HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-12-09, Page 27 • •
••• • .
• he was not allowed "forsa moment to exec-,
. -hew
4 ittolt c$Igitn. . cise his awn jiedgment,- he 'was snubbed
• • *la-
• . and abused ns no man of less equaninsity
• - of tetuper weuld heve submitted to, and
I • •
. h , yet none! of thesehfacts -were , ponsid-ered
- *GODERIVIL 0.:- W., DEC. 1$fi4, when . it beeame known ' that be wae
. , . . i-' - - . iinsaccessfiti.t.: His rival, Pope, hewever,,
."''''.------ ' . fared worsee , Goine forth in thesstren-gtle
T••••=•••••••••••••••••,..•••••••.1 . :, : ,
••••no...••••• :
. . GE NE R At ' et Et) . B. MeoLVI4N. 'of his vanity:he attacked the Confederatee
• • ... . _ i. . . . .
: - 1 • - under Lee a &Jackson and was ignomitn-
. , --er'"7". ' ,
It -eeres.- to be one of oe ineeholible dusly -s-defeatih a hie broken forces being
• 0
decrees, that,. en order to gain for litniself hurled back 'Upon' Washington itself.- In
*name whie4 shell be iieseribett. upett. the the etnergencY 6f the snot:tient:all eyes were.
scroll of fame sin imperishebIe hharhhters, turned upon. AheOlellan.. If he Could not
a marilnust be seceeseful. To - commend: 'turn the tide all` Wei lost. e'alieerfully-
the •respeet of a vast majority ofeeroilis fel- undertook:0i ttiskiiinct havingreotganized
low -men, whether, your sphere lit Re -be hhe- army, et Lee at Antietam. His
. of 4, pablic or private capacity, yoal Must planehof attac ''', according toan able writer
needs be suceeasful. Become knetelata-S a in Blaikwoo 4 to whore -we- are indebted
0 - •
rising merchant, and all experience ireAchei _for an excellent article on the gefieral'e
'that .yott - will be borne along upen the eareer-wesinothfie best that could have
zephyrs of popular applause, .!,but';Ict it, beenAevised, but it is certain- thatehe
once he -hinted hvith any sholi of Feason er„ainerghinee advaiitage over 'his enemy,
thahyou. are likelyto figure in the agzetke, and thath - Lhe, . in Yiew - of app-roaching
' And at once -yen begin to experiethie the reinforceinereft " for • the federals thonght
meaning or the phrases manhi iglu:hell,: it necessary to reeross the Pototiaac with
ity to inen..7 -The tongue of filthily lies his rich boot ;) 'rather than yisk -.. another
. dormant-rfrientis fty as da *the rata frOM Ibattle. An thus it was that the much-
'a sinkinghhip-prope which were offered Labused Mchlellan sahel -the • 'federal
• .
. h,
hafreely once when_ they. were tot receetred't capital, anti cleared the ceuntry_ NOrth.
are withdrawn hastily, if not rudely, 'and -of the , Po enua.0 of - :the ineaders.2-
cast out of the hood ehip Prosplwity,- yon The ehoat tl at greeted his -'qualified such
1 are left to strues4e god, ie the dirk end-, cess was - ra tunaue "Little Men " nets
- _stormy waters, 'within :ea•-sher Or efee the here, Of t re metnent evith the masses,
eounels of 'merriment en boarl Ji.ist SO ai--3 hie was al ioat adored by %the army. -
is it With the leaders of great einae. ' If Bat the. jet ihitiou Was shoehlihed. He
they are forthnate eneugh to he sieeeesAl, was )aecemint too popular, and (While he.
- men hie with each, other in 063614 thdr wee hepefully:planning . the circumvention
• praises., and historians reeonat with pride of his wily fie., he wes deposed sunimarily
their gloriadlis• deeds, While humbler bio. and- unhear,', a general wint-of suchess be-
graphers piek hure- thankfully - wiateher jog. tbs1 hilthes el eauie. We 'believed at the
- erumba of ineidene or persona/ Air -after- tian?,,and stil belicve,that if Geo.B. Meelelh
. . , .
istic Ply be left. - A few afproitit* tan had posseesed einhition end: daring' :
seuli there:I:Few-list would recognize gehius enouglelie need never have eubmitted to the
' in the most succesefal warriors Of aaeient '1171'11"guty helped upon him:. . - Idolized -by
or modern tfines, everah thodeli Misforeane the _soldiery, a Stirring eppeal would -have.
should- hive shora them of hex their lets- 'gathered them everyone aroaud him, end
• _
rele,heet we -feel conscious that
• eice ei le.'t he mieht hece ejected the President frain
; . . _
t .
.selii,...ii ell the W Intel euse„, tolasestune the posttion
after all. 'the great - etandard by
e" ire measeired. . II ho sles11 say- flat -Nee- .1-1tnise..11;,Of,Dietetorp, Bat he either lacked
the ionbitioti, or was too good a citizen 'to
' °legal, Wellineton, or Washingtont ivienld
_ . _
I Undertake the experunent, and therefore
- occupy sneh a 1.11.0-e pIaCe: in the est -Min
e -en retired with digpified Calmness, - Apd new,
' of the werld at lathe if they had n t
h .2
' . —
driven from tge artily end rejected at the
so- successfoL? • Oen. Lee Oite of the" ore -
most eomstuandees of the: age, if 40„ei tke pollec he innet sink quietly Into insignia-
indeneseasiSe i came amongst :the world's niarewariled) if
foreinoste will, if .-Southern - i .11 not -irnertecesefid men. --We rive in con:
is achieved throw+ his inStritmentnlity,
0 : . -, o ,.
Claiion, a, shaft extract froin'the_artiole to
be placed no hiigh on the glorious hist pf
- heroes as Washington h
. imself; ,beti, eeide -which we have alladedhee- _.
noblest efforts end in defeat, ahd if he:is ‘.. Ltut there is'one-its2et in which MeCiel
lan-siiiiies with ahaolthe lustee wheu compat.ed
compelled eVentually ,to liy into exile he
a.. with other eenerals of the North. The spirit
. Will. be known in histery only as • a ma- - in, whieh heamakeiewetr is hurnene add honor-
* sueeessintiebet leader, and his -me its be ehl_h-"
, The grisly -f.anaticisan ef ShertiTen--
, who lars waite a broad belt • of cultivated
-appreciated only by the Very few w %are
. . . , country.' -ition4; his line of march,: as if some
utagwiTimeue eflotigh to recognize ge •iue poieonoue evilid had -Swept over it, aud who
' indepentient of the fdettitous eiretiengt0ne_ depopulates eities acid chariots ah a eacrifice
To the Editor of the itSirtat ;
Ste, -You will Save merchants some
anneyairce and the communitiat large: some
disappointment, perhaps, by -giving a place to
the follosvibg letter -contained in the. 'Daily
Witness' of Thursday last. There is no doebt
that the imPression has become very general
-arid it is ts consummation most devoutly to
be wished fer-----that Cetton will be mete
lower in the Spring; but if there is really no.
touedation tor the belief etre- tomier the im-
pression •ie removed the better.
The paper has been sent to the writer byes
nienibiteofotte Of the largest impeding firms
iu Montreal, end who. ie himself -one 9f the
ehrewdest observers of tatelEeglish Marketa;
and he haSevery reason to believe that the
cominuoication tho:oughly reliable.
. : - NoNTReAL, _Noy. 30, 1864-. "
- Sta,-There hai been for acme time pasf a
eeneral impresston that Cotton and. cotten
leods were likely to be very much eheapee in
the spring of 1865. 'the Toronto IGinbe,'•
about a montleaerewrote twneleading articlese
in referenceto this question, endeavoring 'tu
shoe? that cotton had fallen ih price very Inas
wittily in Enelaud, en t a corresponding re-
duction must take place here;while the actual
:facts were, that, Bethune „from the time wheel'
Canadian merchants' purchased their stock&
ia MaveJune, 'and the early part of Jelly,
licotton goods rose rapidly tutu] about the 10th
of September ; and nearly all the leading tab
ries, suitable fur Canada, -advanced fully ten
iper cent. As soon as -money became dear in
England; cotton, as well -as other articles, be -
•ran to decline, and continued to decline until
abetitahe 20th of Oetober, Jesing all the ad-
vance frained • and in some low cloths- the
n ) . • '
price weni belbw that:paid ie June and Jely ;
but Siam the 20th Of Oct'eber, Pricea became
first 'steady, then firm, then an advance, and
the .two east weeks tel*es have heen -of •a
contederalee advauct, making the price of.
cotton titiw rie-arly as'high tiOn June. Yoe
will find at foot -a statement respecting. ihe
Liverpoul -Cotton Market.of Nov. lith, taken
from the London 77(ne$ of- .siov. 19th • seeeee
t - I
ing an adi'atice in a very' feiv days of front a
half -penny to three pence per lb. in theffstrious
Ides.cAptionee anti the evident expeetation iii.
a; trade opens foe the spring, both cotton and
eoods will farther advalice._ 17-nder these
eircumstatic!is. there islitt e hope - fur elower
, .
prices, et lest fer ttic present. _ t
' I recirtp) yOUrS truly,
- - A Mimi- itA icr.
In Atnerican -ati extensive buaineis hes
. been done includine large purchases- for ex
- , 0
. export to New. Yo'rk, and. priceshave advanced
about I d per lb: 6.' ' ' _. -
Sea Island is in fair -rerfuest-and •pricet are
ld highee in the, common qualities, .and 2d
net. lb in the better-. .' ''-'...
hich I is h d d d te that exti4t Uniop, a belief in which he
eeS w t t warte an • els
Jr .
In forming, _an estimate of the Military
capacity of General McClellan, it neces-
sary to keep these considerations ill T
He was noti match for Lee, bat no o
federal Commander, in our opinion, ca
cOmpared with hint in ability, or t
noble qualities which tend to ren vtaf-
fare honorable; and which, In greet
measure ameliorate the horrors inflicted
nition qountry in a state of civil strife.
When in August, 1861, he wa eailed
-"upon by the President to give h` ws
, win the military affairs of the dritry,
we had.that his was the only mini capa.-
ale 0/correctly estiniating-the g attess
of the Struggle upon which_ the nat on ad
entered. • While Secretarl Sewald
iwed by the disaster of Ball's Ruin: :as
proclaiming his celebrated opt,inen: as! to
the probable duration of the wt,
Clellan saw that elaborate preparation tin
s necessary, ina that at tbe very least
0-09 men would be- reqtaired for the , rst
Important campaign. His. opinkn, as
given at that- time, may not ha4e- en
- correct in every respect, but it it 1 ast
proved that lie possessed more soult Coln -
mon sense than any other of the Pre i eptie
many advisers. In the month of &nth-
ber, 1864, General-'31cClellau was pined
ia command of the Federal armiest and in.
has erected hit° a religious principle_ not to
he -denied wilhout blasphemy -finds no coun-
tenance fromtMeCiellan. Of that ceion he
has always p ofessedhimself a line ud herein e
but he -bas n eer proclaimed that "-it is to be
maintained ti the cost of the destruction of
the Souther* people, and the devieetatioir of- ,
their territorfr.
1 . - . . . .:
1 In Bzwottan a large fls: :less has been done
at air advanee of 2d to ad per lb. in the coin
l mon qualities. and 'A to; Id in ' the better due -
1 criptimis: Which are chiefly of the new crop:
- . Stnyrita is beaoming scaree, . and liaa ad -
vaneedabout ld per lb:
The demattd for Surat has her:eine -Very
I extensive, many perchases heve been made
1 by speculators, -es.pectairy in- cotton ot the
higher grades. Prices are advanced generally
Id per lb, and in schne cases to the ektent uf
1.1 i. - _
In cotton (to arrife'•and for futtire delivery
several cuntrisets have been made for Egypte
an, aed . the . last quotations were ee-• For
. ,
Egyptian -rood. fair nes open, ship named,
251 -; , Noveidber shipment, 25; fair new
open, Ship named, i and November shipment
24-1- and fur Maecaioe. fair -averag•e, ship
-.named. 23. - --
. .
Ttie'saleS of the week-imount to • 72,080
balee, incieding 19,690 ots speculation., and
12,950 defflared:for export, leavine 39 440
e i.
bales to the trade. ,e --;
- There has been a large bitsiness transacted
in cotieri ngain to -day, itud the sales reach
fully 15,080 bale's, ineludiag, 600 on. specu-
letiou and tor export. No changes -in prices
_from yesterday's'extreme rates.. - .
- •,-4- ,.
• •
:The curre t number:of Maga has been
for +carded to -ids office by the enterprising pub-
lishers Mess.; Scott & Co:, N: Y. ' .We need
only say tha it is just as good its hs prede-
cessors, and -that -every article in it any be read
third story of a middle b
brick stores on the west -
between Adelaide and K
spacious tooni eapable et
hundred 'persons. It is
tiding In a block of
ide of Yonge street,
ng streets. It is a
, resting about four
*ell furnished the
manner ecual to such apertmente, with ben."
ners and ether insienia .e.f the order -on the
wails: The lodge concluded its sitting about
twelve o'elock when the oors- were all care.
lly loeked and the keys placed in the keep-
ing. etf the outside, tyler, r. William March,
The twat, oceaseen for us ng the lodge room
Was last night, when todg No.- 4, of- which
Mr. James Berns is mas , r,' held its regular
monthly meeting. When MaA,aceompanied
by Mr. .Burns and Mr. Gowan, past
Master of the lodge, wen :to the hall about 7
the evening te prepar 'it for_the nieetine,
a most extraordinary sp4tacle was- pieseuted
tO their' astonished alsio TJpoti tke floor,.
strewn in pieces in every
parliainent warrants ot
'meeting in the reoin,teg
Iffirection, Were the
be different liedge_s
iher with the papers
and beoks- of tbe -loigee torn and niutilsted
and covered ,with mud. : Oh the walls the
silk batmers 4 were all c t, apparently - With
sharp kitiees-, and one of hem had beed torn •
down, rent to pieces and eittered in all direr: -
dotal: These beiiners.w e all costly-articies,
ranging trons 8100. to.$3 b lit value. A strik-
ing objeet upon the &tor was the Bible of the'
ledge,e, ittege and handso ' e volume,its leaves
torn and* bearinimirks f wed as if Lhey had
been viciously 'trampled upon. The desks
and.chests of the various lociees had all been
forced open endthele co tents strewn iibout
semi of nieney., averaging perhaps 20 Or
theapartinent. Most of hem containl small
$30.each. This -money i was all ,goire. Tee
sekrlet robes of 'the airier! which were iti
drawers belonging to the ociges, were hauled
mit and torn in pteees. ne banner, bearing
a portrait of Her Majesty, was cut -but not
removed from its place on the wall. : -The
breatt of the picture was elinieed through by a
piece of wood resemblinei a pike -an a.ctdOne
prebably to indicate the Icontempt in which
ihe eerpetrators held, the illustrious. lady re
presented by the paintini. Io short, all sotts
of de predatio LIS Were [committed, lifithing
being lefthundoee which malice and devilish
ineeduity could suggeit. The ehairs Uf the
officers end the henches or ordisiary members
Were broken; several dr Me in an ante -room
were cut and deitroyed, and hardiv a thing
dontatined in the •Iodge-r mu escaped injury in
some form: And to er wn theraseally deed,
the wretches who conim tted it left on nearlyl
everythiee the sidence of their odious and
unclean presenc „ causing last_night a stench
which penetrate cer bea ondalle preeinets of
Abe hall. ' • . •
'Upon the dis ovety f. the ..crim.- e it was
immediately re orted o the police,- and
Sergeant in'ajorseliastin, s and McDawell pro.
ceeded to make Ian exat triation of the pretn-
1 ises. They feand ---tha the- olfendeas . had
I entered the hall thro tit the roof. ot the
1 baildingovinch is gaine by a ladder easily
accefsibl4 rrom e laee n the rear. In .-the
roof there is a treip-door and a taunter one in
the ceiling uf thp lefige- -004 just below. By -
removing tnese raps, w icn-were not secured
. . ..
y locks, tte leeuse-brelakers -eould drop te
the floor of. the lodge•roons, and after corn-
pletitig their evil Work,
by thesame apartuies.
the outrage wits done e
ing, when elie7e 'was th
the partit.s being disturl
others. The 1 n Odn of
Of COOMe hareie , was
and the value f the
destroyed Will lot fel/ I
Thece was no insuranc
froni fire.
Ai the members,of tl ,e lodge assenibled tbe
greatest excitenient pretailed ainongstethein,
ahd soMe of -the -more hotheaded amongst
them wanted le 'make ,prisals :at Once„ but
were restrained hytheir mere prudent bred':
e wimidered at that a
tiation prevatiled -and
ere denouneed in the
owevere all saw that
peal to anything but
process will be quick-
ie by all the •aid the
Selkirk a
and front
. .
a the: country reachiurfrow the
dement to the Rocky -Mountains,
latitude 49 deg te 53 deg, on the
of 94 deg, and to latitude 5.5.deg ma
the Paci c coast, is at favorable to graiu and
animal -production as• any of the N'orthern
State4 that -the ineart temperature for spring,.
Surname and autumn obseeSed Oh the42nd
and 43rd parallels, ite'New York. Michigan,
:ind Wisconsin,: has been ftecurately traced
through_ Fort Snelling 'and the vette)? cif' the
Saskiitcheivan, to latitude 55 deg ea the-.
Pacific coist;.•anch that from the 'northwest
boundary of Minnesote, this *hole district of
British America is theeided in - directions
by the navigable water lines whiel cOnverge
to Lake Winnipeg. -; - . I - ,
"These facts howeieelavorable - to gni.-
, .
Cultural_ settlement, woirld have failed to
reeblutiopize the policy of the Hudion Bay.
Company, except for .the violent eXcitemeat
ef gold discevery.- The yea,r 1858 directed a
coleinn of .adveatutere. to the channel and
sources of Frazer Rivere the Organization or
British Columbia followed, and -it was soon
ascertained that -the richest and Mosteetensive
gold:fields of riorthWest Batish America -Oa
Cariboo•mines--are se :far within the Roaky
Meentains, so'far up to the :utmost ,sources ot
Frazer River, as td be praetically nio-re-acces-
sible from. Selkirk then from tie ceast of
Puget's Sound. .At - lengthy in 1862, the
tributaries of- the. Saskatehewan and Peace.
'Rivers, on the easteen -tient of the -Rocky
Mountains...were,discovered-to be auriferous.;
while eastward stretched, towards Canada..and
Lake Superior, not less than 180,000,800
acres 'of fertile lands destined fer cereal ctifti
vation, whenever reached by einigration. Eno.
lish-a-nd Canadian exploration -alio estalfist.
ed. in favor at this district, that its average
elevation above the sea.was far .less than tin.
American territory; thet tho.-ttocky Moun-
tains: were ..diminished in width, while the'
passes were not difficult; that the supply of
rain was more Abundant, and the carbeniferi,
ous end .silurian. torrnatiOns were . of greater
extent thaw furthei south.; andeowirtg to the.
ereater influence of the Pacific_ winds through
the muuntain gorges apd the material obsta
die to eivilized occupation.' . •
"-The Hudson Bay Company,- in 1863, -Was
reorganized to meet the exigencies of inspe-
rial and provincial Policy in Central British
America,. 'In_aceorciancle .(io quote the,eiren
tar of the new directory), •witli the industrial
spirit of- the:age, And the rapid..advancernern
which colonization has made in the countries
adjacent to the H-udsou Bay territory.'
While thepresent most effective cironi;
zation of _the fur:trade will be tontinued end
even extended,. the eonipany now 'proposei to
avail itself of all 'possible agencies for the
rapid colonization' of the SmIlittchewan basin
and tbe ,gold dis riets at _the soutc•es of the
Columble, Frazer, Sa.skateliewan, and Peace
riVers., A telegraph line front. St Paul -to
Pembina,. a..d thence throu.sh Selkirk and the
Rocky Moentaits . to the Pacific uealt, is first '
announced m the...special -enterptise7 of 1864.
Then at coneectige"-of the Selkirk settlement
.eanigrant road -with Fort tirilliana on the Brie
by reilroild with. St- Paul, and by 'a directs]
tish cpast- of Lake Spiaetiorr- wi:1 receives
effective aide concarrently with the :prosem
tionof American and Canadian: enterprities.
Steamboat navigation is to lie exteedcitupon
bake Wmnieeg and the Saskatchewan river..
The eysiems ofeland survev and, eratultous
kl o inent.s Of land: to colonies -widen prevail
in_the..ru'Ited, States, are propesed, the coal
pany reserving ultereate -Weeks or sections to
support future railroad conatrnetiOn,
the "earliest practical •moment, a railroad will
be undertaken reversion. the eo asides of Con.
. 0
tral.British Anierice and- Belli& COlumbii.-
It is in the. ,power Of the Modernized- Hedion
Bay Company, and it is its well defined ptir-
pose, te cohnect Lake Superior and the- Pa.
cific coast hy a tordoe of eettlemeets, and. tay
.carry forward the:construction -.if two then!
sand mileiof reit-load simuleaneoesly with the
adven( of, pointlition, end as the sure tneaue
to encoerage the settlement Of Northwest
British httneticti, 9r the interval . which "sepa-
rates the lake cent- of Canada from ehe coast
of the North Pacific -ocean, •
" This- _internitional • railreid .etis it may
preperly be Called, until the deyelopenient ot
British Aentripawariatit* •direet commurils,
calm! With Caliadelhill be the favorite ob-
ject ofEttglish capitalists on this continent;
as the Union Pacific railhead eomhine in:
this behalf ehe energies ef Ade goveritinent
and citizens- of the United States. Tit se tWo
enterprises will theeefore -precede -the con -
!ruction of _ ritilroads on' the gulf and lake
roetes, but only -by a decade Of years, All,
fnur roads will he demanded by the wants of
8e000,000 of people, which the next twenty-,
.five yeate will witness permationtly seated on.
the average latitudes of 35, 40, 45, and 50 de.
grees, between longitude 95 degrees and the
thicifieocean," •
ticare with eget, I ease
It is surialsedithat
ly on Sunday mem
magi "likelihood of
ed by ,passers•by pr
estrut tion, although
ost thoroughly done;
roperty defaced and
shed ot $1,200:
upen it, nut- even
ren. It was mit to
strong feeling Of _Mei
that the geilty- parties
Most vigorous terms.
it Would be wrong to -it
law for redress, laud its
ened as ranch aitypossi
members of therilodgeeen !glee 4.
The fads werc,conurfunicated to "the City.
Council then iteeessio , andthat body took
took the attion h•luch i elsewhere reported.
THE FEHIANS ItGAIN AT. WORK . It is to be hoped that t e large reward offered
I will lead eo the spec y detection of the
offenders. The police we understand, IMO
detection. -
after the Council . ride
number ot other
od se,roorn and wet e
admitted to view the d,gredations that had
beeu committed, At.
large assemblage, and
by the Mayor, Ald.
and othere, promishig
Dastardly Outrage On an Oragge a toady some elee to th
About ten d'e.ock,
.4 •
lIall la Toronto. .the Mayor an
with interest and profit. Aa, ibis is the thne . , . . . - • '
. . members visited . the
of year for, renewing. Subscriptiene -fur the
four British Reviews and Black:Wood, we -
would urge upon those of ouy readers who can
afford it the necessity of securing fair them:
. .
seaves a pereSal of those sterling. periodicals.
To clergravi 1, lawyers, teachers, legislators;
and thtakitie Ill'l 1 ettnerallyeley are' almost
. . e - 0 .
indiseensab'e: In fact we know of • no intel-
ligent peeSon who free accustomed himself to
.theni that would net. make any reasonable
February: following, reparationS
made for' the .enaning active eamPaign,
Ifis idea was then, ea it 'continued-- to, be
t� the last, that Richnioncl was indie. ul-
aerobic -by way of the. Lower Peto
thaif by the direct route -from Wastiintiton:
, In thiovietif he is supported by the h
eat uillitaryauthority of the age,' ead he
fearful &vitt r of the federal . troorps,
subsecittently; under Popi, Hooker, turn,
_ _
aide, eatillGraut-,°are so many awful 'es-
. tationeof the facethat however "sagaci us
othei respect; President Lincol a
"-On to,Richniond" theory waa fallaci as
in 0*-e:it-rinse. ,General McCiellaals p an
was adopted. Ile priposed to make
trees* llotiroW lus first basis, ot sup ly,
the :line: 44..operations upon Richt)/ nd
, being by,..Yorktowit 'end West Point,. he
Jamite:gieer.to lie used for_the trans rt
of su,pplies as well as general .co,oper# o
on th`e of the. giinbdats. soo
howaje;', had Ucelellane ntered ution 'is
no)! i-ca,ntpaigti thaw: interferenca w t
hitt incitements began. - First .BIen
divisieit of len "thougalla Aden was e-
tached Ar_id‘',_ sent to -the - :West, tlieu
MODPierif-&itps was withdraWn,- and so
witiLhe was depryed of t 0,600 of is
- ' 'best ttlepek - ell knoW- the res t:
bow tbOteet fagetl to co-operato and w
he wasttoidett oil to strike a blow which
bigtel-in SOUI-cotild-not hi &live'
;.a , .
;914- Iwo! leigt 1160310qt
-Sukeided .!ithdrawinr,
dispiritet army doiit 'the ol
-101red by the triumphant legiOna of he
Confodenay, Neelellan conipialue&
▪ terlithat his army had not been sapper ill
sacrifice-rathei. than be without the the.ans
they allbrd. him or keeping pace erith the age
ia the'departaients of arisescietrce and literee
titre. Tue. 'books- that cest only $10.00 in
this country:Cannot be had -fer less than $30
or .835: in Britein. f he.v are within the reaals
ot thousandslof British ihteadians _who have
hitherto dePhived Abernselves_ of a lasting
pleasure„ Orders neey be. handed ha at this
' Babbontsht hte 4811119:d and WaWatosIt
- ,
We give for what 'it is worth a rumor cur-
rent in this li?Ciglibnerhood tbatseveral bodies
of •Ribboitm0 •hatii -been foiraed in the towe:
ships of Ashtield and Wawanesh, end that
, •
the memue -are Unaergoing a regular coiase
-of training-. Wehthoold be sorrY agitete
Mrdlonnecesserily, bue we feel it
. .
to he -our y tte meatiim the story AS
by eeverai i0a14tanti of. the townships iu
queetion. They, at least, Seem to . believe
that there is item good foundation for it.
_rye-Thu.4.4ft canted/0a Maeda that the
damage done to the OemigaTfall . Toronto
Was greatly ever -estimated -by -daily papers,
and that ia probablay breken- into
by thieves far the ;sake Of pi -tinders- The faels
soilotal:e °ever .hardly.warreat such a concis-
••• •••
ry ,
Q._..- 9iireehus.'0"Ikird,' sin: Biaihwood's
Magazine, . slum ehapsodizes epon servants;
'Why ban mOdern mechanical genius 40 mit&
ing for es? Oh for a .Steam , bear, and a
'Seff-actieg heusemeidl Oh for a. coek that
a man could wind iv. like ad tight -da a.. and
never tbihk WI. the e n d eifthe week.'
e Loss axe .1:eo'Cetteir '. or ail000,-e-i- few
ts• ,
is .
weeks sirfee, says ,a'Glits.„-oW pa er, as a Men
ehant • waa 11 ing along the age: leading
from Vieteeintage to; St. Vincent's-ealtme,
Glasgow, h dropped a parcel contnining
Aluahs-sielif „1,.60 -pouod'upteistr. the f.iiiiee
Bank. fin edie.tely thereafter a "lad named
Canningliadri,'‘e aerkin'the-iMploiliterit of
"the Magnetie Telegraph Company, found the
notes atethe foot of thestairaIeatlyig to the:
superintenelenee depActetetite *hoe on disceiv;;
ering that the notes' belonged' to the Union
&ink,' proceeded - id the bank - and heeded
Ahem orer to the secretary. • . Ina -short time
'41,terwardet tit nierclunt, entered, ths..batik
.fciethtepurparhoteitearialleinlese whether Or fiat
itO:Itedittt or dropped the mo lief there, and
was grailfied-On receivinghla "cash. • Oii.'heati,
i . . .
mg who the finder ef the notes was, he pro-
.ceeded to, the telegraph, office, and presented
the tad, Cunninzbam, with one -of the notese-
8109. ' . " 1
rel,iit,Excvitietyrn.ent in the
- _ _
The sensation createlcl a month it.go by the
mysterious appearaece-in our -streets at mid-
night of a body of armed ineri who have since
been recoehised as _"'.Fenittits," or members
of the -Hibaerniau Society allied 'to' that, plet
ting and dangerenis body, was rapidly passing
out of the public mind, when .lastevetting it
was renewed and increased by • the discovery'
9f et!, overt ,act 'of lawlessnessand erime ou
the part of some persona yet unknown, but
who were at once set down in public 'chines
Lion es belonging to the same secret, matig-
- .
mini band„. Hitherto the Fenians-rfor of the*
exisience of stich a seeret society in Toronto
there seems noW. to be. little 'douht..-_have
'committed-. no. oet Of violeede to -subject
themselves to the penalties of the law. They
have contentedethemselyee with a threatening
midnight display, in which their. nuinhere
were shown to be forinidable sand theirefiep-
arations for offence careful and elaberate.-
NO:force Was attemptecleeither because they
. . ,
did not receive pruvocation or oecause In the
opiniOn of scnne„ the time had not arrived for
carryingreieut the sinister plan; they are sap.
poited tehave in conteMplation. What these
plans *Holm) one appeals te know, but popu-
lar iuiseination associates them with all aorta
of oittraees ie. which the Protestant portion
o4liti commauity.:Will be hkechiefauffisters.
Of bourse, in this as in Many other eases the
p,ubliClears outran perhaps the -Sober Public-
euelgthene, add people did hot -stop to reascn
wotild have letting loose these horrore updn
what objeeti the Fenians or anybody else
1 a community where religious toleration es an
,ective _principle,- and- where all classes and
creeds have an eqoal fneting before i the law.
Whea the firit apprehensmias were allayed,.
and the cause of all the excitement inquired
into,- there di.l...'net probably apoeor very
niuch grourad for -further alarpr ; the -shit, was
returnieg, to its former serenity, and ,people
ouce again beein to hug- the' .conifortah:e
thought Ahat eyerything was traociull„ and
even to admit the idea that the Fentinatvere
a myth, their treasonable desiges an illusion,
the excitement they had eauied a pieee of
stupid. folly. .;• _ ' -
. Notwithstanding.this, happy „frame of' the
-Oldie mind, the Fenian& were atilt Re much: -
alive as ever they !tete, and, ithrouldeppears
determined to let tithe* -ha*" it in esetne-
what stalking sect -startling manner, It MO
'bet suffilient forthem to parade 'through the
:otreets witliont a waking a tegn,”, -to be exe;
-heated . for a moment without having some.
sort of revenge,. They resolved ifpop action
-seaction against 'the la*, 'and .against. the.
peace -and welfare ot the Dalt le -rand they
carried out their determittetionie thesonner
ivbich'the followhigt4tement of facts will
uoke plain 1
Ott -FriditY evening lalit, Orange Ledge -14i
136, of which Mr ROSS is Master ' meti'n-the
Orange ball on _Youge street, tnied ia corn.
mou by six lodges of the eider: It is milled.
/h.. II IsTinsti Oranr Hall,". and . is in the
his tone there was a
peeches were made
eider, Coen. Spence
hat every should be
made to ferret out the guilty parties. The -
Mayor urged that not
hastily, which they mig
but- to leave thetpunis
offence to the legally co
His remarks were res
_cheers, The Lodge, h
ness to admit the outing
to its consideration af
midnight the meeting
ing should be done
t afterwards regret,
inent of this. odious
istituted authorities.
onded to with load
viug suspended busi--
rs, Proceeded again -
they left. Before
Biltieli .Centr Amends,
- - PECTtil. - - -
From a recent report ade to the Secretary
of the Treasurye on Abe object of -a Pacific
railway, by Mr. Jas W. 'aylor., elf St. Paul,
Miunesota, we take tile °Rowing remarkable
passage in -relation to odr " out west '' :-
_ . -
" Public se.dimeut in Canada -and England
has long demanded rueairares for the twitted,
ZetiOn of Central Britith America, as. that.
fertile belt. of territoey o now called, which
extends from Canada aud-Lake Saperiur to the
Rocky Mountains. It icludes the valleys or
the Red River of the NPrth and the Sasket-
chewan River, which -b1 ong to the hydrogen-
sou's Bay, and are
. 9f the _Hudson Bay
on the Red River of -
in 1812,- and has a
an industrious, morai
unity. Fort Garry,
the North American
dson Bay dempany.-
itny, mese ' thau fifty
y commanding- ,situa,
se area bounded by
n Stuhpee,riwoersotin at hued e a salts, _
Arctic Ocean On tue orthe The fur trade
of thii immerise ;ter Rory ;_cotieentri4et jki
annual product dn the d -River of the North
at Fort Gerry,4 from which point,* Ry- the .
annualvoya yes I bri, &des of bateaux, mere
chandise and supplies re distributed to the -
most distant post: P ior tit 1858 the iMportsi
and exports of the tadion Bay- Company
-were pnncipelly transperied,hy the . ditlieult
and dangerous ronte f Hudson's :Bay and-
Nelson'ilaiTer, 9r by rthe numereol. ebe-tr4 •
cies flameout* from ke Superior An Red,
River, oh the-Britiehe ide of thesinterhalaordit
line. In 1858, - ho shier, . materiali2 'Were
trani!poited,from the avigable waters of the.
Missusipi-River -o eoristruct witeamer on Abe
Red Biler, end is 1862 two such _vessels
navigat dihat st am' - Thetrade inievicnisly
eiisting.:betwee St. Pinitland- 'Sella* has
been greatly -him ase iti coiniegailiee. Ae.
imports of Ciantral 13 'tislx-7Auteriek-for-..tbe '
use of theRudsoa Bit • Company.asid.the,Sel
kirk siitlere inneunt te 6100,000 annually, -
while the -average eli nal exports, almost ex-
Olasively-furs,- aMoun to. 1,000,000.
It is now well k own that northwest of
phical system bf Hu
dovered by the chart
.C9mpany. • - ; .1
" Selkirk settlement,
the North, was founde
'poputatiotrof 10,000 -
and well ordered cum
in this eettlement, is
headquarters of he H
The posts of thi emu
in number, occu y ye
tions -over , the imine
Hudsou's Bay a d Lak
the Rocky sMountains
, a ..---41,a=•
Dwritort, Deer 7.-Poznnve mutariaation nes ' ittbentstoatsfitt,
been received hire that araid epos- this city
„. . -
is being indeed by Confederate refuigies In I
*nada. ol mil:tary commandertenl
a notate- Mayor Barter, recommends that im-
mediate measures be taken to organize and
ann ®iment of militia for local piotection.
Active measures are being takea to protect
the city.
erguscsfs' Coneert
The 'United States Minister tO Brazil, Gei.
Webb, under date of Oet, 14th, sends a coin.
mupieation to tho "13razilian Minister of
foreign affairs in regard to the capture of the
_Concert to commence at 8.
'TICKETS . -.25cts.
FIctricits. Geh. Webb begins his commueica-
. liar -Children Half Price. -glos -
tion b a characteristic attack upon Great -
Britton for recognizing the beliigerehey Of the Deeemberith„ 1864; sw28-tif
Crinfederates, which With "ereat injustice'
*as also sanctioned • hy- Brazil es " soon its RTRAY COW.. -,•Strayed away flint- Al* .
possible." Gen. Webb 'declares that the -reh Subscriber, a small red and white COW,
Cuited States have a kindly feeling toward nearly all' white over the back, with sMall
Brazil and adds : .
. white spots on -the font:male When last seen
:. 'A Animateil hy such sentiments for Brazil, she was in Colborne. Aim peison giving _ -
the government of the ,United States will feet. is0ch information ze shall lea'd tresher reeov- - - ''
regret at learning that a commander in the ery, will be suitably rewardedby
'navy, without any inatructions or authority . 1). ADAMS Tailor. •
i -
whatever, took upon himself theresponsibility Goderich,-Dec. 81h, 186C w46 -3t
to capture one of the piratical -cruisers of our ,
rebels while eheyrse anchored in the port of
Bahia; and the undersigned believes himself 1
to be autlitrized to assure your excellency . oF
. . _
that all- the reiteration which honor and •
justice exact will be very freely offered, and L./INDS FOR TAXVS!
much more freely and paomptly than if the •
act had been committed by -an American
cruiser fp the waters of the mixt powerful
nation of -the world.. But, while making this.
reparation, the governtrient of the United
buttes will 'offer without doubt her .amende
honorable wider protest,. Sh'e will say to
Bnizil diet she denies toto teeny nation -or
nations as soon,aerebellion breaks mit in the
dentin -ions of any -friendly power and without
any examination or investigation 'whatever,
and withoui knowing, or pretending to know
the tnertue of the contest, the right to declare
that the rebels constitute a belligerent powere
end by means of proclametioa open them
all the ports of the world on terms- equal to
those conCeded to. .the Dation against which
they rebel. -She vat'. maintain that, hum -
much as- the' nationality of . the -rebels vas
not recognized they citenot clothe their ships
with the nationality neeessari to eive them
the character of men -of -wee: * • *
Recognizipg the right of those pirates te
enjoy the protectiOn. in the ports of England
and .Fiance simply bezause she cannot resist'
it, the govertunent of the UnitedStates will
not whithold from Brazil 'one Iota of that
„ .2.
New YORK; Dee. 7. -We -hays -to-day.some
'additional items .from Cenfederate sources.
showing how thetrightatShermanhapproach:
to the tesecoast spreadine Georeis and -
South Carolina.- •
- 0
AP the official* civil and military,. have
issued fierce and feverish proclamations: call-
ing on every mole,- old and young, able to
shoulder a Musket te-repori immediately for
duty. -
The Meyer of' Savanneh and Charleseothies
well as tlie Confederate _army officers coin -
mending in those Pieces, have issued before
their already_terrified communities documents
ef thii „ character, - prObably by title 'means
adding considerably to the pinic, . Governor
Brown -of feeorgio has issued ifiree more
I 4-
preclamations on the crisis, bat in Charleetone
a- cording to the Republic zn tha city,ev.en
these stirrieg papere de .not brines out the
eitizense for ie appears a military guard has
-to go around tbe OITA and drim. t4etit cot Of
their hidiag places.. . -
GenDiek ifaylor has been assigeed to the
coMmand of all, the Ala:maim tied Georgia
reserves with :headquarters at 'Savannah.
The Macon Telekraph of Nov. 25th seys
"Sherman's,. eititaiou is -daily growing niese
precatiowe and we may confidently tope for
his complete oeertitrove and deetraction.,-.
The centre! read iirtiaid to be entirely destroy-
ed hetween Griawcildvilleeand•MeIntyre."
. •
• NASHVILLE-, DeC. her- Very little -of -interest
..tratustaredyeitteriaty.-,.' Ar4illery skirmishing
coatiuued: thrOugit the dity. _
-Weeirsdros, Dec. 6. -.-The Savannah Re
pub.lican-of Pee. 1st, lays that it mentiOned
in a pre viOus issue that- a foree cif Ftidfirds
had landed oalleond river; 'end WeettraSsiteo
ing op the railroad in the tliection of Gres-
Duhieg thenieht the'Oonfederates
had transported': an effective fore*. to that
peintewhichenoltieg with thatalready on`the
ground; niarehed-forWard'air the 30tit under
ermaneand ol:"Gen. Gustavite :Stnith,s of
eGeorgia State -04)00, tO tikettlhe_EIL
The Republieaseleyi the. Feaurifiroops
nualtered 5,001hmetteetvith hit pieces -of areil
lery: heSinithe was attlicked at, SI tibiae cane
Honey three, Irani Grahantsvale.
The Coufederatcs bad onlY 1,600 muskets and
7 pieces of The" $ght Jest..ad till
clerk. We Olie,paper Lys) repidied isky
attacks and finally droee the . etiemy's right
and cantee,-,.but ,tjte left *Vaud iiionovedat t
cee.:191:411°freiltrceaWn4ie°°1410-''::-T:Olilitat ''eti°0littittimit4inita4113adl4
their boastiogt they idtait,it wri-s
4ttle. -.-TostoOkt(thel90)thellOstgicas
iiijs &Weis! ;or loaded with
troops were rapidly tiling up 'Bread' rive:4'
which gives assurance that the fight will be
resumed today. The Repubhcas says
Wheeler intoned Kilpatrick With all case.
HE balance of Landsonsold, will he again ,
offered for saleon
Wednesday, the Fourteenth fifty et
At the bour of 11 o'clacICA.X., in the C0Irt
Room, in the Town of Goderich.
lierff,H. 4 a.
Sheriffs .Office, GSdelich,
-30th Nov.,1864. 4 w44 -till
'Mil SELL 31-
atances, and in her present and etubarassed 1 ..t-- U .
elle Auction T
reparation which, -_under the same einem- a iri„i m
Iaesition, she would he obliged to sconcede to -
41Neither the Untted States nor the under- TOWN OF. ODE
signed are directly or indirectly- res onsible
ea THE
tor this 'occurrence. It was noe or ered or "
authorized either by the government of' the
United States or by the undersigned, and it
will be regarded by his governmeut ms it is
by the undereigned, a source of sincere re-
gret that, if retell .0 accident was necessarily
to happen, it did not occur in the waters els
power which, within fifteen day! after being
inlormed Of _the _rebellion in the UnitedStates,
eucouraged obr rebels by grouting thetn belli-
gerent rights." -
-Execution cf
T he .thircl and Cilminating.11Ct of the North
Lendon Railway tragedy was enacted in trout
Newgate oti Mencley mornitep With the
nsual accompaniments of revolting black-
guardisin. Muller's laconic coisfesszon--4
--hreserved to the very lastmoment left
him fo-F utterance before the hangman had
drawn-tbe fetid " holt, is he, far satisfactory
• that, •though ii adds ncthing to our hnowledge
of the eircemstences-of the dreadful crime he
Committed, it Conclusively settles the coutro
versy "as tb his guilt which many weaktainded
people have tarried oe since his Convittion,
and which, but ter those four German words
pronounced by' film, with -the ;noble Tound'his
,neck-"Ich habe es gethan "-h.-would have
been prolonged afterehis execution, and lett.
on the ininde of some a painfat doubt as eto entering on the said line of road'hy their Ocia
the justice of his sentence. • The deputitiee tractors andservants to unikeen& additions
froanthe German Legal Protection Society; and .repors us they moyseerfitAt any isms,
which his been AO enetgeticen the defence of daring the -Lease, free;of
Ma ler, was received" at the Home Office on The Gates will beeold subject to The tile
'Seturrlity,when their petition for a resAte Wee '
l'olimgesntlahltieceinter 12lli; 4,18
.1 e Lem*
of -
VIZ., 1
5 Gates on the London Road .4 2 Oldest on
the Bayfield Road ; Gate on the Mill Ike*
5 Gates on the Seaforth and Wroxeter Roede
4 Glues on Clinton and Wingham Road; and
2 Gates on the Ushorne Road. ,
These Oates will lie sold separately for the
term of oneyear., each Lease dating from -the
first ofdanuapy, 1865. The rent to be Taml
in monthly instalments to thseatmLy Trta
Each purchaser -Will have tp Aweigh teio
solient freeholders ses secerity, froui whom
Ceetiicate will have to be produced at elte
time of sale.
The County Council eeservielite tiglit or -
declined. l'here is little doubt BOW thai the
efforts of this Society were the cause of 'in:
'ducinsi Muller so withhold that full disclosure -
_ •
p• witdbaltich! °Pit):oltrItiollleitse°1dernt2ities le°• i:L:iinrited -c/relaiiedeerraatkimlft ilillGagul°10.1hetitLrok
heti. the moreaerious erect of distracting his „, •
Ithild from those solemn prepmstions far u`e v "`"l'Itin•
"Ix‘ - Ilea" ther"*"'*
whiuli our modern jarisarudenee has rnerci-. is extreme. 0 4;0 •
filly provided. Icsimilar impression prevails wlf eain: rates of Tell at this -seteraleTeth
amongeibme people,- that Muller may doi G• ates belonging_to the County of throe '
have confessed at all, and ;hall -in the excite- the County Roade within the istid eonnti. to -
inept of the mciment, the worthy German- defray tbe expenses of making and repanttar
Pastor many easily have „„been misled iuto , the same: ' _ ,
belseving that the convict said -that which he -1. Belt therefore enacted, That the aiter‘.
was auxieusly expecting to hear. Itt'd Mullet mentioned rates of Toll be payable at welt -
spoken ih Eiv,lish, a mistake could not easily and evEiry:Toll Gate uPen the County Roads
have occurred, for; in tate he had said -hi did within theVounty of Heron, and the-
-.uot it,? the accent would baVE4 been jilsced five Gatekee.pers are fietthy mittorlaed
on the word 'not,' andoo one could have uth foyeand receive the seise at *soh than of
derstood -to him to say "I Iu Germaqi piasit.kg140 gate upousbesaid-
however, it LI -different, and in 40011 --ase- ntence tent to all legal exeMPtioni- VI
'Ich babe es tticht. gethanit this* need be alwayiesehat the oar team. hini't etir offsets -
no accent on the negatiee anrit sajaud-of aalmit1(.041-fie idtori4 titua„
olio& tisily be thought. On the contrary, that arid pass thrOngli the same 'day:
dm.}w'°nr beyverline"VihOerspiell 101a—Otherea
For every 'additional horse Or ether -blest
drawing such vehicle. two lience Ulf potty.
For every horse and _rider, two pence 1,011
For every horse, two pence lialftpettap
Per every head dt neat -aide, twit posoo _ _
half -penny.--:- , 4 -34)
natoberrteirttry seerepeneolesiltfeep.peastiary -rein.
For *Very one 'hundred pounds over lag-
aho.v. foursthousanttewhicii -leaded 'Owls
::2iireencripsicgal'hatilttP•tilebtin_and.rerever frovr.easit=titikeepieta
said. -County .hereby authorise& atid,--veto
every persotosswit&titspagh
sAweiiiiessiirIeata C41:414Wst"frill.-or°6411-rthhee---lifittaidi
-subject to Toll bead** stenlielelloirOblit
and to use SR fittirfal.. Aneetasior ,tbeleecoliers.,
.of the same.
the speaker said 'Ich ha'be es gethan." For
-our part we have no doubt that Muller did
cenfess, and that Dr.• Cappel was right. -
Several pamphlets on -tbe murder of MA
Briggs boveappearedlone of them-publislied
previously to the execution- ..-fiont the pen of
Dr. Jatnet Smith, the well known law writer,
and, asseeting thet the evidence on Which the
jury founded•their verdia was not satisfactory
or coaelusive. Another .pamphlet was en-
titled 'Frank Midler sThou sholt do ne
f -
murder," was an argument in favor ot the
aholition of capital punishment, Ana exhorted
Sir George Grey not to 'murder' Muller -
Murder being the term -which the wooldhe
repeaters ofthe lam apply to theexecution of
crimiaals.--Lonrion cor. -Spectator.
fee°*cliTe°rartn9telirsit.:*stEyPIP-t4lelisCm4 44°oufreirLthouteml4roll:clilollit:ftew"?guirairl'94abli
North Americtt, - New fitilith" Wales and
Victoria.have had a dispete which, when the
last mail left: had brought them almost to.the
.vergarof -warzt, plazernmeat of New
S O4th.. Wale -t ba4 deteraim0 to enfoice the
oavinoot of its .dutiekupoo the frontiere_ and
"Vicstogrreiaasti die4careease.164°f:41niqC911.tiettgaltiPmeg I r;hine tab;
grieved colony threate kalay siert of
embergeon fooiditaidatatti-
allis_eized it uut as an earnest of its inten-
tional ' -ictiotian "Sittlideitriee, ; on' Atee
other liancdesPatehed atatit body of polite,
[they fortupiately have-Aeoseiditirs,l.witli in,
*unctions to resist force 'by -foreet and- they
Uwe succeeded in enting their anthgon-
sets from toiler:nog t e customs. It u pitiable
that these colonies,. vr -linealizests ilrec.reit
County Surveyor's Mee, tile"
1)ecernber fitli, 1864.
TITITB3GtottgBEIthiss veosived
---IaTMECIG11117" :*0140•40
in every departmest AlfUtersture,
dupers of at
lihble' ter 'bri'in i'sled VTIF12 tunrivivir 111 mon
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