HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-11-04, Page 4• • MOIRE iingill•IIMIMM1.11/141110MIIMINII.01.1•,40•III' • SPRING. STYLE isiATS FOR g4.14-. VERY ,. roads leading herelo. Time will be given for a . A FARM o 106acres of land, bi miles from G 1-1 t1D ER CH,: 60 acres cleared, with good CHT -11864 ......_ . :1 large portion Id thel , purchase money. For fur. •ther carnotite s :apply to.f.. B. GORDON, Esq., Sol icnor, Er eneh. or to :WM. SEYMOUR it .CO, Godekich. h N iv inber 18'63. iv41-t1 FO1TEi ..Nfr I 14 1 1 0 1\T:flfi TAT exwAoEge Goderieh. 31arc41 151h, 1864. • sw56 SEMINAR.T. ; ron 6Tel:tern EineRti fl, CON.DETTEIY BY • MR. AND MRS-. STIERLOCK;- x....isaucta svrizvic-x...• • trfiE course of Of:arm-Lion , includes 'English, astaught iirst-chiss' Schools in Eitgland. Preach, Mu'. e' (ptano-For,te Gutter and Slag- DrawIng.,1-am-v Wote&c. • Young radio, wneti ediP`at Ott IrlF•IICell II.et,:leCtS31 will receive the gjea est tExars n.N APPLICATION P!ano- Fortes tunAattid a large st,pply,of Music+ by. the best ctaitposers icrr . qOderiellf Seta. 19,1 St, ISAAC FREDRICK, xtm-isx.077:13D rop+ EV OLD STAND.: WAT01111rAnin & JEViTETSIL WI:ST., GODEtICH -Next West -of Mr. Stotts' Saddlery JLr.ICFNIA' or • , WATUHESt CLOCKS: AND JEW* ELI11( RL1'-..114ED ON SHORT • hi the het Stye (34. Warranted de. W.4...-oltrxesr OP • !geld& Plated Jeweiry. Watches; •• Clocks, ,scc ' Constantly on hand and ivarranteit to be as retire:leo:elf . if not. miatel; refunded, tloilenett .11.1!y frah,,I.SM 'r16n31 SHOT GUNS Arc., .6ze. " ' Far Bosaaqua FOR SALE 4-.) . Ir_awrr: ; ...„. rHE tINDERSIGNED-olfers for _sale or to let L lot 29,,silth c n, township- of Bosanquet, 1 Catiatyof Lanibto . The farm consista of ,. 1 DIVELLIAG POUSE- AND:....FILIME • %I Li' an tti.. hit.' WELL TipifiEIRED_Ar WATE1011) For particUlifi.'S apply to - _ ..• , 1 . Ooderreli P.O - w2Tif. ONE REP ACRES, sixty Of wi4 are cleared., and situated near station of thep. T Railway. There A.», LOG THE SEMI- w E ,FALL CiRCULAIli MESSRS. D. HERR, JR., & CO. Y 1864 BEG respectful y to thank their kind friends the Public for their patrons during the past year. We would again shlicit their favorable consideration for the dnsiin season and would inform then that we have now' comrleted Our arrangements f'r sup lying their wants in ' -Upon the inost'faiorable ms.• No • House west of Montreal bnys their ably. We.have-paid particular -atteution to the requirements of thi • . Province. oods more favoi," section- of our . - MONEY TO IIEND . ON IMPROVED FARMS, I .4.1r ,,,PER CENT-! • ' Some to Invest in Town Property. J. B. 601MAN, - Barriste_r, lte.i,Goderich. (Merit% Sept. 13„ 1864, - sw34f NIONEY TO LENDI A,T 7 Xt, E OE HUNDRED GASES OF !HMIS AND-SHOES1 RoitED" FARMS. _ Contain ng everything required in their line and now offered for sale. • Augtist 41th, • isq4. • - M to RENT Apply to. ne Can, no-One,Will, Undersell us! I *of -GooDING, . - . sollotor, West Street, office Over U. Booth's We shall continue to sell our Stock of - - "Dry Good Store. Gulerieh. Tune 9th, 1864: iwalvv20-11 Dry Goo s, 'Crockery, Hardware _an At PRIME COST until the whole is. clearede FORCASII AND SELL FORT , WE B roceries, -SAME! EN T"UNDERSIONED will let hisfarm in boroe,lOts 10 aud 11, thli con., either On shares or other wit4,as may be.hgreed upon. The 1 farm comprise.% TWO RED- ACRES 1-00 of which, are cleared, and EU Ike of stumps, Well watere 1, --within prim mmrs o-17. GODERICII, and ordy-titreL miles from two Saw -Mills. Barns; dwelling -honks dte. in good order. ' Poi- Anther particulars apply to 'HOBERT GIBBONS, Esq., Goderich, or on the premises to 7 t DAVID CLARK. Gr. -Jerk+, "./et. 3, 1S64. ' . - , ' w36 --t . C t i 0 CR NT ASKED NONE QU316 ,o1 $100 andupwarde a vanced .11E4L ESTATE without delay to 111 borrower. Apply to . SHAW & SiNCLAIR.- Goderith,- -1st July. 1864. Ooderick 25tti August, 1664. Fart"' for Sale. mo're or less, being cam - kJ' petted oldseuth halt of lot Twenty-six, eon- ees.sion Threr, To,a ustrip ot Alorriar -isixty acres cleared antr tenced--within one mile of the Seaforth Cr vet Road, watt school on adjoinitig- lot, Two Goo Wells of Spnog., Water, • k -Good -Log House and good Frame Barn and Stable, also a gokd yoialg orchard with trees bearing. Terinsinade Inlowir by applying. to GE0110E and ADAM 'rORBES personally, or by letter (post -.1d) to Ding.e P. 0.,111.1ron County. Morris,OetObe 24-.L IS64. - v40-tf FARM FOR SALE ' AND • • MEADE TO ORDER11 L , Rr TORII OPposite the liarket.'.. kind§ of revairing done reasonable° terms. -- Gedericks Anus -1.24 18E4, _ off Most, iwo4 UM ROBERTSON, 11,41111 , .1, 102 hf r 1r MANUFACTURER, or At.t. Arsns by • .0T..3, on tA,. 'Township -of llowick, I mile ircini N roxeter, on : . .• • - . THEO. AlTgL. ROAD. Lo "louse- and barrik 92 ACRES, 28 CLEARED Apply to • _ F. W. *HOMASI Esq., E. M. Febi 26, 1864. 475 sw61-tf . . FO SALE. 80 tIE 4••1••••••••••It of Lot.No. 32, East Lake ay. FIRS4'.!.- RATE . LAND :Terms eaSjrt, aPPIY to . DONALD SUTHERLAND, on.the pre ises, .or - . , M. C. CAMERON, `. • . Oodericit. 00C•lektic April 30th. 18644 *I44t A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR SALE. -7-1-000 AcreinOue 13locir, L.1tRu-E1.41-1 LAI ROVED and dauvemently situated , along the haLik or the River Maitland. opposite the Town of 4jotlrich and the Gotlerich Station of the But. talo and Lake; Iluriin Railway, 1,V - Apply- if b_ft letter 051 paid, to •'1 J. 11. GORDON. ESQ.. _ sw94 • 4folle;tor. Goderieb C. W. SUCH ALS AlrealA, SO:A, LOunties, 13edsteads itt endless variety, wardrobes, Book 'Gases, Mattresses,' • Venter:fables, Tab;e%, Breakfast Tables, VT'S Toilet Tables, Wash Stands, Chairs, and many 9111 other artieles too nutiterous iiiinention, All kinds r Sale Cheap. 4 WOC)1,)* r1.4LTIZATINCI-1- - Promptly attended to. UPHOLSTERY. m all its • brartehes. _ • UtIDERTAKING,Ao.,Are - Mr. 11-. respectfully invaes air examination of Ism stock- Warranted to be made of the best Mit,- teriatiand- workmanship, and at grcativ reduced prices. Call andcoinpare and be sat.sfied before going elsewhere. -' Er -Cordwood and all kindof Farmer's Pro- dueetaken in exchange . ;Er Wareroom on egintreet. tiodertch. March 21th...1863-. 8W69 1411,AGE STOOK OF llYilfl LASS COMPLETE ASSORTAIENT.pr GROCERIES, WINES _81 MORS; Goderieh, Joly ‘5; 1864:- • e r TKO; RODD iarket Scin -8r CO., e, .Goclerieh. aw43 Rouse and Lot for Sale. A BRICK -COTTAGE on the Southerly par - tion of Lot 880, - • HAMILTON STREET, WITH GOOD ROOT -HOUSE and OUTlitlipiNGS, !it Present - occupied byThos. Weatherild, ;Esq.; , price; TWELVE .11111111DUED DOLLARS For iiirtli_er narticulaia apply to MM_Goeriebo . . WBATHERLD, A WILLIAM .PERCIVA.L, Esq., GodenebtOciober 176, '1864.Amile,-"sitylttifi'Cl. AN EXCELLENT STAND! C ONSISTING OF TWELVE ROOMS, With large Stable Sited,pump and large garden, in the -Village -of Bluevale,Townshili of Turn. bermand Imown-hi the name- of the BLITZ - VALE 110=4 and in the occupation of the proprietor, IL C. PUGS. The property . has large additions and improvements, and is wothy thenotice of any nian who is seeking a home. _ H . Money to Lend. October 8th. 1863. tr37ft• MHO stihseriber has $20,060 to loari on reason - _L able terms. For particulars apply to • HORACE HORi OisT. - -Goderich, 19th August. 1864.. w304m. NIONE1r.TO.LEND EIGHT AT PER CENT, IN SUItS Or One Hundred Dollars .and up wards' - TOMS MOORE, solicitors. cssAmvs.14EW:113.LOCK Goderfcli, Sept;Sth, 12644 w33 tf Teacher Wanted IITANTE,D, a .first or second class teacher, tor V V School Section No 2, Colborne. A young mai prefeired. Apply to ELIJAH 'MARTIN, 1 n; • vt Kn PEtER FISHER irustees. •. cdtbotlie, thobef 271ft. 181$1.- w4.0-30Po 11 ARDWARE sia.reeS.iyartataarsaaaussai-04,..shoolosounotaa i tt osrolIotrasaraoss. • flosoasaolos.a FOR SALE. CEDAR, 13ARTIES *desirous of obtaining First Jus Cedar,lor F g.ngend BuildLogroposee cart he supplie4 in aor, quantity, and on reasonable • ,‘ Y P1 )ing W. ELLIOTT, -Goderich. fel,. -001.1864. 'W2 AILORING zrz.,: .4.x> da.311 DLIWRSS HIS MOST' SiNT4g-liE THANKS for the very flattering encouragensetit he has received sine o be vommeneed bowl:team in taode- rieb,aiot being.able to execute over one-Intlf the orders brought to bun masi seasani having now secured facdtticefor n tarrying MI pusiness ri f and employing none but first-class tradesmen. And airtD. A. believes his experience as Cuiter second to none rn the Prialace, havingearried business extensively and successfullyin principally first-class 'Customers, and bevingbeen Cuttersn one of Iiie Principal Establish -Meats itt Edinint!gh; -Scotland, he rearlesslystates to a iliscor.ning public that • - 803. mein in Toronto wino/areal. _ at Co• his establis- hinent equal to tile bEir:istlk";40.;1117-7711- deriali.Vet.34) :CLOTH:M. G CAlt 33E -SLOB ANcoenlifitlienirrobipsetyo•tinantly a hall, lagioaderiep, Two Story Dwelling - House AITO A LARGE WOODSHED & STABLE, •Situated on EAST. STREET and VICTORIA STREET two leading thoroughfares), and on WGATE Street. ` For conditions °reale applytoitev.-0. Fletcher, the present occupant, or to .Kev; Wm. On -Melon, Hamilton 'Very favorable terms will be given lot L'Asir or for good endorsed paper at short: dates. immediate possession -will be given. u Goclerieh, Sept.13th, 1864. ew3-3ra*ap .1111•141•1•Mmiy,.. • • . EIR - FUR. AND HAT DIANUFACTURERS 1 TATITE THE ATTENTION OP BUYERS to their LOGE STOCK of . SALE 1 '"413,67, to 134T, nearthe BAJI*MAY STATION; Goderich,..for $150 each, At five Years Credit, or longer if required. Apply to ' • M. C.' CAMERON.. Goderieh &prfl 8111, 1864. sw621v11 _ A Good Farm for Ale T 9T 14 in the 403 eon. of tlie township of ata ,Stan fey; in the County of Huron, eon- i0(1-tuaes, more or less, havmg considerj "ableciearingsthercon. Terms liberal. Apply to ' - - • ' trim SUBSO HERS would beg to inform_Ina Customers and the publ that his new prent- -IL nes .on. E street, ;POPR..4-.FRONI-"THE will be opened.on the first of- June, for transacting-. the Wool Cardin Manufacturing business, in connectiowith his WOOL FAOTORYt work in the above business ifirte punctually attended t4. Like -Cloths, Blankets, and StQc •QUARE, GROCERIES. CrqpItery,-• - Liquors, Provisio4 Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Sash - Doors. •Ste _ -.n9c-- Agent for the sale of GUR NEY1, WARE 8z 60.1S" PI:ATF(iiiM SCALES. Cloth Dressing and - where all orders and ise a variety of s Yam will be kept on hand to exchanffe f6Fwoo1. Having this year aped another . _ FIRST-CLASS' DOUBLE CARDIFG NACHINE ment, he will be prepare!' to execute farmer s tiork to .4 reasonable extent . Cnstoniers corning to the factory theinseive4 will be ptiornptly attended to and particular attention will be paid to those ftom a dzstjince wishing •their k FxpeditiouJy 134arte 7 to his establis on short notic as formerly, W ir N. B.—Wh subscriber ho of his custom Reme Godetieh, le:thankful tor the liberal patronage of former years .in th above business, the es by strict attention to business and sparing nd eiVense 11 meeting the wants s; to stilt receive a share of the seine. ber the place- East Street, second door from CRAB'S'S J3L0PK. • .. •TROMAS LQOAN: pril 19th,1864 .1 w12 • 8th con, Bruce : W, 4th !Cullom; 22, ron. Apply to _ • • - M. G. :CAMERON. Coderieh Oe ober 2S, IS64. sw10 • • Blacksmith's Bellows cli`or sale by ° W. R. GRACE. Goderich. Mar 27. '1864. f ir14a36 41IG AIM _NM* JEW it -.11D : • D. SHADE -,GOODJNG, Sol to,, Godench. lioderich, Jinni 29111, 1864; w13-tf , - Lands- for 8410 T UT NO. 2, in the 3rd con. of -Ashaeld, .ouritv of Huron, colstahng 90 acres more ..or 1es. filtrate within one mile (lithe yillage of. Port Albeit and nine from Goderich. Soli good, land rolling. Auld beautiful flats. aijilining 049 mile svhieh flows across the southern portion. This is nThre chimer, .being- conveu. ient to market, _arida good gravel road in anticipation thiS season. - i. E. I tot no. 16, eon 3,- Township or Wawanosli! County oftturon, havnigas acres eiear. well timbered*, and oneintle from the Northern Gravel Road. ' , _ Part oflot 'R, in tire Township of Colborne. Cotuity of Huron, coutsiimng 261 acres, Thia is heautiTullyTeciffed ospointin:hoegd.:Ivritoecrilieht passe= 1011:.vaearel Rthoad,c dwoepipolinigit,ew-tihtheiaVill2amilge of Atilbuni, having a good frame house and barn, also a Lois umbers 31.32.29 and28-contabiing caulone fifth ofan acre in the Village of Milburn. on- the Northern Gravel Road, and wit in :ladles -a Goderich, Also tsVo excellent lots in Bridge Bad Mace. township of Cotherne. which Village is situate on the Banks ofthe Maitland and adjoining the Town of tioderiet. For partictilare apply, -if byletter post-ixtid. GEO. HAWKINS, / -W.. ROBERTSON, Port 11/bert. 4 - Gaoler, Goderich, karch 2,1th.11564, _wstvit60.1yr$4 . rouiosuix, 11:11ROPERTIES ARE .1E11MR, SAX -JIM Very Reasonable Terms! BOOTS AND SHOES sitrAirm TOM 2 111414NG- AND BUIENERFWEAR 1114„1 •• •. •,.. ; ON L. dInsnun ....um. • IUMI*1116• 1 . 1lilll048TEAMJENGOIE-WOR KS R U It I 11/I -A N Nand °tillers of 'Grist and Floui iroular, Mulay. and Sash Saw- itsrnrENCINIS iciIIiw 1!0RS 4RE ILORSE wing and, Reaping Machines, Woo :411.-PCM13, Ajkalk1V43-, leo ..8. .A31.D.' BLIND - The -Undersigned .:haft on hand it. t.AROET-..A SScilLTKENT nEcxrven James Collins 86n '9- EINOSTOAT 6T., GODEUICIE. A CALL IS SOLICITED. EPE Pebentures For,Sale. DOORS, -!LINDS;VOULD14.84:0.',$1'1.; .gyerythingoquited in the)3Uildiktoltie, OTS Hos: 117, 118, 119, 120, 136,149,in the Li 'rising Village of Raversdale, in the -County ofBruce. This Village is situated on the Mein road between ICineardino and Wall/erten, the County Town ofilruce. Lot Number- 16, South -side or .Afechanicel Avennej_in the own of Kincardine, and 1401547, 48049, 00,M, 62and,63, in the Village ofitiverri- dale, alsolb and 16; West aide of Victoria Street, in the Town. of Kincardine; -County of Bruce._ • Lots umbers 3., 4,.p, on the North ot the Dor." iirun-liaotarii Market aroctztufatibeninVgilolantlrter geoftyiKineavrdfinan_es County acre of land each, with tbe buildings there00. Also Lots 5. 6 and Sou the Durham Road, and let 26, on the North-. sale of the ,Durnam Atom, lull* •TOwnship ol Kincardine, cottoning 60; --acres each, partm.ty clearea. Lots31 and32 DA Weatalde 6 Queen Street- in 6 Town Or Kincardine. • For particulars applyto • • ' - IRA LEWIS n26 ' Barrister. Goderich. riFFERS will he received by the subscriber for kdr he Durchase ofu0 wortaof Debentures of the village of Kiatiardine, being for -the cur - Ow of a Public tAnnetery, Tbe Debentures are payable on tie 20th Jauua ry,. teats, ana have, Coupinis attached tot the payment of Interest bait yearly on the IOU! ottya -of January and July in each year. = • WM. SUTTON, Reeve; - 1Chteardine March 29th, 1864, aw60-tf parator for Sale. Brass C :-C ag_Xleti of the ntost ecl Cr4.rovIsewehere, r Goderieh, A FIRST RATE new Thrashing Machine XX And Separator to bo keld an.reasonable , teens :Long cOdit will be given On gnodnecus- ritt.'`Applyte • • grOlCE HORTON.. obiAnguatigth. -464, w30-.2nt Executors 4 LL Partiet Indebted to theestatt athe late W.u.afax "Haitala, af•.crimsford,* iAskle*Asther bv: ifote or shook account, are .;lsitaebY:aalifiett tosattle ther *are with the under - sigma without delay, and all parties- having ,414iittatlfial441fe-itattleataie etc requested tiara NPOWSZedistellr. Tii06;*:A.NtIERSOIS...1 .10161 HAMLIN, 'Ptiatplatio4 r. 0., Oct. 6th, 1861. *374t oars Lullor. 711 THE .141C/UUIERITI:WAR AB% ktralelisistasid. .. rsrimvs„ .....t.,,,A.. . " M-.11x.401,0*mtzitriilict i - (lodes' :q.'",-1,114 ,,katorsonsa,-_ for October, -all reflivet .'‘, - ' '3..P,v ?. -----;ir =UIRPITIVI/Alt. SHBRi Ututod-Coun Riven and - Toit Court ol the' and to meth ments,o(Wd Downey Ery Samtiel Gun and taken i -interest -of th Seven.East of `AV alkert tindtrand ti • efficein the rich oa-T *kaki:Woe • By S;PoL Sherill's Octo tingsnutde, and Blacksmiths' work dime in a neat ands tings of any description made to order. Also, ail kinds o repaired on short notice. A large stock of Saws; T.T0:31- stantialmanner inackiiiery • --PARLOUR -AND BOX STOVES ncl; Sugar Kettles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes, As our pat erns of the above are pprovecr kind, we woitial 'solicit an inspection' of our s etc before purchasing we are offering the above at the lowest remunerative p es for cash, or or .itp t. b1d4nata1, Brass', Copper, and all kinds of lifrOdlien tli ell ,,in'eXChAnge; •- October. 1862. - rit.'1-Arit-4:W 1400S: tea -oft -110 virtue of ,writ„ of ace, ▪ Pion:Facies issuedeat • Her Majesty's Vounty nited Counties of Huron *-Brtn*, ecte.d itaainst-the.landit-and Jens. - lam Ha mthern• at the ,anit of ,John James Plityfrilriaolut lichfurrich. and John- Myatt:1114W Oalatett Execution all the right, tide and "laid defelidint,in 'irfd t Iot aultiberr- ado pt•WfIliam atteet, in the village ' in the County of Bruce; ' which **Molts raw offer; for Sale • 'itt 'ourt.-Bottieht ,itutx.TeW4 Of i*edei7, iiiay the.steutik.,ckty.. of .1aituary. at wow/birdie meatr,anion.-.. 1011141,-1401110RAL1); - Sheriff H. 6c.B. Deputy -aerie ,Ciodermis't a w30-- tlfERt?F's SA gaited Counties of 101 virtue of a writ $ of 1 quretrand Bruce; HID - Fieri--,actour-lostied to wit: ..f. • t- - ot ' II e r ,1410030/01 Cbun of '-entll mon..7P ,t.itinkiq,11P,14.11Mdzed agalnat, the :Maas and tenement* of margitrek Lamb, &unite! Leith; Frances Lamb and Ano Fanbiollter, Kt Ike taint , f Wilhani Storey. E time lit1de.iitItthkright4 ti eriditritSani and tsa; Lot -sift, in ,the Town Jai affibreti*Withafte Wild.- ich hiPileiind -W.10041)01 Ifficn; in iheV.42.0illiturt PINE AND AND IIEMLOCK SAN %ILAN" CEDAR POSTS, kLOORING., HE ibllosvmileardsiiva Otter Om Side on -very' ticlvantageous termat AIM ALL °TETT{ PLANING DONE TO ORDER' WM. E.VRACE, Trriprietor. tlederich, faril 2800 1663. aw67W13 -TEN - Trur fiR011.81 OBI 11fitar AT -Tilt in; . • AND T11 It SALLIalic fit - ' 11111Critai,lanwal: In'stoLiiteits, 'with t'alleteat at 6 per cent. T-SonlisC1)17-81111PMiSt e°011114,;.1,4_901tRafresIS: South 4 8 in. let con., 50 acres, South 4 11 in 2d 100 acres, - South 4 21,1a 34 con., 100 acres, North 4 20 id 411 carol, 100,exilifi. North 4 21 in , -4h_ con., 100 acres, North 42 in*.th‘ton., 1-00 acres. TOWNSHIP OF -110*ICK: Is2..3wand 4 in 15th con./ 490 scree eSoir MOVNBILIP OF GREY? • 0.264ty1si eon. 100 acres, _ 35Tni tank, 1410-acreieich, 41aita 32itt-8 COno '146-tiohmeach, LOt, 26 in it con.; .,f)9 Aereej- • Lot nib 8 ttin,5 100-akies, tins -33 and 3411110 tea., 100 acres each. TOWNSHIPTintr13BERV—•. 4 t.on.11- -146r66. GODERIO1i WAGON ke aelled and taken aildlittbreia bf henalif 1114t ong iioderieh, in the Caney ings•thereon erectett4 -wi Isbalholter fOr ViiteXfo itt.the - Town .of Coderich, n Ttieidky f,thc Thirteenth dav"orPose bez next, at tbe hor MAIMONAtini Sierifs 11.4. ,wir Di S. kti.r.,Looi6 Doodegokitiftr.•• Sheriff's Wks, Godonch‘. *el; 2ad3 1864 't w38 - /*PN:el a_ it*, JOH • 41111EIMm.... e::, t •. rr%HE would '14moonee to tbe pi/die a ihrootyAttgtb$foilhand and will matte to orWr arnaei, WS towfiesr4.0 wbichiUbe loklcheap fapproodwolit, JO 77.-etit- %elms 'Aim, tat, 1963. - . Laaarcirniti10)054;000dorkb4 Or'fOlhen t •11001AS7GALT-1--.7Eag,, • t;Toroatt.,: •• • ar43it. 7:•-•"! nalS1 • GENTLE*Nsi LADIES'RUIti.5) ITICTORINES, .IVIIIFFS, BO,' ' GlIONTS, OAFS/ AO; ate, • Buck Mits and .filovos BUFFALO BOBES, FELT AND SILK ANTS CLOTH -CAP$ AND OAP MI 681 In great va 11/1....11E1,1V18 11 13E1IAL,. / GREENE & SONS, . 305 St, Paul Street; Montreirl. August Mb, 180i: it) tin NEW MARBLE S Main Street, rizeter. D., &I A. 1WOONNELL.-, 4,4•44`,..414,•••• MONUMENTS, TOM13STONES, Posts, .6z.c.5 a every demon/num sad style of iaorktnanshipfurnished on short notice, and Id /he lowest airmea, Liberal redaction made for -cash. . Miii,0111ER8 ITSCITALLT IMOD -TO Designsof Monuments 4u. /nay be seen et the shop. Exeter. Dctoberlst.1864. 4/42-1Yr , 4 • ''':. SA0111115,-- Ir..poneetionwit4, •- •Bilfhlo& LIlI ftaiI' DAY EXPRESS TRAM THE SP SW -WHEEL " 13L TT urNolgoilfer:AMivirttrr'forilles!e7GODEBICW TUESDAY AND*13.- IDAY - AT T. if, :ArriLtavt. MiiMW 44c#±1. vin:str.SAGIXA_ Wr catimynextmornuig. ty SONDAY:„011).TAPP*. Ty , Talus. T.4414 . wainvwidorirmonsvectlinitylitnAtiaervoomactist4 1v4P*PrePstricia*00 Oan Wilrinliflt The 341wav at .- .1* tiv$WWeetertargiqty)atBalist ArAthe atrorwasgne. TIME, A , •11.T.SDAY-s-Si. zathana ,utind TIUDA:StiseittIOSAiniambrarA t Ulna Toronto(B-rand_ ',Natal* 4- •, Hamilton (Went NV cetera . .t.sa ti.ss - stratrattssiratoi(E.4c:L., , - li,,,;414.1-: .01i. .....4iiip12.4110. Faris ., - '1'.11:-.1-7.:V.iX . 3.16 Godericb. 4t Artlite at Sigmtvir neit A. it....„.4.s- VULIGAIIi Mt.741.riprat ;4140 tf;Tzetzlitatig:titAz.r8*.:15:ze:SiT011114z4;i: '1441'tiP7ris (6:WPIR-14.141.*°:11111-ir::14:7:112.114* . "roito9404 _-__ - ' „v.: - 4.41 illtansdosti 4$ P.X..... . 2.11 bor.ne (rail 14 . 4:1* A.4* is:ht• .flM 1 - necessary arecanniodittion-41 iottstbetlns:t:inrprttllresgoti*oi7vwtshnfaoor:gTi itatreevloyllie bet;tc4Peababoyiniag7cothetecat4 •ofthe Haile and takeRaton Ea l. and ate aswariersiol ef‘annati fr1141:01"11:11;:ntfre4::11"100eWn- 44-4 tamed otterjt. 4 Cat/Maki ... a • =-1K,