HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1946-11-27, Page 1Inulin:; and Company
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VOLUME 57 - NO. 13. BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEI)NESDLY, NOV. 27, 1916. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A.
Many District Municipalities Nominate Officers. For 1947
Hallett And Blyth Masons Three Prohable(;andidateslEastMons Ladles Night • 'ion la'or !4)17 bJe Candi Blyth, Hullett and \Va-
Hoki Joint Installation 1
Was Enjoyable Function --- wanosh To Have Elections
Offccrs and members of liullctt and Reeve blot \V, Armstrong, of line
PERFORMANCE OF BAND sed an :a/eitemt at the progress of our
APPRECIATED I31' LARGE hand, in vii'tt' of the fact that they
AUDIENCE were just completing their first year of
11ainin;;, 'Those \\ 110 (tail attended the
lir-t t'on'al last spring, noted with
in a heart fol ,fitting Cie I,i,t,1 Linn ,
flat their Loll -,III: "Snail (;oil-" n'ct great pleasure the improvement af-
ter {I summer of training. The concert
to mark their annual Iodic, ni the, in i,rc,, Brest \ion :a} night was unlcl
the \Icnturi;II Half on Monday cern_
more difficult, and \Ir. Rubinson ex-
inq. \ crowd of sl'pl:slr under 1111, pained that he would again present a
which iir hided ,corral gue•-t,, at 11 i1 concert in the spring, which he heliev
tm a most sumptuous chicken .upper, cd 44'nll(,l r
be even more gratifying to
capably catcrc,l In by ul,• 111,cl., of the
all thn•e interested.
Myth \\'ohm'u'. In little. Table and individual selcctiun; \vcrc cuntribut
wall decorations r.ere most attrartivc ed as L,ilotr>: Cornet Duct: Irma and
in pink, blue and wine, an 1 special Nliirjorie \Vatt, ace nnpanied at the pi -
programs, nutlinng the 10e1111, pro- ono hy their mother, \Ira• (;e rgc
):rant, and also givitlu lily tnr;llbcrs of ; \lirintha selection, Gordan
the Clnh, helped simplify the evening's (oo;.yr, London, arcontpane 1 by (rtna
pr. eating, for all tho•e pre-ett. 'Th`' \\'all ; I?nphi'niunl sola, Ronald Philp,
head table was a•ram til al.mg the accompanied by Shirley Phillips; Sax_
north ride of the hall„ and was re•ery Ione sato, l,ai, Doherty, arcannp:t
cd for local and visiting divnitari`'s' led by Marjorie Doherty; 'Iirimha
President Norm. (;:Brett had charge solo, Gordon Couper, accompanied by
of the meeting, and alter the usual Irina \\'att,
opening ex.'rcl'(' called on fast .\II these selections and the selec-
Presiicnt I)on. Ilodd to introduce the tion, b} the entire band received the
gue-ts, :tnlong wit it 44cr,', Inc'. soot wannest applause from the audience.
Mrs. Jack Stewart, \\alter 11"11'-te,! Contributing to the evening's enjny-
hnih of (;dcriclt; Gordon and \Ira•
mem ads was a vocal x'I('ctiml by Mr,
Hargrave, 1lnwitk; (iordun awl \Its, Slane'' Sibtltorpc, who was accont-
\Ic\lanus, Gudeiich; .\. C. told \I1'. palicd at the piano by \liar Elizabeth
Robinson, and daughter. Miss Ina, .mill,. \Ir. sihthorpc also spoke a
Load n ; "Red" Garton, Clinton; \I r. ' isw tvurtl, of encouragement and
and .\Irs. Jamieson, 'Toronto; Mi.s Ir- prakc, boll: to the band and Mr, Rob -
ma \\art, \Piss Alice Roger,'", \I's. insom.
Louise Antlers",\l Mt" I,liz;thclll \I i, 1 Beff re the concert closed, Reeve
\Vatter Mittel', and Mr. and Mr'. J:ts, I Bainton was also called on, and ex -
Lawrie, all of Iilytlt, and !.ion 1 pressed the appreciation of the muni_
Meir, of Scatforth. civility to \I r, Rubinson and the band
Speaking for tht' Gudcriclt Club, members for their fate work.
Lion \\'alter Hodge r nveytd t best
wishes from their President, who \•a)..
unavuidahl} absettl• 1�1', All(1 Mrs. Kilpatrick
.\1l business for the evening wa/ And I airily Honoured
di'pen-rd with, and President Nottit. Prior to their departure for their
called un l.i n I)cl Philp to propose 1 new It, Inc in Listowel, a large group
the teas1 to lbsla ,It's, Lion I tel., ,,f friends and neighbours gathered al
remarked that the la tics had been a
eery defititr help in all (.1" luneti.ntl the mina of Mrs. Daniel McGowan
and asked the men to rise for the
on 'I'Itursda • evening, NovemberlSth,
to pity their respects to Dr. C. D. and
mast. l\iipatrict<, and family.
Mrs. N. 1'• Garrett replied to the t R, 1), Philp acted in the capacity of
toast, and in so doiti spoke of the \lastcr of Ceremonies for the even -
fine verde accomplished by the !.ion int;.
Club. The ladies bad always been \n adihess \as resat by \Irs. Sin
t\illinq as; istants \vhen•''cr their ser- (lair, and the presentation of a mirror
vices were required, and she tvi•hed and tri -light Tamp was made by ltit•s,
the Club the best of luck in the future.! I. B. \Vatson and \I r. Robert \\'att,
A. C. Robinson. director of the hand, ! ;till a gift to the children Wa1S present -
contributed greatly to the musical pot- rd by Miss l'latc \11Gn\van, with a
thins of the program witlh two delight- card signed by all present.
fill cornet soh Plc \Vt, accnmp:t11_1 Dr. I: ill,;!trick replied suitably.
icd at the p'atn by \lis; Irma \Vats. Short addresses were given by R. 1).
Lion Arthur Sinclair introduced the ; Philp, N. P. Garrett, and 1)r, 1). (;.
guest speaker of the evening, Lion 11 ',ilei.
lack Stewart, minister of Knox Pres- Refreshments were screed, with
hyteriau Church, Godctirlt. \Ir. Stew \Irs. \\'. N. \\'atson and \Irs, :\.. R.
ares opening remarks \t'er(' ''cry Hain- 'Tasker pouring tea, :1 social hoar
orous, ;old created it great deal of liter- was enjoyed, and the singing of "Auld
rinlrnt atm' ng those present. Refer- Lang Sync" brought the evening to a
ting to the ladies present he remark- close,
ed, "Von can call them "Snot! God'," 1 The or,: (itth, ttilh which \Irs,
or what have yon, 'nit after all theywas associated, gathered at
are lion tamers. A tv, than can don 1 the home of Miss ida McGowan on
a hathhng shit, and "ever touch a tic Monday, November 18th, Those prey_
to the water, but \Olen she puts o" a ent were, \Irs. Kyle, Mrs. Win. John -
`velli" <rcwt she really "leans ,ton, \I r;. I Iedd, \irs, R. Doherty,
less." 'I'hrsc and litany iln-re remarks\I r;. G. 1)3tcrty, Mrs. Ilodgins, Mrs.
of a humorous tante greatly pleasedGray, \Ira. Kilpatrick, ,and Miss Ida
all those present. Turning to the I \lef;ou;in, Bridge was played, after
more serious side of life, Mr. Stevan t Which refreshments were served, and
took as his topic the wont; of Paul; \f•'s, Dodd read an addrevs, to Mrs.
"Let Your \I 'ration he hnow•n L'n-I Kilpatrick, while Airs. Johnston Pre-
to :\Il Men", 13v. moderate in all ; settled her with a gift of \•all bt'ack-
things," remarked the speaker. "Sweet cts, sirs. Kilpatrick replied. :\ very
Reasonableness are very essential in enjoyable evening was spent•
the world of to -day. None of the
great nations desire 44a r, hot there arc
forces at large in the world today that Annual Meetingof H. O B.
\vuhld pltmge the w•-4•11 into a third The forty-sixth annual meeting of
great \•ar. :\s imlivi''ua(s w•e nrtst the Huron Old Boys Associaton of
pia} our part in availing this colas- ionto \\ 111 be held at Jesse Ketchum
tronhc." I thttl, 1)avcnpnrt Road (between Bay
Lion Franklin 13aitton moved a and Tongs Streets) on ,Monday, 1)e -
!wary vote of thanks to the speaker, 1 manlier 'lid.
witicit \vas sanctioned with an (t thus- The t'Ict•tion of the lexcctitivc Com-
iastic burst of applause from the mull- nutter will be at eight o'clock, Euchre
Ince, and Bridge will commence at nine
The nle•''ing closed with O Canada, o't'lork and there will he many \•alts_
and the Li us Roar, able prizes.
1)urin,g the evening a ih•aw was haste, leinhcrs are asked to bring a box
for a wool blanket, and \frs. B. Hall lunch for themselves and friends. Cef-
itcid the lucky ticket, fee will be supplied. All limonites
immediately after the close of the will he "lade \•ciconlc,
tfceting the itt repaired to the
gallery of the hall, which had been ANO'T'HER POLISH SOLDIER
reserved so that the lions and ihe'sr IN THIS COMMUNITY
wives might hear the Boy; and Girls Another Polish soldier has taken up
Band, farts work at the farm of Lewis
The evening was most cnjovablc, and l\'hitficld, adjoining the village of
those responsible arc 1,, be coition-, Ilh•th. \I r, \\'hitfield went to Clinton
"toted for their fine efforts, for hila last Friday. tic rep:;rts hint -
A crowd of over 4:l0 thrilled to the self as ‘'cry well satisfied wht!t the
splendid music of the Blyth lion Boys obi ilv of the young matt.
and Girls 13aut1 on Monday night, as --\' A meeting. itt the interests of Ton_
they s'ta(;ed their ;coni indoor a -m- AT WARDEN'S BANQUET peranue will be held in the Basement
cert from the stage of the \Iemorial Reeve 13aitlton, and Messrs. George of the United Church, Friday cvcn'ng,
1lx11, under the careful direction of , Plc\all and \\'illian \Inrritt, both for- 1 November 29, at 8 o'clock. \I r. R. iT.
Myth Masonic Lodges tut 111 tic lett tuwn,h:p, Rccvc' Cecil \\'itveler,-
Myth Lodge rooms on \lotdat• night 1 Al orris t winhil?, and keels Itr w
List Of Blyth Nominees Thi. vin.,...„. , i I;' 'ft i(.,(c a
c I
I•ke�•t� ll;„ Pt on for the four CL titled
for thc anneal joint installation sere 1 Smith, of West \\'atvanu,lt, are all ! For Reeve:
monies which rotate between the two i probable candidates for the \Varlet I tanto n 'I T. 11;tint ,n, pr, i,. sc l h; , 'eats tlti. t ".u-. N"IIIii1.11lu11, 't''re
ledges, year about. .\ splendid alien- 1 ship of 111run C fluty for the year 1')•17. I t held in the \l tItti ttI Ilalt on I ridgy,
a 1 I.. \1'bi field ;u,d .1b. 'I'aylur' itt lit I. to 1 u'rlorl., \\ hen right can-
deucc, representative of Mullett, 11lylh,l boll) Reeve .\rnt,trong and 13evt'
and Morning Star Lodge, Carina•, \vas • \\'heeler were given acclamation; ,at For C^unci!: di'!at,, trete nouimatcd f ,r c,on ell,
present, and al most profitable atilt ('ll the nomination meetings 1 their 1'!'- ( Tle •rge ha'ifot'd. pro;po l,d bt . \I,. \\ Ii, II Illi' tltll,' 1:miti I,U' , Ili.11tivtlll!,
1 u}do and I.. t\'h tiicid. Eine o'c1 cL on Satin -day n':tilt, hall
f }obit evening ryas spent. , spi., 1\ • !(mil, lips •ut'cr the •reset . -en i,;
I hallowing the installation services, hot we un'crstan(( that Rcl\c S:uyth1 11tt ty \Ic1:;111th, by R. 11, 1'11,,11' rsp111(1 r.e4 11 of the debt ""nun's.;
during which time \\'or, iiro, Joseph has an eieetion on his hands, I sari K. \VIni hoe had sign(' ! their qualification paper,,
I. Sha.ldicl< and \Vor, Piro, \\'. G. Mc_ l Other names may probably be ad_ 1,t.‘‘', \\'hili c d, by Lorne Sc11 1 ;old ;I hot tont, t was ;,;;nerd.
Nall were installed to heard their tee t•atcetl before the contest conte; n',
geom. flat Fdw,ud I hnst'tt those (twilit\ n titer, lac rg, I:,I.I-
1 Stuart 1{ bill, -t, hr I,,at,' Serial- ford, Harvey McCallum, Len i, 11'hit_
speeder lodges for the ensuing twelve at the January se.sion of County
ge tn.:an'i 11;Iter \I, .trier. field, Stuart R 'limon, .tart: \\ al, 'n,
write'months, fVor• Pao, Shaddick assumed (*outwit. _ ,r`_` lack 11'a:sun, by Nornrnt 1 la mit n (;surge ill Nap. au 1 1 larold 1'.'d,lell.
contr:'I of the meeting, and called all - an 1 Stuart 13 ()hip,. 'n.
many of the distinguished guests for Putti• of the candidates a.. :1 14 own,
Morris Officials Receive I)r. D. (;. Dodd, by \\'mt. \\'also" • NIe•sr,. Radford, \Ic(allhnt, Rnhi"sml,
a few brief remarla, among them be- and Gcorgc hull rd.
iltg Rt. 11'ur. Bro. Ralph I). Munroe \\'atson. The other three, ,\lessrs.
Acclamation Ge, r,:c \It\all, by Harold \'ull,Icn' \\llitiiel!, \IeNall, and \•, (hien, \erre
of \i ruing Star Lodge, 1{t. 11'or, Bro' and K. 1\'hitnmrc.
James Ncilatts, Mullett Lodge, and .\t the annual \Iurri; township mon- nrcnlhcrs of IJI, Vicar, commit
several of the visiting Pall \I (tris, inatian, held at the township hall on Ilarold \'olden, by R. I). Philp and I Reeve Frank Baboon want given an
R. \1'or. Piro, R. I). Philp, of Myth \Ionto\', all municipal nff`cc; were i�. \\'hiUnol"c.accl:nnatton to the Recvc,ltip fur hi;Lodge, and \Vor. Ileo, \\'illiatl \tor- filled by acclamation. Icturncil to School Beard: and term. Ile was the only nnunin
ritt also spoke, among many others for office were, Rccvc, Cecil \\'heeler; Samuel (reut(1inn, ll). 1;. .\lien tine ct' for that le".1lh011.
Blyth Lodge. \Vur, Ileo, Robert P. Council Harvey Johnston,' Charles and K. \\'hituture•
NIL (sort n Elliott \\a- returned 1}'
Newcombe, the retiring secretary, also Coupes, J ,eplt Y11111, ;111(1 Sant .\1(:(1C1:.I{:.,win Cartwright, I,\ 1.. D. Philp i acclamation I„ the Public Utilities
was called on, as was his s"cccs;(,r, Sellout Tru -tees, \\'illiatl S'.tuldicc and and (,, A1919'1;4'1'.Board, 1411.11 Int' Biber nominee, Mr.
\Vor. tiro. (Garold Phillips. 'I'hc instal- 13+,hcrt J. Mciorr;iy• \\'illiamn 'I'hue!1, by R. 1),I'ltilp andl 11i. 'Timor, failed to qualify.
lotion ceremonies were in charge of \' G. Augustine. .\ regrettable situation occurred with
RL \\'ur. tiro, \cilits of 1tttilett. Public Utilities Commissioner: respect to the Tabic Schupl 110a;d,
Both incoming \lastcrs gave brief Huron 1)eilllery A'Iet At G(mduh 1•:Iliott, by ix. \\'hitnl re and 'Three vacancies are declared on that
addresses, thanking the members fur
R. 1). 1'ltil;,. B :lest etery year. The three former
their support in sterling them to their .' 1 A. 'I'aVlc.r, by Win, \\':ttsun and (iso, trustees were re•tl 'immatel, but none
iqualified ! v.ithit the time limit, An -
office, and pledging their best for The ball meeting of the 1Imon Radford.
their respective lodges (luring the em_ DeaneryLaymen's Assoc alien \vaa 1 ACCLAMATIONS: other nnntin;ation will he held 1 ' till
suing year. held in the Myth Mrnu,rial Hall at1 Rccvc Franklin Banton was return -1 these ealcaticie.,
At the conclusion of the evening's 7 1011, on November 20th. 54 responded ed as Reeve for his second year, I)y Inter a revision of the Act, the time
w..rk, a very bounteous lunch was scrv- to the roll call from (;nderich, .\nth- I acclamation,
limit hett\lrn nrnninali.'n ria}' and the
ed. urn, \\'ingrhan, Clint ti, Gnirk', Wm.:-' (iordun h.I lull •rcrcivrrl an acrl,un t date for election has been extended to
1.• ii 'ing is �ite list of ufficcrs for eter, ltclgravc, ant Blyth. The i'resi tin as Public Utilities Commissioner. Iwo twycl:s, instead of the previous one
tient, C. E. Roberts introduced the ANOTHER SCHOOL BOARD tr` ck. For this teas' n the election
rlullctt Ladgc: r.'o thti, 1'.. l'. Cu tltttd, of \\'in hath, talc, which ordinarily would have
\\'.\I,: \Vor. lir.,. J. 1{, Shaddick, I a g NOMINATION NECESSARY
who, dt ill int, froth hist experience as a ,
been neat Mtitday, has been set It1.1<
LI'•\I.: \1`or. Pao, Harold Snell. None of the three I ublie School
Sergeant in \Vorld \Var I, and his 1n- 1h,ard nontincrs hating +inali(u,! \v111-
, until \!onlay, 1)ercnthrr r)th, with the
S.\\',: Bro. \1'illiam Dale.i'' 11 to he open :1t the \tentorial 11a1,
I.\1'.: tiro, Jahn \\', :lrmstrntl'�• terdenuntinatirnlal bible class in \1'inr;- In the necessary time limit, The Stal
ham, s;Dict 'I the part laymen route! •
•ltd is inttorntc 1 by the \'ildage Clerk
iron\ eight a.m. until 5 p.m.
'Treasurer: 13ru, Thomas \Pillar.
Secretary: 1{t. i\ur, tiro, J. \titans• take in the Church, if they had enough 1that another nomlinaction to fill these PUBLIC MEETING HELD iN
Chenthusiasm, polling to the text, ":\lid vacancies will be held, as snot a; the THE EVENING
I).eftiC,:\Vert \\'ol..rtliro. \V.(ti), sn they built the wall, f r the 1.1,'"Pc necessary bylaw• can he prepared, anal is i, tit+ usual custom, a motion at
\\reIIs. were of a mind to work. Mt. (ant ;urangcntcnt; Burl(' the nomination meeting held during
S.1)., Bro. IIatrold Adams, stage, of (;)dcrh'1) expressed tht -V---�
the no. 0 hour, set the pul,lic meeting.
J.1).; 11'or, Bro. 11'm. helper. thanks of the mit 1 tg' , for eightthat o'clock t,lat cane evening, at
L(1,: nor, tiro. Oliver An'crsoli• In the short business session, Mr. East IVawalicish Will I -lave
('hints; \liddlctoo of Clinton, reported 4411,,1(1 time ail candidates were to he
Reeveship Contest present, given ant lip_
1'}dcr; tiro, held Gibbs,nand would be
on the fine progress of the :1,:\•,\• in
5.5,; Bro. \Villianl Caldwell. Norman 'Niel ,well, a member of the I,��rthnity to speak,
J,S.: Uri). James \V. •McCool. (sortie, Fot•dw'ich and \\'roxeter. 'Hie P) 1 ('emu:1 will nl,pn;t I{ccwc I. I), Reeve 1larntot toilet the Meeting to
Rets. B. 11, all, of Gedetith, and
Auditors: \Nur, tiro, Gt:t•ge \Ii\'it- 1 1 ttiott, it a rant,';tags Ir'r the reeve -order, and appointed R. 1). Philp a;
I. 1.. 11. Henderson, of Blyth, reported ,
tic, lire, John I''inglattd. slihp of tar to''msll'p, incl there will ctl;Berton. .\ small attend:rice of raly-
Offieets for 111th Lodge: on the Deanery School of instruction also be a Ian for the Schou) ,\tea
payers \vete in the
hall to hear their
I,1'.\f,: \Vol. Bro. \\'. iI. \Inn'tt. f, r Visitation, Board, the member: of the ('uhnri, I,''.1''ti''e municipal officers express
Meeting adjourned upon mtoti n of
were returned by acclamation at \tun-
\\.,\(.: \tor. tiro, \i. G. \le\111. their eiew-s :(ltd intentions.
NB.. Chapman of Goderich at 1)..30 p.m. \lay's annual nomination meeting in the \flet a few' introductory remarks,
S.1\'.: Bro, Jahn :\. Cowan. Trinity Ladies' Guild of Myth cit
,l,\V.: Ileo, 1larold T. Voddeit, 1'utenship , •1 I{ash \\aw•atu,h. the ('hairntan called on Rccvc ilaintnn,
Treasurer: a \Noes lieu. J. ll, It 1 1 tcrcd for the supper. fair attendance \\a> retards I, and
V .......... :\ 44ho had received an acclamation, a,
the fir'1 speaker.
Reeve Bainton
After 1ha11l,111g itis mover and se -
cot ler for nmmilcttittt Hint. I:ecvc
1laimt,,, remarked that he considered
lion, the fullu\Ing lis( tit nominee. was
Secretary: \Vor. 'tiro. j, 11. Phillips. 1ccIerat1011 Officers Elect- pro; used for Billie:
Chaplain : V. \Vor. Bro. Gurdon El -ed Ill East Wil\V11i1OS11 For Reeve
Hint I. It. Bccei''t(, Norman \Iclkpwcll,
\t the annual meeting of the East
U, of C.: Rt• \Vor. Bro. R. I), Philp. Lewis l{udd}•, and Alex. Rubrrts u.
\Vawanush Fedcrati,m of Agriculture,
S.D.: tiro. Borden Cork. For Council
1.1).: Bro, Stuart I)tsrte;d, t,hc lullu\ving officers flat tiltectul'; it am 11011 tit• to rc,prcutt the ntun•c:-
tvere appointed: Norman \IcI)nw•,i, Alex.Rnhertsou,
S.S.: Bro. Gordon Augustine.1 cw•is Ruddy, i I tt t iit it i , Johu 11n- t panty in the capacity of Rccvc. Mr.
I.S.: tiro, Frank 'Tyroma n. President : Simon 1 , Hailahan. I Rainton (;ave a very concise report of
I•G.: tiro, Ilarvev \View. m.
VicePresident: fuhn htitli lalil, \hout, C. R• Coupes, and Elmer Ire the nor'; of !hr council during the
Tyler; Bro. J. 5, Chcilcw.
Directors: SS. No. 8, hcu. \lhecl I land. (past twelve months. The tax rate dtr-
hxausittittg $Dart: \\'ar. Bras. K. er; SS, No. 9, George Loner; SS. No, i For School Board I it;; the present year had been in-
' u, r 11, Lorne Scott; 5S, No. 1(1, Orval 1 Frank Thompson, Mas 11 Robins"ti' serried five mills over last year's rate.
\1 biro ri, Grog(, (. Brooit and \t
II, itlorritt. McGrw•an; SS. No. 13, :Albert Cohltec; 1 :Abner Nethery and Lawrence Ta•ylor (lac still had been set aside for Intal
Auditors , LL \\lit.. pro. L. 1) mill), USS. No. 3, \\'alter McGill; USS. Lc',vis Reddy, Alex Robertson Har- improvements. The school hoard had
and Bro. Stuart Durward, No. 5, Kenneth \Icl)uugall; USS. No. I vc} Mach and I?Inu'r Ire!;ut I trete til at'Ke l for more iimney, but he ielt
—__ ___ 1,, !toward Campbell; USS. No, 7, only nonlinrys for council to qualify, that we hail a good school hoard, and
74laeon I{obitsou. USS. No. 12, Charles so receive an acclamation. that their money had been spent \vise -
W. M. S. Meeting Robinson. USS. No. 11, :\Ilio Pur too: Mr. Beecroft and \I r. \1clh,wrl! brill I ly and \cel. The lt)d(i council had
�' USS. \n. 1(i, Carl G,,vicr ; USS. No, qualified f: r the recveship, and an el 4L'u•te;l out in the red. .\ payment on
The November sleeting of the \\'o-
men's Missionary Society was held at 17, \\'illiam \IcClcnagll;ltt, ertinn will cnsnr• the new fire truck had been met, and
:\II the nominees for the School tion„t inuncdiatcl'' they had in face an
\Irs. Sinclair'; home. Board qualified and there will also be
1 c\)'cnditurc of �•11)O.10 tor gilts fur rc-
I'he meeting opened with II}t"n \u• IPll�,ra�rc'111e11tS Board
a tau in that department, tyith tints turned service personnel, Local cxpen-
205, "Jesus stand among us", l{eport to he elected, diUirrs had been kept to a minimum
of the sectional meeting held in lien- 741 t. and \irs, Charles Heckman, Mr. lected Coatis; acted in the ca- miller was given by .lits. Brigham and announce the engagement of their because the council felt that they must
\Irs, Marshall. \Irs, Philp had charge grand danglltcr, I{eta :ludrey, laugh- parity of chairman for the meeting, be in a sound financial condition he -
anti all nnminccs were present with the fore ticking en any undue expenditure.
of the business part of the meet -lug. to of \1 r, Arthur Heckman, and the 1 exception of \It'ssrs, Black :mrd ire
Late \Irs.:\. 1(erkutan, of 'Mitchell, to The present c'mlicil had finished the
The roil call was answered by 17 meinland• year Avid) an estimated surplus of over
hers and there were 3 visitors present. \Ir, 'I'heutas 74lilton 1.ittle, youngest \, ` i
slut of \I r, and \Irs. 'I'huutas Little,
1103.(u Rccvc Rainton felt that \ith
Mrs, Chelic\v kindly ro"scndcd in he r , , \ Election the support port of the conneil next year, a
Bur Missionary nuntthi} secretary. I.uudeshorn, 1'he wedding to take Ihlllett 10 Ild�l L1CCt1011 1I
Please give your subscription to her. Piller on Deeettthyr 7th, i" Grace Loth- Igor Council
great deal conte! he accomplished, Plc
The theme of the meeting was In erati Church, \litchell•
complimented the village treasurer
Christian homes.” Hymn No. 202, "'1'hc Nomination meeting for the Town- \Irs. l.omise lbw \\ar,l, ,'u her floc
\1 r. and \It•s. Charles Nevins,, ship of 1Itillctt was held in the Com- \cork, and stated that he had received
morning light is breaking" was sung. Auburn(, announce the engagement of ! nnmit'' Ball, Lundeshoro, on Monday her fullest c'-nperation at all times,
Mrs. Rinfoul rrvirt''ed the chalpicr in, muni -
Weir :cruel c;+attghtcr, Violet \lay, tu' tlterrt' un, from 1 until 2 Nu. Result; ao"I hu ;dI matters, pertaining to utuni-
(tic stud} book 'Lelia at the 'I'hresl: pl'l' . \\*illiam Alford Co\vat, youngest son 1, showed rely one nominee for the prsi- i ripal financial matters. Ile felt sere,
\\'e regret the removal of three of of Mr. and Mrs. (;(sortrc Cowan, oftine of OwRetweship, J. \\'. ,\rmt_'that with the calibre of men nominated
our life members, \Irs. llilho•n, Mrs. , Blyth, The to w t....: pl
Kilpatrick and Miss l\'art. \\•e' have ace I Orrores \vhu has held the position for for the council, that the future was
early in Uccc"ncer• sc\•rral years. Six nominee: Neter re- I bright on the local municipal horizon.lost by death one of our valued num _-- _llot•, as
hers, \urs• Phoebe 'Taylor,
letter from \I r. ililhoro, Hymn No, FISIII.L—in (Tinton public 1lnsptial. J. \i r. ilaintot ;puke of ''ariots dcputa-
1311{'l'l15 select forthe position of l'utmci
follows, \Vitt. R. lcwitl, \\'lit. J. I)tle, lions of ratepayers who had attended
iters. Sinclair read an interesting ; , I Ira Rapson, George C. Brown, .\r- council meetings during the year. 11c
15, "Fur the beauty of the earth" was on Sunday, November 2.1,11, t,. \ir, Bow E. (lark, and Leslie R. Reid.
singled out two s;peri[iy rases, one,
s rs 'r' rs' I \ i pray- and \Ir<. Aaron Fisher (ler Ruth i :\ iter the nominations \very close,, a delegation asking for fire protection
ling and 741.. 1 1 1 p c l . t lI \ ill I t 1
er. Noble), of Colborne "Tmrnshi!t. the the Clerk canea f••r a chairman to he extension; on \I orris street, which
P gift of a son—Larry \1't wtis nonheated. and it was mo''cd by Malt_ had arisen out of a disastrrsus fire
MURCf1—In Clinton Public 11os"drat, hew :\rmgtrotg, and I:plm•ian Snell. on the property now owned by \1r.
rMeeting on Thursday. November 21st, In \I r. that George ('owart be chairman.
Lloyd 1'ur''r}: the other was in re
Temperance IThe rh:tirman immediately rolled fcrcucc to a drain praiser running
an i \L s. lack \lurrll Ince lava \'iu' Rest's Armstrong who had been elect- down the hack of \1t•. Voddl•n's, and
cent), the gift of it sot. It'd by acclamation. \Ir. Armstrong Mr. Philp's resident'al •'•'••^rty, and
It o': the platform, thanked his mover', finding an cullet to the stain sewer
RATION COUPON DUE DATES ;111(1 seconder, and the ratepayer: for by way of ND.. Tasker'; post office
the' • support in the past and for their property. Il, 'I' t1 -..-se matters wouid
A. C. Robinson, baud deader, of Lott_ mei' reeves, were guests at \N'a'lco LPyotl, of \Vitgltam, and Mr. A. 1'.
th(n, I Sltaddicl<'s banquet, given for the Cooper, of Clinton, will take part. '1'hz I Coupons now valid are meat -pec- 'ot' i tense in hint for the corning year. 1 r ;.; carted to in dile time. TI ,' fire
,\,,any ottt'hde guests were present . County Cuuncilkrs last Friday night public is cordially iivitcd to be pies- I serves Si to 533, butter 1321) to 1333 lir then \\cot on to give an account extension had been it' 8 mainly
for this ;•crf.rmtance, and they expres- at Godcrich, 1 cot, and meat \156 to 74161' (Continued on page 4) (Continual e.•:: parse 4) -
Shrink Anything
A man complained that every-
thing he sent to the laundry came
back shrunk. So, one day, in des-
peration and in a highly sarcastic
mood, he got a railroad spike and
tied a lag to it on whn.h he wrote,
"Noss, let use see you shrink this."
About a week later when the laun-
dry carne back he found a tag in it
to which was attached a tack. On
the tag it said "ilerc it is,"
Too, Too I unny
"Now I want e'cryoue to write
me a short description of the
fundicst thing they ever saw," the
etcher said to the class. After
fies minutes she saw that one of
het pupils had put down his pencil
an, had appa •eptly completed his
composition. "Surcls you haven't
finished already;" she asked.
"Oh, yes, I have miss," was the
ansver. "The funniest tiling I
eve saw was too funny for
Some Names
"You have such strange names
for your towns," an Englishman
remarked to an American soldier.
"Weehaw-ken, Hoboken, Pough-
keepsie, and others."
"I suppose they do sound queer
to English ears," said the Amer-
ican, thoughtfully, "Do you live in
London all the time:"
"0)1, nos" said the unsuspicious
Briton. "I spend part of my, time
at Chipping Norton, and then I've
a place at Pokestogg-on-the•Ilike."
Put On the Pressure
Dr. J. M. Buckley, a Methodist
divine, was once asked to conduct
an experience meeting ata church
in the South,
A woman arose and bore witness
to the preciousness of her religion
as a light -bringer and a comfort -
"That's good, sister," comment-
ed Dr. Buckley, ",But how about
the practical side. Docs your reli-
gion make you strive to prepare
your husband a good dinner? Docs
it snake you look after flint in ev-
ery way:"
Just then Dr, Buckley sensed
the preacher yanking his coattails
and whispering ardently: "Press
dem questions; press dens ques-
tions, Doctor; dats' 111y wife."
"Who's an of witch?"
A young Scotsman went to the
telegraph office one morning and
wired a proposal of marriage to
his sweetheart. After spending the
entire day and part of the night
waiting, he was finally rewarded
by an affirmative reply,
"If 1 were you," suggested the
operator. "I'd think twice before
I'd marry a girl who kept me wait-
ing all day for my answer,"
"Na, Na," replied the young
Scot. "The lass who waits for the
night rate is the lass for use."
The "Gentle" Sex
Noticing that fully -fashioned
stockings were on sale in a large
city store, a digninfied, middle-ag-
ed man decided to get his wife a
pair, but he soon found himself
buffeted about by frantic women.
He stood it as long as he could,
then, with head lowered and arms
ontstretclled, he barged through
ole crowd.
"You there," yelled a shrill voice,
"can't you act like a gentleman?"
"I've been acting like a gentle-
man for an hour," replied the man,
still charging forward, "but from
now on I'm going to act like a
Try Again
Two Irishmen were trying to
remove a piece of rock lying in the
roadway when an old lady passing
stopped and watched them, Then
she said: "Men, why not try blast-
ing it?"
One of the nicn looked up and
said: "Lady, we have tried every
swear word we know, and yet we
cannot stove it."
Worth It
Naturally, the sweet girl's father
was annoyed. It was after mid•
night and she'd just come home.
"You're late again!" he stormed.
"'Torr won't do YO'1 must, tell that
boy friend of wrnrs that late hours
sic bad for one "
' \ rs. dad -1 knots," she replier!.
Th.1 she added, w;tl a sigh, "But
tie v re lovely for ',so."
Seed for sugar. The two and a
half ounces of seed Marion Melka
holds in that plate will raise enough
sugar beets (like the one in her
other hand) to provide 100 pounds
of sugar.
Beets for sugar. Machine clips top
from beet, digs it from ground and
tumbles it upward into hopper,
eliminating expensive hand work.
Sugar for Sugar Hungry
Lr.S. farmers will provide a sugar -
hungry nation with the sweet
total of 1.0 million tons of beet
sugar this year.
For housewives, haunting sugar
lines, this represents almost one-
fourth of all they will be able to
buy, U.S. consumed 0.7 million
tons of sugar before the war. Ex-
perts believe consumption would be
eight million tons today if there
were sufficient sugar to meet the
\\'ith mechanical hmprovements
in harvesting and processing and
with subsidies, agriculturists claim
sugar beets are becoming more
profitable as a farm crop than
either corn or vegetables.
The beet sugar industry has
fought a long hard tight to reach
its present development. The in -
Sugar -loaded beets pour from railroad cars into huge bins at n
Green Bay, Wis„ refinery, first step in production of sugar.
By-products are molasses and cattle fodder.
dustry got its start more than 100
years ago but the low cost of im-
ported sugar and back -breaking
hand labor nuc cs,ary to plant, har-
vest and process the beet held it
Today machinery tops, digs and
loads 0e to 5u tons of heels a day
at a cost of only $2 per ton. Pre-
viously the cost of labor for top-
ping alone ran $1.41 to $1.56 a
ton, Sugar is bringing $15 a ton,
including ct $0,50 per ton subsidy,
'Western states still are the big
producers although midwest farm-
ers are patting more and more
acreage into bats each year. The
Northwestern railroad, major
hauler of the beets, has established
its own "department of agricul-
ture" to assist farmers in increas-
ing their beet crops. Howard J.
Gramslics, general agriculture agent
of the road, believes that eventually
America will produce all of the
sugar it consumes.
\\'illi modern scientific planting,
two and a ,half ounces of seed
grows beets enough for 100 pounds
of sugar, the amount consumed by
the average American each year.
Even in such populous areas as
Cook County, 111., which includes
Chicago, truck gardeners found
room to plant 2,750 acres of beets
which yielded an average of 1,600
pounds of refined sugar per acre,
a total of just under 10 million
Lack of sufficient manpower to
cultivate beets in the early grow-
ing stage limited this year's crop
to slightly below pre-war Pigures
but nature stepped in with a dry
spell a tthe right moment and in-
creased the extractable sugar con-
tent of the beets Props one to two
per cent.
Processing sugar from the bats
has been stepped up to a near
line -production system, With rocks
and other foreign matter washed
clear, slicing machines cut the beets
into narrow strips and the sugar -
laden juices are removed by a pro-
cess of osmosis. The juiceless
residue is shipped to a separate
plant where it is dehydrated and
sacked for cattle fodder,
The juice is piped into huge
tanks where it is treated and then
filtered several times before heing
evaporated. The sticky mixture
that remains is about 05 per cent
solid; this is piped into storage
tanks where the sugar crystalizes.
Next it is fed into a huge Centri-
fugal machine which separates the
molasses front the pure sugar crys-
tals. Finally the crystals are dried
by blasts of hot air, sacked and
shipped to your grocer.
Cost of Turkeys
An Ottawa report indicates that
turkeys this Christmas are going
to cost us more than those we
couldn't get last year.
—Toronto Saturday Night.
Think It Over
All the theories in the world
bring home no bacon unless they
are put into practice—and nothing
illustrates the power of continued
effort so well as the fact that a
dime doubled 20 times is $10.1,-
—Western Life News,
Never Can Afford War
Stress is laid on the fact that
"the world cannot afford a third
Great War." But, for that matter,
it could not afford Nos. 1 and 2,
--Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph.
Planned Economy
In Oak Park, III., Ellis Denney
proposed that town buy parking
meters to get money to buy park-
ing lots to eliminate parking
A Miracle?
A foot and his money arc soon
parted — but how did they ever
get together in the first place?
—Galt Reporter,
Splitting Is Bad
The split home is a destructive
thing, like the split atone,
—Edmonton Journal.
Pork Strategy
For pork and beans, the smart
packer uses jars made of high-
power microscope glass, Magnified
10,000 times, tlic pork, if any, is
—Ottawa Citizen.
leMR. rattly ritr, irvenct.13c. 1', RIG. 11.•t*T. CO.
'Could- you �usa, a,pint of o114"
REG'LAR FELLERS—Maximum Capacity
lT70YA! ,
The reason some men are so sil-
ent is not because they arc so wise,
but simply because they say only
what they think.
—Guelph Mercury.
The Exclusive Mooneys
There has leen no reply to those
radio messages to the moon. This
may be because there is nobody
there, or else because the \fooneys
wisely do not want to have any-
thing to do with us.
—Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph.
As Expected
It was a foregone conclusion that
as soon as the shadow of the gal-
lows had been lifted Rudolph Hess
would recover, and so he Inas.
—St, Thomas Times -Journal.
What's In A Name?
Use of the designation "Second
World War" was protested in the
British ,louse of Commons the
other clay on the grounds that it
seemed to presuppose there might
be another.
One member suggested it would
be Better to take a risk and call
it "The Last \\'orld War". At
that it could hardly he more re-
mote from reality than calling then:
t':e United Nations.
--Kitchener Record.
Highlights of the News
Labor Policy Approved
Britain's 1. a b o r 1 iovernmcnt
weathered its first rebellion when
Foreign Suer clary 11esin's foreign
policy was unanimously approved
and a protest against peacetime
rrluscriptinn was defeated.
No Defense Against A -Bomb
Nine eminent scientists, headed
by 1)r, Einstein, have started a
campaign to make the public real-
ize that there is nn defense against
the atomic bomb and that an
atomic tear tsvulll (lustros, civiliza-
tion Atomic bombs, they said,
can nota be made cheaply and in
large number, and the only solu-
tion lies in international control.
New Nation In Pacific
Netherlands and Indonesian dcic•
gations initialed an agreement,
which, if approved at The Hague,
will be the roaster plan for estab-
lishing a new Pacific nation; the
politically independent l' n i t c d
States of Indonesia.
The draft would make the
Netherlands and Indonesia equal
partners under the Royal House
of ()range. The new oration would
be composed of the Indonesian l c -
public, comprising Java, adoera
and Sumatra; Borneo and Eastern
Indonesia, composed of the Ca-
ches, the Lesser Snndas, Mali and
oche, outer islands.
Reparations From Japan
:\ report to \ir. Truman by 1l-
11111 \\', Tauter, United States
reparations representative, outlined
a policy of severity tempered by
fairness in exacting reparations
from Japan, Mr. 1'au(cy recom-
mended that Japanese industry be
aemilitarizcd hut that the Japanese
people be allowed to retain a
reasonable economy under which
they could live at peace.
Phenomenal Gold Pocket
It is reported Prost Sydney, Aus-
tralia, that a syndicate of 11 min-
ers, mostly I talians, had discovered
a "phenomenal" gold pocket in the
rich Kalgoorlie fields of \Vestern
The deposit, found at a depth
of 120 feet on Mountain View lease,
was expected to yield 24,500 ounces
of gold, After six tons of rock
had been broken out, the report
said, "gleaming seams of gold one
inch thick" still showed in the
face of the mine.
Sight For Scholars
Eye -sight which requires cor-
rection may account for poor
grades of some school children,
doctors declare, Low standing in
class does not necessarily indicate
inferior intellect.
War In Greece
Greek t r 0 ops , supported by
planes, were reported to have in-
ink:1 d heavy lussrs un "invaders"
near the \'ugoslas' border.
I)cadlock tlrc,kcn
The long deadlock in the Conn-
ed of I orrigrt Ministers over the
policing of the I ree 'I'eriitory of
Trieste was broken when Foreign
\linister Molotov agreed to' major
proposals put forward by the
\Vestern potters.
GI Resolution
The CIO Executive heard unan-
imously approved a resolution
aimed at ('onrlWulist infiltration,
The resolution says that CiO mem-
bers "resent and reject" all efforts
it noel (active by the Communist
le sty and other political groups
and their adherents.
War In China
The Chinese Communists, pre-
dicting a Nationalist attack on
their capital city of Velum within
ten to fourteen days, ordered wo-
men and children to the hills and
vowed to defend the city to the
d c a 1 h. \I caun•hile, a Russian
source in Peiping. said Russian
troops had turned over 1)aircn, (n
Manchuria, to the Chiu. se Com-
If you pre troubled with itching piles or
rectal soreul•ss, do not delay treatment and
run the risk of letting this condition becouw
chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful
pamsago ages' is nature's warning and proper
treatment should be secured at once.
For this purpose get n package of 11em-
11 11 from any druggist and use ns directed.
?'his formula which is used internally is a
mall. easy to lake tablet, will iuieldy relieve
the itching and soreness and and in healing
the sore mailer spots. 1ieml-Ihaill Is pleasant
to use, is highly recommended and it seems
the height of folly for any one to risk n pniufml
and chroniclilt condition when such n Ono
remedy may 4,e hod at such n small cost.
if you try Item -Boil and are not entirely
pleased with tho results, your druggist will
gladly return your money.
When a head cold gels your nose
running "like a lap" and you have
that all -in feverish feeling you'll get
almost instant relief with Buckley's
Cinnamated Capsules, This different,
effective prescription -type remedy
contains not ONE but FOUR tested,
licoven, cold -dispelling pain -re-
eving ingredients, including Oil of
Cinnamon which quickly checks ex-
cessive nose -running.
Get a tin of Buckley's Clnnamated
Capsules today at any drug store
only 35o
These Capsules are unequalled for
prompt relief of headaches, neu-
ralgia, periodic pains,
300 Bay Street
Presents a Weekly Review of Ne\vs, Economie Trends
and Items of Current Interest 13y
John Collingwood Reade
Columnist, News Analyst and Radio Commentator
This comprehensive survey will be embodied in the regular
service which provides detailed information on mines and mar-
kets prepared by our statistical department. The combination
will prove entertaining, informative and invaluable to all who
seek to improve their status by the intelligent investment of
funds. We will point to the pitfalls as well as the opportunities
of market speculation. If you would like to receive this service
without obligation fill in and mail the attached coupon.
300 Bay Street, Toronto,
Kindly send Inc without obligation your weekly service.
014 THAT- -
A(:IN'1's 15.1 N1I'1:11 '1'11 S1:1.1, 111I.-
I31.1ict ItiIeI tri, al wit ls, IL) I ,
etc, Economy tic,t(Matins.
toll, (lilt,
%V.1N'I1I1I), it .1 111.E ,10I<\'1' '1'11
I'll 1,1111:,' ehn I(s I n honest :1111 Ie-
'I.Il1le hatchery. IG')'al Para( slid
1 l hely, I ,1.11 obr, Ont.
1'1 1,11:'1'14 A LI, .11:I:S iIt1111 14
tweel(s In laying till up \oar pens
14(1)1 e:10)I in 111 the 4;1114(' en=; pl'I)r,-.
1:111 listened chic((:, for Immediate
del y, 11've eatalto.tue. Top Note!)
(Allelic' les, (;ueiph, (totalis,
11'1:'1'11 St111I; CRICKS 1'1111 Im-
mediate shipment 01411 qui, I: oiler -
Me. nut 111'11'11 for ,211111111\ tbdiV-
ored (11101114 should be rent now.
L'ray Hatchery, 130 ,Toni) N., 1111111-
1111114, Ont•
1111' CAN Ill:l'l:\II II\ 'rut'
Xolcll eltich- l0 1)1114.4 \1111 'Pop
1'riee8 in 1947. 8.'101 141111' Inr the
Notch poultry cat )(DLII' and
pial an early start. All popular
breeds )111(1 el'))))', breeds ale drt'')-
(pe11 from Top Notch pullurutii
tested 111)41113 productive bleeding
x11111. 1,01v mortality is >Acieulifirnl•
1>' assured. '1'111' Top Nuleh system
ot prn•selectlnn only the fittest
breeding stock and culling; out all
1Veal(IIIIRs results 111 unifotmil\,
live, healthy chic], shipments to ell
'run \oteh )1111114141'1, Order
to he assured or i;et111114 tin+ b1',Its
you w•:alt on the (late )110 tV:ant
them, ;lend today for Interesting
free catalogue. Also laying and
ready t1 lay pallets for inllnedinte
(Ieltwcry. Top Notell Chickeric)),
Candid', Onto] it).
Yos, that Is what all Rainbow
Chicle buyers tire saying when they
buy Rainbow Chicks. All breeders
are 10U percent free from pullornnl.
Order your chicks now direct from
this mol and not he disappointed,
Tont Barron Leghoras, $12.00 per
1(10, Pullets $21.111). Barred Rock
Dlixed $12.00 per 100. Pullets $21,00,
\V hlto !tock Ditxcd 515.00 per 100,
Pullets $2:,.00. 1:1 own Lee burn
Nixed 51.1.140 per 100, Pullets ;25.00,
Leghorn-lioelc Mixed $12.00 per 100.
Pullets $'25.00, It'd -Ruch Ilyhrld
$12.00 per 100, Pullets $21.00. Spe•
(Mil prices on cockerels Guarantee
100 percent live de(lve)s to your
station, $1.00 down, hul:uu•e C.O.D.
Rainbow hatchery, Chatham, On-
2,000 CHOICE NIM' 11.111I'slllltl':
laying and ready to lay pullets for
Immediate delivery. Also other
breeds 1.1 weeks up to laying, 1111
Up your pens, egg priers are good
and will remain good for several
yye111•x, free catalogue. Alan 1''all
lmtlrhed chicles for immediate de-
livery. T'w(d(llo 1'hlck ilttcheries
Limited, Fergus, Ontario.
lac SUSSEX X il'. Il'S11Iit1:S 181
11001( 50U11 (3111)1')11 NOW FOR
SPRING CHICKS without delay at
those prices. Mixed Chicks lie, Put.
lets 23c. Cox 7c. Leghorn X Ilatnp•
shires Mixed 13c, Pullets 28c, All
breeders pullornnl tested under Gov-
ernment approval. Order now to in•
auto delivery when required. Bon-
nie's Chick Hatchery, Box 256, El -
mire, Ont,
19.(7 '1'tweddle chicks. You safeguard
yourself against price rise, get ad-
vantage of any drop In price before
delivery and you will have the
breed of chicks you want on the
date you want them. T veddle Gov-
ernment Approved chicles are real
profit ntlticers, Popular pure breeds
or cross bleeds, sexed or straight
run. '1')103' all C011le from I'ullirunl
tested '1'tweddle stocic of proved liv-
ability nn(1 productivity, Send for
early delivery prleelist and cata-
logue today Also laying and ready
to 1113' pullets fur immediate deliv-
ery, 'Meddle ('hick hatcheries
Limited, Fergus, Ontario.
Rend what Mr. Broadhurst of Jolt.
ette, Que., says about our chicks:
April 30, 1940 -"Tho 208 chicks re-
ceived in splendid condition, nut one
dead and only one died since. They
are the Most vigorous bunch of chicks
I ever received and I have been
handling chicks for over 40 yours."
Order now and get (ho best. here
are our prices, marred (tock Mixed,
$12,00; Pullets, 521.00; White Leg-
horn, Mixed, 512.00; Pullets, 5'21.00;
\\'h1lo hock Mixed, $15.00 Pullets,
$25.00; Brown to Leghorn Mixed,
$14.00; Pullets, 525.00; hybrids
Rock -Red Dlixed, $12.00; Pullets,
521.00; Ilybrltl Leghorn -Rock Mix•
ed, 512,00; Pullets, 525.00, You also
get Hat -
:hers', Britannia iat�(Heltghlts llOnt.
icic llat•
11'ONolatlotl' CHICKS
1,11111 SATISFYING 1114SCl;I'S. CUS-
tomers reporting high egg yield
cotlnbined ;with large bodied birds,
\\'rile for free enlendnt' and Price -
list, Big hock Farm, Mille Ruches,
With every order of 100 Millet
chicks we glwo 100 tree chicks (our
choice), Barred (tock Pullets
521,05 White ltocic Pullets $25.95,
White Leghorn Pullets 524.95,
Brown Leghorn 1'ullets 525.95; Red -
Rock Hybrids, $21.95. Leghorn -
(tock hybrids, 525,95, All chicks
sold ore from hloodtested stock,
back by high pedigreed stock. 51.00
hooks you roister, 13lthtnce C.O.D,
Guaranteed Delivery (Cent Hatch-
ery, Chatham, Ontario
List of inventions and full lufor•
motion sett free, The Ramsay Co.,
lteg'iste'ed Patent Attorneys, 273
Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada
dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for
Information, We are glad to an•
swer your questions. Department
11, Porker's Dye Works Limited
791 Yong() Street, 'Toronto. Ontnrin
2011 ACRES, 3.1:1:1)S l'OI'N'1'8'. 1(11N -
ed lotus, 125 arable, good buildings,
hydro. Apply Wallace Johnson, So•
petits'', Ontario.
NOwV IS P1111 74ME TO 0111) al
your "Superflnme" 011 Burning
Brooder Stove. Our shipments of
these stoves will arrive on or about
Jtutunry 1st, 1947
Model 652 has n 52" heavy galvan•
!zed hover thermomstnhc heat con•
trol, automatic draft regulator and
down draft cup. Maximum cnjnt'it\
1000 chicks -Price 529.90. Kind(\
send 5 5.0 0 deposit with your order.
!lenitive C.O.D. Express Collect,
your nearest strttion,
It1:.1VI'll 1'A111:5 C'It1:At911:It1'
Clarksburg, Ontario.
111(3 II()\ 111:1) 11E111111:1) (111t15'I'-
Inas Holly 51,25 delivet ed. Nona
Gift House Btlilt tissorUttents nom
$ 1.50. Three good bulbs Introdue•
tory offer, 100. (;olden West Seeds.
Box 267, New Westminster, B.C.
1'1111 5.11,1:
1111111:111.\I: I'1 111(1:15 - NEW
po:•1w: 1' 1 11 0.1\' hl u,ll,rr:o•ted
It,•11.c111r .(11:11) 11)111)14, 11e)., Inn -
1111r !1 p11uwl. $ 7.111 (11x11, 'Toms 18
11111114)11 ; In 141 011 h, All Imported
,i.n•I(. .11'11Wilde to Iteceolber 10,
11 11111111; 'Turkey 11:111e11, Dluore-
('111111'1: 1)1 .11,1'1'1 Ilh:la' 1<I:I;I,IS11
I; al• 1'1 1111:. 1)1,11 dlal,e• also NIA 111 -
twill \1'11n)• I') I(in. frr(' II 1;111•
\Vellaod, (lot.
71 1'11.11111\.1'1'1,1\ 111 ('1(1:1 b; 1:1,1:17-
li.• Im'ub,1tor)) for t-1111• (hemp. 1(t•
tin); cal,nc1 l' 12',1401, luuehing In•
1111)113' 4,111111 :.) or 1 )) r\ rlo :Apply
I'v:edd!e Thiel( Illtchell'1 kindled.
Fergus. Ilnl'11') 1
1'1111 1011\ 111'1"I'latiEs. :' S'I'1Il'I'-
er1• :: 81)11.1 111114 barn 911 x so.
:'help for quirk ::Ile, 11'1alrrlg 'l'ur-
key II:Ineh, yl)",1'rhrl)I,
('11131''I'1I.1S 111)1,1,1
1,0111:11 lin\, 81,10; 1)111'111,1: vox
\:! cul. 1'11 It' i.1, Ki)\ 111•)'1, IIut't.lc,
1'011 S.tsk.1'I'1'1I1:w.1\ 1111'1'111,5,
Farms, I;:un 111•, Stores and husl-
11,'., 014 or all kinds,, t1'I'lle C. It,
;:nerich 1<iellaoder, Leal ilstate,
1'1111 5.011:, .1111:N 1 IN S11.1 LI,
town, 11('10141; 111111 014)0(\' in Will -
Ier, 1{1111'11114 in summer, Owner In
poor health, Apply Box 231, I;Ien-
.I1.N1'IN1: 111(0.01) 111111.05'1'1:1)
Bronze Tnrl(r\ s, 'Tints 9211, hens
512, fle(((d horn flock fit too
sand from (Iron( pullnrutn free bleeders.
Stay hatched, John Jeffery, Appia,
Maternity and Wilfrid 30 bed (rtv-
ernment Licensed fully equipped,
near No, 3 and 21 Highways. Could
be operated by 11w0 nurses, good
lulnoV'r, Uwuer Irnving Canada, 7
miles to nearest hospital. For full
inf)rtn,ttlun apply Pox 329, Delhi,
N1111' 1N C'.1N.1DA, I'ol')'),0131,1'
vdvet•li,cd LI:I'r1101.1 Pt) cigarette
lighters. blameless, 500n01ess, wind-
proof, (tintless. 11'orhs like car
tighter. Guaranteed linen/Mit intuit -
'Y. $1,95, 1'.)) ), 1'0 Box 97, 5111. 0,
PI I'S )1111 RALE
It1E(;IS'I'I:ILEI) 1'01,1,11; 1'1'1'5, SA-
ble and ;whit(. Flnthlll - Stlrnllxt
breeding. Granville i:ennels, Prlitt-
vllle Pentre, N.S.
it1;GIST1:1t1:I) 1'OItkSIIIIII:S, 0
Months and under, choice bacon
type, Perry \Vinci), Jr., Keswlcic,
5111:TI..t N I) I'0N 1', '1'llUltUt'Gll-
bred, 2 years, child's pet, saddle,
bridle, show harness, show buggy,
balloon tires. Picture upon request,
1). Iladdow, 13 Day Avenue, Toron-
STAINLESS 11'A1'1'Ctl IIR.t('1:I.IIT,
$2.1.00 value for $1,00. Hen's adjust-
able stindrss steel lightweight
bracelets. ideal for Xmas gifts.
!'rice 5100 postpaid. Refund guar-
anteed, Life hong Bracelet Mfg.,
S3 'Windermere, Toronto.
S-1Vl:llli-01,1) 1-OIIKS1111(1; ('IGS,
ready November 18, 5)0 each f.o.b.
Apply Roy Welborn, Namur, Que.
We are overstocked at the present
of gond used trade-in tires (guar.
anteed to bo In excellent shape).
600 X 16 $5.00
All orders shipped C.O.D. Special
equipment for vulenn)zing Truck
and Farm Tractor Tires,
BEACON TiRE. corner Queen and
York Sts„ HAMILTON, Onlnrio,
Eft 1711'1'1?D '1'111 r: 51101'
Ileal Xmas Gifts, "Wiggle Fish
swims madly about lashing his
brilliant colored body like the
flghtingest Dasa ever, self winding,
no springs to b101111, Everyone
from bah)' to grandpa loves him.
Price 50c, 110txy & Totsy the Merry
Magnetic Pups, Dogggone tun for
Old rend Young. You call 111111(0 em
dance, Jump, w•hlrl and wriggle.
People go (wild about then(. Price
60e, Also Jitterbug 50c. itoy Sales
Co., Box 1(181 \V., Winnipeg, Man,
made Into neckpieces, collars and
capes. Take advantage of this offer
before rising prices take effect tan,
1, 1947. Oliver Spanner & Co Ltd.,
20A Elm Street. Toronto.
Robertson method Infottnntion on
request regarding classes Robert-
son's ilnird'rs''Ing Academy, 137
Awrnur I{nn 11 Tot( in
111:1,1' 15AN'I'I:1)
WANTED - 1tI11('KI.A1'I:It1 FOIL
large battery of \\'Ilputt ()yens. No
lost lisle, work inside heated
building, long job. Experience in
fire brick work not neressar7'.
Phone 51112 Hamilton or tt•rllo to
Box 210, ilnntilton, Col( (been
Company of ('nn101 Limited. c/o of
Steel Co. of Can. Ltd., Hamilton
\Vorlcs, (Hamilton, (int.
itl;l,IA1t1.I1 (:I;NI;II,tt, II0tISD:-
keeper 1110)) daughter of friend take
complete charge of business cou-
ple's home and three children.
I'Iei1ant disposition; fondness for
children: friendly attitude impera-
tive. No smoking or drinking, Ref-
erenres, Mrs. Schumnii, 7 Jarvis St,
11'.1N'I'EI) - 11.111) 1'011 HOI'S1:-
1vot'k or cooking. Modern home,
good \t•rtgrs, shall fondly. State
age, (x)erienr' and references.
Mrs, 1'. 1t. }Inborn, Preston, Ont.
Phone 1,311.
0111"I'O11 (1 1' 11111-I'S1 (11(11.01:1
:;r:tpho-Analyst and Personal Coun-
sellor tell ladwtse you in your per•
111 tai, donlestle. •business nod cell•
glow; problems Write your prob•
lent and enclose stamp for reply
110. i.. 13 Bene, Asstulbola, Snsknt•
-hewn n. Confide.
•'I:I.IJAH ('1111ING 11 111' O It 1;
Christ." Wonderful hon(( tree, Me-
giddo Dlixslon, Rochester, 11, N.Y.
Flllt'I'tl'1' ')'111: 1'1''I'l'It11 STA IIT
own business home. office, Litera-
ture describing "Collection of 127
1'sted plans" free. Thr *louse of
Seluine, liox-1?,-I, Station 11, Mont -
101)1, Qt1).
,1'1'1111II! 11'llIG11'1'11,11NIN(;-NEW
:,ter:unlined method of fast weight-
e'nlnttc', also reducing. No diet or
Ippartus ne'cssary, Send 52.00.
t,'na•d Green, Box 123, Norwalk,
i.'11111: OPPORTUNITIES Ill' 11Atll.
We put you• name 00 moiling lists
or (':unndilut and American firms
c 1111 110w ideas. Coder no ohlb-n-
tion, Just Fend name, address. 181,
I'n' 97, Station (4, Sfoatrenl.
ISSUE 48-1946
11.11'111 51115'
31.1,4'III\115 11'.1\'1'111), 511)'1"1't:1)
Jun.t S.1.0 71a'htne:., Elbow 1)11411
111,1er, rash I1':isher, chain 510r-
1114) r. I1ox 111, 73 Adoloide
'col olIt11
1'11051 1'1'1(1 IC N1:11't ('.t;,1:.
\leldel .\.1',--1),(' 1Vcbli?l:3 )10i'' -
1414'I i0= ,\,,_)),)', \1ol,,rs, 2:, or
I;a )
3,1e. L1,•clrl, 11/)1141/4 I,t In lU
Ion "11''14" u11ot 141.010144, 5 In 25(4
I<.\'..\. 1111) eIL'111,•• ge1'Ialul' plants.
I:1'ili'•h ail' cooled )'+1:+ engine): Gas
('11141)11• driven pump:, 71100 (1.1'11,
15,11111 1t•)Iu1•iul gear), and speed In-
ere'e-er..'I'exr)pe 5' belt 1Itl1'1•s, alsl
)•1:l 111114.., 1'1,0 1).)', Illntot'S and
1;)111411 r:, \\'Iad.1131'n)n1, 1;e11er1-
tr- o --12-- 3.2 1•,.11.
Il1,1:t"1'111)' \1'1(L't<S 1.1111'1'1:I),
111,oa''nl---'I'ounito-Rnu\n- 11111i-
1111111) .1111 11111 11511111' SI'I'FE11-
e1' of I:Leum:11 i1• 11111118 0' New'ltlx
should 10* 1)11)'14'- lienled}. N1 1.,/.8
111-114 ;;lore. 3:I.1 Elgin, Ottawa.
I'"- t p:111) $1.110
I'US'I''S I:C'L1:111A SAI- V
n:alit h
the !content of dry eczema,
r10h) s 14111 weeping skin Iroublex,
1'0141'14 Eczema Salve will not distil).
point 3(11.
tehing sealing burning eczema,
ache, ringworm, piutpl's and nth -
toys root twill respond readily to
this "tnlnless, odorless ointment,
r)cla•111rss of how stubborn or
hopeless they may 14(0111.
1'1111'1: 51,00 1'111) JAR
lend Post I't00 011 Receipt of !'rice
187 (jurett Sl 1:. Corner of Logon
1'1"5 I51I'olt'r.1N't' - 1;51:1(5 S14%.
fere'. of Itheuniatie Pains or Neuri-
tis should 'try Dixon's Remedy,
5lunro's Drug Store, 3:35 Elgin, Ot-
tawa. Postpaid $1,110,
5'1'(11' ))('RING 'IV)I'I'U111:5 01"
((welt:, psoriasis, t'illgw'nl'llt, ntlt-
lete's font and other skin Irrita-
tions 11 ail Elites Ointment No. 6,
1011 relieved promptly, skin healed
quickly or stoney refunded, 51,00,
Order today from 1)1ile's Medicine
Co., Rept. 57, Saskatoon, Sask.
MUSICAL 1Ns'1'H3133I:N'I'14
1111111 A. IIIIDOINGT(IN 11(11'9,
self, exchanges musical instru-
ments, ill Church, 'Toronto 2.
01')111(11 N1'1Il:s 1•1111 (01(511:)0
Great Opportunity, Learn
Pleasant dignified profession, good
wages, thousands successful Marvel
graduates. America's greatest sys-
tem, Illustrated catalogue free
Write or call.
358 (Boor St. W., Toronto
Brunches: 44 King St., Hamilton
& 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa.
t'1:'I'11L:RS'rONIIA1'1111 .lF IUMl'AN1
Patent Solicitors. Established 1890;
14 King West, Toronto Booklet ot
[Monne t Ion nn request
ono VI:AII HOUND 1''AS'l' 141:iIW-
Ice and fano quality work will
please you. For satisfaction try Im-
perial. G or 8 exposure films, de-
veloped and printed. 80'
Stntion 1. Toronto.
TURN 1'1)111 "SNAPS', IN'I'll MON-
cy. 501 to 51 0,0 0 Paid, Particulars,
Prudential Press, Toronto 1.
"SNAPS" -12 FOR 79c
Your negatives mato the most
original and pleasing Christmas
Cards you can get - cords that
friends treasure -and the cost Is
small. Select your favorite nega-
tives and send then; to t18. \Vo'Il
return 12 attractive greeting cards
with your pictures Printed ()n-
and envelopes for mailing -all for
79c. Order early.
(2 Photos on Calendars 25c.)
1)111')'. 1t.
Roc 1211, I'orl office A, 'Toronto
(Print Name and Address Plainly)
Quick Mail Service, work guaran•
teed, 25c per roll. Reprints 3e emelt.
5 x 7 colpured In folder mount, 75c.
ltnw f, Postal 51:11111 1), Toronto.
ATT3:N'1'1UN 1)1:1:11 HUNTERS -
llavo your trophy Mounted by Cnn•
14(114'1 Lending Taxidermist. Finest
workmanship nt reasonable prices.
We tan (leer Hides Into Leather
suitable for Gloves, \Vlndbrenkers,
etc. Oliver Spanner & Co L10. 26 A
141141 St.. Toronto.
trap for bounty year round lvllh
best glen(' scent system money con
buy. Pnrtlrulnrs free, A E. Fisher,
Box 420, Calgary, Alberta
'1'1:,11'111:1(S WANTED
N1.0(1.011.0 '10WN141111' 14(711001.
Area requires gunlifled Protestant
•teacher for grades 1-4 at Lake
Shore School on bus line near S1,
('n))ntrines Duties start January
11147, Liberal salary schedule with
nllow•anee for experience and 510(1
annual Increase In effect. have mu-
sic teacher told nurse. Apply giving
name of inspector to 0. S. Paxton,
Secretary, St Davids, Ont.
1411.111, GROCER V ST111t1: Olt
business, with living accommoda-
tion, In town near Toronto. 622
Northcliffe Blvd., 'Toronto 10,
Virgil Wagner, No. 78 Alouette backfielder, is pictured above
crashing through the Toronto Argos' line at Delormier Stadium,
Montreal, Don Loney No, 90 (Argos), is vainly attempting to
grab the elusive Virg. Other players visible in the above photo are:
Joe Krol, No, 55 (Argos), Les Ascott, Argos, sprawled on the
ground after herb Trawyck No. 56 (Alouettes), had blocked him,
and Pete King, (Alouettes), is standing erect behind Loney.
made 11y a friend of ours regarding
the great "Battle of the Fountain
,, ,
1 ens now being tVagrd in the ad-
vertising columns, "This tvriting
under water, or writing for ten
years without refilling, is all very
1ve11," he said. "Ilut if somebody
\would invent a pen that would let
the guys that oweInc 1', Inc checks
as easily as the guys I owl' write
i1i11s„ they'd really have something
(wort(( talking shout."
banished when breakfast
includes Maxwell (louse.
This gloriously rich blend
of extra -fide coffees is
"Radiant-Hoasted" to de-
velop the full goodness of
every coffee beau.
("A Six Bit Critic") ••
It is not very often that the hand
out advice hitt, after a look at a
fete National hockey League
games, here is a bit right from the
heart addressed to young hockey
players just starting on their pro-
fessional careers. Make the tough-
est bargain you can, lads, and (told
otit for every possible dollar; be-
cause, the way they play it nowa-
days, you're not going to last very
long, so you aright as well get it
while the getting is good.
* * *
The situation is somewhat akin
to what exists in one branch of the
field of transportation, It used to
be that owners of trucks would
nurse and coddle them along, try-
ing to make then; last as long as
possible. Rut nolo fleet -owners fig-
ure that a truck is good for just
so many hundred thousand miles -
and that the quicker they get that
mileage out of it, and replace it
with a new one, the better business
it is.
* * *
So it seems to be in modern
hockey. "Step on the gas and skate
till your tongue is hanging out"
appears to be the only order pres-
ent-day coaches use, tvitln the re-
sult that most of the time a game
has the appearance or an unending
series of mad dashes up and down
the ice -surface, with the puck per-
forming much the sante function
as (lots the little mechanical rabbit
that (whirls around the track in
front of the greyhounds at the
dog -racing meets so popular in the
010 County.
* * *
This dizzy, unending, wide -open -
throttle pace is beginning to take
its toll, stake 310 mistake about it.
We need mention 110 names but
there arc several players who, just
last Spring, were outstanding stars
-lads who looked to have years of
top -rank hockey still left in thein
-and who now, not much more
than six months later, appear only
ordinary, They simply cannot keep
up; in the race from clasher to
dasher they're half a step behind,
instead of half a step in front; and
the crowds, a large percentage of
whom seem to confuse hockey with
speed -skating, holler "'lake those
old men out of there."
* * *
It may be that this accent on
speed is an improvement, and des-
tined to continue as the train fea-
ture of the sport. But somehow, as
WA N'I' la 1
Whaling Turkey Manch, Momefleld,
A'l t'IIN'I'11)Nt 111G11ES'1' I'It1CI:S
paid for feathers, feather ticks, al-
so sewing; m:u'htnes, tory condition,
\Vrlte 1:1141: leather Company, 561
Crawford 51., Toronto, Out,
PORN 1'01111 1'1:1:11, 1101431, ANi)
grain bogs (whole or torn) Into
cash, We pay freight rates and
highest Prices. \I'rte today to the
London Rug Company, London, On-
248 51vu'bot'ongh Road, Toronto,
Highest prices, Write fol quota•
1,0030 IIASSWOO1), 111,11, 1111(011
and Maple, also Basswood, Poplar,
Pine and \''bite larch Bolts, Good
prices. For further particulnrs
write to The Oakville Basket Co.
Limited, Oakville, Ontario.
we look at, we cannot help recall-
ing what happened to six-day bike
riding. In the great days of that
pastime jams, :,S they were called,
occurred when one team tried to
steal a lap on its rivals, and all
the pack dashed madly in pursuit
to prevent its so doing, a hectic
scene of indescribable confusion
and excitement ensuing,
* * *
The promoters of six-day bike
racing, observing the enthusiasm
aroused among the cash customers
by such scenes took thought among
themselves. Said they, ''If two or
three jams per evening are good,
twenty or thirty will be just ten
limes as good." And so we had jams
every hour on the hour or 01011 oft-
ener. For a while, the crowds sim-
ply ate it up. 'Then a feeling start-
ed to get around that, possibly, all
this (wild excitement and turmoil
mightn't be completely spontane-
ous; that, perhaps, the riders
weren't quite so desperately in earn-
est as they appeared; that, to put
it bluntly, a good deal of it was
more or less part of the act, This
feeling grew and -well, just (where
is six-day bike racing today?
• * *
Probably it Is grossly unfair to
draw such a crude parallel with
the great and educational institut-
tion of hockey. Still, in hockey as
well as several other sports, one
cannot help noticing a steadily -in-
creasing injection of the atmosphere
of the circus. Showmanship, 11.0 be-
lieve they call it. Well, even at cir-
cuses, while we can thrill at ' the
Slide for Life, the Loop the Loop,
and other hair -raisers, we also en-
joy a certain amount of tight -rope
walking, trapeze,work, acrobatics
and the like. In other words, while
sheer speed has its place, a cer-
tain amount of skill is enjoyable
as well,
* *
Which leaves just about suffi-
cient room to tell you of a remark
x11 RE
Sou 11'111 14a3o) slaying AI
The St. Regis [hotel
1'O I I O N'111
▪ Every Ituotn With Outb
Slumer and Telephone
• Single, 82.50 up -
Doable, 53.110 up
• Good Food Dining and Dane -
Ing Nightly
Sberbourne al Carlton
Tel, RA. 4135
(ROOMS IBEAU'1'll't11.LY
FURNISHED $1.50 up
12 loblell
?4 toblett
100 tablet'
79c r,
1.11 kill
katootaowx r�
:113. 1, IT,sIR? LIKE HAVING A
11 14 ST
To The Ratepayers of the Village of Myth:
Ladies and Gentlemen:—
The acclamation that I received is appreciated
and I consider it an honour to be your Reeve this
coming year. I will do my best to prove worthy of
the confidence you have again placed in tile.
I sincerely hope that you will elect four coun-
cillors who will work together in the hest inter-
ests of our village.
1 .I
To The Ratepayers of the Village of Myth:
Ladies and Gentlemen :---
I am in the field for the position of Councillor
for the Village of Blyth for the year 1917, I have
given some years of my service to the municipality
= and, if returned, will endeavour to do my utmost to
have our tax rate reduced, and atthe sane time
give full consideration to all other matters pertain-
ing to the welfare of our village, I respectfully so-
licit your vote and influence,
To The Ratepayers of the Village of Myth:
Ladies and Gentlemen :---
= Having been approached by a great number Of
Ratepayers to let my name stand as a Councillor
for the year 1947, and being. nominated for that of-
▪ fice, I feel, with my experience in Municipal Gov-
_ ernment, being Chairman of every Committee of
▪ the County Council, with the exception of the Good
Roads, and performing that duty to the satisfac-
- tion of all concerned, that I am qualified to look af-
ter your interests in local Muncipal Government.
Therefore I solicit your vote and support, and
if elected, will do everything in my power for the
= welfare of cur village, and our citizens as a whole.
Thanking you for the honour you have already
bestowed on me in electing me as your Reeve for
8 years.
I also might state that I am a veteran of both
wars, and the only veteran in the contest.
Yours respectfully,
11 .1 pi. , JI. .1 i I .1141 I
To The Ratepayers of the Village of Blyth:
Ladies and Gentlemen :---
I desire at this time to express lay appreciation
to the Ratepayers of Blyth for according me an ac-
claroation to the council last year. I have decided
to Lt my name stand for Council for 19-17, and if
elected, will continue to serve the Municipality of
Blyth to the best of my ability.
1 ❑r...1
To The Ratepayers of the Village of Blyth:
Ladies and Gentlemen :---
I am in the field for election to the 1917 Coun-
cil, and if elected will do my best to help administer
the business of the town.
I would appreciate any support given on my
- behalf.
1 11.1 11 , 4,111
To The Ratepayers of the Village of Blyth:
Ladies and Gentlemen: ---
I have allowed my name to appear on the ballot
for the position of Councillor in Blyth for the year
1947. Time will not permit me to make a personal
canvass, but I ask for the wholehearted support of
all Ratepayers.
If elected, I will do my best to serve the Muni-
cipality of Blyth.
----i`-'----_ liners of Eanr;ltion t In gentlemen,
anti Very ct,-oper \tire, atnl highly ap- —
'tree:olive of the drei,ion of the I11411
Hoard to ,end our ,tlldrllte t their
arca. Ile ,;,oke of criticisms that had
been levelled in hi, direction. Ile had
received absolutely no remuneration
1 'for Ili, serwiccnn
, in cuectioa with the
1'Or i;Oill'd Il'1111)l'I' l'linton board. Rrgardin'; the publish-
ing 1:iltit ,Vi111'i111Us11 of the minutes of their ,meetings
SChool tkl'eil in The Standard, he remarked that
they titre not llull1i,hed in any news_
1110 (;1:1.' FAIR ,'LAY. pauper, but \were open for itt,pectiot at
all time, it the Secretary's office In
(•linton. Seim I reports for I)cceln-
ber and Faster \till not he published,
but parent, of pupil, \till receive a
report card, accompanied by comments
(Continued fo m itagt• 1 I from the Principal, \Ir. Finns. :\n -
ht -c; 1...t. of C.A.. Ile,1lir;1:Ve con"h inn (}Ther matter which ha I conn' in for
the \\ate!• mains, \t Melt \\•eine badly in r•I'itiii,111 ,,.,I• the 1,111 runt rale(f1w111 t'i1,
need of rent\atiols• 1•11( ..i. mare t•-• had hi en 111 'red f r ,urc:,,ull.. I
\tool,, he attended to nest year. \Ir. Freak I•11lv•1t. Ile regretted that
George 111cNall 'the trailer, ;tilt erli,l:men l hall not all-
- lilt asst , e;ther. \Ir. \Ic\all. it peered in 'lite Standard. If anyone
1 torirl,cr of the ltl!t, ( IIIn-il, a lid. caret! In look ,tilt the ,hatter they
t!i;ull,im, I i• ulowe... ;In l •1r oder fl r Iwr,ul 1 find that \Ir. Elliott had the
It ni;lll.11'tlll, .P.Ike o1 l.le ,Illpl!I, pptry•••. • i rnlll';11'1 0l thema!i. 11,P
t forth iti CU,\ ear', financial It":I•Y1 had r'oln'tteeretl to rt. -open Ills
•,atc!neilt. Ili e."iit'Ir,.1 tUi- dear.' contract ,o that he might receive more
ev,lcntlitert, \tiII that t f former conn_ adequate term, hitt on \I r. F.IIi, it's
rip's, and renlarlsl d that he 'ice not wish ,ltgge,tion, slid not do so. In closing {
,re the work '11! forms colindls \Ir. Philp stated that the appointment.
csday, Nov. ;7, 19'
Blyth Radio Service
Agent 1''or---
Sparton, Astra and Stewart -Warner Radios
Radio Repairing - All Makes,
1Vc sell Tubes, Batteries, Aerial fails and
Miscellaneous Radio Supplies.
EI,EC'1'RICAL APPLIANCES--Double-burner hot
Plates, heaters, Toasters, Etc.
Place your order for a Beatty Washer
(Electric or Engine .Drive)
('()1►11' in and See the Bargains in Used Radios
Battery an(1 Electric.
Work Gua►'allteed. Phone 1(i5, Rlyth,
To The Ratepayers of the Village of Blyth:
Ladies and Gentlemen: ---
Having decided to let my name stand for coun-
cil for the Village of Blyth for the year 1947, I re-
spectfully solicit your support at the Polls on Mon-
day, December 9th. If elected I will endeavour to
promote good sound Municipal Government.
I ant not snaking a personal canvass.
14.1 I_I .1
li,rrrditra• IIc exi rt, -ed the wi,ii to the , , High School Area Board w is
o ;il' i,). the ivtt CtuitlI t r r ♦ ' '• 115 'i i 1' i•iii'll i ••.
that more \\urh hccr.4:,' .•• 'i. , h• ' ir. ''•' • •i '•'
011 the •tree'.•, ;Intl, bad the Prt,.rltt regular I)rrc nbcr meeting, AI that • •
,ul}•!u, iuetl ;t,!rt',ttc't. Ile left sort' time 11 \t a, 1111 111 1111'111 1' niahl ,heir
• 1'1,1 • 1' in; -1 It, rl, 110.1111 Ila': r Bern 1 it choice, If they rho:t' ,nn1•"one CI -in -:
J 11t ;I ,,I \\,dill\ !:!ct• to see \•111' \\titin )It' \eutlltl be 141111' ,iti Iirtl 111 I't'llt;lltl
• i 1 ai Mollie. .t
tet t t I,c0l el ;ul anti ill , ant til' ••
i •
1,1 ball', i ;l n e 1. I I1;, 1\ pe 1 f ‘‘eek Iit`fnre (lir' meeting t•fo,e I Reeve :.
I IIS;l1,t, ;t 1;1•lal;t IIII'tI'c,`ivlt on \'I,IInI'; Ii;11111W1 rp•e to commend \I I'. PII'lp', ,t,
to our 1!,t\I1. ile ;1's 1 deplored the work ill connection \\'pill 1111' (llltton •_•
ubber o fl s
To the Ratepayers of Blyth:
Ladies and Gentlemen: ---
I have decided to place my name among. the list
of candidates for the position of Councillor for the
coming year.
Your vote and influence will be appreciated
and if elected, I will endeavour to serve the town to
the best of my ability.
I do not intend making a personal canvass.
i , 11 -,LCL ,tVee',;; I•u'ITIi \i I' P111'pl'i ,l`ll'1il`, 11'111 heel\
lainl that \1 cal1- \n
, ,.• . ,.
,o:ne\dial neglected during commended to him by mrtnbrr: of the 4'
,tte. ilk. hod 1'+l that next year ('lints -it Hoard, and he felt that they 1,
the e•tinl;ne, \timid be struck high should alt„ be appreciated_ by the rate_ :*
t n. Itch lin take care I.f these matter', payers of ,Myth.
•lalt•tl the: hit \tools he in the The meeting closed \tit!, the \a-
f•1.1a in the forthcoming election for tional .\ntionl.
tut of councillor. ---'--\•'--'---- :'
Harold Vodden1lulletl Nominations Christlnils (iftti 11►Clll(1111Q' il'1
1Ve have a complete stork of Rl1)1 Ileots and ::
all other RubI er Footwear, inchlding (xa1o'hcs and x:
Over -Rubbers for all the family. Prevent wet feet
NOW! Come in and see us for your f(x)t \\'car X
needs. •:•
Also a fine stock of b
\I1•. \ odacu, another member of this
\trier r nail w•t- the next r;dle 1. Ile (&anointed from page 1
thanked his mover rot . sec tido r, ant) of the n•or1; \lone in 111Q County for '•
,arid that he had not made n;, hi, mind the Past year, 11C teas un tint Cmaty ::
for ,tire, but if he did run he would (:nod lined: e"'HIIIIllec. Ile s! oke on '•
the ltc,t he. could for the ,ttuttl.cittalily, the accotinta of the (2ttntty, and item- , :.
a, Ile 1;' a.wac, tric;l 10 40 in the i./41 statement,, showing a balance of 1 s
$28,8ii,i '8, a bund uteri's! of $4,'01).00, 1 ;•
Lewis Whitfield IThe he total receipts I $142,07).29, :111(1:111(1
\ir. \\'liitfield, another nlutnbcr rf a bank 1!alattcc as of October dist, of -•
S1,395?t). Expenditures were $14',- ''
the 1')41, ,•„,,,,d, t1,;nlhe i Iii, more,. 1172.:9, leaving an estimated balance a, -
and ,cc oder, and ,aid he hadn't yet :,
derided \\,tether 1,m \\l,nhl ,imilifr of of I)rr. .ti, of $8,1117.87. Ile slatcll
•-4444 :111`+44,0.1• •. +1:•.4+4:41:4+ 0:44:4 1:1+.b•:•.0:•.:•.:1,1„.•... .A+4. .•:..:•.,O.b+000:4 r .• •. .. +4:41:4+0:4
v The rooted hall had a > , o+l ,that o\\'in,; to the raise in working
\wage•,rut of ntachincrr, ;u111 n ncr;tl
a rear, altliultgh ewcryPhing hadn't hccn g -
raise in cvcrything, i1 is Prcdic'tit
• perfeit, Tile lur.,ibilily of walcr\worla I t ,K (s1 ,,, r,,,,., .,fEE(t(K1RKsQegs[tRe[tQe[KILx60[ [((t[10E(tQtCKDtitlktChS(CMtdtCKKKI KI
I for nest year was ,ucgcsted by him. there is a Pu,:itility of a litt.c higher '
1 I rats' ft r the (''aunty for the cortin } }
{ Harvey McCallum wear. Ile 611'11 Very lightly om +1,c E I l 1 o t 1 111 s u ra Il c e i e 11 c
Q i \Ir, Ilarvey McCallum was the first afiait•, pi the tu\en,hiP, only Ip11oting' ,
new man relit' on. \1 r. \lr('allultt a f1'\\' lignres, imd Ir;ning that p'111tse BLYZii--- ONT,
thanked hi, nu'wer anti st corder, anti
of the work to his crnntrillors,
stated that if there was a rim i r theFollowing ,,,,,,,..re Armstrong's ad_
council, he would be in the field, Idre;s the Clerk sp..-lie on the financial' ,
stomata.;1.f the township as of the ! Cal' - Fire - Life - Sickness i(llllt.
\I r, ladford, another new nominee, silt\ of October. The balance on hand I - 11C”
\was nest called, and after thankilig .i, of January 1st, ,tank of Montreal, ! I t
Ili', nnlwer aha scron'cr, said he hadn't J. /I. it. ElllOtt Gol'(1011 1illlott
Lnndc,bnru, $y41,?9, Hank of Cunt- Office Phone 104, Residence Photic, 12 or 140
made Ill' iti, mind, but ff he did ineree,-:\ubtrn, $751).(10: taxes, $_',131.-
_ tpmalify, he would tin his best fur the 8'); snow fence, $88.10; grading $112.35: § COURTESY AND SERVICE,
municipality.4. l , 7 ). I
pers, imported from Englan(I,
nt ;;111}l)
Get your Dubin here for waterproofing your
leather boots.
41 ilii 1 ..1 1 1 i 141
Corner Store". Blyth, Ontario. ;
George Radford
oot!, $3.i ') ml' s s't 1 81 ; 31i1?t71At21af1313t7t3r21a4213)?t51Dt1if317.:h9tat'.%D. 17t.".Lltli1DIP,. IiitZt%2ttri13ta17t3,9tn17tD.12121DIF
Stuart Robinson Government subsidy, $(,,407.0(1; bank
t\Ir, li bin,uu, stho i, also in the Iran, $6,00001• miscellaneous,$91,5'%'
- running for the first 11111s, slated Ile railway ;recount. $454.96; dears,
' had not math' any decision, He always ,(5,76'.53: total of (1'',4110.28.
• thought a lot of !t'., Old lininie Inti\, alit! I I'.x tl:ltdl1ttrc< %vi'lt', salaries, 71 ,
if there was a_ run he probably \\uttld' I )51;ery
Printing, advertising and stationery,
tan,. 1, 31'1.89; iusnr;n c1' $235.79; bridge light,
Jack Watson I ,\uiurni, i (1 I law costs ,15110 road.;
I \I r. \\'al• n, the I;I,I nonliurlt Arco and bridges, $6,525.57; charity $130.10:
cat t . be sallied un, thanked his lttllwer tn'r t ;utl (10..1,,s, 5Ltt5; grants $175.00;
and seetmder, and \ca, nut ,111•1' as tit insulin, $11.93; inlcrr•)t nn Inas,
' hi, intention, hilt if he 'hit ,tan°. $76(i5; nti,cclhntci•tts, •$1,027..i8; drains,
( would apprecialc the support of the ',.1),871.91; total ; f $19,201.92. Iial:lnce
water, of tint utuniripa ', 1 on hand a, of Nov. 1st, ,lank of Mon.
1)r. (Intl\. itnotht'r nolittuin'e, was not treat, 1,0iticsboro, $2,85I25; Bank of
present, and did nit qualify. Commerce, Auburn, ;749.211•
Gordon Augustine I The Road Superintendent, \Vm,
\\-1111 11w 1'1'1 til candidate, for Carter Ira, theft called on 1 give :1
council completed, the chairman nest
'- sallied on \1 r. Gnraon :1ngu,tinr, .t report on the roar) work, and expendi-
tutrc. This was given and received
1 ntCnlher of the school board, ile spoke ,iitisfactorily.
the the reeve's complimentary remarks •
regarding the 5411)-1 board, and said to gime their reports. ','hey all spoke
i that the Board had denuuttle l Inure of the work that had been dune in
I ltwne'• (Ili' year, 1,1;1 if the r;ltcp;iyers their respective divisions,
-' would Take the troliblc to inspect tine 1
The new marl maintainer that i un
i ;,Chum he \was ,urs that they \tonin be der order, antl the Donner m ‘ver that
Proud of Ihr iniprttVrinent, made, ;tud
etas bought ,. this year, rams ti of des•
of the gena;ll t nditiun of the schotii' I cttssfnn. :\11 t ucstiou, asked of the
R D Philp
I)hc councillors were then Palled on
R. 'i p different councillors uses a1•werc i
In Ilse art -etre of the chairman of 1 satisfacll)rily.
1111'tirhool llo:Cart- \Ir. E. J. ;tri- { -I e,e representative of the township
\\'right. \I r. Philp, who 1,;1, been testi—on the Scott \Icnu,rial flus tical;
i Ir intern -tell in the 1ligh Sell Its Area I, , . , ,
IIc you are worrying about management of
property, planning the dispusitiva of your
estate, Lite building or pnrahasc of a Ilona',
or similar problems, perhaps we can relieve
you of some of your w•orril'- and help you
decide some of the perplexing points about
your future plans.
1\'e offer a complete trust service, some phase
of which may be a real help to you. \Iny
we dismiss your problems with yuu? No
obligation, of course,
Storting Tower, Toronto 1
35 years in Business
Earl :\nlei•s',it,
and \Ir huts \Ic(Iregor, was then The lirnlntiu Farm Forum met at
si-its• `Poke al len1t 1 on the two rolled on. Ile gave a very good report :\ very plca!aut meeting \sax spelt\
scheme. Ile defended the actino of ! at the hone of \Ir. ;old Mrs. C. R. home of Mr. and \Irs. \\'ill Spier; ill
ro tm the hu petal. l.tl brussels on \Ions;\} night, 'illi a
'',e otyth lioard, in entering tl rete- ,'resent at the meeting were \tessrs. rant an '1•uesday evening \\loll the ir,tt lslen on
present, g 'i rt
ti current
in thenear system, and rcatl1 George Ginn, reeve of Goderich town_' folk of the !It) line d \\;t\\•;Itn.tsh gash- gttl i 1'
a current newspaper clipping ,herb ship, and \Ir. Atkey, of Clinton, lion\ seed together i.1(10- honor of \Ir, and i .,'inti w;ls ,'Neots to and los d's-
diwulged the information that centres \Ir,. \It \ttiIitt 1 ttln'cl,'ou acre iussion I`ulluwcd. 'rho l'resiarn',
were called on by the chairman. l 'I (:parents 1'uill, was in rhargc, It was
much larger than L'lytll ''crc dccitl'n:; married recently. Mrs. \In\lillan t
1'Ill' nonl:nt'es i r council hate\ all drridmll Iliad nn re research 'Nati uecll-
in favour IIF Ilio saIlle Pna•cdnrc. tak- \\as the fanner babel Scott, daughlcr
qualified, ,o there will he an el,etiotl cd in Il aid of • ,t l•icullun', rwrn if it
en by the Itlyth Itil. ittt I'hi11, in Mallett for four councillor,
opt itf Mr,. I. J. Scott. Ti,,,twinning was epee rit (ite the taxessgand these welt be
Ila, been a rtt since
of the Clinton Col- 11ond;I,'. 1)er. tither 910, t( the viriulis siren\ playing 1,rtgrtssive melte\'. our. 1
tlu u1 by the urban population also
Iegiaie board since last mid -summer,' lml!in ; ,u1,- 1. ,..ons, 1,mt\wt'rit (1,m ing toe evening the bride was Present! !
altbonglt ow .1rca Boss not c me inti, i Ito',:, of 9 a•tn ant, 5 p.m.
ed with a miscellaneous shower. as they WI' bcnefitle'l. lr -re Boll; 1,
effect until the new year. Mr. Philp; ! Lunch was served. in charge td \larlin (irtsit and Mrs.
spoke of the criticism levied ;It toe' (anti's R. Coolies. liill \It('Icnagh;lit J. \\'hcclrr, \\hen progrl'„ire euchre
Myth ,petard when it decided to go into) Farm Forum and Ileo 1'ttill were visittljs at the I \ Is enjoyed. The \winners were ('. 11.
lite Clinton School Area, and then Ihe I'.;i't \bund:try, :!orris and Iful- Royal \\'inter Fair.
1 tpl.--t •d the newspaper item heretofore lot Farm Forum mel at the hrnne The November meeting of the Bel-
' nit ntinned in support of the hoard's t'1 \Ir. and \irs. John \\'atsot on Mott_ grave \\'nom's Institute '1u held at
- action. 'i'wo of the unnticipaiitics' day night, w•il) 31) Present. After lis- the honk of the President, \It's. J. C.
mentioned in the clipping as content- telling to the radio broadcast, a dis- Procter on Tuesday afternoon. 'file
Platin', t!iscomttnuance of their high
schools were I larri,tott and - M' int
Forest. ile had always hccn ,trnngly
in favour of the new system, and .whin
the time carte, he had voted for it's
adoption by the Myth Board. If ihr
' B• lyth Continuation Sch of bad been i
c• ontinued the cost of operation tvon'd
have been too ,real for the taxpayers
to bear. I1t <pttke of iti< app, •inttncnt
i to the Clinton llnerd.'Meeh had been
1 made by the County Comm il. 1'' ' "I
custom followed on, "Is Research\
Meeting Farm \eel's c” A sing -song
was held. after which a variety of ,
games \vire played. The next meeting
will he held at the house of \1r. a its
\Ir,. Earl Wats, 11, with then) ill ell;u'.,1'
of rt•crcaliou.
On December 31 all sugar. Pres
meeting, which wast pelted in the usu-
al manner, was in charge of the
President. \Irs. (i. 11. i)unlopl, eon -
ducted an interesting historical coo-
lest. Mrs. 1.. !vers, i)istrict Presi-
dent, of ')lin amarmt, was precut and
gave a \'. ry intcrc•ting report of the
I ':don Area Convention, which was
held '11 Loud, n. :\ reading was also
coupons Si to S25, moat coit•,nns M56 given. The meeting was closed with
to \163, butter 1120 (1 1.134 an 1 all cw 1- i the Nat'ouy,l :Anthem and lunch was
1.- rated milk c utpon• bearing the rrwcd by the brae::. assisted by \Irs.
• ...found the nit tuber, of the Cin. ., btavcr deign t\ ill expire. F. Cook, Mrs. \1'illian, Kelly and Mrs.
l (tulles,who played a lad\•'s card, and
James R. ('tulles. The next meeting
still be held at the home of \1r. and
rs. Cecil \\'heelcr,.w•itlt C. Ii. Coapt.,
and \Irs. Frank 'Atilt. in charge of rc-
creal'tn. Lauri\ was serve 1 a'tl a
pleasant evening brought to ;t close.
lielgrayc ba; re:sirup it's quota of
b •,k, from the County circulation hit-
rary and it 'ill be placed in the club
rooms of the Belt -•rave ('o -Operative
1 \ssaci'tlian ;Ind hoops still be ;ivtiLtblc
on Tuesday and Saturday of;erttoons
fetid':34 to 5 11.111. It is hoped tlt•tt
all 'ill avail themselves til 114 new
pprn lustily'. .
I \l r, and \I r:. K. 11.
lames and \Irs. Sin t1,, on Sunday.
Wednesday, NON'. 27, 191(1
Miirsion of the nr -up, and wi'h Thomaslr-
Hive. NIaJet' i ries,call(-
\I1 -. Dan- Nle Phar, who in a few
e,e!! , et word 'rat the me„age
1'21,etedat'on• and goo l 44i.lies tee
elite ,I r tilde. tt pile \I r,. Owen
''door,, on 41.1;10 of the neighbours
e•ented .\I'-. \\'atseen \\itlt a loyal)'
:, lel locket and chain, and N1r. \Ic-
1'Ine 1„r,enteI NIr. \\atsun with a
,.old signet ling. . I'll,• groom feeling_
i', rest, tided on behalf of his bride
el leiu'•eli. Impromptu sprerhe;
'4 eft. gi\ru Ie\ (;.ereleen Young of C111 -
Ie, 111, 1 'unship and NIrs. Ilan \Ici'hrr.
\11-. (i, rele,n Mel'b'a, NIr. George
Milli;' •'(o -tinned in the days of long
For Dyeing and 'Panting
2 and 3 Ply. All Colors.
Men's and I3oys' Work Boots,
Overalls and Werk Shirts,
Ties, Braces, Insoles nn(I Laces.
Striped FL•uu'I'ette, Q.lilt Batts,
Thread, Table Cloths, Pillow Cases.
1' 1'tt:ts, Vegetables, and
Spon of r ! I,t I l'' t'1 I n'; "I Loin
Thursday, November 8th
Dancin'; ironl 9:3 to I:.'u
Adrlli,-1 11 tt I'onnl,u I', re .
Al.Ti I1RN
Celebrate 531: Wedain; Anniversary
Mr. an: NIrs.
Nile, celebrated the'r 5111h ttcelrliiu
niversary n11 Stlllddv, No4,1111m1. 2It!I,
t\ hen a dinner wt.. •e'wed to 30 rata•
live-. 1 )Ile Iu 1`n d hoer hour ;1 te!e-
It( ne 1
) nes•;t ;r , f r ,._ratulati.'n., \t
'Terite(I front an absent
the Ialll:l\', \II', l:;l!l,h I! ni\'i', l'. Ito
resides ill Alberta, ;01(1 was u'r1hl,. t„ 1'h-:I,t(I \\i;h the young man's work.
If,' present. The ine-sage twat, di: -
tin tly heard by NI r. ;uul Nirs. \V.14 -
son. The groom of ;ill year, a:'o !,rr-
sented his bride \t ith an opal en:,attr-
1ncn1 1 ill,g. 1 )that• gifts from the
family an! friends included cheques,
\w tel hlanl.,•t-, linen,, jew(llery, tow_
cls, and numerous other useful artic-
les, The table \tats adored -1 w ill' three
dozen ycllu\t• rose bud-, the gift from
the grandchildren, 'I(!le \ye.:ling rale
\vas appru!er•ate!y decorated with they
gulden 5(I111 figure,, For this Docs -!on
the bride chose a Had: crepe ge'\\ n
with sequin trine and bet• r (salt;'• .vas
a beautiful orchid. The Sun ';1w celr-
bration \vas the iati il\ (I,n, chile ort \Ir, and NIrs. I''zehiel Phillips tcitlt
NIond;t)• e\en;ng na• friends and \Irs.:\Ifred '1'e deutt and Nliss \\'elsh
neighbours day, ah,n the colmnitnite ' i Iioderirh.
gathered at the boner (,•r ;t ,oecll tin'(. I \li•s Mildred Scott, Reg, N., (;race
Pnllmwing tllc Iun'!1 h.+nr the lti,lr Scott, of S4aforth, Icon :\. Scott, of
and ,grnonl tree( seated in the centre
; io,!rriclt, (fent the 'heel( -cud at
ag'" law grad trill' several duct,, w'itll
\I r,. George \Iidli:ut at the piano, 'Thi;
44:1, iollo'te'I crit!' community singing
! t!le \idolg fold; present, and :t, was
the r1t,on' ..f malt) happ) social gatlt-
o ; uu' • in tlli home, the flu r 'was
e !eared ;out a few 111(1 time dance, were
v".;;;.\ ed, t\itll the groom calling off for
thy lir•' •,Iuare (lance ;Is lie tripped
fantastic It'ith hi, bride of
;;II \scar, auto. WE DELIVER -PHONE 39,
114 I:;li, little and (laughter, Joan
Little, h;1\r returned front Nlond:toll,
se\et-al it 111 here attended the fowl
•'ipper, ,;-on-e'reel ley tit, Michael's
1 Iln,ril, Ill\_tll, on '1'ncs(l:ty.
.\fur,• I `:r hit, \\'itfred Slorl:lrll,
11an1; \'('bit, James \Ied'I, Charles
\ In tel I:,a kiel Phillip,, and R. .1.
Phillip- attended the Deanery ban -
,!net in Ill)tlt ou \Vedncsday night.
\rth'n \'unubl it Ivit!t NIr. and NIrs.
I ,'n1;!\ht: of Zurich. LES. NAFTEL
\Ir and NIrs. Harry Ytntghlnt on
Sunday, celebrated their 20th verdin, (( AGENT FOR-
alnllN er-ar)'.
1),naid l';uupliell of the "(,)ncdo(•k"
•;.ant the. heel; -end \eitlt his parents,
\1r. an I NIr,. .\Ihert Campbell.
NIr. and Mrs. Robert 1, 1'Itillips and
\Ds, Chides .\. Howson son with Ic.bcrt
.\s'n Ill 0 l' ti:tltiurel.
\1r. ani NIrs. Ruhert Craig were
Stratford visitor, of Sattn'day.
Stanley Neielzvtidz, a Polish soldier,
1, 'working at the tonne of NI r. and
\Irs. Carl 1; vier. \I r. Guvier i, vcry
Harry Horne's Flavourings, Gelatine,
Sandwich Spreads, Sweet Pickles,
Chicken Hasidic, Sardines, Teas, Cof-
fees, Toddy, Postum,
Canned Meats, Peas, Peas & Carrots,
Mixed Tomato Juices.
Custard Powders, Pudding Powders,
Pickling Spices and Jar Rubbers,
(Please Bring Container),
Pioneer Feed • Shur Gain Feed,
Royal Purple Calf Meal,
-' PAGE i
NOW PLAYING: Cornel Wilde as; NOW PLAYING "Canyon Pas_ , _
NOW PLAYING: fill the End of
"The Bandit Of Sherwood Forest" sage"in 'I'echnic3lor, with Dana .
In 1eclulic 1, t'. Andrews. Tim:', sunr.ng Dorothy McGuire
Mon., Tues, Wed„ Doubt Bill Mon., Tues., Wed,`Two Features I Mcnday, 'I'uesday,JWednesday
'THE WEI.L GROOMED BRIDE' Allan ,tones, Jane Frazee, Gloria Jennifer Jones, Charles Boyer
Oli\ia de Haviland and Ray Midland 'Jean, Peggy Ryan, Donald O'Con-
lo1`e lo;, h nl 'lir, in 1:1'4 +Irl (:Iltftll nor and the 4 STEPS with Spitalny I Peter Lawford & Reginal.) Gardiner
Ie ,)-meet,-girl );a11. and his House of Charm 101 -girl' ' Iu,1,,;, d
ADDED ATTRACTION -Lest we Orchestra in Li tt
forget the Jap deceit and fiendish-
ness see the bull -streaked drama
Byron Barr and 0.a Maslen,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
B:ng Crosby, Ingrid Bergman and
Henry Travers,
11ig!1t} in 1t, tre•..,tgc j,q; Ier tilr1Iv
love, In \\erful in it, !,Ira f„r tol-
riauce and ntlrlcr,t:lnrlinu, e ,111c•
this tnder, touching -tory
COMING: "So Goes My Love."
Matinees Sal. & Holidays at 2.30 p.m
Carole Landis, Allyn Joslyn and
N 1t!1 Olio in, Imus nee anal
(,n1„ s .\I;ogery Sharp's;
1„'ln'Ln story
Ileury Morgan.
I" 1„.I'.,.,! i •( •' )„n'0 , \rr 'Thursday, Friday, Saturday
•e -n Jack Haley, 111:t•cy McGu;rc and
"It Shouldn't 114p-et:to a Dog" Gleno Vern': n.
'I•hursday, Fr:day, Saturday It'- n,u ir, fur, and 1, ntaln e at
The Marx Brothers, Chas. Drake
and Lois Celli -r,
COMING: 'The Bells of St. Marys' COMING: "The (.hells of S'. Marys"
With Bind C_res ,y._ _
Mat„ Wed., Sat., Holidays 2.30 pm M+tti+tscs Sat & IIoCd;:ys a: 2.:0 p.m,
' + ....N
111;;d,'n 11,
.,..:44..:....,..:..:.„....4.,..:.....:............ FI•er,• •4.4 •; .',•.l. •:.. • •• •• • •, +„ • .00114.4.4 J. J• •', I
Marvelube t' _. I,yC'NGHA I ONT ATRI'
-- s
•l. •
:,; ' 1t11•o Shows Sat. Night i.
,Z, .t. ; Pie t::rl's subject tee change ,t•
' MASSEY-HARRIS REPAIRS. t4 111''11' I;otin ,t,
•t'I " Show' ,tart• P.M.regularly at ti 1 :!
DRILL TUBES.;_;I S;lunday at 7:15 1'.11. .i
PUMP FITTINGS and TAPS. .=.1 ,Ma'. Saturday Afternoon at 2 p.m, L
,t, Erleinges in time wi:l be noted helot -
jA• • P. S nitb•t. 7-.Thurs., Fri., Sat, November 28.29.30`
•_ PHONE 92, BLYTH 56.32t; .,. "A YANK IN LONDON"
' • • • 4• • • •4 • • • ,, Anna Neagle and Dean Jagger
Canada's Largest
Selling Motor Oil.
Stewart Icing of 'Toronto with Rus-
sell King.
\Ir. ;out Nd r,. George' Pilgrim and
eti, John of Orangeville, \vitt' Mr.
and ND,. Charles East.
NIrs, John R;uthby \vitt' \ir. and
NIrs. 1:;11.1 I aithb)• of (;odericdt,
\ (;units dinner Nva; served at the
It me. of NIrs. John .\rlhur on Sunday
44 ben her family \weer all home. NIr.
;ul i NIrs. I. I:eitlt r\rthur and baby
son, 1(e11'1 Craig Arthur, NIr. and NIrs.
Geer'1 11 \\'ail, of Ilolyrond, Nliss Ruth
\('Furs Rcg. N., of \\'indsor, Harry
\V. \t''Inr, Lend it, and Robert :\r•tlnu'
of .\nburn.
Saturday, T*ecember 14
Auspices of Blyth Branch of the Canadian Legion
Proceeds for Veteran's Welfare.
••••••••••••••••••• ****** 4,0,•••4.4,9Y4M-s# 1•I44,D4P~ JJ•IJ.J•NJ
.i.C.Y"l-t ,. Y•>rt .,. {'S+t; t}'. v{F ;. wtix' ' M•'r-:r,•.:.
John G. Speir,
Complete Line of Oliver Farm
Limited number of Manure Loaders
to fit Row -Crop Tractors.
Complete Fleury•Bissel Line, in-
cluding the famous Fleury Plows.
DEALER - Phone 4 and 93.
their home,
Robert J• Scott has returned to his
home after %void:ing for a c.'nstructiun
unman). near Tecsw•atcr,
'Ndr. and NIrs. Nlarvin Niel(4)1411 vis-
ited on Sunday \vitt' Nlr. and ND's. I'.
\'in('ent, of Myth.
Nissen I?(IIIc and Audrey \\'alsh of
Ilcnsall, visited on Sunday with Nlr.
and Nt rs.:\. E. \\':tush.
NI r. and Ntrs. 1<ennnth Campbell
visited on Saturday tvith I.ucknow
Nlr. and NIrs. Frank llarleourn and
children, of liensall, spent Sunday with
NIr. and NIrs. \\'tn. \Valdrn.
Nliss Maureen RRnox, of TKil 1 enel•,
was a guest rn Sunday at the home of
,NIr. and. NIrs. Kenneth (amphrll.
Nlr, \\'nt. N1ci)mvcll visited on 'Tues-
day \with NIr. and NIrs. Wesley Stack-
house of llrucefieltl.
NIr, l:aynlcn(I RC(ltitiI1tt was recent
visitor at the hone of NIr. and NIrs.
Pat O'Nlalley of 1<ingsyillc.
NIrs. \\'illiani Blair spent the week-
end ‘with Nlr. and NIrs. R. Vincent of
Mr. l(onald Campbell had ,a short
visit with his brother, NIr. 1Nrnnetlt
Campbell on Sunday, before returning
to his boat which had docked at Ciente-
rich, It being two days late in dock_
ing owing to the terrible wind storm
on the lake last week.
The Executors of the Estate of the
late \\'illiant Brown have instructed
the undersigne(I auctioneer to sell by
Public Auction, at Lot .17, Concession
12, Ifullctt 'l'ownsh:ti, on
the fallowing chattels:
:\hoot 22 head of cattle; •Dula farm
intpdcnu'nts, and household of foots,
11101 other 1111111erous articles.
A more complete list will appear
in our next issue,
NIrs, \\'illiani Ilrow•n, I?xecutirix,
George C. Brown, Executor.
\\'illiani 11. NIorritt, .\ucti:nccr.
All persons hawing claims against
the estate cf Phoebe Emmeline 'Taylor,
late of the Village of Myth, in this
County of Huron, \\'idow•, who dire'
on or about the sixth day of Novem-
ber, A.1)•, 1040, are notified to satin to
Crawford & llctheringt, n, \\'inchar,l,
Ontario, on or before the front:'cath
;;Mon., Tuzs, Wed., December 2-3_4 .
'I'Itc hest in truck'ng service al -
at your immediate' roll.
All Loads Fully Insured,
Rates Reasonable,
Sat'sfacticn Guaranteed.
r the present phone 70.41,
llrusesls. 13-1.f.
Signe Hasso, John Sheppard
jEdd;c Bracken,Vecont► Lake-
. I •;•.4, . (4 • • r4 • •;, ri,04:.+.44.4.4 :••4.4t•:.*.• •:1144i.
].Nettled lirtiol:ccr For Huron
1:a.; rottn•tee(I from service with the
Loyal Gantt ;iglu .Air Force, and will be
,,11t11tltiltg hitt nuttier occupation.
of 11 !once promptly answered
Immediate ar•angent':its can he made
f er Sal,, Irate at '1'11c Standard Office,
or by calking Phone 20,i, Clinton,
t'Irlrl'e model ate and satisfacti• n
CIIAItI.I:S I''• 1)'41.,1~:
Sleeci;llizing in Farm and low ehol'I
Sale,, S,tti f:1(11,11 Guaranteed on All
Sales. 1' r inf"tenati.,t1 phone (•16 -.lee
(Tinton, ler wtitc R.h. No. 4, Clinton,
Regular heating to 1)c held
on Tuesday, December 3rd.
:111 brethren please attend.
Real Estate Agency II. McCalluni, .1. Stewart,
;able Grand Rec-Sec'y
Old horse.,. \Vile pay $1.50 per hum_ ()tr Agency Ila; tt'c following Z
ekedweight. \\'ill call or pick up I'1•n!,crty I: -ted for sale: i
salve, Phone collect to lack Gilbert, I0') acres, 10th Concession Mullett
936r21,(;oderich, (.,r Fred Gilbert, :'I'ownahip; clay hrun; 10 acres
'.(3fer 3 2, (;odcricb.. 11-(,. h;u d\wootl bush ; 1' ,tort')' bricl;
dwelling; frame barn 23'x(t! - 3(i x
FOR SALE I 15', cement stabling, water in stable.
I'.Iet'tl'tl' separator, \la>+4\'-lIarrla, 1(11) acre,, (-o11Ce,nlnil 8, Nlr,rris
with motor, used 'only 11 months. Ap- 1twnsllip; (r t Ito dwrllittg
ply to Harold (unningham,phone 71i, 1(''x18'; ((sone harp 34,'.5''; sernnd S
1111th. 11-1 t, Faun .3!1'x50', \v th GOOD GOINGrl nl I' noon Fri-
__ I cement stalling with water it\ it day mill 2 i+.111. Sunda}.
stall s quarter -acre orchard
i,', Z t h 1','ht'I N 1x1 \11'1'- I.\. ,I, ,tinction
Pioneer Ilig-3 Laing \lash. \1s„ f, 1,. and 1 storey brick veneer
Iwcl:intt nn l(insley Street, myth. I, not later than tui 'night follow -
in Pellet forst. 'Thi, eonlbinaten '\•ill with ttuarter-acre of land; also ing \buds)•
pr. duce the eggs. Try it! A. 1.. l\er acre of taut with frame stable _'4'.:
nick. )_' \fill ,ell separately, or the CLASS
---_ i entire Fol ling.
Fare and One -Third
FOR SALE Ile.Sims• block on Queen Street,
Set of Henry Rolls, three -roll roller, Illyth. \\'ill sell subject to lease.
14 inch; 1 Ilesseit grinder, S inch. :\p- 'Uwe) storey, stuco clad, dwelling
en Dingley Street cast. This is •t
'cry coil( (table honk, ideally sit-
ctte,l. Sale subject to tenant reg -
I', storey frame dwelling on the
,Doth side of i)ittslcy Street, Myth,
e,s than :, block cast of Qum'
street. One -eight!' acre of land.
1(1 cold of cedar rail wool, :\p; ly to Phis is a desirable property for
\Valu( Nlason, phone 11-23, Illyth. ,mall family.
51acres of 111111, st'''ate ort
RI)IIt Iloundarv. Comfortable?
ply to Bert Shubbrook, phone 211-13.
Myth. 13-21).
Quebec heater, in go el condition.
Apply phone lou, Illyth. 13-1.
Young York sow:, due to farrow in .1welling. learn 3Ox311 frame. \\'at-
lauuary. Apply to C. I.. Hollingertut t'r in house an I Tian. Small fruits Conte in and try our fresh home.
15, Con, ti, \'orris, phone 45-5, llrussels f various hinds; also 1(1 rhrrr)' made Mead, Chcslcy Po11s, Uough•
13_ti• and 10 apple trees, Almost inane i
( 11:11(' p, ssc ion, t Nuts, Scones a1111 Bran Muffins, 131114
'TENDERS WANTED Hairy farm, consisting of 142 Ito 'farts, Cookies, Dalc Loaves, as
- 4s, concession 2, Fast \\'aw:ut -sit
Scaled tenders, marked "Tender; for Towhip. Nludcr11 ((ante dwelling well as our Delicious Maple, Chocolate
Secretary -'Treasurer" will be rec iVe l i_'x $ns, itot \water heating, 2 baths.
by the underigned np until midnight, Frame barn t)Ilx,i$ 'with wing 32x60, and Orange Cakes.
Tuesday, December ?a•d, 1940, for the -••tune stalling, crater in stable; -
positi',n of Secretary -Treasurer of the ('I1ala1 drive ',111ell '$.''n, info: 11111,1• I'I-IE McKILLOP MUTUAL
(In, rhirkrt'nuse 21(x18, ccnn'nt
ion, 111.• 1 , Ontario• situ 13x49. This is an ideally situ:tt-
I'cnders to state age, ! i 111tt ltit,l,s, farm, doing a profit• Isle dairy HEAD OFFICE , SEAFORTII, ONT.
business, as well as mi.el !'armi
experience and salary expected. The g. -`
lowest or any tender not necessarily 1110 art r (scut rnt Conre,siott 5, Officers
accepted. Duties to commence lame I'. 1st \\•1144 10 1411 'I'.'wnship. 1'.i' ,
I President, F. McGregor, Clinton;
;try 1st, 1047. For further particulars storey (rano duelling 2t'.'S; irantc Vice President, C. \V. 1 ionhardt, Brod-
41x70, with stone stabling; hagcn; Secretary -Treasurer and Man -
apply t' the tin(lersigtle(I' (Iriwe ,hell ?It':.11; pig pen '11.
---II, \t arch, Sc1._'I i i l rarer, Myth There li shout i acres of hush, agcy, M. A. Reid, Se 'forth,
Farmers C_•-o,cratiwe Association. Directors
l 1 suitable for wend. This land is: \\', R. Archibald, ticafvrth; Frank
13-1. especially go d for hay and grain \It:Gregor, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot
crops,`eaforth; Chris. i.eonliardt, Ilorn-
ALICTION SALE.N....N..,..,.IJ..N.N.,....,...N,: 11111111; E. i. Trcw;lrtba, Clinton; :helm
L. Malone, Seafortl; :\h'x. NtcFtying,
1111Th ; llugh Alexander, \\'alton ;
LOST George Leitch, Clinton.
John 1:. Pepper, llrucef'cld; R. F.
\tcl'rrcher, Dublin; 1. F. Prueter,
i'rodhagen; George A. Watt, ill)'th.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact oilier business, will be
Ieronlply attended to ley applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post of-
;0111 ('(1 \l 11 'I'1:.\\ 1-.1.
.\v;t`I;tb'e every \week -end
Frank's Bakery
lllwth Farmers ('o -operative •\""C t -
Of Young Cows, Young Cattle,
and Pigs
:\t Porter's Hill, 3 miles west of
1lolntt,villc, on Four keys, tied together with a
TUESDAY, DECErI'BER 3RD, ,Icing. Finder please Ic;lve at 'I'hc
at 1 :30 1' m., consisting of : I S(:tit !and office. 14-1.
C:\'I1'I.17.--20 young dd., v ' 1 rows.
consisting of 5 sl,l1ngc'rs, 1 freshened, FOR SALE
balance Inc t.' freshen from January \I en's oxfords, size 8, also rubbers
to March: 3 yomtg farrow cow., 111 otI ovcrshoc, to t 1 oxfot'da, all for
good eott'bt otl; 50 Holsten' heifer, 2 M5.U0, 111 good c. dnt'llott. . Apply at
years old: 25 yearling 1lolstein heifers; Standard Office, phone 89, Myth. 14-1 p.
15 holstein heifer calves; 12 yearling - -•
Clay of December, A.D. 1941, full par- 1 Durham heifers.
'hoots(•' of their claim, in writing. 1'11;5--' Yorkshire c, w4, due in
Immediately after the said fourteent!111)ecember; \'orkshire sow, due in
da)' of December. the assets of the t ianuary: 8 young 5014. 7 chunk,; (1
said testatrix will he distributed young pigs,
amongst the parties entitled the'eto, TERMS CASH
hawing rgard only to claim; of \\ hid' This i; a cord class of store; and arc
the executers shall then have notice. of good breeding and c !ors. Senile of
u( the heifer; have been vaccinated.
DATED this tweuty_fiith dao
Sat' will be held ander cover.
November, Ail. 19.1(;.
Crawford & I lethcrington, Wing- .\. F. 'Taw nslcnd, Proprietor.
ham, Ontario, Solicitor's for the exeru- I?thward \1'. Elliott,.\uetinneer.
tors. 13-3. 1.4-1.
Dead and Disabled Animals
Exeter 235; Seaforth 15, Collect.
Blended for Qucalky
By George E. Walsh
VTER SIV The schooner
rides out the storm, They mike
plans to rig up n sant!! sail, or that
failing, to build a raft and escape
before Tuen cuu return and capture
When morning dawned they,
crept on deck, wan, pale and ex-
hausted, but happy..' quick glance
around the horizon revealed the
presence of no ship. The lugger
had disappeared,
"1 hope she went down in the
storm," murmured Rose, smiling
"No such luck, I'm afraid. Trust
old 'l'ucu to save his skin. But if
he (10011'1 reti1es 1 won't kick,"
"i1e will," replied Rose with
conviction. "He'll come back to
seize the schooner."
"'Filet; We must get away. How
long"—glancing at the top of the
forward utast—"would it take to
rig up a sail:"
She smiled and shook her head.
"We couldn't do it in a month just
by ourselves."
She surveyed the wreckage aloft
with critical eyes. "If we could get
up a jib," she mused, "just enough
canvas to steer by, we might lay
our course for land, if we knew
which way it was."
!rose was quiet, staring across
the heaving surface of the ocean,
"What is it?" he inquired, ad-
vancing to her side."1Vltat do you
"I don't know," she replied slow-
ly. "It looks like a cloud on the
horizon or—or—"
"—land:" he interrupted eagerly.
"It might be. I don't know,
Things are so deceptive at sea."
* * *
They continued to gaze in the
direction of the object faintly out-
lined above the horizon.
"We'll believe it's land," 14 said
finally, "and when we get a sail
rigged up we'll steer for it."
"if Father was only in his right
mind," she murmured, "he could
tell whether it was land or—"
"Time is he now?" asked Dick,
when she paused.
"He slept peacefully all night, I
s! ouldn't wonder if he recovered,
and was better than ever. It may
be that blow on his head will—
"1 hope so," he smiled, following
her train of thought, "but we'd
better not put too much trust in
miracles. if he recovers Itis senses,
it will be a miracle, won't it? Per-
haps then," he added, his eyes
twinkling, "he can tell us where he
laid that treasure."
She turned slowly toward hint.
"You don't believe there was any
treasure?" she asked seriously.
Iie laughed pleasantly, "Do
"Yes," she admitted after a long
pause. "It's real, and it's aboard
the Italy."
* *
Dick was too surprised 10 speak
for a time, and stared with incredu-
lous eyes at her. He drew a deep
breath finally, and said;
"Then your father's babbling
wasn't all moonshine? Ile knew
where it was hidden, but was sane
enough not to show 'tutu?"
"No," slowly, "he didn't know
where it was. i hid it when he lost
his mind. I thought it would be
Dick stared in dumb admiration.
"And you bluffed Tucu Made
hint believe no one knew where it
was except your father?? I never
dreamed you knew. You deceived
me, too."
"I never said I didn't know
where it was," she added, "neither
to you nor to Tucu."
"No, that's a fact, you didn't."
They stood by the port rail,
~watching the sunlight dancing on
the waves. Dick glanced down at
the head so close to his, and felt
once more the passion of love
surging up within hint. Ilc turned
away abruptly; but she put out a
small hand to detain hint,
• * •
"Don't you want to know where
It is, and what it is?" she asked in
an injured voice.
"Why—if you want to tell ale,"
he stammered, "But why should
you? It's not mine. I have nothing
to do with it."
"Yes, it belongs partly to you,"
site replied quickly, "You helped
save it, and if we reach land you
roust have your share."
Ile shook his tread slowly, "I
could never do that. It would be
like accepting payment for—for—
doing your duty. You saved sty,
lift when that ugly Carib fought
ane. You knew I couldn't overcome
hint, f was too far spent. Ilc'd
have lolled Inc in the end, if you
hadn't shot hint','
"And then killed nue—or worse,"
she murmured, shuddering, "\Vas-
n't 1 protecting myself i11 shooting
"I suppose so, but—"
\\lieu he stopped she looked at
hint with twinkling eyes, full of
amusement, "Haven't you any cu-
riosity?" she asked finally. "Don't
you want to know what the trea-
sure is, and how we got it? Or arc
you afraid that will look like ac-
cepting payment?"
Iie broke in with a laugh. "I'm
dying with curiosity. \\'hat is this
treasure, and where'd you get it?"
She did not immediately answer,
but kept him waiting, smiling pro-
vokingly into his face. "It's a
rattier long story," she began
finally, ''we found it on a wrecked
"A submarine!" he echoed in
She nodded, and continued:
"Yes, she must have been wrecked
ages and ages ago, probably during
the World \Var, and was actually
buried deep in the sand, You see,
she'd been washed up from the
bottom of the sea, and got wedged
between two saw-toothed rocks
where the said piled over her until
she was almost invisible."
"Where was this?" interrupted
"On one of the small islands in
the Caribbean, so small that it
hasn't any name—Father didn't
know it anyway. We'd stopped
there to snake some repairs, and
Father and 1 rowed ashore to get
some gulls' eggs on the beach.
When we crossed to the other side
of the island we stumbled upon
the buried submarine."
* * *
She shivered and drew her jacket
''\Vc found the sten aboard,"
she added, ''officers and craw, or
Father did. 1 didn't go in her. It
tut too horrible. She must have
been washed up from the bottom
in a storm, and years later, cast
upon the island and got wedged
between the rocks. Then the sand
nearly buried Iter from sight.
Nothing but the top of the con-
ning tower was visible when see
discovered her."
She once more drew her jacket
around her, as if cold. Dick noticed
she frowned and glanced across
the sea as if anxious to blot out of
memory all impressions of the
"She was an outlaw stthtnat'ilte,"
she went on finally, in a hard little
voice, "and she'd been robbing Iter
victims before sending them to the
bottom. '!'here was enough prize
stoney aboard to make all the crcw
satisfied—stolen ntottcy, you know.
They were pirates, this crew were,
for there was the evidence. There
were rings and jewels, too. \Ve
searched for the submarine's pa-
pers, thinking perhaps we might
find a clue to the ships from which
the loot was taken, so that it could
be restored to the owners. But the
log couldn't be found, and there
was nothing to identify the ships
that had been sunk. Father wanted
to bring everything of value away,
but I couldn't do it. I wouldn't
let !tint touch the blood-stained
ones. \1'e left them there with the
skeletons of the robbers. Maybe
others will find them some day. 1
don't want them, I never want to
see the island again!"
(To be continued)
Picking chickens is a tiresome but necessary chore for any poultry
farmer, but was doubly so for Ford Bush, of Darrowville, Ohio,
who lost an arm in an accident, But with the mechanical picker he's
shown operating, above, he does better tltatt ever, finding the
tnachine's 100 rubber fingers do a better job than he did with 10.
How Can 1 ?
By Anne Ashley
Q. 11 no can l make a good lun-
cheon dish out of leftover fish?
A, Place the leftover fish its the
casserole with a around of strained
cooked spinach, Cover with white
sauce and cheese, and put in the
oven to bake,
Q. !loss can 1 remove grit from
the eye?
A, By. applying a drop of castor
oil, Or, bathe it well with warns
twitch hazel or pare olive oil.
Q. How can 1 remove scorched
spots from cloth?
A, \1'ct the spots with water
and cover with borax or cornstarch,
rubbing it in well. Lel it dry be-
fore removing it.
Q. How can l remove a broken
cork that has fallen inside a bottle?
A, four enough ammonia into
the bottle to float the cork and put
it away for a fess days. The ammo-
nia will cat enough of the cork to
permit its easy removal.
Q. 1 -fowl rut 1 stake all the mo-
lasses conte out of the measuring
A, Grease the cup lightly before
measuring molasses, or dip it full
of flour, then empty it; this enables
every drop of molasses to conte out
of the cup.
Q. I-Iow can 1 clean white
A. Do not use soap l0 clean
while serge, Use a decoction of
soapwort roots. This keep; the
goods soft,
This slim, Irina 2-piecer comms
and goes everywhere, effectively.
Pattern 4805 has done wonders
with scallops and cut -away hipline
and skirt panels for slenderizing
This pattern, easy to use. 5111tp1
10 Sew, is tested for fit. Inchslc•
complete illustrated instructions.
Pattern 4805 comes In sizes s?
36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 411, 48, Size
takes 2`11 yards 54-tnch fabric.
in coins (stamps cannot be at
cepted) for this pattern to coon
421, 73 Adelaide St. West. Tot
onto. Print plainly SIZE, NAME
A New Industry:
Earthworm Farms
Exhibit in New York Shows
How "Nature's Plowmen"
Aid Plant Life
.1 little pink stranger nestled con-
fidingly in his hootlt beside the gay
sweaters, tooled leathers, new wash-
ing machines, hammered silver and
treated furs at the !\'omen's In-
ternational Exposition in New
Ile was the earthworm, hitherto
neglected and scorned denison of
the topsoil, Anti, championed by
Hiss Vernice \Varner of \\'orth-
;ngton, (thio, he now has taken
itis place beside the loons as an
up -and -coaling industry for W0111e11.
\kiss warner was off some.
!there explaining the benefits of
earthworm farms when a reporter
approached her booth, hitt 1lrs.
Scott Krouse, another fervent
earthworm fan, took over and dis-
cussed the habits of the little guys
As Old As Creation
"Vi rtlnwornts," she said, are as
Old as creation, as old as the sloe
ics of the Valley of the Nile. They
are Nature's own little plowmen.
\Vial we take from the earth, they
put hack."
Mrs, Nrouse, a dignified, gray•
ing laxly who has no compunctions
about running a well -kept hand
through a knot of writhing warms,
pointed proudly to a thriving
strawberry plant which stood next
to a weak -looking growth,
"They're the sante age" she said,
"treated and untreated, The big
one has in it two teaspoons of soil
that the worms have enriched. And
we're in the business of raising
them and selling them on our
Earthworms, Ifrs, Krouse added.
are bi-sexual, :\ breeding worn
.throws riff a miniscule capsule from
which spring 8 to 11 young who
live to be about 12 years old.
"They're little fellows," Mrs.
I:rouse said, "but have buried a
whole chicken and the worsts di -
;tested all of it. Miss \Varner bas
a 90 -acre farm which is full of
earthworms and it's never been
sprayed, it's so rich and loamy."
Good for the Hands, Too
In addition, 11rs. Krouse said
proudly, earthworms arc good for
"Miss Warner's mother is 75
years old," she said, "And her
hands arc as white and beautiful
as a young girl's due to the oil
thrown off from the worms."
But a woman visitor had the
last wort, Pausing before the ex-
hibit, she watched Mrs. Krouse sift
a loamy and wormy clod of dirt.
"\Paints," she said with a shud-
der, "Maybe they're good for
strawberries, but 1 bet they crawl
out of the spot and you step on
'cm all over the hrntse."
Self -Discipline
An appeal to parents to permit
their children to take bie's little
knocks in order to develop sclf•dis-
c•ipline and adjust their behavior to
social standards, is made by the
Department of National 1lcaltlt and
Welfare, Ottawa. Leaning tite hard
sway has advantages " the depart-
ment states. ".1 pampered child has
tyle opportunity to learn In solve
1'fc's problems in the school of hard
'.hocks. through trial and error.
Only through personal experience
can we learn to conform to the
standards of conduct which living
ICSUE 4E-1946
Su day School
A Letter On Christian Living
Acts 19: 23-30; Ephcsians 0: 13.18,
Golden Text.—Finally, be strong
in the Lord, and in the strength of
his might —Ephesians 6; 10.
Riot in Ephesus
1 conscimence of h'aul's m
try the Intsiness of idol -snaking in
Ephesus was on the decline, The
waning market for silver slu'ines of
Diana was first felt by the silver.
smiths of the city, and they deter•
mined to get Paul out of the way.
The crowd, in au outburst of
fury, rushed into the streets and
crowded into the great amphithea-
tre, intent on crushing out F.phc-
sian Christianity and its apostle.
Finally the crowd was quieted and
dispersed tvilhoul striking the blow
iutcnded for Paul.
Call to Arms
Conflict is faced in the call to
arms. (1) '!'here is the call to
strength. Be strengthened and he•
conte powerful in the Lord, \Ve
must have strength from Ilin1 in
order to be strong in hint.
(2) '!'here is the call to stead-
fastness. Stand first against the
subtle, deceiving schemes of Satan.
Such steadfastness is possible only
to those who have put on the
whole armour of God.
CD There is the call to conflict.
Christian warfare is personal and
perpetual against unseen forces of
(4) '!'here is the call to victory.
In a conflict naturally so unequal,
how may we conquer? "Put on
the whole armour of God," says
Paul \with emphasis.
Victory Assured
\\lien the "whole armour of
God" has been putt on and the
"sword of the spirit" has been
firstly grasped, there is one thing
still needed if we are to wilt this
conflict with lite Devil and his
hosts; that is prayer.
\Ve must pray "always," on all
occasions, \Ve must pray "with all
prayer and supplication," \\'e attest
pray "in the spirit", It is the pray-
er which the hats Spirit prompts
and teaches that God the Father
s -
The Nastiest Noise
Known to Nature
Sonic little tinte ago the BBC in
broadcasting animal noises front the
Zoo -- and, incidentally, it was as-
tonishing hots like the lion the
alligator sounded — asked the ex-
pert who was helping in the broad-
cast whether he could identify, a
noise, admittedly greatly magnified,
which resembled something be-
tween the crunch of !eaves and the
ripple of water. The clue was that
the noise was quite the nastiest
known to nature, and the answer,
given after both expert and listener
had time to think of the more hor-
rific of beasts and their grisly work
of killing and eating, was at once
ingenious and unsatisfactory, It
was "a in t It gnawing a dinner -
Gift For Queen:
Two Dozen Eggs
In Plastic Jackets
Two (low.' eggs—in plastic
jackets— have been delivered to
Balmoral Castle (or the King and
(luau, says The 1.ondon Daily
'they were brought over front
America in an air liner by 22 -year-
old 'Miss Constance 1 iddicoal, who
won a free Trip to Britain given by
an American plastic firm,
itliss Liddicoat said: "I \vas in-
structed to send Ile eggs on to the
I:ing Band Queen ;at Balmoral As
SO1111 as 1 ;u ri\ ed. The eggs \vill
keep for nine tnottttis. 'they're
unbreakable, and all you have 10
do is 10 peel off the plastic cover-
is assured by serving.1'11ax-
ivell (louse. This su-
premely fine colTee de-
lights guests because itt3
blend contains till the
stimulating goodness of
choice Lu tin American
2 r4* ALL
ONtYS•••• ORU0110411
On the Road
There is a largo army of outdoor
mon who have leaned to depend on
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. Rid-
ing on trains or trucks causes 1•
jarring which is hard on the kidneys
as is also tho exposure to all kinds of
wind and weather,
This medicine goes to stimulate tate
action of the kidneys and relieve the
backaches which so often result.
For over half a century they have
been popular with railway men,
truckers and farmers,
Add Smartness and Distinction
to YOUR home with
Made 10 ntensore of 1101'AI,-1'Ll:\A1,I'M (Flexible Aluminum)
REACT] FIEL — Met -Wo l'ene-
tlon hinds add charm and
grace to every room.
• ECONOMICAL—Extra curtains
are not required for tasteful
does not cling to the engin•
like smooth finish.
• PERMANENT — Itoyal-Flexa-
luta (Flexible Aluininum) will
not crack, rust or warp. Can-
not en kb on fire! Tito salln•
Ince finish Is absolutely per•
• Delivery — We will ship your
Venetian itlinds within 7 days
or whenever desired by you.
A Much Desired
, tor mother or daughter—
brighten up their !tome title
Chrlstrues, Writs for chart
which Shows how to meaeur•
the windows for exact fitting.
We will Ship to arrive when
convenient tor you,
15 SAUNDERRS AVE., TORONTO - !'honer RE! 8353
When you feel sluggish and logy, simply
take 2 to 4 tablespoonfuls of Phillipe'
Milk of Magnesia with water at bedtime.
You'll be overjoyed with the way this
proved laxative -antacid helps you wake
up feeling bright and refreshed, Phillips'
works effectively, yet it is wonderfully
gentle. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia is known
to science as one of the fastest neutral-
izers of excess stomach acidity known!
Get gcnuinc Phillips' at your druggist
-day. Remember ...
ltcosts as/idle as
t �1Elm
r M+Iip*M
By Gwendoline P, Clarke
Last Saturday we all went to
the Royal Winter Fair but since
we hac a few cows of our own
at home and since lve all tvanted
to go together it meant t'c could
not he away too long at a time.
So the cows sere milked extra
Carly for one night so that we
Wright get down in time fnr the
evening performance. 11'e • ere in
time all right lint that didn't mal<e
any difference, There wasn't even
standing roost for the big show.
The next best thing was to trail
around from one exhibit to an-
other. 11re saw all the cows, the
bulls and the fat stock. \Ve saw
COWS' with !leek coats and caws
with permanent waves. \1'e saw
the 131.by of the Pair and it ap-
peared quite unconcerned about the
interest it had cr-ated. And by
way of contrast xve saw MC faith.
fol old standbys which had been
brought in to provide milk lot the
pure bred stock, They were, in
fact, wet nurses to the bovine
aristocracy of the fair and were
segregated in ;a1 cult of the way
part of the building where they
were not likely to attract too notch
attention, However, Partner knew
they would be somewhere and
went arounr; hunting for them.
'\'Ile contrast between the fancy
and the utilitarian types seem to
at11115C hien more than anything
Ile saw, There were cows of every
age and breed. \\That did 11 mat-
ter — it was only their milk that
was required, Apparently no time
was wasted in waving their hair
or polishing their horns.
* * *
Finally we moved along and
visited the Swine, and oh sly, we
(bought at first we were coming
to a slaughter house. The most
blood -curdling shrieks met our
ears, But it was .'t as bad as it
sounded, Apparently a young pig
had shown signs of incipient
pneumonia and was being given
a hypodermic. I am sure it must
have been a male pig because no
lady would ever have created such
an uproar over such a simple mat -
In the sheep building lee saw
more varieties of sheep than I ever
knew existed including the ones
with the curly horns. And 1
might add those sheep represented
an awful lot of wool.
* * +
The dog show was of 'course a
great attraction and Daughter was
In her glory among the cocker
spaniels, I was more interested in
the collies and great Danes. As
for Bob, the only exhibit in which
he really took an interest was the
automobiles but Jincc there were
only half a dozen it didn't take
long to look them over. But he
was very useful to have around as
he spent most of his time keeping
us all in touch with one another.
One minute we would be all to-
gether and the next thing we knew
Bert would later find hint absolute-
ly absorbed in watching sonic
specie of livestock in which he was
* * *
Of course the horsey were grand.
Horses are such magnificent crea-
tures I doubt if there are many
people who do not take an interest
In them. I was particularly anxious
to the see the palaminocs because
1 had just head a book — "The
Foxes of Marrow" in which a pala-
mino saddle horse plays quite a
prominent part. Then we saw sev-
eral teams of dray horses in a
six -horse tandem :etch. They were
really magnificent.
\Vc didn't visit the poultry.
Partner and I had sten all the
poultry we wanted to for one week
—and would again for a good many
weeks to come. Neither did we
get around to the fish exhibit be-
cause by that time we were getting
awfully tired, Incidentally I was
afraid seeing the fish might create
in me an unholy state of envy be-
cause, as you know ,fish haven't
any feet!
* *
Oh, 1 haven't mentioned the
flowers. Of course we saw them,
both on our way in and our way
out, But to tell you the truth I
was rather disappointed in tltetn.
There were, of course, gorgeous
flowers of all description but I
have sects displays I liked better,
To me there didn't seem enough
green to off -set the mass and col-
our of the multiple blooms—except
in the rose section. They were
grand, Then again, the place was
so crowded it was almost impos-
sible to see anything for people..
When the "Royal" comes round
again I hope the management Will
see fit to tell us when and where
reserved tickets may be obtained.
It would certainly help a lot. I
haven't seen one advertisement that
gives any information at all on
that all-important matter. We
would have had such a good time
1f we could only have had a scat
on the grandstand.
Why Shortage
of Shortening.
CAnada, Like Other Countries,
Suffers from World-V'ide
Shortage of Fats
1loitsewives %vhu have been re.
joirirrt; over the prospect nl 111
creased supplies of shortening llnr•
Mg, the festive sc;,vm are in for a
certain amount of disappointment,
say's the Ottawa ('itirrn For the
announcement that the Wartime
Truces and 'trade hoard has 4r•
ranged to place in all retail stores
during November, I)ecrnlher and
January a supply of shintemnl
equal to the amount consumed dor•
ing the same period in I')41 14 not
as impressive as it at first sounds
\\that it amounts to .111 effect,
is that enough shortening will be
placed on the market to pive each
fanuly in Canada about tlit ee•
quarters of a pound extra during
Ile three-month period. As short-
ening is nod ciliated it means also
that some huucrwivcs twill get
more, others lets, than they are
fairly entitled In.
That the moonlit is sa sn1a1) 1s
not the fault of Mr. F, H. Leh.
berg, the fats and oils administra-
tor, nor of Prices Board policies.
To make even this amount avail-
able, the necessary sunflower, pea-
nut and cottonseed oils are being
imported from the Argentine at the
cost of heavy government subsi-
\\'hat the situation does reflect is
the world-wide shortage of fats
and oils, from which Canada in
common with other conntrics is
suffering. Canada, for example, int -
ports about 55 per cent of her re-
quirements of fats and oils. Be-
cause of this dependence on the
world position she faces a serious
problem, for the surplus of fats
and oils available for international
trade today is less than half of
what it was in pre-war years,
* *
Since July supplies have been al-
located through the International
Emergency Food Council, and
Canada has received Lair treatment.
The fact is that there is not suf-
ficient to go round. Even were the
pre-war level of imports available,
it would still be insufficient for
present requirements; this because
of Canada's increased population,
spending power and industrial ac-
Canada's domestic sources of fats
and oils arc three, 'l'allow and lard
are obtained from animals. Vege-
table oils come principally from
flaxseed; smaller amounts from the
new development of sunflower seed
IMovie Actress I
■ 11 A
The Bookshelf
Cc;nada's War At Sea
By Stephen Leacock
and Leslie Roberts
The story of l all: it's t', ar at
lilt is a recent o1 hnildint; ship,, „1
nlanIInll; the natal yrssels cif ,hr
knurl ('roads;ul Navy and the c11
go ships of the 1'anadi. u \lercl,a'it
Nat v; and of Ilio t;i'nr ;111,1 rn,lnr
;lee of Canadian -Hors and mer-
chant 'ratllen (JO ;,II the oceans,
In 1 10, after Ihr (i, rto,,ns had
)verrun \\'esters Europe, the ,la•
tions of the l niii'I, ('oronlonlve; illi
quoit alone in army e-ith the exiled
forces of the (n.(111)11 (1 buds ;a;ainst
the olio!'t of N;I,i Colnl:Loy, Crit
Idrl's resistance depended on the
North Atlantic lifeline, Canada's
1avy, Canada's merchant fleet and
the builders of Canadian ship hail
a vital part in holding that life -line
of freedom,
One 01 the sulho
tune, Leslie Roberts, went to sea
1111 lived %with the navy over ;m CX-
x -
le l it I period.
The background of the story, the
part whieh deals with the mari-
time history of Canada, is by Ste-
phen Leacock, who held a unique
place in Canadian letters.
By Stephen Leaco'k and Leslie
Roberts , . . Publications (1043)
Limited, , .. Price $3.00.
in II anitoba, rape seed in Sall<at•
chcw•an, and soya beans in Ontario
i'ilch;lyd and herring supply a cer-
tain amount of marine and fish oil,
but this source is not a dependable
one as the catch vanes greatly
from year to year.
nst serious aspect of the do•
me•stic picture is the heavy drop in
lard production, Since 1944 C'an•
aria's output of lard has fallen from
a peak of 132 million pounds to
an estimated 40 million pounds,
Household uses apart, the ilpor•
tancc of fats and oils can scarcely
be exaggerated; there is hardly an
industry which does not depend in
real degree on these commodities,
As indicated above, the current
shortage is not just a Canadian
problem. Nor can it be solved en-
tirely in Canada, nor on a world
basis for perhaps some years to
come. As steps toward its solution
however, it would appear that Can
ada would be well advised to place
the greatest possible emphasis on
the production of crops which yield
vegetables oils and also, as the
United States is now doing, to in-
vestigate the possibility of increased
lard -hog production,
HORIZONTAL 60 Propel self
1,9 Pictured through water
screen actress 61 Exhibits
11 I3al'cl 62 Soak up
13 Piece of track VERTICAL
14 So be it! 1 Mimic
17 Kind of cheese 2 Joint of stem
18 Aleutian 3 Tidier
island 5 Persia
19 Measure of 6 Feline
distance 7 Strike
20 And (Latin) 8 Mineral salt
21 Any 9 Barricade
22 Mine 10 Grins
24 Light face 32 Thulium
(ab,) (symbol),
25 Abstract being15 Sprite
27 Dutch city 16 Northeast
29 Musical (ab.)
instruments 21 Donkey
31 Duties 23 Still
34 Editor (ab,)
35 Electrical
engineer (ab.)
36 She has played
many leading
40 Lifting device
43 Illgh
44 Chum
45 Postscript
46 Like
4(3 Father
40 Lieutenant
51 Unit of
53 Nobleman
56 Feminine
58 One who dyes
59 Great Lake
26 Notnry public 41 Sun god
(ab.) 42 Permits
28 Ambary 45 Compensate
29 She 47 Prophet
30 Excitement 48 Request
32 Kenneth (ab,) 50 Three singer's
33 Observe 51 War depart -
37 Endured ment (ab,)
38 Measure of 52 Three (prefix)
cloth 54 Constellation
30 Health resort 55 Edge
40 Certified 56 Nova Scotia
public ac- (ab.)
countant (ab,)57 Ampere (ab,)
I Z 3 l
I) 12
6 7
15 16
4 y,14
Ct r rzi
(Z2 e3
;a> .
25 26
29 30
32 33
36 31 38
?; tt
5t . v
:F '
POP—It Ain't the Kings
YOU 1 16 THAT'
Lunch Is Ready In A Flash
I yours a horse where the family troops in for the noonday meal
with hungry looks in their eyes? If so, you're prol,ably a ready listener
for new suggestions concerning luncheon menus.
\•our mornings are probably filled to the limit with household tasks
and there's just not time to fuss over the noon meal, '!'hat's why we've
picked for this month, a casserole of hearty baked beans, served with
spiry Mincemeat muffins, and popped into the oven after the breakfast
dish., are done. The muffins can be made in a jiffy—and there you
have it -- a hearty, wholesome meal with a minimum of effort!
1 cup all brar. 1,4 cup sugar
Sin cup milk 1 egg
1 cup prepared mincemeat 1 cup sifted flour
2 table,.poons shortening 3 tablespoons baking
1/2 teaspoon salt powder
Combine all bran, milk and mincemeat; let soak about
Mend shortening and sugar; add egg and beat well. Stir in the bran
and mincemeat mixture, Add dry ingredients which have been sifted
together; mix only until liquid and dry ingredients are combined. hill
greased muffin pans two-thirds full. Bake in moderately hot oven
(41)0 deg, F.) about 25 minutes,
Yield: 12 muffins (2'4 inches in diameter).
5 minutes,
Boomerang Thrower
In William Tell Act
A \1'illiani Tell act with a boom-
erang, an Australian aboriginal
weapon .which returns to the
thrower's hand, was demonstrated
by M r. Frank Donellan cit Parra-
matta, New South Wales, recently,
says the Ottawa Citizen. Mr. Don-
nellan, who has been a champion
boomerang thrower for 40 years,
gave a display of his skill in aid
of a charitable organization. First,
balancing an apple on his head,
he throws the boomerang, remain-
ing perfectly still as the weapon
circles and returns, neatly knocking
the apple from his head!
Not Fleas—Salt
When monkeys arc observed
searching through the coats of
their companions, they are not
looking for fleas, but small particles
of salt, the result of cvap.iration.
Choose Maxwell IIouse
in either Super -Vacuum
Tin (Drip or Kegular
Grind) or Glassine -
Lined Bag (All Purpose
Grind). It's the same
superb coffee blend.
Hand Cleanliness
Need for hand cleanliness is the
subject of a bulletin issued by the
Department of National Ilealth
and Welfare. It isn't only a matter
of decency, bpi of vital health con-
cern, say the doctors, for bacteria
inevitably collects on the handy
and is readily transmitted.
attiteteVGIet(tiCteectetetsM t
The Wise Buyer Is
Preparing For Christmas
Bath Mate
$2.49 and $3.75
Chenille Bed Spreads . $15.95 and $16.95
Boys' Sweaters and Windbreakers - Various Prices.
English Wool Knit Gloves . . . . . $1,03 and $1.50
Men's and Boys Parkas From $10.00 to $21.00
Olive McGill
63012 1110:tAll1)t�r71AUk>AIND1D1iti1WITA)ININk iA ANN13t±1tiNDMNIIINInDIi DINi7ait@:`'1
[N� yyy�,�, yam,. yy ,}�y�•�♦�1 N♦ •H• 1•♦1•H•♦♦•11•♦♦•H•H •••♦� H•♦♦•H♦H•H•♦••♦ ••• • i ••♦♦••••! 1•• 1•�.
A��'i'i'{'TT'�T i♦t�7 •i"7-7' 1 i•• 11 1 ♦ ♦ 1 ♦ ♦ 1 1 ♦ ♦ • ♦-1 1 • • ♦ ♦ 1 1 ♦ 1.
Post's Brain Flakes
Lipton's Orange Label Orange Pekoe Tea
Canned Peat, (Standard Quality)
Maxwell House Coffee ... ... .-.
Plum Jam .....-_......... .
Choice Quality Diced Beets' or Carrots
Minute Gelatine
Kellogg's AILBran .. .
White Beane
Dr. Ballard's Health Dog Food
Popping Corn
Lipton's Noodle Soup Mix _.
Spic and Span
large 14-iz. pkg. 15c
h11f rkg..39c
2 2))•oz. tins 27c
1 Ib. bag 43c
21 fluid cz. tin 35c
20 oz. tin iOc
per pkg. 17c
large pkg. 2Ic
2 lbs, 17c
2 10 -oz. tins 29c
pe- Ib. 15c
2 pkgs. 25c
per pkg. 25c
per pkg. 25c
\Ir. Stiiiitt Durward i, aloanling the
Itail tmen', Com nut 11 ;It Niagara
1:,(1 s tits• weds, in t' fll' tt1 v,1111
delc.,,ttintt of 11a r\men from 1i0•lerirli. Acetylene andElectric
Mr. and Nils. lanes hely ,It hg- Welding. A Specialty.
mond tille are visiting ttttlt \Ir. an'
R1)u111•an \lo(',tllunn. \lr. and \Irs. l,gents For Illterllilt1011al-
o',ort Hoover. of Brussels, al•o •pett Ilarvester Parts &�illpplieS
few days hist N\ ttith their dau;.t- ,
ter. \I1,. \lcl';Illunt, and \Ir. \i t'al_ 1'%111tc I{ose Gas and Oil.
Cal' Paint111g mid Repairing.
\Its. halon Nle(;(1 1, .I Toronto
yi it.1r tai, week. �Ilrre
\Ir. L. i'4•'41e,tlrltt•: l.l'1t114,1!, ,peel[
Sunday unit \Ir S. A. I'oplt•,t,•ue.
\Ir. and Mr,. Cecil t )kit, 11f S. al( rill, ; AN
t\ err Line•1, ni \I r. ,111(1 \I r•. \\'rat. t
oke i, ;1 II( 1,'11 vv 1
\Ir, 1 lt1, 111' ion Zeit on To, ,lay
for Toronto to atter,' the funeral 4'f 1 ;
her cousin, Rev. Monsignor'Treaey of Eyes
i St. ('t•c.l a church, \Ve.1 'Tor'nt•i, the 4 With :5 Years Ex;.erience
i11nPrLl taking place \\'r IIT, !a •• 111 `Il- !!JN
'j• - •!l sir!!!!
4444 onoraft..
Examined and Glasses Fitted,
;► a Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156
.47 • . +++ ••7`T 1••{~.H 1.4++.:4444i f 14++.84i.I44 0.4 ++ 0'..4 ♦:•.4.0 ♦�H...4.. .-0.1
, . 1 I I 110II. Ad III, • .11
We are happy when you leave our store satisfied
with your purchase. See our up-to-date stock of
Tree Lights, Toys, Games, Cards, Tree Decorations,
Cosmetics. ---Yes, Gifts for all the family.
Wendy's 5c to $1:00 Store
Quality, Low Prices and Satisfaction.
East Wawanosh Council
Council met tin November 15th, with
all members present with the exception
of Councillor Black, who is visiting in
Western Canada. R1:032 J. 1) Bee-
croft, presided.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read •end adopted. The following
correspond.nce was presented:
From Mr. 1. 11. Kinkead, re, Thy
payment of School 'Trustees, Filed;
From •i1 r. J• W. Bushfield, re, The
Township of East Wawanosh and
Scott, Filed From 11 r. Fred Edgar,
C. It.., requesting an extension of time
for submitting plan, etc., re, Caldwell
Drain; Front Mr, Roy Toll, enclosing
an itemized statement of expenses in-
curred in repairing the Toll Drain.
A deputation from Public Library
Board, Bclgrave, stet with Council
concerning, a grant.
'Motion by Councillors, McDowell
and Robertson, that an extension of
time be granted \ire iidgar, in prep, r_
Ing Report, Carried.
Motion by Councillors, Ruddy and
Robertson, that Belgrav'e Public Li-
brary receive a grant of $1Q(10. Car-
. .11 .I a ,..,1, ,
Sunady, December 1st.
111.15: Sunday Scheel.
11,15: Children's Sermon, "The Si1•ry
of a (tell". Regular Sermon, "In .\u-
,wer to Prayer".
7 p. m.: "Rentctuter Lot's \\'ifc."
Advent Snn'lav
11 a. rat.: Snn'lat• School.
13 noon: 1-1 sly Communion and Ser-
mon. Corporate C ouunttui in for the
1,45 p. 111.: Sunday Seim, 1.
2.30 p. tit.: Everting Prayer and Ser-
9,45 a. tn.: Sunda; Siihool.
10.30 a. tn.: Morning Prayer.
\\ lute out for a -trot.! on Sunda.: ,•
\!i•, J,Iothime 1\'0l'11.o'k roil alai..
a big, prey ,nal.e, \\hies[ a• •le;trod veer:
I telt, tis ntctllin; unusual i1 r t'ii, ,
time of year.
Nies. I. Ellis 1kf Li,t,'\\el it. been
yi•itin', her ,'•ter, \I r•. i;rifiin, f
\\'ineltant, who Irl, liven ill fltr Iht'
pat Iv;m [[cels. `lm caile,l nn frirn'lr
in IY'V;h tit re'It.t:'r', t 4 I. shrivel.
1l r. ;ot'i \I'.. c;e,n'ge !'otter art i
\Ir. and \1r- ["nil rYl 1'r" of Salmi',
-peal the \\ eels -en 1 v, th \Ir. and \ir
.\Ihert Nesbitt.
\Ir•. .\li'e Faatrti returned 1
1'11 Month\ e\e11i•tte afit r attend nu the ,
funeral f her n:rrY. \Ir,. Jame. \'s-
cent, at ('I Winn. \f r,. \ in oaf p ,s-
•c•(I :+tray Fri 13.1' ;toil tite funeral was
hell on \Lon ::o.. I)clhvery, \Ve(lnesday an(1
PECI �•7� L
'['ills 1VEEK.
mistier Kraut,
15c, 2 for 25C
Fresh Chicken, lb., ,10c
ill E11't'S.
\Irs. Rn„ Itc••t, of t';tttt t, ,bent
the tt•c:I;_cull ttttit Freest and \I;1\• ,
\I e. 1,1hn f'a're send Nit.. \lefty
('avis[• returned la t tt,e':-end After
spen(1ing over tw' t months assisting
with the \hestern 1larv.sl.
1 \i r. \\'. I. \Ir('alt, \1r-. \lr('a'1.
\lajor A. I.. 'Then['', n, \Ir,. 'I'hntnl,-
• 11. and \Liss S it th, of Chatham,
•pent a few hours with \Ir•. \vino. (lib -
sou last 'Thursday evening. `11•. \Ii_
('all is \it•., I;ibso11's brollit•r.
Alt. I)ir1< Leggett left recently I r
Fort \\'ill'anl \Olerr lie will It' stn_
all•• ed for the \tinter at lot .11 w1 rk.
\Irs• 1l;u'curi Kelly and little son,
11otr'!a•, ,,t"nl a \t•er1; \lith her „Hith-
er. \Ir \\. \l rris., ;it .N1 liner, al.. ,
visiting her brother, \I r. Ray \14 tris,
and \Irs. \lorris, at London
Leslie Hilborn Writes Froin
Medicine Ilat
\'e are very pleased to outdid) the
following letter we rt (-eked on \Ion-�
day ffr,tttt \Ir. Leslie I lilh,,rn, \vhn, with 1
Nil:, . 1(i'horn. has taken up re•idenee
at \ledicine 11.0. Alta.
511 Fourth St. S. I•:.,
•\I e:liettle flat, Alta.
1)car Ken: The Standard rt•tnes
alma; rcgull'riv and 1 \ea• thinl,ing if
any suhseriber, fail to read it thor-
rug,lly, ju•t ,1'11(1 thous away fr rat
Blyth for a \tltilr,
1;d: 1 to report that we have very
romfort;lhle quarter.: for the winter
and tt fine honk in \\'hint t1, stay. I)r.
John less is well known by the \layer
of the 'flat", and it \vas thrl ash Its,
tl)r. 140',') a:4pe'al t the \ta\••r that
we were taken in here.
Itest Room COntl'il)utlonS I i!cdieine Hat Iia: a pop'tl'•tilm if
Amount prcviousiv reported $2,18(1.[1'1 1' . r 13 thousand, but i, widely scat_
tubo \V. Armstrong, Lon'!esLea) 50(1 tired. Jlc'st of the city i, don!)in a
\Ir. antl'\(rs.loe' \Tiller 3i5') hollow, and i believe is known to have
Jloscph R. Shadrlicl:
Amount to dal"
111.111 the second :' third largest number of
.-___.__ greenhouse:, one of which has 8 acres
$',1!u1.4t)• under •glass. \\'c we1'1� privileged to
Ivisit one of these and the thousands of
The Council members noted withCONGRATULATIONS 1 'moans, ede . were a sight to beho111,
pleasure the presence of Nit.. Stuart 'Three large flour mills, pottery plants,
Iticllurney at the meeting. to \1 r..\Ihert Stead, etc., help to pla•'e \iedicinc flat on
who celebrated his birthday on Tues -
A revised account for snow plowing ((ay, N_vember 'rith. the map, and no , alit abundant Hat
in spring of 19.6 was passed on to the _____v__-_,_• ural gas, [[Lakin\ cheap heat and pow -
Road Superintendent for his accounts, er, w•a; the twain inducement for pito- AItE COMING IN NOW
The following accounts were ordered
�. cCallum
Butcher. Phone 19, Blyth.
.I4444.4444441.2.1044444141 1.
Vo en's
11. T. VODDEN.
af0Pap er
Blyth Institute To Meet 111e to st:t•'1 industries here. \\'e Inti LINE mu, 13E CDM
.l ,
tobepaid: Statnt -n Hardware,cent Ti 1 1! p I ,e111 000 feet above sea level,
dllt I T)i T1111T1 BY
e.- I Tin, regular
nront 1 v nu'el in • of 11,4' •
tery fence, $x)•619; \\'tnghant horse Blyth \\'omen's institute will ht' lei 1 the climate is knot':n to be cxtrenu'ly
Show, grant, $25.00; J. I). ileecroft, itt the Conantmitt 11x11 ort 'I'hnr,i;tt•, ; (Icy. 1 believe tin -it' is never enough
selecting jurors, $3.00; M. McDowell, December 5th. at.30, be on time, '' snow to interfere with wheel traffic
selecting jurors, $3.00; I. R. Rcr'vtottd, members are (x!,r to 1 to be mkt. '.n 1 and we are told that many have had
selecting jurors, $5.00 1". Munro, fools- if poss;ble bring a friend. \\'c mi 1t 1,I to give no t'arntittt; and allow the !and
cap, $1.25; The \\'inghant Advance i remind alt nrc'tilh(rs there will 11,,,, lit,' to revert t ranrhittg. as there i, no
Titnes, Voters Lists, etc., $79.17; CKalty further meetiniks held again, ten- nrigatv;n project in operation here.
til hcbru:u) 1)47, 11lowever, this city can boast of maty
NX, ann._ tmcements, $4.50; Corpora- ' 1 j beautiful hones, and the people are
tion of Myth, Hall rent, I)ivisinn Court in I)eccmher electing \c'1 he r,n-
$20.0(1; Bclgrave School Fair, grant, ducted by NIcsdantcs, 1\",4»rt Taylor., most friendly.
15.00; J. 11, Carrie, claim, $170,- Slleatge to ,tate, our first visit to ,
$ sheepStanley Chcllen•. Each member is ;1s1. -
Ott; J. ir. 1lcCalluut, valuers services, cel 1� make a "Henn' \f•tdc" inex4,eu•.1cht,t'ch resulted in tweeting folk \vitt, 7
$2.60; Co. Treasurer, Hospital account, 1 sive ar icle, or, if von have a o'er f rntcriv lived in (;-tlerielt, omit, la
$41.45; Rny Toll, Toll Drain, $i3,43; "Old" item, suitable to he Ike,' in di, \litchcll, Itrto,els, third line of \lore
Rev. G. H. Dunlop, Library grant, $111•_ „lav, and then gitc to a friend, brier., ris, etc., so we felt,with so many here
00; J. F. Davids:n, brushing, y?? 3t): it alrntg, it will be appreciated and cit.
from !(Geon County, we should I �' 1 ;it
Telford Cook, dit••hing, $3.25; heron on ;over,'!sliere is to he a contest ;,1.11, hunts.
Irwin, inspector. ,,x45.00; Gordon Smith 'The boll Call i, to he an•werr,l tn, Glad to nate That the Lion, are
checking, $64.35; Joe Kerr, crashing "A Mother of the Bible", be 1'1 t'''are 1 still forging ahead, and also that the 1
and hauling, $1,649.85; I -(ugh \\liar- w•itlt v ur answer. Myth Legion is making itself felt. f
ton•, era,• ' $143.35; .1). Murray, weld- 1(uste•ses for this mcrtittn, \li.ti ni_ rte's, these fine fraternal societies, and I '
!ng $4,07, e,, hintittl, M. Henry, Philp, whc,t the g •oil tines \vc used to have, and 1 !•
A Court of Ret`4ton was held on there will hr an enjnyahle sl1rial tits able miss the telephone office, but _
r' oventher 15, 1946, at 2 o'clock, on the together, '!'his pronlisus to he a vert people can't have everyth'm; they want
and tte ;1)'e graft ftd that nor present
surroundings are so congenial.
it scans ;I far cry from h4 re to
there, but a fetter mailed in Clinton
fair mail) on Uon',Iv, arrived at our
door Tac -day aftcrn en, to tli=[tutees
Assessment Roll for 1947 as presented intcrrt'itt'; and prof 'table meet in•,,
by Assessor •McDowell. Several clang- plan to be prc•ent. Every visitor rord',-
es were matte due to recent changes ally wcicottted.
of ownership. The assessment of S. __._e_. -._.-
Half Lct 34, Concession 12, owned by FARM FORUM
John Black, was reduce) $2.00. The Live \\'ire Farm hnrtnn of the
As rra further appeals were present-
mean little in these days of fast
lith concession of Mille'[ net at the , \lanes.
ed the Court of lievisiut was closed itotttc of Mr. and \I r,. \\•share ilowatt I I
and the Roll as amended was adopted ,m \londav evening with 26 present. Nt.ny, Ken, don't take any \inoden
as that on which 1947 will he levied, on Subject for di;rtt„io;t was ''I, R,•- i telephone
and 11'1' vtd keep tab on nth;
motion of Councillors Ruddy and Mr- telephone girk.
search Meeting hat',n Nred•" Reerea-' tiimrrr4'!r.
1? well. Carried.' Con tl consisted of 'tort talks n cl'fie•_
Council a'c'jnnrnrd to meet on De- LESLIE 11111;:11:`'.
cat ;object: by elk. t me oer. ae v t
cembtr 16. t 'II 1 ! . Ed. N1•te--11c•'r Lo;. -i e'•,.eL, t ,
. I.1. 11 II h1YI,IIIA ,Il. 11 I.
New Samples Are In
Your Choice in a Fc 11 Range of
Beautiful Designs
In a Wile Variety of Prices.
Wcdn.'sdny, Nov. 27, 19.16,
, I. , I . .. 1.411(1 1 , 4IY11..1.•un,111. ,111
Stock Tonics and Supplies
\\'e r;lrr) inn and complete line, 1 i Iuta! 1'utplt, ilk - ,old
11r, (loll', tot t '1'4 [tics :
Royal Purple Poultry Conditioner
Royal Purple Stock Conditicncr
Royal Purple Hog Tonic
Royal Purple Cough Powder
Royal Purple Roup Remedy
Dr. Be'I's Condition Powders
Dr. Bell's Kidney and Blood Powders
Dr, Bell's Distemper and Cough Powders
Dr. Bell's Tonic and indigestion Powders
Dr, Bell's Cattle Cathartic
Dr. Bell's Ilog•Onic
Dr, Bell's Poultry Tonic
Dr, Bell's Medical Wonder
Dr. Hess !log 'Tonic
Dr. Hers Poultry Panamin
Dr. Hess Stock Tonic
tiOc and $1.75
tillc and $1.7:i
60cand $1.75
:i0c, 60c and 00c
ED.. and $1.93
55c and $1.60
63c and $1.60
65c and $1.60
R D. PHiLP, Penn. B.
DItU(i,`3, SUNDRIES, 1VALt.1'APF.It--I'11oNE 2P,
111 II I,i"I!.,', ,. r. - ¢snntC1_, e.int. ,
- - - - •. _ .. - - - - --- - .w.�♦,•a....,.�
t teNXICletliCIC uvea OKIMOIVCagra ISICCt;+�t Atekikit l:tctlWC,:tdt�>w ,Vgl• gteLn:
one'Third Of Your Life
Is Spent In
'i'llus (he importance of having your bed equip-
ped with a good mattress and spring.
We have Just received a shipment of Walnut
Finished Steel Beds and Cribs, Spring -Filled Mat-
tresses, and Sta-Young Bed Springs. For the past
several months these articles have been in short
supply, hitt We are now in a position to eater to your
requirements. We will be pleased to have you call
and inspect these latest offerings.
• , 14'C
Home Furnisher -- Phones 7 and 8 --- Funeral Director.
1.111 1 1, .. 1, I. :,, I, .II.. IY ,1.,. ti:II\,.I1. 1x.11•..1 .1..
'• •4 * ♦♦•• 1•H•11••••H•N•• 1•. /•. ••. ••. ••H •••• 1•• 1•H•. 1••••1444.4 ••H•• ••• ••4 ••H••1 • ♦•1 ••• ••. 1•. ••• ,•• .•• •*. ,•.1 . ••..•. ..•• 1•, 1••.•,...4 . .
Meals at All Hours.
FRANK GONG Proprietor
'••,♦•1i •,�•� H♦• ••H�• ••I1�1 ♦••11 ♦�. •�1,�• ••1 •♦1 ♦:• 1•• ••1 ,•I ♦•11� 1�1 •�4 ••• •:•.•• ••I ♦•/ i • ♦�. ,:1• i .•f ••• ••• •:• ••.1 i I i 1•t •� ••� �1.•• i 1,�1 ••. f•• �• ••• f
YI ,.I YY II 11111 ,.1 .I 1,, . .•...1., II1. . JII II.- . Y1:, ..111. r1..1 ..1 .4l.i1Y♦IIY. •I r„41.r+..n ..•f ..•"'
Speiran's Ward
In Christmas Presents We Have a God Line
for the Whole Family.
Come In and See Us First.
Sleighs, Wagons, '!'rucks, Air leii I'�s,
Children's Electric Irons That Really Work.
Gilletc Razor Sets♦ Baby Play Pens.
Complete Bicycle Lamp Sets.
and many other items.
In General Hardware, a New Supply Of---
Cello-glass, Axe Handles, hydrated Dime,
Clothes Driers, Stable Brooms, Caulking Guns
and Grease Guns.
.14144 11 . . ,1 II .1 41.1 „ , u IIY .,. . I. I.. 11,, ,IJ 1, ,.1.11•1., 4.1. I..I,YL. 4, -_• I. 114,.. II.a. w, L'i.1�1.. J.I .-1
�tr4.i1.I+Ls�irJYl+rsw��•I..ffur�.r��,il.�iitlarwyril :;5.1�•s,ai!ne�cr�rr 1•i.,l_i
Chrslmas Goods on the?ove
A Beautiful Assortment of Christmas Cards.
Also a Fine Assortment of Cards in Boxes.
Christmas Tree Light Bulbs in Limited Quantity.
A Full Assortment of Gaines and Christmas
Novelties and Toys.
Picture Books and Paint Books for the Kiddies.
New Stock of Boxed Writing Stationery
Very Attractively Boxed.
Don't Faii to Shop Early, and Get Youi' Choice.
A Pen and Pencil Set Makes the Ideal Gifts.
We have a wick range of Waterman's and Eclipse,
' F. C. PEST Standard Book Stoie
Phone 37-26, LOl1DESBORO ` t
1 s v
n,ec salt wtl tc telt ar Ili • in,:ac cot
K. R. Redmond, Township Clerk. Mr, and \Its, Robert Procell, the girls, and they're all 0.N.-- h(u. •
. t