HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1946-12-11, Page 1THE a LYTH NANDA VOLUME 57 - NO. 15, TtIREE NEW 11IEN ON WEDDINGS BLY'I'II COIINCIL BOARD Cowan - Nivins VOTE WAS LARGE WITH KEEN INTEREST SIIOWN 413 voter, turned out t t c, ,l their ballot in \Imola'•',,\Inn'cit,al election for l'onncil in Myth. It was the larg- est vote records i here in Ulan-' yea's,. Keen interest was c.i lent from the time the I" 11 opeli(Il in the Memorial ]tall, until it close 1. The final result \vas declared ah. nt 7:15 p.m., with many rilizefl, iml,alicntly awaiting: the outcome. hollnuing i•; the result of the elec- tion, with the first four mentioned c$c •t''l t', rtprescnt the citizens on tete council beard for 1947: I. 11. \\ al„,n . 247 Gec,rge. Iladioid '33 Stuart Ilehin •on 211 ()corgi. \IcNall. 207 'tarok! V,'dden 193 Lewis \\hitficld 11+6 1 Iarvey \I et:allu:1i 138 The first four mentioned, \villi Reeve Franklin Iluinton, who w'a; returned to that leis' with an arelallatinn, will crmposc the 1917 cnms•il. (;e rge Nies Nall was the only 1946 Councillor re_ turned to the Council Head, One Change Occurs In IIuIlett Election ilttllctt to\vnship election for the Council Hoard, resulted in one new 'face appearing , n the 19-17 council. 1le is Mr. Leslie Reid, \-111, replaces \Ir, George Ilro\wn, wvhu Ila, been on the 1luilclt L'ouncit !loud for many -cars. An average coli was cast in l Millett with the following results: T. tat 1)ivisiou 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Brown 38 49 2 81 5 l0 22 >,i9 a marri;rse ceremony of interest to Clark ill 21 11 54 4 6$ 22 19' i'l'ideiits of this community was sol- emnized 101 I') 4'1 •N 15 43 35 97 emnized at (;race Lutheran Church, )ctwit! 104 59 36 Sri II 41 39 3311 \litchcll, en Saturday, 1)eccmbcr 7th, Rapson 51 38 47 82 36 51 •4O 151 at 13:15 o'clock, when Rcta Audrey Reid 42 74 2;1 82 7 50 1iI 28; 1lcckman, daughter of Nits Arthur I'he following -tor men, along wish Heckman, and the late Mrs. 1leck- Rrcwc J. \17. Armstrong, who wasman, of \litchcll, became the bride of :\ quirt we.l.ding, performed in the presence of immediate relatives, wan solemnized in the Blyth L'nited Church on Saturday, December 7th, at 2 i,ni., tt'hcn \'i!'lct \lay Nivins, daughter of \Ir, and t\Irs, Chides Nivins, Auburn, \vas united in marriage to \\'illiant Al- ford Cowan, of Blyth, sun of Mr. and \Irs, George Cowan, East \1':nvanm h. The church was appropriately decor- ated, the altar being \chile, with green and pink flowers. \Vitt) the Rev. Arthur Sinclair of- BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DEC, 11, 191(1 Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Mailing List Corrected The Standard mailing list has been corrected up until Tuesday evening. Subscribers will please examine their labels for the advanced dating, and notify this office if an error is ap;•ar- cnt. W. I. MEETING Regular monthly meeting of the Wu - men's Institute was held in Monomial Hall, December 5th at 2:30 pot., with 45 t'resent. \legit:ng was opened with the Ode and fi rd's Prayer. :\ num- ., bher of new member, have conte in (iating, the lu•i le was given its mar- her our Nmentbrr meeting making ins. by her father, Mr. Charles Niv- since membership flow over h0. 'lege treas- urer She was gowned in a street -length gave a most encouraging rep trt.. dre•, of 'viuter white waol, with The Institute has purchased an eke- :houlder-length veil and net gloves, aural tris stove and annex, which will he carried a corsage of bronze n ses and installed in the new kitchen, which is buvard:at, being added' to the Hall. Secretary, \Irs, 1,e trge Cowan, of Cookstown, \Tess A. 'Taylor read a Tetter from the the bridesmaid, was dressed in a street Sick Children's Hospital, requesting length gown of tortttu ise blue with help, the institute have sent t" the brown accessories. She carried a Hospital $10,C($, and also to 1\'ar \lent- corsagc of pink rosebuds' (trial 1I noodles; Fund, $111.1111. Secretary Air. George Cowan, hrnt$tcr of the read a fine letter of appreciation from bridegr oma was best man. the Supt. of Children'; Aid in iluron, The wedding music was played ' acknowledging a hale of children's and \Irs. Gerald Ilarris, and the Isvely solo infants new clothing received f1. m (n_ "Because", was sung by \I r, George stitute, valued at *30.00. .\ le:ler was Cuwa'' read from the Memorial hospital, ask - After the ceremony a wedding din- ig for good used tows, tate sante to he nor was served at the home of the scut for Christmas, anyone hawing us - bride's payouts, at Auburn, Table de- ed toys, please send them to these lit- cur;atiun, were in pink and white, eon tie shut-ins. At the am,:clus^m of the treol with a tbrce_ticr wedding cake ' business a Food program was enjoyed. Assistants were Mrs. Clark :ora' Mrs, \irs. Putts gave a fine reading 1.'o Dodd. kindness; \irs. Earl McKnight and The young couple enjoyed a brief \Irs. L. Scrimgeour sang duets, "Sil- honeyniton at C-okstotvn, Barrie ent Night", and White Christmas." Midland and 'Toronto For travellinF,f •\irs. Scrimgeour gave a report of the the bride wore a dusky nose dress, London Area Cuneeittitn, wh;ch was green coat, and brown accessories, Little - Heckman given an acclamation, twill form the Thomas Milton Little, son of \fr. and 1Ittlletl Council Board (n1. 10.17: Ira \Irs. 'Thomas Little, of Lonlesboro, tliapson, 11'illiann Jewitt, \\'illi;uu Dale, The church vas beautifully decorat- and Leslie Reid. Rccve Armstrong has thrown hi; am performed setting the ceremony was hat in the ring for the \\'ardensitip performed by the Rev,h. \Voelfle. crntest f r 1947. In 1915 \!r. .\rot (riven in marriage:by her graudfath- sirong was chairman of the Agricultut. tet•• \I r. Charles Heckman, the bride al Committee of the County Counc,:l looked lovely in a floor -length gown and last year was elected a member white silk not ever taffeta with a of the Gaud heads Connmittce• sill( lace_fitfcd bodice and sweetheart neckline, and a headdress of white ostrich feathers with trailing scallop - East Waivailosh Returns e 1 veil dotted with small bows and (utthlc "'I';' fingertips. $ler flowers • .l. I). Beecroft were red carnations with white baby Monday's \Imticieal Elections in 'mutes, East \\'anwanosh was for the rerees'hit,1 \Irs. \\'illiam Martins, of St. Cath - and alsofor members of the School rines, aunt of the bride, vas matron Area Board, 1, D. Pccrr11fl was 1.l•_ of honor, gowned in a floor -length turned as reeve, defeating .\I r. Nor- turquoise silk jersey dress, with sweet - ed with ferns and white 'mums, and Hoot \hcUowcil, a member of the $94( heart neckline, fitted torso, and full Council. Messrs. \ctltery, laohinsott, skirt, \vith matching gloves and head - and Taylor were successful in the race chess of tulle halo and shoulder -length for the three trustee seats. The re- toil. 1ler flowers were yellow 'mums. stilts by Polis follows: Miss hathleet Heckman, of Sec_ For Reeve: hitch's hill, only sister of the bride, was Division 1 2 3 4 5 'Total her sister's bridesmaid, dressed in a Beecroft 32 9) l:6 78 13 309 floor -length gown of pink net, with AIcTl'_\\elf 33 (1) 25 29 67 214 shirred bodice and full skirt and match_ For School Trustee: ing gloves, and a headdress of pink Nether- 50 144 55 12 17 278 tulle halo and shoulder-lengthveil. Robinson 53 138 (I 'S 46 322 Her flowers were pink carnations with Taylor 36 90 78 17 33 251 white baby 'mums. Beverley Ann Thompson 49 75 56 20 40 210 Fischer, niece of the groom, was the fwct' girl, dressed its floor -length blue taffeta, and carrying a nosegay of Sustains Accidental Barns pinto baby 'moms. Ross IZa:',toll, son of Mr. and \Irs, \I r. \Niki um Little, of Londcshoro Norman Radford, Fast \Vtwauosit, brother of the groom, was best ratan. who has been employed on the lila The usher was Mr, Ray Strider, of freighter, Valley Camp, is suffering Monretiell fromburns tohis right leg, sustained] rs. I?1.L Kilck, cf Mitchell, played while repairing some frozen steam!the Bridal Al.arch by Loliengri11, and pipes wah a blow torch. Someone! \Iendlelsohtts \\'edding Mach. The working above (nim spilt cr.a! oil on t selection chosen was "0 Perfect Love." hint, resiltiug in severe barns, At the following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the Royal Hotel, time the steamer was tied up at • \litchcll, when the bride's grandmoth- Port \Veller. \Ve understand that \\idle his condition is quite painful, er received, wearing a black crepe dress with black accessories an'.l a cor- he is progressing nicely toward cum -sage of red roses. She was assisted by plete recovery. Ile \vas confined to a St. Catharines hospital from Saturday the bridegroom's mother, wearing a crepe dress, with black accessories and until 'Tuesday, __ _ a corsage of red roses. Assistants were Misses Agnes Hart and Pearl Legion Members Asked TO Fisher. Decorations were in pink and white. Attend Church Service The young couple left for a houcy- 1'he regular meeting of Branch No. shoon trip to St. Catharines, Niagara 420, Canadian Legion, lilyth, will be falls and Buffalo. For travelling the held in the A1cmtoria} hall on Tues..bridc donite1 a pearl grey winter cn day night, December 17th, at 8 p•tn. seittbie with black seal trimming and All members are requested to attend. I black accessories. On their return Blyth Legion members have reccivcd they will -take up residence near Lon - an invitation front the United Church, desboro. Blyth, to attend the White (sift Scr- Guests were present from Lonles- vicc its that church at 7 p.m. on Sutt- boro, Stratford, N,,orefield, St. Cath - day, December 15th. Seats' arc being ;urines, Mitchell, and Scebach's hlill, reserved fer Legion members, their---v-•--- wives, and families. All who can are requested to attend. Iiilgagement Announced The Blyth Branch of the Canadian \fr, and Mrs. J. 11. Sttthet'Iantl, Port Legion expresses 'weer( appreciation Purw•e11. announce the engagement of to the staff and management of the their daughter, 1t:+rbara Jean, to Glenn 111011 Turnip Plant for a donation Alexander Keehnic, 0111)' son of Mr. of $93.00 received this week. This and Alts. S. A. Nechnir, Blyth, the money is bein't put into a special fundi marriage to take place the latter part for a Lcgi;n 11:tac. of December. Atwood Friends Honour Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart (hi Friday evening of last iseel, \'r and Mrs. Jolttt T. `-te vitt were enc•..-• of honour at the Christmas parts, 1 ut n by the office staff and enlpl„y,, of hoc Farms \I filling O ., in the Lor_ hall, :\t\satin!. The first lint of the evening \\a, spent playing cants, followed by al short program, \fish \Ir. George 1 acting as chairtn tn. :\t a suitable time r, \Vin. Inglis and 11 r. Victor \\• Ili , \who \Vere married, \•Rile in the srr\dee , of our cetuttrv, and recently returned hoose \yith tine t' English brides, \yt re presented uith lamps aftd other gift . As the program concluded \I r. and �'I111'1C '35111 Allllivel'silry MI'ti..101111 11('lly Mrs. Stewart \vcrc called to the front 31 relatives ;dud flien,l eatlii 1e1 at and made the ree'pients cf a be 'fill Juba .\dde\, bel„yed \\ if, of blot the Lome of Mr. and Mr,. I',aar tined l:!1!y, ,! it. , h utas al ,1. 1011110:L n, ot table lamp and other gifts. The ad on Friday evening to honour them ont' t$res 1w:1; read by Miss \Iall'g;ll'1l \ l , 6, loner -,.WI 7, NI orris hili 11 ship, (in the occasion iii (heir ,;:1!,1 1\','ddllll: :III \\ t',lllt',da\', (netiitier 11111, in !ler 591911 puna, and the prescntatioi s matte by niver•ary. \Ir. and \Irs. Snell wt'Ir Mins Arhutit; Sntitit and \tics Patsy' the recipient, of nrnly Imely and n t' year, ;lits! la „'ud;tl1 ilioe ,. (;reen. In a few well-chosen \words \II Is, 1::1 \t 1, a dsol;iltcr of 111'. fol git.s, 811(1 a :' civil time was t u anal \I r,. "I h(,n :l lddley, ui 1!„n,lt I(rtdc:cs, Ont. She n.,.. 11 r. Kelly Ripe 'i'olnatoes I� of tihl'lstm is trios , u tin n, •otic of Jeune, .\Ir-. IIiI. 1;1.,1,!' tt,!s the receiver of a -try be:intim! id ver. Plain insp cti, n s!:!• (iise sere,' ;t ,stall tomato plant c mini; tier, n. the carts in the pot \Ir.. heal(( nnrs„1 the 1,1ant ,(I,mg, ;Ind leas- The eat- intornl I•he Standard that it 1, loaded \Nish several large tomatoes, sonic of there hying ripe. The plait has a prominent (flare in a window, and the $(lake', intend hawing fresh, ripe toned es fr'r Christmas. '1':Ikes Position With Local 14'al'Ine1's' Co -Opera 11ve ms. .\„in,,n 1;I !i„1.,i , f 1.1,1-1 \\'a- \t,,n,.,11 t(,,t ti hi;, lc; t! full, i„r the 1 „-.ti. 11 of Scrretart•- i "Ti, a,11rcr isf tin' Illstll Father, 1 � - (totratite .\,-,.Gast, �t,, vitll duties uu nrirr I,li.ttar\ 1,1 1917. \Ir. send \Ir• I;;((If„r,l have set 1 rt id,'nce in Ili\ al, atrl still IA' nl t• - 0r.,, I,ri,• .!) 'Gilt. 'Telidel, wire :rhr'I for, (Ito' to the r( otati„n „( )Ii. Belt \lar -11, wbn ha, held the 1;,,,itinrt ,lit -Ito' tie al- ter the 1, n, tattoo \va, formed, antl began to „(,crate. li th\Ir. and Nits. Stewart thanked! )„t,.(• {, with lunch being s, r\ their friends for the totals. gifts. Lunch During the aiternu n ne g libc,urs „n January' 12,h, 1911. anal ,.n," that 51'x5 then served, allot' which (lancing •;III•! (lir ill'' i tIlr(1 tet Ullrl' •l Ill;l-;It ll,,, 11!IIr Int, resided in Morris tun tnttil,. was enjoyed. ; talion;. Friends were pit iHt )'runsI She was a devoterl rnrr rnhct,f ,,.:1\Irs, Stewart before her recent 111;11.- \Ve,tficld, L'elgraye and III \tll. .11 \l idhael's ('In;rl1 I:!y111, ;uI' ;dna t, nage had been on the office staff of nephew of \Ir. Snell's, \\'illiati Sutll, I ret nl Ir in her at!cnd.utre until ill hoc Farms Afiliing Co. nl Stronn, .\Ila., was also present. health intervened. Surtiring l,r,irlr, her hu,!ta�,l ;ut,l Former LO11(lesb0)'O Native Children's �, , letrcnt;, are two sons, Jack, Morris Christmas Party Dies At �villLeSvoO(1, Sask. On December 1) townshil,, and Clarence, , f \Vclland. (Froin the \Vhitcwood Herald) also one (laughter, \liss Mac Kelly, In the death of \I r. lame; (;c'.,1.,.c,, I'Ite ehildrrn's Christmas Party, to also of \Vellart I, and several brothers be sprnsorcd by lie.,j..juns, will he held and sisters. Coming, which tank place in the; on 1 1ttt ty afternoon, 1)\.rginher 20th, Funeral services were conducted \\'Kiat th d boVital on Sunday morn' n' I All children (t this conuitunit}i,are at U) sans. on friday morning front M- ing at the age f 73 years, 4 months, t•ited to enjoy a . fnee Christmas. i,t) Si:. \itihael's Chart Il, P ' th, with Rcv. anan d 21 days, the town of \\'Knew" c I ture shote which:\vii} contntence in tlie' (+r.;• \lel)tlnald conducting Requiem I district, have Inst one, Ottl has l \$tutorial }tall at . -2 pain. ' At the coir- 1dig;+it'•llfiass. The funeral was largely,' been prominently a•sociatcd with the elusion of the show gifts will be given _attenlci(.: , Palibearers were, prank 'most interesting. Mrs. Taylor and business life for mart than forty_sewcn 1 10 the children as they retire .from the -Kelly, , Mielniel Healy, John Craig, - 1lrs, Chcile\\ conducted several con- years. horn in Londcsb>ra, Ont„ hall. Keinember the date, Friday a1.- lici.mard • C'11ig, •,\Villiam Kelly and kid). 10th, 1873, he cams as a young tcrnoon, Dtctnnher 30th. All schco( Alfred. I'iercc. tests. ;\ very pleasant time was :pent I man to Alanitobai ht the year 1893, teachers are asked to kindly co-op- • •:IntGtsntent was made in St. Michael's over tea cups, and a dainty lurch serve . where he remained for a year and in i (•rate, eel by the hostesses, Mesdames Del, 1893 joined itis brothers who weret _V Ce ttctery,••Morris township: Philp, Pests, I. Henry, If. Phillips. 1 farming at that time in the Moose January meeting will be withdrawn, \lountaina arca sonic mile.; south of.AUI3U1tN Religious Instruction Tests Next meeting will be in February, 19.17. Kt'nnaly, where he remained until St \lark's Anglican Church Guild During the ]wall term in Mr. Gray's 1899 when he rpcned a restaurant Iliet 011 Friday evening in the Foa•estr•• ,rosomt..istiorius and lessons frosts the life WFSTI''IEI',n business 111 WIlliew•oud, ant w.is so ers Hall with the President, 'Mrs.' :\1-' of \loses Were falcon tip. The pupils. \Ir. \Vam, Snell of the \Vest is visit- engaged until 1908. For a period of fret Nesbit, in chit e. \Irs. (;' rdonhave shown a keen interest, and' they ing his brother, \ir. Gordon Snell, it four years illness prevented hint from ll. laylor presided at the piano for the cit) at shown almost .every question on is 38 years since \i1., Snell was in this active work, but atter his recovery to opening hymn, 'Joy '1'o The \Vorii". the life and work of this great Biblical part of the countrygood • health, he purchased the butcher Mr. and 'Mrs. Earnest Patterson of bllsfncss owned by R. Street, • After Molten, spent Sunday watt mt.. and four years Ise sold out and opened a \irs. Clarence C, x, 1 general store business in which he re- mained and .firs. Bert Vincent of the'•stained for eight years. At that 10th concession .el East \\'a\watioyit, time he w s appointed Highway spent Sunday with 11 r, and \Irs, J. I...,supel'yisot' in the employ of the Pro - Mcl)owell, vincial government, He resigned this Mr. and Mrs. Elwin 'Tarter, Miss aI\Pointntent ill 1976 to accept the posi- \rorma Taylor,Mr.Eddie 'Taylor, vis. tion of tee d agent far the Stock Pool ited on Sunday with Mrs. Annie Els- '\ssoriatton. One of his outstanding ley and Mn. \Vit. Elsie-, of P,enmiller, contributions in business was his ahil- sty ;is an auctioneer, \liss Illy 'Taylor has secured a post_ and his services tion at Stratford. in this field was in great dcin•uttl• The M fission Band met on Sunday 1)11ring the war years (111111 19'9 to afternoon with a good attendance. 'I'$tc 1946, he took charge of the local but - scripture lesson teas Grad by LornaI cher business in the absence of 1), C. Buchanan. Readings were given by Taylor, wht was serving with the )(Amity Buchanan, Geral'} \lel):;well, armed forces, Lois Campbell, Helena Gwyn, Laur_ 'I'hc late Mr. 5. G. Cunning was an Campbell, Alrs. Norman \Icl)o\\_ ardent worker for the welfare' of the ell, Mrs. Charles Smith conducted the town and district. He served for sev- eral election of officers. Lorna Buchanan years as Mayor and Councillor was elected President; 1st vice, Ilei_ and was made an honnura•y member eua Gwyn; Secretary, Laurence Camp- t'f the \Vcllwond 11. spiral Boardin bell; Treasurer, 1,rrs Campbell, recognition 01 his services as a mem- On friday evening \Ir. and Mrs., ber of that hoard since its inception. Fred Cook and family, I r. and \Irs.t Il \ e also served on the \\'hitewood Gortiou Snell and family, aid \Ir. and School Board. Airs• Lloyd \Valdeu anti family attend- I\eenly interested in the Otany lltcal ed the 35th wedding anniversary of orgatizations, he was generous in Mr, and Nies, Isaac Snell of Myth,his contribution both in a financial t\Ir, and Mrs. Frank Campbell, Miss way and in assistance, and it can be \Vinnifred, visited ,:'n Alondav with truly slid of him that he was a citi- Alr. and \irs, \V. A. Campbell of :\u_ zee that hat} the respect of all and burn. wasadmired for his many sterling Congratulations are extended to \It (Itlalitics. and Alt's. \Valtct Cock, who on tion- in \lay 1901 he was m:u•ried to \Ifss Sun- day quietly celebrated their 29th Mary, daughter of the late Mr. and 'tvcdding anniversary. The immediate \Ir•s, David Ni6•1, of Blyth, Ont, 11c - family were present at a fol dinner. sides his wife, he is survived by one Mr. and Airs. \Vatter Cook vcrc re- clatiglter and tw•o sans: (Margery), cent Brussels visitors. .firs. llraaten, et Abby, Sisk„ Harvey, I'hc Farm Forum tact of \\'(,doss now attending University at Saskat- day night at the (tome of Al r, and urns, and Harrold, of Indian Tread, 'I'\vo Mrs. Jack Buchanan, The discussion brothers also survive. TTenry, of \\'ltite- was on Chemurgy. After the distils., wood, Sask., and Gilbert, of Toronto. sicn a few games of Lust ifeir were (' funeral from trite United chtnrt•h enjoyed, Next Mouthy evening the 1.n 'Tuesday afternoon, \vas attender,} ( brach hasemcnt on Satnlday after - Fon" will meet. at the home of \i1.. by a large gathering of friends and noon. .\ large crowd attended. and dies, Earl\Vightinan, Commute rclatites. Service was conducted hyt \I r, and \Irs.Archie Robinson, Bct- ity singing and Christmas Carols tell the minister, Rev. E. \I. Graham, with 'ty Lou and BobbyRobins'rn, Mrs, be snug, special music by the rhoir. Messrs. Pert Craig and Russell King, were re- -at T, 5, King, P. II. Kn•,wler, C. 1), cent Kilchen'r visitors, Carter, N. 11. Buchan, G. V. Lamont l \liss Lila Voui,'hdut, Reg. N., with and \\'alter Sandberg acted as pall_ her brother, Victor Vtingblut, of Tor - bearers. Funeral ;t • •''tiu'nls vcrc l onto. Len- in charge of J. \V. Francis, I ilr. and Nits. \Villiam Craig, of I.en- 'The mails. floral tokens served as don. w;th \Ir, at 1 \1r;. James ('raig• silent tokens of esteem for the de- Mn, and M rs. \I el Je\vcl 1 Dura ceased, and cx,,ressions of synr,alhe Sc: tt, formerly of Althorn) have woe_ i't'ayers were offered by \Irs,lton1as character, t t5't given -1,j 011ics- s. ;Iohu,ston. The scripture 'ty 'Mrs.. A aday morning 1vk j1"thc'r'lass Was asked Thema, I Liggitt, The minutes ul preto \\•rite fron' tiu'mory 'the Ten Corot.,,, \•luaus meeting were read by the score_ ltt;illt4mcnts. The result was that the tart, \Irs. :\ndrew Kirkcomtell. the entire class gave perfect answers. Each treasurer. \Irs, Thomas llaggitt, gavecue rrreiiili,r 101) jtcr rent. Those 'who the vcurs fin;locust rep rt. urithe os was follows: past year the (;wild made $11)06.56n; \tr and (;rtade ere 7-l:arntan i\fac])nnald, T.ois also made a special canvas from the Augustine, 1)awid' S1 teach, Ralph 1lodd, ()hutch members for the redecoration Bernice nicc Alc\aJl,rliai1 \Vhitiicld, Jean of Sl. \lark's and this realized $170.1'0. \Icl)onald, Beverly \\'allacc, Rhea A special offering was taken by Mess \Ic\all, Bruch \'oddest, Gloria Sib - June Letherlant! for ',Save The ('hill- th„rt,c, Kenne:,h Venom, John Kyde, reit Fund", :$4.17 \vas realized. :\ Tet- \Vavne 'force-. ter of Christmas Greetings was zea($ (;rade 8 -Doris Johnston, \larguee- front ilargaret Small of 'Toronto' The its 1L+11, HelenMcGee,h.lia \ethet'y, secretary also congratulated (tit' item Loraine Hamilton, Ron Philp, Georgehers, \Irs, Nesbit, Mrs, E. I Iti'lips, 1I tutu, ,lotus Sibthorpe, Mary \Iort'itl, \�It,s. Thomas Johnston and I.:uoai lean Kcrnirk, DutlgItS \\t$ttmort, Phillips, \vho had attended. all meet- 1)onal!I C;ut\\right. ings during the past year. The Rector, Rev, J. L. 11. Henderson, also had a perfect attendance. Mrs. Nesbit, Mail Elll'ly thanked all the members for the loyal Curresdondcnce cit:l•sect in cnvel- suppoa•t during the past year, Ric' opts hating "name rings" or other \I r. Henderson then presided for the similar advertising devices around election of Officers. 1fe congr'ttttlated space; within which the postage stamps the members for their support to the, sir•eplaced, or on the address side of Church \\'ardcns, asst commented of which batt been affixed "Christmas„ the many small friendly acts that had car "Charity" stamps or stickers, will been dote during the past ye:tr. not be forwarded tftrot edi the mail. The following officers were elected: Honorary Presidents, \1rs. Gorton R. Taylor, Nits. I e 11. Nesbit Vice icsi- silent, Mt•s.:11trcd Nesbit; Vice Presi- dent. resi- dent, Nil's, Andrew ]iirlcr11nnr11; tics_ Q rotary, (.aura Philiips; 'Treasurer, \Irs. 'Phomas 11 tggitt : 1'rograin Convenor, V1 y Mrs, J. 1,. 1i. Ifenderst,m; Organi. t, Airs. Gordon R. 'Taylor; Assistant Or- BLYTH UNITED CHURCH ganist, NH's. A. Kirkcouncll. 'rho Sunday, Dccrnlher 15 meetingwas closed \\•til prayer. :\ congregational social evening was held 111.15: Sunday School. at closef the Guilt, meeting. Ltinrll 11•}5: Children's sel•num " 1 \fi.;,ion_ :try St err". Regular sermon "7'itc was served. A bazaar and sale of borne made \\'orld's Greatest Need". baking was spnrt..nrcd by the ladies 11f 7 0. in.: .\nnuatl \Vhitc Gift Service. f'Itis Itis always been a tl1'y interes,t- Knox l'resbvterian W. \I. S. in the int and helpful (zoic(, This year FIVE NOMINATED FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE Nominations for the three vacancies on the school board \wct'c held in Blyth from 12 until 1 o'clock at noon on Tuesday. The nomination was madeTRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH for the bereaved family and relatives. eel from their hoose in Colborne town- , necessary when none 11f those nomilt_ 3rd Sunday in Advent ated at the n:initiation ntccting of shit, to Godenich. \I r<. Frank Campbell ;and (laughter, i 11 a. tn.: Sunday School. November 23r1, qualified. The re- 11r. and Mrs. Joint Yolling i1y' noon: Morning Prayer and Ser salt of 'T'uesday's nomination is record- r \\'itiuifretl Campbell, of \Vcstfiehl, cd as follows: hosts to forum Group ;rent Alon1Iar with \I r. and \Irs.:V t"oft' TRINITY, BELGRAVE Normae Hamilton, by Edward lobo 1?ass Bnunlary Monis sols Ilupetl Kort Campbell' ? ,. nt.: Sunday School and Bible stop and Lorne Script (our, Farm Forum met at the home of Mn. Friends lure were setae to learn I f~ ('lass. Jamie Slams, by I.. 5crinlgeour and and \Irs. John Young on Mond:+y that Ted hast received melon, injuries night. with 35 present. Discussion while working near Starner, His 2.'15 1 rte.: (.venin: Prayer. 11Alw•ard Johnston. 1 1 ST. MAfiK'S, ?tiRiJRN 1)r. 11. G. llodd, by j, 11. :Watson period was 'n Chemurgy. \ sing- ; many (lien!: wish hint ;a spec'v re- ,) ; r song and Various games were enjoyed.' ('tt t y. 1 t m.: Sunday S,I1c,ot. and Lewis field. 10.311 a. m.: Morning Prayer. whit \Villiaun Thuell, by Franklin Bainton Next meeting will he held at the home i ' liss Mario •Raitlihv of (lodcrich, of Mrs. James Brigham, icnnrtlt and wi 'I Miss Gladys G a. Young 1'c.,• les. Meeting: Friday, and Stuart Robinson,Dtl..;chtr 13!11, at $.30 p. m. The hcc- IEdwin Cartwright, by Lewis \Vhit-, Charlie Brigham will be in charge of 1' malt( Canthbell whet was with the toy,' field and J. D. \Vatsott, , I t'ccrcaticu. It is 10 be review night. 5.1 S, Quedock is now with his ; arents. there will he some very special feat- ures. The choir will be made up of a very large number of n: :i, members of the Lions l'itih. 'There \e111 he sdtr- cral special numbers by the cltoir, hale quartettes, ducts, solos. "i'he, classes will present their white gifts and parts of the program will be tal;cit by mem- hers of the Sunday School. This ser- vice will be well attended and everyone is c. rdially welcomed. the Quality Tea ORANGE PEKOE TRIASURE OF THE SEA By George E. Walsh srNorsis (l(tl"!clot S 1'1: Captain Bedford recuvers his reason, Ills practiced eye quickly discerns nn Island. By careful m,ine(nerine they bring the schooner safely Into a cove on the CHAPTER XVII A noise from the cabin inter- rupted, and Rose turned swiftly, "It's Fa!her. He needs tae." Dick remained on the deck, 'watching the tantalizing object with new interest. Rose suddenly came out of the cabin, and approached hint in great agitation, He reves were glistening, and her whole face seemed aflame with some powerful emotion that transformed her into a radiant crea- ture. "Dick," she called eagerly before reaching his side. "Dick, it's hap- pened—the miracle! I can hardly believe it, but—" She stopped, trembling all over, her hands clasped in the attitude of prayer. Hc was by her side instant- ly, more startled by her happiness than by any fear that he had seen written 'there before. "What is it, Rose?" he asked anx- iously, catching one of her flutter- ing hands in both of his. "It's Father," she breathed softly. "Is he—is he—dead?" The question cams out befor eke had time to think—abruptly, and without premeditation. "Dead!" she repeated, and then laughed softly. "Dead! Nol He's just come to life. He's sane again, Dick: He knows nue--remembers everything! He's—he's—" The tears bubbled from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks; but they were the tears of joy and relief and not of fear or desperation. Dick held one hand and supported her trembling form with an arm, "I'm silly!" she laughed hysteric- ally, smiling through the tears. "But I can't help it! And I don't care! I can cry for happiness, can't I?" He barely resisted the tempta- tion to sweep her into his arms and kiss the pouting lips. "Come," she added a moment later, clutching his arms. "Come and see the miracle." * * * In the cabin Dick found a Hutch changed man lying on the bed where he had helped put hint the night before. The feverish red had died out of the face, and the eyes, inspecting hint critically, were as sane as any man's. The blow of the Carib's bludgeon had restored to Captain Bedford his reason, Rose had partly prepared him for meet- ing Dick by explaining briefly the series of events that had taken place while his mind was under a cloud. Ife extended a hand sud- denly, and said: "Ye've saved my little girl's life, I understand. Then—then ye can count on me as an evcrlastin' friend." "I don't know what Rose's been telling you, Captain, but I'll bet she never told you how she saved my life. Let me tell you." * * * The girl placed a hand before his lips, but he removed it, and went into details of their adven- tures that she had either omitted or slurred over. At the end, Cap- tain Bedford sat up. "I reckon now," he said, "I'rn all cured. That little girl o' mine's just like—just like her mother." "Then her mother must have been a wonder," smiled Dick. "She was!" was the solemn re- tort.. The captain struggled to his feet despite Rose's protestations. "No, I ain't goin' to lie here any more," he added. "I got to get on deck. Ye've bad enough on yer hands, daughter. Now it's my turn. Reck- on I'in well enough to take a watch." Protesting and laughing through tears of pure happiness, she helped hint dress, and then with an arms in one of his led him on deck. Dick felt his assistance was superfluous, for the old sea veteran seemed as strong and vigorous as if nothing had happened, Iie permitted Rose to pamper and direct hire, but not without a twinkle in his eyes. "I got to endure it, I reckon," he remarked to Dick, "She thinks I'm a baby, and—" "You've been sick, Father, and—" 'But I ain't any more!" he blurt- ed out vigorously. If I bad that mutinous crew or that Captain Tecu 1'd treat 'em to sontethin' they wouldn't forget, I ain't forgot how to use my fists." He clenched them to emphasize his words. Despite his boast, how- ever, he was a little unsteady on his feet, and walked like a man un- der the infuence of liquor. He clutched at the rail and stared across the sea. "Where's that lugger?" he de- manded truculently, "Over there," replied Rose, pointing. Until then none of them had glanced in the direction of the puz- zling object that had caused them so Hutch debate, but when their eyes focussed on it now they gave a little start. Captain Bedford grunted and recovered his voice first. "Ye call that a ship!" he snorted. "Great Jehosophat, ain't ye got eyes! That's land! An island! He glanced with eyes of scorn at the others, but they were so ab- sorbed in their discover; they never heeded it. During their ab- sence below, the freshening wind had driven the derelict so close to the object that naked eyes could make it out plainly. * * * It was an island rising abruptly front the sea—not one of your cor- al -girt, paha-fringed islands of the tropics, but of rock -buttressed headland that caught the breaking surf and hurled it back shattered into foam. Perhaps a utile or two in width, and fifty feet high, it offered a safe asylum for ship- wrecked sailors in the stormiest weather, could a safe landing be effected. "We're drifting straight toward the island," Dick remarked. "In a ct tiple of hours we'll reach it, Any clanger of being wrecked on these rocks?" "If we could work around to the other side o' the island," muttered the skipper, "we'd be safer." After much awkward and diffi- cult manoeuvering, they brought the ship to safety in a sheltered cove. It was apparent that the sea shelved abruptly downward at the base of the cliffs, and so long as the schooner kept a few yards away from the wall of rocks she was safe frotn all harm unless a storm broke. This was not likely to occur for some days for the wind Itad blown itself out in the two recent tempests. * * * Captain Bedford was anxious to begin making repairs so the Betty could sail out of her prison at the earliest possible time, "We can't reckon on more'n a week of fine weather," he said, "Aon' we got about all we can do to get off afore that." Dick's curiosity to land on the island and survey the scene front the top of the cliffs was greater than any fear of future disaster. "I'm going ashore," he announced. "What fur?" growled the skipper. "Ye won't see anythin' but water an' an island, an' ye can see therm here." "The Island may be inhabited on the other side." Captain Bedford snorted. "Ye expect to find a hotel an' a ship waitin' to take ye bonze " Dick shook his bead and laughed. "No, but I'm curious to climb up there and get a look, I won't be gone long. When he vas near the summit, he increased his pace, eager to get a glimpse over the top, To Be Continued. NO HOME TO GO TO For the past three months, Mrs, Constance Moser and her children, Philip, three, and Gail, five, have been sleeping in their car (above) because they have been unable to find a home, Mrs. Moser is the widow of an ex -Marine private. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Should the relatives of a widow or divorced woman use "Mrs." be- fore her name when sending out invitations or announcements for her second wedding? 2. If a hotel employee, or taxi driver, demands a larger tip than the one offered, should one cont - e11'•' 3, Ifov many courses should the menu for a formal dinner contain? 4, When one has been invited to a wedding, is it obligatory to call on the bride anad bridegroom as soon as they return from their honeymoon? 5, Is it necessary for a woman to remove her glove in order to shake hands? 6. Is it proper to use only the initials on personal calling cards? Answers: 1. No. 2. No; the amount of the tip is entirely optional, 3, Five or six courses, with coffee. 4. Yes, soon after the date given on their announcement as the tune when they will be "at hone." 5. No, 6. The full name should be used. No Rice Pudding Due to generally favorable wea- ther and replanting of acreage abandoned daring the war, the world rice output this year is greater than last year. However, be- cause crops in former exporting countries are still small, the quant- ity of rice available for world trade in 1917 is expected to continue at current low levels, Now, you can have an oblong doily and a round doily , , . in tht same design. Wonderful combina- tion for buffet, dresser or table. Yes, it's your first -place favorite . that so -simple pineapple clesigr. Pattern 550 has chrections. Laura Wheeler's new, improved pattern makes needlework so sim- ple with its charts, photos, coarse directions. Send TWENTY CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to the Needlecraft Dept., room 421, 73 Adelaide St. \Vest, Toronto. Print plainly PAT• TERN NUMBER, your NAMIL and ADDRESS. ISSUE 50-1c46 Do Not Force Southpaw To Use Right Hand Dr, Jaynes F. Bender, New York psychologist, warns parents not to "convert junior into a dextro - sinistrad", A dextro -sinistrad, he explains, is merely a natural left-hander who has been cajoled or forced into us- ing his right hand. _ Dr, Bender de- clares that forcing a shift may re- sult in serious mental disturbances, Ile says that 30 per cent of the children in the United States are barn left-handed, but that through interference by parents or teachers only five per cent grow up that way. According to the psychologists, each human is born with a domin- ant side," The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, and the right side of the brain the left side of the body. When a switch is forced, there is a distur- bance in the balance and "almost anything bad tttay result." In spite of the fact that this is a right-handed world at present, Dr, Bender reassures parents that there is no reason why they should be disturbed by left-handedness in their children, The natural "dom- inant side" should he allowed to govern, Sunday School Lesson Christian Love Builds l?rotherhood Philemon 4-20. Golden Text.—Now the Lord is the spirit; and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. — 2 Corinthians 3: 17, Pardon by Paul 1'hilenton was a very prominent ratan of lofty and exemplary Chris - Though a slave -owner Ile was a man of lifty and exemplary Chris- tiana character, Onesiunts was a slave of Phcle- ntot and apparently had been guil- ty of sonic dishonesty toward his master and had fled to Route, Hear- it,g that Paul was there he went to !tear hint preach. Onesintus was converted by Paul's preaching as his master had been in the old 1.phesian days and thus became Paul's child whom he had begotten in his "bonds''. Now Paul is send- inhim hack to his master for him to decide what to (to with hint, 'l'hc Roman lav was very severe regarding runaway slaves but Paul knew that l'hclenton, as a Christi- an, would act justly. Paul would have the right "to enjoin" Phile- mon with "all boldness" to do the "befitting thing," but with char- acteristic tact and courtesy he be- seeches rather than cotnnta11(15. "A Brother Beloved" Great was Paul's love for this t•unaw•av slave who had been horn again by his preaching, and won- derful his tenderness toward him: Paul speaks of hint as "my child" and as "the faithful and beloved brother," Onesiutus Iniad done wickedly in robbing Philemon and running away but God had made even that to work for goo(i for Philemon and fur the salvation of Oncsiutus, would now be infinitely more vain - able to Philemon as a "brother be love(!" than as a "slave". Jesus "Paid All' Paul takes all of Oncsimus' obli- gations to Philemon upon Itintself, s the Lord lesus has taken all of our obligations to God upon Himself, and God has consented. Onesintus had no need to inert Philemon now, as much as he had sinned against hint: and we need now 1 no fear of meeting God. Je : ,!erred the full measure of ,. ,Y'tedncss to God, lie "p11..1 it ail." PRODUCTION, NOT PURCHASING POWER, HEY TO PROSPERITY, B OF M PRESIDENT ASSERTS Deposits At Peak, Near 13/ Billion Dollars -- 100,000 New Accounts To Total 11/2 Million INCREASE IN LOANS REFLECTS WAR -TQ -PEACE TRANSITION Montreal, 1 -)cc. 3.—One of the "immediate and urgent tasks" confronting Canadians k to put a sound foundation of production tinder the present high level of purchasing power, Georg W. Spinney, C.M.(;., president of the Bank of Montreal, said at the recent 1291h annual meeting of the hank. At the sante meeting, the bank's - and capacity for effort will be seri- general manager, 11. C. Gardner, re- oils!), undermined, viewed the progress of the bank "It is good," he said, "to stand during the year and revealed th;U oit one's own fret- -good for the demand for banking services had individual and good for frac national retched unprecedented levels. De- posit accounts had increased by 1ou,o0o during the year to reach 1,500,000 of 411 per cent more than in 1 P39, Alt. Spinney expressed guarded confidence in the ability of Canada to meet eeonoutic conditions of the future, but added that he noted a number of popular beliefs about such conditions which now were "an absolute hindrance to a clear- sighted appreciation of the funda- mentals of progress and welfare." Iie gave as one such belief "the still prevalent idea that purchasing power rather than production is the main spring of employment, income and material well-being, "\honey is, after all, a claim on the productive resources of the community . . . We cannot, as a people, become wealthier simply by obtaining more money for produc- ing the $au, te or less . , . no device "The volume of personal loans or formula can produce malth and has shown considerable expansion, well-being without work, enterprise reflecting the increased availability and the assurance of reward." of civilian goods and the resump- 1)iscussing the fact that millions tion of normal fancily living. This of malt (lays of production had been includes a substantial number of lost during the past year, Mr, Spin- loans to veterans to assist in their Hey said that "no one sector of this plans for rehabilitation." complex unity called Canada can The General slanager observed suffer without all other elements that tetany branches were suffering feeling the pinch. 11'e have a vested from lack of adequate space but interest in each other's well-being." indicated that, although certain Questior.s High Taxation measures had been taken during the Speaking of taxes, Mr. Spinney past year, the fall program of the said "1 suggest that the concept of hank would not be put into oper- high taxation as an anti-inflationary anion until the urgent need for measure in peacetime may be far housing, particularly among the front valid . , , 11'artitne taxation veterans, had been met, was an important weapon in the Commenting on the work done fight against inflation. Bur have we by the flank of Montreal staff dur- not already more than a little evi- ing and since the war, Mr. deuce that high taxation in peace- Gardner said, "It is our constant time is likely to have an entirely aim and endeavour to ensure that opposite effect?" our employees are compensated Of social security measures Mr. fully as well as those in comparable Spinney said he believed that a cer- positions in industry and cont- tain amount of social security plan- coerce, While in recent years our ning had a place in the Canadian policies have been subject to the economy, but that if it is to stip- limitations of wartime controls, the plant the personal integrity that salaries of individual members of goes hand in hand with providing the staff are reviewed and increased for one's future. "then I believe periodically in recognition of effi- that we will tend to become soft," cient service and advancing re - so that both incentive to enterprise snnnsihi1ities." fibre." General Manager's Address In his report, Mr. Gardner told of deposits at a new ye:o•-end high of $1,731',,000,000, an incr,ase of $123,000,000 over the prcwiotts year, lie expressed the view that this growth was "a tribute the ILL -if - and common sense of our people, and a strong bulwark against the inflationary potential of an increas- ed money supply," Transition from wartime to peacetime producli, n was reflected in the higher level of commercial loans, Mr, Gardner sai(;, and added that "current loa, s d discounts 'n Canada at $277,000,000 compare with $202,000,000 at October 31, 1045, '!'his represents a general and diversified increase in advances to manufacturers, merchants, builders, farmers and primary producers. Black Squirrel Is Easily Tamed But He's a Pest The Canadian squirrel is an en- gaging little cuss especially the black variety. The black squirrel is a venturesome fellow and easily tamed. He learns quickly that he can cadge a pretty good living by making up to humans and that a nut in the hand is worth two got the hard way, says the Ottawa journal. They make friends wherever they go—except among bird lovers, who have much evidence that the squirrels destroy nests, break eggs and throw baby birds out to die. Those aren't nice tricks, but there is a tendency to excuse them just because the black squirrel will cat from one's hands and amuses the children. The cruel fact is that those who best know their statural life agree that the squirrel is a pest and a nuisance, The red species Is the worst, but the cut little black or gray squirrel also has a broad streak of destructive savagery. ile Inas nice ways with humans, but they are a cloak for expected bene- fits and they do not change his nature. (inc of our friends tells us she had raised a patch of very excel- Ientt corn in her garden and was very proud of it. On a certain evening she decided the cobs had reached the right state of perfec- tion and that on the morrow the family would cat them. But the squirrels, who evidently had also been watching the patch, carte to the sante decision and in tine morn- ing early they ate or destroyed every colt! Sugar Crop Cut Australia's sugar crop this sea- son will be more than 100,000 tons less than last year because of the drought in Queensland. 111%. 1 ion 55'111 Vet In) ,.l") lost Al The St. Regis Rotel NI MINI 0 • t:ter� Itnnm 51111, Ituth Shuler and 'Telephone ▪ vinale. 8150 up— touhte, lFa.r,n up • Gond Frond I)Ining and Dane. Inn Nlrrhtly ldherhonrne ut Carllos Tel. itA. 4135 BOOMS BEAUTIFULLY FI'RNIS11T1)$1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA PA 1,1,S 111'1`. •— C.N.R. STATION All ' TONITS`�rORUOSTORES "1 Know gust How You Feel" "I know because I have been Hiatt way myself, I have been so chron- ically tired that 1 thought I would never feel well again. Ifowever, I found that Dr. Chase's Nerve Food soon gave Inc new pep and energy and put me on my feet." Tired feelings, indigestion and lose of sleep are quickly relieved• by Dr. Chase's Nerve rood. Ask for the new econ- omy size bottle of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 6(3 pills---60ets. 180 pills --$1.60 1 CIIRONICLE5 OF GNCJ FA1M By Gweudolinc P. \Veil, there should be a little more butter on the' mai kct now. But definitely! You see, we at Ginger Farm have gone out of the milk business and into the 111.;1111. That is something I have been wanting Partner to do for some time hilt— well, shipping milk tvI:cn one is short of help looks the easier, also the financial rehnns appear to he better. I say „appear•' I'lwsr that really is a debatable question. In hard cash the weekly cream cheque at present prices cannot compare with a milk cheque at all. hill then there ,re so many angles to sousirlvr, Personally I find a little skim mill; ;wound the house is quite an asset. do often I have Wanted to make things in the past and didn't because they took too much milk. Of course 1 (0111(1 have used whole milk but ---many of you 'will know; how it is --a milk ship- ping farms is wife doesn't use any more milk than she has to, esprri- ally if the cans ore down a bit. Most 'shippers are on a quota basis and those cuts must be filled no matter what. 44 t Another good thing about separ- ating --it is just grand to have a little cream for special occasions. Last week when Second Niece was here WC bad fruit and whipped cream for di s -ort. And was that ever ;t treat! \ow please, dear friends, don't write and tell nie we ghoul' he ashamed to he so extra- vagant; that there are people atarying in 1?urope and that the cream we u.cd should properly have gone into hitter. That is probably all very true, but you know, tv don't intend to live on whipped creast. And surely 11 is hardly an ex- travagance to make use of the fruitsinthis case the cream --of one's own toil' That is, if it can be used to ailtantagc. V 9 • And of course we are not the only ones to benefit in this change over front milk to cream. '1'he pul- lets are daily increasing their out- put of eggs as a result, and the cockerels, shut up to fatten, show evidence of fleshing up more rapidly because of having their mash mixed with milk instead of Water. Ilowever, when we decided to make this change • there was one big fly in the ointment. We couldn't make a job of it without buying a new cream separator—the old one was really past praying for. So we bought a new separator— and while we were at it we got one Sunk Tirpitz ■ iIOIUZONTAL wings l Pictured Brit -60 Moved • lsh flyer, Wing through air Commander 62 Mend J. B. — 64 Celebration (5 Part of plane 65 Evaporate 9 His squadron 66 Wagon ' was successful VERTICAL In —ing the 12000 pounds T1rpitz to 2 So be it! destruction 3 Id est (ab,) 13 Sign 4 Explosive 19 Great Lake (ab.) 15 Operatic solo 5 Us 10 Northeast 6 Important (ab.) metal 17 Toward 19 Oleum (ab.) 20 Any 21 Transpose (ab.) 22 Negative 24 Eaters 25 Tellurium (symbol) 20 Fish eggs 28 Vegetable 30 Stove part 32 Woody plant 35 Three -toed • sloth 30 Musical note 37 Erect 40 Plant 42 Metal 30 31< 44 Golf device 95 Him 46 Song bird 31-----3 ;. 49 Behold! 51 International language 52 Paid notice 53 Doctor (ab.) 54 Sodium 51 (symbol) 36 Egyptian sun god 64 58 Pertaining to Clarke ttith a poxer motor 8118 bed `n now vie ;err n„1'+v sl 1, altli,nl(:h I 11(1 111 add a se; aralor is an ex- pensive pie, e 01 in:,,Irnrn' .cud re.- picsents the (,rice of a good In,,ny ruts of avant. Maybe if the ',the of rimier goes up it will lout le -s if a few people lemeinber 1111. Selalrtiinm is also hard 51,•11. that is if tittle is t er_e 1011, 11 11(711, In g.1( I111,1I(,lh. 11 has alv.;I'.s iiot- r'ied Inc to see Partner ,1,11(1' the fol, lot now it is no trick at all. ,\ for: turns of Shc handle, a flip of the sxitri, and away she goes. 111 fact 1 mien do the separating xilih Partner is ford ng the cows. Iloxeter, as if to (remind ns that co Flan is vier 1 c (-feet, last Tues- day the lv)yer went off. It was on when I left the Inose but 1111(11 I got to the barn everything ryas dead. Of course the separator had to be turned Ly Hand --and that is one time I didn't do the job. Anil (lon'I think ter didn't have some fun groin the separator in- atalled. If you (10 you want to try it sometime. \\'c placed our order early in the sunu11('( After a few weeks the got the separator. Sometime later the motor arrived and in due time both were installed. 1:ut it 10015 us two mouths to get a switch --just a little stvitrli to start the motor going. .\nil that's the way it goes. 4 Don't you think these shortages of little eyeryclay necessities arc really getting people demi)? it is the constant irritation — of being frustrated at every turn, the hind- rance to our work . things like that have a war of making people irritable and impatient. And of course x'1' should try not to he, 1 sent an order away the other day for a number of small things which came to nearly five dollars. \\'hat I got hack was one parcel to the value of 10 cents( Quite a joke, 518511'1 it' The Taxes We Pay :\ gallon of ordinary grads gaso- line (at 'Toront( ) costs 3„12 cents. Federal tax is eight cents, provincial tax is three cents, add approximately three and a third cents for other taxes, That means the fuel that makes your car go places is being provided for arourd 18 cents a gallon. That package of cigarettes costs you 33 cents.About 22 cents of the amount is tax, only 11 cents for the cigarette store, the distributor, the manufacturer and the tobac- co grower. — 'l'lte Financial Post. • .‘mover to I'revlo*N vorate WILL I,A 1 R'E ;: R ■ NOME ,M R_111S 'NNE L1'SLN LP - NN S--g----r) WILLIAM E R '4,w R AI' O SIMPSON R A G .MR S ARE AtaE'i S';- ST EM S LK,7PAP.E S 1 LL� RE AN I L N O'1- SSENT I AIL I T I C=S 23 Native metal 45 Cavity 25 Paving 47 Unemployed ' substance 48 City in Russia 27 Upon 50 Not matched 29 And (Latin) (Scot,) 30 Boat paddle 51 He heads an 31 Compete --- squadron 33 Make a 52 Exist O A SI T f M TAN ET MPI •_' 1 t7A AINS 7 Egyptian river mistake 55 Sum up 8 Germanium 34 Even (contr.) 57 An (symbol) 38 Dined 59 Near 9 Forbid 39 Rhode Island 60 Frequency 10 Either 11 Tiny part 12 Prevent 18 Lyric roem 20 Snake 1 Z 3 4 (ab.) modulation 40 Iron (symbol) (ab.) 41 Long fish 61 Weight (ab,) 43 Slight'bow 63 Measure of 44 Five and five area 5 6 7 6 9 10 II II2 13 JILi 15 16 ;'i;f' I7 18 '' .'1119 „I.,* ' ?0 �`�21 it' 1'1.1'1.': ✓ .,,1 2 '23 + , 4 ! -” ca 26 27 5 45 59 82 YEARS We have been making and ilt- ting Trusses for eighty-two years, You can place yourself in our bands with the assurance of receiving skilled and conscien- tious attention by means of (he most modern methods of mechanical assistance. _ ...—,I►IIIIIIQI�91 I�hii!I;�� a, — - AU�RCOi{RS.ST8TORON'i0 COMM pia Hous ELawN 7622 ze 'z9 X32 33 34 36 ,•;140 41 44 *At I zCit 54 55 4,11) 56 57 b2 63 66 7 POP—Play Safe Y ti (pito iwizitolo / zee- oi•ezitt:,'7re2trezriezr„ iv.ParS?9r,Ifi9rcrgra7UePraPA6 _IIA ... TABLE TALKS .., 10e::'lo. s,, c,;.: teoi,.:: 4E:-'t<.'-'Giwoleattlw litJC.a(Aam(e4. 14;ol Otte ro ba71 CI11tIS'I'h1AS 1)1NN1;12 \S,pt liz, r IT,,7;.tu luiir; 1,71 .\It nr I'ruil I�ui,l boast Turkey, 1 birl,rn or G, c,sc I;Mkt-(ubc 1trussing \la•hr,l Potatoes Itrown (;cavy 1 ;Hied Turnips ;1(111 Teas ('ranbeiry 1ausc or I:nrrant felly. (Attire ttiti l:ussian pressing 1'111111 Pudding with fluffy `a•(cc or Mince 'farts t'1((ee Steamed Carrot Pu.lding ?; cup mild-falvoured fat 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg 1 cup grated potato 1 cup grated carrot 1 VI .cups raisins 1 cup currants 11 cup mixed peel, chopped 1/ cups all-purpose Or 13,' cups pastry flour / teaspoon sale 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon soda Cream fat and sugar thoroughly. Add beaten egg, then potatoes, carrots and fruit. Mix and sift flour, salt and spices and add to first mixture alternately with water in which soda has been dissolved. Mem! well. 'Euro into grer,srvl moulds, filling them two-thirds hill, and steam steadily for 3 hours. 12 servings. N0'hE:—If currants are not available, increase the amount of raisins used. Fluffy Sauce 2 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon flour 1/2 cup water 2 tablespoons orange juice 1 teaspoon orange rind 1 egg white Combine snpar and flour.. Add water slor,ly. Cool; over boiling water until smooth and thickened, slit ring eon' l,tntly. lust before serving (r,lib' still hot(, add orange iuitr and rind and pour mixture -1t,My over stiffly beaten egg who.. Iden,( well and serve immediately. \iakt s about 1 cups sauce. Grape -Me Cocktail 11/2 cups };rape juice 11/2cups ginger ale ('hill ingredients thoroughly, mix and serve. Ire 111ay be added if desired. .(lakes 3 coos. 2 v4 Giblet Cube Stuffing Giblets cup mild -flavored fat tablespoons chopped onions cup chopped celery 4 cups lightly toasted T' inch bread cubes 1 teaspoon chopped parsley 1/ teaspoons salt TA teaspoon pepper 1/4 teaspoon poultry seasoning r/ cup giblet broth (about) Simmer giblets in salted water for 30 minutes, then chop finely. Save !: cup of the broth for dress- ing, use the rest in the gravy. Cook onion and celery its fat until clear. Mix with bread cubes, parsley and seaan1111(,es, giblets and enough hot broth In moisten cubes slightly. Sufficient to stuff a 5 -pound chicken. Drought Kills Sheep Drought cut down Australia's sheep population by 23,000,000 in in four years up to April, the Aus- tralian statistics bureau reported. In 10.11, 18,000,000 sheep died and t),000,000 more 111 11113 and early 1911;, Australia now has 90,306,- 00(1 sheep, Earth's Photo Made From 65 Miles Up Scit 1111 1> tubo sent a motion picture. camera aloft in a German V-2 rocket oltained photos of earth at an altitude of i15 miles. hbr Lest Eliot was obtained at around ('5 miles altitude and covers an estimated 40,1100 square miles of earth at the horizon, with the camera around 7211 miles away. 1t shows cloud between earth and the ratnera: the earth is dis- tinguishable and the sky awl earth may be Segos at the. horizon. Scientists said the earth's curvature may be noted in this picture. Christmas Eggs Enough eggs to provide every man, woman and child with an ex- tra 0111' fon Christmas now are on the high seas to Britain from Van- couver. The biggest shipment of shell eggs ever made from Canada to Britain — 3,886,500 dozen — left the west coast port November 6. SAFES Protect your HOOKS and CASH from 111115 and THIEVES, We 6x10 n size nod type of Su(e, or Cabinet, for any porpol,c. 1 brat tor, or ,rite for prlerm, etc., to Dept. W. 0.b&J.TAVLDpi LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front ,I. 1:.. Toronto l''Xt11illlhlled 1ti5 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest harness Shot about Staco Harness Supplies We sell our goods only through your local Staco i,c•nt.het Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our pru'es We manufacture In out lac tories -- harness Horse Col, lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Ulan• kete, and Leather Travelling, Goods, Insist on Steen Brand Trude Marked Goods, and ru coot sati'faetion \forte nt,kht' SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St. E.. forontc WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 0deni!4! more 1 A4AX'WELL HOUSE contains choice Y11 Latin-American coffees. It's blended by experts and Radiant Roasted to develop fully every atom of extra flavor and goodness. MB•77 A Product of Control focds • ARE YOU S UGGESTI NCI THAT THIS MAN IS A POACHER ? I WQULDN'T SAY THAT, SIR— By J. MILLAR WATT -BUT IF WAS A PHEASANT I'D SURE ROOST H i(aH /// (I, (I: •Il,•.' h• 'ihr'14,11 f•dlT'ni�', a PAGE 4. 1,1 111 .IL LII 1 1.11, ELECTION CARDS To All My Loyal Supporters:— My sincere thanks for your support al the Polls in Monday's Municipal Election in Blyth. I wish the new Council the best of luck during the year 1917. .1 Yours respectfully, IIAROI,17 T. VOl)1)EN. I I I 11.1 111, I. To the Electors of the Village of Blyth. Ladies and Gentlemen: I wish to take this opportunity of thanking you for the splendid support you accorded me in the election for Councillors. 1 will endeavour to work for each individual citizen to the hest of my ability. Yours truly, GEORGE Mc?BALL, 1. 1 •11 , 111..1 , ,Y ,i 111. ,. To the Citizens of Blyth : --- I wish to take this opportunity of thanking my - supporters in the past election. Although not a successful candidate I hope that 1917 will he the best year Blyth ever had. Yours sincerely, LEWIS WHITFIE11D. 11 111 • m•. -1PIY. To the Electors of Blyth: --- Ladies and Gentlemen: Although defeated in Monday's election for Council, I desire to thank my supporters for their loyal support at the Polls. I also desire to express best wishes to the in- coming council for a very successful year. Yours respectfully, HARVEY McCA LLL M. 111 To the Electors of Blyth: --- Ladies and Gentlemen: I wish to express my thanks for the splendid support accorded me at the Polls in Monday's muni- cipal election. I will endeavour to merit that sup- port by promoting good municipal government to a the best of my ability. Yours sincerely, GEORGE RAI)FORU• To the Electors of Blyth: --- Ladies and Gentlemen: I wish to express my sincere thanks t -o the elec- tors of Blyth for your splendid support, given me at the Polls on Monday, and I will endeavour to (10 my best to prove myself worthy of your support. Yours respectfully, STUART ROBINSON. 1 1. I 111 1 1111 1 1 d1.. To the Electors of the Village of Blyth: Dear Friends :--- I thank you for your vote and the confidence placed in me. I shall do my hest in conducting Municipal affairs in an honourable and businesslike manner during my term of office. Sincerely yours, WATSON 1 1 v I ,. 1 1• 1 11 , .1., , To the Ratepayers of Hullett Township. Ladies and Gentlemen: I desire to express my sincere appreciation for your support in Monday's election. I will endeav- our to serve the Township to the best of my ability. The Season's Greetings to Everyone. Yours respectfully, LESLIE REID. 1 1 1 1• J14 i I.II 1 1„ To the Electors of Hullett Township :--- Ladies and Gentlemen: I desire to thank the electors of Hullett town- ship for the splendid support accorded me at the Polls in Monday's election for Council. My best wishes for a Merry Christmas and A Happy and Properous New Year is extended to everyone. Respectfully yours, W. R. J EWI'I'T. Y• To the Ratepayers of East Wawanosh: My thanks and appreciation for your support in \fondhy's Election, and I a -k for ca1'ncst co-op- eration. Wishing you all a very .Happy Christmas an I successful New Vear. J. D. BEECROF T MI • I•• 1 11u -..I 11.1..i-1 1 u To the Ratepayers of East 1\rawanosh : I •1'islt 10 take this 0ppnrt1 11 1:1y of expre,cin; Inti thank, to all th0,e 1,e110 ''•upporlcrl me in the recent eke:ion for Soho I trustee f, r I?n Wawa:to-1i. --FRANK TIIOMP3ON. gogolmi Lg. udu,,., II ...e .I I ;1 1 Tilt STANDARD TO THE ELECTORS OF EAST WAWANOSII: 1 11 1" 1 10 t!1:1111, tar cll'elul', IMI the •III 111111 1;11111 1.. int' at the recent el- ect ti for C'e 1i'?I 1II litl,ir,: I ▪ \\•,10;1111"!s. 1 1111! tet ;tad -1rle III the h:'-1 of u11 .Ihili:t'. 15-1p. M. ROBINSON \I I• titrU: iI'+ I'hu'c, \I r St(.ttt;trt thanked the teachers and uflicer, f.1r th1 it slllrn11i11 co_oper•11'011 dnr n; Iii• 11'1'111 of Illce .\ 11 1r 111 thank, \13' extended to \I r+ on for her 111 me. .i nl to \Ir. -'Ii-,rt for 11', splcnlli 1 -eat {If ire create ,11111 cake. There tre 25 at the inectite.:. The 11 hire 11111 tier) ice 1t ill hr held • i iiI it ti:Ilri,ile:. Hecenlher 15111, 11 IJ( \'I)I.!:S13OR0 111:15, The lilt I:Iren'+ Choir it %%ill p„1- % .• the !nu,u %Olt \Ir,. I:. 11. 011 a• 011,11:;11 1 1 111.1 of it". I."n Ir,- leader and Penman ro l t111u',!r ti ll1 l,ty tiehnlhl in'hl un l r 1i tt ct•c'i1 11,1;, 11eee'u_ 1101 r,:` .it ...I. It :;t• of \lr,. \1'. 1.tlitt Il 1!h \1 r. 1' 11! 11( 11!1';111 1,;,1'11 the tPrt'll1L hC 11.1'1111 .1 1.1 ,lCt' Ill Si'li-t1ur1', t er. 1 ?tit' tt:ina :t' r I f 1!a: !.1 t Tel butt 111 rr ;111 and altlrttt- It ul• 1111111 1 hay, a\\'ilite I i rt ice Su 11 t 111 rn'n_', 11ret"a Cr 1'tll . .L,11 1,1 !1"111' ;i (lir{ti- r.lt 11' 1111' 111:111 1'1 11f Inti' C1'n'1'il t 1111' n 1 r .'r'i ,1' r r1 rl;l.. he Ie - 1 1t . ;' 1 Ir of c nt1111ln r. \it. C. telt;it 1• tri i• I,, on `•t"t' f ,: '.. I 1'.,1'111 1.f 111. I r'I!. 1;.1 f111111 1110 3'.'11'- ' . 1 11'11. Ili re, SII Iti :1 P.:1• ;I reset, \Ir. lI:trey tin1.1 t1a er•:• 'u r -r ilt'll 111 in •.i 1011 gitr a 1 hri-Ilea, lur,.;l::e. Tho nlrtiIIi ' 31 the ,111.1 I Il it ntel t in lilt' h;l+rl11t'1;1 ;II 111 ll'c loci ;IIUI i:11 Illi t11 tttie auditorium in a holly. The \l i' .ion 1101111 member. are 1 - in� :1 e011rrl't titIg ha/ iter ill the h;isc en: of Illi ,.'.lurch on Fr:11;1t night, 11eceulher 1.;1, h. \lis.e, 1110th and Elva riovier trete home for the n•ell;•eniI, \Ir. x111 \Ir-. 1. Vincent, ntI t;I111rric'I, •!tont the \Perk -end tit tli \Ir. 1'. ti1et1:i I. 11 i \L •,' 1';till.. el!. I. irl. st lion..' f:i+ 1!11' 11 itel;_t 1 1. It;i` MISSION BANE) TO MEET The \Ii'''ft I;01111 of Loving vice r- Cire trill Doll their (-111--e.ttita, nn'etin 1'I. tilIIIG' •;1` I /.:. endier I lt11 ;it .3 Wednesday, Il, c'1 11, 1.91(1 �. �. �. y..,..� r "C �. •�. •...• ••• • • 0•0•0'0'0'0'0.0.0.$ • ;. r�. P� r�� •; ':' •;.ISI rpt.;.•;. r�•.0 r0 •;. a. i,..;• i,..;..; •: •;. r�• r;• r�. r;r •i 11. i• s• r.• +t, Are you going to get it new pair of shoes f111' : the holiday? We have just received a new ship- :. of Men's Fine Oxfords (black and brown); ± Women's Pumps, Etc., in all sizes and widths, in- t :t: chiding "A ". 3, RUBBER FOOTWEAR I WEAR OLNR 51'E( IAI4I Y. :•• ,, •S, .,11.1.1I 1 11 .� 11 I.1. ,. d•..11. -1,.I • •t• •t• • TIIJa SHIP , •t: "The Corner Store". Myth, Ontario. t• . • .;..;.1,..;•.;..;..;. ,;..;•,;.+++ I;.4..;..;..;u;• +++4-.04.4. r;..;r J. ,..;..;. •: +;..;n;. •;nb dr ,. •;. r;..;•,• * • . rll,el;. l'ililllrrn ;In* relnu•,1e11 10ttheir World I'r:etr'•. 11rinv 1'l ''r mile how.. ;11111 15 cents f. r - 10 More Shopping Days Until Christ -'as See our complete.line of Bed room Slippers for all the family. Also Ties, Scarves and Stetson ilals. EMERGENCY! - SAVE ELECTRICITY! A critical power shortage now exists in Southern Ontario. Savings in the use of electricity will be needed on the part of all citizens in order to avoid serious difficulties during the present winter period, and Hydro is asking all consumers to conserve electricity wherever possible in order to relieve this situation. THE DAILY PERIOD DURING WHICH SAVINGS SHOULD BE EFFECTED IS BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 8 P.M., AND CONDITIONS ARE PARTICULARLY ACUTE BETWEEN 4 P.M. AND 7 P.M. Factories and industry are asked to switch from day to night opera- tion, in whole or in part, wherever possible, and also to effect all power savings practicable. Street lighting should be reduced to the lowest level consistent with public safety. THIS IS HOW YOU CAN HELP • Eliminate the use of electricity for signs, billboards and store windows from 8 a.m, to 8 p.m. • Eliminate all Christmas decorative lighting until Saturday, December 21st, and again after January 1st. • Turn off lights when not required. • Use the minimum number of lights in the living -room, consistent with good vision. • Do not use electric air heaters and grates, • Use electrically heated water sparingly and check leaking hot water taps. • Do not use range elements on "high" when a lower heat will serve, and turn off all elements as soon as possible. •, Cook oven meals as often as possible and avoid tht unnecessary use of surface elements, • Turn the radio on only for programs desired; if not listening, turn it off, • Operate electric toasters and other small appliances only as needed. The electric power shortage is a general condition following six years of war and arising from the fact that it was impossible to proceed with the development of sufficient new power sites during the war because of the requirements for war production, Since the war; the critical shortage of men and materials has seriously delayed the development 'of new sources of power, The Commission has been reducing loads within its direct control, wherever possible. These reductions are not enough, and it is now necessary to appeal for assistance on the part of all consumers. Hydro appreciated the splendid voluntary assistance on the part of its consumers during the war, and believes•that similar co-operation will be forthcoming at this time. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER CC i,;MISSION OF ONTARIO FW1A +•Y . . .1 1 1..1 1111.1'3, 1 11 Il .11... , II 14 JLI,r 11.1. , •J:G I.i,,y 1d X111. Ltd: I I t ,1.-1 .,.1 1, 11 1 J Wec iichfitly, Dec, 11, 1111(i • Christmas Items -- SIUNKIST iFItlil'PS -- Oranges, 1Le111011s, Grapefruit. Cabbage, Lettuce, Celery, Tomatoes, Cooking Onions, Spanish Onions, and Potatoes. CHRISTMAS NU'T'S Brazils, Almonds, Filberts, Pecans and Walnuts. GItOCERIES Coconut, (Dried reaches and Apricots, Figs, Shelled Almonds; and Walnuts, Popping Corn, Sodas, Cookies, Wax Paper, Paper 'Dowels, Serviettes, Kleenex and Toilet Tissue. 1)Rl'G()OI)S ANI) SIIOES 11Icn's and fIc}'.i' Work Boots, Men's and Boys' Ties and Braves, Nc\\'ton Yarn, Striped Flanelette, Naadkerehiefs, I''elt and Cork Insoles, Needles, Thread and Laces. Slewart9s general Store WE DELIVER -- PHONE 9 N RINxtccMtcatal Elliott insurance Agency BLYTH— ONT. INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Li1'e - Sickness - Accident. .1. H. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott kOffice Phone 104. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 ti▪ )MD$1Si"JiMI2IN21:i7`dIat2i`di`.di2c241:01`ai;\i.9i`r1i` i2IND7'Ji2i.ii813191iiii`dt2111 `JiiiiDIND NDIAit COURTESY AND SERVICE, 1 Blyth adio Service Agent For--- Sparton, Astra and Stewart -Warner Radios Radio Repairing - All Makes. 1Ve sell Tubes, Batteries, Aerial Kits and Miscellaneous Radio Supplies. ELECTRICAL, APPLIANCES--Double-burner hot Plates, Heaters, 'Toasters, Etc. Place your order for a Beatty Washer (Electric or Engine Drive) Colne in anti See the Bargains in Used Radios Battery and Electric. GLENN KECHNIE Norte Guaranteed. Phone 165, Blyth. PIONEER TiPS FOR SALE 18 fret of 11(ytr space per 1(11 Pre_war linoleum, 13' by 15', never bards, is needed for best results. used. Apply (.auric Scott, phone 13-4, \. I.. l'trnirl:. Myth. 15-1p 4.4•NNN~4.~41NJ04,4,I4,0IIINN04iNN41.I4#JIJII41,41,IIWWW4 N~4.4.44 Q\QE'Sfq�BINGO , LEGION *j, YiEi,l� at 8 p.m. in the } MEMORIAL hIALL, BLYTH Saturday, Iecember Auspices of Blyth Branch of the Canadian Legion EXCELLENT PRIZES. Proceeds for Veteran's Welfare. WJNMMJIINJJNJ•NJINJItNNJIMNII 04.1PO NINJNJ `NjININNJIMNJNtNtNN1NN4,4VM4I,JNJ 41 Opening Euchre and Dance Under auspices of Blytll L.O.L. No. 963 IN TI -IE ORANGE HALL, BLYTH Friday, December 13 Euchre starts at 8:30 p.m. These socials will be held every two weeks until further notice. Admission Gents 50c; Ladies with Lunch free. The Mall has been freshly decorated and a good attendance is hoped for. NJNYIJJ VIN•NJ4•N•f NNI N THE STANDARD GROCERIES Rowntrccs Bulk Cocoa 2 lbs, He Harry Horncs Flavorings 23c Red Rose Coffee per Ib. 4)c Meat Spreads 2 t ns 25c Cake Decorations per bottle l0c Liquid Laundry Starch per bottle 19c Cut Mixed Peel, Walnuts, Almonds, Figs, Tomato, Arle and Grape Fruit Juices, Canned Goods, Cereals, Soaps. Wo are now selling the well known Roe Feeds and Concentrates. Pioneer Feeds, Royal Purple Calf Meal Shur Gain Feeds Egg Grading Station • Locker Storage A. L. KERNICK WE DELIVER—PHONE 39. Marveluibe— Canada's Largest Selling Motor Oil, PHONE, IILYTH 68. LES. NAFTEL AGENT FOR— IMPERIAL OIL, Ltd. GOODISON FEEL) MIXER FOR SALE. We have on hand -- 1 Oliver 2 -furrow tractor plow, with shifter lever, practically new. Priced for Quick Sale. Complete Line of Oliver Farm Equipment. Limited number of Manure Loaders to fit Row•Crop Tractors, Complete Fleury•Bissel Line, in- cluding the famous Fleury Plows. W. H. MORRITT DEALER • Phone 4 and 93. Dance: IN BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL, ON Tues.; Dec. 17 Music By FARRIER'S ORCHESTRA Dancing 9:30 to 1:.311. Adntisson at Popular Price,. 15-1. FOR SALE 25 Barred Rock Pullets, slat—nig to lay, $1.50 each. Apply to Russel Bent- ley, phone 34-33 Myth. 15_lit FC% SALE 100 Red and Rock Pullets, 5!.; 'months old. Apply Bert klbutt, phone 45r4 Brussels. 15-1p FOR SALE 65•acre farm ; 11/2 storey brick house, barn 36x72; hydro installed; on con- cession 8, \I orris lo\euship. Apply to Laurie Scott, phone 13r4, Blyth. 15_1. ROxY THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE CLINTON. _000ERICH. NOW PLAYING: 'The Runaround' NOW PLAYING: George Formby wi h Rod Cameron and Ella Raines in "I DIDN'T DO IT." Me n., Tues., Wed., post Attractions Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday THE ADVENTURES OF RUSTY Jahn Hodiak, Nancy Guild and \ (tt ut. t\II!I un;wrr,;tl a;•ptal. tin •:..r +.f a Imo; and his hest tr end, Ili• clog Ted Donaldson, Margaret Lind ay. ALSO—Here are the Bumstends, \\ ). k er th.ui tree in "LIFE WITH BLONDIE" Penny Sing'e'on, Arthur Lake, Thursday, Friday, Sa' urday Charles Boyer, Jennifer Jcnes and Peter Lawford. \lariiciy Sharp', p pular novel s r+•nn t+• tie •crt + n r;uh in clwrnl. toutan.•e and Gaiety. "CLUNY BROWN" Lloyd Nolan. with Lou Nova and Margo Woode in the t.t t, 1.tc•+tome ,, •;,int' - t 11.11i((• tui -tet "SOMEWHERE IN TIIE NIGHT" Thursday, Friday, Saturdiy ''PINNOCC1110" \\',tl' 1) 1, ,111 -nl,, r!t not+I an l col, lir r+•turn, ant; b;uu rt short •u!+i+'t COMING: Dorothy McGu're in COMING: "Breakfast in Holly- "CLAUDIA AND DAVID" word•' with Tom Brencman. Matinees Sat. & Ifolidays J-2-.30 p.m Mat., Wed.. Sat., Holidays 2.30 pm r•" PAGE 5 REGENTTHEATRE SEAFORT"r'{, NOW PLAYING: "I DIDN'T DO I,T" starring George Formby Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Ring Crosby and Ingrid Bergman L+, \Irl .ut F' t•,+. t prodii+tion Showings each night will ccnunence at 7 o'clock sharp "lIIE BELLS OF ST. MARY'S" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Rod C:ime:on, Lala Raines and Brod Crawford • del t'.. ;,t 0.t) 1.nth- ,uc+l tit r "THE RUNAROUND" Cotnin•t: The Marx 11ro- t'•ers spend "A NIGH I' IN CASABLANCA" 1 Matinees Sat & Hol'days at 2.70 p.m. 444444++++.H-8";4"*"+"+41 .. •LYCEUM THEATRE s �'"_. :t: ATTEj NTION! r WINGHAM—ONTARIO. t �� JY:I •t t TWO SHOWS Sat. Night ;t 31 ., ,, XWE HAVE ON HAND - 1 :t; MASSEY•HARRIS REPAIRS. :t • DRILL TUBES. -1. PUMP FITTINGS and TAPS. •'A. W. P. Smith �; PHONE 92, BLYTH 56.32 . • GENERAL TRU(:KING I'hc hest in trucking service al- \\ays at your immediate call. All Loads Fully Insured. Rates Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. • I'ictut'c, C111jcrt 10 ch;utc ;, t\itb+ntt 111 tire. ,• Show regularly at 8 1',11• " Saturday at 7:45 1'.\I. H.'McCallum, 1I. Ste\V i.l't, Mat. Saturday Afternoon at 2 n,m, • b;c (;r;roti -Sec';, 4 Rr: alar n•t t t,rc t Lt II+ i,I + n Tut .- cclll1„'r lith. ;,1 8 1, III Ilt'.'1 re .\11 (;(stiles n a-Lr+l t,, aurn•l. :Thurs., Fri., Sat. Dec. 12-13-14 ; Rcy Rogers, Trigge-, Dale Evans • Roy Rogers, Trigger, Dale Evans ini . LICENSED AUCTIONEER. , rt "ROLL ON TEXAS MOON" ' Spccialiiing in ('item ;Ind 1Iou-eho1 I CHARLES F. DALE ----_____. Salt', S164;011111 (in;u'antct',I , ii All "Mon., Tues,, Wed, Dec. 16_17.18• Sales. P, r information _. ation !+hone b16-4„ DOUBLE BILL ''Clinton, or \trite R.R. No. 4, Clinton. DOUBLE BILL 50-101 •r f• n Carole Landis, Alwyn Joslyn, in :« "IT SIIOULDN'T HAPPEN FOR SALE TOA DOG" '- \1.1'1\`'o anter coal, size la• mein"'e at aAnd Veronica Lake, Sonny Tufts in11.1'1\`'`tan,lar! (.)ff 11 MISS SUSIE SLAGLES" FOR SALE 4:1 4:444♦:.•�1 41.� 41.x. 4..:..�H:. 4.1:41:4+.� :H4..�1.�..�.1:11. Good used General Electric car radio, in excellent shape. Ap;ily 10 ""'''."""""##"'#"'"".."'""'''."""""##"'#"'"".."' llaroll (;rocs, phone 19_6, Myth. 1.1-2p. .1. II. CAMPBELL ELLIOTT r the present phone 700), • Real Estate Agenc BLYTI-I. llrusesls. 13-1f. Y • WANTED Old horses. \\'ill pay $1.50 per 111111- Our .\gency has the fullo\ving decd weight. \\'ill call or pick up property listed for sale: same. Phone collect to Jack Gilbert, 101) acres, I(Ith Cnnces,ion Ilullett . 93(m21,Godcrich, or Fred l;ilbert, . u,i6r,3', (;odericlt.. FOR SALE 2 Collie \lalc Pups. Apply t ) Ed- ward Quinn, phone .34-P) 1.11t11. 15 -1p CATTLE CLIPPING .\n)';ne with hydro power, to have ther livestock clipped, phone 15-'), Itly,h, 15 -Ip. AUCTION SALE Of choice Dairy Cows, Young Cattle and Pigs, at Porter's Hill, 3 utile, west u( 1lolnu'svillc, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17th At 1:30 p.m., consisting of : Cattle -25 young dairy bred cows, fresh, springers, February and Marchcalvcrs. '('hese are an cxreptionally god lot and are the best we have of_ fatal. 15 yearling ilclstcin heifers; 3 yearling Jersey heifers; 10 holstein heifer calves; 15 stocker cattle. Pigs — Sew, due in December; 10 chunks. This sale will be held under cover. TERMS CASH A. F. Townshend, Proprietor. Edward \V. Elliott, :\uctioneer. 15-1. • • Hybrid See H. L. STURDY, AUBURN, ONT ARiO, CANADA. John G. Speir, R.R. 2, BRUSSELS, 0 NTARIO, CANADA. 1 miy ns 1 p; clalu•tnt ; 10 acres hardwood hush ; 11/2 storey brick dwelling; frame barn 28'x60 - 36'x 45, cement stabling, \vater itt stable. 100 acres, Concession 8, Mortis Township; frame dwelling 18'x26' - 1(ix18'; frame barn 30'x52'; second barn 30'x50', with (ante 311'x16'; cement stalling tvith \vater in st;ihl:'s ; quarter -acre orchard. 11/2 and 1 storey brick veneer dwelling on 1)i islcy Street, Blyth, with quarter -acre of land; also acre of hoot with frantc stable 24'x 43'. Will ,.ell separately, or the entire holding. Business block on (lticcn Street, Itlyth. \\'ill sell subject to lease. Two storey, stuco clad, dwelling i • on i)inslcy Street cast. This is a i very corttf't'table Route, ideally sit- uated. Sale subject to tenant ret;- ulatiutts. 11/2 storey frame dwelling on the south side of 1)inslcy Street, Blyth, Tess than a block east of Queen street. One-eighth acre of land. This is a desirable property for small family. Dairy farm, consisting of 142 ac- res, Concession 2, East \Vawan.nsli' ron•nship, \lodcrn frame dwelling 32x28, hot water heating, 2 baths. Frank barn 90x38 with wing 32x(,0, stone stabling, water in stable; metal drive shed 25x(1), milk house 10x10, chicken house 220x18, cement silo 13x40, This is an ideally situat- ed farm, doing a profitable dairy business, as well as mixed farming. k 1(10 acre farm on Concession 5, t East \Vawanosh Tr +wnship. 11/2 t storey frame dwelling 26x28; frame t barn 48x711, \with stone stabling; t drive shed 30x60; pig pen 20x20. '('here is about 7 acres of hush, a s suitable for wood. This land is t especially •good for hay and grain t raps, NNNN#MN • 4-14401•41-144444444.144444+.84_4•41.3 4444•!•d••1•!•ir3••t••A• 4.4••1.3 s. SCOTT'S POOL ROOM. ' w♦ •:s ;SMOKER'S SUNDRIES:: ;;'Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop.• 7; and Other Sundries. ;) Open all day and evening.;; ;t Main Street - Blyth :_: K.+++4444+44+4444++++44+4+;:4 • WANTED AT ONCE 'I'o buy from one to 5 acres of land, ‘with house and large building, "suitable for chickens, in or within one utile of Blyth. \1'illittl ea pay cash for suit- able place, \Vl'i1e box 236, 1-ontics- horo, Care, Walter Taras, 15-2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS :\II persons having claims against the estate of Phoebe Emmeline Taylor, late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron, \\'idow, who diad on or about the sixth day of Novem- ber, A.l).,-1')49, are ntitifie41--t0` send to Crawford & 1ictherington, \\'inghaut, Ontario, on or before the fourteenth Clay of December, A.D. 1946, full par- ticular, of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said fourteenth day of December, the assets of the ,aid testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled the-eto, having rgard only to claims of which the exectn+ rs shall then have notice. I):\TIEI1 this twenty_fifth day of November, A.D. 1946. Crawford c\ 1letherington, \\'ing- hant, Ontario, Solicitors for the execu_ tors. 13-3. frank's fakery PHONE 38. BLYTH, ONT, Conte in anti try our fresh home, made Bread, Chcsley Rolls, Dough. Nuts, Scones and Bran Muffins, But. ter Tarts, Cookies, Date I.oaves, as well as our Delicious Maple, Chocolate and Orange Cakes. THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT, Officers President, F. slcGregor, Clinton; \'ice President, C. \V, Lconhardt, Brod- hagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Man- ager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Scaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex. I3roadfoot. Seaforth; Chris. Lconhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trcwartha, Clinton; John 1.. Malone, Scaforth; Alc•:. Mc1'swing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Bruceficld; R. F. M cls ercher, Dublin; J. F. Procter, 13rodhagen ; George A. \Vatt, Blyth. Parties desirous' to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promply attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post of- fices. Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVE() PROMPTLY. Exeter 235; Seaforth 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. JUST IN FUN That's Right "\\*leo docs this expression 'Sc? you' maul:" asked the judge. 'I'hc clerk of thy court replied: "My lord, it appears that this is a slang expression of American origin which has gained regret- table currency in the language of our people through the insillitu, agency of the cinema, and is, 1 and led to understand, employed to in- dicate a state of duldety in the mind of the speak( as to the veracity or I.ru(li',ility of a state- ment mad(: to !lith." '1111 al a:'!1' •aid the ?udgc. Waiter A maul n ho had 1,0( 11 arrc•tl +l on suspicion \vas appearing before the magistrate. "111!.11 tvere y, u doing tvlien ihn policeman cants." asked the scr.i& lbt. "\1',litine sir," r, plied the pri-„ncr "\vhat were yeti waitir' i,,r:” "For money :" \1 ho tt.o: 111 give \ O11 ntonr•y:"-lin, Ulan I had been waiting for." "\\'h,,: did he out, it Io you fur'.' "For waiting.' "Enough of this lonifoo " Icry. smapp, d the magistrate, \vim by nosy tc,:, Very" angry. "\Vhat +1 yon 11. r a liv.. ,"I'm a e',lite: sir." I eplied the 01111410 (0( man. Shy She e painter .n w,ter- fnll,ri 1'd 1''. 1.-y proud of lugs work: alio her i+nnp!csi,!1 was the c!tt•t of her acquaint;rlc(3. :\t a party one night she sat nest to a slty, awkward young !ran, who cudgelled !li= (rains to find some- thing to say. She tried to open conversation with hint. \Vith becoming mod- esty she said: "I expect you have heard that 1 paint?" "Vex" he replied gallantly, look- ing at her face, "But I don't be- licvc it!" Why Should He \Vorking in a factory a man got his coat caught in a revolving wliecl. He was whisked up and whirled round and round till the foreman managed to switch off the machine. The workman fell to the ground and up rushed the format). "Speak to me, speak to me," he said in great agitation. The victim looked up. "Why should 1," he said. "I passed you six tittles just now, and you didn't speak to Ole!" Hard Enough 1Vhi(c Firestone, Edison, Ford and Burroughs were touring a light and a tire on the car went wrong. \Ir. Ford went into a store and said to the proprietor: "What kind of lights do you have?" "Edison," \vas the reply, "And tires:" "Firestone." "Von will be interested to know that Mr. Edison and Mr. Firestone are in my car, and that I and Henry Ford." As the elan was putting on the tire Mr. Burroughs, who vas well adorned with white whiskers, lean- ed out of the car, and the ratan looking at hint, said: "If you tell me you're Santa Claus, i'11 crown you with this spanner!" Poor Bait Father didn't approve of a lot of things which happened these days, especially did he dislike the modern modes. "Pah!" he snorted. "I don't know what the world's coming to. Let me tell you that your mother never dressed to catch a husband the way you girls today," But her (laughter was ready for That one. "No," she replied, "and look what she got." Correct? Teacher: "Who can tell me what the former ruler of Russia was call- ed?" Class: "Czar." Teacher: "Correct, and what was Ids wife called?" Class: "Czarina." Teacher: 'Correct, and what were the Czar's children called?" A pause, and then a small, timid voice piped up: "Czardines." A Tell -Tale Mother ('at party): "Why did you allow Mr, Softly to kiss you in, the conservatory?" Daughter: "Why, ria?" Mother: "Oil, you needn't 'why ma' Ole! One side of his nose is powdered and one side of yours isn't, and the people have noticed it." Crowded Boss: "Yon want a raise? Why didn't you live within your ;neaps?" Employe: "I do, sir, but you dont realize how I am crowded for space." THREE WISE DOGS An appealing event at the Royal Winter Fair's Horse Show was the demonstration of shepherding by Wm. Martin, Maple Creek, Sash., and his three faithful and intelligent Border Collies VOICE OF THE PRESS In Peace, Too VI at a lot of us have forgotten is that while it is heroic to clic for one's country in lime of war, it is just as necessary to live for one's ('00111.} 111 (title of peace. —Woodstock Sentinel-Reviele. Dan6erous Suggestion JI[r. antcril.a, we must assume from his press statements, is not a a mai ried elan, lle advo.:atcs that girls, to regain curves, health and beauty, take to weight lifting, Such a wife alight be a fit male for 11r, America \rho weighs 2(15 pounds, all hone and nlscle, But the aver- age husband will get front his state- ment only nightmares of coming home late some night to he clanked between the eyes by a, 200 -pound bar bell or some similar gadget used by weight lifters, A plan wouldn't be safe in his own home. —Windsor Star .'1 SlatiSt!t'lall tells (IS that tt would take 19 centuries to spend a billion dollars at the rate of $1 a minute. So to keep our money front being eaten by moths we throw in a war every now and then, end get rill of the stuff at the rate of a billion a month, —Ottawa CIli7.etl Ribbon Flood The \\'ar Department of the United States got 011 on the wrong foot by cheapening the system through authorizing too many medals, It strikes at the value of all awards when a soldier can wear a line of six-ihbons though he has never been within bomber range of the zone of action, —Detroit News. Here is Progress A bank in Dayton, Ohio, has set up a window at the side of its building so that motorists can drive up and make deposits or cash cheques without Leaving their cars. —Chatham News. If Ever It takes only one-fourth of a second to wink the eye—and years and years to explain it to the 1Ssus. —St. Catharines Standard. Glowing Headlights ..Night motorists who cannot, or It'ilI not, dint their headlights when approaching other cars have been responsible for innumerable accidents at1(1 111at1y fatalities. Traffic courtesy saves lives. —Ottawa Journal. REPORT BABS HUTTON WILL WED AGAIN! ) Barbara Hutton, left, heiress to the Woolworth five-and-ten for- tune, will marry Count Alain D'Eudville, right, head of Moet and Chandon, world's largest champagne producers, according to the Spanish News Agency CIFRAS. She previously was married to Georgian Prince Alexis Mdivani; Count Haugwitz-Reventlow of Denmark, father of her 10 -year-old son, Lance; and Cary Grant, screen star. REG'LAR FELLERS—Don't Push ! WANNA GIVE AL1. YOU GUYS A PRESENT EST TO SHOW yA WHAT A SWELL EGG 1 AM! {.. JEST STEP RIGHT IN, FELLERS! THE GENTLEMAN INSIDE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU! THIS IS ON ME. JEST MENTION MY NAME !! Sugur Beet Industry Importunt To Sound, Pennant Agriculture Editor's rote: A few weeks ago an article on .he sugar beet industry in the United States appeared on this page. Fol- lowing is a review of .he in- dustry in the Province of Ontario, by M. McIntyre 1!oo(i Director of Publicity, Ontario Department of Agri- culture. After reachine a lots 111 in the y+al' 1011, the wear beet ealuslry 11 1 )11l,ri0 IOL s111(e tn,11 scar showed a steady upward trend, and this year of 10110 11.1, seen a suh- Slanlial measure of recovery, with the largt st ;Image and the larg- est production \yitIin a six year period. I he 1 ecovery is by no inearll complete, 1101. has prnduc• lion returned 141 its pre•tyau' levels, but the 11105enlrnt 111 the growing n( sugar- beets for processing into sugar has been definitely upward, thanks partly to the subsidies paid by tat Ontario (iuvrrnutent, and it is hoped that within the next two or three years it will have re- turned to normal proportions, so that the fill rapacity for the manu- facture of sugar from beds in the faet(ril'S 1)1 Southwestern Ontario utay he utilized, World Shortage of Sugar The production of sugar the world over has for the last few years been fan' 511(11 of require- ments. For the whole year of 1915, the shortage of sugar ars compared \vital the normal requirements of the world reached the staggering total of 2,100,11(10 long lolls. In the face of that situation, and with little improvement effected ill 1016, it is essential that every sugar -pro- ducing arca in the world do its hest to increase production. So far as Canada is concerned, it is im- perative that this country produce as much as possible of its own sugar needs, so that it will draw a correspondingly smaller amount from the sadly diminished world sugar pool, Normally, Canada pro- duces only about 9h per cent of its own requirements of about one bil- lion pounds a year, but that per- centage is attained only at the maximum production. Since 19-1 1, sugar hcet production ha's been far below normal, although since 1013 it has shown steady increase, Ontario's Sugar Plants There are in Southwestern On- tario two sugar plants, one ;it Chatham and one at \Vallacehurg, operated by the Canada and 1)o - minion Sugar Company, Limited. Since 19-11, only one of the plants has been able to operate, because there have not been enough sugar beets grown to operate thein bolls. It takes :00,1(90 tons of beets to operate the \Vallacebnrg plant at capacity and "1(1,0011 totes for the Chatham plant. This year there was still a lack of sufficient sugar beets to operate the two plants, although the pro- duction was lunch !niter than 111 1!115, The total acrnar1c fur 1!I ti, of sugar heels, was :.",;;.3 a1 res, compared with 1 7,900 acres planted in 19.15. 11115 acreage provided a crop for t!I.IG of 910,111111 tons of beets, or 5.05 tons per arra. las cam- kl Sweet and cool in ally Pipe 11 CANADA'S STANDARD PIPE TOBACCO 6:;:f1 M A FREN�� PINHEAD'S fIi pared Ilith 1[1 i,11011 Ions, or an aver- age of 9:111 Ions per acre in the pre%lolls year. \\'hilr 1111 site;(lion Was been im- proved to thy extent indicated 113, the abut 1' ill:111es, it is nit yrs );410+1 I'nuugW. '1.1101 5(115011'5 bet I crop is all being processed at the Chatham plant of the 1 81111111 and Dominion Sugar Company, atu1 trill 9lovide ..nll'irient raw material for a cul of ;Wont 5)) days dura- tion, which is approximately fivc- si'.Ihs 1f „ (1111 capacity rml. Cur- rent (-6111.111s, on the basis of sugar content, are 101" an (11(9111 of 33,- 1(1o,nuh pounds of granulated sugar, about 1(1,11(111 111' 11,(11111 (oils of 111'Ied beet pulp, and from 1,')1)11 to 1,511) tons of nlulasse;. Good Rotation Crop For this year's crop, i;rnwcrs arc receiving approximately X11.111) per tem for beets delivered 111 the fac- tories, 111111 $1:,:!3 )l1 ton rot' beets delivered to outside points. This makes the groes value of the crop Per acre $11.0(1 and $1111.(1O re- spectively, so that 11119 :2!3,3;6 acres planted, the su^au' heel ('rap represents approximately two and three quarter million dollars to the growers in Southwestern Ontario. This sugar beet industry great importance to a sound and pernement agriculture in South- western 1 )11l;-io, It is a (too! crop for 1111' farmers 10 'rote, as part of their rotation, 91,1111 se it feeds and cleans tip the soil and leaves it in excellent condition for oilier crops. it also plays its part in providing a longer \working sea- son for farm labour, providing em- ployment et seasons or the year (viten outer worl; is not ,available on the faun(, It is also ,important to the industrial life or the SOuth- w'l:stern section of the Province, since the oyer;fiat or the sugar processing plants means consider- able employment in the Chethanl area. The Answer So the final answer to the clues - tion --how do we pay our way in the world—is the perfectly obvious one—by working. CHAMPION Grand champion silver fox at the live fox and mime show Calgary, from Montgomery Fur Farms, Wetasl(iwin, Alta, Berlin Holiday llcrlit,'s chi11911 will 1,t a fits weeks' holiday from school for t il(2Iltlllal�--troth Por. 21 I( 1a11. 2 a5 a coal 1'01)'Crvat'.,41 11111l - sue, it was announced 1111 re. FQR GET Ulcus, SAFE TLE RELIEFSUCIKLLY'S Fa et Penetrating AO WHITE Ruff i h w to Corahat rile Rheumatic pains ntsy often he caused by Mei! uric acid, a blood impurity )hal should be eslracted by the kidneys. If kidney: fail, and excess uric acid remains. it may cause severe discomfort and pain. Treat rheumatic pains by keeping your kidneys in good condition. Get and use Dorld's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help your kidneys get rid of trouble -making poisons and excess acids—help you feel littler. See what Dodd's ran do for you. 137 Meco Hydraulic Concrete Block Press No better equipment made anywhere A Cllcnl 11'raU•1— "55'e pinnl, In Montreal, 111- 1n1111, Toronto, Detroit and 1'hlenje, and maw 110 htoel,4 11. good (111 those wade un (he .1l0(11 1'r,Hs." AGENTS WANTED MERR ICKVILLE ENGINEERING CO.. LTD. Merr;-,:vide, Ont. An A11 (.'nnndlnn l'rnaluet N. HANSEN & COMPANY 300 Bay Street TORONTO 111 c',enls a Weekly Review of News, Economic 'Trends and Items of Current Inleresi By John Collingwood Reade Columnist, News Analyst and Radio Commentator This comprehensive survey will be embodied in the regular service which provides detailed information on mines and mar- kets prepared by our statistical department. The combination will prove entertaining, informative and invaluable to all who sect( to improve their status by the intelligent investment of funds, We,will point to the pitfalls as well as the opportunities of market speculation, If you would like to receive this service without obligation fill in and mail the attached coupon. 11. N, IIANSEN & COMPANY, Investments, 300 Bay Street, Toronto. Gentlemen: Kindly scud me without obligation your weekly service. Nance Address ..P 1� By GENE BYRNES /77 IFQIIA 611ffl FOR KIDDIES! To celebrate open* cf ?\ew to DBVF COURTESy.4' Cit15BERG AV AF1 �r DUFFY A. 0.1 1.,l OT•• 111 clew. r•.,r,e/ if CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS 1VAN'TI:J WANTED, IRELiAIILE AGENT '1'11 sell baby chicks (or honest nrul re• liable hatchery, Royal fares and Hatchery, tit, Jacobs, Ont, . BABY CRICKS 1'l'LI.1;'I'S AI,1, A1;I:s 1'111111 14 w0clts up to laying al rc:,sonalde prices, hill up your pens, erg pares are good. hall hushed alleles for Immediate delivery, Fre., ratalut:ue, Top Nosh chlok ries•, Guelph, Un• Indo. 1'111! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY w•I: have (hyoid and started ehickH, helvy hi'',l , Nnw'S the limo, to or- der your pullets to gel the big, eggs nest .July', )tray Ilntehery, 13, John N„ Hamilton, 11111, NOW IS '1'111; '1'1111: '1'11 1)111)1)11 Top Not,•l, chielis for the IU17 Se11- r011, J'2irly ordering or,Is is )'1111 ,Ic;trtn5l possible I is e in prieeo, If prices drop you get full 1(11 (11, An order 1,11' assures you of the breed of chlehti y'uu 1v:11u nn t0„ date you went them, Ile 111113 )Melly, Approver) Top Nuleli , hn'Ikn Ilulho a high degree of pr,elnell0113 rcrluln. \I'orlrl conditions continue to pro- vide 11 S1ew 111111 1,1'41 11i1110 11111rkot. Get elf In n flying shirt hilt nn early shipment of Top Notch chlcics, bred to highest slnndnrd by the most Ilp-to-Mit❑ methods or pre-se- leetio rind hnndiing, 1Vrite to -day for a flee 0) 11Ilugm' AIoo ready' 10 Iny rind laying pullets, Top Notch C'hlrkell's, Guelph, Ontario, BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Yes, that Is what nil Rainbow Chicle buyers aro saying when they buy Rainbow Chicles, All breeders are 100 percent free from pultorunl, Order your chicks now direct from this nd and not be diseppolnted. Ton iInrron Leghorns, 012.00 per 100, Pullets $24.00, Barred Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100. l'uliets 021.00, IVIlllo Rork Arise(' 115.00 per 100. Pullets $25.00, Brown Leghorn Mixed $14.00 per 100. Pullets 125.00, Leghorn -Rock Mixed 712.00 per 100, Pullets $25.00, lied -Rork Hybrid 712.00 per 100, Pullets $21.00, Spe• clnl prices on cockerels Gnnrentee 100 percent live delivery to your station. $1.00 down, hnlonee Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, On• turio. 1200 LAVING A N11 It1;.1115' TO LA l' New Hampshire pullets for Inunedl- ntu delivery, Also other' breeds 14 weelcs tip to laying, 1111 up your pens, eggs ere In big demand end prices aro gond, Free eatitlogue„ Also 1''1111 hntrhed rhtrtts for imme- diate delivery. Tweddle Chlrlc Hat- cheries Limited, I'ergus, Ontario, 18c SUSSEX X 11,1111'5111111:s 13e 1111016 1'01111 0111)1111 NOW P011 SPRING CiIICKS without delay at these prices, Mixed Chicks 13c Pul- lets 23c, Cox 7c. Leghorn X ilotnp- shires Mixed 13c, Pullets 28c, All breeders pulloron tested under Gov- ernment approvnl, Order now to In• sure delivery when required. Bon- nlo's Chick lintchery, 13ox 256, El - mire, Ont N0'7V 1S 'rn1: 11118' '1'151 I'. TO 011 - der your 1947 Tweddle chicks. We guarnnten you against price rime and 11 1.1111 you of full benefit of any drop In price before delivery. By ordering now, you are sure to have the kind of chicks you want when you wolit then), Tweddle Chlek Hatcheries Limited fins been servlug satisfied poultry raisers year lifter year for 23 years. All Tweddle chlcics nre npproved, rale - ed from I'ullorunl tested stock of known livability end high produc- tion. They are hardy, healthy', prof- itable birds, Our system of selection and inspection before delivery' as- sures live delivery. All popular breeds and sante cross breds to choose from, sexed or straight run, Send now for our free valuable entaingue rind early delivery price - list. Also inying and ready to lay pullets for Immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Ilntcherles Llnttted, Fergus, Ontario. BABY CHICK BUYERS 117 111D1;RING YOUR 1917 BABY Chicks now, you guarantee yourself delivery delle rind also ohlnlu an early order discount. \Ve offer you chicks from breeders government Molded Fond pultorum tested. Write for 1947 mho: Inst ries) enIalogue. Monktnn Poultry 1'Ar1110, on0ton, Ontario, GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Rend what Mr. Broadhurst of Jolt - elle, Que„ soy's 'Ibout our chicks: April Ju, 1946 -"Tho 208 chicks re- ceived In splendid condition, not one dead and only one died since, They are the most vigorous bunch of chicks I ever received and 1 have been Mulching rhicics fur over 40 years," Order now and get the best. Ilere are our prices, (tarred )lock Mixed, 712,00; Pullets, 721.00; White Leg- horn, Mixed, $12.00; Pullets, $24,00; While Rock Mixed, $15.00 Pullets, 525,00; Brown Leghorn Mixed, 114,001 Pullets, 725,00; Ilybride 'loch -Red Mixed, $12,00; Pullets, $21,00; Hybrid Leghorn -Rock 111Ix- sd, 712,00; Pullets, 725.00. You oleo get free chicles, Goddard Chick 1Hat- ;her), Ilrll,nulla Heights, (1111, 111't;Gi:D 1,111.1.1,111,1.: ('tit('I6S LIVABILITY, . 1111116 '11.11`1'11ING, phenomenal egg production, Cus- tomer after customer report these results from Rig Bocic Farm Chicks. Get 000 free catalog that tells ,t11 a1ullt the breeding that helps you produce more -earn bet- tor profits, Also get our free cal- enlr11', Pig llncic Pars), ,llllleiloches, Ont, 100 CHICKS FREE With every order or 100 pullet chicks we give 11:0 free chicks (our choice). 'hared hock Pullets 121.115 11'1)1te !lock 11111ets $25.95. White Leghorn I'ullet0 $24.95. Brown Leghorn Pullets $25.95; lied - Rock Hybrids, $21.95. Leghorn. Rock Hybrids, $25.95, All chicks sold are from bloodtested stock, back by blgli pedigreed stock. 11.00 books you Forder Pnhlnce C.O.D. Guru'nnleed Dellt'cry )fent irnlch• cry, Chatham. Ontario 111'1'1?II TO IN 7'I;N'l'111tS AN I)F1''ICIt '1'11 1;1'1:111' IN'1'ICN'YIIt 1.111 et Invenllons end full furor. nlutl0n eenl free. The Jinnlsuy Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 ldaull Street, Ottawa, Canada DYEING AND CLEANING 11A1'10 11111 ANITHING NI•:IODs dyeing or clearrl11g7 Write to us for Inforinutlon We are glad to am ewer your Questions. Depurlmeni II. Parker's Dye Worke Limited 791 Yong*: Street, Toronto. Ontarin 1'011 SALT: ALI, COTTON (WILT PA'I'C11r:S, strikin,. designs In washable cot- ton prints, Bright rainbow colors. Refund guaranteed. The Home Mail Order House 11001„ 5629 St. Urhnln St., Montreal. I1IG 1►(►X It ED 111'1111111':0 CHRIST. 01118 11o11y 71.25 delivered. Xmas Gift House tlulb nssortments from 31.50, Three gond bulbs Introduc- tory offer, lar. Golden West Seeds, (lox 267, New Westminster, B.C. FOi( SALE BROODER STOVES N0%1' Is '1'11 is '1'1.111: '1'(1 011 DER y'ollr "Super(Irene" (1,1 Burning Brooder Move, Our shipments of (hese Flores will arrive on or ubnut Jnnunry 1st, 1917 Moiler 652 has It 52" 1)0110)' gnlvnn• Imo! hover Iherluornrintic heal sun• trot, nntonul11,' draft legu1llor end down iirtlft cap Slastrimin cep:wily, 1(103 chl'lto-1'rlcc 723.111, Kindly 901111 $5 30 deposit with your order. i(nlunce (',(11). Express Collect, sour rienr(sl station. 1'.11.1.1:1' 1'R1:t1II:It1' 1'lashxhurg, llnlnrlu, 1'1,1:'1'11.1(' 1'11:111'1.1:11 'I'It.1'I'lllt 34), Mill Itsdrinllic bulldozer. Amply' Prole loos, Iaunhelh, rhlt. 5 1'O1IIIIN'.1'1'IIIN• 11I'('hIE1'1' I:L1;1'- 11'le 111,''I1r:11uIH for 9:115 cheap. Set- ting cop/icily 12,1)01), hitching- ce- pnelty 4,1100, 25 or 1.11 ,•ycle, Apply Tweddle chlelt Hatcheries Untried, Fergus, 11Utario, ENGLISH 1111,1.1111(; PUPPIES 111' the famous Imported Hire "Rhythm' Roger." Prier) from $75 up. 1Vired orders reer'Ire preference. J. 11, r'herllon, 37 )'ort 81., Brantford, Out. 1011(111 STOCK 11:11"I 1;,1;.1•;. Welders, A,C.-D.C. %Velding 1tnIIH- necessortes :\.r', -I).(', Motors, 25 or 1;0 ry'0I' 1'; fertile RMIMS, //, In 10 (nn. "Ilex" spot 14'0111e1's, 5 to 2511 K.V.A. tans engine gencrntor plants, British 111' mule( gas engines. tans engine driven pumps, 7000 (1.1',11, \1'nrin reducing gears 111111 speed 111- erensers. Texrope V belt drives, also couplings, 32 volt D.t', motor and grinders, Wlndeharging gene'nlors, 6-12-32 volt, ALLIANCE ltil,l'1C- 'J'Itlr' 7701(115 LIJ1J'I'l;lr, Ain:Oreul - Toronto -Rouyn -Halite x-\I'1n- nlp,•y-Vnnrnuver. 1'1.011'1:11 111'1,115 11111 INDOOR growing. Gladiolus, 6 for 11.10; Dutch Ilynclnlhs, 4 for $1.10; Ito - man lly'neinths, 8 for $1,10; Paper 11'hlto Nnrclssos, 10 for $1.10; Snow- drops, 21 for $1,10; Crocus, 24 for 71,10, (;rowing instructions enclos• 04, Large bulbs, postpaid, 11uyper'e Bulbs, Marsh', 11,C 101)11 SA516ATC I1EWA N HOTELS, Farms, Ranches, Stores and busi- nesses of all kinds, write C. R. Gingrich 1l1cllnnder, Rent Estate, Regina, Sask. HOSPITAL Maternity and Medical 30 bed Gov• eminent Licensed full)' equipped, near No. 3 and 24 Itlghwnys, Could be operated by two nurses, good turnover. Owner leaving Canada, 7 miles to nearest hospllnh For full Information apply Box 729, Deihl, Ont. 1 11;11'1; 5311,1, A 1'1:11' I'III:AS- anta left, and some bnntnlns, and pluck cockers, 1'', liodcler, Flesher - ton, Ont, IDEAL CIIIIISTA1,t9 (.11''S-11A11Y Budgies (talking strain) cobalts, greens, lirno-greens, torquoie, sky blues, also niblaos. Famous Melody canaries (selected singers), foreign finches, Gold and tropical 11011, heat- ers and thermostnls, air pumps, white mice and rats, guinea pigs, angora rnhhlts, Mall orders given prompt attention. Melody Bird & Pct Co„ 809 Dundee St„ London, Ont, NOW IN CANADA, POPULARLY advertised Li:KTIIOLITE cigarette lighters. 1,'lameless, wtckless, wind- proof, tllntiesa. Works like car lighter. Guaranteed unconditional - 1Y. 11.95 F.B.I. PO Box 97, Stn. (3, Montreal. TiRES We are overstocked at the present of good used trade -In tires (guar. unload to be In excellent shape), 600 X 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C,O.D. Special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE, corner Queen and York Sls„ HAMILTON, Ontario, ON'I'AHill'S 0105'T MODERN EQUIPPED 'l'l It lc 51101' TO11Al'111 1'A 1151, K1 A('111.15, com- pletely pled. near Sl. 'Phomas, 3 kilns., greenhouse, 2 large barns, Mee house will: Hydro and water; Illness forces stele. It. If. Leggett, 29 Moor Sl, E., Toronto, 109 'TONS 111' I'1ll.SSEn 11AV AT $15,01) per lou, Pressed In the field with e 110w' type Hey Baler that by HH1'1111; Ike leaves snakes a more nutritious feed. Chas 11, Craig & Suri, North Gower, Ont. 11'1661,11 I'ISII & 91A(;NI?TIC PUPS, Ideal X11111H Ulfts, "11'Iggle Fish shims Madly Obeid lashing his brilliant colored 110)1)' like the flghtingesl Bass ever, sell winding, no springs to 1100110. Everyone from baby to grandpa loves hint, price 50c. llnlsy & '1'otsy the 51err)' 5fagnellc Pups. Doggg ine tun for Old 'iud Young, You cnn slake em Jaime, jump, 10h1r1 and wriggle, People go wild 11110111 them, Price 50c Also Jitterbug 5(Ic. Roy Stiles Co„ Pox 1001 \V„ Winnipeg, Man. IVEI,1, 1,01'.1'1'1;11 AND 1:111'll'I'EI) country store \9th dwelling, gas s111110u, ele'lrlelly, telephone, forge lot, Would accept faun as part payment, mule terms If required, Owner most seek oulelonr employ - 1110111, )lux 112, 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. 1'1'n5 FON ES AND PI' 11S DRESSED ANI) made Into 1e'kpleccs, cotlnrs rind capes. Take nrll'nrlinge of lilts offer before rising priers lake effect Jon. 1, 1947, Oliver Spanner & Co Ltd.. 2GA 1•;Im Slreel Toronto 11,1I11111II:SSING Id:1I1N IIAIIIIIIII:SSING '1'111: Roheltson method Intr.:mnllun on request regarding chases Robert- son's Hairdressing Aeulrnly, 137 Avenue Road 111:1,1' 71' tN'I'I;II 11'AN'I'ICD - Illtl('KLAVERN FOR large battery of 7VIlputt Ovens, No loot time, work Inside heated hulloing, long Job. llxpertence In (Ire brick work not necessary. Phone 51112 Hamilton or write to Box 210, Ilnmlllnn, (oke Oven ('olnp:rny of C11110((1 Limited, c/o of Steel Co. of ('nn, 1.1(., I4nmllton \\'m•ko, I4nllllltlln, 11'AN'I'I:Ii - MAID 1'011 HOUSE - work or cooking. Alodern home, gond lenges, smell (11111113•, State age, experience and references. Airs, 1'. 11, ))))born, Preston, Ont. Phone 530. IIoiS1:161;0:1'1:11, 11111)111.11 - AGI 11, lIrkln'. 1111111'0 home, country town, 1 child; full charge. Richard ilinhr, EXPEDIENCE!) DAIRYMAN AND raviol1ml, married; free house. [lox 6111, Burlington, Ont. P001( 1101'SI:KEISP1:11 W.7NTEI)1 gond weeps.. modern country' home. l;ox 113, 73 Adelaide W,, To- ronto, ISSUE 5O-1946 5)7 'IlIN1:111' MACHINES w'A,\"1'1';l), SLu'1"1'0:11 1011,1 :411,11 M1111111,es. !?II,ou' Dlsk ';Iltder, S11s11 111111sher, 1'1)'1111 hlnr• Iyer. I0,e III, 73 Adelaide Sl. 11'., Toronto II I:II'A 1 1'1:111'1,1: .11(1: '1' I I.Ii L.\t; 411111:1' Hie good r,' all:; Irmo tnhllos 1111', 1:, noon',' for I:lo timaii,' Palos and Neu1111\llnlr„'o Drur; Flare, 3:1:, Elea), (Ihtiva, I'ols:ud 41.00. IR';I'.SL1:1'S It(1"1'1.1(8, 1(1:1(11.11, Two...111,1.0,9 10.' essise „f vnl'i• cosr, ,Ilcer: , ti111 His nod Ilerrous- n,'10, Arra. T. V011 r'nlnp, 1111111111.!11, Drier, 334 Es:limon Avenue IS., To - rondo 1:, I'OS'f'S ECLE,11A SALVE (Banish the 1 11)11,1 of dry 1,0001115, rnahes Fwd weeping hid!) 110110109 1'1111'14 1?rzema Sebe call not disnp. point you, telling sealing burning eczema, ache, rlugwolul, pimples nod nth- lele'e runt will respond reedlly to this stainless, odorless ointment, reeerdle.s of haw stubborn or hopeless they may seem. I'1(I('1; 11.00 PER JAft fend Post 1'reo on Receipt of Price POST'S RliMEDI ES 889 Queen St E Corner of Logan Toronl0, IT'S EXCELLENT. I(PLI1, Ill•:St'ISI'S after liking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- lawn, Postpaid 71.00, TI(IOA'1' 701'ItSi;Lh A'1' 11(15110 with electro-nu1gI01ism for Arth• rills, Ilhutllnnllsm, Insomnia, \'nrl- eose Velma Hurl other circulatory ailments, free explanatory pamph- lets from 1'nnprltemedies, Yolge Street, Toronto, 1411)51CA1. IN S'l'II1)21IONTS F1t19I) A. IbOIDLN(,'l'ON IICYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPPOIt'I'IIN('1'11C8 1'011 WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL areal Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest gyp tent. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call. AIAiIVEi. (HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Moor St. W., 'I'nronto Branches: 44 King S1„ Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. I'A'i'iCN'I's I'E'I'll111S'1'0NI1A1'GH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 18901 14 king (Vest, Toronto. Booklet of information on request, PERSONAL, "1:LiJA1I COMING '11 1/ F 0 1110 Christ." Wonderful book free, Me• glddo Mission, Rochester, 11, N.Y. P111':0 OPPORTUNITIES IIY MAiL We put your name on mailing irate of Canadian and Americ('n firms 101t1( new Ideas, Under no obliga- tion, Just send nnnle, address, FBI, Box 97, Station G, Montreal, I' 11 O7'Ol; lt.l I'll 1' IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST 01111 YEAR ROUND FAST SERV. leo and (Inc guiltily work lvltl Please you, For satisfaction try im• perinl, 6 or 8 exposure films, de- veloped nrtd printed, 70c, 191I'IOIt1A1, I'iiOTO SiERVI(:R Station I. Toronto. T1111N YOUR "SNAPS" INTO 910N- ey'. 50c to $10.00 paid, Particulars, Prudential Press, Toronto 1. XMAS CARDS FROM "SNAPS" -12 FOR 79c Your negatives nueke the most original and plcnslug Christmas Curds you cnn get - curds that friends tr•enrare-and the cast Is small. Select year favorite nega- tives and send then) to us. We'll return 12 attractive greeting cards with your pictures printed ou- nnd envelopes for mailing -nil for 79c, order early. (2 Photos nn Calendars 25c.) DEPT. 11, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Ilox 1211, fust Rifler A, 'Toronto (Print Name tend Address Plainly) COMET PHOTO SERVICE Qul''I[ 511111. Service, worlc gunran• teed, 251' per roll. Reprints 3c each. 5 x 7 coloured In folder mount, 75c, Box G, fuels) Station D. Toronto. TAN 110E11 31 V ,1'1"I'I:N'1'IIIN 111:1011 IIU1N'I'lOi(S - ILlve your trophy moulted by Can• ❑(1m's 1,0nd111g Taxidermist, Finest wortcnlnuship et rensnnuOle prices. We tan Deer Irides Into Lenther suitable for Gloves, 77'Indbrenkers, etc. (Heel Spanner & Co Ltd. 26 A Elm St., Toronto, '1'114I'I'IN(( 911\16 - 1'11,\ - 11111,1,"111 A PP10115, trap for bounty year round with best gland seen) system money cnn buy. Pnrliculnrs free A 10. Fisher, Box 420, Calgary, Alberin TEACHER IY.IN''TI:I) 111t.1N'1' (.01'N'1'7' -• ('(10'1' 115'1'.7 NT leacher required for South Dum- fries Township School Are'l, Divi- sion 1, !trent County, Applicants 10111 st:'.te 't1171lirielltl0ns, mono of prcrinu:• ;'e haul Inspcclor and till;- al'y esreeted, 771111:uu ).rope, Sec,, St, Censer, 0111. MUTT AND JEFF MUTT, TELLME THE TRUTH! 1S THERE A SANTA CLAUS? SL)RE,JEFF.f THERE'S A SANTA CLAUS! NORTH STAR PREPARES TO SHINE Getting ready to take a stellar role in the first postwar Inter- national Livestock Exposition at Chicago is North Star XII, shown being groomed by Loretta Rugs. The 1755 -pound, 21/2 -year-old Hereford bull is owned by Albin Olson, or Argusville, N.D. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") Pretty late in the season to be talking football; although, to a real gridiron fan it's never too late -or too early -for that. But what happened in the recent Army-Navy game brings up, once again, the old question of whether or not the "convert" -the try for a single point after a touchdown -couldn't be dropped completely without do- ing the grand old game any real Ila1111, * * * In case you've forgotten what happened in the Arnty-:gravy "classic" - (American football seems to be as crammed with classics as a High School Library) -this was the setup. The great Army team, unbeaten in 28 or maybe it was 128 straight games, was looked upon as a mortal cinch to triol Navy, in fact most of the betting was that its winning mar- gin would be 25 or more points, And when, with the game more than half over, the score stood Army 21, Navy 6, it looked as if the price -makers hadn't been very much out of line, * * e Then, all of a sudden, Navy started playing football and bulling Army all over the lot. They march - c' down the field for a second touchdown, and then did it all over again for a third, And they were within easy spitting -distance of a fourth when the gun sounded to bring respite and relief to a very badly scared hunch of Cadets. Yet, 1111011 it was all washed up, the final score stood Aro y 21, Navy 18-a three-point margin for the favorites. * 1 * I'1ol' did they get those three winning points? 'Through superior team -work, power, or strategy? Nothing of the sort, but simply and solely because the Army squad in- cluded an educated ton that convert- ed all thrc c of its touc!,downs, while the Navy gunner was badly off -tar - IV ANTED W,tN'TI:I) '1'0 ItU7' OLD BARNS and barn frames, largo sizes pre- ferred, 'Write or 0110110 llogdon & Gross Furniture Co, Ltd., Walker- ton, Ont A'1"I'ION'I'IONI IIIGIIiOST PRICES loth (or feathers, feather dells, al- so sewing machines, any condition. Write }Cing Feather Company, 561 tllr fold St„ Toronto, Ont 5VANTI;1) 'TI) 111'5' '1'11.71:'1'1)11 ANl' ulnlcc, good small g6rain thresher, self-propelled combine, one•w'ny' (Ilse, Albert Houston, 60 Emma St., Cha ho n, SHIP YOUR POULTRY FARM EGGS TO H. G. BUTT 248 Scarborough Road, Toronto, Highest prices. Write for quota- tions, 1,0G5t BASSWOOD, 1:1,11, 11111011 and Alaple, also Itresswood, Poplar Pale and White Birch Bolts. Good prices. For further particulars write to The Oakville Iluslcet Co. Limited, Oakville, Ontario. get and missed all three of theirs. And while such a thing probably never happened in quite such dram- atic style, or in quite so important a game, there have been plenty of in- stances right here in our own Can- adian football where victory or de- feat hinged on one man's ability to hoist the pigskin over the crossbar and between the upril its, And that is the point of the whole matter -that cot.vc ting touchdowns is pretty smell a one-man show. There is little the kicker's teammates can do to aid hint, and even less the opposition can do to defend against him, There are even ter ns that lug around specialists who do nothing else -who appear on the field only when the ball has been jammed over the line, and who disappear just as promptly as soots as their "strenu- ous" chore is finished, Kicking con- verts is pretty much of a stunt af- fair; in fact we once lived in the same neighborhood as a 16 -year-old girl 11'110 could beat the boys all hol- low at doing it. All of which will possibly explain why there are many of us who think that football might be improved by forgetting the whole thing completely and, af- ter a major score, just taking the ball out on the field and kicking off without bothering with any target - shooting, STAINLESS WATCH BRACELET $25.00 value for 71.00. Men's adjust- able 1tninlcss steel lightweight lu'ncelels. Idool for Xmas gifts. Price 1100 postpaid. Refold guar- anteed. LIME LONG BRACELET MFG., 14;11 w'1N1►I:11111:1111, TORONTO. Alen And women In cities, v11 - laps and furors across Canada have gained financial independ- ence - made steady high profile for themselves by raising Royal Chinchillas. It can be a lull or n part -lime occupation and like all businesses where rewards are higher than usual, it re- quires serious application and a substantial investment. It is o high class business enter- prise. If you can duality - 1f you have capacity' for manage- ment - then under the guid- ance of the Canadian Chinchilla Company this cnn be your op- portunity for financial inde- pendence. Your total initial in- vestment for the finest breed- ing stock - the Royal Chin- chilla strain - Is $1,650.00 a pair. As you see, the capital invest- ment is substantial, but the divi- dends for your time and effort are high, If you cnn quallfy up to this point, with common-sense management you can be suc- cessful, No special ranch, equip- ment or experience Is required. Our personal guidance is your assurance of success. Chinchillas are clean, hardy, The weight of a full grown female is approx- imately 24 oz, - lvhlch Is your assurance of convenience in housing. Chinchillas are vege- tarians, which means low -cast feeding and readily available food. Chinchillas bear the world's most valuable fur. Your market is unlimited, Stock is required for years to come for breeding purposes, which is your assurance of a successful future. By selecting the Royal Chin- chilla strain, you get the finest breeding stock. Your animals are Insured and guaranteed to litter in one year by Canada's largest Chinchilla Ranch, You can start and make money with one pair - our FREE literature tells how. Why not write today? There is no obligation. Just clip the coupon below and mall now. i Canadian Chinchilla Co. Limited i• : 319 DAY ST,, TORONTO � 0 Phone 77'A, 1611 0 0 NADIE 0 •ADDRESS 0 0 sSs • The heart of every Hardie Sprayer is a rugged vertical crankshaft driven high pressure pump which by every teal and years of use It proved to be the most efficient and dependable spray pump de- sign. Every Hardie pump, regardless of size, It designed and buil) in the came way. Every Hardie delivers Inc full rated capacity and pressure at slow speed. Every Hardie will perform for beyond its rating In emergencies. The various parts of a Hardie pump -cylinders, plungers, etc. are much larger than In other spray pumps of equal roling, Hardie builds a sprayer for every acreage and every lob In many different sixes and styles. Write for catalog. The Hardie Mfg, Co., Hudson, Mich., U.S.A. C. W. LEWIS Distributor, Grimsby, Ontario. Perhaps Jeff Should Get a Rod and Reel NE COMES AROUND EVERYCHRISTMAS EVE AND NE SLIDES DOWN -THE CHIMNEY! DON'T YoU BELIEVE ,JEFF? For Christmas I DUNNO! BUT 1.'LL FIND OUT! By BUD FISHER 1 PAtt THE STANDARD .11161411111141111.6 111:' 1 4141"41411(144""1"4"PERSONAL INTEREST ( Doherty Bros. The Wise Buyer Is Preparing For Christmas ti - WE OFFER A FEW SUGGESTIONS - Bath Mats -.. $2.49 and $3.75 Chenille Bed Spreads $15.95 and $16.95 Boys' Sweaters and Windbreakers - Various Prices. English Wool Knit Gloves ... .......... .. $1.03 and $1.50 Men's and Boys Parkas From $I0.00 to $21,00 FULL STOCK OF SHOES & RUBBERS FOR ALL THE FAMILY. Olive MuGIII \Ir. liter Ihm\n -i \\'ind,or spent the mel,„.11,1 at hi, home e here. \Ir. and Nits. lain: Stewart called on 1,..,,,,I. in It nc,ial 1r'da\ even'ng. 1 \I1 S. I blains \ Lit e(I at the hone •:of\Ir. and \lt,, .\Icx \\'(11s, 1 i 1. li- d( ',or.; on SInul,u. \Ir. ;tall \Ir, \\l;i,ed Itr,'\\lt ,i 1. I.011111n \I•ite,l 1 n 'fur.11aY \\'.ill ,\Ir 4 ;tall \I r•, 'f H I':d\\aril-. x \1t•,. I1. l ,a,tIt' of Clinton spent the g± \\lel.-cn1) "it'd her 'Hui'. \Ir>. .\. 03 l ,'seat• 14 f\! r. and, \I r-, \l. .\Lien, of .\mann, 2 ,,,,,,,I a:t!1 \Ir-. Titer lira\\n on \I,ni a\. \I r,. l'olelout;!1 left Sundt, for f6 1lrallior l t.' Tun 1 the w'ntcr \\i h he ffi I da I ;htcr, \I r-. Knell ides. A• \Ir•. .\. R. "fad:or \.i:ted \\ 5th lire ss , \Ir. 1.1l'\,1 '1'a het• of S;trnrt, in 1111iN114 1AM11t1t2N2NDt>1a1t2NitMIDI;NDt813h)lataa ans)t?a (1013=2hMONNIMDt$t+5tk1 ' 1 I .I I, n 1 n W14. •. • .,• • •••.• ••JrS••Oi.•O•♦•�•u0i•J \i I•. ainl \I r-. lack Ste11':11't an i \lI'. ♦♦•�II•i• Irl+ •j.•p•, •,.•• ••• •. •• •• • •• 0 • •. • 6 0 • • • • 0+: . -- F00I) STORES -- Tasty Red Plum Jam 24 fluid cz. tins 3'c Blended Orange and Grape Fruit Juice - 20 oz. t'n 15: Canned Peas, Standard Quality 2 20 -oz. t'ns 27c Spic and Span per pkg. 23c Iodized Salt 2 2 -Ib, piers. 15c Golden Mixed Christmas Nuts, No. 1 qua'ity per lb. 47: Savoy Custard Powder 16 oz. t'n 25c Khovah Health Salts, small tin 29c. Hawe's Flccr Wax, Ib. tin 43c Hawes' Floor Gloss, pint tin 59c. Hawes' Leancn 0 I, 6 -oz. bot'Ie Eic 23 cz, t'n 17c V-8 Cocktail Vegetable Juices .. Monarch Sweet Mixed Pickles Giant Yellow Popping Corn "Flowerdale" Brckcn Orange Pekoe Tea Royal York Orange Pekoe Tea Aylmer Vegetable or Tomato Soup -. Clark's Irish Stew .... ..., ..--. White hand-picked. Beans .. ....... 32 07, Mason Jar 63c per Ib. 15: half Ib. pkg. 49c half lb. pkg. 38c 10 -oz. tin iOc 15.oz, tin 23c . 2 lbs, for 17c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. PIONEER AND LIFETERIA FEEDS. --------- We _We Deliver. •- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 (�` (� G .. •i .4.44• .4.$1448.444.4.�•.1�•1�.8.•..1�1•�.4.8.4,4 �H�H�H.••...f1•� Shower( I C". Foi' Si st12ri1 \Ir,. Fart \fcl<ni;ltt anti \Ir,. ilii 11n .111L.4e1 s. ,111,e. _ 1•! (nrt•11' were host, for :1 ,ho\\ er 11; GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International- 11arvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. ♦ ••I4.4~0e4,04414'4,II/04 t A.LCOLE R.0• OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN GODERICH - ONTARIO. Eyes Examined and G1 sses Fitted, u i \I I',. 1. It. tit.- \:,rt, ,a+111 \h , \I;t \Nath 5 Years Exyericnco illr\ 'tcwa'•t ,pent 'I":'urs I;I\ aftcrn;lon In I.:,!,'\\ti. r. t;1'•In'1n 1101121;K, nl•u' ••I. 1 f .• t''c 1 I t't I'arrnsrs' (' -O srati\e riatiln:, i, ;t'd.' to be around t.f'lr a Ic-g•ha iliac \Ir I; II. 11arr I•f "1' nto, \1r-. (;clrt;e ("u'ul.n:ham t i 11,1g:aee, i;It '•, o\Lt thl• Hurl:-cn'. a\:th \l+•. > an,l \Ir, .\, ltarr. Mr. and \I rs ( tel: (;tnnnnow, of l nit the \c• uL-et1d at the Irmo I•f t'a • 1al rI', ,1;lrcnt,, \I r. ,Ind >} A NH- � 111 a \I •t;o\t in. I'r. I;'''n l' ,•. Itr .\1art R1 _, and \11,.. ,....r.111•1.• \I• 11• I:\\ e'111.0t11;nn't"I'41•,11.1\• Christmas Is Just iretrl(l the (Cruor --- Order Your Christmas Fowl NOW. g.coti selection of Geese, Dtt.k1/44, Chickens and Turkeys, on Sattu'day, December 21. Delivery, 1Vcdnesday and Saturday. \I r •. ,I. 11. \\' t. I' \I i , .\Iii I' 1•1i'1tr-on was a 1.' radon \Ir. and \Irs. \\•illialn \I -NI nrrac ii 1<t:Iwo I1, \Ianitl:l:F, \isitcd at the holm. of the latter', ,i•t t, \Ir. and \1r,, l rani: 1.• n"n1an, and :also \\itlt \I r. and NH- 1nhn Cowan. :tn'l :•clati'•e, in \\'i,'.'ila n, ht•(, r„ fraeint' fry \-L."10:t, i1.('., \\ here they intend to tnahc their homy. -\, Milimommar CHRISTMAS NEWS --- Up•to.date Toys and Games; Fine Vases and Ornaments, Quality. Stationery and Glassware. Gifts for All the Family. Wrap Your Gifts with Our Paper, Ribbon, Seats and Bells. QUALITY CANDY. POST CARDS AT REAL VALUE. u = boll' tit' of \11•, \ 1111"l \\'h1 1 1. l lr\m, l'Iaee111,1111(.(1\. o\ean, • and ht r sister, 1liss L'11 an Ni\•ens, \eh i, to he married illi; Saturday. - The •ht'\\'et• was held on Salami a\ \\'.t,quu'ts ttre,unt irc'nl .\nhnrn • and Myth. :\ social len' \\•a, entu)cd ▪ and it i', were presented by \largarst Niein,. Margaret \\•right. (';t•il 1 I1t•Ft11. DonnyF 1�� 11•a' �'II and Garth \1' t - K i night. The address to Lillian was • Wend 's : 5c to51.00 Sto1 readh\ Iran I�irkrnnncll, and \1r, Flo Currie read the ad'Irc., to tris t • \•ioiet. 1.1111 :1; \v,a t served. (•r,nvr;It+llation; to \Ir'. R C. NI,. - Gowan who celebrated her birthday on 'I'•ns,Fla\', December loth. Congratulation )drs. Charles Nirs. :\. 11. \IcKague Ince Elsie (;r;tsby, who celebrated her 75th b:rth- Ilantiltonl, the gift t.f a dauglittr. day on 'I"nt'.d:ty, December Lath. •• BIRtH$ HOWATT -•It1 ..Wingham Hospital., on tFriday, December 6th, to. Mr.,.alid Mrs. Edgar I-Iowatt, the gift of a .son, .1K r 1111:'l'11S General McKAGUE-At Essex, Ontario, on November 28th, 194(, to \I r. and I I 11,,,111111111 y.,!„ .I.I.L,Iy IL II.I.Y. 111110 1.1.1 Slit, 11.1, 11 11 . FII 211.11J 1 II 1 1 .l 11. 4 1 r • - - 0\ THEL' COMMUNITY Our banking facilities are at the service of all the community -manufacturers and merchants, employees and housewives, all trades and occupations, every type of activity. We operate current and savings accounts for individuals and organizations. We make business loans and personal loans, and loans against Victory Bonds, life insurance and other forms of security. We make money remittances anywhere by mail or tele- graph, sell and buy foreign exchange, attend to collections, and act in a general advisory capacity where financial matters are concerned. Our full services arc available at our nearest branch. 1ta t1 Butcher. cCallum Phone 10, Blyth. odden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, I-IOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "TI1E IIOME BAKERY" 11. T. VODDEN, 1917 STOCKS OF New aIIpaper1 MOM 1111.11111•110111 Wednesday, The. 11, 19-16 11 I. 4 1 .1 Gift Suggestions Below we list a Few Suggestions for Xmas Gifts: Ladies Brush, Ccmb and Mirror Sets $3.59 to $11.03 Men's Brush Sets $2 00 In $3.0) Pen end Pencil Sets - Walermans, Parkers, Sheaffers, $3,75 to $20.85 Ladies' Toilet Sets, Evening in Paris, Maynard, Woodbury's 55c to $10,00 Mcn's Shaving Sets - Woodbury, Molinard, Fitch's . 55c to $5,09 Boxed Writing Paper 35c to $2.:0 Sets of Dishes - 32 -piece, 38 -piece, 68 -piece $7.75 to $33.95 Ronson and 'I'horen's Lighters $5.00 Glass and China • Various Prices. Billfolds, Playing Cards, (Single and Double) Pipes, Tobacco, Cigarettes, R U. PHILP, Phm. B. D11CGS, SUNDRIES, WALLI'AI'ER---PRONE 2P. t. I , .1 ..1 L I 1.1. I. { IM 1.1.., bt141414114It t4 tat413410.11I4t tC1 t tittC14190CtCt;'C+dt4t::tCF. i(iNI.1 ek":;%9Ct:l:';14:14111 ti;tal Gifts Sure To Please 1dt `y , FOR AIL THE FAMILY, We have collected for your inspection a pleas- ing' variety of gift pieces that are practical and per- manent, priced within reach of all. Smokers' Stands, Coffee Tables, Mirrors, '.'able Lamps, Floor Mops, Card 'fables, Floor Mats, Mattresses, Tri -light Lamps, 1-Iassocks, Ottomans, lied Lamps, Magazine Racks, Occasional Chairs, Kindergarten Sets, Pin-up Lamps, Ciothes Ham- pers, Children's Rockers, Kiddie Cars, Etc. A deposit will hold any article for Christmas Delivery. Rome Furnisher 1'honett 7 and 8 -- Funeral Director, r g t1 k7111 N111:14 :►tD.INI 3INIOaDatDa ND.21410+D=)We2MiN 1,1:11 t3FDF3t D11)7113t2tP1%rfaiPa?a CDMA 111 1 , 1111 , I J,,. II I .11 11 .1,1 . 1.Y,.•.III, NI“'161J11 a4aaa61S.L11114•.Yl.S4, 111 ..I la i • 1• •.1•H••1•H•.11•.•• 1••1.11•.1.1 ••H•{ 1•H•1.•.1•• • 11.11.1 ••1111 11.11.1 •••� f 1•, ••L/•.••1 ••• 1.11•• i 11-1 ••I .,f I•..•• i • 1•. 1/11•. 1'11.1 ••f 1•• 1•• ••1 ••11 ._4 •r. *4 i• -4 .4 :4 HURON G:t.ILL BLYTH --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG -No Proprietor i{ :1 ♦�14H44144 444,44444' •411411.1:',:•'411. 0H414• 444.444441 4144 I:1.4 4HI1 44 4444 4. 44 44 44 44 •411. 411�1444' 44 44 41 ARE COMING IN NOW. LINE WILL BE COM- PLETE BY NEW YEARS EDITH CR { IGII'I'ON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH, New Samples Are In WE ARE PLEASED TO AN- - NOUNCE THAT OUR NEW SAMPLES QF SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS IIAVE ARRIVED. Your Choice in a Ft -11 Range of Beautiful Designs = In a Wide Variety of Prices. G89 MODERN WAY OF REMOVING THE CANADIAN BANK, • OF COMMEROE Blyth Branch - N. W. Kyle, Manager. WALLPAPER. PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF FIRST QUALITY. t * F. C. PREST Phone 37-26. LONDESBORO= t .l, j nen l\ w([1, \,'li have con=e to Ill e on the \\•ilson farm. • 11 11 . 1 1 I 10 , 114'4 -ut la. 11 II 141i 01 111 1 11111,111. ..111 i1 MII1 1111 111114.4 4..11-1.3 Speiran's Hardware PHONE 24. BLYTH. EVERYTHING IN I-IARI)WARE. Locnotch Shingles, Belt Dressing, (,lass Cutters, Pot Menders, Kiddie Kars, Pyrex Gift Sets, Airtight Ileaters, Slow Combustion Heaters. Children's Wagons. When Painting Floors try our ALMATEX. It re- quires no waxing, iS easy to clean, easy to apply. Can be used on any type of floor, and collies in six regular colors. For concrete, mastic, wood floors and linoleum. I. 1. .I 11111 1, ,6 1. 4 .4111411 , ,..11114. ,1. 111 AttorneyGeneraI LESLIE E. BLACK y ELL will speck on "LIQUOR COTROL IN ONTARIO" over the C.D.C, Ontario Trans -Canada Network From 8.00 to 8.30 p.m. THURSDAY, December 12th LISTEN TO STATION (;13I� '1'°'•""�" -,KLW Windsor EAST WAWANOSH \\'c wc',comc \1r. and Mrs. Elmer \ },mod many attends i the Christmas C neert at S. S. No, 11, \lou ! •• night \\ hta c a grill prot'rlant \ea, c11jo\ t .l 1sllo\\c,l by a dance.