HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-11-08, Page 4• ' 1 • • SPRING STW HATS t .° /r T. sm. ra ( euer-.' :E(xtie. i i rit 11, AIM MRS. S'aErtLOCK, as F t r i •r '3 s;•'.� in rat..littut it°t6f`i€�. ZiIY`-if 1 i 3 11tt to itd Stag!" _.4 EFY.E 4R sP:::a 4 •-•„- c x-f�.".. �t#c tidies !mites v.-itcyt ` <'it} nt ; y e.. ,� ..P� i e'Li, cl it C.t recety e iva • T EI Zs .F`b�.v Qhs iT i r P :CATION: . lxfc2 tt: Fi-t. t r_: '§ _ .`1 itt' t• F-ia—n � rC -` OD ST ND fur Nat Oar af Mr. FAL, , VERY CHEAP A FARM of 11 r-ODEHLC roads leading thei • large portiott.oftl titer partic ttlnis $Jltcrttzrj (ioslf i7 Co:iertt h.'±h 1'• Farm:'. t acres'of land. 61 miles from , 60 acres, olenre , with good to. Time will be given for a e purchase money. Forfnr- ppiy to.l. B. GORDON', .Esq., h, arta -- WM.SES MOUR tG GO itweinber 1S63. • :. ,w41-tf n Bosanjuet kOE SALE )%Err, ` FH.l i 1 SR F�"r�NEI3 ott'ersfnr sale or o let It.t2.0, 1:ltlt Icon,. township of Bosxttquet, County -of L inib{vu• .The farm eonsists of ORE R icJv of ttiht•st, ton of ltleI3 irELIfv`' IJ:Ail .Z,oii thr aelo ACRES; 1!DRED near a C If),LS�A<'1''DERED 1��'VA1'?ELi''Dtto TWO of which a lama nta otteriel PP o In the best -3VIci-ex. Warrant -6d ()NE hand ' . ./10 -en ft s TWO. k4‘10d • lared.. and situated_ n aRailway. There is a LOG 3L OORDON, Tweive to RENt, AVE STILL IN STOCK., AND WHICH WE WILT' SELL AT 87 Over° tsioNED 11111 Ma tarn! m • Col- isefr as may be agreed !Ton; Vile Tartu .contyris•ea IkTPRED cleared, and SO free of slimps. wit bus • 'ES- OF GODERICE, front two SaW-mills. Barns, y to ROBERT GIBBONS', Esq.. the *Cruises t -o • for ,Sale. acres, more orles.,-I, being corn - loth bah' of lot Twenty-six,' eon- I Tovittship of :Words. ;sixty aeres -11feneed—witlitn one tn-ile or the et Road, with:: st-hoot on adjoining Wens of . Nprion• Water. tqabie, !tisk) :gtaxt. yot.ng orchard with trees itiFilk.1 0'401, 111 kJ Terms Made known by aPplying to. GEORGE ana ADA :11 tORBE7.5 personally or hy letter FOR ORDERY w40-tf FARM FOR SAL,E- it L'Y's11.:',' TIT RAVEL ROAD. Log house and barn, 9°2 &ORES/ 28 CLEARED Ort roost PUTT. ILBERTS0 A L 80 CI= orLot No. 32; East lake FIRST' RATE 1/6,AND I f DONALD SUTHERLAND. fon the preMiseal or ooaciick ats, 63 Under -coats. 30 Pairs Pants; Fifty -Flannel Shirts, FICT VALUE -F0F4 T 1171 Pieces Canadian- Tweed ANOTHER LOT OF ON THE WAY. • rillibTfWei iftr Vests S, Cheap a Ill A 'COMMIT -:01100gRIESi WINE' -:.„Mitrket Square, Goderioh. • SCRIBERS would beg -to-inform Ins customers and the. "i" ises on ast street 'THR E DOORS FROM:TH. will be.ope cd on the. first _of 'June, for transacting the -Wool C Olot the above business will be ptinctnally attended td. • Blanktts - and Roe 1. public that his new rem. SQUAR rding, Cloth Dressini and 11,Y, *WO. n11 ordevs and ng be kept on. band to exchange fpr wbol. Having.this eat added another to !itiS este. liShment, be *di be prepared to exe.cute farmer's workito anv reatioriiible extent onishort n tice. Ctistomers coming 'to the factory themselves wil be promptiz. attended; Ao as forin rly, and particular attention will be paid to. those from a distanee Wthhing, their thalikfui tor the liberal patronage of former 'year in the above business, the .hopes by et riet attention to buiiineni hnd sparing, no.• ex ense in meeting the wants- • mersi to still receive a share cif thc same. • ember the place—. East Srmet,•:second door. frozn:CRAPB'S BLOCK. - litubScriber of his cost • • • 71,71 71s' Promp'ily attended to. UP11014STERY.ntail its ht4 mock. Warrivai:tt LI be made of the best ma- terial and work:ma rf•itl:). an/ at grtativ minced • BOOTS SHOES SPRING AND SiffYINERIWEAR James CAiL IS. SOLICITED.. . Deberrtures For Sale, • telrFERS.will he received by the subscriber for, vc., the purchase of $5011 worm of Debenture* et tiny Village of" 4edine, betn„,,' for the pur- 'Chase of a 1101010 ..;emetery. ;the Debentures are payable on t-ae .20th January, Iti67.1, and have coupunS uttaolled tor Um payment utterest halt yearly ant the loth days at" January and Juty eadft .year. WM. SUTTON„..liceve• Separator for Sale. FIRST pliTE new Thrashing Machine .1 and Separavtr to -be, •ofti on reasonaYe terms. -Lon4 credit will be given on gaud secu- AMY' to A, Li,. parties indubted theestate oftlie hate Aefsfrtee. either bv° note or book aeximint, are - hereby notified tosettle the same with the nittlee. tigeedi-"Wtthont delay; 'and All parties- having thaw Iniinmedately. eloheitor, Galeria) (1.10 r Sale Cheap. . Huron. Apply to git Duda MEE • .17 Godeest Leslie* *m1'4'440E44 for Oc r, all received,. iBUTIJSRIL Goderi h April 19th, 1864 111-37ii 41[1116 JOE. (MIMI v. Milli -adUrers o rid An ]itu.l.a and Sa?ii IlliTORIV HORS. ittacstriarizre, sCaAtingsraide, and Blacksmiths' work done in a neat d,suhstantiat manner, Castings of any description 14acle to order. Also, all ki ds of,machinery Always n hand, Sugar Kettles, Wa,„0. n and Pipe Boxes. As o pate -111S bl`theltborware, of the st approved- kind,' we would solicit an inspection of r stock before purchasing, elsewbe , as we are. offeting the abovi at the lowest_ reiputlerativ •-• priees,, for., eas. h, wo2r tor .-tip God obi October. 1,02. proved 'redit. Old metal, 13rassxCop r„ and fin kinds'of ;nada take,in exchange. , United °Unties -or ..10,11 virtue , of a , writ of Seven.. East sideof Willianistreet. in th village of Via eirton. -. hi,* -OtiiintY'Or'Irfiiceif *lila, ' rams- ndtlgietzifttir I shalt Offer for *tit- ...14 thy' -- BY S. oraxice, Deputy Sheriff': - -Sher vs Mee, Godertch) i lobar 1441864. i w36 IIT'S ALE 'OF TANDS :01:1.71rtt°11ctlw-eunit:::°0f B.41: te:aft1:4'11',1::bdin:!;11-1°104)*1 4:sa'llisavrealta-11;stit Huron a d =we, . "mit Facies- iatitied against...Ow, Janos wnements or Margaret; Lamb, Samuel La 1),, Frances Lamb and Ana, 11oderick the.etry:iirlAiroti. with ,j SrlreridfNlitir.1"4:8: ST S.: 'POLLOCK) -D413;111YJSbet2Lle, et. 204,0384 C waa IEverything required in the Bullding Line. SEASONED LUMBER ! - . _ LEN IMPRO if -me -FARMS, Some to Invest in .Town „Property. Barrister, kc., Voderich. brick $apt. 1.3, 1864. stirld4f Y TO 1ENDi IMPROVED FARMS . 1 .1). SHADS Gooprim saw, Wot Street, office over R. Booth's CIO IN 301 -45L7- borrowei. Apply to iw23.6m Goderich, 1864. SHAW lc SINCL .REAL ESTATE, Without elay to th 310116y e)]. able terpas. For particulars apply to triTE-subseriber futs$26,000 id loan an reasoul Goderich,119th August, 1864. str30-3tu- monEy One Iiimdred Dollars and upw.ards-1 ' Solicitors. Apply to Teacher WantOd . _ min "preferfe-d. ' Apply to nsHEtk )11 Trustees. Colborne., October 271.11, w40-3t*o ARDWA Shingles, gAT, Ageytfor the sale of GAM IVEY; WARE 4: 'CO.'S PiATFORM For sale by, ...Goderielti'MaY-21, 1864. *14140 • ASH -am BLIX D -The undersigned; has On hand a SASHI•POPRS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, CEDAR POSTS, LATH FLOORING PLANING DONZ TO ORDER. 0,0D ER1011 190N & GAR elguron and Bruce that he has on'hand *HAMILTON STREgT1 ROOT -MUSE and OUTBUILDINGS, For turther Darticulars apply to, or WILtIAM .PEttCrVAL; Esq.; .• Amherst 'Wind. 11), lini OR $1 AN E/FCELLENT- TAVERN STAND!. (IONSISTING OF TWELVE iiooms-, with %/Jame Stable Sheciptunpand large garden, in ihe Village of IlInevale, Township of Ttrn- berry,and -known by -the name ofthe BLUE - VALE 110TEL,, and in the occupation of the proprietor, IL C. -Pc -mi. "'The property has large additions and improvements, audio worthyithe notice ofany man W110 AS tee ing October Sthi 11363: - want lijAitT1ES1desirons ot obtaining #1-1.14-t be supplied in any quantity,- and on reasonable terms, by applying lo adderich;Feb. 1864, - "sire TAILORING ;DPI:URNS HIS mon SINCE,,RE TR/MO rich, not bein &able 10 execute 'ever one -11011 the orders brought to bun last seasoni-1#744 no* secured &edict for Catrying oR Business fitensin And aq D. A, believes his tlperience as -titter '* second to none M -the Province, beringtamed or business extensively and buccessiglin liaoultenkt, Cutter mope -of the Principal Establishme,nts art Edinburgh, Scotland, he fearlessly states * -discerning public that CLOTII1NC+. CAN 13E MARV Mcnt in Toronto orMontreal. A N eligible property in the -Town of Godeffelz, consisting ot a Lot and a half, with a, FUR AN IliAT Two Story :Pweiling House . AND A Situated on EAST STREET 'and VICTOEIA 'STREET (lima leading thorouirkfareal and on For conditions ornate ajiplyto Itev.c.Fletcher, the present occupant, or to Rey. Wm. Or:Ms:fon, Hamilton Very faverable -tering will be given CA6H or for good endorsed'"paper at short dates. Immediate possession will -be given. - 81rATION, GOderich, for $150 each, A s Five- Years Credits, or longer .ilretriiire.d.-- Apply to - Ooderl-h A; f3th- 1264 s 62 11 A Good Farb" for_liale! OT 14_in the 4th cOn." • of the township of .1..4 Stanley, in the -County of Hinon,, con- taining 100 acres, more or less, havingZonsider2 ableclearings thereon. Tetras „liberal. , • D; SHADE GOODING;- Goderich. April 29th, 1864. yria-a LAii(10. tor , G. gNT.,LE4EDNiu:Flyituits,s, MIMS, BOA. GLOVES4. VAT'S; uck "Ms and Glov BUIVALO' ROB FELT Ale 78111K TS CLOTH cAPs .AND .14 Huron, contaimg SO acres more or less. sit te ., within oue mile of the_Village of Port Albert. and, hie 60m Godertch. Soil geol, land rolling, and beau al flats adjoinmg the 9 mite river, which liti*s 'across . the- - southern portion: This is arare chacee. haat: convert," - lent to market, nude. good gravel ,road la anticipation' County oft:term. hiving 15 acres clear. well Illfabernd; • and one mile froth the "Ncirthem Gravel Road. Part Oflot B. in the Township of Colborne. County ot Huron. containing 261 acres. This is beautifullylocated on the Northern Gravel Road. opposite the Villvge or Lots numbers 31.31,29 andMeoutainik,,, each one fifth ofan acre lit the Village of Milburn. on -the Northern Gravel Road, and withm 2 miles tpf Galeria), : Also two excellent lots in _Bridge End Plate. towns:111F or Colborne. which Yillage is situate on The Thinks ofths For particulars aPply;If by letter jiost-paid.10 Port Albert. 5 Gaoler, Gederieh. FOLLOWING 110PERIIES Aux ,E14011, SlIpLa0 Very Reasonable Terins 14 Ming Village of itiversdale,.,m 'the County of -Bruce. This Villagei is situateu on the main road between Knictudinc:and Walkerton, the Lot Number 46, Synth side of Mechanics/ Avenue, in the own of Ktucanline,iind Lott47, 48, 49, Mr 51, 52 and 63, in the Village offfivera- dale, also 16 and 76, West side of Vioteria Street, in the 'foam of Kincardine, Oolintfeof Bruce. Lots Numbers; 4,6, on the North oi the Dur- ham Market Square, in the Vilingeof 'Kincardine, County of Bruce, containing one-quarter of an acre of laud each, with the building* thereon: Also Lots 5, 6 and Son the Durham Road, andlot 26. on the North alder& the Damon goads 'gibe Township of Kincardine, containing 50 abres each, paroalefearel. Lehi 31 an 22 on West side o Atueen -Street in - the Town ot Kineardine. For particulars apply to IRA. LEWIS .194)1/ • " S rilltElblifienng Landslip* offered ter ide -OD A. I'm a4rauttipous -terms': ONE - TENTH I or Tan Ann lAtANCZO Nitie Squid Usual Instaliteitij wan Interest 411-6 per cent. 'TOWN/41111). OF agOitria: South 7 in 1st .50 acres, South 21 in ad ton.., 100 agree, Nprth /0 in 4h:eon., 100 acres. Vorlh 23 41t eon./ 100'ami. Lots 2. t'anct 4 in 15-th cowl IV) Lots 31 ant 321n 4 von.„1-004sereseabis, Lot 26 in vim? 99 aeres„ „Lola -33-ind 34 in 10 von, 103 *CM 444 45/ALT, Btal, Tomo Ingrid variety. _ klunakirit GazENE 8; SONS, s.os st. Pia street, 410 moo - Aukust nth, IS64; "124) NEW MARBLE WON - MONUMENTS, TOMRSTO '':r1117 Posts, ite., of4every description ';iNAtifit style -et 'aoritunuiship, furnished Liberal redaction modeler eilsch, -Tat.3°1 ems miaow mon DO:lipid of -Monuments Ate. may -seen etthe shop. ',Exeter* October Ist.196.4, se12-1Yt • te IS al. THE SPLtNDID SIDE.WBEEL STEAMS" VA' tot SAGINAW every - TUESDAY AND FRID*A. 01=1313.2471240 - MONDAY AND TIMIDLY with the following morithies tram. 00111104606 vault Express -Iodation -the With -the -groat Western, It4way at Pais, And the * -Tim TABLE-- maye Teraina 0=14 Trnn illustilrotrOroon Vag peat* sitfr'. igrkrell1-01.ext A; % ..41t 'Part Cc4110010f1V0a0d .. _EL eldhathies -4` front allpartsofOatildtilo gard to the Comfort of tame ertd tint beet ties -boo oe the necesaarradomMod en -4t sadtkeitieriters Of the loam In a matter eatiarao Lower than by Ceder -Mb" APIA