Semi-Weekly Signal, 1864-05-20, Page 2a aaaasa-a-
Tilt L Y 1 SIGNAL.
Whit and Lake Huron Railroad 4r. Beecher's desire is granted -suppose Debate on the Non -Con- Jackson, Jones [North Leeds and Grenville],
PIN.1111: the gulf is filled with blood -can that ever fidence Motion.
DEF. 7.4.3 A. m. 5.00 lam
8.21 5.55
8.46 6.15
8.52 6.21
9.09 6 43
9.26 7 00
1 STRATFORD ARE. 10.05 7.45
Accoiu. Mail.
DEP. 8.10 .1o.m. 4.00 P.M.
8.30 4.43
9.12 5.01
9.32 5.20
9.34 5.27 -
9.38 5.S0-
sita.'10.40 6.30
Going -East connects with Grand ;flunk d:
Grist Western.
Weet cianhecte at Goderich on Tues:,
days and Fridays tV.ith str Hui on for Saginaw;
and on Monday, Wedlietrlay, h sd ay and
Sattirday with str Canadian for Southampton
and intermediate ports. White's Stages daily
for Lucknow, •
7. •
GODERICH, u: W., MAY 20, 1F64.
- Thoie who refuse to see.iii theawful
'strife going on in, America a War. for the-
treedont.of the Saves, Way', and many sof
'them we know. do stipport it.",•heart and
soutaa a fight for the Vnion as 'if
They tyink that here the ardent feelings
of the patriot ma); marriell. to the lofty-
.sentitnents of the gennine philanthropist,
- for ii -maintaining the honorsof the "old
flee do they not also ring the death
▪ knell:of:human slavery.? To our mind,this
metive to action on the part of the North
is based upon' a 'Matey such as has, from
: age to age,,iu times pa'at, deluged this fair
huMan gore, and. caused its
"most fertilePlicna to echo Sack' au almost
continuous wail of mortal agony. In their
'seal to teach the masses of the Federil
- Stites that no sacrifice is too great that
will result in freed°m to_ the Negroohe
• nitra-alsolitionisti seem to ignore the fact
that there mall be such a thing _ea iehite
slevery. We are to.coneede that:
. the negro is a Man, and that in a certain
sense he is a brolher 'we admit that it is
wtong to maltreat bird. iiecause. he is a
gide lower down in the scale of hunia.nity
than wSare, and that there is something
repugnant to the feelingi of every geed
than in the idea of -human bondage; hut
e we stop there.- _We canziot believe that the
negro is better -than the white, or. that. it
eau be right in the eight of God or mat),
a. mien if all things Were otheritise equal, to
plunge tea or twelve millions a human
beinis into 'civil bondage of the.. most.
liopeIesi description in order to set free
four millions. The,: whole energies of-Ithe
Federal Goveniment are bent in one dfrec-
tion, the stibjetgatien of the Confederacy.
Its 'anaconda processes, ite blows at Rich-
tnond,, are inter:ded for 'wliat,-to break
and-grinAthS military power of,the South
intocaulinsi helpless, hopeless. fragments.
Aild, then whet? Why, to * the victors
• belong the spoils. Then cornea the bay,
oftet at the throat ! Then comes the as-
. sertioh of despetie power, and then 'midst
the magnoliaglades ana fertile litaing of
the sunny South chains tire riveted,- which
:trek's; as adamantine,- jiist at• galling;
nsy ten times mores; then -those which
bind up the strong hmhs_ of Poland and'
Hungary. - There may! be -precedents for
what the North is:endeavoring. to ieflict
upon the South. Despots in all ageg have
dragged.their captitas lifter their chariots -
la triumph, Italie confileata the preperty,
and overbirued the iiiititutions of their
enemies ; but tin constaytly remembered
that the 'United States Government has.
al'. along deprecaed• 'tyranny of' every
.deacription,-and that the people of the
United,States have: sPol.ken, atO sung in
praise ofpersomil .44 political. freedoin
Wag_ die world: actually -came to-. think
that the Milleninin was Oiout 'to. ti.e.estah-
lishea; let* in so far fs- this Continent
wai concernea. Warr hoWever; has
• -.transformed the lamb- into a Iiim,,,and a
career has been commeteed whiebiwill end
no- Oneltnows Whore. If the South is
;conquered, which is...very doubttul, the
end. will bo a.aystem of militdry des-
potism and ' (white) political siavery, a
thousand -fold moie ,blighting in its effects
that Negro Slavery -ever was, 'or cOuld be.
Indeed,. so far froni the present troubles
ending -with the present warrthe: joy=bells
which would he set...ringing_ whet' the flag
Of the Union waved over the last'. streng-
• hold of Dixie w-ould,be believe, altso sound -
the death -knell of , the _Republic, which-
. existed hitherto on the principle thnt
men are free aid 'equal,. and haie received
front the '0.leator certain inalienabljt
rights .4. rivileges." Deprive nearly
half offlus 'people-- of these righta_and
iirissTegest an! the, wholifebric tters to
^ its AIL
'War for the trnion .t What nion/
The Union na it feast • That ift goni,an
• nevek helestored. well attempt
tPireathe *the breath -Of lido into the:mass
• *ofdend notribing unifeithe burning sun
• of Vfiginia, an -endeavor to patch up the
Milin-as _Ow a -father -forget that
* .and- died in the otruggle for.
fi:,...8putkint.:Indipe,deace? s• Can wives,
Inetliert and tinter, fOrget that- the -ipride
itibeen cut dOwn by die
Neverl And not
thi.s•iith Imes rita intellect* power
aliewerat.h eVei come
.:'*Oek-toithe 1111- Sippose
cement the disunited secions 'I re-establish
sovereign States, eonquered and conquer-
ors, harmoniously - in one :Republican
brotherlood, the members of which shall,
hanceforth, engage in a generous strurle
fOr the blessings of Peace and the adorn-
ment of Home ? • 0, mischievous fallacy !
ftatiall with eviland danger I War for
the L oia:•"! Why then talk of peopling
the South,with a new race after you have
citnquered it ? r„Why talk of ccinfiscation ?
As Wendell Phillips most pointedly says :
" You can never Make this Union one by
" force. At. the bommencethent of- the
war thcre were large body of Union
`'k 'men at the aSo,lath. The Otittenden
resolutieu • was passed oti this theory.
t The Crittenden -a compromise was a pro-
posed on the 'theory that would
kin.. this assert themselves and
overcome the Serssionists. Possibly -it
might hive been so';. we. Cannot know
it now. But the war has ,built up .a
unanimous confederate sentinient. -Jeff.
made. a riebellien-it Was all 'he
could make--Abraham,L. ineoln naScle
the Confederaey; • he. Was the only ,one
Who: could -make
Made the- -Sou
hannot reconstr- t
kiyalty of thew] it
loyalty there::
the Stat4 on so
them ,aaterritor" s for -twenty. years, -
In the latter eve •t; yeti keep the.- gov..-
`=ernment entrust d with deertie potier,_ .
-1 Junes [Seuth "Leeds]. Knight, Laugevita Le.
Attorney General Macdonald Mc-
- Gee, Morris, Pinsonneault, Pope,- Poulin,
(cosTixe Le.) Powell, Price, Rankin, Raymond, liebitaillei
- - -Rose, Ross [Champlain], Ross [Dundee],
QuEnue, May 16th, ,
. Shanty, Simpson,Steeef, Sylvain, Tasaereau,
The Speaker took the- chair at three o'- 'Das:, Turcotte, \Veils!) . Webb,,Wilson and
A Itcr routine' business, The House adjourned at half-Pa:4
. Mr. Galt, in -fesuming the debate ea Mr. clock. -c. , .
Dorion's amendment to the motiun that the 1,..
Speaker leave the chair. for the House to go
into Committee of supply, -referred to souie
points raised lpy. the lie:fuller fur Chateauguay.
on Fiidny night. ' That Hon. gentlensan had
sneered at'what he haa been pleased to
the littleness of the •fipancial measures of the
Guvettimeet. Now, if they were little, there
was less eicase,ilan otherwise tor gentlemen
opposite having failed fur many months to
bring a oWn meaSures of any kindwheit they
' were in office ; a id. iu ' taking 'this -line of
argument they pronounced the. strougeat pos-
sible cunclepanati ti upon- themselves. ,The
member for Clia eauguay bad said that the-
oppositionto thedate Goverinhent had pre-
ventE2,d_them bripging down- their measures
e :notion of non-coahdence
ad propbsed _was a direct
dministration for inethav-
its meaSures. Ceuta they
Weight [(Thaws Co.] -61.
last autunin,bilt
he Dlr.- Galt] upon the
ing broueht dow
eecuse the then oppysition. ef want of aener-
osity when they I • d never given the 0;posi-
sures they propo ed. He did nut thitik the
tam au opportuuity of sup,portiug the rites:.
tatint aboot the litrleness of the tninisterial
uteasures was, ander these circamstances,
• milled am; it wile _riot one Which should be
in the mouths of gentlemen OppoSite. (Elear,
it. Three years licS
. !var.]. - He tiled referred more partictilarly
h tinanimons. - '1.°u -to the subject of ihe motion before the lionse
Goverinnent wa the. same -as , that put in
force by Mr. Hin qis in 1058; Nina aemained
idopetatioa till, 859: ' That. palmy_ was to
give -the beriefit of exemptions' to iron and
t goihg upwar s ' -*and to wheat flour and•
7 7
rn, going dow Wards. How was it, then,.
that the member tor Chate.aeguity discovered
ohly at this' late ay that this was a mistaken
the ilnion on the and -showed., th• t the. policy -of the present
.- `a, . 2
L . . ..,
men; there 'Is . uta.
rou mtist - reconstruct
.ehody's loyalty or keep
- • : - a.: and a wropg poll 7. - How. Was' it that during
and I tremble fo ' the-:experinietit." ,.. . :.. , ._
the sevea.yearsaa was tornaerly in operation
.We need not nform the intelligepf they had...not objeCtt.d..• bu ' that a.ome. inong .
0 0 . _ i
The rialit .- winar-has not advaneed 'much
. _ —
preseet, Qp esition ha.d thiPpcirt d it 7 and itnow looks as if our left would be'swang
eatiei:• that despot power, which is siiiip Ihe' . -. ..
'Sorely they eauld _not hav been in Ian ance
0, `attounda. thus completely surrounding ,the fort.
y the power. of th ..bayonet, -can- -never - on this subject innora of the o?der hi
a - . An immediate attack onthe male -.wait is
. _
xisi; in -a • frec co ntry. SWithtlie. large: - council passed in IS53i an if so., it - -was pet; anticipated- .a '. .- ,- - :.; ' : - li - ,
. • a • ' • • . b.u.r.,ualti went on taahow by ligures'frens
fo‘....a th,em to corn ban in the matt+. : - Ile
. , . . ..
. . - it has been aseertained that Beaureaard
slippedlaa-Crie Tueeday last, and is .probllbly
tandinta army whi haw). be required -to
-ee the' South i subject' n would come from the trade re urns that. the polly -of ex-. 'wil. ee. : • • - . _..... .. - .
. , - .. .
he ecessity. for a, mere ceetrali,sed ! fOrm emptiuns a lopted by the -present Go eminent Out avoanded in being tranepatted-to Belle
in reaard to canal had 'atgely increased. the 'plain suffered -terribly.- ..,..Maily died - ou the -
f overnment than is consistent with the -value 0
- f trade eeking . tat outlet' throuah ' - • - - - -- ..- - --. „ • • .
de1 of a -, Republre Then. .eomeS .the ' Canadian 'ehatuiels, and conferred i:eitich .-
- 0 .way. . - _: . . . , •,, , . • . , .
- , b - " . .
, . . . Ftedericksbarg is a general hospital, full -of
nqhiry, are those*he - h.s `ell'tang,ht.:the greater advant4es upon athe .country than, woendedawho. are berhg" as tiet--. cared-- for . as.
.wouldthe • reveaue accruing friani•tolls- • had. .
p_essible - '
Moitroe:doetrine ready • to see.with cern- they !Teen" levied i-apoii all articleS passim* .--- A • .• . `-• :-., forinatien of ati gnipire; by through the eanala. 'He 'pointed onkthat the ' -.'• 1.• ' . . ....-WaSlittivost, mAy.1.,6,-5-P. IL
lib Military o:wei ? - . - Order iWCoittieil pf April last had':iiot taken- 0 'Major General' Da : - , • - -. •.., .,. . -
..-- We• -have despatchei from Gen, GrantlO 8
I ••• - .• the toltaoLgeitei'ally, and said the Govern
ment intended to submit' to ..the .11.4tiie this,
431E41V-44i - W It- - session. a iiteasare.' for thea teadjustinent of
! aolle. . He. had received a comirianieation'
- . 7-7 ' - I " - in: the. fi.est of,sairitaaataa.feele the
o after all thl," Viet si" and Self 7 •Pcma the Board_aat- Trade Of -Chicagifi ai- weti --""nlY i'-'
. ngr'atulations„ and l'& D m _Taukmus, p . i.,
, .
. . . . are nOW*.coneeittrated -en the main rOactfriatn
as frain that Oflaawego, callieg.the afteatitait. fullestc-onfidence in success. - Tile- twcaarmies
ottae. teavernirient to.. the *fact. thet itl.thisugh --
f the past two weeks, the stern truth iF, the -roils_ on the'Welland copal were nett's:an; Ftedeticksburg io Riehmonti; :a .. . ..... .
The op.eratpita of Gen Sherniatt yeaiCiday„
ee'S._Pesition•is cOnsiderei so .formidable in -idly lower thatil thoinienalhe :Erie Canal,
• -earl two days. liarcl tisailiq, forced Johnston
ha-:, Grant wOuld tain.-aveid. the " „alce:610- they -.were really Ihigher, in eonsequence ot . ,
:to, evictiate .Resacs at iniunight.!ast nightie.-
-a '' -of,"$Rottsylvatiia and . get. to Rich-:
, • • . . tile depreciation n American 'Curre.-iley, ail
suakesting. that ifitbe Government decreeeed ,General Sheri:pap!! folseeS areire.v:_igorous.pity-
- .e:.. 1 Western trade se eine. the -seaboard throne -1i s,uit.-' . - - a
ond by . some.other _route. • - ..Never, per-. the telle on tne 1Wellaudcanat; the-aolutne el ... ..
atist Was a great' natian so_ complete y
. . . beeretag-of...-„Nyv....
Caned:an chatitiel , - would tteslaraely inereae7 :a .. , _ suppressiO : verio -c611'. pd. -In conclas rin. he said he lied :every ‘.• - The .Richatc.ind-- Papers -:-of SafardaTiaatate
berfitiga. haitle in which it,..Vital interfste confidence that 0.e.00115e. Would sUstaitC the 'alna, gen .ateelealiact sorrenderek at Canudmi;
GoVern:inent hi p latiieg theakilicy they- had- :with 9 009 men io Price; -• .Thia iaknowit'te.
-ere at stake as the . Northern StateS / /. . -
. , ;adopted On thia uesticiii; aud resuaied- his he ufitrue Gtin Steele'•with his •whele-e;oin-
e , shice7 the opening of this ill-starred seat'amid MinisteeiaLcheete. . --.1 !. a _-Olait11,::.witlidrew' s 6 tne' ..-tatel..w-telis _ago -.from-
. .
anitiaign. :That: . the whole serieS -Of ltr. Alex. Nee en,ee :speke. - in teptlenena-:.. Caindeitaand re- now..;at- Little 'Roe15--• -basing
- dim orate policy of. the Govertinient, andaal .-defeatedaliiray- 801th-on the way. tO•Saline
attlett.has.been adverse to the •feclerals, is
. .00erse; said 7 he: woald-lieartily • eustainathe -Rivet, 'as heretefore -siatid...... -
_ . . • : ;
howl by the fact Oat gold has. taken 'an .mption of.tbe me 'ber fOr Heel -adage. . - Gaii.Slietnian was-in-e;ose past* Ofaleini.
.. - ,
1-- . . : .. .
..41.. R.-inal.._ta nted - the President -ef the' ston;a haaing eapturad,10;800-prisonetarind
no,ranius ris:e; and that the • Tresident . .
- Coukeil wi:h.beiii gagged by ohis colleegues,- 8 -piceea.of artilletjaatReseca.aa- ,- - : -
o4mitplate_s .-.0. fr,81.1 draft-. eff 390;000: and Obliged to fain frorei. taking pelt • in , li is reported -the- Fotreeaand Roddykaaith
ors Men.. The loas of .linpain life and- -important discii ions upott tbe Mittisterial -a foree rif.: l0,000.- rebela, •,'Were. threatening
el draft Upon. the: Natienefenere
3r-pre.s. - policy.: He pr. fessed- to have an anxious fiuntsville arid Decatuta Alab-ami,":,.." -.- - . '
i - - .: 1- t"' - - . desire to heartha • gentleman; and' itiduiged ' --OnSaturdaY laSt 'Geaerat- VT; :..S.,,:___Sutith!s-
nt- anti prospective- is- -simply eiful- to in same wit wit „a view -.-of .dt- magiag his _comanand ,w, -is tit the lotmer. place,-1.1id had-
. , . ,
onteMplate. ' Surely it ,is. : time the -1.msitkon- - li. . - - , . ordered all the .eititere to Wort; .on -the• fortifi-
r, Perrault ia d - he was .an _judeserident.- essieiss. . • • • ' ' :-... -:s - ' ; • - ' —
utchery should -cease. - •Sigel has been. --lif
• meMber of the- 11 mse; . Who jU44.0' 'Govern:. - : • a • , .....- - a .._ • a
. . . . -
efeated, and it was reported. oe the streets nteata by -their measurea not -caritas, for anena la'aw'YorataMay'.17.;a:a-The; _TeUi tall. it- re
7 - , ...
-. - . pOrt8; wbera off Chariot:pal Bata. oir the.14tie
f Buffalo lapt -night that Reeuregard. had Ac had
, . - coefideac' • in the inajorivtelY of the a
members'. Olathie Ministry': .- - he ' Mad give -
a_ general engageitient was going -oil between
..teir Butler 'badly. .We eive the -ruiner
. . es eurstleet, undes, Admiral Dahtgrepr. apd the
• ) thana the seine su pert he. -had giventh '
one o's
HEADQUARTERS, May .15th, 2 P. M. -The
enemy continues to strengthen his wOrks. It
is fuay expected, however, .that a vigorout
-turning mOvement will complete the evacua-
tion of the rebel lines without a battle.
Yesterday aftercoo-n the rebels suddenly
developed a tine of battk on our left, coming
though the woods, and gobbling up several
of our pickets, and driVing baak the reserves.
Gene Meade and Wright, with staff,. were
outbeyond our front at the tiine, andbad an
extremely narrow escape from capture.
Inviiediately afterwards Geaeral Wright
threw out a force ander cover of artillery, and
retook their position, whicli'vvas an important
. WA4211GTON, May 16.-Secessioniszs have
a story adoatahat Buckner and Breckenridge
have jeined Lee, and that a-portitie of ohn-
iton's army has reinforced Beauregar
ed MiiitarYcircles as.possiblea but not pro-.
.rsbuirg. Backtier's junction is considet-
. . . .
NEW Yeas, May -1.7.-Tho Worki's cols
respondent, at bivoua,c nedr Cheater, Va., on
the 14th, says. that oat infantry are gradually
forcirig the outworks orhaa!rt Darling. . .
Last evening. Gen Terry .carqed their first
line of worka on the left,.Which crimmand tae
-Petersbarg railroad approachesa •
"The attack *at - madi in. trent by -Terry,
':Whi le Ge Ho wley,- guided hy negro through
intricate pailitynysi, outflanked theni.
The loss in Iheaattack. in-' front was -large,:
'both in officersauktued. : , • -
Alter• ekirmishing. anOthe;' half tae
line was carried by -•essault. •
o'clock this morning. -He states- that taffeta:
sive operations have beennecessatily suspeed-
ed until the roade become.. paeaablea that the
4 1
and that there are heavy batteries on the
James River, from Warwick's to Drury's
Bluffs. He believea that the rebels are mak-
ing every effort to put their strength ih Lee's
army against Grant. He seys the ,prevailing
opinion in the country .around Riahmond,
that it they can hold the capital during the
campaign, the war will terminate, conse-
quently every effort is directed to its d,efence.
The rebels have great confidence in the gen-
eralship of Lee', and_ expresi ire' belief that
the city of Richmond would have fallen a
week since under tiny other commander.
(From the World of Saturday.)
It can no longer be denied that tile first
seven days' battles were on the wbole ad-
verse to our mina. On no one day could Geri
Cirant fairly claim any advantage that gave
him or the country an assurance of success.
,True, Lee retreated after the battle of Ft iday,
May 6, but it was only to take up a stronger
position. " He lost neither guns, cokes, nor
prisoners, and if he could haye kept on inflict-
ing- the same terrible punisment on our troops
the latter could never have reaChed Rich-
mond, except as prisoners of war. Anything
less than the capture of the ichel capital
would have been the defeat of Grant, and it
would signify little whether Lee advanced or
retreated, or Whether the final battle was
fought on the Rapidan or under the walls of
Richmond, so long aa'our army was foiled of
its great purpose. But the battle of Thum-
clay_is a great step toward the final posseision
of Richmenil Had Lee lost five thousand.
prist ners and thirty cannon iit the first daya
battle and then retreated, be and his, arMy
might have lipped to recover their greurid ;
but after a struggle ad continuous and deadly.
the rebel saldiers must he more thin men -if
they can standae nadouhted defeat without la
loss of.some.of those qualities whieh make
trbops formideble on 'the battle -field; save
perhaps sheer desperation:
Hoy atte Paesinexa.:.Looxe.--Tha Presi.;
dent never litaked so care-Wern ai now. The
enormous aesponsibilities resting Oen him,.
the e.vident alienation front his support ago
many of hiS old friends, the bitter sateaem: of
his chief New Yerk• Supporter, and the dread
of a terrible reaction already commencing,
are reducifigahe papi' man to askelet1n. lt
is imposaible to lookaupon him withonaa feel,
ing of sorrow. . be striving for re-elect:4in,
'by party nalchinerYa_10 -.the most impoita.nt
o.ffice in the_weilda'and at‘theatinie time tak-
ing the lead in tattling diatan the., most male-
ral le led re bel are eertab ily two thinks not
easily aCeonialishair&Jouriat of cbm.
• - .
-LATEST IWO Fox guitoPE:',
. •
NE* YOEK; Alu7.16.. .
' The City of Lofidon, from_ Liverpool via
Queenstiese on. thiiiithl'errived teaday. - The
City of Lianerick,Fertiviaii and-Glas,gow from
:Neiv York; araivec..eut. - .,It is, tep-orted that
the rebel SteaMee peOsgia ,strill be. sold at
Liverpoct; aItitaaatiorted that -8ae, preying
unfit for a -cruiser the Seutirein Club Invited
. ,. i . . , . ,..,., .
ihei.offleei•S ; te-.4 banqttela a.The , l'eroviaa's
-neW:ts Can:Teti ilk Ounfederate.loap to advabee
t It
ouse of dominon.)-eincia- waS 'amide s -to
... .
- per cent,. cloain*.-6,6_,L.g'66A.'; ;In the
i-il truth Pf tile;tateatent-Jhat ''ff.‘is.- tre°ps
i trinuesotahad.beeli--j.perMittecl itia 'pursue'
__ . . • a . •
loiii .iaciianS bith:..,..-it-iih.. territori, :iti.'
; .. : . . _ _
--Oarttweil said -it Wee tree, and offered te .prcia
ace papets./.11f.-Coadent :gave -notice. of a.
reaohitien ‘4r nen-interi,zeutionl in .viiiiin,..;,-*.:.
the )31anish War nws:,..was tinehtinged. -. A.'
Conference calledfor the "ard_was postponed
till illeAili; `. tio-liSh -Jeiirnals eoutitateatb
- !!--• . - • a. • - ' - •
.exprese -little hape."-of .a.,.fitvorable '.iesati.--,,
Vienna iOurnals reitase'itiliat acessationa of '
. a - - • --,-...a. - • .-. . , -, :
hOstilities would -he tendril id on the cent--
, - . - : - - 9n . !
pleteseapensioe oftlie.blockadei- They als.o
deny that AUStria ha& any- intentioa-to seada
'fleet ta - the Baltic:. The...British channel,
fleet renialined in:the Doinis relidy. te depart.
at a motnent'sanof.ce:- The' Prasstan Minister
at- Remo has demanded air explanation of -the .
-Popp's .alloetaticri2,regardiei the Jams -tam pol- .
ley to Elelleud. --rAiitimelli defeneect.the rfght
. , . a aaa- - . ., ,
ana meeessioa or trie -Pope sbeakin e as ee haa
• done. !The Pope't itiloctitionto the Emperor
- • ,. - ,
..of lit.e.sieo was ptiblished, - The Pope urges
Maxitnitian to fespect•the fightoefthe people
.. and ot .the Church Teuit advices -Via Mess
-, sine repaesent the E-Surrectio'n as becomia,
. ..
ream forts aad hattenes on James and Sulli, .renerai. i
. mete- of Judging:it e Government . by tbeir • . • • • - -, - . a Liaeipool,aMaY 4.
. . 0 ,
as also the new iron vied::: : . . a preadstaffs.-FlOur heid fig an -advance,
ecewed by teregraph, for what it is ceding one, but aduld he faithful. tcl
Ail the inonitors appeared to.. be etiaa.aed
he ele&ion committee, on -the 171h,
orted that Mr. Rankin havine received'
majority ofiegal votes, Wars duly elected
ember for tssix. The sitddennets with
hich this conclusien Was. arrived at just
etoie the vote vras taken on Mr Dorton s
otion;- is said- to be rather suspicions.
- Tlik7 ISAJ ORrITY OF T*0. '
he.....Ministry and its s ' pportera have
i . . - - '
e y little cause foil.; rcpt. ing , over the.
ajority Ain theittonrcoilfieence -motion..-:
he tergans ef the Governinent .Were Iona
n !their eipressionslef ,confidence that the
I nistry Would, on a teat vate„-be certain
f a good Majority, L majority of st4 least
n or -twelve WhI4 -then, must -lie their
hats,rrin when they,- bid themseiveS, only
Ivo votes short of lea; in, a HOnsq as
ull al eau ever be xpected .?.--. We shall
ow see whether the. men Who cleitit to
epresent the ', Constitutional!' party -of
anada. Will dare to!. carry on -the GOvern-'
.ent with such a srm majoritY,or Whetter
hey will be- honorable "intingli to- f resign,
. .
3 tbe late Ministrydid, rather. then inflict
pon the country ,the evilS hiseperable
m numerical Weakness., One thing. is
ertain, . weak' as . the :MePdeald-berieni
increment confesdedlY *as, it neier fell
_ _ -.
lov( aa the- present_ -one has. A. fresh
rigs wOuld„ therefore, appear inevitable:.
ef apprehend - no' danger- of a. double
nide thii time * - '
0 1
- • -
measures. Aar 4 disapproved • of their lip I icy'
on the Canals, h was -obliged' on this Occaa
siun to vote, aaatinst thein. . acippoeition
elvers.] ' : .- t -
Mr. Ohainbers at eleven o'clncle,'.asked for
an adjournmeat, isahe s.aid: he .desi ed.teees-
press his- views clint the 'question__ elbre the
House, aud. also urea the_geaeral question ite
trti thel character and :policy of . the Govern-
ment: ' As the hoar waolate, be did not now
-Fort Pittman], oh Grego- POith, seemed -di ' bet boyersezeiterally held back.
recall-, her. fire principal it'y on Seuiter, which • • •
toa by Fort _alaultrie, on Sullivan, 'By the '.-arrival. jai_ the, " Persiaf 1- from
mid battery', Simpkinsaan:James island.. The Liverpecil, with dates to ' the 8th, we-- learn,
contest was. spirt!ted, and seemed as general' a
that Mr.;Fester gave notice in the Heise of
has tranapired.since last 411.. s - dommonii 'that on 'the 13th Mr.-1'...Baring
Wastnanaoa, gay 17. -The .Alexiadr would call attention to the fact that an armed
_Va., Journal says that yeatiaday alteration
ogicerst mid 30fraien, atr'of,theia skeditid .steamer Is new , in Liverpool, _winch, having
-wish to enter upon -
his. addressi and hoped 15-
therefOre an adjournment wont(' be. onsented dlet•iatiatar Granea army, . *ere foaaraided *tO been .qriginally equipped and =united. ftioin
. a - -
to; • • • . : s a '. - . . - ._ . . 'Pelle Plain to be returne4 to theiategitnentif... Britieht oft's, haspteyed on the comtheree 'Of
Ma,- Scoble alk asked for au adjouruMent, .. The oftleeis were mateihediti- the rear of their - -. -11 i • - - d ' ' u
- - anot or nation an has never- ueen. in a port
Ur. Holton. .•[81 riisteriat-:Ctiek of: .No.":y
saying he deeired to -address the'House.-'. • • : Plel!,* 4'4 -
- d eerie of them' • were- handcuffed to- - ' ' - ' - -
• -- - - - a-- - ;, . .! of the.belliserent tinder- whose „flaw ihe sails
. Dr. Parker, -i'. 'quarter Past elevet4mOVed gether. . Tite Jou, rnat- adt4-i .:1-:.',4. sad but - ,a -.. ., , . a t
an 'adioutninena f the debitte. I Secindedby... .iist 430-imPle." a a: - - a. a -- --. - : 6'4 wall' •aFIE th.e •T'Illi?ii?i l'h:tile.r' -11.0 . ill". 3
• ' lieSpatches frem the army. of the.keternac, the admission of such- Veasels •.to .British bar-
s Mr.. McDougall interrapted the iscussion. dated 'tealaY noPtivsay..that it -.was..verj) quiet . ; --
.1 :bois is .,censi tenti witli international obliga:
to .present a petiftpti af Reheat -McE ray,*§1., yestetdayalorigathe linea. except softie- sltira, . • ; p ' ens ,,saf neutralityautithe.preeer-
a-sainat -the elecii U-aud return-nf Hon. Isaac m'sim-tif; 411 thq Oncre 43' Buri!sid.e's-fileill" aRcl. :-
a - . . , •1 • .
, Buchanan:tor the eity of Ilan:ahem. the throwing Of a feta ehelle trent .Bireerit di--. .- '-°.i°n- -9- f iri-t. l' i '
Mr; Sandfield cDotiald, _Me, Ilr visiou,.. te feel the eueniy,: whith; 61r:eyer) i -notice that bn th
Patke a midi Mealliyinal, 'uptake hi elicited Ito respansei: The yelcel ,Sharp-Shpot- attention to -the'
adjournment. :. •,',. :
Mr: John A., . acdOnald eaid, although he
hid tesisted the •inetolier fOr .liorth Welling-
ton afid Smith OXfo.rel,alie coeld notilliesist. the
Member whei ha,dilitst spoken. • E ear, and
laughter.) ; He Would„ therefore, Jim longet
oppose the .adjOurnnient, -bat ..hisa hoped it
*chid be underatood that she - Sete should: be
taketetosmotrow. - -. a - - - _. ..• a''..•
Mr, Durien pild the Oppoeitien was .-ci!life
prepared lataket li: vole to -night., ' Egimife-
nal. cries, g.‘Letttra: have Titiitlieti.,1.:e:-.- -
- `-The_liciasd.thep.-adjeurned at a quarter- to
tWelaea . ` ' ' 't • - : '-• • - : -- - - -
tere.sts:- Mr. Lindsay kaa.1
gid -of Jcine -he-would
Wean war. Lord•Paluil
easto.a et:Mantled :unable to attend to Patna-
- AbOutthree e'clock pan. toalay the- hatter-,
own, Dr.-
faaor of
. •
• _The debate -Was resanied Titesday,
buttowing to the pressare on our eohninis;
we are not able to give the .reMainder.-of . artillery, abOet 600 killed and *waded, :find ittempt :eater, the -14 ltic, The
• ers, however,- held their ground. = -
Men!ary'dtaiesi but _wits .progreising
Jies oh Our r_ight-threw a few shella Into the
woods ia front ef them, and sharp skirmish "4131f- anneal
took place between the' -pickets, which soon alecliria eubscripliaita 'Id' purchase lihta an
Pcgd that Garibaldi Would
subsided. Some then au alni.ost unbaoken estate.... the -Inca -let -will ietna'ned":- the
silenee hai reigned in the: atnav. - - • .Confereiree;:generally regarded. as liopelw,
. • " • ..
,Gineral Lee,"-kas Aakeu acleaetage -of‘the - .
short -respite given liim; te ;entrench hirnielf *gt°°d adPurnPd A!! -LY- 911' T -4e 72Ines
ttrongly-in his already- slrang post and VairY Nein both state that the Confer-.
tion. .... enceis milikely to accamPliti anYthina and
. ce,
‘"' • • , . .
'Despatches fr.= Sigel; oceived -this even, .msy. as well be abandened. Denmark refitses
.ing-repottaliat OuSendittallefought the ferces arnliatice on the condition tbaeslie;;IstiSes
of blehOld and Laboden, ander Breckenridge, -she bleckede. iiThealtitiah.fagate, "Aparerta'_''
:at NeWinatketi that thke.asaq'a forces -were accompanied tit the. stea :"131aCk gagle;P
:-s.uveriot,'...iU'.1tutuber, and that ho -gi*ItiullY hid gone -tattle With Sea -f* Wateli the _410--
witadrew- paint the- battle -field and , it-crobsed. trian s atiadron It is asSe t d th t h hi
-the.Sberiandoahl hsving :lost five Piecei . of .13riti02. thaqii.eLliget - will Tellot if the Atria
the speeches. . , iThe followiiie! is the divis 5° -Prisonerta 0 a _ _ Morn __, , ,th e 0 . I . _ . _.
but brinsine all -hia trains atal . ing - Post fa ' r ittenina• terms fella
- .1- . CI 4 -ill the weundedethat . ionuld-he. traneyorted_ Germany' that ', England' baies-the;passage te.
Bien mi ktr...DotIon'.0 motion, the Minietrr from the battle field; He atites that iii -eon- the Baltic '-;tirl- b:er frOti-olidi Lie. ieidY.t0-:
beino- Busts:Medi r by the -extremely narrow 'Beenence Of the longline VIC.1 . the trains that- Save Copenhaien.eul the islanos. .. t !thews
• • . . ;:e.
a to e guarde be COO d•oet brie; More 'thatEnziand can...act withont France. _ Min -
respray of tw : ,
.,..-.._ . ,
, . -1 , . • .. ' .' thanahare ents into the .fight- besides the ' inters la 'the iiiiittia •of,-Lommona seta that
.Y.Essee-lItess L.A.ult,Bell; tNerth Lanark] . artillery an _ ValiN and that the eneiny had,'Austrfagavtirtliessattianre.thieher -squadron-
! Boonnany.-Brews/J3nr-well, -abbut1.,01:10-7- Nary, ' besides, ether arrtia;_- nnly.intended te- prevent .the blOckade of the
, Cloripat, Cowan, Dick:ice • -- that ina re
A HINT TO ItorAthy,.--A .1 Biggar' Baur
ae, I hear,piayed,th n Odd .triek) Caron, Chambe
-glum palace. 01, e other day at Buck- J.' B. E. Dario' A A D • de
iiiss 06, we., rfilme,verTen,i:to Strasbayg- Eibeithd vhte.e„,.
t the police f Thursda • • '[Ibervillettuva.0 do
y, morning Dan ord, Fortier. Gaff
. . Irortan,,..n'oDnulfGreesontr.U.., toss ot. maxesst _ope es,: 9 . sry-, witheut- any ilerelypasonare ittl4geli'rt le.;e0:;:e .seuirracbf:a LI er
,uuntingtons eapeltims- ‘1.16111:Cit-''n°*111 tr. wesittaha,1:cagiista:-n.threapitaecntedc. coast in accerdence
est be_ peeoritiofTihrin conseilu g:,premt-
- wliloacards 0911u4nini9cnognm,":fittd'oldte'-.' lel*tte;e.s
iLimbton]; Materizie ['North Oafaed
ec-'[111-litearitj, M &Rana- ,eaptured.--. -
framboise teal. .010nel fet_t
0; - yintineed, :and t:071:1;mbitinto:ty,Of thieLe.eabinet favor a -Wer
, ,aath Mase.a' as ,xeported t he
.-oectipant : declining: .b '
.or maceilar jit rut, 4100. -midni h . despatekdated 'will 1.1; nj.attempt to enforce that Polie'
urse theY were at'
te ence, of the! tarasa-ey, oferiou au- MeGive .1°,1r 3' Me'
nsiness. as ingtqn
sp the- abinet Thera Strilk- 147
g aY gals- 'that G,reeee- rein!' coneentratiou of Bassist*" troop& o th
ewe toredown and loran Pa'quet, eNr 9t nko': °711:al f
ra t 1 °memento havt:niade his -army at least 20 b.-
. U • ut0t, 000 stroger. •.' Indicatiesi aro Li t 7 - Bteitaittiffs -Misers
• , ri
VE 00tt •
a may Jningine..tke. e'auand Edw4ral- ityatal; I avoid nuntherl battle' nt 'SPnibifitanisT-P.9.•;11 Zigland, Athya Walteht314, ,Naali
Seotland-yard atIthis Seatcherd; Scob Smith tTaroato EastV 'flank moseaient; mid!: move tows4*-1,1tietv-fto., and OtherS 'Aport)-breadstutfigerierally
vi°1atith:' dkthe Smith [East MU httini„, Soinertille,1.6tirtan, : -•• - • • 1
The police on 'duty in the di firn1/4--under the feeliegehet Engla.nd..mathe
York]:= -62.
n1Paon. Wallbridge [Eas: -It is reported that an order will be nitinfalbe Danish
n.ighborhoott were .doUbrott,-- and etrerY
• tO•night far a..alratt: fer •Ino,opp. . , , -
preca_, ution..*aa takan to prevent- _ a Vepetv. . AtIbott, Arehaelarthile-frsed far 4the draft is the "at erjerp- ,seereee-ee DELT- -1/.—zran. F,art of, Filen-
tion - this. natyage lint on- Alonday. Bea -alien, Qtuasell],' Bellerose. .1,14 apecial to•the'borbligifa :hegini althesaetiug that :,110
viorn* the obnoxioun -piapard Wa30nCe Blau het.,'Bown; Brou.ssesi; Suchanal31.0,uul, Buttetiti says that 'a telegraphic tneseedger sentence of death shell -be earned
Ili Mg beiieve there haabeen no emit, -- rtiert Canehon
, -Into caeca!
togs ttrrv,guttrded.—Xatichester
s • employedin Ilitelbilegsadio bee just escaped, don " the litiihoilty of One. of the
ition otthe name- 1; and, indeod; ha .conkburt, Monger, Cornetnnr,°O, ur- • .‘ , _ . _ _ _
informants "'hat eatregard has- been rein- iegretaries ef Skate. Whenever& pe110,11
'eta it is almost iniposSible t hat there 64.Damts De_ "ehernle, Pemee Duck-, ,fo.ree'd hy ,Raneones division, and:the -rebels Sentenced tO 'death: the Judge before 7-11
0-inid'i-,n, 50,,80 carr-niu--ny- Awe' - 'red .tt ilutitSne 131°nte61129) ..EVatittlireli Fer" were dowding theit forces into RichMond; hy such person is triedis forthwith to -i. make
gluon [South SlInCoulFergusort [FronteaF-1, way of Greensboro*, and Danville. He metes reperifberiOP! to the Secretary of State a
Galts Vaulet/ Ile:wood, H..igginson, Ittvitte, that there are f, ve ' iron -chide ,All Richmond fhot functionary. _is "to satitima -the itord
• .
• .—••
= =Z. -777:-.=,-
Chancellor, the Lord Chief Justice, the he -
corder (if the Sentence is passed in Londolia
and " all such,members,uf the Privy Council
as are at the time intrusted specially with the
duty of advising Her Majesty " (five to be a
quorum), to meet to consider all the circum-
stances of the trial, and all the information
and representations th? Seeretary of State
may have icceived relative thereto, and their
advice as to the carrying the sentence into
execution is to be laid before Her Majesty,
and Her Majesty's pleasure -taken thereupon.
If her Majesty signify her intentiou to be
.present, the great officers of State are to be
summoned, as was accustomed when (aka
Sovereign preSided at the consideration uf the
reports made by the Recorders of London.
After these proceedings the requisite older is
to be given by tlae Secretary of State for the
law taking its course. or for commutation of
the sentence; The Bill extends oiaiy to Eng-
land. Ltis not to affect the Royal perogative
of mercy. -London Stitr.
BISHOP SUMER 13Loviso ot'T TnE CANni.Es.
-The Aberdeen Journal says i -The morn-
ing ser.vice in St. John's, ef this city, on
`iunday the 24th ult , was conducted -by the
Right Rev. the Bishop f the Diocese, in the
absence of the' i cu eut, the Rev. Johp
per, w o is, e 1 rn\ presently in Eng-
land. The tbol set ice was conducted as
usual, with the -fo lowin rather important ex-
ception : At t e co mencement of the
!celebration of the Hol Eucharist, during the
'singing of the introit, o candles on the
super -altar were lighted s usual. So soon
however, as the hymn yras,:finished, the bishop
deliberately blew out first the one light aud
theti the -other. Asiray he imagined there was
considerable astenishi ent in the congrega-
tion, some onwhoro, e have heard, retired,
not akthe monient; bu before the conclusion
ofathe eervice.1 We al o understand that•the
Scottish ofe was th foam which fall to be
used IT' rdin_ 7 course; but that the bishop
somew t var ed the o er of the service by
makin he ertory ar cede the exhortatien,
• c rive ondetit f the' Lotdon Times
gives the foils? ing ace ant of two Murderous, -
outrages whic have oc urred on the estate
of Lrird Derb areja a tenant in the
county of 'Tipperary, di d on' 1.jhurstia,y night
&eat he ffecas of a brunt assault which took
'place u, he. Ttii the weapon ueed "by
'the .assassiti being a-pitchfoik. .The deceased
was 65 years Of age, person named Egan
has. beea committed to prison charged with
thUoffeace. Near a place called Annacarty,
in the same ccupty, 14 imen, with their facee
blackened,. eriered the house of a farmer
named Thomals Quirke
t midnight, and beat
-him and his w fe almos to. •death: Notice,.
was promptly iven to t e police. by a little _
hob who- fee. pee thro gh the root o the
house,- but no ea of .tbe party have been p
neoui Pakagraphs.
rr• The thschilds rea to epee a hank tn
31exico en a, ,:pital f 60,000 000. s
I '
laaass yher a e bar ng ,aa oil fever at Port
Stauley. A ttst well iii -to -be sunk. -
a3.- A mitnin San Francisco has received
a leoyacy. of 8501000 for 'saving an Eliglishmatt.
from dreWning a few yeam ago. ,
'The New 'Zealand- pa,pers record the
npenihg, .of the: .first railway an that colonY .
between., hriStch-urch and Heatheotel in the
settlement of .Canterbury.' - '
'0*"."The 'pirate' Florida wits- last ' seen ,
in lata 14..23. .1-ong. 53.45; and had recently -
limited the AVM' froM -China.
, .
' Ceis Gneltundred gabs. iiere fired ' in Al-
bany yesterdey; by eider .af Goverocf $er 1
-inour. in honor of Gin. Gov's success. -
, .
v 0., The Saettary and Christian Commis-
siana both-felegraphthat no more nirset nre
;WantediAiut Clergyman are. needed as spiritual
'advisero, ,- .. • .
' left Vatis;:eecend son, a boy' :four •years
di. age, fell from the portico of itii father's
house on the 30th ultI.,- ..fracturbg his kip,.
eau? died in less than reu hour, . -
.1:0e A married waman is urder arrest it
London for .placina 'her new-bOrn child apart
-a. bed of live -coats OD the kitchen hearth,
where it was burned:to:a charred mass. ' s
. , ,
- ljve A MisS McLean obtained at the Brant-.
ford Assizes aserdiet foi the -sum of 8500
rrOm a inan named- llellelland, be liaiing'
faded to.marry• her according to promise.
- rk The nuniber of einigrants whie arriva
ad at New Yotli. hist week, from Rum , was
1,943. :..Chis Makes the total since January
141,262. : The'number landed io die torres-
ponding date of last yearo was 26,312. No
wonder Grant ?is ‘eilabled to -meet .Lee w.ith
200,000. men! • ---- - , .. -.
, ty-:The Boaoh- riN ilepowez,v,has ten
steura engines, eight hared boae carria.ges,otie
hand hose' Carriage, three hook and ladder-
earriagesrj and thirty-four horses witle their
equipments and tip urtenancess The num-
district, ia Central.New York; - called " Hard -
ber of members to: N hiCh the department is
entitled by the oldie aces of the city is 2•54,.
exclusive of the 'boa d of eipineers.
:CO.- A farmer wh -lives-in a ceriain hilly
scrabble,". sari- that last summits, owing to
the drouth and the poor land together, their
-crnps were so poor that if ybu Mowed a ten
aere meadow 'with a razor anttralted if with -a
fine -04th conib, yota.coeldn't eet enomati hay
-off it tafodder a sickgrassliopperoyer Christ -
Mad. • ' - ° '
.. „ • . _, - . .
Oa The Hamilton limes', sayS* that a
youth named james Lane, about 16;Yeers of
.aa -e, belanaiag ta.11uidasl while. out in a boat
afong with seine companions on 'a shooting
exeursion;-bn the 1)esiardia Canal, farsi_Satur-
day, was mortallY wounged by th? deaqatai
disehttrge of a gan. He was tekeurby the
tug beat which. was -.paseing, and conveyed
home. • Medical astustatieewai, imme_diately
precured, but he, survivecl\Onlyen hours -rid a
half. ilia . father * ii ekployed Iry the OAS
viorki in 1)uridas. „ - '
. kle Lest week Mr. McGee, at greeppoint,
became a married man. Several boys de-
s-bid:to ebhgrathlate Mr.. MwbciGeheeihoeyd lit al;
cineevatosuotorat chae cw4pcdhdoodnuslisfeere, liadii. coinaland_
ing the disturbers °ibis happineas to'disperse,
theyrefusi whereupon 'helired at them with
a revolver, ^ wOUnding tine Thomas Allen in
the shoulder. Contra, to his expeceitionta
kri, McGen passedllie t night of his:mare
ried life- alone 24 thd 8' 2.01) hatise
• &`
Money is a queer institution. It huvr
provender, satisfies juAiee, and heals
wounded honor. E verything _ resolves
itself into cash, from skcek jobbiks
building churches - CMIdbood craves
pennies, youth aspires to dimes, inauhood
is swayed by the mighty dollar. . Tee-
blaeltsmith _swings the _sledge, the lawyer
pleads for his client, and the judge-deeides
the question of life or death for. a salary -
M oney makes the man -therefore man
must make money, if he would be respect-
ed by fools -for the eye of „tile world
looks throcqh golden spectacles.' It buys
Brussel carpete, lice curtains, gilded
cornices, rich furniture, and builds marble
mansions. It drives 118 to the church in.•
splendid equipages, and pays the rent of -
the pews. - It buys silk and jewellery for.
my lady -it commands the respect of . •
gaping crowds, and commands obsequious
attention. Ittenables us to be charitable,
to send Bibles to the heathen; to remove
domestic indulgence. It gilds tho -ragged
scenes of life, and spreeds over rugged
scenes of existence a velvet carpet, soft to,
our tread ; the rude turmoils and scenes
are encased in a gilt frame. It bids -care
vanish, soothes the anguish of the bed of
sickness -stops shOrt ,of nothing save the -
grim destroyer, iwhose relentless bane
spares none, but -levels all mortal distinc-
tion, and teaches poor -humanity that itis
dust- This Wealth pauses on the brink
of 'eternity -the besear and- the raillionare
restside by fide beneath the sod, and tise -
in -equality to .answer the final summOns.
A Deirste4T PA -rest -Mentions 3. Retitle-
man of a statisticalturn of mind, who has <
kept_a careful account of the desertions.,
ft -cm the rebel - army since 'the first Bull
Run, es they have been reported in the
newspapetii from time to time, and the
record abli„ ows -that - three millions three
hundred thousand rebel aoldiers have -
abandoned the Confederacy :and come'
within th*" e.derallines. -
A nail ,Unnosity.
11;••••• • -
A natural 'curl 'ty„ which completely pttz-
xles naturalists rid geoligistsa is now in
possesaion of 'sea S. Josephi, the wholesale
jeweler on .Was ngton streetaSan Praneisco,a
It is :in iiregular hexagonal quartz 'crystal,'
about ane Bich in diameter and two inches in
length; pointed at WM end and broken at the
base. Within the body of tbeaarystal risina
from the base like a miniature mountain, and
occupying about half the entire length of the
stone is a beautiful- . crystalized gold, silver_
and coppereeach metal distinctly ,,ttefinedyand
all embattled in the atone -which is as ,cles.r -
as glass -in exactly the style of the flowers _
and other,objeets in a glass paper -weight. ---
This curious'. specimen of the handiwork of
natureawlimi in an eccentrie tone of mind,was
found animer et Gold Gulch, Oalaveras
'County" :some four years age, i•ana has-been
carried round in his pocket ever since, until
some tiro mouths ago, when it was p.urehased
by the superiritenclent of aopper mine -quid
sent to the present possessor as a curlosity.
Geologists Who have exanimed it 'declare that
,nothing of tbe kind has ever been seen er „
henrd 4'sf before, End are utterly at a .losa to
'xileoUnt for its formation,
-• WARNING': TO- PARENt3. -The Iramiltott
Spectator saas--04 Thursday Afternoon *it
accident oeetirred on Zan Street," which hear -
had a fttal termination. A child fell into -
one of those traps for Inman life, a *oaken
rainwater barrel, and when aesenedapaithred
to be dead. Dr. Mackintesh was sent for,
aid by„strenuons and longeoutinuedexertions
succeeded in ereservins- the life of tbelehild..
el.; The high tuff adopted by thi-Wash.
ngton Goveienient, it is inticipated,
givesisgrea.t.impettur ta the smuggling bud:,
ners via Canada. Already the 15. •S: Gov-
dreeteet-hatt raeeiVed'infortaation that exten-
sive pteparationa are, di, foot in Several far-
large sea
nebody g
TO there
riet to go sae theshusineaS Oni 3
• iioThi. and! wind that blows
and Oven tins will add largely
spts of the -Canadian customs.
0111" .the town o Olean, N. last
*reek a nian
Aid A half 01,
an axe into h
pieces.- Bs
*od-freely Ad
ism iiitpellsd
aid thought
'from aura •
awed Xlartcant deliber
- 'Wire andlitt14 son 'three yeira
as, they lay -in hed. He took
tbefir,29111- on Thursday night,
orninw chopped the woman -to
entnm4de no attempt to-esespe,
itv the murder? . ettoye he
elt Irthe fear `of iime.s,
'Imre and child would' he aaved
3flie kilfed-themet Once. He
*attealpt to kill himself.
711111111 -
linitedZonnlies Of .1.3Y virtne er a Writ .oi
- To wit: Fjeri --Facies' for residue,
Iluron and Bruee, J....t-Venditioni Exponas and
and a writ ta Fled Facies iSsued not ot Iterate-
jty's Comity Court of the United Counties or ,
Huron atid Bruce. mid- to me direcied ageitus. the
lande and Ienements .6r John 1;lawl.iits the
Teringer, at the euns Pt lawn Lake said *turd°
McGregor,I bav-e seisedand taken ia exeeetma.
all the right,title and interest ofthe said defendant
in and toloits utuberX three, East part South
elMelbourne streeb5.,6 and 7 north ol:Methourue
street, 1, 2 3,4, 5; a,/, 8;79.10, 11 south of
Drury 1 ane, 4,5, 6. 7 s; 9, 10, 23, 24, 25, 26
north et.Drury Lane, 12, 13,14. 15, 16, 17; 18 .
eorthott bristian street, 19 north of Melbourne .
street.20 and 21 iouth ef 'Melbourne itreet,23 and
30 east of Elizahethstpeet sad 31 wen or,shra-
bell street, all in the Villageot Port Albert is the
count 1 of nurolir Which lands ard tenements
1 shaltoffer for sate at. ma dace id the- Court
Honse, iii -the-town pf Godericb, .• on Tuesday the ' - ofjithe next, "itt, alie hour of
twelve ofthe vlock‘ noon. ' - ..
. , • - , -.,1/0111‘1 ITACs1341.94:11qAtiLrf.. 4 )3,
klyS,..Pot.x.oes, Peputy aherili: -
Sberalais Guise, Goderseh,1 -
• -18th May.1864. ..... i
v74 "
ALL 17
Justteciived and firisaleatt tbe, ay. -
Signal 33* and thationery Store,
A FULL STOCk . • -
All lin& of Officaltatine-ty
oNv -1:1; 14a,ncil
Lowest tr4de,, UM I
- T. J, tooRitouszi
finderich, 21Pril Sat, 1864. w4g
1' FE Y
araraara -
rapine Artast,ta
fevr say* only, w-hteh time *the rise
%tit -A, e&a,sir, Vgvetivriiis t
Taken please bear in raendi • Parties loving
unfinishiid work ia the artist's haedeare request-
ed eall-ferthe sOme wane efeirtY-'
4.4ocletich, May 9thg1_864,- - itr71.-0
mpis•vedfarmoit s percent; 4%6
wawa...patina int toWn property.
,J3. ospoN..
45011taa -
. • ,I. Y. ELWOOD,
Solicitor, -itc.„ Cl/ninn-
ton, March 14, 1864,
• 7)
- -it
- small
s 4
of it
in al
le tin