HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-11-25, Page 41.4 • ■ SPRINC STYLE HATS' FOR alta.. VERY CHEAP. isett14, re:). . A M. SAWA z= $t 1erials" March 15th, 1864: a+►56: G eaeratilt Edt eatiO Leorehrc rED BY • - MR.AND 'MRS.. SHERLOGK,: 3 -ORIS. s `>Etl ET 1 AI course of instruction includes English•, as in first-ciA. Schools in EN tartd..`• taught8 French, Musty (Piano -Forte, Ungar and. Sing- ing), thawing,1.,anev Li `ork Arr. Young ladies *hose etliumt=on: has been neirlectesl s 111,receil the grek, est attention. -TERMS KNOWN' ON APPLICATION: Pitrio Fortes. tstned,end a large supply. of :O=usts by the best, composers tor ;ale.. • • Goderielh, Sept. I9.: F 64.•. - - a 5 IS:AAC,FREDRICK M "Nr TO ftt MTSSfZ$t OLD STAND. AF WA of 1.00 acres of laid, 51 miles from rt 1 .ERICH,_ 60 aeres cleared, with -good .rolids I ailing thereto. Time wilt be given tor a ..Targe p r ton of the . purchase money.- For fur- : ther particulars apply . toJ. B. GO121H)N, Esq.,. Solicitors t*oderich, or to --- Wilt. SEYMOC•IR & CO.- .Goderiilh. 9th Noveinber. 1.563. w4I-tt- : FAR Vt FOR SALE w i \Ciel; ' .°A ushi of Ho T Con Lpo L tntle,lrom Wroxeter, on 3 THE GR=AVEL ROAD. Log house end barn; ' ARE - LE D 28C 92 A . RES,29 Apply to - r B. M - : i HOli:1S '.Es . l .V.x • Godeii4h: Feb 26. 1864. 5sw51-1.1 THE -SEMI-WE' KLY 'S E-Ait -• a r r - NONEY ' TO• LEND Farm inBosanquet_ - 4 ON IMPROVED FARMS= FOR SALE D 117 • GNAL. OF READY -M4 EE CLarm G, &O. WEHAVE L NSTO II V KILL i K D WHICH WESELL AT A STOCK, AN IC WI 1 sR;E S i3 .1 Ta , a 6Under-coats, 87erco is . 30 - r 1<ft. . Overcoats, ,Pal BPAlltsr •F y Vests, Fifty Flannel Shirts, M , AT 8 PER••--CENT•i- OIL TO? T .4i E'. . pAR'p1i tiriiesirbus of obtetiiing ,M t: Ceclor ford c.ngand L'nildtngpurpoapa •. -ALSO, - iIE'UNDERSiGi 1SU offersfor sail gr inlet be supplied tit any quantity, & nn rettrona Some le Invest in Town roperty:terms, by applying to Tat 20, 12th con,. tts t=ttship of' Bosangtiet, >F-- Countyof Lambton. ` Thelarm consists of J. B.; GORp,AN,' God - ri e.ch Houee.'and Lot for Saler • ABRI ;fir COTTAGE on the Southerly por-. do of Lot 880, HAI MILTON 'STREET 1 • WITH GOOD - EDT ELT% Barrister; dyc.,1Gotlerich.: - 1 64. QNE :HUNDp•ED AURES. six= of wliich are:cleared.. and situated near a TA LNStation of the G, T.Railway.. There is a. LOG "D73TELLIitTG .TT(T S0 AND .;FRAME . . .gam .AT _ '7 1?MR c r,TT, ON IMPROVED FARMS s • •QcrIen SC31le, 'tt t u 1 °. — Apply to - Parties .in quest of such' articles will find . • - 'BA on the'iot: RN WELL TIMBERED* WAILER'D For particulhra apply to • _ :5i. C.-GORDON, Goderich P.0 • August 11th, :1864. . w27tf • r .. 0 -DEt'-G'RNS HIS MOST SINCERE mob for the very flattering et3couragent belga receivedsince he commenced business in Gedto rich, not being able to execute over one-half the orders' brought -to -him sla=t sett ion havens ° now secured faretltttetyfar.. F fan .- • ds -1 rS-a,IeAD. o. jariyio fitesijely illness. - - SoliottOr, - West Street, office over R Booth's t d 6 first-class- i - L u n H rots nti 90 ac U & s s 7 to res m e I R 7 tip ore or less situate Andes .,li, be eY li yr A p R Is Dry Good .Stdre. OT;o. 2, in the 3rd con: of Astthc d. County of an ism dying "none 'lint E T .VALUE' FOR -TI EI . MONEY, • Jr., .& Co.'s. • • Twelve Very e ve Pieces Canadian. Tweeds, Cheap. Cana a Py • 300T -[OUSE and OUTBUILDINGS, at p%esent- occupied try Thos.. Wcatherald,Esq.; - _ price' TWELVE HUNDRED DOLLARS Por further particulars apply to M. M WE Z HERALD, Goderich; Or - WjLLIAM PERCIV AL, Esq., Ainhe.rat lslaiid.;, Gculenc, October 17th, 4864. awl3=tf • ANOTHER hOT OP 3OJO'rs A:1 F.1 S I6 --mss ON THE • WAY. -D. KERB, Jr., & Co.-. Goderich, C:- W, Nov: 4th, 1664." West Street. [w7 1r esmet3e Goderich, Jun 9th, 1864. sw81 iv20-tf witlan .oue'mile of the Villa a of Pori Albert, aril .nine second o none in the,Province, liayin learned otr - - g g • from Goderich:' Soilrollhtg, and d>eantiful sinew entenely and snecessftllt dpi rill flats adjot»ni$ the.8 mde neer, which boas across xhe sout}iesit a=nti , Tdtis is arare i" rincipallyst-:class customers, " 1 b bee M N Y , Po chz} tet l,eui convert: - 'endo arke nada 008 g utter in one of thePrincipalEstionsaments tel g gravel root} flit iota patio U S • e MS. • of 3100' and u wards - advanced o - $.1.3.14 Lotn6, IC, cote 3, Township of W awanosh'' ilisceruing pubic that. qxi hate ar, this season. - ... • _ ci nbuBhs Scotland, feAr .r`s1 ti.to.:si ' B1 11L' ST 1T wohout oelay , $ jvel red; borrower. Applyto an one mi a rom thee to th t±0un oftlurou Navin i5•acies clear. l timbered.; CLOTHING CAN 3E :: to BE SHAW k SIiuGLAIR. Pariofiot B. in the Township orbolhor ke: County f' Huron, containing 261 acres. _'Millis beautiful ocntea : +. ' Goderich, "1st July. 1864, •i - w23 $iii:' ciEitlte Northern gravel =Tod, opposite the t*iiiage of lilt=s esfabIisfiinie ntegfial tothe heli =1 ista alish.. Unborn, having."a good frame house and barn. also :a n1Ani in Toronto or141on;teat MoneyQ / sprin •ercekpassuignear the dlling, wthin `2 mies •codertch. Pt.30 663. _ w- iw41 -to end` bfGo erich: - • _ L r ! Lots numbers 31.82:29ond 28-eentaining:e.act one fifth • of anactein the Village of il1lburn, on the Northern Gravel Road, and within 2 Miles of_:Goderich. • HE subscriber lias$20,000 to loan on reason- - - Also two excellent lots in Bridge End Place township _ able terms. For particulars apply to . of Colborne. SvhiclrYillege is situate•onthe 3anksofthe. i H DACE HORI. ON. Maitland and adjoiningthe Town.:of Goderich. Goderich, 19th .August. 1.864•, . . W30 iii For particulars apply,.ji b3 letferpost-paid, to _ . • . GEO. IIA.WICINS, - Wit. BABERTSON, M ON EY- . TO LEND: •Port Albert, Gaoler, Goderich. March 24111,1864, ' w9,nv60-tyr$t4 Fail .for Sale. RS ! FURS ! ! F0RSU! EIG IIT PER CLNz AT - NEhu dyed ac•res,. more or less, being com- • WATCHMAKER •&.JEWELER 'WEST • ST. . GODERICH,, . u Next door West of Mr. Stotts' Saddler}. MLT. Stns ttr ' .'? - s EWELR , Il AIt .HESt CLOCKS AND J Y - - RE1'AIRE1) Uri .sk•IORT N0T1C , 1'n the best Style.. & Warranted, 1L$c,. A COOL' CiSpitt'.Y-E,\T 44old Piloted Jewelry. Watches., Clocirc . S e , Are t Constantly cm_ hand and warranted to be as iepreaen*ei if -not. money refunded.' tioderteh duly- rah. 186• , r-16H3t posed iof south halt : of lot Twenty-six, con- ' on- - 'ceQsionTijree,.To% nship of Morris.. Sixty acres • ;leered aid well fenced -=within one mile ofthe' Seafurth: ravel Road, with school on adjoining' lilt. ,-Two G: oil Wells of Springy .-Water. Good Log House- and good_ Frame Barn and' 1 Stable, alio a good young orchard :with trees ticj,r:ng I, Tertit.' tide Lnown by applying. to GEORGE t a - r letter O Bti. r on it andAU1• >< R o ,1 b P : Y Y (post-paid to Dingle P." O., Huron County. . . -Morris, ebbe' 2.4..1864. w40-tf T•O EI: RTSL_ EXCELLENT .1 `LIES SHOT GUNS, - TAVERN STAND ! O\ SISTIN G of TWI LVE:ROOMS, with PISTOL. R c...S e.• , a':N\D MADE T1:1 ORDER, ciil'INTOSIL Upposite.the `I3rl;et.` A11 kinds of repairing done on most reasonable terms:. . Goderich, Augtst_2nd, 1S6t'. sw94 TT. MEMO ink. German Mini Bock Fitch R IN' SPITS O FA ,.to RENT, O.N-S.HARES! • THI+:UNDERSid-NEDwill :let his farm in tol- 1l borne, lots 10 and 11, 9th- con;,; either on shares or otherwise, as maybe agreed upon. The •One Hundred Dollars -and: u wards J' p LE _ T ck Nart n, . Ap.Ply to rSable,8>` is - Toils dc;MOOBE,`. British, 1t18 h, German Lamb in.Se Se$ , Solicitors. ' CRABB'S NEW BLOCK. • AN RCEIV`ED Y . • + W '& J KAY. G odericb, October 2•1st, 1864. wl0. Goderich, Sept, Sth, 1864. •1'33 tf Teacher anted ANT-14D,:a first or second class .teacher, for V Y School Section No 2, Colborne. A young inan preferred.. A pply to ELIJAH ,MARTIN; Trustees. PETER FISHER• Colborne, October;27th,1864. • w40-3t*o pum large large table Shed,p and Large garden, in the --Village of Bluevaie,•Township of Turn= `berry,and known t<<'the name of the BLUE- TALE JIOT.EL,`and in the occupation of :the propr4etor, a. -C. PIGS. The property: has large dditions and` improvements, and is worths th notice of ally -man who isseeking a holm.',-. ' H. C.PtGIL' October Sth. 186 ,1. ti:37ft FOR SALE. AN eligtb to property in the .Town of Goderich, const iris of a Lot and a half, with a Two tory Dwelling - House! LMRGE WOODSHED` & STOLE, cit'uated o:t, EAST STREET and - VICTORIA -STREET 'two leading thoroughfares) and on =1 E =VGA -E Street. • For eonritions, ofsale apply to Rev. C. Fletcher, the preen oecupent, or to Rev. \Viii. Ormiston, Hamilton Very favorable terms will be given for -CASH gar for good endorsed paper at short dates. Immediate possession will be given. _ Goderie ; Sept. 13th, 1864. aw3 3in*$p' • A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR SALE. 1. .Aerec in One:I3loch, ARGE - IMPROVED and cdnveiuently situated- alon he bank of the River Maitland, oppositethe Town of (Too tench and the Goderich_ Station of the Buf•• fain and l:ak`e IInroit Ratios . C.: OS . - 11 I FAC iTHER y, Apply. if letter post paid,. to J. B. GORDON. ESQ op ILL. ittx-DS os` - met Solicitor, Goderich C.W. r_ - sicn As - Bureaus,- Sofas, Lounges, bedsteads in end:ess variety, Wardrobes, Boot. Cases, .Mattresses, Center -fables, Vain_ 'rabies, Breakfast Tables, Toilet Tables, Wash_ Stands, Chairs, 'and many otherartie1e3 too numerous to Mention. Ail k-tuds Ot OC/T).. Y -[1u NI r -('ter: Promptly attended to. UPHOLSTERY.iu ali its branches.. UNDERTAKING, &c.,.&c Mr:. R. respectfully int ttes an examniatton or. hks tock- Warranted to be 'wide of the: best ma- terial and workmanship. - and at gristly reduced prices: Call and cow pare,. upd be sat.saed before going elsewhere.. . Cordwood and all kinds.of Farmer's Prb . dacetak-eain exchange, - • -' i Wareroom on. Elgin Street. Goderich. Marc h 24th. 1863.- • 8W59 • • • For Sale Cheap.„; T OT8 G., 8th con.." Bruce ::R0, -4th Kinloss ; 22, 1.1 9th .co i. Huron. Apply to .. 'M. C. CAMERON. -.C_oderiel ,, October 28, 1864.. , swi 6 • 'co OT.SN'D: AT DUNCAN'S OTII BOOT • • .i - !ND REVIEW at DUNCAN'S BOOT -AND SHOE STORE, G DERICH i Oil and see: the best -Stock of 11OM1-MADE WORK in the -County AN=1 = ' 411CD MR. '7111E1 ' T =zaM.. Thousands'- have tiA Dunean's Boots and Shoes,' and found them all, thatwas re resented;_ The -subscriber CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD by any one. :doing .a liegititnatepbusiness.— Remember the place- West- side of Market Squ4re; TWO DOORS SOUTH ofthe ` SICNAL'- OFFICE _ WILLIAOft- DUNCAN. sw64. Goderich, Sept. 20th, .1864.' O • 1! _ ili,Iq.4,IAP.IN,•4/1,w.Pi.h.ndM4AA41A/•JMeI,n.0IWIlY14 piy.1 . 00/"AlriPtaM nnIIE SUBSCRIBERS would beg to inform his customers and the.pi lic that his new prem ices ou East strr:et, .E THREE •;D 'OORS FROM`• •THE SQUARE, i o theDressing and gill be -o opened on first of June,for transiietin., the Wool-, Cardi .Cloth - Manufacturing business, in connection with bis WOOL. FACTORY,' where ail orders and work in the above business will be -unetuall `attended ikewis xo:. Le a sati=ety of P y , 'arm comprises TWO 'HUNDRED ' ACRES' 100 of which ars el eaved 'and 80 free of stumps. Well watered -within FIVE MILES OF GUDERICH, and only three Miles from two Saw -mills.- Barns, dwelling-house/4 Are. in good order. For further particulars apply -to ROBERT GIBBONS, Erg,., Goderich, or on the premises to DAVID CLARK. u36 -r _ Goderich, Oct- 3,1864 AID ARE" _ z _ FARM ° for BALE. • GR0 : E CRIE S .. Crockery, Liquors, f Provision luxn13er, • OR SALE, East half of Lot No. 17; eon. 3, K. Township of-WAWANOaH, comprising _ ONE HUNDRED- ACRES, FUR AND .)illi UFACTUREIL NVITETUNtATFENTIOi f OF-AUYERS ' to their ._i0BRiE S1VV 3f! GENTLE LENS' FURS, . LADIES' FURS 'VICTORINES,. 'MUF ; BoAs, LO'' E • , - fir V §.4I:APS, &3., SGC+. Buck Nits and Gloves, • /BUFFALO ROBS no clearance. Terms Iiberal. • Apply to the Executors ofthe Estate of the :late Win. Harris, FELT LLoim CAPS ANI) OAFTR: Dungannon P, • Dunaannon,•.Oct, 1Ft,1864. :, w37-tf SILK; 13 Ec- SALE. LOTS 13 fi to -13f , 77 -near the RAILWAY' r s ST1TI°DT , Goderich, for $1 " 00 each,.. At Five Years Credit, or longer if required. Apply to - - M. C. CAMERON._ Goderich- April 8th 1864. aw&2te1l Wingless F O R t Iii great variety. ▪ ' - TERi1IS LIBERAL. GREENE & SONS, 305 St. Paul Street, Montreal. w30.3in August 17tb..1864. S A:L E .jIfjMARBLEWORks Lath, 80 ACRES of Lot No: 3 Bold, Hay. Sash, Blijnds, cors : die. Agent for the sale of GUR, NEY; WARE &'' CO.'S PLATFORM • SCALES. Stoekthg$l mths'CiQths,blanketsand Yarn,s.: For sale by will be. kept on hand to exchange for wool: Having this year added atfother _ FIRST-CLASS- DOUBLE C -CARDING MAA, - to his establishment, he `will be preparedto execute farmer's work to ny reasonable extent on short notice. Customers coming to the fartory themselves will be romptly. attended to - as formerly, P paid and particular attention will be . to those from a di jance wishing their W ori Ezpedi-tiouslly-TVo_ne !.. N. B.—While thankful tor the liberal patronage of former years in the -above business,the subscriber -ham es bystrict attention to business and s aring n ez ense inmeetiu the wants p rict t t p a o. P g of his customers, to ==till receive a share of the same. _ - Q Remember the place- East' Street, second -door from-ORABB' BLOCK. THOMAS . LOGA.N ,t Goderich, April 19tb, 1864 t:,.. w12 • . W. E. GRACE.: Goderieb. May, 27, 1864. v14n36 East Lake D. • A•• 11CC't LL. Dain Street, Exeter.: . aN: • ¥ONLUMEL TS, TO11i`BSTONES, t sad 1.'osts, Ate, .of every gip} oki style oi''ikma p., faratabel oa abort notice, alai at the lgwestpaces. Liberal redaction made tor -'ash. :ALL ORDERF1'CSCTLALLF TO Designs of Monuments lye.- may be seen ai'the shop. - - Exeter. October 1st,1864 _ 1111$-lyr FIRST - RATE LAND I Terms easy, apply.to' • • • DU TALT1 SUTHERLAND, on the premises, or - M. C. C AMERON,: ".f• G-oceiie t. Goderich, April 30111, 1864;-. w14-tr FOLLOWING PROPAluS F'€)I • :SAI_ E :ON UMW In.`oonnecton 0.• -0,... - -:very e Terms . ,& ti, Ili ,11 fial _to, 3. i• e Reasonab Buffalo _OTS N os. 117,, 118,119,120,135, 149, _ a t• h Le rising'Villa a SAS AND BLIND re_of Rtversdale, in'the i:ountya of Bruce. This Vi lage is situateu=oa the mgr d befween Kincardine, and - Walkerton, thelonntyy•Town of Bruce. - - --• .. Lot.. Number 46, South tide of Mechanical D Pli.C :(,? Y • Avenue, to the own of Kincardine, and Lots47, TIIE SPLE311•DTD SiDEAVIII4EL "jrriallEff 48, 49,50, 51,-52 and 53, in the: Village ofBavers- •Thendersl$ned hats on hand a -dale;: also' 75 and 76i West side of Victoria Street, in the Town of Kincardine, Countq:of Bruce. - • - p LotsNtunbers3,4, 5, ontlie)1orth of the=Dur- L `R G A: S S O, T MI E N T Lam Market 'Square, in -the Village of Kincardine, - County of .Bruce, containing one=quarter of an. or "-=acre of land each, with the building thereon: Also Lots 5: gand 8oathe Durham Road and lot i,:"H - ASH, DOORS 25. on the North side of the 1)tirnatn Itoaa, in the : -, CApTAIX L'DIX) 9 Township 4)1 Kincardine, contatmng 50 acres each, partia.iyyclearei. MEAT EATH Epe mittag,willieuvaGODEBIG,H BLIYDS IIIQULDIi\TGS, •Lats:3l and :32on Westside o_()i een Street in; VY : for•EAGIN'AW every - A4n-: ' For particulars apply to , the'Town or Kincardine. . T1.._ TUESDAY N FRIDAY redia theildin Line. .BOOTS AND HOE Everything Brl4t.T WW1 94 . regni g rR LEWIS,Lt a arrstcr. God eh. Anteing t>iBAGIIYA fI`to-a rlY'1►extlrloir t , SUITABLE Felt, Ant 111133. ii - . i eav: s 3ABIIYA 'lr for CODk FORA Y SPSEASONED:MONDAY G IND L lIY R .F - . _ -LANDS . . - a.0.- .fen,- - JrST RECEIVED AT `. • * f . _ . James Collins,Sen?s -• 'PINE A TD E -ML AT t•; ,. IP', tanl®,u Flus t it 'KINGSTON ST., RODERICH. Separator for Sale. .kaar RATE new Thrashing' MaChoie 1. and -Sepanitor to be sold on reasonaMe • terms. Long credit. will be ;Om Q11 good a_ecu- Debentilies For Sale rIFFEKS will be reeeiyed by the subsonber:for the purchase of 3500 worm Debeniures ot the Village of Kincardine, being for Ihe *--'66uporienttached for the payment of in wrest hall S(dagirr 1$a loth- aays of January- and %Tilly in ' Kincardine March 29111,4894. eweo-tc steers,. red an -t1 white; one white heifer. all one yeaAp.tgoutd. w.Lite-alheep. The owner 1* rrpre UV cattle* prEtird pcopfety, pay charges, nitiKtake them away.. • • famiewl Q.71 sr]. oitri7Por 13TEAMANGIINPWOR KS Manufacturers of Grist and El DIDIBrir LIFE elf Circular, Iffulay and: Saab. Saw RUT_ digigTogEwItur mum 00 "Toivs; sills - iery advautageous terms: • with -the following afortiffeS010110 ikaitectiag CEDAR 1110_Stli ONLY! Stand Trani Railway ai‘iitistforcl, . with Exp.* .trains on the runeniss-notel.p aS11 'IT /IR 01, NEM Grii!4,7theestetn Itthilrant Tans, "Are -ALL OTHER AND TUE BALANCE IN _ t PLANINV-DC)NE TO ORDER.- III" Bird "lila' hstialliell* Welland Bailwai at 261761""ne. . 'with lowest at 3por opg• 1111111E TABLE—APRIL 'TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS: TUESDAYS and FICIDATS te SARIXAlic ilodey's, Leslie's,- !in& Peterson's, tor October, all received AT !BUTLER'S. • !Iwo lowyr Brass Castings made," and Blacksmiths' dene inTenbat mannerb Castings ef tiny deillicrIstion made to order. ,Also, all kinds ,f niachipery TOD OU 1140it notice. large stock of Always OA hand, Sugar Kettles, Wagon and riperBoxes, As our patterns of the abeve aiiin .ofthe most approved kind, me would solicit an- inspection 'of' aur 4ockliefare pitrchasitile "elsewhere as we are offering the above at the loiir t..-remunetative prices for cash, o. or sp proved C4dh. -Old zneial, Bran, Copper:- and all lands of ?rhos talon in exchange. ;,1‘.: • North 4 21 in 411 con., 100 acres, , !4°A-NnlY,131..:41148.61nalc THIPISPextliAA:r/fiv&jadrN'A'""-1.41114 Ncirth 20 in,411 ton:, 100 acres. 310 'Toronto. Air 441, • 4: TOWNSHIP OF HOWICIC: Lots 2- 3.and 4 in 15th eon., 100 acres eaeli .pan• TOWNSHIP OF GR'EY: Pert ColbornetWelland WAIF. X.. 4.10.. o • 26 in 1st.con: 100 acres, ' from aniparts'aufrider"t;;Litada,-1-"ii."•aii".:trein„taieagesasf'".)1.---' - a la -1111404,3assid 34 in 10 en9-1-19QActos each* um" relY 'Lot 32 in:8 eon.: 100 sea re's' -erea4he beRtl'e"94")141`eMk"-' 'PssiellfsisAthea at minibialibeeivoruirield :iota citn.4011,,,nee:npaaa,i..b.roneopl!wobei _;;.,T:O;i_VEN.S1HIP_43 'IroatanEeighieSullohawitiiiipersittuk4Vakethcoturitiort'"-Elhiormtr°11 4.7 najwsietalri*Cbhak-6-"ebe vaPP714Prc1.4116-11-it .1 • y• ytotoria. tweet. fitment% t:• errnerillo las Gil • . se 0 • 494 vch • 2:74 - APP .4 • .1