HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-08-16, Page 3ern te 7: , is -t: °°.,s C ns 0, r Tat e es Melon., 6 heat* t Peck ti great. other 2.00. 2nd do . -Butter ‘' 25 4 4 . ; 2.00, ank.ets :ankets mess st ; 117..ist be - 2nd -nt do 5-; hest host wax •_ PePer-.. • Plac4 e the, r . F64, and -, eeed. T 'rd ro- oith of eriele c ranee a rine leaks :ter ikt r 4;41' Alay- M-31, d direct 1siX ALL. - to itt or under a "inar.uel in pay- - Id mart- o"eock, tbe 011e% *nee tersi -tied .ith inst. 4 yems 40Wra t sootier E:SDAY* ., for the Per. tr9S3t - town of wit cow ntl yr* lation at Will be- ist te Attest ANEe deridt, GUST MIMS& ox rise s .es; 1. • • , I make lifre desirable, than can be found any - ti 0111 :& Ir A ! where else. It these are forcibly taken away flom us, if peace is zone, if liberty is gone, if friends ere voile, if home and plenty (voile tee- A communication from Culross has been unavoidably laid over. Z er R. D. S. -Your poetry will appear in our next. POTATORS.-Mr, Tho roas Kneeshaw has shown us an extraordinary specimen of potatoes of the ..kshleaf Kidney variety, one plant yielding 24 of the largest mur- phies we have seen• of tkiat kind. Toni is qutte a. 6%enius in the patato-growing line star- LIST OF LANDS TO BE SOLD FOR. TAXSS.—Irr the celueins of our Weekly edition of this week will be found the Sheriff's, advertisement of Lands to be sold for taxes. We trust our innmerons readers throughout the enmities will give 5lie list wide circulation,as it sdesirable that every fernier should examine it. LONDON SOCIETY AND CHURCHMAN'S 3.1AfiAzrzsm..---From ,Iklessrs. Cbewett Co., of Toronto, we have received the above magazines for the current month. The former is. illustrated in the very highest style 'of wood-engravinand the articles are written in a most gossipy style. ThE othez is., as we have said before, a first class magazine of its kind - For WO at the &gnat dace gook -store. Inspection ot Comities' Gaol-- - GoDERICE, 10th An;., /864. The und:.rsigned visited this jail to -day. - Re inspected every ward and every cell -the beds and bedJing. Nothioes could be more . perfectly clean and otderly -as this Jail is i throughout. . H s gratiged to find- that a pulpit is now placed in the chapel. ' The locks however and the opeaings in the grated dors are still the same. , .' The Jailer states there are only seven loeks --_. efficient in the whole prison. Should any untoward circumstance occur from this defect the Jail authorities must be held alone re: sponsible. The (Retributionof the Jailer's yard and the position of the buildings particularly are very objeetionahre. As the yard appropriat- ed to Debtors is by far too Urge. and that for the Jailor much too small the 1 Undersign - them should be removed seas to enlarge the ' _ ed would reconatnentl that the wall between 41' . latter. The removal would tendat the same time to add to the security of the place by affording openspace for the prisoners to wort in whea sawing wood away from the tuVdinge... , . The regulation diet is now in force and found to be amply stiffizient. The Becks were examined and are well kept. There are threc commitinents to be entered in Register, , • No kind Of employment 'has yet been found for the prisoners. !Could- oat timber be givert‘thern from which to make stelae brooms. -timber for axe bemire -44•,,e..? The expense °Mite raw niaterial would be be nothfire the benefit of the -prEseners being breken into batiks of industry a great deal.- The women , istiee any such are in 411 -might be engaged la knitting to great advantage. . - , J. M. FERRES, Inv'? t., hat is the country andfing worth to me? All countrits belong alike to God, and if a hapyy and peaceful life could be secured on any other portion of this earth, that would become my country." There is a difficulty' between the civilians of London and the men ofMajor Penn's "gray battery" of artillery, stationed in that garrison. Several fierce epeounters took place between _bodies of them on Saturday and Monday nights , last. 1411,11). Ou Friday, 12th inst., the wife of 41.r. J. Henry, of a daughter. - THE MARKETS. - -•••••• THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. — - PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION, or TILE AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION oF UPPER CANADA, To OE Held at Hamilton, ---0 26th to Stlpt.„ 186t6t . . . _ DER -SONS- intending to exhibit will please take notice that the entries of artidee in t •. e -respective classes mtiat he made wnh,l he Secretary_at Tommto, on or before the under:men- Getteniell, Aug. 12th 1864 dolled dates, viz _ • Fall' Wheat, -eve Spring do . Vats •1 Horses: Cattle, Sheep Swine Poultry on or . 5 6,, 0:148 -before Saurday, Aug ust'llOt h. , , 0;75 (e 0;78 Crain-, Field Roots and other P Bailey y A . ....... . . ... ,.. ..,-. . 0:0 'g 0:Q0 - er 10.00 Woo/ washeirti lit .......-. Oz00 a- 0:39i A Peas - ..........,... ....... ' 0:40- ' 1 '04- . Pork ........, ..... - . .. . . 4:50 _de' 4:75 ' e Beef„.'e ee ..-............, ....--- 3:00 - m .4:00 si Lambs: . - ...-..... _ ... 2.00 n, 0.00 ' 4 „furkiesi each ... ... . .. .. 0:45 ' 0:60 Geese,' do - ........ 0:30 ie 0:45 . liacks, • do ,' . _ ..... ... '0:00- a 0-95 .. arm Products, Agricultural iinp.ernents, .3,1achniery. mid Menu,: 0.. 0:65 factures generally, on or before Saturday, Sep- eirser3rd. - _ Horticulteral Products, Ladies" work. the Fine ttc., on or before Saturday, September 17th. Prize Lisis and Bleak Forms for making the ntrie; upon ..in be obtained ad the Secretaries f all Agricultural Sokieties and Sleclittnice testi- utes thrum, notii the Province. , THOMSON, • • -t.e.ey Board ot Agriculture. • Toronto, .bil3r 30, 1864: w23:3t • liay,,,t2 : 8°.;00 t 4 t.1 uckeus, Vpaire ....; e.. 0:740 ' 0:00 fides (green)... .3.50 &".r. 0:00 Blitterf . .. . 0:00 (a, 0:12A : - Peuttores . . o:oo a Loa NOTICE' ood.: . 2-40 (it, 0:00 ' - • gu:s- -JOHN FAIR It CO. OAS (4- 44-14 ft AME into the pretnises cf the suhsetiberini - •- , 0:75 a 0-80 V the Ist day of August -7-1863 a grey heifer • • save NOW °MUD THEM mim na 3 yeara a. .1 he owner is retptested ; • „ = „, t , to prove property, pay expenses and take her \IV S 0 IC Farin in osanquet awlkr THOS. ro wELL. - DR' FOR SALE Lot 13, con:- 7. Towtish:tp of Tornberry; Au. 2, 1254. 5 W28-31 .1 S'pring and Summer D 9T-1 PO I -4'U r -U. _ G11011 NEVI FOR 111111 ?FAIRER& ifamitnODOOR To NstBreOefltiAK,c8ITOintoREnt GEORGE7-11Y000IC, B -00T AND SHOES !PRINTER AO BOOKSELLER ! school Bootiks,nd Wholesale and Retail Dealer in. 13;Titracit;gi7traff.**Pprizs, Hymn and Psalm /3ooks. Window Paper6, Ribles andTestatuants. riod ArVitPer-*. F.N3E,iecoiinu:InPeilisuos4dcriusteliccss., Paper.liengings, 200 Pairs en's Kip.. Cobourg Shoes, 10.tresncl.a.11 other articles usually kipt Mirage statio'nery Blank Boole,. Musicale' Musical lastrinnenm. . Paney Goods and To 7 100 " " D. S. Calf Boots, [Congress] A Mille M"a2kIes. Peri"c""" papers. received regitlarly,-toul any boa not lo!slock 20p .46irip. Copper roes: • er4i4liargei P+.) 4natterwhere publiSbed.. - procured to -order on the tihortest notitte,'Ivribmit Jitny 260 isses? Calf Boot,,' -200 omen's'Calf Boots, 5. a 1111E UNDERSIGNED ofThrs for sale or le let ' L, tot2Q, 12th. eon,. township of -Bosdnquet, Conutyof Lambion. The farm -consists of ME HUNDRED ACRES sixty of which are: cleared. and situated near a stattoa of the G-. T. Railway:. There is a .40G ' _UWE LLIXO HOUSE- AND PRANE 8.111Xon the lot-, - • tradiey Alex. WELL WERiEfEit.ED & Bezenger Aondrite* For partieulare apply to Bidwell Joshua .Bidwell Joint' -Bar James Ballantine Benslay. John Brown W' Mrs-- 13rown"Sarali D Berry Thontia Bell Thomas'- , Bell Jr Win tiuChanatt .Wut Blair:Wm -,List 6 DEMAINING in -1-4 ss August, 18 Allem Bet.j. Arch Henry. - Auld ?John. , Andersen Thomas. ° COMPitI2ING 'ALL THE f Letters _ • NOVELTIES OF THE S ISON the Goderich Post OffiCe, Gonda, - 64. They sVould call pareautar tte kr Pezsaust te Were. STasim-Jas. Ulf, En.; 10d- Wall at., N. Y. certifies/hat- kora personal knowleke Mrs S. A. Allen's World's Heir Res- torer rtore gray Ileitis its pritni- tiveyouthfut color.„`and will al.m1 renew the hair - where baldnesshasocurred.. It is not a dye, but posstses, the quality of revivifvzog the .glands watch secrete the hair, and thuarestures. n ne _prieeine beauty.. _ _ attenttoa to blittet.s and moderate charies, to • THE CAM'S IN'Tfis UNII.ED STATES.-- W -e /, secure -a share ofsupport froth his oldtriende and are receivine' good reports frem all parts '9f PI4Grod°neskuhr July 271h, 1884. - sula-atsc27-'21, 0. the country respectiog the crops, Fry= Ne -w - England vie -team that the dausaee dorm to SHERIFF'S SAIL OF' LANDS: -whet way -be ualleirthe staples tif that Sec- tion has not been so great as the exaggerated account* from particulady exposed loeitaties vrould !ea d the country eo siippose. The erca was very lerge, and has been seethred under circumstances universally -rev-arable. Proba.bly a fully threeenarters erep of peke, toes will be rased, oaioneeea large pro duct of New Eriglaud-promise an extra yield. In the West of the great steples- wheat arid corn -nearly an avehge crop will be hs. ted The elnach has not coin -- emitted belittle ravageswe were led to sateibsit and the late colionsi.:. mine. have pretbabiy totally eradicated that pest- for the season. - In many portions °idle Weie corn and pota- toes, never, looked better at this season or promised a hea.vier yield. The fruit crop in spite cif all the terrible. stories about the ,revage of tile eanker and other • worma, probably be lerge. Early apples .have un- doubtedly suffered to some extent but the -winter crop is very pronAting. Peaehea are plentyarel fiaeyand are reaching market in large quantities. On the whole, accounts are decided:y farorable, and we have reason to be thankful that to • tliit herrord of war is not to be added the seoarge of fittaine.- : /Jerald, Ang., 9, ust -• -V:6! Gbil, DON, Goderich P. o„ CURSIONS! 1D ETURN tickets Will he issued by- the Lb Steamer ANADIA N. Collies -Jaynes Campbell Ellen CooliJerees , • To Southampton, Kiocardine- And back ever Cox' John S - SATC.RDA71, to .the first of October Crawford John 1 ' -• Carroll Louisa -IIALF - • FAIIE • isorarint,!).1-rairey, viz., 82-00 -for the mend rip. Tickets good Gunning:1'4m Robert to retUr4 S•1412 (14 or the following, Monday: erc'ff T • VANEVERY RUMBALL. Cochran Themes Rev Goderieh, August 5, 1864. 7213 COrner WE H CZ 611- 3.. AkultiGHT, Proprietor,rrii :' SURSCREBEIt having reshitted the man - arm -tient cf First-elas Hotel trusts bv - Morcom Degrgory Maitison'George Morton _ Marshall Jelin Martin John S MertIand Mary _Madison Airs Kelly Meagher Patrick Mu -un Thonias Mouncie Thos C Clarke Wnt CuIver.W Dimnia Adam - Dayrnent Charles - , Puede!' ;Lek - Dekes Jane Dyson Win - Elliot James • - Elliot Mrs 0 Elliot Thomas_ WOM2,4e* Op111Z011. Of War.- IND'IGSAXT RE.ItOtiSriAIME., The ..New Tort Worla publishes a woman"• iarlieant protest te,eamst the late "insoten „ and horriblederaater of the President fo five hundred thousand more men. She says "1 de not believe in fighting for the: country and the dag to the lest_ mane and4 seems to me anybody would be an idot to '11:k such nonsense-. What would the =Vito' ha- WO2fil to me or any other Worm if the ;last -mare was gone and what is it worth to a man when he as left it !to enter that, iron} which, no traveller returns? • knowit is usual to talk about the blessings secured to- posterity, but the._,ielea of -doing anything for posterity* unless it is to plant out some apple trees, la nonsense; posterity never appreciates it, and will just be as like- ly* possess some fools, who CattliCit !et well enough alone, and who delight • in picking - quarrels, as this generation. The beet way to secure blessings to posterity is to secure them, and be thankful for them -ourselves; and how poatirity-fsgoing to be benefitted by the Win off of all the able bodied men, and the ruin and desolation of the country, cannot coneei-ie.; "Ifthers was prospect of the termina- l:1On of the war, and this was the last call for five hundred thousand meo, the thought would be lase' disheartening --bit there is_ no prospect of Anything telt an interminable war, and a constant succession of calls for fire 'kindred thormand Men, who will &up- pe*r in the same maelstrom, until the last indeed follow.% Ina brothers tiod kindred to their fate. - - "Men who would rather run than fight any day, and who, lt they ire draftedi_.wiR 4stert in skeet terror to the first emigrant *hip which arrives, to secure a substitute, talk loudly about the glory ghting, and dying for one's flag and eimatry.-What is ones Sig and eouritty 7: Is it not* stripe of zags, ora little dirt, alew stones, lila some water? -these cast be found ie any place, and no epode/ eonsideratioa. If our wonky end Alur gaistre dear* "Os. because they represent to- US 11 ST portion of the blessings, that. f7nitell Counties of n Y aratue of a writ of Fled Hurou eud Bruce, ..ii Facias issued out °flier To Wit : Majesty's Court Of Queen's Bench ancito rue direeted against the lands end teuemenits of Daniel McCauley..itt the iuit _of the Bank -at Siontreal, 1 have seized - and taken in - execution all the right, titie and interest of the said defendant in and to the south halves ((lots NumberS 31, 311, 33 and 34 la the first conecsiion of the Township ofSlorris. i i the County of II it - Jou; att4tainin ttvo hundred aeres ° with the laultkngs thereon erected - -whii,li land.; and tene4. meets 1.sball eller tor sale -at 'my O‘ffice in the Court flOure, /II the Town of Coderich, on 'Tues- day, the Eleventhday of tictober dext,at the hour of twelve' of the el 'Lig', noon. . ' • -: - JOHN MACT.ONALD, Sheri% H. & B. By S. PollockDeputy Sheriff'. • - . _ "Sherillis Gilley, Goderich, July 1st, 1?64 RIFLES SHOT 1-3`ISTOLS,, &et Elliot Win (2) Ferguson Dr- Ford G.. • Forrest Mary Fisher Wei Fox Mir Garfinc;,r E V Preilerick Genochio . lItiesten-John S Heaney "John S - livine•Robert, Inglis %V di Jewel James Jordan Thomits Johnston • Jeakins Wm T •/- Jarvis Vi'm - -T ICennedy Archibald T K?yes Jolui • Kerr Jennie Aire • W KerrJohc Hent7 Mrs W Knox Thoinas W tas MeLean.N. mer4inzie Ana (4) McKenzie Alex McLellan Archibald McFalyen Christy -. . McKenzie •ChtiStina McKoy -Christina- • McKay Dodald' MCCuish• Donald (2) McDonald Donald D McClean Flora 3irs McKenzie Hugh McLennan John McNeill Jobe „McAuley John . McDenald John - McDonald Lizzie - Mt:Verson M'Donald Malcolm (2) McDonald Roderick MeGratten Win Nelson John:: Norton N., ()Wee& 'John O'Keefe John, Larriksehr CitAb Mr Polley'Mary Mrs Paps William . Poreins Wm ratten Capt Win Rattan Ellen Mrs Rutherford John . Runelinan John (2) Robertson R-. mith Andrew inelair Alex aper Enpliemia Myth Ezekiel 'emits Geo fete Johrt eattert Jas ry on John allivan Michael Simons :Vary Mrs Snlavon Patrick Simpson R Strain Robert Stinius. $ • AND MADE TO ORDER; BY s -14 IrINTOSIL - Opposite the Market. " Ali kinds of repairing' done on most reasonable terms. -.C41 : Goderich, Angust 2nd, 18640 sw94 --Miss Alacdortpgikgs. QC}1,091. will be re -opened on the: 204 of August. s, - Gerlerich, ittly2t3thel664:.: - Sw04-td. sitEuzgra SAT O1 LANDS. Hurou and Bruce, Fieri - Facies nsued UtutedCountiesoftBY virtue offour Writs of . To wit:- • . out of Majesty's County Conti of the County of Sitneoe. County Court of the County ofE4ine County Court of the United 49unues ?fifteen stpd Bruce, and Penuty, Court ot the United -Counties -of York and Feel, and to die directed a -est the, lauds and tenements of 'monies Playford, stole su,ts of William Boys, James Richmond,: Theodore c. Carey, .Norman Holt, Isaac Carling* thiver Tiffany _Mack wit, John 'Thomas William Levering the younger. and James F. Mackie= ; 'have wised and taken in Execution all the right, title and interest. ot said dekndant ht and to the fawning lots, vig Lot No. 7,- north of Queen 'Streets Lot No. 10 Emit Ceara area, Lot No.. *eh lOewinan Street, and Lots Noe. 1 and 2itorith of Mill street, snip the village of Wrogeter that Township of flows& and County offluron; _which lands and tenements I- shall ofer for gate at My office in the Conti -House At the Town ofOodericluon Tuesday tuft Fifteenth day of Novemaer next, at the -hour ef Twelve ofthe clock, amts. . JOIEN MACDONALD,' .Shertlf, IfY Potedocx, Depety- • Shang's-00m tanleho. • 4th Auguste. aft- • ft • herns 'Charles ownland John . ravers Eliztith C Sirs eimble WM • atson eston Geo ilkes Jelm ilson Jonathan Non John (2) • • 'Outer John ' lion Mary Ann Mrs oodrongh 'Mary hiteley Noble Lawn Chei-Ies Ley David Lewis John Latter Maggie 'Livingston. Lowry Robert Logan Richard - ----AME mas 'Tames S WATSON Postmaster. • -4,••• STORE TO RENT, ON East Street;near the Square. I For terms, Ie., apply at Logan's Wool Factory Office, to the sub- scriber. 'TH:OS. LOGAN'. Goderich August Nei 1864 w27 -4t - THE FillITON ROUSE., Illarket Square, Goderich, FU4TONt Proprietor. A ALMA; ACCOMMODATION for the trave- l -1 link public.. The bar glipphed at alt times with chotce licniors* cigars, &e. Geed stabitng a.nd auentive hostile's. Goderich, Apn1121h, 1864. sw63vrII a . their stock of • CLOTHS AND TW of whtehe- hey have a better intsortin nt this sea- son than usual, and which. havio added a TAILORING DEPAR lion to DS, - ME -NT: to their business, they a -o propa to make up in first-class 8tVle Corner of iiiirket Square and 'est street. -Gixle'tich.Apill 26th, 1'64. aw67 _ D. KERR, & CO'S. 'WS SENOW $21.1.11iV -OYoIJ& SToCE•OP And all If4nds of Hats at STT PRIPE FOR .CASE D.,BERIti Jr., it. CO. GREAT DRY CO ENTIRE- iToronto 'Wholesale' Prices 4.811" 7. supplied - r c , , „... - teonutrr Slorekeckentwi h School Books at - Alarge stoctofclicap 'Wrapping Papers on head. -Room. Papers! Road Papers!! Titeuriestaa4 /nest -rottOete stook or Kona IWO* , in the Courtly, among which -will be fouud -soote bowl- ful Antemsa Atrin-Lnished Papers- at meet illitiStially low. ''-klitinng been hooglitvery favorably fer rash, They are Gtfered id the palate at great bargains. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS!. A choice assortment of Pocket. gerlo, leableet hint Oblong' Alt inns. at untrvellonsly low prices, they haViog been -bought very favorably in tbe ..lkinerican Market.— – These are rauthose limey and tadly-made Album or Dorman manufacture.hut are well made. of good sub– stantial mawnet, and lageintly and handsomely finished, , and They are oared at prices almost as low aa the emu- nion tierinan ones. and quite as low, itiotbitiver, than at any city book -store in Canada. • , GILT MOULDINGSII AND TURES , A complete -stock alwilys On Imodand rersaleelesp, Job '12.th:it-big! job Printittig! f Atpficesfat below those of Village Printing Offices h. generally. wherethey have to make both vods meet loy - e.....rging extra prices oabs in -order to mike up the losses from newspapers That Jona pay ofTheniselvess- Having discontinued The newspaper Priming is execui. edat.the old ,*Courier” .Job Orme, On Victoria.Streek .Clinion,insbor ertinse.•cheaper and better every wa3, Astral itny Oder village office in the County. • .- GEORGE LATCOCK, ' Primer and Bookseaer. wii • • Victoria Street -Meow : Sheriff's Salo efliands. GAISs!! -United °unties a . Us Y virtue of it g .; Huron District BuildinSocietyI have seized- — 1 Buren:and i;Bruce, .1./ Fie.ri Facies i el nut - To wit: of Her Majesty's V ty - Court ofthe ihtited Collates Of Manta and Bruce and to me deemed !safest the lands and le.in Wein:sof Emanuel N. Davtys At the: suit 0A° awl and taken In Execution all the right. tole and interest of the said defendant in and to Lot tom - bet 37 north .side 4.4 Mechanics' Astentio, and 'Loss autnuers 17 and 18 Southside of Mechanics Averment that pad of the Village of Kimardiusi , kuown as -Williamsburg; 'which lindsand tem- ' meets I shall effector sale et snyotkeitt Le Court House in the Town of <iodenell, on Tuesday the First day of November next', at the bour sit twelve ofihe clock, tools. e JOEN MACDONALD, - lute Ard,•1864.: i - - wilt Sherirsil•Alo A By S. PoLLock, Deputy Sherif1„ , ••Sheriff's OffieeeGoderieli* I •- ' eleut_wuiEiry-: e obtained in D GROCERIES, . • . is our inteiltion to clear mit our • • CK OF ON -OB BEFORE THE -MAST OF .SEPTE2TBER- NEXT, • The reuioial of a stock of Eardwa,v *ill b cleared out either' itt whele or part at Iva' low prices. ' • , . SIXOE3x.4I-i..P,'S UT. 1-113.14r4 D. KERIL Jr,, & CO. Goderick 14t1i-jutiet 1864: w7 taMCE to tIORS!! - IN CHANCERY: . Id NOW BLIiTNG. O'ER BtS -WHOLE STOCIE - B. Mont' SURGICAL CRAKI.:AL • COURT . ROUSE SQUARE, ODERICR f••••sovicar. netaties nave one; . 'AV1Nq taken advantage of t e deprecia- tion oflAimerlean curiencyan purchased a very large and select stock ofdea material,:at greatly reduced prams, is now pre fed to.do 'all work pettaninig to the prefession in manner, and at prices not to he coin tedmith 18 Canada! • • Dr. Moiltgonierypolicitavartieula attention to the following • LIST OF Piti ES • Whiel; are less than half of the for r Prices: Reautiful Upper Setts, an Vulcanized '- Rubber, from $ 500 upwards-. a Lower a " Double " 5 00 00 Partial setts ofone tooth• I 50 . " Pirot teeth,Fereacl,.k-addi...tkalal-......"11• 11 01' • -gat Beautiful Gold <75 " " Siler1 • . 60 " Other fillings inproportion. • Exulted* teeth '0 -i* • - Amenity of Tooth Powders, Gum Was es; Toothache .Drops, Tooth Soaps, ice elvers QT1 Ether and Chltiroform adatuustered weifremared. N. 11.; -No charge forextracibig when aro to be hiserted.! Pfriies not wishing- the old • elk extracted can have tiroficzail teeth inserted- over the - f . , References_ are kinirly P Revs. E. Elwood. Meliidd. P. rich; i. Ushcr,,Braintord; L.34. .1 J. W. -Sims, Dungannon; McDo C. Shannon M. LI, Ilara6toa, 51. W.: IL Smith. Seaforth ; I. E. Waldre don; ft L, Hunter, BL D.. -Toronto ; J. field J. B. Meaebam D. D. S., B Chicago; 3. McDonald* Rambo% Esq., W. Seymour, El* J. Detlor, Esq., Ira Lawni Vocleriels. Mar 23rd. 1%4. .11.11101Illnk itted to eider, Gude- New Yorkl, 3L D.,t Oodench 3L D. Lon. Bitch, Buie...- a:ford; W. Sherif, ., J. Fair, sq,, Gage- Iix Woo s, at ct- for _ LAR�E LO .-.-OfROAIISATtOLD-1110.1.1i LIT TILE JitATTER OP 1'4E211270X BETWEEN/' Isaac John. Qmex and Heolly Miler Quick and others; DCIISUANT to an order siadein this owes dated the sixteenth day -of May, 1864, - the creditors °filet lige Jelin $10011, We or .. the Town of GOderlek in the cptintf of Huron, deceased, lathe plies -dings mentioned, who died on or about the 22nd day of May, -- 1854, are in person or by tkeirSolieiter At or before the twenty-fifth day of Algust, 1864, to come in and prove their debts before Mg at my clutinheuf in the Town ot Goderiehr _otherwise they will Se- pentapteaRy excluded from all benefit under the said order. Saturday27111 dal oE At, 1.864,,atien oithe elociein the forenoon, at my said Chambers, is appointed for hearing and adjudicating epon theclaims. Dated at Goderich this Sixth day of 47oly 1864. II-CORR-E1 Depjtegistrar, Master it Goderich. SLAKE, KERR fi WELLS, Solicitor for the Petitioeers w2f,-.5t Groceries i all their variety, very iowl;,. ALL ND EXAMINE! Agent -for La att's London Ale and Porter. CHEMERED STORE, ivrAuvr SQUARE .GoderichrTune 14th, 1864. sw82W2t; & SHERIFZ'S SALE OF LANDS. tratted-Conntieent llip-r virtue of a 'Writ et lprois and Bruce, ..11..1 Piers Facia:re issued eat - To Wit : .. t of 13er Ma *a Colon' Court of the United Counties of 1Lrog and Bruce, and tome directed ROME ate lands *ad tenements of Patrick McGuire and Jean* lie- Guire at thesult of the corporatton of the tow*. ' slup efAehfietd, I have seized andtakettle dlie• twice, all the right, tole and inteittet Of file stud detail:1W, in and -collie south halt pilot aotaber three in tne Ilth concession and the non* bait eflot *Amber three la -the 101 concesokin Zeit- ern Division of the township of Ashfieleut ilea County of flurotseontadung goo sere* snore or ,less which landsand teneinopts 1 shun otIse tor sale attar -Orme it: the Court Xiouse in ilia Taws -oceoderieb on Tuesday the 22ad day of flovent- bet next, at the .b.r.ur et- Twelve ot the.elook, It0011. • 101EIN MACDONALD, ill • Sboisaf. le ji., By .5. &twee, Deputy Sherrt1F- Ailterill'staiNee;GodePelle ....- 0th Alienist* ill64. .HE susscRIBETI, -WOULD INTIgATE THAT lig- HAS ItEgOVEIt , to the store formerly occupied by Mr. McAllister, on the XALICET StaVARE, TWO DOORS SOUTH Or THE 4 -SIGNAL/ °MOE where he will be h,appy to reeeivehis old customers andthe public generally:: . Wm.. DuropArts ' sw64, _Gettlerich.- Mine 16ths 1804 labitc+E_ STOCK OF �ode&cfr,ADti 40,1864 Goderioht JuIT St 1864 FAR RENT tITANTED b the. aubllurdutIrs. aa i9IbL.3 V Patinlo seal. with good soiland 'ths rOCtObers APPlys if* leftet_11046100a, - :d near- a good market. l'Oblessielt:41,14ed !Pi e IsU lirDOUGALL„ 'Varna P., O. „Stanley, Await A, 1864: wil&stit Valuable Parm Por Ea1. -BETtolnsbilioll.N.091,c4101Esetertrbonms. Divlavrith iond Ifitlicoottitatial cleared hind, to *good itata of cultivistioneetrisk 14 acres °Dalt wheat*, yousie ordutrilAwe WAS of good watel.;alais never -410640 topeausg, log houses*log bare, stables, dm,. only 7 Defies front Godenett, on the Northern -Crave! For further .particulars apply. berdon, Esq.* Ciodent h, er on the pmsertir usJelist shad Darlington. To be irmokit 41141Sh Oa lift A, given for pater the nicalel- I - -ca4horne„29thidtarelu.004. VALUABLE FBM • .., TO AEU: OItTO- T OTN0.t0.cowvesion Toww44 1.4 nolt,eotruialagrAsbty stems alitlrat *hi* 'grounder a ?Late -4:•fistVivehoso *O. ierth=ar 9,81 R D CO 41,4ce.otpto311.0.Cataisva.-Begpootri lorifloderich, oft tbeiletravr bersig*****Niat eisaa stone dWelliskthwass bara *OA OK late orchard beeptiefswit IW smug creek tunitiair *MO two mdes frost the Tcnrat el F • Wool. Factory. 271WEASZOGOL 47143 Gederick• Anse 13.0., volt Markei &ram Goderkh.