HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-06-21, Page 1E R Y WAY '1_ S C111711' es.; • ' I .4 4: • ,•aa a.son tzle .1.7,ELTOTT w 2 - LEY. the rl I • c • le t leAMED; • N.,. - veWICU FR DA Y moreing. 7ke every r - taro to connect . ar.n. Cone.ecting at Stratford, V at ._Paris' lc; ' cr Colbolne. ... 11.45 otO ..taowael A. at.a 33 , .... ...... a.to, ---•-,430 10.0Ct earn SAC:IN-1W, ... a.ose ... _ . ea - P. St 4.4.5 . . .. . L 2.545 itacr 540 - 6.06 Anti cheapest route from the Saginaw ted with every- re- . ;ere. and is eonstd- .,okes* Pas.sengers •rths, and at: other eeing the intention Rareway Company t"ti establishthe- to. ale who may ay-otho route. ; Agent, lodecie.to C. W. W16-' own I N G VieRETHAleleF. e etragemene he ha* eusmess in Gode-- ever orreehalf a it season; having. ;et for , , - alma_ - „ease' trateeiraen., !nee as- Cotter is- havieg carried on teelly ict Hamilton,. ,aint baring been '1st ablisheacata eesly sae e to ar 3B 311LIM beet Establielee' siw17w441-le s. a • vn. 1' -.I 1 1 ) A . M., \ • • , ••4. 1 0: 1 ( ( •\ I 'N, GOD - I H 1140-1y 1•'. NI,- 1 ..•itii. . 1).. I) '•• : \. ;(.• . ti ". 1[„...t, • •: i W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor. 'AND HURON AND 1 ro ,,• I) l"..t \\I1 \ 1 -TV -AT - 1) low, at! e. • •. '1-(',1.1 t•71.,, County c. icr., • , : -A. 1 [1.'11,e Al4n40 S2.50 PER ANN. -IN AD BR tiCE ADVERTISER, - "The Greatest Possible God b Vac Gr3a.t3st Possible Number.",' ; _ - - - GODE1ICHIC.W.3 TUESDAY. JUNE 21, 1864 VOL. 2. --NO 83. ."41111 coNN-Ey- DuE5inc JOivectort). aNci.R.•.„‘. • (11•••, ovf•r the Store or _ 1),•' r and Queen Street, -- ineard.. j ,lioderwb A.Sitzsw,Kin:Ardine. ) p -Lr 12:23 ,GS, DRUGS ! &t rc-1iitn & Dermot. IZA.RRIS ATTORNEVS-.lT LAW. kJ Notaries Pubt,-, , West Street. i eh. .101111 13k11. -1,40n. A T FORN'El" F I, \V, 11,1l'IT011. IN \ Nice. Market Square, Corner ot Street, Goderich. 9:42 I.efroy S.; 1 torson. R.A.IIIIISTERS4, AT rOlINEYS-AT-LAW, L_) N ar. ea , v even ce ,t; . 0,5cr \le- (ay's corner, West Street, (1,-K1t-rich. 9:42 .1ulln 13. C1._>1don. TT)RNTEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Ctiam•erv. co•oao-aacer, &co .'.er eh, caead.i. ortice-on he South side of We< Street, third door from the Court -House Squat e. - -.r A TTORNeeY-AT-I..1W, S'OLICIT011 IN Chain-erv, No! Iry Pu',..bl,e,Colveyam'er,&e, Goderch, C. W. -0,6,-e, South side of East sit.: e doors from Mr. Dark's Hotel. vl3n29 _ SlItatio aroodin^, TTOes.NEY. soLtetroR, See. Gon E- 11. a icit,C. W. --Ot•F.cs : 1p Stairs Watson's Block, West ist. ; entrance First Door west vl Gasgow 'louse. 11...)bert BATIRISTE.11. AT FORNEY, CONVEY- ANCER., Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Pub - c. oFFicz-in Crabb's .Ne‘v Block, Goderieh, C. W. wli-t!.r$q .J.A....11 S ARCHITECT, DLAN3 ANI) tt.i1F1CATON.; of Budd - l• logs, Nr.c., got up in a neat and correct style. °ace at tlitl Huron Auction Mart, King on Street, Croderich. Lsw v1u1y1y VANEVEItY & RUMEALL, Forwarders, Commission Merchants teeetie.Rec erEiteit 110 AT &QUITS, - CU -s-ro3x i.-101,7SM .131-zO1rt-S DEALERS IN Flour,Salt, Pak,Whisky,Coa1,Lumb'r8TX HaAor quay. Godertch.C. TWIS. 13. V.A.N.E.v•k.nv ,rao.111:Nostu.t. '117 IT NE A. -N -LAND ACENT. Drtrket Square, Gpderieh. •attends CLINTON eVA-11/ Wednesday,from 11 torn o pore. 81i10 Land Sorip for Sale, LIZERA.L.PREelIU,XI GIVEee ptvn hzcbctaii ee made to the Grown LeadeDepiretmenefir Land Scrip. See cael in anether column. • - • • • HENRY GRIST; Qtrebec. .,v4bsty27. Cfoderiele. 13„:e 18152 • 50 Acres of lipd 1,4`59it said on Lake 1ti1 Bast and North Boultda.ry _12 the Township of tlav. 35 acres cleared and- a good' frame dAVelliog efectedihercon, svell.ituated for a tas;ern -.land. For fanIter particulars app11,- to •---G. GRA:I:CA.3f • avfield P. 6. Marc 16:ti. t w8 -4 - DAYS' HOTEL, , ON` R tAVEL RGA), - NEAR WROX.ETER, - 41411 ,subscrkber; retunitni thks• to tne. •Ntbdo for the very liberal patronage bestow- ed upoa while his h.duse was ia ' •aa unfinished state -takes ties ?epee -ninny of ap- prisingihismaay friends and the pit hlie generally, ot the fact that h:s hoirie now ailords accorieno- , , dation inferior to none- in the County', and there- tbre trusts that by a proper attention to businesst he will etill merit the share of patronage hitherta bestowed Ho:mho-R. Let uo stage -Man or other intererted individual persuade you into the- beltel that it is all the sante w bether yoU. got() Wroxeter or not, because not only is his uonse not in that _place, but 152 miles unstaltii by any rOad that Is tray - &able, and thereture travellers going). to Belnowe Teeswater, Walkerton, 6cm, will find "Days Hotel" on the main gra el road, about a mile bee yend the fineer board pointing to Weneeter, and eanexpeet sripertor accommodation p.ncl a hearty ..metcoine at any hour of da v or night. Our stab- ling is the most eammodiotis in the county (city _ ‘hotele,epernape, excepted.) For a View of the hee-esee Re W. Hermon, It. Martin and L., Hoe- ' toner- New Map °Abe County. i • Ice provided in Summer for, his fishing - • friends. • C1TARLES. PAYS, .0nru1elt. = te46e1 nErINT-It:w - DEPARTMENTA-L AND - Parliamentary Agent, C;?1:71111333E10, PRINS.ACTS BUSINESS WITH THE -I- Crown Lanes and ether Government De- partmonts; Takes out Patent S for Inventicias.- Drafts and takzchorge ofPrivate Bills during tke 14egsior1Zee ere ere for Parties resaling in 1.IoPer Canada. or -elsewhere. .w105 • re j Ps (Suecessorto K. B. Reynolds) Ntediettl co.rt..H.,,,,Synare,G-ozierith , DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST Dealer in, and linporterot CrlE NDINE DBUGS Chemtrals, Perfumery, Ilair rooth, and Nail 1131rnstaeft ! ! PAINTS, orLs, coecias, DYE STVFES, HORSE & CATTLE MEDICINES • CARDEN SEEDS, &C.. &C. Orders from Med,cal men punctually attended to at Lowest Trade PI ?res. N.B.-Physician's Prescriptions eensed. Goderich. Jan. 10. 1858. • carefidly dzs- 49 LIGHT! LiGirr! LIGHT! ROCK & COAL OILS. !Blaming Fluid, Lamp Oils. For Sale by F. JORDAN. Goderice, Jan. 17, 1859. 50 tkoclericfl PLANING MILL ! Sash, Dboor, and SIM gagiregalto John McDonald & Co. HAVING COMPLETED THEIR NEW Factory, are now prepared th take in orders to any extent. From' their 'long experienee ia the bbsiness, and having experienced workmen, and a first-clasS set of machinery, they flatter theinselvee that they e'en do Pi • 1..c,0c11. NATcarrim., ,ti.tante EstallOhment szt Canada. Fartieshaving • .vork would do wel to ALI 0.1111. 2MA Ihereiealso any guanine 0; .• IS4STI, -DOORS & MOULDINGS, . . • • 3f 'ALL, ItINliS • ON HAND . • Lk 00 t44 -:BOOKBINDING. LIA.VING made arrangements with Mr. D, EL McGREGOR, Book -binder and Manufac- turing Stationer, (who has lately returned from Phila. Irene with a _large stock of Binding and Other tv eerie), 1 ain prepared to Furnish Blank - Books °fall krndssize and styles with and with- out Printed Headinge, at ten Der -cent cheaper than Toronto price. All kinds of Fled g net giving satlefaction will he repaired free of eharge. sa-46w21 JOHN BUTLER. • • BOOTS n118110E11 ! SPRING BD SUMMER WEAR ip JUST RECEIVED AT James Sen.'s EmusTox sT., Gonatuerf. CALL IS SOLICITED. also ode , • TO Carpenters &Builders • A --- LIBERAL DISCOUNT,FOR'THEIR WORK _ TERMS:, Without biatiiiptigati be:CASad.. •, leleltememberthelplace• Eppostitilsd sng - = - Goderich.26th Atizzinit, 1861. 0 - Ore ICt n Deale in - ALL KINDS or nwzrirmity: - "LIVERY DESPRIPTION OF REPAIR 1.4 leo done. and warranted. Jewellery made to order. Wedding Rings of my own make eon- stantlykept on land, at t he ceA stand, ne.xt door to the S& halotfize. te• , BU5i1IC55 niVfltOr1). FIRE INSURANCE. Gore District Mutual Fit e lusurance Company; estab- lished 1838. Phceniz Insurance Company, of Hartford; Capital. $400.000. MARINE. AND FIRE INSCRANCE. Provincial Insurance Company, of Canada; Capital. $1.743,620. Marine and Fi Risks taken on the most favorable tertns in the above offices. Office: Market aar••. HORACE ttoItToN. Agent. God e rich .10th Apri1.1961. 10.4-7 British America Insurance Co. Chief affice-Teronto. Capital, $400,000. MARINE DEPARTMENT. I nsuranees Effected at Low Rates. VANEVERY & RI.TMBALL, Agents Goderiele C. W .. July 7. 1862. 1124 INSURANCE. 'VTESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY. V British America Assurance Company; 1 -lend Offices,Toronto. Marine, Fire and Life Insurances eflected on favorable terms. ey• Office in Mr. J. B. Goenox's Law Cham- bers. JOHN HALDAN, Jr., Agt. Goderich. Nov.24. 1860 North British and Me: eantile Insuranct Co., fOffiee in Mr. Gordoa'a Law Chambers. JOHN HALDAN, Ir., Agent. sw12-1vr Goderich, Oetober 13,1863. .2, TRE.LIVEUPOOL LONDOA , FIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO. Capital, £2,000,000, Stg.; Accumulated Fund, $5,671,724. •Imtaimmma Brittania Life Assurance Co. of London. , THE undersignee having been appoietec Agenifortheabove highly respectable Gompenresetprepared to accept ow h Fireand Lliteisks,at moderatt retesoi premium. A. M.ROSS,Ageze. Gtoderich Jtiilsi 183,9 el 2n2f. , ALL• ASSURING - ON THEI' WITIT P11,0 FITS PLAN- • .Before the 25th Instant with THE COLONIAL UF ASSURANCE CO: - Will receive TWO veara".Bonns at -the IP Alois. , of Profits NEXT YEAR. - . _ W . M.-RAMSAY, - -. Manager for Canada. . RICHARD BULL, - Inspector of Agencies. For Rates- and Prospectuses, npplito. J. D.' BLACK' Agent. - DR: MACDOUGALL, Medical Referee: - ' Pv75w17iune5 HE COMMERCIAL UNION :ASSURANCE pcon*A317. 140..NDo.N.-10 CORN tl ILA E. C. MONTREAL -1 T. PAUL ST. -CAFIT4J-$ O0 000. Dep.:sit: Fund in aim da --$30 000 _ GEN ERAL ,AGE S .k.911•CANADA.Mon- e LAN , WATrN CO. . ,Yire Department. THE chstinguiebing principle of the Company has„beeit the establishreeitt of an equitable classtfication, charging in all oases a Premium proportionate to the risk, and. -the success of the Co. proves that the public fully appreciates this feature. I INSUR N CP AG4INST LOSS BY Fire of Property of every description. Losses settled and paid in Canada, without reference to the London Directors. Life Depirtment. ssuraneesgranted in every forms: Rates moder- ate. Security good. 80 per vent. of profits divid- ed amongst participating -policy-holders. Claim paid one month atter proof 01 death.:. _- Forma of Proposals.? Prospectuses. and all in formation can be obtained :at the-Chiet Offices of the Company, in Montreal, 221 eie 223 St. Paul . .rai Street,or fromf ra4,1 • II. GA RDINER* CO., C.) Agents at Boderich.' se w43sw24-6m' ea tee , MI • Qtrol. rej. ;4 . • : • - 11 TABLE-TOOS, LIODERICH .t '0 NEW.00KS Apiwirm LIFE 011 , LIOISON! 2 ---"THE -SOUTHERN WA" ..- IPELI.Atta, Etionskosell. AT-BUTIAR'S. . • SEAL' 01-.411.26XIVIEI MS , . Godefs, lieelbge and Peterson'si for October, all received I . AT Brnizsgs. SASH AN -BLIND The tindersigned, has on hand a ' LARGE ASSORTMENTI SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, sex. Everything required in -the BuUding Line. SEASONED LUMBER I PLNE AND HEMLOCK S C.A.NrT TAN GI-, .CEDAR POSTS, LATH, FLOORING -4, ' AND ALlit.OT111!11. PrsAMNG DOld TO ORDER. - .E.- GRACE, . 1Preprietor. TO THE LADIES! MRS. TRELEAVEN,_ TEIANKFUL TO HER FRIENDS FOR 1 their past liberal support would take this opportunity to inform tt ein and the public gene- rally, that she has resumed the Milinery and Dress -Making Business. ALSO, $31113E1-.A.NAT IN ALL 1,5 BRANCHES. Straw Bonnets and IIats Cleaned and Altered in the latest fashiorr. Also, Felt Hats clean- ed and altered to look as good as new. RESIDENCE— Victoria St.'opposite the Planing Alit's, and next door to the Nlarble Works. N B. -Two Apprentices wanted.. jAvt,p5e1-13y,initi- mediately. Goderieh, 27th Feb., 1163 MAITLAND HOTEL, GODERICH n WILSON, PROPRIETOR. THE e• above is most pleasantly situated on an eminence 120 feet high, overlooking the Harbor and Lake Huron ;-good Orchards, Gardens and Rural Walks attached. Board $1 perday ; single Mealsor Beds. 25 cents. v15n1Ovlv Huron. Auction Mart. THE UNDER,IGNED HAVING LEASED THE Brick Store on Kingston Street, owned by M. C. Cameron, Esq., for the pur- . pose of carrying- on AUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, Weind respeetfully solicit a share of public patronage. Ali orders and sales in any part of the County punetually attended to, and all moneys paid over. The Rooms to be known as the Huron Auction ?dart. Goderich. JAMES SMAIL, • JAMES THOMSON. 1862. 19-tf ABRAHAM Merchant Tailor, MAR/�1 SQUARE, GODERICH /las ust received a- large and well -assort- ed stockof FIROXC3 G AND COOS _ pend a variety of Fancy Articles, such as Shirts,Collars, Neckties; Caps,. Which he is preppred to sell Cheap for Cash. , , 'Gore:rich. April 12..1861 '.w12 . . CABINET WAREHOUSE t e;Okel ' (THE. OLDF,ST IN THE COUNTY.) - D. GORDON tjA)1311\M4 AND UNDERTAKER,: Menuractures ane has new on hand it complete itssoitment ot.Furniture, at his Wureroonts, - - WEST STREET, GODERICII Sofas; Bureaus, Bedsteads, 'Hair, Cane and ,Went -seated Chairs, Gilt Moulding and Looking Glasses, in variety, of Home Manufacture - and Imported ! ! D. G. hes always on band a complete as- sortment of COFFINS-. Also,. HEARSES TO HIRE. • 131-.Lurnber and Cordwood tiketi in ex- change fur Furniture. . • * Goilerich. 27th Oct.. 1863. w27 R. NI. WANZEII&GOIS GENUINE CANADIAN ?ATENT - SEWING ,MAC4INES, - Have taken the First. Prizes /CT THEPROVINCIAL EXHIBITION held LI. in Montreal,September 14th, leth,16theand letle, 1863i over all °there; and also at the Pro- vincial Exhibition held in Kingston, September 22nd, 23rd, and rath and 25th, 1863. Prizes ofa, similar character were also awarded to us at the Provincial Exhilntron held'inTorinto itt 1862,and at the Provincial Exhibition held at London 'in 1861. • . Prices have been Greatly. Reduced' . M. WANZER - aux= smmi, - - - Agent, - East Side Market Square. Godertch, April -28th, 1853. " 467w13 *Goderich, Nov. 27, 1863, sw25al 'THE FULTON HOUSE, Market Square, GoJericli. C. FULTON, Proprietor. ikmPLL ACCOMMODATION for the trncel- ling public. The bar supplied at all times with choice liquors, cigars, 6::e/ Good stabling and attentive hostlers. Goderich. April I2th, 1564. sw63w11 ME 30 3P CONVEYANCING! THE NDEReIC NED will draw ileedz _ nit mortgages and attend to the proper es( ctltlott ofthe same, ready for registration, at th following iates, viz :1 Deeds wall Memorial Mortgages . do Other documents at et:pit:qv, low figures. JOHN GALT, Registry Office, Goderich, Noveinber 5th. 1s63. 1.y!11-31n$q Lands for Sale ! JOT No. 2. in the 3rd con. of Aslifield, County of 1 Huron. containur 90 acres more less. situate within one mile of the Village of Port Albert. and nine from God. -rich. Soll good. land -*oiling. adsl beautiful flats adjoining the 9 mile river. which flowsheross the southern pertloii. This a rare cha-cz.. befg conven- ient tp market, and a good gra- et road in onticipation this season. "'-8. E. j hot no. 16. con 3. Township of frawanosh and one mile from the Northern Gravel Ro t minty of Kuron. hal-111;15 acres clear. wet:cp timbered Part of lot R. in the Township of Colborne: County of Illuroit. containing 26i acres. This is beautifully located on the Northern Gravel Road, opposite the Village of Milburn. having a good fritme house and barn. also a spring creek passing near (he dwelling, within 2 miles of Goderich. • Lots numbers 31.32.29 and 28,containing each one fifth of an acre in the Village of Milburn. on the Northern Gravel Road, and within 2 tniles of Goderic Also two excellent lots in 13ridge End Plat, township of Colborne. which Village is situate on the ttank.oI the Maitland and adjoining the Town of Goderi For particulars apply, if by letter post -pa GEO. HAWKINS, e W. ROB RTSON, Port Albert. 5 Gaoler, Goderich. March 24th, 1884, w9sw60-lyisE • DIATT. ROBERTON0 • 11,Itimotop: • .„.. ef°14. ANIT.PApTIT -01 att. 1tIND9 or - -1 artrr. rtacti for the Huron -- ON THE LORD'S PRAY. Jehovah! our father who dwetleth in Heaven, Father! and king of the spirits above To thee let all homage and glory be given, Great author and fountain of science and love I Be hallow'd tby name, o'er all names that are utter'd. Let earth's feel le potentates bow to the sod: Power, Truth, Luve and Mercy, adoringly ni utter' d, With soul felt devotion ascribing to God! Soon may thy kingdom,o'er nature extendiug, Geld every chine, with unlimited sway; As world rolls o'er world in auccessiou unend- ing, Blest by thy high immortality's ray. Lord! let thy will be the charter of nations; Thy wisdom and justice each statute per-vade; Unwrested by despotic interpretations : As in heaven, so on earth by thy counsels obey'd. Day after day let thy bounty provide us The raiment, tbe food, and the rest we require,• Trusting in thee, may each boon be supplied U3, - Thy wisdom sees ifieet for each humble desire. As we forgive those who wrong or deceive us, Whether from wantonness, error or will.; Father I do thou in tby mercy forgive us: Wand'rers-not outcasts -beloved of thee Suffer us not to be led by te Nation, From vice's allurements our masons restrain; For thine is :he empire of bo ndless creation, The power and the glory for4ver, Amen., WY &NUT TNIC. Ashfield, May 2nd, 1864. .11•111. Written for the Huron Signal. VIRGIBIA. Oa the forests oi Virgnna, the moon is shining high; The silent hours of midnight, are slowlv patiiing by; The plains of Old Dominion, stretch mistily and, wide, - And farther than the eye can see, extend on every side. • Wide sweeping to the northern star, they reach Potomac's shore, . * Far to the 'east the rivers run to meet the oeetin's rear, _ IThe steep and rugged Blue -ridge begins the r western land,. ' . And south; Old. -Carolina takes Virginia by the ° ' hand, , -, : / • ' SIJCII.-AS Bureaus, Sefas,'•Lounges, Bedsteads in end.essi, einety, Wardrobes, Book Cases,Mattras..eeso Center 'fables, llinitor Tables, BrealitAat Tables,!, Toilet Tables; -Wash. Standia, Chairs, ,and many other hrticles teo numerous 1Offneiition Ail kiudsi . • of- - ' : I Alvcooi) Promptly attendedto- ITP1i9LSTE :trial! its brconchcs. UNDERT Mr. R. respectfull his stock. Warrant terial and -workmaris prices. Call and cum going elsewhere. • •a3=' Cordwood and duce taken in exchan -ter Wareroorn-on Goderich. March g 'mats an- exaihmatu.in of to be made ()tette bestma- ip, and at greatly redeeed are, und be saolfied bafore 11 kindsof Fa ner's -Ti • ' lgin Street. - th.1863. SW59 • No -sound is heard within the woods; .novoice ,. Ilion- the breeze ; Save zephyrs mournful- sighing in the branches pf the trees.f • So deep the unbroken Isolitude, so cei'm and &till the scene; It seems as there a human Riot neer.or eel- -r• doin been, Strangel that it is .the teskpf man, te mar a scene • -so tiir ; To toul the face of nature,' and pollute the virgin ' - ' Those -leafy arching forestal they prigierve their secret well, And the shimmering changeful moonbetuus, no tales of horror tell. ' Who veopeaucklefrtri that over ail this see, ruing ISAAC FREDR CK - ,..A. The bloody hand; t'races.yet are fresh. , -of-battles gent 1 WATCHMAKER- AND JE WESTi ST„ GODERI H,t Nclt door East of Mr. Stotts' 'addkry. - re szowernm.nisra. WATt;HES,' CLOCKS AND 4WELRY REPAIRED ON $1:1ORT NOTICE, In the best Style Wa anted: • ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTS! ENS Gold & Plated Jew4etry;t atates, &c.,Constantly bn hand and warrunted to be a represented • If not, money refunded. Goderteh.tatRentember. 1863). •16n31 • • GODERICH PANNINJMILL AND . - Fa6ti) rrHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS A. the inhabiteuts of the Cott and Bruce that he is still lfanufact on hand a number of his SUPERIOR FANNING MILL He would particularly draw a Mills. ae hewill warrant them to oats, cockle, chess: Lto. P.m and wivranted. - _ Fietory, on Nelson st" &twee and Cambria Road. _ • Atso, agent for the sale of Mor an and patent CULTIVATOR. whieh h failed to give generelsaustaction to f have used them. HENRY ID Goderieb, April 22nd 1664. ' -0 tie rru ten ee 3' INFORM of Huron g, andhas PUMPS. ton to his heat from e to order -llctoria:tract preniium DOM vet mers Nell() UGH DUN *ex -chant Ta D. 39 OP, or, llefEGS to Wolin the inhabitants of Gorierieh 1-; that he bas REMOVED to the s op under ' , E. L. Johnson's Pleturg Galicrts MA.11.1C3ET itictxr - Where he hiss large isnpp131Ot SPRING & SUMMER 0013S - Very suitable for the Uoderich T . which he 'steady to sell at THE -LOWEST OASHtPtICE Godericb, April 26th, 1864. • Who would snppose that underneath, isi every, shady nbok ; thetokosk°;f anY "Ter; !he•-jsi4e 71112any a • }There. daierepthrepse thousands upon thousa,nds-in:calni and Two hosts that oft in bloody field, have proved_ -them deadly foes; And thousands upon thousands who wilt never -That "a'n:atavhkeoseeteell tgraneiansihaei nr0..US woed-lands, in tattle Yes countless sveariedsoldiers in that forest calm- ly steep, 1 • And the shinning star* above them-I:silent vigil keep. , In careless wild confusion, they lits nattered all around; The rustling boughs their -canopy, their bed the rugged ground. The mother scarce would knOw her son, to 4116t- '• begrimed they are, - -With shaggy ;hair, and wasted form, Wore by the toibi of war ; . And thienligisahk reosthoseis *tanwag; them who have bleed - • And so:eitoe wte.t. e-hpg r°°d_aPPHrbutgield"1 And many a youthful soldier, all stiff and cold is • there, - • - 'With the moenlight on his tetchssd, end the dew ,upon his hair ; His young -eves fixed and glaring, and die' blood upon his breast ; - Nu reveille will rouselhim now, no bugle break - his rest. 11' yrie.ad—and yet be is:but ons—it isFan oft told tale; -• - -- There is many 'a brow u cold as his, andmany a cheek impale I For yesterday those sleeptng hosts, in- battled celumns itteod, - And oh I it ma' slaughter red; skein:lot Wed. Disturb them not, but let them, rest. for vorio- 13101101119$ M0111; • The living boat will spring to•arms. roused by t • bugle born; And marching in the ranks of death, renew the bloodystnfe,- . With reckleesness ,of human woe, Intik wanton • w_atteeflik. When shall 'Ir.i,rgiaia's waned lead beim: from war and gore! . When shall the smoki otbattle else, -frose -Columbia's:more. , o thiitthe halcyon days -would epine.wbeitscamde of war shall man; With_ thiebells -of freedom rirtgini: 111 the goidea years ofpaace - Matt, Jure 13th, 1664. .sw67 • 8ult1:1 e EUTOpe• A. paper ans received a few days aro by tee Acucleinie d.• M. d.-( i••f• troul 1./. Director of lee Othce of :-'taiisircs of 1- rance, on the Dumber of suicides iu Europe. From this labori•Ls work it ppeas that suicides increase iii a more rarid ratio than population and mertai:ty in general in Bavar a, Dea- 1 mark. Fraorfz, F3.' --r. Mecklenburg, Prus- , . • sm.. the klilgootu ot Salury, aud eden.- Suicides zee inost freonent in Northern (.1er- ! many, and in various parts of Dentnerk. Sweicia and Note ttV, he:ongr.g to tee 1 s erse race, ate froportiunal'y ieferior to Deetesrk in that i espect. Contrary to a Iger.e!aily adopted opoiion, England stands 1uearly at the butt, in et the sca;e ; erid by do ! Belg ',Ini, A•ist -ia aild epain. France bolds Ian intermediate position ; she would rank with the three last named counties, were it possii)le to e.itainate the suicides of Paris, which are roe ae. • erfth of the total nember ia France. Generally, for eve -y 100 suicides of men there are fl1/111 29 to 30 of women. - The number co suicides increases with the age ef iedeeduala, at Itest until the see of sixty: The tiumbe: of suic;dcs is generalry lou est in Jai.ua:y, and 1,ilies3 in Jule. As to the causee iesenity and pleysical suffering are about as artiNe in procuring suicide among men as among eumen i es to the rest, tbe latter yield MGM 10 gtic!uc:eitsiontd by mom/ causcs than rnen, • ho ure chiefly sheeted hy matei he afflicteinI Fuch as loss of property, bankruptcy, ctc. Drunkenness and debanh- ery only form an insignificant item among the causes impeliinz women to suicide. In Den- mark, Spurn and Saxony, the only countries where it has been possible to obtain reliable ituforcoution on the sulject, mamed people are less sLbje( t to commit s.uicide,and widow. ers, on tl.e contrary, a;e most liable to it ; but snieicles oct tit must frequently mon/ =Med pe ipie that have been divorced or separated. In Pr USS:a, in the course 6f two years, there %%ere 153 suicides of Protestants per million, 61 of Israelites, and only 47 of Catholic:a per million of each. Suicides are much more nuirerous in capital eitizza than in the country. The general result of all these , investigations shoes a universal and rapid Iir.crease of suicidi a. The author is of opinion that this ib attributable to unlimited cempeti. tion ; to the immoderate thirst. after wealth ; to the progt i as of p........eUic instruction. which excites ambition ; to porrtical agitation, and to speculation.- Galignani. Tun WARS or TUE Roses. -Never was inch devastation made in the ranks of the English nobility, titled and antitled,as during the Thirty Years' War of the White and Red Roses_ h the thirteen battles fought be- tween York and Lancaster, from that of St Albars, in 1455, to that on liedniere Down, near Bosworth, in 1485 -in nine of which struggles the Yoreists were the victors, yet they ultimately lost the great prize at Boa- worth-tbere perished in fight, by murder, or under the axe, two kings, four princes, ten dukea, two marquises, one and twenty earls, two viscounts. and seven -and twenty barOnit.- To these may be added ene lordeiriort .tine Indge, one hundred and thirty-nine knights, all noble; four hundred and forty-one esquires, 'the eldest sons of knights; and a body of gentlemen, or untitled nobility of coat -armor and ancestry, tbe number of whore is varj- ,onsly stated, but which number, heingintor- porated with the death roll of private soldiers, swelled the great total to nearly eighte,aix thousand niers. Such was the cost to the country of that country's -best blood, she -,1 in a quarrel which, after all, eaded in a weddiag by way of compromise. - A RAT-EaTlek.-This filthy fellow re -ap- peared on the Sands on Saturday and -devour. ecl 30 Or 40eliee rats in the amuse °flit, day. He kit -copperfakinued Kaffir. fully itz-Cset high, and of stalwatt proportions. liiitead• dress and theslight apron (whiph farina -the only exception to hat general natepeser_are decked with beads, shells and: other:404e. His ,nodus operandi is disgustinglpaimple• A cageftil of rats are brought to him 1-14 insertshis bend and pulls one out; thehrute squeaks and kicks and shows its tzeth -; 'be puts its head wholly into bie-mouth, (iplarge - one), and bites it -off; he spitcout,thehesd, while the trunk is writhing and. 'twisting ia hit hand; he then 'puts kis inoulh 10.4he neck, sucks the hot blood -,With gusto, and while doing so he inanagek-to akin the bady. Eating it comes afterwards, ii Ike" _ people -who showthe savage do not interiWrm. What -are the polies about, that such -ilgatt alising spectacle can be shown in publie4mt .examiner. SCENE IN A COURT OF JUSTICE-. We have receitted an amount oft nib scene which took place at a ?event' 'Meet- - ing of:the Court at Portage Laprairie:' The Associate on the beach, Irr. 4:quo*, roundly charged .one Of the jutie#wjtb having perjured themselves because they brought in a certain verdict. This gave rise to much violent talking; when itbe next cameett, a general - yew commenced. -- The President of the court, 1fr F.. Bfrd, being summoned as a witness, Ierrtho Bench, and his place was taken by 114...1. Garrick, who, when he began testate -Abe ease to the jury, -was atoppectby the At- - torney for the defence,on what ground we know not- "Others in the coonrAed oup that he should go en, and then ensued a scene of confusion and (hoarder, in ib._ midst of which, and in some way of ;rid& • wit are not ififormed, the presiding u(agie. Irate was -driven from the -bench,- and from his seat -in the local Council at the same time. The people nit:here-hire very prompt, (let:mined way a adittog With their magistrates, surely 1 And Ws must say, on the other hand,' that: the utterances from the Bench appear to here been decidedly novel and startling for a Court of Justioer.- • Of /courie, tint row brought the proceedings to ast.and4d11.-- Next day the voting for a new Magistrate Councillor commenced. " Some of the fortage peoplc are now strongly la favor of annetation to this settlernsut.--NW. 'Wester. :41 i Twolti tat Accidents Near Pam U. W. T. wo fatal accidents, the following Pe/11W lars of which have been furnished am, reituitly . oecarred in ,Paris:. Two boys, CM paled - 1Cti-pron and the other VatiBrocklis, wars &r. &mining a pbotograph album in the parlor of - Horace•Caprou, Erg., near Paris, on'Tkain. day last. and a /miner difron vat .st,iitsr - feet from them with a loaded :gun re his band. The latter in raisin:the hamar 40 ,sesif Oars was a capon. let it. *lip from iiiit admit, discharging the -weapon Withia,M0 feet of his brother and VaeBrocklitt. Tb. formerwatistanding by the aids of theiatier- • who was sitting at tha tablet with * upon hiaahoulder, The charge tiok fuinr"ogmnth:theb9eltnad:rioonmfiCttalthpeertentilatdo7neardy4:1:1,1111irsysisailyaa... . Brocklia: He died instantly. . Ke was the 40n of?. C. Vaelltrcciclitt, Esq., who twilit* `.. near Brsnifoid, and was about 15 yearsualit. . : The other incident occurred yesterday,— Two bays natiedJedlett were .descendiq' " * hit approaching 4112 town an& leild*if 1 wben thebotyhes Whw‘lig ere thraeownelimefroullummagelb*Ati 1004 di* %Olt,— ' - Ingiha shoulder ot one and tweeting the Desk - of the, other. . The one injured Willy was _Ossiteiiitt Teamed. . . _ „. 4