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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1864-10-14, Page 1
eta., an E - tS.'r tie I.tttiTT. Is. N G 1, t: TiiANKS Le haft x-;es,a ,ti Gode- =es ..at _tis ivgi `r.^.t c`S.Fa:eit. Cutter 14ecn - € NAM ai cash - z �f 4 -YS. -- TS CTS, SON s cher& �l-,town- .t a fist cant fa state • -s. -, ATT.P.€{ w35 -3t .. x't Sc hed against s , n e or hand Der -Lott, for # t .�epte:ar, r res:::e., le .Jrt.te atr4.Ont. -w36-3t `Ny . ST MER 4 s ve GE)1Jzamt FRIDAY t mor'n:ng; ICH every` SDAZZ. e t:n:e tfa 4``onneC tme. Oonneetig at Str ord y at -ark. obc. APRIL -. ,.11; R%7C1 P. M°... 1.1 s: t t & .._....�<....t2 tit ..{{..'..rt.E{{ a'. IG rota S ,GNAW, IA. 1x45 PM 4.4 sl�.,t atm P. <- 5.40 a 4 E!j/{al. migo from ti�i.ffff.. a: e with every`' and is C t' es Paseettgers tnd all otkor he inYlention,, Ra sway C pSY " to eslablish the. all who! tiusittet35 DirectorD. 1' IL. �IcI)an^nll CAN. RE r )N.l-I,'FI-:n 1-P TO 10 A.M., at ► on North Street, next door a.rt9 oft:err-,:.iiee Rev. Mr. Ei.wood.• 10:1 '.Shannon. \I.D., DllY sIt'11N. �iKt; L't1\; s..,.1.'.. GOD- Ert. 'i, t'. W. 13:Iu-1y L'Iu� 11+'. M'Icla'an. M. -D.. 13 13 1 S N'' 1 A N. SURGEON,t�.., (Lite ` t4'use Suree i. Kkn_r t.'n Eltrpttal).-'I OFFtcs-:1t Arthur's Board.,:: Roust . {SW60w9) esthl it:c h, C. W _ W. T. COQ, Editor a nd Proprietor. - -- Or. Hamilton. _ ---- _ . - • -_ _ } EYSICIA\, SURGEON, &c. Office and Resmdeiice--Al Mas. Act,. L'S, l,� �l�O I �R East Street, Calertch. • sw9S•'� I)r. Cole. . - LATE OF STANLEY-CLINTON, HC, tto:: Road. (Mr. Thwaite?'s former Store - July I-, '62. - AND R.1%lclntostn, ?I- I1. C. DRY SICTA.` S f ttQEO ; it C., Graduate 1 '�icGili Caere, Montreal;) Lt:cxXow. . - . vI6 ,v 1 . R A. WORTHINGTON; HY sicIAN..SURGEON, &c., - will at- tend, particularly. to diseases at and suegical operations upon the eye. blowtarl Intr.AGE. Lieu. 15. 1862, rw417-11 Ira Lewis, Q A. RRI.ST E.R AND ATTORNEY AT- L Law, and Solicitor -in -Chancery, County_ Crown AttorneyF, Goderich, anada\Fest.. Office .a Court House., vI4n40 Shaw Sinclarr. B3RRISTEKS.SOLICITORS, CONVEY - ANceee, are: - Offices, dyer the Store or t. V bettor & Son, Goderich, and Queen Street, Kincardi J. S. St,mc..&ta,Gcxierich E• A.Straw,Iitncardine. 12:23 • Henry 1ScI.)ermot, - AYRRIS EEt, -'.TFU.tNi:Y -=AT-LAW Notaries Pubfiic, Sic., Kest' Street, Goder " eh. 10.1 J olzn-Davison,. TTOR'EY.;,SOLICITOR IN-. CHANCERY,. &c.- Office, Market Square, Gerneruf Kingston Street,Goderich. 9:42 Lefroy 8z= Yfltterson; YR! ISTERS, ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, .� Notaries, Conveyancers, tic_ Office Mc- Cay's corner, West Street, Gocterich. 9:42 John $- O-ordon,. A TTORNEY LT-L:tW, ' SOI¢ICITOR IN Chancery.; Notary Public, ponreyancer,. a4:r_, Goderich, Canada • West. Ochre -t n he South side -of West Street, third dbor from, the ,.`soon Rouse Square. • William © TTORNEY-AT-LAW. S.OLICIT.OR Iti ,`1 Cha.tcerk,Notary: Public,Cunvetaneer,S:e; tioderich,,C. ti —ilce, South side of East St. .rm M iw etoors•frr. Dark's Motel vl5n'9 - Stiade Gooding-, TTOR` tEY, SOLtCITO", &-c-, " GODE-. ,. Ittm;it,e.W-Osr;tcc 1JpStairs. Watson's I tock,- West St: entrance First Dor west of ti 1.tow House. mortis % lIoore, - X. TTORXIESS. SOLtC1TORS, &C.; G•ode- `I. rich, G. -W.. Office - C=RA.BB's ' EW IILK , .SA tC i`. TOYS". i.Swti D. 3t• •oar do dertch, August 27th, ISii.. - sw1.03w3I B. L DoyIe,. • • iA TTORNEY. SOLIGiIT(MI & OFFICE,: . 3 . Crabbers New Bio k,.Goder,di, C. %V. • v13swn5ly" Cameron Si.-: Vilwood, YRRISTERS<AT I'OKV I;;YS,C(KS V E Y- wirers, &c. Goderich and Etinfon- ti% C CAMERON. Jz. Y. ELWOUIX - i nice in Ci'intoit--a few Boors north of the Vt t of lee. vl3li477. G4derie t i. Chinon Zti illtssm 11raser,:. TTORN-EY AT -LAW,. SOLICITOR. I\ -Chancery, Conveyancer. &c. W orj, Rc1�t'S.iCT acri t ,J. of Bruce. v16nt5yty Crown L2i1 I HURON ANDBR.u;CE ADVERTiSER.. TN. IN AD; 1 "The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Nurberr GODERICH, . C. W., HUD Y, OCT. 14, 1864 VOL, a. --NO 12. V ORW ARD L Merchant, Accounts coltec trusted to him to deter rR AN -D'; L' veeirt Roa, [ed: . Susiite< fill receive prc� trtloY).. ie. 1.COMMISSION W. Notes; and of any kind en - pt attention. - - .w40-Iy$osx= A CQMM I EAST S RCIA HOUSE LATS DAIt$_ 'REST, DERICS: T* HE_ 'I DE MIGNtD BAGS sincerely to 1 thank his i tends - and th travelling public generally for th ver: ;liberal ati�onage he :has' enjoed for the ast nine ye ., and would :re- spectfully :respecttilly ask a continuance i i their patronage. His new house as been titer hit-repat-ed,and w4111, be found c plete in ere particular; . JOHN:' • (oderich, Sr 26, 1S64. AITLAN GODERICH NOGH, - Propri tor.... - W1LS s ',; Ptt.OPR ETOII. THE I • above t most pleastan Iv situated, on au eminence I20 t thigh , over ooking the Harbor and Lake Huro rcic5a Orc ards, Gardensand aural Walls a check Boa I per day ;single• %realsoi Beds. '<• cents. .• v15uIOv-1v ' DAY TS situat do ' e' Grave[, Bind running from. I. Seaford). to tithantpto4 nes mile north of where it leads oft to Wroxete nd any _qac tray - r . - eiintt tot- _ -_ Beimoi e, W ikertou,; >r•.$ oXER� E L, anyplace in t dation Such as Ei city hotels, in al: outhampton.. at threat -Ca,' i i-1 find accomino- f only expects o find at tinct class respects. ; ICE. AL AYS N - HAND FOR HI,. _ Trout-Fi ping ; Freids THE BOIL SOS COVEEi' LEXGTIt OF . , A H.UNDR w4b I. AICD-' I _TY FEET: ! .CH_AR F. DAYS, •- Proprietor, . •- tam ,nei ci: l Uatel itcbell,L Tori' FITC'`+- Propriet rJ.. targestand st'Ctwntry Canada, and charges ; as mode in Mitchell._ Stase Proprietor. rs I:it Hoes. Holies and Carr.,ri the Shortest Noti4e' i; H ; --Sr ite,Y C DEP RTME1 AND Parlian near Thotnas Weatherall; - 'IIVILEEEI.AND PrN ROj cIAL 1' Laud, Surveyor. Oifieo- and. Residence, I a1nilton•Street, t.Texn ere.... _ - v15n3 Bay, . -- i PROY'Iti CI :L LAN U SURVEYOR AND civil Enginee ,Clinton.- - July 1,.'6d. • Hamlin, • 'fiVli ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR 1 Land Agent a<ad Conveyancer; Kincardine ti. . ARC HIT E T, . L3..S r hitt *reit. -off Budd- . L- inns, &e., got up in a neat and correct style. zittt)flee at the liuroa .Auction Mart, King. *it -:$treet.t;Foxiericn. fsw vluflyty ( rr I U J LAND ACE*T,. - 1 srlket Square,. Goderioh. rends aelaraa eviler lilt-ednusday,front til s, -m to 3 zF. tn', tSI:l0 THODIS©N & HAZLtHuRSTT (LATE .)LAILL Toossolv,) Auction tip Commission Merchants, Cameron's Bleck, Kingston St., fiodtnck•; : And next Door. to StrongSS. Solei., E A ZV` Cb. 9( C AF.ES oflionseho:d•O:x,d=.` 'Borges. Waggons. &c.. l at the mart every Saturday at noon., !'articular attention paid to the t ie of Bankrupt Stock. Farm Stock. Ice*,ashadvancetiougoodsletton.Conanissiatt. Goo& apptaraect. debt colteeted. tandTord++., varrants executed. murtgagesforeclosed. houses rented. Di•lsion Court Bn=ittess attended to. Sales at the Branch A:nc- tton Matt; eafotth, every.Thursday. - - County Sags attended to ore reatonokle te,nsr. Goderieh,-.Tu1i 12th.1861. ` w22-tyr, I P. McDougall,. A./ Coanty, of ilinon. Sales in village or counuy ..ppEGISTRAR COUNTY BRUCE; OF - .1.1, mg, Grosvenor Street, Southampton.' Southampton, March 14,1064. w8-tf and Battu* Sales purietually attended to. - r. This is the rote!. in Western-, teas any lima* Good stabling for gess:for Hue, on •14.7 TA L Agent, BUS IN k WITH THE Is and- other- Coverninent Der ewer auada. Land rip- or Sale _ 9 (IR A LIRE PREAI TM GIVEN an payments kv itch can be ade to the Grown Departnient in Land rip: See card, in another column. - Goderiai. Ne 4. in?. w4bsw27 MAR 1,E W w. mno Et 4 inam Torabk, Table oo • RKS I al TREi.EAVEINI E3 H ad- . gal 0118S • 0,0 ERICH Table ga/0YBB.Y &1L1JXB L,, . forwarders; Commission Merchants otasssitsreasseirrmstaTs. iCL78DO OU$E.l1 OKERS tytxtslts ur- ' FlAGr,Sait,Porle, hisky,goaI Lumb'r Mew Qua Gortersch.C.W. VottwARDtwk 4,44. General Agents, 26 St- Nkt4olasStreet, Montreal. Agents for sale - Wheat, Flour, Aaltes; Butter, Pork, and Gille• • rid Produce. ..Also, for the eurchaseef Groceries, ,liesdseare,,..Qrochery and General Stores. At1- noes gencl4Coriveyanber, fro. ARes -nlf,rAwrat sid,Tairm boa tor Sale; per-. ale,, PPP sir oiti IVIANUFACt LV_L Stoves, Pie scnption: Tin the -Stove Depo :IrrCesl. off per,Brals, Rap mut Sheepskins taken in ex11 • E.E11.4 ,s1D DEALERS IN Os and astings of every de - 3. est Street, Gedericht typet and Sbeet From Ware, at J.& Ji ER GS ! GIDE BOO ETANING twins Stationer, Alert -tonal), 1 in pre Soots °fall land size anit sty JEtt Printed. fie0i4g*i at 11 .haa Toronto prices, 1_ All kinds of 13indingunt *iv be repaired free oeckailee 141 arran*em ars wall Mr. D. Bookbinder and Menefee - bo has Wely returned from large at •u... or Bindingand to Furnish -Blank - es mithand:witit- ! cent cheaper *satisfaction wilt HIT lItTLER. Business Oirectory. British Amettca Insurance Co., Capital, 0400,000. MARINE DEP TMEMT. Insurances Effected t Low Rates'. VANE VERY & RUMBALL, " Agents rNsuR0rog. '----- GE -COMPAisTY eand.Life Insurances .. nfices.Toronto Marine-, F1 iorth British RIO Insurttuoil Le_ tannic to., rss t-tivEupoo :. at 'LONDON Fund; Co. of London. ;Painted, 12,000,000!,,Ste.Aceunttilaled • 3rittania Life Assurance ALL AS: WITH PROF' THE COLONIAL 'LIF Will receive TWO years' -- Mg:lager URI -NG T PLA -.W SSURANCE CO. Onus - at the Di. :3100 fOr Canada. itosniina A etiail nva- el Ait-rici. PROVIDENT urt ASSIMINGE Established ny Special ct of Parliament."' NO. 20 TORONTO -ST EET, TORONTO. • kaeSID J. Halyard Oa erono • ACCIDENTS u AND every oue Should expanence of English Com 'ONE PEliSON EVP. J ORE D YEARLY They are So freqlsent BY ROAlf RIVER, at. accuerdinglo the OR RAILROAD Tithe Bush,- the Str eta, or at Home; may be providedegainst b taking out a Policy in this Con pany. _ Twairances tor\ an sum, with weekly allowance in eteeleof die bl inenecan he Obtained on appticauon to. JOHN. HA DAN Goderich. Insuratace CompIt FIRE AN LIFE. CAPITAk---TWO' MI Accuinulafed‘ ,Funds on. RATES cousistent Life Insurance -.- LARer BONUS AND B LION DOLLARS. lia7c4 051009,000. S p,560,000. th safety. mph_ Seenritys TES LOWER' TITAN Losses Promptly ReferencE to a Bo CHARLES 1 Business Directory*. ICIDTDS OF 111, DUOS; 'PUG DISPENSING • CHEMIST .1.4;' DRUGGIST Dealer in, aed lipperterof 0- Lorimst Trade Prices. N.B.-..Physiciaa's 'Prescriptions Careful! dis- pensed. - Goderich. Jan. 10,1558, ROCK & COAL -R.1.11$5 nuidviramp . For Sale by Godench, J an. 17 11659. TIS" T. B. MoagOmery, COURT HOUSE SQUARE, pODERICH tion of American curt eau and purehmed a very large and select stock ofdental material, at greatly icduced - prices is DQW prepaied to do all work pertaining to the profession lin a attul (n„:iiminiandear,tend at. pikes riot to be e: onioi!ted wi - Dr. Montgomery solicits particular attenti n to LIsT: or PRICES Which are leas than half of the former Aims 2 .• Parfiat setts ofone tooth: 4 -50 Pivot teeth. eaeh 1 00 Other filliggsin proportion. t Drops, Tooth Soaps; &e . always on hand, -,;.Ether and Chloroform 'adminenered when titian. IN. B.—No eltarg eifor extracting when teeth aag o be -inserted. Parties inn wishing ihe old teeth eit met/ ean hare artificial teethitiserted over them.. • Revs. E. Elwood, A. McKidd. Schneider. o0e- J. W. Sims, Dungannon ; P. A. McDougall, 31. 11.., G Shannon M. 1:11,:. Hamilton. M. Godefich ; don : H. L. Hunter. M. D.. Toronto ; J. Birch, truce- •Albaugh, Chicago ; J. McDonald, Esq., Shkrifr, Esti , Ir. Dello,. Esq., Ira Lewis, Esq., oae- ric Rodelich. May 23rd. 1(.64. It nredonti and warranted. -Aewelleryinade inorder; Wedding Bin of my own make.ton- CAIUNEMAREHOU E J(THE OLDZST IN THE COUNT GORDON ND UNDERTAKE pieta .assort t of Furniture, at his- Wareroo s, Sofas, Bureaus, 'bles, Bedsteads, Hair, Cane ea Woollseate Chairs, Gilt Moulding and Looking Gle , in variety, o D. G. Itas alwaye on hand, a tail* e as- :sortment of Gums:. . Also; SES 111,r1E;ber and Cordwood taken' ex - Change for ruiniture. GODERICH TANNING AND P11.11311..) JE:711,to • ills. ea he wilt avartant them to free W t from eats, Cockle, eheste 4ec. Pumps Mede tot. order and warraeted. Factory ou Atelso'n at., between rietoriii street Awe, agent for the sale of ilorian's minm aml patent CULTIVATOR. which hes neter yet failed to give generalsaustactiocto farme who , Fifty Acres Enougli tor One - ABRAHAM. SMITH " Ten Acres " devoted to vegetable cnl- Merchant TailOr • ShIrts,Coliers,-Neckties, Caps, Which he is prepered to sell Cheap for GOdcrieb. April 12. w12 HUGH DUNLOP, EGS fo littoral the inhabitants of Ggagerict 1.3 teat he has BEMOVED to the shop .under Where he has a large supply ctt SPRING & SUMMER- GOOD Very suIlable for the Goderich Trade.; which he is ready to sell at, THE LOWEST CASH PRICE._ Goderieh. April 26th. 11564. wfil RE M. WANZtP&CC- SEWIN4 MACHINES A T TifE PROVO( IAL EXHIBITION held ia Montreal, September 14th, itith 16th, and 17th, oVer all others; and also at the Pro- vincial Exhibition held in Kingston, September 22i.d, 23rd, and 2.31:11 and 25th, 1863. Prizes of a similar eharaeter wcre also awarded to us at.the Provincial Eithibition held in Toronto in lb62,and at the.Provineial Exhibition held .st London in Prices have. been .Greatly Reduced ! ABRAHATI b.it in the ()tidying rural districts it isnot quite nothing, A man with teO acres of anywise decent land -neednever fear the poor house. if he .worlis it well. ' family. may 014 ettmher the nine digits, hot theie wit! be core Ift Egypt for all 'thee -New We hold that fifty atria of gaod land; or that whieh can be rOdde-good, is eeough, unless a man wishes to slave out his. whole life in toil=digging till his old bac* is as crooked as a ratibow-tifl'h s muscles crack with the rheumatism, and his joiras seep with ahehyloils. . Some 'penetrating- genius has discovered that man hes but one- life to live I'm earth-way:toil incessantly foi the bread are we to get -our bread, but "s• all we can use; We know of a snuglittle of thiriyfour screi of cultivated' land, and seventeen of rocky.p tstures, whieh yields a profit much Jagger than ny one hundred and fifty aci es vre know • of. It upholds a sing with modern useful-, i pre-yements, three acres of. seteudid orcha of -4.11 valuable. fruits, hall. an acre of e &Beta gard.m, - an acreand a half more dev ted to carrots, fur nips and onions -the fen es are all post and rail, bushes and weeds are in eternal exile, the whole place is exCeedingly tiir to look upon, end to live on. Tins man is getting neh by being thorough in everythiug. His hen -house is „perfect, his hens lay, ond no droppingi aee lost. His .pigesty is well sup: plied:with muek and the.heuse slops run into it. Alter taking the first premium he puts` about sia aeres ef corn into pork, which makes . manure -his caurets end tundis he puts into beef, which- makei more manure. Matiure and thorough tillage are the grand secrets -of all fartnime-,-in New England at leaste This Maa lives well, no pork diet far him,he eats turkeys, eats eggs, eats lamb, and the first of his fruits .and heals., He pew in church, nd seeds Lis children to the first, institutieno learning. Ilia wife isle. worked tO death, nd hat a piano in the period He pays abouth y dollars about fifty dollars a year for helP,. isits his neighbors and lames how to fish. • rich uncle ever left hirn Shy pronerty-h began lifeby owning about. Puff of Lis farm, without -any buildings upon it, and five thouse 611ars would mot hurhis seal estate to This farmer:is , no myth; we know him, and -more minute statistics -Might be given tb show that•fifty acres is enough,euoughunleas farm of haff tilled acres, and perhaps not be any better off iu the end than my friend with It is raet that a two hundred ,acre farm might be made equally'good,but it is another fact that "they seldom are. Therough tillage in New England tatnnot extend ever a multi- tude of acres, Fifty acres of geed land (it cauhe made rich it poor now) with a snug house in a Spacious yard,. with .an abundaet fruitage, and everithing ii-perfeetas'a man can Make around it, hi a oikingraan's para- dise. Thereis his vine- seethed arbor in which ti read hie "papers.° a summer Suedes eve, aud behold the sun k down through -the gelden gateways of the West the whae- .there is everything, beautiful and bright awned him in the house and out 1-eof. doori, und why is it not all the paradise earth can We hold that the man who makes an acre of this earth l'incre- heautifel 'or produce is doing Heaven set vice, and if he hashot over fifty acres,: he cati make it all shine with fruition- mad fieatay, and never .ask discount besides,--Qqantry Gentleman'. • 'The ItIcirenre Case in MntreaL The nintieal Wanes* of Saturday says : "A heaty weight was rentoved from the PLANEN-G MILL !I Sash Door, and 1B 8,1 RI ID PACTINWS. 'Taal McDonald &Co. ITAVING 'COMPLETED- TEIEIR NEW 1/ Factory, are now preparedio take in onlera to any'extent. From their long experience in the businesi, and Livia"; experienced workmen, and a first-class set of matliniery, theyliatter themselves - thaltthey eau do as Poet N75 AsinvEstOisknsentsnatinada. Parties having Ihereis also any quantity el; SASE. DOORS 'its MOULDINOS# ji ALIA- KINDS ON HAND ^7'leyalso Oder To 6a.rpenters ligilders LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR THEIR WORK. TERMS, Without Dis4ction usi,tet bet CASE. public mind yesterday, and trial by jury in eome measure redeemed from the contempt tut° which it had fallen on acconat of Some previaus glaringly unjust verdicts, Thomas McKenzie had been taken into the Office of one of our fist inerchents through kindness, he being a stranger and destitute, and had beeri entrusted on account of his ability witu both the books and the east of the firm -a union of offices which is, to say the least, highly dangerous, By a serien of fraudulent entries. extendinir over several yeais, this man refs! ed his imployers of upiiardsof`sixty thousand donna. :ppily for the ends of justice there wire several. indictments based upon different tithe entries. In the fiist-inal, although the tacts . were clearly provetT, the fury brought ia a verdict of Not guilty. This verdict, together wit that in the Phillips' case, in Which a eler who bad run away with a money parcel from Ithe Grand Trunk Com pally,- was acquitted in thefsce of the clearest evidence, gave -a sleek -to public sentiment which it would be difficult to destribe. It was Seen in both cases that evidence was of little accountin the decision or the jury, and :hat there was no protection to be looked for in the law as it stacds ,szainot iiiindling and robbing, How the juries were obtained' which returned these verdictsi should, we think, be matter for government investiga- tioni with it view to the amendment of the kir/ law, (or our.coUrts should neeer be die; erateil again • by such glaring failures, of justice. The seCond indictment in the fife Kenzieesse, coming it did before "'differ- ed jury, resulti d in convictioe ; and, 'is we have said, the toblic breathes more freely.". WIrt VESSELS FOR THE Trcoon.-Xbe shipbuilding mlikets,and their irst purchase, the corvette Fuslyami, went to sea yesterday afternoon on her trial trip, She has been built st the 'Westervelt shireyjitrd, 'under the superinteedence of.Captain J. Comstock, last. She is bark rigged, and earriee twelve :runs; and her length_ofer sills 207 feet ; Olt the iendiing, 191. feet 6 inChes team, 34 fpeit, find depth of hold 15 feet.—Ness York Tribune, Oct Ith, United Cando f HuroLand Bruce, County .Att.orne "Separator for 8 -11"10T-'''RATE new Thrasfipsg Mach' a a. and Separator to be -.void on, reasonaVe terms. Long credit will be engood see& rity. Apply to , der and that criminat's revolting behavior, Public Executions in France. Thetete execution °flatcar for num ! are coni went ed on in terms of great disgust IbY the Paris ...Vation, which asks whether the soene w itnessed at the final moment is of a nature to produce an edification in the minds of speztaters. Far from such a result arising& 'the - .Na tion considers the .whole scene of the execution ar profoundly demoralizing, and founds on it an erg's-- ment against capital punishment being. carried . a. io penile. After describing - the eonduct of Latour on the scaffold, the • writer remarks: . The crowd remained dumb with stupor,. and could.tiot itiaigme a man insulting death whet' so near it. No jests .weie made to pass • i away the tithe, as ieceutly occurred on the 1 Plat e de la Roquette. The gsiety of Lateur disconcert( d the curiosity, of the spectators, • and filled them with a sort of terror. It was hot a lesson which -they beheld -before them, see all the bonds of hs faith, morality, and sense of decency torn asunder.. Wily were from the public,gaze? We demand closed• doors ler horrois of -the kind. Such blood. Idues not eerily- it sullies.",- Let it beshed -far from every eye, if you think it indispensable - that 'blood should be shed. 'it wtatever - 1 manner the condemned :nen confronts the - 1 last puniiihment,whether in singing or turning pale :With .,te tor, there it nothing mond le tee spectacle of a head falling. If the guars turns calla and c elleeted.they say lie is-courageousl It he Sings and sweam eke Latour, the people niinds is Confounded and mingled together' -and the only impression they tan feel is the imiho,u1 one ot that double outrage to human life wh ch is m .n -ested in the crime and ni the punishment. 'Vs ;here ii that argument of the.criminalists who Say, in order to justify :the punishment of death that all murderers Iscarcely QUM d by, it. These latter mpst, fear it; but we know of others now who are however, he- put to death also ; they have a 1 light to the same lio or. •, Then it is that the .I seaffold becomes the infa_mous . tribune, in .which the pinioned luau upon eternity.is cast- ing it4 Shadow, display; his hideous infamy, and insults everythigig that the -world holds him, to Ged who is about to judge him also, cannot say, but ive knote all that it may lose by it. Iii the name of religion and moralitvi and tn presence of the scandal which has .1DM oar public thices, and „that the list mon-milts An the -condemned matr, with Ida prostnition beicne death or his supreme milieu, should be conceited from all. 7.enible Incendiary Fires Ill Russia. list of fires.whiehl since- April last; heve taken place in different puts of Ream, and it adds that the account oldie piecipal disastere is nOt complete. The work of incendiaties - conimenced at the end of April, in the gov- ernment of Kalonp, by -the destruction- of fifty four houses; next, at Obelisk, two hun- dred and four houses wereigurnt ; at Serchitsk four-lifths ofp,t he town wits destroyed .; at more than two bundled ; and at the fair of Nijni:NOVgored one thousand notifies bun- ched booths end one hundred and tatty -eight dune, end entire quarters of -the town were consemedohe poirder magazines -of Item, and that of Oklaa, nearSt.- Peteliburit Were blown up. Al RignAwo fires tiecurted ; ,the mine at Tunien. when the finest quarters ot the town %sere consumed. At Orenburg six hundred bonzes were burned, and Baki iii only a heap el ruins. Four eonflagrations A town which; aa well an-Yarostav.i, is now in ' ruins; Previout to April two imperial -can- non, four daries, were laid waste, .10;-esh disaistets were apprehended, arid the Itiniwatt government is tailed upon to adopt -Orapt and tiorous.measufes. SURVEY FoR THE INTERNATIONAL BRIbple, --C. Br3dAes, Esq.,..of the Grand Trunk raileay, and Hon. Kdialy, of Toronto, tate Minister' of Public Works in Cadada, were in the city yesterday on business con- nected with the International Bridge. Some six weeks ago at a meetietc of 'the Internatiote al Bridge Compaq, Mr. Brydges, the 'Presi- dent of the • Companyl was authorized to. prreure a survey and estimates for the bridge: Mr. Killaly is about to undertake this- Work, and begin it in a few days. The Com- pany -will decide when 'his surveys and esti- - mates are submitted, at what polut the bridge will be built, and the structural it is- confi- dently expemed, will be commenced at an eaiiy day. Mr. 'Maly was the engipeer of the Welland canal, and is gentleman ezperi- A scene lately took place Dt the hone of Colonel mod Ludy --If° the /Curtin . The daughter a very lovely girl, fell inlet,* :with the tutor, a Presbyterian, -clergyman, snd so far forgot herself as to snake known* him - 1 her attachment:- In honor bound, and to the / credit of the Sootch cleTy- be it spoken, he -.- reasoned with her, said then feeding argument of no avail went to her fetherand begged for imuiediate dismissal. -The, Cohniel 'lisp me - transpired he was so stiock with the pang man's deep sense ot honor, that be told 14 he ?maid give _ him an opportunity of going - to Oxfoid and taking tst*risp and that erne only give him a -living but his daturliter 11110. Court House. ' executed at Alexaud - -rye Among the tir _ hood iseems to be without precedent. Just before his execution benefit, to the 41150er of the guard, requesting the atteadiumie of a ' Chaplains -Attain Irlth an oath that hip cared ' nothine for the Chaplain, tut ss-mgolitiens I provided. for it, be thought he had better I enjoy the piivilege. . A few hours atter he isand dollar!, gime, to his goardene- exaleOenttit0T11), eirt'euffirto ()NreT,J7lestrtyWaill0 IIPP6itari7n= the provisions of the will, and fottecT the pride indication ofhis ever loosening whet _ 1/./.. A singular -scene took Ow* Ulnae of - the St. Cabe:ripest town churches the. othe.ir evening.. A. Ineppy con e were made** , the •n Armstrong/a" /he new fortifintions, 112x ler 1), bell'''. ej°,.....inele—the 73441-12-6faase,17 near Halifax, on Saturday last. - oie of the I tribtrir-hiNintieunjoY;A:Polirfit4terbowliglivel--77Ji1:71-14.---b"pro.* gunsoilin.pounder, in cracked.% several_ ,t,,,,wa owe! cht.rs tor ths bride so itiroolor placel about two inches from the breach., It , ;Ile -timer. responded /0 assaillyr by "wolf wax loaded with shell ot the time, and.stronze-, at watt *hoe so ittolsoont that %its salt, 10 say gm inter -on reaving the mouth of the , addreodor the man, .44 ; ..1-D. aiter sun; isnrifra in 'helve; 'eue Prti°4 Irciwg • cuss. yo4 don't yer knows ,jit-disiburfnet_ , kroneb *tent of -the a Regiment, i piaci for moil 7.-soinu on. ° xow- 000111r :IT BURSTING Or linsraosci-Grw.--The Acadian .Recodersta es that while testing. nearly demolishing it dot liewsra lubateed eye youngish's', 110 or Tiffei'Voatained therein- . The etnir hos been so so taake soh .4 lout, was