HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-11-25, Page 2••••••••••••■•••••••••101111••••••••11.11! THE SEA/I-I-WEEKLY SIGNAL. .s 1- _ 1 • A nron tgual. hogs have been introduced and our limiters Snells Torrances Ix/panes • gibbons', Sproats, Salkelds, Jennings, -• EIliotts, Broadfoots,, Brocelbanks, Halls, • and hundreds of othere, whom we would, GODERIC IL C.. IV., NOV. 23, 1861. b e proud to mention did space permit, are -- asserting thd true dignity of labor while TIER AGRICULTURE OF they are prc`ving most conclusively that. RON AND BRUCE. -. Agriculture ioes par • e . '''(iereeLVDED IN.Ora NEXT.) --.... . . AT THIS partichlar season of the year; . ,; _-_-__- .! -eie :• -e-._ . . , , whew. fttrnteis, as a general thitig, are ta;k- Zee Owing to reliable informatieu-that ing a breathing spell„ mid thinking °ver Sottfitereersliad their eymprithisers in .cer- their prospects, it might be well to dei-ae thin Western Itotelis ore manufacturing and. 'a abort space to the -consideration of thq.* clendestinely coIleotine at convenient present condition or the Agriculture 0. . --peintia shot- aiell •and cannon, the Gov - our fine ' counties. We are thoreughly erumaiat. yeAereay issued, under cap. 4, _convinced that toa much attendee cannet, tet'of ff.l...86k it proclamation' prohibitino , 0 be paid to this • intprtatit subject. Our the ei!portation, or carrying, coa.stwase, or . whole - erit be Said to hinge- s bY' "nland mayioation of arins or ammuni- 0 I - . infoentation that eotild .ke. relied . upon I . ,. Tim action *as teken the moment 'WM the saceess of the Agricultarist...---- tier!. . The merchant; the- hank' th -' fecturer, the publisher, every little trades- - - -1, - . : -. • • ' man, must; and, in fan does depend apon - . - Tr' ' . -.= -ms..f. , : . • ALGRONTo .:=POST OFPIC:E ROBBERY.-- • the -products ef the enterprising farinee - ., - . • . 'The griebeC Chronicle of 3Ionday con- fer the wherewithal. to keep the wheels of it. • air -e 11 . -• • aloe e. o crwing paragreph-:,We learn material prearess ia motian, ..11anc.e, the from a private- source that a' Fobbety to a whole • eolueluni.q. elottiti be deePIr inter' cend erable'amottrit has taken- phiCe in the eated.in . ,016 producer of bread. - There is, - Toron, 0. Post 011ie. The- cirouinstanpe howiter, a reciproetty-of benefits between underkihiehl the delinquency was perne- the produeer anti he Who converts his raw Itrated!" has been Withheld tbr prtidential rease .. ' . ,; tnaterial ii___ete real, marketable wealth that is sometimes Iost sight oE .-- The farmer .is : The Finance Ninister, Mr. Gelt; ,not," by any means„ an iudependeitt being. Hjestants a highway over which his freits msy be- traesported, hie nrtificial wants mast be supplied, be must,- if he wishes.to 'keep pece With tir age,. be providad with the 'very best and newes1 ithplerneets of husbandry, and hence; also-, ii;! must be on.Wodnesday last, fully explained to his constituents 'at Sherbrooke thenattire-of the einif'ederatioli resolved upon :by the Quebin Conferenee, and :entered patticu-- Iarlarly iet6 its fiaftucial aepects and. pros, p-eets: In the evening, lie was the gucet of the 'elebtots. Of the town at- a 'dinner dependent, to a very great extent, upon -which Ive-e ritteeded by a large, number of the enterprise of the shipper. the in: er.: e;_entie•nien, Mame; otheis the Ilon John oungovlio hes hitherto acted with the • chant .anci-the Manirfacturer. 'The farmer t'44 may feel that he sepports' the potaareduce er. but. he should never lareget- thee- the letter is of considerable impoitanee ia-tbe social eompaCt-always suppoiing him to , be, however, something better than a mere Itouge_ party eflariver Canada, bat who has always' been in favor of an union of the British AniOricin 1?rovinces. PRE P.CriES BR' GIVEN U.P.-21.‘ 4 - noon, • en Wednesday; Judee Harrison drone. ', . - lieiveiudenient in the eaSe of the pikes. - He saia that. after havipa searched aP the; . .1 A ,great nieny ef dur farmers are, jIlSt- law aa illikr S Posable, rie bad coMe -Ito 4-now,undergoing the throes of despondency. the bonelugoo that; there. - was no li course - They have to Work yery hard, and while _ . • . Ft.:ft open ler. him to .putsne but to order crops have not been • so abundant for . 'two the igne Of t e writ of -:replevin foe the re- tie three years flast es they were formerly eovery of the pikes from the autherities,--;- the priqes realized have been relatively iiis tfonor aye his reasbus for thie judo": . ' - r4 levier. They •feel dissimsted and declare 0 .ineot, sanc.l. re erred. tO the anthourities un--. der which h./ act.4. The writ Wee - says ' -that farming does not pay -that they I , the Ciotie, we beliCve at once taken out)- / • =list enzage- m some othe-r pursuit, -or hut 'from all ye :can heat there will be Wale , Ueave the country. Ali, if they only knew diffie-EiElty ex erienced in findipg the pikes, - 'low many there are in- " other -pursiiits " as they ha e mysteriously ' disaPpeare `who knoW not how to Make licith ends from the ed in Which they were placed: 8- cannot be found,..McGatire's meet; they Weak/give up -that part ef the_ Plriled: th idea,. and as,for leaving the country they 0n2Y.:e-a-tirs'a for the- valu- ..of the artieles. It is- expect - may go farther plia fare worse. __ if they ge to the Westein. States they eau buy time ef it before he again gets hold (re his '.. land cheaper, no- doubt? lint they must 44 tooth-pielts,-,” as. some of hi.s fellew-coun- there pat, uii with eitremely low prices, as trymen faeetiously call them. • . • . . . • well as pay their share ".of an enprmous war tax -to say nothing about the chance I _ ,orbeing drafted into Mr:Izincaln's artnies,, - 'MAN 5 ..7.-x :roux OFF. •BY A TIMESIIING 'MA- ' ' • CHINE, . ' ___ • should they renounce -"their alleeiance to - Ti Derli 'T I a li• • ts - . h. • 1-a,good. Queen, 'Victoria. • - To all Such dese it e egr D repac te nve eo pot; ent - souls- we saY, stick ttt Canada. eehee'l the particulars rife distressing- aceident occurred last Tuesday on- the farm. of -to sue -the authorities ed. thet. he will 'have a very intere_stine. P6infur Accident. . . IPORTLAND NOT.' 29 -- - ' ,'" ''' vier, from Liverpool on -CON FE DE RAT ION. O sources of wealth, le4sure and • happiness.to•Aisth idaesachusette;"regimeet. areived; Itere a . f 1313 . . , _ which ought to be caltivated and becomete.taltingabe yr u ed man with them. i'.,7:The • _ h mankind. We may eatioestl final:that huni n Maine. from W metal) • avi * served. f h d d This question of military aid -to Canada our -press has dieeussed, and the alai of British journalists has been to ithpress upon the Ca; ',adieus the necessity of self exertion, and of \beiag prepared for 'unitary detente. earned .Oway by the usual over -impulse of the reedy the m rk, arid insteed of persuading' the Cana - be phat c, mu y a man las g n y _ wrr.,\•-ter, who eaust be quick and desires also to oliairs to get ready to, receive invaders, has helped to make them suspect a soWardly in- tention on our part to ihrink .out• ef the quarrel, and, hi case of theirbeiuginvaded by the American to leave:Ahern tO. their fate. The policy of igland: it the Dahish _qaarrel, endthe epiuten _ *th whielt we haie 'covered awl comforted our bstin Ince &rim Waretave CORM to corroborat , the : sespicion: of the . • -Canada. Tuey; as - el as . the continent, beeeelit to think with the haritarf, that the British lien is a staffed o ie. ' - 7 - The Canadian !otters aye therefore met, apd the correspondence f Qin Quelree no dotibt truly represents them about -to forth a Federation, chiefly for, th - pUrpoSe ot bringing 'Englaind to book. W bete:once that Federa-. don is form -ed, we shall Ira asked by the British; Americans; ,as a body, Whet We intend/ De . we mean, in case of theie heing attacked:by the Americans, to supple them in the war, thute 4u'.i/ coOti ?. Or is it oar aim .merely to excite. them eo eeeistitece, odd leave them -to carry it-ont-irith partial or small aid from _England ?.. • If we are resolVed to give eid, limited aid,and cenclition4l aid; the Canadians month know, where are the limits, and what the conditions? ; We don't seek to' censure 1 . the COnallians fur nuttine - these straightior- werd questions: The tok of a.m.:public men lied of our press has pia eon upcin it. We 0411 have to Onswer; and more than our con- tempoiaries seem to expecemust dependerpon that answer. : - -. . - :, ' Is Eagland. to defend Canada,. of is She not? If not, or if only te Such a degree as to give -entail additional cenfideece to the colon- tsts thee; no doubt; a ' Federatioa .-may be made eminentlynseful.- It Will not be so 'for defence; for,._Jts • we be ore observed, the Central and the Merida] Provinces of Brit- ish America cannothelp ohe another much more thee 04 dee . 13u -the Federation will - prove higfily useful for t e purpose °freaking warts seitlethe euemv. -. The Canadians would ;little like to join tie Federal Union, unless exonerated from an uncle 3 share of its-indeba edire.s. As little ineelit, they like to be dragged- i uto . the effects, t he seal flees, - and respousibility of•thapres at war. And during the presene war the ni pecirig -question of annexation ie not hkely •to be put ter theme • • • • • But. the.wee inay end in- a sudden American hurreh. easiest. Canada. • To this. sie have greatly- contributed :by our tieggaely _chaffer with the Ceitadians and by: the irlevitable t . publicie -of the cross u stions and answers e • Y q p :sCing between Englan •Iiind Britiih Amer- . .. • . feature will not long *ma that deadly and out then teem o . one undre ays. disastrous strife to continue, that the contend 'NEW YORK, Nov. 23: -The Tribune's na par s perrod_not remote Washington correspondent says information will find it much hette to be- reconciled than received at Be -War Department states. that .fight, and that the clis utes which have be- Gen. Canbyevasimproiring., - be settled by an am a Hood with two corps numberine torrether dewed that, continent, ith fraternalblood will .4- 'he -latest- intell'ee ee represents G • ble arraneenient be 1 n a. tifeen themselves. oud cheersS The he- about 35,000 mee, to be still in tile jeinity . ginning of strife was e pected, to be eoded Of Flerence Ala.„ thc Tenne att ou ssee river. in this country with most clisasteourresults to There are reparts that Dick Taylor has manufactures. Theee iluems have been, found 'oined hint with an additional foam of 10 000 f - come some good, and I trust in future' per an Intention_ of early offensive operations. • grouedless. • At all lents, out o evil may men, His latest movementedo-not indicate • sources of supplyilvill ix spread Over a great ii•Beaureeard, with the COnfederate Gen. was -Louisiana, st a: dumb greater rate ortost. lenger be dependent o . any countryferene-- when last heardtrora. e -- .-!e-; --- ' - '7 ' '' .' ''' ''"'":7 '. .4 ''' "''711117'-'7'*''' -'7'-' - -*at and Lean. Buenas Os. Newittnes.ss.-N-New Orleans Neon:Paled to sepp6rt a complete military Jgriveraielera, besideeali toachinery of a ,fiill State orgameation, and her citiz-ns, be- • • . ing deprived of theirformerprosperous trade, reasonably complain: The Picayune says : The once rich parishes which ere now re- presented in the Legislature sitting. here do not. pay taxes enough to ineet the mileage Of a their representatiees. We are cm offairnost wholly from'icommercial intercourse with all: those States which once supported the busi- . -nese ot the city. Yet this city now.does sup- port almost exclusively the' whole frameirork of a State geeeinment complete for an entire State ae Wesel, as riela tied as populpus es portion of the -glohe, and that we shell no Stewart's corps, was still at _Coeinth, Misse Is this right ?I' teriels so essential to t eaindustry and proa, New YORK '-Nov. 23.aoThe Qonimerdiat's. Washin toe s s ee- t:4: m ic mond states t at Sherman was but a few miles • cait of perity of our own you try. . f ":_z THE DAN70-GERMAN QUESTI61.-The final " The latest newa fro R• h g P y - - • vote of the Danish ler -er flouscon the treaty h • a peace, was taken o . the 9th inst. The Macon and that there* was a. great„ -panic .threughoat consequebce of hitt advance. treaty _wee approved -Of by 75 to. 21 votese-ee One member, abataine from voting. Four ...WASHINGTON S 23 -Th R 61' were absent All the' deputies present,- from 0 V e gu leeta 1 of 'this afternoon hat the Contriving s- - Schleswee and the E claves1 -ceded by the he reaty.. ."-Weare'permitted to announce that the treat/ to°Germanye vo ed against t t Richmond yesterday. orning (Toreador, Nev. 22) contain despatehes from The ill was afterward sent to the Upper . House. _ - Macon that ou Sunday last General Sherman • _ "ITALT.-The dehat on the conventi?n and wai within 18 s of that laCe hino upon the city. It is believed in high mill. amber. of- depa ies removal of the- capital - to- Florence '11 - - mt e p , m. rc Tai progressing ip the C Some of the speakers tion as -a virtual renpne Others maid it ea lea distant period. There bad been and considerable da particularly to the there was- also - a denothi-ce the c yen. tag .quarters abet -before this time Macon has fallen. Inforniatien considered reliable iatiou Of Roine; while has been received that the city was only in -..tu eank; chiefly of old en and boys, and that no ai- ' II ',V; to .-R°61e. at -n° garage/led by -Gel:Otis- ,militii coneposed gr!eat floods r _ 0. make done to, property e thae its destruc ion. Weald 'follow. 7 railways.. - 2kt Florence ".No reports from Richmend papers to -day roleat inundation- The -- • teinpt would be made to defend it fearine streets were flood d ; ithe fields laid w4ste, fihaving been received, the tnferenee is con. . - • • 0 i is enermous But eve -fives were' losi. ' Th I ST. Louts; Nov. 23. -The -latest Mexican, Czarowitch Of Ressi - wes on -a visit td news stated that-the-Eniperor was daily CORI- and the roads brok n 4p. The damage done rmatory of the ebeve probability. • . . ing toward the Liberal party. • • ; 'furine • • JAPAN( -The deteiis of the naval operiations • . -against Japan by the ornbiriecl powers, -are GEN sammits NEW uganvaux published: The ex4/e moo was entirely suca • ••• i cessful. • Hencefor ar there is to be it free IMMENSE. DESTRUCTION OP FROPERTY. passage to the inland s a, and all shiPs foss- • - ing through the StOuts of Siinonaski are to 4 correspondent of the New York Tribune, he treated in the meta friendly manner. The evriting from Rome, Ga.; ea the 1,0th, Says forts, which were toa-great extent deStrO-yed that that ptace Was evacuated on the /.0th.--e's" THE CZn.R AT A GAMING TAII.LEt.oTdTilhige Nouvelltste of Russia Rouen savs thaterhen his rake, i on hl - wtheenEtinintp:riohirewgasamIl:lionmgberuorosalls,tlillisanmivp-e%:_ oiliclit:it. atedird_e_mddpejt.ceoadurnbtpo ttr, tcrrisaticdkowant scarcely bergang toyropitlswhierednathewiicrotihrepineruss„ willab- • les upon the rel. Bet the ball bad a nolte of -one bur. - paprrthat sort of money Ihe zud-de-c :•- , obierving that the bagreenk :dirt:aloe:eh:take moit assuredly -was_ nee recognized i# titer croupler, went away without trying "an ther pp without remonstrance, und Ile Czar, who . trpertment on„tti, e hoerd of., , ° ;eslIrter'.-da3fIrctGaaTis.-:_ifir w3eft•oentjeetallo-Oiercia it that the Hon. Mr. McGee has heed' confined' to,. ' his house; St. Galbarikle street, retteee• Sable- tEy.- liet, byeaericiusilidiaiosition7r-- - V - *... * . ..(0..:TheRer. Daniel Thintingiou, l'oi Mai- . Mr Banting has.made another contri-. and this time- he is ausfained by the hieli and batiori tO the literature . of the corpeolency, . .. 14u...uth i_iestatil.nt-„,•,;,,ye,e,e_c..ve.e at ,..aicataow sachusotts de at h f :80 - . . 1 i cl t e nee . yearslon the: uthneq•ucTletiocinfaLbtiudailotor iiityeoreftparnor'ellicieerhasinitybvebni:r thl.lel-4--- -6t::34:1t.7thil:ps?;n„i7eznicmeTestriU'estru-raction of efited the World with the knowledc-re cit 110W property A. ver7 great number of vtseeIs In theyeney reduce their coeporeid roatundity to the eleee'viere .aelyee- froin *of -in' oormigif eearionable-dimecuilons. Now-his,:object is smile of them being stranded. to ehew lowican men ataigrow exceedingly 03,e in pittehtirg the Erenic;fiectio; before Pluatee:-krefevii.44 his_ Jie..*1-etik.ztlie 40- . - ' ' tnestic economy of some anatoniised English= the: ec'erts is• can fare --be: xolleeted from & five: ounces' of leaf sugat le the conese of a .17- The-. Comanche, 1;_eil•nlad. Ini/a- Oven sing,le week -thee is tinder an ounee a d from his owe experienee, thakthe eating of ' • eritt e'-• 'le" - a c for re ity. He assures us i Ppitalf eer 7. ,C. IS compel_led acastanaleam aka ay_ leafletted -Wei week at San Irraneisco, t. phe is men th n the are bes will increase the ''.Weightexactly wear:puede _the first of the class to cleave the. waters of so that if the prescribed zegimen be ateadily the Plieifie,- -She was built in New Yoxk -and purseed for a few weeks or months, :every shipped in erections to Ban '.raneise,o, • .... • angularity will be eetneivedeand Don Qtriaote, ially dencionces the ea tare Of the Fl ride " -0- The London Morning .ileraideditor- himself traniformedintcre fleshy andsobs7tata lbe most mdignitot terms. tial son of Adam. It the gallant hero of en.- , vante s story tepid ntivetrieu tne experiment, •- 'Sitereho Panze. would:1.0e been piore aston- • - marrellous deeds Performed by..tbe kalgift of ished by the tesult thith fie Was by any of the a By Rev: -waufit:Dayrrrerltwileiderui„wakter, en the 21st :-Nov., .13syfield, -Mt," John liellininy; to suffer lithe trot obesit reefid countenaneek; why 'Watson to Mrs. Sarah West both of Stanley -whielf,seems to, be 'Lille -amine:op fate Of all winhicoaetacdiveaievebrar_guseetrf:Ivjeathnedirpecorrtortminry bgyoffeasagt: latiberusent input! duties, has tested the truth ef .M.r Rant- theoiy by simply abstaining from the ' f g th It b w-elki he_ testi fourteed p-oOds:of.isupstabund-` ant Ileih; nNo. tigiig could. .1.0,trarebncibeivply. proveitne iattening properties or saccharine mattea'and Mr. Meclii gives a hiet to all feeder -a of live stock whith -is worthy of the prartical mind'. of the model farmer -of Tile tree Hall. IChe call he made thinne_r_by the. rliiuse of -sugar, it follows that tattle *ay he' made:fatter by the inverse process, - Cattaa ; as well as English farmers shetild act ATOTICE.-Came intothe premiseasfileti. food searee.-Lemden Globe.. iii Septemlithe a light red 'heifer, 3 years old upon this suggestion -1 especially, when bovine. pa:st.FoTedhleLaotw:e0;iseorne.q4uetSsttedephteonl,rosolmee.'ptrop.ime a • , or rendered useless; are not to be repaired, It was an important depot -of suppIieirfer _and no new forts are t of gamuts, is to defra nor are any uns to, b mounted upon th , , erman e army w ile it wee at. Ateantae out be built. The Prince the eiperisee of the it liebame less deceeiarY after ite resolved expedlion and to p y the town ef Simone ki The total loss -of t e . ransom enaccourit ot on -his new cemparen. 0 ling to the lack of having been spared. transportation-ationt dollara' worth xpedition was _about of eovernment stores were destroyedhy the hederals before they left. One thoueand bales 4 r "net killed and w un d f • 11. the English. • of fine cottoa, tivo •fiour- mitts, • two redline summary of the relivs by the .ZEtna, Which -sive foundry, -severel, machine shops together The lioravian oleo roughi the followhig 'Mills, two tanneries one -saw-mill, an. exterel 0 sailed from Lieerp01. h 9 li d town on the 10th,_ nt disabled., Prior to'he The ate:, nishie Sax !nt the 8th instant, un ee rate- of six knots an .ho premium on ber•adea •ed to to- twenty per and I am. told would have costfifty thousand icae a Federation prove Of the high,: est Fortvenience to the c uists and enable them to make terms, for they cen • not only easel. off the English sov reignty and' cone- ineree, buaearry with them In so doing the maritime poets and piissessions which there was really rio need. of Our! iacrificing. All that we have here said is in a. great Meas. ure suppositiens. Bit is it impracticable ? If -not contemplated by all, or'even by the Ma- joriey of those who propose the Federation, it is c mainly regarded. - no improbable con- ency ley same, and those nett the least seg thous or-infteential• All we ask is, that we hould eeter upon the ;important. qoestion wit oue eyeeopen,and no t become the dupes of u b ind belief in air portlier theories. und of tha - new papillae 1)11Po:entry which prefers economy to Otthet: power. diguity, or hoaor.--; London Examiner, ,5th inst.. 41MIA• Europ e a News: ,while you can makea living at all -work ;iv:1;1c .. Tunes 17 tte-r,nd beawhich a man narned • sway 'industriously and patiently -keep wahlaut Had oat of debteas much- as yon Possitily can i the most -pal Tut mariner. .. It appears:that and. aboie all things avoid mortgaging •Heddoek, at 'the- tithe of the accident, was your firths unless driVen to it by the direst _attending ,to ahe horses which wei:e -drawing necessity. This is the rock. even which the Machine, .i.nd had gone down to - walk . thousands of our 'farmers have. wrz-Cked bet ' ea the horses and the hor&e-i:owearee engeged: the bolts in ehe joint of their hopes, this is th incubds that now tleili ... : nsucectiirg rod between the horseepower weighs us • down and -paralyzes oar beSt Orel he bands's-heel • taeght hie. foot apd drag- , : F energies. A few years aoso- Canada in- •ged. t in between the rod and the •uriderlyiee ei • froz n eroun teanne the limb oiliest below joyed a degree ol'prosperity which lured the -eZe. r'lie uartunate -mail_ had no farmers on to their Own ruin as it did mea sof help rig himself,and befere assistance others who had nothing to do tiith farnt- coal he giVe him Was obliged -to endure the: excr dating orture of havine his lee literally fog, and we are now realizing the. bitter eronnd offfr In his- body. At last accointsi o • a fruits:. We -need - not enlarge upon this tiaddhett-was-ss!ow-ly recoveriue - bran6 of our.SubjecL: In men; cases it , I s e - - . 0. . , . • DEFENCE OF Mostheat...=A correspondent is too -late to atone for what is past, :and . .- . • Ar_ • . - r • ,_ wattle, to the .-montreal*- Gazette says tuat oek was deprived of ais leg ,in with the railroad depots and storehouses four is not yet.arrived:-- Pontoon bridees,' hnilt. by Gen. Corse's 12'io- passed VattnOuth On neer:Corps fti.r. usp on the Coosaaid EtOlvall 4. a! auvass, goin4 at° the leivers, and a substantial trestle bi•idee ly- r her machinery was completed for use, were destroyed. This tees- heine -reported, cent. The. ship Otilan PearlIfeoin New York the. tie waa constructed b the File G -pa, dollars North. ' --- 2 s . ..: • ' ,i . tre Tarragona,was tate ly wrecked oh the-28.th : October off the lett r =port. -. The niew nairl - . _ ._ BARBAROUS ACTS. • , . 1. + a large portion ef t elargo were saved. The But this was not *elk The Fedeeals had a. and before they abeudened the to_wn-once itals aad his Men were SItipplag Gazette which Captain .:Se transferred hy the the Sett King, whi b heves the steamer to malignent rind. ba.rbaroute feeling; to gratify, thee], offeettetera, wee one of the rnost beautiful in the South --thee -:ecently cleira 'from Pr"shigOol4 to the fiegtes,- '111:e ."Yf• a2/01. Recollecting the gross outrages which I Lohdon fcitleombajr. :lt is stated that rhe atiuded to as being perpetrated upon Col: fait vessel deetroyed 4 -the Florida, before her 'capture at BehiO,. vailhe Mandarin from Streight the' Romenel' our troops as soon Rio de dallier° for Ealimore. - as they leerriedthai the to wh to be abln- p , resolve to. • doned aud a ortio of it burned d lay Rome in ashes in revenge:for insults offer - capture of the Con cle Ote steamer Florida-, ;ict to our the official- Brazili; correspondence; about- prisoners, Geu Corse; however, ad taken the preeaution to statien° guards which has been pu d -the English- jour - Under the infhie ce rf the details of tle .1 -nits inclienantly de ou ce tbe affair. .he Steamship . throueh, all parts of the citv with orders tO shoot down the ,firit mail • caught firina a . _ building without the proper authority. -- • LAME AND 61-ENTlie RS110 &T MOW , _ ,, , way, pay tharac%esp.akidotauTkey2lielur ap:vatc-erks DEresde OP. CAiesnx.-The Montreal 7:ele- K27424 ofyedoe:day.tis- 4ha.foUtiwing :-- ., • -. Stephen. " In answer:to the statements Made :here and Neeerdher ..i...; • pen, 1864.* . - , , .. w44 31 hi greet Britain as to the indefensible position- - ot Canada, 7wp are enabled:1.1e 'stale that the QTRAI HEIFER.-tVame late the enclos- Imperial office's deputed to examine our -own, J.) ure of the subscriber Jett 39 7th con., . . ,.. „ . i .. /.., _ tutu ehe American frontier, and to report on st Towpship or secaericn, anout the urst. of system of defence, have not ....only tenor -tea' October fait, a three years -old RED BEI - that Cadada can be effectively defended by .a. PER The Oweee is Tequested to moderate force a„,mainst aggression, hut have properkee _pay expeRces and take her 'way... hiso -deitiseasi 'scheme of 'defence •wieleit has t . suoi3Facr EMMERS.Olf. been approved by the military autheenies at November 25th, 1864. home, andzis aboutto be tarried out as far as. , w44 -Se permanent works are 'required. Tlusscherne,_ . we understand, is based upon the theory that • "NAME -YOUR. .. , . , „ , then ef entrenched camps and other works at 1 TURE no .ampaign in Canada cart be continued during the wintee, andineludes the construe-- . _ . vital points sunacient to arrest the progress of e. eilse""a'we'e've"e•aeie nn invader and compel him to resort to tedi- JUST -RECEIVED ous siege operatione. ,-ley regular apprOaChea.", A LOT OP.WASHABLE . i . . T I ea- B T RE WEPNATIO ANL - he Inter-. TRE, AM CIS WAR Stringent Orders weteeieso issued t arrest all -national Bank of London, (Englanda which citizens or 'suspicietis persona= found on the bas a branch in Montreal, was deemed; by an NOTILDINGS. DAVIN, GORDON.. :NEW YOIIK, Nov, 22.. streets after the confiaeration tommenced.--- inudiginiati" 4itt Atherie" rived at=10:lo -this morm tc, • The steamship -drawillaT- . up the Tien incloah Ile window to windew, their Savage 15-Ques of Btn-• g lig eta men s. re a ng 1 °The tweets of -the former apaerir to °skink and the London ana Coloneal Goderich, Nov. 81,11, 1864.; . ew19-4t. 01. •QTRA3S Europa,. fret:a:Boston, ar. ieed oaten the 7the -of cavalry, lower -doer appeeentlY for the liekine the sidbi et' the bifildings •presearteil the hitter consisted la part of the' iUdebted-: .of the Subscriber, Jot 20, eon. Beatclettlisp, oil havo turned out ell right ; bat the sisets enter the :enclosure - • - - • _ has left some- Small 'outhaa i eh t fi d eti highnp ire the heavens and then the -10th jest,: ae. Gen. Eariy_s mein orce Las been with-. _The roaring of the flames as theyleatied from Ele Th steanaship Damascu from Quebec; an purpose of concealipg riv out on the- Sth. e steeinship:Ciy. ef noitering in front of Sh hington, from New ••ork, arrived. on the Some of :General l'o ath. The :steamship axe*, frem • Now- .tered one_ of three peed , Lera,y Caney last Titer Yoi WI arrived at Seethe pton on the 10th. i'ahreugh Front Royal. ' _ME stearitship Scotia. frpm New - york, an Union' reconnoisance i rived on the 11 th. Thi Bank of England ville resulted in Meet . -has reduced its rate "cif di ;count to 8 Per cent. Confederates and mak' • . - ; oT them. Tlat Lower House of t ie Danish Rigsraad Li The .Herald prints a lerigtir report 4:if the Mobile must be his destination.' Apropos to we believe,--Chairnian ofthe Beard of Direc- • Colborne Noveeta,1864.." e is Oesign _and reeDia easeirful but •gratel spectacle, elate - the ness of Gladstone & Coe recently fatted. The or about the ist day of Jut& a red herfersene year - *id, with whae Ralik -and ily. The owner in- ridati's forces. . • . mounted patfols_and the infantrymen glided jelet concern, in consequence, makes a bad k h ell's eavalry encoun- alone throneh the•brIlliant Itelit like eiant debt of Z124,00.0„ on account of Which"they requesteat° Pr°'''°Pri3P6tie PEW exPeasee aad rity to t e ex en o _, . e stoc - ateKillop, 'Novel?, tstfe°,.° "3.' - wiFAIST.--- ay' and drove them • - . SOUTHERN VIEWS. , . .. - Share"Of IOW at once,.to enable t e Bank- to STRAY 4)./C.-:Canteinto the enctSsuie of lite - a ta 0. er avitty. a of the enemy in the Spectres of horrid war. ° have some sort of /4 coferine e- ,sqeu- t t f .1411 000 -"Th k 0-n -the same' day - The Richmond Enquirer of ehe 18th inst., holders of both ern:sterns are to Eay,X2 per - • - - g a small body of "The larger portion a his (Sherman's) _g° °11' ' The loose -meaner in svhich business L iub°°nUr$ abed the r'ril of November, an the vicinity of Berry- says :- wards Selma Alabama and if this he true gers' were concetned-Mr, Gladstone was in this caee cOnducted, wheriBank inane. eager 9`years ea, The-eNteee ifj 1.% _nested 10. e_ par property, pay eipenses and taki aoraway, prisoners of some force, a is reported, is already moving to- wee . . _ has ea -eared. thee e b _ , n • • • - - $11042. get tr a y peace y a lar e experience ofa Norther-1148re ant -in Geor,gie, this conjecture, -,we learn- that an immense tora-ts illustrated:It-he fact that the J3ank ' ; ority - • . , - for 110 past three yeeei and Who haelately t t t d h b _ held £100,-000 of oacceptancee. ef. drat. STRATIVIrtintholdbriehOfeel-Writiefustot ee o ra spor e en w t tales as ttr- aegember last fonrSteers two old • LIVERPOOL., Nov. 'T. -Cotton -sales of escape.d. from the South He gives an inter- rived in Mobile Bay which . looks. A though _ stone & Coe and -made a cashadvence to Mr. I. Yeze Pad"' . there is one rill white two red onearthem with ar y - -a white fate,- the ether -au a white Iva on the the • week, .7.2,000 Wiese market hitoyant esting statemept regeraimg the.difficulties• of a movement were content lated at Gladstone personally -of 423 000. • - • • The trade le the Bout consieqeent on the grin,- .day in that quarter, -. lieve. demi the Petti°O of eaPitol placed in the Montreal-, face,' the fourth is mixedsed and -white. They wit'i an advance. of 1/ion:American; and 1 to • t f f BratichoeL160,000 sterling --is reported' Ice arn.an branded -with tbeletters et We D. West •oit geney of the blo lade ;and Worthlessness of abeve hypothesis, the DIOS ugut r eature o 3a other descriptiotis. Sales -oti Friday h be all right ; aed aftertheab-ove -payment -of the born- *DT eereee'lledieg-lheel *al "Wog t e Confederate eurrene • the dissatisfa-ction_ theavar that.is .,of t*6 loam ariniii pas:slue i 15,000 bales ; market closing upwards. Br dstuffse.market cloaca steady and firmer - °i ti!e rack- I. . . h '.. * p e wit the a mintstration of Jeff. eac ot er by a sert of an movementand - h h ' ° . a ' ' X2 pershare, . a w as . ro g a the B ea at be - sit a them in and sending word to me, ortolte Sigma AS $ his Wilmineton and con and the condi. may he a shrewd banker •a tubborn fielter - . . a ..., J.."'" - . _ einee Goderiela will be paid toreheir trouble. - • M eat flfr. la o n u roves:ors quiet and steady; an ever. oe ontr : anus. . „: , • Davis ; the importance f Augusta Oolum- moving in an opposite direct en, Sherri] C d 11. - • - • e La d advancine. to • don -of' the country thro 0-11 which 'Sherman and a%prospeetive candiehite r Presideptial - Jeer, DAVIS Goeerfe.-Perhapsamany _Lot Con. Viawanosh,1 a _ Dunganutut ONDON, Noe, [argots closed ai 901 • 0 h• • - • - hollers, hot ventnee the -.pr diction that lie Of our readett are not -strews that we have it •°043ber 0242 18-04:- 114"( , 'Iffy money, The bunion in ehe Bank 0. Richmond papers of ColeJervois, who -was coMmlssioned by the ' of England inereased 42.34,000 stg. AMerie ei. = a b. a 0 ..,* . J.wo Onseu tritest ota Imperial authorities to rep st. on the -defence can Stocks --Illinois Central Railroad 514 :to therthiehlysatiefied-himsel i 'by personal' ebe !ir 524diecount ; Erie 3916 41. The Brazilfian parted to have been cap of Catiadai, and reeeetly-if: , nectto Efialand 0 I correspondence relative o the seizure' of the 1.1.vGere'n-',„ BrecaOheeezet te owe. only allude to the pamfal froth 'in ' - . , • turday arereceived. 'has been woefully ont,keueral d thilt,`Itinie. "AM.:Pt-6,1s " le to*); a **fide live one,' , ' order that we may strive. to- profit -by the- s stearners are re. We shall soon lee. The' situ tion is: certain- bit -such lei& cifee. Atthe Wesleyan Cherehe• T.,RitY,ND into thepreaessel of the -subscriber - :exalt the lath of_Aseaust lag" COW about- ured on Bie Sandy ly inereesino in -• intereat In orth Georgia," ; tiaieSealleUlatlie fiffiliesteeImetasether cltriste s ears de, *vita and- rbdp„enth broken korai, . hitter experiences we hnve• pessed throttgli.: - -. - - 4---, - IheRichniinul..E•nquireite the same- dey -enings, ii fiiie young hoy received. the name Tfienernereisrectuested to prove ea.e...ae.., par There is, thank goodnees, • a brighter Ea.st Tenneseeee iti also " notes the arrivel of a ppoty fleet it of "- Jeff. Davis." The yotingstert as if eapenses and tithe her SWIV, - ' • side to the picture. No man of obseitant intelligence can:have_ witnessed the agri- cultaral. demonstrations of . -the past year without being eonvinced that these coun- ties are making good solid progress in -the, -thiory andpractire of saceessful farming; What ia taet stride has been made in thi- agriculture of }Jaren. since we bebame first acquainted iith Then. we made our little clearings in the bash, used the old-fashioned three cornered drag between' &stumps,. harrowed in our turniers with tree 'top, used the old No. 4 plough, which. If it did net make such sharp,high- set' work as the Mahaffy or the -Grey, at least complied with friend Minter's idea of laying itftat, -although that good farm- er woilId. have' serious objections -to the four inches, Which waeabOut the depth" poor brouSe-fect Buck and Briney were _capa:ble of turning up. To be sure, vge raised finel _Crops of wheat,' oats and. pota- toe; it; thosa days; but. then the -soil was- , a virgin one, and, as Sydney Smith said, bad OnIyifo be tickled with a -plough to atharvest. The rnde system whs good enough for the Primitive times of twenty-five years ago, but, alas, the con- servative souls- who still 'adhere to !he scratching system:of- those days are,to-day, barely 'able to keep themselves iu the tobacco tfiey smoke: - What. a. wonderful change has been, wrought The thresh- ing machine supersedes that embodinie ofalavish theflait, splendid of County manufacture are no . • of the shallow -gala , the superoedeethe e- and is now -being puha& out ` sight. by the reaping maehinel slacks- and: gang_ ploughs are . underdraining is confi- de- y apeken of, rotation of crops _is estieod, fine breeds of cattle, sheep; and serration, of the vital imperterice of the de fence 'of Montreal, to the safety cif Canada, in tbeeveut of attaeee fn coavereatien with a eel-ale:Iran of that° city, 'he gave oxpression to views so full and explicrt on this point that the listener told him- they were ,. almost ide tical witlethose exnressed eighteene_years ago; (6th of ALA, .1846,3 in the -United States Senate by the lote Thin: Dan: Webster, wh4n defending his -share in -the Ashburton Tre ty._ The argument he used was• That I no peal -was the most valnerible Part of Ca da; Mit. inease of war ifthe Aniericans . pus ed their &roes by *ay of LakeChamplain slid,: took it, all Ilea western part of this ,Prokriece would be at their mercy ; and that's 'the treaty he negetiated secured for New __ York the possession - of Rouse's' Point, the . mos, t ineportantdefensive positiop in the State, ezeept the Narrows below the city ef New Yea. . ' _ e • • •••• -- - - - ' WATCHING:THE atear..-We (St. Cather - hies Journal) are pleased to be assured that . thecellectOris _ aleng- the Cahal hive taken t sac a measuees,. in accordance _ with the . ins •actioniasseed by: the Government, to , - pre ent weasels passing the banal havina raiding perties or warlike miterials on boarcre that_ theee is -scarcely the osaibility . of one getting through, - The 0 eetor, ofthes-port,--• IHel James Lanih, haa given instruction& to hisitabordniates: to search ev y: Nesse; •.not (per only thoee Whioh inay be l'' le to_ suspicion, - but even those that are p ts such as the boats of the Northern Tra ortation Company, so. violate out' meta lity- wilt, be detected. Our rasp that it is almeat c ain that any attempt to citizene will he. pleesed to keen this fact, for whetever ay.be . their • sympathies in the present ,efortunate etruggle on - "the other side,° here is nefaatongst -us Who does not ea estly desire to extend equal jestiee to all, ad to preierve the strictest neutrality. Florida is published: The London Star: endeavering to win the demounces the seizure . od hopes America to allegiance .to Jeff. -Da will aepudiate it. At th benquet of the new au amnesty .to- ati - wit Lona Miler of. Londe , Lord Palmeiston arms and cease bash wha made a speeela in which on referringlo th. e , esai e trusted tne In the Confederate 11 fives OR the 1_8tintit., , filo al war i A e • • contending parties would SO(111_ fiad it better to the 19th resolutions we be ,econciled than to fi disPetes which have bed with- blood, would be ise raneements between t floods have occurred in Tuscany. Enormous sari damagt. has -also been sneered at Florence by The news 'from Sherm a tretnendops flood. The expedition to eratescarces, hasersate Japan was entirelY succe *fat in opening the herei and increased, if p inland sea lo the freeretraw of ati ships. • h • d d is, and has declared adviees seeeral •da -age. The Enquirer haved himself en a becoming' Manner, and , ._hfieki n....._ ie, ,864. 'LL 13':0114001:1°,Y43014,15. If ,will lay dime their edds :- • .batillie' "'sprinkling" with fortitide. The '4A° -' '''"' k' 1 , hing hie-trOopse " Sherman might each the Gulf, overtiow- fonctpereats doubtless coesiderede they were , use of Representit- er all opposiug force,- and fix his new base honeying the ?resident of the 'Confederate 10 a Willie Saar four yearsold", a piece ottt of QTBAXED fiori-the litaidand Fiats, this AR. iid in the Senate oh ttpon the waters of the Gulf, But what then? States of' America by baiing " their boy " :the fewer pitrt ofearb ear. a bate brown on vele tied by amicable tir- wig - Henry and Foote, of Tevessee that the war ed, would haveaceemplished nothing to ith- they might have extended it to Isferson, if 4 vnillea4-leilierier. v4.7..w..11,,lb.fiteiLitsblYrevrerdedi.7 side of face. Any person rving Information that t, an t at these e offered by Massie. The march weeld be ail ; the damage repair. christened Jef., but in.:our- immtile opinion wed that continent hemselies tosbe crried on. ell the iiude9Sodence pa. ir guff meaneedof. defence and w id fi d lko '-' i' cl d There is, o taco ti ' ' s - aoled-Dr:Jeux‘risto, , , ou - n...,. nor ivas in en e . . _ g , n tan n • Lot -6, fitherootalltolboreee - . Greei ot the out was acknosv edged. -:- - . Morsel oppose III the spiing by -another for 'tette, 'huwevet-. , : - i. . - peoia e , - , ., 1 - ..'" 7 5- - 7, ,1 ,x•i tr.,-? • 4 ... .. . - ,_ _ _ ..,,,, ' . November 16th 1864. - „NILE .......,T1r .....E...-EsBARAITS.-i-Tbe Canada STRAY HEIEER.---Strared trona. thesabeenb- The Herald's Washi toe a ' 1 d spateh' arm/ " -- - .: - . . , 7 ?` " ! 11 . ' -; - ' •.'`. l'__ __ 3 -; ,,,•. ''•'‘' "...7 T B Rielancind llespiitch -of-Priaay,:lis- "rr T.. m 11 *43et eople ofthat district Pensacola, of whichahe gove nment received- aware of the importance of the occethon, he -I • through Confed- Cussing thosobject, says Gagete ersatarday last:was issued in feu .er about the inidatis orstay aad aa excellent feelini "4- SleimatOv..114,iwe.,trur-rr;:. eie-et, h c•p".- poJ, mourning' dress' otit Of reaped" t to the inemory- Tr-triTE REIFER' Yelitwit A'Lr . *print :-" Printed by kalcolani:af*r:Ythatimielidin!:°017BallewlaTerrIFFIN, 'hie; e.oufideoce in sition he does .119t; ealenfite- -ape% before'he ' erfthe la , - -- . t e_Vila om an success. of _the great -move,: reaches' the fortificatioeseete-Maeone ,Teli.ee_e_ Jawing _, • " . - = '' • Lat 11r. - a ' ' :: .ment. - . - ' - ' .- . . , . , . . ... . _ ''' • *or s, s on e ever resat', t ent; he win. Gamete*, • PORTLAND, NOT: 22 1864. -The steamship - The Time"' Washington ,:coerea codent fiud of MOSt forniidable charottee and% with j nt-meispo: , I • • P - - . - e- e - • J• Moravian, which arrield here yeatirday, itionounces thestery Of intervieW between. troops that betOre that tittle .will ne coltected brotight tie foliewing news in addition to that the French -mtnister and cratary &ward. ai in them, .they must give him a vast deel More : already telegiaphed r- The fore part of the. canard. , . . . A . -. - . - of trouble than-lio evidently colthisfupon. •If steemship jars has keeled Over, and the- after ' Mr. Lineoln,-.ia fermi. g. his new cabinete Gdoreians wilt :battle for their,..tre,ri. ehes. a:. where she grOundedi .TheLOndonerimee fie . Gen- •Balviingaie9raPti -chid ofataff,- tele. or the Richniond -militia-did st tteuntoh 13Ir_t remains fast and .ninight, oe the sand will regerd-Youog Anieri a. , . - ::- .- - the PrItersbutg militia did•lagt.Juiaefor theirs, its thy -article says that ad' vieeit from New. grettihsthattherees'a eg. t panic- in Rica: River Bridge; later iu the sueuunort 14a.coti- --- Yaik with.regird to the. mode te.:.which • the monde coucerning_Sherm n. • _ 1 e'; • 'Will. beaMeed.", -'::'''-rgi'.7:-_, .- . ' . -' ,....7. 1 WeOhiegton governmee t _hies reeeived 'the. . • The .14th Corps has gen .abolisbed, and The Despatch, thinks Sherman it maeching news' of the capture of :t 4-e Confederate .11tr: _ Gen: Emery-144mi teradpott tOIhelniniary : - fo! Pepeacialae Whibh it thinks be is to make Flmida, ate awaited With tee greatestintereit district of Missiestppi. " - , .. . . his future base• Of supplies. - The S'entinalfOr by- elle mercitetile as wall as . the _political- ' Nay,: Ten*, . NOY- 22. The Pesea Wash-.' the seine date thinks it net iinprobabla ihat woad._ Oen resaanfOr. the nuportance :attn. -"bitten special Eia s -We . Dodge,: of- Neva le WillAnarch td ' at& Ugnsta atill3ailiiiat- b tedl h d ' , ._, . _ , °mots in the infer- York,. has potifie - jantee Brooks Obis beteta: 944,1,..044 reatat -• • -, ". : - .' 7 -1 7 ' ". . , - enC3 thit if theaffaiebe allieted or endorsed tion to contest the seat - „Bathe_ 4:084teh pCetensceractivetia, ea "aat0-..-na 'iplii3Y-44 -le-Will-helms, trlong react by :E•jecolu's :govern -at -a :.it Will litutiefOrth genet *ado,: In the .- liefOrehiM;and_i ,arill-liereitu, faelt if iteprove e. eritirely extiaguishany oWer on .the part -et tives. ' :' " ' - -. . : . . ,, - : . -- ' not a rougb one. Will Beautegard tura: anc/ ' • the Pitted Statee to ass*" by privateer& the - 'A large number 'of :se at the nixt :coil. pureue.Shermatte bi- evill-be protrecute hes °wig iie meetie efany nation With Which. they pay gress will betentested. .. a. - e., .ctunpatga,2, Due iarnotin4,401414.the ether be t War, eine* the preeedent will establish s :- ','• , s T ''',, , :„.•-,,i.Soath.; hit - purposes' are nett -..ss, wily secret. sue _vessel _whatever mar.be the kelt an which the 15th say -that Gen.-Cluiby -is tedovering. •ad opioien as to the best policy... It itiraoeheTe."' I it c aintto the right to.persee and destroy any ' :Canto, Nov. 22. --Nese Orleins papearef Not' ete tein-. aiettriession of information for . _ she May leek ehelter Or uPOes. ---- .`_, - . - - Etthrix, Nov- 22., ferirms :South-west hoped that thefeeple of the -States -throngli::; he mi. terd - Mayor of Louden . wag in- gale coniniested last' ev ning itad -continued : Schick Sheraitturopeeeeeta :.mlirch wilt ifling au iiiated :on. the 9th inst; - with the ossial- with heal. rain.' ' - -. I - . - , - , - -' -thernselves '-ntloit hitheivitha'tofertige that 717 c inoiliestieeininsting :with a..grand ban*, -.The navy papiettnent 'a advised that- the :shall do the* honor. , There is a capital difeaell - tee t at Guildhall. The -leading membera Of Confederate 'Schooner Ele . itersi Mini St,- Marks, ferefice betweetflite situatiop and- that ot,,,,,,,,:y „ g the 'British Cabicet and other high dignitaries hatted to Havana, was etieen pOssessitro Of by Het4 •'lle fit klig etleVile -01104/ libi4 ' :', we presente• IrotCP•almeteton: in an el°. - theasteamer Aden& On tikb :fith Militia .pff the Hoed ill amoog friendli ,' ; - go at speech spokeicheerfullt 'of . European 'middle: entrant* of Ste abeitge'agenn4 P.104- : ". No eacrifice ;et P•rePirtyi .40: activity- ttf ' pol tics, As_ regard's America le said :=, ;di. Twenty-fiee paek- -8.,of 'Cotton :were oPpositifna *it he emiuted now be co 'dere ti here atone dark spot in the pietas which eaptnied with. the veseefitthe.e4titeia;,,ofivhich 0 ,ifxcevaye. , Tifite4Own. 'bridgeetf the, eel's Of the world peesente .. That dark . threw his papers °verb- -, - : : . - • 'roads, renioaaordestioy supplies Cut .9 01 spotlies on !the *thee Side ofte 5tiantic. We , , : „- .:-",-:"' • _- • ,.- - - foragerklgWittsvery pus. - - If 'Skit:Dian. . ,,, finerei and elterY i411 -0.; :right . ' tyinit. ,intuit,:',.. Besii44'lleir:22.,A iidief denfedirate, alemild ae able to _accomidieh such a jehStie:Yeael;e grieve,. that that b1004 ; and dirastrona war -1.ralderisk:-..4Oreeheek* :ireietittell to '' haVe:-.efolitiltt.,t_.;ilettii6ileif, thte:ruterztmilits...0114e;44.topimiliyi: which broke -out more.thatt three - g , e me appeataixes Ram's Pciint - On . among the kindeettnatioas of Nod; Ainerice 'Sandal night.- ' On hii g challenged: they- -reerated- -',.. Aid_ flit -Whole; lhe ifituationef ale , still rages; still beys waste '-the fertile pleas Of fired on she, picket; gua ..,, ... 2heit : fire' .vas Itial Eiat and sontk.7P1430.0M01.7.111tereatingi - - that ‘..Outitient.,. Still bedetre Wit*the blood of promptly returned and i a of thein fell front' aed important eyelets hasten tO their !WOMB,' ' its people thetaforeits and tracts; 'of territory. hie eeddle. . The rarde s immediately fledi plishment."- ... - ,_. te Mr. Desbarats.- besta the ,fol-- ,kill received . Aeotour TO lisam.-SecretarlSewascl has transmitted' an arfoloey to the Brazilian Government -for the -seizure of the Florida. The opinion at-Waehington *that the seizure of the rlorida was, gr_oss violation of tfie laws of national -and strict. reparation - would include the returning of the vessel, the die. !missal Tromeheservise of Captaiii -Collins, and thee -err -loyal •of the eonsui at Bahia, to- gether with a full analogy for the unjustifiable conduct of the Uhited Statee officers con- cerned.. . ‘• . - - _ ',Tinder tothe.-Qinien t excel- Idott-e0a.10,r2p. cohorts..- . Nov, 17th,1884i • _; ; arr41406t - 1 I A •-• t - earerweee•ao-eeeeereee.--4000. = - • 7 ; 1 TOCIC TIIADE -TO 11 T Wii.* ERE TREY 4I 141" D • •k- • • • • A- -* e7 • GoDnaort„ November 2,5th, lf.64.: Ex, we • - 41to est ist ifee Sri toe e t.," ao