HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-11-08, Page 2uron. tonal,. Quetition tt, inerchants' clerks gazing et and busineSs at a standetill-the lklaeket the sea of- lid? or watching with listless . indifferenc tit movements -a a flock of DERICII. C. W., NOV. 8, 1864. wretched!' d ssipated-geese in yonder street pud le thd merchants looking as -' a ro.r.••• GOLD IN N Y. TOcant tetli lis of Bills . Pyable-DAY. and raised the • Into jTb-7s e :Ca yet been ablet a Chinatnan tell the Chinaman. (13.- The pri • 1 .Melancholy w ighing down the spirits of -. E' men to -the same dead level Of Dulness. • 111-5; la 1 The Chi By special Teleeraph tatha Sien.d 0 -ea • ,.... • . pas:* a y- aw n „ Talk aboti enrgy, and perseyerence, ond saloons, melo - • establiahments `-a% Nev. 8th 2 p.m. inalotnitirbi .pl ck 1- W ho can beener- imp-risunment: GOLD TO -DAY 249 !- .ctie iii th pr sence of mud*/ ,Who can -Ebnquer lothsome stickinees ,of a cley___ road s.? Who -fluenec cif tWo Fon, inany :ram pat E'en:Ida bee been a land ofpromise to refitgees front the 1:nited 1••••1.111•11. an scorn the -depressing in_ cot ofenud, or rige superior . _ ree lite qua esting Items. ifornia authorities have not fled an oath that will make, the truth. Yon must change nd fiat the law. eipal hotels at Washington price of boardlo $4,50 a day. poration ef Montreal hdve for the abolition of :concert - it illegal to maintain -such ti the city under .of fine and • itity of eettod imparted inth England from quatters, . during the last • otrit,elltSPITALtlY. year, %US 2,a0 to the di izlees ushyenueky"eil'eumstances r in * States. If a • 'negro _upon a.Teenes.seean plantation contomplatel a Stroke for fiber- ' ty, his first.objeet was to discoier the nearest route to Canada; well knowing. that the moment his foot pawed our he was a free man. What has been the, "underground railway " had its ter- • minus in Canada, anti [over -that liae--hun-- dreds of blacks we hurried into the em- brace- of a liberty which they- 'no doubt • . appreciated, alth.ough it is certain.that in numberless instances- thtsy. proved 1.Iiem- selve but poorly prepire .1 to -accept of its ,,, responsibilities. The pre.seat war has re- versed the positien of affairs so thoroughly that Canada is new a haven of rest ta thousands of persons who fled it impossible tct hve 'under the rule. of ,Ar. Litteein, or to render themselves lieble to his frequent drafts. A few of these nen- *comers are, -no doubt, purely Southera by birth and feeling, but the yast majority are front the 1 Northern State; and. represent the.feelings of a very powerful. clais which is hitterly opposed to the war.- As far as eur.know- ledge extends, these refugaA ,ani skei- • . addlers '''. have neither been taken into tbe hearts ofthe Canadian ieopie nor mad- the Special patronage of thuCana- _ • dian Pres. Individual cases of flardship asuffering have called forth. it niay -be art extra . degree of sympathy-e-detleitig: ' -more, The slava' that came within our territory were expected to conform. to the laws of the coantry-anl we have . de- manded nothing moo frometlae witite_ refu- gees ' They find here an asylum -a place s , . Of safety -a refege from the storm of war and pelitioal violence which they left bee hind, them, and. all we hav.E... ever askel of then/ svas that thy _wtip.Id_ respaet our - laws, att4 perform whatever work they coming by he • found jig as Canadians do. Our hospit- the force,ofhis , • 2'141' we are sorry to say, ' has not been influences of M met, in all mei, in a, proper spirit. It dant moistiirela has been abused. - Shoals of crimes have eulties, of cdeers ,-what literary"man ever • e Ilection of ' -C Idis;'.o%s?' 1 4111 prowled about the frontier, and even 'far had? Iris bus nes..4:1Sio•be ' lively, pun:: -1 and :: thepl eseetuvinnew inland, endeavoring to seduce- our yoatia gent, progre sly. • mud or no Mud, front. their natural allegiance into the woe betide km f he falters end lets .Mel-- great husband w ranks of the Federal armies.- . Thee middy have- a corner in It's soul to roost eje A batch . . - wretches have been -caught and punished; - dent :-" Vance, mine abble orch rd to -climb a bear tree to wherever found at their villainous traffic, get some .peae es to make mine irow a _ add very properly, too: Recently, how- ever; certain refugees, as is alleged, have entered into. a plan, for Making raids' upon American to:0ns and . Cities along the bor- der. • The Lake Erie affair was a daring attempt by a handful of desperate men to accomplish what a very little comnn- sense roaeoning should have taught theiii was a physical. impossibility. Then came - the -•egt.. -Allean's affair, the boldness: of was all we e - which, together with its partial success,_ SuPplied above b seems to have alarmed -the whole -American timate conclesio frentier. It is not yet proved, we believe, as beneficial that the St Alban's. raiders organizedin writer. - Canada previouS-to setting . Out, bat the ' fact. 'tat their retreat to this sidealterthe CI Org.rouS • "outrage-" hassent the impressionabroad a new illustrat te that- net American- city -within striking gide,. to be Pulel distance is Stile from. the incursions of Se Fields, Bcist -rebels in arms. Hente the stafte-of alarm editors haoSeen into which. Detroit, ' Diffaloy Sandusky, names of ' e het Rochester, eCleveland, OgdenebUrg, Jet., of Capt.ma lee CeYe. A New • T b 1- 0 4routid hink ? Shoir nie the;nian who Can br"ca bY 131: There is whitie " Colombia " •es he wades . • through th m re of conoession-blauk, a - - ttio7-four hank nil ties of III: 000 ai fIarill point heroism at- _ . notice in. ar tient of yo yo rt icl •fig to are example of :Moral azafT---- The war y .of more than d passing in three years. friendship'? 01 s dcioted to the enceurime- . poor Sambo. ,000 beles: sork coma. has gitien Nancy forehaying both her ankles adwayastrige,e a Severe cominemial-panie at have suiperided, with liabili- 000. . . as destroyed 80,000 negroes Am dis de white Man's muse took better care of nen in the _pursuit -of . .• I knowledge dillicultiee.. • The young W.oensocket, it. I., are stopped tor the Irmo ae Nearlyze. 11 the -cotton factories, in ige.ntlpinan i song who- adopted*E-ced- -of cotton. There are. tweuty- takille in. the th sior as his m tto climbed Alpine diffs • town The wo Ilen nulls are in fa 1 -bias and plung d t rough fields of suoW.; but man ci lling himself Morriss ;Is are -het of tie t i . a ,r,obn the, acharg-e f haying.. three, wives. If t em a at. one rale. . . . • _. — Self in cif& ing -when the air is clear and (=nifty, he slime -be sentenced • to live • with crist, and. -hei c..iercise is--- n itself !luxury ? -- wtio- bares about wallowine in .. ery-Ntiryland has been proclaimed a free ' Who could not eiert- led at St. Lois, and hrouelit to Bidlimore ree • - • Same, -and Nevada has been' edmitted into the Snow. which ea In -itselfso pUre and beautiee .Union on areeqvi.i.1 footing with th e orielmar 1 .. . ! Let he young gentlemad • flounder States. The ,U non now. eOlasists of - thirty, - - throug-h mud -holes of the filnloss road SiX St.1-4e,s. vis ite do el ht this geasen of - the e••• The othe day a women .-NeW York . teceived word het her husband -had been year, and the ere-re/sior _is not taken out killed, and she i nmediately procured a coffin.- .o iim_ a te t Line, hi i n me side that of Nit - 0 al:). mita, 'Ito eircomstencles 1 _ • me he reaches. the Durham Shortly after, she received word that. he Was deserves to be enrolled be- 'aliee and iv( 11, and, at the sae-gestic:Ai of friends; put the offiu up at a raffle 1 oleop, Wellineton oi• any • A new si ver mine has lately been dis- hes conquere:d States or covered in Swed n. At a foot below the stet the vein is so ri h that heavy Weeks of silver ore have beeu und. v M bee th notel, wtic1t.,, f from cleep-s* dal Icises itS ei Mary (blese he to whether ia mei-km:el or be found /Alike sad eondiri-.Aa p supposed te. be ro of filthy can*, in a state oii-te dozer in the chi firittefis its tioee when etecto s a heels elevat d t erees smokie . ds assume the appearance when nierchants rutillnete i--torpiditye .when. farthera . efr A young bride, of eighteen, in Mar- seilles, was burn d to death on the morniser of her inarriaee, j) treading en a match; •Which ney corners,- wlien yotit ignited and set 1 er clothes on lire. agiiinst the window -panes.- A dome_ at walked through one of the . - d lawyers sit with their streets of Colum :us, 'Ohio, the next day after n n a the election, wit • Iris shirt!flettermg in the an angle or torty-nee. de- breeze, that beit g his only artielepf apparel, while behind hi svalked art abolitionist. car- rying Ilia clothes ' The performance was the ressult of a wag r upoo the 'election of. S S Cox; - One. day Ids't week, as Sortie 'parties weie diggine a test oil. well. Bea.msville„ and had got 71oN n to a depth of fortyfive ft.,. the well exploded,owing a°. the gag, which bad been ignite by a spark struck front .e) stone. f the diggers; were severely .nd•reading the last new ils -to "arouse their- miqds Melancholy, when scan- spiness .an when Miss d *- ) is utterly indifferent as 'Susan wears her hair a a la ilfripe who shall hropie enough to pity the the poor editorj. who is \ . (fuel to the task\ • of over- \ prightliness ofhis eumentation the coin _ - d beneath and oteperabu ove. He has no nzanq diffi- injured. . New num s for the (Treat Confederacy 1 n are sueg•ested d ily. . Besides those already it and in- ention.,,d, we haVe now-fil'Opona"-- le-d and the in habitaees dlbonese-, and " Western Beitain." -Any shore ? ' - • A Pseeexr. Iler Majesty ,has presented Victoria Coll el -0obourk, .a copy of The -Principal Speeches dud. Royal Highness the Prince Will be valued on acoient of ich the Queen'e good and s held. Lan thus deseribes acci, along vile :tee, I went intes upon: There's give _up t14 P would Mrs. Sli theecorner. Of old squire Gruffia, he'd per at once; and so also the fat old lady_round course neither of them ever paid octet for their readinz, but their mere icou tenance, you know, is something: tBu. we cannet trust ourselves any further tipo this topic. The vora- cious impei o aunts bur waking hours with his insa iab e appetite for cam, thrust in his head a fq minutes ago and this , ald do -for hint. If the text followed out to its legi- it will no doubt prove o t realer as it has to the - Folaes " is the title of Magazine for bays and shed by SteSsrs. Ticknor Mass.' -An ablestaff of secured; and amongst.the brave we notice 'those Reid, I. T. Trowbridge • have been thrown - in rapid seem's- Gaileflamilten, Lucy Lercom, 3r.. and sion. many cases, .we believe, the_3Irs. Agassiz, •TiMr& Stowe, &c. The cry of 'Wolf! wolf!" hai-been uttered matter promised will be such as.to provide -when :no wolf was near. A man the Ydong'FoIks with reading of a- most :goes out to hunt squirrels on the Canadian interesting and size is to be hat subscription American. Field; 135 Mas .side of the Niagara `river.- His shots are _ heard cin the other side. Imagination gets to work, and -immediately raid is reported, and, -teIegi7ateis are sent East for- troops,.while citizeus parade _the streets • watching for an enemy that does not ap- pear. Some of thee false reports of raids may be concocted fcir the purpose of moke- e ing pointed capital, and Many .are the offspring °Thralls :moebidly excited by four years of -war, but therels little reason to doubt that there remains a foundation • -sliniethough it be -for the. state of a,p- prehension that exits In our 'opinion. the plain duty ofCanadtarts in this matter • is to show that they will not -countenance for a moment any abuse of the -hospitality they have extended to _American refugees. it would be wrong to comply With any Unjust demand on the part of the Ameri- can Government for -the rendition of polit- • :tried deecripIon: The of " Cbrnhill," and the rie -is only 82,90 per year, one . A.ddresS, :Ticknor Se -Washington Street, Boston; North L,nark F.dectIon. After giving the Ilea_ Mr.. McDougall the annoyance of d contested election, Mr. Rosa- mond retired the'fielcl at the end'of the that day, thoroughly.beatea. ; Garibaldi on tit American Struggle. One Robert Ilefe—or writes to the Glasgow !Jerald -aboui a ,visit he has just made to Garibaldi, whom he says he found in perfect health, and haring reeovered from his wound, except a might stiffness- ia the ankle. Mr. MeTe_ar write*. -• He expreaeelf great regret at the contime ance 'of the- strueale in Anaerica- and 'said that he did amyl believe that the' North desired the extinctiOn Of iliivery, or that the war refugees -it would be base to stook, I was carried on for. that end:: It is a war for power, and to satisfy wounded pride on their to any ttot not contemplated by clearly de- part, arid has iheconie a war of self-defence on the part of the _South, which has shown the truest pakriotiO feeling, the greatest bravery, and •alio 1 finest, generalship: He. abhors slavery in -every ford', and believes. that it his 'receivedits death -blow in Ameri- ca. He denial:most emphatically that he ever offered.his seevicee tattle Federalse and siid that be could not see- how he could -con- sistently hate iotertered in the quarrel, under the eircutostatiOes. i Oen. Tarr told me pre- eisely thing": finid British law, but it would be qua.* 'twang in -alto wink at, mu& less attempt tojustify, any breach of our municipal law or the Imperial Proclamation of Neu— trality.- trust the day is far distant wherie confliot shall arise between the States and England, but, if it should un-` happily come to that lite -must see to it That it grows out ofnc:1 unjust act of ours. • - 111.171) MELANCHOir.• The present would be a propitious time for thestudy of the Anatomy of . Oceansof inud everywhere --the fair face of Dame Nature all daubed. and streaked. as when she made mad pies in - her happy infancy -roads imps's- able .,.. t 1):lee A. remarkable :bubje et for • scientific men, which reeent . came to light in the Pa- trtent Office, is ead 0x:considerable attention. A. patent issued[mag years since, ;which had laid in a safe during that time,* Apes being taken out "wasfrotOd to. have contracted.to nearly one-fourth:01N original. dimensions, leaving the letter pfessrand, writing perfectly clear and distinet„ tit. also reduced iti size, It like a _miniature ph tograph copy. This dile covery suggests and important deVelop. meals Dia peceharibrench of science.. plumb -pudding- it; and\i,vhen I gets on the tobermost branc I vall from the lowermoat limb, mit TOri leg on both sides of the fence, and likeio stoae mine'outside in." tOe Qt1 -Slaw several men in- it the village of On set, and a. you Abraham Buenha was unfertunatel . • laynight last, a dapoe, with, on the Grand Ri'eer, near andaga, was accidentally up- ig men, 7 r• an,Indian ed beine unable AC) see drowned. a... - . uteree-A young lady -pee tralplim Railroad, on , her on, Kentucky, to her.home ed a child, were killed on f Colunehtis, • The States a near Pataskalaa and in rakeetnan prelered' a lady 'Wren with her, trod one SKovEniQ 'Cr. senger on the, Ce way from Leking in Philadelphia, WedneSday, east man says :-Wh rapid motion, a who braise% en ch ear into anuther. out, requested a sist her across th and. the young . generously volunteered her Ussistence. Taking a child about 'three years old in her atins,the'yOneg lady attempt - ted to step froin o ie plattbraa to another,- but aught upen something, and d under the cell, still,,hoid- r nrws. The wheels Of two cars passed over ler; cut big off both her feet the shoulder; shocking :man mites, and the The mother,whiie passing - mine lady passenger to as -- platform with her family, 'her foot or skirts- . . .she was preeipitat ing the child inle above the instep, ne arm a •and manglinq- her person in a ner... She lived ut a few ni chid was inatand killed. Awira Deena The Almer.- Times learns that as Mr. Thom se'ef that township was in the net.of stoppiti up a well for Mr. Francis Arnistrorig, on th 18th instant, when .dbout eight feet from tlje bottom -some thirty feet below the surface -the well -caved in; - cover ingMr. Thomas t a considerable distance itt the quicksand. r. James Armstrong; who was -close by, cam to his assistance, but was himself in like ma nor entrapped by a further -slide of the well: He was, .however extrica- ted from .his peri ous position without sits- taining serious inj ry, after many - hours -of hard labour by th neighbors. Poor Thomas was not recovered for some eighteen hours after the accident, when life was extinct.: • ••• • IlExisounE, TR LtrEiTiC MEtaliittEtt. Our readers_ rem mber the dteadful occur- rence a few days sine°, when "a dethented young man, Chart Slieybourn, cut his aged Mother's throat, under the idea. that aehigher pewee impelled hi to the commission of the deed. On being' rraigned yesterday •at the Pall Assizes, and asked the uslial question, - "guilty or not ty," he replied With great composure and cal ness,.“ I am guilty, sirie-- -b.at, rather say se rifice than murder.".Af - terwarde, under th direction of Mr. Cornish, he pleaded! .‘not guilty." - The murderer is a. prepossessing, good-looking young man, and no-one would take [mato be insane. There is noticeable, however, on close examination; a- nervous, restles ese in his eye that pro. . claims something rong.,-London. Advertis- er 3rd. _ • The Privat r.Oineamaugta.._ _.- . • November 4. - Captain Sherwo d, of the steamer Poto- mac, reports that a :12 o'clock list nights! *hen_ forty o Cape Cog, he saw a sus, plicionivlooking ste mer five mites distant, standing towards t POWnine,. which ..canie up within hailing distance and blew a whistle, which Was. answeredby-the Potomac, which kept on her coil at .full speed, when the suspicions steamer -evidently beeaPie feigliten- ed and steered - to t northwest glacier- full Speed, after. tairin in ail her lights. The captain and passengers agree that she was a long, low, schooner -rigged Eegliah steamer, burning 'soft coal. 5he isouppeeed to he the Privateer Clucarnaugue, • • • NEW TORE, Nov.. 5. -- appointed by Go vernui Washington tined tuvestiee neainst State-446)0-1ov r e, votes, have made, their ieterviews With the -Seel. -obtained from him perini- Col North and Alesars: arrested persons,- who we proper -treatment . and e They -gay that:they could the changes ogainst _the found no evidence that -I ted -by them.. They state -also that . soldiers desi roue of voting the -De icier- atie ticket ineet :with great difficulties in i :air efforts to de so. The Commissionersrequ sted- the -Secretary Of : Wan that. either Col • orth and Alessrs. .0oha and Jones should- bi give_epe for aria! to autheritias, or that proceedings in their castes .sheeild be , ostponed till lifter the • Presidentiar ailectiotteand they released. on parolee -neither of which - being complied he commissioners Seymour- to visit e charges of fraud ersiug the soldiers' eport. They lied Lary of War, and ion Fa -visit ispris.on lin and Jones -the. e aribieeted- to hn eat. tie p ri nal o n ebtain - tio copies of aceused. and: havQ. .auds 'were commit - with, a commtioicatkin w Sident Litscoln by- them case, aud their• 'labour they lot Washington.. e It will beseen that one :commission-e-tbe postpo , . till- alter the eiection.--- rad been complied . . with by the adjournment of the court -to the 14th instant. ' — Rein fercerneets to the gala- Islands had arrived, still beard warlike aspect the- Peravieets and Spania mence,d, : • • The Government' of Ch so warm in gip- pat.of Reeking mit:of the diffie sideredahat thrletter re a very imprudent end* nisi The finuneial ability .o .carrving on a -war Of any garded as somewhat doub s addressed to Pre- statirie entire being completed, of the desires of the Enent of the trial pettish fleet at the but though =Item hostilities between ds had not yet corn - 11 is said not to be u as it was at the !ties, it -being - con - Odic has acted. in manner. the Peruvians .• for reat extent is re- fill by many. It is positively asserted that Gen Butler is the Department of nt-has implicit con - it had not; Gen ed fOr the position.' New York to at- _ not to have a command the East. The Governm lidence in Gen:Dia, and i -Butler would net be selec The visit of Gen 13 utter t lend to private business. WASOINOTON. NOV. • tention' of soldiers' vote Washington post -Office i master Bowen, who is a A has -ordered prompt trans -votes, and for some da thousand of these letters, daily. NAEnvibLE, Nov. '..5. - .the rebel army under Hoo the Tennessee Rire.r at 131newater, and -was repels nrmy under Gen Sherman 'lose. . goEEESTER, Nov. 6. - regard to the reported nil Canada upon the northern .ter.ee in thisaeity during and to -day. An extra pa test night appointed in ad lar -police force. A num arrested last night, and said, in the act of firing, a Diven the asiistaut Prov is ,liere, and detaclunen York have been sent to and the port of Genesee The reported de. for McClellan in denied by Post- eClellan man.. He iission of soldiers' pat more than a ave been 'forwarded n the 3rd iristant attenipted to cross he ,mouth Of the d by the Federal with considerable . , he excitement in of the rebels from coast has been in - yesterday evening ol of citizens was itiou to the regu-- er 'of:persons were one of thetit, it is building, General t Maeshil General from the 5111 -New. aspension Bridge o guard those ave- nues of approach of the se -peeled -quarter. f The Greys Battery-, bel tiging to.this -City, hare -just returned from E mtra with their six pieces of artillery. . Every-precaution.has b en taken to place the city- in a state of defen e, and .it is. well prepared for any -emereen -.. - - repeated? Itis, much more likely, on the contrary, to be the methee of frightening the Democrats either to keereleareof the polls, or cast ia their votes for Lincoln. - - The -Horrors of War. A man, unless he hippensect be a devil in - „gamete, very soot gets tired' of .killing those whorn he can see. Even the surgeon whois dissecting a corpse c6vers nprthe face of hie subject. Ihose orbs have sunk their fires into the abysm of deathebut they are still human eyes. To mark,the death•gaze of the slough - tercel -the poolfellow who never did us any harm -to feel our feet slippery in his bleed -to have his -blood spurt out onto our tends, and his hot- brains dash into, ourface-this kind of bus,ines8 very soon aid:liens and revolts tho. bravest seller. When you have,: met a few men slashed or Shot to deathony chrietiae friend -my melodious pqet,. with your sing- song' about the ” tented field " and the -" em- battled strife "--my mellifluous paetora witli your high sounding eloqueece •ehout -the " God of battles "-you will, tliiuk as 1 CIO/. And. mayhtip you ntaY •e0ele to ochnowledge how comparatively tender -and inescirol are the men inedioulderstrips whose trade it is to. kill, and hew often the gogge of their'sotils rises at their dreadful • Turn to the Book of Maceabeeseand lead that Oee tre- mendous pregnaut passage -that one _line : " And Nicanor lay dead . in his hurness."- -When you have seep him thus, lying' stdrk. •and -stiff, his brave clettes,all dabbled ingore, his mouth wide open. grinniog awful', the blOody foam on his lips dried into a purple crust, and the tamp follower-Lthe Thitard of the ainly-creeping up to rifle his pockets, and draw off his boots, 'and cut off his ring -finger, and smash his jaw for the gold setting to his ,false teeth, you may form some ideas about the "-Romance uf War," Very different from those you have previony eatertameda-Sata in:the 7 elekraph. • - . • - flow _Much of the Southern Territory has bet.n Regained I From the Boston Conner] This question cail be .better answered by consulting a map of the United States,b Lloyd, the great _map Publishet of New York, in -which the prOgrese made. by the Union rnies in the territories of the Confederates is clearly and truthfully mapped out. This map, the correctness- of which is attested by -- General Grant afig Secretary Welles. shows that the Southern authorities, th-day hold as niuch territory as they did two years age. -- The progre,ss of Our armies is marked as, clearly as a liver, ; all the battle „fields are laid down, all the forts. The 'course of Sherman's army and his captures Jan be traced with exactness, and the map dieloses the fact that intaain,„0. Atlanta, we hold only territory corresponding almost literally to the -width of the railroad traCk exteudIng to it; that taking it we lost; most all tile territory which we had-, taken in Leuisianal. Arkansas and MissOuri. The Map also shows thakwe hold no More territory in .Virsinia than we did in 1862. It is an instructive and profoundly interesting study to trace upon the map the marches' of our arinies ; to pause Over fields bapuzed in blood; to reckOr up the v tst number of those fields; the dead and wounded who have fallen, Upon them, and the treasure that has been ,expeaded in eetichieg them, " And then to reflect that, 'alter all -these years of toil and. Sacrifice, of auffering and blood, we have made no gains. in the enemy's territory, fills one with sad- ness, and the costly expenditures have pro- duced no more valuable results. •- - ' Greet credit is dile to M3' or Breekett for a . his .proinpt and energetic 4ction iu this mat- I ter. - _ Strai.cusze Nov. 6. -Major Geo Jno Peck, 1. who' is. charged hy the Unaed States Military authorities; with the supetvision of the de i fences on our frOntier; arkived in town this iriorning, and after cenferting with .some of 1 onr citizens he will to -Morrow iiroceed to 1 Buffalo and other poigfs o the lakes,.. to -see that everyeprecention is t ken to prevent an incursion from .*without o disturbance from within. . . .., • From Ogdc \OGDENSBCR6, NOV. 3. been all exeitement te-da brought here by a propetl 'Pratesit Coinpany that a 1 federate foece octiupy Wel tsla.nds, 10 likiles above he i reportthat ii.\\iinher of Sevia on the is?.at s below posed to have crossed to i gone west to Broekvi e or the Grand Trunkadjae nt This village has owing to a report ✓ ef the Noethern ,ge oretideed Con-. 's and Maple•Leat .e. There is also enned men were here who are sup- , • e Canadaside and _Q some Station on o Weils' and ge- nie :T.,eitf fslands. There vete quite: a num- ber of strangers in town to. ay, a majority of Whom seem to have left -to vn bout dusk and gone west.. Five stringe4s we arrested on suspicion whorefusedto g ve an ccoant of themselves. They'each c: rried rev Ivers: ' A tun- boat- passed do*p , this afternoon hiigging the American silore. Closely, with atmut 40 men on board, w and is considered suspici armed and about 30 citize islands to reconnoitre. - sent for t rom, New York. evening that the COnfedera in on the island with, the i ,tentiiin of making a raid on the town to-.ni ht.-- he citizens Are forMing itt coinpaaiie this evening 'to patrol and Guard to towe lLar.e parties well different railroad 'eh is veryeinidual • • A tug,,well a has -gone to- the 'foopsa have been It is reported this es are concentrate drined are stationed at the Idepots to plotect.t e property. The ereins have -gone from. here to -d_ y with parties of .armed men to -look after the interests. of the several companies. ' The 11$r and grain mer - 'chants have been busy nil day sbip'ping their c. fo reafekeeen ng. nutnber;of armed e and below this 17 (.; been' in town is feared. .Bnsi tiess.hics been suspended, every body is. arm- ing.; A tug has gone to riiconeoitre:., Five streets. Men and arms ha e been set. for.- ifor men have been arrested ' Krieg in the .. - 4- i - :The late Order 01 general Dix. . . i . • From the Montreal Transcript. -- The New Yore -Tlib,un credence to.what we heliev that the rebel agents ja Can ized a -ita.st body Of refuge Southern sympathisers, t States, on the border;. and flow and grain to paints e - large Inca are on theislaods abo place: Many. strangers :11 all day. A raid on the tow seems to give to be. a huge he„, da have organ - deserters, Sand be sent Into.the °Ionised at . con- venient points, to swamp tile Unionists, and 'swamp the war at thei-appr aching 'prvaiden- tial election.' We say we o, not believe a :weed 'of this, and. that for many reasons. lhe Southern refugees,. in i Canaria, with One or two exceptions,who are per haps Agents for the ,Confederate Governmegt,: can only be booked :upon us cowardly deserters of their ceutitry, at a time when ..sheLeeeds. the Resist- *ince arid 'aid of all her • tree sons. - The Con- federate Gentili:1194i .thar fore, would - not intrust to them the eitrryieg out of these designs; were theyeven intended, for fear , they ..woold betray iti Con ffdepce.:•'' -.koala; ithe southere press -if it expresses th.viellings of. the _people -is almost uatadotiOutily for the re.eleetioneof Lincoln, as She best men. to iatiure their independence, idig Put an end to the war. ° . The raid : at ...:4.1hansoincioubte edbe eele-es. to eoler .aey Otaters; butsusabout with such outrages that may be made; out any 'federal lorce,4t hand,this proved un successful e the partiesnonce netleareLtehotberetsted and in custody, tied will d bss areweeedzifetheir crxsipoe crimes. It likeirlittout ftra.raiDioloiy , n6:viuert thecountryup in ' 'ant* -':' St hfol ILLIIESS CiF:TILE UON 3. -A. 41ACDOVALD - The Montreal 'Gazette,' of Wednesday, says: 'We regret very much to hearefthe sudden illness of Attorney GeneraLMeDonald,:wbmh ietv-etited hint from add' essing the, party as. sembled at the Ottawa dejeuner. The work he has gone through since he started for the Charlottetown Conference would have severe ly taxs.d the endurance of a stronger man.' A later telegram, received at half -peat eleven last night t Says': gAttoreey-Geheral Macdon- ald is still indisposed, but hopes to be able to go on.with the delegates. In cousequenee Of his illness, however, Mr. Galt has arranged to go to Toronto with Special.train tognorrow. There the Canadian Ministers'take leave of !their guests, the_delegates from the other 'Provinces." - .4411170 • - GONE INTO 'WINTER, QUAnTERS.-An lel. mense potatoe was dug up a few daye:ago on the farm of Mr, N. Duno, ;North Oxford, which, upon being Opened,- was found to be ii1 haluted lartwO mice and twelivO young o les, - together - withabout a pint. a peas; stowed away: to another part of the same road, - - - l'ilcGieervitev TORSO CANADA -,The Lon- lon Free_Press says: '11 devolves upon., us this week te reoord two most extraordinary instances of not wily remarkable . fertility of he soil, but also ef the thorough and timed, al farming operatiooa of two gentleman ivittg in McGillivray. It appears theft two armers,,Mr. J. S.:Smith and Mr: -Alexander iilocsou, living on the 2nd and ..7th conces ions respectively, have -just succeeded in sue- essf lly harvesting their second crop of oats or tlf yew, and what renders the ease still ore fcparkable, both these - gentlemen ffirm thtit the second crop was superior to he first. - - SEAFORTH-MARKETS. • gleportedfarthe 'Signal'by D. L. Sirs, .t SEAFORTH, Nov. 80, 18,64. Fall Wheat.........;(ii/ 0:85 Spring Wheat ; 6:73 077 Barley 0:63 , (0,„ 0:68 Oats. .1. • .0;30- (O.!, -.032 'Peas 0:50 (a; 0:53 Butter ; 0:16' 6r 0:17 Pelts 0:60 a 0;80 ' crgyw Wrfflignint,O. STEAM ENGINE AND ILE FOR. SALE /E11..(3/14ki 4011 /..1.31)Ifir Apply to • . • E; G4VACE. Goderich, Nov. 7th., 1864, w4lsw12 Lot 9, Con„ E. b., Colborne. .A.T.TOT±o/q7 OF FARM STOCK C. M. Truman JS -instructed by M. Freder:or. Set arile to sell by Auction, on his farm. Lot 9, 1L Cos,. E. . D.., Colborne-, on - I TUESDAY; NOVEMBER, 22 1804 3 Commetre4ig at noon, the •-undermentioneU Farm titaelr„Ste : One span iforses,one-Mare-ni Foal, one Horse, crne Spring Colt, one voice Olten, one odd :.-teer 5 years old, one yoke .Stecrs 4 years old, one -odd steer 3 years old, one superior Mill .years old, one yoxe Steers 2 years- old, one HeiIer arS old, one do 2 years old, 4 good Milch Cows in 'Calf 25 Sheep, :Pigs, one4;ouble Sleigh, Lumber Wagon Spring Wagon , Buggy, pair Harrovis, Straw _ Wagon, Plough, 'Fanntng AIM, Itiratof,- 2 Sugar_ Kettles, 4 -1 -itch Forks, one sett doble Harness, one sett 13uggy Harness, - 2 Logging Chams Also, , 1 Large' .Stick Straw, With Sundry other article, ,s TERMs OF SALE $oma under $4.00, Cash; above that sum, 6 Mouths Oreditallowed by furpishing approver: Joint Not: s. G. -M. TRUFMAN God'erich, Nov-. 2ncl, 144. ,11...:Iwiett-72zftSerp. , - Money Found. . F°11Np' pocket -book containing a sum of money and on. the Matket Square, Godeneb, some papers. The owner can haete -the same by proving property and .palyurgexperf-ses, , • E. BINGHAM. November -1st, 1864. av4073t VOTE LOST. -This is to caution all .persons ii against negotiating or pun:basing a Note of Handgiven by James McConnell and John Lowery, amounting to $36 47, itt fever of Alex Fry, as t.he nrA ot!:has ken lest, ugx. yity. Wawadosh, Nov. lst, 18n4. w40*3t •• STRAYED T$TO the premises of the subscriher, rot-16, ist cok, Goderich tp., about the 1st ,of hat, A BED HEIFER, about years old; and' t Red yearling Bull- The owner is reqnestedao plove property, pay exnenses and take -Mein away.---,- • TERMIAS STOKES. ' dederich, Oct, 31st, 1864.. _ w11-24 THAYER lreir, the.subscriber abdut the firstof -Septerither last. four Steers two years old pasttlj, - ere is one all white3 two red, one ofthem with a white face; the other has a v.hue spot On the face;the fourth is. mixed -red and white. They a re all branded with the tenet -a- D, WP no t he hosn. Any rirstut finditir, them and taking them in, and sending' word to ma, ofto the Si,grul • Goilerieh will be paid tor meir trouble. WILLIAM DtatNIN, ' - - - Dungannan -P.O. Lot 015cioPeeqr11.316sits,Wisactiumsli'f wv-tf H DUNLOP, Eas to inform the inhabitaats ol Gociersid that he has REMOVED tothe shop under E. L. --Joituson's Picture Galliry, s Where he has a large supply -of - FALL AND- yTiTER GOODS ! Very suitable for the Goderich Trade. which he is ready to sell at TILE LOWEST VASIL PIII0E, doderieb„ Oct. 180], 1864. - -w67 E TilLoRiNo - ESTABLMIMENT JOHN -ADAMS. ia.aneeenee to his former patrons and the - public -generally that he bas opened 4. TAILORING ISTABLISHMENT I 1E- RIE• 01.1)- $TAND, West st:,neXt ;door ti Fair& Co.,'s ,,Store With a 'very e assortment of. ..tic ., ..... , FASHIONAi LE CLOTHS At Exeter, -C: Wee on the 30th October - • : . suitable for the last, the wife of ThanGordonBsq..;:-Rf a- on.- - --- rAIL ABM WINTERTRADE I 1 1 . . TAB- 1VIARKE Gozition, Nov. 8t _ . all Wheat,. ., .7 .-... :- tO;i3.2` pring do ......e .1 - 9:74. (a) .i.)ats, . eotniio:'••• 0 0 . 0 .1: • . 1 0:00 " arley - ... ,...... 0:55 eas . ... - .... 0:00 e.e....-...1,...... 3:60 eef, ............. :..... : . 3:00 ambs....,',...'.. - 2.00 urkies, each. : I 0:45 eesee do ..,..e...- ....0:30 lichens, 111 pair :....... .0120' Licks,' do . ..........0:00 ,des (green)....... -....-3.00 utior....,...••.... er vvr ,V -to ao • • 9:00 etatoes .. •:. 6*** .• Woos. 030: I8d4. 9:83 76 0: 0 0: 0:45 4:00 350 0,00 0.:60 0:45 0100 0:25, 0:00 0:15 0.35 0:00 " .0:10 0:50 eit's - pp • 0.40 1 ay, -1f1 ton ®. 1300 raw, per loacl.......... 2:50 (4- 3:00 • STANTON. MARKETS. _ [Reported expressly for tbe 4SignaLl- . CL1NTolrf 2ev.-8,1864 F 11 Wheat, bushele...$6:80. 5 Hag Wheat, iftbesh.. u:75 o ts . 028 B rley 0.55 P 0:40 P tatoes 025 H y Cift P rk„CfrItundred)...; • 400 , 300 H des.: : . 350 B tter eft lb). --teat. es, A Dle • 75. *-.7.4..101;:11:40 Has dozen).. 4 • 0:08 -TUrireys, 0:34 - Giese 010 0:Et2 0:32DINNER:?LAIN 0:77- • 0:60 0:30 •0i-00 5:00. CHINA STONE,: ,CIENA 4:00 0:00 Together with a complete Btoek of GEIRERA.L CROCKERY; We pnblish instated- , • -• 0:30 040 0:00 000‘ Wbich be Li prepared to Inake up in first-cless style. and very,cheap for CASH: A splendid etock of 0 VIA 00 A IrzS I 01 fine 1"turea 1114--re1334.rk*- bilOY'HeliNetiPADAMS. -Godench. Octooer 10, 1864, • sve11 Stray Clow. . 2ME IMO ,the enclosure of the subscriber, .Park Lot 10, in the Village of Port Albert,on Monday the 17th of October, -a }ED COW., witb some albite on Iler belly „. and heavYlearns. The owner is tequested-to prove- property, pay_ea-, penseraindtake her eway. ROBERT -GRAHAM. ,Port•Allx11, October tat, 06.4, w40 -3t 'mow rorroatadvall • Niro) Abbertfuntents. FRAME YOUR jUST RZCEIVE.1), A LOT Or WOREARLI: ILT &--110,SEVIOOD ITOULDINGS: GORDON. -00.1C4e1), Ntr.. fith, 5w194t- -- . NOTICE. LL notes and aerounis doe thiltincersfn&f -11111$ le pazd yeti); e the first Day of DC-Cfiffi5 ext. „ OtherwiseThey ill be placed in suit tor colter -- tion. J. Clederick, Nov, 11, 1SO4, Y. b. KIRK.. -3:v4$ A PULL ASSORTMENT OF LEDGERS, 1" JOURN.ALS, 1 . CASH BOOKS, VINUTE ROOKS, .'-isiEmoratoa - K PASS - iOOKS NoW, IN STOCK AND WILL BE OFFERED C.IIEAP. FOR VASIL At the Signoi Office; - OFFICE AND POCKET DIARIES 100 ---Et 1-8135, hi Eviry Size & Syle,at lodrict A LARGE sTock OF Envelopes .and Welting Paper 1 Now on bahd,wbolt.sale and retail, at LOWEST 1 OSS1BLE RATES. ,T. J. NOORTIOVSE. 2od. rich, Nov. ail, 1664. w20 18:66. ZrETSW 3ELM4031111X-V77) Ay TUE INT01-100 STORE ! A. CHOI-CE ASSORTMENT OF !ARIES- FOR 18651 Aleo -expected to arrive about- the middle of November inst., a large supply-- of the tetebrated. Chew ett 55. Co.'s (tormerlySeobiels) it A ' 1 11 LAI IA p 10 1 I 1.1.P 1 II Irk VI ,. b - tU i ,.... • Country s szzppiiZ az whole- sale .prws. •.4,smsa,snaaicv Atrpo ituAru e , l'ARDIER'S ALIVIANAC.for 1865 1.r -tee 2d. • IN MiielehotS4:Ti3:aaone.kcs:s.cielaNd:e0a4:CooOksiVi:LtrE StationerY,- , Writing Pa pets, Wall Papers, - • Blank Books. ilevelopesOm.4r.e., Thaows, Magazines, Periodicals, ^ - WSPAPZ.ItS stuTT.717,% AND ti1PIpantrittnia- -executed wig werrinessanctdivarch, ATTHECIINTON BOOKSTORE GEORGE LAY CO.CIG Chilean -Book Store, November 2nd, 1844. . vas a NAIL CO111'1110! ENDERS1 ADDRESSED to the Post- - - MasterGeneral, witlhe received it Quebec - until Noon, on • Friday Zeceniber 29- d loorlhe conreyanceof Her MajeAy's Mails 4:7•12.11 propose&Contract for lour veers, oaand from tke 7st JAMTARTnext, between XirktOn Wincheisea, 7'icice per week -each, way, IiISTOWELli & !co t.lswoit_tir THREE -wags ma WELK E.A.C/I VirAMAITD 1 Rodgerville and Zurich, Thiw tinaes per Week each -wayir ' 'Printed noticeecontainiug further infohaiirion 111710 conditions of prepsed Contract nay be seen, and blank Anent ot Tender untrhetibrainadese eha F04 Otftees abeve mentioned: ondAt the Ofitcelor zhe subscriber. - GILBERT _GRIFFIN, O. Inspecfer. Post Office tlispeotor'e Oillee Loadoa; U.W.,15111 -$4414t • 41aartinliaMIES IIAVINCt DETERIMED TO DISPOSE OF AGE apppx, OF _CROCKERY! A -PRICES CONSIDERA.13LY BEI;OW ..11-NYTHING IIITIIERTO-OFFERTID, THEY would eaU the attention -of guise. desiring to purchase to the above. Their Stock Fr 'Consists of • ANDeA QUANTITY OF. TEA, SETTS I . - en the eeclachon of oar -price; hut e. EXAMINErFOR YOURSELVES ttliiiieb;!ett.„ 8th, 18ti4e , - sw43 IV bar * Rom • Mx. $4"di *MCA brl coast ieavei notle mett. past made matt name ittf thol pats bes4 tiiebeingl yi T001,0 it* as COrtell ientatii these Magid getisw on tie poet &eta jags ambits! pi pitabi 4**Wil Tim their Maw= _ n Beta 44 414 inaht Abs."*1 Ala& Yield the tram 10,9111 MOM reser ipso