HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-12-16, Page 17-
S Sale of Lands..
a u0 13. u,
I lie
14 It ant.rem .
�1. r :�h%
-I and to
-veil and Tot
7 r 1'cwnchip ..t�
7wll GeR er.ch.
en, va% -I , March -Sell, a&
2L c a
rt r rv.,�duc,
otzr, .-f tile
acid El- me
c,at� ot Pat-
-tl' 4Z
a ke -quit or
. tt
A'n k" . 1 , ,
a a% tv
t clin'ber. Chree, irx
C1, - 11� - Rnstcm�
vrivr for
't, Twt --v-evrnt4 day
"4 *Ave.ve of thz:
$-.e J!
W 4
t 'ANDS,
Tly V 7%1e, cfa Xv'r�t of.
DF -e.- Fav--ns-iSmled orm
2ve sv-ezi and taken lu,
t :'t, a:;j "utereg. C -f the
:".v Lo.r&
e,:�- eL - invv*szoa at the'
M.�Ibte ce"u-7 6of Bruce,
�" 't� 4..ect. or les.Q ;
7e1Lten;,4 <�,fier for saw,
K -L -q. -ia I.& town or
"tv. t�-t' T;r!y-firs; dav of
P 4. . *' IL
f1k we' -.X v* W�e ewe
g.f wra olo
.-as 1,;ssurd -(;Ut
1L Mo vv' -k ('#,unty
m7,Z:,- 0! 111:rf.it and, Bmc-aw
i:ttr-!' t�e Zan& and tene�
Omit aU the
�3�d. del endant in
la, the
i rk,%. TL� creolk
-s, 1, La!i otter -
'a 'We Ut-U74-140use in- -
C-2, Tv e .4a
2� 01=t. at t4l�, Noarth43r`
1 f N.' 1i c D ON
i-% S.' er-1.
CEYT -v�;Iam- -�v ai Wnt or
Fzerz Fav;as' i�,rue d out
(4f IfurJa Bruce,
r;;a-'r,:,*Le ja]rd,-L a0a. tene-
kw!�.Sovn-- at t;:e ,nit iof -Jolha
t-er aht. 'tle and
a!, i. e r.
E.'e-4act -
a 66 ace
F, C4 arm' k�f ]Auc�-,whidy
-r.-.a at Mr
!'D L.e Tf-,Wx.*
ivic- 'm .1autiaryv at
r 4S
of a1writ,ot
Fier, Fattas Is ed old
.!onrx V ;%rter the 1rounger,
kay,l hai ceigej
a ft;ka. tiCe and
k�n-fa'rt f n -ind. 'to Lom nivirt-
j. IL4 Raiiii1wr
" �aee�scpa oftL-e-Towaship
YUron, eon_
nere f-4tvreorrem%t, which
Gfer f,;r U16 at my
n 1�.e Town- or Godi-
-NA erif, a 4- -g-
Y virlue-of
k Facias. issuid out
4- Ift � s IV-$ ountv-
Alq�e-: I C
IyalarloarAcouit ?f. Corr;-
nW &c!ected agaInSt th&
C. Mw�`.rlg and! 1�61wrt'
f- Z . How.
-aae -N ird and
Tbwasbip Gf Ekki3li1t,1
Exez-ntrou all - the right';
Adeendavtsinliritd t4
0. tAf and the $Quth half
ot Queen sfte I Nordt,
�� N
No;, 4 In he' IiI4
Lot= oix tileEast
,-North P -a
'sley" I'm la
N or t ht side of Cl gle
Aluot lot t
04,50 eet oftiv xNarth-
i side ot It' It Street,
rd -Soon the 9 : .3i&
itkampt'na -. 9. - I - �
!�,utlm too, 21 and
stmet 'ot;, em lit
wilit - Ta $- a *ue-
leat my offie the,
a rjrAueden-Ch
*at the our Q
T-Tyrtue of awlit0flieli
EACUM ismed out of Wr
Vs %�Ouxtr c4urt er
Rttrolk gact
jowl -P23 -
W t"01"4104f,
Tabari at t1w 4nit of
;.wd aA4 takeir Is exe-
and. mterestottle said-
;=- I., and 13�. in
;Ot HU46(4--in
at ter **Ze—nmef-
Of i&R&. be the' SaM4M
and Tenewealvishall-
in theo Court If~ - in
Tua#&T!F the T *"-
Calais harbor south by eastr about equalp
distant. As the time went down,the flood-ticTe
ILI made, and we could ditfiVokk tbA_bj&ds of
()A,N- BE CAJNSU LTED UP TO 10 A.M., preparation on board O—W r;7-"
pwraue�, w c
at his residence on orth Street, neXL door ded his tritanded vhds to fid tooltv.1 a
South ofthe residenceot Rev. LNir- Elwood. 10:1 Greavea had not failed t*
LAW tions of the, revenue obiAlsIntelai on
which he neemed to P"der dee
IrYSICIAN, S URG EO -N, 1-c., &v-, GOD. 01716f ral
P W. 13:40- 1 y minutes, when beckoning ike ant* -
preach, be %id,
-Mon. Ir. 'And wy yon lellow's minded to W uki.
PH y s I C I S 17110 EO N, kc., (Late ther len? at - our bonnio wee Witch. --Dyo
House Surgeon, Kingtiton Hospital).- ken, I'm mair Lha half persuaded tD'give
rr' -At Arthur's Boardaig Houst.,, him a chance to t his fortune in ter for a
fsw60w91 Oodwric h, C. W. ...... week or m.
3L)r. 4Uoleq How o6y captain?,
ATE OF STAXLEY—CIANTON, HU W. T. COX Editor and Proprietor. The Greatest Possible G:)o 1h -A fair excliture is aaP Tobbeify, ye Vep,ant
d to a Graatest Possible Number."
L iLoc [toad. '(.%Ir.Tfiwaires",wforsnert�tore if he comes to make,& eaptate, &a-Whiii knia.
July 1, 182. ing intent, I see nothing- to preveni t4 in'
taLing pmemion'b"Ote A -Le fort killise.
030 Sul ' me, we inigimAt lird v%rgo� -its �fier in
C. W.' FRI D AY -DEC, 16, - 864 VOL. 36w -N the very 11�ce.ol W England at? - nauti#peer
HYSICIAN SCRGEON, (�,,raduate �&2.50- P GODERICH,
P McGill College, �Iuntreal;) LucKNow. where Ir crne froih.j'
'A brilliant ideii, by tbe,,wass, raptaii-I It
he only del.4va his visira n* hour and'-thb'hight
m ent
A_ uv--Y'SLADY I -do d&A- us usual. tiotbing
Ous n 9 rettat-1). HUG 'DUNI-0 JIL is half
PHYSICIAN. S-URGEON, &-c.1 :H us. 7would be a ul.olious jokel ifiee
tend, partidularly, to diseases ol- =4 suegical
operation- upon the eye. jr Agile. the boast Q_kI)ie reyellue,and ihb terl'aIr
Mowtc; ViLLAG E. Dec. 15. 1862. [w177-l.v nT7 _ra:j The Fashion MagaWne.for the W-orld lofall freviroders,irstusformed into IN THE�COURT OF Oritish .1merica - Insurance Cos I ler I a, �hu. ba, I H-nl ho io I
EGS'to fnft4m the iiihibilatrts- of GoaerieI . 1 7; . , 01,
DRUG D�--UGS -'B kinder ITERATURE, Fiae-Arts,And Fashions. The I 'be a rich treat f9r theiiiemitlM Chief Office—oronto.
Ira 1e: je�nls B�:wh, C nber, &c. A Reg that he has REMOVED to the shop
t-ttry kept of Farm. and= Lots for Sale; par- T
jLJ * most MRguili�ent:,Qteel,Ehgtlavjng6. Double liernit d ful Uo w -io the of ht
A R It t S, T n, R A N D ATTOR'NE Y -AT- ties heving lots for sal�, or: desiring to purehase y, all
B Law, -and Solicitor-in-Chaherry,- Coiinty chapiw, -04-00 000. Es Ls Rook"s Pitta"re-Valleri Fashion-platesi -C roollet knitting, -Netting, jEm- whole reveiwue isei-vice.)
will. pleasi send ft 41 li�i Lculars, hroidery, Articles for tb�ip Toilet for'ibe Pitrior,
8� 'Ay, 'mould be that, a4l mjai�
Grown Attorney,, Goderich. ainada.Wpst. offict� Dun-antionoFt�,20'Ll 07. 9:9 Atdre '
the Buid6ir., -and- t 111 W*
3m 9 - ry Twud pit-as-lein x6eir ellow b6yx�.
-e -complete L dv,443ook.
yj4a4q tac'tjlo mu'k a a - Eve thigg, it Court House. MARINE DEPARTMENT. he Kltvbw�
Where lie has a large supply ot -that
-rmuc hall VV -W XLL79L WK
y oij nFl- � 11 -
0 trAls 0 fortuvo -w
X 7e l6ft-
Tht Fav ti 35 y"rs
4b. "IAL HOUSEG Insuranceighoted atLow Rates.
KIIORNSY elli it's a Irik worth I yi
UISUit i j t
'r UMBALL Agentol-, No MA#f ine has been toi comptte with it. Vr4
4V 3D AL 1NT.
Goderich. C. W.. f1v lj- 1862. iii24
-EAS 0 Very'suithbletorthe Oode Trade-. *hi�h lie -
T ET G D"RICH. -th
sest 49sel ;iuudest officers in
- - wij� . . I - - -:� L -L . . A (Suiicess rtol,.B.ffeinolls to ready to sell ut,, Y:-- 003�3FC
Eu'rfiahreven6e. Letthe-troalse,90"Vad
Jor every7depattment of a household These 4D
B OeovE ..INSURANOE. 1. . JA
rTVDLER:51GVE0 .13 GS sincere y -to and the ineit pek 4.%hee.n I T= 'Pliorli, &Joao are worth the prt4ot the 1kjok. Woeel ug d -LOWZST H
i, V. Detlor4 SQu, G,?dcrich,L and QUeeLL Streeti I and -the iravelling*,pablie
genetall iberal patronage be WE$TERNL ASSURANCE OMPANYt 7.4tages (no other Magazine gives them), with h pit bL4U1l the A r fr Ege I. -e r liBritish America'Assurance C UY;' Head whStor. it in,
S. S=cLAtjqGoderfi:h. j d fi r the nine., years, and- woutil re-;, Court-Houl Goderieh i Goderich.. 00.4&h, 1864, -d*mms. . Drawing Genons A d-tn' d Andrew
Jor the youbg
ronto. Marine, sura:hces igma 11 mu- kn as socitil s herboats nro maaned.,
12-23 Offides,To Fire and= Anotberspecialtywith-(;odey.�,L Or c, Ict.me ow
ft tv aska.e intinitance or their patibiiiage
d 'effected on favorable terms. worth'$3 a year. Other Magazines publish old
i,- newhouse his been thotoughly:reptit, And the skippef refAired. ib **a �jotbin to�
q en ar. ViForn Qu1.1n&je;- but the subs.eribetsf o�Gmey ruilie, . - -
AT i bet prepajutions, f6r his own depa�ture.
.11ALDAN-j, Jr.,-Ak�- Calling the crew around hiiii ie mate
OUN Dua.lerin,anc linporterot., .17sidies. Another.pecultarity with (Iodey. -h
STER,� ATTORNEY- -L' uerS. I -
-A- RRI, JOHN DONOGH t ore theniusie storie4. ardenin for
igotaries Pubtici -&c.� XV`eist78treet,, Goder
I . . . - Pr6pri -tar.
'ertaot, '( ntpax!s Law Chain-
ed,aa DI -PENSING.
Office in Mr. If. B.
W will be found cot q4to"in every p hi "ST D-RUGGIST
B T1
'at The e
fjoin. ble-mns. A. T. Co.. of New
10:17 oderichj.Sep�,. 26, IS64. Goilerich. Nov. 2 . .1 . I . . - fa brieflycoin lutileftle o in th "Off maws
-.sw7 - 4 SW,�
ZSTABLISHNIENT I York, the iyiillii)naiie,.j,�erchants,apl�.or in t. odev, prqject� In which 1bey'jotnedwft4#Aeu
J:obim 3Z)mvtsoni th only Magazine that.bas-ibein.. AlsoFaitbi0115 gl�e le to -obey the foitoees. djt
front tbe-celebrate-dBrodie.ol -Now Yorks Ledies` - qtjjous,
Hilien,ordered"me Wash
�e, Market Square, 'and N th,
0111 FIR E & LIFE INSURANCE 00. 8, ;. iflu m ot -NADAMS
N911 U4 -190TEL, AM Bonnets. Wegtvq,,,jnoreofibeviin� ing
t Chancery. GH ilty
If �an the wlieelaua aid tieta. Asa 11 1
Crorner of K t -�Ladyls 06ok
ingston Street, God6rich. :0-42L odth. 'and 3E$r"Ir allyot.bef Magazine. falactlbo
WItSO-1r, PROP1119TOR.- TEE EGS to *nn6uuile to hii former patrons pad ellibi verylikdkto. be her6wLn -bonnet, aker. self Du t, e taffrail. directcd lig--Undly &V
1)X2,000,000,--Stg.; -A�cumzdatid Fund,- a I �
P AINTS, OILS, COL, RS, DYZ 8TVF1!i11 a pek.ed
YAef*oy & 111atterson, above:is mo -if pleasanill",q1tuated on. all .1,729 the'public g.-enere.11y th t be has o' tentiopi towards the ruam
$6,67 - I _. - - I .I �, . .
RISTEWS &TTORNKYS-AT-LAW ethinenct! 120 le high, overlQuAcing the Aarbor , - —; - 3URTON'.- HARLAND, Th two vessels ere 'fully a 312IPA -lit,
'I, .- -Gardens a d j� &CATTLE VEDIC
c. Office Ifuron. -goo4 Orenards,. HOR.8 uding shii
taries, Conveyancer n Brittanla* LifeAs AutkoresS of fc.Nonell 9, Hiddon.Path S�d Z"fest deace "of 'a
-Go4er- Ilksott gura nce Co. of Londom,.
lell'. jD: _ _ _ -
40 Rural W IN ]no 09 STAI�Ii
ruer, Wesi Street J)ipe,4ily onvelopiag Ihm
%feelsor Bed& cents'. M. WUU Ijbwel
for400k bia -po*1, and from The bead af - tb�
rVUE undersignechavin gbeefi appointep t;door to ore wrl!es for Godej� eicla Oatb, and lor no ther d4
-4<>i-don Ordersfrom Medical me n On to er
A A-i!n ve ftighly..resp inagaz VC 140 e
actually at ad 'to West st.,,nex TAir'&,Co-'S.,Qt -old add IcOmPalliou_ju r XePotted 11110 Jill c r,
C IN 1) Ay, 13SE 0 T M ifortheabo i�table. ine. Wilis a etainedallour
-AT-L SOLI ITOR e' at Lowest Traile Pru. With a Ve irulde. 11190 favolitO contributors. The bosis.
T BY �kW, d rtment Of
Cotupante$',TrprPpare(ttO accepLoOth Fire4
N.B.-Physieiauls� Pre leriptions carefully dis.
Notary Public-, 'C6aveyancer -n
aod6rich, Canada Welt, 011ie; s., a L ulude�%Iales o I p rein ill, our ain, A
p6nSed. , yl
.7 "06
I ROSS,Asrett. Goderich.. FASHIONA VA S. ed the 'old man, abovin we erL
third door front, th-e situated on- t� lan..10 *h
bar S�o side of West Strt!02. a Gravel Road running ftorn L eaten rkage in the �cdm
suitable lbrt6 paljlou-war� -
.-Reaftirth to. -octhaq GodeTieh. 1851)
.;Ah%U quse Squat a. ipton,'one intle north of GOOEY'$ -
BOOK FOR 18,65 1
-Whe�e it leads off to %-VrQ1eter, anti any one tiav,- "All ready' 41-r From wkirkthet to lower,
"wiaiismr xxfLys. e1hig to LIOH G. IT! LIGHT -11 FALL AND MTSTERTRADE! A\ Li Mate, maing a signal 1911it on,
%-EY-A:r--LAW, Which. be it; -prepared to make. up. iss
-e 8o a
I ore, W Thefollowing -are tbii terms ofthe LRdVPs Book on ihe qu
SOLLCITO '�N B61in ROY gild var� cheip f6r wbenjigate
k rt.�n lith mpton style -CA$H.. A endid .i viv� awaiting ordeis,
for 1865; At pres.entiwe w ec Weribees fell from the h
f vits wit 4�
e in tl at.directica, find stock 0
at the following Tates. Due sotice. w 1,1,�,e n
Mery,-Notary Publjc:,Gt)nvevqiieer,&C ill I eiv�sul* ilit we
th side�'617 East'&- - Zr any plac In, S -me-co AL
C. VOffice; 5:ou h v. -R-0, K 01L S -
.2.w d rs from Nlr.Dgrli�s Hotel.' I)I.V- Xp �twtolliidatfirst class, pnil -nil
dation.Wett as hodked, hauted along-eide a6o.blig�diqa4vnce.wbj;h d
UpQft tile
citv hotels, in- all respects. _4 . eVia afiort time aa ever the salpo Awt oo
to, Lencl oit.Riil P 1pz�y. price orpaper. per�f
33 insing lid a, LAmp 0 VERCO q -�Olke ypar .J, $3.06 formed by a cra�i to
-ON 011ieopyl'
A ati b Of fine texture and remarkabIS- cheap. T*.o:.,copies,'6u
PIRIE ND .-LIF �fs cjeV,.* th
eye4r B.00
OLICITOR, &c,, GODE-w JOHN ADAS. -- 00 Andrewl�
JOB -DAN. Three copies.. one year any boats has she -down,
_ICW: (Tp Stairs I albon CAPITAL-4WO.—K-LION. DOLLARS Goderich- Jan. 1 165( 50 Goderirh.� - Octooer, 10. 1864. 1 swi I F911rcopiell, 0he YeSIr -a 0.1V0 Aetutinded-Captain Greaves, As U I i's *4opiviijoney 4
ck, NV6tSt.; entrance First Door t TrottTi hing lFrienis!. Fivet earan in extra cop
Flo y Aeqt in tetei -sheels f uqbogi� 44e -
to t
11 asKC w House. Acc mulated. Funds owhand, 8-5,000 IN he person sending the club, niak- ing lightly intothe-vther.
Ing -sm--epples 0 6 hieesi -and
4P 10 -ar, and -an extra
Eight copies one'), 4111wrelitly fill ma
C 2 Arict,ckl Jma-
FIFTY FEET copy to the persomse ding Ili club, el
1TORS -&c.j- Gf) Annual Income Ex eedir '500,000.
juakingnine copies MUD
W Office - GRABIS NEW CHARLES 17SYS ......
ft Lo, r EJj!V
_W T ;Lefhe 1,
w4 .E a en copies one year. and thextra �6A'. he bettgr. �e e tord
j, P S2 -Orson se
�-i o'rietor Insurances efrected t thi� LOWE.
the ZIn
LEWIS, C. Nt-.0itic. 1: RATES.cousistent with itifety. iffling ihO club id Aid lbi" _k W the
1864.- 'C'oan inert! gut*
pauaer,. I OOW 71
bo ubs
ID rauce mpje,&q:irfty. %eilherl, - . L Agie W" to
r. Godey -Lady's Book and Arthlur's ave, Life Insu X�& 7rDR'1;;&Y. SOLICIT011 &(!�. OFFICE that eeci�'
ome Magazine will be ftrl,� each line 1'ear', On
00 1
'Te%v -BONUS AD BATES LOWER receit of $460 'W- h '.Iub urilli any 4110011 Inan 'I!m itirpria #6�;but
rabV* ck. GWerielir, C. %V; OHN� IX S, PrGprietor. This i.T the ZAfid? THA N gwill run. astollowifor-i6baltuprof them e ave
-Mit? spaper."Themonevriust �attdleron ille w#W.
V 15SWUSIT oi targest b iicl best, Countr - Hotel in Vetern IMOSTEXG11SR OFFICES.1., other azino. orNeras
season:* CJUL I � I all be sent at one tilije for any b.' -Canada pbljj� jujujoh, him 4Ml;j'ktM �to �OPXJ&iQ
nada. and cha 7ges as in&jerate'as adv H.),use
subim n
bac *L4 Address
A an LO -K Reardl so ri -r.
y 460 -aot,�� mo a Carriages- for Ifile, on -Leaving God 'for 1 4-0
inlAitebell, r Stage Proprietor .1;Oodstablingtbr �ribeis�raiist:send.U'eesitsAdditi� alforeach
c'� ssd PkV#tly- ettled.- Without
The execpfjon f this. e. -&6�414dvw
he :�Zhi)rtem Not -4, ors L. k, QODEY.
t a- Board of Direct
. -7 Roferenc, to ew m;iuuvt#j %hen 4b-,
Cli)n 4
lte but a
Y. -N. E.. Coiner -Sixth and Chiituut elf.
'T -W . 4 . Phiad
CHARLES FL.E UERO I iod i epumioi lis place in the b�g 11,
'14 _r - - - elplia.
O*irp�ruL.Cj*iutorL-afelkv4doQrsnox. oftbePost011iae.
Agent. S a, .21 W,4p 44i 4bove i)&,
, -6 _& -
Kor. 1.5t vjZ147 -�G DERICH- Goderiell,Xav''IM., --SOTUTHAM
W. Imt �V"- I VXC
_hanje . d t!rjaq,
-oars wSpid" I*# �pur Jlpt i,
LICITORA, tvrkpy- CV 0] orth -Brifish Liftl A
V Soma A* from
biiac6ry, oriveyane ";�VIR �;,
- I ):g� L: t, -- 0 oA V16aWly - - - .. asuranct. C0.1
e''Fiederick n roudfoot, W. C ".'T R
0' ir n ens. 0 d. irid
an a. WAN &C �S. M
ELE4AVEN ice in Al rordo �s Law Charnb nda
COJ(Vr - . . . - � I -- rig t ex"14 10 -'and "W
a 'b - Al 11 aorninir e' ded jpn
wer4 ra"ing- with- j.0d.' freo, bloundr u
it 7 a. -rce
3 sw12,1v-r— via anel-:-tho vatet. c rod Stroke -bt hi -ii owiUll n our
'First.Pri ei-- f
inrimr oyed in -wig *h6bVit ct-aoidi.��ingat i
"'INES thi Z five'liliny4tes
Aiff SEWING MLA' cfe
C a
Have-taken.the Z watch below were- in U�e� tetafitijoilli.1je Y$#.0 L
et o. turnIfl, -NG Whe
RETURN . a Puta in the -to -grow kin
J. tartiL Survevor. Office d Residt AL EXH181'rfOX -held D.AY. sever( bells fiavin beguit f, '- terwbqn
HE ' PROVANCI *t teid autij on -ami OILS ALL ASSU RINGA 'eptenil'er Mth�, I -)tb. 16th, a ad
nee T jr
it feet t:
i.] Montreal, o mew
M 17th, 1.863D overall othe -and also at ;he kro- 0 uk the jilf,(�rtnatlom b6re do*n :ppon -our pre AL -tult
=r antsf; - - I -, , " . 4Cutterh 11 i6fiveviAgi
Exhibitioh heldl iti
'D tbil one,& -john* �guirjt rieAiii cogri --Was in wiftute&%viliodtolay44410
-p2i,d, 23rd, and �$tit and. -lh� ISH& 1-rizes' �wh diato jull -PID10.8000 of'a
k) ]Fj 84
cim-the Enall peniallint ,ol h
of bef
July Tabletsi�"Zible- rjej( in �'Sand -demauded - lb.e^
;=. WIT14 P11 V. 1, A N I -Aight. - i' we aided and
Civil Enginee , ckiiiton. similar. charactei al u a%vaided, to. us atibii -Where awat,
1102 - H y? ercrew
Bofore the 250i with Provincial 9xhibition. Tomat in Jb62,aad Do
ILA. Ila -,1- -%:3. - &() - L -- - Aa '!'frjoate, 1v
i.0 atthe r-- VVIle Captaiti Greates� *B0 irks en the alf i overed-frajoiWi4orpri IWWLI
F ovinclal Exhibit. on held: at Load' -_oe t
-in ree
a.of our-suddem r *A -k !Wrfiret
'D 0 ter-d&.ko thiiihedin'
THE COLONIAL ly Lan Age a j_=9 -It's shat mu�-100 jde,il, I)& lt� seize slid Via
and. his bidwlittl�'Agfle. age - her
d at and Cutiveyanceri, It Will rec6ive Two- v'eaW. s3onu fit th Price*9 have ken Gre AW-- TW A -�Wll see,.be act was, d tke% 4
GobERICH,10. W' Of -Profits XXXT YEA2 -betrajal our v ich
atly �eh6d D' `e na- any -prtgen b
Xy . . . I#
ad .1 r
-NJ[ . I 1 .1 .1 - . . . - r. V A; anda L the lillP joild"-'s bliveste ilmr, thi have e
J7 A.. -W. M.,RAMLS : it Bit" i
ER &,C09 rlja� -y *gkmil io.
aer b pfa"d R
n. r-11 - - - " - - I V _ ollift, L our 04Ltf 13
we hoki b
-'Yei, I have her now-. 5 jun b j4
er for Cana 10 Q-A Y -g!# Harbo
RCH117100T, 4e- r r, 112: A -'A SW Y' oil 131ANS v 101 Oudd- an -to t teet sweep�;pftdr to
AIdHARD BLL d -welcome' As he mate gay &I
AN iu� a neat and correct, ir.1 nd t
&c., got UP7 tho i dtiraid, when vo iiwi� �;Wa &w
L i gencies. vent, to a low� ihuckl which'the 4i sou
nspector qf A. -
AND d. V per.
at the 1.urou Auction -Agent
jitrength to work her In, low&
' "0 C)0.'�03.430 The Akile and her commander ere old icria at; WLb qje we.miStt It
Y' r Rates lad Prospectuses, apply to*
Eaf -Squire opeto zgatch a
-J. D. BL.kCK, Agent.
3. 3M w
uring 17�t =I lasibrAble 10 ur vl�mpe
ce ours.
Parhc�m�jllitary Akent :.t 01de Market Three" times d 'b
V AN9VZRY' RU303A acquaintan
c G-oderich. or. 2Tj -18 svrMw: 3M40' tbatiaiiison theltteiAld t6arded vt vhenii
R; MICDOUGiLL, Me4i"al Referee
'Coderich. Octoberfitli. 186C i -w11 1- lighti and oblige exbib' -el, Andrew, I trow
RA%,-SA.CTS- BUSINESS, -WIT sw,63 pjs i It our papetej jL&Awr.
r . own� . L and threo times hadhe chwd us -in froncU Walk, said Cjjjj,(gm j"jr
-T I uartmon *'l Tak atents r jurisdictioi) w.4a liden 16 tfie -ben
G6derich. T ai a and, ther Government: e-. 4
AND- 11, THB with gresp ion the starboaid sweep it"I ag
reads G CX00M V3M
6triss aq ti takes- hor-e of Priv'qle Bills durin the
att mluz quAre, DENT. STRY
oea b
orx b MOIJ6, 44*ad
'Wh 8d: I
.-sw PL a 0 't the r-610
F-4 TosI NP -. 4a. Parli E U%c"rCanada.-ott.1sewhere -ABIN WAREKOUSE-Dr.1 CAL
9 to sljbj6et us. to a fourth A
lItgomer3 0 th oecssi6n; er): by%
TH0=QX & HAZLEHURST, �i�mtlnder
r pmedflybetraed beri I wittraw"to.
SUR nitinfloft when 'There I Is a
CoMiniar 'on kdqTjA- tho 1W,*nzan to lut maie'(-
C&OWn Greaven
up for.thi Prencli. At,
K t A 3 L -.p it
an"ron!* Block, Ki,�gsto C/I . . . . . . when'bel ing the CUtt to folip*
ow'. leav,
Hotel, 1110EVS W9 At her leispre,; and eudyiesotiedlo lead Ureeze befun an how. R
j- h Oiatk4a if we dofirt
81 Xerdh� 00
Auction Ej
C a oil A
Aud next Door to Stroft0i, FJP, 0
its, WVA
ld'& 0 -her. comm'4nders- dinie vre be subaAled tol "Tite.,exclitaation-
'COUR UAREt GODERICq Itound of outs
the searcho. 41166 glaW m,6fi*1-.fW
Bre'akfast oveii he I,064ijo op opt tomete i Awact and day at 110h314 Arliculmr NO COmPLIMI) - - I
1Lr,SoCt14useho1dGoo& 'IfirrSes Wag k
atthiiinart. every %ttiv' (a-VONi; QTZR T j NVICU0*5TIAZZ, I.. W
Factoryi, tire. now. prqpg*;d to 1hke JmW.deis 4t, j- I
to ally ex perjei e progres -videtilly, direct line.-
HAVIN44alken-4id taje- oftheA
ttmittiou, paid ta the, of ankrupt. 9tod L c, Farva T. ERR VARyy '--(TgB'0LDF�ST-.IN THE COUNTY HAv]u Ad ink apo
f"i; 'and 4i -*e el :tent. Froii� their long 6X icein the 'gaill .1 0
he breenk elp, t044
16f, FLIC -IM T%ON,!i tion -of Am an ri eyley iind purthased busivem, and 6avi�*gexperien(��d.vrorkmen,timct
Inuond f6r which r',w I -trow. It%
executed '10ft erylarg -s -kfdental'material� at flist-qlastu-4t ofmaebinery, -they fiatter thei on , it ithe Phifbiirtst,
1, morti;g...foree -- PIE L44 a mselv"
Goods appraised debts cflecte4� laildloird7% Narrants eri6 -A
sed, bduseretilo e and sele4 beating to windwaA-a &W
: . D GOjmlj ele4 s . .
Court Buoiness attemled to. "es at the 15raucli An ; ; . . - I . - I evi4eilt propmed-and firmly 4h# j*e#M vw*uad
�parectto.do all -that ther,,iiin,46- 1 0
ea�jly, pri, 110 rq,. lwiin them.
roduced ion, iii a Skillful,
tion IN'Lart; 1��brth, every, Thursday'. !AT RUTL a iig t- e
pro resolved to igkia. A VA"a tM proper
4!lm th*
erins'. Pei
_sales attended ta om re�,OWke t,
county n ito c c -6 adwith id moment, quPJes0".1JQp-. xi atwer%'-for capilly iU begins to xl*-
ma,,,r, and sit p if Pete
-W - -The'rAgile eoutinuf 4 vell gle'thirtian "o
AHWUNDERTAKIffm G�4rtch. Tut]rl2th' -w�tyr I
WaS SlrL
iw oil. band a complete br.'. Alohtglllary�t It' 8 pa!uoulaf attention % to close -he- i6jt�er�'ja4 s, a- d for Manufactures aha'.Itas nju . . - � 1 - �;. . �� . .. I gaining t -go
Godby'� Les ie It at ox Fuiniture, at his We obvisi- -the-folli 4 lirork would do wel.to T 10EN'$ED AUCTIONEER'BAYFIET Oet6be Yall re(eive'd asjortme fer U -- *'h�n fieduii�gg -tillthiie,Wls�i in the foren6o' � iit�k
VEST IS ICH: I post toll -on out
T�q g
rjuIrtert i4ied's double sba
TREET, JLJ County of Harqu, �;kjca- in village or countri ilip 0C;!;Pied$L *eatu
and tlaylax. u w t4io. To"iptidws,"und ixbf &It $i
?unirtuallyAttendeiI wS ic"
SUCH As s&thaitza! of-thel6rinerpr
Which arele row
ny!"antity,6. fo 'wi4.,*j-,-4*Wor-
BiattiOul ge our,� t6�,e
UpperSetsibritV.316anizect ' .7. 1 - #Woolf
-43e:c, 3Filmd][167a -2hereinAlo . , o4,.s4,o �. - , I , ' Sofas, Bureaus,. ".. I., % �' _L - -1 1 1 1 1 Ifti, sfvwe sa-me; lwiiif� ve of - L - MNSISO TAle% Wdsfea.du $1 6L 60. respon&d �y
th Wd ub] fj Aj ad ftuej- o� 4W& ChairS* Qijt Mot;Iffitig
_pttactuslitatteb AND dine ana in variety.,, n e
Addr,iss.. Bodwin P;, U� wb�l 'Vr$d and Loo;kiipi G1
b tooth.., -j AQ hK
Rio for.hanfiti!, XAA& �fttin
For ea
ItILMP ich idd �j 00,.'
]jom6. ganufacture, - and Io� d I, - A -ktto tooth. V00 if tbat does jus uito set. w bale TT4.pldly in& our ad,
Pivofti4th s6ich
iful 6,01d ATI.I. KIND AN
D Beaut reade
D.:G. his i mplete
Awe us "Con e
h hw the: o T
SUBS FUB 011br . fillingi; in I
UMIA your F
-TOPORM -balih, to tak 16k fW-"
thainlia )ila-io a 47ou 1 alwiLis o. CY& be* er sfieets, rew-WO o'ell ow qual ttr-
h nti,' as sortmen of
13� cetiiiiii i e is srdl kiaufacttifirig�, Aind h I frow i�cleiii pa- r ST in �Witthls bi*ls.
t 'COIFIN &r ToWin& Whi OW
'r of his ' _t �
I .: TbC -Bufl 8 on ban TO 11TRE. A sappTy, aftooth Pc;W, de -a
0 at h'WvA the wnys on halut
Drops, Tboth -%am At
d anumb ties , Tip� �te 4ty� �Icd can basidle tbeali
th aY 0 %-, lie
Etheriyi� red -when re ringingBal Si .0
0:j'*LLumb,er and Qor4WQOd on' a bAi4e ;f
'No (harge 0acting when tee'th areo.be,
'SUPERIOR FANNING MIL0 &-PUMPS"- choagg-. 6r INmitu The ih�ets were owd, pirt ,W jU
teefir extracted; ! - f � I �� I I I I . '911yed i6eii i P N47 i rted, :,Pirtibi not , ng.the.oRl
Goderich. 27th Oct.. 1861. !tiv -1 "1 On ie. aefout brovA a
i qu r
ciulbavo,atiffipialte'eth; er them. fted ov er,
Owbor Quay, Gmterich.M.W- will warfaritth n -to. free Wheat from RAL DISCOURTOWTHEIR' WORL whLejh oar&4 Uttfe craft faM'le4et their preft ei LIRE of
ch Pumps rRildeto order -64kbore. -f
ats' cO
0 MiN whi *our ing r bore. orts indul he ited
Ao. Md. P. Schneider, Gode- warn -ha superir th".
-p. e Setween-Victoriditreet 'q I -. .. �' .1 . ' - ' - 'to
Re J ob )�&x- ' b 11 SrZ- :R -W ft :D�&"V
b �`�-Faeloryoa 1VIltiont.. Revs. E. Li Elwood, A. j"ibot 61sy., *aw �wovi Mot
RrJLL �00, AM br- AGPW York; WNLUFACTUREAS ND' DEAUERS A -_if - . out ;-dstp 9R F aloprin, ouWjiki'ai speed.
lia"i Cambria tj� rich- i C thher. B
equ -own; on
mem �Lj
VW -001 . (.-,- �. �.w
d r- viiiel, g� 'Alin r Com-missioneria.-Queeft?a Beach,-Iorfa" ry F7, C.. whon, AL D., GodencO
*tovp, Plongluk and QWings- of., eve f. -AN*, alled ar T
iferatual T11"i C ind.8he WRe bertheplace-t
sftlavits�coaveian�er,&c.,&e. Offlcean �i VP Y
never ��t lipip W41% "At
W. Seaf6rth.-j; Aftlareu..*X ligbilhaiiiig the sav sp of i 'i-
idt- e t r
t ;VCVATOR, vet 4 oj tA jib"
way. VillageoflKineardine. W.� 'jjjen o4e -E sx
U. 'S., B
IWIIA61 torgive ge eral-satistadliQn; to -farmers; who or,
fte tQve Deppt; .eot Site vck don Uilve ter t'llse. id 6ffwitrial�- fie[ J 8. Meacha tawford W. F o&k;iehA5t1rAdjr11ft I d
JPe sve used them 00'A 18, OIL
iwe wete' P". 10"q f=4
r Aross".-foiar tiitwafer, #01
JMNRY DODD' . 1. � -1 L 1. �q �: :L _': -, - f. . X., M'" 0 n r 010 Merchant, 1vz&aujtd, G. W. Notes and' r &e &a.1 'fjkl�1ron': *P4104 to tnoinW, No id-dis
01110-adta him wilt receive pronift -T
JP64. P,
mlio lured b 6111
AACounts cullecte& Basin ,u of Irr. Md
o imerease Our -:&taac Iwo
" M�1111m�
n : raw telicestibr, in ado to'l
ta;h Z split
MMR We� *e ren&teO Iij eff"ti 'to
90artinent -L 't� card'
HE MAN speed,
_N Tim
if A )
I -- - � L ' - - . - QN N Z!
VaL to if btra,
kK4C* do br*eo bbeam fitftf. dv%,g iwkyg WfO Or
Ha d jt -
U"j6ftkas twtutrY w ie
-willge , - 1AVING tn�, e ars
nN444" all -angemears with Mr.'D. Ad! !y
Stanley &ad X0NUMRJqT8;T0KB9T090 mituday,&CH64 ofitil t
W-Wswonor Ica
appo fr9m 1.0, br*sibs� wh P, od aiw
th". 01:� 4fted * -,
_iatdd aW lgrge stock of Binding and -#Now
PtIMUW Q t , tft�,hg"J�M in d Ma"fac
ST, A]
the Court 4174jueen's Bench, 41n urne ALAW ow as
i that he will. 'Phila 4p
#hip* ltirasoboitl o* FOIL "It
sAe"d-sty t ifidde for ea "rw -61 i TM ellip IVY tout
bb tRW -h Idd
Willi a*A Jr rH 'hot at &.1 times 10- talke out Deedqp Mod- th iL-pr1pared to Furnjoh. 1$.Iartk- st
M! vnit bd attendedtq�- La givin g "t A
-*iai tj A *jig flvr
Xj)RN Hu