HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-06-24, Page 4another ooluout. X' *a Towne:lap of riesteAtreabig home otcra NILO 13.E aubeoral pustiefor -ed eponym -am sus °Ube os 4111" WOrmir bit /as feretreatatiat Hoteron 1.16.1 * the 10001* avert sapo sr Lorene. 441 okon T•1E-•-SI.1*I- WANTED .AGENT to canvass for. MCGuirs ,uet Q etd ,tND,„ in the County of Huron. Thea is raarere chance for a gra canvasser, as excluaiv territory will be given. • - • i Address$ Wst. PALMER, General Agent,' Box 1235 -Toronto. s�u34-61 - '.- �nrAA • > >WILLIAMfil'ItNcon OolY missiol, itlerohdditpt 2t► Sc L17tilti ARl? NG. an Montreal. l ei`r�tn�! tor'sale Nicholas. Street, i. Wheat, Flour, Ashe', Butter. Parte and Gene - r t Produce,. Also, forh{ Purchase Groceries, e erie'. tIardware Crockery valiceS In itle on Oonst_'nmerds. sii..t/ 46 ,1v ACRES of Lot No. 32,' East .Lake j i d nay. ,� RATE !LAND FIRST '.l.t:ritise::sy.apt,1y tt1 ♦ s tilr N1�'` 116-NALD S1rr THSr cat the premises; or M. CAMERON, • • Goderica. Uoderich, AF41 30t1r,1864 w14-tf - BENT C Irar><T BLt COT_ L Tt(tE. With good garden, cls CAt i'd k STREET. Apple tc€ \tt.fA E 0,14.. . t xt�aterieh, :rias' � F / &IAR!i • rin SUBSCR,X$ERS IL YE JUST :.,OPENED LIE silt .. rit1t-r is t estraus pct ;selling -a o. Water Sasv-Nli:I..iti i miles tit res): Sable Line. l a sell isa Shore, r..c;nk run Iles • order, t l tic eel- The leuiittit stippfy of timber in order, uteri t1tere 13 olid Spring tete neighborhood. It is Semi res ret lin feared laudtin , .-,aril:- llere� are a brit . Ntlrit-12 will be soh, with i - tt the n-1114 i e . ii cod 47, oif de i � There IS n 8 .h Sc.r. by tt rr b 1 ,t it rhtsereti k P prtce &e., orchard on the hit. For p;irticttlars, - aiillt} or the premises W ILLI -ANL M AUTI N. -Stanley-. C'c t. , 15G •w3tt • . � Sh3r1`sL i6 Sale of Lauds0- -: • 1`n -,ted Counties of t tirLvirtue of a' tit of tier. 1t,ore,n and Bruce, i F k las i •surd out of Ar rl:;ijt.-Ott*gt'p{,leit!r.C`aJlirtpfihe F; i4 fts of Hur.on and Broce,; �- Vatted againsttitheiiaudaandtenements-oft William th- reefed "itllr•resrsa r -at the ;titer of Albert A; Chestey, , I Have .;zed and taken lir. Execution all tree . right„ title .111.1 interest t the abovenumber nine on hes Northside or- XI,`tiiudt and tr Lot It { Rmn ar4rnt1 i!1 . - tit unchain Street in the v 1 11 is nils and . tene- mentsCount} of Bruce, m ents f shall otter for Sale at my office in the .- Court FLEittse. in me tawil0f tiodericiix on Toes- - cd.ty the Ninth *lay of August nest, at the hour vt pwetve u, the clock, noon. -•,-�y' rt�T SLE — ,Ill"1i M XCDO . , - ..,, _Sheri(%-, If. 4-" Br' S-1~licit a: l' • De nl) Sheriti$ i . S to ria ';. Millie., htt:lertett. _ 4 W14 S ;"Ira- SALE. O-"‘ LANDS. cottett counties of TlY virtue of twoWrits of Pteri Fat ias, issued out 1Jtirw�i and Bruce,of Her ; Iajecty"s Court To tV it • Ins directed T THEIR a1 A FINN: ASSORTMENT OF . LAME rrate!.r. baccos,ds To= {���r�tads, or ALL aANDS. ICAC INSTRUMENTS,:lr aro - at the F. N� CIGARSTORE•0F F West.Street, 'Coderich. Fresh O sters,. Sardines," Lobsters, 4c., %ways on hand.t aWr`4. •. i-iiMuess Dirt -dorm.. - IN .ETHER, I ecc.1 age ERIO B a:" • February is, 186aw47wa EXCELLENT FARE. FOR. SALE sale, cheap, 200 acres of excellent la ld.• OR P fie being lobs 4 and 6,con. 7,W, D:.. of Ash There are 100 acres cleared,d dwelling of wand barn. 0nearly'aclear ee 'stumps. . One-half oldie 100 'apple 'trees, 50, beaS'i°tt mite of the farrn sold if desired. It is withinand mow ufill e chu ch, hool house, and re c. c, neer at hand. chAppl 5c . i Goderich. APPIy to 1, B,_b Ii DON, or o HENKY BHUVPNt. on the premises. r39.3m$pPAPO ng Sp • ra. � = rra��� � o SARNIA, GODERNII, $� CARDINE . •slip , s0U4TH AMP'TO LINE, Si lir 3M Aim Ttf.c -3M 1861• 1861. 13amilton,_ pgYSTCIA.N, SUR(EO D�&c. L Office and Residence -At Mit. ACLA D' , East Street, Cocierieh:. , • is -.Cole,• TAT ATE O . STANLEY -CLINT O N ,. IUU : 1.4 aa*Kad- -:'�r. Thwaiter•iformerI e rtf1y ,62. GENT'S TS•. of Queen's Bench, an tet tees au. against the Landis and tenements of Alex- fader Traynor', at tile. the setts of James „,yid, James Boswell Sstaevenscued and taken bare) Cook u ter , • d interest af e • lathe Second nQ s m it itroneessiaia,.�a Potty tit the third aR Range. south Work in rhes glove busine.ssrrl d Fo ty iiz third Mange:. II in the Township ' Goaciich, April' 0 h, 1864. I�1 Dv 'JOHN V. DITLOR & SON. w12 i •lnw±an - •.•M/ldW.�Y,gpdMl.ynNtHil.N.14/hN1/01.N/MM , October 23, 1863. TORENT OR SE CI.' ROINA141 Master, _ in con eetion with the ;` I -sun take. Huron .114way • Buffalo AT GOD. - RI_ _ ,4 T l�1 and thefirst-clasapassengersteamer11i3Rf'�, i Cole, Master, twice a week between GODERIOlt •AND sax:'t Dr: FRESH LI NAI ALWAYS Olfl SD, AND Sold at a rItestaauble Prue, xxkR TJIT~ - M Ai I" LAND BAEWER,Y; 1 and one a week „with Propeller N1,RA, C. McIntosh, ' Master,- between LCoderich `a d Chicag The ;Canadian' Navin been- purchased n a s itior� route, overhauled and fitt ,rF ,CTi1IiERS A!A DEALERS IN ti On to se as on. af n a�i �a � ' during ,de• d n of Castings 1 l and C ��1p<3` 11 nd ?� ' & a r w Y to Ploughs 8a ire P. w f'10 , Staves on s , g making the__above a iineeti , � - •moo randSlleCtlralaW�rt+t►,� .weather permitting„) serlptiou Tin, �Pe AN- EX ELLENT rr ER ; STrAND . h wit CONSISTING OF ' ELV E BL)OM , =large Stable Shecl,pun- and large• gardetr, Toarnship of7.urn- C:1l1,, _ `n. he Village of Bluevale, E, . Me—Intast ; M. D - 7 t e 0f the ofL M N. SURGEON, etc., (graduate # berrp,and known by the na�m Sr Miss. tcDQ2ALD, Goderteh. Apr1128t1, 1864. sw68-wl "'Zt�r • TRD law A' -OTICE is' HE RESY _GAN TIWf application will be made at -the ?met Session ormeeting of Parliament, for sin act to revive: the charterr,autboriz:ng the construetietr of t of P' n ♦ ert'�r -a Rail way from -Stratford, in the coir to.SaugCen, itt the county of Bruce, with breach' es to lfinci�rdine ltd Oven Sontsd. i nen t { W. F. Mc.GULLOCU; ' et and ether romoter$ Blratf�ord, AprilH,1864. V15 -0t sccc . 4413 1 -PHYSICIAN. Now, and he ;occupation.of McGill College, Montreal;& Ltrcv }iv31 _ VALE HOTEL, rue • .., ,rhe, property the proprietot,,H. C. B ...- off M. i3., has large additions and improvements, and is A. F. 8teinh ,'Ce of man -who is seeking OMEOPATHTC PHYSICIAN, SUR- -worthy the notice any Mr. a M • n'ce at _ A . d!i U�•a eel � fa R G EON f c: G s Victoria Street; •G'linton. . - sV Ned , a 0 Ct REFERENCES, BULT: M. !)., London_; Taos. NICaw ., A.., '• Jour/ EL.L1$, M. D., New York M. ,� Simcoe, n2446mOS city. • - . A. W ORTHINQrTQN,VIO_ HY;SICIAN, SURGEON, &c.,' will _at- tend, particularly, to diseases o1.and sur dial uperattohr upon• the eye. 1:loWIClt VILLAGE. Dec 13.11162. 1W47 -1V Cameron tits Elwood`, • ARRIISTER,S;ATTORNBYS,CONVEY .,angers, &c. Goderich and Clinton 111. G., CAMERON, J. Y. ELWOOD, Goderich. • Clinton: Mee m Clinton-iifet doors north of the Post OSce. •v12n47 i. HE SUBSCRIBERS would beg to inform his customers_and the' public that his new prem - in - East stet et C lw S t1 Sand 1 gave said ria mean .! � - in Conn d � e and Lot Ford*. in the see- �,Iantiiacturin bush , - - �£t.irtt.-Ilene an 1 . sbi of of the Durham Bead, a' - acres in County ofS, les 'Containing [tni h rands ani GIhacres ofland ear11: inure rE ass; i.� ��++ tenement I shall oiler for' sale at my office in the • Cott*t House in the. taro of,G odeneb, on Tues- s . _ -tilt day of September next, at the vaillle � . >f> the clock, gouge. . HitgE t, lir Execntiost all the right, title it - nine, : t e� first of Sane. { t n iroreand Lot Ytber Th'rtwill be opened on s coupe • dalr the hour of twelve .THE, SQUARE Carding, Cloth Dressing and for transacting the Wool tion with his WOOL FACTORY, where all orders and Yam) n hand. to ex ange for wool • Having this year added wilier, = S DOUBLE C.ARDING MACHINE Co. of Bruce, • vl6niftyly. riIVIL ENGINEER AND PROVINCIAL, 1'); McDougall, - 1863.. 'rv87ft ober 8th. • FOR SALE. LANDS • BABA - DE A ,GR►EAT ...: • tbeStove Depot, M.esFt Street, t3oderieh. • o i� ondabillth A.pr al : - zip$ Orel, 00=181411g on- erieh fo Southampton every M Wilt leave God Saturday,at 7 • Coal`Oil Lamps; are., te. C. 17kedncsday, Thur ay and er day,Wednesday, a. in. 2 o'cl same :afterli nge leaving'per, Brass, Rask and Sheepskins til e=• o slut. ,, ;k m„eallingeach way .,,.. - aouthampton;at2 n sloe , P? in {and 1'E, gidcardiite, istvexhcron; Port,f�lt� , at e wtieis necessary{and Practicable. Brut ve:Goderieh for Sa'itia acid Port Huron Willies every D .Tt�1URSDA i EVNEIN8, Vl�NDAY AND time .to connect ' in. rri • arriving S k las At 10 o e , wit R V I3atfor petroit and G. W. and G. Lawn - ..1 ship ofTurriberry,coutaining about 150 acres, (a portion of the land belonging to the late -Mr. Alexander Becket) adjoining the flourishing_ iril- tage of Zetland. •Iii consequence of the heirs re - Siding out ofthe Province, the subscriber is 'in- structed to take a7 per...acre,. cash, or a small advance for part rash a:1141 oalance -secured by mortgage, running over 3 to 5 year's credit., This is a decided bargain, as the- kinds WE of "excellent rat la lin IMP A PABMof 1Wacrees of later i -'a O Macre* �: i3E FI ase troll XCi ! h ter-. o Minebe. he to. Tim will Ems. - leading thereto. s a¢ cad B T x: .' hese in Gtr, large portion ci a re IN n Po R1� pu x �•a- 1,'F'�'3.T particulars apply fol, B. GO ,r a. arena and Fort Huron ever3 then pP Y Will leave S Sol caor tiodiedcli o}r•to {� CO. • + -- rival Goderieh. 9th November 1563. at1o'clock, l;,m•s meds tele m the 'TUBS') be prepared tO execute farmer's work to any- reasonable eite-Ot on Short notice. •C totners comiog to the factory themselves will be promptly attended to Sheritrsoace, Goderieli, to his establishment !rid June.1663, Accidents !issuance. MIDENTIRE AMMO rtivzsTmlig pomiloAni, Es` tiblished DI Special Act °Orrarlianient. Nor. 20, TORONTO-MIEBT, TORONTV. as formerly, andparticulat attention wil "d to tliose'from a distance wishing, their subscriber bdpes by of his customers, to ital tor the liberal patronage of former Years in the abov,e business, the iriet attention to business and sparing no expense in Meeting -the wants till receive a share of the seine. _place- East Street, second- door from-PR/OBS MOON, • -1110114S LOGAN. 0oulity _of Huron. 8sles in village or country • vex, Grosvenor Street, Seuthampton: UROVINCIAL LAND SURYEYOR AND Engineer,Clititon. • July 1, 'N.. Godetich;luly 7th, 1863r w23 N.13.-:-Tjekets O9,11 be proeur f y -of R of the Crawl the agents for Saginaw per- steamer Huro „. or For partieulars este rates of freight, &c,, apply 011,0VINCiAl.. LAND.- SURVEYOR,. 1- Civil Engineer, &c. Sittveving-of every description,- add Architectural Plans executed ;, Lands ex-amined 'and valuta:. - ri_tV II, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Laud Agent and Conveyaecer? limeardmi _ arid .Ornamental Trees, Shrube, are. Or dem promptly attended to. 11 • -LA Commissioner in Queen's Bench, tor Wang ik MY every one should prey de against them, Xi. They are sc. frequent that. according to the experience of English Com.paniet, JUltbD YEARLY B -Y ACCIDENT. BY ROA% 011(,, RAILROAD- ---"Vintehrel; the -Streets, or at -Home,. may he providediratittistelptaank;ng out a.Policy IC; Irourances tor any sum, whit- weekly ' allowance in case of disablement,ean be obtained itarch.22nd. 1334. 16'058 -61n - 'RAVE 37.1115VED TO TIIE fornrily ocenpied by TvAintey flz Black; they have Where, a addition -to their usual heavy supply of Drugs, Patent,?tediciues, Eke. ITURAL SE-EDS1 .. f the oldest and Most reliable honied- in Glasgovt, ScOtlind ALS6 RECEIVED A LOT *OAF PRIME - ARD WARE ! 04001 Provisions, to- Agent ter the sale of MYR. XEY WARE Sc CO.'S `Px.*Trimst G-11 importea directly tram oue THEY, ELT CO FEES dt, -TOBACCOES'n' Which hey offer ai very low: prices. ALso, vcrxmirmat .7.:n CZO ITC) 11 -el 8ARN1A--*. 11;' Clark; tNITEltfilfRON-P. • HE subscriber would announce to the public. • or Huron -find Sioce that he has on land and will make to miler Carriages, 'Wagons, Har- rows, dm., which will be' sold cheap for.cash or olio. Kaute, 1703.1MISSIONER IN THE COURT OF eary kept of Farm and Town Loukfor Sigel par- , ties having lots for sale, dr deidring to piirchase will please send full pait.culars. Dunstannon.Feb. 20.-185-7. '919 Merchant, 1 :mammon C. Notes and Accounts collected, Business- of any kind en- trusted to him will receive prompt attention. ICENSED AUCTIONEER for HURON 1-4 -and Banes, - Silos punetually attended to. approved credit.- • 1863 - 4a-49 ent ARM F -LA mite iron Wroseter, Log house , rind barn, 02 ACRES; 28010/EARED THE -SUBSCRIBER BEGS T AN- -nonses tothe Public generally that he bas 'recommenced businessin„Goderich, aria wilt keep on hand and make to order Waggons, Carriages, airra nsurance Comply T.OTS 13,61, to 13,11, wattle xi STATION, Galeria), for 1150 imat, t !tie Yettrs Credit, or longer recluired; Apply ” Goderitlx April Sets 1864. ',Owl FIRE . RATES coisistent with _safety. • LARGE ROANS AND 11.1T2S,L0lirER Ina Looses Promptly Settlea Mott bliARLES 1%11011E14 li:Sinase:yrougq.044.1.0:.:aniujortint:eirs otai: in commotion :roe* tan titillate& L Alas ENDS OF OOTTNTICI WORK n lus line executed ba short rietiee and lit reason- , able prices. ,lreSko* on *Milton St.:, between Son, formerly decupictlhy Martin rosemary. DO MUSS 1'0110*in Purging "4..A.1-41 Very Reasonable Te re TIE following Landsaraoffered 'for sale o very adventigeout_tertual fliRMILSE1010 CIS IT Yin -Of MGM 1-345t,..411411q1NT 1V1 - tlem•terigaloikii Sia 1564. ." BeaPing, Machines, Wood snive;. Rs' -,'-11411in the watt. date la it 'leased itibiitsOttIma. ,aaey, A/C1) BOX STOVES . Always on bankilmar °Lend, Pipe Boxes. As our patterns. of the above are elsewhere, as*. ere afRiring_tht ishovot the lowest remunerative • pricei for -cash; or or ak prove4 Credit. Ohlinetat-Brass;topper, and all of produce, taken in exchange. dodetielt, October, ISM w39 w 43u interest pei Fent.. - South 1 11. irad 4b cornfil00,iteres. North 21. in 4h con.; 100 acres, JORN RICKSstrroPtiOtor. This is the largest and test ;Country nowt in Western Canada, and charges as moderate as any House Mitchell. S„tage Proprietor. ttOod-stabling for 100 Horses. '1101108 lead Carrities foi -Hues. en; the Shortest Notice : '41 1 OTS Nos. 117, 119,1190120, 135., 1 9,in the Li rising Village of Itiversdale, in the County of Buse. This Village is situated on the main toad 't•ween limcardme and "Walkerton, the County Town of Bruce. - Lot Number 16, South side, or Wrichatiless AVenue, tbe own -of Kincardine, and LOts 47, 48, 4V, 60, 51,5t and M. in the -Village- of Rivers - dale, also 75 and 16, West side -of Victoria StfegIs ha the Town of Kincardine, County of Bruce. Lots -31 and 32 in 6 con., 100 aCreseacli, 1000. Acre* in:One 131oels, Town of bederich and Ihe GoZerith Station 4:4" the Bug, -cArrox Cost WEETigatninnu"*°°Duicil TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Arming' n5 SAGiN,AW esrlyueetaiewwwer, tleavisli3AstilNAW for opozium Now LOU Numbers 3, 4,.5, on the North ot the Dur - Lam Market Square, m the Village of Kineardine, acre -of land each, -with the biliklingn thereon Also Lots 5,3 and 8on the Durham 11,04 and tot 25, OR the North iide of the Durham Hood, in the Township of Kincardine, contemn 50 acrel Lous31 and Won 'West sVlp -4,1;oen, 'Street to For partienhirs apply to . MONDAY AND THURSDATs • Arriving nifX.MERICItin ..getpin tali* to 40;6010. With the tolinViiagillOrEiReateetik 101111 Enron trams the • T Grad Trunk Seaway at Stathrit Great. Western Railway, PS* With the Welland BegWal at Port Wimp* 7510Mroirsal:A461111.:0-1A,A riwisiimilogs.atp. 11.4411...t00.4„..7..7.1wr.0.110 . ', 4-' Ja:brestreemo;atontott daenteubnistine. SuA: T.... asa F4=1(1'4144 11P 144 vaitervi;oolriiibluvito:,12..111, , .: ..:. ; , 1.04, go to -therm 0,:vioryatheiiftywiTaiiipaimin.ctiakt., 1;00. the owners ol the rif CAN BE 13 3NSUL L. House $orireca Ira .A2 Use, Ana SeiteitOr6 Crown Attorney,, *a Conn _House. Shaw AP• Vit ARRISTZPSI SO ion Bettor &Soul Strzottan Vt. AnalSTOUSI- Cerner 01101131404- Xactroy Li Notaries, Coe lay/scorner, Visit zrottzt Chancerv. Noway be South side of West. Court -Rouse Some. VitslItstaxl ATTORNEY-AT- ess doors frout Mr. Shade -oseirow House! Xto ARC • tAN Leiter that LA pWITS RN ittitiwaito fume Qom Lots 33 and 34 in 10 con., 1.0.9neres eath. or to the Owner 111011/14, GALT, Zoo., • Timis tor birKsratgertet Dhrlairdirithtedr, Pits—ttedTowooknahlipnskot Colborne.. With 60 acres of 147acpusiesres ofrtiswisbar. . mat*: Clap, dedench, or on the pro y to John Ili - rime Darlington, To be sold 'cheap, and time -given for part oftlie money,. ' 9.4.1)1121,49th March, 1864 - ,m10 -lin FARM FOR SALE. fiN tbe ninth cosi-mien, the west Ulf of , 'kJ tot munbet twenty-three, in the Township bout f ,_ red, the- 914 hardwood on. Title induipMehla Apply to the proprietor; AANC4-TrowlesPiiir 100114.11* itteetalliteolor, sad tee lbelibepet." las &relative. The taw se heir 441 la Shp mai Itbssal sena aide Waite It drai awe 1Z1V667fie =VANS Mfg sioa-sIX 11111AMEIF for viott WOO- 40 *1St kilt Gro IOW* figlie" atteassoarrossom Cederich.A. SOL moo Awn reoli