HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-10-11, Page 3to „Sreao. London s, , s ••• k 4... `'` I. d meth : :-nt.:,•, Usl-Lb per. !:%7 ,'t the eeal., • iievertLelese . tial ..*.!e test ilf proofs ::.de for fa. :: i, ;Z:Mtitosiir b% III. Itary, ' ' • ::, :rt, .4.1ges, the sta. o.ost .s tertnea ; „; st e were meited l.. Ma.r5 's resident* hi we r.zet two FUNS, ▪ ;.•::::41 VeareOf :: etei.ces in 'French, ' early every word,ana 1 t..1 her hi Oft. . - issosele act:oa of the , Mary pointsal toan, i- :Lashe-sins- ' - s oy wi hich t • Ivaif '.•,;•.•.e. -:i....er icle-ill:i-j Who- - • the Deaf:Ala 1 cf coarse was , I axswers oe q,FeStions. k:•,ved fo!tirteea.. or fig, r.',..4't-1.,- altiea;ate any: ni Li islat •was sas , to F.Culeitt of the in nth. '...T.c7 reCeived 'sage*. ected that he sherd& 3• Iary contend* s.- oase that -deafnesa f the organin ' vare *. that many 1 ave for eeatarieis l and to- disseminate (Ise of the ant isf tip, 1..,_escaa..•e.oas ' Mor.' ' *reat Vilt aothroptsf placed,ors .-'-i- .v. tEtt ... - ,•,,ed h ... .ween- ii in...4.eine, the -ilea( iteriv studied neither . . ;-' The systen:t of Teat aid close at- tha great *iota. '.•'..h it is capable cf. eroarkable fact .hat' ' deaf ar.d dun& hat, - v -.4 weie the eai- :ted; portio a of 1 our ss:eaze may be ia-d aopeara that Pedro r : Castile,: a Becedt.- -c.: asquirsdartieula. by Joao Paul ilenet ' 2,14.a we ort Re - 'Th -ro=1,i. B.taidstrOOd ✓ f.e deaf ital dumb I at Haeknev, where -sea. C. If., 044,ert, msted the deaf and •t. -s less. recturesiand .-. treiesso to its if no=, cf the ciareniedt '. These were tiOntie. :Le friends of, tke i alarming! Ileiatet. , the 1)egioning of , obtained 240a,46 A prily 11,6&0, 300, 0 in June, 8-635 100,404 waft On- -'•ter 4i.t7t3were eon, rearing 1,010, • tree veers'. cis the thidof theie are - remain ier - : by srsease and 401110 !MEN -1r . • • pattens an& • Le Is. opeued MISHUNTI „ - Pr Sz. Co;itLs Store , - re=ent E CLOTHS I 7 ER TRADE1 up la se A sp l--,-,eLeap. *)EN -ADAMS. , t • geae te inform nehipa of Hay and re tat he has bean titina Affsta,vas in n-1 that he will be out DeeticMorre r.eatners arid dts- prepald cons. VE, Senrss - teen p o.,Hay.. • Wrt siabsenber, Jame* olosierieli Tow*, WawanoSix,at ter - ad tegs, a strap of lito- left ; stout and seen last at the- ne, m the eveiv. rsou, fueliag her 't‘SogriaP',ofice Alemor THE SEMI-WEEI LY SIGNAL. ten.b=r0.1 aii-l• named th•: 1.ith MOUS s4 -1'011-)I ON LANE ! 4.L1JIVI1 "tir the day on a hich he should wish the ner to ta!re _ VY 411.1 jhe mem. ry of that ancient SW- We would direct the attention of oar South Huron readers to the card of Mr. Hugh Love, who has been apiiointed a Commissioner for taking affidavits, and who is prepared to execute conveyancing in ita various brandies. Mr. L. will. no doubt givesample satisfaction to those who may favorlim with their patronage. -. THEFT OF CLOTHING- - On Nyedsesday - night the fith inst., the yard of Mrs. Latinee Watson, Nelson St., -was entered by some un- known person, and the clothes -lines- stripped of a large quantity of linen, flannels, Ste.= It was only by some one in the house moving with a light that a single article escaped: - Some wretched creature is ripenieg for the " - Penitentiary, and the sooner he or Sire is sent *thre die better for the cemmunity. ; • DR CAMERON, the highly successful - Oculist and Aurist, is now in town, and may be found at the Maitland -Hotel Up to the ma inst., after which he intends vsiting .Bayfield for five days. As an instance of the • Doctor' s great success, we may mention that Kincardine he performed an operation -up- - • -on a lad 'sealed George Rowe, aged 16 years, restostog his siaht afters blindness of eleven /ears. We would advise those suffering from _ diseases ofthe eye or ear to call upon the Dr, as. an apportunity Of the kind may not oceur 1 individual "the ol est inhabitant," we have not hAd such. a itorm early in Oeto- 1 ' tier as that whieli 111 swept Lake Huron during theft:fast foidnys. On Thursday evening thp Sth instf, a . hurricane came raeing in frdiu the \\leaf, accompanied by aoicrfeet 11 1.1..;e of raiL The wind veered dining thd night to the N. W. apd blew with inereing violende all day. . Friday. U,n Frida3j 1 ight the storm,- instead of abating as 1wts expect d, seemed to gather strength,a d Salarda morning broke bleak and dismal a .er a sce ofawful grandeur. The Lake w s lashed nto a perfect sheet of foam; ad many a brave tar .glai.ced from the cle - of his essel to the dreaded _coast -line i It forebo ings of evil which were soon o be rca1izt in all their hor- ror. All cl y Satur ry",, -Saturdaynight and Sunda -. norping e blow continued, Lake n vigation being in - a.1 blinding 1 , term of hail and finally . snow, which ' a- Sunday morning covered th . ground 1 ith a white mantle: We have n t learned le partionlars of all he casualt es -on the -per Lakcs,but the T* per doe to •shippi g about the head of Lake- HttrOn and in Lake -Michigan mast hive been iname e..,, and since.Friday the perils t creaied by again. . . many a brave fellow pas g-,ohe to his last home. We are inf med that several . THE NORTH BRITiSH REVIEW,' for - 'vessels are ashore- be een Fiera and Sa-u- . - Atig,ust, has reached us from the' publish-, - i geen. . The sehoener. TIrason, completely ers, L. Scott 8; CO., N. Y., with -a most dimantled, went asho e near Kincardine, *20 • . enticing table of contents, which is •as - . and it is supposed that{all hands,incif, ludinr, •,. gollowt : Wordsworth : The Man. and. the . i the three Wilson 11 others,: have 'been : Poet; Todleben's istory of the Crime. . • - • . an War ‘ j. H. Newm , Apologia, . . drowned; _ , Newman's - ' Ligation at Public Schools; Russia • These*. ..ily • DI) cry. Was. lying ; at . .. , . - under Alexander IL ; The Scotch Lawyer Kincardine partially ' aden with wheat - - : - . n lira,. , er e ey s when the storm. burst ' on her She at - Theory i _ . e of the Ce t - - - 13 k I i': tempted to ride it out Ftkanchor, but one , . ., . . of Vision ;.. Tennyioq's Enoch , . of the cables broke, and she was. forced to. '.. Arden, etc. For sale -at this office.- .. I . .pnt to sea or go -ashore, Accordingly Copt : : - TrusGmrssat Fosiee.-One of the oldest Campbell 'determined to steer for Goderich, . .1. „ ' and EHORt reliable agricuiturol journals in the which he did fairly. Byrn.- through the : United States is the Genesee Farmerlinter; nithongii the . Vessel had hardly a ' It costs only &Hai a year, and all who : . stitch of canasi to the ' ale. When the ' subscribe at this tzme for 1.865will' recaue ' Lilj neared Our herb°. fhe Octoberr November . and Decenzber d' -is unsbeis of this year free! Tstood on the shore, October • - - ? an . s number now before its eolitains full_reports expressed that she won! - 01 thi New York State Fair, discussions, 5bc. But 'O. amPbell was.eq111: ' Alai the proceedings, of the skine*an Pomo. Hoisting additional. sa0 ' s - logics' Society, 'Wool Growers' Convention, . Ice; ' Thoae who wish a ,strictly agricultural- : ., : . and horticultural journal should- take the i- - .. Farmer.. Send a do/lar at once to Joseen ; Hanam, publisher or the Genesee Partner, Rochester, X. Y., and you will get the paper ; - -'for fifteen months. .. • ; i- . . , an apxious crowd many fears were n'ver get hie -- to. the .occaaiOn. at -the rie•ht mo - merit, he contrived to run thd gallant lktle bark between the pier i *n beautiful style, amidst three rousing cli,. spec- tators. Old sailors de lard that , a vessel 1 ers from all was never brought Intl Goderich harbor in a living. gale of -wind n A cleverer man- ner. The only loss , lista'ined by the ' Frac.-About eight o'. clock on Saturday s, - morninalast1 a fire broke -out ill the roof of the ,.. schooner •ti,'-as,that of heri oats and portions- - of the'bufwarks. , . bedding Occupied by 31r. Quipp, confectioner„ - • ; : as a shop :and dwellino-.,, (the old Signal The stea1ner Granqd when Jost heard - , office„) whs.& et one time threatened- the destruction at' the whole block, and an ins- ' =tense loss of property. But by great exer- .tions, unlimber of firemen and others atfract- i - ed to the spot, contrived tisooenchtffe fln.mes : befere they had obtained the mastery. . Mrshaking dolvn aPPle. dn Qup's furniture was reniaved throaali- the uprooting he trees., 1 of oir Sgt.' day.,was lyi i at anchor behind' , : Stoney Id nd,)endeavCr ng to Weather it out. We Erust -she Wi t turn: IT all right. , . , the storm did ..inuch damage, _ -Qniand :- - upper win;lows in an inconceivably short felling. fore t trees in' al : space of time, but -the leas , from breakage - : ; , --sowsrasoia------• . • . and the delem of Water- poured in will. be - iron. lierWida. " • . -, considerable. We believe he Was insured. - • i - • - . Had the fire broken out duriat the fea:ful . ..• - froin Bermuda, havini.; tie tiara 2 otac:Irs and ' - . storm of the preceding- night no earthry pow_ it: men et the Royal Art1;le:y, 1 nicer and er could have prevented 4 , disast. ous Coulla. 75 ;mu of the Roval Eio- mos and 1 oflicer -:-- ,gration., _ , 7 -,. ; and 30 nen of the•°-ici t.,Z oen's Co}.attle ';.-, . ' t - I (.ick) and I dy . came pitS. ergers. Surgeon . COLBORNE; A . I Gallagher nd several of the crew died ob the _.„..____s-. . • ..rs: . passaie, an since the -ai• Val of thd quii-ilea . . --- Ptotaittan 31,t'reH.--At a Meting of. the hi po-rt, really of lier.han4 have been removed : ' ; Agricultural Association of ,t;olhorne, it Was from the ship: Two :offii: Is Of the Royal : - resolved that the. Aantial 'Piotgbiw" Match Artillery -have died sineet .:st. reports, viz., ? be held on Wednesday, Oeteher 26th, on the : Lieut. ScJit and. Lieut. -3i /eswortii... -- - . W e leariq that the fever had ragee badly t - -Farm of Mi John, Campbell, lot 3, colt. 8, to antepg the ehipion, at s he open to the *surroundings toweshipss., En- mail .- . . .1 . . , it-- . Bermuda, - aud that, ; . 3 i%ebse a st esec`. deser ed. '. The, Royal : • o trance fee $1. s Ploughmen to be roil. titg • Gazette of the 20th make a no ' mention of ground at 9, and plou rhinr to commence - the health 9f the plaele, but we ,cony the fol- preciselp at la Aloes, - Rules to be-. niade Towing; frorn the issue oft -'-e 13th :- -. known on the ground. - Tue Eememie ass ST ,GEo4uEs.--:Whep 1 - PRIZES., -, • cases begirt tofhe reckone by units it is e tnierabipreliable sign. tb, t the epidemic is this. As regards the inhabitants of the town dying out. -- Such, we are appy to -arnioande is the nature Of the report: from the sister town for the past week -1 d eveabetter than itself, thereswere no new rises at.all, and no deaths, during the litter daye of the -week. On ease there was of rather --Sudden 'death, • 3rd do veee;,e,e.ev.e*.vv...................e......, .4. ... ,„,:, Which for a short time Was rumored as a . 4th do - '" - ' b ". - t:i d - ' ' ' - ‘,., . 3:00 !ever case' ut w-hich rue out On investi- . r - . 5th do .. , - 2.00 ,gation to be attributable disorder 9f. the . PETER RoBstrisois; . Lune's. Cases in hand ar, . generally report 'ed_o°f favorably-, this is t ` e more eneoura7,- . . Secretary. s fog, as the town has suffei I much from heet, _ Colborne, October I NI , 1864. - northerly winds and &rinse, uent close atmos- phere, on seteral days during the week. The TITMERSIVIITH. shipping has not escaped quite -so well, but • the general. result -is iieveitheless diminution. - ik. MAN aura HIS THitaAT ;KITH A SCY111E. ' Of themilitary we have el: nailed account- - _thatwhich has regard to -I, e 2nd Regimentis decidedly favorable; on. Sunday night there had been but onedeath since Thursday. The other branches of the • seri lee, _particularly the Royal Engineers, hav's not fared quite eo well. It siietosprobable ',that isolation . and idleness have tended in, some measure to beget or resuscitate habit4 which in the long run too surely and fatallyilnvite the disorder. I Another of he officers (Artillery) was buried on Mondaymorning. On . the whole, how- ever, there in be no doubt that the news • from St Gel rges W of a 'very cheering doss cription. • :- * in many instances ding ,fences and directions.' 11.111. Cralqteq 1144 arriri d at Halifax Ist• prize. 56.00 2nd da .......ss 5.00 - ard do 4.00 • 4th do . . 3:00- • 5th do • - .400 Boys under 20 years of age. • $6.00 • 20d do 5.00- On the gth inst. is fanner Hobe in this : township, ,narnetl Francis Shanahan, made a :most desperate attempt to commit suicid4. Beiiing a favorable opportunity, he tcioli -up at sharp scytheand made a fearful gash sieross his throat, after which he. ran . hay fork I 'through his neck. He then flourished an axe iilidut to prevent any of the fatally from,. at' r • tempting to save his tile, but the affeetien.0f Ins aged wife was stronger than her fear, and Abe contrived 10 grasp him so as to prevent sfurther muich;ef. . Dr. Coleus.= was then ..sent for in all haste, and when he arrived the 'ghastly wound was sewed up, thus saving the imen's life. An examination instituted before Ramsey, Esq., resulting in a decision that • iitivearlangerous to allow Shanahan: to be at gurge, he was 'bronglit up to the County Gaol .on Satardig las_typonstable D. Morin, Mr. : .Shanaharitain old man of 60 years of. age, ...and has a family consisting of hist wife arid -1 .416 bilPlese children.- - From his industrious and strictly sober habits Imps mud. respected I),yaR his neighbors. He 6wes a number of . smell debts, which. has preyed nponlis mind fersome time, find, is supposed to have been " the eallie of hisrashlydetermining to leave thig world. This is the "lemur' el- third at- tempf to damn:ammo& that he has'inade -of lett. Tug BA PES ix BATTI E, -The. bagpipe is well kno4 to produce la powerful effect on Hihlanilbrs in the da of battle, The eircumstan advantage Highlander His regime hers, had St. Pierre. eron once colors flyin give the sh Gloriously tO "Charge, ional m view. T man who, military po similar inst naaymoeuingo;r4Cear the assitult. a storm of s strains with DINNER 21 ; Eornisants.--...4 couple of daring resberies ' were lately tommitted. the township of • Ashhinaliarn, Peterbore; In one case the brewery ofMr. e4filutt was broken into people of SI ' was with happy instinet,. taken iiby ColorielCameron of the --92nd at the battle i -if the Nile in -1813. overwhelm' by superior nnm- ired to the r reaof the hamlet of hen its galltint Colonel Cam- - r re led it dow i on the road, itith and music playing, resolved to k to whateverlstood in the Ways-- at regiment Fame forth again 4th their coils -flying and their ,s. playing, as f going to a rc- was-to wide bind war. , The that moment- Ithought • of Such 71 „ was by nature a soldier. _ A- , ce occarred at Lucknow where ain ofthe 93rd, Macdonald by the Pipedifti or to play during He did so, ant continued anildist t to send forth hi§ inspirited much coolness as if on parade. MR- 13avniles. - The good h . tford have, at a public'meeting Town Council: dges to a public rydges has. ac - • and cask box containing $150 rifted: ra Approved of e actien of t the other ease the raidence et MG Bay was in proposing o invite Mr.• n• emend, but the thieve.got nothing for thoir slimier ;Atha town; Mr. trogale, • ted tbn in itatioo, Wbien has since been - (="Wench/ 44111-01.19thi I t,CPP • ' THE MARKETS- Goefai ten, Oct. 11 th, 1 86 1. The attendance of farmers at the Market since the storm bus been very good and. pri s for the principal staples have considerably advanced since our last quotations. To day and yesterday Spline Wheat brought from -73 to 75 cts., and as NC was paid for several loads of extra quality. Below We give the puices as paid. Fall Wheat,. 50:82 • 0:83 •;:lpring do tats, '0:73 (-4 ' 0;76 . . 26 (ie 0:27 Barley 1.. 0:63 (in (I: 63 hay, 1.1 ton . . 0:12 (ai, 0.00 Wool Washed -14 lb 1.... 0:30 Fees " • 0:40 (a", ' 0:45 Q!;. 4:75 ' .. 3:00 . (fp. 4:00. - -.2 00. •• 0001 • 0A5 • ap, 0160 - Pork Baef, • Lambs rurkieS, eaCh tisese, do . - 0-30 IR tThickens, 19 pair 020 . 0:00 packs, di 0:00 Ka), ' 0:25 I [ides . . . 3.-50 :(ia 000 Butter . 0:00. (i_a 0:17 Petatbes- • 033: (-0, 0:35 J... : 2:00 (4. 0:60 1.1`.res 0.:0.8 (4- 010 A pples . . • ... . . . : . . . . O.:46 (iDe , 0:50 ATJUTI4 --SALE , . . . • OF- :VA .1.4.4:1131.4E • Farm Properties! ON A.Cootr 'T oF THE = . Trust and Loan Co of Upper Canada, ILL BE SOLD 13 PUBLIC ATICTIQN- oit the $. ale Itiounmaiof the underigaed, TOWN of GOPERIpth - FRIDIY,:the 4th Novembei nixt, rin cztczi . -, . ' UNDER Power of Slate in a -Mortgage from Daniel Lizars and wife to the above Com/any, Lots Five and Six in the 3rd concession, and Lots Five -and Sixma the- Fourth Concession, Western Divisicnt of t e township (if Col- borne, containing ' FOUR HUN-DRED ACRES more pr less'. Ille abovo. is a Very Valuable Farm Property with GOOD EUILDLYGS, and will - be offer- ed -iii three portions, ef which a plan- arid full hiforination can - be -ad on, application to the undersigned. - Part of Thirteen sion of the .townshia and fully deacribed.in MeTiwain. to the. Cum seventy ae'reS. More or cellent farm, abhutihro oii the' Gravel read, wi barn. ;in. the Eist corices- of Gocleich, further morigaee .froin, Wm. [ iany, and containing less. This -is an ex - Miles fl'(6 Gcderich, h log houseand frame , • I'ioler Power of Sill tom:,(en,di,ntoth the Easti.en Division of the Containing 101I- acres an exeeffent farm, witl I:oder powpr of sal Prince 3forris nOd ife ny, Lot nunil,er ?Seven cessioe Western Di- isi Colborne, containing 1 This- is'it good cleared . • it- 'alert:sage- from above Company, Lot nth coocessnin of the nsh i p of Colborne, ore or leas. This is 'F)Tone • -, in a 'Mortgage -from: 1.9' the above Compa- n tlie Eleventh. Con- n )r the Township Of 10- more or less. ' Y LIBERAL::: id in cash at theSale, e will then be made , : • ; or Title, and Mottea- ffiee of the Solicitors, TERMS VE _ Ten per cent. to p and terms for the halm known. • • Cs" -Deeds, Abstract ges can be seen at the • or at -the place of sale.] .Further and full infoi application to the 'Com Loan Company of Upp Messrs, Macdo tied, Pat -eitors,-,KingStote or to G. M. T • - Goderich, 1st October, MOB TGA ii-aition can be had on issieners,Trust and, r Canada, Kingston; • & Willriscin, Soli- heundersigned. , IJEMAN, .1AUCTXONE_FIR.. 864.: ‘‘!36t(1.. E SALL DURSUANT to a powe' of sale contained' in a certain Indenture oforteiree made between Thomas Horton, of the T wn ofe'Goderich, in t he County of Huron, engine driver, of the -first part, Sarahl-forton, MS Wife. oi the second part, and Dinthaater Pierce, of tIio Township of Ashfielci in the said. County of Huron,,ef title third pari,and bearieg date the 27th • day' ofJurie, 1864. There will be sold • . BY PUBLIC AUCTION • - by George ,Bitaon Trueman, Auetioneer, at his Auction Rot:alum the . • tOWN- OF GODERIOH, . ne • Wednesday the 16th day of Noy • next, at Twelve o'clock, noon, the following Val- uable property: Lot No. Eight in the Fist- concession or the Township of Ashfield in the County of Huron. , Containing . .,- One Hundred acres of Landt more or less, or which about twenty _acres are cleared. Upon, the 'above property is' a good new house and alarge orchard of fruit trees. _ Full particulars and conditions of Sate May be had on application tolhe Vendors' Solicitor, and Will be made known at the sale. ._ . . , 1 • . G. M. TRIJEMAN-l - . Auctioneer. . JOHN DAyISON • • . : . - 4 Vendors'Soacitor,1 .Goderich, Oebber 5tb, 1864. *swIlktd , _ RM fo't BALE. -t- -- FOR SALE, East half of Lot No. 17, -eon 3, . . . Township of WAW NOSH, comprising ONE HUNDR D- ACRES, no clearance, Terms tii nil- - Apply to ON Executors ofthe Estate of he late Win. Harris, Dungannon P.O. . Dungannon, Oct. 1st. le w37-tf • . . Sheriff's Office • Gocierich ....vmamilmaimaffal j. STEAMER CAN.LAD1AN . . Will run as lollows 11)r -the lance of the season : Leaving Goderieh for ineardine AND SOUTHAMP EVEtir Monday Wednps4y at 7 m„ ON . RETURNING SAM - 0.A-0 LEAVING GO 1.0it Aik. Jaw Iva RE OVAL! MARBLE WORKS. . D. McCONNELL FUS to notify bis patrons throturhont the J.J .country tat he bus removed. his MA 11.131,1i." WORKS to • Exeter, County- Huron, - Where he will open with -a -large stock of Choice Marble ! Selected by himselfat the prinemaltquarries, and whielfhe will be prepared -to work late - TOMBSTONEST MONUMENTS, c., n sty es to suit every variety of taste, and at prices as eheap as can be got in the province. - Orders nom persons in Coderieh And surround- ing country will be thankfully received and -the . work delivered with proinptness. , Exeter, Sept. 30,1864. :v,36 NEW MARBLE WCRKS -.Min Street "Exeter: - • _ 1 A. M'CONNELL - 'EVERY MONDA -C:73',Q1aCt VANEVEHY & RU C ()cleric+, October et 1804. ASSIGNEE'S ALE! 'OF VALUABLE REAL EST TE V, 5? jec 0 MBE UNSOLD PORTION' of th Real Estate 1 belonging -to the Assigned Est tes WIL44. LIAM OWEN and WILLIAM RATTENDRifa Willi be • offered at ' PUB -LIC A U ' . • ON i • Wodoesday, October- 2, 1a64. The property to be sof -comprises_ 6 e following BUILDINCSi and' OTS, :--Thecommodioutz Store and .8 t re1)-hnootweetin. A.',hert street, (opposite the .stearn Mi oc- cupied by Messrs. Racey& Bro., inel 014;554 ft. li•ontage of. Village Lawn. _ he shop building adjoining tire lomsyea store,shoe now occupied by Mr. Win, Hailand shop,- With .27 feet frontage ofthe- a ve Lot; 3.-:-Theelegant and convenient Dwhiling,House :on •Queen street, (uow • occupied b r: J. B.; •Racey) containing. nineroonis, 'with stable and other out -buildings.. and a large i.arden ; the cauprisiag Village Lots 36 a d 390, corn- -posing together halt an acre. • . - 48 on Xing street, 'with large. Bain. thereon.. This Lot is adiiiirably.Rituat d for biti ness.purposes, being .betwcen lie le unary and the Central itzquirt, and ..coataiiis 'out- three-• eighths elan -acre. - - . • 5.-SabdiviSien 8 of Village Lot 1.77 ori Ontario street, with .snialishop building" the on. This lot fronts the Central ;ftmare, and . djoins Mr. Whitchend's brick store. It. ,contaitis -a fi•ontage ot 274 feet, and is the Vest buSiness ata d.now un- sold in Clinton. • . . . - - 6.-Velage Lots 2,-3, and west par of 4.,' on . . .; .. . . _ . • tlatario se. tailjoill1;1;g- the Clinton lio Iwith-a reo.oe 0rhard thereon. . , --------- - - ' 7.-N inetv-ihree Village Lets, varyi g. ,in size from one_ filih of an et re to an acre. aial qi ai ter, -and sitatite. on "Victoria, Ontario,' Willi. High, Kirk, "Cown-Cad, East, liatteptiury an Princess street, including -many fr!bgibie saes r besine::$ - establIshments And prirate Iresidences, . • • . One lourtn.•of the ptirr=trase. -money or by approved joint notes at th ree OatliS.N lth er- eNt, ; the re-idue in three equal 11111140 taloients with interest at each payment on the e unpaid principal A deed will be given when he. first payment ts made, and a inortgpee tak The Sale take place the . •. • - • LINTON NO:, And will coinmenee at 2 p.m. The Lot still be put up at a moderate upset priee, and Will be sold io the Highest: Bi der!! above that price, ritkleCrlat MtateS Clinton. is one oi the mog flourishing t wns in the othity of -Huron, on the Buffalo a , Lake, Huron -Balla ay, and IS the centre oj a.l4rge and rapidly- recreasing traffic, Any one .des ing to secure a good site for any branch of busi ess. or d OW a most For furiber partitrulars only tolk eisrs.W LztlN & Mc ND, Accounta n ts,li am Iton,H. A.LE, Clinton, r to the Auctioneer. for e private residence, will -fi favourable opportunity. , - . C. M. Truema , - 00 . October 4, 1864. ' . t : w37-1 liElIFF,'S SALE 0 LA S tinned Countapsof gt• • virtu of a rit- of . To wit: - , of...lier iMaje.sty's 'ounty -Herod and Bruce, Fieri F.acias iss ed out Court of the United Counties of liurtin & n puce, and to me directed against the .Landt an tene- ments of William Ha .vthorn. at the suit John Downey Bryce, James PlayfairiJohn MC i [ rrich. Samuel Clean- and John S. Pia lair,t hay: seized and taken -..in Execution all t e right,- le and interest ofthe said defendant,in and to lot umber Sr ven-Easi side of William street, in the Maga of ,Walkerton in the County of iBruce; Which - Bands and tenements I shall ofrer The sale at my office in the.Court House in the Town o (*ode - rich, on Tuesd* the Tenth day of Janu ry, at the tour of Twelve of the elect:, neon. - -. JOR.N .McDONALD, • . . • • - . Sherif H. B. By S. Perxoex, Deputy' Sheriff. - SiterifPs Office, Coderteb. 36 October 1st, I864. S SHERIFF% SALE 024 • ....- - -Un- ited CO'finties ot iDwY `Virtue , of 'a rit et Huron and Breee, _LA lien P,apiaa out To Wit: of Her karsty's _doom Court of the United Counties of Huro and 1 *Teel. , and,te me directed against the lin and tenements of Patrick McGuire and Jame Mc- Guire at the suit of the corporation of the Own - AM of A shfield, -I have 'seized and taken i exe- cution all the tight; title and interest of tit ,smd. defendant, in. and to the south half of lot n ber three iretne llth concession, and the.nort "hall otlot nullifier ihree in the -10th concession, t.East- ern Division of the township of Aelifield , n the County of Huroc,countining 200 acres re or less which lands and tenements -1 shall on r for sale at my Office in the Court House in the own of Goderich on Tuesday the 22nd. day -of N vein - bei next, at the hour of Twelye of the lock,. nouat • r JOHN RACDONA Sheriffil da B. Bv- S. Poia.oOlt, Deputy Sheriff, 91.11 A 5 1464 - *Separator, for Sale - 4 • ugust, " FIRST RATK new .i2.;••and Separator to bit terms. 'I,ong credit will be rity. APPI3rt,P1 130,11A • • • _ TEEK.LOST.trayfroin the su Thrashing Machine sold Ore---rdastOnAle given On tit tied ecd- HORTQli • yr3O-Ain as • est' V Godedich To108hr,'aboutt 1410. a yoke of dremearstOld tole one lue, tAketkerre4nlitrWhite. Any:person Inthrmation ;bet WJII koo thew te,VVe Inliberally rewarded. TINS, IiHi.."T.ON Sept. 201h, 1864. 4z34 MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES; Posts, &c., of every deSerrption Style of as ork,manship. furnished on short notice, and at the lowestprides. Liberal reduction' made tor rabh. ' ALL ORDERS ruscruALLY ATTENDED- TO Designe of:Monuments ,&e. may be seen at the -shop. Exeter, October lst,1864.- w12-1vi • • FAIL - WINTER - AT THE, k' Lflh1J ON SALE CHEAP POR CASH rr TIE SUBSCRIBERS have nearly completed their PALL An, WINTER 1. STOCK, which comprises almost every article necessary for the trade, vit.: Y. GOODS, GROC . SHELF_ A.ND HEAVY liAll1FARE, #EADY MADE CLOTHING, FURS, Ladies' and Gents'' . Felt Hats tr,e- . . • They wish particularly to draw attention to their, stack of DRY GOODS, 'Ala FOlt QUALITY AND PRIOE QANNOT BE SURPASSED The READYAKADE CLOTHING is moat complete and manufattured in die . - Beet and mot- Fashionable_ Styles.. - F LADIES' FIlits OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Having imported a !Arse quantity of 6. • cIAC)T41-1 Tatic>11. 3CaNGAL.A.1*-3120 1 . - - • - We are enabledlto sell them, . AT • PRICES WHIM DEFY COMPETITION, s Do not forget to call when in Town at the EMPORIUM, and inspect their Stock of Cheap coat • I They Wish. teintimate.to their customers osvin0 accounts and notes Alit -the), are COnsissiled NEW FALLORY GOODS' , - ou PROMPT PAY,MENTS - John t7i•ti.10.w-4 Co., 1TO_,SSTAIN -TOUR C -11-E011 2AND SELL:40011S RECEIVED -a PlJa ASSORTIVNT 4 . -OF- 1 D R •If C co 0 D Goderieh, Sept, 2 1864. . . SUITABLE FOR am,& AV.‘.‘‘X.e,v Vfectv COMPRISING ALL THE NEW THINGS IN Votilaek.1113'. lius•rnms, . Tartan 'Poplins And iitinteys, 'TOGETHER WITH A VERY FULL STOCK OF - Prai.UCOLORED FRENCH MERINOS . COBOURGS,-11A11ATHEAS &c. • - 0 ' ' TO THEIR STOCIV-.OF .TWEF_MS CEO THS of both'Canadian and impoited goods, 111 D i re et irons the iipa si Cite or es.: They Vk 001a inVite particular attention and their stock of. . - READY4‘TADE -CLOTHING; largest they ever had. doderich, October 4th, 1g64. sW67 - • r• TRAY CX. --Came into th enclosure or the Subscifber, Lot 9,3rd coo.. Colborne, the First of August last, a light red ox with white fare! --about 8 years old. The ewner is J....quested to pay expenses and take him away. , grlf. VANSTONE. . • Sept. 20th,18C4' _ w3031*.P SHERIFIT SArLE OE LANDS. ., United Counties of D Y virtue of -a writ of To Iva. . of Her - Majcitys County Huron and Bruce, 1_.).Fieri Facia& issued out Court of tbe United Counties olliurou and 13rtu.e -and to me directed against,. the lands and tene-i inents of Denis Hagerty, at the suit of Joseph Hen; 1 have seized and taken in execution all the right, titte and interest of the said defendant in and to Lot Number Twenty;three, in the fifth concession of the Township of Morris, m the Uounty el Huron, *with the_ buildings thereon erected, -which lands and tenements I shall oder for sale at my tate 111" the Court House in the town of Goderieh, ' on Tue.sdar, the third day of January net, at the hour of twelve of the clock, noon - JOHN MoDOhNirAjapill.l soc B. By S. poilocx, Deputy Sheriff-. Sheres office, Goderich, / . ' 23rd September, 1864. i MORTGAGE SALE! VALUABLEPitOPOTY. . UNDBEI AND BY VIRTUE OF A PO W - ER of§ale contained in • a_ Mortgage, made by Bichard Darlinaton et the Township of Col- borne, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, of the first part; Ann Dailington, his wik, .(for !the purpose -of barring- her dower) of the -second part; default having been made in the due payment thereof, will be sold at the AUCTION, -AfAUT of Messrs, THOMSON & IlitZLEIEURST . Kingston Stieetk Goderich; Monday,. the 24th of October, instant., at 12 eclock, noon,the following prop. erty,-V1Z ; Let number Four in the Seventh con., Eastefn Division -of the Township of ColhOrny in the County -cf. Huron, containing One hundred acres ojLaed more -or less -Deed under power o - M. C. CAMERON. ,3 -Sol.for lgortga gas Ix • Goderich, October 1st, A. D. 1864. - w36 • DETLOR 41&, SON. F • - • 330-Cloa'S A N. 33 rAiioi14- AT DUNomsrs - ii11110TH:100T'AND-. f sRANI) REVIEW at• -DUNCAN'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, GODERIOHI -cattogii U. see the best- Stock of ROME -.MADE WORKin the Ctranty! 71167: 11T Ant 3sEmPiciomEsr„rir;. loc P-Jrg MR. 311C'41111L. Thousands havetriedDuncan's Boots and Shoes; and found Mem all 'thatwasrepresented._ The subscriber CANNOT BE. UNDERSOLD by any one doing a legitimate ,bimitimases : - Remember the place= West 4ide. of Market Square, • TWO DOORS 'SOUTH of the SION-Al.' OFFICE. , - WILLIAM DUNCAN. Goderich, Sept. 20th, 1.8.64;". 7 - 1144 HOE - , • --:C1401J•LAR4 . - . • .• • MESSRS.. D. MEER) Zito& COJ _ L3EG respectfully to thank their kind friendsThe Public for their patronage auring fan rot year. We would again solicit their favorable consideration for the ensuing .seasiaa would infoim them that we &tie now COwinarltaleileacl our arr7g. etuenta for suPPling tbexj Upon the most faYorisble tams. No House west of Montreal buys their Goods more favor, ably. We have paid particalar attention to the requirenienta of this ftetion of °et ' .Province. . ,• ONE HUNDR7 CASES OF BOOTS AND SI E4' Containing every hing rectuired in their line and now offeredforsale; iew= No One Can, no Otte Will, -Undersell us It.4br•t*_. We shah 'continue to sell on; Stock of, - 4 -• .." ...IF DryGoods, Crockery, Hardware and Grocerles, At TEMA COST until the Ode le cleared off WE BUY FOR CASH AND SELL FOR THE SIM: • NO CREDIT ASKED! -NONE Goderich, C. W71 25tn August, 1S64. , .7r, tio• orrii BC • A LARGE STOCK UP --ALso,-- CONi'LETE-ASSORIITENTIOF iT GROCERIES GOderial; 44 ;:".18b 4 THOS. Roinnritcoft marks SW*/ f;odecielir " - 9