HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-12-02, Page 4• 1 friA SPRING STYL€ OATS OR sem, VERY CNEAP. MII.slaIQ `! -, (:aderieb.Slir�h t;tli I'G-t. S'EM,INAR. F.•i: earn 6 tr;e><itejrr a1 l4:(l t-11.t}c»<i • CO D( t'rF D Fr 1111.-rAND MIS. SHER Uig, FY:tIZIsJt.` `-rit1.311:a . TIE courser of in tr etiiiti--lnelude s English", L 3s• tan lit in tit-4.elo.s Selloo [R :ri f ilio!• '.Forte,4'.. �� a lit. . t ono r . ( French, Gln: lt• ! [ata. i• f ['titer' .ate., Er:i n, i.. Wort . e- Yon i --ladle's who --e crit&; af-un lta. ben neglected wi reeei-e toe "resat-e't.attettt:ea. • TERMS KNOWN =m;iTAPPLIG� Plait-Eor:['s tett[ d,:ti,4 : lor;;_ pepilik b tie! bests ti ;ilia c=.� to:• -:tr . (iotierteh, Sept. lit. 1-'6,1. - THE SEMI-IiEEIiLY SIGNAL. .'t FARM of 100 acres of land. 5f miles from FALL. sllovv..OF 10 1 , 1. g •• •e portion of the •p-purchasemoney. For tor - •;OF r _. 00. S A 1�T D S ATIDUNCAN'S il)EKECH 60 acres Bleared, with oud road. leading0 thereto. qua twill given for a I tar tiltr. particulars apply' to.. B. GORbON, Esq., So witor, bode rich, or W3[. SEIMOT,R-d:-0O. oderirlt..9th November 1s63. . _ -w41--11 o PAIRS �rs RMFQRSALEDIABjMOTH BOOT AND Sil. 1 E TSTORE 1! • _ Tor . con. A, Township mite truth- Wroxeter,. . oW of Ilowick,-.4, UIl'tNI) REVIEW at DUN(`AN'S BOOT AND SHOE STOi;;1 see the best Stock of ROME -MADE WORK in lice Coif i.N giro=s►:1 Log house and -barn, Thousands have tried Dnncan's Boats and Shoes anis found them 92"ACRES128 CLEARED e Appq tli I1()llkg, Esq.,. Of feridi.lieb .2t1. 16.1-. ncw01-tr Hus and Lot for .Sale: -ale. l i lilt`I COTTAGE on the Southerly por- tion of Let - I AMILTON STREET TION.. f Mitt; it RO 'WITH _G(tOti GODEIi,ICH ! Call and tt :R=A:IC. es p11 thiit was represented. The subscriber. CANNOT Bli; UNDERSOLD by any one- doin it: legitimate business.-- - "Remember the place— !West side -of- IIlarket. quare, • TWO DOORS ,SOUTH of the -`SIGNAL' OFFICE WIL]LIAM DUNCAN. Goderich, Sept. 20th,;1864. • sw64 T- >tOUSR and, OUTBUILDINGS, LDINGS, -- _ cw, at present occupied by Thos. %t-eatheraid, Esq.. •i !!rite • . 'ISAAC FRP-Ri. Tilt EINE HUND IUE = D -DOLLA 1.\.):-1 further a ttularC apply 10RS TUE StBSCRIBERS w would beg too inform hig customer .and the public that his new prem. R. F 3. -OV r� '_t1. 1I. I A-TIILR 1.[.D, • -- ices on East street - � — Goderii•li, . is - -WILLIAM 'PFRCIi AT., Esd., . THREE DOORS l { �im)ierst island. FROM T H tia w n � n d4PN JpIVA, ,Ifi/M4AAe,IA/ V U M ,A,Ie,h,n,t+uh,N 41e,Iv4, eIhY4,n4e,n,/Ap,/,,,ey, 'TO .,r SGfES'-OLD$''- D• .i- $ G ' ertcli', Ocrober 17th, 1564. , • &w13-tf • hittnl ....i. ores, more- or less, beingeom.. O�~ ,�e(l of south Ball of 14c went •i_r eon- , i Tiiltie TO astir i a Morris, ., e - 1•i. ttwa t ,.� ! 1 13 i.t� 8 eS • NIAH��, & JEWELER G ! a_t,1 a&i1 wel.tented—within on mil ofthe . . 'GEST ST.� GQDIr.k;t��, lea:41 • e e oft! - tt •� . ra.etritt t.r3F:t, Road, with school on adiuinin, 4\ext door eat f . Ir- stll.t �alilter� rut. rr.r.. t 'tit: Pr - -1Tiro Good Wells •af. Spring Fater. -r .. t- 1'Goix!' Los House. and. good -Fro' Barn and -WAIVES, ULQC�S AND JEWELRY . i. _ t 1`r.P.kIREIT (T\ .114)8•4`'Sty it`t . - kitai be •.r: , also -a -Food young_ orchard with trees- , In E best Style &.St i ii (. , Tia !fez made known lit apply= toGFQKGE and r DAM . rWIR> Sersonally or 'by letter (peat padt. ) to Ding P Enron County !.old i1S Mated Jewelry. 911':ti chits, 'ilei ria Lit tolft.i ,.1. 1>t14. w40=1i` It • o 1 oc—k ,,..`-r.� :e.. - -• - +C. r-.518..1...:4; t3.i .... j.i .[ . i 3•' . '� t C ;ore/ resented .. if nat., SQUARE f Ns i e opens on .. e . est o one,,,; or transacting the obi `rding, Cloth Dressing and ..-sI. RY, where all orders•an. d ihewisea variety of' �Manofacturinrbusiness; in :connection with hisWOOL FACT Firm- for SA7Arai: in the above businessviii be punctuallyattendedto. Glottis, Blankets; and Stocking Yarn, will be kept on haiid to exchange for wool. Haying this ear added�another- o � FIRST -CLAS DOUBLE' CARDINN lYIACHINIr to.his establishment, he -will be prepared to"execute farmei ''s: work 'o- any. reasonable ". extent short,notice.- on i o ee... Customers coining to the fact tv themselves will be promptly. attended to as formerly,and particuiarattention attention i11 be pi;id to those from' p distance wishing their • r acv` ort r a,peditiouel . mane N. P. --While thankful tor the liberal patronage of fnrrneryears in the above business,Abe b f� `w7� " subscriber hopes by strict attention to business and'sparino`ab expense in meeting the wants ■ ■` �� SEI of his eustomers, to Qtilt receive a .sha.re of the same: G...=1erer'.x J.l.s ;,.tsi.1. 4-1,6.t31 BINT Vial ...r.s•. / ,r -Pe be the l East -Street, dd I RIFLES,- SHOD .GTJ TS,, �� �TLRN ?AND ►. Pts or. ...se.. &c I. Nt ISTISO OF TWELVE E ROOMS, with l 1 i:tr_" Stfib-e Sheri, pump and larregardctt, • I in Ilse- lla:ie of fl:uet.i.le.'1'ownship of, Turn- i i berry itnd known 1:v the-ti:wie of the. B Ut:- YAt1b HOTEL, and in the occupation of - the proprietor. H C. Prim.... i*_ rhe property( -i has Large additions and improvements, and is I worthy the notice deny nian wlio is seekiiig r C a hon.. • I. C.PIGH.. Oct hi?i'ziii. 1$;63.. w.3 ft from CRA THO B'S BLOCK. AS LOGAN. MONEY -TO.- LEND, ON IMPROVED FARMS, AT S PER CENT: �2.50�-- - Solve to Invest to Town Pr `perty. J, B. GORDA 13arrister, &c., °ode 'ch. - Goderich. Sept. 13,1864. . s 3-tf . MONEY:'FO;-LEDj R.•O 19 NT. 08 IMPROVED S - FARiM Apply to • O AURES, of Lot No. 32,- East Lake `.' Q : ROad1 Iaye FIR.S7` ,RATE LAND' Terms easy; apply to - DONAE.Tj SUTHERLAND, on the premises, or tloderict DATlintsT .S r,Goderich. Aptxl 30tH, 1881. av14-t1 • -�• - , T1iE snail, .114 STEAMED -- - - . _ Inl �nnection with Buffalo :SL H1 Ra 1waDo - FOLLOWING 'RORM E:g . ,ARE , ,F :.) -SASE Vera. Reasonab1e-Terms r On ries. 117,'118, .119.120 115, 149,, i, the D. SHADE GOOD (I, 11 rising Villa e.of Riversdale in the Venn!" ills 3 . ' of Bruce. This 1! ge a situated .on the main Solicitor, West Street, offices over R. tk 4 ;road. between Kincardine and Walkerton, the Dry Goal Store! � CountyTown of Brno. I • .:e. _ Gederich,june 9th,,1864; 5w81w20-tf Lot .umbel 16, . Sonth aide of Mechanics' _ Av nue, to the own of Kincardine, and Lots47, 48', 9, 511, 51, 62 and 53, in the Village:ofRiirers- • dale also 75 and "76 West side of victoria St et1 UM6 - of $100- and upwards' . advanced o S REAL ESTATE without delay to ttr borrower.. Apply -to. : • SHAW. & SI�NCLAIR. - Goderich, 1st July. 1864. , - w23 -Gin Also Lists.5, 6 -and 8 on the Durham Road, and lot 25, on the North side of the 1)urnam Road, in the To ' ht of Ki ard� P nt: tie, containing 50 ,sores in the Town s re wit of Kincardine, County of Bruer.' LotsNurnbers 3, 4, bon the North of the Bar- Lam ur Lam Market Square, in the Village of Kincardine, County of Bruce, .containing one -.quarter of` an acre or land each, with the:Buildings thereon. e each, a la rt .i clear ea. P y ea. n_ 8 `:to I - 811d. •Lotii3l and 32 on Westgate o Queen Street to i the Town .or Kincardine. - For particulars apply to IRA LEWIS, • Barrister. Goderieh. HF. subscriber has.$20,000 to loan on rear able terns. For particulars apply to HORACE HORTON. -,. Coderich, 19th August. 1864. . • w30 3m MONEY. TO LEND - AT *. EIGHT P i'1- CENT IN SCMS F 0 One =Itundr cd Dollars and u a. w rds Apply :to TOMS 8;' MOORE, Solicitors. CRAMPS NEW -BLOCK.- Goderich,Sept, Sth 1864-. - - - P , , w33 tf - Farm in Bosanquetj FOR' SALE . meta r .p ace— secon door To A�i1- EXCEL -LENT - ._ai' . . MADE ` TO- • •B2 J' ' S ><- ��.. :INTO. -Opf-i''osite.the Varlet. All kinds. of repairing done off: most Teasonabi terms. .� •� ` Gotierich, iva:is4 2:til 14uI. , 1w9I !IATTI AGBERT3 i fl, , oPoilikiil ikili � $��� ►1�iili.Ii. -A.Nt - FACTU • Bureaus, Sofas,. Lounges', lIcAtfads in nthe.ss center fables, 1} 'Brealateit Toilet Tables, Wa.o. Stands, 'Cuitirs', and manv other articles too 111wiefolls, 10. mention. ALI litudS epAr_ or `?) Promptly attended to- 1.-Pii.OLS'rEitY. in aifits UNDERTAKING,&c. &c llisstock. . AV-arra:nes} it, 1).: ,rtade of the best Ina- prices-. Call and compare., arid be-saisfiecl.:before Cordwoild and ail kinds of 'Farmer s Pro- Wareroont on Elgin Street. 1100 -TS AN0 SHOES, .SPRING AND _SUMMERAVElit JUST RCep.IVED .ST james Ben "s • . KINGSTON ST., GODERICIls. , A CALL IS SOLICITiD. Separator for Sale FIRST RATE ne* ThraShing Mit-hide 21 and Separator to be sold. on reastIoaVe .- (talent+, August- 19th 1864. w30-2in TAKE NOTI I. the Township of Coderich intend passing-. a By -Law for opening up theread running be ween . Township of Godek ch The said Road &scribed as follows,vizr 'oat- - _ . - () T I C E--.. mencing at the vorth-westerly angle of I t .42, LL parties indebted to the Estate of 'the thence -south fifteen degrees. eighteen ni utes ehains eighty hnks to the Bayfield river—t enee otunrwi , are requested- to settle the same westeq downstream on bank ofsaidriver,t6eace =media ely with the undersigned, or their one &tam t thenee &nth; fifteen denees eiAteen t ' Will be placed in the hands of an mingtes, west sixty chains. eig,lity Oaks kregitee..s- AttOrney for -collection; and all unliquidated *ion roadl thence nOrth seventy -tour riegre 42 minutes east ori lunit of said. road, one. ch elainiS in to dtcrainal_the gime of the said John the -place of beginntito-„e/ntainicot lit adthe ure- Allen, deceased, up to this date, are to be . moat six owns auctfhirteen perches- o& ianu. . brouobt in ter -the executors at once for eXam- A- True etary., *- ,ination and adjustment. - . ,ANTHONY ALLEN, i - - 1 FOR SALE, \' i able*:property;intbe Town ofG-oderieh,, • "cin iating.ot a Lot and. a halt, with a Two Story.. Dwelling House! LigiGE WOODSHED di, STABLEi .Situati4d- on EAST STREET anti VICTORIA STRELT (two leading thoroughtares) and int For Conditions'ofsale applyto C. Met -cher; there n .oceu pant, or to Rev. Win. Ornitst 011, tianuttOri Very favorable teems will be given for CASH or tor gOod eadOrsed Paper at short dates. immediate possession will be - A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR SALE. .AR .ELY IMPROVED and conveniently s.tuated a! ler the hank of the River Alaitland. opprAite the Xpply if.by15tter post paid. to For Sale .Cheap. .Goderieh, April 19th, 1864. , • JEAN: ar Guam anu ac Jurors of Grist and —F1 uring Mills Circular, Mulay and Sas S I 'A DICOHO just P EPERATORS - AND HORSE, . . • . ler—ass Castings Made, and Blacksmiths' -work done in a neat an substantial manner, Castings of -any, description made to order. Also, all kin s of machinery renamed on short notice. A. large stock or - G., Sz:h Con.. Bruce; 20,4th Kinloss ; 22,1 COOKING- • con. lititon. Apply to• ,es. CAMERON. -ich, October 28, 1664.' • 1 Always ea hand, Sugar Kettles, Wagon and Pipe I3oxes. onr of the most approVed Jand, we would solicit an inspection of' ou elsewhere, as we are offering the abeve at thelowest remuireative proved Credit. Old metal, Brass, Coppei, and all kinds ofinroduce Goderich 'October 1809. Township ofOoderich. November 16th, 1b64.t - ± STOVES, atterns of the above are stock before Much:wing prices for mill, or or ap taken in exchange. w39' CONVEYING. rpHE undersigned would bee: leave to inform S.tanley and surrounding country that he has' been". appointed a Commissioner tor ta Affidavits in the. Court of -Queen's Bench., -slid that: be will be rivpareil at a. l times to make out Deeds, Mort- gages, Rills, Bona, ore..„ ith. neatnes and dis-; pat-ch,And at reasonable rates All prepaid coin- munications Will be attended to. October 7th, 1864. w37 winfainua rr HE subscriber wmild announce•to the public A of Huron and Bruce that he has on band and will make to order Carriages, Wagons; Har- rows, &e., which will be Old cheap. for cash or approved credit. JOHN PASSMORE & J. SEE alitaNaN GEIER .s'A Blaeknalt Crock • iors, t Sash, the - sale of GUR LATFORM IFIK PINGS &C. -610DERMA W.• 41, Owlet' elti ertIly .17111, 1864. w314 !Ornery ,12;1364. • A LTA peisons are here cautioned nOt to credit: .1-1.•my wile, Mary rd. on my account, she having left mybed and ard Without just enuse bleior any debts site ma -contract after this tato: ES GIFFORD. • r 9 FIE UNDERSIGNED offerafor sale er to let 1. lot 20, 12th Con,. township OP Boittuquet, County of trambton. -The farm consists -of ONE HUND.RED . ACRES, sixty of Winch are cleared. 'anti situated near a ) station of the G. 1'. Railway. rhere la a LOG DWELLING HOUSE ,AND FiCAME BARN .ott-the For particulars apply to , 111. C.-GORDON, Lands /Sale 14 Huron, contaimg 90 cres more ..r leis: shin& -witlan mite mile of the V tem of Port:Albert. and' nine Heti adjoining. the 9 111 e rivee, which tiow-s across the :southern portion. T is is a rare chalice, being.conved- ient tomarket, and good gravel road itt anticipation County of tiur ti, havnik- f5 acres clear. well timbered . and'one mil trona the Northern Gravel Road. - '' Huron. c 'mining es; acres. This ii beautifully located Part offle 13, inlhe Township of Colborne. enmity of oil the"Northern Gravel Road, opposite the Village of N1 ilbwit, having It good frame hoyse and barn. also it- spri creek singnear the dwelling, within -2 .miles of oderich. -.Lots numbe 31:32.29 and 2-S...containing eachone fifth fan acre inth vinagc of Milburn. on the Northern Also two excellent lots in -Bridge End Placei township of Colborne.. which Village is situate on the Banks of th'. *Wand and adjpining the Town of Goderich. ' •Forparticula.rs apply, if byiettr post-paid. to s: , Port Albeit. : r. Gaoler, Gerderich.' March 24th, 1864, - wssiv60-tyr$E- THE UNDERSIGNED will let hi farm in Col- -. borne, lots 10 and -11, 9th con , either pn shares or otherwise, as maybe agre d upon. The rum comprises , TWO HUNDRED ACRES 100 of which are cleared, and 80 free of siurnps. watered—within EWE MILES OP-GODERICIf_, and only three miles from two Saw -Mills. Barns, dvvelling-houses &e. in good order. For further partivulars apply to ROBERT GIBBONS, Esq., Goderich, or on the premises to Gederich,•00t. 3, 1864.- w36 -t FARM for SALE1 r OR SALE, East halrofLot No. 171 cm, 3, i.. 1: Township of WAWASOSH, comprising n26 air " :1 - ;Q IN CAPTAINCOLL,, EATH�. erAiitting,wttl Ieave GOD 11# if V - • for SFikAtrY -every TUESI Y AND-FRI AY , .. ;AT SEVEN, P. it:, - Amving �1NIAW early next morntd8 IJRN1 GF s Leavea8AGAW for'GUDE . $•eve �t ONZA AND ESDL .:. AT -TARE; P. 31,, - n oing'atCDERICH in ample tune to Connell! with the lolliiag morningistn ta. ,ottjttect}n with Expretains.vnthe 1lran Tri Railwexit > , s With: - Great rtern'Hailway at Aad['. • - , - ! _ Welland aiiwa at Fait Coles:. `TiMTARLE :APRf3j rTUBSDAtfid FRIDAYS to SAGINAW,. Leave Tonto (Grated Trunk) A. M....-'....4. 11.41 Baton (Great Western Row) P. -1M14„ 1 ti` & tharines (3'Veltand railway) A.181.8.35. Bio: * u B.. L. li. ?li. - t � 4.:11.1* rat; s[ P.M i..)t.' ,10 tt 13t»rd P. hi 4.00 1 ' Goad]. st P. fit..10.00� 9 ttrri eat w next A. M MONDAYS TH171lSDA-YS SACINAW Leave Salawt P. M.... . 3.19^ _ Arrive atiderich next A. M.,. .. ,..-{.;