HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-08-26, Page 3ge if :r 4 see Dee now : Tan. heir - te="e ivore -oar _ Zan & Crauttio The Goderich Fall Assizewill take place o M inday,the 26th of September next, before the lion. Jastice Hagerty. • fe:).- Mr. John Stinsan, of Csborne, cradled on-theldth inst., 41 acres of Spring. Wheat in four hours and a quarter. Reaping Ma- chines will soon be left behind! FALL CiacULA.R.-T Paticu1ar, attention is directed to the advertisement of D. Kerr jr. k Co., in another column. Farmers and other* will find the establishment a good place at which to renovate the understand ing. tee's: Quite a number of Arneritans are in town apparently to avoid the draft to he made on the fifth prox.W.e do not blame them, if -they have rio- desire to part suddenly with the pleartnen of life, such as they are. -eases *re& emoting match between the crack stiets of the Godench and Stratford Volun- teers will come off at Stratford on Monday next. The Stratford boysare determined to have their retenge for the defeat of last year,, ani the Goderiehites: are just as determined that they shall not, if at he helped.i • IV • SINGULAR PRENOMENON.,-On_ Wednesday night list, between nil* and ten o'clock, e meat remarkable pheeomenon was witnessed by many of our eitizena. It. Was a bright comet-likelete of light, having the appears ance ofIummous vapor, which extended from one borisen to the other,. the cestee- ot the: net bole -Sem,: &reedy over the _spectator's head. Stars !fere visihle. throng!' the belt, and occasionally cloudTlike puffs were seen _to Heat_ off from it. „The centre of the arch floated gradually to the Southward, and the' whole diseppeared in, about an hour from the time of its first apiearance, Who Can eX , pian what k was? We see by the 'Glebe that the beautiful- visitor was Observed ,with equal distinctness at Toronto, whieh proves that its attitude was much greaterthan we ,at first imagined.. Peesosee...-We are pleased to notice by the Deily Global that Mr- Lewis C. Moore, of this place, late et the office of Shaw it. Sin- clair, has- been admitted tei 'practice tw an Attorney -at -Lew and Solicitor in Chancery - We understand -Mr. Mooreontends entering into pertnership whit. Mr- Isaac F. Toms, Ofthiptace, forthe practice of his profes- sion-. 2ffe- venture to predict for the firm an honorable and a successful career-' •_ M. R. Doyie, of Shaw & Sinclait's office, • also- passed in a very, creditable manner his examireation, and comet home an Attorney- -at -Lew. Mr- D. is a close, dilizent student. and deserressuccess. . • - WESTRINSTEtt REVIEW for July. has arriv,- td. The literary ,and political articles are, partienlarly gro1 Ccntents Sehods ta England, Novel's with a Purpose, Liberal -FrefechProtestantiime Mr. Lewes' Aristotle„. The- Tenure of Land, Dr. Newman and .Mr. Kingsley, Edmond About on Progress, Theekeray, Contemporary Literature- • For ssele at this office. ATLANT/C 310NTHLT.--:-` The racist interest- ing paper in. the Sepiemher number,which we have received froth the publishers,' Ticknor Fields of Boston,. is the visit of certain Northerners to- Richmond- The principle portion of the narrative is given in to day's issue an/ will be 2.'ea4with much interest. --- Divested of the writer's seS•glorification by &- process of nieutaX reservation, it waIt be found particularly valuable as giving the :views. of Southern. readers id nutshell.. Jeff. had the best of the argument most decidedly- ,,Seve- e rid, other very good articles will be found in this number of the At/untie. el. -Midler, the alleged murcle.rer or Mr: Brigs in a railway carriage in London, Eng- land, arrived in New York on the 24th and was innnediately arrested. He will be con. Toyed to. Digland for trial., The fact that the Britislr Government sent out a.war steam er specially to make* this arrest speaks well for British justice - The Indian A despatch from St. Loins, dated Augrit • 19111, gives the following particulars concern- ing the recent Indian depredations : NrCA ranches Are left standing -between the Big 'Ssiticty and the Little Bine. None are inhabited between Fort Kearney and Denver- Fourtrains were captured and burned on the Little Rine, and all the stock, consisting of 450 eattie and a large number of miles, &leen OE The men belonging to these trafnt award. The- Indians were well nrounted and most of them armed with long- range guns. Caption Thomsonorith seventy, five men belonging to the 16th Kansas caval with dina howitzer, it pursuing the. India" tet whoisseeecommiteed outntges• on the Little* Blue. - Despatches dated the 4th say the Indians mend towards Republican River, with 1000 outland a larger herd of hones and melee. - Gen. Sherzyof the Kansas militia,also joined in parsuit..More are moviag north of Thom- S011,4- coraisand. Eight day$. have elapsed since coramucication has been had to points further west than fourteen miles. front Little Blue. _ Within, that distance sixteen men, women --and children, have been massacred, every dwelling burned. The families_ of settlershaveheen sent to the settlements and the aten-iturned upon the Indian trail- Blunt sear rar to Forts Lamed sad Serraft:to ineostre's vonsmottal to -thefts points sedliemate tiPtiter sckqn. taken by the In- dians, %rpm; ready to plain a general Rao, suit *Wel their trait iefotutii. Blunt is doing ee .rerrbing pnedil?le iritittitedillaWforce under dieeomenarmir • - --- • _ rrioT .strovaxi 21111GROF.D.,tNi-SALDEERS AT Wustrsarox.e--A. **Abington despatch of Avast 4th to the New Toth World says t. -7 - This evening a serious riot beak* out on Capi- tol Hill between the sold.ete and negroes.- The former attacked the latter with stones, bricks' and everything at hand whieb Aei ccurliessi.e '-"Tittruegroes ottniumbered.thani and drove them battle- with axes, iron bars, ste. Gee negro.lilfhatt axe cut ineliserimi- aaaortgtlumildiera tug tiestely - Inters ad te bled. of one soldier: fiont, hi body, Finiastantry. • Sete* were badly needed. The soldier* fell back and were *lied by reinforternefits, when they drove the perm** beast PIP4' 1515 fire to $t long row of cheilidalteemtpied by coatrabands. ML were dettortelt_ • -By this time targe jaded -hilt& orpoldere arrived, and made severe/ arriiiti; - The iroiludef iire- carried to the „reidulat liviLitad; The- is tie most seriousriot whieh has occurred hers in a long time- • 4 THE SEMI-WEEKLY SiGNAL. -THE WEATfflett PitoPtIET DIVULO ETH. - Ryan, the last of the ancient and hocorable order of prophets,. has again opened his mouth for the. edification ot the people. His extraordinary success in predictiog a drouth, after four weeks of cloudless and rainless dog -day weather, has induced him to again touch his hat .to cur readers, and venture other and wiser prophecies. It will be ob- seived that it is to rain to -nay and to -morrow. Hear hen : On the 18th aud 19th inst., rain is due. (Isn't it dew ?) Tluit is the princi- pal change thii summer. On the 26th inst. will be the precursory of the change that will take placefer the fall. The latand 2nd of September will govern the weather for the fall. If the wind is south or south-west on those days, with pleasant weather, we will hare an open fall and late cora will perfect. But if the wind should be west or northwest On those days, with a heavy cloud passing off eorth or south, we will have early -frost, and late corn will be nipped. T -he earlier corn fodder is secured.. the better. -(Detroit Free. Press.. _ esise Sir Robert Peel says that the • flueners of Ireland have £14,000,000 sterling,i in bent -8 and -despite all that has lately beed said and written, there are abundant evid.enees:- of • the growing prosperity of the couutry. THE MARKETS. Goinaten, Aug. 26th, 1864: Fail Wheal,. 0:88 Spring do ..... 075 ® 0:78 - "Oats, 0:45 (cd. • 000 Barley • 0:60 pc,t 0:65 1 -lay; V ton- ...... 500 04 10.00 Wool washed? lb Ie..: -0:00 0:3)1 Peas •0:40. al 0:45 a 4:75 ij 4:00 , 0.00 a 0:60 - 0:45 0:00 Pork 4:50 - Beef, 3:00 _ 2.00 rarkiest each. _ - - 0:45 tleete, • do.. -..........0:30 Ackens, tid pair • 0:20 1)acks, - 0:00- (ei,`,. 0:25 1Iedes (green) • • 3.50 z 000 _- Ismer ..... 0:00 - 0:124 Petatoes . -0:00 - V.I. • 1:00 oorl. 2:00 (a). 0:00 Oi08, 010 App• les.; - 0:59 Money to Leild. Tsubsertber has $20,000 to able -terms- For particulars HORACE.11 4`,.-Coderieb, I9th August. 1$64.'' !moron reason- app!y: to- ORTON. w30 3m Separator for Sale. IRST _RATE new Thrashing Machine IA. and Separator to be sold oa reasonable - terms. Long cretin, will be given on good secu- rity. Apply to -HORACE' HOR ON. • • Godeneh, August 19th, 1364- ew10-2in • - Division „Court'. N9iice. PrOINT F.:ate elat:the fire- day +f 1 1864, for the bolding »a Division urtin Kincardine at 10 a. m Co- The Court will be liercidat *Kincprdine in Sep- tember. . • - . R. COOPER, e - • •- Judge R. & B. . w30 -td • August 19th, 1c64, UNRESEUED-11J0T101 SALE or HOUSE & PREM IN SUperior. Business Stand.- - . _ . C. M.\ TRUENIAN _ • I'AS received. instrtictions from the jpropriet�r, GEORGE WILSON, E.sq., to., 11 by.aue- tion, without mem, on the premises: 44 Wednesday, 5th October 14 ND PRI.MISES on the corner of Cutter and at nhott, that superior situatr HOUSE. A 'Victoria Streets, (London Road) is n eltnton, lately in 'the occupation of Mr. Chart Spooner, Butcher: .• One of •the. Best Business $tandsin - * _ ,Clintou Thii; is A &linable opportunity to make a sure investment, as the property will be sold - without reserve.. • „•- TER3I‘OF canitice,approVeu endorsed Note, payable three monthsafter date. • A.trgnst,-1864. w304d BIF1S,I SHOT - GUNS _ PISTOLS ' Sze. AND lit ADE TO• ORDER, t Opposite tbeiMartet. 8-ZreA1l kinds of reealijail4onis reasenable tertns. ec0 boderiti, -Augest 214 1804. B CP C)4, ' (TAPING' inadeIarrangenee'nureeeittr,lila die M0Gft-EGOK4„Bablobiader. •aatt-ittanufac; tariari Stational:, (ivholtas lately -*tatted-front olive= iphia with a- urge stock of Binding and other') •terial), 1 ainprepitred toPurnish Venire Beek* nf ell- km*. eise and elltlesi out Printed lieedindin 'at tag_ ne-r cent cn"P„cr than Toronto -prices. : . Ail kinds of Binding net givingsatieractinnwill be repaired five ofeharge. -. sw40vill • - „wing. guTr.g. PREMIUM LIST Of the A nnual Exhibition of the County ofHuron Agricultural Society, to be held in the Town of Goder.ch, on Tuesday and Wedne.sday, 20th and 214 September, 1864. OUTDOOR DEPARTMENT. . nonscs. Best Brood Aline and roal g1.00, 2nd do 3.00, 3rd 40 2.00; best two years old Filly 2.00, 2nd do 1.50, 3rd do 1.00; best t wo years old Gelding 2.00, 2nd do I 50, 3rd do 100; best yearling Cult (stud ur gelding) 2.00, 2nd do 1.00; hest 'pan draught tiorbes 41)0, 2m4 do 3.00, 3rd do 200; best span carnage do 4.00, 2nd do 3.00, 3h1 do 2.00. CA 771.E. Best Milch Cow which shall have had a -call in 1864 33.00, 2nd dO -2.00, 3rd do 1.50; best .two years old Heller 2.00..2nd do 3,50; be -Lt one year old do. I .60, 2nd do 1-00; best yoke 3 -ears old Steers 2.00, 2nd do 1.50, 3rd do 1.00; best . yoke two years 01(1 steers 2.0o, Susi do 1.50; best tat- ted Ox 3.00-. 2nd do 2 00,3rd do 1-.00 ; best littted GQW or Heiler 3.90, 2nd do 2.00, 3rd do 1.00 ; ibet Bull Gall, calved in 1864, 1.50 2nd do 1.00 • hest limier do do 1.50, 2nd (hi 100; best yoke work- • Mg Oxen 4,00; snd do:3.00, 3rd du 2.06, • • ' -- SHEEP: - Best aged Baum $2,00,2iid- do 1.50, 3n1 do 100;; • 'best yearling Ham 2.00,2nd do 3.00; best E w es (pen ot two) having. raised a lamb in ,I864, . .00, • 2nd do 1.50,43r4 do1.00 ; tient Ham :Lamb .50, -2nd do 1.00; testEw,e- Lamb 1:50, 2nd do Liop 3 best pairfatted Ewes or ,Wethers 2.00, dad do'. 1,6-0. • , ' - . . • . •PIGS. Best Boer, large breed 3.00. 2nd do, 2.p0 ; best Boar, small_ breed • $,00, 2nd du &.90•; beet sow, largeebreed 3.00, 2nd do 2.00 ; test Sow, small breed- ' 3,00, 2nd do 2.004 The above SOWs inust have had pigs in -1864, one or more pigs to be shown with Sow. _ • • POULTRT. '. . Best pair GameTowls $0.75, .2rid do 0 dO e best pair Barn-yardFowls 0.75, 2nd da 0:40 ; best pair large breed 0.75. 2.4 do 0.50 ; best pair Bantams 0.75, 2nd -do 0.50; Bestiair Geese 1:00. 2nd do 0:75 ; -heat' pair D ' u i. •ks 1.00, 2nd do 0.75 ; best pair °eine= Fowls 0.75,2nd dd 0.50; hest pair Pea.Fuwls 1.00, 2nd do 0.5 ; -Best pair Turkeys -1.00; nd do 0.75. , . , , ROOT emirs, , Best acre of Turnips $3.00; 2nd do 2.00, -3rd do 1.50 ; b&-Stacre of Potatoes 3.00; 2nd do 200, 3rd do 1.50 ; best ,I, acre - Carrots 3.00, 2nd do 2M0, 3rd do 1,00 ;best l a •re of Mangel-Wnrzel $-.00, 2kd do 14, 3rd do 1.00. Parties conipetiting for the ab re root crops will be required to pay anen- trance tee of fifty cents. _ ' . • • . : - Best iron axietree•Lnintier Waegon m e within the limits pt the Ceurily ofHuronIn 1864 85.00,.2fid do 3.00; beat Wooden axtle tAe Lumber Wa;sgou made within the liMits. ef the County oaturon in 1$64 4.00, 2nd do 3.00e. best Iron Plongh 3.00, 2nd do 2.00- ; hest Wooden Plotter 2.00.i. 2ild do 1.00 ; best double -Mould Maid Plough 3,00.; best subsoil do 3,00; liedi Iliorse Cuttivator. 2.00. 2nd do 1.003 hest 2 horse Cultivator 3.00, 2 id do 2.00; best pair, liari•ows 3.00, Znd do 2.00 ; Beat Iron Field Roller 3.00, • 2nd o 2.00 e best \% omlen Field Boller ,3,00, 2 id do 2.00 ; best horse Hay Rake 2,00, 2nd d� 1.50; best Ternip Seed Drill 2-.00, 2nd • do 10(1 ; best Turnip Cutter 2.00; best Farm G4te.2.00 ; beet 3 lirdshing Machine . 5.00 ; • best Mower mid Reaper Combined e5.0d ; best Proband for relieving choking 'cattle d,00. ;Parties- ting -First Premiums fOr any impleinents will if required receive la Diployea asell as their Premiunis front. the Judges. •_ INDOOB, DEPARTMENT. notiTICLI.TuRsi. PRODUCTS.* Best and • largest named c011sction Of Apples not ieesethan 5 of each variety' 83.00, ind' do 2.00, 341 doe1.00 ;. best 6 named nineties of Winter Apples 5 of ea h 2ed do 1.50 ; beat (10 do 1.141 Apples do 2.00, 2nd do 1.00; best and largest named collees don of.P-ea:s not leSi- than 6 varieties bleidf each 2.00, 2nd 'do 1.60 ; Best 3 named earietiee.1:00, 2lid do 0.50 ; best -and largest named collectien-of Plums not less than varieties 12 of each 2.0.0, 2nd do 1.50, do 3rd Ao 1.00 ; Best 4 -varieties of Plums '.named 1:50, 2nd d9 1.00; best-- plate of -Plunis nemed 0.50; BeSt mina' collection of ripeGrapes 3 clusters of 'each,growl' in npen air 1.50, 2nd do 1.00; best plate Crab Apples st.00, 2nd clo 0.50 -; best !mined 'end largest collection of Peaches not less than 4 Var:eties .6 of eaeh2.00, 2nd do 1.50; • best plate of do. Darned, 0.50; .best display of tittle tlie gronsth of ,he exhibitor; distinct from other: entries, 3 speemeris of each. 4:00, 2nd do - 2.00. • - Ames- OiJ• Abatii.-aii.v: • Te rms on • • • L thell"alaaat at' ei tfaerfell";#0.14.!Ii4-',"44.--alf• es - .PLANTS_AND FLOWERS. . . , Best Mimed collection of Dahlias ,net leas thant varieties 2.00, Ind do 1.50 ; heat de “ varieties 1.50,- 2nd ,40-. 1 00; best.: name ;1 'colleetionof Roses (Blooms) not less the) 6 varieties 2.00, 2nd do i..ao ; hest collection cit Verbenas named net less than 10 varieties 1.50, 2nd 410 1.00 i heSt 6. Dented varieties Verbenas 1 00, 2iid do 0 50 ; best nonied collection of Phloxes not less than 4 varieties 1.00, 2ad do -0.50 ; best named collection Of Gladiolus not less than,5 varieties 1.50: 2nd do 1.00; best end largest collectiUne of annuals (bicoms) immed 2.00. 2nd do, 1:001; best collectiorrof Astere 1.50, 2nd do 1.0.0, 3rd do 0.50 ; best. 6. GreensHouse plants iii blooml 00. -2nd do 1.00 • hese Floral ()roe- inent or design 2.50 ; lbest collection Of Pansies -LOO, 2nd do 0.50; best collection of Cockscombs 1.06 t best Collection ofBalsaina 1.00e 2nd do 0.75; best collection of - Stecke 1.001 best collection of Petunias -1. 00 e 'beet Boquet of Cut Flowers for table 2:06,.214 do t 1.00: bestHand Briquet L001 2nd 46 " ..,5(t. / . . embroidery in Crape and Chenille 1.00, 2nd do 0.75; beet Worsted work 1.50, 2nd do 1.00; best Worsted Work raised 1.50, 2nd do 1.00; best Braiding 1.00, 2nd do 0.75; best. Fancy Knittin,g 1.00, 2nd do 0.75; .best 3 pair Woolen Sock e 1,50, 2nd do 1.00; best 3 pair Woolen Stockings 1.50, Ted do 0.50; best Shirt, Gentlemen's 1.50, 2nd -do 1.00; hest .Wax Fruit 1.1;0, -2nd do 1.00 ; beat wax Floweis 1.50; 2na do 1.00; . best Paper Flowers 1.00, 2nd do 0.50. FILL WHEAT. , The Show ,of Fall Wheat will take place on Thursday the ist day of September, 1864. The Canada Company's Pee% 01840 for the best 20 bushels Of Fall Wheat the produce of Canada Wes, being the growth of 1864, sled. to be given epee) the Association for seed.. The Ce011etySocietyts Prizes for the Second best 20 bushels of Fall Wheat, 812. Third best 20 bushel's of -Fall Wheat, 810, the prO- Juce of Canada West, and the growth Of 1864. • Where articles are required to be named the tickets with the names, must be attachcd to such article. • BENE SOB FOR HAT ItFACTUREIISI .1,N.tvoitiTieBirT:440114 Aativiocoxy,64.1.3..11_ BUYERS rts rtEgO. GENTLEMENS' FURS, LADIES'FURS, VICTORIkiES„- MUFFS, BOAS, , GLOVES, CAPS, &c., &c. Buck 'Nits and Gloves, BUFFALO ROBES, IQUORS LIQUORS!! J. .Y. S.KIRK is mow SELIAN9 OFF pm *HOLE STOCK Oi Es B •<;•; st 16r Cash. I 8, GIN • e LARGE LOT OF CIGARS AT OLD PRICES oderiesin *an t4.eir variety, very IOW,. _ .XAL A N -p EXAMINE Agent for Labatt'' s London 41e-andrPorter. ECKEREDs.: STORE, MARK'T SQUARE derich, June 1401,1864. 11,82,40 _ . FELT AND SILK RATS • , cLoTizi CAPS AND CAP TRIBIMINGIS I In great variety. , 141 131ItAIje GREENE, 8cd SONS, -305 Paul Street, " Montreal. w30 3m. - . •Aegust 17th, 1864. TO TPA') RS AND DERERS 'IN Tobacc\o, Snuff & 'Cigars ' „tn. Coun y of Huron Ieonlormity with instructions reeeived from .14.the Finance departinent °feu:gots and Exude t em directed to call the attention of Traders and Dealers in Tobacco to the necessity efforwarding to my office here, Without delay. an accurate de- tailed i statement, of 'each package uontaining 'fobite •O -;-Plug, Cut, or Twist, Snuff, or Cigars, showing the gross a nil nett weight °leach pack- age ,r pectivelY,of Tobacco and Snuff, r nd the e exact- tiantity-Contnined in ,eitch paeka,re Of (N- eer:4,- and their -Value per.M--•-that is. seould -tile stock ofsuch Trader or Dealer exceed ten pounds weitt in the aggregate. On receipt of such state cnt an exe.se s.amp .will as seen there - 'alter as possible be attached to each package, and.tut less so sttimped it will .ties .bjecttu. seizure and lorfeitedto tier AIajesty, - It is therefore entirely the interest ot Traders satnadm' Dpendal.eis ,tc, ._. have their stoeks of Tobiteco Satictlictory evidence will be reqUired that the stock' mentiored in the statement • Avat in hand . . . . prior to the lst August- : • . - , • 1011A.RLES WIDDERe. I Collector Inland Revenue, . _ . . . . County0f Huron. Goderich August 17 ill, 1864. sw100-fit. : OF denim: TEGETADLED. Valtlablelifoperiy in Hullett,___ Best collection of Potatoes named not le‘ ht LO' Number Sesenteen, ntee co cession of the Township Of Hallett, in the County of 'Huron, 100 acres, more or Less . The above land will be sold under a Pulver uf Sale contained in, a Certainemert- gage made biRichard Kelliugton,to Emanuel Harrison, default having been made in pay- ment -of the monies secured by said mort• &age. Bale to commence at twelve o'clock, , - = notne. on • - Wednesday, the 21.s1 day- of September than 4 varieties, 1 peek of eaeh $1.50, 2n1r- do 0.75; hest half beetle' Potatoes of anY variety pained 1.60, 2nd do, .0.50; heat 6 . - Sunimer Squash named 0.75; 2nd do_ 0.50, best -three dintee_Squush named 1.50, 2nd d� LOO; *hest six, -recite White celery e1s.00, 2u, de 0.75 ; betsix MOIR 11E4 CeletY 1,00,2414 do .0./5 ; 'best -six heads_ Wader. Cabbage, imnied 1.40,:. 2nd do 0.75 best 6 heads St iner Cabbage'1.00 ; best 112 Blood Reetx0.7 2nd do 0.50; - best 12,:_d_lafigel Werkele 0.75, 2nd de 0.5 fbest twelve, Swede 47 intim& 0.0, 'and do 0.50-; best, Orange ecarrots- 0-.75, -2nd do 0.50; bi•st twelve Early Horn 0:74, .1st twelve- *bite. BLgiauCarvo1S 0.7, d del/10 ; lest twelve l'arsnws., 0,1Ari • • d do 0.50 ;, best peck ited -Damns 0.1, 2ud thetth ; best peekVbite 'Onions Qap, 2nd deril.50 I, hest 12 ears Corn. tor Table Ps0e0.75eisI3hi nd'ciask l 475141;64)nrit's-4 ;%-betiVatisthee19' s 1.0-;b Celillorier. 1.50, 2nd !do- 1--00; best; Peck Tothatoes4.00; 2fid do 0.50e7ebeetaiidg est variety -of tegetablesdistipet Troin oth entries; eith kind naiad -4:00 2u4d�tob . Dam./ -iaopoog. , -Betit.511*. Fresh Butter 1.00;e:2nd-do 140, 3rd.110. 1.00; best. 20' lbs. 'Salt' Miter 3* -.00, 2nd do:2;00,'-3rd do LW; be:U.25,14e. Cheese 2.00„ 2ad die1.50; 301,de YAW. : nanutacTonics,,c, - Bestllpnie. mig.tillt0.0,0,0i4 441 hestao.yard.s. ..Dome*tic. %TO -2.00. 3rdl..00 beet ItSynitaftegflootet"2-.00, next, nt the Auction Ito:ma of G T Market Square. Goderieli.. tenth Cash on -thedttyof salce-lhe balance within thirty d sgtheoattO, 0MA§ PAULI TRITEMAN(Auctioneer.. e - !Of Mortgag 'Brampton, Aug.r12,-13,6.4e, g ..1r29 -1-d 4., • auqite 11-SALIS-4*-"' • 2nd 44 1:$0;1 trd' dant-00 Barkitets 2ndlio 490;2rd ",. . • - The above ,telPth,i Fhineel. and Wank must be ell -Weekend liaiespitn. • Best sett Silier-nfount.ed= earring/Urn • $3.00, 2nd 1.004. best clanble. sett Fa ,m Harness. 3.00, 2nd diiel,00.edseet Gentleman's eSeddle:2.0% 2ndjdo:10.0.fe'.2. ;•'r1: -...„.f . wends, Beat, Tatting 41.00,- 2fid! del' 0.75; trotelitolyezk- 1:001-;20f. - 0.15 e-- Embreidery ialluslia4:00,21ad0A74*r Elabitider7 StOk.1.1)0; 0.75; D. rOUC1IC1, WIdettie . ,. Iiirt44HillithNED offersfirr attle erto* , tot 20, 12th con,. towohlp ,ofeBosauiptet, Coutinref ',ambient-I:The feint eriaiiistelk se •Efe t- . ..‘• 11,1VNIIRED ACRES,, , • , i„.stixawrioEilfLoWfLth.thlAel,Crd-%'biti:ElauiriEft\r':-..";4"1:11't.plitiliti:rtane,4114i-411 BetitNon the lot: . - : WiltitItilittriERIEfil**ATIail). . - ,:. _. ,..... k.... ,,,... -.. .. - for oF partict31•,‘ apply to , , . ....1 • - - 11.10.-GiORDON,' - , -,0-00.4Tich_vizttP. Ors , 1 , • fkf._$4, 1 i ar SUBSCRIBER WOULD INTImAtg THAT, HE HAS 4. 13.,..EiLiOITED - „E. STO o the store formerly occupied by Mr. MeAIlister, ne The ILAILICET 1341TAILE, 0 DOORS SOUTH OF THE SIGNAL' OFFICE • • . he will be happy to receive his old customers And the`pnislic generally. G derich. Xune,-15th, 1864. Wm. DUNCA11.. sw64 • RECp'VED BY G leneh, April 4111,1864 dr10 • A LARGE. wrogic yr A2COMPLETE ASSORTMENT- OF MILY GROCERIES, WINES &101JORSI THOS. Raw & Co.,. market square, Godericli• • sw43 eritiit, July 5, 1-164 S Eial'F'S SALE OF LANDS.- SHERIFF'S SALE OP , LANDS': : Bilged Counties of virtue of two Arras [Jai d Coundee of, nit virtue of a writ of Fieri Ho •n end Sauces - .1../ Facies issiied out of tier -Huron and Bruce. Venditinni Expellee i To wix.: , Keicity,e court,of cleve41,5 To' Wit: .._ . arid a, Wittief 'Fiera. FaCian County thrurt of Ben .11 and to nie direeted against the daddeanci• '••llea '13nt• of Her Idainstfa e„ _i.th,c; IlitLite.d_10o.u....p.t..iert.. ...of 114tro.A.ts and t..13...ruceni.-tinud info elle Mina -WI the right, title. ;and : thlereste. of iVe of th Solomon Bastere,attlie-suisot Murdock Gordon, Lea enta or D.aiiiii-Megauley.% at the suit Ban ot Montreal, r have Seized and • taken in 4-u www-- 'Atm." ...0 ....- --- -------- -- said defendant in aim to he south hotreo °riots, ' otth' (if Ole laalt will and 1 ament priNmun° Nut ben( 31, 32, 33 and 34 In thetrm concessionr Gordon,. deseaRed-, williat bCn wick , joint of ll e Township pfirlorris.*i i the County pr li u- .- Gatrdner andRobertH. bits ner, decent:ors or ron containing two hueddel acres, wan the the last will and testament of Tholuss"1.4airdnat, CO L Bogey, iii thowerithot1;04.5h114 on Toes -1 mei s I shall offer for sale • at Inv office in thul and tuken in exectition all- the right, thle and iliceased, and Alexander -Carneron,1 lutia seized interest of thessaid defendant:M*0o. ID bot Nim - day :age thereon ireeted ; whit:hi-ands-and eerie - of dye intim el sex, noon. . , ber twiti-Ratige 1: in the Township ot .1taiiiey, - in the Courty of *Myron reniairimg ten *dyes 9 day the illevouth day Of tfctober next,st the totir 8 eriflds Office, Goderls114 , By .Pollock.Deputy eherill: .- ' JOHN MACE ONALD, , - , s - ' Sheriff,11. & 13: July Is, 1064 . - A ' W IFF'S;SALE OF LANDS' . . trin eniCoutineatse, ilk -virtue' of rout Writs -of HU it and Bruce, .1.3. Fifin S'ecias ireued . • , e co -outeevefunteeifueinete, ( eitukoVenrt of , , _e„...., ---_. , , . - . ,..... ..-e as. SZERIFF,SSALN OF LANDS To wAte--•!:, . mg of fled ItiatestreCounty • . the otsulesntovrootuEll'llie,4,n0dowunutyce.Cottrt .goitiftitlitetBciipiptedfcr : ,. .. a.. e ,e-• - ,---..- e -ss es--- 4 - C ' ITitited-COunties oft 1)11 Y virtue oftwo writs of oft 44-, thew eoundes oabile ,Aititt,43„,,, Mt* and Bruce, .IJ Fiat Friss issued out ine ireeted againat the lands and tenements of To iViii* rt i of ,- Her ildmeateh etnift - 0 4.111:0414,-aIsaqhFrili:tiliah:Vsf:Cwjtia4wrijli46;n7g:,eii!Liiirteitlir;j3::TreinflifetWn:leiyitria:1;?allfeYerattillnl,- 1:101/1:7"111:adin:ir7getedi!nneilang*4audaislistibelrodt161111114-sueltionii.iijaidLanditit of H. moi.OD:Ite:rtleiliteesetill7e4 i:SLiattelivee-: In Kee jatais F. mackienif , 1 hayeleks4a.mt tuie Znolzedintrievia %pawn insaiidxiiedesiminttnniskilr.libit yio,d-righ;sti3,tioitie in ReCutiolt altthe right, tate alidinteriat bithe defendantinind ltf ilie. foliating 'Innis ..',Oilil Xtin*er Eighteen in-lbette0od lalige South Itio. 7, north of Queen ,stritet,, L0t, NO. 10 DurnatIVR*01- ill the towtaditPni Kinh)Wit the County Cilium, Containing by adrniesurement Any acres more oriess t /Well -lands- and lane - meats 1 abaft Offer for sale at my °Cumin the more Opless ; which lands and tenemehts 1-sball .offulbr•aale at my office lit the feint BouseOu the toweeitipdeneh, on Tuesday, the Eleventh Awe of:October next, at, the -hour of Twelve of slii.ctoelc. noon. _ - JOHN MA01)ONALDiBy i Sheri% & s.;.3.0oAvra,;olif:64potyp,h;ri_fr. SherilPe011iceeGodench . •,- ugust Lands for Bale T 07 So. 2, in the ird con. or Asitsvia; eviuny dor ..2.4 Huron. equaling 90 acres more dr less, situate within one mile office Village of POrtAlbett, and nine from Godench. Soil good, hind rolling, and beautiful/ flats adjoining die 9 mile ricer, which Sows across the southern portion. This is arose chance, being conien4 • kin to market, and a good gravel .road Mauticipatiot 17histi.sEeafi. ;ILI% no: ra eon 5, Tovrnship of Wawanotit couniv of tinron, traving 115 -acres clear,_well timbered' and one inde fromlbe Northern Gravel Road. • Part oflot B. in the Township a/Colborne. Ceding: 0 Huron, containing 261 acres. This is basiatiftillylocated on the'N'orthern Gravel 11614 oppaite -the Village of Milburn. having a good tram* house and ban, amo a springereek passingueur -the within, of Goderich. Lots numbers 31.32.19 arid 28 -containing each one SW ofan acre in the Vilhige of Milburn. on the Nortit?rn „ Gravel Road, and within 2 miles of tioderich.. • Mao twaexcellent feta in Bridge Histrinistioarnihir Colborne. %Odell Village is situate on the Blinks ort tits ithuniatil adjoining:Hie Town of 156t/erieh:- - For pardentars.upply,.if by teUeijaismaid4tr GEO. HA WEINS Wm. RoBERTSON/ Port -Albert. Gaoler, Qode.riche .e March 241h; iStit ' wieWii04111511i ) OMNI ONBOOESTO Victoria *St_ reet;ipiintong _ GORGE LATOOCKI, ApdA,Vholisitleand, *tail .904-er - Paper-111HerYal;gings, ricenaemeolnuPegglidlemultm:;04134)°-:: * Window Papers, Bibles indTiiitinnetiti.' Wrapping Papers, Byinn and Psalm Boas. Writing Pepersi 47- letiodleadka0g Ne _ Blanktiookc • loancyGoisHaind Tay Ir.* , !threats& Musicallnstramenter Andel' oilier afficieS evesety'eSpt in large stationery - stores. 4 All the Magazines. Periodicals andliktsitieed-Niehts,, tillftproc_xPetranitiertegoeele,vrnoetildernaurrrieritahivre13;15„;51.:i4t430.oW‘ktil wiUaasa any " Toronto %%deltaic Pat SH.- : se--nappiforiedeA Country Storekeepers With-Sehtiar Rooks at 5. large stock of eciesip venspetnerieeee 04..4 , ,E Connie direet4aft•ditiedsialOrlit 114evOnn St et, and Lots IN os. 1 and 2 south of Mill Street, all tile -village of Wriexeeer hi the Townshippf ten Si f shall offer far kale at Miyullice4in tte nYtt 7e- - 11.-... ,_____ . . 1.1°. 'LA" County allurElli ' *hid'. lan4"41 i:1.1"ribi:-.°49e' tillititr elf ogritv:rall'e.fiktrie.ilti4ett ,Co rtlionfientlbeTo*iltrerederiehoon Titead nour ol twit feel we 4. ovum 1.94,11. me FitteentifdayegNpvemtier neat,etetye hour .i., 1!.. !, Wi)'-,,• „: 194Bimloorps lt bTSWilocktent;. 1 , , , i. JOTN MAODONALD, i• POw.oes .Deputypbert .PS ' i- - Bhatif V. &10 hertfi's 0.01akf. • etid1.1 izoca,--beputy blierifr - - s • 4 l8thkitge.,1864.• - .ni *30 --, JIM Qffice,:::aodsrieh, t, , 11:4421Iwiti 064- '. - 1 FIRST= 'Olt *to - :141 OATI4014, Swift Jane T4tt./863. 40' enclossre&f the;sullseribee, .** and wiiveitoet4 also 3 $.1.146*Abli trIlite; ;Tbf -owner* asa mated to.-fraint iitaptrtyl' psy exPirst: , jot 24, idyl 1,11k04-24141/4401. 1;seklarattlard4a#48“, pi3041, Room ropers! Roo* rapers/t. The **est snd most complete stock of Rook in the enmity, among *filch will be found holile ful Amencan satin -Mailed Payers al mos ptinaally low. RavmgYeen bough Prery favorpeask, they' • are offered to the public at great bargain& s PIOTOgitiP11-11,111-1111f6' A Choice assortment of Pockets glyclorellbact Ina -Oblong Albunig. at marvellonsTploW priee-ibey ring .teesneig:trie fay-1664641bl: in uhe.AYine-olorTmriniarkeL. German inanufacture.but are- well made. ot vandal materiel, and tatefullyand handsomeli finished; and they are offered at price,* almost as low tithe cow - mon Gentian ones, and Tine low-Ofnotiower, than ai mut city book -store in Canada. - , GA- I Leo! pleii0 s To Ia; _Da !fa So 11-` nil a Liles uT ere p g. Job Print ing! ifi At prieesfar below those of :Village generally. where they lave -to thske.boili thitTif, line( W" charging -extra pnees onsubs ovorder to waibetiplit. 'VT losses from newspapers that don't pay -oftliernielta, Clinton. inshor ertime;elleaper end bettei.etgit -awn than at any otier village office in the Comity. ed at the old "Couriet” Joli Mee, oft' Vitiontillreeff Having discontinuacdElhoell:EspiperLA.- Prinyvolexiog 1,4: enema' Printer and Boo* Victoria Sinus lliij ‘45 Sheriff's Sale of Land*. . • UnitedGenntiesot latrY virtue of a iilef of Milian:UM sBruce, Jell Fieri Facia* issued dile To wit: of Her Majesty's ;County Court -orate United•Coenties of Huron aari snow ,.-- 0,1 and tome thrected.agaiwa 410 lends and adairee 0 A ments of Emanuel X Ottve,Y, at T. siut = Huron District &Maw Sudety 'Le; ehiee. and taken in Execution alt the right, lige and • interest 0 f the artichlefemlanf maid (0 4mtrinnik-T A her 37 north, side .of -Illeehtenielf • Asitelitle, 401 --:14=t- Lots number& 11 and 18 Southside oflifeehanies, • Avenue in that pait of &a Village of Sidearclindr, - known as WitliaritsbunrOrlict lends ancririne; . g: ittents I shall effer for sale almfollleedntliettnert ' ":., :douse inthe--Town of-Godesch, onTdendat tint' ' First day of November next, ; at the tour of Twelve orthe clock; roon., ... . . _ ., ' JOHN MACDONA , ' * _ __ ° _ ... Sherilfelladeae , By Z. Pot.r.ocx, b.t.puty Shen*. -.. eTheries Office, oderie.b, i -., ;duty 23rd, 13644 --I, attik SHERIFF'S SALE or LANA , _ - _ - .- ..; - it..46„ince, ail)! trirtlie alt *tit of amen anti Braces :1., Flan Picini tailliall 061 To Wit ; , of ,lifitr Mai ewes cowl, Court of the "Unita Counties of Hafts_ et Brute, and to me •direetedinenanst As lairds teneknelts of Petrie* lit~rie End Maier attire eithe.snit edit corsortu few of lite sowske-,... 7 ship oflishfadde I hate Pelted dedielserile elle' iutiOn all titettsbt, title and iiiittrett.01 thei mut - defeudast, in aad to the south hall otiOr Oufabile three in tite 11th concession; and thenieth _ °flit number tInee he the 10th cohceseiolAs-•,,E14-0. ern Divalent( the" tostelhip of Atififeiti- in s. County of Huroz,vontatrung MO scree MOM of less which lauds -and. tenemen_ts 1 shall eller pc. , -- sale at my Office in the' Court Atoase Instil Town of Goderieh on Tuesdayffesand day or tiorania,, ., her next *1 the hour of Twelve cif lbis eleefv- noon. . i --• JOHN itACDON4111, ei & fiv 8. Poetoce,13eptityShern4 , Slieriffes Onice,Godeneh, 9th :August, 1864. • --- Sheriff'SFoie of Land* Meted Commie* ot)ny vow * tistrfi . At ed Kirin and Bruce, -LT Plen Teems Girt TO wit: et Her Majears ;.7o ..imy an,Cocitutto;ofinethdeireclintedit ao-Conniesttoeieeisfundollutadr00 add- . -is tMiloa**Pirii)Vh Secr"dmdliind 11Flahavesi%,'Dmilljxed andtakes Execution all the right,- title and ' interest or- the said defendant In.* aid to Lots numbers 13 stud OA the First cos oft slip oflinlostintiteVoigatf -of It40 sew ,-.4itrualplititlaiiii Ismail** - I for sale at me Chilce" in, the Coo t noes* la tile Town of tioilertch, on 'Tuesday; 'the /fart of November Dealt at theehnurof' ' clock, noon'!" -; 't r*-, _ I- ___ _- 4016 31,ANDON Aliers1,04 BY S. rot.r.ocx; PeptitySherilf. .„-r-Bberig's Offiee, tiodetleb, -- 4 uly Zird; 1864. *vs a -HEMP -21 SAtii-IFITNa"--7:47. United Countieli of 11f inrineof tet Huron and Bruce, >.1-3 Vier) facia,' 10fted - To Wit _ , of -Her Mitjanlyira or queen's Bench, Atid .1.0 me• against the- .141a4s, * tessimlat lex- trader , Traynor, ler Bier -the -1,0114 Jaws tflososell Atevensoa, api -boa cook $nthe,tiartdii brio oe!wd )41444 ,nzaeontkak tit The right,* title ab laterest eeeee sapd defenehnidd and to Lot number T dame, in the Sarnia Wage, mffir• Zot Petty, ithJse. --- Ind concession, South ofihe Barham load, and Thirty-nine and Fong iujhc ttitai, .1„44age,, or the DurhinLitead,; al tic - pty acrei .; ef tatesnents 1 shall offer forattent- Cowl House,lf Olibltgat day the Thinegfill?dity ist* oldhe el JOHINML -; By S.,rott.00It; DeiPoW SbcnL SherilPsodlees Gothwinil t. '24-l.:1_)nt s FARMS TO I: I:4. • a 4 . ntaiG TAN 40,4dottee54osi4 aid L) Township, coma lag JO amass elearaaoaleA wftIT liberty to Arta.,*440- 11**iir * - beariaS Mama, bleb' ***Itend .11 1101*Nt'i - Bank* tied -Work* Brick'Tar4 mi - rat 044 k ih.o1linr pae-biTlf a mile froaraWrit7 Ideosertigifis ocateaareiai,i0 atria to be Itiatediaintiy et sepsodsty so*. *ovedorer. trot pitaieliata-ittowtluakrwo itriathesTeraeasitirCoric,' OtafiliWiliktr-il set r4.0. nth, mit.- di