HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1946-11-13, Page 1I ,1 VOLUME 57 - NO. 11. -_.• ' • R. A. Sim, May 1938 12 r;nr44 AVC. _ MATH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOV, 13, 1916. Subscription lib is $1.50 in Advance; $2,00 in lhe U.S.A. - •• • Robert Newcom oe Retires SUNDAY SERVICE `Local Nimrods Lions Hear Bill Car o I From Local Masonic Post MOST IMPRESSIVE: Have Good Lig, Of Mitchell Club 4 W G. MeNall !leads Alasonie 1,TIge For Next Ycar — SQUADRON I.EA1./F.R JONES 1 .„ . i iir ti fli the inmyyleity of local ADDRESSES I.AIGE AUDIENCE ' 1,ou:d (;iirclen 111.()rItiees ____... . il,,,h,1-. -4-4,4•r.,11 1If our ,-.11/04. hate 1 Ina ti LH 4.4144.4 4 1 ni-4411 r444.4,,, till- 1..4-! Clil'I'UtkitY Variety Of Summer Plants 'hi, midil,,.. Hill 4,f ihe 11 emorical ' „„(.1,4 ' • Ai the rvi;141,ir na 41'14.4. 4.1 11! \ th 1 \ 1 'Hi' reile44‘.444.4. ri, -1441,ci iphon t 4 ' I 14'11 \\ ''' I":11"1 ; 1 1 al'''' '11.4. ('11: S1111- I 1144f •14, I [arc, \ \ 1( Callino and Ga.- , , -.. 1.,„1,,,,. \ 1:, ,111 1 ,'\ •A I ,, ,\,,, 2.,,;, 1,,,1,1 "I !,,- ,-.,,,,I,(1;,/-,1 1-14i, 41 „„h, 4.1\1 i., ( ;iihei i da., '4 1Z1441:1-444141:4114-4- I Jay S4 4.: \ :4 44. 41, .41 I- ilioq 44i, 4 ;gab' t.. T11,4,,,den ,,444 , :41i's. I'll(ielie E. rl'ily1()r 1 I -44 ; in tile 14 11,,t14 1 ',ie.', , 0, M. 41,h,- 1,i,.!,t, N, H. ry al..., 1,4-,,114.,111 a1,4111, 44 kb him 11 l';i1.11 vf-1" 111"1'41. 1 1" ':"1"'"rii1"''' "I'. 141-1 'A 1 441;-(1141. 111,1 1444,1. 14, Ille ‘4 "Id, ' ,. , . 4 fh'.:.' al'el ,4;;'4: If'',',I 1, y. ( ;, 44,1,•fy.,,m 4,,,,,, ,,,,, 1.-i,„ ,,, 4., , 4,..,.1., ..., .,,,,,h,„:„. 1,,,,1., 1 item „,14' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ ‘..i.g„.„, the 11lyth 1114.111,411 of iiic Canodion 1.,,,• , „,,,,..al (1..4, „,, -Hwy 4.1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i 4 44','4'4''. : a I, '11-'1 -11 .-1:1'1 ' - ,I1 ,, . .. ',],, .H.1- '' vr,.' 1-11 111 lic,1,1 Cu' :t '.,, 1 ,, 1 1, 1,-li 1,-; 1;0,1, s ;11,,1 i14,4,4 el ,, Mr,. Nethery had 1.m•tion, it 1- 1014-14,41,414444 44 14(1'4, r ;dem: hi 141,144,4 int 4 the 1,41 li. villa 44, 11,;'''`i11111.1.31...',:,,I,,,,d...,:i .141 `„,i,..11„1:.,'..\',... '';', . 1,. '(.',1,,,,: 1,41: 4, , .','''' ,..'4 '1, . ,,',1' 4(,4„t, 1 \\ chi. 111- hills, sive-4441'u .4 \V. 1 I. 'ow, hill•iled plcking 1 1444411 in the gar- 11"' h"11 ""11 41 '11" \ " 111 "1 111111 11"1.4(' 1 1111' it1-im e.4,4.1 ,4.Y4 ral 'gloom . froco '1 ',4 • • ,,, , 4' - 4.'' ' r -4 . 441. 41 ..4 r. ,. 4144.4 year, Morritt, 44,144.4 i. in,. ,n01,..,1,.., „..4,4,. 41-,„ den. 1 in. I.,: in, 11111,,,1 114, t.,,,,,,‘,„„iii....,... 1.1.,,,,d had oft ,4,,., b„ •ii iiii„ A. it ,,i1,,,,, thin,. „1„.iii „Li, ei,,,,,,ii,4„ 1,,, '"4 '''' 1 '' ' 1 114'1'411. 1'. 1:11. 111";:i ' t'-' 1.4 '. -.1,..."‘ ,. -1'1 1 1 . 1,1, , : , , ..14 !!,:‘,1., .1,,,t: -1 Ica I I. !it\ 1•1".., r....,., ill full 1,1,„mi, 14 a -, 111C 11.1111,), CI)1(1 11 C.1111C1' 1.1111'd 111 ,1;„ ,,, ,,,,,i 4,, 1 ,-1, 1.1,,,„0,(11,11 1-(4'1, I 1,1,i1, ci, tll liCt ,,',I \\ c '111 --,1,,,`. :111. 1 I... 11. .`,.,- ( 11111111 Cii:Cc '' • CICk It 1. MO :1',,,li '1.111 - : r 1 c' 11 11•I,11., 114.11 iL,(,111.,, /i11111.1`. P11))- 1'1'111 all "1 111111111 I .':11 1 11 1"11 ;111111111111-1. forts, 14\ In ilming hack a deer 44.4H,, a `1'.''1" ' 1 ''''' '''' l'''1 ;71"' '''''r, , Lail :44, 4 o, 4 4, d 4 ..'-, 4 4, I. , 4 ••44 44 cd, are it, f• 1! 4,4- : '1, pic io 1,4,141, t iolet ., i44•144, ct cr44,-, let, ' A ici11111.14 “1. 1 kr 111*!!.1 ram 44 a- hie Mick and a ILI-. 1 4 : i 1 -4 44 - a '.. ' 1 4 4' 4 4-, 1 l. ,,41 41, 41 4 lt,04 : in 4 -11, cla 1...4.-. I, 'on.. ta, 1.1'.1 1. -. \Vet. lir , \V-. H. 1,,,f-ritt. 1 :14, .-, ,\vect pt ;4,, fre-14 green prim, Par4".1' ‘‘''44.41 i"1 l.'""1 a; 111" 1'1 411'"1 '1'111. li 41 , 1 e:ti'y r 4114141- I it, e:141,414 ' '1411 -1 '1.1111'11'1 1. 1 1' '-'111 N1' 1 '1 "" 1. r'''1 1 , ,•,• , i 4-'4 4 ' I ' 4, • ,- a tie . , ',I: :I \v.v.!, „ \\4,„•. 14,,, \ v. ,/ (, ,i,•44„4,,,44, atre-on 1411111.4es. 4,,,,11,i1.,, and Lt. -rill grounds, arid 144 ;44114 1. IlY hit. l illit l) 1.;1:11,, "14111,14", 1.,1„1 4, a1,, 1111,.. I,,, it, 1 Ir. 1;111 A P ' 1 \ 1 , 1 IIM '1i, 1.' i',.t' 1 ' ,1 I , c ,,,,,„ i . :. , ,.., ,.., . ,,,, , S•\ V. : r1.0. .1 "IIII V. Li '1‘ :1;1. ; 1,1':(11.,. Thy Netherys had green peas, 4 ."141"g'"1" 11141'-'11. 1.11'11W 1'" '1 '11.1 1," ""il";" ' 44 '1.'1 '1'.."'1" "" 11"'''' "''''H- I 1 'LC' 1 4 hi 1 '''.; I 1.1111"' '''''tN l'" 1. ' ' ' ' : .1, \1; : 11:.,. 1 1:11c1 1 'I . 11", Itl I' 1 fr,,.11 ill.' ltart1C11 101 NI i,1111.1y. the 11.111. Part '1'11111 111-1 in 1 11'1 Parallo ber-, Init for :4"; l'i it tin 4 4-11j44\ 4•41 44 11 :(11 1 4,''' "'" 4 r' i':''", '" 1, '1' ''''' ' 414 4 4,, "I:A..- 1 i -'1. 4:41 1. , 1.4.1 - Hutt. v, 1-• 4- ;4414'14'444., 441 the Illy! 14 IA44,411411, ilmneii.„4y, ;111 i ;ire 14,11(ii„, i,, ,..,4,.. 11-4-11.. 4-444 .1 1 •4•4•44.--.. tie -14 If.. 4.,44441:44:4 11 \‘, (,, ,,,,,, , ,,,,,, „ ,4 ., , ., 4 4. ,, 4,,,,.. , , and 4 ki.ing vett ran,. the intahhei , 441 boeh a-oain, pro14:41,14, thi. fall, I 1 '.. i '-"1 -4 '111'14 11 44 41 i 44'1 .1. '' '''' 44144., I 1 1 -4 '' 1". ' .' 1 '.' I/ ' '''. ' Trea- 111 er : 1\ r, 11r 4 ,i. 1 I. IZ. 1 41- 1 Secre'an : \\*or. 1144,4_ .1 1 1 l ' i i',1 i -, . li t li y I 'dy I li NI ii Ili(' i 1 ra 1 Li min(' i I. Ow A II( 0 II,- r v r,til 1 , • 4 11)1'141 1' n tit IT- , i I 1 1 I - , , • •,,, -, I I It '•, ' • '''t I t , . ' I 'I (11111)14t1t. V. \VW,. 11:It. ( t'Irti,Ill kit i orris School Boar .. .. , • ,,, „,,,,,,,,,,,-, „i 111yth 1.4 1,( 1 I., ,N 44 ol,(4, 1,,.‘,,,,,, \\Int field. Ili!) 4414,,ep, Inii sih. ' 4 or, .1.444, 1; eat - .1"4, \fi -• la:. lor f ,,,i1 (4, ,.,,f ,..1!,,,,,, 1 ii,, ,,,, ,41 , 11,, hilt, , 1 member, of 111v hi I „)).1., No. of, 1, and thong., iryiny 1114\4 c-, and 1,144;1 N1,-":(4). 1 l,"'k ;111 1'1 -i11,1'1(11 '11 1;"-' 1 114 To Receive Salary, ,,,,,,:,„,. ii,„ 1,„,,,,,..,„„,, ,,,,,,,,,„, It. of C.: 14. 1 1'.,r, 11c.. 1; it, mil-, evcral ild‘s in the r \:4- •ar, Z-',"irvH. 11'7. 441', l'il, c 4'.1:144;:11L 1'.4 ,11.- : l'ii.- '0: 4:44 -.,1--- , , 4 44,444,4 „.1. .1- (4,„ S.1).: Ilia.. 1; ril-ii 4 .4. I,. NI ember, of thy 1 ,,.4.2,ion ha I arrannf :11i14,11111.11(.42. They 4-aine home 44,011 thrye I 1\4' .1 1 -1 4 1 r• 1 1"r1 111-1111-• Y. r ' Ar ' ! • ' '.' • '' . 1 '1 "I .' 1' !',. 1 ' .1 , 1,, 1 , , ' ' I.: \ :1111i11j14,.:, 1',, ra I'd : \ V 4., 1',V, 1 .,. 1\ , , . Tukr : r,',,. .1. S. 1 1.-,-11.c\‘. J.S.: 1:rir. 1:rayl• irva, loam ; S.: 1 14•44, Mor1144:1 ,1144m,hue. 1 1 i. 4. Pro. 1 lor‘ey 11 et '4,(114:44. „ 14 err- read and adopt! 11 411 in lion 441 audience on ilii, ur fir• 4 14,11444111- • i ley 1 11411 and Saul Alcocl... h 4. i.r, •,,111. 'llie It 4-4 14 pry,ided. 111' T4'414 11-'11i, 1 kW 4‘ ;4111 all lily 101'01- 'I'his, coupled 44 ill; Illy imprtf,-iyenc.,, 111.ief yi,i1 44.i11, (me 1.1,riin.e 4,1‘4 11,111,111 )(din Fin ii,, 1.4.,,,,1 \\4,,,\ „i,,,,,h , ;( , , !,,,r. ,,,.• 1.1;,,,, .,,,,,, 1 , ,, 1(4 ; ,. 1,,.., ,,. .1-41. 14441111:44, of the la• I meming ino,pliere of deep reverence am. op.; the 11,ey. .... 1 41 41 1, ( 4, 01,41.p, 11; 1, I (111 N1,1 1,11 0 1,,,i- 4 t, 4111 4.‘ 4,1(.1! 1114.,,.4„,:',41;..14,unc,,.1ja;,141.14‘.ki. 1.141,•,"„ill i 4,,,f 11,4141,--ic,..li,,11111, ;14',..11.1.4,1,.':144' N.1'1,4;1'14011.14. 'III iitnfyIiit'11-1,1411.4.44;41;414‘41a414144 ;41 ' .. \1\\i'l'',1,1.111..1,1(,';11.1'.; 1.'.11\4",:it-,1,1.i::1;11 1..14 1...1'1:1:111,1.'1"'":,..1`.,,411114.",' • '1 :''''11',,''';:...1' .4, :4' ,;I:i'4,4',41,, III; '1',-'1,1i.',1 ;1.1., .,4,,',.'I 1 ';;,,,'.14 l' i'\:.1,1 -1'41,'114,1.1i'.44,11;1. 11'11,411-'14: ' of 1 111. entiry seryiee, cr,,,ated au at- 11r, .1:411114, Cut:, 4441141 i, in 1,41.1111.., ;14, f4,nr 144.4.1 hyr-, 11 illiaig. .1.11141. .441.1 .1' i _1,1 4,-1 1., , ,, 1 1 , „ , , .4, • _____._v______- yin, of 14..4-1 11..11\4.144444'm iii; " .044 1 1. "1 , 1,i4 4,,1,. in 14. im 1.1,1•4444 ;If hi 44,'.1, 44 I.A. .1.1).: I 1ro. Stliar1 It4,,rtard. brance 1 tay Sem ire 1414141 lwry, \\.11111'''''*' 1 "(.11gc 4 .' 1 ft1144 11. 111111 \\'' ii• N144vcd 11V 1 11:1141''• Co11111.-44 if('0111111111 lev• .N. Shlelitir• 1111•1,11' (4( 111(' I'lli- 1 Illytil Mtmieil).11 (.1,()tilleil \v,,,,,I,,,, Nir., .\. 1'igemo, ..f 1 4.4f. ,..4,,-( ,,c,e4 1 I. \ lorritt. 1 1 1.4i 4...114 fh, \Jr-. F.:. t'atiniron. log 1,- l'a- .-.4 i, 4'4' , 1-:1, go 44414 4 tf 4 r.- 1 4.".4 14. 11.• 114 4` :4 41 Lir ! !!!! 44441, 4.4.44 4 in, 414, 144-4 • .4441 1 :lit and 114,-o. Stuart 1 hir44 ard, \ iiriil,,,.. , NI4 \\4,„- 1:14„ R. 1 ) 1111.11;', ::11 1:: 1„ el -,.14 1„ 11'ingliatil Mir"' 1 \ lc'', a11'1 ""' ;1' '1'14'11 11'1; 1•,''',1% '11. L \II ' . ' : ' .. t n - ' Mr'. 1- 11rW-. Mill: 16" 1., .\ 1H. , .14, .1,,,, l'irll 4 hit 1 ,ic 11,11;11 grant oi 1,,,1 4 :lurch, pre,i,le-11 over the ,cr, , . „ S144 44.. 1 'arri,441. II. 1 I I l'he re44iihr monthly' me lin- of the 11 1w1 NI'''. ii 1\ ;111111'21'1' 1 11111''''11w' H.'. 1 4 '41'"''. 1 'a - 41 '-' .•4•4 ig 4• 1c41 .4,4, .4.-- inicipal ( ouncil 441 the (...,rporation , ; 1,4i14,1;4,44, 1 th 44 1 4- e: 11144, lee I I .1'i- :1 joint itiskidlation 44.,4 'I !!:44 , Hi- 4,,, , , , , eimerf-on, rector of V14,11,1 y :mg- : , If 1,,h.th 11t,r11 1,41 \ ovenibt„ _It 11 \\,;11, 1 A 1.1-',4-;,(t- 11,1141-1",11 •1 r‘ic, y a- 4-4.41 - 1,,,,1 h„,1 ,,,.,1411 1„ • ,..1,,, ,, .,,,,,,,,, I ,14, ai.44 4•41 444 i noarg4, 1' Idle,. !seconded , lican limn+, and Rev. 1Z 1 Marl:HI- ii ' i; • . ' t 4 I.?! ' i 4' f ' 11 4 I • t I '411 144i l'i 1414144 f4 1'4141 "'"'11 , r, ;,44. ' 1 ;lily 1 fe 44 4.. 4 :11144 i! lig I 411,f r'''' ;111'1 1""111111.1.' "1' 1 1'1 1' 1 1 1 " '''''-' 1 114.- I Jar 4, 4-44 .1441114 ton, that the nem! n1,14, pastur 14 the 1 41-1 .1,4 t eriall . 14-maii, \144Nall and V14(111411 pre,1.111, 1 from imr lair 1-4 ,i414 nce. 4C1114 14"vv- A fi ow fer a may,!.• , ii pre , 4.4 4:4 .4, , feve oalgton, ;14141 , intneigor, ,,,,,- ,,, 1 -1, 14 ' .1 " ,44.411 14Y held at the 111v 1 11 I.,4414.44 IZe m Ha., ,,,,,, 111.1...,,111,,a4 ,,,,.4. ow 1,,,,,,,,111 stwer. church. Thy f..,,,,,,,;4 ..,,,,,,,ih,,,r ,\v,,,1, i • millutc, 11i. 13,1 i.c „ . .., .,4 , 4 , .., . ,.4, , ,111,1.111,,,i,. ,‘,..,, i ,,, ,,44,. 1,... 41.,,..1 1.1., : ,,, .,. 1,,,, J \\,,,, ,,. on Tu44-41.4I el...min!, .\:44 \ale!. r ..', all., . villar inemmg 01 '''ll( 1 111 111 ( 11414-1 • . 1 1 !Icel.! ;it 1444 11:1141. Carried. Squadron lomiler .11.in ,, l'adry at i (4,1,,1111. 701. 1,,,,n,, 141,a,1 and (.,(14(iriiied, inadc 111 \ laitland 1.4frocterti, 1; 41. 4-44-11. 4r.,.1. „•ft \\ , 1-, :4 Irt!,:, , r,1.11, , .,,144, 41 .1 11 member- of both 14441tfe, ore iir- , ,, , , , , , , , 1 ,\ 4444 cii gy Cicalae, Comte-, seconded Clinton R. and C. Selio. 1, . • , • , ., . ,• \ . cent1,4- reinie,4 4441 to 14c pry., 111 on , i motion . i ( onneillor, NI cNall and , 1 .111'11'.11 "1 1444 1`1"4 ‘` ' '''''''• 41"1111', ' - 111' \4•14- r1-4"11.44-1 1" "4 ''''• 111' 'I.'" 1 4 1hat occa-ion, o .11 4 44 \ .1,41111,olii, t oat t.ach mem- 1 hiring the ,yryire 441-yath • \yen:. 1 11,111 inn, (..:111.11,1. j \ a. awl NI111'\ 11' NI 4f1;"\\ 1.11. -\11" 11 , 14, did :44.4 , 44 en, - , )4 , .1,441! I,14 4., 141. ' 144-4.- of the Scho 1 14,4,104,1 („14 1,,,,--ri, hii 1 4,4,, di,. l',(11,,‘‘ hip; or,tanization,,,, • 1ittliation 11',4r, 111414. Nyg voinhe am'. e ' (4,1 hy Sam .11,4041:, that the myclitilt tgl ‘yilli regret, lit tendering 11i, 1 t'-' , NI I.", 1'11 Ily 1 laryey john-lon, sce4'44111- , I.( 4.1 /T., laid 11Y I litry(iv McC'111111111, NI F.,. 1,„11:,,,. ! NA. \\.at -11, 1r1.;1•,. sni, ,(0),(r) "1 NI'\vc 1"1“. frwn 1 1.11' 14" 1 1 11 411 11;;'11 411 r" 1'14 1' 1111 extra iF1(1.1)11' Car- `HI \\''1"'" '' MillliCP41111i1)' ''l 141-\ 111'' I tr. A. II. Taylor, re indit4ent 3,00 C1111.4'rd. 1111d 1.1444V.1 \Va1-1.1. 1 1 '11111'1 a 1-1,;44 t 1,,„,,1 1:4-11.4 \ 4 ." Secretary of 111y111 Lodge, 44,4, accept - ri,.d. The re,ignation of \Vor. 1444 1Z4-14- : Toe,41--hip 141. paid $-Igr:1,1, The elmir- I 4, 4 114, 4 4,1 thitai io la 11 lo Mr 1:-1 • , and 1'4111 Afr• 1111'1 A -M.4 '1;r11 1144' Mt -awl -MI 1 1:111 1111., rent 1;1:41 li Fraill:lin Raiiiton : itlyth (.,,,1.11,,11 1,..,11i014. (.11,1.1s,., ..;41,,41.4. )00.011 canipin.,114 an I rd. 41•„1..„1,0.4 .7.,-.,,-...,....4 ..: . •••••,...•., ....4.• .: ...• • 4-:• -Hi. - . \-4, R. spch.:411,, ,..11411,11i,,,,, . ... 808 1.41 „,,,,..e_14,,,iree, „,,,,,,e„, p„..,/, .1,1114,..., a ,..,1;11,4,. 4.,, lid, ci,„ ,,,i,, , ,,,, „, ,,1,., 0, 1 1, .., 1000) , Vjn,riit, ;411.1 VcCIIC R11111(1'1' 1 '1. ______v_.--. ; 41.. ;41:1"11-111. 11-111 '-i , ", '.:11,- 1, “ 1',,111" I, 'I 11t• 1 11 C III .4 ".!, W1,, r . 1•,, 1.4441,14-1 I commf', 114114.4 ,144.4 ,t, fel 1! -,44,11111 . 0 Bills and Accetinta a f his rcamill .11111,44"1 vd 111 111111. and ;011441414n to myyt again oil I /ecember 4 ;(forge 11eNall. , ' )1,44 . ,4444- 114-4.44 lainl: ie. .4114ilant evyr 111,4ry arilinni-• .1 111,110r hy llr 4. , . . o 4 he found. his itingerott, dutic, gr. 4. + in 4 1 I, 1944,, ;it 10 a, in, \,\'',1,;* ,11.,,;lull, "T'"Idcd h -N: \,\'''''' "r". 1. lorddit. ; 161;pill. Itraini . . $3.55 , lief I 14,14441114.4, account.; 4441.r(4 paid: The Last l'ost 44-41., 44ounded, 1'44111444.ml .1 4 . . 44,114, .,,, di 1:4411 \‘ jug the 111\iillg '11. till' 44 "all': ,eleetion of iimor, . . 120 59 Billiard Business ;14,4q-1-ciM'1111 1.,'1 ,\ )1,'.'-il 11.. ''' 4 1 11'1'1 . : J.:1..1,11111,km, as,--a.r expvii,c; .1,,:,:li.,1.:?..,,,,,,e114,14-,.,1,,i,:„.1,:t 1.11,1,11:1aNH:::,,,pitin-t=r 1 . hv 1 \vo milli"' 'll'''''.1`. 11111 111" \Viii, Thuell, salary . H1,00 J. ,,, R. (4,,,,,gt, expre-e . Inc rygrt I \\4(1„,14,1,14 1 1„,,,,,, si.„‘‘.. ((rani , 20,10 liel eilly, 4,44444141:441 by 11il! !learn of , 4\ \•,,,, 14,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,:;11.'1. .. 17.511 l Changes Hands.H 111, 41,01, ,,,. ,,i, fm,,,,,.. ,, ,,,. ,,,,, him 014 I.i g, hod 1.4111 out . -13,110 , 4'1 lilt' lulk1`. ;11 11:. °H.:it'll 1'1 1.'117°' \ 114.1e,44 of 1114 th, Hie. (.4111141 . . 201;0 Clinton. . 1 1 )44144,11Y 114.44.,.., ga, lint NicN4ill reque-ted that the 11144- Nili,,Ii,,ivil \\•01,11, ,111,411i4,, . ts,t-tl I me. K„,iii, 411 S, -,44t ha- learcha-c 1 1"1, •frirl"--! ,,11 3 Ver 11 '1c116,11• ,111,1', r. . .03 Contrilnitilm to the musit"11 port gin . , ti it be put on 1111- ,-4-cr,1:1ry.., 1),-01,--, v 1,.., yolierv. ,01vctiliv. juror, , .01 of ow ,,,,rvic1, 44,a, 1 .., 1,, I, ..,„! 1.,, 1 ,,,1,111411 1:,....411,i\111:11,1111.1:41: 41)141.10:100:11;) 3,14.(g, 7 15,;;1,,I) :11,41,1,4,11iiii.i,;)1,11-41 1 1\;11'1,4,11144,..14,-,,;,11. 171141;4,-1 1"44'31,1‘1-it'l.,,.1,•4\ .1;11,,,,,1(1::11,‘47 :,111.,i,1•1111, 111 1\ 4, ,i 11,1,::'4.,.r11f1:::, :\ 1011011 CarriC11 1111:1141111..44 1y. , (.1, HI 11'1144441er, selecting juror, .1.00 Slimly). Sibtliorpe. and a -int-t 1,4;44 s;1'111 f\-,,,.1414,,,,, 111a1i1ILI pm.I.ing I 14,- -1111per. 1.1,411 CR-oree 114•Nall 444- \VDr• r'1.1'. \ 1.4\ c111111111. 11111k "v°1' 1 l'' 1444,4, Nlara in, ,ylecting jur,,r, . 4401 Jame, La1vrie ;11111 Walter 1141th 14. ....1,.,.n.., i yet, ;414 co 1 imInctli444 44 1444,1 :,--,'1,11. '111.1.1 a r'‘ ..1 1,11111' H11 N." V1114111'r 211'11 Chas. Aimr, I yfund, Lamont 1 4, 10.51 7.04,1 4 ' 4„, .,11„,.411.1.4.,) 1„,i„re my. ,AtI,;11,,,11 :4! 44-•4.41 ;ht.. 4.4.ralitmly of the 4 14111 1931'. i'll''`Ml"-'s 11"2 '1"411 1-1 "1. \\'''' 11'''' \\',11-41 ( ;rev 144 -tate, refund, on \fill, \very the accompagi,1,. NI is,es Alice loger,coi and 1441i,talyot 11 4\1,,I,c.41 by (.,,iiiii,i11,,r,., v ,0101 and , 11.,:, 111.,,,,i :i imildiug .111 .1.1,,,,,..,,,11,41., 41 414.14 ht. 1,1„yed ,, h(4.„11.1 y ‘.,,,,,, 1,i S„1. l'oplystone. Sinm. that time hy Lamont 1 /r, 7.12 11cNall that accounts, i1N read, be paid. ' ;old i. ready 1,, ,,,,.11 up there 4., iih a thank, 1,, t11,4 lad:, .„ \ Ir.-, chirrytt \Ir., ,lainie Sim, contributed the cal.1.114.1. 1" 4 dilig""114. '"rv'''l 411' l'''.11r .4 With NI 1-.. Cori-tiim 1:1444re-t, refund very appropriate r,•;1,1in..2,, "In 1;14,1111. 1.1,,vvil li",,,l,rcium..., ‘, . ,, 11 fulby minip;.(4(1 hidiard parlour and to- .1441,4".t 14.41y4441 the v..1 1- of thank „ on AI eNior and ',ace, ,t(414,.. \I r, Ad.:111,0u purella,ed 114-1.1 lif 44f t1444 1,141.44• pi e,4441t. of tlit. 4vrcaths. yr', 1:jeld..," in-.) prior to thy hliici.r41,7 ,i..ic,41., , • A 1111111'11 1.1;11 Al c .1.0 111)‘‘' adjourn. (.'ar- 1 14,,, 1,,,,,l rolint 1441-lnefs hyre 18 month--; I The ,t,tit.--t speal...er of the evciiiiiir 1 ., Squadron -Leader Jone, 1 olz a- no; NI rs. Legai•t• ihir4viird, • ay.() from NI r. I tough, NI riii-,411. I 4 m 114,1 Col roll, of \I 0(41)4.11, wa- .1cting Clyrk. Hi, j,,4 ;at p,,, 4,1 natiirc on 1 g -44,1 -Yr- introduced '0:4 1,ion 14411. 11.11it more. text, -bet 11, not be 44-eary in -,4 ell do - —..._7_ __._ ing, for in (My timy 44 e 111411 reap , i„,, 1,, 14„. inimic ha, ei411,1i.11,4(1 4 ity 1 .14411 11111 ha, 144', 44 i 1io principal of thy if 44,44 (aim 14041" 1.1111 NI 41..ogic (Intie- 44 el e 441\\ ay; , ou Lannon 1 tr. 1-1.52 fir'''. \\11c1.1 3.1,11 Hi" \\.11r4 l''''''4 NI."' 11'144 NI...44,, rifling'. Lamont 1 h.. 32..58 conilm comm..; down rot4 4,4 !Tel, .yegir 4\ outiii,,, Tinll,.... ;1,iverikin,..! . 1.33 thought, alitio-t imillyiliatelv turned 1.1,.1,,,,,,,) \ ic,,ch, si,licr., 01.41.11 . 50.00 1 11;4,44nie affair,. Invariably, he ;II- liel,...11,1 .4\ 1,,,,ck. 1,..11i.. orain 44 -ay, 11:1(1 •44441e little thought, or limy- .'75.00 C4 ;it 11'lleclyr, adv. over l'INN 3,00 tion in mind, that was 411 interest to ri,,,11. kin,,k. 1 1:1110,, 1 5111,1,11 the inviollyrs. Ile i-, in lyed, mu: of I;i1le I . unanint-it. ch Mg. 1 I'll the varan.',4'. ', 1 1,,.).1, 1,. 1,..11.4, 1 11... (..,14, In,. ,n1 half .1 31 N1.,,r, Pro. .1. 1 I. Phillip- rva-• 11.,'.., \\•;c1,,u,,, A,..,.ar, vaurii,,,s 1-0„. 1 \V. 1. 1 lemlyrs-n, 1 sheep killed 122,1.1'.11'‘)) (4,Fil the pillar: of the Society, i M0;11 i '11())1-jliiilill S('11()Di l 1 hf. Craw for 1 NI ( /.1 1 ___ v ____ ,,,11 •, .4..,1 \\.11,3.4,.13., 11.0.1 1, _44 21,liAl!:11li .1.,,, gryalk. 11;111,,,,,x;11114,11, .1,1,1, 1111..,,,I, ...4.,y4,-;;,! ..,,,,„;,ki.i. , 4 Ili,. „yelling \of h„ Ti „1,,:;a1.41)11cr '1',11.i\1\1„::•1‘41:11,11v (11:114;11411i-'411;''11111111.;:\14 4144:1111•1114 1 ;i11;:11,14Y--f 14-1141144.1414'.!' f(iti'44"Ii;4•r1f1:4:1-!11144,‘,\I„t4: 4 " ' tH, 1.1. ,1 ! hewn..., pronnehil audit ::,,00 4 nd were permanent palli111, 1,,,pitals, ur pc1.1104,1 4„,1111) g1, 1141:14.,,,4:11.11; ,\•.:\41,,,i,.:.,:i,,,14,111(11),,,,r1,11‘.g. 1:11.11:1(.a:11:14.‘sv (1,1•:,111,1,1,,,11f:..r, (T4111,11i:1 i 1 II, It.; ti 1. 441,, 1_1(,:.ery„r In 4,,,, 11,,,•,11.11 ill ca•111441411- the Minn 144-44 prohlein, fiicim-t llm .N11 members 44 el 4 present at the (4,,, ,.._,,,, marti„. 41.(4m, , lioilill Meet ing ‘i,,i111 ( .1.;(i,..4. 1:.1 ).4 1. , . .371: it.iit:I.,(1.,..c,..oinhilii: i;(411111, (4.1411 10,111,, 14,..,::\.1\,.1;1, 141,1,11(;.ii1r, :411 1,, 111,41a.clicly 11141 f 1(,41,, fo\1\niiiiic,r13\.4.4:111 ,,,, b i.41,1141:4,1 t:1(4,14141. 1-11:4,1.1,,dli:Ili114:1",i,r. \ 1 r. N iii si. 14, ' ;411'1„,. is :1‘;1,. 17.,:,',..1,1:11',..4,1,'''',1.1:u1.1i11;,1,1.,11'11t1iiil.„- \ N:11:4111,1. meeting held Noymnber 7. Nlimite, I I ',corgi,. C. Nlartin, Chfrk, 4.acrallo. in vain .:'' Surely not. he 4-41111 1.1'''' '.41,,,y 0,1„11,.,.,1 di,le,,,, 1.4,‘.0.).„,i„ : i 4‘., 11 h111144.11 iii ihi, 1.4,1„1411,,,,i4,, 1 1,. part that 1,1,,n, C1441,• can nlav in the of (1,-toloyr tin.414tim.r, wcry adopted on I ..., ___ v_.... ray. 11 i'rs.r. al r‘,14.,414,11 ioli,,.!\4 yllifi.,14,4i111,4,1 \A rlili-i-,,,,,,11.‘14,1,4,1,1 S‘4.v•-•,-111:1 i if,0.,11,1,,Iiii,',:41i11, it II, ,,1,,i,r44,1\ ii_.1.1 414,11,.,\:44;t111.14:::1141.1,,i)1:;,:141-:::- ;1111, 1, ,v1,14:::-. 111111111111 (II 11, Tny1C/11 :11111 R. li.." 1 11C - NI ilit)11 : H. Nil' NI 111111:1y, 11', 1)1111,11q, Legion Expresses 1 the bible, "Live." That is the great I.)V.il 1.11 the Nov;i1 Canadian Navy dorinv the ' Ilia( 'laymen; of the foko‘sing ace init•- need ; I the world to -day, In his tray- I war. 14'or ,onie limy 114144 lg. has 114,e.t.m •4 111:4,1:1al'ilf' vole 4 ( thank, to the spt nkt r. sif4,345., \v. .1, cor41.4, :14.2i.304, 11'. Th11111. $29.7.3 ; j. C. 111;14.1;4;1one, tuning and Tlu 111:th Branch of the Canadian a firm grip on the people ofilt!'lliii,".grit14;411it) he authorized : 11141.trave Co -Operative poreciation, . (filings throughout Camila he had folind that the almighty 41 :NI. 4,IN,;,g1111.-ry,::;11,1t1ii(114,;1:144,441- r tINN, :11 1,,N.),,;!.ii ,-, ,l‘;1‘ti (.4\ -:4,4 .i),:ii.;1(411141,1,14, a t 1 1 : ta. rn 111111001:11:i, 11r4441414,41441i1‘1.4,141t11 1 aitt .! thi4,,4,4,1-4444.41,;1. thlii len -;:lislicw-al.iir,itu.),,.,,ccl,,-14,,;4,:t th.ii-s 1 4111,10ml ‘4 ith 11:1611 11 (*dove,. 1 1"44 I The meetim.4 el 4-a.-41 with the Timis ciety, ...:44' 1.05; lionirancv. NO- 8, ii41.2.841; that the week -end IZeinembrance I/ay this life greater than monyy." in Newark, .N„1. preduce,sor. rcpait ing PiaPos. $2-10,511; Crolier So- , Legion are very happy, to 41111ionlire I tominion. There ;114e 4,111yr things in S. 111 Fll'ott 41;5.21 4, 1114 th S11411,1;114(1, 1 ;-:,,rIiee, ;111,1 ;dm, the resp list., tot Stpiadron-Learlyr Jones' address Mr- 16'1;111'; \Vi11111111' a1111 Mr444 Fri1111 14:2.15: II. Nlather4, roal No. 11. F40223 4, " Poppy Sales tvtl, very suceessful and \Vas-. gre;ItIA' appl'CCia1C1I ItV thy large 14'11 1t1(1 1111 •\11'111111' to at tynd the plies, ;41'.3.2!: Copp Clark, 1-7.10 4, I !yin!". sale „4- i„,/,in„,,, will, ,,,m,. mum.). 561) ,,, A choir wade up .1. iinnidici., fe,Thi 0, CIIUTICII .1. NI, 1 )4.40, 14F8.50; NI oyyrs Sell ol sup- ' ino 4 pratil lug, The receipts front the audience, funeral of I Ityir aunt, M 1M, 1 la1111110111.1. 111:111, ii.J41.-12; 1 11,11rance No. 5. '4'21.11); 1 mg, tamling, aneginted to ‘.-(15.1!`,/. The the local churches led in the 4-inging /111Yort Sanderson Passes OINC ________....___ illisst()11 13111(1 rl'o I I() I ZI loo.iges- as :1 going 1414441'1'1'11 in leir Nigel:tr. I lich Sc1144,,I 19,1, I I, "In recallin;.; 111 Hut. Hicuinr) '111111111(-011'erine; ;41) I ile444 4,414 1,, completely ;41,,, pa,44 rn r the \vim imid thy snpreiny -aerifice. 1114. • •t41 cr 1471•14144- rylatlon, here 4t ill lie I 4,411. II,. .. i• 4. all ;,11,11.1. , grnat struggh.,;, 11a, ,T11(' 1-41111 11.a1111 la)ving Ser- r4.441-44thal he a 1414-44e clrcly f• (0, Lyric 1111, piria ,`ri i pr,ri,14:11 of t1g4 f rt.; :11 , mem 411 our asIzed the ;tudience to remember th t,r,,111.'11'cri.'1‘11t„11 11111,':(1,11. 1,11r11' ilt1111111 Til""I`' 441"14 111111 t11c -1144 had rcturnyil 4vith impaired heann • 1111 Friday evening, and 14-11, ;iv- readr to lend a 11,1111 C-1 1.'11.1,1 'CCI1l111,, ;11111 ;II,. 11 becaufe it brought to thy 44 orld an op- 1' weiv`1111"1' '11 1°111' t.lortimily for a koling 1444:41414. ic _— terred to one of the :families! ‘,4 ord, iti 1ZeCeIN'CS Nelvs Of Sister's 11'. (iilli,pi, $41.03; (i. II. \\Theelcr, 1 collection at the Sunday a f tern '1'11 1 Of illt. variotts 114111114, $50.17. CR, •rge Albert Sanders4411 pa,sed service amounted to $37.00, The Illyth Legion are 144 hy con- .,,‘‘.,,‘. al the h ,1111, ((f hi, s„n, \\iiffred 'AIR!'" : K, Tayinr, 1 1. Menticheon, 41444i, 10,41114,4. 44 -ill he 11,14(1 solely for gr;ttislated for affording the citizens s,ttillyr•on. 1st Conces,ion of 144a 44 1 That the Secrelar.v Prel'ilre (Maile'al ry14141 pm:1(4,e, among the veterans. 11 of this e minmility 4vith the mmoriiiii- \\-,,,,,iii ,,fi 44 -,,,‘„,hip, ino,ie Anhin./i) 1 statement for prt•yillat ion ;It tht. nom- I Thy ,ii. cv,.... ‘,1 this \'enture could 1 ity t. , PiiY il 1 111)111e 4,4 til"sc 44 1"1 on Tii(4,41:0-, November 12 It, in his ' i11:.11i(411 1111'k'll'111`.. Thii 4:111111111111 lo not have been attained 4vitli ut the fought atill paid thy suprone sacri- 7.1111 4.„,11,. sholv II tal reeeipt. and expenditure,. , 44 hole dieartet1 support of a .;ri'at many flee in the hvo rvorld \vat's, Mr, San li„,r4011 had iicen 111 fitir..11:: !, . '-.1 Sheep". l<4.4itular sermon 111114 BLYTH UNITED CHURCH S1111'141Y, November 1701. 1 I :15: l'hiltIren's Syrni 411, "1.1144 St, Michael's Supper To Be Fine Event TIIC :1111111AI 10111 11111401' ilf St, \ 1 11.11.1U1.• 01111T11. 41 111111 \\ill ht. I1C111 t;,' II\ '14:;1.111.1t1,11:::,-,11111;1.1.1.,,,1::::1:1111:1'..11 ;:"1:1; : 1' '19;r1 tiiii'll•rr 11111111111; \ co,.41 stno,,er, and a 11111 evening of mityrtainuitnit is ,a-hydnied for Om la: ge en 411 41 a treildin44. Thk ,4 ear both as lif4ted 1111 ler the vari us lie ll'1114.4; 1 pr gde. Among 1 1111H,' to he -itiverely _v________ liii•airs and, dowli.taip, 111 the hall ship Treasurer. printed along with that of the Town- ingnity, Sipta(11•011-1,eader Stephen 13iiiik Manager Itait.ertains 1 1.1).1).1:. auspices, \vill he held in,111 :1 \:).7:11( '1,:'l*i'', :11:;'.(1*2.11v:11.;;;1-1" '11 till' Jur- 44.,11.,,iciinkl.,:ld.:,-: N1',N,11 1.1.1;11,iic\l‘loill1:•1.,‘: rItr:11.1\l'irthIcet1,11 health for a long time. iii the ca,h book, Siateinent lo 1m thanker ary the citilens of this coni- . I In• tioit rai survive, under Illy! h 14.44 y been secure I, and rile 4 cryiees 1 .lone;,, our guyst sp4.44a 1..er, the Chilton District Illuulgers _______v_______. Aintiim by R. McNItirray..1 1. Mr- Collegiate Iluele Hand, 44 lio did such .Mr, and \I ri. R. 1 1441441mi eli4ertif.in- 1 I.NI;(';‘.',1,1':1,1).\1-.111131.4t'1111•2 artP'ill.131('Inci*;.\111.1 FI"Iii(t1:1-tY-. i \\ a't their turn tip stairs in the hall, Culcheen 1 That Secretary he author- 1, a itHind job of leading the Parade. 4 ed ,uveral Cana4144141 Ilan!, of Com- mem 44 ill by made in 111011 Ciii n and during that limy 444'411 1),.• ...ma- ize!! to pay cash for f-tainp-, frei,glit, , when 1 lir own hand was not readily 1 im.i..„1, iiiana...,,,y, .,m11 their ‘‘iy,.., t,-, a conelo.„ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH , Lined front the 11!.1,1' 14 the hall hy express and ocher small amount-, and , aree,,ilily, thy 1:e44. N. NI acconnell„ „,, (.......4 Tlm Sacramen! i thc 1.444-41% Sim- 11444 lancli 1144.4 4,. Following the -alp- 4,44 evenin :. iit 1111'41' 11"111e 111 l .111 brethi4en of 1"..4°1 1 1).0.F. No. 1, pyr t4 it; I,,• 4,44 el 4 ed in the Prc-Ily- per a program of 1,11144,41 and 'lancing that he add these expen,es 1 - 11', ply the IZev. b. 1.. 1 1. 1 lender -ft 11. ;111(1 du' \\Ingham, on Saturday nighl. I 30n 41re Film:stk.:1 to mug, 1 1:,.., ...yr- ' 1 ,441,111 Church on Sunday, November 44 id be vonducied, cheques, also that he 1,4114.4 'a cheque 1444 41, Sinclair, for their pat.' in the ,\ ,4 II 4 • 4- 4 11 r ' NI .. ; 1 ‘ii,,,, monthly for payment of income tax, li ,;:rvi.T, all ornanizati 11S 41 111) tOnk 1 m,...„. N. \\,4„ Kyle, „f l!,1:011. and 11181,„ deducted from teitellyr, ,:tlariy:, (4.. pa-) in Ihe parade, the choir and 1 „gee, 111111 their 4yiyes from itru,,,,k, 1 I. 1\1110'1111 11-,1!, to lin notified of,..inine I nial,i,I.,, \Ir.` si;(0,..y Si11111111.11v4 ""11 1 11'roxeter, 1 buniville, Sylkirk, and oth- Itest It oofil Contril)11ti(ms . 1 November 144 14, ai 8 1).NI. . v;ics Wi11 IrC I1C1,1 Tli'll'tl.ly CV1-1111111--!. CC. -1.111 CV11111CC, allrl 11lic year 11114 1701 at 2:30 11,11. Preparatory -Yr- , cv,41.,ra..1 year, ,upper wa, a wrist sitc- I, cr 44 d I!, iNpUill'11 1“ hi biggcr than 111'01s 114(11) .11 "1111 '11 • ".., 1 , 4-, NI11•,1*-1- .14110" Lawn(' "1 \\ 1'11" (.41- points.. 11r. 1 lobilen i, thy nianag- Amount prey4onsly reported $2.2111.41'1 A 111:1 i"11 a11111' TH1112: tli'.• t VarliVrS• 1 111 i II+ i'11. 14;1' V0(.81 ri'llt l'illtiti011';. ! , • r I ‘ \ V. 141 ,• l' •• •1 A . •%1 0 :III( ,. 1'11..0 r• I() 5 P11111 a 4 11111 rigging from 4,i'flo3 -- awl \Iv-. Jamie Sinis for her splendid 1 44 i t'oe evening was an elijo ;tide one .14411444, MeCo441 :10; TRINITY CIIURCH, BLYTII 5.0 I 1 $211:1 for the purt4144,4,e of library books reading. wa, passe -I. —Si;tilvd, I loc4 ard C. Tall. Scr1Y4 lunch, 2."41.1 S111411-0 Niter Trini:y , i and Nirs. I lohdcii sum cd a delicion- 1-. NI. Bray . 3 0 4 1 , i 1 (ie,"-t.,e C1444,'"11 Next meeting ‘vill be December :.) at 1, Myth 11ra114414 No. ; '0, ---r —•— Li" :.',1 :tit:44)14.1 4.S11r11:141'1-11finSechl';:;11Vcr and Ser- . 1 2.,',11 p. In, , Canadian 1.1•4,..4..i1111. l'otal to daty ------ -- . ______ \ 4._______ i BIRTIES Iiere Weclnesd:ty C',ON Mt ,1'111.JI,A-11.10' 'N''S.1.1.1' •11.1-11111111:14'1;1'.4.1114: c\vniluv.RC'1H1,11tBEI)LcGvill"AVE 1.1'"v"ir-4 I"' •Iii",rilltion 1cl Illf-' Siandard, ;11-..4 i . ;W. :4, fallow4:: Nal.pli S. Shaw, Secretary. )1 County Assi)eiati()11 1)ines ' — A kite, fr,,ii, v. NI. Bray. Otta‘vi, DRUG STORE 13E1NG I 1 1 F.NIZ1' — Sheila Marilyn, little The Deiinery Laymen's. A-zsociali it Ccantri itulati,4441-: to \Its,. Rm.!. Collar 1.13 polo Siunbo- School, -\\',. all imoy now: (., mu* nly111 I !1.11,1!.!1,)1(!i if \Ir. and \IN. .1. 1Zoheri 0111!•tlicaill, \Yin hold their dinner meet- of 1Vinithani, win, (.,•teltrate,1 her ..1 '.0 pan. I 1411y C Innuirion. fUc1141s. l'It. :me give etir kind reljards RE•DECORATED Asks To Be Remembered, To Friends 1Z. 1i. Philp'•44 Drug Story 1,, rereiville4 Ileirv, of Myth, \vi•1114- to anctoun-e ing in the Nit:nun-jai Hail, Myth, ou (Inlay 1111 \ ,111111-1! !!, 111ARK'S CHURCH, AUBUTIN ai, interior (It...orating, 44:th Nlys.41-.44, illy birth of her Wally 4;istyr. Sandra Wediiedav• 114.4x1. al 7 -4.141. S14444.141,4:- C4 r. C,4,4-41 l'44 o S114141,144 School on a new paint j Tait and I ling], applyitot4 the bru,11 1.4.1i, in 1Vinghani iieneral 1 Io*ital. five men from all uvt,n• the 44.411111.4. are Hy, wli ; eclebrated birfiltlal- on 1, aon. Morninn er au 1 ;41 -et - cxptch:d. ; • N•vember 91h, 10-1(i, 131;1, 1,1 :1 11y V,11 •z"!! " " I 01 1 1 d cow(' contrilliition to the Rest k..o111 1:11111, r r JUST IN FUN I —� Useful "Ilave your bees done well this year, Jones?" "Pretty well they haven't given much honey, but they've stung my mother-in-law twice." A Long Time In the post office of a North Carolina village a stranger saw the local patriarch sitting on a flour barrel and tvhistling. A bystander informed hint that the old fellow had already passed his one hun- dredth birthday. Impressed, the stranger exclaimed: "Isn't that amazing!" "\\'e don't see nothi11' al11a?iI1 'bout it round here," was the laconic reply. "All Ire's done is grown old—crd he took longer than most people would to do that!" Many Pupil: ''\\'hat did I make in that test." Teacher: "Mistakes" Just Curious The reporter began to ask his questions, "And would you like to tell nle what made you a millionaire:" he asked. The terribly rich man looked pensive, "I think you can say my \rife did," he replied at length, "I see, her loyal help—" "No, no. I was curious to know if there was any income she couldn't live beyond." Too Much Junes had received a 1ett.r from his girl jilting him, and after the shock spent his (lay at the office in adreani-like, dismal mood. Go- ing home to his lonely bachelor rooms, he determined to have a nice beef,teak with onions. Calling at the butcher's he said, more cheerily than he felt: ''\fr. Jones, have you a really tender bit of steak?" "I have," said the butcher, "it's as tender as a woman's heart." "Oh!" gasped James, "I don't want it! Give me two or three pork Fassages, please," Smart The new customer walked into the st( rc. "How many chickens have you today?" "Oh, about six, ma'am," "Tough or tender?" "Some arc tough and some ten- der," "Well, 1 keep boarders, Pick out three of the toughest, please," To this unusual request the de- lighted grocer complied at once, saying, "Please ma'am here are the tough ones!" Whereupon the customer coolly laid her hand on the others and said, "'Then I'll take these," None Left A teacher put a problem to his class: "There were thirteen sheep in a pen and seven jumped out; how many were left?" One of the boys said, "None, sir," and when the teacher rebuked him for his deficient aritlunctic and told Mtn he knew nothing about figures, the boy's reply was, "Sir you know nothing about sheep," Understand? "I said 'Play as you never played before'." "Yes, but—" "Not 'as though you've never played before'!" A Lost Sheep Maspherson had wandered off to another church, and his parson was striving to bring hint back to the fold. "Why weren't you at the kirk on Sunday?" Ite inquired. "I was at Mr. NIacGregor's kirk," Macpherson replied, airily. "Now," reasoned the parson, I don't like your running around to strange kirks like that. Not that I object to your hearing Mr. Mac- Gregor, but I'm sure you widna like your sheep straying into strange pastures." "Parson," was the calm rejoin- der. "1 widna care a straw—if it was better grass." Curing a Habit Young Snlithers was feeling off color, and consulted a specialist. The specialist examined hint and said: "All that is wrong with you, young fellow, is that you smoke too litany cigarettes. here is a way to cure yourself of the habit. It is . quite sitttp!�. \a: h.iict'cc you fight a cigr rcttc, put a stone into your pocket. Soon the discomfort of car- rying the stones about will cure you." VJtu g SIll'tl ers hent led and de - pa• t:(I. 'three (lays Inter the special- ist received a postcard from his "Dear Sir," it said, "1 aur follow- ing ' otic advice. but 1 look darned funny pushing a wheelbarrow." FOUR -ROW CORN PICKER Like a weird monster the picker stands with five huge claws ready. These excluslve pictures, taken on Lester 1'fister's t'mnons hybrid corn farm at 1'-! 1'a -o, ill., shote the fiat four rote corn picker ever to be used. The monster strips the car- front standing corn, husks them and deposits them on a traveling belt which drops than into a trailing wagon. The picker i, powered by a combine motor and pulled ht• a cat(rpillar tractor. (Inc lour -row picker harvests as much cont in 20 minutes as a good field hand can get in a working day, \With time out for changing trucks and other delays, it picks 2.100 bushels a (lay, Pfister uses a "mech,uti/cd artily" of tour four - row pickers and seven two-roy: machines. v;itlt \\Incl\ 200 or more acres a day is stripped, husked and delivered to the elevators, This year he expects his biggest crop, some 100,)00 bushels. \With high grade hybrid seed corn prices ranging front rat to $12 a bushel, its value is close to a million dollars. i Long trailer train heads for the elevators, five miles away. Four -row picker at work in # Ate IRO cornfield that stretches as far as the eye can see. VOICE OF THE PRESS Canadian Carpentry "What Canada needs," remarks the Peterborough Examiner, "is a little less hammer and sickle and a little more hammer and saw." It could also ease up on the chisel and bear down on the square. —Windsor Star, Fluid Driving Here's a good safety tip: Always keep fluid in the brakes and out of' the driver. —Windsor Star. Those Prairie Sailors One matt in every twelve who served in the Royal Canadian Navy during the war enlisted at Winnipeg. In figures that means 300 officers, 7,500 Wren as well as 700 members of the WRCNS. That means that this city alone supplied nearly enough personnel to man the peace -time navy. —Winnipeg Tribune. John L's Aim John L. Lewis may call his coal miners out on strike next month. He wants to get production back to abnormal. —Hamilton Spectator. Should Eat Vitamins For the first time in many moons, Garbo broke into the news the other day, with pictures„ looking as tired and anaemic as ever, We wonder why she doesn't cat a vitantitl, —Kitchener Record. The British Are Needed Hindu-Moslenm riots continue to rage in parts of India. In all probability it is only the presence of the British in that country which saves open and bloody civil war. —Ottawa Journal. Obesity and Illness Fat people in Britain lost be- tween 30 and 50 pounds during the war but most of them are never- theless in improved health, That is probably true of fat people every- where. Obesity is ail invitation to ills, some of them serious ones, —Brockville Recorder and Times Hasn't Enough There arc said to be only 12 sten in the world who understands mon- ey. The rest of us don't have enough of the stuff to give it the necessary study, — Ottawa Citizen, In Plain Words New York gangsters have stolen a $1,500,000 shipment of French perfume. This is what is known as picking up the scent. — Edmonton Journal. Would Be Over Turkey says she is ready to fight in five minutes' notice. In an atomic war, that would be three minutes after the war is over, — Kitchener Record, Take Your Choice A doctor says motorcyclists are not so apt to have pneumonia as other people, Well, it's more com- fortable to die in bed anyway. — Chatham News. Names, Please "Aly husband hasn't bought me a new dress in 35 years, and I still admire hint," declares a Colorado woman. \Vhat a man! And what a woman! —Kitchener Record, Picket's Idea of a Job Scents the main idea of a picket is something with which you slug another worker over the head.. —Brandon Sun. REG'LAR FELLERS—Air Travel Preferred HOW ARE WE GONNA GET TO TH' FOOTBALL GAMES 'THIS FALL? JUS' WATCH! GO GET ft ROSCOE' Western Ontario Apple Harvest The current total estimate of ap- ples in Western Ontario is 12.1,000 barrels, which is approximately 5,- 000 barrels greater than the last estimate, and 5 percent below the 5 -year average, 1940-1944. \Vith harvesting well advanced under fa- vorable weather conditions, the yield is reported as somewhat bet- ter in Norfolk County and Niagara district, more than offsetting re- ductions in Middlesex -Huron, Es- sex -Kent ,and Peel -York. In some areas, warm, dry weather retarded sizing and hastened ittaturity caus- ing some 'drop'. Color generally is fair to good, and insect and fungus damage is light in most commercial orchards, except for some late brood codling moth damage in lo- calized areas. Thousands of years ago, the Egyptians knew the art of ma- nipulating yarn with needles. HOLD EVERYTHING DIN Vv - Mt, NjA t N. P I6 0 4. PKRV001INC. + ��-� n"tP� "Call my wife and tell her I'll be late for supper!" NOW I REPEAT THIS AT TH' BALL PARK, ROSCOE DOES HIS STUFF AN' WE FOLLER. NIM IN' £. JFTER TWO MONTHS Cf HARD TRAINING, THE DAY "1 OF hE BIG GAME. HAS ARRJVED! NOT HARD TO TAKE THIS WRAP Copies of the huge scarf pic- tured here, large enough to be used as a shawl, will be presented to the chief women delegates and to the wives of the first detentes of each of the 51 United Nations. Of pare white silk, it bars the national seal, in color, of each number coun- try. The UN scarf was created by Brooke Cadwallader, noted silk designer, at the request of the American Association for the United Nations. 0 New Preventive For Seasickness A new artily preventive for air, train, sea and car sickness will soon be released Inc civilian use, News- week reports, The drug l.non•n as "\iotiou Sickness Preventive, Army 1)vclopnteut 'Type," con- tains sodium amytal, atropine sul- fate and scopolamine hydrobromide, It practically guarantees comfort to users who arc subject to motion sickness. But it can also rause fatal poi- soning in car of an overdose, Col. F. I-1, Foucar and two army associ- ates, reporting in The Journal of the American Medical Association, warned civil'a:ts to pay strict atten- tion to the Libels on the packages. Good Food Habits For Good Health Sufficient quantities of different foods are available in Canada to provide every Canadian with nutri- ents needed for health, Dr. E. W. McHenry of the University of To- ronto said in an address at a nutri- tion meeting sponsored b\' the health League of Canada. He added, however, that there is evi- dence that the food habits of many Canadians need to be improved and that the available foods are not be- ing properly used. "The two main causes for mal- nutrition in Canada are ignorance and indifference," said Dr, McHen- ry. "These two causes can be most effectively wiped out by the a(icquate training of children in healthful living. He said food habits are formed in childhood and persist through life with little change in most peo- ple, Firmly entrenched habits were difficult to change and it was diffi- cult to arouse people sufficiently to cause them to change Here's really effective gentle relief from Elephant Likes Only Good Apples The youngest of the three Indian elephants recently acquired ;)y the 7.00 registers disapproval by screaming. :\s her voice can be heard uplifted at frequent ink teals every day, she 5001115 to di -ap- prove cf many things, says The Manchester Guardias, She is very jealous of any attention paid to her companions and screams lilac a spoiled child if she is neglected for a moment, The \ Dung hull, the largest of the three, is very pernickety about his food. \\ hen a visitor brought a Iris - lee'. full of windfall apples, 111 st of therm rather bruised, the baby of the party ate them readily. The young bull would have 'mile of them, Bring persuaded with difticul'.y to take one in his trunk, he delib- erately turned round, set a forefoot on it and crushed it flat. 'I'hc keep- er explained that he liked good des - sett apples. istiminclullogmloolooloculloink 1'ou N'III Enjoy Maytag At The St. Regis Hotel 1'11Ito N'ro • Every Room ',%'Ilh Bath Stainer and 'Telephone ▪ Single, $2,50 up— Double, ta.no up • Gond Pond Dining and I)nne. Ina NIgb11y Sherbourne tit Carlton 'lel, IRA. 4185 CONSTIPATJON Get glorious relief from sluggishness the proved Phillips' Milk of Magnesia way. So effective. So gentle. Just take 2 to 4 tablespoonfuls with water. You'll be thrilled with the way it helps you start each day keenly alive and refreshed, What's more, Phillips' Milk of Magnesia is one of the fastest neutralizers of excess stomach acidity known to science, Its double -action means relief from constipation and relief from acid '-- °`"" `''•""' indigestion. Remember P , PHILVPS ` act, ptµp! It(H)ilS It1:Ali'1'lhl'IJ.1' rrltN1s111;n $1 50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIA(iAIIA PALLS OI'l'. — C.N.u. S'I'A'I'It)N GENUJit 'PHILL6P$' to 1q .7z.,„,„°,.„.", .U0010 CHM P..0 �.Itlnw� ]1tlWw M, NNP M PORP frBLETS B 7'1' Pr wnw'gtmi ii u,tr: Mr( IN //Costs as /////f os TO BE:SURE THEBEST 6 MAO! /N CANADA NOW WE'LL ALL CRAWL IN AFTER. ROSCOE, AND ONLY PICK OUT TH' BEST SEATS' By GENE BYRNES Ytvp. cRI F.ejr�`- ?'31 i 1 a �.�YanieS. CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS!NG t4.I;NTS 'W %: f'fa) A(:i•:.\TS 1V.1\'17:1) 1111 51;1,1, 011, - !turner:, 1:tertri,'a1 pat Is, tt:r,li+r:+, eh% 1:•,ouomy 1,i.uiIulo1;+, ton, 4)11/, IIA111 ( RIc'Ls 'riff; ft.%11V tilt]/ ti sEAsn\ 1', ill l 1.011401 Il„ , 4,]11111'. '1'01 h,• 1''111'11 of tin• chicks y4}11 +{,• il'e 4\'111.11 \'"(1 \wail them, w1'. :tic( 0i -if 11,0 �u(4 p1a, e Your 4.1'04, r 4111111• ,41',11 iy, Prices filmr:rnlred :11;11111',1' n r•li:.enr dr, hoe. l''ree rnt:d,,t;ii', Top Notch Chi'letirv, 1;urlph mita 10, Free Range Pullets :11011 1111•:I; 11.1 4)4:11 I'i'1,1,1;'i's, .1 .l 5 nionth, old, 10104' delivery at once, u1' hunk („r later, 11:i1>. - 1 under Ideal rundlllens, un 1'1-,11, fire r:1iy , \11 puller. treated for worm). 1111(1 boR'r) 111411(.01.0) several time: to ple\rnl II,'o and smite Al- so 17.1,0 ready -to -Int' polletr. 'Send for Pi 10-•• f,(s(s r,nd 4'alnlo:411', (,nkr- vlr\v I', li(try 1'nrui, \1'1'411 L'ros., I;del -4, 41111. i .EST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS 1'rs, 11141. Is \\'hal all 1;11111110W ]'hide buyers are saying when they buy L'llinhuw 4'Iticicr. .111 b1, edrrs tire 11,u percent 11 cc from pulluruna, 111'4111' your chicks now ilii "t riami Ihl1 ad amt nut be llisappi,lnU'd. 'rant Barron, 1.,'4hirus, $12.00 per 1no, Pullet) $21.00, ).'awed )Pik Allxed $1'2,00 per 100, Pullets $21.00. 1V1ill, Bock 511srd $1;,,01 per 100, Pullets $25,00. lit1/\71 1.0;;1101'11 A11xcd $14,1111 p.'r 100, Pullets 525.0)), Leghorn -11 -1) 311x04 ; 1_.001 per 100. Millets $25.00, 111111-ltorlc I lybrld $12,(10 per 1110, l'ulIi O. $21.0(1. Spc- rinl prices on cockerels l;unranlec 101) percent Ileo delivery lo your station, $1.00 ?down, b:tlanee Ilninhuts' 1latehery, Chatham, On- tario. 17' IS 4)0'1' '1'111) SOIIN To PI, AI'I•; Your order for your 11417 r)lielc,4. 1)1111'4 be dl.'••clppolIted If you ordri' 110\1• you will hl' dare tho breed of clicl11 you desire and til44 th 4]1111] mels s111u11 1 ,1r 1, )1111. 1'wed111n Chick priers 111'11 1411:1'a11- toid against a raise or deelllle. 1 -lend for e:.Utlof:uo nod ;•le,•l,si, 'I'i. 'rf- tllo C'hlrk ilateherle9 Limited, Fer- gus, Ontario, 1:te SL'S5hN X II.t.11PNIII11ES Cir li4)lI. YOUR (IIII)I;1t NO11' 1'011 $41'144\'1' GIIi('KS without delay at these prices, Mixed ('hick) 130, 1',11- 1ol.s 230, Cox 7c, Leg'h,ern X Ilrunp- shh'es Mixed 1:i', I'ntlets "Sr. All breeders pullurnnt tested under Gov- ernment approval, Order now to 111- titiro delivery when required, Ron- nie's Gillett Hatchery, Box 250, la- ml':1, (int, 1'C1,1•E'l's ,11,1, .11:1;5 1'1(,).1112 week, to laying, ?'romp/ delivery, hall hatched chicks booked to o(• - der. Free cntitluguo. Top Notch C'Ill1Iu•ries, Guelph, Ontario, GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Ilond %viva Mr. Broadhurst of Joli- ette, Que.' sayn about our chicks: April 30, 1910 -"Tho 200 chlelcs ro- ceived In splendid) condition, not ono dead and only ono died since, They aro the most vigorous bunch of chicks I ever received and I have been handling chicks fur over 40 years," Order now and get rho best. Piero aro our prices, Barred )tock 1111x114, 312,00; Pullets, $21,00; White Leg- horn, Mixed, 312,00; Pullets, $2.1.00; Wh1to ltoclt Mixed, 315,00 Pullets, 25,00; Brown Leghorn 511xed, 14,00: Pullets, 325,00; Hybrids Rock -Heil 541x114, 312.00; Pulletb, 321.00; 11ybrld Leghorn -]tock 511x - ed, 312.00; Pullets, $25.00. You (tlso got fl'eo eldek8, Goddard Chick llat- nery, Ilrltnlullt Heights, Ont, t LI.M1'1'hf) iv t;:1111411 O1+' chicles tot' Immediate shipment, Aelc for prlcelist, .And order your January chicks -now, Bray 1fnleh- ery, 130 John N,, Hamilton, Ont. 2,000 CHOICE 111';1 11.13II'SIIIRIs laying and ready to lay pullets for Immediate delivery. Also other breeds 12 weeks 11p to laying, 1111 up your pen). Egg prices aro good. 1,111]] hatched chicks for November and 1)ecember delivery, 1""'001 cata- logue, 'l' vcdd10 Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, 100 CHICKS FREE W1111 every order of 100 pullet chicks wo )Ivo 100 free chicks (our choice), Barred Root( Pullets 321,9 5, }Philo ]lock Pullets 325,95. White Leghorn Pullets $24,95. Brown Leghorn Pullets $25.95; Tied - Rock Hybrids, 321.95, Leghorn - Root( llybrlds, 325.95. All chtcics sold are from hloodtested stock, back by high pedigreed stock, $1,00 books you corder, llnlnuce C.O.D. Guaranteed Delivery Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Bnliu'(o FOR TWO WAY PROFITS Get chicks bred fur both eggs and meal. Special discount on chicle or- ders placed now, Write for freo calendar and prlcellst, lilt; Rock Farm, 511110 Roches, Ont. BUSINESS 111'I'()Il'I'UNI'I'IES ()11'1'4;]4 TO INVENTORS AN OPEE)4 '1'1) EVER Y INVENTOR hint of Inventions and full Infor- mntlon_�++enl free. The Iltuusny Co„ lleglstt'f•ed Patent Allornrys, 273 Panic Street, Ottawa, Canada Ul'r?11'G AND CLEANING HAVE You ANYTHING NEEl18 dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. 1Ve are glad to an- swer your gtlestions, Department H. Purlcer's Dye Works Limned, 791 Yongo Street, Toronto, Ontario, P011 SALT; nr.ACR. AND TAN. FOXHOUND pups: swell months. Parents out- standing, Males $25,00, ?'''male' 315.00. Lincoln Lucdke, Eden Grove, R, 2, Ont, BROODER STOVES NOW 1S '1'1111 'rI31E '1'1) OIIDElI your "Superflnnlo" 011 Burning llrooder Stove. Our shipments of these stoves will arrive on or about January 1st, 1947 Model 052 has a 52" heavy galvan- ized hover thermomslnlle hent con- trol, automatic draft regulator and down draft cap. Mnxlmu(n capacity 1000 chlrks-)'rico 129.90, IClndly send 35,00 deposit with your order, ilalanco ('.0.41, Express Collect, )'o111' clearest station. IJF'Al'l'11t V,tl,LE1' CRi;,13iO4Ity Clarksburg.. 4nt(trio, ell' PUBLIC: AUCTION, SA'I'I:un,4y, November 23rd), together With Farm Stock nod implements; Farm Trnr- tors-(h,e 15-30 5trl'orinnrk ileer- ing 'Praetor on new rubber, A-1 enn(litlon, One Model 1) John Deer Tractor on sleet. Groin 'Threshers] One 22-38 McCormack (leering on steeel, roller bearing, late model. Ono 311-50 \\'onds ilrothers on steel roller hearing, One 28-10 Aferor- tnnrk Deering on steel, thresher. Above Humilities In A-1 condition, Iianley pros., Schomberg, Ont. CHOICE Ill',11,I'I'1' 1)1;141' HEELED Ilou•'n (11101:s nn,l dr:lk's 111x(4 51nn1- tnnuth White Pekin. ?'red 11, (cul- let, 11, 2, Welland, Ont, 1•'4)11 5.11,11 ('0111115.0'114)5 111'4'1%1;1F 1;1,1:('- (11 • 111+'41(1,(„1':; for _qtr rlienp. Sol- in11 ( 12,0,11, Itnlrb(H; c11. 11',. ((4 4,111111, ;':, "r CO cycle. Apish' 'I'\cl ddl: ('hlrk 11:ticlei 4111 Limited, Eel totialo. I)ji: 1:1, 1.\I:I\1: VIII( 5.11X. Ott Il.p, 1 41 eotolili„n; pri'."I for g1li, lc :al,•. 11:111%'4 I,'i l: Thr, 11.11. I, Is'Ihi, 11111, ("111)41:'1'•, 11114)10'N 11 %L1;S $2,00, !'.•1'11,11': d 4,11, 8.•n1t Money I,rder, 00rill 1:\pi'-,,. 01', ,4. I1a1.1', 11it,•hell, ((01 * 14,41 151: 111!(1 111 11111;.15'I'I':I) Iln,nxl 1'111']11 ys', '1'„110 33" ileus $12. Melted from Hurl( of two Ihuu- soud from 41114"1:1411 froo bri•edenr, 51:1y hnlched, John Jeffery, Appin, 1)111 ,1.1511;S1VA 1' 1,1)0(1 I:t:f: INI'I'Il O'I'flll for sale. Frunl (toad, flop 01, 14.11 ,\iii i'rstllur,. I'hllip Ginnie]. Ir,ll .YI:.1144.1" \'1:01' 4'11.1.\1).11111, (0 Praised 4(1(1410 .,10r)' eolnllen of bees \wish metal lop; fed for a'llllcr, 'Stanley H. )(int;, ?::lair•, Ont, NEW PARTS for UNIVERSAL BREN GUN CARRIERS Ilnf;l0 \whr(,Is, sprockets, track and many others. LEVY AUTO PARTS 7:14 cloven ?Vest, Tumult), S 112 I'u1Vl•:It SI'14AV \IO'l'Ott 160 gallon tank rnp,1'lly ‘villi lank fil- ler :11111 "1 -nuzzle broom, 1'sed oily I\wn 1111144th::, Apply ti, ylttwty, 672 11alhursl Slreel, Toronto, ttI;(.18TEIII ) 1'illili51III1I1S, 0 110114114 and under, 11(10141'11 boron type, ferry. )Vinrh,Jr., iCos'nick, t )tit, Is -35 444)4li (sI,.t.\'ll. 'I11,1('•I'011 for rale, Ilex 57, I:111310e, (Jilt. TIRES \\'.i Orr ovrrolo-lied tet 1410 present ut gond used trade -In Gres (gunr- antecd to he In excellent shape). 600 X 16 $5.00 A1l orders shipped (2.0,1), Special equipment for vulcanizing '?'ruck and Earn' 'Tractor Tires, ItIl.0(:ON TII1I;, corner ()mien and fork Sts„ 11.1 MILTON, Ontario, ON'I',tIlJll'S 1108'1' 31(11)1;115 EQUIPPED '1'1111, 811111' 1-Tlts 1:'(/.0 ES A,\I 1'1:145 I)I4I:.r51';1) ANI) mode Into neckpieces, collars and ('apes, 'fake advantage of this offer before rising prices take effect Jun, 1, 1947, (,liver Spanner & Co Ltd., 20,1 Elm Street, 'Toronto, HAIRDRESSING LEA IIAII1111HES51NG '1'1111 Robertson method, 1nfortnntlon on request regarding; 41:4'0044, Robert- son's ILllydressli,g Academy, 187 Avenue Mond, Tot "011), 111411' OVAN'l'RI) WA NTED, AN 1;4)PERI IINCED farm hand, single, Industrious, will- ing, no Intolerable habits, Wages start at 300 per month, yearly con- tract, clean lioino, start November, )lox 118, 73 Adelaide W„ Toronto, Ont. 'r1Vo GIRLS 25-34, 4)5)11'011 GI1N- 040) housework and plain cooking, the other ns housemaid, wages 375 4,0r month each. Airs, 1•;, '1', Ste- phens, lticllniond 11111, Out. PEI t511N'AI, DOCTOR 01' II 10.1'1411:1101,0111', Grnpho-Analyst and Personal Coun- sellor it'll !advise you In your per- mute), domestic, business and reli- gious problems Write your prob- ers and cnelose stamp for reply, Dr. L. 1I, Henn, Assinlbola, Saskat- chetvan, Canada, 311:1)1(1,11, Itl•;Ai) '1'1115-1•:1'1-414 l' St.'I'1'J111E11 of Itlletlnu,tic Pains of Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy Alun- ro's Drug Store, 335 ]Agin, ()Galva. Postpaid 31,00, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry ocucmn, rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap- point you, itching scaling burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples and nlh- loto'e foot will respond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or 1lopele98 they may seem, P11ICh1 31.00 I'll/ JAR ;end I'ost 1''ree on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St, 1;. Corner of Logan Toronto, DIXON'S 111;311;1)0'-1' Olt 51':1°111- tls (old 11110 11111111l Pains, 'Thou- sands satisfied. MIItlrUH Drug Store, 335 ]Agin, Ottawa, Postpaid 31.00. STOP ITCHING '1'Olt'l'l'ItES 01' eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, ath- lete's foot and other skin irrita- tions with E111c's Ointment No, 5. Itch relieved promptly, skin healed quickly or money refunded, $1,00. Order tot)ny from 11IIlc'sl1edlclne Co., Dept, 57, Saslcutoon, Sask. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (+71411) A. 11111)111 NG 1'0 N BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Illstru- mcnts, 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPI'411'I'INITI KS 1,'IIII WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCIiOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing ,Plonsnnt dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest dye• tela, Illustrated catalogue free Write or rail. hMAitVEL HAi RDRI;SSING SCH0O1,i 358 moor Ft, W„ Toronto Drenches: 44 King SL, Hamilton & 74 Rldenu Street, Ottawa, I'A'I'p:NTS 1-1:'!'))IIIIS'l'ON1IAI'GII & EOM I'AN1 Patent Solicitors. Iilclnhllshed 48411, 14 ICIng ?Vest, Toronto flookief of information on request l'l10'1'OI:ItA171V IMPERIAL QUALITY iS QUALITY AT ITS BEST 111']4 Yi;AIt 4404154) ?'AST 14 :R{•- Ico and fine (thorny worlc well please you. i'or satisfaction try 1111• perlal. 6 or 8 exposure films, de• velnped nod printed. 801' 191I'ICIRIA1, 1.110'1'O S1;111'IC)C Station 1. Toronto. EILAtS DEVELOPED 29 CENTS. ituarranteed one day service. No uniting. Bay Photo Service, North 131Y. I'I1u'I )IJt,11'111' XMAS CARDS FROM "SNAPS" -12 FOR 79c Yunr h(4111ives make tile, iii sI original and 4111 1411,4 ('hr10t10a '1441).14 you 11111 (1, t - ''1,4 Is 111111 fl'lrn,ls 1rnsillr ...:1114 Ito, 110114) t:I 11(1,11. 5111•,•4 3„lit tat to (('1414- tivrs 1111,1 rend 1)1,9]4 111 us 10',•11 t t`11I1tl 12 aft il tit'/• y; 1''4.4111:; 0;11.(8 4%1111 ;two 11 tines Ill 11,1,1 t,', .- and rli''l ''- f,.r :,1)114)~ --all for 711r, 111',(11'1' (2 Photo:, 1,41 (''t:111111:11"- 21'.) 1)EVl'. 11. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE 1111 c 12)1, 1'041 (0'41'1' .0, Toronto (Writ)! Salm, 1,11(1 :1,1dtt•.., Plainly) COMET PHOTO SERVICE Oni'k JIail Serei'<,, 4\,.)k 1:u:u'an- 4red, ' per 11111, Gem ;ids 5 \ 7 eidoinicil 411 (,)111„r 1)00111 1, 75e, (tux 41, ihtP1'11 Stittlnli 11, Toronto, STA 11i. 5'1'A311' l'11LL1:f:'l'()It8, A 1'1!1:)•4 Dot Acquainted package tint) details of Interesting' Fume System to sp- oront/ applicants, sending tlo"tnee la ('11%01' cost of mailing. Alexander Supply Co„ l'.O, tiox i;2, SndburY, Ontario. 81;N11 ?'Ott A \VUIII,IIWI1)1; 8E. te,'tinn of altr:n'tive approvals (mai penny 1p. 1''raser, 9111 soothgat0, \rimer/,, 1;.(', T.1.1111E1 11' 1'l'l'p;N'1'I1)5 1)1':114 111'1'1'1;118 ILno your trophy mounted by ('an- nda's iloadl1144 Taxidermist. Finest workmanship 111 1'1.a: in0hle prices, \Vo tan Deer Hides Into Leather suitable (or Gloves, 1VIndhrealters, cite, Oliver Spanner & (_'u Ltd. 26 A Elm SI„ Toronto, '('11:11'i'ING 311NIC - 100.\ - 11'111,1' '1'11.0u'1'I,:ItS, Irap for )oun14 yoar 1'01111,1 \vlth 11%t $1r1111 sr/1,l system 11+ 114114 rnn buy, Pnrtleol;u's fere, .1 41. 1'Isher, )lox 420, Calgary, Alberta, OVA N'l' 11 0 '1'1'111' 1'1)1'11 1041111), 31.08I1, ANI) ?;rain (114(0) (whole or turn) int° rush, \Vi' ply freight rates and highest prices, \1'rlt.• today to the 11111411111 ling Company, London, On- 1(1'lu, SHiP YOUR POULTRY FARM EGGS TO H. G. BUTT ;548 Scarborough Road, Toronto, Highest prices, Write for quota- tions. 11'A5,1,1':0 '1'1) 11(`1'-51.1311;81; CAT or kitten. Also I'hlhanhant puppy or young dog. Apply Cox 120, 73 Ade- Inld(+ 00' 'I'nronto. HATCHING EGGS 00 A 511'1;11 I'Illl 19.17 hvlrhln,g Nen 8011, Flocks culled and blood tested Dice of charge tin- der Government supervision (lunr• anteed premium plus hatchability premium paid. For full details write 13ox No. 95, 73 Adelaide OV., To• ronto. 4'4,0041 S.%54)1111 ANI) i;IDG1'1Il. AItlst be in good t'ondlllnn, State mato, cycle end price, Also Elec- tric Floor %Nits Polisher. \\'rite 3,'ell ('ells, 141 Rebecca St„ Strat- ford, Ont. Phone 1592, OUCH! MY HEAD! You tan quickly relieve the pains of neuralgia, bed days, to grippe, Good Way to Treat Sore, Itching Piles If you suffer agonizing torture from nnro, painful itching piles, hero in n ci hne° to try n simple, home treatment with the promise of a reliable firm to refund the cost if you aro not satisfied with 1110 results, Simply got n bultlo of Ilei,,-Roid from any druggist. This is no internal treatment whose medically!) is directed to the removal of tho cause of piles, llenl•Iloid is a small tablet, easy and pleasant to use and pleasing results aro quickly shown, Netting and soreness aro relieved pain subsides and ns the treatment is continued the swelling and inflammation are reduced and the sore, painful pile tumors heal over, leaving ll(o redo! membranes clean and healthy. Cel n bottle of Item -1101d today nod see for yourself what an easy pleasant way this is to rid yourself of pilo misery. NI1TEr The spuusnr 0r title noire len re. liable firs(, doing hu0i11141. io Cann,la for over 20 yrnr,, If you Orr Irnnhlra with sore, itch- ing, painful piles, 11,4%1.11411d 1111191 help you yulrl.ly or the 91,1911 purrl,n,r price will be gladly (('fnudrd, ISSUE 46-1446 `GOING -GOING-' Thousands of spectators at the Ford Airport, Dearborn, Mich., were thrilled recently when they watched the 225 -foot dirigible mooring mast crash dowel, preliminary to dismantlement for scrap. The massive steel tower was severed from its base and pulled over by cables, wound on winches of six 10 -wheel tractor -trailer trucks, The mast, built in 1924 at a cost of $250,000, is pictured above, midway in its fall. ....+� ..+ t ,i••1'+-. SPOTS OF SPORTS 13y FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six fait Critic") .. There was quite n commotion among the fans at Mattie Leaf Gardens the other evrniug when a heartless referee awarded the Bos- ton Bruins a goal without the puck having entered the nets, on elle grounds that Goal -tender Turk Ilroda had heaved his stick in the general (lricction of the elusive disc. \Vhcthcr Mr, Ilroda did the heaving %yid' intent, or tvhetlicr his war -club just happened to slip, is a matter between himself and his own conscience, or whatever it is lliat net -minders use for that conl- nlodity; but it is probably just as well that the score had no real effect on the outcome of the game, or the mournful wail that Our Boys 11ac1 been foully robbed would have been sounding through- out 'Toronto all the way frotn Ilogg's hollow to the waterfront, * * * Many of the bullring experts, some with a hockey experience covering all of five years, loudly maintained that there teas no such rule in the book; while others claimed that, even if there Was one, it was a highly nonsensical regu- lation, one tliat had no reason for existence, However, they were wrong on both counts, as experts, Loth amateurs and professional, oc- casionally are; for there is such a rule, and there was a mighty good reason for its adoption, * * * For there w:ls a period in hockey history, as sortie of our more ma- ture readers will doubtless recall, when certain goal -tenders' accur- acy at heaving the hickory was one of their most potent weapons of defense. Some of then/ got to be real artists at i(, and could pick a ruck off an opposition shooter's stick -or intercept it in the mid - (Ile of a pass -with all the deadly accuracy of a champion darts• shooter in ;In English Pub, Ant the annoyance of the shooter, when the rubber had been removed from his possession in such a mean• tier, was always beautiful to see, and often led to a highly enjoyable brawl between him and the net - minder, Of course the latter always stoutly maintained, with a manly candor and innocence that was hard to doubt, that it had been the sheerest of accidents -that the stick had merely slipped front his sweaty grasp, and nothing but a freak of chance had guided it in Ike direction of the puck. And when it was first proposed to frame a rule whereby, in case of such a happening, a goal would be automatically awarded against the sharp -shooting goal -tender, loud and long were 1110 protests • which arose on every side, It was au outrage, many averred -far, far too drastic -and would cruelly penalize a lot of hard-working and oppresses(' goalies for something they couldn't possibly help, And so 011, far into the Iligllt! * * * I-Iowever, the rule -in all its un- fairness - was adopted, And, strangely enough, somehow or Other the net -minders seemed able to grasp (hose war -clubs of theirs much more firmly and securely, Almost overnight stick -throwing on the part of goalies became a thing of the past -so much so that, the oilier night at Maple Leaf Gardens, probably not one half of one percent of the nineteen thou- sand present -players and specctae tors included -even knew that such a regulation was in existence, * * * Big -tinge basketball appears to be oft to a good start in Toronto, al- though thele are those who think that the scale of prices adopted, while possibly all right for such places as New York or Chicago, might be just a teeny elite on the steep side for a city where them is so much hockey opposition. For while, on paper, an attendance of tin thousand, at a dollar a throw, might appear to be just as good business ns twenty thousand at a half, shrewd sports promoters know that it doesn't work out that way in the 1011g run, Social security is robbing the poor for the benefit of the lazy, -The Printed ?Nord. s $40,000 Paid For Bull Calf Group of Ontario J Farmers Outbid U.S, Millionaires In an mu tion rine; at Oakville, the Whir (lay, a five -Months -old 1fol,t(in bull calf with the ('t:gag- iug (117(10 1,f (delta icon Killarney brought ?40,0(14), ;1 new record price for Canada, .ay:, The Ottawa Journal. .,11111 may wonder how such a small animal, unproven as a sire at that, 1117]4 possibly be word] 1, 4 much mono', But the fart remains that amount was Haid by a 4.;roup of Ontario farmers, 51-1() outbid several Anrt'riCall mil- lionaire;, In a way, this group of 11';Itcr- loo ili-lrirl farmers, 44•)41 had held several Ill,r11141g; h'fore 141144' '11'- ('4140)41 19115 1111110, \4,'1'41 �hn\\'11115 their faith and panlll11in! ,un the fulurc of the l,nr'lire l IICss 111 Canada. They ):now that 4111111)' co1111ii'ies 140(1 luu1CII(41 1f) (.'anaila to supply high grail' stuck, and were gambling 1,11 the hope That this interest 4vi11 ('4Ittinue. Front the ulmlbl'r 1,1' ' 141 (ri09 1v110 have sent buying I lli"iu11S here this year, the 1l!ll11e1'iill: ('I1- 410101cS being rerriccll 311(1 the number of sal's actually made in recent month;, it would appear this faith in the future ler,; 111 :11fied. :t r As to why this liillarnr9 hull had such value in the minds of a group of breeders is a hint; story which hall its start in the tIroatn of a Canadian husinc',suan who believed that 1,9 the Most careful selection of breeding stack a super- ior strain of milk -producing rows, which 5voulrl be high in butterfat, would result. The late '1', B. Ma- cauley was president of the Sun I.ife at the time, but it is now certain that history will know hint best as a breeder of cattle. I'Iis Mount Victoria Farm at Hudson Heights was sold and his herd dispersed at his death, but today the progeny of those animals are in demand practically every- where. Mr. J. J. E. McCague, of Allister', bought several, and the $i0,000 bull is the son of two of the best. Fifteen offspring of Mr, McCague's Montvic Marksman sire llal'e sold recently for a total of 3119,050 and a British syndicate has purchased six for an average of 35,750. No strain of cattle in the world today is store in de- mand than that originated at Mount Victoria. Credulity "The most positive Olen are the most credulous, since they most be- ` lieve themselves, and advise Most with their falsest flatterer and worst enemy, their self-love," - 1'ope. TIHEY'LL ALL IIIJRRY) HOME if you serve Max. well House. This extra. delicious coffee is bought and enjoyed by more people than any other, brand of coffee ifs the world; MUTT 'AND JEFF- Who Pulled That Old Wheeze About The Power of Mind Over Matter? 'YNEY GAY WERE GOING TO NAVE AN EARLY - rRoST THIS YEAR! THE COLD WEATHER WILL BE OH US BEFoR we KNoW IT! GOSH) YOU KNOW I FEEL c I-i)LLY o•.5 -4i SP AS* 7 By BUD FISHER - L GUESS IT'S NOT HARD tHOUGNYET! -�;NXtr(•- , r�� kr %1(101' 4* (11. i -•'cam-•- 1100 NM I J t'ACF4. i i Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH— ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSUItEI). Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. H. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE. \I r. and \I t dun. �ititlhitMdalt)t)ttltitititititDINDt3til 0' '�DIDiptk'tli°) 1MIXX)**31)INDID4�1tr,. Fee I \lis mars t_'aldsstil11runs, L1",. spent , the week cull with her parents, \Ir. and \Irs. R. C'alllwc'I. \I r. and Mrs. Spence I lann, Kitchen- �l �� Meeting c , \Ii s Itcth (i.wicr, tiodcrich, \lis; NovelllIver Iaya (;uyiir, London, spent tlle'week- end svith Mr. and ,NI rs. W. (i, vie,. Week -end guests with Nies. Charles \\•atsoi: \I r. and \Irs. 11. Riley, Gude- rich, \lir, Fern \\•at,on. London. Mrs. F. Richards, Flyth, and NH-. and Mrs. THE STANDARD 411 r.. LONDES'f30R0 • AUBURN \Irs, llccknnan, N14'11'11' spent the Archie Robinson in Detroit syitlt his week -end with NI rs. Fisher. g mother. 1 \Ir. and NI rs. Jack Duckworth of the +seek -end with the forner's sister, Clinton syilh \I r, and \Irs. Arrh'e NI rs. George Neil, at Kirktou. Ruhinsuu, I Rev. Fred \lorrell, Toronto, vis'tc(1 -1'hc sass mill, owned hy \I r, lames s+ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ilarolu l'raig, is at present working. Several Morrell, oxer the ss eek -end. poen are cutpolycd. Pers.- Its in nerd of more fircnood will be able to ob- tain slabs from the Craig trill. \I \I elvs I I 1 .\1r, and Mrs. J. Lowe and family of Detroit, NI rs. Edward Homey of spent the serrk-end with his parents, rs. Joe Lyon and Marguerite, spent Mr. T. \Io•11, London, spent the ss eek-clt +nth NI r. and Mrs, J. \Ic- (:ool. 1 r. e vs 11 runs(on, .unc on , Huron County Council The next meeting. of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court Itouse, Goderich, commencing on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH, AT 2 P.M. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 16th, N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, 10-2. Goderich, Ontario. ANNUAL Fowl Supper (GOOSE AND CHICKEN) BINGO AND DANCE IN THE MEMORIAL HALL, BLYTH, ON THE EVENING OF Tuesday; November [9th Sponsored by the members of St. Michael's Church, Blyth SUPPER - FROM 5 P.M. TO 8 P.M. FOLLOWED BY BINGO AND DANCE FREE ENTERTAINMENT During Supper in the Auditorium of the Hall by the CKNX RANCH BOYS. Adnii cion to Supper, Bingo and Dan._c..\dults SI.00, l'hildren 50c :\dnlissi 0 -I'u 'Dance Alone, 50c. MUSIC BY CKNX RANCH BOYS. George Jordan, Floor \tanager, WESTFIELD (iodcricll, +yith \I r. and \Irs. Gord.n R. 'fayhir. \lis: Christine Finnigan, \tics \lar- garet l:ussell and 'font Bailey are attending the winter fair in To- ronto. \Irs. \\'illiant J. Craig attended the institute Annual Area Convention in London. \Virile there she was one of the members to he interviewed, and spoke over the radio. NI rs. lames Nicholson and .\!hcrt Il:,r.,,l R;c' ard., 'foront.,. Nichol:an of ltlyth, ssith NI r. and Mr-. Vilnrcr Nicholson, r, and \Ir . ht. \lill,on, Filly and Mr,. .\ .\sgn'tlr ha, returned t l ,. ,1111 NI rs. I 0 .1, lint tot Work Guaranteed. Phone 165, Blyth. \II• I ) ( scope r and r, I - furont.,, ';,rut Sunday %sith Mrs. \V. hubert \I'llsccnr ut hmsnlhnsrlle• I :Illlhl\ Il ;111(1 Mrs G. with \I r. and \I rs, Charles Asquith. y.t••�,;••O f.�•.4.�•.�•.�H.�O�•.�••�•.�.�••. ••• •'••4 P. •O P•P•J••�•J•Pn4 r• r4.0 •'••'•0••4.4.4 Cook. I ...•.. •.••.•..••ee) Tcd and Ray plunking, lack lair':(, \I r, and \Irs, Duncan \IcKar of a ited ssith \I r. and Mr-. i1, Purnin on Itussnlallville ss here she +sill spend the Satnr lay. syintcr. \Ir. (tarry Cis -is and \Irs. Bolton, of E. (. \I •ll , \I •. , 1 \I . Wednesday, Nov 13, 191(I Blyth Radio Service NEW RADIOS SPARTON BA'NI'ERY (Table Model) $29.65 ASTRA ELECTRIC - 5 -TUBE --- Attractive Walnut, Cabinet , , , $•19.50 RADIO SUPPLIES Batteries, Tubes, Aerial Kits, Lightning Arrestors, and Miscellaneous Supplies. COME IN AND SEE TI -IE BARGAINS IN USED RADIOS ---Battery or Electric. Radio Repairing -All Makes. Work Guaranteed. GLENN KECHNIE Tel Pre•t, lint 11msatt and Leonard Bright' (,ruse with Dr. B. 1. \Vett. 9 i---4.4.Archambank. returned horse from AI-' \Ir. and \Irs. G. rdon \\'all of Iluly- >• berth 1a '. ss eek after spending; the rood with \I r. and \Ir I, Keith Ar > :hnnler in the \\'i•t. ' thur, '" 1SHOES ..:. j )I's: (;ail \I:nnlinL ,;,cut the week_ NI r. and NI rs. Perry \'oungrblut,:,:: ? en•1 \sit!, \I'r.:.., Frances and \•crit Douglas, Barry and Betty Y. nngblut, �. >, i s n.of Oakland, with \I r. and \Irs, J, E. ••ILI...FITTING '• H NH, Helen 11ai(t'tt, "1'oront-,, •bent \'uuughlut. ;. :• I the will: -en I with her parents, Rev, ! \Irs. Albert Kinl� with \I r. and We Now Have a Good Stock of Boots and Shoes >. j and Mrs. I'cnnnall. , Mrs. Albert Killough- of Stanford Sta- ,• S' \1 r. and \Irs. 11:1•, Id Kerslake, Ex- tion. with Iillllt-In Arch Supports. •_• vier, visited with \Ir. and Mrs, Lorne NI \lacy Nesbit of 'Toronto with •t• (lurking na Surdas si•r attd NI rs. ,\tired Nesbit.3.• - \I rs. .\mite Fothergill o vi •iting her ▪ daughter, \I rs. Crich. \Ir. 1I. Bray, Benton Harbour, I \i is h.. \I N. \V. (fray, \I r, Bert Gray. ' NI rs. L. \IeNall, \Irs. E. \\'nod, and .' \piss Lois \Vood, were in Palmerston on Saturday attending the funeral of _ the late \I r. \I:Ithcr. The Mission Band will held their monthly meeting on Sunday horning i, the ba•enient of the church at - 10:15. BELGIRAVE •fhc rink associati'n hetet a euchre and dance its the Forester's Hall on Thus lay night. The prize winners here Mrs. I. \i. Coultcs and C. R. Coulte, :\ hutch coulter supplied re- ; t'reshmcnts. \lusir for dancing was supplied by \Icl)owcll's orchestra. 1 \I r. and Mr,. II. Crellin and family.' of London, spent the week -end syith _ Mr. and NI rs. C. \\'heeler. 1 Mr. and NI I.,. G. \\'heeler and George of Lin!, •n. also \I r. and Mrs, \\'. Pickett of 't. Thomas, with )1r. and rs, l i. Wheeler Miss Fcnte Twanllcy of London, I1 ith \I r. and Nilo,. It. \'incent. wThe Bodinin Farm forum nut at • the home of NI r. and NI rs. Ray Craw - \I r, and Mrs. Gr; rge \Vilk'ns of Don't put up with aching feet and ill-fitting shoes. Goderich with \I r. and \Irs. William i• J. Craig. >, k$ Jean Campbell of Kitchener , with \I r. and NI rs.Albert Campbell. \Villianl Campbell has returned from -., London and is living with \I r. and >• Urs. Albert Campbell. \1r. and \fes. Robert J. Phillips, s• rs, Charles A. Howson, with \I r. and Mrs. MelFi Jewellfand \I r, and '" THE i -i J i Is sI-IiI1 �rs, I?Inner hishel of Colborne '('own + ship. :. The dairy rosy>'whinging to Thonl:rs >""• c\all, narrowly escaped death re- K. "The Corner Store". Blyth, Ontario. x, Gently by poison from cat.0 ' g water K• �.j r.0.. •... •4•i ..�u�..�i'i..i'i i..y.%M.i•'i'. •.�•.04.0�•.�u4�•y •. y.IuO.,Ori•. •. •.0. •. • Ay.0.0y.0.0y yy.i•.i1 hcndock. Come In and Let Us I-Ielp You. Also agent for Dr._Scholl's Foot Comfort Appliances and Remedies. The recent rain; have greatly aided - --— __ - farmers who have been drawing water \Villin. Puppy day sales on Saturday morning Rev. ticlrgc \lilac stressed fur their stuck. and many cisterns have realized $668.00. The Brussel, branch the need for a syhrlchcartc 1 peace been full for the first time in months. \I r. and 3d rs. Albert Govier are ley_ of the Canadian Legion was respon- drive, nut only by the representatives ing in NI rs. FrankStanley's house cn slide fur the poppy day arrangements, of the countries participating in the in - the 8 h concession, \1 r. Govier works A large representation of [Brussels lernatiun rl deliberations, but a„n by at the Huron County garage.branch of the Canadian Legion at- every right-thinking person who real - tended the remembrance service at izes the strained nature of the existing: the l sited Church 00 Sunday horn- peace. The choir rendered special vice Held At Cenotaph cd the service, preached on the su Brussels Remembrance Ser- ing Rcv, Hugh \\'ikon, who conduct- music and Mrs. W. Brcdin \\as the b- soloist, TN, service of remembrance at the jcct, "The battles that must he fought 1 Rev. I. II. Kerr {;ave the address cenotaph on Sunday was conducted 1)3.1 m peace -tune. the c01ors were crus- at the point Education Sunday service Rev. Hugh \\'ilson, Rey. J. Kerr, and sed in front of the honor roll. \ti;s in St. John's Church of England on Rey. G. Milne. The Brussels branch C'. 11I11lgston sang "0 Valiant hearts', Sunday evening. He counselled all of the Canadian Legion, headed by and the choir contributed appropriate parents to ..quip their children to face \\ hat about farm home improvemelntf I ford \loud;,• night with a fined at the Brussels haul, filed past the cern remembrance music. 1 life's wort: equipped with real spiritual endance. Following the r►•lin broad taph. wreaths were laid by Mrs. R.1 At the rcrnetubran i service in Niel- arbor. Rcv. Hugh Wilson and Iles. Social period was conducted by Victor t Mr. ad \Irs. John Gear and dough- and Cecil Campbell. :Appointed \I' ter, of Kitchener, spent the week -end 31argaret \Vightlhtn a s ch ' 1 1 with 31r, and Mrs. J. L. McDowell and for the corning year and Gracune .1c - Mrs. Thomas Gear, r" cast the discussion period decided that \Vilson, Mrs. J. [taker, and sir, W. ville Presbyterian Church on Sunday George \lilac assisted in the service. ;ur `t`y lack of money, nnatc•rial and labor svere holding up farm imtcrovement, Euchre Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Jenning, of De- troit, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Walden. Miss Minnie Snell, of Toronto, is 6pending a few days with Mrs J. L. McDowell, Mrs. Elwin Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Ilugh Blair, \irs. Wm. Blair, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carrot, of London. Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Brown, of St. Thotnas, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. D:+yell as Secretary. Lunch was scrv- sea; cn;,-ye.! with Mrs. C. R. Coulter 1 el. The meeting; closed by singing and Jesse Wheeler in charge. Prize, God Save The King. Meeting next were won by \Ir. will S;liers who Monday night at the honnc of Mr. and p,laycd with a Lilly's card and \tonin Mrs. Norman NICD:syell. 1Granby. Consolation prizes, Mrs. I. Several attended the Temperance \'will and R. Procter. The next meet- '• Convention at Clinton on Tuesday. ing will he at the hour.. of \ir. and --" . v __,......- 1 NI rs. L. Bolt. John Armstrong of 1f:tmilton, at his 1 home over the week -end, \f r. and \Irs. Harvey Taylor en -I _-_--V tertained the Farm Forum group on Campbell.the 8th and 9th. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd \Valden are ( .Mrs. \Vol. Carter has returned prune November 15th 'spending a few days with Mr. and after spending about four weeks with \,Irs, Reg. Jenning, of Detroit. I her daughter, Mrs. 1), R. McKenzie, The lion. Mr. Justice Dalton \Veils, Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell 101 Lucknow. Commissioner appointed to enquire in - and children visited on Saturday \with'Messrs. Len, i :b and Alex Riley. to the production and distribution of Ie (Mrs. Osbaldeston, of Godcrich.suet Elmer Hugill, are hunk from Milk in the Province 'of Ontario, state.[ Miss Jean Campbell of Kitchener,their hunting trip. 1 today that the Commission would visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Campbell. Mor; hVarren Bamford, of Preston. 15 pent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. :Thomas Bamford, I of sir.. Norman Shepherd on \Ve l- of milk and mull: products and the Mr. and \irs.• Sant Sweeney, of nesday afternoon, with a splendid at- operation of the 31 ilk Control Board. Brussels, visited on Sunday with Mr. tendance. it was decided to held a ' h(presentatiuns from interested par end hies. Charles Smith. bazaar at the December meeting, also tics in the Toronto Area will no. be • Several of the young people have to have the traveller's basket at their heard at these preliminary sittings, been attending the Regional School at' Nile United Church the past two winter meetings. \Ilrs. Georg: \\'rpt). but a further opportunity will be g;iv- weeks. favourer) with a solo. A report of the! en at a later date after the time for sectional meeting, held at \Valton, filing representations has expired. A The 'fission Band met on Sunday was given bv,\Ii,scs Phyllis Shepherd formal announcement, which still lo' afternoon with 12 present. The Scrip -and Gladys Leiper. published throughout the Province ture lesson was read by Lorna Bu - The will call for briefs to be submitted to chanan from Psalm 23. Johnny Illi- The ladies of the 8th and 9th had the Secretary 11fol ieothe Pyoya! Conmtis- tvon 1m (he copper contest, and were chanan, Lois Campbell and Laurence sin, at Os,uode 11x11 by the _1st of tampbell gave readings. Mrs. Gordon entertained by the remainder of the members, to a dainty and satisfying i November. Smith gave a story. sirs. Norman 'rile Commissioner plans t:, sit in 1 :McDowell Ea'. e the chatter in the supper. 1 various Ontario centres sel:ct11 with \tulips are prevalent in S.S. No. 11, i Study book.n vies) to Living the fullest c:,n opera Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith are No. 6, 811(1 Na, 4. School atteudauce 1• Winter is low � to n t.� any special local cund'tionls attending the \\inter hair at Toronto Mr. Charles Stewart is busy moving 'Tentatively, the plan is to sit in 1-fam- this week. ; to his ne',' home in Clinton, Ilton, London, • \\end:or, North Ila', Air, and Mrs. Howard Campbell and 1 s., . Arthur or turf \\'illinnl, Ottiss.I Misses Jean and Agnes 1(i stilton family visited on Sunday with Mrs and Belleville. The final public hear- - A• E. Johnston, at Donnybrook. moved to Clinton last week. i Mrs. Leslie Beattie and infant 'rigs will be held in 'Toronto. This it- - siarjoric McVittie ofer Blyth, daughter have arrived from England iIlerary has not been finally settle) Misses 1)nrothy and Roberta sic- and will. of course, depend t sonic l and arc now with air husband . the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beattie, ted. extent on the briefs which are :uhmit- Thr: ('•,ehl'ssior,er cm',bh_izrc: that RATION COUPON DUE DATES the enquiry had been pn•'•orir.oI to condu••t tho fndlc•t an -;1 1,1•'I; C0Illplit2 HULLETT Milk Commission Starts \ir. and Mrs. Fred King of Aylmer commence its sittings on the 1Rth No - visited over the week -end with Mr. yember, next. The Commissioner and Mrs, William Carter. i imposes to sit first in the City of To - The regular meeting of the.\V.\i.S. Tonto and to deal fir=t with the history and Ladies Aid was held at the home of the rete aunt 1 '•ti'- tine and control Vittie, of Goderich, spent the week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,McVittie. Mrs. Walter Cook spent a couple of flays last week with Mrs. Jean Keeh- nie, and other friends in Blyth. imrstlga:irm in this matter of great Mr. and Mrs. Norman Radford are. Commits now valid are sugar-pre- tiisiting friends in Detroit. serves SI to S33, butter B') to 1331, public concern and hoped that all in• and pleat \156 to \150, terested p^rtics would tak • full ad - The Farm Forum met on \londay vantage c.f the incitation 0 submit re night at the home of Mr. and Mrs, ' No longer valid arc nnnutuhcr{' I presentati .r.; on rcicyan far. t: to the sugar, bl.`1Cr and \1 coupnu- bear'nt Bert Taylor. Topic for discus:icn, I the be:.yer design. Commis:'or.. /41 t i... .1 -1. II .1111 1.41I,.�, .1 u THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON MILK under the Chairmanship of the Hon. Mr. Justice Dalton Wells has been directed to enquire into and report upon (a) the producing, processing, distributing, transporting and market- ing of milk including whole milk and such products of milk as are supplied, processed, distributed or sold in any form; the costs, prices, price -spreads, trade practices, methods of financing, manage- ment, grading, policies and any other matter relating to any of them but not as to restrict the generality of the foregoing, the effect thereon of any subsidies or taxes paid or imposed. (b) the scheme contemplated by the provisions of The Milk Control Act, R.S.O., 1937, Chapter 76 as amended, and the administration thereof by the Milk Control Board. To facilitate the work of the Commission it is requested that written submissions by interested persons be submitted to the undersigned NOT. LATER THAN 21st NOV. 1946. Sub- mission may be in the form of briefs, but in any event shall be furnished in ten copies. Details of the times and places of public hearings will be • announced in the press at an early date. Donald A. Keith, Secretary, Royal Commission on Milk, Osgoode Hall, Toronto. Wednesday, ednesday, Nov 13, 19,14, M 11 w o Gloss 1 ling for Iiu%•ard 'fail and Hubert w Charter. 'Minutes of last meeting were read and the roll ryas '.ill' i. \1r3, \I;ush;Ill flier told the fila: '.t Ty of Thr Study Book. The nl'.etitig closed %11li a hymn and prayer, NEW WONDER FINISH FOR LINOLEUM AND WOOD. AMPOLLINA DYE For Dyeing and Tinting 28 COLORS • 108 SHADES, NEWTON YARN 2 and 3 Ply. All Colors, Men's and Boys' Wnrli Boots, Overalls and Work Shirts. Ties, Braces, Insoles and Laces, Striped Flanel'etie, Quilt Batts, Thread, Table Clouts, Pillow Cases. Fruit:, Vegetables, and Groceries, STE WA RT'S GENERAL STORE. WE DELIVER — PHONE 9 Mission Band field Itegtilar Meeting rand of Leant; Ser - vi -c held 'heir regular n,, ;: _, .,,, Saturday, November 911i. .\Icrt:n, op - I, -al %t..t'; quiet music, fol' mod I ,•. Loc (:111 ;n ',\, rsllip and the 1,..1+,,:ise r.,- peate,I •,I anis n, ;d•u tl; Lord's WANTED Prayer, Scripture Lesson %:i :1I1i by Old horse•. \\'ill pay $1,50 per boor Janice Mould!, and the ,Il;lnury verse dre,l ‘weight. \!'ill call or pick up twos (:„n: John 15, \'r). 12 l:uCcr• salmi. Phone collect to lack Gilbert, tion '.was Taken by larl: 'I'vrcnt,an and 9,i(.21, Goderich, or Fred (filbert, Ilo%•ard T'ai'. The birlhd„r sunt '.las I).l(r32, God'rirh.. 11 (, Morro I)eer Bunting Season Cancelled On the retitled of \\'ardcn's Commitee of the County of Boron, the 1)(11;011110n of Lands and Forcits have rane,.11.il the open ,';%,tin for deer in Ilnrtm. 'I'll,: open season re- main, in the counties of Reiter said I dre, the \\cel: of Novcndwr lith to .'.ird inclusive. Card Of Thanks I %i•h to thank all those who re• membered 111.' with card,, letters, par- ( -kik ;ld flowers tw•Ilile I was in the Clinton hospital, .Also I %visit 10 tha1114 the 11urses, \Irs. \Pitkin, 1)r,. Medd, (lakes, and .\ddison• II -1 —\Irs. \\'. J. ilallahan. Card Of Thanks Thr family of the late \I r,. Phoebe I. Taylor %•isle to express their sin- cere thanks to their many friends and t' igllbours for (heir kindness and sym- pathy shown than during their re- cent sad bereavement, also for the beall'l til floral tribute;. Special thanks 1 , Kew, Arthur Sinclair and thtisr who so kindly loaned cat's. armers plan than any ther Hybrids H. L. STURDY, AUBURN, ONT ARIO, CANADA. John G. Speir, R.R. 2, BRUSSELS, 0 NTARIO, CANADA. TIM ( GROCERIES Harry Horne's Flavourings, Gelatine, Sandwich Spreads, Sweet Pickles, Chicken Haddie, Sardines, 'teas, Cof- fees, 'toddy, Posture, Canned Meats, Peas, Peas & Carrots, Mixed Tomato Juices. Custard Powders, Pudding Powders, Pickling Spices and Jar Rubbers, BULK MINCE MEAT (Please Bring Container), Pioneer Feed • Shur Gain Feed. Royal Purple Calf Meal, A. L. KERNICK WE DELIVER—PHONE 39. Marvelube� Canada's Largest Selling Motor Oil. PHONE, BLYTH 68. LES. NAFTEL AGENT FOR— IMPERIAL 0114, Ltd. GOODISON FEED MIXER 500 LB. CAPACITY AVAILABLE JULY 1ST. WE HAVE ON HAND 2 8•FOOT OLIVER TANDEM DISKS IN STOCK. Complete Line of Oliver Farm Equipment. Limited number of Manure Loaders to fit Row•Crop Tractors. Complete Fleury -Bisset Line, in• eluding the famous Fleury Plows. W. H. MORRITT DEALER - Phone 4 and 93, FOR SALE Holstein COW, to freshen in 3 %weeks; also g:od bid %•ori: horse to ,ell, or trade on calves or little pigs. Apply to \I, :1, Fraser, phone 17-1t), Brus- sels, R.R. 2, Myth, 8th line \l orris. 11-1p• FOR SALE Some tvindowv sash and a roach. Also 1 set of bed springs. •\p - ply to R. 11. ()mince, phone 15.1, Myth. 11-1p. FOR SALE 1928 Olds, sedan ill good running order, Apply at The Standard Office. 11-1p. ORDER YOUR COUNTER CHECK BOOKS AT THE BLYTH STANDARD Applications are invited for a NURSING ASSISTANTS' COURSE commencing November 19th. This course consists of three months' classroom instruction and six months' practical instruction in hospital, Central schools are located at Toronto, Hamilton and Kingston. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS • Age --18 to 40 years • Grade 10 Education • Good Health Students receive $60.00 per month less maintenance. Uniforms arc provided. Transportation is paid for students from their place of residence to the central school. On successful completion of the Course graduates receive a certificate from The Department of Health. Applicants should apply immediately lo the DIVISION OF NURSE REGISTRATION Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 01IN-2.4e STANbAIttr • W •IIIN-II.✓II✓N1✓Nt✓44,Y1.N ♦I ItOXY THEATRE, CAPI'T'AL THEATRE CLINTON. GODERICH. 1 NOW PLAYING: Gary Cooper in:NOW PLAYING: Ella Raines in "Along Came Jones” "THE RUNAROUND” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "FROM THIS DAY FORWARD" .1 wit in and mole' standing story. a to;:,l, r romance for the young and 11hee %Iso newer grow old. ‘villa ;a notable supporting cast in Mark Stevens, Joan Fontaine and 'I I,unrb 1,arkcd ,tory I,y Leu I(.. -Tru Rosemary de Camp. "THE DARK CORNER" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Lucille Ball, Clifton Wubh and William Bendix !-r71 • PAGE 5 REGENT I'1IEATRE SEAFORTrt. NOW PLAYING, Fred MacM irray in "SMOKY" —1n T'erhnicolor— Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Lucille Ball, George Brent and Charles Winninger ton %till enjoy IId- sophist !rated Elle of the rights and t%roo-t (.f u,arilal 1,11 "LOVER, COME BACK" Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thday, Fiiiay, Saturday Fred MacMurray,Anne Baxter and Juan I'onlursa'ne, M.,rh Stevens and Man Curtis, Martha O'Driscoll and Burl lune Arline Judge Kent Taylor 1.1. in Ilii row flaming fit, loss„'- t, ll Ibcir -1,1, li%ing r1 ;o,I. t, I,1 1,•rt"rt: rugged -I l ). of I,ow lay% Cann. to you %%illn r, u,, alba r11 a for 11'1.sI "FROM 1'1115 DAY FORWARD" "THE DALTONS RIDE AGAIN" COMING: "Sing Your Way Home" COMING: "BLITHE.. SPIRT„ IICOMING, "DRAGONWYCY." and "Lover Come Back" &exwith Hai -risen starring Gene. Tierney _i-ri Matinees Sat. Hnlidays at 2.30 p,m Mat,,—Wed., Sat,,_Holidays 2,30 pm Matinees Sat & Holidays at 2,10 p,m. y ♦IN'I♦II.INIeNI♦N..II.Y*rt4,N..r.I♦••NI.I..rI•I11 C .\ ,raga;, ade of thrill, and action filmed ;against ;t breathtaking back- ground "SMOKY" • In Technicolor i 1 r1r4.4444.,+444.++44+44i.+++ 4.4.1.+4. : ATTENTION' 44 >• '' `bow start. regularly at S 1'.\I• `: )' MASSEY•HARI(IS REPAIRS. ,• Saturday at 7:45 P.M. t .. ,. ,.WE HAVE ON HAND -- f 11%to ++++++ 0✓,4o•r r r••br••44�0�r.•0•ir 4•.4.1 [,iO. .serve! ••♦!er LYCIEU M TI-IEATRE I:_' 4. TwoWShows Sat. Night1 ATKINSONIC F ::' ,:, f POOL ROOM. .�. DRILL. TUBES, w•(hanges in 111110 %•ill he noted bell' s' t PUMP FITTINGS and TAPS. . ...Thurs., Fri., Sat., Nov, 14.15.15` •' t• r .: • t :A. W. P. Smith'e "MAKE MiNE MUSIC" •r• PHONE 92, BLYTH 56.32% • DISNEY MUSICAL_ FEATUR r•I•44"1.4.4• 4•,1,4"44'ir•i i•:• .•'1"rir'i' ++++ .1 I , I. 1,at! i LIKE RAWLEIGiIS-- "I like la%leigll's Stock Tonic Dine. It's the best I ever had - for my Coy;, and pigs," THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE SAYING ABOUT IT. SEE ME FOR SPECIAL PRICE Li THIS MONTH ONLY, 1,1 to; \lal: Saturday afternoon at 230, .+l ,,Men., Tues., Wed., Nov. 18.19.20"' ,i "THE BLUE DAHLIA" - Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake •, , Albert Stead Phone 35, Blyth, 10-3p SPECIALIZING IN PAINTING STEEL ROOFS Modern Equipment and Best • Metal Paint Used. Any Colour Desired. -SATISFACTION GUARANTEED • Mahood Bros. - 44 Cannought Ave,, London, Ont. (18-4p, Clearing Auction Sale Of Livestock, Hay and Grain .\t Lot 20, Concession u, Mullett Township, 1 I4 mules south and 1 1sT miles cast of Loalcsl,uro till FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH commencing at 2 p.11l. Horses, Cows, Voting Cattle, Pigs, Hay and Grain. TERMS CASH \I. \I. 1.loyd, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 10-2, FOR SALE A good general purpose horse, quiet and reliable, good mail route or de- livery horse; also 3 -year-old cult. Ap- ply to '1'Iw:. (iraslly, phone 31-4, Myth. 10-3. FOR SALE 75 Marred Ruck pullets, redly to lay, Apply to Gordon Nicholson, phone 31-14, Illyth, 10-2. COURT OF REVISION, TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS A ('onrt of Revision en the Assess - 11c1 1 Rull t,f lhr 'l'o)•11sllip of Morris, for the year 1917, %vill br held in the Township Ilan on Saturday, Novel))- ; her 23r1, I94 ), at 1 P.M. :\II appeals must be in the hauls of the Clerk 11et later than November '2nd, P146. 11.2. GEORGE MARTIN, CLERK. Lant/en «C" for treatment of Rheumatic and Arthritic Pains, Neuritis, etc. The antigens being fully rcleas., , be;;in to immediately incite the system to produce antibodies, which in turn destroy the toxic poisons given off by the poisoned germs and al- so render the poison germs harmless. Price $6.00 Bottle Sold At-- PHILP'S DRUG STORE Blyth, Ontario. Adult Entertainment •: •_ .11* •t• •0 I( YOU!• : I n sere, int , nr Inl,in, s r enc' - I: r ,-lion- in ltlytb, etc %: '' our 1..).,t1 ruslonoa, a1 1 1 ,%,%ilio made hu,iac,s a plc; ' forst. �t�Ii •---J.\t T: TRI EDWARDW. ,ELLIOTT L)ce sed lnctioneer For Huronliar returned from service %itlt the r1, Royal Canadi.al 'lir Force, and will be rM •�' ',winning his former occupation. p••4 •••♦••4r0.04•r. ✓r ✓. •0 J••0.4r✓•4«0.4.4. •�r J•,•,4 r4.7 Corre>l ,IPir)Icc promptly answered immediate arrangements can he made VIIN,,,,, II♦IftftIIJII♦II/IIII, for Sales Date al The ull;lyd Office, nr by calling 1'in,lie 20Sta,1, Clinton, ELLIOTT/ Guiiri ctlmudoatc ;and satisfaeti,�n Real Estate Agency CIiARLES F. DALE BLYTH FI Our :Agency has the funutying • property listed for sale: 100 acres, 10th Concession Rollet1 Township; clay loam; 10 acres hardwood bush; 11,:, storey Irick slot -Ming; frank barn 28'x0) - 30'x 45', cement stabling, water ill stable, 100 acres, Concession 8, \Inrris Township; frame dwelling I5'x2h' - 1tix18'; frame barn .1(i'x52'; second barn 30'x50', with leant» 3h'xlh': cement stahliug with water in stable, : Iluarter-acre orchard. 1 t;;: and 1 storey brick veneer dwelling on I)inslcy Street, lilwth, tvitll tluarter-acre of land; also acre of land with frame stable 24'x 42'. 1\'ill sell separately, or the entire holding, 'Business block on Queen Street, I;lytli. \\'ill sell subject to (ease. T'%n storey, slice clad, dwelling on Dinslev Street east. This is a very contf.,rtable home, ideally sit - Sale subject to tenant reg - Illations, storey frame dwelling on the south side of I)iiislcy Street, Myth, less than ;, block cast of Queen street, One-ei,glnll acre of land.; This is a desirable property for :mall family, 5.11 acres of land, sinuate on Myth Boundary. Comfortable duelling. darn 30x3(1 frame. \Tat- er in bons' and barn. Small fruits of carious kinds; also 10 cherry 10 apple trees, ;11nlust inunc- ,ssessi Dairy farm, consisting of 142 ac - Concession 2, East \\';nvan»sh I•o\•nship. Modern frame dwelling .i2x28, hal water heating, 2 hauls. Frame barn 1)0x38 with wing 32x60, stone stabling, water in stable; metal drive shed 25x(11, ,Hill: house 10x10, chicken house 20x15, cement silo 1,1x40. This is an ideally situat- ed farm, doing .a profitable dairy business, as well as mixed farming. 100 acre farm on Concession 5, East \\'awanosh '1'�,wiiship. 11/2 storey frame dwelling 2(x28: frame barn 48.:70, with stone stabling; chive shed 30x_(0; pig pen 20x20, There is about 7 acres of hash, suitable for wood. This land is 'sptwially go al for hay and grain ;Tops, ..,44•4•41..•.. NOMINATION TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS The nomination of a Rewe and Four Councillors, and Two School Trustees. to serve the T.-m.1151M) of \lorris, during the year 1947, will he held at the Township hall, on Fri- day, November 22.1111, 194(,, at 12:30 P. \I., to 1:30 1'. M. 11.2. GEORGE MARTIN, CLERK. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in Farm and Household Sales. Satisfaction Guaranteed on All Sales. 1;..r information phone (,1(-4., Clinton, or write R.R. No. 4, Clinton, NOTICE Voters' List, 1946, Municipality Of The Village of Blyth, County of Huron. N11'I•I(-'E is hereby given that 1 i ive 0'1111/11yd W11 11 Section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that i have posted up at my office, in the Village of lilytll, t+n the 30tH day of October, 19-lh, the list of all person, entitled to vote in the ,asst \Iltnicipality, at the municipal election;, and that such list remains there for inspecti 11. .\n,l 1 hereby call upon ;ill voters .o take immediate proceedings to have any error- ,.r omissions corrected ac- cordMg to law. 1)atcd al my office this 30111 cIay of October, 194',. 09-3. GORDON ELLIOTT, Clerk. frank's fakery PHONE 3S. BLY'I'hi, ONT, Comic in and try our fresh home- made 13read, Chesley Rolls, Dough. Nuts, Scones ;and Bran Muffins, 13111, ter 'farts, Cookies, Date Loaves, as well as our Delicious Maple, Chocolate andOrangeCakes. THE McI1ILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTH, ONT, Officers President, F. •I teGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. W. Lconhardt, Brod- hagcn; Secretary -Treasurer and Man- ager, M, A. Reid, Scaforth, Directors 1\', R. Archibald, Sea forth; Frank s1cGregor, Clinton ; Alex, Brondfoot Scaforth; Chris. I.cothardt, Born- holm ; E. J. Trc viirtha, Clinton ; John 1.. Malone, Sea(orth; Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, \\'alton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, llrttccficld; R. F. \IcKcrchcr, Dublin; J. F. Prnetcr, llrodhagen; George A. Walt, I31ylh, Parties desirous to effect insurance ficesor tr,ansact other h11sincss, %will be proniply attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post of - Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVE!) PROMPTLY. Exeter 235; Seaford' 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. r P! Vegacted 19 TEA Convevre-ete Tii;EASU RE O ThE SEA By George E. Walsh S) (01'S1S CiI.kI'TI• t \Il: Tutu ((die Dick that he must now whoa hien where the smuggled jewels ;aro floating Or dio. ']'akin;; it dcsprrato choice, Nets Imps overboard in the storm end swims b;telt to the schooner. lie and Itos,c• kill two t'arrihs who had reinaincd on the to>>cl. CHAPTER XIII The shock of the explosion startled ])ick so that his hands un- consciously relaxed their grip and the big Carib rolled from hint. Ile was so dazed that it took hint some time to realize that Vose had come to his assisfanee at the critical nio- ment, putting the Carib where he could commit no further deviltry, with a bullet through his brain. Captain Bedford had been knock- ed on the head and left for dead by the Caribs before they attacked Rose in the cabin. They found hint hunched up in the scuppers, where the sea brine was threatening to finish what the blow on the head had failed to do. They carried hint to the cabin ard placed hint on a bed and, while arose worked over hint to restore hint to consciousness, Dick quietly moved the dead bodies of the Car- ibs and dropped them into the sea. With this unpleasant task fin- ished he glanced at the sky before returning. The scooner was labor- ing heavily in the sea, rolling and plunging like an old bull walrus, every seam groaning under the strain. The gale was playing havoc with what was left of the sails and rigging. * * * "This means her finish," he mut- tered, "She can never ride through a second storm." He returned to the cabin where Rose had partly revived her father through the liberal use of his favor- ite stimulant. He was far from be- ing dead. It took more than a Carib's bludgeon to kill the doughty New England skipper, born and bred on the water, giving and re- ceiving blows as a part of his daily life for half a century or more, Rose glanced up at his entrance and smiled. "He'll recover," she said simply, Dick nodded gravely, but did not return the smile. He was worried, and could not conceal the fact from her, "What're we going to do?" he asked. "The schooner is rocking and shaking like an old man with the ague. She'll never hold together until morning." "The Betty of New London," she replied slowly, a gleam of pride in her face "was built in the days when ships were made to hold to- gether and not fall apart in the first storm. Her keel's of hard white oak, and her ribs of the best hackmatack. She'll ride through this storm as she did the other," "We'll pull through," he said, "but it's going to be a narrow squeeze. The wind's blowing great guns, and the seas are playing the devil with the wreckage—using it as a ram to batter in the sides." "Yes, but we can stop that. Were you ever a sailor?" * * Dick shook his head. "Nothing bt `. an amateur. I could sail a yacht, and maybe qualify for a sec- ond-rate seaman. That's about air "Then I'll take command," she replied quietly. "You'll take orders from me?" "Aye! Aye! At your service, Cap- tain Rose!" He touched his forehead in sal- ute and clicked his heels in true Military form. Her face was very grave, not a flicker of a smile light- ing it up. "It's going to be a hard night for both of us," she went on. "We can't raise any of the sails, and if we could the wind would blow them to tatters. But the schooner's wallowing broadside to the waves. We must stop that or we'll go under." "Quite right, Captain. But how are we going to do it? She won't obey her rudder with any sail." "No," she answered shortly'. "But there's that wreckage. It may save us yet. \1'e must get axes and clear it away before it's too late," "Aye( Aye, Captain. But you mustn't risk your lite In that work, Let me do it." * * * She trade no reply, but began pulling an oiled slicker over her shoulders, nodding to Dick to do the same. She selected two stout axes from a rack, and after band- ing one to hint started for the companion. Dick started to pro- test. "This isn't your work, Rose. Leave it to rale. I'll follow orders." "Then do as I do," she replied. curtly. ]ler plan was simple in explana- tion but difficult of execution. The schooner was wallowing loggily in the seas, half buried at times by the brine, but the crash of the wreckage against the outboard was the most alarming thing. It threat- ened to smash the bulwarks and shiver the timbers of the hulk to splinters. Either that had to be removed or the Betty was doomed, But Rose's idea was to use the thing that menaced their lives for saving the schooner. By cutting it loose from the side, and fasten- inf, it with tow lines, the wind and waves would convert It into a sea anchor. Dick attacked the wreckage near- est hint with his axe. "Make your lines fast first," she cried, intercepting hint, "or ve'11 lose it." * * * The sodden mass of sails, spars and rigging were held to the side by innumerable runes which if cut would immediately release it. They were securely lashed to the broken half of the main trunk, whose butt end was slamming against the bul- warks with every heave of the sea. Their inner ends were caught in the shrouds, but slack enough for Dick to unloosen them. Fighting his way through the roaring gray -backs, he climbed into the shrouds and began unweaving them from their tangled hold, Back and forth the schooner rolled, lurching so heavily that it seemed a miracle he was not flung outward into the boiling mass of green \vaters. ])ick finally secured one loose end, and made his way to the deck. Rose seized it, and throwing it over her shoulders walked to the for- ward towing bitts. By the time she had fastened and returned, Dick had another for her. "Let me carry it," he shouted Above the storm, his fear that she might injure herself or be washed overboard uppermost in his mind, * * * She shook her head and pointed to a third line. Grumblingly, Dick took his orders, and leaped into the shrouds the third time, Spent and gasping, he waited a moment tt, get his breath, and then throw- ing the end over his own shoulders, he carried it forward. With three slack lines running from the mass of wreckage to the forward towing bitts, they were ready to cut away the rigging that held the battering ram in position. They hacked steadily at ropes and wire, rigging, cutting in water some- times a foot deep. They were drenched to the skin, and nearly exhr usted when all but a single line was severed. Rose raised her axe to cut this. Dick seeing her danger shouted to her, but she did not hear, The rope parted with a loud snap and writhing and twisting like a sea erpent, it struck up and caught the girl' as if it had been the tentacle of an octopus. Dick saw her stag- ger under the blow, fall to the deck, and then with the rope twist- ed around her she was carried over- board as the released wreckage brought the line taut. One horrified glance, and he was after her, plunging recklessly into the green brine. In his leap be caught the slack end of a short rope and clung to it. With his Other hand he clutched her skirts. (To Be Continued) How Can I? By Anne Ashley O, I low can 1 remove a •!11... stopper from a bottle v,iti,ut breaking it, tvhen every method scents unavailing? A. lour a little glycerine around the neck of the stopper, and let it stand until it lifts 01u easily. This may require a I alf- hour or sometimes a day or tura. Q, How can 1 relieve the pinch of new shoe,? A. \Wring a cloth from hot water and Lay it across the tight spot tv'hilc the shoe is on the foot• changing as it cools. This will make the leather shape to the foot. Q. (low ran I remove var- nish stains from goods? 1, ltuh the shot with tur- pentine or benzine, then leash the goods thoroughly, Q, (low can 1 leave house plants for several days, so that they will not dry up? A, ]'lace a number of bricks in a tub, set the flower pots on the bricks, and pour in water to cover the bricks, The plants will draw sufficient moisture. Q. Ilow ran I give canned goods a better flavor? A. Always open canned fruits and vegctahlc; a few hours he - fore using, if possible, and the fla• vor will be far better than when used immediately atter opening. "No Soap" Now A Literal Truth "No soap!" isn't just a slang ex• pression. Housewives for some time have been complaining about the lack of soap flakes at d laundry soap, but a new quirk has been devclonirg the last week or so, Not only are thete no soap flakes, soap powders, soap chips and soap fcr leashing out the fancily lines, but now ordin- ary soap for washing hands and faces is vanishing, too, 1land soap bins in both big and little grocery stores are gaping like \vide open mouths with nothing in them, The well-known braids have vanished almost completely, and even those that have never been seen before are being snapped up, "Ilavii't yott any hand soap ev- en?" the manager of one store was asked, "Hand soap.." he asked. And that was the end to that conversation. Housewives are reported com- pletely stymied now. Some of them caught onto the knack of cutting shavings from bar soap for wash- ing out their silks and rayons. It was a lot of work but it did help. If there's no bar soap either, they're wondering if they're going to have their own fats and ashes and stake some of their own. There is also the problem of the necks and cars of their young off- spring. It looks to them as if the atom age is going to produce a dirty -faced generation. Your best bet for schooldays .. , this juniper, blouse duet you can make yourself! Pattern 4825 is a cinch for you to sew. Be different; spice the juniper with embroidery. This pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Includes complete illustrated instructions. Pattern 9825 in girls' sizes, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14. Size 10, jumper, 114 yds, 54 ins.; blouse, 1;i yds, 35 in, Send TWENTY CENTS (20c,) in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER, Send your order to Room 421, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, ISSUE 46-1946 1.!..US AUS i , JA" AVETZIJ IN CANADA Miss Rhondda Kelly, 20 -year-old "Miss Australia", was welcomed in Toronto, first stop in her Canadian tour, by "Miss Canada" who presented her with a bouquet of Canadian Roses. "Miss Canada" in turn received a corsage of Australian orchids flown to this continent by the "Truculent Turtle", which set a record on a non-stop flight from Perth, Australia, to Columbus, O. "Miss Australia" arrives in Vancouver on Nov. 23 where she will embark for Australia. Sunday School Lesson How Christ Changes People Acts 17:1-7; 1 Thess. 1:2-8 Golden Text:—"Be not weary in well -doing." -1 Thess. 3:13, . , . Paul's Procedure Paul had at this time a uniform mode of procedure: first, he began with the Jaws at their regular place of meeting, the synagogue. Second, he made use of the Sab- bath Day, the regular Jewish day of assembly. Those already Christians inet on the first clay of the \\reel: for their own distinctive service. In order to reach the Jews, Paul wisely made use of . their clay, as missionaries among the Jews still do. Third, "he rea- soned with them front the Scrip- tures." Nothing else has the pow- er to convince and regenerate Wren that the Word of God has. The True Jesus In his preaching, Paul empha- sized three points: (1) ]'Ire Christ must suffer because we have sinn- ed, and are therefore under the curse of the broken law of God and 1Tc must suffer even unto the death by crucifxioi, to redeem us from that curse by taking the curse upon himself. (i) The Christ must "rise again from the dead." '1'his, too, he proved from the Old Testament as Peter did on Pentecost. (3) ']'hat "this Je- sus Whom 1 proclaim onto you is the Christ." There are many in these days who wish to substitute some other Jesus for the One $47,500 WORTH If your wife came home with this hat, Mister, you'd really have something to gripe about. With a price tag of $47,500, it's the most expensive hat in the world. S,creen actress Constance Moore models the top -price topper, which fea- tures a band of 71 rose -cut dia- monds, topped by a bow -knot of pear-shaped diamond drops. • Whom Paul preached, some Jesus of their own conception and not the actual historic Jesus, '1•Itose who believed' threw in their lot with Paul and Silas; true converts always seek the ,society of other Christians. But the gospel caused division in 1'hessalonica; 11111011 of believers, division be- tween believers and the world. Paul's success ;aroused the envy of the Jews. The Gospel Victorious A church was fashioned out of the raw material of the pagans of 'I'hessalonica, as they were con- verted under the effective preach- ing of Paul. After they were re- generated by the 1Ioly Spirit, they lived nobly and true for Christ. They were now complimented by Patel for their "work of faith," "their labor of love," "their pa- tience of hope." These former pagans now blew they were born of God and therefore the eternal children of God. The Thessalonians soon devel- oped into saints. They suffered, but through all their suffering they carne to know Jesus better. From points which they person- ally evangelized the gospel further spread through the outlying dis- tricts. Their faith in God had thus gone forth until it resounded far and wide throughout that section of Southern Europe. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee I, Is it necessary for a wo- man to ri-e from her chair when ;Holm\ Edging an introduction? How long shotty) a business taller remain 1'.hen staking a busi- ness call.' ;t. Is there any difference lit the arrangement of the table for a formal dinner and an informal our? 3. Is it considered god Pornt to use the letters "R.S.V.P." on invitations? 5. Is it all right fur a girl to invite her escort into her hottte after returning late at night front some party, dance, or the theatre? 1', Does the clergyman receive fee and how much? Answers I. It is not necessary unless slie wishes to show special res- pect to an elderly man or woman, or to some celebrity, 2, Not one minute longer than the time re- quired to state his business and secure 00 answer, 3. No; only for rut informal dinned the center- piece is not so large or elaborate, :\ howl of fruit or flowers is all that is necessary, 4. Mile this is often clone, it is really 0 reflec- tion on 0 well-bred person who knows enough to acknowledge an invitation without being requested to do so. 5, According to the rules of etiquette, she should not do so, ti, Yes; the amount de- pends entirely upon the means of the fancily. The mechanism of 1]ig 11cn giant London clock, includes a 13;4 -foot pendulum and numerals two feet high. PEOPLE ARE SAYING that Maxwell }louse Cof- fee is extra delicious. It's true ... because Maxwell house is "Radiant -Roast- ed" to capture the hilt goodness of its supremely fine blend! T (ASE ACHES and PAINS of a #; a' COLD kEW LOW pRic,. a 't'g,llNUST Igpatitie fls •.2 cES TO WORN zitows. Is w:rQ $ECt]Nb$` ., .)sc GENUINE ASPIRIN IS MARKED THIS WAY CONTAINS VITAMIN El, }�, Am, • #�`..ESSENTIAL: ,. . MINERALS ENGLISH MA GAZINES BY MAIL DIRECT FROM ENGLAND llrlllr,h World Digest 1 Yr. 2,60 British World Digest 2 Yrs, 4.:10 Withal World Digest :1 Yrs. 0.00 Weldon's Ladles' Journal 1 Yr, 2.60 'Weldon's Practical Needlework 1 Yr, 2,60 Woman R Monte Woman's Weekly Woman's Journal Woman's Journal Woman's Journal 1 Yr. 2,00 1 Yr, 4.25 1 2 3 1'r. 0,50 Yrs. 11.50 Yrx. T.110 Send for illustrated folder of other publications—Address your letter to —Eng. Dept., Gordon & Gotch (Canada) Ltd., 43 Vic- toria Street, Toronto 1, Canada, :pkv RIM PM VA ME WM v1AC)O ALYS Fine Cut dukes a better cigarette 1 1 ti• 1®moi®Im ion al NE ea ®ion el fivs� • CHRONICLES of GINGER FARM fly Gwendoline P. Clarke Last week 1 put in the hardest (lay and a half 1 had had in months. Working? Ola no --nothing like that, It was a trip to Toronto, that's all—the first for over a year. Of course before I could get away 1 had to arrange a convenient Clay to go, leaving things so Part- ner wouldn't run into any trouble, making out a shopping list of ab- solute necessities and finally de- ciding on t, means of transit.. "I will go by train, it's faster," I thought. "Hut then the bus is cheaper and starts carlies.' I fin- ished up by taking the old jalopy. it was a lovely morning—warm, with the early sun bringing out the colours in the few trees that still retained their autumn leaves. k * Along by Sunnyside I crams to otic of those "Stop -(;u portable signs with a policeman to add to its strength. The policeman was doing a lot of arum waving and the traffic was turning left except two trucks ahead of me that %vent straight on, Since that was the way I wanted to go too I followed in their wake. 'then i heard the policeman yelling sonnctlaing or other and waving a bit more %vild- 1y and I had an uneasy feeling that Ire Wright be yelling at nor. So I wheeled lift and that scented to make him quite happy. Ity this time 1 realised it was a detour, al- though there had been no signs to warn a person in advance. i\nd I also remembered this was the site of a terrific traffic jam a few days ago. Remember? 1t must have been some fun. k k * Once in the city I parked the car and begat to shop. Oxfords? Not a thing. Rubbers? 'There Wright be some 1>y .January. \\'ork boots and rubbers for Partner. Store, I was able to get them with- out any trouble at a11. Apparent- ly women's footwear — except for the fancy kind — just doesn't ex- ist. Something in the line of a dress or suit? Now you will hard- ly believe this but I walked into one store, looked at one suit, and one shit only, tried it on and bought it. But from then on It was just a merry-go-round. Out of one store and into another—ad infinitum— "Sorry madam, we haven't cetyl" It didn't matter what I asked for the answer was always the same. During the afternoon 1 visited Daughter briefly at her office and arranged to meet later for supper. lit the meantime I wanted to go to St. Clair. Daughter told me to drive half ,t block, turn left at Spadina and that would take me right into St. Clair, * * * So off 1 %vent—first turn left.. It seemed like an awfully long half block but who was I to question a city dweller? Ily this time it was pouring with rain and my wind- shield wiper wouldn't work. 1 -low - ever, in between watching stop lights, street cars and peering through a rain -washed window I eventually discovered 1 was on Bathurst and not Spadina. But I kept going and came to St. Clair in the end. Then back through the 6 o'clock traffic to Youge Street and my rendezvour with Daughter. "Why didn't you go the way I directed you?" she asked. "I did—but it was a long half block." "But you went the opposite way." Suddenly 1 saw daylight. "Did you look to see which way the car was heading when you directed me?" I asked. "No," said Daughter, "I natur- ally thought you were on your way." Great pair, aren't we? * * * After stopper my sister took us to call on some very interesting friends who had travelled exten- sively. Their apartment was some- thing to rennember. Curios from China, India, Africa and all over Europe and a dresser set from England which was the most deli- cate and beautiful piece of craft- manship I have seen in ages. Then Daughter and I took in a show—"I've Always Loved You" which we enjoyed immensely. In fact there were two shows—one a young couple in the side scats whose amorous behaviour exceeded anything on the screen. * * * Came 7.30 next morning — and the usual race for the bathroom. My, the joys of a rooming house! It was noon before I got back to the farm. You would think I had been away a month. Calls from the Rcd Cross, the \V.I., a man for a crate of eggs, the grocery boy for his order—and a man with an offer to buy the farm! All that in the short time I was away. Now we are back to normal but e'en' so often I think of that mill- ing throng jamming street cars and restaurants and I feel so sorry for them. It roust be terrible to live in the city. FOR A JAPANESE YEARBOOK Japanese Crown Prince Akihito and friends of Boys' Middle School for Peers in Tokyo gather around new teacher from Philadelphia, Mrs, Elizabeth Gray Vining, for class picture, looking as embarrassed as their counterparts in the U.S, Mrs. Vining will teach prince English. Prince is at her left. Note neat but pitiably shabby uniforms and shoes—and facial expressions at extreme left and right. Highlights of the News New German Trials Lt \urcnherg, Germany, Ilrig.- (;en, 'Telford Taylor, chief counsel for the American war crimes courts, said between 250 and 500 former Nazi military, industrial, fi- nancial and governmental leaders would be arraigned in a series of trials expected to last at least through 19.17. Labor GainsinBritain to Labor supporters drew a sigh of relief as final figures showed their party's extensive gains in last week's municipal elections in Eng- land and Wales, The Labor party made a net win of 159 seats. Only one of the 223 Communists was elected, Revolt Plot in Spain More than 100 persons were ar- rested ill Spain and charged with participation in a plot to overthrow Generalissimo Franco's regime, the BIBC reported in a broadcast last week. '1'hc broadcast said the revolt was scheduled to take place during a discussion of Franco Spain by the United Nations Assembly in New York. Spanish police were said to have charged that the plot was en- ginecrerd by "a Communist cle- ment," a Sculptor a HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured sculptor, 11 Vase 12 Among 13 Native metal Arabs In General Strike The 11o1y Land was in virtual state of paralysis as Jews paused for their Sabbath and Arabs en- gaged in their traditional general strike on the 29th anniversary of Britain's Balfour Declaration fa- voring a "national home" in Pal- estine for Jews. China Sign C na S gn Pact The united States signed an ex- tensive five-year treaty of "friend- ship, commerce and navigation" with the embattled Chinese Govern- ment of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. State Department officials fa- miliar with the negotiations said emphatically that conclusion of the pact at this time is not a move to strengthen Gen. Clhiang's National Government in its virtual civil war with the Chinese Communists. It has no political significance whatever, these officals told a re- porter. Attlee Warns Labor Prime Minister Attlee will warn British labor and its parialmentary members that unless workers in- crease production their entire pro- gram of social and economic re- forms will be endangered. tnnWer 111 I'rcvlouM I'uzzt,' MIE S G ARP I) ,LQ "•op I DSASIII 4 Happy 5 Print measure 6 Channel Islands (ab.) 7 Lyric poem 8 Behold! 9 Speaker 14 Sodium 10 Born (symbol) 15 Barium 15 Per (symbol) 16 Electrical en- 17 Exclamation gineer (ab.) 20 Each (ab.) 18' One, (Scot.) 22 Either 19 Ocean 23 Measure of 21 Torrid area 23 Space 24 Western 25 Flower sports event 28 Pole 26 Sword 29 Rodent 27 And (Latin) 30 Debutante 30 Doctor (ab.) (ab.) 32 Standing room only (ab.) 34 Chamber 36 Stair 37 Knock 39 Beverage 40 Any 41 Near 43 Iron, (symbol) 44 Tantalum (symbol) 46 Bright color 48 Bellow 3� 51 Speed 52 He has been — —todoa bust of Cordell Hull VERTICAL 1 Weapon 2 Eradicated 3 Upon STI E_ 1;PRR B•ND-'i REE EEA JAMES a,ANE 4gtf)_ 1 A rT R _ T ..,GARFIELD 15'-r u N RS'.OH I O IL. AR STEEPLE S 31 South Seas (symbol) island 40 Part of circle 32 He is working 42 Three on a — t� (prefix) be erected in 43 Friday (ab ) Washington 45 Also 33 Opera (ab.) 47 Decimeter 35 Mother (ab.) 36 Southeast 49 Bdite (ab.) 50 Like 38 Father 51 Registered 39 Tellurium nurse (ab.) POP—Hold On! HERE I co AND GET SOME TARGET PRACTICE 1 Foreign Ministers Meet The Council of Foreign Minis- ters has held its first session in New York and it was clear that the deadlock among the four mem- hers load not been broken, Secre- tary Byrnes, Foreign Secretary Nevin and Foreign Minister Mo- lotov were seemingly as far apart as they had been at the Paris con- ference. Mr, Byrnes and Mr, Bevin agreed to discuss the Palestine situation in detail to see what coin- tribution the United States could make. The United States and Britain also will institute talks in Wash- ington next week on unifying eco- nomic policies in their zones, Brit- ish Foreign Secretary Bevin said on his arrival in New York that "we will now try to work for a permanent document and end this state of war." TABLE TALKS .. School Lunches Af any mothers wonder how they can possibly prepare a lunch Lox that will satisfy the hearty appe- tites of their school going child- ren. After trying, and they admit not always successfully, to fill them up all summer, they worry because they arc not able to put in the hunch box the same quantity of food that the children consume when at a home neral. The point to remember when preparing car- ried lunches, is that duality must replace quantity, which in other words means that the small amount of food in the lunch box must give that well satisfied feel- ing. Certain schools have cooping or at (cast warming up facilities, this eliminates the problem of keeping something hot for lunch. Thermos bottles now easily available run be used when these facilities do not exist. In these, soups, macaroni or spaghetti, baked brans, chowders, stews, hash, etc., arc easily kept hot and ready to cat. 1f the child knows that the stay-at-homes will have the sante lunch it makes him feel more satisfied with his lot. The home economists of the Consumer Section of the 1).D,A, suggest recipes which will prove good either at home or at school. DOCKERS BAKE 2 tablespoons fat I/ pound minced beef or Left -over cooked meat 1 onion. sliced 2 cups grated raw potato (4-5 medium j .tatoes) 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 cup rolled oats (quick -cooking) 1 teaspoon salt 3/4 teaspoon poultry seasoning Melt fat in fryinL pan, add minc- ed meat and onion and brown. To the grated potatoes add the re- maining ingredients, then add the cooked meat. Blend thoroughly. Press into a greased loaf pan in a moderately hot oven, 375°F, for 114 hours. Six servings. HAMBURG CHOWDER 3/4 pound ground beef 3 tablespoons fat 2 cups canned tomatoes 2 medium carrots, diced IA cup celery, diced 1 medium onion, chopped 2 teaspoons salt IA cup barley N teaspoon pepper 11/2 quarts water 2 cups potatoes, cubed Brown meat in fat. Put all in- gredients except potatoes in a large kettle and simmer slowly one hoar. Add potatoes and con- tinue sitntucring an hour longer. Serve with toast or crackers as a main dish, Serves 6 to 8. CIIEESE SANDWICHES 2 hard cooked eggs teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon dry mustard 2 tablespoons vinegar 1/ pound cheese, grated Salt to taste. Separate white awl yolk, of hard cooked eggs. Hash yolks, and blend with other ingredients. Add egg whites, finely chopped. Makes til cups filling. Timely and most appropriate is the 1_ondon firm of real estate agents whose shingle reads, "\Waite and \\'aitc" YOU GET THE SAME delicious Coffee blend whether you buy Max- well House in the Super - Vacuum Tin (Drip or Regular Grind) or the Glassine -Lined Bag (All Purpose Grind). s %Alis Woo IN ais1 2 SICONDS - 1® I RELIEVES PAIN AND gill BOAT }, TN DUE (0 t 011)S r• GENUINE ASPIRIN 15 MARKED THIS WAY "Brisk is the only word to use, the experts' word, when you're talking about Lipton's Tea, the tea with that lively, brisk flavour." Change now to Lipton's Tea. Enjoy the finer tea pleasure brisk tasting Lipton's Tea gives ... the tea with the flavour that's never wishy washy but always fresh, spirited and full- bodied. AND WHAT SHALL r DO 111401MM M no Betrgpetaa, lea.) J By J. MILLAR WATT HOLD TH E TARGET Pat .i 1 intommeemegionevonevepecte 1 , a I, . 1. ,, , i t' .' Mt(140 tgt4t[44114 tKt+IK! A The Wise Buyer Is Preparing For Christmas - WE OFFER A FEW SUGGESTIONS - , Bath Mats Chenille Bed Spreads Boys' Sweaters and English Wool Knit Gloves Men's and Boys Parkas 52.49 and 53.75 515.95 and 516.95 Windbreakcrs - Various Prices, $1.01 and $1.50 From $10.00 to $21.00 FULL STOCK OF SHOES & RUBBERS FOR AL1. THE FAMILY. Olive McGiiI Tilt STANbARD 1\'ce1;-end \ries rs at the Rectory \s ere \I r. and \Ir,, George \I oocly of Cie Illwi, „t \Iotitreal, .\ttrora. \I:. ;till \It,. (;u•,ttr \Iorr„u anti 4, ,on. 1 .\ nn, ,oil Mr-. .1. \lorri,on, ,,t f; \Ionic Forest, >;11n1 the tstth-end 1 s\iti', NI i• and \Ii,. tiortlon \Iorti.„ It. 1 itt 'I roil t it \1:., NIel,!a .`\leI'aroy, of the 611,1t,11• t , !It .,'ate •gilt. 'pint the \\tel-cn•I R1 at 'ter h Inc, here. II I \i.... And \1 r,. Lottie Situ•, and Litt !a, A' are LOCI \1 r. awl \Ir,. Ar. -11:e 'tender, fi , I. It ,•,t , Doherty Bros. G ARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For Internalional- Ilar\'ester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil, Car Painting and Repairing. Z gI \Ir,. 1. II. h. {:11.1It return,' home • K "n •1111 ;!\ 11 'ill ;1 Il'\1' da,,' \I •,'t \\Ith s'a iter .I lu !rl, :, \!r , 1.1„.\•,1 \Ve;t; tuft:'.' ' Jilin)/31it1tat 124lit,t)t)INDiDiNDI ►tit)1A)IkA3IiNZiAdt112iN 431)1gAiViNitiVADINDIDiNAzior . , ' •a, Clt. : "\ iL1'. -. �. L. COLE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN GODERICH - ONTARIO. +., ,,4„4,.1•'1•...1`•.•i„1,•,.• 4.8 X061...•�� �.�r. .t000.7r :•0014•:„.•1, •�r•1,.:r•:“:":,•:••1 •:••6.�••:•4":..:� 1 sM••?•4 t I.ii''1' \Ii,.r. lutlitlt ;tn1i t'onntl � Eyes Exnn:incl and Glasses Filled, � t '.I•'. and \I.ot.t I•;n t ".\:nt. ita\c,; t,\rl';t :5''ears Ex;erience 1 Wednesday, Nov 13, Stack Tonics and Supplies \\•r carry lull and complete lint', of I"I\;II 1'ur;,lt, II. and I )r. Cell', 1tt't h "I'1 In\ • Royal Purple Poultry Conditioner Royal Purple Stock Condilicner . Royal Purple Hog Tonic Royal Purple Cough Powder .' Royal Potpie Roup Remedy Di. Iie!I's Condition Powders Dr. Bell's Kidney and Blend Powders Dr, Bc11's Distemper and Cough Powders Dr, Bell's Tonic and Indigestion Powders Dr. Bell's Cattle Cathartic Dr, Bell's Hog-Onic Dr. Bell's Poultry Tonic Dr. Bell's Medical Wonder Dr. Hess !leg Tonic Dr. Hess Poultry Panautin ' Dr. Hess Stock Tonic COL and $1.75 Glc and $1.75 110c and $1.75 li0c 30c, 60c and 99c 10_ and 51.9) 5Uc 50c 5)r. 50c 50c 50c $1.1:0 63: and 51.1;) li.ic awl 51,(13 IPI: rota 51.0) . I .•:I•r..11 t., tit r Ct,,;1': 111 Ni r IJ !;l. PHILP, P n n. B, SU' t �*.y �^ .; ,�`t i♦"y p ', � ,, t\, ,; l l.s •1('It �t'! t;'Iril ; - • ^k�. ; If(.t,(,s, SUNDRIES, 1vALI,PAPIai--1'iIUNr 2P. !til ;?i,',.. r' �,. t , \ 1.. I •t tr I \\ "Till'• 111 r, :• VII .�r L -- FOOD STORES -- Robin Hood Quick Cooking Oats Large 5-1b. hag 25c Kellogg's Corn Flakes (Oven Fresh) . 2 8 -oz. pkgs. 15c COFFEE SALE! ALL THE BIG SELLERS NABOB, RED ROSE, CHASE & SANBORN. Fry's Breakfast Cocoa half Ib, tin 19c; 1 Ib, tin 31c Prepared Mustard 6 oz. jar 09: Green Gage or Lombard Choice Plums ?•J oz. tin 15.:Clark's Irish Stew 15 cz, lin 'L3c Superfoam per pkg. 29c Hawe's Paste Floor Wax . 1 lb tin 49c Hawe's Floor Gloss pin' tin 59c Veno's Cough Syrup per battle ^!t,. Hand -Picked Whitt Beans 2 lbs. 17r. Reyal Manor Pumpkin Pie Srice per pkg. 10c FRESH FRUITS ANI) VEGETABLES. We Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 15+1 ?,I \I:, rl `Jr. lit,,tt 1t,\,an at1 ; �t ( n, I r' 1y, I I ., ,h--t•,\tm. ',pout ittc i v tul \\ it!t the former', ;,trent:=, • \Ir and \Ir•. etcorge l- \\ In. �. \! r. \ rnlan ti id tr• of \\ in l or. •!. 1 I . 1•et C', \',•t't.-trid ;tt !;i• 11 ort'. •:• \Ir•. \t \Il'I,11 t.. t't Io•'t'tno• tt '2 1 i:II ,,\e; du' !1'I II;t\ \\it!I \otltttlIrtn •:• .',:e: ;+'t'. 4Y tai ;, I tl I i.1 \I ''loin : .'l I.••n,l' ,'t„' o. :_ -;'c^t 1!Ic t\c,'i i i l \\itis \l i•, \era \Ir mei 11Hai 1,•1. ;•f 1ir:,lid • :11"1 \ir. Limn 1•;rr-I,t1,'•, .. I'm 'et. •' 1 ••It1'! \t.":11 \Ir. and \Ir,. • \li-. !:'tet I';t,;,,r of hi'rhenr'• p' nt t'm wcei,-en 1 \\ alt her 1)c11ve1'y, Wednesday still \Ir. i i i 1'+: WEEK. 'Stattielibtimtc.-tstive4tdto g.'►ckAttP.IdtK ictoci,,xtxc.K;rCsF'. :,vcti z., �,:vcyck .74,. JKtr«7 FD of •K O II 0 Reimer Kraut, i Livrng" �,, '±' uorn 15c, 2 for 25c Lg A GOOD SELEC'T'ION i OF COOKED MEATS. i Ronald. ;lent �nnd1\ \\ Ili NI,-. 1 t ..iatui'day. ; help to make }'(1111' home more Collllol'table' a11(1 i'Itil11•, 'Hy'', \Ir,, Ilog>;. illi'' \I r. i / C/lOyal)le. We urge you to collie in i111(l inspect them whether or not you are preparedpreparedto buybuyat F'resh Chicken, lb., -10c FLESH AND CURED MEATS. •t and \I \ 'Ca \ ,.n PIONEER AND LIFETERIA 11r ;ut'I `lr• R. I). I'llil',, I„an and•t ,i.+74444 4.44.:•.i•+++�•M.i•.�..0.✓•.b •�..�r•04•• 4+ + �.�++N�••,•H;"8 •*�•�.•;•.O •� 1� •�1.�..�.1��.�,.44. •O.�•q•,�q�H;� r• , Vrl 111 LY.I••.i, IYILr.-.I!t, • .,, 1,I,. r• .,.,1,. �•.. TIME " To JOIN YOUR FRIENi)S AT WTENDY'S, and - inspect the up-to-date stock of Christmas Toys, Dolls, Books, Plastics, China, Cosmetics, Novelties. MISSES DRESSES AT SPECIAL PRICES SATURDAY NIGII'I' IS CANEY NIG'-I'1' AT Wendy's 5c to $1.00 Store ..r I. New Samples Are In WE ARE PLEASED TO AN- NOUNCE THAT OUR NEW SAMPLES QF SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS HAVE ARRIVED. Your Choke in a Full Range of Beautiful Designs In a Wide Variety of Prices. - MODERN WAY OF REMOVING WALLPAPER. PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF FIRST QUALITY. • • • F. C. PREST Phone 37-26. I ill, I., , ,her marriage she \\ rkcd in for a number of } ear,, The ,,,list:: c 11,i1cf art `saforth. We are offering New Designs in -- Chesterfield Suites, Sofa Beds, Studio Lounges and Occasional Chairs, upholstered in the latest Fabrics, at Most Attractive Prices. Lamp 'fables, Magazine Racks, Lamps, End Tables, Hassocks and other Odd Living -Room Piece:. Ilnl_q, , i t It:lt-\\oltli. Mt.-. I hl!;,, I t •lase, \ir•. \\ 1•: Mt 1411111. of ()t- , ? � tan a. re; trite I hone In), t',ein. ' > "r•• ocali � pro„,,,. \ \Ir. and \Ir. Leslie \I,•L ro\, of . s �1 (I� v .1•,' :Ito. •-'ll'tll it7t \\I.1.1,-1'11,1 at the I tt �i home of \I r. Il. \telae„\, 1 Buicilar. Phone 19, Blyth. 7 ( , 1!, \I..• lot- I.)on, and \larmlet it'',i ,,,. . .. ...11 ....,,..1 w y L L. . 0 o ., de'l'j�s ..,1f If hilitis'A.?iit792dh�tNNAtDINZI i?i�iiM141 i.,,aiInDiV4a Manes hsh3.1DINDaNDiD en:`i1,.:;i,`d1Jl`re;1 I,ptnl ;'u \ter!; emi \\it!t \Il, i.lon, ...,.....,••.�.., - . •!.t"r. \Ir•. tieoree \e,tl, ,df near. 1::r4 ion \I rs. koherl \!e( it1' 1 i• 1 I irirr.' • Ilea. ;1.1'1 its \\'in...Iiant ;ut,! Toronto, and la•t wick returned I • 1)cox, i•. J \i r. and \I r,. S. It, ('hapi,lt of 1I Ter,\)tier ,pent \\'tchte•tlav afternoon :th \I•,. 1' NI ilea If. \it•. and \1r•. I:tlnt, l.;n\ric and sons, John .\wdre\w and Lunt, Rhin• spent the week -cull it; .\lilve -tots. \I r•, I.a\\•ris', ltare'It,, NH-. and \i15. I. O\\en Flelnin',. Their v rietest t'n. I. II . , t James robin. t\a, one of three slt'1- dren baptized in Iturn' 1'rts!I} tcrian I' i tri•, t"hnrrh 111 Bunch}. 1 \I r. and \I I• . Dour;las stc\vart at - r, tended the banquet an 1 dance its the London .\rntorit' given t, r the 1•.t llu• ;u-•, oa Satin day. NI r. Ste\\- ,ul \\a- a former member of tin, 1'nit. tlr, lilor , Ile 1; and\I r. 1' B1'lil 1' O1'Ulll Gt'()11pS I1leet l i, alit ter, .•f 'I' rout.) , spent the i'he Fast 11ot:tidat\- \lorri. and \\ell: -end \\til \!r. ;nn! \Ir•. ('Castes 'tulles Fartii Forints group heist an or- I Suntlrrc,• h. • g;ttt'/a•io11 'Mi'l't':, ' at tete 'tulip' of \! r,. \\ a!I l• l' t 1!, v iter! 1\ 11'1 \Ir•. \Villiaul tihortrc,',i• will \\•ilired,, •i•tcr. \I r•. \I'. !:ecIttt.c, for a on \!oohs\' night, \\ hell 32 «ere tire; t cut. It was mt•tnint, u,lv decided t,11 carry on with the'usual winter pro- - grant. '1"lu' radio broarlr;a-t t\as li - tenet! to. and di,cu>,ioll gI' 11}iIs \\err I former(. \\'iiirtd SI; rtrct'tl ua, re- - elected secretary for the ttroup, a't I : Rill Young war appointed press sec- _ rotary. - 1 l'.uchrc furnished !tart of the even- '- ing's entertainment. Lunch e,t• cd. I The next sleeting will he held at the home of Mr. and Jlr,. (icor e I'1 V - her it•w day, ht -t \\ tel:, crusher 211d, 1').1' I'ho',' will he hridCr sill cuc!ue. ':nil ;tun' uttcc- tucnt Tater. Mrs. Fred Oster heads Institute fs. Fres( O,tcr, of Myth, tvas el- ected president of the \\+ men's ln- stitutcs of \western Ontario, at a rt' - cent I•'.'llwent 1111 hl'i,! in London, She succeeds \I rs. John Fleming, of I:.R. _ ( \\'ate. 5, Chatham. T11,,• "Live \''ire," 1i the Lith run- 1 It twat, the .furl annual s ,n\c rttion LONDESBORO ccssiou stet ;is a Farm Forum it \ton . of tilt \\'''t ern l)Ittario convention �rday night, at the hone arca. f >I r. an 1 Mrs. 'antes Crawford, with 31 err,_ I Re-tltrtttl stere \I r. Stan!cv S'rttp- 1 [t et v 1 od® t, sip • BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE HOME BAKERY" 11. T. VODD +'N. 1917 STOCKS OF t nt. I lt, mint !r r t,l , t ! t t t nlltg \\,I� sn. of Ila Omni, treasurer, ;end Mrs. , Newly -Weds Honoured By ;''n "Home impro\clment.' \Zany dif- ferent vin\s were a,l;;nn•ed, lint all agreed that liintr improvements could Friends of the \Valton community be made. gathered in the hall on 'Tuesday night 1'rogrcivt eroltin Ie fnrni•'trd the I:,t,I Gallic, t f l':Intbe:h t. to hon^ur a newly -wedded couple, \Ir. + refects nn for the etcuin' . \lith tiles (:•omtn'r., also were elected ;i, Pol- and \'Irs. Kenneth )'Zitchic. I)anr.ing''.yon, itla)iue a, a loin)• t i1 Mg high ; Tots s :.\t;rirulturt, and l•anadran Inllus- tivas enjoyed throughout the eccningPrize. lana'; ?Ic•Cool tern high hon- tris.,, \lrs. I?disou Hell, of !.I: `•.' to the music of \Vilbce's orchestra. , ours for gents, and consolation award` London ; citizei„ hip, \I r,. \\•ifli•uli . Just prior to the lunch hour Mr. and tweet to \Ir>. 1: hart Powell and lint I.ylt, of \Iiddlentarch; It nm' l tttlt'•,- T\Irs. Ritchie were called forward, and lIrnt•att. ifs, \Ifs• S. Nit -Donald, of fort I.anilt- while. Douglas I.at\less read the fol- i The next nit sting win'• lt bhill at 1111 ; s'cial twclitrc. \Ir;. Ilurt,'n 1 itr- 10wing address, Jack Bruce presented the home of \I r. and \i r,. lot Lyott ris, of Salford: historical rttarch, the young couple tvith a lovely studio en \tools) night• .!1 . \\•illi;un ltuchanan, of C,mih;w•; couch: Newman 'Tuckey, (ii konto!<a, seere- tars. ! ARE COMING IN NOW. ()tiler tt hell•, err set' F'i'st LINE WILIL 13E COM- \icc-chaimaii. Mr, i:. Ilansulcl, of •ravistoelc; •oeonl ties chairman, \!r,. PLEA E BY NEW YEARS alipaper 1' imhlirity, \I r,. Milton Parity, of \It. EDITH CIIEIGIITON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH• 1, removed in Clinton 1lcspital on Monday. \Ir. Clifford \\•tl,h of Toronto, %>- I !not ;and .\ndrey of 1len •ail, al- ' Dear Ken. and Edith: 'Your neigh- flrydt.te•: re iution,. Mi-t.(.irattt Isle lel the funeral of their grand - hours, many of whom remember you' liltle.av('111e11tS f'�1111Ol1IlCe(1 c„,„,,,.,„,,of it.R. 1, •I'llanit,\illl', t!m'thcr, tilt. late \Ifs. Phoebe Taylor, as a couple of rosy -checked yomlg-' The enganemcnt 4. awnotrtu•I•t! o(I \I r•. IIiivII Swnnner,, of Fonth;11,1as FHilar. seers, are Mad t3 meet together to- it 't !line Leon•tra I•:•'cit, \nlrnec,t ' ilrtsi,lent of t!tv Federated \\'outer s \1r, I.;n:t'!tl;n of Sarnia, and (13110). bight to join in celebrating your dauglitrrof the late \t r. toll \Ir . I1. In•tiintts of Ontario, rondurteI the! ter. ';iss Laurel, of I. whin, spent the ,wedding, R. 1?dgc, raf Seaford'. to ('harlot l.,•', 'heti"n of oiiircrs. t'.•• k -cud with \liss .\IIIc ;oil \ir. Roy For a number of years we missed lit Cunningham, of Scaforth (formerly, _---------. _ Coll. 'your faces among us, and are glad of 1IlythI, eldest ,on of \Ire. \. 11, •-' \Ir-. I're I Reid, IJoris, and Mrs. l 'that now --it have rclitrnci to set up kt'r, of Kitchener. and Cie late \lr, \\•.'Willing' Workers et At 11;t'r; I:eid, Sand -a, :rt.! \Ifs. (iortlon i 3 horn!, ;'! - - -1, if ort quite, in /,itr J (-. Cunnint•!ta•It. of Il!w'l'. The we,!-' Mrs. H• Gibbons' Rollie 11111, ('aril and Ct\crlcy, ttf \'sena,'; 'community. Our good w .}tcs go with diltg to take pLu c on IJtc(nther -illi I'ht 01h Line \\ t!lint \`.'orlu'r= ;ort t'i,itcd \\it's :Nunn.... toll \Ifs. h. (', \Ic • you, as you journey together through at St. Thoma,' Church, Seaford?, f)nt• ;it the hilum' of \Ir,. 11. 1 ihh ,n•. Our (intstn on \\'rdnt,!ay. 1 the years to come. 1 \i r. ane! \Ir-. I . 1!o'wartl, of I n- Itwilt wa- ennttdete"I. The b11,int•, 1 (.1n',r;itulat:,'u: it, RI hurt Charter \Ve would ask you to accept this r11n, annonnt r Elle cntrutenn nt i !iter of the meeting \\a, taken 111. anti t\h 1 c' •lsbrat, It lis Kith birthday on jgtft as a tnctnettto of the good %rill of the'r rlaughtcr, Betty, to \Ir. lido; re ft neer Jerred. aid a '•nrial November 14th. the people' of Walton community. William \(ecce, formerly of Rl\th, chat 'round the eta table ‘‘ii, tnj''ecd. --------\'--.--- rSimmed nn behalf of the \Valton the «•edrii•t'• to title ttL,tc ;I1 1lop„, Next meeting to be ;if \1r.. N. 'fay - folk, John Bruce, Donald Buchanan. llapti-t Chmrrll. l ititIw, Saturday, lot's home 111 November 27th. Ev- LEGION TO MEET NOV. 29TH Mr. Ritchie replied suitably. November 23rd. ' cryonc welcome. . " ,Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie were married _ ! _ ,• .__.___ • '' _ion Sept. 7th, 1946. Mr. Ritchie re- 1 I .• turned. from overseas a year ago after HURON OLD BOYS ANNUAL 5 years service. He is a son of lfr, Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard N1.41 wan of on \\'cdne4day evening, November .wand 'Mrs, '01111 1?itt•hie t (,rtv ''Otto -I The -1/)ill annual tnettittg of die 1111- Toronto, •tient tits \trek -end with \frs, ..1th, l'Ict•tc' ! r;itL,in Cain• n \\ill !t ship.` Airs. Ritchie was f"rmfrt\, rem ON Cor:, .1t ri•Ilion of Toronto .tics llec;r,tw;nt an I \1r. azul \Ir.. Or- ntte,t •;,eaht'r on till•,•;I. I t1. .1.,•. Home Furnisher - Phones 7 and 8 'funeral Director, • • I ILII a 11 I 1 , IJ • .,, e: 9ii�.a'�w-.11 .1•-.a14111111112ir 4.0.410.4.4x0. ••..4.0.•.0010.•+••, r•. •014 •,.•, r0 •••i•.h.; :.•••.•. ••.1i.•+; 11.11 , •„•, .•,;.; 11.1:1. ;J..O.•..; .;,, S •,♦•.•,.••.••i•i•. •.. •4.••,• 1111.-.,.: •1111.... .. t NUR G ILL :i: 1: ..,.. ._ BLY'TH --- ONTARIO. r. ,t, 1.. .t, • 4 t- :, EXCELLENT FOOD - GOO') SERVICE ,; Meals at All Hours. .:. 2 !, . ie FRANK GONG Proprietor =; '. ; 4.4.4. •••4. ••• •:. ••..•. ••11;11•..•. •�..�..•••4 4.4 . • ..•..�..•. i ..4.4.41 ,.•. ••.1 ..+N•. • . •41•..•. ••. •�.,•. ••. i . •�. 4..�..•..•, •i.•. ••• •:, , 1111... ... .. 1111 .. ................ ... 1111. a The rcg'+lar monthly meeting of Blyth Ilrancll No. -Las, (';ulall'an 1.' EAST 1VAWAAN(1SII ion, trill be held in the Memorial hall '' •:,1. 'r•'++'• • rhinrt,tar of Mr. and will be held at Jessie Ketchum 1'311, vai \dt(;' t an. ;t" :`:Tall''; .:!! ltttlnht:',, h request- I Mfrs• Fred'Ennis, of Walton. Prior to •'r) Davenport1:1-'a,1. on :,L t::i ht- Master Gordon Charter had his ton- - • r� 11 I 1 . 1'1''.11 411,/ dm. •,61'1 al .i.►.IiI.,,, ►.d ., .1 ., :.1 w•1•11...rrrub. ,r,w>...� •1111.... 1 Speiran's ''sari .ars PHONE 24. BLYTII, EVERY't'I-IING IN HARDWARE. O'Cedar'''lops. Wheel Barrow's. IN OILS WE HAVE --- Stable Brooms. All Sires of Rope. Raw Linseed, Separator, Machine, Nests Foot, harness - Also Turpentine and Kerosene. WIZEN DOING YOUR CHRIS'1'11If1S SHOPPING* SEE US. USEFUL CIll'S ARE REMEMBERED LONGEI6. 111'• .m. .., Yy q.•ll, a u.•. .1,1 II Ilia ••.+• -I I....LL.-I.LC. J. yY,IOHJYU►LL1...dJ:1144.1 Christmas Goads on the '°f�ove1 A Beautiful Assortment of Christmas Cards. A Beautiful Assortment of Cards. Also a Fine Assortment of Cards in Bogies. Christmas 'Tree Light Bulbs in Limited Quantity. A Full Assortment of Gaines and Christmas Novelties and Toys. Picture Books and Paint Books for the Kiddies. New Stock of Boxed Writing Stationery Very Attractively Boxed. Don't Fail to Shop Early, and Get four Choice. A Pen and Pencil Set Makes the Ideal Gifts. «'t' have a Wide range of Waterman's and Eclipse. Standard Book Store