HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-09-06, Page 4• 3 • SRINS STYLE NATE .,� FOR :TU 5//, MA 1.1. I ci` a.�i 1 ' .w r f. Goderich., March. 151.14-186t -1S6.i sw56: ; Debentures For Sale,, OFFERS wilt be received by the sub,:ernnter for the Durchase of $360 t%;ortn of tkltenture=d or ,tate 17.iilage of Kincardine, being: for the pur- chase, of.t Public t,'cuiettrv. Tile Debentures `ares payable on Lie (20th anu•try, 1*fi4. anti have coupons attached for the t)avnwnt Of ince rc .t half yearly on the. loot oat's u1 January and .J.oty in each year. - - W'ff i -`T10. .R;cve. • • - Kincardine. March 29ih 1Sd4. _ sw60- tf . I SASHAND BLIND �1f.ClT6RY: ; The understgued- has i+u hand a LARGE ASSO,F.TM ENT R SASH,.D�3C�S 13LIN DS•IO tLDING S, Everything required in the Building Lyre.. SEA$ONEW- 1 /1 E : ,I. PINE AND =MOCK A l rir LIN € CEDAR POSTS, LATH, FLOORING, ALIT ALL OTfE1C PLANING DONJ : TO ORDER. Wit. E. GRACE}_• tPr tprietor:. Goderich,. Aoril ?'th` 1'7.-13. • _ zw tt7tv13 • WAGGONS AND CARRIAGES. TriHE SUBSCRIBER TEGS; T O At* Nonxck to tale Public generale} that he has •reconunence(Jbusiness in Ciodericli,aria wilt keep on: hand anis make to order Waggon, Carriages, x4co3B'TNG - ALL KINDS Or. OOUNTRY WORK n hisline executed on short nonce and at rea,toh.- shit; prices:- / 'hops on Iiarniitnn: St., between • .Wells' Hotel and the Store of Messrs. Detlor & „Son, formerly' occupied by -Martin tfr `passnore AMoS MARTIN., Goderich, JAS.. 20th. 186.1. vat -1v -t • T SEM -W E-K.LY SIGNAL, - Spring Arrangement SARNIA, GODERICH, I NC:&RDINE AW1JES.d4sirous Cedar- for t} be supplied in- any ter1ns,..h applying - = Goderich.FO - _of, obtai ing First Clara t.nga: Building purposes can nd quantity, and on reasonable to "J W. ELLIOTT. .0th. 1804. 'w2. l FO*. OTS 1;1,67: L STATION, At: Fir, • or longer if re • Goderic'h April I t 1:WAY etu:h, to .13,77;_ near the A , Goderieh,`for $130 Years i Credit, uired. A pply, to ' M. (`; CAILRON. 8th, 16641, swG:2.wI1 B nSht'c • t • 3 tr ettl r n. fIYSICIAN, A—O ice arid East Street,: Godertcb.: ,2r. 21 arniltoti} .. SURGEON,. &e: I.esidence-At ii1Rs. ACLArD's,— • sw9$ ` r ATE `OF STA L '11:0N •ltuad:. I) r. Cole, NLEY-CLINTON, IILI (Mr. T1twaite?s former Store July 1,: 'b2: • 111Ieinto LITI'S lelkN McGill Co • n, 3T II,' C:.n1., G SU AG EON; $,c., (graduate lege, - - - - , v.1(iw31` ,,A... Ir' 1,�1IirOPAA c its,:. tk deed's, 1ukoriU A. T. Ur T r.;- \1 D'., � rescue; ;dotty i•tt) • - DR A: P111 I(rs.,-, tend, partic aperauotit,ahunt`t l'owieu._ Via:1A • . (' izt 0 Miall'- 1 Eit'S..: .0 aiwers &-e. 2I.C.l V\ft-,tO .... . Qinlench. Office; tit (Titan; Stet riltoff, AT. L)., Hie PITY SIC'T.4N, , -Itesi 1Knee at • lir. T. treet, Clinton M. 1)., .l .ottdon; tool .L\ ICUOL, ELLis, M 1).,, New . n24-6inos' WORTHINGTON, 014;l'()Y, .1;e.,- Will ifarlt-, to t_Itacases oftu,id surgical the -eve. t : , r.' bee. 15. IA62 jw47-1y SI'II= Eve- Yolk ' at- c !can .` ltlw god,. - T1`() I IN L'YS, CONVEY Goderich and Clinton.` - , ,.L Y. EL1 til). • - Gretton. -• a- TOW i doors north of the Post Office. _ vl"u47. 7Z =TTUII\E. (z _0 hat/rely C.o. of Bruce. illin.ui P.- -AAT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN .. Conveyancer. &e- Wake Ion, , : - ,vltin 15ylr Tlio IVIL 1 t - . Land Su 11anriltonStreet'.CTi is 1N -eat terald, 1NEER AND I'RO%INCIAL vevor:- Oiliee and lthsidenlee, ticac.,. vlru3 i -1 T ICI N'SI D 1.1 roomy,' of 1 MIc1)oizg;all', Uc CT ❑roil. - Sales in villa:e-or country punctually stteitde to. - John .M'Lay, R GISTR4R COUNTY BRUCE, Or 1� hexa•, Groliverpor• Street, South rnpton.: Southampton 11 -arch 14, t 64. ) w8-tf • A: I3ay, L)ROVINCI.�L LAND SLR,VE :OR AND L Civil. E:ngmee-Clinton: Jul 1, 61. - w9 -t y r$o Spring and Summer :; c ood�. AND SOUTHAMPTON-LLN £3 s_' 2 MILE MR - -:E SUBSCRIBERS .y HAVE: JUST •OPENE 0U T THEIR 1861. • 1861 I1, 4.13. Iiam1in, ' (tIVIL E`'(:�INCCR AND St1Vi YO1i v Land Ageand Conveyancer, Kincardine` J ohm Cnrnpbel l s : s3 . r E N E R AL -COMMISSION AGENT �.T Comini 'i tnerin:Queen's'Bench, torta-l-lna ithdhvitt., Conveyancer, &t., &-e,-.Dike ou Broad • vay.Vttlsreof1TIncardine.U:pk'• 9x9 • John Rome, -. c1OMMISST()NE11 I\ TuE COUfT OF. Queen's Btneh,C?vnveyanber, &c. A:Reg. retry kept of Farts and ;I`ittvn Lots for Sale; par- ties having Tots for sale, or desiring to. purchase will please seni tide patLculars. - .i . bunaannoa.Feb.2.Q.1S,,7:- . .. 9;9 G()DERIG peter: it:L'Rae, ORWAIi iR A �T J . COMMISSION �A��N -- CAR�A� __�{ D _ ,-, L Merchant, INv a1n aoN, C. 1V. 1\otes and Ma 33 u ± ao tor- 'j • Tf{E uhtcril'er`would announce to (icepublic of Herron and Bruce! that he Iia on hid andwill make to ordlcrCariiares, .`W aL ons, F3ar rows, &e., which will be bold cheap for cath -or • approved credit. .. JOHN, ASSIIORE, Ytctor`i_ a Street, Gdxderuch.. " ADttl 1st. 1863: - w49 6m J. St J. SEE@IIIILLER; TA, rrvEizS+ DEA -L- ER • GODS ILII, 0. sw47w., .February 12,.1564.-.-- =ST°OR ' DA vis 1 iFANUFACTLrRE1tS . D DEALERS .LN Staves, Ploughs arid Gay 'ngs ret every de- spnptson. lin, Copper and Sh t Iron Ware, at the Stove Depot, West Street, Cr rieti._ GG.&.L, * OIC, f -Coal cm Latirps, tic , t •c. Clad trot Cop -- per, Brass, Rags and. Skcepsittins takers enan e' v14n49- . To OtSL Accounts collected. ted. - Business of any kind,en- truuted to him will receive promptatterltlon. w10-lw$osx Alex. Zi'iudles:, •.- rIt'ENSED 1L CTI()NLEh ;for HURON and Bal ca Sales puucttzatly�attcndtxf to. Addresa,.UudWnt 1'. 0. wa0-)}'r$o - FOR :SALE 1 OT 3; Gnu.A, Township of_.Ho�vick,� guile irons roxeter,'on : . . TRE G'EL 'MOAT. Log house and baln, . 92 AC:R'S, 23 CLEARED Apply'to �. W.'ttiba ,i ,Esq , B: t.`• Goderrcli1 Felt 26.1564. - ”5iw5J-tf 4 `•,;?AO:DEMO oaf CL Vlf, C• er w gLICd ron "p • -AN EXOELLENT - TAVERN . STAND! Ck#N1SIST1NU OF rWEL�� E ROOMS, with largeStable. area,ipuiril,acid-large• garden, in -titre Vilta;e of Biuevaie,'Ptitvirshrp of. Turit- berry,and known by the name of the BLU11- TALE LIO J BL, add id the occupwitton -of the p opr`letor, 11., 0. Fran. The property *has iairgaudditious and improvements, and is worthy the: notice: of any luau who is seeking it hgtac.: - - . e 11- C. P CAIL Qeto1 a Bth. 1863. - - ` w37ft4 rAn Td RENT, barin to rout "with. good soiland buildings theist olUetober. Appli, if by leltet post-paid, . Sunder, air ' P R -:E_1\- T,. I.P O ' EW' FARMS Applyt D SS_ ADE 000DING, Solicitor, ,West Street, office over B.: Booth's - rv,., Good Store ' Gc derieh.Jpnb 9th,. $S 4 siv:ilvtr20-tf • borrower. App Goaerielic 1st ly. 1864. w23 Hili FOR BALL TEllY cHE po , - it FAlt M. of acres o'r laud, 01 .10 -ilea fro* II. GODERft. , 60 acres cleared,' with good large portion Of he puiChaile m n For lur- H$r;e, BOOT s r 4-.- -d� Clothing b FINE -ASSORTMENT OF 1.• , F • E.S L ADZE'S, GENT'S, AND . C IILDRE DT r €1,C.07.01:3•LOW Goderich, April 27th, 18.64. S HATS. JOHN DET 1' OR &. SON.. • • JOHN .: FAIR'[ CO. HAVE NOW -OPENED THEIR % ale { - � ;Spring and Summer Dry Goods, EOMPRI2.1\G ALL THE NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. They would 'call particular attention to their Mork of • • - c ., CLOTHS AND-TWE.EDS, w12 - 'C C• lt'/4d4,gMY01/Pea itniolId11rtd/iY11Pb4df.RU'. nUOth✓Lindh/ry14Al.IIM114Atdli IPU!ttnAoostol hr1.11 HE SUBSCRIBERS would beg- to inform his customers and Op p ises on East -street, - blit that hip new pram- THR QUARL' will'be;opened on the -first of June, :for transacting. the _Wool Q,tril n ; Cloth Dressing and _'ttanufacturing business, . in coiunection 'vi'h his - WOOL FACT , where all orders and woik, in tate above -business will be punctually attended to Li -mise a` variety of Cloths; Biankets, anal. St�c ng Yarn, will be kepton hand to exchange for. wool. Ravine. this v -ed added'anther• 0 FIRST-CLASS DOUBLE CARDIN ` MACHINE to his establishment, he will be prepared to execute farmer's work to anv-reas'onable extent on short notice. Customers corrin„ to the factory :themselves will b promptly` attended to - tis; formerly, and pal•tictilar attention will be paid to those from ,.a -E istaace vtshiug their N. B. ---While thankful -tor the liberal patronage of former'vearr intthe above business, the pelt a in . meeting the wants : BLOCK.. -- AS' LOGAN. r • w12 subscriber h:rpes` by strict attention to business andsparingno ex of his customers, to still receive a share of the same. r • Remember the place- East-: Street, second door from. THO Goderic1, April .19th, 184 • H -AYE REMOYEiD TO THE Stare form ray occupied by Toon `1- S. O S' .331.40( Where, n addition to their -usual heavy supply of Drugs, Patent 31ci oott,hald a large stock of AGRICULTURAL S z.. ;Imported directly from one. ofthe olde:t1and most .reliable 'houses it THEYY' HAVE ALSO RECEIVED A LOT OF 1' , T-E_AS�, COFFEES &. TEE' _Which: they offer at` very low "prices -41.s° vcrixAN- *xirczer Z - For Medical andLFamtly use, GODERAINT, April 9, 1863•_ - icines, &p ,. they have EEDS ! Glasgow, Scatlaudi IME CC 0 ES • wv,15ir2591v frier 4130 ;HU di il! 0101 1- ip 4Ilt,, i 1' � -'p `IldlIlli' 't't IlRltt'l l'I5j I'1iIS1EAMrENG1NE-WORK_Si: -1 tanuxfacturers. ; of .Grist an 111 of which tttey.ha're'a better assortment this sea- . son :hare usual ; and which; having added a TAILORING DEPARTMENT to -their 1rusiness, they are- prepare d to snake up -in first -darts .stale: , . Corner of M rket Square and {fest street.. Goderieh. April 26th, I S64. - sw67 psi:f011: HE following Lands are .olibred for sale' very advantageous tenni.: ONE - TENTH ONLY ! Ariz) THE BALAxon in gine Equal -Annual Instalments, win. interest, at 6 per0eat. TOWNSHIP Or MORRIS:. ' South i 7 in 1st con.; 50 acres, South i 11 in 2d, eon , 100 acres„ South i 21 in ild coil:, 100 acres, Northi 21 in 4h con., 10a acres, ,TOWNSHIP OF HOWICIE; '' Loti 2. 3 und-4_in 15th con., 100 acres ettipli TOWNSHIP OF GREY: Lots 34 and Aid 4 con., 10a acres eitelt, _ Lots 31 and:321111 con., 100`acreseachi Lot 26 in d Con., 99 acres, Lot 32 in 8 con., r100 acres, Lots 33 and 34 in 10 con., 100acres each. - TOWNSHIP OE TURrBERRY Cfroidar, Milay and Sash 01 SEPERATORS f\ 1N43-13i.A.crx SE ' Castings of any dee riptiow madeto Order: Also, all kinds iie. . . rem' d on short nogce. A large stock of Always an hand, Biagio Kottles, Wagon and pipe:Boxeli.' As our p‘ .ofthe moSt apprcived kind, we would solicit an inspection .of our jnovea Credit. Old metal, „Copper,: and all kinds of produce Godericl, October, ISO?. I 13; _• , STOVES, 'kenirCeichangi. "- or' to the owner, FARM FOR SAIA, TIN the -ninth contession the west half of numbertwei4y4hree; in. the Toeinship of Waivanosh, contain no -One. Hundred acres with aboueforty cleared, the rest good hatdwocsi is a Shanty, a log barn and it small orchard there- on. Title indispuiable. 'Apply to ihe proprietor, .forSale t. PREMIUM -GIVEN oit payments which eau be inade:to the Prown .;aL;n_tdlierDe.copiatir.iitir....iti.n.E.icanRdt 8e_ erRtpr.sTSIe.e card tit. A- REAUTiFilkfillijATE FOR SALE, - ApplY.if by letterpostpai to D. ROWAN, Master, in conneetion with tie Buffalo and Lake Huron ,Railway " AT GO»E.kUC . .. ' :" and thefirst-class:passengersteamer HURON, {D. - tolei Master; twice a -sveei*t'between ' Gbozack Agb-.. SActisAw, and opse a week with Propeller- NIAGARA, -C McIntosh, Master, between Coderieh -and Chicago. The 'Canadian' having been purchased for this router overhauled and refitted in: a superfor Man- ner, wilt ply during the season of iiavisation,• making the above :connections, (wind and weather `permitting,) • Oom• menoing on Monday,l8t'h Ap il, Will leave Goder chfbrIteuthampton every Mon- day, Wednesday, Thursday and .Saturday, at 7 - r # same- t o cloc - a. to I ernes me afternoon. leaving, 1, n, Southampton at 2 o'clock, p. in.,callingeu h wa at°Kincardine, Inverhturon,-Port Agin, _ (and Pt, Bruce When Itecesaary .and practicable. , : Will leave Gederich for Sa*niaand Port Huron, •event' , - -- elrely vs • in ' 1 t ii MONDAY AND THURSDAY EYNEING' •- G-cderiA• 31" 27, 18:64. " at 10 o'clock, arriving -in. time _to connect with -River Boat Jor -Detroit and G. 'W. and Will leave Sarnia and Poi& 'Baron •Nvery TUESDAY AND PRIDAY of the rand Trunk Train from Detroit. N.. B. Tickets CRII be procured froth •Iany of the age ts for Saninaw per ateamer -Huron, or For par ieutarts,asto rates or freight, Zre„ apply to SATINlik-i-W.- B. Clark; INVE11111fRON-P. McRae Ih-ELC11C-Ar ..11. Baby; AINCAlt- noram Inslitance •Conifuy 'FIRE LIFZ.- Apcumulatoi Funds'intlaild; lib' ;00000 Annual Income Dwells ,$2,500,000. MOST ENGI.ISII OFFICES. Roferdnoc. to a Board of Lir-odors CHARLES _ELETCHER, Goderich, May, 1864.: vr15 FOLLOWING /*II l'ItOkER ON oTs Nos. 117, 120, 135, 3,49;iiiihe I/ rising Village, of Itiversdale, in the Comity Of Bruce. This V. llage iit situated on the main road between Ki cardine ,aud Walkerton, -the County ToWn of Avenue, in the o n of Kincardine.and Lets 47, in the ToWn hfICi c:sinline; County 9f Bruce.' Lam Market Slut in the Villageof County of Brace, ontainiv one-quarter, of an-, acre- et%land eac , with this buildiute thereon. 25; on the -North s de of.the Durnarn Itcatt, in the the Town nr,-Kin rdine. IRA LBW'S,- SAO connectim with tier_ Biala & Rathiattoisi tett 2.444 DTtlirs.rEXPLtis'-Dtk-1495gsoy.4vI144;STE-A4it rsitayakt Coat TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Arriving it SAGINAV etrirtplitibbithAll• Leaves SAGINA=fue-copEn4ca-rery ,.wrilthivirellyoliyothDwiritConaliiiwl141141.: xvity.}.3press trains"- on the- ' klranalvarithrunkiho , 'Rani, ., ..10. iv.i., S Great, Western Bailwair at E 'istradordVnaarrniuk.1.1.)0 .‘7, ::17..116: imisi - LeaTe° . 4rgnutra'rhlair:t.hv".;T::sjd;..tl%grr4lat!Uatr..:udm:_tA4'44s.T.......r.lt*1•...1":::t.;„,' -MONDAYSfk-TIIIMSDATSkOnt ;AV. ArrireT,..:::,pinnviito. no44 X, ti.......„,.. t . t , ' irg aa 17r di: toe7thiltle e' rol nj I /II r- ' '111. abol rbeeilfolse' 1..w-ttelliers'ilrilaniisejl " ered the best sea boot on the takis 1301tic neeessaryoteeommodsuon-.-it being the' itittilla et the Buffalo -0W LithellusoitBetilway and the owner* of the 11 Hulot!! 44 - Fans Lower 4lian ty. au! 43. HAIR .AE.STPRER Aso 1=10. A.11102:111311. writes: "I VSIIviseerfally ma Jay _se tutor maims= friends. to*. peat vithie_ortni. IL A. plies Wiald's Bak Beiteretand Zylobet011- Myr VW. CUTTER; N. It. City: "Ify hair lesibeigell __to its aitteral color, sea trowitw on bald WV' L 'fors relative.- The filllag of thiludriitoppeit, eat restored it front 1/Sillt VW IS ISSAISsist iiild hew :their .vehte la the 100st MKS.' Awl. 'They . 1 NAY. A. WE YEE, •Beetopidgees.: -0:1 have Weed ‘• •19: 1:Etil: Jew= with :treat sleet. I -isa; sew meitheeliiiid assegrey. •Myhrp.' wee la hat hsitttei it 10.00,41/1-, Tt):-' - 1PAID10110.41s. SALMI, 07119* -Are -under a WO slate. -of ciiitivaiiona ws i two lades S. )0c,Toytit pi vpii lio. --- wihoairr 1.4 3:31s 3h; IX -for the *err Ilatterineenclwirefetilefit i hei bled execute Anita • atty Edinburgh., at discerning pubri .4_,______1_._111,0,"atietire..en. 03;103% T4k "..stro.tat:tcat.;0,114602. r at his establish men* Ilse ban iC1,1_47-4)111 SOPA*. 'style -of workinenshhi. furnished est short no,_tire..,:nud et the lowest primes .soon *tail -shop. • at ti:s -7405-i.h of vokk ,1111. LI or, Oprtes--- 11 fiattrardi 3. S.SLNC ITO Xot cars corm Chal be tionth A T10 2g I oasgovr 0 now. • irstattiil Ten 3 GAS