HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-11-22, Page 3A
S r Jo M -401 r -rk's own pril'LLte S
bl'in, U. Il, the Cl, lo TEAM ENGINE
st Quest
..i. tX,-'ess an purljo:-ei. 'ne estimation in w1ilch our REQUISITION' T heTo
Ll D11111 11-t I o . AT% D a filly fj�,
.i�j, Clerk here is held by the I
a Court
evidencod- bv
er %ZV- i t h,� To 10HE V: DETLOR, ESQ-9 Tioss,
I, i in &g- Stewar-'s Plant itit-i Ni SIP,, WHO 18 FOR THE XHIET? BOILitiX In
—the -N ze Clerkship f
c0thillZ and wil' rert*�rni in ri ditir I V tindersipied Muiiicipa -A iuQu,_jsi,rio_N by those op -
1,Q 11!1" —:` I fl,:L, i'l -111 1 "" t!"' tor,; of ih.,� tuwn of(loderich, ha%ing full UIP
toria Hall on Th-arslay aii.1 F. D. I i � LARGE STOCK OF C1Dr%(jwjCLiilW
e uppolllt conversinti of C, rabb's
�,.b zueiA of d ('01111tv co"Inells sh0till li:ive th posed to the Apply to
�?, � in next, -2 Ith all 1th llrzts. cuuLdence ill your inte,rity aild bu:ii less
nlent. 'as I have al�;IiA that they vllt_flit to 1A I? K ET his been W.M. GRACE. IRDO THEY
woufl fill tile' llual st that you Building'into a N I& T PRICES CONSIDERABLY BELOW AvYTHrNG HrTHFRTOoFFE1
of have, th". Same gentle"Uall lifica-iins, respectfully reque Guderich, Nov. 77th. 1804. w4lssw19 Their Stock
e-*-nfined in 11.9AD THE LIST.—The great S*11le the most pop- -On JJ6 Would call the attention of those desiring to purchase to the abov!p.
36 1:,0-7 -, a st 1—being, as he is, will allow vourself to be inominatkd as- a can. nninerously sianed, calling consists of
C. od lands for taxis, adverti5ed in our columus 1 -lace , n 1 0 t
free COMI's Off on uhr man in town. H -6 5'
7 - I own MR w W, C
N%Ve!p-is idiot for the last three months Idate for the Mayoralty of the said T SM�T ' 18 6 5�11-1 .8
joab.e Deing. :t., and we would advise all for the 4ar 1865. and in case you accept of to come forward as a candi4ate for.
the 29th in., STANLEY- - I XXT93W 3M3MC3MXVr"30 M, BINER SETT35 PLO AND flulu...."!
s and ravines our Counties' readers to look ovnr the this requision,, we hereby pledgge ourselves to I . I .
11 th6 Mayoralty. All those o0posed AT VIE,
.1"ect Sunshine (eroru our owit corre+wdent.) AND A QUANTITY OF
;r.eva:ence of List carefUll-Y to make sure that their 14L,' c,)Ilcert use every lawful means to secure your elec-
Tll!� ('uS,-LUT IN BAYFIFI.L).—The
:'It .1 straz have 6eard of'
.Is, not advertiz-ed. We tion.
Ire be even.
K I I are rivell bV theBaviel] Brass Ball& -011 I
ers are incep- ted to give their su ppS)rt.
several persons who paid pretty sweetly to exeessqe taxation will: be iexpee- _001 CHINA & STONE CHINA TEA 1-1
.. ; ()f the 11 th wai a dvc-.10d success i Sur- Itobt Gij)�oll,; I I
z ---me are deaf, x I III I it W McKenzie E111T. I- I
for carelessness in thi�z particular on furm-! *t. &Ln�aine expectations Th s B V%LOT'Avery Amos �ia Godericb, Nov. 15th, 1.8641 publish
n&er all these. I P a sail -, i ', even the*m,) 0 rtin Togretbe� with &complete Stock of GENERAL CROCKERY. We no stmed anous
nen in almost cr ocemons. it was helA in the splendi NTORE -m the reduction of our p but
.A.eve there is of' its proinotees. 51r., James Pollbek M C Cameron John Fair AR . . . . . . . A CHOICE ASSO-RTME-NT OF
I Hail or Ball room of I,' Seymour jr William Robi "so' T
AUSOTnER. F -iia for the purchase of' CALL &EXAMME POR YOURSIELV-0.5.1
and I 6ink--I may safely saylthat there were George Achesou 0 in Ia.
asnect V" W T Co
fat and contract cattle (tilid latter meaning about 300 people' present, ifiiiludink the upper,
are &i&dly J B Gordon -John-'Steven derich, Nov. 8ths 18b4-
erc -Tail _D I ID TER; tm 18401,11 Go
,ug equal,: ia &e.,) will be ten of 39 hant
Bayfield aad vicinity, with two ezcgp
some animals only, fit for dist ers Riiehie,- Eiq.,, �and' B Trainor -George Jessup
part 4C held at the- village of Dungannon on T_ues- tions, these were D. R.
i �- - GQDE IC -H --just he- celebmted
James Thomson William Arthur XAPMj . $QU ARE, Recemed a large supplv of t'
n f,)ur; i Alexander- Johnson, Esq., eputy Reeve.— HAS JUST RECEIVED A Chewett & Co.'s (tormerly Scobiels)
on. the strady 4ay, the 6th of December next, whe Jame's Smaill Henry Wells
The latter. gentlein-va- reff tted very" much
�,,-�rnpt those on, William Wallace Ci2arles Welti -Ndrt
fte & WeU-A e-4 CANADIAN A
buyers --two fr6mi New York and two from t,. and was billy LMANAC FOR 1065.11
that he eduld nat je
John Duno. J ob Bedford
Montreal—have signified. their intention. STOCK (i r,
tigiv,.idihle ci rcumstances.;
Joseph She.riock W. T Hays Country Store,. k
d -by
to -be pr�scnt. NVe' trust those of our ee zed
ere. supy
d 'Fhere were two- ent on the occa- 1- 1 hos. C.MeLean R3beri St"ith.
sale rice$...
a�tar lec (100 a lid; Beriie Brass. 11 p,, Charles Rabertson
I th& firmers wim -6ftencl -it will realise -ALLAND WN
t, viz: tha uneimall. TER ItIVE'"E.
returned 7
prices as the times tht-V both.-pirforlme7d m3st adq2t Lewi CANADIAN
l3dadi ana William Kyl C3 -'C) 0 :D -S I
e, is . .
ANACXbr 1865
it n. much- upplali.6� -The V#rna
isut coach- and ably, eliei R Kerr v Article, suich as. FARX=SAIX
GOOD - e6N�j6rcr R&WARDcD.—Thos& wlao And a. -variety of anc.
I'G!ee -M4r I'
the Towntylp of
ti0l) As a George. ox
'and B 06 k- F..
-Leat Sa I School
e A: nuftiVer (f cApitai natio"la William C*
were school paralpanions; in -imt,4 -James Millar -John Hed rer Neckties'Icaps-, .00
acd war * bl�_gustaii led their reb
son,s . 0 S h irits .C.61 lars
airk dt rippen N"airn, soa- of ht-' MPLETE IN
him not but MY -STOCK 16 NOWXQ
pprintenden�,' were sun,4, by,
Gavin Str E Clegg, e for
uthert -W o' sell. Cl
seat-imental ancr c6inie Which he.'is prepered t St
to cheer: th& ased
tariley.,will fid doubt be ple
!IeaFy D Thomas ush.
-wo sialoin shall jia friends -a several other'-� -4intletaen in good C
ous Books,
c 9 ape
Arm and the. aii- Writin ON 70IR
as to -hear that he has received a-Coulm;
McDermott, in his 0%vn.pecl.�Iiar ch�racter, of" Godarich.0 11�1864.
whom- the, ohnnv Bell A.1fied C�llin's
e apers, WU L
the star of
A P -4 a Le. i
eedi�d not th�_ Lieutenant ia. the, Fedem course bein- t)le evening. Th James Collin
i- at. -about her, MeAinental Quarter-Rasier- 0 Blank Books
'It Lewis C Martin A mn
reoiied. 9�;My pointment, of . month. presented with a concert closed o'ab-out �,e 'clock b Gre rivelopes.&C.&C.
was,' tikewise ldst HUGH.. DUNLOP St .8 have Aearly vo&�Ie 'FALL A" WMZI&
n4 G "Chas '9 �.rciAald Jits McK Brec. enn gq UL 0003K8,
tdd their
syr-6rd of the valu of a; buridred '&Alars th411 'field Brass Ba od Save: _Per1bdiC9118 irdele for 60 by Y WORIDER
-6 t STOC.Iti.' od� 'the Queen." ThA Audieuige, eviced n ire I J M.Shepb�ard eygry e officers a Cl, � Magazins, w
a tn6n- othis RR timent, for go T11t
d H ederihott
na candu te �themselves
behaior an thefieldi,, The pries most D 0 Strachaa enry a AND
bi Z .
rm the, inhabitant of Gooerich J�4. e Edwin.0iff6rd mea Brbo at hv hig.REMOV9D to the illop unde, NEW-SPAPF UPP
the wife. of
LG R Trueman Willit-in Eden--,.
0 es were imme.;
C G Bento
Jaies G allery, be UV - GR CE
eritation, was made, 1;v the Colonel in presence 'ditably dilriftS the wh(k B EGS to""' S
--cr 1�of the pi�rf J� ks th
-over, the' L-446husoll's fletur The
*COLBORNE and- the r�om p exec i�wek? SHELF HFAVYA ARA
repared f6r
I diat:�Iy cleare4, R-Baxtbal William Kyle y SQ A.WEP, Wed lath'awt d
T AND a buil 'Qu�dr 110 a0 -occu
-the dancing commenced IT m
the dance. splendid. i B d
'yjix —On Friday nighf 1;lst W.J,Johnst6n: Jame Holligter i he has a faige supp �y 4t Tn' CLINTON BO01 STO'D
p - brbhe 'IV �.0 Tieleaven. nw"y .11UD19-
in atri C
ied thL str- and
used b James. Barkert of- Hei�ry Colerick" - L IND WINTE GEOBGE LAYCOCK,
-yorously, all scemid�r..determioed to URN Us
0. was
a oi& An them Ires to- the fu est. W
'f rry 40
Suit- Ha it *d, Henry -,�lwon Book- 6ro, I
U&Siorehouse or lay, 6AEs, enjoy Lle. ]which Voyernber 2nd. 18W. j 19
lea. Lew is James Martin 'table f e
e C4311 -
ns. wq I
!IETTY. .'.,-fbed amounting twseverdL t
their bewitchtri and f�SCi'! LCing mile 'v Iv
s o el
T H 8 Sinclair Ferltusotl.
,.t'i?. Co:borne. is n' dotib C ul or tbv, r detich he
'? thj� -;round. A-. quandt�y o , j
vrZ.� lie thank- ly Iressed and with
sumied. There r that the fire, 'ICE.
I cJackson, ..White
graceful forms and' apra tive rge Cattle
burned to Uy and �taswrul D Fra' Joh.-Xii, kelizie, 11 tit
I 18.rbady to tle
rid G60 RL&N
flie letely captivdted h _rner se�x, a. BOOTS,
wo of an Incend t e� Ste
coin ioidi J D Black- Gi)dekeh� Oct. 18th, IS64.
ag D S: (r U Iliff v61 AND:
Barkerinot ertain,of-coursei.who the andIrOM-five inatesafter�the.Rand struA-A
Aic'ha4l. -Moran 'E 171usler
NEW k1to
_UPL their sJa insp,6114 nlakj"6 DING FUSS9
b 1 7 Pei�r- Grigggs.
ay entione eqervth
7 -guilty-party is,* ut if �m be m ev'erybdy- id-
eXt In.)
d William X uylof D
t wihirl of joy an _RIN ftA
t a' the I the Hall' *m94 in a Donald Cummings
up at -the I c -Donald turinp Stationer. (who -b" Wely retu. the.15at . VIN6 made arrangements fielitsli_ Te'It H9jtfi
Samuel P t oh' M
women who had their husbands t
t he, out of pure charity, tooL I = . � . -
1 0* ac:
delight lat 166REGOR, Book--bjnde.r and'Nanuf
ru�l E TABLIS ENT ruedfrom aad
abers of va -
We c the S
James -VeDonalil
-polke court not loffz sincef and, that.--Wel� ceq sofjlieirfirst�-c6nc�rf un(f H D Caeron alphid with a Jarge mock of Binding an
up:)n thepro
t illed 4on their Ch -a -les Fletcher le.under 8mi h other t -terial), I ain prepared. to Furnish Bfink.; 'k -DT
They v�m'h particularly to dmlw allftidon totheir stoc r 6'6a Aigappeared on. 64barda'y hen he 1 als,) be -leave to complim .11 8
e Thordas- And
rews -joh, Hunter- -
-ient playing, ie eting w it. J OHNA] ANS 'B6oks of all kind'. size andstyles with and with
p 1 Adings� at teii Der,bpni cheaper
very effic utpiinted.He
I e a Elos. a ving satisfaction will
exercise ndinsruttgi TRICEL
wanted, onp4rticular business by, con- dit up i, thedis6lves bat' '�Gj'to announee t d,
o his 'ormpr pa an
not Robt Stewart' Matthew Roberts6ft tha-ii.Tor' t
of charity only great �4re B tj� All kin FOR ..Ulu
.-Ir his Sin publii� 4enerally that'he has' IWd 0"Nul
also upon tliei� very ab Q194M
lDxTm be repai arp�
m oidd- cheerfull r-ecom, red &ie of ch
hanan --A Cbisholm.
tro a upon him it ren aa. We w' u! privat neud. the Jus Bue v TAIL01tiNG .9-S`TA JOHN BUTLEL The R-HAPY.M" ING.35. moo coml!te
fie' d Brags Rand to, an e- or pubR6 S.Plollock:. D id Reid.' A.ALQL".L avr4ft2l E CLOTH jmd mmubsbul0d
C"reater hardship.. ay James Reid
dem the case- ope of still 6h ini� de-si re the �ei�ices of a Band. Fkasef' IN. HIS OLD StAND,
Best an mo
party w -.j&CO 8 St
wul rri've-,entir '-eN
feelin- 6hril.M&k that they. e. - Abrdliam-smith owton Fa!SMon bi
Weg to ai
t stxeit d6or: d -a e
salisfaction. 11 D S)ilsbury Jame
sWith a very Died asso in
n je w - ej I T-eee r en
utine Ames
HE% M170111*1 -Sitnuel BaTla 'Ac)�ahon
Steoli*en Ball. FUAS OF SUMP -TOR QUL AW1119 IMP 1k *V
A yo Neil .11-cLeau LADIES'
atT ii-- h ntly
[From our Milan Corre,*t%5 cin ABI 6Z Orr-IMED stirrin this week ini There is not r c hi 40L lrou,ge, oi a well William Sa'nders Jbhn Hilliaid
ful cjupip, ire 44118 at t suitable for the
�ey, won C 13 cLean i I& the Wa ews' this plaw �Ve kee ohn M'Cajiurn
V o! nown f:i-me toolk a. no I, n- that t
re state -of. celibauy�. 62r'misery to artiLli Mete�llan Col irr Sincl ali F�'
OR the eved tenor Of oar ly"Y luk'%'v ry.-chan,,efrolna inn ke up -in Arst-clasi -let 4hon
Which e is prepa
h red to We so 'coated to
_respeotable�-- cliliet manner, as all goad peo, o f tn�Itruiiany? -Or. i ie. ilinston William, R61illirtsn style and verycheap for GASU; A'..,splendid
adie block of
A a-, tha if-fley, is
P14a R�pa_t. :rro'M that and th:44 -known the' D, a' Campbell G� or; -,?e M.se tt
'?uAt to da.,
ustrated, J�lneS I ing old-- Ha- - 31adame Rur_1'10u�. having intentiollstheicidesiis.-ii I f e 1 J IV i ilit,
A -t4 _cioil�ummfLte. th 11 as Do
nut ERCOA S. AT.
�[ - I M rtues 0 V
they determine Jj
IN f! IM& gopabroad that'the Dirisign Court Clerk� TO* F Jwd -in
i -vailarkably clietip 13.1t
OF JI0 -Of flae,
s:bl,-. Accor- I zly I Eri q A veav' Donot forg6t to M11 wled I
shipwas vacant b_y th� res nation of JOR$ "AMS.
(Aerich';'-0 t
in ght- have been Fred' -R arn, Bray,.
R.R. Read, some of the prindi
McKenzie i
seen c i*liuilsi� All
in the prom ci u'l _-.11C .rl I.. ., . � .. - i Stoc .0 V, -hft pal - Ax
ness me mpty 6 rge anies Passmore.'
e orm,
ag- Geo
aiaa I. i td t. 6f eek D,iniel G' ordon JOn Pusstxi9r
ack one
memorial to h6 Hoa;rJa&e Coo e Tie _ wo RAME YOP
a r. per., . wintiow. of his lad IQV' - a� Ziohn Stewart: Geome V Ed F R!
d. giviagy a su
Mr. ames: iently 10" bl.er -oat af the'solind
r %aesting, --ther "situation. :for ad' rap �to aw4l�P, owlaW Sava.� I -Thomas Bar
n asona ir customers Owing
@ isho intimate to t6ei
A is. Te They V Fair—a, very -on PROMPT PATIMUTS 'she' G F Stewart Peter Bar ry
w6rthy-, ilese !�ep wbj�:h It- io. suPpos lots
rik. t114 bi rlit, all"I then sist.ightman.- Thopaitibm*-as' e
very gen- Da'vid. -Ada G arge Barry
'he a was , ILI �w in
patieudy tile res Ic 'Geor Rumba, I E und K Larid
raUysiped, by t merchants. wd trader-
'puteametae; ove. IT
the wLi, w vijf c d
�n-ck niareb W 1) -Shannon WM H'
seit 0 on the
L miles Conn6r Robert Hyslop: U)T OF W.&S .19
of the place�i—ttheir ap _11y -iSL One that the far t
with a matter that le"a e t!jea ad SUSTAlt
4 k 1, �lftp, W ODL
for 04� 2 1, , . . I. a -en I IL .0 a Jobn Butler
�thou* "ere � ce.. , th--r,-. I kit th-- i6sil e W'*I'-- Gardiner:
Jage is ihe.sole disposu-,r -of, being tliat
�ter e
fe e
.;as T RO
j11:::V9 DET -L-011
-are. very much in- _%nd klud, the 't- f4e of three
the, as a cvmmdhit�yj 1V Watsol D C4rn.erou
I effi-� d on NOULDI
_Urestea- in, havifit- a trustwortiq aw N.
there4fter e j Il I Ili._ _-B wits X113IJ GO
reeeptitin, und' few tilla;tes ms
IF, clen't officer appoirited to'Ahe sitwttioL---_ - . - I - . . : - .. -.nitin, tifem aq man imd -11 Duril AL Lickf b -6 . - . Gode ch Se 26,1894
6p, Go -4t- pt
11 such offices i* _)ser' in ii, k!iesi and'in heafth' 'to I%Yve- a0 Alexinder.Grees-, 'WEAT,.'
And so, ft,e hi-itter f.ir, worse. f :Dqnald 'X-eX
H di ly no doubt they, INS
are nominated nL wip n In A tL d.
S UUW Cou nti" of
onegty the have no lion- lea -or If, ' I
ntegritiand, b the Ed%it-Buigham Virtne at
Jhn Pridliam. D
ately, headed for the SAId7j,
fiactice, their business. suffens, --and the fir on ' e -h-,d,sb redently -sallied. and. upi?n -Ethyard -ton 'DRY
uron jLn4 Br;;, Fri Fades 10019W i6l
Btem joba White
Pic It 1, __ . _. -0f kv naiad Dow lot
IDY virtu of jqen wa.
e4of gag
-Cagme J�_Rawsoft 6 Of1
ANCI PLACES vhich theyere on lost to view— Dal jel:Me United Coon" L drva
hr' 1h s 'Ory W'P- John McPhe 31acnara Huron and Bi, a 13 Facias inu out of'Rer
twi their e-ress t tenement ot W. T,
tiie ettgouadly Until Aounty Cou,rt of
ey-en deelinei'. for unless they eaa have a. do,,— I!_ie-dotllitie TAD Wit: 31ajestvlj' -, � it:thesultofjamesl)tnielmackay7I
oftile, Uxuted lei. of fluroA and. Bruce and
mer6antile interesstiot the place flag, or reac ing 1 id� dormi rson Win -A h Hall e . d ada
as Healy,,' -johnQuimoe t thei a*d lakes !a tzeclstion -all 4us
retarns r -me directed against 00 In tidx*,W tenementsPf
li rht awoke them fr6 L -0
a4mo able pross ing r ei�ipyrle- Thom -C THING
peel of getti
John Ha'dson in. A. H;Lrrison to in
inzarest of tbe imid if�
a -reiamg an jaw _Itobiiilih anct John Tli� r, at the*uit 'of
.CharMs Pert, ED9R8',ADDR1@ -to ti Al mide by the publia officers. I d d sw�it repo tes L. beta 17 an d 18. Fe Wle a 1i i S W, WI, *169
mber 23rd- T, a pbet e. Post -
P L ]RichaidHu�ter, I have
41:0 -se duty it is Lochlan.Cam Master General re w6d it Quebe cutionall tbo
-ta colled 'TIL DF . �& r i "NFAIR-A -CO-9 right,�tiit;e -and giitet".t ofthe said Har1wrmy, bang stiNlivils,
t'their.. 9mall ae' Jame' s- gays J hn Barnes -Thirtees iA the id oftmellisn
Mace defendantam a -C i1i,ty -
G.—Od- TuesAd, ed two' ad to Lots: h umbew 12 and 13, it, ,6f in t
6ou they- must I s- IN vla -little git ag on: clea of,.thefi
Until NOon3
er, o effitict! a speeiily as pradent1itisine si A'Laturge B-Hazlehurst TN oril ship of flillett, 40
m present arge, stock
29th halfvears, d of a ay -Dece -MADE CLOTIIfNG,- will, Aurink,the the County by aditiesisure- tainjif on"fth of an SCr$ P
r. James Fa'-* of- DRY OOODS and the Oth con ofthe Town
to credit "in numer rworth- Will' df 9dron.**7&intain1nr #A
men, Aecrine . zive ou� and a 'H C Butte" lar ymour. Frid aadsand lenements I lsholl
of -this- township, unfortunately drank, V , ItEADY e it twd-lipndre4,�aema oflan&� be - be lantiie, 1 -eyance 'f J in 41mVowt
For the 'conv of Her,14aje weeks'
cases where they might otherwi-% safely Thomas 400d Samuel Burk tylii M ill$,. oil 1Z next;five Ariz: rom this, daie to 3-0tit 0 11 1W Ti"
mother ithall oilow
-Con ur vears at m Snag 6re oress 1 WhiCb 1
of mediein'whieh her sed ows, roiii4he
from a bottld tract for fo
'I liott propo.
-is d1i as than twd. i&er,- R Barton J W El Ist JANUARY: nexti botween ofler formle sit invifim in tbeA)ourt House, jo,
do, so, anci thus the busness ivel) WaS. Using, an t,,at the hourf 4 wallve 61
Le 4efic, v Tweuty�- 2"
Daeases. the IoVM -60"n jj'Tuesd*y, the -
at the hour MADE
3VWJM I ]E3EM d,�_co.uld'IP6 j�yqcure4)_ EGrabami L�onar&Peck.. NT OF TEN PER CENT. fourth "T-ot i anuary. a
ray�'to lomfities where they are more (andbelore me lea, 81 irkto & �W- scou
not knowthe name of -,job R�jlph. n itdh Be' -ALL
was- 11, corpsee oAle,xalider Bell
t have -.bee JOHN
of Div s -of the clock, noon;
fbirtunate Court of- ihe mbdicine, but it in a virulent. per- we
us 4m% Ruticimall .7Wce ek each tdit HASM
Edward C. Watsollk Office ®
,a COW-. about rid I a--
-29TIOME X0_
Add tor thisj. alsq,, the losses that 3 anguisli of the parents. can' -be of tbie Subscriber, poison. The H W-lieeldon' Lt LISW no r; ' od than aesdn 1herd
-bef r more
A -8flff 'X AS Of laU(%
must. necessaril AWD inting to FIVE i offle
,y owur ore delinq=6 better de to .-�ITILR-HETL,%lFSPFRWF.I!-K-EAC 7DOLLARSo e
you that -they have tho aympathy and -h 8,4 -aid in Wter, On- ;V�W 't Sh
,r, sue i arep
To RO BT."GIB13ONS, Esq.... one iliv -
sort thorouAiylno' those _d h *'
are .0 nlv allow,veveaplerdwm
. ery nd 7
e Z
all -Ing
F Thr,_2e titnes pet,*ftk eac4 nity Jor m
'the excelle
who'have their'aTairs.intol th dred. and ejjhty-five'+. oihets,+ Municipal
'jeot6kie of:jh L t,: it of Goded 9. A It OPP040 e 9W ]TO.
ces OUSL
ly t furth6r rmatj
lhft& gr Sadi �me and it mu$t be readi Printed- noti P-URCHAjRES I Wr At. i
-D A
t�4lintrqct.nia be- VA AGE
6 to.6onditiom . -the 10116 A"
aHowod. that me tile communities haVe.
rcan -blank forms of Ten er may b'
d ol;tid ed it thc it the beginning of a season, does'sof iftial
Post Offices abovi meatio afid'ath
Flits�, tbi* ]rift. 011CIA f f ARM
-biding interest in the matter Nor. 2; -1 ned, virtue a t f , 4
a all a' 1argely th Unitol
Ar VIM* *a of -criber 6f
Yo subs HUrORL . Donog Adatiasubstor
ar iequisition,- so e tj�� facials ibsued oist
kowu On, 0", - arkd &g left
Omer qUa�ff and 191.
SIX eSt JPF' aUY -al - . . , - . . 1 .1 Wfid 1=2
gned reache 'hire, this
ot ftyid
-the estate aor ch appointmetits. S alch, �t a rate F 1 ifhl]4 $0-84 %GIL1jEftT
mfogmaeon that and resp --in ilt Aer aw WW
ctably Fit 0. 41*tfor- Gkn , Octub sw67 Courjvt-ow Vnited Va- two of - Huron Ar Drucs�,:,, reitioning that 0*75 e, presents Spring do
Ot J.
the.come � 6f 0.34' Post Me In cr 25tb, IM pow.
-itself to peolplje�s ;wkds hereabouts. And Dat. ...... 0:90 sod. in cow plignee -.1hemwitli I beg 9jmdtowedirectedj&M�&ijWtrthe Lou& aDd tenci . I - wL41-3t --ed =d�
don,C.W.,25th 0, 0 ments of WiffiamL J(aWt%OM. at the Xult of Joka David
of Barley slue AW intmestaftbe AsId
t4 estion, is very seriwasly discussed r ' L' ' I d '.teti* air, n Nellumck..
0:45 Say, th ugh 1 had re o ve to. re.
at -W W
qu Dowip grym i NJ@&)! ayf oh ed, in a"
3:25 :-_:a I ayikirj h aye to
fid -the -sudh an XL tbeTown o(Godainb*
id `1? , - 71� ' - r -1 cannot L Y omg 4 -h�r fr9m nicipul politilos,
ParRament for -ark altoget
2:50 00 FOR SAI,L and" tak4in in Ex trm st- it -a to lot nitimb 'h you reclue, di jitte'LP Wit d~an M; D4 L
In tba
M tba
A 'SP" C In tbe
of the law as WiU wer �j 0j06 reffise t9 Acom &I 4fte said
,nve.the po 2L.'00.. if sWe of*Ajain strem, in the villog4i
"40 L Lambs. _p Y. -seven. sm at a
In in ibe L CoUnty Of BfUce; Whiah
of Walkedon
ies If at, your disposal.
of the. appok�Ment of these oilleials to the turk 0:6w- 'therefore,.. a e _q 1%wfty dw Tkir 604AW
SESIL Isliall offer for *41 In
-0:30,' )45
6 at
-pl® Gaese, do 60,0D WOR NO1 Iffo
eils', so that thqpw 'you thatif elqcted,, withire-
-10 �Or* anus.
A good'VdQpper
0:0 how 'directandimmediite contro r--- 4 :'0-25 - ritcli en Tuesday the 416th
have a, mom .60 t qqesgona SCLM HN wo
Dabksj $be taken in�pivxiient- 4TWavtifthe clocki
iwo- P
0 A
y wtij, VHLLIAM SE 0.
*�.*vfee thm nowL have wWle the: Hdes t. 3.00. includin *I'C
wreen)_ - ____ . JOHN Xc
0. 'fin ft- -that. of -the
aces. 9 e .
PC* -
trona butter Dell "!$
D jW
]?Otatoea. 030.-- 'ih * -
-TUldlaVe �POMMX -the- pal 0. guided-entirelyin-my I e B.7 1g., I& !I I
COMAY 0, in' OCIj IV
ae PwOet r if 'the
0 o a- majorfty.'-Of
'The _DiA&a -voice d*
Qourt i�,. -more than any- .00 A
.0d., ot tonduct br the f
gecy_ to &T. 08- 0,
Goirt., and O. -So n4acipal Eleams of tfie town.. WTANTED, a teacher holdinj a certi Cate, for
es ......
AppT School Sect u:No�. 6� Tupbeu
ad aggrie. People f vea �y any- act of the
14*00 Bra
.00. �60�4 t'h y Should baia 96m ready way., . trlr) _per load. 6jM% IWO of.
_X� 111TC
To Wit.
-t j hig1je$1 Tf 1X
it is;L T&' W1 J*t - 13A of A. WM
6f Alimsaldw dw Aniv
RATION2 0r 3L* inme plao". thit I have handpf, -where
si f- I. - . y, 9' id ITO&
_;�War fayodt#..of ae -County- adge r.thp_ 'SignaLlj. Y`0 ur* 0"�
epor�Fd expresil oui or 1" j".10W MAN&
E#, nr 7:1 rU i
meogbetwom I - 4*_ : � � - cowt, Cowt tuations # j to *X%81sbdMAa16 9*4
ox,50i. 0 N
16 leia 'appinted ta Ell the si ff I _�
0 L _ . . 'r do'
211.1864 J H _-V"DRf L L &,
-the oa W D b .8 , Ta ieuoniin-�n Scbo�l-'
his Honor, 'Bushel.. -2 Begavt1lo; X �T, 16t% I
a d -T hobnob weU *t1t Trustees, of theNofink of-Gkideip afiftt- Dmalif aid 'Wj r
_FjjjjiWhe�t V - . - . . , . . - . . . . . - V .
t6 draw thatwbol ove tj b4sh -CIC" ell
0:78 ftil - - _ . . :. . r his Springr Whil T idartV 40erAi3 3 at I 'have a" 111018"t- tions word# jj6UVU
_7111h I I "
-tl"- so--- LU =4 ILA"
0-30 '1
commence on 2ad January n
V!* -0 09r.. The nu
goodfiellbWAn he ma y -i mi 0:50, re crene", i be rereived, _y 6. preU. the, P16's
an of Tursay", T#0reAller the cunt of Bruce whichlanasot 1 40 _y
0 fte
�,geases *t th jr 'p6tatoe3L' 1"d
e 00 Sam
It i. ... � - oider'ofth tpft Ito;
14, at
oftlie�sqbocribar lot 16, -lot udb &Y�
=d ST"Y =
ltu �me� riend t 4red).: be �_4efqre $OPL
At T -W 6811 .-f I
0% o A Ift Nov.,18".�
Porli 0 hun I dav"21*011 lob
Godeirich, -fJl . W - -
h t A!g .UD in*,
T6 ownfirAli
I AdIallobigre- _-UP-0jetten Viasii- -noryet 5() ke tet Beef .50
w the I =not
a0 ^er to M&
over ' lox" 8 L Shan AWMWPPWR
$OfPQP4��bjM to b&a S� that 0:09' d'a ISM L,
t 0-08
0: *00
7?; r�
r I
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0. 10118
W1 Wlit