The Blyth Standard, 1946-10-30, Page 1r HE LYT ST t VOLUME 57 - NO, 09. Presentations Featiire Hallowe'en Fun O.K.IPRESENTATIONS Hit and Run Driver Lions Club Meeting But Not Destruction FEATURE IN NEWS Caught By Police Of Property BLYTII, ONTARIO, WET) N I:SI)I,Y, OCT, 30, 19'16. Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; $2.0() in the U.S.A, Lions Les, f-I:Ihorn and Dr. Kilpatrick I.1,11 1111. rge \Ie\all to read an ;14 - Given I'artint; Gifts, Lion Tamer Stan siren. awl make the pre,entaljon to III" Sib:horpe's Service As Leader Of The departing member,. Followin1l is Minstrel Shcw, lt(ccgnizcd, i, I .i n I icre g,•'s renlarl.s : — '— "Linn Pre !dent, I'ellr,lt Lion, and tiuc•I•—.l (.leem it a signal honour in b called upon al this time to ,11V a Irv. (word in respect to the departure front Thursday night teal, on, regular our midst of two of our \;duce', mem, meeting of the Myth Lion, Mui,, and hers, and ' ut'randing citizens. \\'u• i; it teas a mnceling leatnt'e.l by presen- tations; Lion, knots and consider our les, in Iwo ,,I tll'a,l In ,b",;Irliiin ti" •(' Twin members, one of the gravest iia:ieber•, and in. of them 1„ a Ment- importance, 'Their goo I fell„tt•llill., her who h:a, g'ten are:lt ,, r ire to their timely council, and their :turn - the 01111) c;yr s:ncc' 111. 111(1,;'11.!1. dan(1c 111 our meetings has made ilium Presentation were made In Hull, near ;11111 dear to each and every tilt Les, Ililhnrit :111,1 (;tl•t1!ell ISilrirtivicl:, ' 1 tl,. 111t•t' !till lt•ave .111 'lir Illllld, who still :'1 •11) be departing front ;t rvirlt shit intl,rc„ion,)f good anti oto' midst. Their sl'l;ling, faces t;ill 1;0111fol ritizen,11111. .\s 11111(.0 ;I • we be greatly- I11',•e l ;it 'its' home regret their departure, \re hops' that in meet- ings, 'flee p,a•t n,; gift, for these No Illeir nett' 1"""1:',11",,Y: tri11 14. rereivu'l Lions ata, tllrc, prat', advanced sell- with the •111111' itt'ti iii„ as they nave el'il,lioli t ' the lilt th stall lard, w hose' ,Incas ll In each and every person of 011e TWO NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOMED job 11 tt•ilI 1)c in future to keep them community t nit) throughout their year's of informed of Joint', in Lions rir'•les, retire 111 Its. \\.vass 'nolle that from as ttcll ars the Il:lppeuiug, of our cool- time to tune they trill find it conte11 goo to return to (rill. village auto spew! nnmily. The other Ire•entatir"'' sonic of their vacation time Irish n.. which was lot;',; overdue, because the gilt could not Ire pr curet) sooner, was it's much, gentlemen, as art• regret your the prrscntatinn of a ring with the 'Irpartui' front our midst, we under- the Crest mounting, to Lion Tamer 'Lind your• position, \\'c In. pi. that pin, ''tact. Siittho•pc, who ttal, thus decor-, Duct"r, tvlll, b)• Your move to as much the larger centre, be able to increase your ated for his outstanding syrtite to Club since 1t', inception, alt,! partici!.10"1,111',' 1" :t gl.1'il1 r t'xteit 1h,11,", Cult Iarly for his leadership tit, „boot could in a v�llagi of lir size, lois \\ 1. have tic doubt you trill do. .\nd Yntt, last spring's minstrel shote, The miming.; e Lc lit', wr bops' :1111)Y your stove get tinder :It 1,:,111 pain your liv filth to the fullest ntc:tsurc. tt•ith a good attendance, aultl Lion \Vc a, Lions knew of no better tray President Norm. (i:u•rttt presiding. The membership books of the Chth to heel, in touclt w,111,1 the w'clfare "1111trete kept balanced by the reccptio❑ ! r,critr :Ind neallh ni our citizens of two new members, Linn: \'erne 1 :mool l tiILrgt than by reading unr !.cal Rutherford and \'ern Spriran, both „f 111)111 Standard. '('herefore, on behalf tthonr w'a're spoosorcli 1)y 1.jr.n '•Ilan” i to this flub I :id: you to accept al 111111, who introduced then!. 'I'hcy were three years sub;cripti.n each, to this, nttr local wcieonu'd by the President, and .tolocal paper, a snrc tray of kcepjng on chairs while the (.'1u1, sang "For!" 1.1".1.""1"112 lint: !t tweet', They are lolly Gn' d Fyli its Front then on they acre foot Inose and wel- come to cut any capers the). washed. Several songs stere enjoyed he the meeting, but !.inn l.es. Hilburn replied members under the Tradership of Lon very fittingly, thanking,the flub nlem- 'F i ttcr Stan., and al feature of the hers for their k:induess, and remarking musical part '. f the program ]vas a solo Utas he bail derived a great deal of by Linn Stan, (•heliew•, and a duct bygu i f II wsl,ip nut of his assnciatinn ].ions (.ironer Clare and Stan, Chcllett. with the Club, "The Club has done a Meth Lions stere in excellent Ictlle. Iprcat deal for the community, :end 1 Lion Stan Sihtlnrrpe contribute,! a wish it continued success," he remark- ()f Weste1'i1 Farm Stril(e sept this token of our affection. eel. •—Signe d by the members of Group much appreciated solo, Miss Elizabeth Ucssrs, bill and lac!: \tanning' 4 of the \\'. A. Mills w•as acconepanist for the evening.' Communications were• read by the Irvine Bowes, and Harold Sprung, Guests of the Club were Messrs. Carr- Secretary, Linn John, llenoorsc'It, returned by rentor on Saturday, from Mrs. llilborn rcplic'I suitably. ald I-Iarris and Frank i:Iliott, The i from \lis' Alive Rogerson,gerson, for flow- \\'ester') (-nada, tvhere thee )1;1,1 hem) I 'tIr. and •\Its. I lilhern Irate by members answered the usual roll call' yrs received by her (luring her recent assisting with the Western harvest. I ll.:tin on tiaturday for Medicine i(aL and the minutes were real and adept-, illness and ,also from ;In ' rganizaatilm i The four men were located near \lea„ where the) will at least spendcel. ill I.nrlsnow interested in stag tit; the millet;millet;:\1111., Irhrrhall wthe ccnt'e of the winter, p.•nvidjng the climate is I - tlneo, Lion George, on behalf of the Clint. lir. hiit,atricl: was not present at the Mr. :111(1 Mrs. Ililborn Given iI,mhct it r.' r', „r,n,c \\1,,,,, Ie Parting Gfts EXAMINE YOi1R I42113E1. unllillg 1" t ,t it it 1,111r111.,' I'o malt i, Ilal!ott,'en. \nal the ('omni„iontrs and Staff of 1 \Ir ;out \Ir.. carman I lrnit'jn• had a what uu'nnr e, it reran, to most I the Myth \Innirip:d 'Tclrplione St•s- of o, old,tt•r, kr:ncluhrr Lott' rte ten] ludo a little get-together in the off;ce ,:n 'Tuesday :merit 'n, when the guest of h"ltour was \ir. Leslie Ililb'll1 retirin, Secretary-Trea•orer. .\ her the regular nn'etiig of the ('onl- rlljs•io11er'•, t'te cntirc staff gathered, u -td 111 Lt' :,fust :riles' bg brolh- er, or big skier—!ouch to thr•i• di- %in 1. ti Ire of tt,, wlto w ere country b y, and ttirl,, Idodord mile, of comic—ions, and ]then tllc rca-ion denial) laid, leggro it pret- ty fa•I, if Ir:trnter Iintuit happcny,l and \Ir. liratk Rogerson, :a former Le on I!i• toes, I l linen;ul with the Sv,tenl, mare the it. am gine c la;r a, 0 di.It iettl hi, rite ! Cate, tip- presentation of ;a men'., (Ire,sjn); case set his tt.''Ipile, I,r r'ntllljng I to \Ir. 1 \\ hilt. \I r. lane) (.l,e). Itut tic all had ;1 hit of fun, I hors, Chairman of the It itt ;Incl, :IIIc!• iP tltn •t ;tvi It ttnllbl (-t)t l; t': ,•tu!tet': l',:i i a vvrlr;ll a !,Ire,,, in 011ie he r'>pre„cd regret ti bare been disappn nt4,1411":11;1'W.,,\ rl ij tee 1)11'1- ' n'i Its l tin'ni al ci,it. .\t that time1par'erc iron] noun, and hoped Iii• r„11I1 Inlllilt:g �t'a",11 \\•;,,„ in ;11`11 !I11111 \\ toll I ,,)nil he better. \dl•, fn!I swin: , and the evening w•as llilborn 1.'11411 '11.11;1111)'' an 11' lulu' ol,rr,ttors .0 (I( It,',tr, r, 111 ;li- tlll!le often topped of 11\' \'1,11111}y %I fest• encu field., and if v u sten' 11.1..11"'” tett, 31111 a s, cial hour tt;t, lurk}, turnMg the ecening into enj .yr 1 by all. n not only an etljnyah!r on:, but ;11 Other gifts to \Ir. Ililbnrn included so as plotit:iilc one a cheque for ti25.110 front the Plytll There tryrc no Serti,c Clubs to ('.ion (..etncterc Hoard, of tvhicb Inc Itch, furnish pati of the ,,v,.14.1":, was Serary-'I•ettrcfor many enjoyment, such as is ,1)c cast !cars, andt•t•tlhr pfc,rcnt.LUri,m of a lull now•. at Ica!,t ihcro ata>n't an) in Y1'111 -'s si d:u•y front the Illyth 5:ll.ln1 the w'riter's district. Iloa rd instcal of the 11) ill nthperiod \\'e art, taking the 1 m; wa;v, "'thirh he served a. Sevrcta'y-'I're,l,- around in leading' up to the point urc•r, of Citi, Gtlle item, Nob -de trans, On Tuesday %Iftcl•noon (iron!) -1 of In s'i'r be young pe 1'1: deprjtt,rl the W. A. of the ('nited l'hurch tact of their 1lallt,ttc'en Inn. lint it at the holm. of \Irs. IDr.) Ilodd, in would he a good thing to bear in hnumir Mrs. Hilburn, one of t'I"ir mint that building urltcrial and valued members. \ few t;a')tcs wtrc PLEASE The Standard \lailin', 1.1.1 has been t rrecird tip to ,late. and rill ,u', c'rtItion labels that lia‘e been paid Il ul'I •'Liu,] the a ltam e,l darting. lea•(.• examine )sine k111, I for cors, and if one !LI. nrldc, iltf"I'III Chi, olli•, ;It 1r.rrea•rd plire, 11f (\ sprint, urs,' h itt parts, and I,rint tic a, c, .r ake it ITL' alt probable that P.4• ,u',, nil trim 'o'er f Plc `lan'4mo tutu !la\e to Ile mu'Ira,- '1 to r 2.01 :1 te.tr in the ni tr flu• nre. \Ve :t,I; ;Ill ,tb.criber, t'1 I•tI at their label, and if it i.iu arrear•, ;o t,lcal,e haste the rl;tiv brought III, in advance ;Is )11'11 as convenien'1) pc.s •j',Ic. $32.20 Not Enough To Induce 1''arnl Forum (roup To Take City ,lob 1 The Lice \\•ire Tarns Forum (;roup of the Lith concession of IInllctt it Tiovn•Iti', voted unanimously • at their first fall meeting, held at the ii'tn 1 t' \i r, and \Irs. Stanley I.ton, on fit\Ioi iv night, that 532.21) at wet k was not sufficient to lure any of then] 1 away from their farts dot t•,, to take a job in the city. This was the tines- (, arc•e,;.rics, such as nail', are tort• yup.) cd, and the 1',roup members tion alp for ,liseu"i,'n, "\\'ould Von1 Sta1'tiiig' 131l11i11'fl I3l1Slncss hard to gel, and talsiht' this into gaive \Its• llilborn al liandkcrehjcf 'Take ;r ,lob in 1011 Pity at fi32.'0 a III Tee511'iltel• consideration, it Wright be well for shower, The presentation was made Week, if you had the ('ha ce.” The ail! Ilacll ween ghost,, goblins, by .\Irs, Harold Phillips, tvith \Irs, answer to a member, was a Intimi -1 \Ir. lar!; \lkin•,tn ba, h'''1-1:,'1;I',n,j- and stitches, to refrain from any llodrl reading the following address: m,tis "Nn" tie,- b1 yk jn Tcc,n;Ili i1', and j• now pranks, of a destructive nature to property. Parents redo help in this re- our 1 the members divided tobacco III I I ! I spect by bringing the above fact, In the attention of for cnung per,_ our deep appreci;ttion for your co -ill,- radio topic on ".\re rani; Lida,. in operation by \otember l:t!I. plc heti re they start out on their ,'ration in all our activities of the past Standards Iliglt." I \Ir. .\ t,in,oh tall c'ntinu;' t n; cr- nigltt's fun. .\Isii britt; to their )carr, as etc worked together, and also I nllnwing slit' ojsrussinn the pe•,_ rite his billiaril bo jness in III 11!I, but attention the flallotte'en ('arty, to wilt you a safe journey. � grant for the twist tip season was plan- 1't ill, 1""1'.11'; take come:nun .1 the new being staged by the Lions (Tit's, in Our thoughts tyill be ttitlt you as tied. :\ turkey batnrtnet was also al.- Ice•,watil oHitt•', for Ilse winter the \Tentorial 1fa11, for their bene- )'''It travel, and we'll often think of ranged for at the ]text meeting which "'llllt,. atilt., .\thin -"n ano.i,uuty will yott, in yatu' tett• surrotnudings, and will again be held at the home of \I r. wish for you and Mr. llilborn, the and Mrs, niton. vett hest. \Vith these .gond tvishes, please ae- 11111ht. \,•al. \\'int!u, ,, thrt \Vele ;lit i,V al' our 111111 ni„! li •t. w'I' 1111„1 •1''1 1 11. - the e n!I Iter I1,,,lgin'' ::r, f n I itt mil. • V,It:bits t'.it telt Inn, 11 •r'c., , in iti ti t it.' the 11 - fen lin'(. motorist o stn \Ir. II„tll'in- trot cel that the oiled - ca tt., riox''.1 him ;I- the] 1,1 ' ;cit- ed 1,, In, et, itt at• III, pa •c l alt iv. r tip. Ir, ,alt rl,'ttde 1 r, r Intl l h ea I'1, 1111, L, n l '1 the 1111,1 ear. 1 ,:rime l :' Thi „x11 e.” hurt-hullt, and bind n.• it n dannig, .I. \Ir. tool. up the c''a•,, I w ,- -n c, oil 111 pr't'.11!`, t''. Ie'rtl-,• III11111•"I ;led ',rough: IIIc ,ir'trr tl;,. 'blur 1t ti• lc t" rt !i;t t i, hilt coo., t l;tori 11 In III- l'..11V...1-.1111..11 11, t',„I ,truck for ln,ntc ;111,1 -t .'tr, t1 11'•' r t'tc, of 1'ounty ('111','1111111 Chill 5adt, r, In NIL , ,Illi:', c,n, lit, into 111',1:11 •,'' (MI i„ 1.11/1 itt Hilt II,I, r, ;]11'1 f ,till,! him in difficult( on i1).' rod,' le !even \\'all„. and Siaforlh. The Standard under•] ,n'I•. t!':r+ chartie, arc t, l laid d1'it rl', I'r this ori tt, I dere Ates,. four occupaltl , in the off, n' m!1 ca'. \II. Il,"Iris car was ii:unag,',I to the extent of an 1-11111;11..111 ' 11),I'(t. Dear \Ir,. I lith r')—:\s members of I bus',!). rut,tgc l t cn 'tato':: :t, prel,ara- 1\'ith _, members present, the ,pec-' our \V. -\, (',roup, and a; friends, tv'; ial t•%)!jn broadcast tea, li,l,'nerl to, tory t (Timing a billiard parlour and Io bairn ,tore in that t,�tln. are gathered here this al:crnoot, to and aftyrw•:m•d, 1 , , low• to you our cstccnt for you. and 111111 group for the disc•ns;ion of the c utpc, t" tate I u' nen bn•Inc fit, to -night, Local Boys Woe In '!'hick The Chili', ladies' night was brought Minstrel Slow in that mull• alp for djst•utsion by the I'res'irnt and l •\t this juncture Lion Don. 1lod1 1111, set for a (laic in \.temtitvn, The with a few very fitting remarks, prc- llallotve'et dance was discussed, and it stinted Lion Stan, Sjblhnrpe tvith a was agrcerl that ;all Lion, should Tonle hotcly gold ring, on which wars ittscrib- ihr •I int' -hound arca, aernrtlillg to stl!t:thle for \Ir. Iiilhorn's health, Ilan Manning, who told us of their ex- 'Thc entire c nunui•ty will join withperienres. The lacus on ithir!I they 1 Ise Stannard I. wishing, them gond trete employed teas owned h) a sou beam, continued happiness, and the hest of everything, in their nett' house. striker, and for twoweed:. picketers in costume, i r at least disguised. ; cd the lions Crest, in ntal:ing the i nab tc life most unconlinrtable for Ilial, • * • \t this I'o'n! the President called on (Continued front page 4) Incidentally the picketers were his . ,wan ncigllbotu's, and, according to 11111 DIT. and Mrs. Roland Vin- • feeling ran very high among them, cent Given Iarti11; t lease the 1,1rnt for the town to dc- W.M.S. Huron Presbyterial M Held At Benmiller The Sectional ('ontention of the \\'est section of HuronI're•hytcrial 1'tiitcd Church \\'omen's MissionarySociety was held in the t'nited Church,Belsitnhler, on October 23, with \Ins. \\'nt. \Ic\'ittie, Vice President, pre -1 siding. .The morning worship perird was taken by the :\abort .\tixiljart', The address of ]welcome was given by Mrs., Crothiclm, I; nntiller, and was replied to by\Ir•s. 1iilpatrick, Crewe,Thereports of the Auxiliaries and other organizations were Very encouraging ata.! !lime I a !narked inercarse in both membership and atonies raised, \Irs. eeting The moment a truckattempted to 'hhc \\ csttclo Community gathered thin,, really worth while, some thins to fill their tvIii it, life, b dy and sl•iril, tell them to give themselves to the service of the \Vonlays \lission:u•y Society, for Christ, rte nerd them so, A trio consisting of, Mrs. \\'. Craig, \Irs. S. \I eC'linchcy, and \Irs. j'laetzcr, Auburn, tv , beautifully ren- dered, sed, and much enjoyed. The aftt'rnnnll sessj'. Il worship was taken by Goderich North Street Aux- iliary. Mrs. \Ic\'ittie stressed the nerd in the world to day of lifting ('ln•ist, so all sten the whole world ov- er .night set: and feel the drawing power of Christ. Mrs \\'mile Presi- ls \Nanton, the Christian Stitt- dent of the London C'nfercnee ardsl':p secretary, gave a very fine Branch, gave a splendid address on tall: ^n how• we spend (lilt• waste time, "Our Own Home \lissions”, she said, and showed a chart of our whole day, we as a wltnlc know fitr more about she said we think of Stewardship itt our over scan missions, than we do money, but (lo'l requires Its to give of I about cur home missions, most of Its our time, he calls for one day in every, do not realize how vitally important 'eych. The high light of the morning! home missions arc, bow far reaching, was when \Irs, Rodger Self, ('resident they are, she too told of those lonely of the 1) million Itoa•d, ad, Iresscd the! out p sts and of noble women whit large c';`hcrih;,, she said, hot; happy halve given their life to the service of 1 ant to be in Huron, the beauty spot ; Christ, and live with, and for, these of Ontario, how thankful you ought people tt•bo are sick in spirit :ts well to be livir•, here in this beautiful as body, These women tvlio go about country where yeti have both beauty in and :tutting all classes of people are and plenty coupled with freedom • 1as safe as though they w'i're in their worship. She spoke briefly of our out � rttn home, everyone loves the :\lis - lying mission fields in the far west sinnary, nurse or teacher. She tolyl and along the East coast, "she had ! . of placing twenty new• workers this visited most of then] this past summer"I yc:t•, and of the call for more and she told of the courage and tictermina- still more stockers, teachers, nurses lion t' carry Ott against great odds, of;and social workers. She cl•sed by our ntis'irt workers and our nurses,'saying, "It is ourduty to prayand those isolated ui:riou fields. doing„' give. if you can't go, you may help what we back home would feel wassend. \Irs. Tatcter brought a closing intpo,silds, loving, living, and working,' niessat:c, for Christ. She stressed the great need • Mrs. If. Phillips, illyth, sang a beau - of m re tvttnkcrs, and especially nurses tift,l solo, \Irs. M itis, \\'anion, the and Doctor's. Christ she said, had 'Temperance Secretary, stressed the - healing hands, we need nmre than any- ; need of tn,t•e Temperance education in thing else to clay "healing hands," Tell , our schools, church, and home. "Styr your young people if they watt some- , the youth for Christ;' she said. thing to try their faith at rl courage,' The singing of "Lead on Oh Kin!, some thing differently exciting, sortie Eternal", closed the meeting, Iter the still: In the ('.I'.I. station in the basement of the church on platform, the truck driver teas accost- , \londay night to do honour to \Ir.1 cd he the picl:etrf, and nrocrerl o :old Mrs.Roland Vincent, and 16y, tarn hack, otherwise the load , (milk 'hitt to their departure from the• cont- muttljty. Over 1110 were pec;cut. l would he dumped. Por Illi; rca,rn the farmer Inc whnnt the hops work- I' be evening- was spent in playing' ni, dumped X25.11O worth 111 milk into croktnole, and just bets re lunch the his pigs every morning for two 1` ". Harold Snell, pastor of the weeks. The only ones who enjoyed (unwell presided over the presentation proceeding were the pigs, \Inunted In the \'in•ent family, \Irs. \\'illiatt polite rams along and mote, the pick- M\ eters male the presentation o1 a eters on three different occasions, 1°1"1.Y table lamp, a1111 the I•ollowing Mc - but this diel not slop them (real pick- auldress was read by \Irs, Alva Me- eting at the railway platform. Seven i)ow•cil: fainters in the immediate vicinity of "Mr. and \Irs, Roland Vincent and \linnet, were large producers 111 fluid ani i)', ltljll:, keeping, a heal ' 1 around di) hear I"riends: :\s time red's ,-n, it cows. On one ncc;t;inn _a ]'111:k & v_ brings many change; to communities, I • .1 I and has now broil !it th dem ' tit t Saturday night itt town usually feat - say, you from us, Needless to tired several fights. and :Ill in all our say, etc regret very much your depart - b is seemed to think the whole affair tire and feel that, in some small way, was quite an experience. we Hurst express our appreciation of '1'Ite \\'omett's institute of the .\n- and also very feelingly thanked those what you have meant to the churchhurl community sp hsnrcil a program assembled for their ttteat h.in'htcss. and the c iltttunity 'daring the past in the Forester's Ilidl on Monday .\fter the singing of "lied Sate the Rest Room Donations years. I night, al which time \Irs. Wesley Ging," she again thanked etcryohe The Finance l:nmm`ttrr of the' "Vett have always taken an active Ihadnncl: was the Burst of honour, \u Is utally as they pas,ro Mt the dour. Myth Communityllentorial Hall interest in the church in all it's de- 1 and also the recipient of many lovely Friends from Myth w, re present would appreciate if there should he p:trttncttts and your Place in regular and useful gifts, to help alleviate the for the occasion. any more :1 our citizens w•hi, wish to church services was seldom vacant, loss she and \I r. llradtnck recently The then of the community have contribute to this fund, that they en• \Vhatever ditties you were asked to sustained by fire, which ,dcst•o)ed been helping \ir. Ilraditock clear at„ty de:n'ottr to ',mite their contributions i undertake were willingly, cnuciett• their pr. perry, along with all their the debris from the 01,1 foundation, as souu as possible, as the cottntitteetiously and ably discharged, persona( belongings. preparatory to Mininganother build- wishto compile a complete lastst of all', .\nd, volt, l.ay, its; :"m' I yet A large crowd was present, and ittg from \\'est field on to the cid cult Hint ions. another cause for ?'ur honor and ap- the President of the \\•omen's lnsti- foundation. \' Racinlr Circuit For This . I)!strict Quite Feasible \f r. George \Ic\all informs 'file' Standard that he is in rcce:pt of a communication from \Ir. \\'irks, head of the I)ufferin 'Trotting :\ssocialion, Teri stn. jn wlljell the latter disclose; the opinion that a ]'acing circuit to inelnd: Myth, Bits tird'nc', \Iitvtninn, Listowel, Clinton, Seaford', and Nth • clivl! appeared to he quite feasible, i and \you'd receive his hearty co-op- craiirt and support. During the racing ;ea,,nn \Ir. \Ic- Nall has interviewed leasing racy en- thusiasts in the aforementioned towns, and in all cases ct,thi .i:i to was et ',- dent for the formaij(m of such a cin chit, 'I'lie i,resent situation js the result of a meeting of the local Turf Club, held 1 during the early summer, at whirl time \Ir. \Ic\all was instructed to secure the opinions frim other lotvtt;.l \\'c understand front \Ir. \Ie\all that a district meeting may be called in the near future in take the mater up further. v --- Burn's Service Changed Thu service on Sunday will ronl- mince at 2 p.m., in the Ilurn's l.. i- to•I Church, instead of 11.30, continue to rt-idc in Myth. \' Local Racers To Appear At 1)ufferin Park Messrs. Lloyd •I'urvev, „f lllyth, and Robert Isiirkby, \\'alto'), left this Thursday morning for 'I•or'ntn, where they ottl pat tjcipate itt the fall and winter lace, to be held at l)uffcrin !'ark. Thy races run every \londay, \\ edne,day and Saturday from ';u- tvttil •r ti 1 to New Vrar's Day. \Ir. 'forte). took hi, No race's, Texas and Christopher Stint. \Ir. I'irhhy tool; Ilabc (•tliilco t an'i Teddy Chilly() .t. Ripe Raspberries The Standard was treated to a fine. large bunch of frt,tt tame rasp - over the caret, -est I, the gift 1 \lis, Ivan \Ic\ ittie, of Mullett tow•n- ,llip, 'who, \\ hen presenting tictu, in- formed us that they had all kind; of them in their raspberry patch. imagine fresh raspberries anti cream this time of year. \'unl! bunt! Meetings To Combine The \\'. I. will combine their meet- ings with the Sunshine Sisters Ilan- duct next Friday etching, Nov. 1th, al n„'ll pan. Sunshine Sisters and them• hers are :ill expected to attend. Auburn Community Shower Gifts On Unfortunate Fire Victims Donations may be made to any of the Committee, or may he paid in at the Canadian 1111111: of 1'omuterrc, 11lytlt. The following contribution; are fur- ther to the lists that have beefs pulp. hshitl: Amount previ^tisly reported $2,111; O') Township of \!orris 51).11(1 Leslie Fear 1.1111 lanes ,\rni.tro7- 1111':1 \I r. m ci \Irs. Frcetiau 'T'unn'y 5.0,1 Victor Young .. ........ 1.110 Clarence Crawford 17. F. Rill preciation, its offering y'nrself for I Lute presided over a brief program, 1 The young people of the common - service in the Forces of King and, tthiell included the epenag number, jay are sponsoring a dance in the For - Country. ! "The Maple Leaf Former,” a read- ester'; 1 fall, also on behalf of the \Vc' will ,Itl•cly miss you all hat feel, jug by Mrs. 'Thos, \Ic\all and \Its. llr:oinorl:' als'hred that in Coln• new home you I Oliver Anders.tn, and a piano „lo by' The c ,nouttn ty spirit of the ;\uinrn will f'11,1 and embrace op;uutmities of \Irs. S. \ItClinchey, 'Mrs. R. I, Phil- celt')nunity is very evident in conning tcrvict 111111 make matte lrletl'ls. lips pfl'•l,lell at the piano. to the assistance of this young coll- "It is our carnest hope and strayer F Mowing the program Mrs. ilrad- pie ill their gloat loss, that (iod w• II Ill'',; v'II with health 110C1 w•a, cane'! to the front. and the 1 — and It:ippin"'.s wherever you may 10, i'residrut expressed 11).111 felt st,n- 'Ir, and .1r.\that Campbell of "So that toll will have ;ohtrt!oti': parity (-it belcdf of the community, for , ilontybroitk hast. .motel to Auburn by wtlteh to remember ns, tee :t;d; Thein' loss. She t,:1, I11''11 pl'c-1111,'1 and are living in the flank ;tpartl,lt'ut• you io acre" t this small gift an 1 hops' wilt the gift=, tthi:•h inthnlc:l, can- 1 \1r. and \irs, \Vol. 2 - .)- held a 5(1) tha' a; yon use it toll will think tie I fruit, vegetables, cm tie! v, eiiI:t 1.' very successful auction sal) at their 2.00 c,•retitoes 111 VOW' friend; of the gl ;stt•are and kitchetie:ire, 1 Fair of farm, west of Auburn, on 'I'ttest'•,r. \\'illiani ll, Dell ..................... -.--- . 5.100 \\',slfield community. fl, 'tielette blanket, lin,.-, tea toe.-; \1r, attl ':t . Cordon Taylor, and —Signed. Fred 1. ('col:, \\'tt, 5 ' vi' iod Ilan 1 towels, and money.. Nit's.; (laughter, Il:u-ioi Joan, will spa:' i this Total to date ~2,180.9'') (Continued on page 4) 1 Lira.;luock proteedcil to open the gifts,. coining ween: -end is 1'.'1.:.. The uality Tea ORANGE PEKOE TREASURE OP THE SEA By George E. Walsh ii\OI'Si ('11.119'1:It Xi !tick manage, to tall: 1u. u into a new deal, 'Poco Will leave Dick and Rose uhoard the selioaner unmolested If they wil! help him find the treasure. A sturut is costing tip :u: i troch 18 an\lulls to get hac•Ic t„ his own slop, CHAPTER XI "Don't be sorry until you know what you're sorry tor," she inter- rupted sharply. "I didn't say there has anything of value aboard, \\'h;tt Father says I'm not responsi- ble for. Ile says a lot of crazy titin_':." "Then --then—" She v.:(ved him to silence as a foot•tep sounded on the stairs and Captain Tucu pushed his tray into the room. He glanced from one prisoner to the other. "Well," he growled, "y'ready to tell: ".\s much as we know, captain," replied Dick quickly. "Neither of us knot': s where Captain Bedford hid the money, If we had known we'd have left the schooner before you came aboard.,' Rose Bedford turned to face the half-breed, her cheeks flushed and angry, 'There was no fear in her. "If you think I'd tell if I knew where it was hidden," she said de- fiantly, ''you're mistaken. You could never get it out of me." Her defiance brought the blood into the old pirate's face and the devil in his eyes. He stepped to- ward her and caught an arum in his powerful grip, "Y'tvouldn't!" he s n a r le d, "1"wouldn't, eh? Well, y'little she - devil, I'll show ye, I'll wring it out of ye, an—" "Hold on, captain," interrupted Dick, "she doesn't know anything about it. Let up on her! You prom- ised not to stake war on her. Set- tle it with me." "Well, what d'ye know about it?" was the savage retort, as he turned from the girl to him. "Y'tell me or y'11 go back tin the water where we found ye. Pretty damn quick, too!" Dick was struggling between a strong desire to twist the man's neck and the need of extra caution in playing his hand skilfully. Trc lat- ter finally triumphed, He smiled good-naturedly, "If you dropped Inc overboard, captain, you'd lose both treasure and the jewels. Now you don't want to do that." Tucu growled impotently, ex- pending his wrath by glancing front one to the other with wicked, malevolent eyes. I-fc spat vicious- ly on the floor, and then exploded: "I'll give y'until tonight — sun- down—to find out. If we ain't got the .stuff by that time, y'got to find it for us—ye an' that witch! Y'get me? It's got to be found! I don't care homy 'y'do it, so's it's done. If not we'll string the capt'n up by his thumbs 'til he remem- bers, an' ye an' this girl'll conte next, if we can't do any better we'll tic y'up in the cabin an' set the schooner afire. 'Then ye an' the treasure can go to hell together." ".Ind the smuggled jewels?" queried 1)ick, smiling, Captain Tucu regarded him an is- stant in silence, and then shook his head. "I ain't sure there ever was any jewel,," he said suspiciously, "I may give v'one more chance to to prove it. 'Then— then—ve'll wish y'd died on that raft, 1t would be much easier, 1 rcck'n, than the way yc'll go if y'disappoint me." As the search proceeded, and nothing was found, the half-breed's temper grew short and surly. He kept the deck most of the time, his eyes on Dick, who was lashed to time foremast, or on Rose, Captain Bedford had been held a prisoner in the fo'c's'le where he had been subjected to certain third-degree method; of Tucu's invention; but the w'andcring mind of time dement- ed Aman was a treacherous thing to depend upon. In time the old man's very will- ingness to talk of the !midden treas- ure disgusted therm. in moments of what appeared returning lucidity, he promised to lead therm to the spot. Eagerly following him they would conte to a dark corner of time cabin or the crew's mess, and wait upon his words. "It's in there," the captain said once, pointing to a locker. "I put it there to keep dry, 1'e'Il find it un- der the bottom." After ripping up the bottom of the locker, they found nothing but emptiness. No treasure had ever been hidden underneath. At another time he led them to a corner of the Clark hold and whis- pered: "It's under them boxes. I hid it there so the rats couldn't find it." '1'Itey did find something under the boxes that aroused their cupid- ity—three small canvas bags filled with something tltat jingled, When they opened them they found them filled with sea shells and pebbles. "He, he!" chortled Captain Bed- ford, thrusting a hand in one of the hags and lifting out a fistful of pebbles. "I told y'tbey was here. I got 'cut off the submarine — wrccked on the reef—German loot, y'know. \We'll divide 'cin." "11ell," muttered Tucu in dis- gust: "Ile never had no treasure," He strode on deck, his eyes bloodshot with anger. Seizing Rote by the arum, Ile said: "Y've been lyin' ter me. 'There wasn't no treas- ure aboard." "I never said there was," she re- plied cooly, "You took Father's word for it, and I told you he wasn't responsible for what he said." Tucu glared at her in silence, his face working in a passion. Then without a word, he dropped her arm and strode toward Dick, "Y'got one more chance," he said ominously. "Y'lied 'bout this treasure. Now tve'Il see if y'werc lyin"'bout thein jewels." "\Vhat's wrong, captain?" asked Dick, realizing that something had happened to bring matters to a head. "There ain't no treasure aboard. Y'nma(le up that tale. Now we'll see if y'nmade up that one 'bout the struggled gems." Matters had certainly reached a climax. The crew under Tucu's orders were preparing to return to the lugger. Dick didn't quite un- derstand what it meant until half an hour later two Caribs cut the ropes holding him to the mast. He tried to extract from them some information; but they mutely dis- regarded him and conducted him to the small boat. Ten minutes later he was rowed hack to time lugger. All except two of the crew were abandoning the schooner. When Tucu and Black Burley came aboard the lugger. Dick's fears for his own safety was secondary to his dread that something terrible was about to happen to Rose. "Where's Captain Bedford's daughter?" he demanded sharply. "Where she wanted to be — aboard the schooner," replied 'Tucu, grinning. "She's not going with us?" "Is she alone?" "She's got two o' Amy men to keep her company, an' that crazy father," leered the half-breed. Dick frowned. The sea was rough and choppy, and the wind blowing half a gale. The threatened storm was rapidly approaching. The schooner was in no condition to weather it. Captain Bedford was worse than useless, and the Carihs were indifferent seamen, "Storm's coming, captain," Dick said finally, "and the schooner will go down in it. \Vhy not take the captaitn and his daughter off? You don't want them to drown." "The hell I don't" snapped the other. "I didn't put 'cram there, an' I ain't goin' to take 'ein off." '"Then will you let me go back to them?" Tucu grinned. "V're goin' to show me where therm smuggled goods was chucked off the steamer, or y're goin' to feed time fishes." The man's plan was clear enough now. Convinced that there was nothing of great value aboard the schooner, he had abandoned her until after he had found time smuggled gems. Later, if the storm did not send the schooner to the bottom, he could return and sal- vage her if she was worth it. ISSUE 44- -1946 MISS LODER CELEBRATES A BIRTHDAY Before tasting the cake celebrating her first birthday, Denise Hedwig Loder poses for a picture with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Loder, of Hollywood, Calif. You may recognize mamma— she's beter known as Hedy Lamarr. Sunday School Lesson t The Basis of Christian Freedom Acts 15: 23-29; Gal. 5 : 13-18, Golden 'Text—\\e believe tltat we shall be saved through the grace of the Lord Jesus.—Acts 15: 11, Liberty In Christ The great controversy in the early Church was, whether a man is saved upon faith apart from works of the law, or whether a man is saved upon faith apart from works of the late, or whether a man is saved upon faith and the works of the l:y, This is the great battle Paul fought. His argument: God bas wrought signs and won- ders among the Gentiles by us, and thus set 1!is seal upon our preaching of salvation by faith apart from the works of the law. The mode of address is full of significance: "The brethren which are of the "Gentiles". Faith in Christ makes all then kin. Call to Freedom The call of Christ is a call to freedoms. Paul warns against the misunderstanding and abuse of freedom. True freedom is govern- ed not by "the lusts of the flesh but by the law of Iovc, and love seeks not its own but makes us to "be servants one to another". Verse 13 would solve all our problems if we would only all live by it. The whole law of God is summed up in one word, "Love"; "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." 1 f all men would obey that law, wars would cease and all other evils would cease. Walking by the Spirit Paul tells the simple secret of not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh. 4911 SIZES 12.20 \\'hat's new? Pattern 4911 with four brand-new flattering features! A diagonal button -sweep! A modi- fied dolman sleeve! A longer, flared peplum; a slim, straight skirt! This pattern is easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit, includes complete illustrated instructions. Pattern 4911 comes in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 takes 3/ yards 39 -inch fabric. Send TWEN'T'Y CENTS (20c) in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to room 421, 73 Adelaide St. \Vest, Toronto Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. '1'11c secret is simply this: "\\'alk by the spirit", thus giving the con- trol of our conduct into the keep- ing of the holy Spirit of God. If we will give Him control we will not fulfil the lusts of the flesh. If we do not we certainly shall. The flesh is our natural self, which is largely under the control of our physical natures. The lusts of the flesh are not something over- come once and for all time by some momentary experience by which we cuter into "the higher life", but they are overcome by daily walk• ing by the Spirit. Rationing Of Meat May End In Spring '!'here is a possihility that creat rationing, re-biti'oduced last Sept- ember to provide more food for Europe, may end next spring, Government experts said that by then Canada mvoulct have stet her commitments to UNRRA, and a number of foreign governments and meat would be in much larger supply. The ration has cut consumption from a normal total of about 118 pounds per person per year to be- tween 1:36 and 138 pounds. Chief Killer Accidents take the lives of about 6,500 school children a year in the United States. Although the death rate from accidents among young- sters has declined markedly in re- cent decades, the reduction has not kept pace with the decline from disease. As a result, accidents are now the leading cause of death among school children. How Can 1? 13y Anne Ashley Q. Zloty can 1 clean Lid gloves? :\. Put the glut es on the hands, then wash in spirit; of tuipentinc, in 111e same ,Ilaltmlel' as alien w'asll- ing 1111' hands. \\'hen clean, hang the gloves in a warm place, of where there is a current of air. Keep tnrpcntiuc away from any fire or flame. Q. \\'hat is a good application rot burns? A. Scraped potatoes arc a very cooling application for burns and scalds. Change the application fre- quently, Q. Iiovv can I remove nu rtai and liaint Prost tvindi)ty glass? A. \\'asli with hot, sharp vine- gar. Q. flow can i restore the colors in rugs? A. One gond method is, when sw'eepng rugs, to put a teacupful of gasolne into a bucket of water :.rad wet the broom with it. Keep the gasoline away from fire or flank. Q. How can 1 clear water that ha a milky appearance? A. 13y dissolving a small piece of rock alum in a pint of boiling water, and using this much to a tub of hater. Q. holy can I clean undressed kid gloves? A, Try rubbing therm very light - 1)' with fine sandpaper. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1, \\Tien a maim invites a girl to dine, isn't she privileged to order freely whatever she desires? 2. \\'hat arum F11011111 a man offer In partner when escorting her fo the dining -room? If you are 111irodtl('ing a young woman and a middle-aged Aman, whose mune is spoken first? I, \\'bitt are some appropriate g;fts for a godparent to give to the baby? 5. Is it good manners for a col - loge freshman to accept il,vitations to a number of sorority or fratern- ity parties "hen he or she already knows which he is going to join? \\'hat might a hostess say to departing guests who are thank- ing her for the evening? ANSWERS 1, Certainly; hut unless she knows that her escort can afford it, she should not be too extrava- gant in her choice. Even if she knows that the cost is not to he considered, it is not good form to order as though site wcrc starv- ing, or that it is the first "real steal" site has had for a long time. 2. IIis right arum, 3. The young woman's. 4. A silver smug or a feeding spoon are appropriate gifts. 5. Certainly. This is a good way to get acquainted with the mem- bers of other groups. 6, "It was so nice to have you here." Top Driving Score For The Women! tli,in the :nlnminisua- tivc 1 ;rani of 111' tr, iiic tngincem- n.' ano1 ,aft ty dep,u tinent of the nleci,an Automobile Association, Il n,,l l t1, Carlton, :ay, that tvites ;nr 1, tier drivers tl,,tn their Ints• 1,,1nds are. Ile glove: it, ton, tyitll stati-ti, s and ;11, 4) t': ith evidences of what goes on to -dile (kit els' wind \\' hen tr,ifiic thickens up, wont, 11 ,eenl more aware of pu..sil,le emergencies than men do hien, ,ars \Ir. Carlton (\villi ;t i;lance at his st, ti •tics), rely on their strcnt'th to i;e1 them tloouglt. '!'hey tug on the t:h.'el, jam on the brakes, tic• pend upon brawn, which is not rely bright. But tvonten---mot women, that is --depend upon judgment, Yoder trying traffic conditions they are much more cautious. The ,ont- pat'ative ratio of accidents bears this out. IT'S REMARKABLE how fully the flavor of Maxwell Ilouse Coffee is developed by the special Maxwell Ilouse "Radiant -Roast". It captures all the good- ness of every bean in the blend, %on 11'111 1:n1(o swing AI Tito St. Regis Rotel rOlt0 VI u a Icor) Roust %A1Ih 11111 11 5.I)ol er nod '1'rlrphuur • ,nt)tle, 511•511 AA— nouhlr, T:n.an up • (:"oil hood I)Iuing Anil Dane- lult N'Ighlly 'herhuurne rat Carlton let, IIA. 4135 „ .,inwM ' ii'.ILu'.r.W.r+YYa:rL+'><1idr.et.t.i ' 1tOO114 1{1:.11I'l1 1 I'I It.NI.1I1':I) $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAG:111A h'AI,I,4 O1'I', — ('.N,It. NI'A'l'ION NEW LOW PRICES 12 tablets 16c 24 tablets 29c 100 tablets 79c GENUINE ASPIRIN 1S MARKED THIS WAY kite "There's a word going the rounds in Canadian tea circles today. Perhaps you've heard It. It's brisk . the word experts use to describe the flavour of Lipton's Tea". There's new and finer tea pleasure ... new and deeper tea enjoyment . . , waiting for you in your first cup of LIpton's Tea . , . time tea with that brisk flavour, never dull, always fresh, lively and full- bodied. Change to brisk - tasting Lipton's Tea today. 4i' riCLIES By Gwendoline P, Clarke Partner anis I cleaned the flues and the Litlhen stovepipes this morning; and, 1 ieutlentcn talk note —(printer—capital "G" plcasc.1-- Partner was just as good tempered when WC finished WI he was when WC started. \layhe you can hardly believe that, but it's true: ro noir Ilere, we are with clean (•t1i111i1Cy pipes, a stove that doesn't smoke and yet we are still on speaking, terms with one another. 1 ask you —what more could anyone want as the basis for contented family life? Of course cleaning stovepipes is a dirty, dusty business at the best of times but practice slakes perfect and I really think we accomplish the task nolo with the minimum of fuss and confusion. At one time 1 always used to sweep the floor and wipe off the stove after the job was done. Now I don't use a broom at all. Instead, as the work progresses 11001) sup the soot and d11St with a wet cloth. It keeps the dust from scattering and afterwards one can easily finish the job with a soap and water wash -or of course, with one's f a v our i t c radio -advertised cleanser. * * * While we were busy with the pipes I thought to myself—"There now, if we were living in a ,lice, comfortable city apartment we wouldn't have this work to do. 1Vc 'wouldn't even have a furnace to attend to—that would be the jani- tor's job." Froin there my thoughts drifted back to what Daughter had been telling us over the week -end. To make it clear 1 should tell you that Second Neice left here last Thursday and visited Daughter be- fore continuing her journey to Ot- tawa, It was raining when we took her to the station—but not really hard—just a drizzle—so 1 think the two of them got around all right Thursday night. But Friday morn- ing—that was the clay we had the real rain—remember?—the first genuine rain we had had this fall. Now if Second Neice had still been with us --or First and Third Neice for that platter—what would have happened? Any one of them would have looked out, said what a wet day it was, and that would have been that. They would have got out of their comfortable beds when they felt like it, come downstairs to a nice warns kitchen, got their own breakfast including the hot coffee waiting for thein on the stove. They would have sat around as long as they felt like it and eventually busied themselves doing whatever they could to help Ole. * * * But when Second Neice stayed with Daughter what happened? Daughter, because she had to be at the office by 8.30 left her cousin to dress at her leisure. Poor Babs! It was raining when she got up; pouring when she was dressed, and she had no raincoat, no umbrella and I don't believe she had any rubbers. And no breakfast! 'l'he nearest place to get a bite was about five minutes walk. So Second Ncicc had the choice of being dry and hungry ur wet and well-filled. Thinking the rain would surely let np after awhile she waited—until nearly two o'clock! Oh—oh—the joys of the city 1 \\That's the good of a restaurant if you can't be where it is? I'll bet anything Babs hall longing but empty thoughts of the old farm kitchen where Aunt Gwen was clearing breakfast dishes from a table where she might just as well have been sitting had she stayed a day or two longer, in which case the ram would have made no difference to her at all. * Well, I think our summer run of visitors is just about over. All our neices have had their turn and my sister was here for Thanksgiv- ing. Of course when I say "our run of visitors" I don't Include Daugh- ter who pops in any old time at all. Yesterday, for instance, Partner and I were alone, Bob was away some place and the house was un- naturally quiet when a car carte up the lane and Daughter and friend Bert stepped out. Then Bob came in—and there we were again. * * * However we arc getting a few jobs done inbetwcentimes. And their number is legion. I wonder what it would be like to have spare time and not know what to do with it? But I don't believe—and I sin- cerely hope—that I shall never have that experience. Partner feels that way too. He always docs too much. But then it is hard to take it easy when mental energy persists in keeping one step ahead of physical fitness. 1 think that is something to re- member if we have old people living with us. To keep happy they must have something to do because the measure of their contentment is their usefulness in a busy world. PUSH A BUTTON ... AND PLOW A FIELD r . I Y- �' •x'*�� .. a yl':+s_ oft ` A, :._ r. Astonished farm dogs chase and hark at remote-controlled plow as it rips a straight furrow, Visualize fields being plowed while farmers loll at cast beneath shady trees, lugs of cider beside them, pipes or cigarettes in one hand, and electric push -buttons in the other. 'That's the promisr seen in recent English experiments with radio -c ontrolled farm tractors that pull plows and outer cultivating machinery at the press of a button, Radio-controled apparatus, used in wartime for robot anti-aircraft target planes, has been adapted to the tractor. Radio signals from transmitter operate sensitive electrical relays in the receiver, installed on tractor, so that by means of compressed air servomotors, the tractor can be n1 ade to run in a straight line or turn right and left. Plow ran be ailed when tractor turns at end of a furrow. i'hotos here were taken during recent experiments at Barnet, in Hertfordshire, Radio transmitter, on ground, Schools On Wheels By James Montagnes (In The Christian Science Monitor) Seven railway passenger cars fritted as school classrooms on wheels travel throughout Ontario to bring learning to the children of railway section hands, fur trap- pers, prospectors, !nutters, and farmers living far front towns or villages in the north Canada bush. Covering roughly the arca from Notts Bay to the Ontaio-Manitoba boundary', each of the school cars on wheels stops for a week at a time. at a definite spot once a month, and here the children of every European nationality as well as Canadians and native Indians get their schooling from Grade 1 to Grade 10. * * * The travelling schoolrooms have been in operation for a number of years. The innovation was started to fill a need for bringing educa- tion to the children who lived too far from settlements to obtain regu- lar schooling. From one grade school on wheels the system grew till now the Ontario Department of Education has seven, operated for it by the two Canadian rail- ways and paid for by the Ontario government. The school cars are regular coaches. Ifalf the interior is fitted with desks, wall maps, blackboard, and the other require- ments of a schoolroom. Fourteen pupils can be accommodated at a time, but there few stops where this number come for the week's teaching, so sparsely populated is the country in which the school cars travel. The other half of the car is fitted with living acconlmo- sends impulses to receiver, on tractor. Man, right, controls movement of tractor through push-button he holds. dations for the teacher and his family, with bulks for beds, mod- ern kitchen, and an extra stove in addition to the regular heating equipment of the railway car. Triple glass windows are installed in winter for the comfort of young- sters who tramp through even 40 degrees below zero weather to go to school. Frequently older boys will build a shelter near the school car to stay there through the week rather than snake the long trip back and forth daily through the bush. * * * Like in the country school, the school car teacher has all grades at one time in his class. The regu- lar school terns is maintained, and for the three weeks that the school car is not at the spot the cliildren ;re assigned work to do every day. This, the Ontario educators have found, teaches self-reliance. The youngsters do extremely well, fre- quently completing the year's work in advance of town school children and being promoted a grade during the year. The teachers arrange their sched- ule with the railways, letting them know when to move the cars. Spe- cial spur lines have been built for the school cars, and when the local freight or fast express picks up a school car to spot it in another loca- tion, the switches are locked so no other train can conte on the spur. Each teacher has a special cir- cuit to make. The shortest is 83 miles long; the longest 221 t.liles. Most of the teachers are married and have their families traveling with them in the school car. The teachers like the railway school cars and don't want to change to a stationary schoolhouse. Though the climate is a drawback and the work is harder, they like to bring knowledge to the backwoods child- REG'LAR FELLERS—Speed Test YOU WAN NA Gi.T ON n -V TEAM E14, HOW dOOD 1/4.‘" SAY -- 1 z t, YLI, ren and see them graduate to go to high school in city of town. * * * The traveling teachers earn up to $2,000 a year. Their homes are provided without charge, also coal, water, light, and furnishings, The teachers are kept in touch with the outside world by railway telegraph and mail car, receiving their daily newspapers regularly. They live in the woody the year round. Their pupils nearly all being expert woodshoys and girls, often show their mentors the best fishing spots in virgin fishing country. The pupils know all the habits of the wild life in the bush. Truancy is unknown to the teachers on the school cars. Only a few hundred children in all conte to the seven cars in a year, but they want to conic. Some will tramp 40 utiles from their father's trapper cabin to the spur line where the car is stationed, and sleep in the bush or some nearby railway section worker's cabin for the week. They'll ski to the school car in winter, paddle by canoe in spring and fall, or snowshoe If necessary in winter; but they come to the school car. And their parents conte, too, in the evenings. Illiterate im- migrants have learned to read and write, to find out facts about the country they live in, to learn how other people in railway centers, towns, and cities live and what they do. The railway school cars not only teach the youngsters, but teach Canadianisnl to the parents as well. *(Jame.3 Montagnes is a leading Canadian free lance writer). The planet Venue is called the earth's twin, because it not only comes closer to us than any other planet, but is almost identical in size with the earth. - I KIN KICK TWICET A5 FAR AS YOUR BEST MAN, TACKLE NINE. TIMES BETTERN `OUR "TACKLES MSS FIFTY YARDS AT A THRL ,V • - o.'// 5- • tLm I,I(. f IS„e N.d An flit” ,.,,,,a 50 FAR, 50 GOOD -- HOW ARE. ",OU ON ftUfJ_NIN�' ? 5AY- RUN NIN' 15 WHAT1 ) � Opera Star u 1IOIRILONTAL 54 Ilur.eback 1 Pictured opera star, 11 Lyric poem 12 Verbal 13 Exit 14 Golf device 15 Part of "be" 16 Belongs to him 17 Writing implement 18 Occur 20 Last south- east (ab.) 22 Measure of cloth M 1n'„er 10 Previous Posits.' ROYAL INGERISOt__�, OR, REDEEMEID7 OT 1 0 I__L ,,,..p E ✓' 1 D R 1 A :II APER; FTr 5 0 D A 5 O N C A 5 E — N �I IN F 1i2 .�nP E r ;;i', 1A r IT S s 1 E P. -!•,P E E. GRAND l.DI.1lk04 DREAD R'1. N G -' ROYAL -- S:" 5' E_ ,GNt=17,—E r 0,:j, -„p A P I G l).R E=E sgsO F_ A Ps INGERSOLL F L E`!E T game 56 Outfit 57 She is a mem- of the — Opera N'ERT1CAL 1 inns 18 Fowl 37 Naval officer 2 Paradise 19 Negative word 38 Tree fluid 3 Sheltered side 21 Finish 44 Satisfy 4 Negative 23 Leases 46 Cease 5 Snare 25 Spaces 47 She has had 6 Approach 28 Hasten numerous 7 Aluminum 30 Long fish — roles (symbol) 33 Brother 48 She has sung 8 Exclamation 34 Element used many an ---- 9 Great Lake 23 Musical note 10 School 24 On account assignment (ab.) 17 Vegetable 26 Upon 27 Pale 29 Direction 31 Within in treating cancer 35 Soak up 36 Little mass 1 T. 3 4 5 6 7 II _12 Ya 32 Electrical en- _19r ` I5 gineer (ab.) 11 18 33 Worries 50 Seine 52 Morsel 54 Italian river 55 Oleum (ab.) 8 19 ^:? 13 19 24 25;;S'-26 36 Section of 2i? ;��w tj British Isles 39 Egyptian 21 28 21 40 Therefore 30 10' 21 sun god 41 Like 33 34 42 Sodium (symbol) 39 Y5 40 43 Paid notices 45 Went by 113 48 Snake 48 John (Gaelic) 49 51 Toward 52 Boundary (comb. form) 53 Indian 53 51 35 3b 31 38 41 4s" 42 'Ib 47 ""--'4",0-"-..51 c`ti��52 JI TrainingDogs As yes Of Blind Mrs. Dorothy Harrison Eustis, who died last week in New York at the age of 60, will long be hon- ored for •a unique service to her fellowmen, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer, It was she who began in this country the training of dogs as ryes of the blind. She was found- er of the nonprofit organization at Morristown, N.J., now celebrated as The Seeing Eye, Inc. Isere is another instance of a hobby assuming proportions un- dreamed of at the outset, Mrs, Eustis early in life acquired a deep interest itt scientific matters of various kinds. When but a child she conducted scientific fanning ex- periments in dog breeding 011 her estate in Switzerland, saying especial attention to mental and working capacities. She observed that the German shepherd was losing its native intelligence by breeding for 511015' ptrpo,es. 'With the assistance of Elliott S. Hum- phrey, a geneticist, she began to retrieve the German shepherd by training it for police work, to pa- trol Swiss borders and to trail and find missing persons. In the middle 1020s her interest broadened out to include the work done in Europe in training dogs as guides for the blind, and she wrote an article about it for the Saturday Evening Post. As the result of this article a young American who was blind went to her Swiss estate to 1)e trained in the use of a guide dog. The success of this experiment led to establishment of The Seeing Eye. Isere dogs are trained, first alone and then with the (master. Only a part of the cost is paid by those who obtain the dogs, the rest by charity. Matrimonial Knot The expression tying the knot, in reference to a wedding ceremony, is derived from the fact that priests used to tie the ends of their stoles around the joined hands of bride and groom. Fashion Decrees Skirts To Be Longer About the time everyone becomes used to seeing woolen's legs—or at least that part of them below the knee—fashion decrees skirts shall go down. And down they go event- ually, for what woman resists fashion ? asks The Edmonton Journal. Just the other day we were told by the manager of a women's dress department that the new skirts are two inches longer. Ile added, sur- prisingly, that most of the ladies didn't like thein that way and were having them shortened. A little later, an observer at a social "event" noted that many of the skirts were a trifle longer! TO BE POPULAR as a' hostess, serve Maxwell House Coffee. It contaimi choice Latin-American coffees ... the finest ob- tainable. It's blended by experts with traditional knowledge and skill. NEW LOW PRICES 11 tablets Ise 74 tablets 29e 100 tablet, 79c r' GENUINE ASPIRIN I MARKED THIS WAY ItMakesYou Feel So Much Better Dr. Chase's NERVE FOOD The Vitamin Bi Tonne :1 :.--:\, r�{e Extensively used for headache, „,K,,, loss of sleep, nervous indigestion, Dr.Chase's '""'"Mr irritability, anaemia/ chronic NERVE FOOD r r fatigue, and exhaustion of the nervous system. 60 cts. Economy size, $1.50 Dr. Chase's Nerve Food By GENE BYRNES FACE 44 THE . STANDARD ' 11 ,, Pit IZL�I11\rah �1I �_a._._____., _y.a_1 __._--_._.____ V I I I; 11 VOCICKILMI1Q�Ck' OCCICXXXI I 1, 1 ION • 1t 1 „,,.nett till,!'. I,at!e I t MI's. Charles Stewart 111 trance enc \\.,,Illir1', Ralio�ll�otts entire e1,n,im)1lln\ received al Blyth BLl"I'H — Ul!'T. i \! ! \ I:IL•, ,I: I I•;,l , II !)r;, ,l, I t l l,l!, ' - rt r1 c ,hock, Will ihr\ Ica' cell that I, il;enll- I, I ,it'll k'.ndm1• S II 'I !nsda\ last \Ir . l Intr!c, te\\art \ %irk' ,111. Ilueh \t,l• •1'111(1' of 1lnCett I o\\n•Ilip, !1111 passed Etta, ORDER I4OW�- NI!. ,%tel \Ir• \ incemt. awl kat. in fir. It N1(1114,1.1,11 Il,,spu,ll, caloith. INSURE NOW! ANI) BI::�SSI?Itll�l). i., re•'de111 t ;It 1111 it \, \IIs. Ste wam t hail lirun in for some �, • - [-'', ,, , Ili III',. !t"•. i'.\ •l",iris lil\I!1. atilt', !1111 not thong!!' •ei ion, until Car -line - Life Sickness - AUid(ilt. .. 1 For Beatty Washers, 1l 01119 Mill \ acunml('i(a lee J. II. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott ' three week• aCo ,ht. \ta- ,.,ken %loin '�i c\\'1y-\Ved i I-I(motlretl By her home t the I I, Thal. I ler c nil; - Office Picone 104. Residence Phone, 1: or 140 t„ n for lit till;, h,tfllc 1 1111 New Radios f �! _ _ �T _ ___ 4._ Stock M I W tIto11 1' 1'lell(15 skill, 11)11 tlro\ciI fatal in the end. COURTESY AND SERVICE. g \`I to 2,7u fl iced, and nei,thhomrs illtX1441DINDMI4D12idiD INh3tl3,Z^1D13'`1 19.J1`.:44,1 1D.3t...)tN 171%)tM3,1�tat2111t]1)1a ills ! :t, ti.,. \\',,hilt 1 lfl moil'' ':.1';l n \\ e Illr•d l\, ( )ct.,b1 r 21x11, to h 11 u • \I •• and \I r-. I large\ \I (- Cul e, 11 rut ne\\!V-\tcit. of that ce:n- m lima \Ir. and Mr-. McClure \tyre r, 'I iia, ovum y11 in S irnia. \Ir-. \!:I Illi,. \,;,. i ,rnlul\ \1;,, Ites,;e tA;nl. I!'tilim_t tools m;) the lat".;c p:lrt I,f Le 1"6e11:1"ei• 1t:1'fnrn:ince, tti!h \V 1- l'• , . 1 • -tea :mot: Int! t'ty mush-. \ nil • ;t Iti'Im ,till %mol , a• 1 an .111 II,' • rya t11 the 11'teg rout,!( in -t h, ft.:- ;uncle t nit. 'I It Mils ''hortiveil ;.n i 1:1,I. \\;It•i':1 made the pie-cui't- curt--Con o% a clouts, 1 \1:111 n'.irrt ;, ,loll a :t of 11111l.:' ', 11 i) 1 111 1111111\;nq tl�!re,• \\;t> r,.t 1 1;:\\.i'1 \' \\ 1';.'l! Shnrt- reyd \1 ::!! ,tl, O11:•tt'1,,, 1 )i 1t1iu r , 10.11 Dia.: Ile --ie ae•! I ! I, vet ._ \\ e, \ ul Vednesdny, Oct, 30, .1916 • OPEN DEER SEASON I Inrot,, I1r11,'1 a:I'I 1 ire\ ( „11tr11,••. 1 1 irnl!in,t i! , n \oycnl ire I"h _zr,!. :\11 open 'leer ,ea•.1n lit keen dy lar 1• i„ It. ,1 ert by dept. of Laine• and l . i:_rie, %1 ,1. •h' 1 ,,1oss in ;Ill titre., 1 It'•tu'•. • 4.......#,11,I.4.#444.I41,14`.4.04, eINIJI.M•#NI•N.NI NIVO #IN1.INN HALLOWE'EN and N C E 1.., It11...11Lw.wWJ,IL.WL Monster Masquerade tai! ., 1 I .1 Ili ... , 11 1111, . 1111 11 1 1. 1 11. •lu. .I I b:1 Au Is J.1 .•:. ..4 .60.1111.''4 ,,LL1U.111 ,.I.. BLYTII COMMUNITY MEMORIAL II:ALL Thursday, October 31 Sponsored by The Blyth Lions Club Free Party for Children In Costume at 8;30 P.M. Prizes Will Be Given. DANCING WILL COMMENCE AT 9 P.M. with Special Prizes for Ladies and Gentlemen. i errier s Orchestra. LUNCH COUNTER IN THE HALL. Admission 50c; School Children 25c. Plan Now To Join in the Ftul on Hallowe'en Night. ♦I/INN4.414.#41`41•41.~4~#4.4 4,,,,t4 4.0MNIIIfIINIINN Presentations Feature Lions Club Meeting (en•'tinned from page 1 presentation Lion 1)-11 spoke of the plend '1 t\:re Lien Stan had ren- dered the Club as l rector of the Minstrel Show, and !tale the presen- tation to hint. The unwrapping of the gift created sonic amusement, ;t being wrapped ;n several large boxes. When Lion Stan finally discovered it, he re- plied suitably, thanking the Club for remembering hits, and saying that he would continue to wear the ring as long as he lived. The club members sang heartily, "icor IIe's a Jolly Good Fellow Lions Bert Tasker reported on the progress at the lions Park. The ground had been ordered plowed, pre- parat?ry for further ground work. Lion > r1ry• Kyle reported briefly on the meeting at Port Albert, which was attended by a large rielegation of Rlytlt Lions, and which had as guest speak- er Itlternational President, Cliff i'ierce, Ile also gave an explanation of the present bond issue. A motion was made by Linn G1'' rge 11cYall, retooled by Lion Ken. Whit- more, that the Minstrel Show disband. After some discussion the motion car- ried. The cltth ;Viii start a new shim after the new year. The meeting closed with the Lion, Roar. SCHOOL BOARD MEET The re•cular mcating of the Blyth School Endre( was held at 8 p. 211., Oc- tober 25th with the fcllo wing Trustees on Sanday. rs. It. 'I)\VI-end, :ell \Irs. itt.1', `l,1'l1 the y i't•k-4•1111 111 h heir sister Ji; nria!I''I,ar> and iricmis l t\'e �athrrr l !LT,. tries y•cl. n:� to offer our "Lon - 1t Esti 1,l:, t1, the lionourcll gentle - an I.1 tin uyitlg, x111 to \tisk c\cr\ 1 ',• ,lir r !, s cilarliI1II hI ide. \I:ty t!1 of you hate lirnl ,Ilyyll n the ,t t o% matri:llol\' and clay Yew' V)y- \Ir . Stut\.m't'' nla;Melt !Emir \\as \nl\ .\Ihurta, \ 'Inge -t damghtcr o% tit, late Il lin ,Intl \lar\ \\oto, n% the It lyf'rid Road, (;odes';, li fua'n-Ili;l. She h1c,un' the 1),ic of \Ir. l'it:u'Ir. Stc\t,lrl n .\heft Int 11. Left to 111.,11111 her Inns arc her hu, - band, (hat le.•, her daughter, \I aril'!, Mrs. John Ileanl:ut, of Lo)111,e, and two sons,, I,h . 11 and I\l'lllll'(11, and t;1,r;on \\11, prcdecease,l her hint year. a:1•o 1'\\ s'sters,.\Ila, NI t \\. I:Ihotl, 1.% t !loon, ant. \I,u•\, \Ir ntyd\, of 'I ront1,, 11111 1 !c \I r•. \\alt \\ a, a falai III int 111h:'r of Loidc.hor . t thee1 l Inn ch. ;t mem her t the .(lilt It:hle Chi., and of the \V. \I. S. ••, .•. .;..;,...;. 4 :..:..:..:..:.%1 .;..4.; .;, 1;1 ,1.,.;11;,.; ,;, ,..; .; 1;u� %•1;1 ,;.., 1;1 ,;, :,.;.., .;1.;. I:11D ,,•;•,;, ,•.; •;u:11;.%nit 4.1 I'tnt,•r,l, stet 11'1 , 1\ rl r root ucletl al • b` . the will 1o111r I,y 1141. iia,: Ir, hey. .\. _. I'cnnl,ml and Ice\..\. 1'.. Gardner. Iler fat (mitt. hymn, "Shall \\•c (lather at the It;\,r \Vas >u. and a ,1,1i1, "111 •• • 3. fhr Clui•tia i, Ilo!1,nlr and 1;11•r\„ I,\' t rs, John Suitt. I he inI,•,t11 \v„,,., 1t; larttrl\' 11)1rl.t 1 Floral o1ferim were + many and hi anti%nl, II',lif\Mg to the •1, respect and u•icein the 1!e'ca•eil held >• 4,1 : • 4t• •t4, • Stewart -Warner Table Model (Electric). Sparton 'liable Model ( Uattery) • I I .1 1 t.,1 I 1 1 , .. I1 LI. �. ,II .Y,. .�., .,. I. . .... .,, .111..1 1..4,1, I1. 1. USED RCA BATTERY R:A1'A1O - A BARGAIN 1N Radio Repairs - All Makes. Large Stock of 'Tubes and Part; on (land. Batteries, Bulbs and SuppliC,:. GLENN Work Guaranteed. c x r: 9a?II • Phone 165, Blyth. .:'1,,4 .aerie: ''•,-+.:4f'�1.. at:e by Wit:rd 0. til %la,tl ,;g::, Icallin; in the r1 nunnnit\. to jot. '11':nl'.I and hat pull',,. I P:Illhl'a,ci• \vert hurs:x nephews, .\ ie\\ '. 1;tr- alio \\e learnt 1 that a Ir'el Fill; tt, (irorgc Elliott. lack „.fain young lean had purchased one Stcq,hcn,, Ilu::h I.a111, (;corer tiilrox, n% our mr;gllr IIFIi t l faints :lilt \Vias (;cork Botanic, mite. goiltg lit make his 1Wine ill 1,111' Imdst. ' l:t >iverlu lrl'1•, lyet'r mep!`yy1, :11111 Naturally, \\c were all anxious to friend., (liffcrd .\dam,, .\tbrey 'Poll, make his aclltiaintanee and 'look hint Stewart Toll, Kenitra, \lt•l)o)1gatl, over' a, it \'cru. \\'t' till t,, and 1?unner,on Desk, (;rant Snell, Marry %1,111111 that !•u measured up \vith ,at;s- Snell, Robert \Vallate, (;conte fac!;on to tit; tyllr it young 11:tn11 1,rt ;,eryiri', (_coil Cartw'riglll. •• we like tt: have in our vicinity, and Interment in Clinton cemetery. .t. itr;n; the \ear. lollt11'in!g, \\'l ionntl The sv i 1 atlly of the community " '!t;m a w'1rtlt-\Vhilc irie t 1 anti neigh- g 'es to the family in their sail bereave-' ;• hour. ,Hent. 1o\t. that one of the important Illilc`- .tone• f his life has been reached, \\•e notice that his hood judgment ha: served h;ni again in choosing for him - •elf a kir I artner. \ell may t\•e. ex - 'end t'I yivl, Be„ir, a ,warm ,vele• me t1, our conituti111t\• and Illi \• your Idle 'lure be one of c ntentntent -and peace. il:it v:l11 should ever feel the urge to tits,',: 1 itelien culls or rolling pins at your other half, \V, advise you to unl high and accurately or you might •r;,- the mark, On the r,ther hand BELGRAVE Mr. and \Irs. Fred Reid and Doris, also, \I r. and \Irl. (truce I\eys, of Varna, spent Sunday with relatives here Mrs. \\', E. Rowland who underwent all 0peratnl1 for at,: ciirht'itii in \\ Iitg- hanl 11.spital last \Vcduesday i, im- proving nicely. Mrs. R. II. (: itcs left by plane from, 'Toronto for Vancouver, 11. C., ult Friday. i• Y0/ 0••;� •: 0• •� •� •;� 0• •;� •;� 010101 •��•�•� •� I;•* 1;• •�. •: •;� 0101010.01010• •;• 1;1010.1;11,00.1;• :• 1:1 •: •;� 1;11;1 •:• I;I •;.1;�•�i •;11;� e We have just received a New Shipment of RESS SHOES Just dandy for the forthcoming dances. Them! include brown alligator and black suede itt the latest styles. Come in and see them. We also have lines of all boots and shoe accessories. We wish to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for the splendid co-operation and patronage given us on our opening clay. THE HARRIS SHOP "The Corner Store". :• • • • • • Blyth, Ontario. fort\•• After the radio broadcast the in charge. high ,cores \\ere twos by discussion fn!lo\ved when it tea, Ile- Mr."- Carl 1rortcr and (', R. l'oultes cited no one ,tatted to go to city :r! and tun• scare, h\• Mr., C. R Conittm a wage $32._11 per week. Darn, women am11 \1nt. Sp;tr'. 1.nnr1 was served. Would Lc better satisfied if they had The next meeting will be at t'', honk: • 1larvey if Yon start tl•'\t'n:; titins,. The first meeting of the L'odlnin more net incme with which to Inir-ol \I1, ,utd \I 11 I \\ 11 on III. with \Ir,, \1'nl. sec that gnu :11111 ;v;Illy in "'id ;dr. so Parnf Forton \vas held at the Ironic of chase labor saving equipment. Pro- I that you \\';II he airy to nti•, the marls. \Ir all \Irs l'u1 1'r• vier on Monday I gre„'ve Euchre v1/4 as enjoyed with 1 Plotter 1;1 charge Frank Brant - f1,:1, \\ hit t Iconic \I r,. \\'tn. Desk left n Monday to spend a iew day, w'i!h frierr, is in To- rnip„I, briore tell'; for her ne;tv home in t loydminster. ,\Ir• tit \I r•. nk\•, Ilrn•.el, ,pent Sunday with NI r (.aura Sun- dercoek. - \liires !teal and Elva (;oder wen home for the 15 eel: -end. \Ir. and \I r,. I1, \lnntglnner\ (n•iushl, visited the later', ,;,ter an,. brother-in-law, \I r. and \I r,. J. 11 Sir fibro k last week. fite \lar\• Grierson \!i„inn (tan,' curt Sunday morning in tl•,r, baicnun of the church- (all to \\'nr,hip In Out I'rc,tllent, Kenneth .1rinstrong a livinn and prayer; Scripture le,'nu 33rd 1'salnl, was read hr iTillie (roId an, and the Lord's i'rayer ;n unison 1\enneth \\'ontl called the rill. Birth- day pennies were given by \I r,. 11 Sh• bbrook, and David ia'aery:ce. The offering \t: 1• taken by 1t0llby Sln,dercrn•k, \"cva (.yon gave a \I sinnary Story. June \lineing read a temperance ,tory. and Magid l air- scr\•iee, one 1111 \\•or1 1 I'eI1•e. \I tis;v by 'Tbelnta Shnbbrook. \I is' Kirlr gave a chapter ;n the >'i'dy boot:. \ hv'l n and prayer. 'Thor, were 27 present. \trs. 11. Allan, Mrs. A. \\'ell , .lir:. .\. Penman and Misses L. Y.oung and Bina Kirk, spent Tuesday ;m \\'ing- hamt. AUBURN present: I':. J. Cartwright, R. D. Philp, On Sunday Knox 1'ra' yl' r':ut J. Armstrong and G. Augustine. Church. Auburn, held its regular an - The minutes of the last regular and' uiyersar\ service \silk 1'ey. G. for special meetings were approved as gensen 11f B1ury:rl as preancer. Tile Ilosveyer, we knot\• that such conduct ,\renin~ w•;th an attendance of about .\Irs. R. Crawford and Clarence \'will! period. trill never enter Four !nippy intuit'. 11. 1,1.1 On be half, of your fr;em is and neigh- , hours of the \\'altou (.'onttnunity we ,t,k y. n to please accept these gift, as a token of the high esteem in ,which you are hell, and with it go our lest wishes that Life may shower it, Ides- •iitg' 011 \1,u alsv;iy,. —Signer, Gerald \\'at,on, lohn \\'at- sr•n, \\'ilfred Shortreel. \Ir. \leClure rel,,l'ed briefly. thanl:- 'ne the friv11,1, for their kindncs,, Mr. and \I r•. McClure are raiding n the groom's farm on the Mullett It 11111Iary. t Hosts At Social Evening On 22nd Wedding Anniversary \Ir. and \I r,. Ni.rntan Rath rd. of :art \Vaw•anel,h, entertained a group if their \\'e-tf , til friends, at their home on Tuesday 1,5 (Mini!. tilt 11!'1':1•• :r n being t':e:r „ro(l welding anniver- sary, nniver- sary, Prot rc•sive Lost heir prat^dud the evening's entertainment, and pri76 winners were, Vigil gent, \\'alter (.rook, ('on,olati n, John ,lt'l)osscll: Digit lolly, \Irs. .\ It a Mel)owell, eon - NH.... John \Itl)owell, The presentati ,n of a t vel\• plastic fl,Iwer stand am l e i ti.incr. t.) \ir. and \I r,. R:ttl''il, calve a, a complete •nrprist. The pre•eut;t;on. made by \Irs. Alva \Ieltowel!, w'a, arcom}r;ut- icd by a tyedd:n:t cielgratulation card. signed by all those present. •\1r. ltadforl, on behalf of \frt Italfor t. expressed his appreciation f r the gift. Rciresitnient• were serve, 1 by Mrs. It;ulfl.rlt before these present t•ettirncll to their homes, read on motion of Trustees Philp and W ALTON church was appropriately decorate I 'fho Sunday morning services at Armstrong, with colorful autumn flower•. On motion of Trustees Philp and I lull', t: nitcd Church were co`uiurt- P In runncrti n ;lith the nurru:l Armstrong, Secretary was instructed to :eryire. the unveiling of the honor forward Board's expressi:In of syin- roll took place. 'The plaque was un- pathy to tlr. Kinkead, re his illness. veiled by Kenny S 1,,t and Gordon Moved 1\• T:'astee Augustine, sec- 1 Dottie. On the plaque are inscribed ondcd by Trustee Armstrong, and car - the name,, Janie, II,'n•ton ;11111 I':arl ried that Board offer the extra double \lugiord, the 1'' , nun!her, f the seats for —de at $5.00 each. 'church to hall' given their lige, ill the The f i' :^•; accour's were orderer' Secnnrl (;real \\-ar. 1.a-1 I'„,t. ,ound- paid on it; ,flet of 'I'ru,iees Armstrong LI l,\• \ir. (fern of (dinton, was fol - and Philp: !owed by one minute', silence after Jack hood, school supplies $5.70 ! \Ir. and \lr,. 'fnm \\'Ekon and \I r. thick Riv idle was sotitikit. Myth Telephone Sy,trin ,.I'1 anti \1r:. Inc Davidson, London, \Vial p The speaker, ,\Ir. Jorgensen. gat''' Clarence J encu after attnn'I;ng the 1 Vert Gray, Lumber for Manual i a fit+iuc auniyer,art Ellet s ill , , funeral at Cl;ntent of 'Tont I,utnctt. a Corp'n of I,1\ tit, Auditing' . . 15 0Jformer resident of \\•Elton. \inrkay Duncan stroll a 'tet cntit- I ' ,orn.v5 ._ Express leets ")litre Thin(' Own 11';1\• l,orrl.'• i . , . • Paid $1.32 - .--- - - .. 51-32 . tris, \yith \Ir. and \Irs. Roy Bennett. 1• \Ir,. Dine;ut also •al:t the loin, _�..._� Nfeeting adjourned on ,notion of I•itle,,, 'This linu,e.., _-- Trustees Philp and Augustine. 1 At the evening 'ervice• \I r. Jot -- Leslie i r Leslie t1;lb rn, Secretary. Left For rail, B.C. (,cm en .pope on "The Gospel of \thiel, c arc not aslimii. d ” :\ duet w•t: Mr. a nil \l r=. Stelvart \Iorris',n i3ONDFSBORO int br S Int \\' I!t' i • ;„„i It,'ity left 11n \Vednesilii\• for Trail. I1.C.. . NI r. ;mil Mrs. 1.'rne Ilunking 81' S nt!i of Go.l„ricl,. \Ir. \\'alter• al 1, where they \till make their i ' 3.Iarjir:ie, \t;.iec1 fri.nds in Stratford I ani', an aper-priate• ,U!n, home. 1•rl by the minister, Rey. It. G. Ifaiel- tyonrl. .1 trio composed of \Irs. II. 'Travis, Phyllis Cuthill and NIarjnry ifackwell sang. 1111 its wet hly lncetiltQ in tic bascntcni of lite chllreil on Sunday evening. \I;., NI. Dark - well was in charge 'f the meeting. Donald \lel)lnald read the Scripture and 1,n1e1 Nit•Call gave the -topic. Training . ... .. ------- •1.4'1 "'file !finality cf (; d.” Mr. and Mrs.. L. Hili Salary50011 f Mr. and \irs. lack i)rager, Brns- •J.1 .I ,, I •1 L I;11. , .1 ,. 1 • .IJ Ir \It\Intray of tllc and recrt 4 r.A,41. •1Y.,1,.1. I1.'1I11W tl,. l.. i-,5 "4•..0.41 Ahhhh!... CancL:cI Savings Bonds There is still time to buy Canada Savings Bonds – but don't wait for a representative to call on you. There will be no national house- to-house canvass – thc.ae are "Serve Yourself” Donde, so it i® up to you to make sure you buy. Buy thom through your Bank, In• vestment Dealer, Tniot or Loan Company, or through your Payroll Savings Plan. They are safe as Canada – pay good interest – and you can get your money back at any time. I: h then ,1Y eanesr1ay, 6Ct.36, 1916 Newion Yarn 2 and Ply - M1 Colors. Ilaugh's Overalls and Work Shirts. Men's and Boys' 'ries. Men's and Boys i1 aces. Men's and Boys' Work Boots. Fruits, VVege1ahles, and GrOC'cries. Quit k Quaker Oats per bnx 19c Weston's Scup Crackers per Ib, 18 Newport Fluffs ''S qt. 45c Lake Shore Prune Nect:,• 31c 111 ! i,-'1.1\, l I to11, r _''til. Harry Ilcrne's Pr.:duc:s.Ion: ral:tl atioll 1,, \I r •. \\ nl. hell. AppiCs - Spy, (areenings and I \\I"1 .11'1 11''..11 d 11r Iti1 ti111;t n I'ut . i1I1'Inllllill RCds• I orgratla;ihn'. 1il \I r. .\union_, II:I:Till, 11!1.1 i414111ate, h's')3r,1 b!rtll 11,1.. 1,11 Satnrd,o.., No\cmher 'nd. C()NGIt:1Tt'I4:1'I'IONS 1 t;'r,tlulatitln, t \II .1..1 \II- Dar I I \ ' Id11eu. \\ II t 1 11'JIM '1 11,1 it IUB 1', 1'1!1111" ;111111\ l'rsalt l I! 1 11 ,.I' let t 1 ( 1111'1;1'1:1.11'"n• 111 \I1-.` ti!IIr11 t Rad" `.11111 t\!'o \\:'I t 1 1,111 a:1 111 r lurtbd:n 111: 11:'1:1.. \11•,1:111111 lit. 1 111 NI r. and \h . 1111,01 l un.:n. , l . I.11cl.n tt. whit 101111 I t111'r 1111 \%11111:n:' 111i111 11 ,111 1 1! \1111;11,1. 1 It'll 1,' I :8111. 1 t.11 •1;1111!,;11''1:• t.. \1r. tial' \Ir . 11. ( ). Ilf,ll!ll•', to 11111 I:rll', ,11111 ,,I• hi :111•.( ;,1 \\1 Nitta; 11III \(1 111'\• STS ART'S GENERAL S'T'ORE. WE DELIVER — PHONE 9 1.1 ,-1611/l1 .♦IIII LanuI�j! "(17 for treatment of Rheumatic and Arthritic Pains, Neuritis, etc. TIlc antigens being fully released, begin to immediately incite the systen, to produce antibodies, which in turn destroy the toxic poisons given Off by the poisoned germs and al- so render the poison germs harmless. Price $6.00 Bottle Sold At-- PIIILP'S DRUG STORE Blyth, Ontario. IN 111;11OIt1A11I \III.(•:.\\ --In 1.1,1i1'; \Itnloi). of ;I I )011 1111.11,1111 ;c1,I I ;Itber, \\ illi;ul It. \1rLean, y1' II;I .(1I ;may three \ e;Ir, ago, ()( tll!er 31. 11143. \\'1'1\ 1!I Cil' beant:Itll Intl. 111 (tial, Iy tIs \'all.•1' 111 111-.1 ,Ir flit' St r!II,' Il:ill', ('IIII.' (lay, wt' kllnw• 1111. \\III'11 Vt.1'11 Inert our luted 1e there. Ft reuletlllt11111 I \Vire, \lar- eella, \Yel!iu::ton ;url Ilnalll. 00-11) LOST In 111\',11, a chan',n Purse, contalnill'; a ; ,.n 1 hill; al a ration Mutt. Find- er 14(,1-t uotii\ \Irs. Gerald Ilei from I hone 17 15, lllt!I. 09-1. NOTICE Voters' List, 1946, Municipality Of The Village cf Blyth, County of Huron. \II'!'!t'I? i htltlly )(tit.en that I have e o!;11:1 d \ta(t Sectl,n 8 of the Voter,' List• .\et, and drat I have Po ted nP at ley offi' e. in the Village ,.f Blyth, 1111 the 39th day 111 Ot•toher, 10-161, the list 1 i all per -111, entitled 111 vote in t'1:• -a ! Muni'.:;la11ty, at the municipal election,. and that suet. list remains there for IIISitet•ti, 11. \lull 1 herelly call upon all voters .t tale itluletliatr Prorcndinc4 to have any error, tr onn•-isms corrected ac- t r11:ug to law. D111,•(1 at my office this 3(1111 (lay of October, 19.10. 0Pt-3, (i(RDO\' I':I.I.10'I'I', Clerk. .11 I. I.1 I •,.1.,. .,.Y11I..16wroth II,.t W,.'.4.1. I..IL.I u 1 ,111.11 I:n.1I.',II: J'lll, lot .t6L.+''i14.1/1n• 1•x'1• N9�Y FOR MEN NOT REQUIRED ON THE FARM FOR WINTER MONTHS, TO WORK INDOORS Dominion IVO011efS & Worsted, Ltd. TitESPELER, ONTARIO Require a number of men for \\'inter Employment, and also Perman- ent Employment, in their large Textile Plant. GOOD WAGES, IDEAL WORKING CONDITIONS, BOARDING FACILITIES ARRANGED. REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE AT COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BLYTH, ONTARIO, FROM 3:30 TO 5:30 P.M., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER in TO INTERVIEW APPLICANTS. Or Write 1t rcetly to L nidal\ for I urthtr Information. 1 I. 1'.111i '1 1 :.1• t 111 161. 4• WI I.1). Yb.d.1s tit lr..u.I.RT.1.1.•11,.'111.:I.1.1.1111n1.1 Y 1, I h, 1, 'I'II sTANiAItO GROCERIES Harry Home's Fbtvcurin',s, G':Iatine Sandwich Spreads, Sweet Pickles, Chicken Haddie, Sardines, Teas, Cof- fees, 'toddy, Poston), Canned Meats, Peas, Peas & Carrots, Mixed Tomato Juices. Custard Powders, Pudding Powders, Pickling Spaces and Jar Rubbers. BULK MANCE MEAT (Please Bring Container). Pioneer Feed • Shur Gain Feed. Royal Potpie Calf Meal. A. L. KERNICK WE DELIVER—PHONE 39. Marvelubew { ('anada's Largest Selling Nlotor Oil. 1 • PAGES 1 ROXYTHEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE CLINTON. GODERICH. NOW PI AYING: "Colonel Blimp" NOW PLAYING: "A Wallc in the starling Roger Livesey. Sun" wit!, Ri_haid Conte and —'-- '- Dana Andrews, Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday - "NIG111' AND DAY". Technicolor Monday, 'rte6Jay, Wednesday — Adult Entertainment — I In :1,.1.1 nil :cal Ionian(, I -\I r \\I 111.1, Co• I:fe and 111; 111 Cole 1'1'1 tl,l. Cary Grant, Alex:s Smith, M••nty Woclley and Ginny Simms. Nittc•Ahwc show to slat at 7 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Danny K•lye, Virginia Mayo and Ve, a•Eilcn It it's fu:: \ 1i1're ;torr III., ll l unr wa• mete flit• .tut, and Kann,: Ixaye 111 the nix ride 1s at his be -t. "THE WONDER MANY George Iire'nt, Vera Zorina and Lucille hall. Ie'!(,1,, ,t : It '11 l.i It'll, 1;114. 111 1'111' ,I' 1 J i'4 .1'111 "LOVER, COME BACK" rIi :.day, 1`riJay, Satarday RI;(;I.\T'1'11EATRE SEAFOR N')W I'LAYINC.: "G. 1. JOT." Starring Br r;eao Meredith. 'Tues., Wed. Two Features Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce and M,+rj. Riordan. \ ,,o i;!I,_' I 11111 111,,!1 4 411 I, 1,'!1:11'. II, , "PURSUIT '1'0 ALGIERS" Jean Davis, William (i,tgan and 1 troll Errol. t'..1 41' 11 1. "5111' GETS HER MAN" 7 llur,da t, Friday, Saturday Randolph Scot, Rita Courtland, Dorothy McGu're, Guy Madison and Andy Devin'. and Bill Williams 1,11 a., e a' . -t. .0 tit' .twit .tw.,f .,. 11\1 : ,i a; ' 1 1 ,1 . 1,1 the ideal.. 1111 ,dell. 1 .o I. •\, ! "'TILL 7:'E END OF l IMf " ' BADn1AN'S 'i'ERRI'rO►(Y" COMING: "GILDA" COMING: Ernie Pyle's 'G. I. JOE' with Rita Hayworth. __ Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p.m Mat., Wed., Sat„ Holidays 2.30 pm Matinees dal & Hal dayl at 2.''0 p.m, VN COMING: W,II .)n•nis' 'SMOKEY' In Tet l,nicolt.,r. r - - - • . •• . ,• .• ,. •••o.• • •.••. •••:, •;• •o • ... • .. •••o •. �.•, .11•,11••1 P••{• t'1.J•J.••.DnO.. P• O.; 1 0.•t•0.0•b•{•.VP• J•0•J •I ( ♦ni•••••. ••. - .� •,.t • , ••at �•.1••bt,••; •,!•J•0,•,••,••� .,•.�.•�•.•. �••.• PD v_ .�. :; i Li (,,,EU111 1 ILEA PILE _ •_._: ATTENTI® • •t• I WINGHAM— ONTARIO. t: I ,. ATKINSON'S t• : ?, Two Shows Sat. Night t : :.WE HAVE ON HAND— 'i;l - tibow .soar re„'11;Ir1\ lit i'.\I :f (: 1'OOI, ROOI'I. t. i •, • ;: MASSEY•HARRIS REPAIRS. 3,' .. ,'1!tt:11;1.; at 7:1i I'.\I. 'i: I DRILL TUBES. 2;I, '"Clialt:;1', in Iitn v,iil lit. 111'te1111111\s , : SMf)KElt'S StJN DRIES ;r� ;. : 'Tobaccos, Clgarctteti, Pop,,:• f '• PUMP FITTINGS and TAPS. •„(burs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 31, Nov. 1, 2 t and Other Sundries. ••• LIFE WITH BLONDIE" i' •}1Oi e all (lily alaiu,';:)itt�;.;t; Arthur Lake, Larry Sims,,{ s t t 1•: Iain Street, Lll,} till • , 4-:. .0...:•V:• •:-:• ..• •:• t.4 •4 o; •; •,.,,, ;•.;• •;• •,... J:-:-: •,, ,:. PHONE, BLYTH 68. :_• LES NAFTELS •t: •t; . ;,A. '. P. Smith.:, AGENT FOR— •_• PHONE 92, BLYTH 56.32 1• aaee>,e�e>tr t e iii i l •. •. . i 4+4..4 i"•.•:•:.•1••:•I:.4.•:N:.•�..1•:Ill•`11•:H:•11N1.•:H:. rw NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS COURT OF REVISION 1'bn rontr.u't of cleaning and repair TOWNSHIP OF IiULLE'rT in;: 1114 Laidlaw Drain in \I rris The Gout of R(..vis•on for the T,,,\n,bip will be let by public an(ti'n1 Township of Ilnll0lt on the .\••i•,- at the Drain 1.11 \1,veltlbcr 1st, 1')40, at unlit Loll, will be held 11 Friday, ') ;1.11. \oy1'1;Ier 15th, at 2:,111 I'.\I., itt the flan, and specifications may be ('1lnnlunay hall, Lonlle,boro, 1,0111 at the (Teri:'. office. 08-3, (iE(1. \\', l'U\\'.\\, Clerk, I GEORGE C. MARTIN, Clerk ( Live Horse Collectors mit,. or phone els f r our price for Old Live hurter.. William Stone Sons, ti LIMITED Phone 21 - INGERSOLL, •11111 „411 4 I II dl I. 11 09-?, WANTED Mo. -es for mink fecal, alive only. ti Phone 11-13, lllvth. George f.. ti Ilainc4. 08-2p. ti tic — REMEMBRANCE I)AY 1110N DAY, NOVEMBER 11 SPECIAL I I . ,1 •I. , .1 Fares Penny Singleton •;. ' •_• \dal: Salurday aftctnoon at 2.,10. ;. 1 Mon., 'Tula„ Wed., Nov. 4, 5, 6 EI)1VA1.1) W'• II,I,IO.1i. H 1.11110 'sell l nrtionccr l or Huron :. "C1.UNY BROWN” W I'ai y'tnrnetl (,nth service .lith the T ' Roya Canadian Air Force, and \v1 1 be >. t iiiinniug his former occupation. 4 Jennifer Jones, Charles OA Boyer ' I �� t• rre'lnln .Tiler t,ruul',1. y an-\ctre'I •'1 1'lnnn'1li,ttc at':;olgll utcnts can be nril., iy ,•p•.pp•r•.••.•,•;••••••.i,••p••••S,•..••.�••u,u•. ;. •,•�. J•.•. (UI' I'll„ hall' at IIIc �11111,i;IId OIfICI'1 .. - . or( 111' i ailing I'i„tale 'll,i, LI titt'n. � �'1'1''.;n Iuotictste;lull Sat'af.tGll n ELLIOTT llilar;ttcc(l Real Estate Agency CIIAIII ES F. i)A14E g Y 71 SPECIALIZING IN PAINTING i Between all points in Canada and to - all United States border points. I+'are And One -Quarter , y$TEEL ROOFS t ' Modern Equipment and Best - Metal Paint Used. Any Colour Desired. 1 'SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Al ,161 11. II 1,I41l:,., 01111 I 11 I, 54161 , who 11.b1Moil 141,11 G,,..114. -Y .114411 IN I..i.a .YdI. I. 61.1 W11..4 .Ir.iI:,Y1111•,I.I .1, .I.YJ4Y. 1,11.,11.111 1.6.14 I. II lh, • M: limMINILI .6g m LOTS FOR SALE In the Viltage of Blyth The following lots are for sale individually for itt :lily combination. Terms are cash, 111111 !light t or ;ily offer wilt not necessarily he ac- cepted. All are available for immediate phss.ss:1a. Offers should state cxattly which lot or lets ant' being bid for. Lot and Block num- bers refer to the Blyth Iatate Sarver (flan 0, BIvtll)). (a) Lot 81 (h) Block F containing 9 8 10 acres. (c1 Muck E. containing 7 710 acres Id) Lots 1, 2, 3, 'I, 5, 0, 7 aul 8, north cf 1)in.lcy Street. (c) I. is 78, 79, 84, 85, 8't, 104, 114, 115, 14,;, 145, 110, 117, 148, 140, 15;1, 151, 152, 153, 151, 155, 150, 157, l58, 15'), 1011, 1n7, 108, 109, 170, 172, 173, 17.1, 175, 170, 177, 178, 179, 140, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185 and 180, (f) Intek \I except for Methodist Church and Church of England prt.perties, containing 5 3 •I acres. Part of Lot 42, Concussion 1, \\'aw:itosb Township; being that part which i4 undivided and unsuryeyed an 1 excepting the III\ th Agricultural S,rirty and C.P.R. right-of-\a\Properties, con- taining 170 acres, (h) Block V, containing ' 5 acres. Blyth Estate, Rooin 607, 320 Bay Street, Toronto. -.I,A4.1111111.111 IIY Ilea 111,11111 J146.0110 1.11 111....1 ..,+,I!...I- A I 4 I, II I .41.6.111 YI11.YI.Y _1;.11_ r Y1.4• .4 I. Y 1, v ..111., \.Ir .dd III . ..1. . 1. 1 . ,1 .. X20 -Acre Fara For Sale Part of Lot 42, 1st Concession, Township of Wawaaosh East. Located on East Side of Blyth Village, facing \\'ilson Street. Very de,iral,le 1, cation, with stream, and w,it at barn. 0-ronnt frame louse, bank barn, tics up 4 horses and 11 cattle and pig stalls. Present lease expires :`tit February, 101'). 'I'crtns Ca''h. highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Blyth Estate, Roonl 607, 320 Bay Street, Toronto. 14 to lo ..- 1a..•,. 11. 4 .L Y.1.11 -1.W.1, h . i ,,. 11.. :. Mahood Bros 11 .' 44 Cannought Ave., London, Ont. OS -411. I ,I• , ,5..I 14,I, oti 11:\\'IN(i I)1S1'OSEI) OF \I\' I IAI.iI)\V \RE BUSINESS, :U.I.:\C- COUN7'S .\Rl. NO \V DUE. A SI•:'II'I.E\I FN'I' ll\' NOVE\I- 111?R 15;11 \\'Ol'I.D 111I'. :\1'I'RE- CIA'I'EI1, C. T. D bbyn FOUND Stun of money. Owner that have same by applying at The Standard Office, proving ownership, and It;t� ug. for this adverti-enu•nl, (11)-I, FOR SALE 2 horse -power portable double cyl• finder engine, burns gas or coal oil; also good \v'agntt box, :\pply to las. nrnhnl_nl_phone 0I4, Myth. 09 -Ip, FOR SAL E Purebred llereford hull, "Cedar \\tams' Dcntino 'nd - 183032,” horn February 2n'11, 1945, Priced able. \\'. V. Roy 1\• Sons, 1 baro, phone Blyth 28-0. FOR SALE reason. U'ndcs- 0')-l. .\ heater, in good condition, burns either wool or coal: .\ Is() gasoline en- gine 3-4 to 1 horse power, in god running r •edition. Apply to phone 1-11 Myth. 09-1p, - �✓ FOR SALE Quantity Feed Turnips. Apply to Rebirt Baird, Illyth, Ont 09-111. FOR SALE 2 horse, I Marc and 1 goldimt, b tt;t 0 years 014. Apply to Donald \Ic- Kcnzie, 1,11,1110 11-12 III\th. (17-1. FOR SALE 2 c:tivts, four weds, old. .\pi'ly 1,, \Ir•. .\, , 111)4411.' '11t11, 111\ t1). (•'t -1p. FOR THE ROUND TRIP 1 GO: any time from 12 noon Friday, Nov. 8, until 2 p.m., Monday, Nov. 11. - RETURN: leave destlnat'oi not later I than midnight, Tuesday, Nov. 12th• - MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE. Adults or Children - - 25c Full particulars froth any agent ANNUAL MEETING THE ANNUAL MEETING of the East \\'atvanosll Unit of the Federation of Agriculture will be held in the BELGRAVE FORESTER'S HALL on the evening of FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST at 8:30 o'clock. Illi meeting \will be hell in con- junction with the National Filet hoard Slut\\ itt,g for Oct her. :\lI those inter- ested in the Ortani,ation :ire especial- ly requested to attrnll, EVERYBODY WELCOME. ANNUAL MEETING THE ANNUAL MEETING AND DANCE of the 1lnllctt llrancli of the Federation of Agriculture will he held in the Londesboro Community Hall, on the evening of THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7th Mr. 1111, Bettznvr, President of the Ontario Ile tach of the 'Federation of Agriculture, will be guest speaker. EVERYBODY WELCOME. HEMLOCK FOR SALE 09-1. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. �r, `;ucclli!inc in Marta and llott•chnll I3L� I H. f I;sales. -ati'faeti,,tt Guaranteed on All Sale,. h r informati1111 phone 010-4„ Clinton, or write RR. No. 4, ('li•nton. 50-101. f)nr .\genry has the follo\vitg troper'y listed for sale: 1(11) acre,, 10th Concession Mullett 1'n\vll9i ; cls0 acre. '111.:1'1%•‘(.11\1\'',111,j1 ;1rd\titontl 1)11411 ; 11"1;i21111:storit)e• brick dwcilinn; frame barn ''8'xtr'I - 36'x 45', cement stabling, water :0 stable. 101) acre,, Concession 11, \irlrris rn\vnsll'1r; frame dwcllhlg lti'x?t1'NIl'I'll l: i, bere11‘. 1,ivcn that 1 111 V 1(i x18'; frame lata 3(1'x52'; second I i ron1;11ied "call Ser:i, n 8 of the VHalt'' 1111-11 $t('xStt', tt t1) 1';utto 3'1'X] 1.. cement stabling with \ratt'r in Lists :\ct, and that I have posted up at '111 1/1, s ; quarter -acre orchard. nay office. in the Village of Londe.- 111 1 boyo, n the Poll day of t )ctilber, 1040, ;1111 1 store• brick \en(cr dwelling on Ilinsley SIrc4L 1114..11. 1114 li-t of all p: r•11ni•1entitleltl to 0„1„. with pcu'trr acre of haul; also in Ile aid \lunicilla t �, at t u' i- a0rn 0 land \title frame 41111114. 'I'x (:11;11 Iaeet•on , aha tits. uclt 1t\l11nt rc \\'ill •4.11 separately, or the main, there for inspecti entire hnl'in}. .\n,I I herelt\ call 111,1,11 all vipers to Business block 011 010(11 Street take immediate itroceetlirn- to have lllvtlt. Will sell subject to le11'e. ;tn.\• error, or n1i•si,1n• corrected ac - Two storey, stuco clad, d\\clling cording to la \\.. on 1linsley Street cast. This is a 4 'Ilir last day for appeal Mint, the Foil date of >;,'tamber, 10.16. GEO. W. COWAN, CLERK. llillntt. NOTICE Voters' List, 1946, Township of Mullett, County of Huron. very contf rtahle hntuc, ideally sit- uated. Sale subject to tenant reg- ulations. 11 4tore• (mite dwelling on 1114 south side of Dinsley Street, 111\ all, 111.4 than block (1141 of ().11ten ,trent. Onc-eighth acre of land. This is a desirable property for 'mall family. 541 acres of land, situate on 111\ th 1111ttndarv. Comfortable lt\rllin;. Barn 31(x31( frame. \\'at- er in hilts(' an I hare. Small fruit' of \arion4 Kinds; also 10 cherry and 10 apple trees, .\Itllost inune- idiat, p..session. . •••••••••••••###•••••••,•••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••~•• FOR SALE Grey wool.' two-piece 1Inc-s, 0111- broidcred \\ ith wine, sire 38. Enquire at The Standard office, phone 811, 111\th. FOR SALE \\-e have 1 eceivcd a Car of l lemlock - .-\ Scotch Shortboln Bull, of service- mostly 2", itt 2x1, 2x0, 2x11, and 2x111. able not'. .\Plat\• J. C St Itis phone dres'011, 19-7, Bluth, Auburn Post Office, P9 -,l, NOTICE The Person \\Irn 10.1: $10.03 from \Irs. Joe \'ouug:bint's purse, at \Ir. Beattie'• Sale, pleas( return helot further trouble. \I t'4. J. \'ouu•:hint, Londesboro, R.R. No. 1. 09-1. Blyth Farmers' Co -Operative Ass'n BLYTU, ONTARIO. GOODISON FEEL) MIXER 500 LB. CAPACITY AVAILABLE JULY 1ST. WE HAVE ON HAND 2 8 -FOOT OLIVER TANDEM DISKS IN STOCK. Complete Line of 011ier Farm Equipment. Litnited number of Manure Loaders to fit Row -Crop Tractors. Complete Fleury-Bisscl Line, in- cluding the famous Fleury Plows. W. I -I. MORRITT DEALER Phone 4 and 93. 08-3. 'Tut\ a licit of Frank's Bakery PHONE 3S. BL' THI, ONT. Come in and try our fresh home- made Bread, C hcslcy Rolls, Dough - Nuts, Scones and Bran Muffins, 13ut_ ter 'Tarts, Cookies, Date Loaves, a; well as our Delicious Maple, Chocolate and Orange Cakes. TI -IE McKI I,LOP I\'IU'TUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers President, F. i\lclitegor, Clinton; Vice President, C. \\', Leonhard., Brod- h igeti Scvrctary-Treasurer and Man- ager, \I, A. Real, Scattorth. Directors \\'. 1:. Archibald, tit tfortb ; Frank \I efirecor, Clinton: Alex. llroadfoot Seafortb; Chris• Lconhardt, Born- holm; F. J. Trewartha, Clinton ; John L. Malone, Scaforth; .\111.4. 'lcl:.\Ving, 111\th; Hugh :\Icxandct, \Valtlm; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John 1':. Pepper, lirncef.eld: R. F. \1cl':erchtr, 1)tthlin: J. F. Priteter, Brodhaget : (;(urge A.' \\'att, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insutance or transact other business, will he Proudly attended to by applications to anv of the above nailed offierrc addressed to their resprctive post of- fices, Dead and Disabled Animals �I REIIIOVEI) PROMPTLY• Telephones: Atwood, 5001; Seaforth, Iii, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CAN,'t1::.1, LTI). jJUST IN FUN 1 Might Well Be Daughter ,drimino .otter two les- sonsl—Mother, don't speeding over the beautiful courltt\ n,lkc }ou glad you are alive! Alothcr—(;lad isn't the nerd, dear. I'm anb ed 1lonnesick Jones: "Iialloa, Smith. liow arc you.? haven't seen you in the gar- den for quite a time, and you never come and see the wife and me now Why is that:" Smith: "Well, old chap, it's not through ill -will or bad feelings or anything like that you know; only you and Mrs. Jones have borrow - e(1 so many things from me that when I sec your place it makes me feel quite homesick." Now Just Be Quiet Two sweet young things were discussing affairs of the heart. "So you've accepte.l foot?" said one acidly. "1 suppose he didn't happen to mention that he had previously proposed to me?" "Well, not exactly," replied the other blandly; "but he did confess that he'd done a lot of silly things before he met me." Suitable Bila had found a nett pet name for bis wife, Ile called her "My Cherub" so often that at last the fall) became suspicions and asked why he used that particular form of endearment. B:.11 looked ratite, uncomfortable for a moment, and then decided to put a brave face on it. "It's like this. he said, "you ne- ver scent to have any clothes; you art always up in the air. and you keep on harping.'• HOLD EVERYTHING 3'16 ccpq. 1•i:! t' NPA sinter INC. T M MG U. a PAT. OFF. "Why can't you just pass notes the way the others do?" The Prisoner Awakened by the inoistcnt ring- ing of the telephone, a publican, who did not live on his licensed premises, hastened to answer it. A voice asked: "Is that the land- lord of the George? What time do you open in the morning?" Brusquely the publican replied: "Eleven o'clock," and banged down the receiver. Half an hour later the 'phone tang again and the sante voice re- peated time same query: "What time do you open:" The publican was angry and told the inquirer that he (fid not want anyone like hint in his pub. "I (101n't want t0 get in: 1 ,vant to get out," said the voice. "I've been locked up in your bar .11 night!„ Miracle .."Is that hair tonic any good?" "We11, I spilled some of it on many comb last week and now it's a brush." Quite a Long Time The history master noticed that young Smith was back in the class after a long absence through ill- ness. "I'm glad to sec you are here again," he said. "You'll have a lot to make up. How long have you been away?" "Since Brian Born won the Battle of Clontarf, sir," relied Smith. Both Excused Teacher: "Well, boys, late again this morning? What is your ex- cuse, Jack?" Jack: "1 was dreaming I was going to Ireland, and I thought the school bell was the steamboat's sig- nal to start." Teacher. "Were you dreaming, too, Joe?" Joe: "No, teacher, 1 was just waiting to sec lack off " Simple a: you tell nuc the way to the thu tt:r" asked talc stranger in the v: !age. "( crtainly sir. replied the old- est inhabitant, oh'Iomgly. "Go up the ':own keep ser ight along the co,. Led Ions, then round the squ: te, and n'he. ou turn left a. rr right." T1LE TALKS t • Canning Poultry; After a h.l-} se,fo,n of ,,Inning fruits ,nut mrgctables, of making jams, jellies and pickles, the home- maker is now counting her chickens for another canning bee. Chicken or fowl should stand 2.1 hours after killing, then they may be canned either raw or to c -cooked. For Raw Canning Skin and excess fat are taken off. Then the chicken or fowl is cut in large pieces (drumsticks, thighs, breast, back ane! wings), All pieces should be boned except the drumsticks, then the raw heat is packed in clean jars or in plain tin cans, leaving !; inch headspace, A drumstick is placed In the center of the container, this allows heat to penetrate more easily to the center of the containers during pro- cessing and will also improve the flavour of the meat. Salt is added during the packing, allowing one teaspoon to a quart sealer or "s-uz, tin can. Other scasoniligs in the form of 1 carrot and 1 small onion may be added to taste. No liquid should be added. Glass sealers are then partially sealed and tin cans completely scaled for processing. Glass scalers and tin cans are processed for one hour in the pres- sure cooker at 15 lbs. presure, or in the boiling water hath for 3 hours, counting the time from when the water begins to boil, that is a good rolling boil. 'I'lmc glass sealers are scaled as soon as they are removed from the t:ressure cooker or the boiling water bath and cooled in an upright position. Scalers should never be inverted tc cool. Tin cans roust be cooled i:'unedialely and rapidly i.. a cold water bath or under cold running tyater. For Pre -Cooked Canning The excess fat should be removed but the skin left on and the chicken or fowl cut up in pieces. The pieces are then put in a kettle with water, To a fowl of about 9l1 lbs. 1 pint of water is added and the fowl boiled for one hour in the closely covered kettle. For a chicken of the sante weight, 1 cup onlm of water is added and the boiling time is cut in half, After fowl or chicken is pre-cooked, tine skin and bones are removed and the liquid strained through a cheese cloth and then cooled. '1'he cur- t lus fat should be removed when liquid is cold. The cooked meat is then packed in glass scalers or Oh cans with one teaspoon of salt per quart scaler or 28 -oz. tin can, The liquid is then brought to the boil and added to cover the meat, leaving inch headspace. Glass seders and tin cans are processed for one hour in the pres- sure cooker at 15 lbs. pressure, or it. the boiling water bath for three hours, counting the time from when the water begins to boil, that is a good rolling boil. The glass scal- ers are scaled as soon as they are removed from time pressure cooker or the boiling water bath and then cooled in an upright position. Seal- ers should never be inverted to cool. Tin cans must be cooled im- mediately and quickly in a cold water bath o: under cold running water. One chicken of 4 to 5 pounds will approximately fill one quart sealer and one pint sealer or one 28 -oz. can and one 20 -oz. can. HOLD EVERYTHING 1 - APIA" sr NU eun,1rsa T. to ao.I a Pat. Wt. "I know a farmer who brings me all the cornsilk 1 can use!" CHECK THESE FIGURES The hour -glass figure of the Gay Nineties will make a comeback when Hollywood's Andrea King portrays famed actress Lillian Russell in the new film musical, "My Wild Irish Rose." Stately Andrea is pictured at left, above, in the costume she'll wear. "Airy fairy Lillian" is pictured at right, at the height of her acclaim as the best toast of Broadway. POP—That's His Story! WHAT ARE YOU DOING'? THIS "HEN" QUACKS AND SWIMS Stanley Gowran, of Minneapolis, Minn,, thought he had an ordinary white hen—until the darned thing started to quack like a duck and took to swimming. The "duck -hen" is pictured above, paddling around in Kowran's wash tub. MOPSY by 6LADYS PARKER ,.;IF IT'S A HAT YOU CAN EXCHANGE IT i ON THE SIXTH FLOOR, OTHERWISE I'D TRY THE BASEMENT/ WRITING TO MY LITrLE GIRLi VOICE OF rjl[ft PRESS Tongue Waggers The flan' in some• people is haat they don't sprout tails like dogs do, so that' just wag their tongues instead. —l)ttaoa Citizen. Night On A Train About 1,700,000 people in Canada have never spent a night aboard a train. \\'e never realized ]mow many lucky people there are. Windsor Star. Vice Versa Optimism is needed for a better world. And vice versa. —St. Catharines Standard. Only In His Own Those Londoners who squatted in luxurious West End apartments have been forced to evacuate. '1'hc government decided that an Eng- lishman cannot mals his home in somebody else's castle. --'I lac New Volker Forgotten Man The salaried individual is still the "forgotten man" of Canada. Iiis income remains "frozen" by official decree but he has to pay more and more for almost everything he is required to buy. ---Brockville Recorder and Times. Should Be Peaceful An American soldier who can't speak Italian has married an Ital- ian girl who can't speak English Until the language situation inn - proves, this should he a peaceful home. —Edmonton Journal. Is The War Over? People used to wonder what the newspapers would find to print once the war was over. -_(Quebec Chronicle -Telegraph, Take a Tip, Girls The native charm, time sweet dish position. the general friendliness, the willinci,icss to help in every gond work, a cheerfulness in diffi- cult ta•ks, with a smile for ever}•• body, make for a better popularity than anything else. —Chatham Daily News. Still a Tax Loud weeping and wailing on the part of those tvlmo will feel the pinch of increased strain on the pocket book, heralded the increase in the Price of milk, yet these very people have been the hardest to convince that the paying of subsidies wag, in fact, the same as an increase. In these (lays anytlming in the line of taxation or increased costs that can be done up in a fancy wrap- ping with a high falutin name seems to lull the otherwise sane citizen into an apathy toward real costs that is little short of scandalous. —Elora Express. Co -Operative How 13ritain and the United States are co-operating all over the world is told in a little story from Trieste which notes that the 10,000 ton United States cruiser, Fargo, has arrived at 'Trieste to relieve the British cruiser, Ajax, which has left for 1\falta. —Niagara Falls Review. Preparedness Never eo Int your cllic!,en< until they are hatched and e\ en utter that you rhoulal keep a padlock on the henhouse and a shotpuu Reside lin' heti. —London free ['less, A Valuable Food The public will be asked to tray more for their milk, which, even so, must remain as one of the Inmost 'aluablc and ccnnnnmiial foods. —Port Arthur News ('hrunicle. Remember This Memory work for all motorists: "Stop and let the train go by! 1t only takes a minute. \'our car starts off again intact, And, what is more, you're in it:" —Stratford Beacon -I lcrald. IT REALLY IS SMART to serve Maxwell House. This famous blend of coffees has extra fragrance a11(1 flavor extra smooth, full body. It's always "Good to the Last Droll 1" ....i,d JCi+uI+.xB6J. ".I viii, NIL ill ulual �.I ilnilY�:JWq YI Lir' PO" EA IVAIL OIIER d I'IIOlall; M'Itl:i:'I', 'I'os{ON'I'lm m'ounF Nle 's and 11en'+ p:e:Ilcd wool U"user:: . , plain brows; and hurrnlghouc , . . bFI,te n and prey $8,95 Buys' wool Fulls with t+hoi Is , . blue, giey wad brown. tizls 4, and 7 $8.75 Itu's' In'er.•(1 1 :all-t(',"i1 . , . Juublr-Iln( , bolt . , winter tve,t ht . . blue and brown . . Sizes 4, f f, and 7 $3.98 Jac n' 1. yeas .y pullovr rs , tali,, san11, pr, 111111 111110 b,Ir.I: st11;t11, I,1, thou •.,,d la) $2.98 Prompt dell%ery, quallly guaran- teed or money refunded. 11oney Order or 1'.11,1), ]lulling Free -.il4,.'�.s - amca.oz,.pglm,�lms You, too, will be delighted by the effective, yet wonderfully gentle constipation relief that Phillips' Milk of Magnesia gives. Simply take 2 to 4 table- spoonfuls of Phillips' with water. The marvelous double -action of this proved laxative -antacid helps you wake up refreshed, sparkling. What's more, Philips' Milk of Magnesia is one of the fastest neutralizers of excess stomach acidity known to science I At all drug stores, Remember ... WHY ARE YOU WRITING SO SLOWLY 9 —PHILLIPS or Hot 4 TABLETS t'il J tirsn r,, 0 OF147cive.st/q LIMA 7. ►�, .n:M Iw J : I esti ..fauhelattatiskistattatala By J. MILLAR WATT SHE CAN'T READ VERY quiCK � • WS i- on J Release 1 by The De r= CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1t 111 1 11111 It" 1,111•,1. 1011 1:1'.:01 'I,) I,11 11.11 It, 1' 11111 I; I,. !.,•,! !., 11 1 1 a Hi; 11. 1, I, d1, 111 hint) 01 ,•111, I; V 11,'1 )' .11 .I. iii• 111, 111. l, .\I,1, 11 111 kelt,':, low,:i '1'111: Ill:l'.11t'I'.11I:\'1' s 1Ys to•ur,11 It.n6•t 1 .`III 1111' ('ll,ol•I!'Iil 1.1411„ „ '1,111 ' 31111 1'111, :1111'1. ,111,1 (11•- (111 y•.ur J:11111;113 111.111,•,,•,1 ch11'L's 111'1,'1.11.'1 :11111 Service 1:uII' Iia. Pray II'1l, holy, lou John N., I1.ulilt,In. tint. 13c Sussex X Hampshires 13c 1111tH( 101'11 0111)1111 roll ., l'ItlN(. Clibt0'. without .Inlay at these prl. e<.. 511\)11 ,'1111'100 12(, I'ullcls )'.,V. 7e. .111 breede 1 pullurluu to -ted under (;11\•ernllleill :Ippro\'(1, order now to insure delivery when relluirell. I0iiiile's t'hiel1 Hatchery, Pox .:11:, Elmira, Ontario, 1.I,I:("1'ItI('.11, I:ItI 11'31 ENT NI•:11' "t: 11'1,011.11” 1, 1 G 11.1,1 N (i plants powered b3 "Briggs ,' Strat- ton" engine's. O,,'. 350 watt $125,00 —farmer:, price $115,110. 500 wait ;31611.01—fatrImers $15(1.00. 15'10 %yell 511,00—farmors $3211.00, 800 watt A.C. $3ou.oi1, British gas and 1)iesel engines 1-a!i to 200 11.1'. llght- 11'elgltl, air (uolcd, portable, (1'111 K11ndcr-1• 'I II.I'. -- $135,00, 5- $.5,�,)I0, 0 11.1' $330,00 Diesel ngine.i •1 11.1'. 011(1 up $ 1,50,00 and p. Front stock A.C. or D.C. \Vcld- ng machines, electrodes and ne- l;esruriea New falls engine driven Dortable sell'_printing• centrifugal umps 7000 gal per hour. 'fetal 1Vcightu lbs. operates 5 hours o 0 gallon --$105.00, G volt wind ch'tr - ers with tower $00.011. 5 'o:l large apacity $260,011 also taosforno'r), ,ectfficrs, worm gear Inducers, cxrope \' belt drives, spin weld- ers. 32 volt I).0'. m0,tnt's and leneh grhult'rs, etc. A1.1.1.\ NCI.; 0:1J':U- rltic: \V( -IRKS 1,151l'1'I:I), Siont- real _ 'I',•rnnto - Halifax - Rouyn - V'innll,c( - Vancouver. DYEING AND CLEANING IIA VE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to tis for Information, \Vo aro glad to an• suer your questions, Department 11. lark' is Dye Works Limited, 791 font: o Street, Toronto, Ontario. 1'1111 SALE A\Gott 1 It.111111'l'S 1'01) S.11,11, Does, !loco months old, Ap1•ly ,'bar, (1. Laing, I:ayhnm, Ont. ATTENTION NOVELTY 8-1-5 DIFI'I11t1IN'l' 1'Altii:'i'IES IN ono apple tree. Also 'McIntosh on hardy rcotstoelt5, 11111011 and Red Curl ,n( Plants sur commercial and private ('Tenting in the newest Va• rletie:, I'IIII.LI'S 1'AII\iS, CLIA• 'T1:.\1.111'.\ \' VILLAGE, QUE. 1101.1:11 I'I'I's, 1'.t1%'N, ui,Acl( 1101-k, ch;.mloon stock. 11, .\rinbrust, 89 I;u.• 11 SI. North, 't'huruld, Ont. ('I:D.t11 PosteS—.11,1, SIZES 1'ItO.11 'I'' 10 lit" tops \\'rite Harvey L'ur_ ri II(rl,Lunl Creek, Ontario, or 311( 111 sea rI oro 003. 1'01) ', 11.11, 1:001) 111''1')'h ill) ANI) grncory lmli 111( -, miming to\VU; 111111, 0cronnuodatlon included; l 1;,51.1, e0.-11, balance easy. Pox 121, 73 .\ ti -I d' \t'., 'Toronto, I'It1;'11 0Vh'l'I;Its — RUSHED 'I'0 you fn sh l'rumt the sea coast of Nova Sends Delirious, Informa- tion for toln :p. Economy Distribu- tors, Klu(ston, Ont. Gl:rsl:, t►t'('I(S, 'rt'Itlila'S colt breeding purpose. Order's must be In before November, Rend for free prieelist today. The .I. 1'. 'Penton Co., Summerside, Box 30, P.E.I. ,i,151I1 %'.%1' :1.01)11 11(1(1 INC111 A'I'OR for sale, Profit Road, Stop 01, 10.12 3, .1inherstburg, 1'hlllp (limpet. 1toDI:IIN - 01,1) 't'VSil': - COWBOY Itecords. Largo stock, prompt de. livery, send for free listing. Ed- wards :Music House, 58.1 Mount rleasant Rand, 'Toronto. NEPTUNE 0t'TIIOAIID AIOTOIIS and authorized Parts Service; ship anywhere. Neptune Outboard Mo- tors overhauled; workmanship guaranteed, Scope Sales Co., Box 852, 011(1w•0, Ont. NEW PARTS for UNIVERSAL BREN GUN CARRIERS Bogie wheels, sprockets, track and many others, LEVY AUTO PARTS 735 Queen 1V,'s1, 'Toronto, OC'I'S'T,1N 11IN(. 1) 0 11 1: 11 111 A N, binctc and tall, 4 months old, grand- son of international champion Troll Von 1)u l;ngclsburg, $150, 101 0811. awa Blvd., Oshawa. 1'1:I'S i'IIMAL1:S ONLY-, BEST sheep dog, strain imported from Scotland, bob tailed black and white, Also Springer Collie, cross make, wonderful watch and hunt- ing dogs $15.00 each. .A, AtcKen• z1e, Box 023, Lethbridge, Alberta. RI,GIS't'llh(111) GERMAN tN 5111'll'- herd puppies, three months, cham- pioned stock, dark males $100, fe- males 975, Von 1h'le Kennels, Box 638. Grimsby, Ont. Safe -Tee Soot Destroyer If your stove or furnaco causes trouble due to soot, poor draught or smoke, We guarantee our soot de- Pstroyer to remove soot from any +''•-cont burning stove or furnace pipes and chimney, Gives better draught and more heat, saves fuel. Pack- age contains approximately 30 np• plications, Enough soot destroyer to Inst one. stove 01' furnace all winter, fiend money order $1.40. ]'ostpaid anywhere In Canada. Use 8 tweets if not satisfied money re- funded. J. 11, Kernohan 51fg., Cox 295. Forest, Ont. "SI'I llh)l11" 111,1:1"1'1110 110'1'011, The toy motor that features high speed, one ('ell operation, non -slip pulley, weighted base, Limited 111101• ber at only $1,75., pnstpnid. 'Photl- snnd island Crafts, Pox 94, Brock- ville, Ontario. TIRES t1'a are overstocked at the present of rood used trade-in tires (gtinr. nnte('d to be I1 excellent shape), 600 X16 $5.00 All orders shipped 0.0.11. Special equipment fur t'utc:,ntztng Truck nod Farm 9' ;fetor Tires. BEACON TIM:. corner Quern and York Sts., It.\51I1:1'OS, Onlnrtn. ON'I'.tIhiO'0 •111'5', mono:1;N tltt l l I'I'Cl) '1'1111: 51101' ISSUE 44- -194. 1'1111 1 I.: TIROP'ICAI. Flik-1 AND PETS \.1 t1,1 111,1 t .ISL' Ii nl,lrlmI '11,,1 11:1- !,\•• 11.1:, v, 1 111111 nil 1HW:11 n, Ific11 !: 11 Iu.n1.', :,11,1 .•1111- I,In., ,Sn110-. 111111,-:, 111.'1,'l-, (111- 11,11 )':1111,• I,11r, 1•1, 00'1111' tar Dee e 1' 9 1 .1 111:' III' and Hod out :1 1„1111 oar !.l"'1:11 D., 111 11.,. 'I'lll-oihur: S, hoot "I' ;t 1(1:11 L(Iea. r, I:nx 167 %'.11 1'13 ('1'!:1), '1',11, 'I'I:s'1'I:I) ilit1,- •!,•im Il.11'm I'.,I0' (,111,-11';Ir 111)1:+, rive two-year 11111:=. l:nx 211, AI- monle, tint, PAIt118, 1''011 SAI,I: DNE OF THE BEST FARMS in \vesl•'rn Owallo, ele (11x00, (luso in tut ton. :11I under culliVOtlun, (keel soil, well fenced 11(1,1 (trained, Splendid buildings, Nice bri011 hove 111 {;love of maples m(1d pines, Filtered running %eater and elec- trboit)' In tours). and barn. Imme- diate pusstesion, full equipment and 110101ock optional. ALSO, near- hy, If desired :1111) acres pasture 11111(1 1\'1111 001110 bl;u'II 1111115( for celery and onions, at low Klee, J. F. GUNDY—TRUSTEE OWNER 1010 Canada Pldg„ Wlndsnr, (1n1. FI'hIS 10031'5 AND I'CI1S DRESSED AND made Into neckpieces, collars and capes, 'rake advantage of this offer before rising prices trace effect ,Inn, 1, 1947, Oliver Spanner & Co. Ltd., 2GA 11101 Street, Toronto, HAIRDRESSING 1 1011tN 11.11111111ESSING '111110 Robertson method. 1nfo11natiun on request regarding cirlsses, Robert- son's Hairdressing Academy, 137 Avenue (toad, Tot onto, 111;1,1' 'S'A N'TI:D 1%1051:\ 1101) DINING 110051 AND I•:13 work. immediately; full main - tenant'''. Apply Douglas \leniorhtl I lo: pilaf, fort Erie, (Walk), ('0l'I'IJ: l'l)It 1'.15111,Y (11•' '1'1111111: 11111118, \Vile, 11011 general, hus- band garduer '11111 handyman and he aide to 111110 one cow, 51(1(10,11 separate living quarters, neer To- ronto. itox 119, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, ('O1'1'1,1: Volt 1'A1111,Y lite 2 'Idults. \\'Ifo, rook -general, hus- hand — houseman and handyman. .001e to drive eau', Aiodt'rn separate living (1uni'ter's. References requir- ed, Bayview 001'11UP, near Thorn- hill, 7 miles 11o111 'Toronto, I3ox 117, 73 Adelaide 11'., Toronto, IY.1N'I'IlD, AN EXPERIENCED turns ha(1d, single, hltiustI'lous, will- ing, 011 intolerable 0010115. \\'ages start at 500 per month, yearly con- tract, 010011 home, start November. Box 118, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, 1)nt. 51I:DICAI, Dui'1' 1':11'1'-1:V1:ItY si;i'1'I:Iti:It of ltheunnth' Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, 51un- 1'o's 1(1'Itg Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1,00, POS'T'S ECZ1 MA SALVE Banish the torment of dry ee•reuln, rashes anti weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Stave W111 not disap- point you. itching sealing burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples and ath- letes font will respond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn 01' hopeless they may seem. PRICE $1.00 1'lllt JAR lend Post free on Receipt of Price POST'S 1tEMl:DII:S S89 Queen St, 1. Corner of Logan Toronto, (.1)1)1) iII:A1.I'll \'Olt MEN AND W11111 en ill and weak. Free healing and health, drugless. Illustrated literature. Write 1l1nter 1011(1(1, 11,1'.I).N., 525 North Claremont Ave., Chicago 12, III. 1116111,1" ItEcomM11NDIlI) — Ey* pry sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Item. edy, 'lunro's \)rug Store, 335 111 - gin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, 511*SICAI, 1NS'1'31115111N'1'5 FRED A. DODDIN(,TON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. 0I'I'OII't'UNI'I'IICS 10011 1VOMICN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCIIOOL Great Opportunity, Learn IIairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys- tem, Illustrated catalogue free, Write or call. MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St, W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St„ Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, PATENTS FLTIIICRSTONIIAUG11 & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of information on request, i'110'1'OGiRAI'IIY IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST OUR YIEAit ROUND FAST MERV- Ico and fine quality work' will please you. For satisfaction try Im- perial. 6 or 8 exposure films, de- veloped and printed. 300 iMI'ICIIIAL PHOTO Slat'VICIC Station 1, Toronto. l"ILMS D11 '1:L01'I01) 25 CENTS. Guaranteed one day service. No waiting. Bay Photo Service, North Bay. DAILY sI0I(VIC1:, 1'1t141: 4 X a iON- largcmcnt with each 6-8 exposure, Roll 25c. Reprints 30. Crystal Pho- to Service. 1500 Dundas 1V, Toronto, XMAS CARDS FROM ."SNAPS" -12 FOR 79c Your negatives make the most original and pleasing Christmas Cards yott can get — curds that friends treasure—and the cost Is small, Select your favorite nega- tives and send them to us. We'll return 12 attractive greeting cards with your pictures printed on— and envelopes for moiling—all for 79c. Order early. (2 Photos on Calendars 25c.) D1;1"t'. 81. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Itis 121), Post Of flee A, Toronto (Print Nanlo and Address Plainly) STA 11I'S S'I'.1511' ('Oi,l,111"1'1)115, A 11114E Get Acquainted package and decals of interesting Bonn., System to ap- proval applicants. lending postage In cower cost of mailing, Alexander Supply Co., P.O. Box 82, Sudbury, Ontario. IA. %MI:11 I1 1101 1 •0111 I1 '1 ' 1 I,'.' 1 1,1 V. 1,. ,•I.1,:• 'I . , f 1:1;. ! 1 Il,t• V; ((111'11. 11,1, ;I' 1 i•: 1•:•,••• 00', a I, , ! ill 1 • ((1 1.,.11111.1 1„I ,:I \. 1t' o Ill.:(i'^1 e1.. 1110,, . (4 ,t 1, 'I' ,. I'., 1.'11. :i, ,\ 1:1111 til„ '11.,1, 111,1• '111.1I'I'1.\t, 51'01,1' - 100 \ - 511..\ 1( '1'11 11'i'I:Its 11,0 the lu• 1 11 11,1,10:: sv-10111 111.1 gLunl 1,',•111. (('10,3 ''I11 lu-. 11,1• prlxto all„ I,1 .\. 1: 1:111 4:10. t'I, lc'I r\'. .\ I;,e1 t'1 S1' 1\'1'1.1) ‘V.1 '1'1.:11 '1'11 111 1—'+I.1.111:S1: 1'.1'1' or I;iUeu. .11',1 ('11111:10Im 11 p1'('3 or 3111111✓ 11111'. .\pply Uox 1211, 7:; I(iido \\' 'I''ronlo. 11'13'1'111), 111:1,1.1131,11 1'.11151IlhlS to ('1010, f,','11 1111011,er young cat- tle 1'or. rash monthly. 11'rllr• num- ber could lu'r,lnlmmlole, exactly mw fed, :110,1 1,1 Ice nn,ntiti'. 0',l'.11 1:0\ 11A'l't'1113,i; 1117611 11',13'1'1:11 11111 1917 hatching semen, flocks culled and bloodtested free of charge un- der Government supervision Guar• anleed premium plus hatchability premium paid. For full details write )lox No. 95, 73 A1el:ldc 11'., '1'o• Ionto, GUNS WANTED $50 cash and up mild for good qual- ity sporting rifles and shotguns; inspection at your convenience; out-of-town inquiries invited, Ivan A. PlatoO), 125 Dawes ltd„ Toron- to, Phone ON. 2782. Time For Painting Around The Farm Early fall is an opportune time for painting around the faro) he• cause it is them that the farm build ings are most in need of protection supplied by gond paint. \Wood that has become parched and dry during the summer will be. exposed to the rigours of winter. Metal, too, needs protection with paint against rll't. Implements should be painted after the summer and fall work i; done. Much of the life and serviceability of farm equipment depends on the protec- tive care given during the fall and )winter. Buildings in out of the way places, such as caves, should be well coated with paint. Using an old brush to get at awkward corn- ers will save a good brush for the straight-away surfaces, Paint pre- serves waterspouts, eaves, and other metal fixtures around the farm. 1f metal is rusted, it should be sandpapered or %vire-brushed down to the shiny metal surface be- fore printing and painting. Paint will prevent rust on a clean pipe, but it will only retard, not stop, the work of rust going on under the paint. Greatest Crop In U.S. History '1'hc greatest crop production in the United States history is being realized as the glowing season nears an end, the Agriculture De- partment reported. The department said aggregate production of all crops will be 2,5 per cent more than the previous record of 1912 and 26.4 per cent more than above the 1923-32 average. Topping this year's production will he record crops of corn and wheat. Lessons By Radio School lessons by radio are to be introduced for children in the re- mote parts of the Northern Terri- tory of Australia. Formerly their lessons arrived by the postman. RUPTURE RELIEF Send for details of FREE TRIAL OFFER of British -made appliance for relief from Rupture. Recommended by Medical Profession. Light and comfort• able—you will not know you have it on. Ilolds the hernia firmly. In many caves the ruptured tissues reunite and rupturo is conquered forever. Write today: Murley'r, Depl. tt4.60 Front SI. W., Toronto. ITCH11,E9g,D or Money Back Forquickrelief from itching caused by eczema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and other 1 telling conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liqui'1 D. D. D.. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly cater; 'ntenso Itching, Don't suffer. Ask your (Iruggi=t today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. ' MUTT AND JEFF— BUT I'M SCARED .JUMP? To JUMP PAPA! SAMMYI IT'S T. ".PAR! PAPA WILL, CATCH YoU! JUMP/ "OH, THE PITY OF 1T!" ii IBJ, . - "!-•, ."". 4. - F".; sol 3t'6.:'e..'. stir:k71 I rwoura.,* ea- . ) •1 No one was hurt in the accident pictured above, but it was a tragic happening just the sante because those four smashed cars were all brand new. En route from the Detroit factory to Mason City, Ia., the huge auto transport hit a viaduct at Moline, 111. Top of the front car was completely sheared off, o -o -r+ -o -r SPOTS OF SPURTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") ►µ-.+.•-•-.-•+-.•+-r )nst about the most pathetic figure that has shown on the sports scene in many moons is that of Mr, 't'cd Williams—remember hili?—of the late Boston Red Sox. And al- though there was a tisk, sonic three or four 01011110 ago, when the same Mr. Williams had about the same effect on us as a boil on the neck, right now we cannot help feeling rather sorry for him. * r * For young \\'illiauls is a perfect example of the extreme danger of believing all you feral in the papers --or hear over the radio—especially 11'1:'11 it IS :)bout yourself. There's a type of sports commentator now- adays, as perhaps you've noticed, whose organ has only two stops— pianissimo and fortissimo. 1\'itll those Fright lads you're either a hero or a heel—either colossal or a crumb --either peerless or pedicul- 011;--\with i10 way -stations or whistle stops in het\wccn. * * * .\ horse runs tl1ree or four good races in a row, and fight away these experts have hint tabbed as another 101an 0' 'War or Phar Lap, A half- back gets away for a few fairly lengthy 1'llils, and at once they start comparing hint with Red Grange and Jinn Thorpe, to the latter's disadvantage. A hockey player 8110(05 a flash or so of form, and immediately lie's rated :)long with —01' ahead of—the Shores, Con- achers, Taylors, Cooks, and other real stars of old. * * * So it was with Ted 1\'illiams, Through a combination of consider- able natural ability and sonic fair- to-Illc(liocre pitching to hit against, lie started in to (10 some really coin - 11 11 111111111 11111111111 II 11111 111111 III it II 111111 Mendable )lut'ting, csllecilll!y of the long -di -t'11100 variety. In this he was aided, ton, by the fact that he i; a dead right -field hitter, and practically all major league ball pa -tires are 5o laid 10111 s0 that left il:- have quite all advantage over their r:;,lit-Landed brethren when it conics t) cera -has) knocks. r ,^,1111 :til at once the sports pages wet'.' filled—and the air -waves slop; -1 over—with paeans and plali lits for this 11'nudcr Boy. Conl- lu(.1't:(hors, some of whom: personal bas;!lall nu:nloies went hack all of ten 305,11, hailed Ilial a0 better than 1\•il!ie Keeler, 'I'y Cobb and Jtabc Ruti1 all rolled into one; and even omen of experience, who should have known better, were quoted—or mis- quotc.l—as saying he )vas the great- est fitter 'f all time. * * * Came the .\I1 Star (lame between the two leagues. 'l'lle very best thing that could have happened to Williams \would have been for the National League pitchers to set him back nu his Frances, hitless. Rut they didn't. To then) that All Star (hole was just another extra chore, for which they didn't even get paid overtime, and they pitched exactly that way. And Williams fairly murdered that National League pitching—and one could almost sec him licking his lips as Ile thought of the World Series to urine. * * * Signs of increasing delusions of grandeur on the part of 'Williams became even more noticeable. Ile talked of demanding a mere eighty thousand dollars for his next sum- mer's toil, airily saying "1 guess I'know how much 1'111 worth," He III II 11 II 11 11 Independence 1111111111111111111 begins with a state of mind Of all the people who seek to be independent, only the man who firmly makes up his mind to do something —and does it—ever actually achieves independence. A very good something you can do is to put your savings into Canada Savings Bonds. We highly recommend CANADA SAVINGS BONDS and offer our facilities for their purchase. 11 n;s of annoyance tr t!I Ili, team Ll0's w11,! they fail- ed to show him proper ,(',meet. Ile even Ililcd a per( )ILll lrisincss agent to h:1nd1)' 411 the lui,'y offers that Mere hound to come for his cnllors- ,Iti,a1 of this artio le or tht. ' ! 4 - Then '1 Len (,1111e the Scri,'s--1)111)11 1111('111 go 11\c game,: 1ulIIa)S even a, mann' as six but t+'!,ic It could a-,urrdly ha\( but one ending And some of us !: -,lvi'-thinl'ring cxperts were even 5111'1,,''lil10( that possibly the best way for the Cardinals to deal \with \lillia!ms Ot11.,1 he 10 hand him an intentional l -:l -s every time up--- for 1urely an', 11011 4 was bolter than to allow the hall to coma' (('ithin reach of tl::t d(a)ily war-, tub of 1113. NOW (11:11 St'riea 11:l p;l'>cd into Ili,tory—and to us it will allvays recall the figure of the mighty Williams slall:ing up to the plate, time after time, \Olen any kind of a base hit would have meant the hall game, 8111 failing to conte through. That, and the picture of the sante Williams walking, all alone, along the St. i,ouis station platform tow:r d the Boston train, wit ll a look on his face which said, "Surely they can't do this to '11 P; it shouldn't happen to even a (log." It nnt,t have heel) itidced a rtl(10 a\wakening for the kid—about as heavy a jolt a: any athlete ever took. And per,•lnally we're pull- ing for Ilial to have cult -Ails enough to take his medicine 5(1 ! code hack letter than -ver. But, if Le's \vise, w11(11 next Sca-ntleastart; Williams will confine his radio 1i,tening to all -music programs, and his reading t1) poetry or mystery stories; for, sad to say, those l,ls"ha!I scorers are pretty tough egg:. For they only credit yon with the Ilius you actually make there at the plate— ful(' not with the ones that your praise -agents 0101111 tl'at you're bound to tally. Tit 1 ALL 1 Tce ABLETS '0 ONLY DRUGSTORES RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED If you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness, do not delay treatment and run the risk of lel ting this condition become chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful passage of stool is nature'', warliflg and proper treatment should he secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem -Roil from any druggist and use ns directed. This formula which is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itching and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender spots. ileal-I(oid is pleasant to use, is highlyrecommended and it seems the height of follfor any one to risk a )painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be had at such a small cost. If you try Hem -Rohl and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist wiU gladly return your money. II ill 11 Telephone or telegraph us collect—WAverley 3681 DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED ESTABLISHED 1901 TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER NEW YORK LONDON, ENG. 15 King Street West, Toronto 111111111 iii q iu 11 N ui 0 11 11111 1 ai iii 111111111111111111111111111111111 Just Training The Kid For Possible Russian Delegate to the U.N. t' MISTER, I SAW �WHATTHE ,c THAT! THAT WAS A \ BIG IDEA? MEAN TRICK TO PLAY ON THAT BOY! - 111111 1111111111 III11111111II 1111111111 11 111 By BUD FISHER MISTER, TNAT WILL TEACH MY SAMMY NOT TO TRUST ANYBODY.' NOT EVEN HIS OWN FATHER! '0'11.4(, • ,161 PAriE 8 4.] PURE WOOL BLANKETS >.I I 1.4 S1 I.j lt)tit1i)t)•math,(114NPlat1'iNNInDiDt)INDADillel dt'y'IDeS20'.1),',tatJibMtatit)4i1,03, i 1/47ar oo.. 1:• •:H:❖d•❖•b•:M'4o•••1••i"i i••h 4.44 +44 M•1• i•4*I, ,•: +4.4*4.*:. 4. 4.44 0.••;• 1,H�OO.♦ Reversable Satin -Bound Wool Blankets $8,511 Special Rose -Satin Bound Wool Blankets $6.95 Wool Motor Rugs, Scotch Plaids $8.50 White Rainbow -Borders (Special) Pair $10.95 Grey and Sand, Whipped Ends, All -Wool Blankets Each $(i.50 Olive McGiH THE S'1'ANDA1t1) ertron ! \I'• tin +'n, r lu!ln•t,m pent j \t,rh-end I\ t111 relat:\c, al TMilian). \II• t thvn \Ictlili and I•ahc1 lox. R. \ ...punt ,1 ic\\ ,I i , in Tor+'nl-' Illi• t\ eek. 4. \I r, \\ . I:. \lot rt• of l nkora, , i,- 2 'tun! ,till, Ill r Il Int;liter, Mr,. Clarence 4 1 1'.I Ile. an 1 thrr Iron l,, the ‘,0.1: '11end. )Ir• Ir,tin I Ird, \1r•. ("haulhcr-, of I xrt+•r. \:•'ir,l n \bods.) \\it1,1 Mr, ami \I r-. Chalk k - S.dter. 1 \Ir ;ld \I:. bird In linit , i eta'. K "rt.'l'e;;t tit;uda\ a it'' \I r. til NM, A F. I t r, am. \I1-• \lit\ \\.ttt left , n )lon•;a' fIn- M \\loxutct, ',herr •lie ail' ni.lke Ills ' hl,lnt \\:tl, !ler •ester, \I r•. l;. \\. (*.ih- 1 \Ir. 1. c Sd..,. \I;s. \Ie.';r', Jo \\:11,1 or. \!r. a0,1 Mr-, ('1.,'1 , t ,ce, ,_. ,t: I fain*, , of S,ea`,1,1"11, NI"'e I'I,'tt ..i., '' ,,ail \Ir. dl .I \!r , ( h;i1'11' S;11 ,_: 1(.1.1i.,, \\,e. It i• ,:•it'11, flet .i lc: .t. \lt• 11,nr: Mill, f (i.l•,•'e _,' \II . 1 , I,..rt \\' ..i.tlea:i \t is In ('lin- •, 1,„ -,II *wird.in ,,t1t•n1t;'tl.'e ;it thy '1' orris 'I', n ,t, i,.„, „ii , f Ilex c +n•ni, \I I. I. •:• I!",ti, 1\llo I,;t•'.,'ll aNa\ in tilt' i1, ...pit 11 :i; „ Plitt, • 1.,, \I1. ;In 1 \I'•, 11in',t t;,'•.i,rr and \Ir. 1:r. " I 'c of :\,,\ton, spirt 'T'hu's- •: (!a•. ;\ ill \I and \Ir,. 1. I. Sit,\1r1. .-. \I r ;01d I • . 1i.'or1;r henry ;rat I \\';I;I to of [nylon nt •;,,•rat '41In,l;ly \•.111) Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and. Electric file \\'elding A Specialty, Agents For International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Car Painting and Repairing. Wednesday, (let. 3(1, 1916 .. 1.•1 I Stock Tonics and Sopplies -- FOOD STORES -- Chicken Haddie, Fancy Quality Clark's Mushroom Soup Grapefruit Juice . Red Plums Cc tinge Brneless Chicken, Giade "A" Lyon's Tea No. 1 White Pea Beans Ncilson's Jersey Cocoa Sally Anne Pop Corn - .. Superfram _ - Chama Cleaner Kellogg's Corn Flakes 1111. per tin 25c 10 oz. tin 09c 21 oz. tin 15c 29 oz. tin 18c 7 cz. tin 53c half Ib. pkg. COc 2 lbs. 17c half Ib. tin 19c; 1 Ib. tin 29c . per hag 10c per pkg. 29c , per pkg. 10c 2 12 -oz. pkgs. 25c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, PIONEER AND LiFETERIA FEEDS. We Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 15(i 't, \I r•. Pet:, ha, rent:lie+l 1;on+c aftr,. t •ruin; a fc,t , •Lt'• tsi'h )Ir, and ,t; \I'••. (,u,r••r (;a~1::t, ;old \la \Ir• I>rr\,in l'Ir', 1.• n,lc•h 1.o .1. i \I1. 'I'hl ala, .\Ik n -on has retorted •t•hone aft+'t an I\ , n 1, Il \•i,it s.th ru- 31 ,otic• in \\'u•tern (.snaps. 3: \I I. and \Ir;. 1lin at'o NI, 1:1•'• 0f • r; de, burg. N.I)., s •ted tvitll \Ii'..;ld NI r• \\;tlt,'r \Ic(; 11 and \1t•. and 4' \Ir-. \V, N. \\'at.nn 1,1.1 Betula: :2, I \I is:. \'i,•-;inia .\nders.+n, dam:liter �H:H•.,4:H:, 1.• �• •;. •:H:H:41,1 •:1.:1 •� �,•,:H:1 •:1 •'• �•.;• •� .:H:, �. F •�..;. •:H� 4:N:4 �H:N:4 •�. 4;H:H;• •� •�• •;HO 1..1.11 •;. P•,:H� ,:H;. . ' I 111'. I i+' ; 11; I 1111 I 1 \ 11 • 1 e' s n I l , I ., i I1 g • .11 . „ 1 1 1 i. Y., , , I ..I■ i l i-tt il, ('al , i, t In to i t ttilll her aunt, \Irs. .\lex. \I c(; tsars. Ii Yn,11,1.• NI.,•n1,a1.,e 1.a, au.-.��i. aul. li➢.,.a I \I t••. Julia Se'atldt•t•tt ;111:1 Corinne, n1 Bigger and Better More space has been added to this store, where Quality and Low Prices Prevail. Many items are still scarce, however, new stock is being added reg- ularly, and we invite your inspection. Wendy's 5c to $1.00 Store "SATURDAY NIGHT IS CANDY NIGHT" FEATURING HALLOWE'EN CANDY.. .1 New Samples Are In _ WE I.:E PLEASED TO AN- NOUNCE THAT OUR NEW SAMPLES QF' SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS -J HAVE ARRIVED. Your Choice in a Full Range of Beautiful Designs In a Wide Variety of Prices. MODERN WAY OF REMOVING WALLPAPER. PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF FiRST QUALITY. ••• F. C. PREST Phone 37-26. LONDESBOR0 OBITUARY Loren Thomas Tyndall I.I.nr!rn, sp"rat the teen,: -end tt•'tlt I1 ' former', s'•trr, \1I•,, .\Ire. \Ir(;o,tan. r ends ;ire eery ,,leased 1,1 kism• 11c11 lir. Thoma: I':rltt a d•, tehn • centls underwent an operation in Vic- ▪ toria 1 Limilon, i, 1:r arc>, int very fasourahly. .! \1 r•. Timm-. and dautlltcr, Sue, of l'itiI n. ;pent the tsueh-roll tsit!t \1rs. N. 1 e,lic. 1 )di•s \!ire Rnter,on ,pent the • \\ (Th. -end 111 Tr—onto, \I r. and \I r,. 1.. 1Iulley an•I f;unils of \\;Ilton, and \Ir•. 11. \\'vitt. Load' it, t\ ere the i.lt t. of NI r. and NIT,. 11. Mullet. on Sunday. — y t1 r;. \\', ('ockerline .neat a few RLY'1'H COITNCIL SITS dar.: ti,itit,L with relative, at tit. AS COURT OF REVISION 'Thottta, anis Port Stanley. Five Appeals heard \\'e are sorra- to report that \trs, ,'rankl t t',on i, ill at her Boole. \I r. and \Ire. Lr,lir ,.akin); of 11;nirltn t <tu•nt the t':' I nil tvith \Ir. and \f1.•. I.. Ililhnrit. Sitting ;15 a of Revision till \Ir• A. (1. 1.;Ikiti rat Fireltoil vi, - the 1941. :\„e -•relent R111, the oleo,- itod with hot. ,i• -ter, \I r,. Tlilhnrn, en her of the 1;1\;11 NIun'cil';11 ('otnil'1 Saturday, tact at 8 p.m. in the \I(111 rise Ifall wt \I r. and \!r•. 1;11. 'Tate •r sort •,m .\ 11 :Member, the ,'aid, -! Clinton, ,;sent Sur, lay \lith Council were p"c•ent. ” t'' the . ':ce .. \Ir. an I \Ir,. l.e•lie Tlilhnrn. tion of Councillor \1'Ititfit lt. Rett c \(r. Everitt \\'alhcr if l t;lnl'Itn , Itainton presided• ;nen; the it e:1: -end at the home 11f hire apl,e;11, acre prc•entetl Mr. and \Irv. •I, It. Stews rt. atain•t the A,•c,: meet I"11, and fon: __ of lltr :\ppt'llant, appe;u•r11 11. •tate their ca'e verlrall',. The as they appeared in order, nnrc as f,•l- _ tnvs: \d!,s Mary NI flue. \Ir, Fro! ll:\l.i..\ii\N---in Clinton Public 11 •s- Richarils, \11. (;enrge \Ii•Nall, ;111,1 pita, on Sunda\', (kt+''Ire 27th, to \Ir. I. Ii. R. Elliott. \Ir. Er'kine. r. and NI N. \V. I. llall;ihan, the fifth Appellant, (lid m.'t ap;+car. ( gift of a : on. -\\'illi:un Raenu,nd. \\'ith the except' tt of \ir. Erskine, ELLIOTT—At P. rt \rlhttr Cameral woo eta• ap;teal'nu for an adiu,tnient ,11 acreage ona vacant lis' hr o\1'115 1111 Hospital, on October 25th, 1')-1', to . flit tt, all other appeals against the hull \Ir. and \Ips. N1', A. Elliott, the I were for an increase in a• ;•s,nlrnt. gift of a :on. in all et -es Ihr ('Lout made a reduc- tion, tiU\II':RS—In \\'innipcg, Man., to NM'. tion, tshich was satisfactory to the and Mrs .\rlhttr Sorrier . the gift of Appellant. a son --I01)(.11 \Ialcc,lnl I "Ito. (:\ .\ motion by NM. Molal, and \It•, grandson for \!r. and \Irv. \111coiiit \'oddcn reduced \Ii•s \titin' assess- Solnert•, of \1'inl,ipc�'l. melt Ii13110.09, to it's original figure. \ ,notion by \Ir. \lc.\;111 and Holly - Loren Thomas Tyndall, 85, (lied in loan reduced \Ir. hich;lrIs assessment Clinton hospital. Ile had not boon 1(1f.(r1, to !''• orivittal figure. \le„1.s. (;or.lon Elliott and Ilarse. in gnc.1 health for about tw, year. A ntetintt by NI r. \'olden and Mlle- - McCallum ,cit early \\'rdne,day morn ler, Tyndall was born at fort Hope ratan reduced \Ir. McNair, as•e'stit'ilt ing for Northern Ontario, tehrrc they on August 1(ith, 18',,, a sort of the 1t30f,(10, 1” it', original fiutirr1'' have planned a hunting trip. Thea. late Mr. and Mrs, 'Thomas Tyndall .\ nt''ti.•n h\• \Ir. \Ie all Lei I NI r. expedition trill take theta intra the As a young ratan he carte to Myth iat. i if -Hyman reduced \I r.a•- er cin, t? \\'hitrchurch and ittillr, sus innnt. on his rc,id •nti;.l I hrs•;II'., 1 Mistrict. going 't , 1 pmpert; township where he was a succe',ful 301,110, leaving hien t\ith an incre'a•c---_p-�—. farmer. About _ two years ago he of $200.00 over his 11)45 1.' , moved to Clinton Leith his brother, I :\ notion by \I r. \Ie\all and 111)11 AMONG 'I HE CHURCHES Arthur, who died very su idrnly two marl adjusted \Ir. I larset Erskine's BLYTH UNITED CHURCH (lays after they had moved there. In acreage on his vacant lot from 1 acre Sunday, Nuvrnlhcr ,3rtl. religion hr was Methodist, later Uni- as it appeared on the Roll, to it's pro- 11).15: Sunday School. ted Church of Canada, an I wa; a per prc,porti 11, of one -sixteenth of an 11.15: Children's Sermon. -The Sun - member of Ontari 1 Street lofted acre. clay Engine." Regular sermon, "\lark, Church. ,\s ;t young ratan h; mar-\'"1J"urnntcnt was rat+per! by \l C. Mc- thy neon who came hark." BIRTHS Enjoying hunting Trip rind Nora Steens, who prc+lccra;''I Nall and \Ir. \'til+len. 1 7 p. ti.: "'The \\'ing, of a Dove." hint in February, 1940. To this tin- ;\ small 'landfill tit• ratep.iyer, were presenttorfur the Court hcat'ittg, inn were horn five sons and one (laugh; YT : r '' "try) lir •. Rowan, 'l're- wartlrt i ,,.lift towns'.:;, • h•nk TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH Sunday after All Saints Roy, township; Ro, (Ioeleric.h Cream Producers' i\ssocia- 1 11 a. m.: Sunday School, I C.'unpnn, tt t v valid at•c sugar-prescr- 1?: noon I l� ly Communion an 1 tier- 1.;-'2'1, S1 to S,i_, butler RI8 t 131 ;ural township; Norman, Clinton, and ('lif- tit?n Contemplated to 1130 and nkat (Il to (►4 and lore,, 'I ()rout.). There at c 19 i.4raud - tetra, ' 713'1, I, 111.: I'•ycuiug lh•aynr. 1111 to \I Si. e''•ldron :to(' six great grandchildren. Over llrll (31111,\ IilCertC l', ;1111! 1'01- { I , , , ing dole tat Litten coupons 118 to L_'1 and 11?'1 Mr. Tyndall tvas the last member of a >, es from all tiler Ontarinl TRINITY, BELGRAVE hl L'28 rate: nmat O1 tv O4 and \I:il fancily of four. The funeral na; hel•1 Gathered in Tort alto on October 24th 1 1.4.5, lis rat,: Sunday School, 1 to \155 expire October 31. from the 13eattic Mineral !Tome on for the purpose (t loaning a I'rotin- 3., O p. in.: Evening 1'ra) er and Ser- ,.____ Saturday at 2 p.m., interment taker.'_ sial Groan, Pc'durers' \ssnriatioll. mon, place in Clinton cemetery. Rev. \\', lfurntt Comity's director i, Mr. 11ar- i Willing Workers Met ST. MARK'S,AUBURN �+ 4 ry (;bast\' ctf \\'roxelcr. IThe \\'illing er, othe ) 1. \\ltnlfl1l offiij';iled_ Thr pall i 9,15 a. In.: Sundae School.o \1'orkf h9th hearers here six pram, 'it . 1131.01.1, 1 'The President and Secretary ()fLine, 'Morris, stet at the home of I:c'th. Leen, lack, Clifford and \\'1.l ilnr'Itt (t itity 1'. erte.rltion also attend- i 111.3(1 ;I. m.: \,.)ening Prayer. \It's. I. Gibson. Ite,idts the hu;ine;; doll 'I'yudill. Tho tthiwcr!uart.t-, were ed the ineetinu in 'Toronto, and t\l'. j FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST. at hated, one quilt was finkhc'I. lunch four ,'rand•olt., lirit:'e and Kenneth lante' Sing., on of iKirkto•I and NI r. ti p. m.: Sul t•c.• If \\lint • it St. was serve'. The next Internet s:'I T„mkt!. ')'.\r;; l:ath.,.(il m..1 \\'d. Hume (.Tett n. C ,Ilinrne tnwnshii Paul's Cathc'Ir,il. Lnn'l-n. i'.;., ' • t he held at the h.lnle of Mrs. IT. Gib- liatn Jenkins, , were voting delegates. The I'rintatc. 1)005, 00 November rt1t. ♦.4N ##‘ 1 A. L COLE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN GODERICH - ONTARIO. Eyes F.xan.ined and Glasses Fitted, With :5 Ycr.rs Experience risrrNlI# PMI4'JI*VIII****1I,t. SPGCIAL '1'IIIS 'WEEK. \\'e tarry full and complete line, +'f Rot it I'llrplt, IIt and 1 tr. 'Pull'. Stool; Tonics : Royal Purpic Poultry Conditioner Royal Purple Stock Conditioner Royal Purple Hog Tonic Royal Purple Cough Powder Royal Potpie Rcup Remedy Di. Bell's Condition Powders Dr. Bell's Kidney and Blond Powders Dr. Bcli's Distemper and Cough Powders Dr. Bell's Tonic and Indigestion Powders Dr. Bell's Cattle Cathartic Dr. Bell's Hog•Onic Dr. Bell's Poultry Tonic Dr. Bell's Medical Wonder Dr. Hess He g Tcn`.c Dr. Hess Poultry Panantin Dr. Hess Stock Tonic COL and $1.75 6(Ic and $1,75 60c and $1.75 COc 30c, 60c and 90c E0. and $1.93 50c 50c 51e 50c 50c 50:: $1.00 65c and $1.69 65c and $I.69 65c aid $1.60 R U. RHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, 1\'ALLI'AI'i:Ii,--PHONE 2P. lata+ata+a e►letCiakitet0411a+e(stlIttK aMPC: ate+40MCINV CIOCMIetePagl4We,b1+ CW Sauer Kraut, 15c,dol. 25c Living -Room Furniture ,< Fresh Chicken, lb., 'IOc# . 1i,l,ESII AN+i) CUREi) MEATS. A GOOD SELECTION OF COOKED MEATS. Delivery. Wednesday and > i> , > H. Saturday. cCalluno Butcher. Phone 10, Blyth, Vodden's BAKERY. W.l-IEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIOI'ME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "'1'I1E IIOiM'IE BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN. EDITH CREIGl1'1'ON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH. HEALTH IMPROVED \Ips, \\'rat, ih'otwn, of the 13th Con- cession of Mullett, tvlt() has been with iter sister, \trs. Baxter M c:\stet•, of Iilrth, for the past four weeks, is, we are )dad to say, touch improved in health. Left For Wetsern Canada Mr. and \Irv. Joe Materna left on Tac<(lay for 1ltidsun Iias junction,‘ Sash., tt byre they will talc ti , resi- der e for the winter. \I r. Materna l as (Tit r:d c tiplo•ntcnt in a lumber ()till t: ere. Ration Coupon Duo Dates We are offering New -Designs in -- Chesterfield Suites, Sofa .Beds, Studio Lounges and Occasional Chairs, upholstered in the latest Fabrics, at Most Attractive Prices. ILa1111) Tables, Magazine Racks, Laillps, End Tables, Hassocks and other Odd Living -Room Pieces. Help to make ,your home more comfortable and enoyahle. We urge you to come in and inspect then) whether or not you are prepared to ,buy tet J. S. 11 iiome Furnisher — Phones 7 and 8 — P'unt'rat Director. d71IMANrit21MNDINDtDID DiNNDirtAtialDa INPi9WOi`diDID N alat.diAi)Ir71)tAi3,;di':S INDiDIA present, „1. "1., -144 ..1 1,4,Nal ,. n,a,1 111 11. 1 . 111 IIt 1n* '..•H•. ••,: H••.'4 • 44, ++ ••• 1•1.•H•1 ••H•• ••• i 11$44 •••••..•• ••• 1••.•1 1.1.411.1 ••1 ••• ••.,•••.;. 1.1 ,•• ,•. ••• •;. ••, ••• 1•, 1•• ••. ,•, i . ••H•. ••, 1•• 0 J• tft UR%N G'iLL _. t _: BLYTH ---ONTARIO. ; ,1, 4, .1• 41; . EXCELLENT FOOD - GOO1) SERVICE + .14 •1' _;, Meals at Al! Hours. .t. •t, _; FRANK GONG — Proprietor :_: '•;;.•;..;..:,.:• •;•.;..;..;1.;,.0 •;4,;,,;..:•,;..;1,:..., •:'.... i..:1 y.,:•':• :: ,;•,0•;4.0,;..:. 4; 4•;••0,;1.p,:40 •;1 ;.1•,:.,;1 •;. •;1,;.4. ':1 v."•i It IMO 111. 1 J1,,.•1 i1.1•NZINKTII Speiran s Hardware PHONE 24. BLYTIL EVERYTIIING IN I_IARDWAPE, A LARGE SELECTION OF ALUIIIINUM WARE. - Coleman Gas Lanterns. - Step -saving Steel Tables. - Chemical Closets. - Caulking' Compound. - Patching Plaster. MEN ---Do your cattle break loose in the stable? If so, secure your cow chains now, and rid yourself of this nuisance! ,:I,J J • • 161 ,.. 111.. . 11.. 1 .a {IJ” 11,4.4.4. , ., ,J+'1.11()15 Ih'v, Precision Peng Get your Boy or Girl a Lovely Waterman Set. Good penmanship is encouraged by all instrument of precision -made workmanship. ▪ Our stock of Waterman's Pen and Pencil Sets was Never More Complete. We also have on hand the Eclipse Pen and Pencil. Inspect Our Stock of Pens Now. Select Yo':rs While Our Stock is at It's Best. A FULL STOCK OF PUBLIC SCHOOL ▪ TEXT BOOKS ANI) SUPPLIES ON RANI). YOUR PATRONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED Standard Bool( Store