HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1946-11-06, Page 1T LYI VOI,IJAIE57-NO, 10. TAN IB14Y'1'lI, ONTARIO, WLDNES1)AY, NOV. 6, 1916. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.00 in the U.S.A. Remembrance Day Service Arranged For Sunday, Nov. 10. Increased Rate Suggested LIONS ilA1,l,()WI;'I:N At Telephone• 'I'ENi1E1), I4.1 1,i()1'I1:I)____ Convention Ti„. I.i"ns Ilali,'wi l r I'ar!;;, 'aged W. G. "TOM" MAY JOINS STAFF Clinton Padre To Speak. for the lumen'. '. i youni.t and oil, in AS ACCOUNTANT the \It•nt.'rjal Ii;i1L rill ilall,rw(•'cn 1 ill, \\ a • a .in iii ,I ,mel' Hie staff „f the local Ilranell Til I 11!1111 Bl an• II 1 .I ( 1- I , 1 1 11,' ;,11,,(11,,, Bdllk I'I ( Mill,, r, ,' ill'• , / , , '..!i l I. ! ' " "II 11;1„ " III 111'1,'i .!,:1! I' I' Ol')1)1'1'II;S IN I11L Nit.1VS'. rhe yiiltlrell of by en,lllllmt!!y Bert increased I" 1.\t tl,ll'I,I,, ,1t AIITItlr:11- 1'Oi'1'1 Ii.11'; ' ' Jul„I 1!,t'"i' ht tie 11;11.11', 111111'!1 11:1; i .:, ow' tali mi.! .,I li!,'!',II 1),11 Parole NI r.., I'.IIg;l1' Hn1l:tit brought ;I 1';11!1• `l;l,'id 11'1"x' 1111 dance, ;111'1 \\111'11 least for tilt tit es,mt time, and I 111- ;,,,,,in ti,,\ fo'''il 1),t'.. 11:,11 tor ,I'I.I '\i"' "11 ,Ilei',\, .,1'\emb I" ti Il till,llal 11'11 1.g; In Illy `IJI'I,ll'd 11;1, under the ,III'1'11s'oll of I.t• nn lerest to Iii,' 1'"1.,11,• w III b1' the 1111'1- ilii' 1'1 1 11'1',11 It1,' 111,1!1 tin:oh',1 1 to Il. 1i" ,',nip:,I, .0.!, r o1 'twi' • 1;Di\,'r and Mr,.('I:o'e. flet' 1,1,(,- !nation that in future lit' hall, \\III ie- 1!'e t ",.1.1'1.•111 1.,"..-•••11 \\ ill 1,, ,, 1.• „ ; I., i roil l a.'. 1 , 11,1- ksit,• tifiti this \\teh. Till' t"-!).', \\ a, of ! I ! t'• I;Ililllll', 11111111 ,111('11 rltirillf; til' it 'oilit'll r. I'':' Co' .''/, !'•t" ",);' 1'.11 r ,t \ 1, 111!!1',' 1 I.„' ., r\ i, r ,,,,Il 1'11 11," tL,' nLn'I \;11"1\1 "1111 „inn I h "tint of do hall \vat I I" y:1 \y\1' ;a,It111 lion, In Ill. ,Loll are \I r,. l'"''In cit ., !"'1•111 i' ,n!' \\' 1•' \\ i I I'll ;I! IIID I'll!Ir 11, ', t la ! li I.!.. a I', !1 I i .'1 '11' 1 .I• .' i' II! , .111,1. ill 1'!• .1 ,.1, II ,\ : .:I 11111 , I ;I'I• ;I: I, ,,.r t I: 1,11 t .t ,.:,Ili• hurl' 11:,,' ,I. !La' "1 I'll '111 \,,1:1 , I v „ ill' 1' Ii t' !',1 \i, mil I it I1.11i. tot '''''''i'.1,1:,,. ,ritrr ,,, 'I';I',!', '11',1', fit In\ I !; ; i, ;, 111!: ,I \,.id, ,ano.,1::in i;,rt.';,.I!e ;n I'I •al.idi ;u1. 1'.11 101 on Iter ,i.o- , I t ,1'1;1,1 .III I • ,i.,!; 'low . -',,' ','i LOCALr 1L\NK STAFF'" Parade Will Be A Feature Attraction 1N('REASE1. Mr. James I'll' Ian, l 'r lm'an f (hc 111',11 1 ('1'•"11,1 .i .; ,, I'f i'.m iIlytlt \I tit t• al '1 Cors''".Til• S, It a, ;11111'11^• IV 111'1' C..I r- Ii. .,1 ,,!I 1',11'!, (1 I Intarin al"I (!mi''1. a, tl ndiult CI" •lost annual ,,,n\rn''ion of i!,t' (110,1 (Fait I!!tlrtil'!,dent '11',.1 ';leo ;lion, tion, hell itt I , ,'111, "!I I t Co' ;.all me - \'. t' "sed 1„ 1,e, 1' etir tiatlty, and the latll-'llll'r atiti ,hull's 111"1 '1111. 111 \t,i- r it'i 1'111.,1 '•n' "( t,.,, o!'ei! for 1111+'1 we v. ere hal,. The i the children, ad die"td u;, ill their 1l;rla't Ilam•, a i iinrr emil'lot,•, ;Intl the most i!1. ol:it!: and il,'''t'..ini ,,,, i ,\,'tIr. wa 11'1 ,,!aped I'ke al hall,'\\'•'tit best, u!;t;t• the u,,lis ni \\'. (;, "Tout" \tay, \t1 1 , i"tt', Ile"' e')nt'tlllil'n, rtur I e' I It' :'li. 11 Vi 11. i ,iri rare Ilea est:', but tet') touch te- CI(' Hall fairy Intl;;(' 1111'1 .'suety and '111''1 the Bet„til, Brand, ,1• .\r Till nl'g;loll/;1'1"11 It; ,' 1'1'1 II: :'t" i f'l'int; lt. By,l,it', oil'„' Ilr\t Illtill- ei„:,II'1 a taro p ,tint. ; exult( went. 1ndr;m'oi'l'' leIrl)'I, iV •)',1e''1• Pr '' i'I \II•, 111'\1:111 also lit, in !ler !eis•e,-i \I i„ I':litali.t t \I ill - iii).). lila'id a "1;1'01 I"'r'' the I:clh , ;til inrindr, \1. td,,,, 11,,,i), ,.. i , 13.','I1 ..,1'11 a ",tilt,, o n the piano, ;into the cliild'et \\'err ktRR, a, ncaiager, 11 i„ Betty Fair- I d'lil}. \\lolly Ulhint; 1 selyi(r, 111111111, 'I'd Mr'. I)„nal,, \Inc- urban and 1.0;,11 -Ili .I her, lar il t'I tI, the t ,;;itn rhos, t!Ijs fall. -11. (,wild required to line u;' and parade before: out the ,io\' Tice , f Ulla; t not ;'lel;t, \I r•. \\. \I. 111:1, a- junior. •\ nttt unior 'till alto I 1 nn,• that had 1:1.('11" Tilt i the "0111. f 'b1. ill Ig,••, win were int: tho,r ,ertr 1 11' "11'11'1.,\,itn!s a I,rid:on bottle. It cannot In. di,lo- 1lenrt and \li , Iltniil! . .111 1.i 1- "";-'11"1 "! tie ,Hilt in the near future in the province of t.tlirhei. •sited itoit the Ioak., and \I 1.,, Ilnw-! tire" present 1i.e.iteil an ,ill;,lit a hal Increa•ed hrt,iness ti tie 1„11111 ' The plight of the 'cry sitt:lll ied'n1Iron, ant, a Ilalln\I'rn 1.,l n'1. halt, but I:r;ut'lt i, oat 11 resit( 1 1 the ;int .• 1111 pile, it :1, lull: as ,II(' 1';111 ! I pendent r\•slt•111s scattered till Till'.! in Ill 1:it). special '1l/tis for out t'',-. t'lltlt'',tlt tit iii.1 iro;t am ot. stand 1+oinl. I 1 ,\ii \la \rho ircit i t,i Ic r:litt' f till' III \Mice \t';1, 1111,• til Ili,' 1113)1)1' tlllllt', \tor ;11Varded t George 1).11.11 ' foul", i, i sot ..f \Ir. ; ltd \Ir \\'il- (•rnsideratjl,ns of 1Ic Conyel!tiI'n. Benny \\'a,ucul, I)ul'i, l;lou,her, auto Plans to io-n;,er:t1i \\it!I ',hist ,t',- Illyth I,IOils 'Will Again f , list" \I ay, 1.f Exeter. IIc it int.(' the } lo;u1 I 1 nn'nt;Inn. r \ ,laif of the Catadiat Balk of („It tents to form Idrgcr s\ •irmi, 11"11 „' OperatC the Rink I llo\\,n'; the rlljfdryn', event,, :i finance and provide better service lu I 1!it'ri'•, it I':\titer, a, jwtior, nine year, 1'1;111111 111('\\11 parth'i'mited in the \I,,,_:;Ig,,, an 1\11, \vith the I;1.n„ei \t the e\.rim':w1. "wiling! of the! their rural area, \\ ere di,cn,•1.it 11 bions Chili, 1111!11 on \londay nj' ht, it t ttt1idr dance ttllirl! f,'!1"Nett. \Itn- • Ilrin!itl \\ hen he lnli,ted. For jolty length. The nict••it3 t'f inrrc:lse l \\ i, again duel lid to operate the Inca, ii for Ili. \tent \';u snt'1)1ird Ir Ire I \1111i he ,rrt'etl Nitli iho hnyal l';tl- nbs rifer rate, on a great nian it's- 111111' i )rt he•tra \111110 of tilt'." tin ii- 1' -hating rink 'itis \\ inter, ;dont; the Iricl, \\ a- dressed by many eat.,,'. II 1\';a, pointed Tit that mat!) Iii Irlu't tient ,)• lints \\ ere ,till , t,rr,!I'ta a: rates established fifteen to iv, tidy years ago. Intri:t''eit r,l•t, and Ile ilrt'ciatr,t plant e(iulruict were _ tett ;s reason, tvny inrrra,ed ,ub•rr:bc,. rate.; \vat• necessary it -&•'•lice i, 1" he continued for Ion;; in tin se harts of important rural ( Inial 10. I;xecttttve, Chief (Il,cra:,Ti's I.i1ti. num anti Maintenance men amended the convenli n. lire,' lent \ 1i. .in• - t in presided. NI, I.. I ),tri,, i )t\ iter and \tanager of the 1):1‘ is Telephone Sw,- lcni, I';gallville, tutario• \\ as nnv!i- In( usly elected President for iit-I'i•17. 1I.:\. h,fgcr•, 1).11,1•.., is the i.!t(t a t„ Secret:t'y of the Association, 'vitt' headquarters in "I'oroni t, --V A'Irs. 14T(ry (I 1Vcttlaufer Honoured By Friend; Miss Dorothy i'opiestolti was !tri,• less to a group of friends of \l r,, Lloyd \\'ettlanfer on Tuesday even. int'„ \ehen the oct•;tsiott Tit, taken advantage of t ' present \I r,, I.lo} d \\'tttlattfcr, trio is leaving tow it, with a parting gift, Six tabus et hridttc were in 1,1111, and during the cvtntnit a lively table lump was ircu'nttd in \Its. taufer. The presentation was nl•I'e by \Iss hide -tone, and the folio\'ing address 'vas read by Nits. Stuart hob- insun : Blyth, ()"twin, \o\•. 5, 11)111 Dear Get trudc: \\'e, who are assem- bled Isere 1 -night, have gathered t1' spend a sot -'ah time togt'thrr ttith It Na., with kern regret that \\e learn - cd' you tier' t!eitartin;; front our midst to snake your home ei,tw'n'ro, \\'e felt that we could not let you go with- out showing in -nine small way the high e'\tttn1 in \\bleb y u art held by us. \'t a \line always ‘‘,..'11111.4 and ready to help in ail our activities, and \wk, \\':Int vett to i:ilo\\• 1''iat we ro•IIly appreciated your assistance sit freely given to the endeavours of 1111 club. \\'r are sorry to have you leave 11,,, but silice that must be i, \'.r \v III( t -' take this n'Ipnrttmitt' of \visiting you much til;:cess and happiness in your new :11rrnumding,. \\'c trust that you '\•ill find it convenient to conic hack to Myth frequently to visit us, :\s a token of your faithful services rendered to our cath, tee would ask yeti t ' :ttti -t this small gift. It i, also adi;in .\• rlu\ i'ay i l rps, and follo\'im; 1',11• 1.r•, \1.1"•11- ! Inru'.!n l s. In bn'. iu¢ Tint' of 'lu' 1 I!!, 111\ III \fun: it ,'' ! "n n, ill Ili. \ rrrr;111 I'' 'p', \ 1; ,'I' '! iI 1' Til tlit' I:I_ (1 1 li!w ,!' 1'1t\inp lour tt'."'I -ill i1 ( ;111 •dint' \'!111.1" \\'t i 11,1\ \\, I! In y i -,1.l,' HtIII ,;I, !ilii ` .'ti ;1ri- :i,•i.i t- it II . , ;r it t 1111111, t'I 1:11 I't II!'11 . 1.1117i11'..! 1111 tin -nor,. of 11111)1!1i1,li t 1 II ,Ii t of (hid 11'1 I!n11 -. and men in'n, the- Itoniininn \1 ho L.'•1 tit" „''I, ctl!1'ien • \I! ti" ;,f 't' - d, t\n IItt t1. lint int fl, e,1 u''- 'Ic I ur,ati \'. 'i L1' la\' - Lc in the int', \\rotItt \t,1.. in'.' t r,'d!!I•. ;II !. I " of 1i)" \\11, \\ 1':111 ;I I'olrli\• i tCI. ,tit' ,'- ltd:,! Ills ,it; '!II. 1, 111'1 Int'ulhr,lnvr 1).t\ \\t',h .into, `,Innlron I.I',1,1'•r 11'11'., I'sl'e at the Clint, 11 and t' Sell,„t iia le, i'1 Airs, Phoebe r1 .ly'lot• n' int 'I :'u !" 111,,1 •I it',,lt'r \ ilt,'1,II t11i'' 1!-1.111 III, \;!riot• i cat loses ,1.way I , :lin t i,•- \'.':111 11.1 I it, eon:n.,,,,t jou in i,' , . \ 11t , 1 .sill'.'. NII, 1.1,.:11.., Sim. ctrl r,unr ill to,tunt', ,tall "111,1 p( file The ion'ul'n! 1y, !"'urn, the 11 , to, :;1. plan-. :I last year, ptu\idid it , ihi, Ihaharne, rejtrintcd the balk staff , ill vitt' ;! 110,1 l Tia. fittin^ to the \\err disguise 1111th 'masks, or in -nine I \Ir,, I ll, ebe 'I 11\,('11, an y-;ern;yd Ii•i- w• t t\ it II the club's approval. at ]h a„1.l,. ,•r, a- on. "L, Viand; '1', Field a other nrnun'r, IL'sgul•rd turn "d1.n'11\ I dyut i'f the ,11111"'. \ o, ,1 1 The hr inturi i, r hot hey in our till I:1. ! On behalf of the 011170"., ,'I the ;1t her him I, \' •ir,'et b' In" al, 111 .I ton,•! rut11r1.r \\ ill I, ,'i,1 n b. \ anon; means of Irta 11riug smirtIde dye.. . nit I ' k particularly brivhl, ,tl community, The Standard extend, ti) la'ur- 11.:1\01110 and \\ ,11ti ' B'Itt, t1, thsgui,e, hall to be resorted to, dun' H.( Incl. on 111.1uo•d;l\ ;Iltrino'u, i( d t for this 111"11111. \ disrns•i„111 to iltt •t'irct r of sur!! ni;llrti;tl „tt Iiin1 a i‘ arm \\clrunu' to nnr cl nunun ^_ i 11rs. (,111.1111 1tat i, \I ill 1.11,•.1111 at this hroe:,llt forth the derision that iho it y. in ! ! }car. ' I, ;.n ant, the hew. .11 thin Sind lir may pro -peels ;Appeared pared to be in tin. the "lark('(' _-\^ I'rititc 1'ini'ral "'11\'1'11, w 11 Iii ti 1,1 t Illllglll!; for the Il',t t' "(111111'- \\';I• I / front her late re•idence 1,11 I'I'1,1;1\' af- \\'I Irl'',!'!(' nwt'1 11111 ('111!'1' ,11111'1' ;It I.;ult;un (las., ant, the derision to 1.n I the hall. ter in this ,division rest, trrettc 11""111 d Tic I,y \I r,. (;11('\011 l'in'e, and \I r• (l'lel)1'ilte(l ,).,ld Birthday ternoon, Notenlher `tb, con 11(.11 111'; . Raymond I\t 1.l loll 1, ;l Illeil!bt'1' of lir ! \ r•R''Itdl I'iwittot, I- rtiended t N loll Birt 111'111 ,,ray, \loon, 't'oyltltllg u'(• , , .Il 1.111) o't'I''ik. 1111111"111Il l\11!1 he 1 , On Siltlil'(Id „ad), in \laitlatid (1,111).11 \ the rite/en. of this ronlniuniit' in i i't , orchestra. 1 rite , \%ere a\\ "riled ;is r ', (; ill h . l a i;nonrallr groupintt 1.;!n be prornr folimvs; 111,1 r""1111, i)1.. llodd, and \I r. :\"thin\ Ilaggitt, celebrated his ml the, service. It is Sour n;r!it,rttln- : ill, htliy\r, that there "light he enough \n obituary \\ill i"Cull int. titch. ts. Mudd; best Lid('\ dre•s, maternal alai aIle fora Baht;"' team. lio'ki\' on thy outdoor rink fines Lay I): hilly, and Mn. Borst 'Li-t:er. I•;\cryonr present enjoyed the r\cn- i not ,110"1 to rrgi,lrr \loon liu•al s1) its' int; very Htch. ciitiu•ias!,, and those \\ho used to hra\e the elements to ''lay a lite years ago, n'rtt fin 1 the going a lit lough, a, evi,lcure,l last year bw the default of our local iniermediate club, altnnrt lief rt the reason halt commenced. Thr biggest iope no \\• is our yotntg bo\ s \ ho are eligible for Il:tni;un, and \th t may in time develop, :11111 work their 1\'111• nti the ladder to illtet'nu'd- iatc earl;s. \iavbe bo that time tic \\ill Ictt'c it closed rind:. 1[allolve'en Pranksters Were Few '13"•11 birthday('!t Saturday, November --._--ii--_..-•-.:It !', Ili' \„11,• ti' -;lei 1„ Ow r who gave e their all, that tt" !night rcnt.iln _n 1, the ofr;l;'un being nru•kcd by ;I . , family gathering at the inane , f \I r. 1 oruin (troll) Eiljby'S free. and \Its. Albert I laggitt, 11':111 whom 'ltil lilr ,y Banqu( t \ V lie resides. 1 \I r. 1la,ggill, \' 11 is widely lt' ulott The 1.i\t \\'ire Farm 1-, run! ;Ir„n,' lIOCl{ey' 1 CI11t)eratllre Rllll- Alrs. A'Iill'tha Lyon Alcll'1{5 thrunelt'nt this Ili,trict, has been a 1 ti( the 13111 r"111-1'"1 11 Til l lnllett.'ling ,nigh ,i l I,OIitle'shoro SOth Birthday rc,idcnt of Illyt't for S:i years, Ile rtn',•ling al the 11"I11c of Mn. and Nit... \rrtn'dita to (;rorgr \1'. Ctittt'n, \Irs, Martha Lyon of I.nl!,lesliot•', was born :Ibuari1 a sailing t't'•sti \•hdrI SUtdey i'•`'''"' om \lunch\ ni,llt. em' I aro11n,I \vionl ti!ii,t sport.. 1,1 ,,1,11", cilt'hlatetl her }111th birthday on Sun_ his Parent, \vete en,jgr;lt'ii to this j('yrd a \•cry ,Tiuit,innut turkey Will • 11 "."eve inowh1.1'ndcsbnin di,iru•t, lay, November ,tr•d• 1 country '), 1 t• first (1110, 01 members sal in at the hal- ' 11.).11 ronnlm lnily i, rilnnint :t "uglily year, ;Igo ' I'hl'SO- quo I;IhI,', and, arror(Min:; to our in- \Irs, Lynn has a family of e1ullt tied ;1t Clinton, and iater resiilt(1 in I iii,!) Miele'• tenitnn'dture at ow !n')- Ilnll,'ll town -hip, inrntant, "\that they did t1) tit ti hn' children, at; I oil Saturday the,: Bath- 1 before (owing to 1111'11, ;111'1 11;Ibn!a!l' 1'11111- ale Inl'lll!IL" yl'ed at the home 1111 \I r. awl \Its, Bltlh, Ile 'tarried his \vile, the for- I lacy sh"nllhi'1 ial,i,en 111 tt\ '10.' •for tole r "ling It it it', , i'rtnFollowtng the Ian, nit, the usual di,- 1 pro - Pert Lobb for dinner and a social met- L;n•ina .\dick, til year, ag , and t el dal. ' II ':•Rollo• of the esteem'', 111111', shepassedpasseda\Cil\' 1)1 \'1';11•, :Igo. i,'il„i it L', t'ollp, were iClll, ;lilt) ihi top- I I I \I I'. t lime, I "11';111 i,' 1• en ;I llt'legatt'il intuit NI embers of the f:uuily who \\.,.i.,.tires- I \i1.. 1l:lggitt has ic('n le,, aeti\'c I ic\ta\'11,11 is I!!c fan'c•t "`"11' of that'mile to the:intuit Int'rtimu of tint were, \Ir. and NH.... il,'rt Lib!),' than usual 'tirin•gthe past few months, te \a11j t. H. \\.O.\.\, i1.111 recently at \\'ing- (icileritlt Township; Mr. and Mrs. but nevertheless ,till maintains a keen The "1.\t 11n'1'rtti wjll bi ;11 tote luno, „„,1 ).,,,,iii, alt;it' ,1"111 ,i)tis!ie,! .\.thin' Kerslake, I'Aett'r; \Ins. I•:Idritl interest in his friends, ;In I matters hour Til Mr, ani 1 Mr'. J;umcs CHIN- wit, the rule; and • regulations laid l'''ulu s due to the Il:lllowe'en par. Holmes, Ilei -ohm; Mn, and \Ir-. `tau- 'Irol!n11 the vjllagc. FiIt N•ing his; ford nn Mun'Iay njgitt. ;down b\ the .\-.n,iai„n. Iv for the children in the hall 1111 birthday celebration he made the trip I'imt dad might, Hallow frank, iu to I t; tri it, by motor, where he trill the village \\ ere hill done" to a mini- visit nttll "lender, of his family. I "nun. The usual callers, for rand'' Twenty-two guests titre present for l atoll! i !!i1. goodie,, \\ kirk, greeted with the I1nthday !,arty on Saturday even- ;i ,"!1111 by the householders, and sent in,g, atlitRlg then, living tight f It's .,f a ,on. Geo! \\'. Cowan. (on their n-tv rejoicing \\ ill a c tori_ ,on, and Balt,:iter,. \1r. and \Ins• 11Ell 1ERIN( ;'ft\ -- in \\"in,gbail i„.,,n,: \\.It!,i' ilial hutiun of apples, candies, nr cool:i0s., r • r Ilae int had a family of to children,' General 1Ins1)i'al, on Ovi'L(r dnt!t.' Captain: '1 1'k, ,tletlti! al ;a later tint'little chap who called at the illi SO(,IA1, II,VI!,1VIN(.t tit'. of \\limit are di ceased. 'There is Io NI,. and \t1.,. (lei'rgy 11i:htrint,- hate. nor', home 1\11, fining all right by berm---- ;11.11 a i,it t'ili„n of ,ill gran !chi' lrcn'' bumilt, (ner \t tnn'trtt I('nl.rin•l, tic 1iv initel\ "n til' i'!'„gram fol 11.11, silt. He 11;111 tt shn11ing bag and in 120 Black Knit;hta, Orangemen, And r'') great granlh'.Iildren, and 1!) great' I g,i1-(11:111',,' ii a it i\'ill Tit i;t nu0, 1\'irm,r is the entry of a moral inter- fornta'd !I; that he ball ;h'ea'l\ been Their Families, Enjoy Turkey great -grandchildren. NIentbers'1'f hl, '1'.151 1:h 'I ti \1'incll;un General Ion'. mediate learn and ;11.11 a bunt;un tc;nn. 1 home(Ince t empty it's contents, and Supper. immediate I:burly who are living, are, Intal, on No\ctt!ben I -t, to NI r. and '1.110 entry I a jutrnili levo! ba, :11•', 'was out to til( it 11:;1111. -- - Mrs. lance- Chesney (Lulu), of 'Pull- \Irs. Glen'I',a•Iser, the .gift of a n--' ',Yen idiee I. blit will hi d1.id(„I I'hrrt \\err several buildings "1)101 ;\11ro\inlairly Lill "timber, ,)f the 111"1 Mich.; \i r,. Claude Iterritt Ih)nglas :loan. ;later, when it i, Ica] tied shat 1113th land friday "tw"i"g "raisings“ \very lilac!; Knights, Oraitgtntcn, and their IF to sic), 1),111 't, :\lith.; \Its, i'ht, ti('Ii(11t1:-I11 Cantarilla, 1 i!iinrui;l, on'and some of 1!!e other ,tett nodi,"; the general order of the day, families sat down to the ant;l fn\tl 11111111111; 1111,ie1, (;odrritit \111,.1 1i 1iy, November 1st, to \I r. and centre, have in mind. 1 Blyth doe; ('hark, \\•oile. (Chiral, Hensall; Nit.-- lies. H. i?. Scholl:, tnee hmtlt i.cg- mot enter ;t Inv(milt. tram, laiiril,'•bor'i 'Many 111 the young 1)coplr ,1)0111 the su11rr, in the \Ir11un•ial hall on . recnin'• al the NI 011(0.'11 hall, Tuesday evening. \ b unisons repast 1layttond (Amelia),I)etrnit: gets, the gift of a daughter. '11111 1)(. in a I,o,it'on to first'' III:, 1h ~ N'a; ,iryitl by the ladle;, tt•ilir!t ill_ NIP.. \\'illiam Gouley 1\Iaryl (;las- v-.-- 1t'Islyer:, and \lith the ;1, istalec it i, rlulcrl III pounds of choice turkey gtt St'ot!and; \Inst \\'ill';Tit \\'ring PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH hefcwed that a Llirlc sUong teats from the \\'apace 'I'urhry Farm, fire,_ ler (ii itu ih1, \\'Ititonhmrch; Bill, sof owing to the ,cr\'cc bring ;""tune l !!!halt be it' 11. sed ftp tvith all the tnintnunus. .\tIm•n; :\Ihert 311111 •1"1"e'' 111).111: for on Sunday. \it'ctnler 1(0,11, ;It .1r (' \al informed 'Phe Standard NI I'. Albert Seller,, \\'orsltipitli and Jack, Tit I)ctrint. 'Those deceast'tt 311ti 1),111., ht. rho Lt;')nn: tilt-t-itice, • that in the It,Ini t it seii',, the et wait \111,1011 of Myth Lnd_c, presided ow_ aro a son, ,\nthnny, and ttt ' ilancit- Inc that d:ly ill lin' 1'rosb}'teri,lm church \,1m1'i tinnh,!hi imrl,ulr. 1\• intth,rn. e1. the evening's proceedings, and 111- icr,, \h.'handy 1htlrrhill 1 \iartila); have been adt'aneed to ' 11,111., in ' rdcr Ill\th, I.ondo,ln'rr, 11"11 ('i titan, wllirh ter the banquet, an enjoyable program and Mn-. 1arrtel: Il.izziel, llwu nth- 1 to all"\• am, wh ' "1111' ,n dt•,ire, lc, ,1),'m1,1 makevitt, a (atoneable ,r1- w,i listened to by all present. yrs died in infancy. ;atted this s;urial \Icnufrial Isar ,kir 111, 11411 lit bo)'s, N'ho !nu t bo no old hew. A. Sinclair \ a; the evening's - v Inc.'ii or 111,1" 11 n 1!11' 11111 (11v of :•:n- gursl sneaker,gi1'nt: an address of Rcst Room 1)Onilt10l15 I ---- \emln'r to be eligible for play, liven interest to nienthers of the S Amount 'rcviotrsl\ reported - :F2.10,09 i TRINITY CHURCH, BI.Y'1'11 I 11 i, , !',Iii\ i" ; t ' I.n„\1 Ibai Ja,'k a remembrance from your many months, and passed away at the an i 1 1 it, an early star 1111\01 \cith the 1 cnety, 0111111 items` nn tic 1)11ncrattt henry Sloan 3U;)i 1st Sunday .\ iter '1tinity j ! friends of 111\11• \1'k, trust Ihat lou yanri,l age Til ti' years, included, hillitict'i ItuiititI h\' ilial_ S 1.iiinle•ioro 1nral imetincih,It• Tit Lost u' a e r. a \\, , l I \('11"111" Shepherd 111.1111 I I a.nl. n 1d„y Srbo"1. icr lhtllcll, lame, Lawrie, 111\111(' S 12 molt: \lorttin.; Triter and Ser-' •r,Isot, i, ('\beet" 1 1,' ie ill line-up \" 1' Lnls lass;o 1..11! ibis \ea'. It ;'ill he remembered that \Ire. \\itliaut Johnston .. _ :.IUI j nitro. ---- ---- \o e1•l'ilillg s1rt•iee. $2,_11(1.49 Icy Lyon, III(Ilett; Mr. ;old \i1'•. Earl 1;aunt, Ilnlle!t; Mr, and \IIs, h.lRrr- son I les,:, I lullttt ; \I r. ;utd \Mrs. Har- ry tiurnin, Londe -boyo; and Mr. :Ind \ii:. Jur Lyon, f Mullett. ---P- r- i t a recti!!' t'i'ling 1111,1 in I. n- IiIR'1'llg h " '\tell (;ll,ltll.l..\N--Im \\'intzha!n (;metal 11\0 \;I ,,t 111'1 Hospital, ott ()chiller .11st. \I r. ' President : Jack Snell and \Irs. tk. mgr l;iliilitit, Ow gift \ttittnir and Sectelarv-'I'rca,urer: OIBITU ARY Francis Bernard Tlali Thi ticat'I f Francis Bernard Hall, well-known alt i highly respected citi- zen of Ilullctt township, nccuri•ed in Si. Joseph's Iluspital, London, on Sunday Multi, Not ember 3rd, ,\I r, Hall had been in ill health for some ORANGEMEN ENJOY \'ill find a place for it in your Inoue, I I 1 t \I I I II •1' b fru at I •n• and that it will kcal alive fond and held, a son ,it \i I. and \Its, 1 ii tam \\'allarc and (demi K1'r'Inir \111.1 c',teri:lieu memories. 111:111 on \lay 'St,', 15',;+. In January,, :\ suitable card \vas signed by all 18'11, he w;i i married to the former I \less .\lice Rogers' n a, areunq'ani,1 ; those nrestt•It, and p n.:-ett'd ;Ilona Era Spooner, and immediately after two 'oral milliners Ily Mi.. Shirley l-alcotcr: a reading by \Irs. l: y with the gift, and address, i their marriage look up resi lents at' h'nnig:ul, of Ihnlgannrn, and two pi. \Its. \\'clllatlfcr replied very suit- Clinton. in I'll' he moved to Mullett ,Into tour's by \lis, I?lirabrth Ni ill, and ably. The hostess served dainty re- township where for 10 years he aper- \Its. Lnui,e .Anderson. freshnu'uts, I :Huia geeeral store at Constance, Thr evening was y rid a errat sue - "Mrs. \\'ettlanfer i, leaving for Bur- later tlI'vjnt-i to the 13th con•essliltl' cess by all who were privilege(( t', gessville, where \Ir \\tt ttlattfcr is en-', and finally, in 1932, lie ;tui \Ins. 11:111 attend. gaged in business, tol: tip residence in Lotdcsboro, \r -----v--- Since the death of his \vile he has Special Speaker r1'0 Address 1,),"'"'''''''F""tvilh his son 111 St.1I3lytli .111nior l'i'arilters En - 1,10115 To -Night I \I r. iL111 'vas a member of the I. tertain Clinton .1lllliOl'S Lion ',Pa" Carrell, of \litchcll 1s to DJ /J...., (Anton, for 115 years, and a The Iiltth 1on'or Farmer: pla\et ad !ccs'' the local Ilion'. Club to -night.. i'ast Noble (;rand. Ile \•as also a hosts to the Clinton Junior 1 'nicrs in i\It, Carr: 11 is an excellent speaker, member of Knox Presbyterian Church, ow Lundcsh'ro Cutut'ntnity hall last and it i; hoped that all club "'embers St. \larys. Ile is s'n•t•ived 113' two \\'cdnes•lay night, October 311h, when will make a special effort to be pees- sons, Rattan!, of Blyth, and Charles, :t large crowd attended. I'':weryonn Nit, of St. \l art's, and one :laughter, 11 ns. enjoyed thcni'clvcs dancing to \\'il- fhe annual ',dons ..;dies' Night 11-11 Ian Stu;:;l, of 'Toronto. Ile has five bee's orchestra he held on \Ion(lay night, November graudiltilllrcm. - The reuular incetinu it the I'.!vtit 25th. 1t i; hoped at that time to cin- ! Pun(•ral service; \vire conducted .11 junior Farmer: will be hell ,11 \.'- tertain (dignitaries front the various Tuesday afternoon, ft•inl tilt' I.. :\. '•ember 14th, in lllytll \innturial 1111'1, surrounding clubs, and :,l,o tie mem- 1 Ball fn!'rral chapel St \I •Irys, with at 1) o'clock sham'. .\li "''!Ther-' are hers of the hard, r\ public hand eon- the Nev. I)1.. Keyes oi(tc`attng, In urged to attend and tisit 'I, all' \','1 - cert will be held after the 'meeting,' termini was made in Clinton ceme- i conte, ;\n utttstandjnt; program is b'' - in the audiltrjun of the hall, tory 1 ing arranged, lack su1(rre,I a In,Js('n hit, early in TRINITY CHURCH, BELGIlAVE last year's stason, and, of count, \wit; 1'1'1111 to date . Smithy School. t itt of 1,1,1\ for the halt"'' t' of thr ,,,,t - son. i; 1)."1.: ,on. i1i• jn•Ibilit} to plat greatly in, - 2,30 p.m. Coln)-'11 Due 1)ateS _'.•ill p.m. Evening- 1'tay,'n. paired ihi clanks oftheIn'itIvhoro Si, MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN coni,en, now valid are sugar-prescr-' ILII tun. sub' !ay scht ot. entry f"1' Illi' l,l'olill clialltino11061, wcs til to S33,butler ilio) to 1131 ;Ind in.,'tl ail. iLM\ Couuuuniutt and tit''- last year. :11,0 1.'f interest 10 readers Ineat 31 ).0 1st :!58. mon. \\ ill be the fact tlutt I"rectnan 'I'nnn+'v of loll th is again expecte 110 line u!, \kith the I,"ndt: bort intermediates. 11c and three tither Lrnulrshnro Ally - yrs, jack Lee, Allan Siruldiil: and 601'cr (lei'', Veterans 13LYTH UNITED CHURCH .\hitt 51X11 Percent of the f''eshnien Sun lay, November Iuth r"ui-tcrtrg at the lhltario Ag icultural 1(1.15: Sundae SOI: -01. Ct'lt'n i:t-t womb \ore cx-,cryite-i 11.15: ('ltildren's ~'into" 'Tilt, ioot Hugh Miller, were in Stratford on :\i"11'11°. night for skating practice. men. it is reported by joint I?ilii,. t\h:) I'ron)i,rd"• Regular Scrnli'll' ar 1 Two new men c expected to ;ug- ftesdcan f men ;it the (('lone. The "'title beginning of the ('hristian 11111"1 the Ln en area roller this year hmn'n ell•, nu:tillers close to 511(1, Church in I':Rro'r ' (Service will be with- 3,0 (be I s'i't n o1 I":111th Brompton an 1 with approximately WO student, The eveningService\\•alter 'Paris. in the s/•fol I. third end 'ut'th years, drawn because of the Sp^ciao .\rnlis- and with a record enrolment at etc Lice I)ay Set vice in the \irnt'r!il Or"';•in \•titeritta'} College, the r;un- hall ;It 3.311, Purchases Terrace pot, j; vro\\de11 NF11 ho\, and 1::111,, 1 alt Sunday lois, ilod,i, of ILunjl- the girls being stn ent, of the \1111'- toe, Bili:tbt,il the covert':shin"; tvith Mr. \\'. I. t'Ia,;., of ., 'than', has Donald Tikt1ti tc which I": re -open •:1 fnt•r exeel.'nt 5'1,,1, ttvn in the in -nn- 1)urrha;i11 the Mat ',n Terrace, on the r a one Year homemaker come<I• in' an d ''vitt it the ecrniR_. \Ls ,otth-cast corner of 1)insley and \lor- jth a reci-tr,:i to of 1118 gi;is. \n'0ti II, 'd is an e\ception;d singer 1111.1 t•\'_ 1.i; Streets :. \i1.. ta'nk's inter.. Ii'. student' eittrin't the degree to Tic 1\11,, hciu-d hu \oil: ittsplrc'l,tlot t0 latoderlti7( the property ,taut course at the 0,:\.C. is one girl. ; and thrilled. a: conditions will ; t rm't, Outstandingly Good ALAN TEA TREASURE OIF THE SEA By George E. Walsh S1 Noesis ('JI.t1"1'IIt \1r .1, (ter a fruitless search, Tocu r"ntront Dick and hose. lie th ealeu+ to torture ]fuse. Ilicl( stalls him oft, h'tnhIly 'Pura derides Ihril the treasure Is only a figment or old captain lied. ford's 4inrtt,ul. '!raking Dick bark to the lugger, he and his eren leove the schooner. CHAPTER XII The gale was stiffening every minute, and the work of getting under way was hurried. With al- most hare poles the lugger would have great difficulty in standing ftp in the wind and rough sea. A giant wave swept the deck, \Vitlt a yell Dick tried to save himself, but with his arms tied behind his back he was as helpless as a child. He rolled over and over, and was saved at the last minute by Black Burley, svho jerked him back in the nick of time. "Cut these ropes," Dick splut-' tered, "and give Inc a chance. An- other wave like that will finish me." Captain Tucu nodded to his state. "Cut 'ein an' take hint below." Dick waited his chance. He had definitely decided to trust his life to the sea again and to try to reach the schooner. Better die battling svitlt the elements than sail away avith the black pirates. I -Ie stood a moment, stretching his limbs, and watching the heaving seas. Another wave, smaller tht.n the first, but big enough to give him an excuse, swept over the bow of the lugger and rolled aft. * * * \\'iten it struck hint, he gave an- other yell, as if calling for help, but instead of resisting the mass of green waters he plunged straight into them and assisted them in carrying him overboard. Black Burley made a grab for hint with his long arms, but Dick ducked in time to elude t!teln, Shaking the brine out of his eyes, he began swimming, holding his head as high out of the water as he could, Ile made no resistance to the wares, but swath with them, striving to keep on their crests for better observation. A light twinkl- ed out of the darkness, but lie wasn't sure whether it came from the lugger or the schooner. Iie conserved his strength as much as possible, swimming easily and treading water every time he was swept on the crest of a wave. Front this pinnacle he had a wide glimpse of the sea; but the dark- ness now shut out everything, and neither the lugger nor the schooner was visible. "I've missed it," -he groaned once. "I should have been there before this. In the midst of his bitter reflec- tions his hand caught something that startled (tint. It was a svatersoakcd rope! llis mind nimbly leaped from despair to hope. Ile clutched eagerly at the plass of slimy ropes that before had been sea Monsters and slippery cels, \ow they were life lines flung out to help hint. Their continued lashing and twist- ing were real and substantial. Ile was not dreaming. He began clawing at them, pull- ing himself from one mass of rig- ging to another. \When his hands came in contact with a floating spar, and it bobbed up and nearly smashed his face, he laughed in glee instead of cursing. if he could crawl up the wreckage to the schooner's deck he would be safe. Again and again the waves broke Itis Hold and flung Itiiu back, jerk- ing the ropes from his (lands, and casting hint hopelessly adrift; but a succeeding comber would restore tl;est to hitt. 1Ie grew more cau- tious, clinching upward between waves, and holding on for dear life each time one swept over his head. * * In this way he slowly pulled himself up the mass of wreckage until, between waves, he was out of the water. Then cause the bat- tering of his body against the side of the schooner. Finally a giant wave carried hint clear over the rail and dropped him heavily on the deck where he lay sprawled for some moments, gasp- ing for breath, and groaning from tre, effects of tre teriffic struggle. The crests of the surging waves reached hint even here, but they no longer had the power to use him as a battering ram. By cling- ing to a deck stanchion, he could resist then* and recover his wind and strength. When he finally raised his head and looked around the wave -swept deck, he had a queer feeling that all his efforts had been in vain. The schooner was abandoned, with him as the only living being aooard, A little startled by lois discovery, he began crawling in the direction of the cabin, If Rose and her father were aboard the would find tltcin there, for the wet, slippery deck was no place for thrid, and they could not hope to navigate the derelict on such a wild night, * * * \\'lien he reached) the head of the companion, a welcome ray of light came through the open door of the cabin, bringing Joy and re- lief to his tortured mind. Rose was below with her father, hatching, hoping, and praying or stoically awaiting their fate. Dick staggered to his feet and started down the steps; but be- fore he had taken one, sounds of a muffled commotion halted hint, Craning his head forward, he lis- tened, peering intently through the murky gloom until his eyes came to a focus on something lying half across the threshold tvitr a little start of surprise, he recognized the body of one of the two Caribs left behind on the schooner, A reddish clot of blood in the middle of the forehead told Ilial where a bullet had entered and brought his life to a sudden end. From inside the cabin came the low, shifting sound of a word- less conflict, with the combatants struggling back and forth in a dead- ly embrace, their breath coating in short, wheezy gasps. Dick slipped down the few steps Feeling sluggish? Suffering from heartburn, gas and fullness that often accompany constipation? Now—get double -action relief the dependable Phillips' Milk of Magnesia way. Just take 2 to 4 tablespoonfuls with water, You'll be delighted with the way Phillips' relieves discomforts of acid indigestion—and in the morning, enables you to start the day thrillingly alive and bright. Ask for genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia at your drug store today. Remember ... .... di"Y,.yr - PH/LL1PS *rti sttrr ETS r^ . rr: 7PHIJAIPS77 of, oN,. I i 01 I 'I• mum „too sues 1• ' w"w,, ,.y.31 ,,T til out tw aawatl • MAD! /N CANADA NEEDED COMFORT Janet Lind, 12, left, gets some needed comforting from her sister Dolores, 14, after the younger girl reportedly confessed to Supe- perior, Wis., police that she shot and killed her father to "make her mother happy." According to police, the girl said her father mistreated both her and her mother. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee I. Should one ever linger at any social function, or is it better to leave a little too early? 2. is it necessary that a woman traveler wear a hat in the dining - roost of a train? 3, \\'hat are suitable gifts for a elan to give a girl whole he has known but a short tithe? 4, When a woman stops to speak with another w t an in a restau- rant, what should the amen at the table with the latter woman do? 5. Should the groom pay for the bridesmaid's flowers? 6, In what tray caul one repay the courtesy of a pleasant automobile ride? ANSWERS 1. Of the two, it is far better to leave early. The one who lingers too long is always considered tire- some, 2. It is entirely optional. 3. (looks, candy, or flowers, 4, They should rise and remain standing until the first woman departs. 5. No; this is an obligation of the bride. 6. By inviting the members of the party to stop for tea or a drink of some kind. Prefabricated House Built In 591/2 Minutes A world's record for house hni!d• ing was claimed by a London first, Prefabricated Constructions, i.td. '1'Ite concern erected in !"10''2. cols- utes an aluminum "prefab" cot prising two bedrooms, parlor, hath room, and kitchen. The structure measures 29 feet, II inches by 22 feet, G', i incurs. The average cost of such "pre- fabs" which are built under Govern- ment auspices is about $:1,601t, the \fitiistry of 1iealth said. and stood astride the dead Carib. IIe blinked a moment under the strong light of the swinging cabin lamp before he took in the sig- nificance of the scene. * * * The second Carib had disarmed Rose, and with one powerful hand pinning her against the e;all lie was trying to encircle her waist with his free arm, With a growl of rage, Dick spr:,ng at the brute, catching hint by the neck, and with a jerk wrenched his head back, '!'hen looping an arm around the neck he pried the head backward until he could get a strangle hold on t'ie windpipe. The Carib was a big, powerful ratan, with a head as hard as a battering rant, and arms and legs as thick and solid :Is tree trunks. After the first shock of surprise, he struggled to shake his assail- ant from his back, grunting and blowing loudly. Dick's strenglli had been badly spent in the struggle in the water, and as they rolled and twisted over the cabin floor his own breath cantc in short, la- bored gasps. In spite of his advantageous hold, he realized that the Carib nnight eventually get the better of (tint. The bull -like neck rose and fell, emitting horrible gurgling sounds, but his strength showed no signs of weakening. The powerful muscles were working slowly and steadily, while Dick's were rapidly weakening under the strain. !'hen, when it scented as if his last ounce of strength had been used up, and his burly antagonist was still fresh and active, a sud- den deafening crash shattered the stillness. (To Be Continued) ISSUE 45-1946 How Can 1? 13y Anne Ashley Q. flow should the oven be cool- ed? \Vhen the oven door is op- ened, after the oven Itas been very hot, it often cools too quickly. But instead o' doing this, if a pan of cold water is placed in the oven, it will lower the temperature gradually. (), Should anything be done to a brass kettle That has not been in use for sometime, before using it ag:lin? A, yes, \Wash it with salt and vinegar before using, Q. ilow can 1 prevent fat front spattering on the stove? A, It will not spatter when fry- ing if a little salt is added to it. Q. 1 low can I make a good pol- ish for the stove? A. Mix equal parts of a good stove polish with kerosene and tur- pentine until the consistency of cream. apply when the stove or range is slightly warns. Then pol- ish with a rough cloth. This also prevents rust, Q. (low can i facilitate the pull- ing of threads from linen? A, Before pulling Leads, rub a (18101) cloth along the line where the thread is to be pulled. 'I'Ilc thread it'ill pull easily while the cloth is damp, Q. What should he used for oil- ing the moat grinder? .\, if the cleat grinder requires oiling. use a drop or two of glycer- ine, This will act as a lubricant and will prevent any disagreeable taste or shell. 1 Sunduy School Lesson The Church Reaches Out Acts 16: 11-15; Phil, 2: 5-1 1, Bolden Text, -- 1 tl do all things in hint that strengthened ate. ---Philippians •1: 13, Paul's Obedience [oder the direct guidance of the holy Spirit Paul is called to preach in \Iaccdonia, The promptness with which Paul responded to the guid- ance of tiod, no natter how it rune is worthy of careful and constant imitation, In such prompt and exact obedience is found one of the greatest secrets not only of a happy, but an efficient life, If we respond at once to God's leadership, the tray becomes clear- er and clearer. If the falter, the guiding light grows dimmer and dimmer until it goes out in com- plete darkness, and we are left to tiropc our way alone, Jesus, the Man Paul knew Jesus as we all must come to know 1fin1, that is, by the revelation of the Spirit. Jesus is shown to have the "forth of God" :111 expression which asserts the eternity of 1lis Person and Il is 1)eity." Jesus is also de- scribed as "equal with God." In order to become a ratan Jesus laid aside the glory which Ile had with the Father and took upon Himself man's nature. 'f!lis was necessary for (lint lo he received as a man among Illetl, But in assttlllitlg man's nature Ile di'' not partake of man's sin, Jesus c:nue in tote forst of a Iran to be a servant of all men. Sharing With Jesus The exhortation in verse 5 is that we shall share the humiliation Jesus suffered: w'c shall be Iluntbly His servants and the servants of mankind; we shall seek to save the lost by seeking to bring then* to Jesus Christ, their only Savior. \Ve arc to have the mind of Jesus Christ in the sense of true faith, obedience to God, love for the \Vor'd of God, faithfulness in prayer and longing for God's holiness. Chemical Bombs To Fight Fires Chemical bombs weighing '150 pounds will he used to attack for- est fires in Australia this summer, Royal Australian Air Force planes, which previously have been used only for spotting purposes, will carry 'the bombs on routine forest patrols. '!'hese plans were revealed at the opening of the Victorian Forest Commission Fire Fighters' camp, when the opinion was ex- pressed that the bombs would be effective if dropped on fires when first detected. The burst will cover an arca of 400 square yards, bombs being dropped front 300 feet. Big Pay Roll The Canadian National Railways with an average payroll of 100,000 is the largest employer of labor in Canada. 'With alt11Ital purchases as high as 100 million dollars, it is the biggest individual buyer of materials in the l)oninlon, Sunshine Oils 'lotus is the period of the year for stating children 011 Cod 1,iver Oil again. Without sunshine or fish liver oil, healthy hone ?lid tooth development Is not possible, say the health authorities, The use of fish liver oils for children, par- ticularly in winter, is recommended in the booklet "Canada's Food Rules", available through the I)c. partinent of Health and National Welfare. Lunch Boxes Lunches to "take out" should consul of 11101'1' than a mere sand- lvic!1, Advice to those staking up "box lunches": I'ut ill a raw car- rot slicks, fresh tomatoes, cooked or prepared fruit, in a covered paper container, and a hot or cold drink in a thermos holt le. 'these will add variety and food value to the lunch. ITC CHECKED in a Jiffy -or Money Back For quick relief 1roan itching eause(t by eeieny nlhlete's foot scabies, nimplrs and other ilchin conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, Iiq ui O. D. D PRESCRIPTION. llrenieless •ani stainless. Soothes, cumto,U'(nd luickly calms r ellive(ood(I0, D.. D. PRESCRIPTION,ngmBais mina xihiiuY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS TILL THE FAVORITE 1 ou 11'111 Enjoy Slaying AI The St. Regis Hotel TORONTO • ICvcry Hoorn 11'10. llnib Shower and Telephone • Mingle, 82.50 up— Double, *91,50 tip • Conti bond Dining and Deer- Ine i11gbIly Shcrbnurue at Cnrlfon Tel. IIA, 4185 Says Rheumatic Pain Runs in ,her Family But Safeguards Health With Kruschen Many people worn to think, because a complaint rune in the family, that lltore is little they can do about it. On the contrary, all the more reason for taking stops to avoid it. Especially if that complaint is rheumatic pain. Rend how ono woman keeps free from it: -- "Rheumatic pain runs in my faintly. My father Buffered very badly with it. I have been taking ICruschen Salts, of and on, for about seven years, a,little morning (lose, in my first cup of tea. ICruschen is a great help in keeping rheumatic pain out of my shoulderoi My general health is very good, I am 57 and can do a day's work with anyone. I would not be without Kruschcn."-- (Mrs,) AILS. The whole secret of ICruschen is in its action upon the organs of elimination. ICruschen helps these organs to remove from the body the acid deposits which give rise to rheumatic pain. So try the morning dose of Kruscheu for the next month or so. For rheumatic pain, take half to one teaspoonful in hot water first thing in the morning. Two sizes: 25c and 76c at your drug store. c Start l'taStinK "ante , ets5, a 'I.it's bt.isk ant t° tj° \aguer 5 1 ,� .t ca . al tea 4 plat L1l't0n tt s �yltcre stcn NO b find lies ...in'lapt nos nc'ns'Vi . lies as of f, a., `lull or'l swot s l. ori tour Il say, ways tp,s sthe brisk c savour' , `l,1 always (las bl lively Oa cos •hotl tragal, a to brisktotalt Change to Tea I;lptOn f JUST .IN FUN 1 Canned Luck "We'd like to have you stay to dinner with us if you are content to take 'pot -luck,"' said the %rife, cordially. "You mean 'can -luck' my dear," murmured her husband. Road Needed At a meeting of a rural district council a deputation farmers asked to be received. They lvisht(1 to complain about the state of the main road just outside the village. '1'hcy found, however, that their arguments (lid not receive • very good reception. In fact, the mem- bers of the council old( :red with emphasis and much noise, "Look here," said the chairman, "the road is fairly good as a whole." "\'es" replied the spokesman of the party, "but we want to use it as a road." HOLD EVERYTHING 1141(111/4 001 Sere. -i"! er NCA a m,ct. IMC. 7. M NM. 071.4. PAT. Orr wish Pop would let mc quit h_ool and get into something .� \essential!" Urgent The insurance office was rt. g tip by an excited woman. "I want to insure my house," h said. "Can 1 do it over the apt( ne'r" "l'nt afrait' not Per'"aps w -'d better send a Hoot along." "I've got to do it immediately, I tell you,' came the frantic voice "The place is on fires" Full List Friend—But isn't your son sort Of listless, Mr. Money bags? Mr. Moneybags —Heavens, no; be has a list of blondes, a list of brunettes, and a list of red Beads. Just Calculate Walking in the Highlands, a man found that his watch had stop- ped. Entering a farmhouse and no- lleing an old grandfather clock, he said: "Your clock is sorely wrong?" "Naething wrong wi' it," an- �wered the farmer, "It's you that oesna understood it, \\/hen the wee haun's straight up and the big haunt's straight (loon, it strikes ten; but the richt time's five o'clock. After that," he continued, "ye've naething to do but calcu- late." 4673 SIZES 18" 20".2r Have it ready for Christmas— start now on Pattern 4073. It's a darling stuffed doll just waiting for a mother. Doll has 7 -piece ward- robe in latest style. The pattern, easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Includes complete illustrated instructions. Pattern 4073 is available for dolls 18, 20, 22 inches. For individual yardagcs see pattern. Send TWENTY 'CENTS (20c) in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to room 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Print plainly SiZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMIIER, TABLE TALKS.. Dressy Potatoes .. Our Good Friend The Potato . . 'Hie people who love pnt.ttucs, who could eat them three times a dal' and often do so, are not much interested in the w•ay they are prelim cd, they like them any- way. lint there are others who do not have sod' a love for this lowly vegetable and get tired of boiled, baked, mashed, scalloped and evert fried potatoes. The home economists of the Consumer Sec - 14111 of the Dominion Department of Agriculture offer tested recipes which will find fay( ur with all groups of potato consumers. Potatoes, French Peasant Style 21/2 cups cold cooked potatoes, cut in 1 -inch cubes cup bacon fat 11/2 cloves garlic 11/2 tablespoons chives or onions, chopped 11/2 tablespoons chopped celery leaves 11/2 tablespoons flour 11/2 cups milk or cup stock and cup milk teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper r4 1 Sante potatoes in bacon fat until brown on all sides, Remove pota- toes and keep bot on back of stove or in warming oven. Crash garlic with the blade of a knife and fry in fat with chives or onions, parsley and celery leaves. Add flour and gradually blend in milk. Add salt and pepper and cook over low heat until the sauce is thick 'tbont 4 to t. minutes, stirring constantly. Add potatoes and reheat. A little minced 111101 may be sprinkled over top of potatoes. Six servings. Potatoes in Green Peppers 3 large green peppers 2 tablespoons fat 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk 1/4 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 1 cup grated cheese 3 cups diced cooked potatoes \\'ash peppers, cut in half length- wise and remove seeds. Parboil, uncovered, in salted water until ten- der but not soft. Drain. Melt fat, add flour and blend well. Add milk stirring constantly until mixture thickens. Add salt, pepper and cheese. Stir until cheese is melted. Add potatoes and heat over low heat until hot. Serve in green pep- per cases. Six servings. Bologna Cups With Hot Potato Salad 2 cups diced, cooked potato 2 sweet pickles, chopped 1 hard cooked egg, chopped 1 tablespoon chopped onion 2 tablespoons vinegar Salad dressing to moisten Salt and pepper 6 slices large bologna Combine everything but bologna. IIeat in top of double boiler. Do not remove casing from bologna. which should be cut a little thicker than usual. Meat in a little hot fat in frying pan until edges curl up to form a cup. Fill with hot potato salad, garnish with parsley. Creamed vegetables niay replace slot potato salad. Please "Excuse isle, constable," said the meek -looking little elan, "but I've been waiting here for my wife for over half an hour. Would you be good enough to order ole to move on." You can't feel your best if your kidneys aren't working normally. Gin Pills help give relief from Backache, Rheumatic Pain and other symptoms of sluggish kid- neys. Your druggist sells Gin Pills on a satisfaction -or -money -back basis. Get a package today—use proves their merit. Regular size, 40 Pills Economy,size, 80 Pills (In the U.S.A. ash for Gino Pills) V(6I(:t OF THE 1'11I4,iSS }low Very, Very True Ideon(, observes a contempor- ary, is something you can't lite wvithin or without. —St. Thomas Times -Journal Avoid Snobbery Children must be taught tally not to say snobbish things to the less fortunate, such as "eve lite in a house " --Edmonton Journal Shortage Evidence '1 he meat shortage in the U.S is Wore acute than we had 'tern thinking it was, A Canadian motor- ing south of the border says he saw a man chasing a rabbit with the ratan two jumps ahead of the dot;. —i<itchcner Record Rich Man's Toy Again There Inas been another boost in the price of new cars and the situ- ation is now about w'ilere It was when the century was young. The automobile is again just a rich man's toy. —The New Yorker. Foot Trouble A new occupational disease is forcing itself upon the attention of the medical world--picket-line feet. —Peterborough Examiner, Easy Way Out Prom Schenectady conies the good news of the invention of a 110lsotl gas so powerful that an ounce of it would kill everybody in the United States and Canada. If the human race keeps on trying, it may soon succeed in finding a really- easy way to put itself out of its misery, —The New Yorker. Mutual Optimism, says a contemporary, is needed for better world. And a better world is certainly needed for optimism. —Ilamilton Spectator. Literal Funny how slang ultimately finds an honored place in the language. "No soap l" now means that there Is no soap, —Ottawa Citizen. STARTS WORK IN JUST 2 SICONDS i' jt GENUINE ASPIRIN IS MARKED THIS WAY Sweet and cool in any Pipe CANADA'S STANDARD'PIPE TOBACCO REG'LAR FELLERS—The Nose Knows I I5 HE. A REAL HONEST -T= GOSH all OOWINa BLOODHOUND? 114' UE5T OF TH' 01.UE•� Accident Toll '1 litre 5, re 261,(,01 deaths on the battlefield from Pearl harbor to \-I 1t1(v- 1)utiog this sank pc - rod 35.`,(tito it lets %yetr caused by home accidents. -- New ' t ik Ilei ,Id 'hirhune. No Forest hires \Vitt magnificent forests, cen- turies old, a continual source of wealth to the country, they dont know what a forest fire is itt Swe- den. The people have self-discip- line, and perhaps they have laws, too. — St. (Catharines Standard. Advice to hunters On the eve of a new (lett hunting season we can only repeat our an- nual warning: never shoot at the wild animal while it is lighting a cigar \Vinnipeg 'Tribune. Discretion The sun's age is said to be five billion years, Its long life may be (Inc to the fact that it never stays out at night. -- Galt Reporter, The Good Old Days? In the good old days our mothers went to town for butter and eggs but they did not stay for the matinee. —lirldon Sun. State of The Nation Suggestions that Alaska be made the 4Jth state are causing some cynical Americans to remark that it will actually be the 50th. There are now the 48 shown on the neaps, in addition to the terrible state the whole country is in. —Windsor Star, Good Suggestion 11 is so difficult to get dowel to work the day after a long week -end that often one suggests the aboli- tion of holidays, But wouldn't it b. more suitable to abolish the day after the holiday! —St. Thomas Times -Journal. 123T In $140W YO;: - I'LL GIVE QM A SNIFF OP MY POP'S COAT AN' LE.T HIM PROVE It! . Whalers Tyneside ship repairers are hust- ling to overhaul whaling ships to get th(tn ready fur departure this month in search of oil to augment Britain's scanty supply of fats. The Southern \'enttuer, big whaling factory ship, is being over- hauled at South Shielris and smaller w•halc•catching vessels are at Tyne- side ports. Seven whale -catchers in the Tyne have been taken n over by the Itnssians—former German ships taken as prizes during the war. Growing Pains? What parents sometimes accept loo readily as mere "growing pains" in children may, in fact, be symp- toms of rheumatic disease. The Child and Afaternal 1Iygcine divi- sion of,the Department of Nation•sl Health and \Vclfare, Ottawa, sug- gests that, if children exhibit signs of pallor, nervousness and irritabil- ity, accompanied by static or falling weight, the family doctor be con- sulted immediately, as a safety pre- caution. "Where d'y'think you're goin' — to a breakfast of malty -rich, golden -brown Grape -Nuts Flakes?" the blood; and other food essentials". "Crape -Nuts Flakes are good all right! That's because they're made of two grains — wheat and malted barley. And specially blended, baked and toasted for golden -brown, deli- cious crispness and easy digestion." "We'll polish off one of those giant economy packages." "So help ole, I am, officer! And every time I think of that elegant, nut -like taste of Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes, my foot just stamps down on the accelerator!" "Well keep goin' then, brother! And I'll tag along for a bowlful myself. On this Job I need those carbohydrates for energy; proteins for muscle; phos- phorus for teeth and bones; iron for D'J' E V E R? (Do these things before winter sets in ) FIX THAT BOTTOM STEP ON THE BASEMENT STAIRWAY THAT CAUSED YOU 50 MUCH TROUBLE LAST WINTER — ALL I DO IS PILE ON COAL AND WE'RE STILL FREEZING ITS THOSE STORM WINDOWS, I KNEW YOU SHOULD NAVE FIXED THEM BEFORE YOU PUT THEM UP (OIL PLUG UP THOSE CRACKS IN THE STORM WINDOWS THAT PLAYED HAVOC WITH YOUR COAL BILL LAST WINTER — CLEAN OUT THOSE FURNACE PIPES THAT DID YOU DIRT LAST WINTER — li DO A JOB ON THAT INSIDE FRONT DOOR THAT HAD A NASTY HABIT OF SQUEAKING EVERY TIME YOU CAME HOME AT 3 AM. AFTER A POKER GAME WITH THE BOYS LAST WINTER? DAWES ELACK NORSEBREWERYw (ONSEE. THAT? HE'S Har,,. TRAIL! NOW WATCH NIM LEAD U5 RIGHT TO My . POPS OFFICE AN' F�PLL BE SO DELIGHTED , HE'LL PROBERLY GIVE US A NICKEL EAU!� By GENE BYRNES 0114 100 V ALK tui SMILING TWO MIR OF PANTh Vint coc SUITa 5I IOPPE N t_�ene ---jrztse , Mme. r., Al Han,. ,.,,, :\ V 111 PACE 4• Elliott Lnsuraiice Agency Bum— ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. H. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE, utiOnlet t,` MMI; tbitlIAN)ti1DtDIADINDI :21%1h.1iDtADt31,NNINDtD4012t ).14);MtNNklii4 W.M.S. Huron Presbyterial( \Intion:ll)• \\•. h. Jettitt anti I. Ira Rat"ou, that ttr \\rite lu lite Executive Met In Clinton l'rother, Company ,tat int; that tic The executive of Huron 1'r"bwteri:tl have cons•dercd their 'render above all \V. M. S. of the Presh\•terian Church "flare, rr;cited ;end N% t' wotild I kr a t Kes'ntam.' front their t' n:l:nt) to in Canada met in the I resbyterialt be here on Nov. lath at ti pan. to t ire Church, Clinton, on Monday, Oct her 28th, with members present from us fainter inionuat on a:Ct tagards to date of dcli\cry and latest t'ri'es, etc. Blyth, Clinton, Exeter, (i.aderich, lieu- t•;u'tit 1. salt and Scaforth. \loti,n: Itv 1\':it. I. fiat, and Geo The nteetitr: opened ttith a dev(-;, ou- • Rruttn, that lite accounts a, pev- a! period conducted by the President, „nttu, be a ' 1. tai .ed. Mfrs. \V. J. Thompson of Seaforth, l ` \It.on: Illi \V. R. Jew lc itt and J. MIrs. \V. A. \Vright of Seaforth, and lea Raps u, (bat \Gc do now adjt'urn Mrs, K. M eLean of Exeter. Several - titi,•ns, said true \\innnt.; Girl, (cant in to nicer Nuwcn1her 1St 1, at / p.nt• matters of hus'ness were discussed and Carried, jrl'tioitii \till rct.rc•cnt Ontario in the it n•as 'decided that the annual hush-, Accounts National Club l'ontpctition, being held ness meeting should he held in Clinton \ti„ Lawdy Young, ntal:ing out lilt the loyal \\'inter Fair. \Hien the on Tuesday, January loth, trill noel the team, lea• front the tax alis s „Tim The president gave a fine summary \•dlahe of Blyth, of the October meeting of the Ontario tee. Provincial Society which was held re- Town of Chnt 'n, Gently in Toronto, and told of the , important changes that are to he made Gun. \\'. C( swan, instead of one large Provincial Society j sl•p, • the mentbersh'p will he divided into (ion. \\'. ton•an, four Synod,, each group to have its and debenture TEE STANDARD 151 Teams Took Part In O.A.C, Judging Competitions Rtaching tit llighr•t Irwrl in rcrcnt )eau's, the annual Inter -t aunty ludg- 13111,11 C111f Chi!) Awards ii.¢ louipetit on t r tilt bo), ;inti girls C IIb I rural Ontario brought Iogeth-' '1 Ile folk win.; awards in coltrtt'e'tiolt er 151 teams of boy. and girls at this with the i;lytli Italy Beef tali - important event held at the O..\.('., \\ Rich ,h seed :It the 111)111 Fall Fa•r, - Guelph, lit spite of heavy rain, the have just been received, and annonnc- cotttlrt't:tloti, Here run off according eel, by the Fair )foam) Se,'reti+lt, to schedule, the buildings of the l)..\. Lena l.iwin;,t' n : C. provid:i t ample facilities for the Name Totol judg.n;; Indo, rs, Competitions vele \Inrrat• Iv conducted in dairy cattle, beef cattle, Maurice !tallithim t\inr, ;,. Mlt•), grain and pot•ttr, ju';; Jack Nctherw Mug, and for the first tints, this year i?ll:t Nt•;fiery Poi re n a, ;t Trivial ial compci.tion in Carman Craig c. tlnini for girls. l'he top awards Margaret here label) well s; -read over the Prot- Billie Young Mee, ;tit 1 1'ork was the only county Boyd 'l'as't 'r to win two championships, its dairy , cattle team sunt it; girl,' clothing team vs inning their events. The ,fuser canto i AUBURN I ; , to \tin ri ;l:nt,i"tl il„ „etre I hi, ton in .',t int., \l uI l t •ex in poultry, Ontari in beef cattle, itrant in grain mot n as in potatoes. The w in- uin,t terga, in the .nine, dairy calt'., beef cattle. grain and potato con: es Score '(73 ')111 010 9t5 9114 810 871 883 Dit isinn Court 1 other right pr.,winI) ., . t the ,o iIl- 1) ,uo, ion. ,+„o i:• Standing $7.00 1,.111) 4.11 3.5'.1 3.0,1 3.00 MEMORIAL SERVICE OBSERVED FOR DECEASED MEMBERS ' - On Sunday morning, in St. Mark's ' Anglican Church, Auburn, Rey. J. 1.. ' Wednesday, Nov, 6, 1916. Blyth Radio Service NEW RADIOS SPARTON I3A'I"I1ERY (Table Model) $29.65 ASTRA EiLECTRIC - 5 -TUBE --- Attractive Walnut Cabinet , . , $19.50 RA P IO SU PPLIES I3attcries, 'Pubes, Aerial )lits, Lightning Arrestors, and Miscellaneous Supplies, COME IN AND SEE TIIE BARGAINS IN USED RADIOS ---Battery or Electric, Radio Repairing -All Makes. Work Guaranteed. GLENN KECHNIE Work Guaranteed. Phone 165, Blyth. lI. Henderson observed the :111 Saint: - nimansommimmimit Day Service, and during the course of the service, a MIt'tttt'riattt was read in 4,444.•4:61.:•0:41:41:44.44•8444 0:1 11:44:4 414 4.); 4:1 •:• •:4 .:,.•., 4444.4.:..••••:•1 honour of members \('Ito passed on s. +,• during the year. The list included 4• the folio\+int; names: lames Nichol- son, Andrew Webster, Samuel John- •: e Suitably clothed v'siott Court _ 1 in spite of the lar. entry, the crap- I \irs, :\ndret• Kirkeounell presided :• 817 petitions were eimdliett ; ver) ,utooth- at the organ, ly \tint a large staff assisting, mein- • tamps f r tax _'8.011hcrs itt*the 1 r \ n,t.tl and 1 tdtt,tl 1)c -Mr. and \Irs. I. Keith Arthur, and s. excise stamps 1 partments of Agriculture and of the + • n, John C. Arthur, spent Sunday :• 15 l 1)••\•(• start giving },t ti tt,its ,tad "hit.with NIT'. and \Irs. Frank \hllo•ain =. otyn president and oftticcrs. It t'as felt Prow. 'Treasurer, debenture c.00 assistance in the van tt cia•ses' of Carlow. s. that this twculd create a deeper interest Geo, Radford, .;ravelling road, ',898.75 1 The cv'nt w;t, climaxed h}' a h.tn- I Gerald Dobie with relatives at in the work, as more twamen (would \1'i n. Carter, road snot. 78.10 etu't in the evening, when the chant-\ \'ingh tin he able t • attend when the various Charles \lanii, ditching annual meetings would be closer to 1 Frank (;:ew, brushing the Presbyterials. 1•:. Farquhar, ditching Huron Presbyterial will be one of 111.•nrs• Sanderson, gravel _);u•;') \l. - . nt •\gtuultnrc tot llntattn, •, I) tribute to the b \'s and girls and Passed affray in Clinton. .: the trine in the Synod of IFam•lten Fed. of Agit.; tees, 1945 taxes 1_.40 ) 1 ; :\Irs. Clayton Ladd picked fresh let - and London, and there was a sugges- Geo. Carter, stamps and cnvel their coaches for t,u'n splendid work. face from her garden on 'Tuesday •- 3.101 pionitip trophies and awards noel Deepest ,ynnpallny i, extended to =• 1.8`) Presented to the \•inn:n;; trains. The Mrs. Archie Robinson and Kobelt :; 1.80 guest speaker, C. 1). Graham, Deputy t I tinier, (t hose father. John 'Turner, 4' tion that the first meeting *might he I opcs, assessment slips . . '0.10 i Ile cited the growitt of club "'nil` itt , Sadie Corti..., Joseph Carter and held in Stratford, A meeting of the Arthur \Veyntoutlt, grader repair Luo • rural (huari , there having been 807 Reg Carter t'f Port Elgin, were :1u - clubs, wah , ver KM) members, in op - key women will be held in Lontl:n on .\rtlstr \Veynlottth, grader .-per- barn tisitors this week December 7th to prepare a slate of ator . officers, at' 1 to stake all the necessary John .Armstrong, Reeve arrangements for the first meeting. Geo. C. Brown, councillor ... Each Presbyterial (was asked to send J. Ira Rapson, councillor . four nominations, and M•Irs. K. 'McLean \\'. R. Jewitt, councillor ... 1)7oration in the Province this, year. MI r. soul \Irs.Clifford Carter arc ' 120.0) work, he sail, was a splendid training tnoytng to \\'htgit tm whereCliff. ha, •. lormi for Ctizenship, sold tic future of On- secured a position 1(10.(10 sarin depended on the efforts of the Mr. and \les. \1'illiann Ntair of Lon- :; 11111.00 'boys ;lad girls of today to become bet- (lesboro with Mliss NIargarct Ding• will g represent Huron at this meeting. \\'nt. J. Dale, comic:tt r 101.0a !ter caizens p \\'. h. Reck Pre.ided over the Bath -' \Irs. 'Nicolas Doyle with her (laugh - It 4' It was announced that the plan to Geo. \V. Cowan, Cleric r ,'rin and .\. II. \tardus a•si•tant di- ter, M1)fans Anderson, at Luck_ raise $30,000 for the \\ .MI.S, peace I n g' nt„•\• thanksgiving fund had been a grand rector of argricultn'al rcprc est;(tit's' Iles. \iIIi,un D,(1(1 Sr., Mrs, J, C. success, and $36,651 had been contrib- j Boys And Girls Clubs Have foul: •charge of the prrs'ntatun' of tri C'I u k Irtye returned from two weeks pled for this purpose. Phicr. rhe beet ;end dairy c;late fro- n ,t we \ 4769 Members In 19'18 I pities were presented by t'larenct' visit with relatives near 'Toronto. It was also announced that awing to increased expenses the subscription rate to "Glad Tidings” hal been in- creased to 50c per year. The re -ort of the literature secre- The AgriculturalRepres'ttatiye limbo', of 'Toronto: the poultry trophy \Hoarier of children are suffering Branch of the Ontario Department of by Prof. F. \Iarcellns, of the O..\.('; \with (whooping cough in this district, Lilt \'mtghlut leg• N., of (odcrich Agriculture has just releaser) figures, the potato trophy by K. E. Goodin, po marineiluspilal with Mlrs. \'ungblut showing the extent of B ')•,' and );iris' tato ficl•imau for Ontario: the grain , (Int, Work in Ontario during the year trophy by Prof. Ur. G. P. NleCrosti ' j 1'he` Baptist Ladies ;lid met of tory, \fr. G. Bisset, of Goderich, 1946, i'hese figures show that there of the 0.:1,('.: the ,wine trophy by showed that ten cartons of good bcnlc' are in operation this year in the Pro- Prof. A. 1). Minion, of the O.:\.('., and Tuesda• y at the hour rs. Glen and magazines for men had been scut vince 291 Boys' and Girls' Clubs, with the girls' awards Its Mli,s Uolallit Raithby. to Frontier College, and members are a total membership of '1,inr( boys an 1 l.indsl's, Uir'rtot of the \lardomttd \ new yellow school bus owned by asked to save chldren's books in good girls. The average menthership in each Institute. I William Clark is now taking the local condition far shipment later, on. club is 1,4, white the average arc of v---- high s: hnol children to Goderi h. Don- Mrs. Ti' stn, son stated that there the boys and girls taking part in their, I old \-ungblut, son of Mr. and Mrs. ,was a n. tc of sadness at the closing activities is 15'.i: years. These dub, IIOSI I'[ t A1. STAR PING and .\rt \'tingblut, meeting of the Board, with the thought are organized and directed by the ag- MEMBERSHIP DRIVE that this was the last time they would ricutturat representatives in each 1 Objective Is Every Family In The all meet together, but there was alsocounty, and in each case an :\rhicyc_ I Hcspital Area To Be Members a feeling of hope that the new plan ttteltt Day brings the activities t • a For the first time in its history would create greater enthusiasm, andclimax. 'l'ht•;e clubs are separate, from the \\'ingham General Hospital :\s - bring more woolen into the work of and additional to the Girls' 11,:nu'- snt•iatinn is staking a determined cf- .the \V. M. S. I staking Club; and 1loine Garden tort to have ever)' family, int the arca Mfrs, Thompson expressed her ap•, Clubs which are ,p,ntsor.'d by the strwed by the h, spital, become mum - predation of the support given to her. \Vomen's Institute Branch of the hers in the Assc:ciatitm. during her tern, of office and stated I)epartutent. Letters under the signature of MI r. that she wished to resign at the end I The following are the ,tatistii. ni I R. 1f. Lloyd, Chairman of the 110„0:,.. of the year; members were irked to the clubs and membership throughout nal Board, and Ml r. F. R. Ilow•sou, Chairman of the Citizen,' Committee, are being mailed this week to every home in the hospital district inviting all to become members in the Ass ca - 13 ti:n and rho. part'cipate int wiping out '7;i the deficit of S1'1,0111) on the cost of 765 I the constru tion of the new section B74 and the modernization of the elder. structure. 4,71,9 The Board k stare that this deficit Londesboro, at 1.30 in the afternoon. ----V --- will he stet if every citizen who re - The Reeve and all members of the ct't\'t's this Ie•tter accepts the privilege council were present. The minutes of EAST WVAWANOSH of participating according to his or the last regular meeting of October Mrs. George Charter spent Sunday her ability. If yon do not receive •nuc 7th, were rear. at the home of her sister, at Carson- of these invitations this is a public J. ville, Mlichigan. appeal for y u to he a member, : By George C. Drown and Ira Rapson, that the minutes as read. Mlisus Edna and :Audrey \Valsh Our hospital k considered to he ani be adopted. Carried. ' spent the ,week -end with Mfr. and outstanding achievement for a rural area an I a credit to the citizens in keep this in mind, and assist the ).the Province. nominating committee itt this (natter, Project No. of Clubs. Membership and the meeting closed with prayer Calf club, 141 2,303 by the president. Swine clubs 38 530 .—_ Foal Club 1 Poultry Clubs 14 Grain Clubs 47 ' The regular meeting of the 1 -lift- Potato Clubs 511 lett Township Council stet on No- _ 'etttber 4th in the Community Hall, Total 291 FIULLETT COUNCIL Mfotion : By \V. R. Jewitt air 1 \Vit. Mrs. Albert \Valdh, J. Dale, that the Reeve and Geo. C. the district it serves. The New Soc- Brown be a committee to interview Monday Declared Holiday tion and the work in the older portion the Commissioners of the Blyth Tele- Ity the authority of the Dnntinintt I It the hospital cost ,r tttttt t $9rit'c, phone Company regarding their Bill Goverment, Mlnnrlas', Rcutentbrance t has been ra:,ed s far and this delle, presented for mowing the telcph ie Day, has been declared a public h li . 11 to get hohlnd it with enthusiasm, lines. Carried. rlay. will give the distort a debit free hos- pital. TO SAVE YOU WORRY IF you are worrying about management of property, planning the disposition of your estate, the building or purchase of a (tome, or similar problems, perhaps we can relieve you of some of your worries and help you decide some of the perplexing points about your future plans. We offer a complete tntst service, some phase of which may he a real help to you. May we discuss your problems with you? No obligation, of course. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 1 35 yearn in ButI"o"s M RELGRAVE Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cuttlte,, Mir• and Mrs, 1<. 11. \\'heeler, spent Sun- day with Mfr. and Mlrs. IL E. Buffett at ('arsont•ilte, \licit. The Bodmin Farni Ferum .met on \loudly (tight at the home of Mr, and Mfrs, Howard \\'ilkinson, with a good attendance present. The radio Prcgrant teas listened to and the rlis- tu<,ion period follnweil, when it w;ts (Jellified that the income tax was the best if everyone paid it • nd that all farmers did not pay it as they did not consider their income sufficient, also the forms were difficult to fill out. Mlrs. \Vit. NIeNfurray and Robert Harry \'ttngblut is at present driving the fine new hits. Mfr, R. Barley, son 'font, and (laugh- ter, Margaret Bailey, of NI anitoba, with Mtr, and NI rs. Richard Finnigan. MI r. Bailey's wife was formerly Nlary Plowman, a sister of Mfrs. Finnigan's. Knox United Church \V. .N1. S. held their Autumn 'Thank -Offering on Tuesday. The \\'est field and Donny- brook \\'. MI. S. ladies were guests of h; nor. Knox Presbyterian \\'. MI. S. held 5 (milting :it the home of Mrs. George F. \'ungldut on 'Tuesday. Ml r. and NIrs.Albert Campbell spent Sunday with relatives at Dungannon. The ladies' Guild of St. \lark's Church, Auburn, net at the Rectory, hlyth, for their hording ,.n \\'ednes- clay afternoon, The President, Mtrs. Alfred Nesbitt, was in charge. Roll Call was responded to by the paying of F-ioliday Fees. Prayers were offer- ed by the Rector; Scripture was read by \Irs. Thomas Jnlutst: tt ; readings were given by Mlrs. Letherland and Mfrs. 'i'hontas Haggitt; the topic on ,'Christian Stewardship,” was taken by Mfrs. Fred 'Poll. Mfrs. George Hamil- ton sold by auction numerous articles which had been donated by the ,Hent-. hers. Lunch was served by Mfrs. tlendersnn, 'There were ?a present, and the proceeds amounted t, $20.00. BENEFIT DANCE SPONSORED BY AUBURN YOUNG PEOPLE The young people of the Auburn Community ,ponsorcd a 1lallowe'eti dance in the Forester's hIall on Thurs- day night, for Mr. and Jtrs. Wesley l3radnock, The entire proceeds were tendered to Mr, and Mfrs. Bradnock to help alleviate their recent fire loss. Mfn,.4• was supplied (free of charge) by Carrnllier's Orchestra. The even- ing's proceeds amounted to over $100 (IJ. . ---_V MISSION BAND TO MEET The \fission Band of Loving Service will hold their meeting of Saturday. Procter were int charge of recreation November 9th, at 3 p.m. Children are when progressive euchre was enjoyed. asked to remember their subscription Mrs. Jahn McGill atrl 1.es. Bolt were tttoitcy for "World Friends," holders of high score. Next meeting will be at the holt' of NIr. and \irs. Ray Crawford with Mfrs. C. R. Coulter BLUEVALE WOMAN 15 and Jesse Wheeler in charge of re- SEVERELY INJURED creation. ft was also decided that open .rain for (Icer hunting was not Mfrs. \V. f, Johnston lies in \Ving- d'sircd in Horan (' ttnty this year. limn ger end hospital int a critical co',- \Jrs. Griffin of \Vinci it'll is •, ' . dill's. the result of a fall. She was t or with Mfr. and Mrs. H. \Vilkinson. alone at the time. Her husband found The fine weather is due to leave us, and will be succeeded by otir usual Fall and Winter rains. D`ON"l' LE'f YOUR FAMILY WORK OR PLAY WITII 1VE'f FEET. Colne in and See Our Complete Line Of •' •: Fall & inter Footwear **** •t. 3• ,, ,t, "The Corner Store". Blyth, Ontario. ; '$.44.444+44+44+44):-44444.44-44.4+44+4.-t;, • 1•:1 H: 1:HO,:1/:1. .•:•.:1 .0 • . •:1. .•:••:.•:. . a . A TYPE AND FIT FOR EVERYONE FROM BABY TO GRANDPA. TkIls HAYtRIS SHOP Remembrance Day Parade and Service Under auspices of Blyth Branch No. 420, of The Canadian Legion, B , E . S . L. In the Blyth Memorial I-Iall, on Sunday, November 10th commencing at 3.30 p.m. Speaker: Squadron Leader Jones, Padre at the Clinton R. and C. School. Parade will form at the school grounds at 3 p.m. and, headed by the Bugle Band of the Clinton Col- legiate Institute, will proceed to the Hall. Participating Organizations --- Blyth Branch No. 420, Canadian Legion, and all veterans; Blyth Municipal Council; Blyth LO.O.F. No. 366; and the School Children, ORDER OF SERVICE: Rev. A. Sinclair, Presiding. Choir composed of members from all churches. Mrs. Gerald Harris, Pianist. Prelude. Doxology. = Invocation. Hymn No. 1 --"Onward, Christian Soldiers." Scripture Lesson --Rev. Robert McConnell. Solo --Stanley Sibthorpe. Prayer --Rev. J. L. H. Henderson. Hymn No, 2--"O God, Our help In Ages Past". Offering. Duet --James Lawrie and Walter Buttell. Reading• -"In Flander's Fields" --Mrs. J. Sims, Placing Wreaths on Memorial Tablet. Last Post. Two Minutes of Silence. Reveille. Hymn No. 3 --".`For All The Saints." National Anthems Benediction. Offering on Behalf of Blyth Branch No. 420, Canadian Legion, A {"ORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO 'i'HE PUBLIC TO ATTEND THIS SERVICE 1 her at the foot of the cellar stairs punctures in the skull. Iler t.oujition with a around in her head and two I (was slightly improved. Wednesday, Slov, 4, 19 l4. Miro-Gloss NEW WONDER FINISH FOR LINOLEUM AND WOOD. AMPOLLINA DYE For Dyeing and Tinting 28 COLORS • 108 SHADES. NEWTON YARN 2 and 3 Ply. All Colors., Men's and Boys' Work Boots. Overalls and Work Shirts. Ties, Braces, Insoles and Laces. Striped Flanel'ette, Quilt Batts, Thread, Table Cloths, Pillow Cases, Fruits, Vegetables, and Groceries, STEWART'S GENERAL STORE. WE DELIVER — PHONE 9 Regular Meeting, Blyth I.O.O.F No 366 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH All In -ether' are regttc'sted to attend W H Moffitt, W G McNeil, Noble (;rand love-Scc'y Clearing Auction Sale Of Livestock, Hay and Grain At Lot 20, Concession 9, Millet( Township, 1 1 1 miles south and 1 1,4 tulles east of 1.ondl'sbm•n on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH commencing at 2 p.m.: Horses, Polys, \'onto;; Ca1tie, Pig-, Hay and Grain. TERMS CASA \I. NI, Lloyd, I'r 'prictur. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 10-2. WANTED Girl for one month, starting N y - ember 20th. Inquire at Standard Office, phone 89, Illyth. 10-1. WANTED TO BUY Yorkshire hoar, about 150 lbs. Apply 1-. Rooney, Illyth, phone 17-12. 10 -Ip, . , 1 Huron County Council 'ren sPANDAI,Ii CONG1tA'1't1I,A'I'IONS rlgt;ttaal;ati Ali s. Al;trtln;t GROCERIES I.von, of I.undcshorn, 44)11) celebrated her 81)tll birthday on Sionl,lt, Noy; 1)l her 31d. Congratulation to Air,. John ('ole, 1\t'lne•1lay night, October 311411, when day, November 5th. ttngratuiaticus Ut \1 r. and \Irs. 1\'o•lcy Itr;wlnock, of :Milton, both of \slim' celebrated their birthdays on Thursday. October 31st. Congratulations to Master Ronnie Tunney, son el Mr. and Mrs. Free- man Tunney, who celebrated his 4th birthday on 'Tuesday, November 5th. Congratulations to \Irs. S. Cum - ing; who will celebrate her birthday 1)11 Saturday, November 9th. Congratulations to Miss Wilma Staples 44•l4o celebrated her birthday on \londay, N renIII(r 4th. IN MEMORIAM T:\tI.Ol' — In loving memory of Benjamin 'Taylor, who passed away .1 years ago, November 8th, 1943. —Ever remembered by itis \Vile and Daughter. 10-1. FOR SALE .\ good general purpose horse, quiet and reliable, gr. 1)11 mail rotor or le - livery horse; also 3 -year-old colt, .\p - ply to 'Thus. l;rasby, phone 31-4, 111y4h.-----^----- _--- 101-3• STRAYED (ion, left at Morrison's Garage. Party may have same by proving pro- perty, and paying for this advertise- ment. 10-19. FOR SALE 75 Marred Lock pullets, ready to lay. Apply to Gordon Nicholson, phone 31-14, Myth. 10-2. ;KLEEREX" For 1?czenut anti other skin ailments. Quick relief while you tyork. 50c - $L00. (\tedium and strong). :\t 19tilp's Drug Store. FOR SALE Acme electric washing machin(. in g-od condition. Apply to phone 101, Illyth. 10 -Ip, FOR SALE .\ rebuilt set of sleighs, heavy ser- viceable type. Apply to Reg, Schultz, phone 34-12, Blyth, 10-111. November Meeting The next meeting of the Iluron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich,-commencing on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18TH, AT 2 P.M. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 16th. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, 10-2. Goderich, Ontario. LOTS FOR SALE In the Village of Blyth The following Tots are for sale individually or in any cutnbinatiott. Terms are cash, and bight:.t or any offer will not necessarily be ac- cepted, :111 are available for immediate p..ss.ssinl. Offers should state exactly which lot or lots arc being hid for. Lot and Block num- bers refer to the Illyth Estate Survey (flan 6, lllytli)). (a) (b) (c) (d) (c) (f) (g) Lot 81 Block F containing 9 8110 acres. Block I, containing 7 710 acres Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7 ant 8, north of i)insley Street. L-ts 78, 79, 81, 85, tion, 109, 11.1, 115, 143, 145, 140, 147, 148, 149, 1&), 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 150, 157, 158, 159, 160, 107, 108, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 170, 177, 178, 179, 11.0, 181, 182, 183, 18.4, 185 and 180. 13lock Al except for \I ethodist Church and Church of England prcpertics, containing 5 3;4 acres. Part of Lot 42, Concession I, \Vatyannsh 'Township; being that part which is undivided and unsurveyed and excepting the 13Iytlt Agricultural Society and C.P.R. right-of-way properties, con- taining 170 acres. (h) Block Y, containing 2.5 acres. Blyth Estate, Room 607, 320 Bay Street, Toronto. 120 -Acre Farm Farm For Sale Part of Lot 42, 1st Concession, Township of Wawanosh East. Located on East Side of l3lyth \Tillage, facing Wilson Street. \Tery desirable lccatiou, with stream, and 44;l) at barn, 6 -room frame house, bank barn, ties up 4 horses and 14 cattle and pig stalls. Present lease expires 28th February, 1949. "Tertns Cash. highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Blyth Estate, Room 607, 320 Bay Street, Toronto. Harry Hotne'a Flaveuringa, Gelatine, Sandwich Spreads, Sweet Pickles, Chicken Haddie, Sardines, Teas, Cof• fees, 'Toddy, Poston', Canned Meats, Peas, Peas & Carrots, Mixed Tomato Juices. Custard Powders, Pudding Powders, Pickling Spices and Jar Rubbers. BULK MINCE MEAT (Please Bring Container), Pioneer Feed - Shur Gain Feed. Royal Purple Calf Meal. A. L. KERNICK WE DELIVER—PHONE 39. Marvelube-- Canada's Largest Selling Motor oil. PHONE, BLYTH 68, LES. NAFTEL AGENT FOR— } PAGE 5 IINIINNIIINII######t11111N1ItI1 VIIN ROXY THEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE I REGENT' I'lIEA'1'RE CLINTON._ GODERICH. 6EAFORTr-, NOW PLAYING: "THC WON- NOW PLAYING: "Till The End ' g " a- _ t._ DER MAN" with Danny Kaye.g g Now P avin _ Ba mon s Territory Of Time"starring DorothyMc uire with Randolph Scott. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday RITA HAYWORTH, Glenn Ford, George Macready, Joac;.h Calleia it , the story to a sbon )'Irl 4411,' r -s1' to footlight fame ;ld learned that all i, not ttl;ttuultr that glitters Kay Hamntend, Constance Cum- mings and Rex Harrison ghost haunts a ncryou• 11ur1.11•1 "THE BLITHE SPIRIT' In Technicolor Thursday, Friday, Saturday Gary Copper, Loretta Young and William Demarest Ur! .by ;I 11,1 91111 •11y 1)111 his ad- senttne, will protide an ;abundance of romance and action in "ALONG CAME JONES "GILDA" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday RITA HAYWOR'I'II, Glenn Food, George Macready, Joset:h Calleia 4 !e •1„14 1'1 h1 44 HI 4414 r to tool IL'( faille ;111•! 11 n n1. 1 that ;11! Is n 1t ;,k nlllur !11,11 9) 14. 1 "GILDA” Thursday, Friday, Saturday Thursday, F:iaay, Saturday Fred MacMurray, Anne Baxter and Rod Cameron, Ella Haines anti Bruce Cabal Brod Crawford. Ir1 .(nt n n I'1 rlulil I„r. \\ i:1 111111 44') 44;4)d1 .4 ,44 f 4!11 Thr hilarious tale of a mit ate 441111 t:lHim'. sleuth 11111) attempts to round tp the boss' helium -brained daughter "SMOKY" "THE RUNAROUND" ' COM 1NC: Gcense COMING. Joon Fontaine in COMING: Lucille Ball in I — "LOVER "FROM THIS DAY FORWARD" "DARK CORNER" I Brent in COME BACK" hdnye at ,7D p.m Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat., Wed., Sat., Holidays 2.30 pm Matinees Sat & Hot :days N 1 t 1IttNttNNIaV1/N••*** *111,N***.1t1111♦ .1114. ATTENTiON4 • .te :j, ,4WE HAVE ON HAND— ,. :. MASSEY-HARRIS REPAIRS. DRILL TUBES. PUMP FITTINGS and TAPS, .t. • t ':A Vi P Smith:= IMPERIAL OIL, Ltd. • PHONE 92, BLYTH 56.32}; ••'ri'•i1'44" +.•'1•• 444140.4444+44 COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT The Court of Revis'on for the Township of Mullett on the .Assess- ment (toll, will be held on Friday, November 15th, at 7 1'.\I., in Ole (*mini un:1y Ilan, I.unlleshoru. ` 118.3, GEO. \\', Cl)\\'.\N, (•Icrk.I REMEMBRANCE I)AY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11 SPECIAL ow Rail Fares l ive Horse Collectors \\'rite or phone its f t• our price for ()Irl Live Ilorses. Between all pointe in Canada and to all United States border points. Fare And One -Quarter FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO: any time from 12 noon Friday, Nev. 8, until 2 p.m., Monday, Nov. 11. RETURN: (cave destination not later William Stone Sons than midnight, Tuesday, Nov. 12th - LIMITED Adults or Children - - 25c Phone 21 - INGERSOLL. 1 Full particulars from any agent (19-2, SPECIALIZING IN PAINTING STEEL ROOFS Modern Equipment and Best Metal Paint Used. Any Colour Desired. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Mahood Bros. 44 Cannought Ave., London, Ont. _ 08--1p. i_. 11.1: .r I LIKE RAWLEIGIIS-- "I like Itawlcigh's Stork 'Tonic Fine. It's the hest 1 ever had for my cons and pigs," THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE ItINtNININNNNIIMNNNtNN SAYING ABOUT IT. SEE ME FOR SPECIAL PRICE _®TICS THIS MONTH ONLY. CANADIAN LC NOTICE Voters' List, 1946, Municipality Of The Village of Blyth, County of Huron. N(5TI('F. is hereby given that 1 have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office, in the Village of Blyth, on tltc 30th day of October, 1940, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the sa',1 Municipality, at the municipal elections, and that such list remains there for inspecti, n. And 1 hereby call upon all voters ,o take immediate proceedings to have ;any error; or omissions corrected ac- e-M.11g to law. Dated at illy office this 30th day of October, 19-9+. (19.3. GORDON ELLIOTT, Clerk. Albert Stead ('hone 35, Blyth, PILE III -3p are generally caused from a (blood) conges- tion. Try Bunker's Herbal Pills 10 treat the cause at its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy, At Philp's Drag Store, 01-19-p. NOTICE 1'o all lot holders in Myth Union Cemetery. Due to the recent appoint- ment of Mr. Glenn Rechnie as Secre- tary -Treasurer of Blyth Union Ceme- tery, it is hereby brought to the at- tention of all concerned that all com- munications shall he sent to the above named person at his radio store, Queen st„ Myth. This will also apply to other transactions, such as paying dues securing lots, etc. This notice is cf- fcMive immediately. 111-1p. AUCTION SALE Of Choke Young Cows, \'oung Cat- tle and Pigs, at Porter's '1111. 3 miles (vest of llolmcsyille, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH at 2 p.m., consisting of the following: COWS: 10 holstein cows, due in November and December; 1(1 Holstein cows, due in February and March; 6 Durham and Jersey cows, clue i1) February and March; 3 Holstein hei- fers, supposed to be int calf ; 30 stock- er cattle; 15 dairy bred heifers (sone in calf); 10 well-bred holstein heifer calves. PIGS: 2 Yorkshire sows, with lit- ters; 3 Yorkshire sows, due in Jan- uary; 5 young Yorkshire says; 12 young pigs, TERMS CASH • 'Phis is a good stock sale, and the cows are of excellent quality and range from 3 to 0 years old. :\s an extra service to our cus- tomers the Iilye1 itranch of The Canadian (tank of Commerce will, in future, be open during the noon hour. 1 'Phis service commences at once, N. W. Kyle 10-1. Manager. NtN01+rI04,44.4~~II+4~I+++tn 511111 of mond. Owner may f44+4. ; 4.0041•.p.r,..;,4. ;.go.1 ,..j..j. ,.., ,.,..;.,• ,•, LYCEUM THIEATRE WiNDHAM—ONTARIO. Two Shows Sat. Night Show starts regularly at 8 P.M. Saturday iit 7:45 P.M. } in time %yi'I he noted below,. ,, I'hurs., Fri., Sat., November 7, 8, 9• ;a "WITHOUT RESERVATIONS" CLAUDETTE COLBERT, JOHN WAYNE. \I at: Saturday afternoon at 2.30, Mon., Tues., Wed., Nov. 11, (SPECIAL) ";"THE GREEN YEARS" CHARLES COBURN, TOM DRAKE, ,Two shows each night, 7.30 and 9.30 wt+NN.1t ELLIOTT #1#1N 941 Real Estate Agency BLYTII. Our Agency has the following property listed for sale: 100 acres, i0th Concession Ilnllctt Township; clay loam; 10 acres hardwood bush; 11 storey brick dwelling; frame barn 28'x61) - 36'x 15', cement stabling, water in stable. 1(10 acres, Concession 8, tlorris I'ottnship; frame dwelling 18'x2u - 1(ix18'; frame barn 361x52'; second lawn 30'x5((', tt•:t)t leant() .ln'xl(,'; cement stabling tvith nater in stat s ; quarter -acre orchard. 11/2 and 1 storey brick veneer dwelling on 1)insley Street, Illyth, with (uarter-acre of land; also acre of land with frame stable 24'x 42'. \\'ill sell separately, or the ratio c holding. Business block on Queen Street. Illyth. \\'ill sell subject to lease. Two storey, stuco clad, dowelling I on i)insley Street cast. '1)114 is a very cortlf rtahle home, ideally sit- natell. Sale subject to tenant reg- ulations. 11Tstorey frame dwelling 00 the 4041(11 side of 1)ittsley Street, lilt Oh less than a block cast of Owen street. One-eighth acre of land. This is a desirable property for small family, 1 5.(; acre, of land, situate on PHONE 38. BLY'1'I-I, ONT, Illyth Boundary. (Tomfortable)1 dwelling. Barri 30x311 frame. \\'at- i er in house aryl barn. Small fruits of various lands; also 10 cherry and 10 apple trees. Almost imme- diate p_ ssessiou. - 4..1. 44+++4:441'+:..:. ,,t1414.4141+ 4.4. 4, 4144 1.1 •t• ATKINSON'S POOL ROOM. SMOKER'S SUNDRIES .Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop,:; 4.!: and Other Sundries. >: .= Open all day and eve11in .°; =Main Street. Blyth.•: X EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Lice% ted lnctioneer For Huron returned f: 010 service with the {loyal Canadian Air Force, and will be ontinuing his forcer occupation. C, riespon lines, promptly an-w•cre11 Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The Standard Office, or by calling Phone 203, Clinton. Charge moderate and satlstactil:n Guaranteed. ._. .t. _ .f, CHARLES F. I)ALIt LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Specializing in Farm and Hort ebol.l Sales. Satisfaction Guaranteed on All Sales. For infortllation phone 1116x4,, Clinton, or write K.lt. No. 4, Clinton. 50-10p• NOTICE Voters' List, 1946, Township of Hullett, County of Huron. NO'I'iCE is hereby given that i have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that I have pos4e11 tip at my office, in the Village of Londe.- bo•o, on the loth day of October, 191n, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality, at the Almni- cipal Elections, and that such list re- mains there for inspe(ti, 44. .\ lid 1 hereby call upon all voter, to take itumcdiatc procccding, to have any errors or mons,inns currtcte'i ac- cording to law, The last day for appeal being the 15th day of November, 1940. GEO. W. COWAN, CLERK. Ily.,i. frank's Bakery Tote 11 of 11111101. Come in and try our fresh home- made Bread, Chcsley Rolls, Dough- ..toot•ItJ1..t•I•INI+ttltt.tN.NN. Nuts, Scones and 13rau Muffins, But_ ter 'farts, Cookies, Date Loaves, as well as our Delicious Maple, Chocolate and Orange Cakes. FOUND have ORDER YOUR COUNTER1 sjt(rce,1,;,r( ppll: ; mtthi111),' t;,nd,,at;t ,ORDER BOOKS AT THE for dons auvertgi.etttent. 09-1, BLYTH STANDARD La!itt tel! "B" for treatment of Catarrh, Sinus, Antrum, etc. DROP after DROP after DROP—Catar- rhal poisons infect your entire system— destroying the tissues and sapping your vi- tality. You can COM- « pois- ons safely and effectively with LANTI• GiiN "11". No injections — no operations —no pain — no drugs—no danger, but a treatment that counteracts the effects of the germs causing these diseases. Price $6.00 Bottle Sold At -- A. E. Townshend, Proprietor. I'IIILI''S DRUG STORE C\'.laliott, Auctioneer. 10-1. Blyth, Ontario. GOODISON FEED MIXER 500 LB. CAPACITY AVAILABLE JULY 1ST, WE HAVE ON HAND 2 8 -FOOT OLIVER TANDEM DiSKS iN STOCK. Complete Line of Oliver Farm Equipment. Limited number of Manure Loaders to fit Row -Crop Tractors. Complete Fleury -Bisset Line, in- cluding the famous Fleury Plows. W. II. MORRITT DEALER Phone 4 and 93. TIIE McKILLOP \lU't'UAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTII, ONT. Officers President, F. 11f cGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brod- hagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Man- ager, M. A. Rcitl, Scaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Scaforth; Frani. McGregor, Clinton; Alex. liroadfoot Seaforth; Chris. Leon} ardt, Born- holm; E. J. '1'rcwartla, Clinton; John L. Malone, Scaforth; Alex. NleEw•ing, Myth; llugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton, Agents John E. Pepper, 13rttcefield; R. F. \fcKerchcr, Dublin; J. F. Procter, 13rodhagen ; George A. \Vatt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be proinply attended to by applications to any of the above named officer; addressed to their respective post of- fices, Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Exeter 235; Seaforth 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. CHRONICLES of GINGER FARM By Gwendoline P. Clarke '/ One morning last week 1 turned on the early morning news as usual. The reporter gave his news clearly, concisely and in a tone of voice that made one tv;utt to listen to hint. The newscast was followed by a short, snappy commentary of some kind. 13y that time I was getting anxious to feed the chickens so I hurried out forgetting to turn off the radio before 1 wutt. I wasn't away very long but as i came up the back steps I heard ,. slow, mournful voice corning from the kitchen. "Mercy", 1 thought, "what a voice! Why in the world should a sponsor put a man like that on the air . . and what is he saying anyway?" And then suddenly realization carate. It was a religious broadcast. I shut it off in a harry. Now please don't misunderstand rte. I have nothing against religious broad- casts—they certainly should he on the air, and I quite often like to listen to them. But why, 011 why, do so many ministers feel that a religions broadcast should be given in tones so mournful as to create the impression that the fate of man is eternal damnation rather than Divine salvation. That sort of mor- bidness is surely on a par with what I imagine were the fire and brimstone sermons of a generation ago. To any way of thinking the Gos- pel of Christ is a joyous thing and so why cannot religious commenta- tors pitch their voices in bright cheerful tones thus conveying the impression that what they have to say is really worth listening to, Dear knows our ordinary everyday earthly news is depressing enough but we do feel a little more cheer- ful if we can listen to a forceful voice, vibrant with enthusiasm, re- minding us that a better world awaits us in the hereafter where . only tine Master shall praise us, and only the Master shall blame; And no one shall work for money, and no one shall work for fame, But each for the joy of working .. "The joy of working" „ , I won- der how many people know what that is? People work from so many different motives—to get rich; to attain distinction and publicity; to make a decent living or merely just to keep body and soul alive. There wouldn't be such a hue and cry for a forty -hour week, would there, if the majority of us were content to work for the joy of working? And there wouldn't be as much need for so- called recreation if we took real pleasure from the satisfaction of a job well done, Referring again to the forty -hour week. This 1 suppose is meant to be a main lint defence against un- employment on the theory that it will absorb the slack among em- ployable persons and thus prevent a depression. But will it? A woman was telling me the other day that her son was looking for a part time job because he was through work- ing by 3 p.m.; had too much time on his hands and not enough stoney. It is easy to see what that means. Doesn't it appear fairly obvious that the willing worker will never be satisfied with a six -hour day and so there will be men and wo- men taking on two jobs a day in order to keep themselves occupied and to earn enough to live on. Figure two jobs to one person by the thousands and pretty soot the misfits and the persons not too fond of work would be back on relief. But 1 bet that will never apply 10 farmers or farm workers, Right now the ratio is about one man to four jobs. At feast that is what I thought the other day when i spent nearly two hours trying to find a man to go to a threshing for us. Bob being already away Partner had to go himself. Well, I have just said "good-bye" a hundred times—but I didn't say it with flowers—I said it with chick- ens. A whole pen full of them and I was never more thankful to speed a parting guest, or rather guests. Except these were not guests — they were boarders! 7,400 Eskimos In Arctic Canada The Eskimos in Canada inhabit the Arctic mainland coast from the Yukon - :\laska 1•ounllary to the coast of 1.ahrador, the southern islands of the ,,\retie :\rchipelago. sonic of the islands in !Judson and James Bays. and part of the in- terior tve,1 of II udscm Ihiv, say's Fofcst and ! tn'doors. The Can- adian F.shitno population is ap- proxilttallly 7,',nn. .\ bout •l1111 Es- kinuts are f1 t i in 11;c Northwest Tcrritori,.s ::.1 re 1111. pl rater 1 art live in t',, +1 trims of F;;1111:1 n and heew, l n. -HA re are ; i o a!Iut 2,000 Fs!:i:,,,• in Northern hhubcc, Cie 1, rut' r ! .. a lisle' t of tkc Northwest T t r.1 r;cs. i RARE PHOTO OF MYSTERIOUS LOLO FIGHTERS ' , r41,a f . ; .l .... ..�. r......_.- ._. w. .sa .4�... - .. R .-.il1i..,,tft1,....r..,i w'.L,w 1!:... ... fbf,.'. ...': Seldom seen by white men and even more rarely photographed, are the Lolos, fierce tribesmen of one of the world's wildest regions, in western China, They were recently reported to have captured and enslav- ed downed American flyers, but Army investgiation failed to substantiate this. The typical group of fighters pictured above is armed with rifles bought or captured from the Chinese, whose villages they frequently raid, Former President HORIZONTAL (ab.) 1,5 Pictured 57 Dazzling former U. S. brilliance president 58 Bone 12 Eastbound GO Paid notice (ab.) 61 Spires 13 Hawaiian bird 62 Barter 14 Notions VERTICAL 1 Taunt 17 Manufac ure 43 Boat paddles 2 Capable 19 Tuberculosis 44 Distinct part 3 Daybreak (ab.) 45 Verbal (comb, form) 20 Ireland 46 Rabbit 4 Call for help 22 Makes deeper 47 Angers 24 Distracted 48 On account 26 Ascend (ab.) 27 Rubbish 50 Conduct 28 Foolish fellow 51 Load 29 Beverage 53 Swiss 31 Sea eagle mountain 32 Dine 54 Child , 38 Ripped 57 To exist 40 Employs 59 Senio • (ab.) 111nwer to Prevl n1H Puzzle NTRAUIBIEL ''''ORAL�'ARE * 4;4A .C•4-4 1 .5 HAIOPEN=4',,ES 0 A ;i1:, 0 N HELEN T R E N D TRAUBEL 1_6 A E E s S I:1: N A ASSED A5P T0...t;.OR POLO''RI G' ROPOLIT•N 1 IE -UE L E ODE TEE_ PEN"r E L +RE ASHEN 1 N'•s FRETS RA:C.i50 DS6;P AN UTE M E'T 15 Indian army (ab.) 16 Shade tree 18 Thoroughfare 20 Make a mistake at sea 21 Peruse 5 Rotund 23 Buying this G Arabian gulf helps win the 7 Bamboolike grass war Obese 24 At liberty 8 9 ObObExistse 25 Parrot 27 Three times 10 Italian coin (comb. form) 11 Challenge 28 Western ( Z 4 30 Hindu queen 3 cattle I� �a'113 33 Whirlwind 34 Jumbled type 16 35 Any 36 Sun god 37 Tops of heads 39 Hinder from normal growth 41 Individual 42 Belongs to him 43 Belongs to us : 45 He was born 10 II 33 to 31 3e 41 in— 4144 49 Prison room 52 Girl's name 53 Biblical mountain 55 Ocean 56 Rhode Island 61 5Z ;11�i 45 4b 41 48 ; 49 ,ate �.;�,. 153 54 55 1 158 59 c �i 62 How The Spider Builds A Bridge Engineer 00 Insect World First Builds Draglines, Foundation Of Web C. D. K., of Oakland, Calif., writes to the Christian Science Monitor: "I have often wondered how the large brown spider anchors his main supporting strands which hold the central web in position. The spider's accomplishment in this re- gard is the more remarkable be- cause of the apparent inaccessibility of some of these anchorages. I have seen such a web suspended between two homes whose outer walls were fifteen feet apart." This matter is touched upon by John Henry Comstock in "The Spider Book," Between accessible points, the foundation strands of the web consist of draglines. A dragline is a strand consisting of two or more comparatively large threads which are emitted from the spinning lubes as the spider crawls from point to point. In bridging gaps between trees, shrubs or houses, the spider climbs to a high point on the support lo- cated on the windward side of the gap and, lifting its spinnerets, emits a thread which the air currents carry off as fast as it is spun. \\lien this line touches a point on the objective it sticks fast. The spider then pulls the line tight and fastens the other end to the spot from which the air -borne line was sent out. This frail preliminary bridge is supplemented and strengthened by passing back and forth over it add- ing a dragline to it each trip. Mr. Comstock further points out: "If it is desired to spin a sec- ond bridge below the one already made, the spider has only t0 fasten a line to a point below one end of the first bridge and then walking up the supporting object, and across the bridge, and down the other support to the right point spinning a dragline as it goes; this is then pulled tight and fastened; and a second bridge 1s formed; between these bridges the orb (web) can be built," Berlin's Horses To Take Rest Cure Compulsory vacations for the horses of Berlin, which have been appallingly overworked because of the lack of transport in the capital, have been ordered by the municipal authorities, who have agreed to find space for a rest -cure for them in outlying country districts. The authorities recognized that the horses would be unable to work in the coating winter unless they, like humans, had an opportunity to relax in the sun and contemplate. POP—Standing in a Hole Maybe "'„,"\ t TEN —SHUN e1 Newest Agricultural Industry Cll'\'T1IA\f, Ont, — Ontario's agricultural industry, the produc- tion of white hyhrid corn for break- fast cereal, is scheduled to get into full stride in this arca next month when upwards of 1500 farmers be- gin harvesting a 750,000 bushel crop yalucd at more than $1,000,000. To handle the crop, workmen are rushing to completion here one of the largest corn driers in the coun- try. Built by the Kellogg Company at a cost of $50,000, it will husk 4,000 bushels of corn a day and prepare it for use in the nn bili c- ture of corn flakes by cutting in half the normal moisture content of between 25 and 30 percent. The reduction will be accomplished by subjecting the corn to a continu- ous draught of hot air, heated by oil, and forced through the 150' long structure by large fans. A second building going up alongside the drier will shell the dried corn as it moves into storage bins. White hybrid corn is a very re- cent development and the crop raised in this arca is the first ever grown on a commercial scale in Canada, Its production has been sponsored by Kellogg's which has been importing white corn from South Africa and the United States since Canadian fanners ceased growing the open pollinated varie- ties several years ago. To free it- self front dependence on these im- ports and develop a source of supply close to its London factory, the company contracted last spring to buy from Ontario farmers a ntini- munn of one million bushels of white hybrid corn annually. Following the announcement of the contract, one of the largest in the history of Ontario's corn belt, 1875 farmers, using seed provided by the company, planted upwards of 20,000 acres in 131cnhcinn, 11erlin, Tilbury, Forest and neighbouring districts,,. Virtually the entire crop has been grown within a 50 -mile radius of the London plant which, will use it, during 1047. GUESS WHO! You have to look close to recog- nize Rita Hayworth with her once - red tresses dyed blonde and cut eight inches shorter. Hair -do is spe- cial for "The Lady Front Shang- hai." ANYTHING THE. MATTER WITH THAT MAN Alaska Highway Open to Tourists Road To North Forms Great Link to Continental High- way System The .\la,ka Highway — hewn through a wilderness known only to tappers and sourdough pros- palln•s--n'as our of the wars grateq construction jobs, says the New York Tines. I1 ' agreement with Canada the road was pnshel throng! by the United States Army it' the perilous months after Pearl Harbor In aid Alaskan defense, The work involved building a twenty -four -font roadbed across 1,1'1111 miles of sub -Arctic terrain— muskeg swamps, glacial gorges and mountain ranges where tempera- tures of 00 below zero are know!!, The route lay from railhead in Canada's Peace River country to Fairbanks near the Arctic Circle. All through the tear the road, which cost $135,000,000, was es- sentially a military procct, Open All Winter Last week the Alaska highway was open to tourists. The 1)ontinion of (atada, which had taken hack the Canadian portion last April, was preparing to operate it as a gateway to the scenic northwest. A gravel surface has been laid over the entire length of the route, some portions have heel) widened to thirty-six feet, and grades have been levelled to a maximum of 4 per cent. Royal Canadian Engin- eers are prepared to keep it open all winter, with eighteen mainten- ance camps at intervals of ninety miles. New gas stations arc being built and tourist camps and lintels for fishermen and big game hunters are springing up ill the (hitherto silent fastnesses of the Yukon, The step added a big link to the con- tinental highway system which will soon extend from Arctic Bering Strait to tropical Panama, CLOD DEFLECTORS Takes a Week "Does the giraffe get a sore throat if he gets wet feet:" "Yes; but not until the next week." SPECIAL OFFER ALVEfl CO= AT 10 % SAVING Buy direct-from-fuelory nI nan- ce soling prieen during our spe- cial 1nlroduetory differ for u Moiled lime only. 11nde with 1'Ievnlunl-tluminum HIIIIH, ,tI,1'1:\1'll Venetian ''Huls are Huperlor 11eenuhe — 5latn Guaranteed not to warp linked Enamel Finish. Warranted not to emelt or chap 1':usy to elms 'lest nulterinIN. Sotlsfnctton i:uarnnleed. send 1Is1 of !dirk or wrile for 1411111111('4 111111 III'll'l'H, flit,! dells - cry. Allen Venetian Blind Company 98 Queen St, E. Toronto, NEW LOW PRICES 12 tablets.. ,1k 24 tablets ..:29C 100tablets ..1k GENUINE ASPIRIN I MARKED THIS WAY G Ns Thee &a? Rolls an Al A new wrinkle in equine accesso- ries, for keeping clods and fly- ing dirt out of a horse's eyes, is worn by Royal Hustle at Hipodro- mode las Americas, Mexico City. Mrs. George Ellis is trainer, ISSUE 45-1946 SER and E,t��R oticAv 110 THE ROY •:� L INTER F ,I November lith to 20th 1946 • v,NO at the COLISEUM—TORONTO Take the family. Delight for old and young! Reduced railroad fares mahe the trip thrifty! JUST A FEW OF TI -IE MANY FEATURES 15,000 I-Iead Livestock and Birds Royal I-Iorse Show Outstanding Poultry Exhibits Record Entries Magnificent Flower Court Fruit—Seeds—Grains By J. MILLAR WATT WELL,WHY ISN'T HE V4 STANDIt':G, UP CLASSIFIES ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED S.tIIS AI.I;N'1'S \VANTI:1) TO ;ell "et•mal fine makes of 1'a mel as to {111' 111111,', Yrite fur Inlornut- 11uu 1(1: Itndln, ('atlo•r;t & 1:1('111 iral Co., 955 Lakeshore !fund, New To- lnnln, Ont. Al:I:N'I'S WANTED AGENTS %%':1\'III) TO NELL 011,- 1turn,•rs, 1Metrical parts, Ihnitns, Ole, Economy DI.,tl'Ibutors, !Clog ton, Ont, IC,1111' CHICKS 1'lll►Il'I, 1'1'1,1,1:'1'5 MANY IIItl:I•:Its to chuo:•I front, ages 12 weeks to laying, Fall hat('hed chicks booked to order. FrSu catalogue, Top Notch t'hlelcertes, Guelph, Ontario. Free Range Pullets sone 1'R1:1 ItAN(.1: 1'i i i i:'I's, •1 R 5 months old. For' delivery at once, or hull( for Inter. poised under Ideal conditions, "In ('11.)33, free range.. Ib pullets treated for tvurins 1111(1 shelter(' dlsinf1.rted sevc3^11 tllusa to prevent lice ;Ind mites, Al - So 15511 1'01111 1' -lo -lay pullets. Send for 1'i ice lists 3111d catalogue, Lake- view Poultry farm, 11'('111 L'rus., Exeter, Ont, 1'1,:1('1: 1'01'11 0111)111 NOW 1'111( }'oto• 19.17 chlcics and he sure of the breed raid date you desire then{. Many things are in short supply but you can be sine of your chicks If you oder now from 'l'tvrddle, l'rlees guaranteed against n raise or dello(, gond for catalogue and prlcelist, \1051 us at the R0yn1 \\'Inter Fair, Our booth will h0 In the Poultry ltnlustry division, '1'weddle ('hlrlc 11r1tcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontnrit). lac st'ss1;X \ 17.111rsilntles 131' 11(101{ 1'(11'11 0111)111 NOW 1O1( .SPRING CHICKS without delay at these prices. Mixed ('hlrlcs 135, Pul- lets 23c, Cox 7c. Leghorn X Hemp - shires 1\tlxed 13e, Pullets 28e. All breeders pulloranl tested under (gov- ernment approval, ():der now to in - )sure delivery when required, lion - 1110's ('hick Hatchery, Box 256, El - Mire, Ont, N01"1110 SOON '10 HE 'I'IIINKIN(. about your 11117 chicks. Don't he disappointed, If you order Top Notch chicks now for 1947 delivery you 1t'II1 receive chicks on the dote you desire them. Send for prices and free entnlogue, Top Notch I'hlckerles, Guelph, Ontario, THE 'USUAL BIG M A It IC 1•:'1' swans Canadian eggs, Be prepared, Take stock of your 19.17 require- ments and order your January chicks not'. Ask for price list and Service Bulletin. Bray hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont, NYE IiAV1'l 505111 CHOICE NI.1w' Itanpshire Pullets laying and ready to lay, Also other breeds 12 weeks Up to laying, for Immediate deity - pry, Fill (11) you rpens, Egg prices are good. Fall hatched chicks for November and December deliv- ery, Free catalogue, Tweddlo Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 01'1111 TO INVENTORS 'AN OTTER 'J'l) EVERY 1NVI'1N'I'OR 1,Ist of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co, Registered Patent Attorneys, 278 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada SAVE ON VENETIAN BLINDS II1IY '1'111 FAMOUS CUS'T'OM MADE) "AL\'ENCO" Venetlnn Minds direct from factory nt money saving prices, For specbll offer see our advertise - Meta elsewhere in this paper. Allen :Venetian Blind Company, Toronto, DYEING ANI) CLEANING ]LAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information, Wo aro glad to an. awer your questions, Department H. Parker's Dyo Works Limited, 791 Yongo Street, Toronto, Ontario, FOlt SALT''. A LI'I"l'Elt 1)1" REGISTERED GER - Ina II shepherd pups for stile, from America's top-ranking blood lines. Apply Jack Skeeter, 1811 Elgin Ave., \Vltunipeg, Alan. ATTENTION NOVELTY 8-4-5 DIFFERENT VARIETIES IN ono apple tree. Also McIntosh on hardy rootstocks. 131ncic and Red Current Plants for conunerciml and Private planting 1n the newest va• rletles. P1111LPS 1'ARMS, CIIA• TEAUGUAY VILLAGE, QUI;. iu,AT'Ttrt'I, ARABIAN GELDING, bltuo and white, suitable for adver- tising. 801 Windermere, West Tor- onto. 91(10105, 1'L.t'I'ES AND ii t':cfifes of poultry, Pigeons, 1\'aterfowl, Pheasants, Birds, Farm Animals, ])ogs, ('ate, Rabbits, Aquaria, (tees, ]ititterflies, Parol and (..u•deu, Free catalogue. Alorgan (:arcden% Lon- don. 01111:1' ILtSI'111at11Y 1'LAN'I's, Lyell rooted, $3 per hundred E. Snider, 43 Sinlcoe St., Orlllla, 'Ont. CEDAR POSTS-A1LI, SIZES 111011 4" to 10" tops Write Iiarvey Bor- rls, 'Highland Creels, Ontario, or phone Senrboro G03. 1 ('09111INA'l'IOJ Ill'l'K1;1'1, EL1('- irla Dominant's (01' sal(' rh0np. Set. ting capacity 12,0011, hatching ca- paull' 4,000, 25 3(r 60 cycle, Apply 'I'weddle {'hick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. GENUINE 111{(11') BREASTED Bronze 't'urkey's, 'rums $20, liens $12. Picked from flock of two thou - 8(1111l from pullornul free breeders, 13109' hatched. John Jeffery, Apple, Ont (.1:1:51:, 1)1'('105, 'l'1'I1l(11'S 1,011 breeding: purposes. Orders must be In before Navemher 15. Send fol' free prieelist today, The .1. 1'. 'Pen- ton Co., Summerside, Box 36, 1'.1.i, HAND 91.1111'1 1100101) 111105 511,,1 18" X 30" made by French Canadian women In Quebec. Price $1,550, loran - coke 11ourassa, St, IPti'nabo North, St. Matn'ice Co., Quebec. 1IAYWOOD FAIt11 OFFERS 11E015- tered Suffolk ran, horn 1912. Proven SIN` 3 rd prize nt ('ollingu'ood 1946. Fifty G -week Yorkshires. Fifteen shoats. Registered Hereford bull calves. ferry Adams, It. 3, Barrie, Ont, 15 11.1'. (l\ 1'01'1{ i,IJIM. 15 11.1'. with power unit adapted In three minutes to your car, Les Provisions Alauricle l,urg. Three Ries, Que, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, S191 - urban home, 1 neve, garden, burn, garage, Icehouse, utinlc equipped (Kenai Standardr 260 pens, Hydro, highway. Lemuel Pickett, Uxbridge, Ont, JA11Es\V:11' :1.000 1.00 INCUBATOR for sale. Front Rnnd, Stop 01, 11,R 3, Amhersthurg. 1'htllp 0Impel. 11101)1:11N - 1121) 'Pv11113 - COWINII Reeords. Large stock, prompt de. livery, send for free listing. 14d - wards Musk. ilnuse, 584 Mount I'leasant Road, Toronto. 11)11 5,81,11 NEW PARTS for UNIVERSAL BREN GUN CARRIERS [tog Iv tt'It3'(Is, sprnrk(•I5, Irak 111111 11(011y oeh„rs. LEVY AUTO PARTS 7:01 (11114'11 11'rnl, 'I'oroulo, 1(11.1.1;1) II1:.1Il1'IIV 001,111:N 1,111- Il.tll(Ilt I'l'I'I'II'a from line of 1133'{ fi,•Id 111:11 and hunting dogs. imported stnrlt. I'11.IN1C 111'811, 1331 It1:DI,.1ND AVENI'b4, 110)81.1 ,1.111', S.\ SE. Safe -Tee Soot Destroyer If your stove or flirnnro valises trou',3' doe to snot, poor draught or smoke, 11'e 3;IL'11'n111ee nal' sent 110. stt'oyer to remove soot from any coal burning: sieve of furnnce pipes and chino('}', {fives ',Otter draught and 11(3(13' hent, salves fuel. b'o'lt• see ('.113{1(111- approximately 30 np- plMeatinns Enough snot destroyer to last one stove or (mimeo (tel winter, Send money nyder $1.40. Postpaid anywhere in Canada. l'se 8 weeks If 11"1 satisfied money rc• funded. .1. it, 1:eraohan 91fg., Box 295. Forest, (111?. TIRES We re ov„clocked at the present of good used trade-in tires (ounr. anleed to bo 111 excellent shape). 600 X 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C.0 0. Speclel equipment for t•ulrnniziug 'Truck and Farm 'Praetor Tires, 111;.11()N 'Phil;, ',rimer Queen and York Sts., ILV.111,TON, Ontnrlo, ON'rARIO's 11(15'1' M0lI:IIN I:It('II'I'I:D '11111: 511(11' FARMS 1''1111 SALIC 111(1 ACRES IN III1II,l,l,t DIS'I'I(I(''V, 140 a -res suitable for mixed farm- ing, 50 acres brush, frame house, Lame barn Also Lot 75, fort Robin- son, Ont, For particulars write 1'. Hayes, ltalhhurn, Ont, ONE OF THE BEST FARMS In \V,'sti.rn Ontario, 216 acres, close to Dutton, A11 under cultivation, Good soil, well fenced and drained, Splendid buildings. Nice brick house In grove of maples and hbtes, Filtered running %vater and elec- tricity In house and barn, Imme- diate possession, full equipment and livestock optional, ALSO, near- by, If desired 300 acres pasture land with some black muck for celery and onions, at low price, J. F. GUNDY-TRUSTEE OWNER 1010 Canada IAdg„ Windsor, Ont, 10X115 AND 11'115 DRESSED AND male into neckpleccs, collars and capes, 1',tico advantage of this offer before rising prices take effect Jan. 1, 1947. Oliver Spanner & Co Ltd., 26A llltn Street, Toronto. 1L11111)181SSING • LEARN 11A1111))RESSiNG '1'111: Robertson method. Infotmntlon on request regarding cla4ses. Robert- son's hairdressing Academy, 137 Avenue Mond, 'Toronto. 111:1,1' WAN'1'IC1) COU►'Li; FOR FAMILY OF THREE adults, Wife, cool( general, hus- band gardner and handyman and bo able to milk ono cow, Modern separate living quarters, near To- ronto. Box 119, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. COUPLE 1'O11 FAMILY 010 f2 adults. Wife, cook -general, bus• band - houseman and handyman. Able to drive cur. Modern separate living quarters. References requir- ed, I3ay'view Avenue, near Thorn- hill, 7 ]Hiles from 'Toronto, Box 117, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, 'WANTED, AN 11X1'ERiENCPs1) farm hand, sbngle, industrious, will- ing, no Intolerable habits, Wages start at $60 per Month, yearly con- tract, clean home, start November, 13ox 118, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, Ont. MILLER 71'AN'I'EI) 1'Olt 1V11s't'1•:I{N 100 barrel Long System \1111 Imme- diately; permanent position, good ploy, living aceonnmodat.ons Itvnll- able, Grar01ho11rg Flour Aiills, Gravelbourg, Sask, I'1ItSt1NAL S'1'AI8T MONEY 11.11CIND 11:811, order business, spare tinge, enter. Rig literature free. Southern Sales Sorely, Box 636, Wichita Falls, Tex- as, U.S.A. MllIlCAI, (1001) ►(1:511,'15 - 11'14111' SUE - term' from Rheumatic Pains or Nourltls should try Dixon's Rem- edy, 131tnu•o's Drug Store, 375 111, gin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema, rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve twill not disap. point you, itching scaling burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimple, and ath- lete's foot will respond rcndily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may ((rent, PRIG, $1.0U {'111 ,1Al2 ;end l'ost Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St, 11. Corner of Logan Toronto. '1111' 1'1'1 E1'I:IIY Sl'I'IEIbI:It ell` Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon s Remedy, \Itmro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, 9!USII'AI, INS'I'itr'!I:NTS 101111) A. I10I)DING'l'ON loft's, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church. Toronto 2. 01' 1'1111'1'1'NI'I'1ES run %%'(131EN BE A HAIRI)RESSER JUIN CANADA'S LEADING SC11O01 Creat Opportunity. Lean - hairdressing Plensnnt dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys. Lem Illustrated eatnlogue free Write or call AlAUVI I. 11AI RDREsslNG SCHOOLS 358 Moor Sl. W., Toronto Rrvtnehes: 44 ]:Ing St,. ]lnnlllton & 74 Rideau Street Oltnwn F1'1'IIElts'111N11,81 011 ,1 (at11t'A\3 Potent solicitors 19s)ntIlshed 1895 14 King 11'est, Toronto nnnklet 113 I nfnrnnttlnn no regiie t - 1'111)'I'l)I.lt.l1'119' IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST OUR YEAH ROUND FAST SERV. Ito tnui ftno quality work will please you. For satisfaction try im. perial. 6 or 8 exposure films, de. 00100031 and printed, 30e iMl'111t1AL PHOTO sr4flVifF Station 1, Toronto, 1' 110'1' 04;11 .8 1' 111' 1111,115 1)11'11,111'1:11 2'S 1'1:\'1'5. 3P(srnntced one day te•ivice. No wafting. Ray Photo Service, North Bay, GE' BETTER PICTURES AT • LOWER PRICE PROMPT MAIL SERVICE buy Size It011-11 or N I;tpunure* I11:vu:1,111'u:I) AND 1'IRI.\'1'1:11 _;o' 111)1'\'1'1;11 1':\I,AII0I;IIIiN'l'S 251 tiize 1 x 6" In 11asi 3 mounts. hand Colored and Framed Enlargements at special price;; Prinls f'one our negatives 3r each STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE nux 1211, Post Office A, 'Toronto. Print Nano. end Addlrss I'I;linly. COMET PHOTO SERVICE (73111( Sb'til $('wire, twolk vint ran - le ed, 2"• per lull. Reprints 30 ('aeh, 5 x 7 ,,,loured in folder Itlnlllll, 75c, !tox 6, 1'11-t•1l Station 13• 'Toronto. STAMP S S'1':1.111' ('IILI,I':(,"1')115, A 1''111':1: 1..•t ,\ yun3nled pacic;tge and details of interesting !bolus System 10 1111- 111'11t•al npplir;tuts, sending pnsinge to rover rust of uulilinl;, .\Iex;indel' Supply Co., P.O. lox 82, Sudbury, Ontario. '1',1.\ 1111;1(.111' A'1"1'I':N'I'ION 1)1:1:It IICN'I'l':RS -- have your trophy mounted by Can- ada's Leading Taxidermist, Irinest wurinnanship at treasonable prices. 1\'e Ian Deer elides Into Leather suitable for (.loves, Wtndbreakers, etc. Oliver Spanner & Co Ltd. 26 A Elm Sl„ 'Toronto. 'I'IRA1'I'ING W01,10 - PDX - MINI( 'I'It.II'I'I:IRS use the best trapping system rend gland scents money can huy. Write for particulars to A. 1: Fisher, I3ox 420, ('nlgary, Alberta. WANTED 11A1U,ItY 11'AN'1'ID, 11'I01, 1'A l' cash State particulars, J, Love, 232 Tecumseh Ave., London. SHIP YOUR POULTRY FARM EGGS TO H. G. BUTT 348 Scarborough Road, Toronto. Highest prices, \\'{'Ito for quota- tions. WANTED '1'o i{UY-SiAMES1: (!A'V or kitten. Also (1(lhnnhran puppy or young dog. Apply Ilox 120, 73 Ade- laide W Toronto, HATCHING EG(IS WANTED FOR 1947 hitching season. Flocks culled and bloodtested tree of charge un- der Government supervision Guar- anteed premium plus hateliabllity premium paid. For full details write 13ox No. 95, 73 Adelaide 1V., To- ronto. FA1191 NAN'I'ED To RENT, 100-150 acres, !within 80 miles out, but not north of Toronto, must have good buildings, C'nre.fll tenant, 1111 Im- prove property. Box 122, 73 Ade- laide \Y., Toronto, GUNS WANTED 150 cosh and up paid for good qual- ity sporting rifles and shotguns; Inspection at your convenience; out-of-town inquiries Invited. Ivan A, Flatman, 125 Dawes Rd., Toron- to. Phone OX. 2782, Vague "When your papa was courting me he always kissed rue on the brow,,' "lfarold usually kisses ole on the steps," replied Evelyn, absent- mindedly. SAFES Protect your 11)0105 and 1A51i from FIRE mud '1711E1'ES, We have n size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit 05, or write for prices, elr., to Dept. W. J.bcj,TAVLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Front 5l, 1:., 'foroulo Established 1855 HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies by tho Makers of Mecca Ointment Mecca Pilo Remedy No, 1 is for Protruding lbbooding Piles, and is sold in Tubo, with pile, :or internal application. Prico 75c. Mecca Pile Remedy No. 2 is for !eternal Itching files. Sold n Jar, and Is for external 113o only. Price 50o. Jrder by number from your Druggist. All 1Z {0511' 061 DRUGSTORES RADIO -CONTROLLED TRACTOR This radio -controlled farm tractor, shown undergoing tests in England, looks like an answer to the farmer's prayer, Man at right holds the tiny master switch which directs the tractor. Incoming radio signals operate sensitive electrical relays in the rec eiver, so that by means of compressed air servo- motors, the tractor can be made to run stright or turn right or left, The plow can be raised when the tractor turns at end of a furrow. The plow -raising system is cut out when other implements are attached. The apparatus is said to consume only about an eighth as touch fuel as conventional equipment. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") According to various sports writers, quite a Pew hockey cus- tomers have started beefing regard- ing the procedure of calling it a clay, and splitting the points, in games where the score happens to be tied at the end of the regula- tion hour's play. Personally, it makes little or no difference whether they play an extra ten min- utes or not, ',ve having come to look on big -tinge hockey pretty much as any other performance, where you pay your money -or, preferably, get in on the cuff -to see so many reels, so many acts, or so many periods; and whether or not you get your money's worth depends, not on the length of the show, but on its quality. * * * Tacking on an extra reel at the end never yet changed a movie that was essentially cfualby into a thriller; and we have all seen plenty of hockey games where they could have rung down the curtain at the finish of the second period -or even the first -for all the dif- ference it would have made, either to the spectators or, it seemed, to the players. And a ten minutes overtime stretch, where everybody concerned scenes well satisfied to settle for a draw, is just piling on extra boredom to all except those enthusiasts who take their hockey -tile 'regulation' season, that is - more seriously than most of us, 41 * • Of course the 'points' system of figuring league standings hall a great deal to do with the fact that most overtime sessions, of recent years, scented to be played in a spirit of slaking sure of not losing the game, father than trying t0 1\'ill it. For those single points you get for a draw can total tip into a very handy asset during a Fall and Winter; indeed, as we may have remarked before, it is quite \v'ithin the boun(i5 of possibility for a team to go through the regular schedule without winning a game, and still get into the playoffs - perhaps even go on from there to cop the championship. * * l.et them award nothing at all, in Case of a tie, to either team; or let them slake every game a finish affair, with sudden -death overtime that would end as soon as either side had scored, and not before; and you would notice considerably Tess of this business of teams stall- ing with one eye on the clock, not to protect a lead it had earned - which is a perfectly legitimate pro- cedure -but rather to make stile the other fellow doesn't get one. But that Mould doubtless be a rearward MUTT AND JEFF - THAT'' A CUTE LITTLE BABY! WHo DOES IT BELONG To, JEFF?! DuNNO, MUTT! step, taking hockey back into the (lark days when it was more or less of a sport, instead oP a highly successful business playing to sell- out crowds. * * * \Ve know as well as you do, of course, that congested wartime tra- vel conditions fere responsible for the stoppage of overtime hockey sessions. Still, we did hear vague rumors somewhere that the war was over, and that baseball teams -and even {racehorses -sometimes manage to travel by air to fill dates they couldn't slake by railway. But what's the sense of bringing that up? For every customer who feels that he's been slightly gypped when a game ends in a deadlock there are hundreds \vho are perfectly satis- fied with things the way they are -and if you don't happen to like it, brother, there are plenty ready and willing to grab your scat it' you choose to honor tis with your absence, * * And to those who are Making the present squawk -just a tiny word of advice. Don't make your C0i11- plaints too strident, or the powers - that -be might just possibly take you at your word, They'll play the overtime }rou't'e requesting - and soak yott extra for it, Why shouldn't they? Business is busi- ness -and \viten the butcher cuts off a pound and a half steak in- stead of the pound you ordered, y0tt don't expect hint to toss in those extra eight ounces for noth- ing, (lo you? We wonder that the sports stagnates haven't thought of something like this before. Maybe we should charge them something for such a valuable suggestion. Al- ready, in our mind's car, we can hear those announcements coaling over the loudspeaker system: "YOU II:\1'E NO\V \VIT- NESSEI) THE REGUL.\'1'ION SIXTY MINU'T'ES OF PLAY YOUR TICKETS CALLED FOR, AND TIIERE \WILL ITE A BRIEF INTERMISSION When your ACK ACNES... Backache is often caused by lazy kidney action. When kidneys get out of order excess acids and poisons remain in the system. Then backache, headache, rheumatic pain, dis- turbed rest or that 'tired out' feeling may soon follow. To help keep your kidneys working properly -rise Dodd's Kidney Pills. Tinie-tested, popular, safe, non-habit.form- ing. Demand Dodd's Kidney Pills, in the blue box with the red band. Sold everywhere. 135 IS,3UE 45-1946 That's Too Much To Expect From Any Kid Half His Age NELLO,'ITTLE• BABY/ WHERE'S BABY'S IMAMA, MMMM? YES COoTCHIE k. WHO'S c0000- 'toOt:E VE5? BABY IS 00U? WHAT IS 'IDDLE BABYS N AMIE? I -MMM? \VIIILE ANY DESIRING TO LEAVE PASS QUIETLY OUT. TIIOSE WISHING TO SEE '1'IIE FINISH OF T 1-1 I S THRILLING SPECTACLE \VILL KINDLY KICK IN WITH AN EXTRA BUCK FOR THE PRIVILEGE," * * * However, at long last the 1910 Canadian horse -racing season has conte to an end, which should bring welcome relief to many esteemed citizens who are sometimes sorely tried by the too -close presence of the horses. These are the eminent members of the hard-working hand- book -making profession, Possibly you never realized it; but when the tracks are running locally, many a horse -player is not only tempted to attend, but to bet his money in those iniquitous mutuel machines, .Also ,in many cases, by staying away from his Job, he loses salary or wages which should, by rights, be going to the books. But nolo, all is well; and till next May we can all stick on the job and earn enough to play all those surefire winners on the winter tracks, and SO help keep the bookies' •families in the style to which they are accustomed, MACHINERY NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phone EL. 1271 H, W. PETRIE CO. LTD 147 Front St, 11'. - Toronto "WiC HUY h SELL'. 1100119 BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA PALLS 01'1'. - C.N.R. STATION HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention - Consult your nearest Harness Shap about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so nru our pril'es. We manufacture in our fac- tories - Harness. Horse Col. lars, Sweat fads, Horse than. keLa,. and Leather !'ravelling Goods, Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Grinds, end y'1u (Tot sntigf'•ttnn Medi, Hely ht' SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St. F,., 1 (Iron tr WRITE FOR CATALOGUF By BUD FISHER NOW TME NECK DO YOU DOPES EXPECT ME To TALK WHEN I'M ONLY THREE= MONTNS OLD? 1 PAdE .1 ".11114111111111.31410440546.44444.64.34.344444.4* 031.464N' ...kingleirlfirMIVIICKIPSICIVEIVOCIMMIXtetteCIEWISMCMIKVCCOVIS f' PURE WOOL BLANKETS Olive Reversable Satin -Bound Wool Blankets Special Rose -Satin Bound Wool Blankets Wool Motor Rugs, Scotch Plaids White Rainbow -Borders (Special) Grey and Sand, Whipped Ends, All -Wool Blankets .11p •••!•••• • cGiII $8.50 $6,95 88.50 Pair $10.95 Each $6.30 1 NI 1-• ( ',Lit., 1 Itlir., , I Vap,c,,ut ( r. Welding A Specialty. A r'1"c`1`1'1' \'''''. '''''''' ,it '1''' i'''''' gents I()1' Internittion- ll'.11.' I. \\ 4:1'1'''') II"' i':''' 1:''s Harvester Parti & Supplies Mr. and N1r,. rari Naithlii,- of Cod- \vhite !()se Gas lin 1,,,t I ClUrIIIII 4 !DIM 1 iidon I I? (II il?ilill' ir , rich wile cal:ei • at the home of NI I.,. • ) • • .1 ( .\Viglitinaii ,0.1 •Iihea..,iii. •iniL ‘. s‘,.,,, (.. ar 1 anitirig anG ,ep 1 1„. THE STANDARD , Doherty Bros. eitawn 11.141M411. • • 1 GARAGE. Acetviene and Electric lett Coal t:It' l'ii11;11 of an Tecliti• imititl.s. -pent at Cruniiin NI litary- , Han thi, 1,11ov, 4ii L. COLE 1{.O.,r1 livrt• hi w ill -,«•t AI 1, • piuil 1-ment T r• 11.0 i• OPTONIETRIST and OPTICIAN I 4 *14,4*4444,1 ,I4P4S4 : 11 1.4 - •1,-.., \Ir.. lr,.111, !ZVI,: • tatlatDelllitDiDiXttD*1)124241111101DikaaatkiDA.1141)4M2a4ki3i,t).114)M,IXINDINN);11/14.1 1,„ i, al pt NI i • Carly ( a:m(1(4,11 tit I •, i.,1 I •ii t lu end w N1:.• hranci• .imcr ;7 \\u1.• ‘.•11, 11,-- l• ;•:1 Il.))1 • Su 1 -- FOOD STORES Chicken Fluidic, Fancy Quality Clark's Mushroom Soup Grapefruit Juice Red Plums Ccttage Boneless Chicken, Glade "A" Lyon's Tea . No. 1 White Pca Beans Ncilson'3 Jerrey Cocoa Sally Anne Pop Corn Superf:.am Chomp Cleaner Kellegg's Corn Flakes per tin 25c 19 oz. tin 09c 21 oz. tin 15c 29 t,z. tin 18c 7 oz. tin 53c half 1'). pkg. 40c 2 lbs. 17c half Ib. tin 13c; 1 11:). tin 29c per bag 'Cc Fer pkg. 29c per pkg. 10e .. 2 12 -oz, pkgs. 25c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. PIONEER AND LIFETERIA FEEDS. We Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 ;: 'Aly• .:1! I . N.no. .on. 111/.1 and \1r. all of Tor, ill,. \d•ite.1 er the V. t 1111 Mr. 41111 NI i•LI. N. 11,.;:ri•. " iN1r. .1:1:1(. 1.. IltIre.;{1k. • i ' ;411 1 NI.. \!-.;r1oln1;, )) CH", \\ ill] / :I; C' 'Icl, din) hot \\ eels. •'\' ' advi. and \Ir.,. Frei...toile, T . 4.• ;it'd Mr. \\'. 1. Sitii..of Sia forth, ere 0:1 ,•11 ch;11-iy• v'sitt••i of. in Chinon on 111, 4:4 „44:444+4,84 4:4 48444+++:4 +4+43 4844:4444•0 447 14 4:4 0.4 4:e 4:4 11,4.4 4:4 44.4 4;4 11:11 484 44 4:4 4:4 4:11 4:4 10:4 4:11:4 44 4:4 44.4 4:4 I:. 4:4 .11 ;1411 "A.,. 041446.1.1* a. •iwI Bigger and Better More space has been added to this store, where Quality and Low Prices Prevail. Many items are still scarce, however, new stock is being added reg- - ularly, and we invite your inspection. •.; Wendy's 5c to $1.03 Store "SATURDAY NIGHT IS CANDY NIGHT" FEATURING HALLOWE'EN CANDY.. GODERICH • ONTARIO. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years EKerience ....t•a * FE 1AL THIS WEEK. S;:tivr Kraut, 1 yn 15c, 2 for 25c Iving.Roo Chicken, lb., 40c .14 FRESH .AND CURED MEArrS. Wednesday, Ncv. 6, 1916. 111111111111W 11111M1111e1111111111111110111:0010SWEINISIMMIX.4 • .1, , Stock Tonics and Supplies 11 I si- )ull and complete !in( , Ito \ •il I'm Plc. Itt- 4101 1)r11ti Stoul, Royal Purple Poultry Conditioner Royal Purple Stock Conditioner Royal Purple flog Tonic Rcyal Purple Cough Powder Royal Potpie Roup Remedy Dr, Bell's Condition Powders Dr, Bell's Kidney and Blood Powders Dr. Bc1I's Distemper and Cough Powders Dr. Bell's 'runic and Indigestion Powders Dr. Bell's Cattle Cathartic Dr, Bell's Hng•Onic Dr. Bell's Poultry 'Tonic Dr. Bell's Medical Wonder Dr. Hess 11;g Dr. !less Poultry Panamin • Dr. Hess Stock Tonic (Oh; and $1,75 tiJc and $1.75 GOc and $1.75 1,0c 30c, 60c and 90c $1.93 50c 50c 50c 50c $1.00 63c and $1.69 65c and $1.69 65c and $1.60 R U. PHILP, Phm. B • DIU GS, SUNDRI •;i5, WALLPAPER --PHONE 2. 1; 47welsocicrommrimatmoccersaurr-orwrearsocormsorm I t4t1140144tIVOItC411.1t0gtlitCligtCt414=-41Ktitts114141e141414tsltGltNitZidtVANICI411414).41'zitC1.1-XICt4:11 A GOOD SELECTION 0111 COOKED MEATS. \I r. hlrnest .\:tin' iI iiil ;it pre.- i '‘ 1)elivery, 1Vednesclay and (.ot. .N1r. I. I I. \Vatt. "t Toronto. I. Satttrclay. 11,..nlicr ;trot hrtltir, m-er tht 11 i'cl.: - I Ild. I )) ) 1 LI NI l.. 1),111.)111Ide Sr., I, \ i•i;i1II-I in I ' IS I. IIII'll.' ,Ir. Butcher, Phone 10, Blyth. \Ir. and NH.. Fred Cox, i f Ilrus•(.1.. --- „ -- ,-- . ..--, ---- - - ,------- .pent Sunday at the holm' of \Ir. and ........“......--).....to--e..... Nit.... .1. It. NI Vo den's Ni,.. 1111 \Ir.. (*.corgi' cm i•rn ett ad 1itt .1i ;WA 1 .ii ij NI rs. Iki 1 and i 1,ildren return- ; • 1 , ( (I to Detroit after •pendliig thi Hier month. ss itli her i•ti.),-, iI (... I 111- I ) r. an I NI r •.. w it ;trier, of Lon- de -I) ro, ,pent Sunday pith \i r. and 1, r-. \\*. F. NI orris of vis- ited in 111.. th it Tne.day. \Ir. licharil Leggett left on Tues- day kith a group of Junior l'arinev, 11 a ju(1.;iie.t trip, covering many parts of Ontario, and w -!-]i \sill end up at the 16wii( \Vinter Fair. Tuesday vi -h(rs ;it the lector• \yen, .NIr. and NI rs. -\ lex Aitkon Su I- . • •A.•• N. 4 I o• II. • 1 1 • . bury, NI i. Miirritit and NH... Linton, «f \loon:low'', and NIr.. Zaino, of 1)(.- • he recently purchased from Mr. Ro• tr,,it. - kind Vincent. • New Samples Alie In \Ir. and NI r.. l'red (--.1"k( \vas the guest speal;er. Edith, 01 P'clgravei "Trc The \V. NI. S. ‘yi.1 In itt their No- vi.itor. on Sundiy. weather meeting on Thiir•day, Novem • Mi,. Stachlionse Ilrucerel 1, ovr1411i, in the the : vi•ited ;it the 1Ine (if NI r. and N1rs.,• inn ii. wimp No. 2 trill lie in WE L'E PLEASED TO AN- NOUNCE THAT OUR NEW SAMPLES QF • SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS HAVE ARRIVED. • Your Choice in a Full Range of Beautiful Designs In a Wide Variety of Prices. MODERN WAY OF REMOVING WALLPAPER. PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF FIRST QUALITY. • • • ,o F. C. PREST Phone 37-26. LONDESBORO SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES TO ROYAL AGRICULTURAL : WINTER FAIR Nov. 12-20 TORONTO , Good Going -- Nov. 11 to 13th inclusive Return-- Lv. Toronto not later than midnight Nov. 21 From First Class Coach _ Blyth $4.50 $3.85 Fa information from any agent WESTFIEL1) NIrs. Bert Taylor is spending a few house, of Goderich. days with her sister, \Irs. R. Stone- 1 few day: will) lier (laughter, NIT.... Jac!: September 1. 1023, entered the Triangle Baby Beef C1111), other or- 1 Sinclair, at I< imam. , service as A. -istant 1?e- ganizations of ss'llich he has been act - Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith and fatn- I Mrs. \\*ill Lyon vi.lting NIr4. pre•tintative in \'ict,,,ria County. The in as secretary and secretary- treas- I I ily of Molesworth were guest; cn Sun- Charles Snellitur this week at Bay- following .pring In N1 transferred to urer include the; lent Milk Producers ..day at the hcitte of Mr. Ivan \Vight- , field. man. 1 f;rev County a• 1.,l.tant, and in Association, the lent Tomato Grow- I _ NIr. and \Irs. Ira lapson and Joan, September of 1021 xvent to the It AMY t•rs Association, the Kent Swine bit- Jar.‘or \Iclfrien. Mrs. \Vitt. visited Nfr.. \V. Tainlilvn and NIrs. G. River 1 li,t 1 it of Northwe•tern provement Association, thy kuti (11 - ler and children of Goderich, were re- Cool:, on Sunday, tario Agricultival It cpre.entative. Ile Producers Association an the -1 cent guests at the home of \Ir. aid , 0. j„ ft,()3 held their annual fowl After four and a half years in the Fent Crop Improvement Assoelation, I -; Mrs. Douglas CamPbell. . supper in the (' innitinity Thur.- north, he returned to 011 nntario With this varied experience behind \fr. and Mrs. Andrew Horne of (1a.Y• ()(10ber 31st. After ilie \ areli, and 1,4,-,inie \i;rienitur- him, \Ir. Garner comes to his new :I 1Vind!.or, a-4( tlie !must. -AI a good In --gramme enloYed liy all :11 IZenres( ntative 1.or ' • 1t cxciptional qualifications for the Linn f Mr. Donald Snell which Mr, L. Saunders of Torontn, where he has served with distinct,0;4 succe.si (II service. \Vightinan n Sur. !ay. NI.I.• charge. 'race 11(11rY rcl"r"cri lic'mu with I'''. '['In. being Educational \\'eelt IZev; fur a vi.it. \ . Penman preaellid a e ery •ernion on the lloolt Book. The The nu ruing .er‘•ice will .tart ;it 10.15 a. ni. N1r. and C K tame ly'• two children, \\*;1•11e Neil, and, Brenda 1 were ;it the •((rvi.e Sunday morning. t\lr;111(i \1r, 'Harold Sprung, \Ir. and NH... Sprine.(. of 1., hies- boro, visited on svith 'l r. and NH's. Clarence Cox. Mr. and NH... l'red Boyce of Bruce - field, vi.ited on Sunday sys.th NI r. and \Ir.. Clinic. Smith. N1r. and NI rs. Younglilutt f Auburn. were recent N'i,itors at the hoinc of \Ir. ;old \I r,. Girdon Snell. NIr. and NI r•. A'yin Snell and NIT% Andrew Horne vi,iied ith r. and rs. Elmer Horne \\'ind,or. 'tlr and Nil..., Harvey \lel )osye'l, NIrs, Alva NI (.1)(,\\ ell. \Ir.. I. Nie- l/0\yd] and ,NI rs. Charles Smith \v;' London vis:tor. (it Tue•day. Several of the 1* ung have been at- tending the legiinial School held al. Nile, the past tw () weelt•. .\ numbi•r (-,f the inember• of the \V. M. S. attended the Thank -Offer- ing meeting held in the [lilted church. Aninn.n. on .1.11,,,nia.. titt.i._ \ uninincement w a (44-,a(le today by noon ;it which N I :-..I) 1. 1..) 11•:, id of the -Hon. Thonris 1_ lennily, NI in's- ter ot Agriculture f.n. Ontario, of the Illyth wa, the gite.t speaker. Th, Farm Frni.,,, mo thi• ,,,.i.k ,,i ail„,,,itim1:1 : f Jain( • A. ( ;artier, who , . has been agr, nille...:11 representative in the home ''f \Ir. and \1r, \ Hwy n lent County siiii•e the year 102'), McDowell. The meeting for Novell( - , . • I )(red, ir if the ,\ grimilinral it pre- (Ayr ,iiire, leer Iltit will be held at the lionie of \Ir. and N1r.. Ilert Taylor. sentative Branch of tlie Ontarin H(''- i \1r. Carneir has been an ackirw- 11111101=111111110sistigiliagiabilgaitga• kitigifaget \ I r,. Fart \Viglitinan vi•ited on partment of Agriculture. Nlr, Harmer li• Igeit agricultural leader in the area. •uccueil. in this, po,ition y i Clifford l'h where he Iii. served. \\*Idle in Rally, mit fortune to fall a;p1 1-.11:e her hip. i /emits. Ai ini.ter (it .sgricinture, atm ganizat ion of the Sheep Breeder,' As- . Precision Pens , wa. recently arpointed liy( r he 11;1, instrumental in the or - NI iss Annie \Vitzhtnlatt. who haft itu, , „. . . , . , , i : ----- --,---- ;1,ctline) 111, iii.w thltie- ;It ()two, sociatil)11. t\ hich has earned a reputa- A. 11.lirtin, as._i,..taii( director (.1 lion ill!' shii):)illg titiall!' lambs to the the Agrictiltural Re"rc.(111;ilivs. \\*inni)-t, market. In 1<ent, he gave i Branch, has been promoted to the leader,l,ip in die formation of the On- i \Irs. Minnie Lyon, Myth, spent thr, 11(,,t of .\ •,(iciatt. Director it the tario Ilin-ley Tobacco Grower,' Nlar-; ! week -end w ith her aunt, \ir.. Eliza- Branch in recognition of hi, very caii- ltetin.! A s,oeiat ion, of w hich he was I. beth Lyon. ' able ;dr' el fieient service•. the f', ,t ecretary-treasurer, and was 1 \Ir. and Mr.. Valli(' T(ri‘ ti•end and Janie, .\ . C4ariter, the new Director al- ) active in the formation of the ,1 Don't forgi't the le party in the basement of the tiitreli , i•senin(4. .\ art' ‘s (iconic, clone anit ti er(ti.(time, r• and NH-. 4. I I. Slmblic, h 1\ ere in Si. NI ary • (III dlue•day attend:, , the funeral of an neighbor, \l r Drank flail. The s'ilipatliy of Cie community' goes out to itis family in the 14,,, f their father. New Director Appointed For Agr. Representatives BAKERY. 'WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, lIOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER 'HIE HOME 13AKERY" 11. T. VODDEN, EDITH CREIGHTON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH, • 12- .-I bre 11 We are offering New Designs in -- Chesterfiel.d Suites, Sofa Beds, Studio Lounges and Occasional Chairs, upholstered in the latest Fabrics, at Most Attractive Prices. Lamp Tables, Alagazine Racks, Lamps, End Tables, Hassocks and other Odd Living -Room Pieces. Help to make your home more comfortable and enoyable. We urge you to come in and inspect them whether or not you are prepared to buy at present. OD 4b Home Furnisher e - Phones 7 and 8 - Funeral Director, 1 1 Iladaritkr4171a1=DiDiD4NDINXii2tANDIMADthr2:D4r.::.i.taltiMlnatWiWil)i:ND4i)ikal 44 ..11 1111 14 .1 . • Ail 1 11 IMO 1.1. • L.1t. 1.14i • 11....2 .1 1 41 .61.11m4•Ilio •1 . 1 HUR 0.1 G ILL BLYTII ONTARIO, EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE Meals at fl Hours. FRANK GONG "la Proprietor X. 4. 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 :•:4 44 4:4 44 44 44 44 4.44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 4. 44 44 44 44 44 4. '.34 rellentErywomtiEllWII17/01211S13111=1:100111115111411ralMiaw...04.6. 34.4,4 Speiran's Hard are PHONE 24. BLY I II EVER1"11HING IN HARDWARE. Step -save Steel Tables; Kitchen Stools; linermodraft Flue Controls; Coleman Gas Lanterns and Gas Irons; Wide Assortment of Pipe Fittings; Black Leaf 40. Dancing Moor Waxes and Furniture Cream. LOOK! Steam Electric Iroras Presses all garments without sprinkling, -xith- out scorching; irons synthetic fabrics; presses Etas and woollens without a press cloth; pleats, blocks, cleans, sterilizes, glazes furs. No heavier than an' ordinary iron. Woal Scorch or Burn. 3.4 I, 11. 4. I 41.1 11.1.1Lo .10 m...0111.11.,14 1 a LONDESBORO r, 11 b Tow 11,e1141. an I frien !. NI is, this important liratich 41' the 1)e- (Int:trio Tomatot r, and num] j Madeline Tizzut, Toronto, Put 111';' NrIlliellt if griculture, 1141. hail n Grow• ;', \I arl<cting Boards. Ile ‘s•as week -end with friend,. broad experience in Agricultural Re- sect-tary-treasiirer of the l'rovincial Mrs. Nlargaret Manning returned pre.entative work in varion, .ections Corn and Seed blxhibition in Chatham 1 home on Sunday after •pending a of the Province. I a gradnat e from it. , rganization 1930 ittit.:1 its week it with \Ir. and Mrs. Herb Mo(f- the Ontario Am-ictilitiral Cnllege. cancella hot in I 9-11). Ile a S cry tar v ridge, in Auburn. ' Guelph, from which he ‘N gridlia'.1,1 of the ()math) Corn Conlin:Hee from Mr.. (1136,, \ vat with 414.,.4r,.o. io2 ( 1038 to 10 II and ,ecretary 'of the Red Get your Boy or Cirl a Lovely Waterman Set. Good penmanship is encouraged by an instrument of precision -made workmanship. Our stock of Waterman's Pen and Pencil Sets was Never More Complete. We also have on hand the Eclipse Pen and Pencil. Inspect Out' Stock of Pens Now. Select Yours While Our Stock is at It's Best. A FULL STOCK OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES ON HAND. YOUR PATRONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED Standard Book Store • •