Semi-Weekly Signal, 1864-11-25, Page 1They bad a beautiful daughter, just turnmN
sweet sixteen, who mm i tit -te-be - xnarrnd
bmiiiicmi 131artol-11. to it tom 1,1D l,uLjemL_j and great preparations
I-iu., Im the happy event.
viete ma
I Al. NICI)OMUILII one day, about This periA as the great
b od conversing with a gentleman
RO I, N 17i T 1, 1) UP LIAN anker sto
i at t,,,, %ory *-tret-i. nex� door from another city. who, had,. 961W to see him
lit-. Mr. E,%%o0l' en business, he obikervedJhG I&Uw turn very
pale. and began to tremble.
p4litaT11101l. illy doarsir,' he said,, in the usual tone of
GOD- 4what is the umt r ? am
off -hand sympatiby,
P 13:40- 1 v
you III T
&A little faint, air, but-nothit*'-" cause
'r h (IPA. 1W. �Nlvlwltll_ other hurriedly.
IiGEON. (Latt TI ER41" %larm.' replied the
Sl(* 11 A N. S
1�1 J-111, ff 1i arn sul�leeil to gimlar aptIls. 'If -you will
UVFJC&_.Jt .1i71hJ-'S 13-_)irdtile. 11"ast, be kind enotigh to excuse me forioltuinutes
�.A (iodarx u C. W.
-e a sho
01 sve6ovOl - ------ rt wa& Zia -return in
t t or so, I tuL J
11r. Cole. f6 better condition.
The Gr"testPossible Good to the GrbatastPossible Number., 7
-L' Y-CLINTON ''W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor. In ten minutes be did return, and was quite
-k T -F:
0 F T A. well. 3Eieta4iia'vpr-eeet.�&4ftiiiiiis'h.&isbusi
L 90-4 Kowa. and'th�en gowetivelly
J 6Z. aess with the banker,
i 6 VUJ .,NO-- 24. .,took leave.
ERA i'_N* IN AD -1 GODERICH, C. FRIDAY- NOV.95, IS . 64 1 It was perhaps wiwee& ifiW Gilkist one
Hyslet.kX- at7itGEON, &c., (,rraduate fij�2. �0 P 46� the
mi -lit the -areat biWkm*92 ne
P McGill College, Montreal; LrcxN-ow. r�
Ere in hislibrpry, when a Aerrp4�iaam in
ud presented him a letter.
OD the
I Jac -He -took itwitha. ja�rn;,bpet it �dn
S DIR A. WORTMSGTON, 117 1140 3E
At - alent-afid iddiftrent =Mierpoegblp,
BU911105 _13itcrtarn. mirectarv. most Ind
HYbICLUK. SURG-EWq, ac., will at- forthe World but had tiot -read miare than - 4mn words
2]1epa&hidA Nagazine
P Tend, particularly. to- diseases of and surgical 1 7
b6fore he came-,Upwi.,iha start, -turned pale
-HATUIRE, *Vine Attsiand ns."Phe a a. Yie
Double )and. trembled so that fhe le fle
op.erattona apon the eye.
ILLAGE. Dec. 15- 1962. 1 r41-lv ran tgnifieent steel Engraving&
x British Jkmer -DRUGS' U -e note- for it m-sa =Lthrtva note
ORWAX�Dhp. - lixb COSIRISSIO Iew Insu Ce' G0l DRUGS$ J most nif
t1_1_1 - . .. - I . . . . . - :. as . Crochet knitting, J�etti 4,finished th
4 FNAerchant. Jsykmiultox, -C� W. -Not 8 and", F hion-,Vhaeo -
u0liler"Y' AtLic-I& for thi-Toile
-,the �Kltchen. Rverythiag� n,116relieta
trusted -to him will rec z1ve prompt attention. thekluidoiti, B10 -
,I(, - IIIAn
IrIL e 'Chief GIffice-Torouto. 14huma letter--worked,;one. land. xwoonsly-vt
Accounts collected. Bujiness of any - -kind en ior 'the lor,
r. t� T E R Y -A T Vi il 40, blatfiriDdt and with - the other - �clssped his
Law, aad -Soheltor-m-wChkileeryi 0(yunty -capftsa,4400ip000., -ea timples. - �Fdrawmmeuvpr two
w4j[�lv$osx- fact, tomak completeL dvIsMook,
-anadaWest� (iffice
4 'W11l.ran �afffib4owafb
vrovra Attorney, Goderich, -4 r. the baiaac�ro�f tkelr lie,seertied. te
v14n40 season,; -..will some � rAble iemotion iud-hq iucceeded
U court House. IKENT.
'M. C. Cameron.
�'AL- 3K Magizinq-bisb�en able to:"comptfe with rgsainr the wiiti sertaUtinan vrdin.
Eil..*. AT-rORNZY CONWR N.Imeattenipt it.- tone.
co leavingfiiierich.-for
I up'ST VANEV99Y 5;o WT, 40� -xt
B- street.0'od (LAT -DAFT. S.Y --Am -let-
eri�h, C.'%r- .Tames 'he said *4ho swjaur
'A air -WAlt f
QUERIC11 �rGoderich.. C. W'.. JuIv 7. 1862., u ttolil-B. Hey Idal' for very department of tv loi3r.ehold.. These
(is ...AND.
E"T del -
as aid*r so an
the Book, Mo V=J
r4a 8 O T
V - - . . - &I-agrams. rawing Lesson� for The T01mg AThen I itrp
E UNDERSta pose e ja walti
Llw'E D BE", 1P TONT: es them), 'with SW-er-1
RISTERS�S6MCITOM-.00-\ VEY- alone are worth th.q price of
B" file,'Store-tit anticerely to JEL 11AW Cottages �no other 31agaziric giv
-treer, AnotlieripeiAtItIvwith GMel
and Qu#�en L� mu!41c.
L thauk, his trient!A'and- the traV4illili g piiblie Yies air.'
be. sajazines publish old
ae* rally for the ver..,Jilleral patronage WESTE IVery well
WN' -A8$tJRXNCE '*orth-SSaear. 0ther show him in."
A.Smsvwiancardine� !gene past ae. vears, re-� Hehil - 'worn an woultl 0 -out Ynur-ic;_ but the isubscriucts 10 Soon there -m. on the 40orAnd
enjoyed for the British &me=4 Assurance . qtnany
Ile DISPEN. N -CHEM DRUGGIST So -IS 2:23 FAB a light p
!n e R';6� in,'
es. Anothes pec the banktr ja�l
and�l .,it bevre'tbe inusic roIes. -Gattleningfor
ectfultv ask a coati tuance or their patronage. 16fficesjor6llb Marine, Fire fe I sura St G It I-sodey. 'Fab
Ile en thofoughlyrepat .,an it& -uharitywil
I . "- Office it wart -&,:Co.. orAN ew
8dis ;kew7house has b oed d B. Law Oha�tn-
XLry HAT will he fou particular. in-.Wr.J u4 coinple e, in. every u; and: Impo �rof 0 Sda and tone.
j- the millionaire merchanw,ippe 0-odut, The servant -bpened..the .door, vilbred
on.�.DUNOGH- Ey
York -ar n
Alfo bi6ns
B,kRq -Act. :T. V Magazine that has theu
a , the stran-er a
Propriaor.. N Jr.� ibepill: ad then witkdriW.
No Ne� York. Ledie-,
0�1 0 HA�[W _,.N _-,
N 1 , U:G S
1864. 1 -swT from the celebrated Brodie.6f vergsqg
�Goderic 2 v aW-egivemoreof-the"'tTin a vear than 1, The latter was a =6 *a Wxq of
Godirich. 24. 18 ola int n'the Lady;'$ Book rough d �coase, attire. e
ativ other'Nagiiiine. 46 fact,
IMIST 'N . -" 0 eliiibiet every lady Wbehrown bon9itinaker* 'woreatioldgrayoverco-at tuttonedtto tb*
i*en Test
-:,Mark-f_-t S4uare,!
In qhancery�, &r T � A= R&Y. ibrom,,and a pair of X
B 01, U .1air
Gprrw-r ofKingston, Street, G rt h. 9-rth:. British aid ode c 601;o jKA=QN HA AIM,
1PAINTS whole diess waspatumed With laiu�
I -WILSO'N iVROPRIETOR. -Tl;� r -e a Beat,' zaid the ba -40 0*
Insu ancE _o.,
0 Alone," 's Hidd�m Yaa 1$ cc Moss �w
.-on INES uthoresi -mi)st pleasantly situited aif 01TTLE .13-11EDIC -chair stau. ing mearlbe im,,
bis aoRSE
-LAW2, t,mul,tice 120.teetnl_�ii� 1xverlooking the �Harbor r. RRISTERS. TTOW EYS!&T Ili Mr �Gojdon�&.La*.-bhambe S. Ae
and Iiake- Hurciii Orchards, Garden$ 7e, thank ypa� -12 �Axnd,." mm
Office Me kRIGH wn!esJ6r'Godqeac16 onth,,andlornovtberl
�'d' G '.G-
arnee, West Stic�cr, Goatrieh. 9 -*41. 'u,alWaksatta'ch Boardslperda, -UN ' - -.- - - . . - _hBvg isp rciainedallurldnd
J 0 reply. .4Yoy4,gofxay -su4 f course,
'[W&C -8 Man
.711. know m
iii'men p ien," he.uddeL
ta. 25 cet1tv. vl.k- V -IV - -ually atteudea to ntributors.
Agent. Ordersfrorri Wedc un, bush
objjr 12,1863. atlwieit Tade. Prices. . - ., _, .,7 -
:8, 1 a6deria, Opt
T T� f3D -0-T ES
A. SOLICITOR :AYS 3K N.B-Physiciaii?s Frescrlplio�si. carefully T'H RAI the banker, roducing th lettemla& taimed
bAncery, -Not e, X. 1 -him so much perturbation.
r I - 49
'We Goderich4an. JO G
Goderie., a 0DEY 165K
I rd -TJff E ][All eJLONDON
a door front the rssitilate# on't .6ravel Road runniogt from: there (_fp wh
i d
fie South sHe of 41 d4G not 'Yen age IA"
-S �d *-.0tia-Howe 84tiate. Seatcynfi,iv -outtia fie north of LIFE1N
mptou, one Ill .La yi�
I 11GHT The following tire the terms of the
one trav-�
k where it leads v ff to Wroxeter, and imy lot -1865, 4ktpresentwiwilitiei�ei-it-sul)sciilve�- mademistak
Capital,-, E2,00010000 1` Ste 'D A'Y' pit timfoll6wing rates: presen
Acm, mutated 'Fund,,
-0 Due notice will be giiren No ;so imi"I At 0. I'v-se
TTORI-EY- A T. -L .5fi7l 01 if w6are obligW to a :0111c. -h. will -depend wenty yezr1tago. come the tei: th'41�y 4Df 0le-
upon tile *h!e o paper.
L &epben:R4
lBeldio erto� -oily; d e, hit:
Cha ROC & tober.and saw you, At* shoot
-place! ri il-find accomir 11. ; -. . , - hat i hr6dtio I e copy,, one year $3.00 1he man and i
ld� GIMS. 44oderich, C. Vk��Olfi�e, 6ontn: sjide Jf ER4 St., i or any ii�wl iratinia Life Assurance Co., of Unk , y , fveu go to denjit,111hare
29' � I 6tL as V expect3 to find at. first class Boo-
N1rJ)arkI&Hote'. vlon. I datlonw he 11, 1 -6 �, JP. 3=. Two Vve laid my
unling Fluid,
1W doors from :R n p;4son lAore naorain
1-9 _,g
eltv hotels, lit alt. r ectS -oneyear got, "m if you
. . . . .. �. . . ; d signet having. een appot tea Three.cupies, 7.00 OU 3, . iiind HF, itz er 13_111w�
4!mde Ckooclina. �ab For 64 RUXBATMj FD -opies,.ohe year... 20,01) Plans, JUld
vc: ilighly respec le ur
JORDAN— ive-e ex,oneyear,andanextra-coPY: ying; iniocen
'ICE ON HAN Agendforthe abo'. VANETERY tandXefinun jqle?ZN�
-F a Opt
y ''T
:-preparedw a c�
cc ;rtloth -ire 'ad
:-eicz :,UpStai Watbon' Compan ies.i I'll I& r s , - P I - I_ 50 Ciiderlc4l Octabew 6th,'1854- to -the pttwa ending Lhevildi to Aft )'On
trolt-HIS -- , - - care
L� . . '.,Lileriah,al mode'raveratei-al premium. :Goderich' J an'. 1:1. Is
est of
entrance. FMt Wor w Z ing itix copies
ok, West A.A E. Age'r'-;
Eigbt copies one and �aifextra bmiker, in Apite-':af- .40010J4 asgo o er�ic h Jr-131st:.18511 copy to lhepe g The
. , � .. F. G d rool! sendw the club, tWk#0sL
'(Pa i6l Col-na A LkN;QTI1.0F r 21.00 aid siaxgeriA
-ingnine copies.,
THE ACIi6l. Wshuddered,
copieione yesir.and All-t1tra you w&uVf'ke,Xro&ued;
Ce INEW AL ff�j)KJGR aeadinj4he club,
"IT D: _.ENT_ lRy py to the person, rich, %V. Offi -ND FIFTY.FEE 27,50 Copies
HAALES, DSY ALL A S Si goom-ery., Adflitio4 toanyicifthe above &IIW32.
x0o3ty- Dr. I f 11 capnot give it -it iioaia vatrant.!
T. Tow. each
subscriber. Godev"s JJustas
f��lerich August 27th. IS9 -9 '103w3l .-Proprietor. iadvs'l"kaod AfthVs I he 0111ir. =*v
liomeMakazme-izillbe�en4., year, on 'Y Ii
SUR C ing towwdsbedoorw " -kn6WAVIM Will
THE YOU y? Trimn
receipt of -.$4 60. We havb ao &Iub, with any
SOLICITUR,&c. GFFICE. A -6 uspaper. ThemoneVX-ausL.
as a tnt, otber Magazine or Ne
LCL" C. W. M"M � 'C:Ilub. Canada. -matt Mot
�ATj R et il
w Bjock.-QL�lcr Before the 25S.insta it with at one time* or, 10b stay I you
H, 0 TIL 14 rny
EA Of rime
till -be sent
subscribergulast send 24:ceut��*Itionil for eadh the
T%7 -r p ,
He -argued, mrged
HA ILT0 subicriber. Address
CE Co. led& #%red for
eel x s at the Di*Moa GODLY. inereir at, alless, fearf m#4 itr vxit6 At ]at
Will re ve.tNYO ireaxw' Bon
-'A - Chestnut$l)rvetz, --the 1;atlkei� seeiug ruin, di%Tspe
tins -chailged. hands, EXT Y ora
MIN CT t cla"'Hoiise -OURT MUSE S(UA4 C or SWh and 408th
ich and Clinton. �10DERICHf
one herefu*fd tosgme4v
t RAM w4t --before him
�J� Y. "iyot f the largest I able'Ho-
A.0 -JERO.N.. t ana most.,06nifurt. .'Nov. .16th, 1864.
Goder and has bei6nq�atirelyrefiltqd. ltl$ilow Philadel i
TH's Fir
tiodericae adL0elth6rpain4nq expense Vdnada'; tohe. stranger's -Wrow �UWSIW AgrOW
Mlind, r for
precia Vi&
of the de
I tel�$ in ill, Pr'-�,irg 10 meet the strn)
Post 10frice. ".Mad'
w-11 be varett io m9ke it worthy of the �atronage
VV do1crs norfa . of taf RICHARD, _B LILL),
t H�tion ot an �u 6 ilc� and purchased!* fr6a al )It.
the lollowing z4h
Of the trav'eilintg 1) oele&Lq -dental ma oele&L..l
a very large and qI e:k c Permanent; Illoir Jerstalcen,eitherwith orwith of Agenctes.- Trath J tftnger tku
Inspee 6r
'ced prices, i i jib' r Pr awt and
TOR IN out' roolllzL, at reasc nable rates� greatly redu eaed.lo do .11
NRY-Xr-LA.W. SOLICI mere pmetual. t0*1*'&Md
& C __For Rates ad.Prospectuist.�b,,apply to IZ p6itaming to- the pkof6ssidn in a
TT(MV -C -;W. AlUGRIDGE 0. w0i 'JiMU of I
the - aut 00 Moods' he
-Ininflitr4es run to and fro on., a hich
-.9en mann&p and at m IN.
GhaQcerv, Convevancee. &c. A prices ltittt6* (--oil peted with ii. Ibills and r
rrival h6es W
*erebrIghtwith the %4ounuil-dolrars vIapgddb&ods�
41, �a. B11- mo BRUNE I -
ot Bmp�� ticuW attention tu Vandeparture of- DR M ACDO`rj.��ALL, MedicitlfWleree- Dr. �,Iootg�mieiy solicir P. f ollow. tile. .1ouches ot* --early r4tl 'A ilionth laWr thereas a - terrve TW
Lam �sw -1 in
-11 qwetY Pursull
su1g&wl72uue5 the PbIlowinm cilklium ATMT. mouate :4mv 3Z 'his
WeatlLerald. e er
throlik" dark, man 400a
lonelT forest m..,?riVcip&1w And
broidy bralum
tb4 6steril �&rt -of tht Stab Usen
Jtehe1J-1C-W- 3P ICES
Land Survev. �ditaM.
Md_Aft tife tea
He bad �4dden W
hatt hfa�011 oftl -former pric
O flavela en Fir
ton, S"ftet, Godafler. V15n3 hich are less i 'g.6,
Iry Officc and Re*idene LIFIT -0 a qof New YeIrk. �Iowd. -the t6 vork by
three miles' Billie seeing J.&,
ed the St Priies ft 'bad y - JL0 go w
perA0111 dentsi- - A98=11M- k �et two
Bcautlfuff:pper human btkbitatiollj sud 00 upwar&:
TOM\- -H This!is the Rtibl,-er. fioln He
J larest i atl bt St Country. ..30001- -desceudinga
t7C A.1; L T THEPROXINCIAL EX01B jo0my - as -bill 21 Utt vlaisa =&owed.
A held
ITIGN� before e could get sight of anOtlier-
botel'in We 10wer 1500 eeizedand sold IeWng -Jim-16
rN . -k-N D SURVEYOR,- idern '4)ouble -looking
1 361 -E ABSUR 1-50, Mth,� 161h, and w
ictinton. - V y KDnse f 'Partial seits orolle, toot] .. shallovi but Se PtOVA
L anada.and charces a olhens; -and va,the- rro- valley,,thiough which flowed a 1. ed ike issag
s. in&Jerate. as any 7, A
I oo�,. lbb3,. vverull A-e"I"t
S�agg� P-rdprietor... e'ld ill- ivingiton, �6epteniber gvriftly,rLtil�ingstream,:--a-ndI on re 10 J6-, idma
pairiaggs fbi Him, ln top
Good jOabl ng for I For each adoitional 1 00 - aching theA
=-treih, ........ cial Exhiltition It Inobleman refused libe
100 Horses.1.11 rsi d 'lis h' d
ANT- old and 25tb, IbI54- Prizes 6fa
,2 1 water, -be* pe
........ r0. &i. - "&J AND TURVEYOR tsw 14-7 !4ilver 2h(;23rd, und 23th ic aW awarded. to u6 at the imittea 1 Orse '&o B 'in
similar charactgr wt. nL_ -the very.2i)
-LadAgeat and cofiveyancer,. Xincarw . -fii'roroat in from a atim, , grace ii0d uld
'Special A:ct OrParliatneilts-1 (kherfillifloinproportiol; provincialXxhibition h0d
tek, _hed Dy ...... �EpLhibitiou held` at Load - in At hat moment it taile()Ut 'flm
at the. Provincial ou
-Gi m'
supply of Tooth Pow.ders listerof man who W tumed #o p4e ao4boeme so
A 1b6l. bushes' t,6 theoa#, orh0rW-;pf1b)
rop:�. T�tith $uups. &c.. HNIVU�z oit:hand- on the -other-side *of th
and Chl'or6foris adW'iii1A_ 4red when required. )7 D %N'asnes,,Toothaclfd e aireata. Thii 12811 ski�a
P1 "TO. d a- ride
H:I-T- ECLTjL D TMENTAL P -T, TO 41 riahet 1]
wasressed like a Itunter,
XO. 2D -TOWMN O!STR 0\ haTd beell Gteit] 'Redlkedl and varrie hink YOU 4db Vof knOW
T N. 1B. -No eharmti fovextiactil when teeth are lo, be My
In his g6nerAl APPeSOUCR gentlenim witkA-100W
StML11FICATiON 4 ot Build- ninseried.- Parties t wLshinir t i�- 01(t teelli eiii�l &7;00., , Po
ert d erihni. -re. -was notwn- pedicted hostility w A aedn havt artificial teeth ins, e Ithe that ]add r f -but I
itut ary. A aaaL correct tylP " -1 It
tit thL- quro art, King .1 9 a wirked4eiian.0 'He -was Of Inedium aize,,
built, with__inte11ect8a1_.fe8AUreBj Termit x64 le Bling V#Wft
on. J.; Hillyard. Camerol
t�aderica I .. I - - Pm�??Attid
Y,� i - ' . - - as are to
H. T�
-kG - in itiFty--ftemi
and -a vert tkear As I vish yad:* &*w*K A Hide
�N C gent 4"asrs. oad rom apme R AN7 S WITH`�VIW� de-� ai -air of get
�A Betiietieut lb
W Reysi Ev �L- BIwood. A. r a
to Lands All at De- ford L jolies.
T vernme d othef Go
ft;jsionsi hunter. All
fb� lnventions.-�-, P,� A
jae X-arka fEpW�_ [Lorge. East- 8 rrt than eller cat
t- 4:01ENT,- . b.. —Hain Iwo. am,"
-AND Bilis during the c. 'S�anl ntp efull noted You
of.Priva:te lb�ay
ENTS.Ure U OIDABLEt this Itte mou turned -deadly VvAe he Stream to-eqtinue a -
W. Seaforth; J. E. al befori he cr6ssed
elt ftuare-, ADO" -trliee h GoderichL for Parties roisiding in.
ND"even D_ To �"'l
X3 r one sh�uld de against them il-Hull to; 1:'13fich; L' Grode'l elsewherer.
e cording to the W hen they vAme -near. toethers,
-fd7aeVW dayfromll.ra AT iey aie- so frequent that ac 0 field:-J.B. Meacham, -roumq, and x1et Joe tellou W k -was shw-AffecteL
fi _, L , J. - . L L" �
Met Md, -Esq.. Sherilfr'. I I i
p e&sgdt salutation 'WAS had juitt eliar �Xpffll vanoss
I, CoriipatlL ies, u6t, J. Fair, 'MY eyes -
11, Esq .; W� Be) fbrt I -
01 V. 1W. e�cpan ne gaglis u- 0 L rave ot eof lb4 -Mird -weather sibith once ']"4640 -to a MOT-
Eltsox AN JEV G _11ilig, remar
way-, O"jE bRY IrWELVEIS IN- :fLu. !'�a Deflo . rt: Eq. OXL' Irl
the guri.
rl Ide b. 3fav 2rd. I 'IS', -
G d g.,Als _ JUO wostern ;Wt of this e4448* WA W_ twenq -
19T llunti his horse.
ommis DAD, _RIVER -f DR.'RAILROAD, iheiv:'issame rejAiad, the 4m� "44111ou Ahst
8101i - -PLANIN --M1 L to he other ;D
,-IAILL W "Ll -
BY' 11 &rJkAgo';7sud on l6oliiiigs0t yow few -W .9
I ksow. 7" 40
AuGtioIL-&(: OR s:iw
Kingsto St.. G9der je/Z 4V -30 a M no litniter, iand'can
04meroa�s B1007 :-Saih, Modr 40
the d
C 1 13M X Ir
Aud and 0.
g's -HOW1 I . �mj ,dsy'f
stron ear Unwr-
ib -onp b 'Nertiflil Go4
sT L WEV next DWr 0 �he
T StTeeis, or at Home,
JaL; 1 ia,slh�q" 1A MERE
SARINET , a in
�-C;. 1dedagainstby.t)Lktn-' out arollcy ID w0tild - 4
812a Tes- I *now you" F0, earts to AAke it AwSy-
IL4E.% of lJoilsetlokt jocge& aggons, &c. P=� way prov k
t;oo&_� f WPlingly give a dollar "for the use oT 'a home and a aat th� mnt. every Satardar at no alter. I Aisgui"id alWAad
S. on, ft:rticubtr lor anV gum, with. weplifly ours. ith r
kankrup: -Stock. Farin 4arances lik yours for h an int�rvlrw you 2U ybtf AAjl mansim.
awntmi, paw io th- Saw o, be obtainvil' allo*i,ilc& in'emse of d: r 96, 1 -W.Duld
anced ougoods,11-itOlt tlablem I etit,can old.spare Jive minu. remetaber ;W 444U$101'
dem_.� cllected. undlord- xinTant; L'- on ap�i a _butk behind these
a tion: to. I
to- see the hea usez-, rblued. Di-, U you' is
Irtgap olljX AN, J r,, XPLETED THEIR X dsfrom he ' re.
tell- Aucw: burllis '$boat two hundred yur
t:0urt 13it-ineAaaiteimledio. Sales atltM Brw AgOnt,.G -not pay it you DW06" to kqw �xq i Factory, Preparc
to any, extent. Ffoi
-attedded to on reavii=ue terim. experiene uda txavelle�.* itnounflng and. fasteLnint, his horsei wry *_60WAs"
Be ves- aounty- szzaj M 7 - T ,Yen mail -VA
h their long etperience in 1116 J11,
d to tik
replied- tb�-_ Y0
it 11Y not only look'at it" semi 11
busiiiebs, ana-having,
tileyflatter them JlUke :it#4onZfidr
0 odermir. JitfY I'21th. 1�94- 1her I.Could
I A�'e A - _ . L. ... . 1- .,il.: I- - -
a, U ramdo or. L Y: � 111W t6 Make Ast ran
am going,youl up enough of Y�aur uNn s
Un"ceed Tain
1. Y. 1.()NEER. OILY VmW ked 11im 111A
C 0 wa
mcxxo�a Tabldti 'Table-"_ ._(THE e, J�uuWr 1112�n seff
AUCT .11n. &0C -9 -the as if to' :i:6446 Ifint:
Uolluty 6f KaTon. in -
or ca nTrY e Alp
Sat�,s. ill village or ca a a - OMID ed the c6riversation
wadd you Aa
-Sn Ciitad Faltieshaviug Id viult
'as from. w r be.
er W
k1_6 -4ould dow1b.1, to qwted tbe 444� wbk Aw 40aft
C), LIF was a _andsoforth, 4;dlisarnlaff in -0 1 TAMR- -Alba4yj -was -a
tt e latter
9GISTP rWideilit;
- I L "I
ha, mpton isinwa, and my
'Aiand:a: 0-
-street, Soul
enor w8-tf m6ichvif inood hi trave %larch 14,IbUC. t 's
LOON. 1DOILARSs niture his Waveroolliki aviipanu yo.
-0 61
-CA W"M aisortmeu�.. is health, id partly YOU40 know 11
:t).A.-V-1S5 partly'for thegead pf I attempWd- mmilert, =ad Av,xal I
iroir HURON ANUF&D'I URERS A lated Fands and,$5;�00,100 "of land for Int—UeApel
ery. e-
41"panctuallyattendt4to., h-, and Casting; of ev 1W 11 Jere ve.are," 0cl*tiMe&tJke1mU40j,
St gi - n 1"U, Waft, at '00 Badstevids, Hair
w50-1yr$o, -50G, 0. 7 fiom -the come Bure aAnnual 1111 Exceei-s $2 Sofas aui§� Tahl ter iGeia i4e prais-d r 4#xwW*& Aa ther.—
he- ove ane an 6ty iDf
Woolseated- kirs, G 10 they Jind sb
_�SL 10 #rough whicl
ra ;Gadbe
at *ado lit Moulding N -H-A DWIj fo; c�d their
open ivood. ive sre Pt"a
ES2 d —L s
An ooking 14 be"t MWUetQL "ftegin Me tWO&OJ inge
and now I will show YOU
tees,eiredtad at the G Way into Mot
KM . I AsfineAudfim
ul J= a 9...
Amis consistent WiLl safety -
ere I point
ad impo*
at pf&%f beerve Wh XV team
ts you saw. 0
1kingjaken Ili exam 'L, . I I - 6 1 1.,. � 4 - rorw araem, CLOMM1881on Kerchnts 'I old Jroix -1, , . . . I laken's low
"-coalfh Amps. . Budiders
a TA s nd Sheeps e.
VIT"49 Ititi bs �-14ayaon T(
tye pped some t*kt ar -ten -feet, 41mm �Wy &Mll
P&t 04me. tit A -1w JMAWFA
24 2W" orlmie 1116;iateV sw�ised Iiis piec mrace A—WMU,
Rs �05 ej *ad P
00 ttavai_ I --of
mber and_ic dd takin I
for 1W
"V L 1, the *ictim foli'like 106,
nTO HIRE the xuaie
-01burIM PorkV
&0 1 .
Wi*oiit JJU45
JAth blood,
Itiferene _k _A4 J281; mw_ AD* I Amw
lo. Eft d O"r
Tlis =911t,
mmt crime
t ed to
430* 1 was text*
-b6 CA
EE TAX =44 with the
-T 1GIM Air, ALD
A#D from Jal h"4&Ud�.Le Sh"k-doliN
tit Uut Ali The ir^vller *131 the lific tw Toldful
iUj4a� riffe.
kin ............
meveifut Selma,
OSeetiallroad Oot.L
e'K& to f
erin from 9:9 et
Maulow .0
ing us "8&
U"M A -ro Ud him efa_pvrse� a pcket W*, A 9*1d !r�w Iwo
x *AtehAud "s some 01140.115 4& 'SfAiM-
=NMS10XF&_ L C 0- As
0froattaties 3Vf1
aim Ond b"sapiny Awd A'l 606"
fiamond *JAch 1
Aotsforgale; Brucothatheis Mill
a244n kept of F-rruLaJJ& -40 refrom I& in
PA fu Xer, MM 1iodragged
;the borinto J* tbieket� wo lj�r Pr isk Ao
to parebw her 6f
: . - M,
a having low for soilear- Albeiring
Nk— W
A Rig Z0, %e I
lit S lunged =*OIX
&40' be
pSW _the, *4 Now
n :- r --- — I - I , 'A sua4m4m,
Saw,=_P.WW jL lope of It Ibittintla JAWft., as&d -Away trom the
Awful spew'.
made to T
sw0wi 04SC
lit 'd
Zad "ftanfea- .1m ft 143*" own UJU"Je& not to'e"&t He 4ON44,0
and 4&8 aret.16!1�7 CA
rr ig, siomagnd -would beg l"Va faift&nn.:
bat:iiiia-ft ofthe To*nSWP-4 Offft d
�Wt*klsg- -'r so, spiesldty furiiish* ist I
in, Xube r ------ W7-
�rf &KIUK G T�5634WInt torth 46&b6@04 -am _J
-V404nnisiseach ta4iliathewillbe:. MW diever, bets
merr hesisarilw4tv"i
A Ll CiOwu smd Id mid lig *i& A
ji=ft t�OL ni'jk ft- ;,e4n b, madis .;d the 0 111011 BPAM'
rope"d 'kiledtoL,gj"
land tPerip- OF r moist in D
te& rea��. rates. -*paidioW ax a
1P A"Awasm" hdjoten" _to _g 4 October
sii UN