HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-12-20, Page 4T.11 -E S E M 1- W E K LX... S11G N A My SheriffXs saie -of Lands SPRING- STYLE HATS FOR AU FXUA of 100 acres: of la.�if. bj_ miles from RON Y__` lie. United Gountim G� 47 PERICH, 60aeres cletiredi with good. 0.1 D FA RMS, 'F , I jiuron and Br ce,,� roads I erL aclas i d'urt.: e Time will be given for a To Wit : 0. of H" r A14jestyls Count e po -tion of I e tirchase money. PART1k,$ desirous- - -Y tar F Al' �8 PIER of obtaining First Xjaa Court of I lie -UnfledCo-lati efl-JuronanlBruce F, LL SHOW'O -:10 0- Tf L p For fure , . ). - - CednrforF wigandjluildin ther parl iculars ply 10.. B. GORDON, En O -F gpiurposea ran and in mie4irected -tone.. $01lestal, Uoderii. , orto., besuppliedin'anyoquantity, and Ott re ' 'ble he land# -an I 81110" lien,$ ol AlexandiT on g to e W IEL f-pli;S suit of James A. Burwa--%.b' om as B. W -.9E YINTOUR & CO' Some to -Invest -in 1own Property: ch. 9411 'VoteinLer 1863. w4l-tj W. ELLIOTT. anO Up. aj EVX lk9e Itumbafl, J ha seized, Goderich. Feb. 1664'. ovirin AT DUNCAN'Sol on the full Goderich.. btle and l"lereSt Of juaie id er all a Ilia nelven a ld I CAP-& URET Gcdericb. S _t. 13 1864., 3 tf itNrth hallorLoi i P 1RM FOR- ALE sw. FA' S AND SHOE ORE -E XAM NOT T Brute; wbrtl� I-alrids IMON .-TO LEND' Pi 0- 3 - Con. A T wila6ill of .11ttwick, �? 1 .9 1 1 . - AT ,the Court House ill the )f Goderieli. [�- irom Wroxeter -on - .: , - . —1 . - � - ill tht 1_ ..- I RAN -jlN"BtD'UNCAN'.S.BOOI'ANI)STIOT,-' Q411- und oft TuexdaY the I-evenill Artir. a h X 4 all D REVIV Twel��,of the-cl n6o G see the: bet 816ck f 110ME-MADE WORK fn th 7 :1. 30 M. n nt!l God -it I' erich. Uarol oth.,1$64. GRVEL ROAD& I 7% -4 r' JR JVX ]ILAW 1j& . —r'NV OIL, Sherifr OR to v ty $b c n _Sj and rotind them all that was represented. IMPROVED_ FARMS- Log heuse and baril, l3nnti;.i(jd.1Sljne S. POLLOCY Fa :iA a Tl' usands'lin e tried Dun 'a any , eri#7, - V.,18 E _111 Bosanqi6t, The'subscriber- CAN7NOT BE UNDERSOLD bv otle It D 2,4th N u 4. 92 Rememberthe place— 11`esl.s�dj -of Majk�j,�quar I . . - P le, ti-nate -busities" ACRESjA8 CLEARED td, - ' .1 '�OR EkALE e, Apply - to, . I - 1 -1 1 D. SAADS 000DI10 OF LAk.bbit, App. r Va W.ETOSIAS, Esq.i B. 11. TWO 'N bOORS -SOUTH offhe. '8110 AL' OFF IGE 0- rip t>'. 111 tor,. Wesf Street,' office over�. Booth -'s Tuiled ountlett of Y line Ora -Vrit ot Go. feriell, Feb 2er, cl C AM DUN Dry. Good SuIre. CAN. RP - ; TO W Facirts, jilir lot 204 12th 13tisaliquet, IV , . 1,Her Alajemyeo ounty Court, of tile r sw.41*20-tf 6 Juriin and '13 'L 'Goderich, ��pt. 20th-, 1864 - �B P He tTN �R, rN -D oZ-rgfi-#' ort let. swG4, -Goderich, June 91h, I SUC, 41-nited COuilie- of liuroll a Bruce, an4 to me f iree ed agAinist thelands I *d jencjneuts�ot'Pat­ Me(Inlie and James *4d.Gulle, altheisuilvi� SU. heCarporation ofibi bi icL ONEuu"RED -ACRSj Houge and Lot for skae Z A BR1j-.lC COTTAGE'on, the Southerly,'p) $100 and.*,iipwards adviiinced o e ;P of A ATZ- witildut detay to ill xec, s-ttiawd- ner -Zl-' tiolf UfLvt�bo,. RBAL EST lavo ticeized and fa e I E ution H iall At ght, title and jniereq Zrav There P4 hoftower. "A piv to -40) said dv1eAd#n1ts, lit Ind to Ike f2outh 1111 1 hj number threr.in! �',SHAW SINCLATR. I -e eievemb coil -essior, a Ity, LOq AMI.LTON STREE 0 -OL. �'C C e hrth,$alf of Goderick. Ist.TnIv. 1864. w23 6Au. ot rumbt-r.thr it, tlx,-Ie tli-,conceiisj 'UREE-W D &-WAWE1VD of I ils'hi ifIA-,thfield and mity WLTH GOOIY,: nWELU-TIF. nd urnit, vontainut I whit -11 lands and le: terients I shall 4 For ROOT- UE and OUTBUILDINGS. hundred alires i itore or -to rfor -ell eMoney Lend. is 0 Goderitit, Olt Uesdav tfiiTWrntV#sere ithday Hlisubs criber has $20.000 to loan on re asc, bd Det-ealbernext, a TWEIVE 11U!AV0K,ED DOLLARS 4 BERS would beg to, in to his ellst-oftiers-and public-t.hat his- W� tie ljo of Twelve of he isCS Oil EStL n6w prern Vprtif-alarsapplyto. -!cel- 0 T11r' T able form 0T V. strt -r Dart aPPIV to, . I For f urE x� D '.d�eiiq*h. 1-9111 Ampiit W64— w3b 3m. Hy wcic, Depuly ',If rjff. THREE D.0 -ORS Arulterst Ishirld. TO .-LE-N.D (MAO 7-191h VALrEsq., God I PERCI FROM."ITHE SyUARE Nov.;. JS64- -June, or trans-letin .11L -AvIaol pw44 18K Lt �t ndwillbeopened-on the rt.of AT Goder. ,01etylver 1.th, j;w13-tf pOnnee ton ERIFY Nariufacturilig, bu3illeSs ill ith his 111001i F CbRt where atl ord6's and .0 n -:B 1VT 0 V P-1 -1 D r I 3H r LAI DS,,. 0 T -at, work ih t4e ab&v4 busines.4 will- be pulletually attended to, Like vune�y f - ;elk. wi5e. ENz I!ntted Counties of Y rtue of.a y nd of tier Majesty�szCo cot -- Vier i -Focias issied tat 'Mo. �g One.11undrd Tollats -and -upwards. e C or. and o ie j ime -Ribst,jile. Applk to EL - - - I L , . , __ �! I . landit arid II-Flemelite, or Pu r B B .- . '. '. - - -.- .�F OF - - - . �B T6 F*:N1T$Ct LP T lothsz -BI jnkds� a Huron tVENT .'OR S L-1 I ent oil hand. to exellantr -wool. suit Ful ford. J -have, si row6 at the will be Ic efor s zed ;and Iqken ia. laving thi 7amdded aaoher TbMh M 0 R, 9 1111 xeclLfitIn all Lt he right, title ind intervis t! of the 11-A -Rid defe� nh halvesVillaoft <4 I'dillit in and to the 10 CHI.NE CKABUt-li NEWBLOCK. 7 AT EXCELLENT.. FIRSM ASS DOUBLE CAIR-DI94 .in I ­sSW bf the Nunjb--rs Hand 1.5 he, i Poftee in The unty f Bruce Goderich, Sept, Slit, MIS w33 If E P to his establishmeni, lte. will be prepiar'ed'to execute farmei_,S: TAN7 tN. STAND. wor; to anv re so im es% OF TELY9 BOOMS witb dris jort notie whit-bMild-ta d teneinentsl $11tall offirer ogle _coinFng to t4efactory tc�,: atilly-offive the Cotlrt lio.. 11 0 t C , in the Wn J1131flary Ilet. at We hour 0 r oil Tvemlav th Tirty-fi;a 1 the Vill %-re of Bluviilejownship of -Tbrn- thems( CI'L dist, a liable 44tterit The Lame moo ;WATMHKA & UTIEW M-Flir . __ - I , , 'V WEST ST, G-ODEICICII, rr table SW4 pump and large Lra'r&, as formerly, and�.pirtieular attentio will b e IlWid-t ]lose fruini a nee wishi t ieir OR 'day 0 JV_A_1 noon.. - door TV est of A herrr,and own F BL 4 IL t It. f> -Y 14 40. 48 . I . L . I . . . i.it y the name - of th lot 'East La'k- "DIZ - CTI R 97EL, and in,Lhe occu VALE pation of ACRE of h propi i4tor, IL C. Pt7ofi.. -The �property AVilile thinkful to th 0. RoadL I -Huy. CDONALUt am in the bovp �husjijessl ibe WATCHESt CLOCKS AND MWELRY t e a aidditioas and"improvernents, and is- 1111pes by st X. L E, By 8--PnT-WCK, P#pu tyll',-herff. hu." n e XT -age i 11F.PaIRF.11 Ox --jj()RT', L n- meetificr the -,wants: . Worthy 014 txutieq of any man whoL is seeking of his custonictrs, to S e*of thr, saine. RATE IAND til I reePi ve 'a sfiar _.FiRST heriff �`s Officie,13itil 64 01 tber, 'S BLO tflL th L e� best home. 'It 'Terms eisy. ap.,il -t Syle & Warrat -eet, seco C. PUGH. 0 A 0: T X E T 0 lit" pn Ises., or 4ONALD SUTHM, -7 T LANijiso beigthi'l. 3i wX U -19th,' 864 XAS LOGADT the rrem' 0 -old A: Plnte(iL'Je.,*velry.,%T.-It�ue-S Gcidiiricl -Ivpri A :LEATHE., INGS w12 T 'ri lie or -.a . . 1. 1. . lea of WC. CAIQ�RO.,%, 6nited Count' y V1 erl Facias Issued -0 God H ca tiy - eric".. UrOn and B m4lan reeled against .104 and jo mei lit ills of Peril% ffilarty, t � I lit- lit 140 V Ib e littids ato lene if not, To -.04-tr of Her G9derich, April 30fli T864. L' Go(Teridl� COultol'111- Uniledtountles i, 170 00DERICH"(11 - 4oserh 'Herr I it vetieized and taken the FebraarY 12.1864., AW47wo ri ILL I the ARK dofix*nt in ALI' in l4e fifth. r Twetity bree, nTT at d it) Lut. umbe I uuNS, jffD I Xpri% tu the Ar. Hbro% �Wit It the buildings eree DR '0 1 ted I land -4 and lent inents 14MI bdir or zale al mr, GODERICHI f the town of -odetic b b. n T 'be Ter'm L Very Beasonable. third idair of Jantia n�ext at, the boo tsme of1hei!locki noon. r OTS Nos. i 35'14.4,ln the ON TARRIA61 L4 Vill rising a,e of River tdalip,. in t e Vouniv -of Bruce. ' This Village iv-situate.Jro'n the wai" OLT te 7. Z SP S�ti - ocii-, road lx- * ell Kinvirdine and Wlkerton,- the . . . . . . --- Countv Town of Brut e. Lot -Numbet -4. Sonth s.de of R SALX Aveiiu_e,inthe own Luts;17, SALE 14S, 49, �60. 51 *52. d �3, iti. the Village of -AND L nn b -Wor EAWENGNE rjKS dale, a6a 75 2ad 76, West sitle of'Victoria, ' trect, -d . Counti f Y Unite _s 460 nt%of. Bruce.. MADE TO 41 theTown of Kincaidine -'eo, Merl. -Faciai u'rubtiri; 3,-4. 6,� on the �Nrortli t �jje Ddr- To wit of Her 1 L Lots N -in iffageo D, y R'U'N- 0. 1 R. ant Market Squ urfl are- -the V. f 1(iticardine, lbe ttvited Wit EL 23' 1M 1. ft.933 Ments had 1101115ow and The 141idi t nere la nd e wl buildind.-. thereon Hlimbor atlij, Manufac ne turers- -of G rist aiad I lir tuit *%h 4 Alo Lotshi.6.and 8 on tbe.0tirliam: 10ad, and lot. C* ity.of Waco, conta-urit of an Of J1, all 0M, d n j`cS I'layrairiJoha Welf Web. Durnam Koaa.'in the FrHE�-RubseribeivVobidinnoiincetJ--�be�piiblic Satutief Cann Iiiave W 25. ort.-thd-North side of the 0 O'Prostte "he Harket. -and CfirC'u11kr,.. Kul Town�hii)L Of - iuca. ine, -containing 50 acre,% 0 nron all( . rure t tat he has on linfid an la -en, -in E and ;xecotion 'Ili Ott I - i - - S L' ant I make to otler Carriages; Wagons, Har. interest or.lic"id-Atleodant inla oloijimiltet, Loth3l andUon-West side o qt. in e.:, d cheap lZir cash u -n- East side OPW the Town or Kincardine.. of Walkerton, at" - in the County Of Brucei, TPA,' tenj�jnfM For parti6illarsapply'lo i Lands and SMORB for t�ale at a offif�ein LIjeuuurt R_ Goder; TRX LEWIS kh, AlrZust 2 r 1he I done on most rer 'rKa 6r Willett *I btk 401 I wit A I kiada-r of eon 'Street reasonable terms. -C Ouse jnL lhb Town of T' 5 lay -tile j*.enth erch. Barrister. . Goder,,ch. Ist. 1563. u e., dair or jan"'T. 49 fill; the tour ofTwelve ofthe -noon. NA DD B. AV S- -POT-LOeXL Deputy Sherifl! A SPIN is tg. GOOD WORK '-ARGAINS. Risr'. AND HORSE POWTRS� LANDS FO - I OR A*L L H SU -G EAT 0 HORSE R WLug �aiud- Reapi-n kadhin 8 LSX E followpagbands wre rjff�red OF 1 9 e Wobd'SaWs, �21 if -T A gpod endorsed .ofe or -cordwod wi;t bti PRIVATE'BIL ��q ad,. UnitdUoun G' 0 0 DS anti ieri Facias-ri"U411-011k _VA1LTP---S in -Canada We..,t interlingto make -Y AN.r) lj+� —1 j , I L Co. !u'r U dope in a be4tan ONE" -i - Zled6rieft, NOV- 1.51, n, heags Casti gs inadey and-Blacksmitliswork imeri : ENTH ON suntantial a cf Ht r ]Ws* st 9on.fity &is attire for- ri �'ate or nery THE Local. Bins, either for granting t xcluomvtj privilt.- ocastiti-s tif-any description inade to Also, aii tld.S ty be ffaunly m T Cour o tit L order. f.machi Or' and 'iti ill -renaired oil shor e Jim- -led aeai for '-'al ur- runeffal .1 Will IT TI1H 'OF PUCHISE poemlbr coinhier- lAndshild jenet-lientsf e Sa"arator.: XG t/110 CLOTHI yneb Staii-won. Bn&-h V. Dowl' ld obanit vevs; or or for doiljg1anything tendin - ng ju , 9 (-;ilfnt)llrl at 1111- SIlith ofltaaac-�',N. 41owi ;n7 Fl R -%T- PUTE ew Th�a to, -t e(j100KTN.G P-Al-tLOURL'.. AND rX prolwity �o# olber parties, lite Corporation Ili the TowAhip Of ER .9 our Innual I -if tljey it. vflje have- ived and tokirt in Execution all the Itt, and Sepa-aviir to be Always on hand, SE'ut;ar Kettles, Wgon and Pipe 81, A atternS Of th' -above Nike. Equal rerequired se a, recona�le 47OHN FAIRACO, are herefi­n­lifiM�ihi - I Of the tuost appro e of St tire 53rd and- l6flowhisr Rules ",f jll� credi wiff be ;:lvell, .04 good -eZ:u- Y% fr to ep.ct 0 QF*Pft%' elearawl v id'kind,. we would iilli * . alive or, ce of their 0 wit, an. inspection of -ou Ock before purchasitt., ouncil and Legislative. Asseml,ly rk Lo to ek. 6f'DRY (400 N as we are offiering- hebovire sit-' t respectil rity- A.Pply I -pre,e,it j�rire'st�, elseWher Wltu Mterestat per cent. P- t 0. t the.lowes venluneraLti ve tprices for or 0'r ap Itad the Srjut (which ar publi.§1ted n lull in The Cit- of Lot No :6. EZ side of Queen -irtr tb I -eer 01 r,)-rrl I N(IT. W -01."d 'Iho' proved CrjediT,. -.0.1d, etalll Bras. Cugptir, ndll kinds of vioduce ta4c�n'-in ex'chanae. Zette'?), toivo Goderteh.Auzu1st 19di P564. next Ave wtiek-4—viz- rrorn this' date to 30til vabdivisio"of Mirk Lot No. 4 va 1h oderiell. 0 er: I OF -.A101tRIS: jil;te # lid I.Novemher�aliow. halt 4.1 Lot 22voti jh4. Emst r 71,vvc� reeR-outh Vdis South 7 'ill Ist 6on.. 50 ac I' North sule of I'antitwidge pUeg. #.rd .4. res %­Uarne into the -pre nikie,,� c pici0acres of the _rlyand di.-tinelly s ofQucen;bI reetI.Nrth.PaWey, or'. Sale - Cheap .8buth�1.8. 'in Ifitdon.' (*,nn &T Ff _DTSCOUNT OF TEN_ PR CEIM F ing it* nature and objept), in -the cCaaada' Gam ON AT.L. 2d con 100 acres, Sauth side a thc,,"EL_;%_Cibcr,r lot 2qL 431r thet �j )tj! (-(.)n South no 13and 14 1\ orth side of jr - -rich lownsillo,-ut-out tfie finst of a: t, a 21L in .9,d cob. acres anJ also in a siewspaper,publithed in the zlree4 Val dev North h0h bfjot L ZW- of 2elte, (Jointly (or Wou or-Cou'llies efreclud, sending on, 50 feet -of the red and wbitq! heifer, two years- t;fd The j Sh eon,�'Bruve: 10. 4th Kjnloss�; 22 Huron 8trZt;8juuIhampt 4 CAM PURCHA ' i. PLAXINO �Nortlfj 20 in 4h eon., 100.,ucres. - - I SE - MILL Part of I dt ho. 4, North -bide A, yexpen- S LO`9 G owner is requestett to prove properfy, pa 9th. con. Huron. to' be fir.! an e ties and retuoire. her. Stiillthaln�tonit Lots -29 and -20 op the, I�Ortjl 1 21 iii 4h con.� 100' acre's ani ti�niifix 1� P IVr 06L.bA RS,or more. -0 th exrept F jeh,iqareri�idin sffver,_oa which thewurill. C."oderiiiii3OctoberS IR64",, 6ash, -16 100acres. reet, Sontliamptint Lot ITS81 JOH .,LLIOTr, _1P Warth copre'- Oi I !10 (Ila. h 121111 ofClarendon st -e '11111, prc�� J23iu4h coil. P W%te 41be, 'ente4 w t ultbe w. f6r . I - ; pori., nd Poiter?s Hili P. 6 09.1v illlow Oenlie ef-itt. side of Norf oil treet, 001 st et. otithamptoit,,1 rhe Pxt-ellonce of he stlovir is well kno—nAad FIRS T TH -Z tri, wFExs 22.%uth *Ije of Loulia, rt TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK: -d ity (or rnn�-insr - f thesessioA. in1he(:oun1yOf-BrucejWbi(qi'1aa& and Lem. - so a - n orportun Lots 2,-3 4in- I' - ments "S SA r)th 004.1 100 4cres'ea6. j LE OF -LANDS.-' ADVAYTAGEOUS PURCITAS]EC straill offir go-, sale at the - 19 DOUCETP ourt Housd, in -the Town of 'Mc, 10 Uax- TOWINISH][Ti OF� GREY:, day thiiii 1'enth day, orJantiarleXt,al, Ze h<X 0 virtue ofawritof. t Clerk -'of 11riyale Bills, M itse[6 WWVe of drbe -61 ubon, (Taitedco"Intlev 17' r alinping ot a scoson, does no :uxuall JO'hn Ideblonald-& Co. Fierf bM­ T 26 ilatcon. 100 i�res, A. TODD? Ifaron P nd Bt nee Facruta j�Qstjed Ott I of H eir 0 1 11 . . . Chief Clerk Priva' to are -s. f Huon in 4 con.) ��00 acreseack H I _. 31PUBTED THEIR N IV ats -�4 ai�4 .45 Imaje-tv's 0ouniy HAING- CO To' Wit: _purt of 'Orner 0j q? otthe7 Un led Gonaw and Bruce and Fa�to t(i are 4dir�uted against t;-0 In ijds and"tenctnent� or Godeflebii ctuber 25th.: 1864. yy, a re now i;llrepared Toltake in orderq -Lbls 3 Lan d 3 2 i �6 1] 0 ativeAw%embly- 4y;8..POLLo6ir,1kpatyftniT _O� ea: e .1sLD-ee_1W4- aw2fj id W67 to.any Frijin tlj�.irloitg- Quel)ec. expjor*qi�o in'tlf;ii� 8 �ori 99 acres J athes, L� son after -got the stiii, of Lot 26 b d'; 191 O-ard Hquier, k ha% c sei and taken in . exe- ieneed worL ensan i 10 con;, 100 a t that thev'c'a defendants in and to Lots'Nitrabers 12 and 13. in .. i it do ar cres eac TO lur -or cutionall-theright,titte and antereAofthe 0; crest zed oj*niat-hihvW, they flatfor themsilvi�s CoM, a _s -Loisi33 and 34 n La d,. -89 e- tho 9th concesSift of the Township of Hu llett, i _P Y by admeasure- C>X VT vfo--�, in tho, 3rd con,.9t. Ashfiold. Couniv. of" nR A LIBERAL P IUM titis County (if Ruron,..- containing, '13 1 cob 54 4crt­�S. uWat two hundrod- acres of iands. be the "in N E. ffurdin, containig 90 acres morti _r le V e f t VIllagelf Port Albert. -wd i0j: n tho more or which land Canado,, ta, he "MentswIl-wh 414U I;b �wtaidqt to IL and tonement I shall rtiei� "'i fwrn 0, soll goud� jww rolling. Slid befflati: r1p. ofr!r for sale at iny offifee � in Cho Court Hou�e in -jAr6rk would-aO.W61 to n " 9d'ilon'enhi P111*11116014 Land :Fc ' Soo tkis adjOiling the 9 rnile riier. otbaric famine tich, pp y (Yc de whlchWjv� ae be - T1 ;n't "A 'it, ti :6R-rEi"WTDDEjj.Hj y- south rn portion. Thig Is arardcli onvelf. HENRY -6 RIST, r(Ws t fourth day -of January next, at the hour oftweli .4 ,.i :)r o the owner ii,� - _1L W_�, R: -j t a r "I a C1046k, noon. ient tdnarket,'ondi a good gravl r" insuitici -don; Godericho Poo. 4. IM 'so ('%ALT,,, JOHN MACI)ONtvLD, lic-r0s,al vr. 43n coil 3. 1,6wilship of Wa;vanoob . � 1 t no. 16 tZilf 6. his Sherdr, H.& Lt. ---- -- Coulltv pf Harill. jia:vlltf 15 acres clear. vine'll'Umbered & Vo ock, DeputySh SaL DOI R wtd one infle fri3in the Ati�tftern Gravel olvent Alot SAL D S & 310trL Road. SherfiTls Office. Godorich, L art o ot. -owtwbiP4jf jollionle. L County 41 P. fl 8. InAeT fluroll�cautltullngUfl acres. ilislitibutitifully Jociiiited L NG age, 0 04 0 of cam, D Afilburn.liamig R#9W*=e 4iouseaud1mro. also a Tlt -meet at I be at AT-jL -of Godert ie'the Town der, ntL, NE WORKS' "M j�L. 3W ft �W MARBLE nurnbers 31.32-19�iitid]AconlfilI4 i-aeb one fifili Xaift,51treet, -Exeter., iftril.- �on the r.RN$ Ff Ts Al OS.T S1 NO n E -T-H ilid-V11.4ge 6f M Giavel Roatiii lif within 2 inilps 'Monday the ante or toe ver _�he bi, 191h by Of Al two Bridie L*jjd Place* iowashl tv'd A. Rde TO 1091ir, P S&BUI.L e c.o ji aL eich,' not being ble to eUcale -eve )f ColWrne. wbieli Village i4 situalo. oti the ftnks th at ten of the.clor of be 40"s r One-half �o a 1ro*li QN1.06411. onarning)kit astligu e to *1i I orders 11irought, .tq Win, ja*t s NTS, TONIBSTONES, P064, &c. For partie-ulars apply, if byietterpost-pLid, to every. description.. alid but he'nity GEO. HWKINS' Wx. R0j-,ERj0Nv -am'91111301111. tinder Ae LIBERAL MOUNT abtwe Ati style of -norkmanAill. furnished THEIR short rititice, and'al the toest prices'. P(,r.t lhert. DatedVClintoiu in the Counlyi, of WO.9 tActiou made, foreash Xy J01NoVember, F h r rvl.----), r n 11 11h wo ff Rff *e 10 R -60 ORDERS f CH ALI Liberal red OTTUILLT ATTEIDED N 251kd U01 I a. plpyjqg nonp bul, riit-Nass ti�adesmen numents &c. fitity -be WV9iout P. e flier 41- Heilatimberthe pla A 'to. 4n� NT ck 07)d900 4d 91d.Plax. Exeter. October lit. IS64. sWitt it JIM joy�ej h �A Go lit llafmltsfiji� principally first-clamir v so Godei ich,2&h- Ao' .1961.: astuaws, Tihaving been.,.� -N' A -Ci _Q' e 1 Culterin One of,ifie,'Princinif P.wr - Edififiargh,'Seotland, the t�411"l YOM DUN. pubjUs' -that, 7" W; DE11P1GN±Dmll Jet hjsL(4b" ,�qiutiilmr, elate 4a. *h e(jil", *thr CAX - XZ­XA,,D agre LOTIM May or or oiher*i�,e, ai & �SA. 0 We f -..T- �Ll­ Ja" JUMERtOWEIR, i�' at'his establislitnentevial Willie -best -Est IVEI).&T abli[sb-, 0, wit, ofhot ffif-,-17'�bot 3 c inpr L P0. fog w404v 7il n4jew- MGM iaoyw.UOZL- 67 r :A AWN(IL timight in fir"s I de ic 1. for $150 ed( e .%i ", : - I w r 4e JES1004, N, XO .11 all conventently altuate,!j.. 4w)0)X no cl4ial libei�_I, GrIDURre bauk of tfi; tt TV 1W � GODERICH. jo,13 near therRA I'll 14 * Cqd: R'_ * " V ik - M.IA )TS. 13 1 10 j6t Ar -ND AM oagi§sl 1000 Acrejw - - V - , , T�Wkliilhi4p� WAWAIGIH "U" A �TVFO' MUL AC STAT[O jUARGELY, tXW� A�,pjy to-tti6. along. the bauk, NNW At FiVe, �Y �Vjrodft ho-eediu*t an "s Exectitors orth katati of the fat rhotUoderichalf-Idtfie and.opliositethe, f 'lea from iir Mi #atit! 0 Wax. Himis,, in,, c statio roil 2114..Brae 1" "10 _- - . - -- ) u Of the stif. or lona. SOLIC and LAW 1111joll - _.. unita mi o #",ia Ititentioll., lRuagainadn P er if required, -Apply- to-" d* 14 it T. Cit' be Orocured from the PR I 418BOX1*11(tiq Apply. if by.letterpostpaij. to 'Dun anon, !Oct.- ist - *3 t-tr CA,31HRO* Goderichor44thepreral"ito own _Q 'Goden -county d a jarge alpWyal tfoheiler� j;6& IL WL rich Apri. 80, 1864. Xw0wl I Attornon- JcriL LeWistir P1 a to 0. Flirt estu a ed DAVIP qLARIK. 'by 1ho'beirt wilipwis kv iiiak. GQderidh, &pftmberftb, 166' T Ik _7 milli 11111111111 j f