HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-09-27, Page 2ion Oionar.
GODERICII, C. =W.; SEP. 27, 1864.
Mr Mr. M. Blair, -Postmaster General
of the Federal States hasresigned his Seat
. in the Lincoln Cabinet, having been called
upon by Mr. Lincoln to do so. Mr. Blair
will now be able to throw the vrholz. weight
of his influence against Ohl Abe in the
coming election:
I aa
The recent case of alleged piracy on
Lake Erie by persons said to have been
Confederates harbored -in Canada inter-
ests. us only in so far asit might affect the
relationii subsisting between the two coun-
tries were the alleeaatiens true . as first
!tate. That to small vessels were cap-
tured by a handful of desperate " rebels "
is true, and it seems *beyond question that
the capture of t he war vessel
Michigan and the ultinette release of
• the, Confederate prisoners confined on
Jolrason'S Island were the main objects in
view, but the facts that have been elicited
by the Press on each side of the boundaty,
go_lo prove that the " pirates" every one
hailed Mira filet American -side; The
.beader of -Monday says Apart tem
"the aecounts which -hest appeared in
-_-_- -
sary'to give his Lordship's abstract in full.]
Ile remarked that lookthg back over a
-number .oryears , of legal experience he
was satisfied that thte bulk of the crime
that had come under his notice originated
in the low, groggerieS, to:preient the evil 1
doings of which t L new law had been
-framedThe law; n effe.et, amounted to
this, that if -a man rank 'liquor, in ainan's 1
; ' , '•
hpuse a--ndsthen went and conoritted sui-
cide, or Was found Pext_mbrnIng ..frozen ktol
death, the tavefa kiriseeper aa as Di' uch lia-1:
. .
. _ 1
ble as a railway- company for an -accident 1
arising from the .ca elessness of its ein- 1
ployees. , His Ler b itp then, directed the 1
. .1 Best 2 yrs old Filly, Alex Broadfooa 2nd Jas
- " Northern journals with regard tOthe
recentexcitement On Lake Erie, we have
. _
" made personal enquiries into the matter,
" end have failed to dise,over that any of
• the persons who Were concerned in the
"capture of the Philo Parsons and. the
"Island Queen either went on board the
fermi' vessel from the Canada shore or
"obtained-theirairmainent-suchs as it wae
4 ..---there. A Cleveland pager published
"the names of 'several parties who were
" connectid with the raid, and none -of
• " them are what.is ..coinmonly known by
"the name of refagee. They are all
." Northern "comm. 'heads," residents of
" Sandusky -and Cleveland. Of course
" this puts a very diffeeent complexion on,
- it 61... itraid2,
ince. - Is it stir lising, then, that such Larsbore.gh.
A. Myer showed -some =splendid setts of
harness. Very little fruit was displayed,
but the apples of Mr: Landsborough and
Mr. David Derance's plums would have
dem no disgrace to the County Show.
There were only _two bags of Fall Wheat
on exhibition, and the quality of the grain
was anything but first rate. Vegetables,
generally, 'awing to the dry season, avere
very iediffaeent.
The following' is a carefully corrected
list of' prizes awarded : •
13est Brood -Mare, Peter -McTavish, 2nd_Virm
\Ttlj er. •
Jury to enter upon the diPschaiee Of its
Bea FOitt W ,• illWlker, nd , ,ill
Martin sen. • • 1
Thomas McMichael.
i Be;thyoesairdein4tieFbiall4: lhomas_,HcAlichael, Ind
. a
I Best y_earting Geldieg, James Sutherlend.,
Bet Span of -Farm Horses, Win Baily , -2nd
- Win Elder. '- .• :-
: &eon CLASS.' -
Beat Milch Cow, Appleton ‘Elcocate, 2nd
Robt li Carnoehan.
.Best 2 years old Heifer, David 1,‘V_'elkert 2nd
Geroge. Sproet ere
r Best yearling Heiler, :Limes Dickson M P P,
- 2nd-AndreW McCue '
. . . _
Best yoke of Working Oxen, Ebenezer Bice
: • Kay, 2nd August VariE_gmond:
13est yoke of 4 Tears old:Steeis, Jas Ireland.
Best yoke of 3 years old Steers David Wel-
. ? -
Best fatted Ox, James Dickson .M_P.P, 2rid
THE ITARItitriEl SHOW. Alex Broadfoot. . -• , . .
Dickson M -P, P. '
f the best townsl ins iv - tee County THIRD CLASS,
TI ' Um- tercet -1y.= Best 2 yr e old Gelding, Thos McMichael, 2nd
le Queen vs, JaS. Hutton,
The prisoner, who is well known to* mOst
_ , s
of our Brant and Carrick readers was ar-
raiened ori a Cherie of havine stolen 70
pounds of wool front Mr. Platt, of this
town on the 21st iinst,and pleaded guilty.
Aller making: some enquiries of gentlemep
who had litiown Hutton in Bruce; his
Lordship said that in consideration of the
0 0 -
good character ht had hitherto borne, and
. .
in the hope that h would strive to outlive
the effects of this raasgression, . his pun-
ishment woald be limited to two weeks'.
imprisonment in ,tle common gaol.
- TORY..
g's VIC-
, Sept. 24.,
10 a m; -Major General e following
official despatch has just been re ,eived from
Gen Sheridan, detailing eome of the particle
tinsel' the battle itid victory. at F sher's Hill : every bolt brolierathebaaking_was penetrated.
Headquarters, Middle _ W d one of the rear supports injured. and Unit
stock, Va., Sept 23rd, 8am.
Greet, City Point1 taneot as
definite account of the results ot
yesterday. Our. lose 'will be lig,
Crook struck the left flank of
doubled it up and advanced dow
Rickett s division of the 6th armycorps swung
in; and joining Crook's Geity's an Wheaton's
divisiovs, took. up the snipe in Verbena fol
lowed by the whole line, and atta king beauti-
fully carried the works 91. the e emy.- _The
Confederates ihreW demi their nis and fled
in the greatest confusion, aband ning most of
I Of sloe ideal don n most of
the sea in front, and, „ricochetting, struck the
upper armor plate, passing throueh it and
the backing, practically demolishing the tar-
get.. -Boats immediately proceeded from the
beach, and on the dummy being reacbed it
was -apparent that all -that had been said
hitherto of the superiority of the guns over
arnior plates tvas coefirmed. The upper ar-
mor plate had dropped from the target with
Lient Gen. portion of the dual- illy which. wOuld represent
et -give any the deck was more or less covered With bolt
he battle of he ids and splihters. _ a word, the third
,General shellswOuld have arrested the ,progress of any
the . enemy, non-ciad afloat, usseminw -Stich iron -clad to
their line & have been forcing the .Sepithead or Needles
passage at 2,000 yarde. Not a, mep would
have survived at the guns,- spd very ugly
heleefor stopping would have presented itself
in an free -chefs side:- Whet the effect_ of
the shot would have been had there been., no
previous ricachet before striking" theetaeget,
it is impossible to say Probably the. whole
wood -backing of the target would have been
destroyed, and no doubt the third as well its
t greatest co u
their artillery. It was dark bef re the battle
ended. I pursued on. alter the nemy during
the night to this point with the th and_19th
corps, and have stopped qere to reit tbe men
and issue rations.' If Gen. Curb t has pushed
down the Suersey :valley ace piing to my
direction's, he will achieve grea results. I
do not, think tfiat there ever was in army s0.
badly routed. The. valley soldi 1.8 are hiding
away and going to their homes. 1 Cannot at
esent give you any eeturnite prisonerie-,
thing. - The
1,1'00 criminals -or al little more than -a
sixth part of the whole population. It
adds "The crops are short-mmiey is
tight -the troops are withdrawn, and'our
priecipal-streeth are partly in ruins by ii-
cendiarism. The prospect is not the
brightest, and calls loudly for reform."
'T• hink of $21i -for a, watermelon! That's
:what therpay'in Dixie.
Eight milliona Of dollars are invested in
Whiskey spectilations in Chicago.
In Connecticilt hist Wednesday night, a
frost did unichdarreage to :tobacco and other
crops. .
The ccnrimander of the rebel pirate Talla-
hassee, John Taylor crod, is a grandson of
Piesident Tityloiej • •
The new Grand Trunk ferry boat at Sarnia-
wis launched on the 14th she as named the
• Gr. W. Spieer.1"
the second armor would have been started.
Gouin, o Chatham, C. W.) was kill -
After the firing of third shell, it was im Win
ed on board' the arsarge) at the battle off
possible tnetrilre the target fairly, the low
yherbbilrg. -. •
charge at which tbe gun was fired- rendering
the shooting ot the guee&M..ewhet wild.. Capt.,
Alderson; :confessedly One Of the best shots at
Shoeburyness, laid the gen to accuracy, but
the fourth shell', missed the target, and passed
to the left through the framework._ The fifth
shell fared no beer, pa-ssing above the tar-
I.pushed en regardless of every gete-and ihrou,I;h the ruins- of -the previously
. James A. Campbell, formerly of the
Chappian, Milton, is now publishing the
Hellen Gazette, at Whitbx:
The residen0 of W..W. Sutherland. East
Nissouri, was robbed on the 14th inst.,. of
notes and money worth about $500.
and to the threetect against the lands and tette--
dumber of pieces of' artillry sorted captur- demolished franiework. And with the •fiftli There are in England and i'Vales at large
The telegraph cable. which lies submerged
in the bed of the Si Lawrence, between Pres -
co t and pglensburg, having 4.ieen found to be
leaky. has been raised to receive repairs. It.
has been doing service at the bottom of the
riyer for sen or eight years.
OF nAn.wAx CAttatAoc.-OnSundaynight,
the 14th nit., when the 8 o'clock • tram. from
Gargrave had just left the -station, a mien .
named Edwerd Kneeghaw, from Low Moor,
after -using insulting languag,e to a young
woroan named Mary Wan, of Skipton, at.
temptid-to throw her out of the carriage. --a -
He openel the carriage door, and, but for ,
the prompt assistance of another passenger,'
would have accomplished Iris threat. At
Skipton Kneeshaw was given into charge,
and was on Monday examined before Mei e
J.,Lonsdale and remanded Wedness
day. -[Leeds Lonsdale, and
By the Rev. R. Whiting, on the egtfr
inst in 'We Wesleyan Chinch', Gedelielre
Mr.-Williatn Blake, to Susannah rub%
both of Colborne. -
United:Counties-of Y. Virtue of -11. writ Of
litirOn and Bruce, Fier, Facies issued out.
To wit . of .11er Majesty's County
Court of -the 'United Counties of Horton and Bruce
shell the firing at the fat get elide., all present 5,995 known -thieves under .sixteen_ yeara-of Herr; 1 nave seized and taken in exeeutiontll the
hell) 0,onee more satisfied that the guns have age, and 28,261 abore that age right, titte and interest of the *aid defendant in
44' • H. SliERTAN, Maj-Geh." -
ments of Dens Hagerty. at the suit a ..bssephl
You are directed to cause. n
of 100_ great ,,zuns.iiir the yictor
venson report's:that 3,000a/rise
field, had reached: Windheete
--Reinforcements and supplies
warded to Gen Sheridan.'
.Washington, Sept 24e 2.30
Best Fatted Cow, GeOrge Walker, 2nd Jas
This Exhibition, in which two or three .
• ' Best Eleireeter Ram aged,- Humpliry Snell,
0 AR •
joined, came off on Friday last, 23r1 inst.,
21 -el Chri3topher Dale.
and was a compl e . success. The day Best bhearling ham, John Elliott, 2nd. Edwin
Cresswell. • . ' -
was all that could be desired, . notwith-
standine the lowering appearance of the pest Rani Lamb do,- Christopher Dale, 2nd
Wa ter Coivan. • . •
morermg. : be afteedance of people pair of Ewes, II Snell. 2nd H Snell._ -
was Best
very large indeed, thousands of visitors ipair shearling Ewes, II Snell,' 2ad do
Best pair of Ewe -Lambs,' El Snell, 2nd _Wm
tbeing prese t from. all parts of the sur-
Stonernant 3rd Walter Cowan.
rounding c untry. Canny. old farmers Best pair ot fat Sheep, II Snell, 2nd David
'1••r • -
Came to ccimpare otes, and see - the pro- ampbell. .
Best Boar over one year old, Jas Martin jr.
gres.s made .,by their neighbors 'in stock- Best 1,34aar ander one year old, Jaine_s Suther-
raistng,_ their pretty *daughtets- came along,. land, 2nd Augnst VariEemond. ,
be seen. Mrs;,, qigna/ will eel bejealous 1.'Fi Carnochan.
-•. • • . •
• • "
of course,: to sec' qii11.-;-sifaIl we mg, had pigqin 1861, Samuel
say. it, w ..Best Sow ha
est four under one -year old, James Dick-
if we note the 'act that Tuckersmith, scal" P 13' 2"d d°
McKillop, &,O., Ca turn out as fine a lot A„ty, mitcheu
1. -Judges of Stack -e -J W Godericb
.Ja.s Hislop Grey.
2, bushels of Fill Wheat, Samuel Fitz -
of bexoni, houee g, &Thing', pretty and i best
loveable lasses ae any section in the Prov- sinious, 2i1d- Alex Taylor:
Best. hree- named varieties of 'Apples -Bribt
' The -Court was formally opened before
his Lordship„. Mr. Justice lIagarty,:on
Monday_ :evening, . on the arrival of *the
Express. train, after Which the Court ad-
journed without going-, into further busi-
ness. • .
This (Tnesday)-. morning Court • was
. opened.at 94'clock. Nee. Cameron, Esq ,
of Goderich, appearing as Crown Counsel,
by appointment. - Around the bar- we
noticed R. A., Harrison, Esq., Albert
• Prince, Esq., Thos Moss, E'4, C. Bobin-
son;Esq., besides the local members of
the bar, nearly all of whore were present.
The followinc, gentlemen of the Grand
0 . ,.
Jury iinswered to their names : . -
Joseph Alien, . ' Patrick Carrol,
. C. R.:Commander, C. Crab!), •
lqiftd Gardiner, .- It Brace, . .
Thos. Govenlock, ' john Inglis,
,Richard Manning, . Angus MeKa3r3
Allen McLean, ,.. Alex. Wilson, .
, That. WilS013, . John Treleaven.
. Mt. Treleaven was seleeted ai foreman.
Charging the Grand Jury, His -Lord-
ship said the Caletidar presented to him
was not, considering the great extent of
the -Counties, a very formidable one, many
- cases of minor importein.ce having .been
disposed of by the Quarter Sessioni.--
There was one case wherein a person, was
charged With having I attempted • to hire
. - British _ subjects to -Serve in a 'foreign
- country. ., He was sorry to say that this
charge was very prevalent throughout the
country. There were some twenty per -
eons awaiting trial for the 'Area in To-
ronto gaol,- and cases _were. continually
occurringell along .the Western frontier.
The offence was vary plainly defined by
. the A.ctof Parliament passed to meet such
cases, and the object of that Act was to
prevent native born subjects of he Queen
• . - from going into privite war, or war on
. - __, their own - account. . Nothing. could be it has received - -Our friends, Runciman
' MOM galling to ' a nation than that the .8a Co.,' of Goderich;showed Iron harrows,
subjects of a friendly:eountry should take
aides in a straggle against theni ,- His.
_ Lordship,. and he was sure many others
- present, had bitter recollections of the
_manner ii which this mode of enlistment
watt used against us- . during the serious
disturbanei or 183778-9. The ill-bloodthus
-created between the Countries had taken
- ,
-yegre to allay. Since the commencement
of the'present war, many of our . young
men had been taken away from the peace-
fiii itirsuita of Agriaulture, and enlisted
in the ntilitary service of a foreign nation,
frequently tinder -niost extraordinary cir-
:ennistanees.- Not only were men purchased
.. at most fabulowtwrates„ but in some cal&
„Alley hat been drugged, or brought under
the influence of intoxicating liquors, and
on "awakening found themselves attested
soldiers of a foreign state. , These: were
' tety improper things to be goiog on while
we were at peace with beth the conteecling
attractions shoo
young inen._? I
d bring out shoals of
is surprising, however,
Best wo varieties of Ebiums, David Doranee.
Best -alf bushel of OniOes, Dr Chalk. -
that such a con+lereble nuniber ofthese 2ad Francis Fowleti - -
Best Rollection of Vegetables, :Rich& rhotnp-
-latter should; urder_ the eirctiinitanees, Best 4o lbs salt Butter, Henry Chesney, , 2ad
Pay So much attention to the tavern -corm- RIICarnoChane 3rd David Campbell, 4th
Robert Scott B S. •
Best five lbs fresh Butter, Robt -Seott 33 S-,
ters and whiskey isooths generally., Older,
if not wiser pers ns, inFlined in the same r,2nd David ' Ctimpbell, -3rd Dr Cluilk, 4th
direction, mid th . censnrn tion of jail ; Sainuel Carnocha,n..
Repub/jcan- 'extra makes- the -
ributieement: -- I TAM' edverof
aimed saltite
. Gen:. Ste
ri, from the
ffie ,been for-.
iy. ion! W2Tr.he•
°flowing an-
ent 'received
depaichee from Gen Ste'vrison ,his mornine
. • "17
dated' Ilerper's Ferry, arinounc nw that 2.000
, 0 .
prieoneis• from Swishing, reale ed Wiriches
ter lot night. He also siys tit I 1,600. of the
prisoners Captured the 19th its., near . -
chester arritred at, Harpers Ferry this morn-
ingiaind that 1,600 mere are y t to aim,-
A later. despatch received trom en Sheridan
this a. m. annoUnees. that 1,6001 More prison.
ars were. captured at Straalibur -on th 22nd,
and reached Winchester this Meining, ' ' When
last heard lione'Gen Early's a iny waslying
-down-the-valley, panic stricke ; Sheridan is
iu hot Pursint and near Woodst ck." ' •
The Acadia flitting Out for
"A gentleman,. who erriyed 1
Lady Headon Saturday, infer
- splendid steamer Acadia, wide
r P . est • )
B 25 Bs Cheese George Sproat je, 2n4
i•qtrl and other tbrosiai liquids during - John McMitlian,',31-defaines McMichael.
the day was s
Surely the tte
neighborhe d
. s
creme of th . ivqrietl talents. Whiskey-,
as an.agric ltura implement, is not very
highly spoken 0 and it is deployabla. to
think that so many of our Cariadian farm- Best pair of Gloves, James Sutherland.
Bair of ..Blankets mill dressed, Rebeit
ers visit Aericuliural - Shows, not so'. Mush B'st
to improve theirstoble Of ideas, as to have .12sIteplfiarni;f Blanket -a tind re -geed, Aleir Dread-
- a
a. spree whieh Shall *disqualify theni for the
sober duties of lifetor a week th come., Best pair common -13ocits, George -Fowler.
Passing the variotis catch -pennies spread Best sett double team Harness Fritnz .1
. . , , . . _ _ / ..
RTDRIld;.WO anklet' entranee to the show Slyer. -, :. : . , .
'etleitiee awful to behold. I Best collection ef Ilorne-Made articles from
ie a vast field for -the ex- -Best ro vrds ClOtli, Thermin HMS, 2 -rid
cott.13 S.
Gilbert 31eMichael. • •
1 Heary Chesney, 2nd Robert
perance lecturers of the . • one libus-e,
Beat Cotton -warp Flannel, tor Chalk, 2ild
George Habkirk, . ,
Best pair of Woolin Stockinge, R Scott B S.
-foot, 2nd Thos McMichael.
t Best Home made Quilti Thomas Carter. •
. • e Best variety of Tinware, John Kild.
ground, but the way is throngea by a ,Jud ' d
'es-lhos heir, Clinton, .Denal Scott,
crowd .around.a eedy-looking fellow sta1V- Morrndade,George-Jackson Eemondville.
in,g on a.`Wagone What is it ? .Not -an
auctioneer, for we Miss- the "third and
last .call, goineseeine=eone." :We listen a
_ e 0 0 0
moment : " Mitgical So-o-ope; gentlemen,
only 10 cents a ' ake 1 ' -Take one-, my
" Na,_ fath, I dinna
ontrive to pass -the seedy
one, deciding inwardly, I st,that the direc-
tors should- hoiit him out of the passage
way, and 24nuk that an application of the
wonderful so-o-ive to the person of Mr.
Seedy himSelf-mild not beinniss. Once
inside, we c rnej first . to the implements,
The qhow intbs breach was - not large..
Chriqtian _friend
wantit I" We
The elegant Separator of Messrs. Glasgow,
McPherson.- & Co, of: Clinton --the only
one shown -was much admired. Mr.
John Grey's iron Plough was •also the
centre of an interested crowdof plough-
men. - The article. is really a splendid one,
and richly deserves all:the commendation
their celebratediMahaffy plough, &c., all
of which were duly appreciated. In Wag-
ons Mew*. Grassie and Taylor excelled,
as did also ;Watson & Bawtinheimer.
The shove of stock was very large, the
cattle generally being fine, healthy
animals, and in excellent condition. The
turn -out of horSes was larger than we have
seeilefore;andj,the quality of the animals
shown'bethkenSia Marked improvement. --
Splendid spans were exhibited13y William
Bailey, Win. Elder and James Dickson,
M. P.' P.
In sheeil, till stow -was very large, and
quality; -generally, first-rate, _It is grati-
fying to patios the rapid progress being
made itt She raising throughout the
country; riners manifesting a great de-
sire lo possbss themselves of the beat breeds.
'Mr. 11. S ea and other enterprising breed-
ers are doing ueh-sood; not only 'in pre -
curings a imals for themserves, but
parties; . His Lordship then recited the itt. selling
words of the Aet of Parliament, and ex- may req- tti
plaiiied the. law upon _ the subject.His and Lee te
Lordship said he was its the held of
leaking known to the Grand Juries any
. isnot changes of -importance ia the Taws
tithe country. He would read to Ahem
1mi abstract if very sweepinj-channe
aperle by ananactment pease& at the- last
assaiouref the Legislature, known as the
Istemperanee Act. [This Very important
. BIU eo-incidly .epitainised by the learned
Jiedite, having bow published in crime
oureolummOve do ntitititik. it.neces-
eir surplus stock to whoever
i , s Several fine Cotswold
ambs have changed hands
during tb4 pas week, and the effect' will
no doubt im visible at future exhibitions.
The iiiiide iOhow was not so good as we
have seed, but in some branches the dis-
play yes credia ble. Quite a number of
excellent samles of butter and cheese was
Best Iron axle Wagon, Alex Taylor.
„Best Wooden axle Wagon, Wm-Grassie.
Best Iron P:ough, John Gray. • -
Best Wooden Plon;gh, -John Gray, ... ,
'Best pair ot Harrows, linlit Raneinian.
Best sett of Horse Shoes, Robert Puttee.' :
Best Cultivator, Wateon & Bavoinhamer.
Judges -Archibald Bishop; .11s:borne,' Mr.
doe. and Michael -Hays, -Tuekersinith.
Thrashing Machine by Gleseow, McPherson
& Co: ()Hilton, highly recommended.'
Sett orBagery Harness, by . Franz. A M)er,
urpurhey. . , .
Sett -of Horse- Shoes by Thomas Elills -
. ,i e Ee
i4oedville.• . - .. .
Due a and Geese, hy" Christophe'r Dale, Tuck -
k et. with, .
-Fanby Work, by Richd -Thompson, Mitchell.
Also do -Donald McTavish, Clinton.
Francis Fowler, Esq., Special Prizes: for
ethe beet Feel get by his Hoise the Royal
Exibition, viz :--lst Wm Welker, 2ad John
Elueill, 3rd Francis Fowler
- GEO. S,PRGA.T, President. -
shown. Mr. •Chesney's butter and Mr.
Sproet's eh. were particularly Inc.--, ones. 'rho New adds. "The successful
The flannels, km., m
were gook and the accomplishment of this feat by and Untrained
an, is an evidence of remarkable powers of
lades, ag-'1. aifil were _ °n. hhandwith bbeau-endurance, and telipee3 anyiralking feat ever
tifol .menis of fancy -work Mr. S.. attempted Imre." '
TIONDON PITARTERLY.-The July number of
this popular British Review is to hand,
taining ably-witten articles upon topica of cur-
rent interest. The contents are :--Words
and Places, Ludwig Uhlanci, Freethinking -
its History and Tendencies- The Circassian
Exodus, Lacor4ai4, Christian Art, Public
Schools,- Travelling in -Eugland, The .House
of Commons. Republished by L. Scott & Co.
For sale at this OffiCe.
CONFEDERATES.15egerters say the Confed-
erates troops in Lee's- army are receiving
rations Of fresh beet from ;he drove -captured
froM Grant last week. They State it was
-114mpton's cavalry which accomplished the
feat. That they have 250 prisoners and
2,400 head of cattle, besides trains, homes,
.guas, &e, Someofthe rebel pickets offered
to trade fresh beef- for cafe() ,and other
articles: „ "-
ENGLISH COAST. -An agent of Lloyd's reports
that a large steamer is stated to have putinto
Diedup with signals for a-pilet. She changed
colors at Bremerhaven and hoisted the Con!
federate liag; The pilot who took her to
Bremerhaven believes she still remains theree
She steams ten knot/eat half speed. She is
reported to be commanded by Capt. Semmes,
has three hundred men on board, and is
.pierced for forty guns.. 'She is stated to have
been beat at Bordaine."
-town_bY . the
s us that the
wart in this
barber a few weeks ago, had 'fely: reached
Halifax and at hiet accounts.w taking in a
cargo of provimons- and ene_eagi a crew for
a voyage to Ch-arleston and -be k. Painters.
were busily at work' in. _painti 1.f- her tiler-
oughly otter in black, ,while ehers were at
work in preparing. a new proces to prevent
e . • • . .
sparks of fire and as little Re as neces-
sary ascending trOm her Stacks while passing
the 'blockade fleet near Cha lestoa taring
ihe uieht. The hands who t `ok' her. own
%sere offered large euing of mot ey go! to
accompaity them on the voyag , but they 11
declined with the exception o three 'yew
men belonging to the West.' She will eat
by the end of September, -in among thoCe
intending to -leave her are the seventeen
Confederate officers who left the Lady
Head te-day.-QuebecMertai y- 2014.
teen OW:if/Waite officers den
western conimands, were am
gers for:the Lower.Pt:ovinees
Lady Head on -Wednesday
The St. John NEM a
says theta msnmned
Forrest, completed the great feat of walking
sixty miles a clay tor six consecutive days, on
Saturday night last, between 10 and 11
o'clock, m this city. The last heat of. 20
mites was completed with apparently u much
ease and aa brutkly aa any bf the previous
FATHER, Po -e; Sept 2t.
merith, from•
as- passed this
She took the
cus, disabled
. The steam-
-el airiin"Yd at
he rebel loae
te on the re -
per steamship
d other papers
ceived by the
has there been
e war began. •
onvention, and
olicy has re
nomination of
thinke, as Mc -
by moderation
of pledgesehe
ent for .peace.
. ,
;Some seven -
'y front South -
ng the passen.
retie- stearnei
fternoon nom
it, on ihegreend, it was stated, that -the Ad-
miralty have at length laid their 'Acceunt
with the absolute Vulnerability Of any target
that they can produce. In the presence of
such gung as the 600-pourder, -armor-platine
is of,no avail, and the latest- change of Mr.
E. J. Reed is seid to be in the_direetion of. a
mere belt' of armor round ' the ,water, line.
This is the reasou why the Laid Warden tar-
get has been withdinwn, it being found fin;
possible to devise any combinattieri of wood
and iron that wiilt resist, shot from laege guns.
Eventually, no doubt, armor - platiugt now
restricted to the water line, will be discarded
altogether, and the feline _Problem will . he
the means of letting shot and shell pass
throug.h and through e ship's side with the
minimum of effect- to the ship and those on.
: The steamship North
Liverpool on the l2th inst.,
poiet en mute to Quebee.
place-.ot the steatnship Dant
at Queenston ca the llth
ship -Pertician, froin Queb
Liverpool Oo the 22th inst..
In London declined. 3 per ce
ception of American adv;ces
Asia; The London Times a
discuss the American news r
4sict. The Tinteasays neve
shch vigor displayed since t
comment e on the Chicago
t inks Prepident Lincoln's
eived a heftily check -by th
celellate, The Londoe Po
ellenhas betardistineetishe
he is installed President fre
would assent to any arrapge
-Siring of the 600- minders --
- •
(From the London
The 600 -pounder 133 i
muzzle -loader was fired oneT
burynese, in the presence of t
the ex -royal family ot Franc
floating Warrior target, bro
the Sheerness dockyard for
Oriwinally it was intended t
'eh Armstrong
esday at Shoe-
e members. of
and 'Unite, at a
eht _over- from
he. purpose. -
it the target
should be- fired at from 2O00- yards, the
'distance between the new SP thead forts, hut
the Ordnance Select .Corn itteevin their
desire to avoid the desabline
a foul shot at so great a dista
target at 500 yardsaud redu
of powder from 70lb. to 51b. to represent
the target -by
cee moored the
ed :the charge
the effect at 2,000 yards. It
Lime, to be regretted that t
range -firing was not incur
British soldiers stand in need
of additional practices at gre
deubt it would have -been dis
illustrious visitors to have tv
ing of the target at the onse e but, after all,
visitors at Shoeburyness, ma always lay their
account with disapointments because them is
hardly evera day's firing t is not marred
by something or other, Cu ter_ after cutter,
and barge afterbarge drop; tato the line oi
fire, and thereisno Lelp f it but to take
a seat on the bank, and ierciser all the
patience one can conunan4 The floating
Warrior target ot Tuesday 1as composed of
44 bleb armour plates, with backing vf 18
inches of teakia two layers laid across each
other. The dimensions of he section were
fength'Ilfeeteby breath !Q feet and the
iarget was in thecentre of a jwood fratnework,
30 feet -by 20 feet, mountedi on -a dummy.
fiefront of tee target, on th bank, stood the
great gutaithe Only one yet- possessed by the
of the day was
is, at the same
risk of long
ed,i. becabsee if
of anything it is
t distances. No
ppointing to tbe
nessed theloul
The Observer describes a -new preparation
of paper of a remarkable eheratter. The
uses to which this kind of paper may be ap-
plied were explained on the 13th ult.,. at the
Phcenix Works, 13ettersea:---
There were tubes -made of paper. which had
been tested in the most - satisfactory • manner
as rocket•tubes. Being made of paper, they
are. of course, very much_ lighter than the
ordinary irien tubes, and they gond the test of
rodket tide's -equally as well as those of metal.
Not lets reeniarkithie werethe thieik BIOS end
boards made of paper. 'f hese boards, of one
inch in thickness, had been tested ly -bullet
and bell, and 'the result .sliovved that their
poWer of resistance was equal to ten incheg of
solid oak. The bullet, which had paned so
far through the piper. hoard as AO cause a
erojeeting .surfaee nt the rear, would, have
.g.ine. Omit through the oak, framinine it
and teariug it,: in. all directioas, while
in the paper board -the perforation made win
a amid, clean round hole. nese paper
boards are adinirably adipted.for the sides of
ships; their specific gravity is somewhat less
there that of oak, and they are easily fixed to
the framework Of vessels_ They have, hew-,
ever, this -advantage .over umber, they de not
require copper sheeting to prevent fouling,
they are ROM absorbent; and neither -animal
nor vegetable life flourishes' upon their sur-
face, as is the case of timber or iron. They
have else this furtheradvantatfe; that they
ereiricembuitible. NO amount f heat will
set tkeni M a blaze: The applicitien Or :i,r,reat
heat will produce' eeinbustion in theimmediete
neighbourhood of the flame, but anything
like ordinary burning is quite out of the ques-
tion.: - - ;
In -addition„ however, to -all these good
qaatities, paper has positivly theadvantage
oyer timber and iron in the matter of cost.,
Szerletny, the inventor', . well known for
the suecessful manner iii which he has arrested
the decay of certain porkiens of the exterior
of the Houses of Parliament, -has discove•ed
a fibre which grows in the -southern pont
of Germany, and which liety.'be conve
into •a rough kind of paper at a eent so tri
as to.enaele him to Competewith the but
.of tiniber andironships.
• Not contente. however, with forming the
sides of his ships of paper,- the inventor is
now engaged in -the construction of:light
field pieees, specially adapted . for mountain
warfure, and these, judging from results
a.lrea y obtained. by experiments . with
country, and the programm
as follows The iron ta 'get to be ooreO
at500 yards fionithehatter , where the 13.3.
inch gun is mounted -2 common wood
target to -be moored at th same distance,
but just clear of the iron o 6.-3. bike oue
or more of the east -iron is ell (same shape
and sleet:and brought. -up to the same .weight,
6121b., as the steel shells) it the wooden
target as inlets to ascertain the correct eleva-
tion. -4." With the elevati
fire steel shell with Alb
until one good hit has been
5141b. -The first shell mi
penetrated the arood frame
inconsiderable holes. -
grazed the read of the
bUrStiillg MI the wood fra
-The third -shell, toe low for the target, struck yearly orop dal** In this oitY Of *TOT
n thus obtained
burstini clm,rge
btained ; charge
the target, but
urk, making two
e seem& 064
per -.aemor-plate,
-work, .a Jarge
• Mr. Wm. Logan, of Mitchell, .•was killed
recently, by the horse on which he -was riding
stumbling and failing on him.
The leading -men of Troy,' Albany, and
other pleeesnt a recent meeting, decided to
and to Lot Rnmher Twenty-three, the Mk
ebneession ofthe Township of Morns/ ihe
County ot Huron, with -the- building, thereon
-erect-ea ; which lands and tenements I shalt offer
for sale at my office sif the Court Hou1e in
the town. ok teexteneh, • on Tuesday, Ike
third day of January next, at the boar of
make a reduction of ten dollars a ton in the 1 iveefve of the -clock, noon;
price of iron. ,
...A locomotive on a trial trip passed on the
15th ult. from Spain into France Across the
mountain. More tha,n sixteenanilett- of tunnel
had to be traversed.' -.
A hog nine feet long, and 1,162 pounds, in
weight, died iitt Palmyra, ' Wisconsin, the
other day. His owner wes just making pre-
parationg to exhibit him. - -
THE HON, .3FACDOEDA.1,L) it IS said
will seek election for the County of South
Lanark, Mr: Bell, the present member, hav-
ing, as it, is alleged, eonsentedtto accept an
offide under the Crown. It is likely the Pro-
vincial Secretary will be elected.
QueeedsCurrou Horse. -There is to be a
full and thorough enquiry made as to the or -
tem of the.burning of this edifice. We be-
lieve it will comntence on Monday or The
following day. 'This enquiry is much required
as there are several centradictery statements
as to the cause of the fire,:
' Seamus Accipest-One day last week a
little boy of Mr. James Norrisl.ef the town-
ship of Ifsborne, while playing in the pasture
fields, was kicked by a vicious horse and fell-
ed senseless to the ground. D. Cowen, of
Exeter, was immediately called, and under,
his treatment the little fellow is doing well.
Some fritruals have represented that in
consequence of the probable .litteness of the
meeting of the next session of Parliament,
the legislature wotild be 'enabled to meet at ,
session wiil lie any later than usual. Assoon Ottawa. It is noel. scarcely likely that the
as the termination of the Quebec conference
is arrived at, mmieters ean prepare for the
meeting of PerliaMenteand it will, no doubt
be called together. as sbon thereafter as is
practicable, with the work of the different
departments.-Singston News.
• - . Shand R.& if,
ByS. POLLOCK, Deputy Sheriff -
Sheriff% office, Goderich,4 -
23nl September, 1864. i
_ .
TIIEIINDERS1GIVED BEG. sincerely' -to-
thank his friends and the travelling public
generally for the vete liberal .patronage he bat
enjofed for the past inne years, and would re -
'His new infuse has been the/mighty reparedeata
spectfully ask a continuance or their.r.ropaprtrieontoar:e;
will he fottadcompleteinevery particulars
' Goclerich, Sept. 26,1864. • sw7
Parcels of Stationery.
In quantities to suit
Country Merchants,
-.Miss Kathedne Southey, the tbirdand only
unmarried daughter Of the. poet, died -on, -the
6th of August cocV•estion of the brain; - at
Larthwite Cottage, Keswick, aged fifty-four.
By her deathaecivil list pension_ of £100 per
annum reveal: -te the Crown. She was
buried on Tut -Way 'Cr_ostwaithe church
yard under the shade of -Skidclaw, where
already repose her -father and mother, aud
brother Herbert, the - eldest 'borne and tier
sisters Emma and Isabel, -
At the Office-.
All the new Novels
Reeeited as published, at tie
Book end Stationery Store.
°deride A.ugust little 1864. w20
der /
mood -
So flee as we were enabled to ascertain the
process ofinannfacture, it consists in lapping
aheets or rolls of paper moistened with a
solution of which zopisse is the _principal
ingredient, one over the other,until the regd.
site degree of thickness of strength is at-
tained, arkl exposing the material for a short
time until it becouics thoroughly hardened.
The zeopissa is of the nature of a gum, and is
found in considerable quantities in Egypt, IR
has the peculiarity of, giving extraordinary
hardness to any surface upon -.which it i -
placed, and it was very -extensively used 1.11
the preparation enipleyed for preserving -the
stone in the exterior of the House of Com-
mons. It has 'alio been used for the exterior
of tbe Bank of Fnglend, the -interior of the -
-dome of St. Patin' on vvhich Mr Penrose 'has
tubes, will be found to anssver the pur-
datirably. Tubeg have already, been
cif this prepared paper, and they have
he test against iron an the. most satis-
manner. :
HE SUBSCRrBERS ifearly, completed their PALL AND WINTER
STOCK, -which comprises almost every article necessary for the trade, 'VIZ;
• e
painted his freteoes,it has just been applied LAdiee
with extraordinary success_ to the arches of
the London, Chatham -and Dover RairwaY,At
4be Elephant and Castle Station, wnich have
lately suffered consiclerablifrom damp, And
the infiltration of Water from the roadway:
There appears to be no limit 'to, ,the'appli.
cation of this useful nuiterial. In addition to
the preservation of paper, linen, steno, bricl4
plaster and other material, another -most use-
' ful application of the advantage. was shown
in the perfection of material resembling
dock paper, and suitable for carpets, which
can be prepared °fatty color atd with endless
variety of pattern. A slight alteration is -the
smode of treatment -converts canvas into a des-
cription of oil cloth Which will stand any
-amount, of wear, as May be seen from some
pieces which have been for several months
taid down in the workshop at Battersea. The
materials of a louse are no*in'.construction,
for the'parpose of showing the adaptability
of--ibe paper boards to the construction of
emigrants houses, tempory churches, aud
barracks. Already large quantities of a
materiel known', es " Dermal's," or leather
cloth, is manufactured by the tum of this ex-
traordinary substance?, and made up into boots
and shoes, which rival in their durable quali-
ties the best kind of leather, and it is equally
valuable for preserving stone, brick, works in
plaster, Or any similar substance. _
-The moral condituin of Loo -7l toP
is not to be envied: The Prototype says
the yearly contribution of this -city' to tllo
jail and penitentiary is 532 criminals. ---
Add to this 12,00 persons, yearly charged
1)ortion of which wentiato • air 113 &shower. robbery and
and Gents' Felt
They wish partieulirly to draw attention. to *lir stock of DRY 600DS, wu b
The READY-MADE CIA)THING is most complete and manufactured in the
st and most Fashionable Styles.,
'ieDIES',FINS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. - Having iniportei a large quantity of
CI -401.730111 VELQIVI
We are enabled to sell them -
- •
AT PRICES - WHICH DErz comprfrffsiro
vo not forget to call When in Tewn'at the EMPORIUM, and inspeettheir
They wish to intimate tei their customers owing accounts end notes that they are compel*
. I to insist on PROMPT PA/MENU' - - _.
' ..
iffIR moll AND ..411GO
IL V. DETLOR 1101001
Gedirieli; Sept.* 1864.
will pleue
in (+nod
Will run w
opponent a
the people
__ea in fa
- -Pewit of
stant as
friends, it
-opened out
and Resta
- ff
Modern H
knife: 44 1'
OM baba
:the Lon&
Jar TI
Sound, -a
- ipras o
and WAS j
tug that 1
them as
the impte
- the ha
aid ihe f
-their prim
the gem
which it
:for. TA
blind au
Wished it
tural cal
IDA -gals
the tom
%and fiftt
loin, At
os. SWIM
_feel pi