HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-12-02, Page 144•,...01•01111•MMm 1.1115ins90 Dimon). 1 1' .. %Ic1hugn11 (''AN E l'INSI'LTED I:1' -ro ID A . M.. at h'S rt-±•±Ifie:IVe kl!'l North Street,. next doin oi inerestilenceot Rev. .\1r. EL wo,.t. 10:1 _ • - - c. "•4111innon. 'I. 1).. RYSIVRN. GOD- KR:t1t; C. W. _ 13:40-1y • - Ie. Nit- ',earl. NI. D HCIA N. SI' RG EON, Sr..., (Late House Surgeon. ,Kingston Hospital). - F LC E -A t Arthur's Boardaig House . tiEllswtiOwel (ital.:rich, ('. W. - _ . 1)r. '01o. ATE OF-STANLEY-CLINTON. FITT 1-4 nox Goad. (Mr. Thwaute. former Store July 1. '6:2. _ . It. :ne1t-am:n.4 r. I). 411:. PHYSICI k,N SU. tti ;•EON, (zritduate :McGill College, Montreal;' Lre n Now. clliw31 DR .-11. WORTHINGTON, suRGEoN, cte., will at- tend, partiaularly: tt diseasesol acd surgical operations upon the eye. Ho.wIcit VILLAGE. Dec. 1.5. 1$62.• [w47 -Iv Ira „ • VIZ AR RI STER AND- A.TTOR-NE. Y -AT -- -LA Law, and Solicitor -in -Chancery, County. Crown Attorney, Goderichanada West. -a. Court House. - ./ v14n40- •31. C„:". Cameron,- NumsTER, AT 1 Okl,NE1%. CONVEY- Auccett,&eKngton street,Godericli, • . *haw Br. Sinclair. • - B ARRISTERS,SOLICITO 0()NVE1.- - .. ANcEits ke. A/dices, over the ::-'.'tore or t. Detfor 3.4t•Ion,Goderich., and Queen•Stieet, Itineardi:le. • 3. S.StsoLAta;Gaderiell 4 A.Stis.w,Kincirdine. - • l2:23 • NIte f )ermc..t T_IA.RRISTER, ATTO4INEY - AT -LAW, - _LI Notaries Public, kir., West Street, Ooder ch. • . 10:1 John. I3avison. iBIRR[STER.A.rrogNE`Y,. Stoucrum • sofir :ANIL, HURON AND BRUCE_ _ADVERTISER. W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor. ".The Greatest Possible Good to the c4reatest Possible Number." $2`.60 PER ANN. IN AD GODERICII q. W.,_FRIDA).7, DEC, 2, 1864 • Busirtcss Diacton. •if'eter 2111' -Rae, k.111)p, . F tw. . . A N CMINII:SiON Merchant. 'N-yi,ao, C. W-.- Ncues and Accounts coltec ed.. Business of any _kind en- trusted to hint wal receive prompt.attentiOn. w40-1v$osx .• CONINE- RCIAL USE. " (LA rE. DARI.S.) •EAST STREET, GODERICE. 9111E rryugj . :thank los 1 g,enerally fear tin enjiiyed for the -spectrully aSle a His item' hou:se I will be found,e- SIG-NED sincerelt to iends and the travelling. public err.-• liberal patronage. he has ast nine years, mid would •ont ance Ot" tlretr -patronage, as been` tht.ii (limn IV-repaired,a nd" inplete in 'every particular. . - JOHN - Pre% f±sr , Gtoderieb- S() i;; 1S64, . . . ChancerY. Ate- - Office, Market -Suitare,-• Coener-otKing-gtoa Stree4Goderiett.. .• 0:42 - 14--efroy & Vatterson. BAR4ISTERS, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW Notaries, t•onveyaricers, (mice Ale - Sar scorner, West Street, Goderieh. 942 ..lrohn!.. 11. Cirordott 1111ITLIN irrctOrn. British America - Insurance Chief Office -4'61-0'1V). • - Ca..eatol, 6149.9,6'06: MARIJE-DERAIIT.NTENT.. - lniurances Efl;_;eted atIowItates VANEVEllY 47, 41.7MBA.LI.i. • - - • Agents, •ZGocierieb. p. •xv.. July 7, 1862. ' n24 -- • •• SURANCT•1 ITTEST ERN AS IlANCE _COMPANY. V.. British America Assarance t'oinpany; Dilices,Throuto. YEarine, Fite and Life Insurances ellecred on favorable terms. •• • - AIL:r Oillee in r. J. B. Goatiox'_is .Law ,Chatn. JOHNI-I.I.I.JDAN, Jr.; Agt: - Gode;:ich. 'Noy. 24. iStic - • _ HOTEL GODERICII 111E 1.111 it.faP008., LTA DOA FIItL LI:F.E_LSCRANCli MIS() P4OPRIETOI1 THE , 1 above 1.±. 010S1 pleasantly situated on an Capital, X2,000,000. Ster.• Aerairtulated Fund, -eminencel2� tet heti!. overlooking- Clio narbor- . •.$5,671,172e,, • • • . • • Rural. 'Walks at2 tehed. Board-.stper day11 Brittania of:Londoo MealsorReds;-• cents-. • vt.5itIOVIv • - . . .ind Lake [Iwo 4-200,1. Cirenanis, Gardens and A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN -CI-Chancery. Notary • Public, Conveyancer, bre., &e., Ueaterieh, Canada. West. Oitice-ori be South side of West Street, third door front.fhe --.1ourt-tIouse DAYS'Sqttaie;,- frays: A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chancerv.,Notitry Publie.„Conveyaneer,&c, aodertch, C. W. -0111,-e, South side of Ea,st St.: ai.rdoors Irvin NH...Dodds Hotel. v . Shade - _ kTro[W ,OL1CIF)11, -kc 0:n11E- 4 BIGE.,(`-±.Wr • -01;F ICE : 1:p .•••••itairs A.Vat.son's • - 1.tock, We,-2s'..t.; entrance Firtt Door west •of asgow Rouse. • . Toms; So- 'Moore, -TTORNIES, SOLICIITORS, (tee, (lode - rich, C. W. .0ffice --(1ItA.13,1P-s NEW • . • esate-r. Toxic. •• • - • . C. MOORE'. ‘..Toderielf,Angust 27th, IS64. . surt 03w3I • 13.L. Doyle, A TTORNEL SOLICITOILAte.. OFFICE, Crabb's New- flock. tioiliarjefi, C. W.' .vI5swn51? . • • . . Carneron Sr, Min-r-aons j-2ARRISTERS.4 Tr 0 RN E17. S, CONVEY - 'V towers, &c. Gixlerich and Clinton. -M. C. CA MEM r. _ELM. • Goderich. Canton, -Office m Clintoi,a few duo& north ofthe Pest Office. • - • v121147 • - Wifliam Vreiseir, A TTO-RNEY-I'V-L AW., SOLACITOR: IN Obasteery, Conyeyaneer.: ke. Watki.tan, of Bruce. vl6n15yry • Tliorrias-WeatiterteItl.• ENGINEKR AND PRO VINCIAL N. I Land „Suryevor. Otlice and, Re:side-nee,. 1 aniitton Street, Godeie... _Hay, • 1)RO VINCIAL LAND SCRVEYQR AND L Civil Engineer, Clinton. 'jell- 1, Y6-1, IjVll ENGIS.EtER, AND SURVEYOR Land Agent and Coin-eyancer, _Kincardine it! -ARCHITECT, LIT.ANFI Build- ing 4 - rot Up in a neat and correctityle. r3- C UMW! Auctioii Man; "King in St• - raw vIdilylk • • u IA , • LAND &CENT.' Market Square, • Godeicieh. rends arkro:iegy Wednesday ,froin, 11 a.m. -o D. nt. • • ' 61:10 THOMSON & HAZLEHURST, .0477,F: •HOXSON;) LQotion dZ*GCM1Blii/SiOil Merchants, St., Gaierzeli 1 •And next Door to Strong's Hotel, ie 0- r.r •QALFOOfIlobsehotitGoo:fis Horse. Wag -ons. gons. &c, kJ- at thenuarr. even, Saturday It noon, Particalor attention paid to the, Safe of Bankrupt Stock. Faian 'Stock, &c. Cashadcanced on good.: lett on (*.inunission. Goods- appraised. debts e.dieeted. landlord tu Narrants• executed. mortgagef foreclosed, houseu rented. Dici4ion Court Etto=1iei4 atter:tied to, &des at the Branch A cc- - -.Don Mart; Seaforth. erery Thursday. 'C'eantv ate.s. attended m on reaTana terms. Goderteh...Tulv t2th. 1964. Av22,4yel : ; - i). McDougaii, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, BAYF-IELD, • County•or finrom, Sales. _in, viitage.or edtuury lubetuanyattencledto. • W9-tiyr$o .1rohn. '•-••.4.;;;":7-7L-• pASouthampton EGISTR•AR. COUNTY fiR1.7 AtiF- _A, ?ICE, Grosvenor Street, Souampto • ".'" Southampton,. March 14..11%64. • wt3•1f ' ;, Alex. 11‘ndlesc. LICENSEb AUCTIONEER for HURON . end 13auce hales pauctualty attended to. Addiesa, &Awn'. P. 0: w50-1yr$o VAIIEVERY it-1‘011.13ALL, Forwarders, Goniniission Mer,chants al£IIERALSTEAlltlitaKr AGENTS. CLIwrckivE Pio Lisn .BROMErth - •DEALERS IX Floar,Sag,POrk,Whisky,iloal,Lumter&c Ifareor Qisay, Gockrieli.C. W. • - TKOs.B.vAlcErgas- vilt0.R41:41BALL• J obit Campbell, _ .. 1*R(At COXI1ISSIO1f- AGENT ,Comuussioner ut Queetes Bench,tortaking _altulatits.Cortvevaricer,Sce.,,Szc. ,Ofilet on Broad way,VillageofKincardine . 9:9 • • • ' 1 b1II.&ame., ±. 411.0313IISSIONERO1'. IN THE COURT b Queen's Bench,Cortveyanher,&c. A. Reg ,iqtrrApiiii•of Tani. kid Toytit I.Jot..1 tot Salo; par - flies havtne. lots for sale,. or desiring to purchase, 0911 &Sig sendlidt',part.euhue. • •. Dungannon 'Feb 20 1857 ' 9:9 ir.A.ELN:Icty pEismo-tvIENTAL, attiamentary Oti3jernaCip rITLAITSA;f13rsT-111:1SINIISS' WETWTffE royfra,LAn4s,ar4 ether- Government De- ' moritsf Takes dutPieents for braftss.nd takes chorgeofPritia&Billidnnarg the " Session, &c e, 3re. foa'Parzfes residing in • *mar Canada. or elsewbere. aw105 . .401' E -.WF1.0-XETER. S-nuateci on the Grate! • Road running frsom -1- SeafortIti..to Southalupton, one mile 'north ot where leads oitio eViii-rnT_ettoer, and any one tray- _ Belmore talltertnn Southampton . . ()rimy place in t tat direc•ticn;w1,1 find tuq-0101110- dation stain h • only exilects to firidat Arst glass city hotels, III al revects. . ICE- A1,11-7.ttYs ON HAND YU It HIS Trout-rshing Friends YuE is(is Eis LENGTIL OF • • IIUNDR D IND FIFTY FEET CHARLES DAYS, - Proprietor.. klv46-I. • ' . • ROYAL 110 -TEL, HMT htLoN. - THIS First (is House has changed 'hands, 1, and has bee eniirely:refitte It is tiow one of the largest, elegant ittiel most comfortable Ho- tels itt the Pi ovinee„.ani1 neither pains n or exp -use will be iepared 'col -make it worthy of the patron age - of the traveiling mhIie.. Permanent ISOarders taken,eithef with Or with Out rooms, at re.siniable rates. . . C.: W. MCGRTDPE 13,11trinib usses run to and. fro on arnval and departure of 'trains. .• - • Hitinfltoti3Oet , 25, 1,864, . • - • 4 _ Coassuserett JOIIN.1110 Preprietor. This iS the tamest and, est Country Rotel in Wettern Canada, and cha e-esas moderate -lig -tiny Elms& 1U.NliiefiellSta.tt Proprietor. GOO abling for 100 abases. Horses and,Carriages for Hite' on . tile`Sfrortest N %Aire 147 GPDERIC.H. r.fr '1:Z1 • MARL..1 WOKS W. 0 ••!=r • = 4 -• • onu j• .m _ . 'Men S 71-.RELEAVEN •, • =TO.MbS 7q 1 reSs r.e.t •c=1 stonos s zr..z. 6.i.ete, Tabia- ons, et. .4,41 'GO --ER1:411, C. -• ' Deaf AL., KiND IN It -Nr, ATELLERY.. EVERY DE egivitON OE •REP_Alg- ixa done and warranted, Jewellerymade to order.Weddinglongs of tny own make cOh- stasttitept nn, hand l t heo_d-statiel, nektiiroor to thz_t_ _tSt.1 natogce - I 11 BIiE1LS 1.4Er.00. .:78TONE )1117: -1110KSOli ‘` TEE iztEGLALio, of 7 u. BUTLEISS. ziPoir:a.,G1-..A.miwinsib! GOdeySI . Leslie's, -, and Petersen's,: for October. all: ---------------- -reeeived' i. • ' AT BITTItEL:IrS.--... , Deb= prat For Sale, --1, OF ERSwillbe received -by the subscriber -far. the) DurehoseI Of $500- worth Of Dchfillltireii cit the yillage of Kincardine,. being. for the -pea. chase 1 of a polio ,Ceiiietert! , The Debentures arpa.jab1eOntle gOth January,. tit6fi't-ann have s., cnupo ettaehecg-for the tanynient of miterelibalf yetilii on the -14th ttitys -Of .January and 3U - in each 'ear. ' . - ' • ' . . _ : i .[Witt, SUTTON, Reeve, - .. . E.t.a ardine Mpicb ?-3th.186t. .5w60.414 •, ' • undersignet having 1.3een appointee Agen t for th e above highly resoeetabit uompanies,4prepareato accept tiothi'ireahe Literisks, a Moderatt rates ot ereini ern ' lit- ROSS lode-ieh 3t ' • •r12aiD. B-OVILL. insurance Comp'ny • F.1".R AND LIFE, CAPITAL -TWO MILLION DOLLARS, 1Ocanizettl4.11 Ftinds on hand, $5 000 000. Annual Income. ----Exceeds $2 500 000 • FP E Insurancesielli-ted if the LaIrESI consistent with safety. • - • • Life Insurance --Ample See...gity.- LA-iiFIZ VOTE'S A VD g J 4'ES /A mosr •'ENO Losses Promptly Settled Without -RefeTenc; to a Board of Directors . . .CIIABLES 'FLETCHER, • Agent. Goderieh, Max, 1864. w15 • - _ ALL-- A S -S Li NG 7 ON AllE WIT H. PR F I PLAN • Before the 2511i Instant with TaEC COLONIAL LIF -ASSURANCE- CO. WIII reCelVe TWO years' Bonus at the Winn!" * of Profits N'EST YEAR. ' • • ±W. M., RAMSAY, Manager for Canada. .•, . • Insiiector Of Agencies.. ',For Rates' and' Prospectuse14, apply to • J. I); BLACK, Agent. DR. MA6DO UG -ALL, Medieal Referee. . • ' ass 75w17inne5 . _ . _ GblitRIO_I-I :PANNING MILL AND • 1-:1.ittiiip IlFatotoz-y . SUI3SCRIBERREGS TO 1T(-) RM 1: the in h abita its of t -he Pop lilies et Ilitron ind-13rnee that he is Kill Manuflieturing, and has on hand 'a number of his -- • • ' .SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS -&:PUMPS,, He would particularly dra* attention • to his Mills. as he will warrant them to free Wheat frpin oats-, cockle, chess, '5z:et. Pumps made to Order and warra nt0.. • • Faetary 0,71. NrfrOM Si.i b�tuen ;Viet -aria street and Cambria Road.• . • . Atio, ?gent for the Sale ,of Morgan's pretUitun. and patent): 1.1•LTI VATO Li which hag never vet failed to give general satisfaction to farmers. Who have used them. , HENRY D.ODD; Godericb April 22nd . 1964. 39 • NG MILL 1 Sash; Door, and SIM& streav. John. D/IcDonald 84 Co, T.TAXINGcompLE-Tho Timm ,NEW l'actory, are non preparid to take in orders to any extent. .ENIII-thetriong experience in the business, and having experienced workmen, and a first-class set of machinery, they flatter themselves that' they_xan do.ne •Viarc•rix., Asanit Ostahlislimentin.Canada. Partiesha.Ving ' 1.vork would do wel to tirtAL.3t....1151,a 41511z.,'•,1111:M• Ihereis also any quantity & 37.OULDPIGS, SASH; DOORS ALIACT1S11)- ON -..1-1AND , = • 'ley.also.offer ToCiitpentersSibuilders LIRERAL: alscifuNt FOR THEIR WWII(' 'FERMS, I • wittaii4OlittinotIOA =net b_e-CASII." D3-.1tediembertheplace: Clairprz.r.efAri.9/4 Flax- ' • C odetich 46th August. 1861. 30 ±i±ir oft ±ff! '4Ffis eig rti Business-Mirrtorn.• c• DRUGS, DitUGS ! .11., 1V) • (Suecessortolt.B,ROynolds) IVICe d i ft al. II ail., ii6 - Court -House Sysarti, oderich, DISPENSING CHEMIST- DRUGGIST. Dealerin, and lnip011erol GIENUIINE , G- S .Perizt rooth.,r arkil Nita :Brushes - - PAINTS, alms, coLoos, DI Fro asE sr. CATTLE 5 EDICINES _ . . DARDEN SEEDS, & • Orders from•IVIedical. men pun4ually attendeti to at Lo -west Trade Pi lees. N.B.-Physician's •Prescriptio is carefully dis- pensed. • -Gealerich.Jart. 0:1858. LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT!, ROCK &-COA OILS. • :Burt4ng Fid,La p Foe Sale by , F. JORDAN... (rockmch,Jan. 17.'1;59. 50 DE N'TIS T CABIRETWAIIIHOUSE _ • Dr. T. B. Moiltsomery,- • • .. •••••.. • STEAMER 'CAKADIAN rein as follows for .theixdanoe.of thel • seson - VOL. 3.--N026. I GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK 1 NO CATCHING HIM. We have all heard and read of a reverend "Soapy Sam," and perhaps seen his likeness in the dramatis person& of the world. -t - Ammer the tales tbut have been current in my day of this latter personage was one which eons; 4tred him to a finft-elass carringe, on a very full railway train, in which them was a deficiency of room. All the seatswere lull, except the one opposite to his reverence, - and to thst. Jur Ins better comfort. he tad cbusigned his holy legs. It so clike6tt -Veer a gentleman, like a great •many menitent of the House of Commons, in sehreli of a place, louked iu at the door of the carriage, addtessing the Bishop, asked Linz if the seat opposite to him was was occupied. he"ddgi=c, / % ine replied that it wns, The seat seeker closed the door, anti had to travel in a second dabs cart iage, ihere being no room in those of the fiist el. is. it Deems that he entertained some suspicious as to the tiuth of the *newt?' he bad received, so wiieu the train stoppedle a,iiiiii ran.e to the window and looked in. lie , behe:d the ecclesiastic Still maintaining bit position. •My lord,' he mied in great nags nation, 'at least I expected the trutle.front ; The Fashion Magazine for the Worrd you. You told inc that the seat WO I i ••..:-- tak.iend.ild' • not,• was the sotrewhat ieiniticalj ,LITPIATURE, Fine Arts, and Fashions. The most nannifieent Steel Engravings. Amble .3.e„i--.. mei with much ameerny I replied lu the atfir- . • y 'You risked Inc ti that was *ear, • Fashion.Plates, . CinFliet knitting, Netting,Ein-' .1. . . . . - wc,1:4 - • mative. I regretif my adhering so strictly f roidery, Articles tor the Toilet, tor the •Parlor, .• • to facts should have caused ,yon any :acacia- ' the Buidoir. and the Kitchen. ._ qverything, in I . - tad, to make a -complete Lads.'isBotik:' : . The Lady's avert e or a y ars .1 - f 'F . 't f ' 3' e ' f't t ts a no -use to attempt to - catch. Aim ••• f ••• . •• No Magazine has been able to- compile with it. OuV grumbled the tiaveiler -as he retired; it Leaving Goderlehifor Iiineardine , _ None attempt it. - • I had told MID that once 1 hadbeen surprised at seeing_ het im playing at AmSally Reading, it being an occupation scarcely bre ,coming his hlv oprofession, he would have • AND SOU' irlIANIPTON •,EVERY •Monday Vietipe,sday, and May at / a. ni„ RETURNING SANE DAYS LEAVIN,G GODERICH Oft : few .e/A_ mak ihi• ..LEv.""cjim _ --MONDAY' AT 1 10 4tiP•Clcacsir:.; lc). ni. :t ANEVERY :ift liUMEA.I.L, - . Coderich. October 601 18h - • crortio-Y,8 itECE:TPw's _ for every department of a houseuhold Th(ei-i-e alone are Worth -the price of thet ' ok14oa , Cottages (no other Magazine 'gives thein), with replied that his health required museulitz - eryise; that it was_but a constitutional StlYy and that for .the moment he wentimotrainiegt to better his conditum to do good. You met get the better of hiniin anything•-•Grantlev 4 Berkey. diagrams. Drawing Lessons for the- young •-s• Another specialty with Godey. Original Music, worth $3 a year.. Other .Magagines publish old worn-out music ;;but the subscrieets to-Goeey get iVbeilire the music stores. Gardening, tor Ladies: Another peculiarity With Fa-h- ioas twin blessra, A. 1'. Stewart & Co...of N eW York, the million aire mere h a nt s,appear in tile -only Magazine that has thetn. A lso,Fashions from the -Celebrated Brodie,of.N.iew York. Ladies/ Bonnets. We give more of theilt in a year than any other Magazinelb fact, the --Lady's Zook enables: every lady to be her own bonitet maker. ia-nway tri v-eo...!.i..i 6. 2..t..h...Le -eo- uth.• • A refugee,vIose storyhekewy),k I - Meld tells, gives the following seem:int of ' IsAnum KARL AND, - railway travelling is theAmith: - 4 '1 - Authoress of cc Alone,' cc Hfcidet, Path,:" cc Moss 82F50rownT41:lacovhdeertoait Richmondexlieuset: e twit: is.wvieiangbeik: ., 1 Side," "Neinest:y3 .‘ Miriam," . in tie or six days. if no;accidenti Inippri.-ao tangtesazfi°nre.G. °dWeevhealPhve alinso°nrcilita'inaedndall° orunrooldwahnedr : so* peaches an the road at the foe 0firgi favorite contributors. . three to lbur dollars a dozen. One of 11.4 distinctive featuies in pastAays was doticitil - l'ERM8 OF fields, spreadinit ont over hundreds -of arias ' GOOEY'S, LADY'S BOOK:FOR 1865 I their .miteses of green glittering leavels,where- (From which, the,t' cent &vie Deviation .) upon myriads of boles like so matiy.fialteg aer .rinoW were gently 'cradled by • I.he imeinne at the following .rates. Due notice will be giien foi• 1865, A.t. present,ws will leceive subscriber's The following are -the le. LadY's13t")11 Cbloereriztied'IdNa°11:trucehoraniglike idnoswtregzheeatedi.otnerinz, If. weareobliged to advance, winch will depend and plain. - rhe corn Leroy is good throughout' upon the price (zipper.. . the bouth,,aud there is no fear. of 'starvation; . -One copy,. one year.......... ',.•..,-. 83.00 One .'ear only is allowed for - passe:wept , and. , Two cogie.s, one year .--. .. ••••• • . • 5 00 .. blessed is the man who has a lady in thizrge,- "-- 'I hree copies, one Year • • • • • .' • . • • 7*°° ' for he is admitted into that e. zr The li'- fie- ' Four 'copies, .one year. ". ...... .. . • 10•00 tor goes into the teidief:4 ear, .oereiostand_,3 sw63.wii. i . FAiv:o teh,reperinr, rs,cofie endingsveaaridtahneceixtitbr,aerkrny_ . or sit on the floor, for they are nearlyslwayal .--ing six cepieti , e .,. .. . . -. .•.... 14.00 ovetrrowded: There is „so inueb travelling, i tight copies one rar, and an extra for the sake of ' visaing iiounded tokheht i*J1 I riaPkYi tit; LI° ePe:Pniessend In•g-t'he' 'c';111'1): 2"° bongtesItangndreulaptztershwotu hrs aabsiue-7enelti:itab.PateestaisellthiLtig, etribl.thttle.:.!: Eleven copies one year. and sn Clara .2 inaking'tteelve copies , ....."? .. 27.60. -always to be •depended upoo. co0Y-io the person sending the club, , rrraint Connect s-u'Abseddriitbeiorn,s tea odnieyyo,pf tLhae4sylrei,s vlelokini:0,dSiA.60nieluncelts‘i 1 Tlig OLP COCNTRIes -.-.CiCall ;Wdea * Poilt. receipt of $4 5o. WC have no club W1111 ply Home Magazine will be sent, each one 3-etir, on "- land is with a hungriPopuiatipn,.. five Ter M other agazine crNewspaper. The monee must cent. of her 10048 not wider cultivation, Tel the proportion of cultivated land 182 itikhlirlit essAtuullbsebacberrsiibebeenrrt14. inuAtild811:411nstidin2: eeforntsc".118Ydd'ettil°u'llblfe:Ieleacdha- lEnuRginsansdia!Ille4san thanii t I enretSbftertiliPhile sollt;Itirtri: 7 eultivation; inSwetlen only enelieventkl in" ' !nues.tfriotiia aithidi llliainopritodrieong 6e-tfiiii-tfttotrmSbondwbatirevoinnithaf 1,, There is •realfy no tied or sgniciem.,- - In England, as -Appears by a. inirlianuiusareie43 port, there are sixteen - miiijon0 lot seirea,b wholly unprOuctiVi'that us,ight fry made prOdurtive. The -region Why aser:osolturILliethey rioiiaeredetialeilleiosedlashaprt;a0 tpredirolvis. a . ib min be sufficiently reclaimed *to.pran90 ..se, pitying crop, they become sub)eet utitlseilit.' tax. Sent*, only men of IA* espitil deli : undertake the task, and they prefer tokhresilt their capital where_the return Is ;non ospeedi and mire certain. chilinra.88jorAail2f INreTmllIaOrrkEs %sot ATmolignothora.11T.41341-;gfrh; . worthy of note in the captureof Shinsoniesin• is the fact that the best guns mounted upon tha.forts were all found to be* °faunae!) mannfactpre. This shows' thatl -en was tilstr case in China, so it is in Ispiii-the *idles. ell:Oielilie7svoedfaTiat;tiwweaYafpret tiihweaseareitaff4111141, 5,W/71:-!* except their usurpation -ofsonse laud,* ow, : of i 1iiitdliede tanlYserlati-lrt4ellieenceeksoft. cearectkastil"141*.fr : tel•forilif i their sick, and, having hoisted, the . flag, refused to leave the piaci •after p an ent interval had elapsed for2aby'xibie'ithet - brought an shore to -have recruited.,, !Thiel was discovered by some of our who happened lo be cruising about -the Russia is nut likelyto he scrupulnits• ill tesitetol. ing out on. eastern pelicy in ckh.. 4040poic.1 We can lee that Already. The only" 'gterlitiOn . is : Has she any relations with Japan,, and ir- Ito; what are they? ' ' ' ' -''' * ' -I 4 . - • ---• - '' , - carE otpAs.T. fN TH 1701.TNTY.:, . , 1 D. GORDON' , ,,. ciiivils-iEli.7-A1... 11-1:.; it ' AND U-NOERt KEIR, Manufactures atm has now on h.tnd a complete assortnient Of Furniture, at his !Wart:rooms, . . . . WEST STRZET- GdDERICII SUCH BE - Sofas, Bureaus, Tables, Bedsteads. Hair, Cane and W•ool seated Chairs, pilt Moulding and Looking'Glaskes, in vriety, of ' Time Alanufa,clute a$ j -Imported ; ! ,. ItD. Gy as always on hand sortmerit Ci -f COVFIKS.. ' Ali TO HERE.• - . CI:.; La tither and" Cordweed change for Furniture; -- Godertch, 27th Oet.. )863. Complete as- -HEARSES • taken in ex w27 WANZERIAGOIS: GENUINE CANIADIANIPATENT .SEWING • *A0,41.N.Es A' T THE i'llOVINCIAL EX lEITION held Ilavetakenthe Firs Prizes .• ia ontreal, SepteMber .I4t Iftth; lath, and 17th, 1863, ,- over all others and also at the Pro- vincial Exhibition held in.N.ing on, September 23rd, and 4th and 24tb;. isso. • 1.'sizes Of a standar diaracter wcre also awar ed -to us at the ProVinciii Ex hibitron held inJor" ntir It462.and at -the 'Provineial Exhibition held It London, in Prices . hate teen. Great y Reduced.1 1861. • . R. ZE &No, Hamilton... ABRAHAN- SDI If _ 5 Agent,' East Side 31trket Fquare Goderieh ov. 27. 1863-f SW215W2 . • SURGICAL KEOHANt3AL INT rr S rJr, COIJRT HOUSF -GODERICH • (nocms OVER r, piatuAtos nitro STOUR, trAVINO taken advantage 'of the deprecia- tion Of American curiencyand purebated asery large and select eitoek Otdental material -Jet zreatly reduced prices is nos:* ri.vep.a:ed to do all (w;aciftlikdapelitaming .to the p_rofes, mon in a - skillful manner, and at prices not to _be eompeted With in 4 Dr. -Montgomery solicits paiticular attention to , . , -LIST -OP PitICES, Which are lea than hart uf the Beautiful ripper Setts, on Vulcanii Rubber. 'from. . . .... . DLoo‘nibeler Sit) 00° " Partial setts ()lone toot14. . Bo " 100 " 100 " 2t. 4c, if erfillillp ill prOpOrt100. I training_ teeth 25- SlIppi of Tooth.PowdersGudi Washes,, Toothache. Drops. 'rooth Sotips. &c hand. .- Etherand Chloroform adininistad when required. V. 11 -.--Nb charge for extractingl insert -ed Parties not wishing th dtill fume anifieialteeth inserted References are kindly illp•es. E. L. EIS.-ood. A. McKiddl, rich; C. tsher. Brantford ;1.A W. Sims, Dungannon ; P. A. 1 (1,,Shannon M. D.. Hantilt %%IR. Seaforth ; S. E. doil • ILL. Hunter. -M; D-.- Toro), field' : J.13: Meacham, D. 1), Albaugb, Chicago; J. MeDor 0, liuo.ball; Esq., W. Seym Esq , .1.V. Deice, Esq., Ira erie. h. 'May 23ird. 164. former prices. . . $15 00. upward's!' t• For each additional tooth Pivot teeth, each..............-_. Beautiful Hold Fillings - • 14. A...00DEY. N. E. Corner Sixth and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia. Nov., lfithz 1864. . sw21w42 _ iumong ot Cattle.' On this subject -Mr. Archibald McDonald tilos writes. to the Morning post :-The con- stitution of cattle is 'often ruined by their be, ing kept out in the fields during the inclement months of the winter: A. tow should never be cauglifiri a cold night, for a certain con- sequence is an immediate depreciatimi of the quantity of the milk, and an injury .to the cow, and if 'suckling the-ottlf, to that slam.» But, I may baasked, is it not for their nature to be out at night 2 n was; butby the im provements in breeding (which have made them less hardy,) and the artificial grasses viten teeth aro to be - • ' old teeth extmcled r them. • ,. eriatted to Jones. ?e York; Dougall. M. 1/.. G , Goderich ; dren, M. D. Lon - ,;.J. Birch Bruce- ., Brantford; W. Id, Esq, Sheriff; I., Esq., J.. -Fair, wis, Esq., Gode- .1. 11 tiElt-MARBL alt.! WORKS D.:CS:Mt:114A. .:SAltie'eCOENete:4•ELL.'i MONUMENT'S, OMBS-TONES, tt style of sorkmao.ship. Airmailed on Posts, &c.,_ of eve. V description and ' short notice? and al the lowest prices. •Lifieral reduction made toreaah. \ ALL.01IDER8 l'UNO7eil.LLY 177tliDEli 70 D4igas of•Manurn tits •may be seen at the shop.. . Eseter. October 184-1864. w12,1vr of 1100101IN INC-. ETAi.vr.No:. made arringem nrs with ,Mr. D. McG-11..EpOlt, Book-bni r And Menefee - twine Stationer. (who" his la ely' return ed- from Phila- with large stook of 13italinrand other teriai), prepare -4 F.ornish Stinks 4)001 kinds. site and styles with andLwita.. out Printed lieadings,! at .ten 4ier cent cheaper than Toronto priees. ' • • ' All kinds Binding riGt givingsatisraction will be repaired free -of charge. • • • JOHN BUTLER. D. McCONN ingGs to notify his patrons LP country that he nies,renteni WORKS to. _ Exeter,.. County , . Where he will open with:a I :01Ce - Seleeted:ty Idols:drat the /*mei - he will be prepaiedl TOMBSTONES, :.; MO fire.,:iniotiletslotiint*sivery varet prices as cheap as can be got JP Ordera.tront peons in 1.; ode& mg country will be thankfully re work delivered with promptness * Ezeter,Sept. 30,1664. . . LI, throughout the, 'his MARDI -it Huron,- rgejtock of ! ;. Lquarries,anfi werktinin - UMENTSf Of. tittle, Staid eapardonsuinrroikee.0.4. eived e_ad s36 141 'OR SALFi _ Appt5 to GRACE. . GodirieliciClar.111: 1864.-----1 „ '11,ECtlITZ -1047..k ,w=k14 11•1,4 DAwitcdogivy. 4 Goderielz, Nov. eth? I861. 6w124t • they eat it 18 no Ringer so. A highland cow eats the natural- herbage of. the hills, and knows for houre before a storm is eoming, . and willfeed on fora considerable .distance, till it reaches a place of shelterfrotiz the cold. Bring that same cow from its natural grass, feed it on ours, confine it itt a 'field where it cannot obtain shelter, and it--wilt-soon be in a worse condition than when hrou,glit here.. It must be housed at night, in a building .completelyenclosed and properly ventilated. I have noticed in many tairtfl of the country cethIaptt•edf)atatereninnegvebrulloolicskesd(atthonlegbst:all-Ifehdirtexis- i.BE eicw. ..i. ogc puyr......The _...voi 1.4* covered shed for those •erectedst one aide of a most improper planio.iveTathe_nreigshhtoutoldesebfie aa papers the -field. closed atthe back and: ends but open in front. and divided into compartments previous to being.given. prineipal huildinge of that -CiiY: neat 1111 * 1 .eneerrniejdrig-, Ian to burn tb be , f vity.x...1 '' n' The -,: let to burn the hotel* arid I;Iii" 1 tbc , , are filled with exciting, repoitt few handfuls" of bah and two ordinary sized forturnips.earh s-;ni clel do ciku 8. t I adopted this method with the worst half i3aciatoouutrigets:hdeecilarpopeths: ittowhasa:13,bestaim of:scielthatii: inflict damage upon the goal. r The plfii1;:, either the more easily to effect -fob , ditty zfedwenthetsh tes,aedaob uad threaten the pe et .taiplel SonsratorOsi ve the; pi 43;lPe 7011811:0ht-./Ticie 1.4.874171.11411,0) ' 'I 4' Nov.-Boisde FAA, township of Levet, toiroship of Greettockt.MOrrdito ship of Sehastapool ; NOrt.11 14-tr4, taNnairptse of Bruce; Old Montrose, township 91 ncy 7. Ontram,township of Brant; 8t..r township of $t, Dennis ; Willi:411000j ItisOalf if ship of Pittsburg. Thdfollowing Post Officea hate.. '- ' ' ''''''I October, 1864; Boyne, _tfoidtpilsisetclikt; continued:-. Bennett, County .s..iedrietniet,mheinr. Airrutslituera,Raatikpipne,aMrs. P. Pt;:egeniceerawi yisist:tryNkle:Th, e.i:nrti,e,1:8,464:41:irraDeelaponzietnndaterkie::190014:n. it,1:071,1t:titz superintendent, .and. a nutriber of A:leen:Hain tltoont,hil:Ny80:_t.v,i186450-fit:villraaadain704:147-4_,4, sYh7trrlikePsaoPfeSrs5.0 ell:111.-CaTPikttl prospectus Tielc°;:u'it:In'yoslw.n: : of Xit Ewmosve.F.A0:13"eG---1"41.4-4.1""4"2:048:er4s$14 41-..:b? ;-..1'1P-71111' --" This company is'forined for the purpose 1 °lac nPianrgClilaasinclnsgal' nvid°ri.rligihntgslinsetilhie413'ritish Prov- I r.aiiiier,,-,.:::.,::::::„..,:iisiutPhitlaggalOgr the richest geld lands of the. Chandiere sold ionceesowatindernvefignbetiborryhei.h.fil:caenlitthieosu;ond acres of anueacvi Imbed :noemfn orisare:wituoterooy , district of Canada which have been selected " with the greatest 'rare, and after-ahundaut evidence of their richness in gold and other illrecions metals. They contain nearly 70 biliyi7sadaopfteridveter fthroentmago:tffpproo du uset urtevaem asnadmicLecrao. nomiearmining. The company has organiz- of knee Highland _bulloelcs,,-alloWing the better half to lie eat all night. At • the end 7 offive Months those housed Were pronotinceg by competent jud,ges to he worth three pound per head more than -the others. A steward to a noble lord writes to me :. I adopted . your Om with a part of my bullocks, ' and. now at the end of one month,1 consider those. housedare -worth LI more than the others. - In future, I shall take care ilieose alt my cattle:- If theabove remarks are true ra reference to winter exposure in the climate of Great Thitain, bow much more- plieable must they be to the more -rigorous climate of Canadti. • RECIPROCITY MINING COMPANTI C. E. - The prospectus of this ictompany, or which Mr. -L. E. Chittentien, of New York, itir Pre jinl Hie past:few weeks hu CalledrPitil"filo Costlymiting &wit befere -ARV' To _Ores, they. laugh -at the rn season, and only dread_thevettarrelsOof approaching_ tour of picket or Naturally' enonffi, the can*. -rain drops- has she. tendency Ad and their value and the trustees -beni'iereat feelings op thelari4 edgier the rnost thorough qaminatilln of thelands a confidently -believo their productiveness, which has. been f!illy Mite& l'irOVe them equal th if not superior, to e riche* places Cali- fornia, both in gold bearing quartz lodes stid alluvial deposits. They have on hand and on exhibition gold enough, recently lined upon theirown property, to doily -establish the value of their stock. This company 15 treat upon favorable terms with_ persons- desiring to lease or parchaie mining righti.'k Moire. Hata, 18 Will street, ittew York are mew for -the: comps. • • Therefore, very little -firing hes_ &wiz ouriines the past fortykulgilt •TRE' tAS:t14* 1.414 liredivete. Comadisioner of palitiu WoOFst from an . inePectiOS' Ale and St. Liewreatie eatiefitc-47TWAistrk (.1eeTeuillit t•11**Rillg, illY0"44 and bringing It down.tce the ley* oC :ltrie, au as fp adinh its materna * Woniklerably wifiticel god 4difiki inesleesupt, - The fauns, reefor " t• •