HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-10-07, Page 4• P • SP NG STYLE SATS 0. Fon Tfl} Epsier- 1\T AT • Godericb; March 15th, 1864. aw56 FOR ao>eraj i:ricaton- - coxnreTgn BY * `AND DIRS.. SHERLOCK , STIEFT. tee; THE course- of .instruetion includes' En lith, as taught in first ehacs- cehnols in 'ERgland.. French, Musa(�P.ant-Forte,, Guitar and 1�,'in • l}r lh°awniv,,Iains Work &c. Thaw-. ladies +ctrhoze edio-atiott heS been tteglet t;d W li receive the greatest attention. . TERMS KNOB ON APPLICATION; Piano-Forti&tuned;rtnd a-lamtsrpply of Music. _ by the beat eompoaers for sale. Goderich, sept. 19.46'64. . sw -ISAAC F R. ICKt o a ,iil ' se s; c\a.sko.wa.. -k: A; WATCIJMA ER D .JEWELLER 1 wEsT.. sr;, GODEI I H, Ne ;t tlooi 1Vest of MMT. Stints'. SaddIery• • at<n= OF flfATi HES, CLOCKS MM fl . JEWELRY RiiY3ifi i? (3N stIoRT NoTit•_E. In the best Style & Warranted.. dta'tt, t isuo',2 As onrate cr or Goidt& Pl ted-Sewelry. Watcles, . Clae:rs,. &e , ~a.. . Cort' zantty on hand az t: warranted to unrepresented !fit .t. money re:quded. Gntfertetr J;ra 1864,v16n31. RIFLER S O 1. GUNS P I TOLS, .&e.. &c.; AND MADE To-. -ORDER INTOSIL. - Opposite the Market. - C All kinds of rejairitig done on most reasonable terms. t • Ootlerich, An n t 2n41, 1864.; • sw94 .ROBERTSON, 1 f 41414111itigi tit IP" k ' A U U RER,. OF 4L.. RINDS nr r-• • =CH AS I urean3X Sofas,bLuu:tees, Bedsteads in en less va let , Wardrobes.,Book (•aseS, Mattresses, iter Table., LJ nte_ lsta;e , Breakfast Tables, Toilet Tables, Wasa 'tan.;., eb.airs, and many etitgrartietes We nnnierotr a atetttion, flit Lauds %V oCY ,) -7 c. .. I N1NG- T*rbrtnptl1 attended t:>- t; PR QLSTERY.rn ati its •branches f&c4' 14ir .R.. respectfully invites an examination of is wet.. '4arrtiait. t to be'na..'e oi'the best ma- -4.0 terra' a u1 workman.tp,. and at gi atty reduced` prices. Cali and co mpare, and he szt.afed.before going est where. . . 4- Cordwood and all kinds of i'`armer's Pro- duce taken in exchange Wareroom.rat on ElgitiStreet:, G de..rn n. larch 24th, 1§•63. 81,V69• •' BOOTS AND RIDES ISMS 71.MERIVEAR ‘Tanie8 110m:1$ sitIGOTON GODERICH. kL 'IS - gOLICITED. FO li! E . qn ACRES of ot No. 321. test Lake F1.11-1Suri Terms eas3 , apo t on titeptemises, or TE LAND ! Ooderieni „woo, ..A.44v.t, Orie y AROELY 'D and conveniently situated ,A../ along. the. bank lor the River Maitland, opposite the 'fowl' doilerielt at d the Doderich Station of the Ba - Apply. if hy letter kostpaid,lo Goderich C. W.. .STOR .TO RgNT.- , ........___. _ Wool 1.1 ctory Office. to the sub. 11 For ter s,.&c., applrat Logan's To- RENT+ TA6E, With good garden, ' Stanley, i th County Of Huron, con - la] ninc WO aeres more or less, having consider ab eclenrings ther .on. Terms liberal. D. SHADE GOO -DING, ;Meech. April 29t1i, 1864 ' w13,.0 .111 I - NI to RENT LET NIS_HAftE.S.!- UNDEEVg.GXED will let his farm ia .1_borne; lots and 11, 9th coif., either on sl resin' otherwise, 04 may be agreed upon:. The TWO HUNDRED:ACRES 10t1 of whieh.areciettid, and 80 five of stumps. F VE ming op .c4-01)76-troir, a only threerni es &pin two Saw -mills. Barns, pa tieuhirs apply o 1.0.6t;RT GIBBONS, Esq., li ..elling,:hotiss ,..ei in 4.1-ood order. . Per ftirther FAItig- to 'LUNT v.‘ 04.11411 GRAVEL ROAD,. gUBSORTOR wishes -to rent his Lo II, eon 81,11, townshiP of Col- a clear ot stumps, 11 acres stuniner4allowed Tall W heat. 11 fenced. Gbod new frame X ill be let for a terni ot veer.: as may be agreed on. For luithe particulars, apply on the ,piem- DIENT OR SELL AN EXCELLENT N-Elcti STAND.! ONSISTIN, G Olt TWELVE ROOMS, ivith Iarao Stable Sh, dipunip and large gale!), b6rry;and' know 14- the name of the BLUE. 1 - E SEMI—WEE LY1 SIGNAL. iliONEY TO LEND, .ON DIPROVED "ARMS, Some to vest In Town— Property. UORS • ! ONEY TO LE • DOR' ITER FARMS • ON §olicitor, 'west Street, oitce over R. BOoth.'s Dry ..Good -Store, t. A GE_ LOT OF I ARS NFU' RICE$ r ceries in all their vari$y, very ow.. Age CHEC ERED ne 14th, 1864 4,1 .1/11. rter. ETA. RE • put SUBS • RIBERS si-ou beg to inform his customers and the publipth t TH R E Dp RS FROM THE SQjUARE, will be ppene 'on the first o Manufacturint 'business; in work in he above busi Stine, '•foir transacting the WoolCarding, 01 connect -16A with his WOOL• FACTORY, Whe Ss Will.b6:punetually attended to. LikewiSe • B1 • ets and Stocking vartety of Urn, kept on han to exchange.for wool. Having this year added anothei • -FIRS CLASS - DOUALg CARDING to his estahli ment, be prepared to execute farmer's, work to any re amiable- 'extent on short nett e. Customeri coming to the factory theiuselves.will be•promp ly attended to . as formerl and particel ruttention will be paid to tlios.e from a distance wishing their sUbscriber ho of his custom ef.• Reale ile thankful r the liberal patronage of former years in the ab ye business, the es by strict tention to business and sparing no expense in m ting the a.ants. rs, to still receive a, share etlic same. • Importe ormerl • RAVE REMOVED TO THE; Black, usuarheavy supply of Drugs, Pateot Alec -Reines, Ste., they on hand a largelstock of I C Li T R. A L. E S directly fronfone Of the oldest and most -reliable houses in GlaSg Scotland TREY XT.A.VE ALSO RECEIVED A LOT. Or PRIME -COFFE. S •41, -T_osAqcots 7 For Medical slid Family use GODElt MI, -April 9, 18;63. INT- V70 V.41,,UABLE FARg I TO RENY! -1-0T- No. 10, concession 3, To•Wnship -oiCode- are waders, high state of Cultivation, with a rst large Orchard bearing fruit- and a never-fai mg spring ereek ranning.throogli the lot • situ ted two miles from the Town of Goderich. 01 twO/E0:1317:::::::y 10 M._ ameron. Esq..So Goderich. Jane 9th FOR SALE. eligible property lathe Totru of Goder ch Qatlitts 'id 8100 And uPwards. advanced _REAL ES TATE withontldeluy th Ciederieh. TIstSJEruly•A3/41:it166486;' CLAntw".23:16n; Money' to 'Lend ,HE subsriber lias$20,000 63 loan able terins. to oderieh419th August. 1864. ON MST -CLASS MO TGAGES. Apply to - JOHN DA ISON, CfOPERICTI', June 16th. 1863. svz82tf NEY LTO END EIthiT. PER CENT , One Hundred Dollars and -upwards 1 -cit.tigps NEW _BLOCK Goderich, Sept, 81h; 1S64.- w33 AD-WAIRX Ro0g4i0.. Ptovisiox Lutiberi §kingles, Lath, Phf Doors: fle. 107 Agent.for the sale of GUR Blacksinitlf& Bellows Poi Salo ISy Godetich., Man 47; 1864.: vl4n36 .A811 --AND BLIND The undersigned has Pn hand . 01, El ABB 1111 v.LUMBER LARGE WOODSilED.a. STABLE I Situated on EAST STREET and y1CTORIA STREET (two leading thoroughfares) and on NEW GATE Street.. the present oecupalit, or to Rev, Wm, -Orin' on Hamilton. yeryfavora.ble terms will be e for CASH or tor- good endorsed paper at t or dates.- Immediate pease:woo will I* given. , FARM SALE. • CEDAR. DA.RTLESIdesirous of obtaining First vials be supplied in any -quantity, and on lemon& terms ,by applyingto , A LORING I ilsiETURES HIS MOST SINCERE TRANX4S it -for -the Tem,' flattering encouragernenthe hits xich, not being able to execute 'over bne-Iniff 0 -the orders brought to bun last Carrying mi buss Warm Bu 4als,k ort Homo 10111 YS -I- Office and employing none but lirst-class tradesmen', -And as D. A. believes his eiTerience 2$ Critter it second to none in the Province, havingearrierl on - p_Itter"sspalleyxtfie*t!-Nerfass.a;dstliiien=11 VI* el_ it: discerning Public that - : CLOTHING CAN HE ihe:illoth concession; .tbe Nest hat ,01 SARNIA 47D with about'forty cleared, the rest good bard 00ft land and a tiever-fEuling spring on the lot. There' - SO TH AMP TON on. • Title indisp table. Apply to thepropriqtor, A 'FAR1VI. of 00 acres of land, 54 om J-01. SIODERIC ; 60 -acres cleared, with ood roadSleading,th rem. ' .Time will be given r large' pottion of he purchase money. Forfar. Thor particulars apply to.l. B. GOK.DON, Esq., Goderich.9th Noveiriber 1863. -1.41.41 AR FoR§AL Lth' ;con. Al Township of 4744, mite from Wroireter, Oa • • PTicen Vilna swam Crown Atoi 186110 THE GRAVEL R Log hobs° and bern; Farm in Bosanquet FOR SALB TIRE tiii1JERSIGRED. oirersfor sale art* le; L ',tot 20, 12th con', township of Rosanquet, Countrof•Lambton; The farm.consists of _O*E MITPREI). Ap. S, sia-tY of which are - cleared. and situated lie a station of the -G. Railway. There`18 a LOG. BARN oti the -lot. • For ParticUlina apply - c. oonDox, Goilerieb w27tf tOTS 13,67, to 13,7 near the RAILWAY .1.4 STATION, Goderi 7 for 6150 each; At -Five Years Credit, or longer if required. Apply to FOLLOIVINir PROPERTIES Lei .13°ruTrise'.eill7TVi8.1i'lilisaig:eliiijagf18eit'ljsiviegsrl'Id4iltu2a°a1:teci'li31105'alti9tehICei:munfahlYne Lot Number ,'. Sourk side -of Mechanics' ,Irlr. Avenue, fit the -4 of Kincardine, azid-Loup47, 48, 49i„50, .0,52 Ind 3-„, in the Village ofliivers- dale, also 75 and 5gcs est side of Victoria: Str t, in theTown OfXincardine, County of Bruce. fLots.Numbers.3, 4,. t., On the Borth An the ham Market &inure, in the trills& of Moen/line, Coriaty. of Bruce, containing one-guaiter -of an sere or lend each, with die iiiiildings-thereon; Ise -Lots 5, Cand 8 On the Vol -ism Road; and 1ot , pa the North side of' the pub= Road, in the Township of Itineardines.tteontannag--50 alms 1Lots31 and 32 on West side ci, Queen _Street tit the Town Or Kiactirdine. ‘, ' 1 n26- rrnk & CO. FOR S RE, follawing tfands,nre'efered for ale. on TEM: 0 11301(181 tarn -tillt4t 1121 rill5glEJ• 2111:0:2111C -114,7aCIC tatir0..sflitirier cent', aoturers of Grist „and .:Flopri • 4.conurteniedbesines-s GOd' alio wilt keep. = hand aria wake to artier Waggons, Carriages, IMIZTGIV • Arco ; OF COUNTRY WORk lust** 'executed on'snotrt netted and at revolt.. AMOS MARTIN. 1 4re imp E.,„ kalAPts 4. As Erfs urn ort N %YALU' 10180Ni the Village of -Kincardine, being fur the pur- 1, Alia& Ora Pablie -Cemetery. The Debentures payable en tie 20th .litnuary, 144 mut. haye yearly on the 140 nays of January -and Jnly 01(41471,1V ' lirM. SUTTON Reeve. and Itiiapi4i Machine ernde- y's, - Peterson's, for Oepher; al eastintsmadeiand Blacksmiths' Mork done aosat and substantialmsoner, asting,s of any descriptibb made lo order.. Also; all kinds or mitchinery • Alwys's hand, Sugar Kettles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes. As our putts i of t of the:mo approVed hind, we would solicit au inspection of our stoc befo e sewhere, as we are offernag the above at the lowest remunerative prices for cash, or or,ap- proved Creditt Old metal, Brass, Copper, and all kinds of produce taken 'n exchange, 1301 liY116,tPc.k:Ze.iercA North,/ 20 in 4h fon., loofseFpg,„ / 4h eon., 3,01Ystrest . in connection 'with Ike * B IlintIO _an 4t 1 1,14:0172Zzlikijailits„37-. flopERter V, litclutosh,. Master, between - The leanadian* having teen puraissed for UM. route, overhauled and refitted in a saperier aka- ner, _win ply during the season, -of navinatioer. making the above connections, (wind anii -Commending On Monday:018th, Wilt leave ftederich feraintiamprowefely day, Weduesday, Thursday and Saturday., -al I (Mock, a. in. Return sante. aflerition; Maytag Southampton at2 to"cloek, p. _at Kincardine:, Inverhuronj Port Elsie, 411,1APt., ,Bruee wh. en neeessaryevea:praelielt7174 t Will leave Goderich forSarahreild MONDAY AND THURSDAY-MEING, at 10 o'clock, arriving- 400i1sect with River Boat for Detroit upd Ws_.andi - will leave Sams! lind fen ,ituron form • aTt 111:Yo"BeloeSkp„ )A. mY, mAlir.nmedlite. lylPsittr:Dr tIMILifirnn7e.19 of the Clung TraultVrainitomPetapit,„ ; N. B.—Tickets tan be procured from,..m4:4 thc,gent. far $agthaw per steamer ittiren, or Chicago by propeller Niagara from qadjltich. For partulars as to rates of freight, &Bp, mitt to Oariter Ihompscin. ,J; lOoderteli- Awns:. 1864. aitiviW11.-tt SAMNA' „,, • ,colneetion With; Buffalo 111.. $3, ,F.XPRZEISt TRAMS TRE • TUESDAY ANDitAltAY Les.vcisSAGINAW for GOD 11 srery • fit Oaf 'Weston Bawiy- TURMAN-if r14 aria Stroke:1' i" at uks i.T1911:alni4 443:11;:f. ii.1,4tftifFe;lin.Q1174.4,0°A1CAlere.ti'eacis .949100ailet;auct:078:44,e're' ":0107/4,,, Ikitii-36-abd 10-com, 100 acres each, PR7T,NVIDM1041‘:0,060,(.1.04104 THOMAS .GALT,:E44.$ -1.1:111ti CMS .1411.1114 .) figer,,,„„".„..e."......r.rfi.....1, . ii.,...r.,,,...,...7.:11.4116.4.2......: poi so ale comfort 011) ,arlizonetecesarresdheittlheftuel:vestexatemmtiodwese;111917jakeibH:# ,,,ityjauranitheisc.,44taktimeittioalic ., ,_ may vett upolltsviiigrootfliordiet. idriptlist •A route,* a ;Mater airestadto/ travel -over it. - Fares. joxer 4