HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-06-14, Page 3ID! _ k.-7 • • Booth's w20 -if des 0 --ss] ery _ 6 • 77 - • 1 • - — clause provided in our S hool Act, which 41 MI1 A L 1i2itCi, woufl work well in regard1to this, were it on- (' ly adopted by the several Municipalities in our par An Excursion train will leave 60derich on Friday morning next for the riqview at the Fall'. _ - ger The Peen ti,t, N. T., is again wel- comed to. ourba:let, the number for June i$ a most excellent one. - tor Those in scarch of bargains should read the advertisement of Messrs. D. Kerr. Jr., Co., and having read, give the -establishment a call. - 46 County, By that Act, tlie censtauents of every township are at libetty •to establish, a t Board of Trustees within their Municipality, 1% 11 iC h would be much more beneficial to the interests of education, than the method at prese..t in vogue of eppointing three Trus in every sectien to superintend ths edea t. ani interests of the inhabitants. The im- petus they would thus) give to 'the onward. tier:einem of education id their several town- ships, would be innoenie, and the encourage- ment given to Teachers and pupilchy .eveir hea:ing their own sehool.comeured with the v ious sehools around tht. ro, would -engender S. Kirk offers bargains in his kaiown aud entirely forei tit to- the schools in line sehiCint met with. 'Country bu spiiit of etnulatioa and iivalry; totally • un- especially'would. do well to inspect his the Northern towliships.°.It mieht else be a P stock, which is very complete in :all its prelude to greater things,by pavine the Way ler brirpieg together anutially,.:a few of the branehw. • 11.enrEn. —31r. Moorhouse 1ms laid best scholars.in every school in the township,. to compete for prizes awa:ded, either by the Munieipelity or raised by roluntaiy Subscrip- tab-141,3 The benefits derived frpin- competition upon our -Sanctum. copy , f OIL% tilt"' zdllAde,prattments,more especially in Arts popula'r monthly, It isfiine (if the best of ieulture every year ecorenng the ,ikal.erican Magaiiiits_anainly beeause, mire a:gqiielit- if a °Teeter s •put t f -j 1 have no doubt but. in a few years we. wit haee the privi:egie of sei:•••;.; as great an . • . .11,0tai4M- heonee.introduced into Our setoo!s. 1r1001: 'Dr by emok„ it•iveuresi•the eream BritU light literature-.. THE SE -MI -WEEKLY SIGNAL. _ FOR, A FEW DAYS pub. is liretiy.eautioaed against pur- l. chasing, negotiating or pitying to any other NOTES LOST. than the owner the undermentioned notes of hand, viz: W. H. BULLO CA; Photogkaphic Artist, Sze tATILL REMAIN IN GODERICH FOR V ¥-a few days only, which those . who wish Ar‘tsk- Q.NAss ivvekwees,: Taken wilt please bear in mind. Parties having unfinished work in the artist's hands are request- ed to call for the same without delay.. . Goderieh, May 9th, 1144. • - - sw71- tf r ; 6 10i 1K'd r.E..7 IN OF COUNTIES' COUNCIL TUE . COUNTIES COUNCIL for the United' Ceouties of - - - - :HURON, AN BRUOE, • - provement idour Coininon ------------ he -re THE w. N.F14 CONSEXION CON- - PERES a = - • . meet in the has be,..11 lately in the_ departments ithove - . - COurt•ROOrtli: Codetichi nuntti .i It wined a'So ben Strod; induce - meat fo:r Teachers to unite toeotherr'for tbeil‘let this year in Hamilton- . 1Ve 2re ja- inutu'al be"netit, and might he the ineaus Of' ON . - • , - formed that -Rev. Mr. Cleaver, who is held orietniziug a ,ConVention on- a permanent ‘, • a*. • . Tikhd -3, the. --h13t day of .11111\E - nexi. basis, w,..ch. wou.d lie a lasting- elle it to the . • • h f in hielt esteem the people et' Goderieh uatrr. It -the writer- of the faringr article has been retnoved to London. • We have bestirs' himself id the mat er " t be 41 find..a Goderich, May 2-7thl D. rt. RITCHIE. f 1861. - - Counties Clk. - not learned Who -his successor is be. '• warin Mend and assistant hi • evi &at- • . • _ . • _ ours verv resPectier v ' earettIN:."1,.: ACE,T1S11.7-011 Moni-dy. the • W. S4 W:-' • - 6th instant, an able Lecture on tempeinnee ._.,11j••••//01.,•• $700 TO LuAli.. CITareli Opening-, Dtingannonl. ON FIRST-CLASS- MORTGAGEI nein, by the Mr. McLean, Chapiiia ol the Morrill Terepte,London. Notwithstan ine -was deiivered ia the? Now Chureli, Danzan. , It -is a. cheering sight to the Chiistian -lay-. , Apply to. C6 man and muth mere solo:tkie Christianis: JOHN .DA-t-ISON the shortness of the notice g;ivert the au:Ilene; • • . • •. Berrister, _ sionary-or Miiiister, see peering as it were. GoeialOn.-Juile 1.6th. 1f6. evisstf was er vy• frin o,---am.ing the trees of the -forest, the tall . • ra- lf By a elever13- e'betited flank move-. g:ire naore-hutub:e ttiret of - the -house . of . ment, Mr. Duncart • has taken up a position God- Nit twenty Years 'have passed over . . = - d th co a M k.lh-t- - s 14. stand , this secta In o, the counerv since nothine coidd - - r 0. • rouri e rtter. n ... c.: t= t.l. 0 .1 -' 4 . ° : • .= ‘ / peeker, cr the morepouderou4 stroke -Of the rather wiles a'eharge of the publie upon stalwart •m:ootlantoes'-..ere while the _mowing his intrenehments. ... The curious in mill-% craekine crash of ;the &lime denizens of. the be fie44 "but the-Sliarp tapping of the wood- -, i$• now nearer bis -base of supplieS and e tary Matters 'are requested. to take a look forest gave antieutar demonstration. that the. at his reserve force of -"-Boots iaOE Shoes • COLBORNV. I latter wete ribt in vain, '- Having • secured asheIter for himself, the s utgeine *pioneer next ttfrus his mind in another direction, and Delia of old the • Reeve of. thisa t,...mple to his God'is.his On the call of . town- nem ear Many -sueli .of different ship a fery meetine. of -the Rate- d - camp:nations are alre•ally s.:atte.:ed ever .this payers took .place at S. nattla's Hill on St nei but fi,ir and pt:uspeFi„'s Section of.C.inada: =day 10t, consider the propriety oft -Whit better proof can the Ta.ssing ta.tvelier ' abolishing tie ard system as` mi at prest have of the outward progreSS• and domestic in force in sailtownshipAfter much Lhappiness,' of the country ? The *. ,.., discussion, a voti.t was take; the re.sult of I JeYd* of 0:d Was wont to pitch his tabe,•niic:e or ra.ise his altar on Which\Ao oair, his sacrifices which Was a. ,reiolattion. to do away with. raid at: whi,gh, to hold 76-Mirivaiene with his the division into Wnrds. : This, we pre - Maker: he is a ehrietian but in name, that sumerwill be the end of the agitation on can Ile less 'Beret than 'tlielslw of the.0.4 tkissubject„ or sorae time;at least. Testament dispensation. XeQueerf 11-0uUnni1t-_ -Atter much•selfdelying. -Tie:severance: and liberality, the adherents of the. .Charck of To dee L'eeer o*, tim ;3:gnat'', ia.and cund Dan!gaprion haVe sec. Sta,---Yon arc no dQulat aware,. th-a m erecting it: neat _and. ceniniodious rear 1811Ii- it 'Committee was. appended in' Church in the Village. St'. Paul's Church, Goderich; the fiends of the late Mr. Duagangon, was opened for service on Thomas Megifeen, t.i.) -take into, cOnsideration SixtrUilt, tole the -:Servi:ce - was hi Id thepropriety of erecting by puh0c stibscrip- tliree times, in lbentorriineeat Fast ten -- 'thin, a, Monument or'tlem)rial iive,r his zrare. at-term:0A tL1 three and in the evenhig at six. , Xeivr, Sir, hare been told that _nothing has TheRev. Mr. M..d.e.ian, Cerate ef Pan12.0 yet been done 'towards the., erection of' th.e. Church tondon,preached ie the Morning,from time; alth.otigh I am perfectly aware Isaiah xxxii, 2. .'ln the afternoon. the Rev,. that, money ivei collected and paid over to E. L.' Elwood, Rolla D.ntu of .1:Euron and the Treasurer ofsaid Cumirtittee nearly three Bruce made au exeellent at ivviraririatc ud- years ago. 1. would. be; leave to- suggest*dress from Hebrew's xi. 17,1Sand.19.= itt that they sheidd _either inunediately go to Abe -eve -ling the pulpit was. again ably oeeepi- *ark' with the erection 01 ahe saine.according -ed 1)17 the- ke*'!"- M.L%-.1144?1-int Preaghing. from the words ; " ',Joking to - Jesus." The ser. - to' the fun Is on hand, or return- tfie money. rannohough more lengthy ..thea hf the morn.: they have received to the parties e-lito have " in- WM cone.s- eturfueut anda_orcible: .-The paid it talented gentlunan is not evidently th.e et. , those ti -cry The temple, the temple, toe Yours, ace., A st-usefiraER.. teinp'e -of thit Lord are we." Had we meie men of such ptine-eilee though of reedioet.e, Mullett, lune 8th, 1861. talents among u§ there wcpild be leis of that, • • - • . pr..14.C.0 PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. One drathu by Charles Logan tor $80.00, due 1st January, lea. c• , .James Derr. $1.0,00, 4 4 Robert Russell. $22.50, — Jerdan. S8.W, Of An in favor of Robert MeC tutu.. no value hav: ing been reeeived for the i1/4.) me. RO oval: MeGliEGO,R. Coderich, -June Stb. 1864.. • ve20-30ketx In the Surrogate Court 0FTRE- _ ' Unitol Counti.,!is of I1ur3n and lirtice. ,T 0 TILE HEMS ,AND 'NEXT OF KIN- -A or CONAAD Monxru, lute of the Township of HOWICli, in the , County of Huron, Jeo eman, deceesed, "you are hereby cited:. and required to apveareither in persoli or by your Attorney in the Surrogate :Court of _the United Countlea of Hurmi and Bruce before the Surrozate thereof, on of,- - before The :FOURTH TAY' J CLY NEXT, to show cause why AJiiiiiiistridiCei of the _Estafe of the said Conrad Uerath,should not be grant- ed to 1 hom4Gibeen of the.eeid TOWtiship of Howick, pursuant. to the Statute in: such case Made and providedand why _ suck order should not be : intide•_out and granted in. tbe premises a.s to hishonor should seem meet. WitneSs .Ron2wr Cooron Esquire J-infee -of Our said Court a t. Goderich, this 30th day of May, 1861. - Issued.on Jndge's order:efseine. date:, HUGH JOHNSTON,' Registerei.ot Surrogate Com t, United.Counties of Huron- and Bruce ' • w18. 3t THE Board -of Coinmon SChoo Trutitees have. recently repairediand fitted up the • . Old Sell° I Rouse on East Street . _ • • For the rcLeption ofschohirs The Feb 001 Will be opened 'on • denominational squabb: * g, that is So subver- COUNTY COURT AND QUATITER. sive of all tale vitid ' reion, ail, . . . . , d whith I , - -.-, am sorry to sav, - is sal chaeact...r.stic et our f3E6'44ONS. - ' openeci. before His . to Ihe „. The colleetioni taken up and whkh goes in . These courts were building fund,- atnounted in *all ,to Honor Judge COOper at. noon •Ite.day, $26.713-. Vi e und.e.rstaild that, aliihough the ' (Ttiesdtm) - The follotfin-r gentlemen qi17'rch is free' cif irl'enatbra"-ei the 'Wilding - . _ coilmnittee are:under. coesiderable lit,bitities i _ coMprise the Grand Jury as-, sworn in : we therefore lope thai frieads- ia -other Oar- _ -David Rosa,. foreman ; Thos. Allen gam- tea wi.1 not he remissin -fending Ae.'heloine . .i }-, Samuel Alton, ',James 'Barr, Joseph Case hand, giying praeneal• proof cf,the principle , ._., ase, h . , _ _.‘, t at - . - • . . . -Julius Duncan - Wm: Ellis, ..Samuel Fish-er , I " Brother sbould_not war a-411, b -other, . er, Wm.. Henderson. Leonard If slut& Nr=r wo r, and devour each othe , .--- ' • Geo. Hyler, John Lamb It- Richard Martin. But sing mai-slime-by sweet -consent, m , lc ar . ar Iti ••••••••6416.16.6.--. v. Ile re - ' MOATD IAN' 13th I/IST 9 ' • ' And -for the present, pupils in the FIRST 11001i 0 Y, be admitted. Dy order .of the Boar...I, • 13„,a..d ifooni, wt:. MACKAy, J ii,ic 1864. t sw76-4t-e'.19-2t Goderieh SelIet-ar_Y‘ ni1111(14 poor transietitnight is spent, John Scott- . . • . - • Respecting,- in each other.V.ease, - His honor, the chairman, in addressing The eifts of -nature -sad of geace.".. . the Grand Jury; said he was sorry to have to .there wast. an unusual number of criminal cases on the dOcket, the most serious of which were charges Of rob-- - -horse-stealing aucl uttering -coun- terfeit -money. • ,The nature . of. the law ..- .= ..- L: alemay v.4s .receutly' flo.cki4 in Loadou to relating to the several crimes mentioned - a . - un erge repairs. Oa examiimig her bottom, was fully explained. ' ' , :the bora- of a swortigsli'. Was fOund iticking- . tried" at_ next. Assizes, *here one John and a half iutihes tiiiongli,a- plank and had His honor also alluded to a case to -bei Mitsde of her copper... - It- 1i:a Pierced four -:. Smith was charged withhaving attempted briwg.ht up against: a timber inside, when it to enlist 13ritish subjects in- the. Federal wasthe hitea dioub: .biohkea 91.tioVs socket bin service, re- Marking that. a mistaken. idea forme4da ofothet pecwest of th:mliseh ainedatkine Nur; had got abroad that the itdpetiarForeign nes& of itsoword or horn, from this fait.1-- Enlistment Act was not in fore in this Many ; similar instances- have been recorded Province. This be assured them, was not from -time to time durihg the past25-0-yeajii„ the case, and it might be well for the pub-. be to remember the fact.- . - - A number °of important civil ease's will lielbrought up for trial, „ . ' ' - To Sabbath School Teachers = At the s-une time we hope that- armour of h • .• • • • .6•1166., .• • LC'. the valiiihke arid . Interesting Books, 1.1_ -Trot ts.and _publications issued bribe AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY nia v be. had from the subscriber 20- per cent. lower than•the usual price. Their .publjcalions wit. be fiiund instructive, entertaining eat! cheap, 'Deny of them being specially adapted • to tlie use Obeili.`•:.1:ittiols. They also is.sue a large. (mantle, ofStatidard The( logical Literature. the works of Bunyan. Baxter, ['ate,1-0 :4 Jest -yip: ive. catalogue sent on application to "EDWARD SHARMAN,'Agent, . Ooderich. • : . derjeb. June 6th, 1664, • - SEALED:TENDERS' WILL be received by the County Survey:eh onthe part of the -Municipal Council for the Uniti:d Counties of Huron and Pauce, _ - .20th. JUNE MONDAY, 1864, for the:knowing work, viz,: Buildina a Stone Pier • -TO' : viikrto .401r,z1- !Inn/ 0.04' • """...4-0.4sv . . . - For Cuttin Down a Hill AT - ed.r6. • . G ode rie 4th, I864. • RECEIVED BY 77.7: 6--= • • . BYLAW To raise by way 6:1 lake* tlie-sum of Twenty Thousand Doll -ars for theintr-: poses thekeia mentioned: 7 • • . • WHEREAS the Corporation of the United ° Counties of Hurou litruce,has reaolved to grade, gravel nud improve certain reedit and highways. with the necessary Bridges fol. - the same, within the said County of Huron. And- wliereli We said uriprofetrititifs ire iirely within fee COntily of Huron; and flie qiense of making. the same :to he defrayed 'IV the'said Canty; irrespective of th.eConati of Brett., the loan or eleb.t will kepaidbv the said County of Iltiron,and the rate herchiaftef • -44,1` 0 mentioned will be rAise4 solely upon the rioable property aqthiu the kid County of '11)ENTI:STRY.: And raisin the Gravel head through_the Prairie. - Specifications !nay be seen at the offtee. of the snshcriber in Clinton on or before the TWENTIETH day of -7 The time for'fihishingahe above' work will bethe 1-5tn September Next: • [Signed.] - A. BAY, County Surveyor for Huron sed Bruce. 1. County Surveyor's Office; Clinten,2ncl June,1861. w19 2t SHERIPFS SALE' or 'LANDS. -1Jnited Counties of Top It virtue of twoWrits of 'Hurin and Bruce, -Feed Facies, issued out To Wit: of Her 1Viajesty/i Court of Queen's Ben •11- and to inc directed -aaainst__, the Lands -and_tenemente of ' ander Traynor, at the -the suits- cti James Reid, Jam s Boie;vefl Stevenson -and *-Archi- bakl Cook Sutherland, I haye and:. taken Dr. .ogtgompry; littICAL LZLflY -1it g RANI I 3 At, - .nExceution all the right title and interest of the said defeneantan and Lot nember Itvenine, lathe Secoud Range, and Lot E:orty.-inAlie sec - and concession, -South of the- Durham Bead, and Thirty-nine tied 'Petty in the third Range,.-soinh of the. Durham. Road, all in the Township o: BrOfit..in the County el Brace. containing fifty acres ofla nd eai•h, more o. leas ;which lands tenements 1 shall ofTer fur stile at my office in the Coirt in the -town at' Goderich; 011 Tues- day the Thirteenth day ofSeptember neat, at the hour of" tWelve of the clock, uoon. . • • JO El N. 1/1CDOIIALD, Sheriff IL 4-B. DUNI ONBOOKSTORE Victoria Street, Clinton. GEORG.E •LAYCOCK, PRINTER AND BOOKSRLEll 1 • And Wholesale and ,Retitil Dealer in- . `School BoOks, - - Envelopes, • Aliscetlaneot Booki • Paper-llan,gings,, Alemorandurn 13ookSit- _ Window Papers, 'Bibles and Testaments. . Wrapping Papers, Ilymir Bitoks. 'Writing Papers, Periodicals and Neweptipers,!. Blank Books; . Pitney Goods and 'Poys, • • Altisie and Musical In strut -Cents. • . „ And all other articles kein ia large stationery stores. All the Periodicals and Illustrated News- papers, received regtilaily. and any hook not in stock' pmeured to order- on the- Shortest notice,: without. finY extm eharge.:110,matter where published. • ` - . • Country Storekeeperssupplied 'with School Book's at ll'Oronto t‘liolesale Prices tor C-ASIL . 0Iarge -Stock of cheap Wrapping Papers onliand. - • Room -Papers ! Riom. Papers I rheiwiliest and mostrcompletestock of Room Payers . . . m the Coiinty, amEin,^.• Willa will be found some beano - purpose and tnlitY in actien may ehartseteLise fel American satin -finished Papera et prices iniusual4' low'. flaying been bought very favorably for cash, they the future _movement of those -whose exertions ' arerofi'ercil to the publicat great bargahis.. have so far b0.en crowned with saddess."-eCoar -• * : PHOTOGRAPH ALBUDI-81 SWo.aontsii.---* The spleodid,sliip Doneld ...A." choice assortin.ent 'of Pocket, Quit to, Cabinet and ° Conventions. Sic, -Ii - your issue- of the 2nd instant, bad the pleasure of reading- aa artiete under the head of "Teaches Convention," and th,ough I Sincerely believe that Conventions would do a vast, itraount of good they' were preperiy con:ducted, stall from the experience we hare bad of them under the inefficient • superintendence- of Mr. -Pritahard, and from tie ideas prevalent concerning them, among tha majority_of Teachers in this vicinity I - coosider it would be almost impossible to orgs.t*e one; unless etablished. on a differ - eat principle from the Trededing one. Great goad: Intabeedidalized from. Convention, not only this cduatry hat also'in the neighbor- ing republic,. where the friends, of education sad Teachers generally, assembleapeisiodical- tyi for the purpose of discussing and &1st- - ieng ePtel the methods at teachingtbe elemen- . tory branches taught Lithe Common Schott* audimparting the blessing of a sound Moral sat mtelleetnal edecation. to the young and rising getierstion. We Eiave cxeelteut °Woltz Albums: at marvelloits1y- loiv prices; they having been bought yeiy faverahly in -she Americtui -market.- These are not those- Ilimsv and adly-made .Albitias of ,Geimau manufacture.buf are well matle,.pf good sub- stantial matekial. and wailfully and handsomely- finished.; tind they -are' offered at priers alMoSt as low as tlie corn - mon German oncs„-and quite as low,if uot1o.wer, thittiat ank- y humr-store in Canada. - ' GILT AtOULDINGS ANI/PIOTIJII,ES;- . A Cimplete-ntockalways on hand and for Job Printang.! Job Printing!! At prices far beton,' those of- Village Printmg Of6ces generally..where ihey'have tomake both ends .meet by No doubt _several - ues-sels. liaVe been lost charging extra prices enjoys in order to make ti the losses from newspapers - that don't ' pa of themseAs where the sword' had piereed.through the planking and been withdrawn againt for it does not f 31.tow that it has broken -off in every* ease, and thus blocked the -opening like a. tree- ,. nail; In -old or thin planking the sword would make a hole !area and open enough to i admit of its being_ w thdraWn by a :Redden -jerk of this powerful h-,.. , - , Tne PaessRow.4 Row.-Speaker:Waltbrelge. has -a.t.length conde evaded, to "revnIte "his ostracism of the i'rc-s froinz the Parliamen- tary Reading ROQM. It 'was very ungra ciousty done, howeveij, the representatives- of the Fourth Estate haring been notified only by an order posted tip- on .the dcierik of the newsroom that theylivoild hereafter he ad- neirted at all hours Its." - the- same 'matinee as members" of the House. So ends the tem, pest in a, teapot. The Speaket took high ground at first; sodid. the :Press; the .Fourth klstate finally gaveiniand the farce was end- ed by the head. of the Third _Estate, aiso eumbing.-7-111orilrea' 7 faisicnpt.." FOR SALE. 8,606 Peet of - Dry Pine and. .Butternut Lumber' THOMAS BROWN, Wawanosh, or paEtteula re, spiny to Wm. Stotts* °Wench. JunedOth, 1S64. - 5wS0-11151 .. • liaviur discontinued the newspaper 'rintmg exevt- By S. Poet ocie; Deptity_ Sheriff. • Sheri ft's oftice, Gedertch t ° 2nd June -1863. COURT HOUSE SQUARE. OODERICH (aoosis=ovza s.:3-otasx's .52121cR11 , AVINGitaken 41-vantaue of depeecia•-• * bon o ineucan curiency an d purchase a very large and select stock of dental niaterial;at greatly -..feduced prides, is now pi epe:ed to do. all . woek, peitaining to the profeision in a skillful - (m;attrnifindear,I.and at pricee'not tolie ;competed with iif . Dr. Montgonierv soliche particular attention to. the .9)11e -wing LIST OP...PRICES /-- Whieb are leis than half Of the kriner prices ; Beautiful tipper Setts, on Vulcanized Rubber, from Si 00- upwards:, ; " Lower • " . 15 40 ". '1, Double - • :30 00 ••'• :Partial setts of one tO511i. • 1 50 ." .14 For each additional tooth1 00 " , Pivot teeth,- each -• - 1 SO. Beautiful Gold Fillings • - Silver. _ • Other fillings in roportion„ .• • Extracting teet • . . :- A supply of Tooth. Pols-ders, Gum Washes, Toothache Drops, Tooth .Stnips, 4-.c•, always on hand. - Ether and Chloroform administered "When required. N. B., -No charge for extracting when teeth ore to be inserted.. Parties net wishing the old teeth extracted V411 have artificial teeth inserted ,ov,icr them. :"..l?eferenees7are kindly Perinitted to Revs. B: Elwood, A. Igatidd. P. -Sc'hnekier, Godo. nth ; J. 0: Usher. Brantford ; .14: M. Jones. New York ; L W. Sims, Dunganimu ; P. A. McDougall, ' D.,.O C. shannon D., —liamitton, Goderieh; .W. R. Smith, Seaforth ; J. E. Waldren. don ; H. L. Unnter. AL D.. Toronto ; Birch, 13ruce- field : J , R. MeaChem, D.. Di S.klizaetford-, .W. Albatigh; Chicago J. McDonald, Esq., Sherif]; G, Rtieshall; Esq., W. Seyinoer, Esq., Fair, Esq ;.1. V. Detlor, Esq., Ira Lewis, Goo:. Cdrich. Mar 23rd, rpt. 50 41 • • 1 JUS ARRI FPLIA: AND COMPLETE ' . ASSORTMENT: OF SEEDS FOR MIR Flower and Vigetable Gardep, ram 1.0T OF • GLOM auT Carrot in& Zurnip Seedi. -, A ;SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF . . • ROOMY- AND-• apAviat , Iti end_less yaiiety,. quite new Styles. • jUST:7',RECEIVED0.-_ A. f.11stoek laf ill description of €1-- 4acl..Tzt tQ O. S WINE.S AND:_141WITS. Order sf receivrd. for all kinds or PLANTS AND FLOWEBS at • . • .THOS RODDY & Co S 'Corner :Kin gaton Street, PARSON?S — 0 OLESALE PAP -Ayo Stationery .Ware'liotise! irflE subscriberS desire to intimate to their cor- - Jl. • reipoadents,.arid the Trade of Wester!! Can- ada, that tbey aretiow and have Jeen receehag since the opening et Navigation, large stOckii all kinds of PAPER arid • ENVELOPES from • •••:•" • their own " -PAPER MIttS-IT,VaLEIFIEL11 v I: . • 4 _ . ON THE BIVEft _ST. LAIVRENTE. • Also. from the . , Briliff9td- lapcir 31111$;' ,Embracing all sizes 01.W:rapping Paper, Stria% •Fibe Small, troven Gray, suitribteLJor Pa- pers ; Royal.. Imperial, Elephant,. and - double lmperial,...rit .BrOW it and Mania Papers: • - ", • - ' _ 3tra,v Wrappings all sizes: .• WeAtree also on hand tato" ankles of printing papers fc.ir news and fine No. I Book and Colored Papers, •'• und lave:received- this 'Spring -large stocks of Writing Panees; -Blue and °realm Laid Fol. Posts, and Caps; Slue, }tuft; White and Phi k:Blottinga r, large 'arid small Post •and double ..CdP Envelopes. • , . _ We haVe on band ..ei,leirge:essentinent of Envel-. oPes, White, Dark Buil, _Canary- a.ud Salmen, Merit, Letter, and Note iizea. oi our own manu- facture. _. We itra,alsce remixing our Sprinrg portations of Engliah and Scotch- - • k ed at t le- Old "Couriet " Job °dice, on Victoria Street, Clinton, in Shcirter time,leheaper luta better every may, inait at an) oiler villageolfice• the County , GEORGE LAYCOCK, Printer and Bookseller, w19 ' Vittoria Street, Clinton. f - SHERI-IT'S SALE A • tGiied Cottelie-4 of "Dr virtue of a Writ -of t Heron'_and Bruce, 111111 Venditioni Exponas and To wit: ' •Fieri Facies for -residue, and it -writ OLP-Jeri Facirei issued Out ell Her Ma- jesty's County Court of.the.Uaited Counties ot Huron and Bruce and to me directed agaibst the lands. and 'tenements of John Hawkins the younger, at the sutts ot liarry Lake and blind° AlcGregor,lhave seized and,laken in execution all the sight, title andinterest of the said dekndant inand to:Lots. -' umbers three,. East part South ofMelbourneetreeti5,6.and 7 north olldelbourue street, 1, 2, 3,40;6, 7,, 8; 9. 10, 11 smith of 1lrrury Lane, 4;5, U. 7, 8,, 9, 10,.23, 24, 25; N north ot Drury Lane, 12; 13,14. 16, 1607, -18 north of Christian street, 19 north of "Melbourne istreet;20 arid V south Of Melberirnestreet,29.and 30 east. Of Elizabeth street -arid -3E Went -or Apt - bet): street, III in the 'Villagettf POO Albert in tbe Count...rot Huron; which lends aril tenements I shall -offer for sale at my, office ;in- the : Conti, Holm; in tholoivo or. Poderich, on Tuesday the ;Tweuikeighthday orJune ,neAt,, at the hour. of twelve efthe clock= noon.,'- . AILCD0N414:1; .3 1 Shetiff,. Ite,fk B., 13y S. PooLocir, Deputy- Sheriff.„ - Shenra Office,: Goderiett, 181h May. 1864 - w74 .666.........6•666,661•••••••.;•••• MR. R./W. KONA REQUESTS all those having claims against hinrte present them, on or before the- • 3rd JUNE NEXT, ta-Mr. T110MA, of me Rank40141ontreal, :who ttsionimaking arrangements for their early-litptidtt- • Ooderieg, IVfav •23rd, 1364. sw-4t JOHN FAIR it LUNE NOW OrFiNER, XRE111 . . . • CASH PMD F ETTER- AND. EGGS.T • Poderich April, Se., 1364, - sw43 • '10 '••••C • - , 4 res -`1 rei ca) • ' Writing - apers'l ... °fere= and Blue Laid Caps, tenet t -rid Note Papers: ruled ant".. plain, Fol. °sit. yellow wtite, --Blue and Cream Laid, large aid small; Blue Laid- -- and Band inade-Demy, Medi in, Roval4and lin-- -_ penal, Tissue and Copying P per. .1 .0nr stock of ' STATIONERY Is large and well _assorted,' viz :-Steel. Pens, or oiaitt's•and Mitchell's make, Blie /31tick, Perth. Office and Doirell's Inks, .-Quirs, Wati .Slates and Pencii, 'Skulk &vim]. fvletlann Desnr1 and Can; in great variety; =Envelopes, Cream and Bine Laid .Letter and. Note Size; various stifles uf Memurandum• and Pass Books Pockellkoks, and Portinonalei ; Mucilage Pen 'fielders, Glass Stands, • - .7 :WHITE AND'COLORED--TWINESi 1i:inters, clads and :Gard Dowd, coniisting of Piing, Blank, Enamelled and Colored. ; PRINTING .In kegs and eats: tiortl-nal SAieweS7.1,1,071-alfeelar,ingeCS-::: z1.3'tfth:1:14:1t6 . •TAALES BUNTIN. hamilton May= 1804; .V10.4e Hul°1induliereni te card into eifeet ti iiiiir • . recited ajetf, if will be necessaryfor the odd . Corporation le' raise the sum of Twenty - Thousand Donal% lu the manner hereinePer mentione.d.— „ _ .. ..- .-_-....-...: ---.. .-.---_.--,....,,... .And whereas it will require The ghig .or Three iliousaithaor,-fitunfiid; 4511itia Tv, jai . raised e.nntrally by special "rate for die : ttir; . meat of the said loan or debt tindititereit -at7- ' else, beivinaiterinnintwined. Arid Whereas the amount of the Whole rsue- able preperty.ofthe said Municipality irreapee=" 'tire of any future increase of the -same, atitt "irrespective of any income to be derived , from the temporary inves'enent Of the_Sitik. Eng fund het eitnif ter rneutioned, or any part thereof, areordng to the Iasi. revised *Seems; ment rolls. being for the year one thotisand eight hundred and sixty three; was eight millions, three bundled and blitety sia thou- • sand three hundred and. forty-five (tongue= - And whereas for- pa.jing the interest. ereatingan equal annual Siuking fun for paying the said stun -of Twenty thmisand'dolf„ lars and interest, as hereitiafter mentioned, it will require an equal annual special rate of four tenths of a mill in the dollar, in uddlibn to all :other rates and tazes to ibe leti in' each -year. .-_, - . :- 0 ,. : Be it therefore enacted Tiv the CoToration of the United Counties of -Huron and Bruce' I. That ft shall be lawful for the Warden; for the titto.being_of the said last nieuttOned Corporetitne to raise by way eflean,Trothaat person or persons, body or bodies corpprate, _ •who mey , be willing to advance -, the:Same upon the credit of the- Debentures 'beregnaf , ter .mentioned„ a sum of money not eseebed, ' ing iii the whole the sum of TwentiTlungrand' Dollars, :sad to ettuse the Satin; to be paid. into the hands of - the Tre-aSOter of the . United Counties aloweaide for .the purposes and with the object above recited; . , II. Mint it -shall be lawful -int the said ' Warden tO cadge any number of Debentures' to be utaife,:for 'Snell BMW of pioney* as may be required, net les" tl3an..one ,•handred,.%4;„, Jars each, and that the said Debentures, shall be sealed with the fent of,:tlieriald Corpora- - don, and signed by the sallk,Vt:tsrde, a., . III., .That the said Debentures shall be Made payable ni ten yeats et furthest from the -day hereineafffevietr emitehnetrleinutuod (04r nihinisilBilgy: ' Litiv to take land or some place in Canada,' to be desig- nated in the said: Debenteites, indaliall hare -au-ached to them coupon!' JOT 1119 41171nellt . of intesest. IV, That the said lie -bent- mes and cosi' pons shall. be ntudo out;in .eitUr _Sterling mooey or Provmeial currency - of this Pro: vinee - at the option of the said 'Warden., so -- -that the Whole amount of saia 'Debentures Po/ -greet.. shall not exceed_ the -before snetitiO int* - . ,‘,16.7 st Twbuty_Thalisitna Donuts, analutiosu- • Gear ieterestat_aid.ofter the rate -of ma_ pnr centum per .annum, . which interest -gall ite payable' on the first -day of Januaryland 'first. (lay , or Jail, - in each and every year during the vontmutuice of the said -Debentrikes, at • pavable. / - - .- = - - „4, ,.,== -, -. ---0 the place whem the Debenturua s.ro made 17.-, That for the ptirners Of iorifiltet,‘ . -Voicing 1!tincl,Stir the,payment of the said _. bentureat and the interest - at the 'At, foresaid to become due thereon, an egad o special -rate of FonMentlis of a. mill 1 Atli Dollar shall, in addition to all other rates and taxa* be raised;leyied and .coliected in mail • Iwitettisti°1 thee'1' said ui) upon oSaul It Y- the Huron,tes.11 edur.PiNngkettirti - continuance if the said Debentures or any _ 'of them. -, , , : - . __ eaSf7dsic*uoiym,Teibuiauyttearotliels!);iralotiurijaon..j4or4irupicta:11hetalcuifiersorntltelreds: 4) eight isygned_$udMsty4Oar. • . ,-,:, --. --:—.. t T S CD .0 ME, • • Spring and Sum y Goods COJAPRItil'SG ALL T NOVELTIES OF THE SEISON. pardentar attention to thear,, meek of -CLOTHS ANP TWEEDS,' 'of whithiberhima better aitiortitient nausea, San Ilion usual-; and Which= haviit added A TAILORI110-' DEPAR =NT to their busiiiessohey e prepar to make -up in! firit-class stvle. - Corlier of AlatIcer $viareAliel Goderieh. April iith, • = • • t _21AILIBUI1V: just reeefted=ind Nat 1),' :107 ViNEVERY kiRII.IMA1411 43 Halm! Quay, Godeiich: -May 30d0961.= - SW77 i'ditorroriif;;i:Otititi if:7:.',. _ 3:11. ::11#1. 14-60.NOtriti-C;14W,Filri4, 4.4.iiiii, iiNis :. 1.. * 91 -Posts, 4c-si, of every„,-.4eacraptioa mai 'i,iliel style or Its orlarnowsihp..,!brolid. 4.,ft ri''' MP short notice, slat a60ioweat wee. jAberatAlducti , made or, "as1t , liciu',. ; DroigiiiiLL ORDfcRfSitrQUitrouNCTUoliiiLIS4011/./InDIEay! ,e0 #510: seen at the shop. . w12-i_yr . GbdeitCh, Apr1118,1664. y • _ NOTICE ;TIRE above iaa tron.copy Ot a proposed By -Law to be taken into comideration by the liopioipidity or the United Counties of Mixon aild_Brucoat the County Court Room in the Town of Goderick, ,itt:the...County Of Huron, on the Twenty-second ‘d!..ty.of June' 186;4, At the hour of twiliAlo-ckla noon, at which time ani place of tlie Council are hereby reijoirtd for the purpoSeaf.ll. aforesaid. rj°unties County CleritIvOffice ` Goderich, 10th Marchw7td' . SHERIFIVULE orLANDs.. - U keel Counties or Y virtue 'of' a -writ of n i413 • Enron and Irktf.g. ..VOnditioni Exposes -end' ta WiVieu tot leg-Wailss for standee is- sued out et r litaiettra County Court of the .Pi_hbottrot0 olly 61:1111dst.dinsioffs twits tzerneentivs.ir.ectederexfaglooesinstpt Eissery, deceased, at Abe time of his death in the hands 4.4 Willium,Essery, administrator, at the Ault -of Adolphus Andrews, 1 have seizt.d sad rfaken itinfectith.oh, ail the rtkiht, tide and inter- est a(theiinid dclendaat, in and to lot Number Eleven in Mallard:Concession of tbe Tewss!np Of t,norneibt the bounty of Huron, containiag one hundred acres. -With the building/v*0room; • selt,s,aileiantidtsa.hte.anTinyd4: tonoisce:met pi,ls I *ball olles • DObentalks-For Sale.pdr dav,thr, TIveiny,e” W in no Court on eat it at** , • - • . FFEIM.WilVliereeeiviid by. the inhserher for h°ur Two', or • 1100i. this purely** ufS500 wortn of Debentures v1- - -the df Kincardine,/ being for the Our- • 4: elisse ort Public Cemetery. ' The Debentures By S. lock, Deputy ri ire payable on tae 20th Unwary, 1668, and have Sbe,.rill's Otfre, VadeircIt; Couponfi ettilc'hed for theliayitent ofinieretthalf ,..41.14a. --f *early Oh the I blikoitys or linuary aud Juty in Stith year*. W/L:. StrilON, Ilapve. Kinetrditte; 3fiioh iiW60•1f et e-.A,•e•f! e=„ re e. 0:11A.Y OVr,:r-Caftfr242titIthigoOD idene.e, near the Ilailway Station' baton tJ .on Sunday last, s„ Ithitc and,.red Cov!,,isbout two. %eefitioldi biivffliWilh. her- a 'Calf a .41,0y or two old. The owner is/requested-10 0-ruire property, pay e‘beigELBE.eikaaajvtalhem _ WAglg-41'0- 4.11ititon -31tit Xer IrkIgn _ . •W•lt. '‘• United - *tie Ma Writ of Piet' kturen-e. fames itrined`_cut ot Iles . Tolvii; majestfollomityttatut 011ie e ' limited Counties id urou and Brace'and to inellt- retleil atrainsttlie Lin s and truernedts of17Am - - .0 Morrison f at thetsui Art A. e vEL! se I Zga Ani ink in zee tort all ii# iitIe anft.interest Di the shove nwrneddefenaatWI1i%tO1-,--. viscin,in and to Lot nunir macontbeTiorth awls el DttritacttStteet in the Alsip. or itblimiosne iii. - 0 Cony of Bruce, it hid/ Ai* end. teato*._ _ .meots I shall otler for sale at niy. 011ie in the ' Coon Itrli="3""ftr. Ili IcAti— dattlie nst 1 f Arat-dat _ , at '.4. of:Twelve of therlock, noon= j, , ._ , __ _ " . -..-!',. Tar*, 4421.0r. . s.romogig, DstgatteliT• ' lieritPa Onkel *t - r. -471-4 Anill, 1864. s z 0;41.1.9 odericbrkpolTillitiridafei:t Paw LOT 1410 the 4th the townsVP pt -60-34 Don, nfnE"tilVDOIcteres1 ("mote:* 7ia-otitr-sjoilsavlat4.401161::. -14111 T Goloachpril 29*,,1804„._ w14 * •