We do not -attach gulch weight to th
gis de...
monstration, yet it, is not well todisregard
altogether 'signs of the times." We believe
that the respectable .Romap Catholics of
Canada West are loyal to the core, and give
no aid or countenance the Feniaoism. But
on the other hand, we -cannot shut -our eyes
to the -fact that these are persona in various
parts of the Province drilling nightly, and
that their boatility to British rule is avov0d.
Thit class must be watched, and we hopeour
autIliorities will keep their eyes and ears open,
that any attempt to involve us in civil or
foreign war may be frustrated.
A SCE NZ IN PARIS. -A boy sixteen years
of age was brought before the police court,
Paris, charged with stealing and begging in
-the public street. He was a bright, line
looking boy; but very poorly clad and when
brought before the judge he fell upon his
knees and begged him not to -put him in
prison; Abet his mother wassick and starving
and that alone had driven him to steal; that
he could not And. work; and if ht. was im-
prisoneii the disgrace would kill his poor
mother. The judge seenied somewhat
moved by the heft stoiy„ but he nevertheless,
after hearing the evidence, condemned him
-to 6 weeks' imprisonmeet. As the -boy was
being led away, a poor woman, pale, covered
with rags, and her hair in disorder, forced -
her way through the crowd, and tottering up
to the boy, passed one arm around him; and
then turning to the judge, pushed back her
long black hair. and exclaimed, Do you not
recognize ? Thirteen years have passed
since you deserted me, leaving inc alone with
my child ind my shame; but 1 have ihot for
gotten you, and this bCy,...whomyou aye jnst J LI:ValUst AND: TOY 'BOOKS t
condemned, is your son 1"t YOU -may imagine
the effect thie announcement produced on the in epate"_varioty, al th're
bystanders. The judge in a loud 'Yoke,
court, and then left it himself; but joined
ordered the WOMIZI tO be carried from* the Goderzeb,snt13444.1 FP -tardy. 20:-
the poor creature in the street, and carried
her an the boy off in a carriage. Biessagefor the 'Young
sTRA xamirs.
CAMt into the premises -of the subscriber, twatt .
'eon, Colborne. about themiddleof October -
last, -two _cowls ; one red with -white face. the -
other neerly all white.. The owner es requested -
to prove property, parr rliarges, rid remora •
them. j COJAAJ.S
Clodench, Dee. 2Ist, J/64. wag -at
1 '
. • 'gam
OiLMISSIONZR in It., Agent Drrisioa. .
CCourts, Conveyan-%W,
(For Wooden structures)will furnish plans ass&
specifications at moderate charges, and warmer
the same to give satisfaction. All letters on busi-
ness must be post paid, and if answers are
waniia.eontain one Canadian Dotter, marked
money, else not released. The above aamed ift111
attend Dungannon, Croderoch, Clinton, ilarwrhey
and Hayfield Courts, (health permitting) so
he may find it to.pay.
To old patrons he appeals with confidence; to.
intending one*,
G1,13rel lith23. n;1021.ab1
Address Dungannon P. 0. -until Antler aotieas.
Dungannon, Dec. 19th, 1864. w48 -*f
• Photograph Albumat
.ert.Axma 130011E8v.
-Church Services, Le.
Christmas ;Presents".
of the Government. t is evident that they p
are all making for the New Brunswick free-
-tier by different routes. Those arrested h
coming from Three Rivers, evidently aimed
at the same point. Judge Maguire would
bate been quite ready to, proceed with their
examination, but the warrants for their arrest:
having been issued by .Iudgo Smith of Mon-
treal, and the depositions on which they veils
isined be*in his hands, they have therefore
to be seat to Montreal to be tried under his
jurisdiction. The arrest of Spurr and Swe,ger
is all that is generally known here to the
public. . It seems to give utmost satisfaction.
- The Frontier' Difficulties.
The King consort of Spain has banished
is brother to the Canary Islands for talking
°Miss. _ - .
Lord Drby is bashful. He would publish
is translation of Homer only under a feigned
11.slaSuvre. way :to get up -joss:scree-. ms-glippery
••••••=0110 • •
Quesso- Dec. 19th 1864. •
The following general orders were issuest
to day :- -
Headquarters_ Quebec, Dec. 19th, 1864.
- His Excellency the Commander -in -Chief Is
pleased to state that he has siren orders te
cell out for actual service, under the provis-
ions of the Volunteer Militia Act, a part of
the voluateer militia of this Province, and
that the same will cOnsist of thirty companiet
of rifles or infantry, to be hereafter named.
No. 2. •
His Excellency desires that an offi!ent corn- _
To .Sibbati-Sciool Saperintebiests„
Whan:awkeellare'earnoi gbbiLIPPeatis Solati°04satiinteregeain
of thcs.11
young generally,..to support III In the ;effort we -
now make to bring out a really first-ciass Mmes.
20.63 tarapteetediChaitntiad.oianstIti:Pifffilitz inerior uses3. 2:eilwaseguariti.
1:1111C1117*•--- i OIICJ and expect to go on makhig improvements.
in all departments. gilie fact Of our blrvirg Awns
- some years singag s211141111111; a paper
ed • similar
which has now/malted a large circulation, w
give confioence in the niteltapt to supply a rear
first-class, uniectarlan periodical. 'It will bare
the advantage over ,others• -of being adapted ta
the Canadian youth, and. its "'here is no postage
on suct papers when published within the P7011%'
lomat being the elseapert pubfisied .eaber Is or
out oft*
fi copies for $1 ; 14 the ; 22 for $3 ; 22 for
$41 4210r x5; 52 fir se too forns.60, sad
at tb latW MA for any larger moisiber- Pay-
ment Invariably isilkimtbee. 7neystisslayauss-
;swam wah any =triter.
43 s3E4 C. 3E4'
1 Tomato.
11FliCiff 014741.1SM' -3 • Ctsursofaedert
meet -homer, lass this day ,aed. alt •
hisEsate and elects to the eaderigsp4 for the -
genast benefice! oroditoofe *du* ilryfolfogoos
411 creafti Ot this estate ere reemsted to sena
ther Admits
LflSOITeflt IACt01 1U4.
WILLIAM Pteiroan, defendant.
A Writ of attachment has issued iu this
Jul-' cause of which all .persons interested in
the Estate of the defendant, and alt personi.
having in their possession, custody or power
any portion of the assets of the defendant, or
who are in any -say indebted to him are rs
quired to take notice.
. Sherif tJ.
By S. romue5 Dep. Sheriff;
Sheriff's Office, §
Goderich,,22ndDecember, 1864 sw32 4t
VOTICE.Tbis is toTorbid all persess from
Am harboring or crediting tny wife, Jane
Colwell, en my iseCOUut, as she has left iny
bed. and board without any just cause or
provocation -on my part.'
Decernher '23rd, 1864. sv48-3t*
Goderlok,Novi 11111,18*1, sw2t-if