HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-10-14, Page 3ft-111.'NC ROAD. „with referent* word or two by atie the ground ben purchased a..fard, in the; F get the York man' s • hands Satidfield Mace :barge of Alex- ' Sande:. :d. A. James Cottcr, eainted General s and the York ;at, undetr ltyck- nee good Order; neelecied sot • $ manage- zrse. and worse, he. It is said,. • been raised -- mak -e sundry Yhe Government this ruatter.aed, ri.a*-..nte are welle • . do. el order to is the Lw throat cne,. t. to be mortalif eens ; bet thJ tare -les was justified la a good of ethers„ it hopes of mire tented., his task. two upeer ribs tzh this orifice, ten fed five gal4 - Luce:Imes his v.- Ile is fatt thEnks in two, and the inside' toal:ow tine wage. He at, .emp. and thus. `ew ktours would ne. means, gum( . until it was not .beisnuwuedj w 6 r 16 . pounds a' aadorte acme c:ean oak caste Itiyerrof mea our it over the irgtei; ta cover, ene lie rittrkr 'held in Mon t of entertaining es on their -relit •1•1111114 Mtg. G OD HR.' C124 Assorted: s t rueleg, spa as adios, CapS sell Cheap fo TIO KM:KB= /ND STREET, et a- Power ot Sti4 ett Istb February* ARTHY and wziO. al to :he Honore • . ilbet Three, its t alp of Stephen i bi adaseast aate o*rr , Brif.DINGS ot the lead - be seen at the Lat Allelic:ewe" 6 cm day efsale.. ROTHERS, ay.," movtgege., rSamLesle- en saes =0 acres elear. Of Sttunns..-.4 barn stables, dce. e.tt',. • frm.. There* to bear. Sawa, • and w-lialf =idea iculars apply )!INSTOM. tilde P. IX w3seLttir niDi f - - yval Pa ttoderitr, 6* day) a coat lave by IGGART, . oe. Gock-rick Ta. . 1564e rof3S4vir ., r (Mery, Clientay. Novels AI - • ' ED1rn •elnUdia erci- Mr. A. Smith, tailor, has just re- ceived a very fine stock of cloths, clothing, and every article in his line. Give him a call. Stir We omitted to notice • in our last that Mr. John Adams has re -commenced business in the tailoring line, in his old stand, West at., and will no doubt be glad to see old and new friends coming to inspect his flue cloths and superior over- coats. OUR MARKET _ Tsai looking up. About 4000 bushels of wheat changed jtands yesterday.. „ To -day Fall Wheat brings from 84 to 85c.-- Spring ?a to 77c. I - The price at Clinton yesterday79 RETURNDTG .IVOS- lc for Fall, 'and 7.0 a 7Ic for Spring., " Da STEAMER CANADIAN Will run astfollows folr the batance of the tseason : Leaving Oidericil for Kincardine • Axt. SOUTHAIMPTON ISTEFFY MondahViedoe day and Eriday • 7 • 1 • our report of exports, frone, Goderich, Mr. Savage should- have been credited with sending away 46,000 feet of .awn timber, instead of 6,400 as stated. It was a Cleric:LI error on the part of the gentle- man handing in the report. lit the report of the recent storm it should have been the Munroe brothers Who are stippa;ed to- have been drowned. . • Arithmetical. Question.—A.,B. With their wives, P. Q.. and R„ wont .to the. . market to buy pigs. Each man and each woman bon;lii.as meny as they gave shillings fer eachpig. A. bought 23 more than Q., end B. bott'ght II moreihan also,.each Man laid out 63- shillings mere than his wife. b. .h two persons were man and wife ? Personsanswering will please study brevity. DEPARTURE OF SERGEANT' 31CLEAN. —Sergeant McLean- who has done such excellent service in drilling the volunteers. - of this section; took his departure .for Owen Sound on Tliesday litst. While • we regret the necessity for his removal, we have the satisfaction of knowing that laii teaching was so thorough [hat the Volunteer Companies of the town will be able to keep up their_ drill. alone without difficulty. The sergeant is a fine speci- men of the British soldier,' and his profi- ciency as a first-rate drill -instructor will be judged by the fact that he leaies be.. hind him. in. Goderich the finest -body of - Volunteers in the Province. We wish hint every success in, his new sphere of I -usefulness. , - • _TOWNSHIP: OF 11.1TRON.- IIORRIBLZ JJZATH OF A CHILD...-- . - AbOtt.t. three weeks since a child two years belonging to Richard Martin, 4th concession, Huron .Township, striyed from its home and got hist in the woods•. :Although nowar-ag.-of two hundred neigh- bors turned out to search, keeping within - sight of each other, it was int found- until *w k*go,he1titwas, discovered sus- pended by its clothing on a snag; with its head downwards, and one foot and a pi- t/on of its leg gone. It \appears to. have been climbing over the log when it fell off and caught by its clothing as above. - it -was in a thicket,not oyez a himilred Yards from the house, and was passed tinumber • of times by those in search.; . The _Fine Arts. TO the Editor of the flaron gnai SIB:—It appears to me that in your notice of Mr. Cre,sswell's paintings, on the 4th instant you have unwittincny done injustice both to that excellent artistand to Judge Cooper, in instituting a compari- son of their works. Mr. CressWers paint - 'legs . are the labored 'productions of a practical and accomplished artist, and are 'characterized by a finish and precision only attainable by lcite= study. not only of - natureAut of the best masters. • The ' sketches of Judge Cooper have no higher - pretensions than as the crude efforts of undoubted but uniracticed genius; but they are fill of promise and characterised - by -much *or_ and originality: - With all . Mr. 'Cresswell's study and skill, I doubt if ' he could prtdace one of Judge -Cooper's - sample, yet effective, sketches. There is a ptietry in the latter which, if I may so express it, -speaks to the heart. I would : be the last person in the world to dispar : age Mi Cresswell'spaintings, but there is - oftenu slavish copying of nature, the very' absence. of which gives to Judge Cooper's • /ketches half their charnis-. , The former : • -4eflect nature sometimesalmost mechani- cally,--L-the latter represent the ideal. of ; the Judge's genius. Thus;—contrast a `Cedar tree by Mr. Cresswell side by side with one by Judge, Cooper—both being exposed to a strounet-light. Your first ha - pression would be that the one was a per- fect,trathful and beautiful representation:a the objects while the other- might provoke simile.- • - . But diminish the light and stepback a few and I defy you to, say which is the Itar cedar. Nowt -how is this? Mr. Crew- men has evidently- not --considered that you awiveesse in Canada, 6 (though it is different • .. in England) a cedar, (unless when it Stands • Al:op.-or on the very skirts of the wood,) -.posed to a strong light at ill. When gut- ' ;rounded as it usually is by dense forest, .it *ways stands in the shade. . 4 • ; Again,Judge Cooper's sketches possess what - ;the Germans call Die boailitsflor Mermen-, Mr. Creamers never do. For example: Mr.- • --terasswen„ Ire will gay, paints a cow directly .fseiag yoe—e position, by the way, in which • -youseldom see that animal • represented. In . *Asset it is plain, that you could not •.expect to Rea thetall, and indeed you would emt look for it. But take Judge - • cow, in the Bata* position,. and the .first thing * yore weidd do (however Mimi it may appear) : would be to reverie-. the picture, and discover whether the tad was not actually behind the jpaineds And why? because .you expect - elYerythiarto be there That ta what. the • ,Gennene*ean by "Die bollftan." . roam imipeetfidly, • AMATEUR.- - th; Yankee paper say that thr Mice and Prilwigg of Wales Invee4yerienced a decided andi-sitoeidering is Bantaark and that it is 4 OS fkiihit tr' with patriotic Dung spike iv/onset alto the premes LEA VINc+. I 0 OINg -.111S..11EIL • - . 1101 0 14 - AT CiPP1147:;- 3/:*, Zia 4.23/.. • - V A.NEVRY RUMBALL, Coderich, OctObei 6th 864. • sw63-wil MI, SAME DAY. AV 0 SALE 0 A..14.E Farrn?: r perties ! • • • o icors 'Tiusi and a f Upper Canada, WILL BE LD BY PUBLIC AUCTrON TT at the Se Io m of the underigned, ei tit - . • . "r WN..'of GOPERICH _ C ,th November next, 0 0 zi" - • L UNDER Power of Sale in a Mortgage .freni Daniel Lizars 4nd, wife to the above Company, Lots Five aridlsix in the' 3rd cOncession, and. Lots Five and Six in' the 'Fourth scoeeession, Western. Divi Netf jh • tOwnship of Col borne, contaiu itg • FOUR.HIUND ED ACRES: more ef less.' T le above is a able Farm Property Very Val with GOOD B1UILD1S, and will be offer- ed in threepor ions,lef which ti plan -and hill information c at. had on application to the undersigned, I. ' s• . Part of Lot Thiiteen, in the 6- st conces- sion of the; t -.Avis ip of. (Jodi:defy-further and fully described in a' Mortgaze 'fiom Wm: Mate ain -to tae C impne,y, and containing sCvlirity, acre, more or less_ .fhisas an ex- cellent firm, about t. ree. tuilesfrbin Gcderich, on the Grave! road, withlog house and frame barn. 1.-ader Pow Adam Annelid Number Ove, • Easteen-Divisi ein conting IW 'an excellent f le of ale heir Mortgage .from to lheabive. Company, Lot the Ninth' concession of the n. of the': Township of Colborne:, 'nerer.more or less. int, ith Frame buildings. • Under pow r:of Sale in a Mortgage from Prince .Morris ittidwife to the above Compa- ny, Lot numbtjt-Seven in the Eleventh Con- cession Westeri-Division' of the Township of Colborne, cont filing 100 acres, more or less. This is a --good leareld Farm.. ... • _ -. TERMS—V A ' YLIBERAL. ' Ten per c:eni to be paid in cash at the sale, and terms for e balance will then be made known. , . Deeds, Abstracts of Title, and Mortge- ,ges tembe seenat the office of the Solicitors, or at pi -ix of sale. . : • - . Further .ateI full information can be had on application to he commissioners, Trust and Loan Compan of Upper Canada. •Kingston ' Messrs. Maedo aid, patton & Wilkison, Soli- citors .Kingst : 7- !trite the undersigned. . . . . . UEMAN, le- IF - G NI . . . . . - : ITCTIONEER. Goderich,llst October; 164. w36td • - OAT AVE' .--SAL. DURSUANT o a ',Lever of sale contained in a I certain Ind. nture of Mortgage made between Thomas Hello , of the Town of Goderich, lathe County offluroe, engine driver, of the first part, Sarah Horton-, ins:wife; of the second part, and Nathaaiel i'ierce. of the Township of Ashfield in the sald County of Hukon, cf the third part, and bearing date.tb l 271N dayarJune, /8644 There will be sold . Lie' AUCTION BY'P by George Moen Treeman, Auctioneer, at his Auction Rooms in the • TOWN OF, 4oDgalcs4,--' i •• : •:. . ..„ .• . , . _ • Viednesda , the 16th :day of NOYI : t . • next, at TwelVi eeclock, neon, the lolloviirigvak Petite properiy • Lot No. Sigh . in the _ Fine concession of the TOwnshippf . hued tu the County of Huron. containing :. . - One HundiO'd acres, of Land! more or less, Of whirls about Twenty acres are cleared. . upon, above property. :i.1 a good _ ... new house andalarge orchard of fruit trees: .. Tull patient andicond tions of Sale may be had on apple:animus the Vendors' Solicitor, and le. - . will be made known -at -the G.M. jaHliDA. d,her 5th, . ors' SolicsvritoiroZ.td • Q,TRAYCX.4Catne Otto the eamosure of the Subscifbeil, lot 9,3rd t..otr., Lolborne, the First of August last; a light red ox with white tare -about a vs old. The owner is requested to pay via), mid tete m away. • NATO. NE. 0 w30.34,4 -*pt. 26, RUE/LA.1T, Auctioneer. Goderich, • THE SEMI-WEEKI1Y SIGNAL. NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT! JOHN ADAMS DEGS to announee to his former patrons and the public generally that he has °pelted a TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT ! IN HIS OLD STAND, West st.,next door to Fair -St Co.'s Store With a very nice assortment of FASHIONABLE CLOTHS suitable forth, FALL AND WINTER TRADE! Which be is prepared to Make up in first-cl us style and very cheap for CASH. A splendid stock of OVERCOATS Of -fine texture and remarkably cheap.•. - 1OHN ADAMS. I- - Godench, October 10. 1864. , sw11. _ • - NEW FALL DRY Goops a-01th 1:747a.14* ..eke, Co., MAtE NOW . _ RECEIVED a FULL ASSpTIVNT DRY COO.DS - . SUITABLE FOS - PALL AND WINTER WEAR, - COMPRISING ALL THE EW THINGS IN IS`at_r14..A.Itt3 LUSPRFS,' Tartan. Poplins and .Winceys, - .ToGKTUER. ._ Arr_ET EVI._ STOCK ol? PiAIN,COLORED FRENCH. -MERINOS,, COBOURGS, BARATI-IEA.S Ste. TWEEDS:AND- CLOTHS of both Canadian and un.poited goods, - 'Direct Iron's the Illuraufactories. They would unite particular attention 'and their stock of - . . , READY-MADE CLOTHING, Is the largest they ever had:: Goderich, October 4th; 1e64. sw67 • • 7 • FALL AID ENTER COM ! AT THE , E DIRLIU11i ON SALE •HEAP FOR CASH! THE SUBSCRIBERS ha e nearly completed their FALL AND WINTER STOCK, which comprises lalmost every article_necessary for the trade, viz: BY GOO S, GROCERIES ; SliELF -ND ITEAiFY HARD iVARE, • READY IADE CLOTHING, - Ladies' an FITES, - ents' e1t Hats Ito • • They wish particularly to draw attention to their st Cli-of DRY CrOODI.§) -whic„h- . FOR QUALITY.AND pun OT BE SURPASSED The READY-MA.Dli CLOTILING is most complete and 'manufactured in •the Best and most Fashionable Styles LADIES' FUttS OF SUP.ERIO QUALITY. - Having imported a' large (rajah); of 1E.4"" 1031 1.•LAA.N. AT PRICES - Do not forget to, 'call when Stock.of We are enabled to sell them • . • „re CR -:DEFY COMPETITION.- _ n Town at the EMPORIUM, and inspect their • Cheap Goods.! They wish to intimate to their custo ers owing accounts and notes that they are compelled to iti-sis on PROMPT PA.XMEN TS # TO S*USTAIN THEIR CREDII AND SELL GOODS CHEAP Goderieh, Sept. 26, 1864:T - J. V. DETL.OR & SON. w12 11 10, 13 0 0 rr S A. _IN 13 AT _DUNCAN'S ' 1113" . • see the best RAND REVIEW at DUNCAN Stock of HOME - 1111illiflOTIL.-t-::-BOIT OD- $' OISTORI. ASSIGNEE' S E-1 - • • REAL ESTATE' Aw.--mr. - 0 AIRS . - - f705:2 5'?5:N?:rare . THE" UiSiSCLD PORTION u,f the Real Estete belonging to the Assigned Estates of WJL- ilAN OWEN and Wir.i.tsAt HATTESIMILY, Will be.- ' --tittered at PUBLIC AUCTION • • ON „ Wednesday, Octo4r 26, 1964: The property to be sold comprises the following BUILDINGS and LOTS, - • 1, ---The commodious Store a rid.Store-hotti eon Abort street, (opposite the steam Mill) now o( - copied by Messrs. Racey& Bro., including 554 ft. frontage of Village' Lot 377: .• • . • 2—I he 'shop building adjoining the aboire stole; new oeCupied by ittr. Wm,- Harland as 'a shoo shop, with 27 feet frontage of the above Lot. , 3.—Theelegant and convenient DwellingHouse on Queen street, (notv. occupied. by Mr. J. B. Ragey) containing ante rooms, with Stable and .other out -buildings, ,Oind a large garden s- whole comprising Village Lots 3b9 and 390,eoni- posing together half an acre. • • . - 4; --Lot 48 on Kier; 'street, with large Barn thereon. This Lot is admirably situated for bust- - ness purposes, being between the Foundry and the Central Square, and contains ;about three- eighths of an acre. 5.—Subdivision S of Village Lot 177;on Ontario street, with small shop building thereon: 1his- 1.ot fronts the Central "square, . and adjoins Mr. Whitebeadskick.store. It contains a frontage of 274 feet, and is the best business stand now un- sold in Clinton. . . , 6,—Village Lois 2,3. and Wen art of 4, on Ontario at, .(adjoining the ClintonMotel), with a good Orchard thereon. • - taaleinety-three„.Village Lots, varying in size from one:filth of an acre to an acre. and a quarter; andsituate on Victoria, Cheerio,William, High, Kirk, Townsend; East. Ratten bury and Princess streets, including maw; eligible sites for business estabhahluents and private residences. . rJ11011 1VIL S One fourth of the purchase.- Money in cash, or by approved joint notes at three months with intr- est ; the residue in three equal annual. instalme with interest at each 'payment on the the imp 'id principal A deed will be given when the fikst payment is made,ond a mortgage taken:. Tim sale will take place at the kid will commence at p.m. The Loll will be 'put up at a Moderate upset price, and._ Will be sold to the ifigitit Bidder' above that price; 4 InrithliCDULt 3Esiermr co _ Clinton is one cot the Moot flourishing towns in the County of Huron,. on the Bullalti and Lake Huron ItatIsay, and is the centre of large slid rapidly increasing tnitfic. Any One -desiring to secure a:goed site for any bratielf "Ofliaitisesi. or for -a private residence, will find this a most '-favonnible \opportunity. - - For futtbet Particiderseplylo4eitrs.W.IWOli' 4t: MeliSAND,Aecountants,U9inagtoalli. BALE, Clieten, or to the ktietiPie"? • • C. M.:Trueltian, Thousand -4 have tried Diincena :Boo The subscriber CANNOT BE UN Iteinernher the pi _BOOT AND SHOE STORE, GODERICH ! Call and pv H'ORK intheCounty, ^EV ra: 7E' 1111i -X and Shoes, and found them all that was rVpresented. ERSOLD by any one tieing a legitimate business.-- ce— Ind side of Market Square, _ , TWO DOORS SOU II of the SICNAL OFFICE. . Goderich. Sept. 20th, 1864. • WILLIAM DUNCAN. - aw G4 . 18-64. • FAL CIRCULAR! • 1864 /1ffESSR . D. KERR, JR„ CO. - OH BG respectfully to thank their it friends the Public fortheir patronage during the past emir. We would again solicit t eir favorable consideration for,, the ensuing season and would infoan them that we have uw completed our arrangemeuts for supplying their • wants ia . . . Upon the most tevorable teis. No House west of Montreal buys their Goods :Imre favor - T ably. We have paid paqic lar it(entiOn, to the requirements of this iaction of . clue - s- Province. .-... -- -, ONE HUNDRED CA ES OF BOOTS AND SHOES) Containing everythrngrequired in their line and noilioffeifed for sale. , One Will, Undersell us I I bir No One Can, n We shell cpainue to sell our .Stock ---of - Dry Goods, Crockeky, Hardware and Groceries; At PRIME CST until the whole isclearedoff. = ' WE BUT -FOR CAS4 AND SELL }'OR THE BANE! NO CREDIT IS .6oderich, C. Wel 25tli August, 4. ?IONE% OIVElf ! • - D. R• Jr., it CO.: rw? Sheriff's see of Ian s. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS, " United Counts* ot "fitOY virtue of at Writ oi Huron andlittiee, >MOP Venditioni Exponluiand To. Wit t ' , a writ of Fieri Facia*Atued out of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Ben: It, and to me directed against.thelandsatod teitemehte of Alesander Traynor, at the suits of lames Reid; Jam .S -Bp**411- Stevenson and Archi- bald Cook Sutherland, I have seized and ' taken .11EseesliellIdilbe debt, title and intereetefthe said dekneanton and to TarTrtY-tune, in the Second Range, and Lot Forty. in the 'cc - end concession, Sentkofilie Durham Road, and. Lots. Numbers 1 Thirty -mile and .Forty in the - third Range, :youth - of the • Durham Road, all in -... the Township of Brant.. in ;he County of Bruee, -containing fifty acres Oland eat+, more oi less; which lands and tenements] Asti -offer for sale at my office in the Court House, in the town Of Godeeick, on.Tues- daythe Twenty-ninth day of November next,at the 1 hoar f twelve of the clock; JOHN IttkODOMAID, ' . . Shinitilf.4-11. sy_s. Pot. --,io:Deputy Sheri,. -- - She -rift's office, Clodaleha i • - ' • * 2014 f.ept, llifi-' ,- ' .4 -United Counties of)DY virtue Of a AV tofFieri Huron and „Bruce, D Fames issued t of Het - :--Te Wit: . '- Majoty'it Court of ommon Pleas, and to me- directed against the _ads and tenements which :were% the .ate Day Smith at the time of MI death in. the hinds o Andrew Ponogh, administrator, of . all and ' iingular the estate and effects, rights and ,. Credits of David Smith, deceased to be ad ineteil at the -wit ye. James . Smith I ye seiz- ed and taken in execution all it- right title and interest of the said David bine deceits - ed. in and to Lot number 931, running tier in the TOWA of Goderich, in the County o 'Huron, with the buildings thereon erected; wit h lands and tenements1 shall Whir for sale at au office its the Court House in the Town . of rich, on 1 Turisday the -Thirteenth day of Decembe hest, at - the lioutoifTirelvteeitheeloOk, coon. . I ,1.. .. 10/IN MACDOKA D. , - : - - Sherif . & B. EIS. Poi.toults puty Sherif* .- * Is °Zees -wicks i *414 ISIS.- A, edeber-4,1861.'• -Wratd . REMOVAL! MARBLE TIRO. D. McCONNELL BEGB to notify country that he . . Exeter9 - Where -be will ' Ch i'e4 Selected by himsel which he will TOMBSTONE, . , acc.-,.in styles to suit prices as cheap as can Orders tr,om perscins mg country will be Work deliveredvitii "Exeter, Sept. 30, . . SHERIFF'S . United Counties Of Huron -and Bruce, 'fii wit : . t Common Pleas, And lafids and tenements at suit of i antes and taken- in execution interest of the sitid defendant bets 17 and IS. Fowlit's Harpurnek. being subdivision Thirteen in the First of Tuckersmith, in ,taming one -filth of an lands and tenements ott:.i.e in the Court House rich,. on Tuesday the neXt, at the hour of . I • - ' ' . ZOIIN - .- . . 0. PoLLooic, DeputySherift S. erifi "it Mice, Gotierieki • '. 7th -Sept., 1b64. his patrons has removed WORKS to County open with Marble at the principat e prepared MONUMENTE every variety .he got in in Godench thankfully priimpaneis, 11.:64, . _ _ SALE -OP-LANDS throughout his - Hurot a large quarries, to work of :he ; at receit :. ........ ... of Feeble Majesty's -against the I- right and to in the - of Lot Of the pf. Huron; or le:414 for Town day of the dot*, Sheriff; ' .. tl MA it.BL stork of ay into kajeabd i rovince. d sur.roum 'Id and ill ; 1s36 . _ . . a Writ i issued at Court i th youngei have seize title an Lets num Village n - nuinbe Towne:hi] con widd sale at ire of Ciod_e. Decent bu noon, 114. IL - - •• • • _ i .. w:33-, i . . 13Y virtue 1J Fieri . of Her tome directed of., onn Winter Daniel AladiaY, all the in Su nee,. concession the Comity acre mare I .shall offer in the Twentieth Twelve of . MACDONALD, • , . -I • t ' Sheriff's United Comities of)V lIuron and Bruce. . - To wit: .-. ' Court Of the United And to lite d i meted aga of G.F. Dutand and ofJosiah_Secoid ;: I :Exeetitiun all the of the said defendant cumbers le and 19 in ship tn_ginloss. in the 100 acres; which lands for 'sale la t mv Office T .7rown of Goilerich, or NovOmber nexi,. at clock, noon. - ' JOHN - fly S. PoeeoCK, repay Sheriff's Otliee'Goderich, July 2o'itl, 1864. _ - Sale of • i Lands. ' oi a Writ o Facies issued iu Majesty's COutti Huron and Eruct n tie and tenet:tom the sui .and taken iii tele and interes aid to Lot: emi of the Miwo Bruce.containin ts I shall ofiel Reuse - in Mt the First da; of Twelve of tht . - . , *26„ virtue ,- fled of ' Her . Counties of inst the lit William MeDonald.at have seized right, . in the First County of and tenemen :in the Court on Titesday - the ,hour . . MACDONALD,- . - • .Seerf.6./1.4...B. Sheriff; i ( , • I '''' - sarmtrfs SALE • ' - - OF LANDS. -of a 'writ al Fames issued out Majesty's County Huron AV Bruce, Lends and tene- the snit of John John MeMerrich. titir.,1 have seized e right, title and audio lot number in the village of Bruce; Which for sale it my Toilet of OE/ac- - of January.- at noon. ---- , ft' ar.- B. .. . - . - - • . - . . United Counties of)ISI)V virtue Huron and Bruce, 13 Fiera - • To- wit: 3 f.J-ter court of the tinned Counties of and to me directed against the ments of William Ha *thorn : at Downey Bryce; Jetties) Pia fair Samuel Cenn and John S. Pla and taken in Executioa. all t interest of the said defendant,in Seven. Eat! side Of William street, of Walkerton in the County Lands -and tenements I shall offer office in the,Court House in the rid] on l'ueslay the rends Al the tour of Twelve Of the dock, . - ' • - JOHN MotIONALD By S. Poi.t.ocl a, Deputy Sherill.she.F'jir She-rift's°dice, Codench, 1 October ist..1864. c . , . „ - Sheriff 's.Saie__of • . Lands. . Of a- writ Of Faciasiseuel but Majesty's •County Heron 4. Bruce. lands and tenes of -tie Huron ;and taken interest ofthe Township of containing -one -Which lands and try %Bee in the nbe'oxtai_Tatutel: . Sheriff,t1.6s B.- - w32 , Coded Counties of)11_3 Y. virtue- Huron and Hi uce, . -I-) Fieri To wit z3 or Her Court of the United Oounlies. of and to Me directed against the mews. !livid Gillies,at the suit` District flail& og.SOctety, 1 have -seized in execution all the right, title and. said defendant, inind to lot muMberTarenty-lour in the second concession of the ainlose and Countyof -Brace, hundred acres inerejor.less, :enementai shall offer for at dtlIZI Ili ell- To hu is Housethe Town o sihDIlieruilfeetibeener -hour of Twelve of the clack, Main,. --. JOHN MACDONTALD t. e ei na IR Deputy , - - _ BY S. POLLOCK, ShetilPs Lidice, Goderich; / Sept 3rd, 1864, - ( Sheriff's Sale United Counties of 113 Huron and Bruce, . .1.9 - To wit: , Of Court ofthe United Co and to me directed egainst inentsof Emanuel W. Heron Diatriet Obilding andtaken in Execution- interest o I -the said defendant ber 37 "north' sitar of Lots numberti 17 and Avenue .in that !Nei Of known 110 W alio msbufg lateen I shall offer for :dodge in the 'Iowa of First day of NoYeeiher Twelve oldie eloek„ • - : - JOHN - By P S. er.toCie, Pejintypierill. "Sheriff?*-41dieerGodench.,./ Jule 23rd, 1364 of Lauda.' .ef a writ of Facies issued out County Huron and Brave lands and tette- at the AIM of the 4 I have tidied right, title aml to Lot num-- Avenue, and o(Mechauics of Kincardine Rinds and tene-, -office in tee Omni on Tuesday the at - the tiour . of • . . ti. itc S I' 'Virtue Fieri , Her Majesty's -inner; of the Davey, Society all the Mend Mechanics? 18 Soutliside the Village i which sale at in) Grodench; next, -• room - _ likODONALD,_ . . • Sheriii; • -, ( SHERIFF'S SALt United Counties at)13-Y Huron and Bruce, ...LP - To Wit i or Court of the United Bruce, -and tome d.rected tenements or Patrick Noire at the snit oftiteeerporation ship ofdebfield, I have motion all the right, t letendant,'in andttethesOuth. three Mine !lth -.concession, diet -cumber three lathe ern Division of the township County of tiufocitiontiening lent which:tends and tine sale at my Qifiee in the of Godenth on Tuesday ber next, at the honk" neon.. . . • - ' JOHN .- Sr S. PoteoceDeputyShenife ' blend's °dice, Goderieh, . • 9th August, 1664. ON eliAliTITs . - __.- of a - ._writ ait Fates, issued one Countir Of Huron and 1, the Nods and and imams Me-, of the. town- talken in 7exe=e- the said . of tot num her 11w north hale East- Ashfield in the: acres more or: Ii shall offer for se in the -Town. day of bovetti- . of the chick, . - - , ' Sherifili.de /3.' / . I wo . virtue Fieri Her Majesty's 1Coentioe 'against McGuire seized and tie and intem#.61 halt and Itith cpncesstoo, idl 2q0 -meats Cour: II the .22n4 of TWelte - MACDONALD; , • .,. BlitERIFk IF SALE OF leAliiDS anostiedwr;tolfi coiiiity and Bruee lands and teas. Snit Of Joseph executionaill-the .defendent in : in the fifth: in the: thereon, shall titir Coen .Honie li- Tuesday, tfie at the hour - of r. -. Sherd! H.& B. . - ' w36 ' HUnitioilledeanodanOtiesruci Zr BY*Flerilrin'se.Faletra To wit ., of Her Majesty. t Court.of the United Counties orHuroa and to me directed against the inents of Detiis klagarty..at the Herr, ilittve seized and taken in right, title and interest of th,, -*aid and to lea Number -Twenty-three mincession of the Towitekip of three, Ureatity or Hurcin, - with the bedding* ereeted 4 which Isrids and tenernents1 air aisle- at my office rn :the the . town of ' Aeodench, • on third dor of Ionia/ neat, twelve .0i-that:lock, 'woe.•••_,_.- 'JOHN *DONALD -- •• ByS..P01.1.0CIC'Deputy Sherif. Seitt's olire,firich, t.'.. • 23n1 September, ,1$64. f QTEER 1,016Titravied• from the subscriber. 4 Bib con,. G. odedich Township, itbo3t the 1st isf lily, a yoke of five -years old St.:•ers, one alight blue, the otherted and white. my ;lemon giving ialormlitionthat will lead Ii their Jemmy will be liberally rewarded. - KEMPTON. Sep'- f0th, 1864 I vs34-4tik IC V • OMNI ON BOOKSTORE, 'N ENT DOOR Tgl VICTORIA. ROM, Victoria Street, Clinton. GEORGE LAMOOK, PRINTER IND BOOKSBIER I Anti Wholesale and Retail Dealer if School Books, • linvelopeic Sim lottery. .ellatieourBookai Paper-Ilangings. hleinonuidum Books, Woulow Papers. Bibles and Testaments. Wrapping -Papers, Hymn and Psalm Books. Writing P _ apers, Perk dicals and Newspdpets, Blank Hooks, - Fancy Goods and Toys. blusicand Musical Instruments. And ar other articles usually kept in large stationery stores. ' All the-nog:mines. Periodicals and illitstratedltewas papers, received regulaily. and any book not in stoet procured to order on the shortest limit*, withipal any extra charge, no nutter where pubashect Country Storekeepers supplied with School nooks* Toronto "Wholesale Price.' torCASH. A large stock of cheap IVreppiug Tapers :cm hand. Rion Papers ! Rom Papers ! The fargest end mat.tomplete stock of' Rob= Papprs iii the .Comity.itniong Aside's wilt be TOMO Warne beauti-- PAIld,°0 cif ° .._ ful Ante:Wean satin-finiihed Papers at prices matunally • . so, Colones mot - -, . JOW. Ivisteralogentrifirsoirbielgrhaziceqa-fiagriaravaibl.b,imaimyiforilitli; 61!tiot PPoeliket. •_ Oblong AleltuAr."Ims. ntnlarvellowcIr low prices. they having been bought very nworatily III ihe American siiantet...-- '0 These are ret those 'finny and ladly-made Albums Oil Gentian numutiteture.liut are well made, ol good sale, - 'stain tal nuitenel, and tastefully -and handsomely finished, I and they are offered at prices almost as low as the coma` r tram Gerioan ones. said quite as 10w, ifnotiower, daunt any ehy book -*tore in Canada. GILT MOULDINGS AND -PICTURES, A complete storkalways on bandana torsak cheep. -Job Printing! Job Printioic ! I -At prim -star below Mose of Village Priming °Scat genesallvwberethey bare to make both ends meet by 'charging ett.tra prieesort jobs in order to make ap the losses from newspapers that Amin pay ofthemselveiliz--- Having discontinue4Ithe newspaper Priming is exactas vita; the old --Courier', Job Office. on Victoria Streak, ,Clinton. in shin en urns cheaper and bailer every way, than at any ofte village irthee in the County- • • -GEORGE IAYCOCK wit Prihter and Bookseller. Victoria Street Chase. SHERIFFS SALE Or ZAlq,S. . ,. United Cotinftes of Dir*viritte or . tWo wrftgot* , Huron and Bruce, JL, tieri'Facilui issued out To Wit 3 cf Hi r Majesty's County Court ofthe County et Ontario and Court of Colas mon Pleas, and to me directed against the Lands and tenements ofteepiten D.Crawford,F.1L l.yncli Staunton, Enoch t. Dowling and Robert -Gilmour, - at the suits of Isaac Is. -Howard and the Corporation of the Tevrnshio of Eldendie, I .., _have 'seized and tzkin in Execution all the right, . title and interest of the ;said tlelendaintein and to Park Lot No. 15, Lot Bo. 8, and the ...si:outh half of Lot No 6, East side of Queen street North, being sulsii‘ shine of Park Lot No. 4 in the vil- lage of l'autley 1 South halt of Lot 22 on the East side of queen Street South Paisley, Park Lot No. 15 North side Of Cambridge street. and Block 35 'West side ofQueen Street,North Paisley, Lot 13 South side and 13 and 14 -tient' side of Canrbreige street, Paisley, North hal:tuft% L Eset side of Huron street, Southatnpton, .50 feet of the North pan of Lot No. 4 North side of High, Street, Southampton, Lats29 and AO OR the North skis ofClurendon street, Southampton; Lot IS East -side of Notfolk Street, Southantroe, Lots 21 and 22 South side of Louisa street, combitueton, all in theVounty of Bruce; whit* lands and tense mental shall oilier ite sale it my: pilaw 'm the Court House, in the Town of Gedericit, bit Taw - day the Tenth day of.lituutoy text, at the boar of Tnielve ot 'he ckstk, noon. . - 1 - JOHN MACDONALD . , Seeraflf.4e8. By .1,Poixoce, Deputy heriffi, Sheriff's Office, Godenchs i lst Oetofier, 1864. : lie36 SHERIFTS SALE °FLAMM: _ United Counties of 13Y whim et _Ill *Tit of ' t Huron and Bruce, ..1.3 !seri Paola* 44141111 - to Wit: out of lies •Majestra Court of Common Pleas, audio Ms direeted - against the Janos and tenements or Margaret Filinli :rot, 'Lair: use: tr:11 subs; offrallWiriamlitallSidteyb *id -a itiaire seized end taken in neeettot all the rigid, title and interest of the -said dekisdants Ill and to Lot number one hundred and six in the Tows of Guderieh in the County of Huron, with the hell* lags thereon erected; which Janda aid tenements I shall ulterior *Went =yolke in thee:seri Hee* Twelve iii the -clock, soon. - nth day of jneceravaNbiaernext,* 1,14: wlhAt elf_ in the Iowa of Codericls, on Taseday 417 Thirteenth COON Wisrifat *Al . - Br S. Por.toca, DeputySherill; , _ Sheritf's Orice,Godench. a . Sept. Ind, 1864. i VW sEERurs BALE or h , -•-•••=, - 1 = : ; United Counties of 1.:1Y virtue o(fooriffiltect e } Huron and &sea, ..IPS' Fieri Facial* 1100 . To wit: - oat °flier Majesty's Coast? Court of the County of Sirneoe,,..feunty GottrY ef tbeCountv of Elgin, County Coed_ of tfie Ussliet Cisitatioriif Baton and Bruce, and Couatereetie, t of the United t Minims of York mind Peel, aid' no me diremerl against the len& and tenicamets eif - Thomas Playford, at the an Is of WW1* &Wes • James Richmond, Theodore C. -Corey Morisse Hoke Wee Carling, Oliver Titan,' itadtions John Thonisar Wilnitin Lovering 1.1sti 7., . and hetes F. Meektent ; llieve seised and in Execution all the right, tele itedietenme ortha said defendant In and to thefotketrielLeth40* *ZS i Lot No./, berth of Queen Area, So. le. East Centre Street, Loi No.), 11011sik itivisies k rstreet,nod LoteNore I snit sou& of MiN strait,' all in the village of Wreiteter in the Taneatillita O Howick and County of Ieron; wide' lalithianik tenements I shall °far for sate at .my team in the Court House in the Towa eglederielemiTiresday inn fifteenth day of November -nem, at Jha how-, of Twelve of the clock, neon. i ! - JOUN liACDO . . Sherd-,ILIL By it Poetiecirry 1.bent. Sheriff's-iiifice; t*titils, i . 4th August. 1864. . 4 . -SILERIFF'S SALE Or LANDS. United Countiet of)DY virtue of two WPM 01 _Huron and Bruce, 1.4 Pied Facias issued out To Wit; 01 .Her Majesty's Court • Queen's Bench and Come terCoottnee Aria and TOMO directed against the (ands and lanosealle__ William-Shellon,atthe imam/flint Melltettletv my, Pied McInnes and _Somas Mokuses.lhava seixedand taken hiest:admit all the right, title andinteiesi attic ask) defends* in and se Let Number Eighteen in the sewed ilanipa Sant* Duriasui Rona, liethetovnishitii Biliktssr is tha County it Bruce, containing- admemereaseal &type:es more orlon.; whir lands and Was. invite' shaft offer for sale at any trace in the Court,H eise,isthetovaer esdheerririlcti4l11ntherwesly.ainisdayjleromberiez:Zt he .r oftwdveolheeWch,suo. jous3Aeponmi _ ASy Saibet.oce, Deputy nand; . . 13henlei Otece.,Goderichil .16111 Aug., 11164. . • ofP VALUABLE s PB.OPWT, T TN, iltlt AND BY VIRTUE OP k POW - ti ofSale contained in a Mongers, asadi by Richard Darlington of the 4raThottiporcei, borne intthe County -of Huron, Teatime, of the first Art; ma Druliegleas kis wires (liar tb 'purporieO(larligg her dower) oldie seeciai arti default having been made in the due plysasut thereof, will bat sold at the AUCTION 'M4KT of Messrs., THOMSON lc liquikilitg - pigeon Street, Gerletiolas Pet - 1E031,4113r,_ the 24th of October, instant, at 12 O'clock, noon, (he reit erty,viz; mansibee Pour sn*Spenedt Eaglets lXvision oitheTonisdelp at tiatircrae. the county of HATO*, Oallialithig artaPreli ilkOTO4 et ilandjasore or less-Doni osier rm. sale. U. C. CAMERON, °otology lit, A. De Mr 1161415"1"w*