The Blyth Standard, 1946-10-23, Page 1HE, i VOLUME 57 - NO. 08. LYTH BLY'I'II, ONTARIO, 'WEDNESDAY, OCT. 23, 1910, Subscription Kates $1,50 in Advance; $2,00 in the U.S.A. Plowing Match Attei.i- Dr. C. D. Kilpatrick Harvey McCallum dance Cut By Weather Going To Listowel Heads Odd fellows Closing Days' Figure Below 10,000 !'' (.1) Li'latlie6 1,,1- l:11'111a.Id WINGIIAMSTA INSTALLING TEAM till ul1'11i,';11 11.11,;1- i Ih'. Harry INSTALL BLYTH I.O.O.F. OFFICERS The International "Victor( I'liwio', I ----------------- ------------------ I la! t, of I.i t"\\, I.:ii' 1 ()ill a slime hi, Males, ltcltl 1"'1, ‘‘`.`1'.. "I, furl "It'll , 1 , dulii,• the Hot t part la (ubel. IIi, :\trpllrt, ,till g,1 ,1,\,11 n istory as one ; WO)I�I{� (U)M111j�Itj,N( Il l) O(N1 11;1, ,fi'lll,„•,I ,+j h;• 1esi,ll'll'I' het l• t' 1) 1) ti NI. I)•I,ill It,llncd!irt, :In I lei• of tltl' III 'st •Ill•t'1'-slid of stirli event, ItES'1 KOO1II 1'It(),IIt.,(, 1 Mr II' I' I 11 1'11111, :11111 \' III 1'I' -r 1111; i:1,1;411'll•I 11:1411 01\\:I1'hf11:1, p.(141 all 1'\'c1' held. If the \(at!u'r had hv11I, 1111• n1•d'al 1,:-,101'1' in I!ivt11. \Ir,. official ti it to Ili\'th Lodge \ . 211'1 good 1,1 the last day of the NI ;itch, it 1.. \I. Srr11111'1 111 iiil Son h:4,•(• f:ilpatrill: and 111e 1 lItil\' \il! 111,vt' on \1.1•:n'sda( 1.(enInr;, 1) 111)( 'Ill.,, is quite probable t!1,11 all attend'ntce, el,nuncn,e,l null: (11 Ill• \Ii,nloli:llito 1.i•lu4,0'1 1110111 the 1.1.«) of 1)•11111- \\tu•n 111,' i•',,I 11t:1111 111 installation records (void I bane been broken. ,1.111 II:III ground-, in runnlrti in \1111 1111 her. rrinnme , ;;I u'in ,111111 the li-t 1 i higg1,'I (Dv, ("1.11 pont 1 f attendance Peet l\I) 111 I'IIJill The c\eatattl1 I)l'. Kil'a1r ih 141",, 11 ICI' 1111(11 officer«, \II4 (611 have charge of Itlytll 4,'a; \ t,(1ne•,1,1t, \Olen the ,!t14n',in, 1 \.111: for 1111 Ill'\\ ad(hllr'll Ira, heti pearl tee here 144 111,:(1, 1\111'\ Lr 1'urrl,a',- I., 11-'1 1.,4,. 1111 „,,Min's 14,1,1\, ,,,intik 4,•a, e"linlaled at bet\emi 711,000 ;old c alp1t I, 1,1. e the practi,1 of 111•. I. C hoes, Morris Twp. Council GiVeGives Ihst Room Gran t 1111' ( "Illi' , j 111, I,,.`. I' II", of'1'11(! 11)11‘.1.(.'S (;i1 1'e \'el'siltlle \loll 1 ;1 ,I,I ,. 01 ,11 r 1_+ \( 1111 a!! yam,1111 : .1)(1. Orir ance I-lere l lel 1 ,11' I:, .. \ 1 ! ; + ;+Ii d \Ill • I I11\ t'r, 1'1 1111, 1'i:I'll!'ill,t, I I 1111;1 1111 1,1-1 II11' "1 «ere ;lined 11 a tare treat 111 11,11,1.,4 \2.1,11' 1'1,1 I 'I'I'I :1,1''''1'1 1'1 ' II' II v!e11t. ;I, 1211 1 ).n i1,• 11v111',. 11 \ ,,11 1121 ,.It .1' dill ! I1 ;4,.11 1 ,I' 1, • 1 lh1 ;1 'II'Ir•-'III 11111' 1,11 l„+Ix 11 ()ilia, 1,,, II'' 111111; 111 ;11.'"11' 11111 I,'' 1!1'111'1 I 111131, In1' tl ,'.11 c I1 til 111 111' 1,!"11.1 in IIIc 1,1'1 \Bili+'. t" iI'I,I I in, d 1 ?ill• ell. The 1 io, it «,i, •11111- I"! !'tilt: 111! (11 1'111,'1- 1 it". 111' 11 ' ••1111 In t' 1 \\' 11 : '.j the l11\1,111. I" !1, Id 111" 1•,1 ,.,i.,., 1,11 (1. 1 1,, 1 I ';'1 '. ' 1'11' Ir 1111' r 111.1.1, 21 1+1- \'1Ia 111,11111 .1,1 11,11! it I'H(4I .1', I„' 11 111 r -,'n I I;Iti,, 11:1.111'1:d in 1 ,11!1,1 to?� sill 111,, ,i 11 I !1.121 1;111.111; ,Ili(' 11'1 o I I 4,:1711111, for Ihl, 11,11,1111' project 1 I1ialr f 1111 :'4,1' \1111?'' ;ilti I , 1't �.1n1 .\11 1I., :II!t 1111 ( 1.111'1 ;''\ • 1.(1,O(1O pllItII '1'111, 4,;l, ti,,, ill i a1 4,;l- 1 111 1 J In ,dun" 1,l 111'1 he joined the 122,,'1 1411 111'11 1 e,'hi1•11 \1It Ilrr 1111''1 4,'.e 1 1, i a I ,11.1+ ,. 1"1 t',. 1'(1'1 \.II ,till he thanhiull\ rrrene11 14\ the l Unci-, \11•1�o S,1.11,1m', N'1'11t. 1 t'11tn,g Ila)' of toe 111111,11, 111'1 1144. vi•tl Ilion .!nice F lee,, \\ills the rank of he 11.1).1;.\I. Ilt11nediet, Harvey \!, ( ill:II111(l't' III 1'11;11 !;l' 111 ,illi 1'l'lltllrl'. . :•I,.I `�.,1, I- 111' x1.2,1 I,u111, !I1 II Ili, l 111''"1 i f the Governor-General, lor-(ieneral, \'114, official- 1.'cu:mall,,-1,rvi11c 1'1 Fni;l;ln11.) ,• I It;u11or1. 111,_. mai. . (all+l4,, the newly-in,t'llled ..o14h' „ + ' 1 •'• I l1141•.1 n 4,,1, 1121 ,\21,11\ 1.144! t- ;111! uu- \I \Id 111 Il.er'. I, .11.1, "I H,.' v ,,•. i,,.. v,. , I I Biu hate nut been 1,1\1';1„ell. ?care France, 111'1!;i11n1 Mil (;1' 111:+(` . Iir ( 1 11 i I ( 1 : ,I Mid 4,l 11.\;.1 L11(lgl`, lni: charge i ! I I 1'11 b4 lir 1111!1, 1,11 1",• I,,.c; 1111 d x41111'11'1! `,11'11 t!1" rant; t'1 \11 t1.1' 1,1 ! f ', t 1'atnr t.lro+1:11,1111 the 1.1' gram. 1 44 hal;ulrl o the nu't ling. 1 1 1 1- lr1',1r1r1 h\ 1',,' It ,111 .` 11 '1 I ":1' u I 11 \l;4,', 111 1,5, :1'(1 4,a, Cane) NIedimi1 Ilre,• 1 i tar 111,\1\ 4,'a• 1, 411 h\ `,I r.' . I'll' k '1'. \ n, ,,u1, n.n1' III''' 11 •, I ht 1,1111. c Irrlr,l. Ofiii'1'r a' Calm) Ilt;lcr\\':1,11 1111'11 Ilei I ,I). 11,011 , to tile midi. rcr. 1111 11\11-1 ! Ilenn,11ir1, illi.,, tlnlarl:s acre too,\11,\',11 I1 11;''21,, 1 old - receitell It's 11 ,eltarge 111 December. 1' Its p11'l l li? in 4,1111 11 the \ wing ! he!;'f111 aim in,piraig to ilius,, present 1 11•i5, \'hen lei re -11111,d 11;, 111,11 lira,' I Several 1 !her 1'1-uing Ir(tltt and awl wleu;e;1 all 't• ,1.,11!;1'111 glral 1121 14� ,;ul: \i,.1"t1 I,!.lt it\ ter•atilll'', included -111.+, duct and tri' lt, l':.1,', 1,1 !',1111 \u;;ll'.;1+1'1:1 ti -e. 1I 1:11 brethren \ere called ire briefly , ()II July 'lilt, 1')22, he marri'•d lean- ran'„n'11t• f bot11 rl;ls,iral lied, tt'nlhlr -3 and ell, Min, if n, 111 rte Pi ,Ir t(nu`, ;old the\ hay; fill, I I.nnr11 was •,1,,1,11 before the bred' modern ,,11,,11, 1'I tire hie11e•1 Iptalit\' ' 11 I1lilllitt I+. 11,1'1, h, ,ei I. 1'.44' ! ren di,,•er'ed 111 their holm r 1.11. , Itilllren, I loud lads, L'ariat's, I:tnnrt!I' 'Flo, fullowill 1 'hili' Il officers w1,rt' 111 1111 -1't 1 ti ,n, «cre t appreciated h\ 111e and Ince. but ,0l l marl( 111,• 1111 1 \doted 1)y 1'11:,, I, , 1 ' Ind, ., „'?I,I. and Ittn al 1. installed for 11112th l,1t11,r I' Since his 1,11\1,\ 111 111\111 111,. I�il and trio number, !tonight fort?? the e 1 h\ •I 1 1 v.11, 1;1.11 I:. I a'1,. 12, 1.1 .G.: Pin,. \\ ;lhani \I; I'll'(. 1+111,1, 1! ',- ?11111 ,111'1 Ill.u"r ,•I patted: hal, It( en telt active, and \.(i.: Ilrn, ?lame\' \lt('allnlll. \112,1 pr:u,,, I:e'1,nl\ intlre,trd ill Legion affairs, ----------, nen:won awl '111;+eol»11''-' I) pi he- \ (,.: 11111, George \?,Nall' turning \hilt -r- al'! P1'1! Lb 'i.-, 11!' Iir had tile 111\,,\1, of ht'iutt elected k.S.: llrn, lael: Ste\art. ()id Newspaper (i,luises ,1 --1"1. 111;itt1, the first President (if the neap' -form- F.S.: 11111. Freeman 'Tummy. Slight ' ! 111 Ise'.:inn Ilranr11 In 111\111, ;mil his �11f,llt (()iltllslUn I \1 11,"I h\ 11..1!!' t'„111 1'01,.1111 ' I'1•I'a,lirt'r: lit .'eft (Ir;l1'. C ! b\' I(+t' 111111, 111:11 1!le Intl', 4ll.' ,14144441i ll \1,111: ;111(1 influence 11'1, 141111 11111,• t \n old i„n1, 1,f 'I'bc ,,,,,1.,1,11 ran 1,11 \\ 11,111'11: 1112\. l\1 11111.111 \\ 1121111\1,1'' ;1 11+1':1l grocer, \d r. Stll:lrt I:",',)f'11,.',',',111: III II,n11, ti 1111,1 ,1 ga11!! 'II „',111111 I. 1j. 1'I l,'. :1' appreciated h\' Legion member,. (•inductor: Ilrn. Ilaillie Parrott. ' and on' of Ili, un,toulrr, a 1411 f lin- 1 I' !!1• (',,,'1;11 , .1 host of friends \,•ill regret i t 41'1'1' O,(,, ; 111.0. Herbert I )e'\ter, I1 foll))))111): 111111'll the removal 111 the 1\'lpatl'll'k', 111,1„11 last «eek. It al, 1 proved one,. Ilhe (111111\1111 1,1111110- 1\i 1,' 11311' T.(;.: IIrn. ?)avid l<irkrn11nrll' again, that ,4,h -Iris, r, 111 (illi\' 1111, hicll.u'11 :\Ir the 1 S1!IIr. Ora 4,t 4,'1 from this cinununtll', and the best 1 .ti,\.(;.: Itro. Ilirt (;rat'. ( 11\ I "\It 11 1 1 In ;l .. 111,,11111 t 1i ; \t'ishl's for continued ,11,1,1,,, \'ill tilvert•summit,.:old that The Standardi !' I..S.\,(i.: Ll o. I;or11nn Elliott.EIIit,is a go d \12th,\, of a11tcr:i-int;. 1111)111 Stan'I,1111, i 1,14eru-'n;:l ct.)�1i., In\' then, to their 1c\' l,unie in I.is- I: S \'.(1.: lir11. John \11l'allnnt, totrel, T., get on \1111 the little )aro, \Ir. I Il:tlly NI°.11lch( '111 Su!" rte, r. NI' - 1, ti.\'.(;.: itr ,. Alex. .11:inning. (ate 111„n Drain t "; ;u \ !\ an is 11:11•on's cu`tnnier 1,11,'1,(1 \ill, an \r _- I. S.ti, : Bro. \\21',1,'1' Tainan. order, ;111d ;1111o11,e other Idyl,:, slit' „ I'- ! Time, (.\1!11: ti 111:, 1 , ,• 1 .;5 ; 1 1'. I`. N 1. S.S.: Ih•n. \\" 1111,,1 \I;utniii . 1 1.\d i'rti-'n', 1 52.111); 1'.. I'ill'1111 1 P•11 71X Chaplain: Bros J. II. R. Elltntt, erect rice. In his Ino,, persuastr, ?.IONS 1P.1I;CU'I'IVI'; ?voice, \1r, Robinson a„111'111 her that !1111 Ill',liItI x$11.1111; Ii. 111'.,'11 Ile 1l;11 - \l Ilu' 1,0\1,!,,,'1 It of the Hon swrll1,11 the a'lrnd:nu" nn that 11:1,.' (nut (lunation• at the (tank 4,l 1 oni- Tuesday's and \\•c lnc,dav's attend:lire • \delle. 1)nnation, f1 4,l I'orinlr re.•1- figures acre rstin',1:1''I at '11,1\\11 ;U,';11), ?lent,, oho -till Irl\,' the good 11f the but on Ihr final ,I;4, 1'I 1111' NI ;111.11, 1:1.1•0111 Imide-Inntt al heart, trill also be clay, less than 111,11(10 brayedthe e1, Irl Illaul;full\ received. drizzling elements. C'nnlc,tanl, in the -v --- diffcrcnt event, \cle un:lhlr to !!ro- - CIlntoll Coiiegiate News - cced during the morning hours, but in . II\' ll':.\\ I?1.1.10'1"1 the ;lite! noon the rain st I; Ii1'll, and Illy l \latch (vas ftni•11ed ' n sch,11u!,. Eri- (111 Er:da\, Ort' her 1 Its, the stul- 11;! (!'cuing a mond( r banquet, at cots of the ('.('.1. a!,elnhlcd in the \Mich 1,000 \Vire served, \vas held in :nnli)oriunt, (\ here those running for the large drill hall. The special ,!11,16- ' Hire 1•n the em.etiti(e, gate randi- er was the Holl. latae, G, Gardiner, (late ,jtt•t't'lll',. Doreen, •\rllt,tt• Ili; tank \lini-ter of Agriculture, .\t this eventover the m'tltng. The following' took) the Itliltleroll, ioIttt,tallt, \11'1 pre- turn, a, "It.turning Officer," and I sensed \'its I the awards, "Poll l ItsI`: 1111 1lanl\', lois \lid ! Unless the Pln\•olen'; :1 01,'1'1011 ; 1111,:1, 1, I).'r1 en Arnt,trnn11, .\. 1.. can cnnnnandeer another airport for 1 •I'honll -1;4,, Don Daddy, Erika Schultz, sante future Match, it \tidy never ae'lin Paul \\'scot. 101111 \Iarl)nnal'I and he possible to secure such a favoln•:dile lint lark,' 11 acted a, police guard,. set -4,p for this monster evl'nt. The \I:Irl,arct ('ilIu11(nnl \1,u elected I'res- nuntcrons airport buildings, particular- Went, Irma \\'alt, l•t Vice -President, I ly the hangers, Vere ideal for the iis. Dred hir141•, 24,d \•ice-1'rrsriet l ; lean ' play of exhibits, and these were so I':ifott, Secret;tel', (;enrgc I)urhani, nuntcrotts that every nook and corner 'l'e;l,urer. was occupied. One of the large '•t and The full\\ing are the form repl'c- lltost c-nr'letc displa\ , of fat'tn mach- sent;itiV(, : tirade X-1 1 1. Elinor filar; inert' in the history of the Association, (;rade N II, Enid Brigham ; Grade ((as on display. The lastest creation in I N1.\, Don. \111111,; Grade NI 11, lack farm machinery vied \'itll 111• old- hoz(.11; (;rade N.\, Nancy I'nrd; (;rade fashioned cradle and reaper. .\ di,- I\.\, Ih'rcl: Slol'ach; (;rade INTI, play which attracted 11111(.11 attention 121,1\(',, Uenoulntr. was that of the labour caving, debet'', (Tinton r!udcnt. \ycre 110415 to made by fanners of !Irvin. :\Iso in \\'inthalu Iligll Sell(' .1 on Tuesday, the same building was :I large display October 15th, t''ith 1!44' boys playing 'f old-time curios, ,081..111 :m11 the girls ;1:Isketball. Both 'I'lte lat'ge runways at the airport the C.C.I. girls and boys weer victor - made parking a pleasnlr. and there inns over their opponent,. The count 1 was always ample parking gluier, for softball 17-1(1 and basketball 21-18. (-itizcns of Ilul•on County ((ill poll,- .\fter lunch (here \'as :t ,hurl (laltce, ably have to hail mail year, before I.inr-np,: Ilasketball, l'linl,lu for - they can again play hosts to the Plow- «aril:: \largar,'t Cu111nh1 uu; I?linos men (if Outart), bol the event will ll(' (dew. I,. \Iiddlctnn, .\udrey Icrv'is,, remembered for a long time by those Jean Elliott, Iran Ncdiger; Guards, \1.111 attended. \I;Inion diel:, Doreen ,\rntstrltng, 1\. The first day of the \-ictnrt match I"inglan I, lean Eines, I. Chowt'l. \1•a; local tI;i.', open In Bruce, Dunn \\inghanl, forwards: Loi, Lorkriilg and Perth pintt'nten. ilu•on County tl tt'y Ian,•, Gloria S\r;lnson, lean 1‘ inner, \'err: 1lnrs,. ('1a•ses: Stubble Adair; Guards, I) rcen Curr'', tenth under 17, Norman Pocock„ \\'inghani; illadlittrn, Ruth lltu'aluan, least Nle - John t'I:'rk, 1 oderielt. Sod, under 20, Lerman, Hilda PIctclt. r\r(htll• Bell, (indt'ricll; Lorne Ritchie, 1,ucl;tl \v, Sud, open, Janie, 11, Iloge, !'caiorth; ('Inter Htnni,, \\':?hon; Wil- fred McQuaid, St. ('t limbs\ ; Inhtn•t Allen, (I 1• t t' Ilan 11 1' . I I AI'POiN'i' COMMI'1"11EES \' :\I an Executive ,nee rig 1 I the C1111 11(1;1 Savings 13ond.Issue Myth Lion, Club, hell on Tuesday e\' Being 'Well Received 111111,!, the Inlln\\tttg t'Itllttttlttel', (yen; appointed, to take elvaree of the vac- Ott:n\•a, (I)rinber '.i-- Report-• from inns phases of Club (yore: for ll,, ucxt the Areal arias of all province, during year: the fIrst \tick', sale of Canada Sa1'- Execntivl' ltlt'!ttbt'r,: President. N. P, Illg, 111:11,15 \\'l'I•t. 1111,, `1'1,1!1• good, (;snit,; 1st Vice: I. T. itait;toll; 2nd headquarters' official, said today. Vice! ,1.:\. (;ray: 3rd Vice! A. 11. '1'a,- 1 \\'hid,' specific total, of ,111,5 in f;n'nt l:er; Secretary: 1. 1,. 11. 111,ndir;l'tt: districts had not been made available, Treasurer: N. \\', I•:)'Ii; 1,Ion Tann'I•: manager, of Intl: lirandic, located in S. \1'. Sibihorpr; Tail 'I'w'ster: \\'. \. 1 such I calilies and representative, of \\"a1s1'o; Director,: I year. (;. Radford, investment lovu', predicted very heal- s. I)nrward; 2 years, K. \\'hitlttore, G. thy final figure,, basgitg their (pin- E.11iolt, 1 ton on \•bat they had observed dur- ing \I 1�121'.1?S : in,g the ((Tel:. The steady pace, \'its IR) sign of any let-up, ((it, eon,i Iercd Programme and I?tltertaimnent -- rt pleasing side of rural sales. Dr, 11(1111, lire, :\, Sincti r: S. S;b- :\n \,,,standing feature if sales In thnt'pe: C. 1lottgins, 1. :\, (;ray, \T, farm area, in Eastern Canada 11;1, the Idem, . 111e\picted large nullifier of cash pnr- 1'arl: CnnllniIl1'' .\. l:. 'I'a,l,r, I; ' rhasc,. 1 Iolvrrcr, it is anticipated ('11111111, S11f114;Il: ('. 1dandy p; l:. !hint\\, S. ('bedew, G. R:01for,l, K. here that larger numbers of tarnters 'Iillcr r; I1. \lalhews lb; Il. "lays',' \\'hilnutrc, S. tiibthnrpr, N. K)'1r, \1',t \'111 be buying on the time payment ;11; 11, Manly I., Johnston 314; I), \\"akin, \1". •1. 1lallah•ttt. basis in greater numbers to\'iu•tls the Miller ci; E. Fingltld el; R. (;;trop project : (;enrgc \leNall, K. \\'hit- Intl of the sales period. rn, 1 \I r 11 ), .uc :- 1,f. \,,tree S, Chcllrw, H. Philo. (;. 1'.112\11 lien.' and there signs are (1 itlent note. !-1111, horst',, men 4,5 and over, 1\•ingl,:un: (;- t Ernest ;t 1, Iinb-:l1. \' 111111, (i. ka!for,(, \\', llallaltait, that fanners have been finding it just 1);tti'I Boyd, 1\'altnn; \\'III. Inhn,olt, din r: I. Ilcninlcrr 11; :\, \lcKa\' 311; S. burn;lrrl, \\'. 'I'huell, a litter difficult to readjust thele-rlyrs Sr., (;o11crirh, l;. Longl,lc.1n s \I. Stainton 311; t.' the Canada Savings and salts meth - Tractor , 1 (;ill,: N. h\Ir, 1;.:\n 11s oils. in ,seer spots they have been Praetor Classes -Stubble, 12 -inch fur- It. 11141 lit? t 1,l; I). Lloyd t u I• lint, (;, ('hues E. 'I'lultiln, 1. 1\'allarc, ! rove under 17, John \I'c(;ayin, Walton; IlropII\ r1. C. Ilndgins, 1'. llollytnln, S. I:nhinsun. looking) for the old \'ictory l.n:tn 'cell I:occrsnn, Sea forth; Arthur Rotel---\,�- (land: S. Sihtbot•pe, 1)r. Ihuld, I. salesman and have even \yrittcn in to ton, Dublin; Billy Roberts\, Gnde-1 MISSIOIl Band MeetingDobh\'n, (;. Duhcrt\•, V. IZitl11erfol•Il. otta\•a asking 11111 I similar sttic,ttt111 Bell; Arnold .\Itnn, 1atekn i '; Eric' \Icntbers11:p: 11. Ilall, It, Tad. ,r (;, Ire appointed in their respective dts- Turnbull, Dash\incl Donald 1\"arnrr,1 1'11(. \li„i1'n (land of Loving Service , Kor11n:l` \' Spt'ir:i)1 trios. Such requests have been an: - 1 Rayfield; Donald \IrHnn;dd, Ilru<srl,;. held their monthly meeting nit Satur- Garth 1'astill, Clinton; \'cru Pastil(, (hl\•, Oct her 12, with a gnu(? attend- Clintmt; 'l'raclo-s, 12 -inch furrow, nn_ 1111";(..)1111:1 rtrit,ic 1\ as played by the der 20, Harry \Innlgimert, (;nderiell pianist, after this ;ill repeated the Donald Jctfrcy, Exeter; 1(tn alcl)11-I member, purpler, followed by ('all to ;1111,-Rrnssels: Eldon Dater;, Dash- \\'nr.'ti,' and rl'snott,e. 11\•11111 427 was NEW FIRE ,rood ; Sud, 10 -inch fttrrol\•, open, Geo.. sung an.'I a thanksgiving prayer was , OFFICIALS Robertson, (;udcriclt: Gordon Ranson,ren'ate.d ill unison. Betty Tait gave Lnndesboro; lac(: \\'illcts, \\'inghain: 1 the 'Hine reading, )11 '1 was; Gerald Dustow, Port Albert ; Ivan j taken by l Inward Tait and Jack Tyre - man. '1111' ntclutr\• verse w1, „(lit give thanks ,into the Lord for his 1 mercy cndureth forever," 'I'lu'n \Iar- 1 It tlallll ( ?1:111 any III ,duel: til' st'\'CI';II , 111,11 I )rant) ',`a 111; 1\ 111. Pipe I h 11- months. "Oh, but 1'nu ha(e it advt.).- bad I)ra't1 X11.51(: 1. hit\"4,1 11;1n- (14 11 in The St;uldar11 rlur,u'ke(I Il,, 1"11 !)rain) cl,l.51 .1' 'l:111 11;1\1"ul 1at11er p1! itite roier of the ru•t mel 1)1`1111) :),1 1.45; 1'. St. \I,1rie lhintonli itomedi:tely \ir. huhin,on's thinellt, !It.1111 `1.211; I. herr, Milltonl Ilrain) 2 ;11; L'ert 1la,t: t - 1x,';11! 111airare) tul•netl tee 1111 ,1litnr, :old hi, rinsistcnt 1 >lring of nli,takr,, hitt before hr pen- i c5.un: '1'111,, \1'1111, S 1111',111, t 11,111 ecc11ed 111 (111 011111 to give us a 1,11,1,,- (fill' sin ;,I ?._';; Ilir(t' 1„1111.1 '41 iog cl'\tn, he rliltver,d tl,e order 111 1'•nllnli•,i„ttt•r hi l'utrhlnl 1lrain,! ,i, ill; ,.11,11 \\ 1r,!,•i• , eu,lcnitl•, nliml, the circ, 1,'f loured. 1 ('poi arrival at Il,, lath', 1111nte, b1 ItI'11'nii,•i enquired further into the matter, am, ; and hintoul Drains t!Ie lad\' orodln't"I the paper. Sure Georg(' 1'. \lart;tl, Clerk. enough, there \4:1, the rim, in the ad- I verti,eml'ttt. Fortunately' for 11, \Tr.' 1iT11,1 1 III CAMPBELL,and I ht t t in examined the paper,.further! N 1NEri' lr YIiA ItS 01�I) \\tern he no(:rd at th1' date l, he soltr11 phi ra,c, The 1111, \as Or- 1 \\''11';,11 11. (':urlphcll, 1111 if 1lurin t In- 17(11, 1')15. C Hwy'- clan,d old men, awl a native ---�'-- 1 phi, ,h,;ri,-t, rt Ulla,,"t lei, (\11!1 Sat 111'(111}' Night I'Ictl11'e hirtldal I r. 1 :lnl;,br!I 11,1" 1'11-11 111 Itrool,l"I Shows 1)iscolltinlled Here in 1out :I, a ten\' 4,l. 111 \its hl, The Saturday night moving ptenu'r' !':blit, 1111 1Itiiilt 1"l1n\sllt;'. 1.11,'1, 51101\5 \'sacs have been operated here the(. took over a farm in rad 11'141;1- e",'re Saturday ,light by Community t lo,!1, f,'ttl' mile, nod ill if \nbin-ll. III Picture,, !las hien disc litilllll' 1 :it It':Ist 1870, :?Iter teaching -,11'„1 1 I' 0,ine temporarily, according to an announce- 'years. \It'. Campbell ill:rt'ri''d Fanny \I. 11112!1, in ;111 adv,'"t seitli,ltt el,1\!tyre it;trr:sl n, ,laid;llle•r 4,l the late ND-. :Ill,! ;n this issue. '1'111 movies \'ere popul•n•j NIT... \\'. A. Il:\'ruin, and settled on with the y(ltmg lrivlc herr 4,1 Satnr- 1 the 110'111' jinn \vl'irh 25 yl (1;l\• Itmeht, and their termination ((ill sold to his son, \Ibi,rt, retain:1,te an he regretted. acre of it for a home \1111 he 1 \11 It might be sail( 1f lllytl theatre until ,even year, aero, 1\111 n his 4 (1' ;menders. that, perhaps due to their paused away. location, they are probably 4,l, re crit- Since then be has ,lade his home ical then 111,,1 audience, of she‘''. \1111 \Ir. an'! \n r,. Albert l',unlhrll. I?all( \'eek The Standard carries ad- Ile ha, another s'"11, ('olio. cif 11(ta0.1, Tl,alth 1111 \\rclfaue: 1. \1'atsnn, T„ i were(' by pointill 1 tit to the tvritrrs ttrtisllnents for four shows in !(tis 110- and a 'laugh!er, \I1•,. \\'. 1'. ('rozier, "f \\'hitlicl11, I. II, I:. I?111,,11, 1'' "1'tulttt'\, (hat tIi i\pen•e of organizing a sig 1111 and they are closely scanned bye London.11r. l an?ph''ll Ira, 111\1\' sale's farce similar to Victory 1.0ans, ,uhscrihct's, who are within easy rlriv-' bleu interested in rhurrtl work, 11,1' --•-\�- and 01 training sticll ;t force for the mg distance of ;my one 4,t them. T11(4 , \\•1212 ill rear's beim; Plhlr ( 'la 5t,:!!idyl' n'\.' procedure, \',Is nut of proportion cho-se ?heir favourite, and then ;n(ae 1 at 1)0nt1vbrook 1'11 !i l Church. Ile i; DEPARTMENT t,, the purpose of the tli' V offering. they go. till a menthe, 4,l Hie e• -ion 4,l' ,hell APPOINTED It ryas c\plaincd that the (';uuuFt --;' church, On Saturday \1r. Campbell l Dungannon 111'ide-Elect titttndee d 7111, wd1F111t 11f his grand• A1'l a recent meeting of the 111\•,(laughter, I'raner, l'roz 1,r, at the \141 Eire Dcpartncnl, \Ir. Herbert i)cxter Showered (laughter, titan Church, Lindon. (vas elected Eire Chief riplttcittg \l r, \lis; ltt;idle Ee,ly, bride-to-be of this Arthur Marr, who rt•,ignc I, due to illi in -nth, was tendered a miscellaneous health. John A. (' wan was elected I kitchen shmvcr at the home of Mr:. Couiit1T Fair Suggested('3tptain, to fill vacancy there 1,1,,,1(11 .\Ivin S11erwor'd, Dnnctutn ,n, on \Ion- ,• by the promotion of \I r. Dexter.( day evening by about 35 friends. .\ I', or Airport Site chair in the lt\ittg ronin was prettily 511 intpri,sttl «ere• many fids Ihr decorated \•its pink and ((idle stream -1 `l'lendi'I facilities nor..\:til;(1de at Port ers, and as the guest of I'nitol' l\';1, Albert .\blur( for tttl' at'1'''Iltl,lndalit'll escorted to the scat Mrs. Allan diet!! of large gathering,, that 11141ny «n;cc,- playcd at the piano, "Dere ('nnu's the lion, «ere t,!'t'neht fol th derint! the Bride." Little Linda Blake, three -Year ' International I'1"trine \I al 11 to railii old daughter of \Ir. and \Irs. Cecil elle prt'cnt site and hn.bl il+:, en! !Hake, entered the room riding a de- \'its the idea in mind of planning all cnrated tricycle \Vith parcel carrier immense Comity Fair. not only :n• loaded ails gifts. IZi!freshttlen(' \e're able to Huron l'aunt\', but also cmbrar- se•rvell, including a e Ike baked by her , 111g all llt'Iellbom ill, Cotton', \h4, brother, Irvine He(1y, and decorated might be illicit -tell. .1 race t'ntlmsia,t with "Congratulation,," innncatelc •I','lre 1hlarinc ctrl ----1'--- of a mdiilt' trails, andstit w:1t,e felt ?hat illi. Stewart, Kirkton ; \\', J, Leming., !Valhi; Erank \\'ildfong, Exeter; El- mer I'asslnnrc, Exeter; George >1khic, Brussels; Allan \\'alker, Parlalill; S'ol, gtlil•ite IlalI read a 'I'htlnksgil•ing three -furrow or four -furrow plows, op - minutes \1'c then had the roll call and c4,, \Vilna))) Rogerson, Seafortlt; :\r- \111,11,,, f the last meeting, \Irs. Hold Rathwell, Clinton: Harold Bryce, 1'airser\•icc took charge i1 the business Scaforth; Allen ITnether, Brussels;;old read a nice letter of thanks from Cameron \14Gregor, Parkhill; Earl tie matron of the hospital tit 1lerring- Shapt'n, I?xctir; \\'illiam Thames, ton 1l;t'hottr where we scut our sox \\Talton ; Ralph Foster, Godcrich ; ITo\\•• 111' toys 1111 boils for the children, ard Dater, Dashwood; lac(: \iclayiu.,,, The children are t ' remember to bring their 'Ithscriptiml, 15 cents, for the Myth; Sod, open only to veterans of \, ,, Ertrn,l, to the \oycnihcr meet - the war of 1939-45, Alex, Kerr, Sea - forth ; Robcr t \[c.11listtr, Aiihnrlt ; ing, and that plans have been made \1'illiam Coutts \!'alt n; LarrySaid- ' to have our '?'hank -Offering meeting November 15th. er, Exeter. \Irs. falconer told its another chap- ter of _the Story Book and the meeting Election Law Amend•211 td, -sed 1)3%a hymn and all repeating the By the 1940 Amendments to the Lord's prayer, Municipal Act, several important J v changes have been ,,lade in the rig,'- LEGION PLANNING latinns affecting nm' 111)11 elections. IVIEMORIA.L SERVICI1 st Municipal councils may now select any dates they !fish het\vicen the Friday The Blyth Branch of the' Canadian preceding the last \''oda\• in \oven,- Legion are completing. plans for a her 311111 the first clap of January, both NI''Inn-til Service on Sunday, Not'ent- inclttsive, provided that the date fixed 1111. 1111:1, to be held its the 1(1ytlt for nominations is at ?cast' fourteen' \Ictnnri:ll 11,111, at 3,30 in the after - days prior to the date fixed for clic-! noon. It is hoped that the Padre of tine. I the Clinton 1'a11in School will 111 the Nomination day for Blyth Itas been speaker for this service. All Legion set for Friday, N vemhcr 2?ort, \\';ter , members are reyocstcd to keep this the election for municipal offices to date in mind, and the public (v111 b1 follow on Monday, 1)cccnthcr 9th. 1 invited to participate. Savings 11(1\(1 \t a, designed solely a, a facility for investment of personal sayings for those who wished it, and rot ;Is a primary means of meeting (;nycrntcnt financial requirements. CICS OIJNCIMEN PROPERTY CHANGES 1)r. Kilpat'ick's dwelling on the corner of 1)in'lcy and \lill Strict, 1 ?las been ,01(.1, the ugll the Elliott Kcal Estate Agency, to \Ir, Gordon Sunday, October 27th Elliott, and \Ir. Elliott's property on 1(1,15: Sunday S h"1,l. King Street, has been purchase I by 11,15: The Greatness of Goodness. \Its. A. I,vddiatt. \Irs. I.\ 111 tt is 7 p. til.: Paul's iZescue from his property on King Street, west, 11.18 Enemies. been purchased by \I r. Chester \lor- rison. Possession of these properties TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH are expected 1'' lake place about lith Sunday after Trinity December 1st. 11 a, 111., Sunday School. \\'r ;ue also informed that M r. \\'. 12 noon: \Irruing ('raver and Ser- sill dc,i'rvt's ron,idrtatiol. The one J. ('lark, 1\'inghal11, l,1, purchased in it. Anniversary dra\harl: \\1,111 be the til t1l t;tll'ncr 11f [1,111 \I r. John Glatt the four -apart- The evening servile is r:uuellcd hr tit \n,b'1\\''s I're,l,\;eria'1 (hired,, ,11(-11 a large' grrtlp of buildings, that ,Hent terrace on the ,rest side of \I ill cause 4,t the Deanery Laynu'n', tier- Myth,I'hscrrc11 Il,1,ir annItt't'»arr \its wouldpr,-'14ably be used for only part street, Blyth, and i; t1,,\• in possession. vice in St. Pail's, ('Ii'0 111, at 7 it. tu, special services last 5I'ndav, nlornine of 0111' heel: in the year. ;Mr, Albert \tornincstar of Strath- 1 TRINITY, BELGRAVE and ((ening. Good rnngreeatinns at- ro ,has purchased phi ugh the 1111\11 I 1 4; p. t4,., Sundae Srh''nl. tended h,th srr\icrs. Special speaker Real 'Estate Agency, the Materna pro- 2.3)1 p, in., Evening Prayer and S1r- for the day \\1, the Rev, P..\. F'rglt,- APPOINTED SEC RETARY-TREAS- perly 04, the corner of Morris Street mon, nn, of I1'11sall, \i'o dun\rrcd i1'.•14i1i011 URER OF CED,11',TFY.Y BOARD and the (Boundary Road, and takes ST. MARK'S, AUBURN ad Ir1,sscs. \lies Elizabeth Mills per- pnsscs 011 immediately. The \latcrna 9.15 a. 4,l., 5\\111\' School, at the .1-12;m. S'i' ial innsic in- I .\t a rcccnt meting -1 the 111\th ('11- family are leaving for S;ukatchc\•an.1 111.20 a. m, \l truing Prayer. This el dull a sol•, by \ft. lvu'r Sin:. and inn Cemetery Boal (I \Ir. Glenn Ncrh- \Ir, \Inrntncstar, \tlrl a fish (1ealc`r, trr'ire will probably he \i hdra\n for in !hr ermine a quartette from Sea- nie reeei\,.1 :':u appointment 1s Sec• ?'ill continuc to fnllo\v this occupation, the Presbyterian .\riniver,ary, (Rich, fn: 1 received lunch favour:lhic cont- Fetal 3 -Treasurer. replacing \Ir. Leslie serving this district, .1 again, may he held in St. Mark's.I use:,t for their splendid renditions. 1lilht,rn, \t h: ten'ic• BLYTH UNITED CHURCH - v --- I St. Andrews Presbyterian feature \vivid attract the be''l 11 'r -1,s. Church Observes No (1111th, the thought i, a 111\(1 on'', '41 F �T E3 of CflaiEll 13y Gwendolinc P. Clarke It seems a;,cs since this time List week—maybe beeau e ru mulch Las happened in such a hale wLi;r.And by that I don't mean events of world shaking importance but lust ordinary everyday happenings such as may occur in a!;no.t any home but which, in our case, seem to have crowded themselves into one short week. There were several meetings which just had to be at- tended, two quiltings and a bazaar. Our Second Neice was also still staying with us and there were pre- parations that had to be made for week -end guests. And then, to make things a little more compli- cated, starting Friday night, there was a twenty-four hour rain. And the rain was so awfully wet! Of course we needed It — everything was so desperately dry, but it did seem a pity that it had to conte on a holiday week -end. ("Oh, you are farmers—you are never satisfied"— Is that what you said?. * • * To tell you the truth Friday night was a little wet in more ways than one. That was the night our Insti- tute was holding a bazaar, which was to be followed by a quiz pro- gram to be put on by a well known commercial party. The bazaar went off all right. Even though it was pouring with rain quite a number of people turned out to buy and to stay for the quiz program which was scheduled to take place at nine o'clock. Well, nine o'clock came— nine fifteen, nine thirty, nine forty- five—with every minute dragging like an hour—and still no sign of Mit' tante.I0�ltier�, To drib the C'ItlU1CI•aSFltlg iS to jolt it mildly. Of course everyone eventually went home and what really happened to our program I have ye` to learn. However, it wasn't a matter of life or death, so no doubt the whole affair will eventually be forgiven and for- gotten. * • * Our next worry is threshing, and, in anticipation of the needs of a bunch of hungry men 1 have just finished baking pies. Yes, pies is what 1 said. Maybe you remember that last time we .threshed I had only a couple of hours notice and could buy neither pees nor the shortening to make them. But 1 wasn't caught napping a second time. No sir, I have been hoarding a pound of lard for several weeks, waiting for just such an emergency. • * In writing how does one indicate sleep? I don't know, so I can't do it. But if I could draw I would illustrate this with an unlovely picture of a smallish room, a type- writer table at one end, a woman resting her head on one arm at the desk—fast asleep—and the clock pointing to twelve midnight. And the woman would be myself, be- cause that is what happened last night. I left my typing until every- one else had gone to bed and that is what happened. Olt well, it is now only six a.m. The threshers won't be here for another four hours. There is still plenty of time —all I have to do is finish this, get breakfast, feed chickens, go to town, do some shopping, come bacic, wash dishes, and dish it up to ten or eleven hungry men. It will all get done, with Second Neice to help me. The men of course will be busy outside — Partner getting things ready for the machine to come in, Bob away to a neighbour's thresh- ing. And so it goes. But after thresh;rg we can really feel the season's work is done. And won't that be a grand and glorious feel- ing! But it won't suit everybody. It most decidedly won't suit certain small boys who have been coming up from town the last few days to catch pigeons in the barn. When the mows are empty it will be im- possible for them to get at them. They were such nice wee boys. Each time they came they would tome to the house for permission to go to the barn—which I thought was rather wonderful, and a proof of good training in regard to re- specting other people's property. They said they wanted the pigeons for pets. Immediately my mind travelled hack a few years when we had youngsters who also liked to catch pigeons for pets. And they certainly do make good pets—if they are looked after properly. But The Machine Doesn't Peel 'Em A new potato harvester which can harvest 25 acres daily, lift two rows of potatoes as it goes along, separate potatoes from the stems and ground, sort them according to size and throw them into bas- kete, has been designed by the institute of Agricultural Research in \Inscow, Moscow radio announc- ed today. IU. S. Naval Leader HORIZONTAL 5ti Ile is in 1 P.otu red U. S. c„mnnand of na v;tl leader, the :atlantic Acheiral ---- 13 Either 14 Recovered 15 Whirlwind 16 Lubricant 18 From 19 hypothetical structural unit 20 Narrow inlet 21 Czar 23 Onc who mimics 26 Wagers 27 Fountain drinks 29 Upon 30 Military student 31 Birds' homes 33 Digger for coal 84 Fondle 35 Siamese coin 96 Willow twig 98 Equals 41 Stigma 42 Fear 44 Pealed 45 Rescue 46 Individual 49 Dibble 50 Inner Guard (ab.) 51 Chaldean city 52 Symbol fpr iron VERTICAL 1 Plant parts 2 Prayer 3 Area measure 4 Conducted amount 5 Notion 17 Load 0 Compass point 20 Interpret 7 Symbol for 22 Scraping germanium 24 Italian river 41 Cook by 8 Prince 25 Half -em direct heat 9 Crimson 26 Ridicules 43 Station 10 South Dakota 28 Charger 47 Bitter vetch (ab.) 30 Quoted 48 Removed 11 Lag 32 Steamer (ab.) 51 Upward 12 Smallest 33 Cartograph 53 Cloth measurt lntiwer to Previous Puzzle G7/71 (L Y N_IM... L T c)'N+EQL R C Ivtp,:`E 5'jn,N � � A,Y r? -1, _CM ;. As TIER a , r.1 T _�'..: i_ O o r� DAVID ti a,E c A ANT.L LAND s�IE_L_IT LYNN .0 $9L E r,. ”. sr° aE P,.37.-, y'1 S5 L O S•:�� A P 3- 7 v "s A. L. I- l-OO'r:.ER �c'TOE T NI I N �L. EiE T 36 Fruit 37 Rational 39 Peruse 40 Uncivilized I Z 3 't 5 6 13 16 17 7 8 9 io 11 I?. 15 ael,aiMac' 19 21 az ' j,,, Z3 24 Z7 t8 .;.1,:29 31 32 36 37 41 as t i Via' 33Mg 5earwiimo 20 30 38 39 'f0 54 Proceed .55 55 Jumps Scarecrows Fail To Scare Beavers Beavers Tear Them Apart And Use Material to Build Dams The beaver, tops of the animal world in the engineering profession, is showing the Mnntioba Govern- ment that when given a zone of occupation he intends to run the show irrespective of man -imposed interference, says the Financial Post. Along the Hudson Bay Railway line from The Pas for about 200 miles toward Churchill, beaver are operating in a big way. Their con- sidered opinion seems to be that railway engineers didn't put the culverts in the right places. This summer they have been plugging them up with disastrous results to the road bed. Solution is Deportation Gavle wardens and section men have tried all kinds of schemes to change beaver plans. At three points along the line they placed fantastically contrived scarecrows which didn't scare the beavers at all. They just pulled down the scarecrows, took the material, and used it to plug more culverts. The game conservation branch has tried everything short of poison but their efforts have been fruitless. Known chemical repellents were used without success. Now chem- ists have been asked to prepare new ones. The only immediate solution in sight was to deport them and this is what is being done. A few weeks ago 14 were flown from the I-Iud- son Bay Railway line to Moulson Lake and Norway house, about 125 miles away. Good News, Children This may be good news for child- ren but it's bad for American manufacturers. George \V. Mason, president of Nash -Kelvinator Corp., said last week that castor oil is in short supply. He said the United States castor oil supply comes largely from Brazilian castor beans. Castor oil is an essential ingredient of automobile brake and shock ab- sorber fluid. To Free' *LOCKED NOSES SOLD EVERYWHERE 42. 43 ay�t H8 j a 49 5Z 53 56 Scented Lacquer In Clothes Closets This is the time of year when (some) closets are cleaned out and dresser drawers see the light of day. For fastidious householders here's a new idea for keeping storage space smelling like a spring garden—scented lacquer. It conies in six fragrances—carnation, gar- denia, tapestry, white lilac, strategy, and heliotrope. It can be easily ap- plied with an ordinary paint brush on the inside of dresser drawers, covering a strip about one inch clothes closets will keep the con - wide. Also, a little lacquer on the underside of shelves in linen and tents smelling sweet. 41-, • O -0 ♦-0-e ♦ O -e -O -0-0.4 • e -0-.-O r0-0 41-11,1- •-• 0-0- ► 0.0-0+.-•- inglfiilyhQs of the News • 0-C 0 0. 0 e -O 4 0-4-4-0-0 • 0-0 4-4 0-0-4 4 4 -e -t -0-0-0-0J-4. O 4-O 0 J-4-0 • O A -0--0O H -O • Pcacc Conference Ends The Toni el ( nee of Pal i; ended its laolk by adopting the draft Ucaty fur Finland, Foreign Minis- ter Molotov, cape lint; displea- sure Willi the treaties, accused the United States of leading a group of countries with the dc-itc to domin- ate and dictate. 'I'lle Foreign \l inisters' Council will start consideration of the treaties in' New fork on Nov. 4. The time and place of talks will he they probably will be next January. discussed; in London Archbishop Sentenced Archbisshop :\lujzijc Stcpinac, Head of the Roman Catholic Church of Yugoslavia, charged with Axis collaboration, was on victed on all main points of the indictment against hint and was sentenced to 16 years' imprison- ment at forced labor. Bushworkers Strike A strike which may affect all bush operations in the vast north. ern Ontario districts of Cochrane and Thunder Bay and stretch down into Algoma has begun, So far it is not known how many of the 12,000 men employed in camps in the districts have joined the walkout because of lack of communications with most of the camps in remote areas. \V, A. Delahaye, of the Ontario For es t Industries Association, speaking for the operators, said the employers are not certain of the issues, A spokesman for the Ltm.ber and Sawmill Workers' Union (A.F,L.) said the men wanted a $5 a day minimum wage, ancon recognition and improved living conditions. Mr. Delahaye said wages were based largely on piece work rates and that an average workplan made $7 a day with more skilled men making up to $10, He said the companies planned' to have 20,000 sten in the bush in the next few weeks, with winter operations just ready to hit the!r stride, istory in Jap Schools 1li'tury is luring t,tur;lrt attain in Japan's schools. Instead of glori- fying Shinto and militarism, low - ever, the new text -hooks objec- tively tell the story of the Jap -and their struggle tov,ard democracy. U.S. Meat Problem "All price controls 0n livestoctr, and food and feed products therc•- Ironl," w, re ordered lifted by President Truman and they will be sold front now on without ceil- ings, 'file President. in a r.ulio talk to the nation, laid the blame for the meat shortage "squarely cn a few amen in Congress who. in Inc service of selfish interest" were determined "to wreck price con- trols no natter what alight he the cost to our people." The meat industry served 'notice that removal of controls would not mean much more nkat it the im- mediate future, Cattle are not' too plentiful, "pipelines" must be re- filled and retail stocks replenished, It was said. Coalition for France France has a new Constitution, official and virtually complete re- turns showing that the voters had approved the draft by a majority of almost 1,500,000. The three -party coalition won a victory over the opposition of former President de Gaulle. Brunner Mond Strike Settled One of the most far-reaching work stoppages Canada has ever experienced ended after 400 mem- bers of Local 89 of the United Automobile Workers (C.I.0.) voted to return to work at the plant of Brunner Mond Company, Canada's only major producer of soda ash. The unionists struck July 12 to enforce demands for a $2 -a -day wage increase, a 40 hour work week, two weeks' vacation with pa, after a year's service 1 nc1 un- ion security. Peace terms included a 12 to 16 -cent increase in hourly wages on a graduated scale, Titre.? Bright Spots Peaceful moves wile IL ported from three Asi,aic countries. Siam's Cabinet, ending a live -year dispute, ;le reed 10 return four bor- der arras to French IndoChina. Ai truce bett\ten the Netherlands and the indonc:ian Republic has been S.gtied 111 Java. :\ new plan for ending l:hina's civil ,war is being favorably con ;'der ' by Generalissimo Chiang, it was disclosed. The proposal, that military and political committees meet simultaneously. was com- municated to the Communists. e ALL •d TONLYSdw` DRUGSTORES Robbed of Sleep by Rheumatic Pain But No Pain Now—After a Few Weeks of Kruschen A woman's gratitude at being rid of "such dreadful pains" caused her to write this letter:— "I used to have such dreadful pains In my knees, ankles and shoulders, to say nothing of my back, which used to feel as though it would break. I had n0 NW, especially at night ... but since taking Kruschen Salts for n few weeks only, I feel a different woman, thank goodness. I have• no pains now. I fool much brighter and better in every way, and shall certainly continuo with Kruschen."—(Mrs.) M.II. Most rheumatic pain and swelling is caused by too much uric acid in the body. These painful deposits settle in the muscles, joints and tendons, irritate the nerves, and inflame the thistles. Kruschen Salta acts on these pain -making deposits by helping your system to disperse them and to pass them out of your body. This relieves the pain and if you are wise, you will continuo with the little morning dose of I1ruschen as a help against further attacks. Try Kruschen for the relief of rheumatic pains and lumbago. 25c and 76c at your nearest drug store. N..ext time you see a neighbor, or one of the fellows who works with you on your job, tell yourself: "He's a mighty lucky man—and so am I." We all are, here in Canada. Yet "lucky" isn't quite the word for a people who have the common sense and courage to look at the high prices of many unessential things and say: "This price is too high. I won't pay it." No, it isn't luck. It's character. It's what The House of Seagram has been proud to extol as a Canadian virtue—the ability of the Canadian people to be moderate in all things—in their thinking, in their actions and in their habits. Nobody's just "lucky" here in Canada; we've just all helped to make ourselves that way. And because today's moderation is the key to tomorrow's abundance, the people of Canada can look forward with certainty to an abundant tomorrow. ',Ay/ fl.',1e 9f!llli e'Omer ee' .9"ince ✓i%oderYrti is ger/tie THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM 4u 4 • M75 M Ckssfied Advertising 11111 1 I1111Kti I'! 1.!.1:1 !. l;1:i:hS 9'l 111 NO. toeteW delivery, II u„i tee ;"1111 10 nr I.l; ,bat,:+, end for It t'Itlel:erlea, t,.' 1 I1Il'h', ('1111 DELIVERY NllI:11- L.. , I I aIle , : bellhl Lu ordered 110...,..1 1., hal y„n \%int --;utas when, 11 1. I'':,11 II;;111ai11. I;ray Ilttich- ;; 1:'„ ,I.,1,11 \ 11n;tilltun, 11111. l'11(lIl'I: 1'1 1,1 1 I S .11,1, AI11:S tt„111 I.: n,, I:. 1„ laying, VIII tip )1.111 ph-, 11101 1.111.)1 111 in the good ties I,r,, eo .Also Pall hatched hemp! delivery, l reo entrt- lumtte. It i.s net too su„n to order your 191;tltj It . send fon' price 1181, n ,t the \\'inter lair; stn' 11,,,,111 %VIII he in 11111 Poultry Iudus- try ,lici-ton, 11' 1 v, ill 11 toad o meet sur , n 1, n1,•ra rind friends, 'I'weddlo elle 11 it ,t. it t fes Limited, Fergus, 13c Sussex X Halnpshires 13c 1111(11( Loi It (IItIlleit 1011 SI'I1ING ('hicks rtlh„nl. delay' nt those Mixed chicks I3c Pullets ' 3 ., Cet. , .111 breedri s' 1/111101'11111li1/111101'11111Iert,,1 ;•,' under 1;ivernutent approval. ()lake uuw' In insure delivery when 1'oquired, Ronnie's ('ht, lc hatchery, Box l:labra, ()Maria, 111 SINI{SS (1I'I'1)I 1'UNI'I'IES C .tSIl 111Itl:'1't IIN 11:111, 11)11 yew, ,do Gold Jewellery, Gobi teeth, Dlttllt"ndf., Sterling Sifter, etc. 100 per r, cat premium on gold coins. Sabel i•tion gtiara hived or parcel returned I,repair, Baehr Company Irt\c1 r:, 131_ .Queen East, 'Toronto, Ont, 111 1:1.N'G AND CLEANING 1LtvIe 1111' AN1'TIIING NI1E1)S dyeiu:: or cleaning? \\'lite to us for information. \\'e aro glad to Inn• :over your questions. Department 11, Patio.) 's Dye 11'orlcs Limited, 791 Venae 'tteet, 'Toronto, Onlarlo, 1,1111 s.11.t: ATTENTION NOVELTY 3-1-0 DIFFERENT 1't111II I'II:S IN ono :r,tli, tire. Also Jleintosh on hardy rim!! tucks',. (;lark and Itcd Curl:ott Plants for commercial and privele t,l'intine in the newest va- rietie,, 1'111I,LPS 1001191., CTIA• Tt:,11'1;t'.\1' 01I.l.:1t;1:, t11J1:. 111 5' 1 111:1;INi'I:ItI:I) ('lll'iorit I:Ir1ml" cat Mark. Country I:,.bil( 11 brunets, ,lapse \5', :.! 1i t 1, (int. ('1:11.111 I'O .'I',.-.11.1, SIZES iito1I 10 ISI' to;,y Write 1larvey Icor_ vis. II.'hl:old creek, Ontario, or phone ,rLoro 6113, 1111:sI) ,11 `'I'IiH` - 111'5111:1) To you fte,"1 trete% the sea coast of Nov:, ,,G', Delicious, Informa- tion ler :tamp. Economy Distribu- tors, Glele t,,, Ili 1'Iis, TURKEYS t'olt bre, din" purpose. Orders must be in bete,.. November. Send for free pr!eelit! til;ty. The J. 1', 'restos 5utunter.ide, l;ox 36, P.11.!. ,I.111I:':11 .1V :t.000 I:(;1; 1\CIi1L1'I'O1t for sale. Front l:n cal, Stop 61, 11.R, 3, .lutiu : slhnrt:, Philip (limpet. 11,1...1:1 11.111111.5 ('LIPrIell ('OM - bine, six foot eta, gond condition. 11Inttn,d ovens, It, 4, Blount Forest, Ont, 1101)1:11N - 01,1) '1'1111: - ('0111)1)1' t:eeords, I,ar:ao stock, prompt de_ livery, send for free listing. Ed- it -arils \)noir house, 581 Mount Pleasant I:":l, 'l'nrutiti, Safe -Tee Soot Destroyer If your ;Love o1' furnace causes U',.uhlo it Ile to soot, poor draught or Smelts, \\'e gu:,t':tntee Out' soot de- str„ yer to remove soot from any coal burning stove or furnace pipes And. chimney. Gives better draught and Wrote hent, saves fuel. Puck - a:4'0 cenutins ippruxinlnteiy 30 ap- 11icsttious, Enough soot destroyer to last inn stove, or furnace all winter. Send money order $1.40. Postpaid anywhere in Canada. Use 8 weeks If not satisfied money re- funded. .1. 1t, liernohan Mfg., Box 295, lure,, Ont. "S I'1:1:1111:" ELi;C'TRIC 110'1'118. The toy Motor that features high speed, one cell operation, non -slip pulley, weighted base, Limited num- ber at only $1,75., postpaid. Thou- sand Island Crafts, Box 94, Brock- ville, ()Mario. TIRES \1'o are overstocked at the present of gond used trade-in tires (guar- anteed to be In excellent shape). 600 X 16 $5.00 All orders shipped C.O.D. Special ,equipment for vulcanizing Truck rind learnt Tractor Tires. BEACON 'l'llRE, corner Queen and York Sts., HAMILTON, Ontario, ONTARIO'S11ONT MODERN IIQ111P1't:D 'TIRE 81101' D'ARN'S 1''Olt SALtd ONE OF THE BEST FARMS In Western Ontario, 216 acres, close to Dutton. All under cultivation. Good soil, well fenced and drained. Splendid buildings. Nice brick house 1n grove of maples and pines. Filtered running water and elec- tricity in house and barn. Imme- diate possession, Full equipment and livestock optional. ALSO, near- by, If desired 300 acres pasture land with some black stuck for celery and onions, at los' price. J. F. GUNDY-TRUSTEE OWNER 1010 Canada Bldg., Windsor, Ont. CHOICE 1AIt11 CONTAINING 198 acres located In the County of Ox- ford 3 1-2 miles north of the Village of Drtunbo. Farm nil under cultiva= tion and In good condition. The buildings consist of a large L shape steel ban)( barn with cement stalls and steel Stnllltchiotts, cement silo and hen house with southern ex- posure on second floor. Two storey stone house In good state of repair. Farm equipped with hydro, Ilan' possession. For further particulars apply. The Canada Permanent 'Frust Co., *Woodstock, Ontario. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY! 1AUM and Dairy, producer to consumer. Good brick house and garden and orchard. lull barn, granary and 2 silos Building supplied with water pressure and hydro. Bordering town. With or without feed, stock or implements. P.O. Box 665, Chesley, Ont. FURS TOXICS ANI) FURS 1)itI;SSi:D ANI) made Into neckpieces, collars and capes. Take advantage of this offer before rising prices take effect ,Inn. 1, 1947. Oliver Spanner & Co, Ltd., 2GA Elm Street, Toronto. 11AII11111ESSING L11110N 11.01111)1111551NG '1'IIE Bober! ()/: mcthntI Infnrmntlnn on request regarding classes. Robert- son's ll:lr,lresrittg Academy, 137 .Avenue !toad, Toronto. 111:1,1' WA \'1'I:I► C011l'L1C FIM teAsiiI,1' OF 2 adults, Wife, cook -general, hus- band - houecnuut and handynisn. Able to drive car, Modern separate living quarters. References requir- ed, Bayview Avenue, near Thorn- hill, 7 ntllee from Toronto, Box 117, 71 Adelaide W., Toronto, 1VANTIll) AN ICXI'ICIIIICNCiIn farts hand, single, Industrious, will - Ines, no intolerable habits. Wages Mart at $80 per month, yearly con- tract, clean home, start November. Hex 118, 73 Adelaide \V„ Toronto, Ont. ILIRADIIA'1'Is' N!list% SALAIt1' $100 monthly and utalntennnc.o, nurses, !tomo In separate building, 48_hour 00 except It emergency, Trans- portation k i 1 1, Y, n portation refunded atter six months' aervIen, Apply by wire collect with references, stating earliest date available, to Preston Valley Hos- pital, Creston, MEDICAL DI►N"1' WAIT-1:1-Elt0' surto:al 5R of Rheum:tile Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's ltetncdy, Mun_ ro's Drug Stere, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. 111(i11I,Y ltl:('OmlI1:NI)I:11 - ISV- cry sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy', Munro's Drug Store, 335 El- gin, Ottawa, Postpaid SIAM, Ml)S1cA1, 1Ny'l'ItUMllN'15 F1111D A 11(11)1)ING'1'ON 11111'n sells, exchanges musical instru- ments 111 Church. Toronto 3. OPPORTUNITIES IrOIt WOMEN 13E A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCiiOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Ilid ydressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys• tent, Illustrated catalogue free, Write or cull. 51A RYE!. IIAiRDB1:SSING SCI IOO1,S 358 Moor St. W., Toronto Branches: 41 Icing St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. I'A'I'ICNTS 111'Tii1CRS'1'ONIIAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Established 1890; 14 ICIng West, 'Toronto. Booklet of Infnrmntlnn on request I'II0'I'0(:ItAP110' IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST OUR 1'i:A1t ROUND VAST SERV. lee and fine quality work will please you. 1''or satisfaction try im• portal, 6 or 8 exposure films, de• relived and printed, 30e 1MI't:I11AL PHOTO SI?RVICiE Station 1. Toronto. FILMS DEVELOPED 25 ('%;Nisi Guaranteed one day service. No waiting, Boy Photo Service, North Pay. DAILY SIIIRVII'l1, PRIDE 4 X (1 ICN- largentent with each 6.8 exposure, 11011 25r. Reprints lc. Crystal Pho- to Service, 1500 Dundas W, Toronto, GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE PROMPT MAiL SERVICE Any Sire 11011-6 or R Exposures DEVELOPi;D ANi) 1'ItIN'I'I:D 25e 3 MOUNTED I:Ni,ARGII11IIN'I'9 25c Slzo 4 x 6" In i':asel mounts, )land Colored and Framed Enlargements at special prices. Prints from your negnlives 3c each. 1)111"1', 11, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE sox 1211, l'usl Office A, Toronto. 1'rfnl Nemo and Address Plnlnly. PERSONAL iNSiIIIC SECRETS ON MAICiNG quick rash. Folders Free. Ifosle'e Sale Service, Kelvington, Sank., Canada. STAMPS COLLi9CT(►IIS! SEND $1,00 F011 selection fine approvals. Refunded It not fully satisfied, No trash. A, Bloom, 5347 Yew, Vancouver, Can- ada. S'I'AMI' COLLECTORS, A FREED Get Acquainted package and details of interesting Bonus System to ap-. provnl applicants, sending postage to cover cost of mailing, Alexander Supply Co., P.O. Box 82, Sudbury, Ontario. TAXIDERMY ATFIINTION DEER IIUN'1'ERS �• Have your trophy mounted by Can- ada's Leading Taxidermist. Finest workmanship at reasonable prices. We tan Deer Iides Into Leather suitable for Gloves, Windbreakere, etc. Oliver Spanner & Co, Ltd. 28 A Elm St., Toronto. TRAPPING WOLF' - PDX - MINK TIIAi'I'ICIIS use the best trapping system and gland scents money can buy. Write for particulars to A. 10, Fisher, Box 420, Calgary, Alberta. WANTED IiATCIIING EGGS WAN'17il1) FOR 1047 hatching season. Flocks culled and bloodtested free of charge un- der Government supervision Guar• anteed premium plus hatchability premium paid, For full details write I3ox No. 95, 73 Adelaide W„ To. mato. GUNS WANTED $50 cash and up paid for gnod qual- ity sporting rifles and shotguns; inspection at your convenience; out-of-town inquiries Invited. Ivan A, Plattner), 125 Dawes lid., Toron- to. Phone OX, 2782. Twenty Scholarships For Agriculturalists Twenty scholarships, each worth $800, have been established by a number of Canadian firsts interest- ed in agriculture. It is planned to award these scholarships to promis- ing young Canadian scientists for postgraduate work in the agricul- tural field, says the Globe and Maif. The first group has been chosen and will pursue studies in Can- adian and American universities having approximate facilities, for periods varying from one to three years. All these young Wren are - expecte)) to return to Canada at the end of their courses to accept pesitious in the field of scientific agriculture. ISSUE 43-1946 CASEY JONES NEVER DREAMED ANYTHING LIKE THIS 1. Maximum speed, 120 M.P.H. Locomotive Is In fig, three units, each with one engine Looking more like a whole train than a locomotive, the railroad engine picture above is the last word in Diesels, on display in Los Angeles before goi ng into service on the Santa he run between that city and Chicago. It develops 6000 horsepower, 2400 more than present passenger train locomotives and is built to run a million miles without a major overhaul. -•-••-NMI•-•'• • -•-•-s-•-•-• 0-* ----- SPOTS---- SOTS OF ;PORTS 13y FRANK MANN HARRIS ++�++ ("A Six Bit Critic ') .«.«•+•-•-•++••+-• A friend of (no's was calling on tis one evening not so long ago, and happened to notice, hanging in a clothes -closet, an ancient, bat- tered. but still striking -looking man's bath -robe. "Where did you get that." he a,,krtl, "Somehow or other it looks familiar, but where i ever saw it before is more than I can say'." 4 t is 1\'e explained that he probably had seen it before, all right -but in slightly different circumstances and surroundings. icor that gar- ment at one time belonged to the ono attd only Stanley Stasialc, * * * Big Stanley was recalled to our mind just recently when some 15,- 000 sports -lovers packed Maple Leaf Gardens to sec a match be- tween Whipper Billy Watson and Wild 13111 I,ongsnn--a bout which, we were unamazed to see, finished up with what we used to call the Number 'l'ht'cc of "Virtue Unre- warded" ending: sante being the one where Our Ilero,wins a great moral tri'tmph but is gypped out of the just fruits of victory through the connivance of a villainous vil- lain and an unscrupulous referee, But all that by the way, The reason why that huge crowd brought Stasialc to mind was be- cause he, more than any other one person, was responsible for turn- ing Toronto into one of the best wrestling centres on the continent, * 1 * For the late Stasiak, although t a great wrestler, Was beyond never compare as an actor - one who could, with little or no effort, in a matter of moments turn an order- ly crowd of spectators into a fren- zied mob, howling for his gore and striving to tear 111111 limb from limb. I-fe was a real genius, no fooling, and one of the funniest in- cidents we recall of a fairly long and close connection with hits is the time the paper for which we were covering wrestling decided to send an artist along to make some drawings to run with our story. * * * The artist, who was, and is, Jimmy Friss, seemed by no means happy over the assignment when we saw hint the afternoon before the bout -saying that he would probably have to sit up half the night to get the drawings finished for next day's paper. "Be of good cheer" we reassured his, "You can get one of them done right away. Here's a photograph of Stasiak-just make a drawing of hint, with a scowl on his face, shak- ing one big fist at an imaginary crowd, and you'll have a real ac- tion picture that will go over fine." * t * But Jimmy -unlike some artists we Wright mention -is a man who possesses certain moral scruples. Not too many, of course but enough to make difficulties at times, "Just suppose," he objected, "that the big lug doesn't happen to shake itis fist at the crowd to- night, holy will I look turning in a picture showing hint in the act of doing it?" But we quickly coin - MUTT AND JEFF - TODAY I GOTTA AAS A IN COURT WITNESS, MUTT! f„rtr 11 hint. "'Think nothing of it," we said, "You get tine picture dune and we'll guarantee the action to accompany it. 14 11 * That night, in the dressing -roots, we had a heart-to-heart talk with our friend Stasialc. "Stanley," We said, "one thing we want you to he sure and do, out in the ring, I; shake your fist at the crowd - shake it gond and hard, so that everybody can see." But, to our surprise, Stanley didn't once fall in with our suggestion, \\'c won't try to reproduce his Russko-Polsky accent; but we gathered that Ile had been doing the fist -shaking act quite frequently on former local appearances, anti thought that he should give his public something nen' and different in the way of gestures of defiance. But we sol- emnly impressed on hint that the fist -.shaking was a matter of life or death to us, and at fast he con- sented. "All right," he said as we departed for a ringside scat. "For you i do it, my frau," * * 1 So everything was all set -or so we imagined. But, somehow, there were two or three matters we had overlooked. C nc was that Stasiak was making his first focal appear- ance in some considerable time; and the crowd, which had really missed hist, was glad to have hint back, Another -that his opponent this evening happened to be an- other wrestling `villain', who on re- cent had got he mob showingsa It to hating hint with a bitter hatred. And a third -that Stasiak, when Ile promised anything, always caste through, somehow or other. Try to imagine our feelings, then, when Stasiak appeared in the ring for the stain bout and was greeted with, not the expected jeers, boos and catcalls, but wild and welcom- ing shouts of approval and rounds of hearty applause. The fans were happy to have the giant back and were letting him know it, But diel Stanley let a little thing like that deter him from his duty? I -Ie (lid not! Like the great actor he was, he stuck to itis script, conte It- or high hater. Grandly he strode to the eastern boundary of the ring -and shook that menac- ing fist in the (ace of the ap- plauding crowd. Unhurriedly, methodically, he walked round and repeated the gesture over the ropes to the south, west and north. 'Then he proceeded to a spot immediately above where we were trying to bury ourself beneath the ring apron. "You t'iuk flat's enough?" he in- quired, in a whisper that could be heard for half a block, "Or should I maybe go round and shake de fist some more?" * ( The customers were, natually, somewhat puzzled over the whole thing. 13ttt iimmy's picture of the fish shaking Stanley in next day's paper made a big hit. Everybody commented on what a typical and lifelike Stasiak pose the artist's genius had caught so quickly. Peace Parley At Paris Ends Dn,,pite Numerous Clashes Proposals Pave Way For Final Agreement The Conference of Paris, which in eleven weeks of gruelling work produced the first more or less complete texts of the first five peace treaties, will hold its last formal session and will then pass into history, says the New fork I talcs. i'a'en more than 11106t peace conferences, it brought heart- brt;tks to many, di:appointed many hope, and in its end result pleased few, if anybody. But considering the way the stage had been set for it and the limitations placed upon its freedom of action, it (lid well cn,n:,;h, Despite the numerous clashes that were its most out - Standing feature, it did not break down but accomplished its task on schedule time. If it was unable to change )chat the Big Powers had previously agreed upon, it did give voice to the conscience of mankind and on points not preciously de- termined it was able to stake re- commendations to correct the grc:;1est wrongs. * 1 * What the Conference was able to do was to bridge the between Russia's pan -Slavic nrt- gulf bloc and the \Veslern democracies. It slid build bridges. by means of the recommendations passed by a two- thirds majority, which, if accepted by the Big Four (who Hurst ap- prove the final tests), provide a way for final agreement, But the gulf retrains, and \fr, Atolotos made it plain in his last speech that Russia scorns the bridges and will continue to challenge every decision of the Conference not to its liking, * 1 * After agreeing to the Conference and fighting for a two-thirds ma- jority, Russia nolo in effect repudi ares both, and throws the long- dehatc(1 issues back into the lap of the Foreign Ministers Council, which meets in New York noxi month. Yet the Council will do well to remember that even after it finishes with the treaties these must still go to the Governments of the United Nations for final ratification, and that, if Mr. Moto. toy as the representative of a dic- tatorship need not worry about public opinion at honk. all demo- cratic Governments must. .11141. 11.1 .,u Buy the new Real Life Crusoe The story of l;ol,in,on I. i n:.o0 was based on the at!oat o' orti of Alexander Sill:it1., iei.,, a;,rnt four years cat an i•ko,,i tiff III, coast of Chile, Sold by All Druggists --25c, 35c (tube), 50c end $1.00 How to Combat RHEVMATIC PAIt Rheumatic pains may often be caused by excess uric acid, a blood impurity that should be extracted by the kidneys. 11 kidneys fail, and excess uric acid remains, it may cause severe discomfort end pain. Treat rheumatic pains by keeping your kidneys in good condition. Get and use Dodd's Kidney fills. Dodd's help your kidneys get rid of trouble -making poisons and excess acids -help you feel better. See what Dodd's can do for you, 137 "TAKE GIN PILLS ! 71 advises Sydney woman. Recommrends 40 )ear cid remedy "I suffered for years front /ldney trouble without getting much re- _ lief. '1'hert 1 ir,edGnr /'ills. /VJler - laking3 boxes I/eh tett' much im- p cored."-Mrs.V,L.,Sydncy,N.S, Gin Pills help remove the tcids - that can cause aches and pain, Sold by all druggists on a "S ttisf.lction. or -money -hack" basis. Use prove, their merit. Regular size, 40 Pills Economy size, 00 Pills ace (In tho U.S.A. ask for Gino Pills) National Druz g C! emkal Company of Canada limited If up1ured Try This Out 11o:tern I'rolerN in I'ro,Mrs Errol Comfort mid holding "warily WITHOUT TORTUROUS TRUSS WEARING An "eye-opening.' reycl'lrlon In sensible and comfortable reducible rupture proteliou may be yours for the asking, without cost or obliga- tion. Simply send name /104 address to 11'III!aut S. itice Appli'ulce ( o. Ltd , 5 \Vest Adelaide St., 1)ept. 121-1t Toronto, Ont., arid full details of the new and different hire Me- thod will he scut you Free. \1'ilhout hard flesh -gouging pads or torment- ing pressure, here's a Support that has bruin; lit joy and comfort to thousands -by releasing them from Trusses with springs and strops, that bind and eta. Designed to se - moody hold a rupture up and In where it belongs and yet give free - dont of body and genuine comfort, lar full information -write today( TU EASE SIMPLE HEADACHE 'r Es TO Nt1O f K 'AN 1lISi ; GENUINE ASPIRIN IS MARKED THIS WAY Canada Savings Bonds The best investment for Canadians Denominations: $5(I to $1,000 Write or telephone now. 36 King Street (Pest 1 in'u0to 1 Telephone: i'lgin 4321 SO, IN CASE OF FIRE, WRING THE TOWEL -So I WALKED ^ NE SAID IF DOWN THE WHAT YoU DONT TRACK AND DID GET OFF I ASKED A HE THE TRACK MAN WHERE SAY? YOJ'LL GET Do I GET IT SQUARE THE TRAIN? ^i IN THE BACK! THEN I GOT OFF / THEN WHAT THETRACI:! ,4g -IIAT? Y00 Y't (c. ,D0? tc; j THEN 1 SAW A THEN TRAIN COMING WHAT? FROM THE trot r-"' Wood, Gundy & Company Limited ., i.,,• • MA .1 SI, 1 111 u. . 01., 1.1.4 By BUD FISHER THEN 1 YES, THE' RAN RICHT THEN SAW A THEN INTO EACI-IOTHER WHAT TRAIN vJHp,T7 AND HED y UIDO? t^'01MING EACH OSMASTHER UP.' FROM THE - rt.,. NORTH! WHAT COULD I DO? I SAID,"THIS IS oNE HECK OF A WAY To RUN A RAILROAD.'" AND I WALKED! I 61 FACE 4. c, Elliott Insurance ,Ag%ancy ai BLYTI-I -- ONT. INSURE NOW! AND Bi'::1SSt'ItEl)..�=t Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - :tccidenv.. J. H. R. Elliott Gordon ,Elliott Office Phone 104. Rr:sitIcnce i'hone, 12 ur 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE. 11110110tA):w1tNANAAN2,114A,a211w'`_'9sta:1?i%Di'A2intal;,tn,,. �I�la�l, tete RATION COUPON DUE DATES I 't'"' ` SI 1 ' `''• i:oulm, n.,tl' eali'i ;u't \I t 1 THE STANDARD 'Wednesday, October 13,19'1(1 1 1VESTI' IELD ! LONDESBO1tO \I I Sp, :_•;,•Ill re of 111!1 hen; r I \Ir, ,lust 11 r,, \1 iil I; 1\ r1 ;u111 \I1 ! NIT •. ,'1 I. 10- 1Vill I.ton ,'n'nt ;ht. Merl, -1 111 11 htI \i•i!c,l :: I r:,L,\ iti, \Ir. and ,hcrcr ;til Hamilton. II \II 11'. II \Ir• liarrt t'"„h It a, i'1 'I'o,rtlrt, .r1 1,1 c11 r I:'1 x1'11 !.I 1.1,1:., .. tt it!i 1 •, Cr tiara at. 1! t' , 1 Ir. ,I;luu!tt,r, \Ir. and \1r, l'I If'r,l Sur lercock 11; • 1\ t 1..;:, r. cut the \\t cic-enol at \ial;u;t \!r 1 \Ir., t„Ir,!,1 i :,it 1 tt,•rc I itl!c \li tiu,.lit (• 111, \I ;I, ol,rrat 1t+ t• • :1 �.:i t"l It :1t the 1II'ntc 111 c'1 1'u la•t I rillal :n 11,,,t'I'1t,,n III„- ti NIr. x1.1 \I, • I \11 Itril u, Ili I;ollrricll. pita' ;toll 1\1' are i,'l.t,l That •ltr i, hr:trr ply t3tN01 i ... •\I r. :u!,1 \I,-• 11;u1r; 1 \Icl'a!Iun1 of and ahir 1,1 114 !I1 we again, \I1 • 1 111,1 I'.IiI1n 11;11 11 r..ani Mr' I. 11. were ,I I. I i I: I:It11nI,' \Lite\\ in 1, n(b'n on tir:ula\' to ,1.e \Iv. Frank I,tl::t r r , I21 n \\'1 I'.I',I!;t\ \,, 1:111 \Ir> \\. 1'. t•:1, 1;1- (fall, tt'L,I i, ver\ ill 1'1 the ht ,okra\. Int ,t! t)1 t1 111 ;1:1,1 I !I, \Ir. ;riot \1r•. \IcItnnell,l and \Ir. I' I:ff •! \1,11•'1 111 'f,'.,'rlo, i anll1.1 Killl,lrr, t :'t._ :I r u:;1!c• 111 \t,,.,. \\ t', hi, \Ir. ant \11 I'. tiv'n+ \Iiltl,n, ;11- Int 26.."~#~4.4.N•tNNNWN.►Nt NItPNt♦NNNtiNl iN fi IPNlt Nl, f #- VC" t tt'.e#0.r. HALLOWE'EN 1 _ . .. ., . y , 1. 1 H ,4l I,L..c .1 I L 4tw44) I a -I . 'fl .41116 11 and Monter Masquerade .0 u , , 1 ,. 1. 1 I , .., , 14 1 1„Inn,..4 _ 4 f.1 II .116 ..i X1.1.01 1114.rY BLYTII COMMUNITY It NiTi' MEMORIA11 1i. 1414 Thursday, oto ei•-.1 • .. , 11 ,. 1 41 111,4 ,P4.'! • ,.%.11L:6,1 .11 .1.11,4Y6.+,.1.II. W yIiA,,. Sponsored by The Blyth Lions ('tub Free Party fcr Children In Costume at S::30 P.M. Prizes Will Be Given. DANCING WILL COMMENCE AT 9 P.M. with Special Prizes for Ladies and Gentlemen. Ferrier's Oi'eliestra LUNCH COUNTER IN THE MALL, Admission 50c; School Children 25c. Plan Now To ,loin in the Fun on Hallowe'en Night. MIN+N•IINNMNNNNNtfNNW', •NI 0N014,0.1E4W, ANNOU a I'• tl'•, .\!' yell \I:• \ 1: \\:11 !t. It,phed the ph tt'rt1: lu;llch at fort .\I- \ 1.1 'l;, r 1,11:,,. • from :11, \ 4 i t , ;it- hent ;tall \t ere t'uc,t, 111111 \I r. ;toll 1:1!1 :he I'I,'tlt',IIIItg \I:tic', at Port \I I'•. I 'In'rl I';III ,: rviec olt•r Illy 111 •t ,.t, l; \tc1.1,-n1,1. 11, 1, v , t 1„ 1. .\I lt':.Int, Irl •tor nl 11u' 11;111 V, ,If1.',I o t T.•1 ( !nlre't, l l'nlun, \t 11 In'ctclt in Cit. i`' 1 ”' 't `rIt 1^ 1n';i I'nill of l'I'Icc;t herr n tiunrl'1}', ;til I 1 ', .:t t•. „1:. \. !yeoman t\ ill 10. rich ow .\n- Blyth Radio Service ORDER NOW .1 1'oi' Beatty Washers, !rollers and Vacuum Cleaners, New Radios Now In Stock Stewart -Warner Table Model (Electric). Sparton Table Model (Battery). 111 1 , . 11 I wSE) R( :1 BATTERY R.ADAI) - A BAR( AN Radio Repairs - All Makes. Large Stock (11 'I'ii bes and Parts on Hand. Batteries, Bulbs and Supplies, GLENN KECHNIE \I \V. ' 1' I•,'t,''11', \I 1 tyre r'\ St-r'ce in nu 11a;,ti t Work (tuai' lnteecl. 1' , 1 ', 1.i. \\ t t ('!�tll•111 in Clinton,. 1 I hone 165, Blyth, \! r, ;.:1,1 Mr,.II 1 't1 ' !!1 I'i ir.h r'. I lr t;• (i, neral awl \I I',. I?, 111.ttar, i• • I I ,. 1 t!!!!.. 1 11 h l 111' %%1,11 ,1i t\Ito herr •n,! rrinrnn,l 1111',1 ;,I! r •''I";,I",,.c !'11' 1'; •t month frontI'.It:latlttl, 1\'lll'I'l' 11111' have been 1 grammL . .11 .�. .. ,.. _n 1,1 ,... 1, 1,.1 _. 111.1, uI1. a.11. u.641, ■1. 1... 1 11• 1, 1. ..,. \',:', I :' •'•1I 1•. f1 t' ;IIuit1' 1 ;t 1.1"II', \-1,1",,I ills' I;Itirl'', 1 er;lllkal� t!a' tractor on \lunch\', Ila'I I un: ,,'1 tiun,ts,1-, 111 ther, \I1 I':. I.\'on, Nod IIi, .i -ter, 1 21 .r 1'I i ,'.;1 1,' I, NI r•. C. 1\'at,Iln, 011, \vents, 1-' 1.1 ! 11'1t 1., II. ♦ \I•. \,uta --'—•'--\'---— •,1,1L, DONNYBROOK t ' ,;•,• �Ir;f''1 t !'I I!u' rt1i111 't \i '•. \ \I •I ; 'lt '" \ rI'a,li, 11;1 i , iu,lell \! •• Lucv Thon'I, •on \I.'!) ",tell. 11u 11;, ri'11 11,'1• tunther, • n; \1r. ;In I Mr, \1'. I_ l'rai,;, of _ 1 „nllo ,, \, itlt h'• hr,'lltt•r, Art, '181 ;uttl 1i 1' I're,tou, 1\1111 hi. irircnt,, 'Ir. aryl; 2' \\'r ;Ire t!;t11 1.' rr',1'rl (.1;!'“1.1'Il 11 n. '111,;Ila. I,IniIl.lyd; 111„ Virginia\\ ;I'•I' a1,! , • , 1,1. ' 1'I' trent ('Itt -- i (“1„;•;•;;;,\. \Vitt !. lr, \\ ith her t;r;u'•t-, `t II„ ;lt,1 \tI.r he !ta. hrc11 It,•,'rt:t \Ir, :1n,1 \Ir<. N. l'Itantnec• ! I 1 a 11.1::1'nl ;111' I t I ,\ \•.t"'I�' ♦; `!•' I' n'! \' \Ict�,•uat i 1�, Ir1.noLoud, It, tt,Ih t;• a c:•it r, her parent,. \Ir. and \Ir. I 1'. Nolo-i 2 1 \v;t!t !1'. 11::;hlr 11nri,1 t Itr l'!1,nin', ' 11!;,!!!1,•,\,•• I:• n'• n; \Ir. a1;,1 \I r,. 'fell 'I'111,ntI1.,m \11,1e1.1;011 ;:r'! \ti•, Ann,. l'hainner \Ir. ;toll \Ir. 1,,1,,1. \Ic(io\rttt ,,f 11"n!ham High School. at their S;tt•,r,la,' rt London. ' It 1 ' Mr. 1 1 Jinn an 1 I•:Iltv;n~I , 11 11 tie're, here. r- , I'oi• iritls'''~n'rrrall a- t 2 ♦ ,,,1\ it 11 \Ir, ;1n1! \It•• 1!. 1Itntkin'�,! Iort ;! .\!ht rarh Ilay ul 1111• Init_•111 lite cr:;.i1'n I Itt't!IIutlt'sI n lienal I 1„\t•in:; \tole\\, \Ir. ;1111 \Ir... ('arntan Pratt and Mr. \!I', '1c1; \v;nl a ;cn; in anll Mr,. Fred I?. Pratt of ilrotrn,ville. Vi, I 'I i 1 II, -'.,it:t!, LID!, n. E.\ ST WA IVAN051-I \II',, t r'ai!..t: \Ir. \\'al•ret Ita111f 111 of 2 4, 2 2 i ti AUBURN Thu 1:11. i1 '\nhttttt 11;1, 11'11 1n'rcrnl_ ,1 ttl; :\!tltivrr,'tr)' St'r\'it''• heitlt! car - 6,1 011 for tituu1;1\' at IIrat. and 7.311 1, nl. in I!te I're:,ht'Irri;ttl l'I1t,rell. kr,'. 1.. 1'. •!beget,., tt of 11111.'e;Itc, wilt Peter1, and unt'nil ,111\Ienn,rial Honor R 11 i,t tit' morl:n;;, C;y • } \I 1.x1. re -en! vi,:tm'• ;it the hunt' of Mr. aid \I r•. J. l:. I 'ttinr In and other friend,. BELE IRAVE \Ir. x•11 \Ir•. 1. (i, :\nrltr, r and \I r. ;Intl \Ir,. l.'. t . 1'ou11r :',eat the t\t' k-nu'I \Pith rrtatit'c.: at I'rincctcn. tanlc> I I•,l t r, >on of \Ir. and I \'I,' Ilo.•11t•r, 3x11 tin,. \I":ri,, ha'l the rti,f ,runt' to break Itis aril 101'11! the opening E 1 3 , Boots, Shoes IN MI,1'IORIAM :\ large number fel rat here ati 'tt l,'lt ►l.\ 4,61n.! u•na rt' of 1,11u1 the ploy, it,; match at I'nrt .\Ih1.rt 1'I,t Ener, It h., pc 110.111I \ 11;1. -ch ;neat' 1.111• 1 h toper 271!1, 11141, in it , 8211(1 \'ran, \I r,, 11'. 1 irllle, i, under the I tor- t r', care ;It c>el:l• \c\r; tort:,,:ten. ani ;tl','.;tt , reme111- The Ilc!:;r;n'1. .\,1".11..\. 111.1,1 thrix htrrll, atilt kind thou,{111•, i rutightl}' mrctttti Friday at IIIc \I r•. lean C!,Iwford. home of \Ir. tut:\ \I r,, 1VI11, Ilridge, Ih,t lilt:ti:'. I4tr,ll I'r;Illlnmu tta, itt 1\1111 \'icc•I're,Irlrut, Irene L ;tit, in charge of the programme. 1.. '111,1,1041 x41 DOMINION OF CANADA BONDS 4? 1°o due November 1st 1956 HAVE BEEN CALLED FOR PAYMENT NOVEMBER 1st 1946 These bonds should be presented for r�. ',. redemption with all coupons of later date attached. No further interest will be paid on these bonds after this date. ens Furnishings, and Luggage SATU AY, OCTOBER 26th RATHER THAN DELAY OUR OPENING ANOTI-IER TWO 1VEEKS, WE ARE OP, RING ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26TH WI'I'II A COMPLI(','rE LINE OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHHAMEN'S, ROOTS AND SHOES, AND RUBBER WEAP. WITHIN THE NEXT MONTH WE WILL BE ABLE TO SERVE YOU WITII A COMPLETE LINE OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS ANi) LUGGAGE. LIKE GORDON SELFRIDGE— 'The principals upon which we will build this business are as everlasting as the Pyramids. These principals are integrity, truthful- ness, value giving, progressiveness, dignity, liberality, courtesy, originality, a daily presentation of whatis new—coup\' -'' with a determination to satisfy," --G. R. IIARRIS. II ILII 1I Rollo ■ 111 11 1 1!111 II IIA,11 1 Wednesday, Ocioli .'I' ') i l914 Amplina Dye Fir (Iyriu:! .lull t'n 111:' !I unt11'Al \VuuI, `•II!,• r 31'1,1, 111 i,t') f;i 33'1'41' 28 colors • 1014 up•to•clule shades xlld 11 'i. \\ I II a,' NE11111`, Y \It',, ,1'1'1 GROCERIES, Fit(11•TS, ANI) VEGETABLES, STEITS GII:N1,i►:1I. S'['i1111• WE DELIVER — PHONE 9 FOR SAi.E \• i1i1 I Mr- .\n •r lit 11;11, I . n;; l i,, WA i'!'EO EI i ,, :1,33. I, I• .:?,11 11,1,. I' lI 1111, !II Ire: 11 I. 118•'1,. Ikon. . FOR SALE Iris STANDARD GROCERIES Z -Lary Hornc's hlnvl.urin''s, G'lalinr Sandwich Spreads, Swc, l Chi:ltcn Ileddir, ;i;lydinc.t, 'f1 .s, C♦.f-!? fees, Toddy, I' slung, i s II 1 33:1•. II t', 1 l., Id •\Ir'ls S;uu Canned Meals,s, Peas, Peas & Carrots .11., I'i1 11, Iflt II,_1.1._1.1.. I::i I M'ixed oalat, Juices. FOR SALT: Cuelard F'cwdc:s, Pudding I'nwdrlc, N, P. •111 111 1 it 'N (Ili k1), 111'1, 'I't' 1,I ill: it, el ,'I, i„I l:i:, II, I1 it;u !e, I". It 31'31. '_--itti I. FOR SALE 1;;1111 !.331111 (1,,1„'133, for partleudir p 'n, I' -is, 13131„ I;S-I COURT' OF REVISION ~^ !; Melding Sp'ces and Jar I Il t.rs• i s s Pioneer Fee.1 • Shur (lain Feed, Royal I'u1 plc Ca'f Heal. BULK MINCE MEAT (Ple,lsc Bring Container), VILLAGE OF BLYTH Iter i,i"H 331 thy •' Ae Le Olt \ illi&:;&` 1'33 lt11t11 111, t' ;Ir I'll', 3 33!1 lir 11, 1,1 in III,• ! WE DELIVER—PTIONE 39. Hitt! \11 110'r:A i Lill, utt 1'11' •d,l\', Or ' ,,,�,,,,,�,�, ���� t !', r _231',, ;l) Co' 3311''•' „f ti N/r•r•r IIrI(•r,rCrll•♦,IrJIIC /'1113 ' Ail NIC MIttiN 11.1.11)'1•'1'. I 1 / ROY 1' Til E11TltE, CLINTON. NOW PLAYING: -"She Wrrte Thr Bred," starring Joan Davis and Jai h ()aide. Mend 1y, "Tuesday, Wednesday Cialidrt'o Co'b^rt, John Wayne and Drn i)r Fore, I 1„ I II.I'1 !• 111 t1. Ino; 1; 111, tI; "WITiIOII'!' REWRVATIONS'' 'I hursday, Frit y E•.lurday Itul'e. Livc,ry, Anon Wallsroolt and Deborah Kerr, 01.31,"n' !I' ',r,l"'I 1, !he ya 1, "COLONEL 11LI111'" - Technic :lor -�� PAGE 5 ('Al'I'I'A1. '1'11 F TRE !31':(11':'\''1' '1 : i I',:1'I'1RE GODERICH. SCAFuI( r,•, NOW PLAYING: In 'Technicolrr !'!owJ'!ay 111.3: ,I U. : 11:•vi." in Will Jallll•b' t teat story ' SMOKY "SHE 1V1(01 F. '1'11E BOOK' Monday, Tuc diy, Wi dncsday Cary Grant, Alc.y's Smith and and Monty Woolley, '1, 1:11' "NIGil'I' AND DAY" Thvis•I1v, Iral iv, 9 ii'n day - Dau.l Andrews, Rilhard Conte and George Tyne i; 1! q • It, 1,11, 1,1;1 • 1-::. ,I- :r• 'I '1 "A 1,I•«11.K :0'4 THE SUN" COh11PIG: '11'hes On Swing Stie.l' Ccming: 'I.OVER COME -BACK" _sod "'i'r: rcr 'Jy N;ght." 1 _ --Adult Entertainment— . _ Mt.tiares Sat. & Iii lidays at 2.30 p.nt Mat., Wed : Sat., Ilolidays 2.37 pm , Monday, 'I'ur_d ty, Wt -in s lay l.lat,dett.• (ulin'rl, Ct•,,r;c Iirt'nt ,utd t)1'L0111 WrII: "IU L9r1'(1iu v LS 1-:il:I:V1_R__ Thur t1,,y, friday, Saturday BURGESS MLR EDITH ' G, 1. .101:" C(0.11I` (;�"1',r+oil 'i,; r\I;ii'ts„ r, i "Stn' (;els IIrr A2 t�Ya+s .Sad & 11.1'dilys at :.':i, 1,3u •;u� .:. �, ✓.•i.:: n••P�rOJ • t •:••i:.r;•.;•:':. rS •� :•r� r;•.S «.4 ;..;«,•, • X11 . . ..LI 1 [ [t I' •_ ,.,., .._ _ - ....�__.�__. ... '1J I,1('I;(1�1I'I'Ili:: " � •;• t TIKIISON �?S •:• ATTENTION° I '!' e �' WINCHAM—ONTARIO. s I NC 1 ICI TO (ON'1 RAL 1 ORS - s fl'�'� � ''' �'' I • ;?: 1 ;i r4If eiiij 1 ` • •Z in „,nu:1,' '11 r;1 :1'In ;1'111 rrll;lil . l 11'1 ♦Sill)11'S Silt• Night •1'()I)1 130()11,+.� +�•\b1: IIAVE ON HAND— •t; a, 33;1'33' •I,Ir; rl:!!I,Irlr ;It t I .1f.r 1 in,: 111' I.;Iidl;lie l;;l a ill \I rri" ('illlil(lil?i I�ill'ti14t 1'11311?';1 1)'!I 1,1 Ill I'3 Inl!1! r ;,11'''33 'll ;_; 11ASSEY-11ARItlS REPAIRS. J; `1311; 11;3', at r:I I'.\I. '_ L `_ ` ' I I!Il' 1)1':1111 on \11'l'llll ll'1' 1"1, I'1 I'1, ;It It =• •i' t• ,t �1,f{)h PACS 113' 11111 Ii1, ''♦ Movie Patironsi.. '' .1 j 331;!lllll; i�lOtO!' (ill• i' .;. DItI1.L 'flJBES. '( I;ulr'1" �11 .,•1 ,• . r :� I"'In• 1 33331'1'33,,11- 111;1\' hl' PUMP rL1 ZINGS and TAPS. •t• t !'hr.'s, Fri., Sat., October 24.25•''133` f 1Ol)il('('1):i, ('i,'.;'i11'e'tte , 1 01),.33. •1 1 11 ;I: 11+r 1 !1 rl:'• ,133 fi. r, ' PHONE, 11LY'1'11 fila. •_ ;z 2: 33!!1(1 Otll"' Sundries. 1 3 , iL. C. MARTIN, a (SPECIAL) • ' ` II\_! ���C YV�o�ItS"�`•.d�' '�:�.�. P. ��1��'� d; ;_. ';��1 t'n 333331 (;ii,' Ill,tl `.►i!!.�','; I 1 , Silllll'(�;1 j' �1r�11 ��I(DH',ti $ -t•I`''I`' ,, _♦ "COURAGE of LASSIE" ,: ,, ,1, �• . 'leen 1 AGENT FOR— '; ; �lillll rJl,l'CC'l• 115'tll.'' Have 1� 1 NOTICE y •: PHONE 92, BLYTH 55.32° i• _• '= I v e 1 ('en 1 '' ? D y • �' I:I;zaht.Ih faylor, Lassie, •$ o• r « , ... , r lstile(' ��( (� Voters' List, 194G, 'I'o,vnship of �M 1 ill Il 1, OIL, Ltd.( • •• •• •• :::..:•...: • • • ♦ •• Frank Morgan .t• : :•,; {.:.r;';.r.,:.>,:, I ilullctl, G'unty of Huron, I u••• •••••u. •.•,.,�•♦0•:.I,..:♦ rr 4'4.33. J•,«•♦.330 •• IN i' --- --- --� "'Tlvc shows each night, 7.30 and 9.30'=; :':� / 'TILL I . 1 !, !, t r1) 311;11 1 Il;n r ;+ rl, 1'Fen 13I1111 i� • pe '''II 1 3! 13:1!1 ti,`I';1 11 :1 ii 111, \'I ,I1'I' FOR Sn1.F: PILES :In. 3'11,1\. •. ____----_1�.--._.___..'.._. ,' I;U1Y:11ti1 11''. 1;1,[,1O'1„[, ✓r i('luul'1a� flail 1 I.I: \, I, ;111'1 !led 1 ;' ! .. a;1;1'1•,1 if'�III ;1 :♦ \1;331 Li\• ;lil''I1111"II lit —III '1 1 I.' c '"..,1,, 't I 1)111 r1,11.., t r 1'"r I Iulu11 have •Ir1 1111 11111(11- 1331 ",3" 1,1;133'" and l', IIIlu, 1'1) r"Ill,l',• .• I lit inti': i1) 3!'r °'Mon,, Tue..., Wed,, Oaohcr .'.?,'29.3' ' 1 Z 1 ill:utr 111 1.1',11!1',- I„ ill ,in. ,ill 1 1 38, in 11. 1 ''',111i "'u 'eI1I'r 1.1;.1 tor, TM I r",1'11'1,11 3331,,1. •_• :sun.,,., U1111I Iiii'llie' I�i)l(e(' 1 1,,11,,, II flit' I''t!I ,'I1 .'f 11. 1.,!..." I"I'', IIh11ur 1'I III I:I\th. II`;_I 'I r3 Bunkers Herbal Pills 11, Irr;lt '_, "MY REPU'I'A'fION" 1; i.d' I';I:r,''I 11 .\ i;' l'r'",;till 11 II 111: i II'1 I' , I .,II 1'�1 1 111;111 ,I 1,1 volt' 1 't 3'133 I:•r :it 1!" •,'lll'e r. \11,111'1' IGIt'h i ,� !” ' '. II', I"�!IL'I'!' ir,•;;ll;lll II. . •1' al t It' lllcli- FOR SALE ii ,,,•,,,r,;,,.111,,,,,,,;,,,,,.,1.1,1,:,,.. out ,all•f3'. .11 ,Barbara Stanw cls, George Ill'cntr r' �• a .r• 1 ,u,1ul!':1 ;nl•ttcl1 I y I 'e i'1 ,t! Ill 1 t !I; t, ! y ! ')''. • ♦ ♦ • , ♦ • ♦ • • r 133:111 I .I.r',::,:',:,.'1.' ';':':'' 1,1,.11', I III:I'!" ,: It l• IT11• ' •I! 1' 33 '" 1111 ;Ill. 111;133 �II1'J .) rl' 1 I r.:'00,01.....:. , •♦•�•/♦,♦ �•r,•r,♦r,•r:P•r;•:,1 ,•�r,••,u;nS :,u� .•., I' (1 ,'1.;,11 \\'111111 1,I, '1,1, in plod q 'I "',1a't•, 11,1',1• •,' ( ..,I' 141; .1t 'I n' .11:,:,'!",,1 O 1 1'.1'1'11, � ll II, t iLN,Jb.. L.CILR2.di .111M1, III .I L4.Jrl'I II II:cI'' We wish lo thank cur Friends \;III IT,.„. I;i:r 111 r1, 133,;3 1" �..ulit• ! ";I•, COURT OF REVISIONI + , I1•. L' 1'.'.33: i',. lit' .13331 1 !33,11„n. •icnc c and 1 � 1', t r, 1 t r � � 1”'i*-..'‘' 1:,,1r,V;,dtc awl sal ,(,rill n / ' :I,'• ni.,' I' r1' D. d, t, t••', I, n, It,h. \33, 1, .\n ,urn. n; -I. TOWNSHIP OF HULLE'1"r I ELLIOTT1 II li 111 11;11'3 1 Gu.u'.::I�rr.l. Patrons f:r their PnUonage• A any rrtnr, or IIII•-3333,1. cirr3rtc,l ar-' I '1�1,r 1'"nrl of Itr3•"''.n for Cllr � � I _ r'r11', I" 1;1,1. FOR SALE 1',,,,,1.1133, „ ('11:11t1J'.' [ .1):11,['; 1 f IInIkit „11 Ow .\,,y-,- t1 Y —COMMUNITY PICTURES $ 1111' i.1•t '1;13' i r 113'1" ell I',' I IIII' I (in'V (3, "1. 1",' 111"'3• ‘11.c.'y: I- 'u, 311 11'!1. 'ill he 1131'1 n I ri lily,' i ea1\I state Agency I LICENSED AUC'i'10[�!EER. : I rill 11'14 t �.,d3r7'{!,rt', 1'11',. 3I'r'rVll`r I'll 1, ;1!I 11'111', "I/1' ,.\ 1 ' . { 1 inqu r3 :•11. r;l', r I: I,I, at -:,in I . \I., ill the Is. GEO. W. COWAN, C1.FatK, ;It '1'!11' Standard 1iiir, SI, 1 1 'I 31. J3I,1"1'11• !`"1'1.(133;,u'. Lam' 111• 111':1 1111,11 l' 11, Itic L t nuunn;t+ 11;1133. 1.11,1"• II t I (111 ,. f,114,1,1,3311 of ifnllctt. 118-11,. 11\-,;, (331':,1. \1' ('O\1'.1\, t'Icrh•! 11 •-.;; ` ,• , , 'n i, ;11,,.'11.'1 rl: 133! i ` �;I. I• • :I'i,,l'11,,t, n ;,!1,,,D. 1 1'r I„ 117 1)ur Agency ha, tide it'll"13 in. 1 � 3 •it , n;• . r 1'.i 101. ..\',,. •1. 1 133;13,111 1 In'Ill'e1,1- 11'td 11 I'I `;111': 1 IIII ;I:Ic•: 111!11 (':'n,'i' i,,,I IIullrl1 1! Tia n,'I1I1: 33 33;1\ 133;1(11 ; ;lint'+ 1 ' ?1;1',1'1„1111 Lu,11 1 1':: t„rr1113 brit I. 1, 1 t1t1t'I;M,_•; Irn1111' 1411.31 2,'3\'1.1 - ,if1''', 1 it a;', cement •t,Il11in'. , 11;3)1 r :n ,31,1''1'.; 1 11111 ;Irl',,, ("II"3":3333 8 :',I, rr" 1 ; Y 'T'+11(hi1a T'i'lde 1I1,,'1111133 IQ's'',' - t a Ir,'\Ili'; frintv Iron ,H'''.?''; •r,'";1111 / tart; 3)I')„3311', 33 1!1 L;Into, ,il''\ll,'' 1 1 cement ,i11,1111� l\'331!1 11(111'1' III 1 ; "1.31,1e... 1;u,lrtt r-;I"re 1'11 !rail. t 1 11.x' and 1 „I e•; hricl, 3 env, r t 1 tlhVcllin.; on Iiill-11'y "lrcct, 1:11111.1 1 tw't1i Iln;lrll'r-;1)'r,' 33) I,1n11: ;1',111 / t1 ;IC re ill 1;11111 11 ii li franc' ,1,1!11' 2I':, 1 i S 12'. \\':II ell rr;lil,ltel\, or 111e 1 i S cnlirc 11'-1I !Ino. i 1 Ihl ,int I ' !' ' rl< 1711 ()urrn ` u'r1't. ;to' i 1111'tll. \\ :Il ,,'il 1; "T'E A El c5o 4°211 �. T EASUR1E (81F THE SEA By George E. Walsh ssx01'sts 1'11141"1'KIl IN: In Ih,. ;Ur.•ss tyir r'arihs hu;u•il tho ger and 0 •, i p,nver I,icl; and Pe...c, tt'Ii':i Diel: recovers rs cen,einu.ne s he Is Beeur, ls lint up. 'Vivo tells him he iv ;, rl<i!ILr the treasure that ('np- t:un I:•Ji-1.1 s;iil na CHAPTER X If 'fuse brlieced there \vas ane tees -arc hidden ori the schooner, he would search for it, spend days overhauling every part of the craft. I re concluded finally to favor the Idea that there vas something of value aboard, and that Captain Bedford had hidden it. By pretend- ing that Ile and Rose knew of its existence, hut couldn't locate it, they would gain time. When Tucti appeared a few hour; later, tvith the first streaks of d:vn breaking in the cast, Dick's mind was made up. Ile met the eyes of the old renegade with a look of compliance. '.1'ncu." he said, "you've got ole in your power, and there's no use fighting against fate, I'll slake a new deal with you, Captain Bed- ford has enough loot aboard to make those smuggled jewels look like cheap imitations." 'Thought y'said there wasn't none,"gro vled the than, scowling hard at his prisoner. Dick smiled. "That was before I thought you knew," he replied, "1 -wanted to get the treasure an' the girl?" "Wasn't any harm in that, was there?" laughed Dick. "You'd do as notch if you had the chance." "Reckon I got 'ern," leered the other, "No," slowly, "you haven't. 'You've got the girl, but you haven't got the treasure." "Pecl:'n one goes with the other. She'll tell \vhen I want her to." "No, she won't," replied Dick boldly, "for she doesn't know where it is." "The hell she don't! 1"re lyin' to me." ":111 right!" — shrugging his shoulders. "Don't believe ate. Ask her!" "1 f she don't know where it is, who dnc.:" he demanded surlily. "P'ain't lyin' to Inc ag'in!" ejacu- lated truce, eyeing lois prisoner suspiciously. "When did 1 lie to you before?" The other t,rowled savagely, and made no reply. After a while, he asked: "What's this new deal y'had in mind? Spit it out." "I wanted your word you wouldn't hurt Captain Bedford's daughter." replied Dick slowly. "If you promise not to harm lier, we'll help yon search for the treasure, If you find it we'll let you take it, if you leave the schooner to us. You don't want that. Slie's no good, and wouldn't be worth tow- ing to port." "Rcck'n she ain't a bad prize," murmured Tucu reflectively. "1Ve could get her to land if another storm didn't come up." "But another storm is corning," Here's really effective gentle relief from interrupted 1)ick. "You're sailor enough to know that. Feel the alr, and that wind—" * * * "There may be another storm, an' there niay be only a little squall," he said. "I ain't sayin' which." "No, but you know which it is," smiled Dick, "It's a storm." fere glanced uneasily around at the Horizon again. "Y'can't Help any in scarchin' the schooner," he decided finally, "But y'can lie here an' watch tis." "Then you don't agree to a new deal?" "If we find the treasure you an' the girl can have the schooner," was the grinning retort, "\tebbe y'can ride out the storm an' to land. I'll leave y'on it. "Then .it's a bargain?" • r The Half-breed regarded hint slowly before replying. "Yes," he said finally, "after y' show me where then) smuggled jewels is. Recic'n that's fair," "You're not greedy, Captain Tucu, are you?" laughed Dick. "You tvant the treasure and the smuggled goods. \Vhat do 1 get?" "The girl and the schooner," leered the other. "And if the scliooncr goes down in the storm I lose both." No, y'can swine fur it. Two on a raft's more comfortable than one, an' that's the way y'was when we picked y'up," Dick nodded. He Iiad gained his point. Nothing would happen to him or Rose while they searched the schooner for the mythical trea- sure, in the meantime, almost any- thing might happen — a ship ap- pear or a storm break. "We'll call it. a deal," lie said finally. leis ready compliance awakened the other':, suspicion. "1" got to help lis in one w'ay's he added. "You an' that girl's got to Help us." "How can the?" "By wheedlin' it out of the cap- tain, \tebbc he'll listen to his daughter." "I don't know about that; hut I'll promise to do what i can. Let me see her," The sun was rising in the east when Dick was led by two of the Caribs to the captain's cabin. His arms were securely bound, but his legs were free. Il:is entrance into the cabin brought a little exclamation of de- light from a dark corner. Rose Bedford came forward to greet hint, "Oh, they didn't kill you!" she exclaimed eagerly. "I was afraid they had." "Rose," he said eagerly, "Tucu believes your father's got some sort of a treasure aboard the schooner, and he's after it. I told him I'd Help him find it." • * * Instead of sleeting him with glad eyes, her face darkened. Dick had CONSTIPATION! Get glorious relief from sluggishness the proved Phillips' Milk of Magnesia way. So effective. So gentle. Just take 2 to 4 tablespoonfuls with water. You'll be thrilled with the way it helps you start each day keenly alive and refreshed, What's more, Phillip' Milk of Magnesia is one of the fastest neutralizers of excess stomach acidity known to science. Ito double -action means relief from constipation and relief from act indigestion. Remember d ..., a gNU,pi —PHILLIPS 0.1{ pfNay.r TABS :'gari 7 , rJlrfrtir JO ?MPS Sunday School Lesson Paul's Mission in Asia Minor Acte 181 1-5, 13.14, 44-46, 48-401 14: 26-27, Golden Text.—It was the good pleasure of God .. , to reveal his Son In me, that I might preach hint among the Gentiles.—Galatians 1: 15-16. Barnabas and Saul Are Called The church of Antioch had five prophets and teachers worthy of mention by name. Thee early Gen- tile church tlecnnte a fountain of light and life to many other places, The Iloly Ghost spoke to them al they ministered to the Lord and fasted, It was the Holy Spirit's work to call; it was•man's work to recognize the call and set the call- ed apart for work. But it was the work whereunto the spirit called Ilial they were to be set apart, The Spirit's Command l;vcry step iu that early Church was tiken in prayer, prayer to which men gave themselves so heartily that they withdrew them- selves even from necessary food to pursue it. The promptness with which this Church obeyed the Spirit's com- mand is worthy of note. The Spirit had denta,lded the best they had for the foreign mission field, and they gave thele up without a murmur. 7'licy would have liked to have kept 13arnal,as and Saul, but the Spirit called them elsewhere, and they scut them away. No directions seem to have been given as to where tl;ey were to go; so they made straight for the near- est port and thence for the old lionic of Barnabas. They were true to their commission; "they preach- ed the \Vord of God." Converts and Opposition Opposition did not frighten Paul and Barnabas; it made them the more bold. The \Vord of God ac- cording to God's crdcr must first be spoken unto the Jews, But as the Jews would not have it, it was given to others. '1'hc Jews in this lesson adjudg- ed themselves unworthy of eternal life by putting the Word of God front them; the Gentiles adjudged themselves ordained to eternal lift by believing the \\'ord of God, In their joy they glorified the \Vord of (iod, and saving faint in Jesus was exercised by "as many as were ordained to eternal life." So it was that the gospel message was pro- claimed far and \vide through the country. End of Journey Success in a widening field caused the returning missionaries to glorify God, The assembled Church heard all that God had done with them and particularly how he had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles. Thus clos- ed the first missionary journey which made a permanent impact and impress upon the pagan world, an uncomfortable feeling that she was searching hint with eyes of suspicion. "1 promised," he went on eager- ly, "that we would help hint search for the treasure." "You promised that?" she re- peated, slowly in a' cold voice. "Yes, to gain time," he continued. "While he's looking for the trea- sure we may plan sonic way of escape. Tucu won't leave until he's searched every part of the schoon- er, and that will take a day or two." She was quiet a moment, her eyes vaguely restless and uncer- tain. Dick had the impression that she was worried. "Why does Captain Tucu think there's any treasure on the schoon- er?" she asked slowly, Dick chuckled. "Front the rav- ings of your father. He heard him chatter about the prize he'd picked up. "And do you think there's any?" she added. * * • Dick was on the point of answer- ing negatively when a queer ex- pression in her eyes arrested him. He glanced soberly at her, and then instead of putting in a denial he countered with the question: "Do you? Is lucre any treasure on board?" She remained noncommittal, glancing fro: • hint to the two stal- wart Caribs, whose sleepy eyes in- dicated no interest in the conversa- tion. Dick became suddenly dis- turbed in mind. If there was any particular sutra of looney or gold or anything else of special value, he had not improved platters by tell- ing Captain Tucu he would help him in the search for It. In fact, he felt that he had complicated the situation. From the accusing eyes of the girl, he began to feel guilty of having betrayed a secret. "I didn't know there was any- thing, Rose,'' he said penitently. I s ppoeed your father's chatter was a mo9nehlae, I am sorry if I've— I ya blundered. $1Ig 4 10 THE EASIEST WAY Royal hands dug holes in which tree was planted to mark Captain Cook's landing place in Australia. Prince William, four, son of Duke of Gloucester, discarded spade. Girl Of The Period: Eighty Years Ago "The low-necked dress and bold look of the wearer arc signs of the present fast. frivolous and indecor- ous age, The Girl of the Period is a creature who dyes Her Bair and Paints her face; no one can say of the modern English girl that she is tender, loving, retired, or domestic." 1\'crc those words written today? No, lhcy were written just eighty years ago, and the trouble had started with the alleged flauntii,g of ankles on the parade at Brighton. It teas said "at the seaside most of the young ladies are thinking of the admiration they hope to excite and reveal in the mincing airs they as- sume at the approach of the oppo- site sex." No Hope For More Or Better Bacon Agriculture Department sources said last wecic there was little pros- pect, for some months at least, of inlprovcnient in the quantity and quality of bacon being sold for home consumption. They pointed out that Canada, be- cause of her declining hog produc- tion, was having trouble meeting her contract to supply Britain with 350,000,000 pounds of bacon this year and likely would experience similar difficulty in 19.17. This means that bacon, both in quantity and quality, will continue to be a rarity on Canadian butcher shop counters. Glycerine can be converted to more than double its weight of nitro-glycerine. Grabbing Time By The Wing Itold on to your hats) New York to lloston in 10 minutes, Not at all out of the question, asserts an authority on the turbo -jet engine. That's got a pair of oxen beaten by about a month. And ev'eti the magic carpet would be put to its hest to keep it in sight. "All aboard!" rings out at 1.a Guardia Field. Whish— Logan International Airport. All out; It was only a few gcncrationss ago that a railroad train, attaining a speed of 10 miles an hour, was considered the ultimate, says the Christian Science Monitor, And now we look forward to 20 miles a minute. Why, even the old chap with those "seven -league boots" couldn't hit a stride like that. Chicago iu 15 minutes, Around the world at its fattest part 111 less than a day. Where does Jules Verne fit in on a yarn like this? Price of Bread Remains Unchanged There 15 110 immediate possibility of an increase in the price of bread 4o the consumer, according to Chairman Donald Gordon of the Prices board, Mr. Gordon indicated the price line would he held at the present consumer rate of 10 cents a loaf for the average loaf of standard quality. Attention w;is being given, he said, to the possibility of the return of sliced bread for consumer de- livery, one of a number of peace- time innovations which were cline- innted during the tear, Way:1 11i lk•u.i II. 11 d4.I1td , raw 16,1 Tog %VIII l iiJoy Shying Al The St. Regis Hotel '1 011Oi\To • Every (loom w'Il11 IML Shower and Telephone • Slagle, 1112.50 up— Double, >r3,50 up • Good J and I)Ining an,d Dane. ' Ina Nightly Sherhonrne al Carlton Tr1, IiA. 41:15 �• -pRICES NEW LOW uta 1O0 not+t•b, • • GENUINE ASPIRIN MARKED THIS WAY 6t MakesYou Feel o Much Better D The Vitamin Bi Tonic Extensively used for headache, loss of sleep, nervous indigestion, irritability, anaemia, chronic fatigue, and exhaustion of the nervous system. 60 cts. Economy size, $1.50 hase's Nerve Food • 'Brisk, friends keep r, eating, resit, I say to myself. A11 mean Lipton's T a with that rand; isk flavour.". s�tr:�tt*� .. There's never a slip'twlxt e cup and the lip wh'ep yo hatifle tq brIek'tasting Lytton'{t 'rep; lie t'ea with the l(vely, spirit fiay9tg. i11; a4v J; wLhy wash,i I I alw,tie (iiasad b : t' ,ge today to ta$tt g Llpton'e Tea: JUST IN FUN 'J No Repairs Daniel Webster vas on day call - big on ex -President John Adams, Irh: at the time was failing rapidly In health, As they w ere talking on topics of the day, .r friend came in and asked the aged mart how he wr.t feeling. Adams smiled at the man, and replied. As a matter o[ fast. I inhabit a weak, frail, decayed tenement; bat •red by the winds and broke in upcn by the storms, and from all I cat learn, the landlord does not intend to make repairs." Economical ":'op, if I save you a dollar world yon give the fifty cents of ft?' " Y es, I guess so son." "\N e11, I saved it for you. You told me you woulo give me a dol'ri if I passed in arithmetic, and I didn't pass." That Should Hold Him in• (ending quarrel): "I see am; why a woman it often called .a bird." .1 -ie (smartly): ' Yes, because they Ere always on the lookout 'or crumbs." S1 e (quietly): "No, because of the w orms they pick up." Have It Changed An official with a very annoying manner was making an inspection of :n aerodrome. On this particular afternoon taraihute practice was being un- dertaken by a number of pilots, and the official asked question after question of one man about 111 experience and sensations wh'1t falling through t' , air. "Cut supposing your parachute fails to open while 'ou are coming down" lie asked finally, "\Vhat do you do then?" The pilot had had more than no. gh by this time. "Take 11 back and change it," he replied. THE SPORTING THING OBEY SQUADI` i I I lli l ..1 v all 1V Q-itrl1E VIII 1 I TI Tr IT "Remember now—this is a meeting of the cont collector's club!" Worse Sued for damages by a man he'd knocked down. the motorist pro- tested his innocence. "But," he exclaimed, "I was on- ly doing five miles an hour when the man stepped in front of my "11 hat makes it worse.' snapped the plaintiff's counsel "Iinagine the prolonged sui:cring of my all.' 1 as the car roac(I slowly ovel• hint" TABLE TALKSI .. • Thickeners .: . During the past few months, Canadian homemakers have had to use different types of "Thickeners" for sauces, etc. The Consumer sec- tion of the Dominion Department of Agriculture has received many inquiries as to the relative thicken- ing power of wheat, potato and rice fours, cornstarch and most recently wheat starch. After experimenting with these different flours and starches, they have found that rice and potato flour's and wheat starch have approximately the same thick- ening power as cornstarch and twice as much as all purpose flour. Eggs are also thickeners and when the supply is plentiful they can be used in place of starch or flour thickeners. Conversely when they arc scarce and consequently high priced they may he replaced, at least in part, by other thickeners. One-half ,ahlcspoon of cornstarch or 1 tablespoon of all-purpose flour may be substituted for 1 egg and vice versa, Comparative Table for Thickeners (1 Cup of Liquid) Cornstarch......__..1 / tblsp. White Flour....-- 3 tblsp. Wheat Starch 1 tbisp. -I- 2 tsp. Rice Flour.-......_... 1 tblsp. -I.2 tsp. Potato Flour 1 tblsp..1 2 tsps CHOCOLATE CREAM 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate 3 cups milk 4 tablespoons cornstarch (?/q cup) or 8 tablespoons white flour (/ cup) or 4 / tablespoons of either wheat str,rch, rice or potato flour 1/3 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla Add chocolate to 2/ cups of the milk and heat in top of double boiler until chocolate is melted, Mix cornstarch or white flour or either of the other thickeners with sugar and salt and blend with the remaining half -cup of milk. Add slowly to hot mixture 1n top of double boiler and stir constantly until mixture thickens. Cook for 20 to 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add well beaten egg yolk and cook 3 minutes, Remove from heat, add flavouring and fold in the beaten egg white, Chill. Six servings. LEMON SNOW 4 tablespoons cornstarch (% cup) or 4 / tablespoons of either wheat starch, rice or potato flour 1/3 cup sugar / teaspoon salt 2 cups boiling water lemon 2 egg whites Mix cornstarch or either wheat starch, rice or potato flour witlik, sugar and salt thoroughly together. Gradually add boiling water, stir- ring constantly. Cook over direct heat until thick and clear, about 5 minutes. Add grated lemon rind and juice(3 tablespoons) and pour the hot mixture slowly. over the stiffly beaten egg whites, stirring until well blended. Pour into in- dividual sherbets and chill. Serve with custard sauce using egg yolks. Six servings. Just The Money "What about the thirty shillings you owe me?" "Quite all right—it's your birth- day next Sunday and I'ni going to bring it to you with my congratu- lations." "You just bring the money and 111,congratulate myself." Failure A land girl called on a farmer in response to an advertisement for a shepherd and offered her services. "No, no, my lassie," said the old farmer, "I advertised for a shep- herd, not a shepherdess," "I know that," replied the land girl; "but surely there is no reason why the work should not be under- taken by a woman?" "Well, a woman once tried it and made a mess of the job," explained the farmer. *Who was she?" asked the girl. "Bo-Pcepl" was the sharp retort. Too Much After innspecting the whole stock of suitcases the customer shook his head, "i want a really good one for a long holiday in the country," he said. "I want to see some real cowhide in it." "Sorry sir," replied the assistant dejectedly; "but I'm afraid we haven't one big enough for that," Easy For Them "Dad—did you have to learn to write and speak French when you were at school?" "Yes, son, why?" "Olt, I dunnol To me it seems a waste of time trying to do some- thing the French tlo so much better." • VOICE OF THE PRESS Has Many Uses The main reason wiry the soy. bean crop is a profitable one is because the bean makes glue, baby food, lipstick, candy and synthetic rubber and many other things. --St. '1'honias 'Times -Journal. On The Up and Up Perhaps that young couple who spent their honeymoon in an air- plane thought that by so doing they would attain the height of happi• ness, —Chatham News Then and Now Girls when they went out to swim, Once dressed like Mother Iiub-. bard. Now they have a bolder whim. They dress more lilac her cup- board. --'I-hc Argonaut. Practice Makes Perfect The reason most people can stand adversity' Letter than they can good fortune is that they've had considerably more practice in standing adversity. —Kitchener Record. History Repeats The Germans are a dangerous people, because they live, dream and think in terms of conquest. Defeat does not change their thinking—it only delays their plans. —Windsor Star, 064 Question What's holding up the new cars is only the $2 question, To get the $0.1 you have to tell us what's hold- ing together the old ones. Ottaa Citizen, Cracker -Barrel Cat "A New York grocer was fined $50 for letting a cat walk on the counter,"—News item. Ilow times do change! \Vhen we were a lad, the crossroads grocer used to let the cat sleep in the barrel of crack- ers to keep the rats out. —Kitchener Record. MACHINERY NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phone EL. 1271 H. W. PETRIE CO, LTD 147 irrnnt St, W. — Toronto 'Nil IIUY R SICi.1.'. WLYr:,W W iu ua .Y l , 4l i nu ul, , .im• I! L, g, 1 1,1 HOOMS nEAU'rn,•Ut.1,Y 1111tNIti11E1) $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA PALLS OPP. — C.N.H. STA'T'ION REG'LAR FELLERS—A Good Start ;: ::: ,r• is , ..... BOY I IF EVER. A JOINT NEEDED IMPROVEMENTS THIS CLUB OF OURS DOES! Just Don't Like Work Ti amps, vaeaIondb. and hoboes arc to he given free psychiatric treatment in Britain, in an attempt to restore them to respectability. Frankly, a government which thinks a pian is crazy simply be- cause he doesn't want 10 work sounds a little off the beam, to urs. --Peterborough Examiner. Pa's Got 'Em On The reason you see fewer srue- crows in the fields these days is because I'a's wearing the scare- crow's clothes.—\\'indsor Star. Harder Still Those who say starlings arc the hardest birds to catch can nev- er have tried their hands on the dove of peace.—Toronto Star. Cheerful Thought Everything has it conipcnsa• lions. You can't buy soap chips, but neither can you get new shirts to wash. --Edmonton Journal. Horseflesh Is Good Food For Humans Despite the perjudicc against it there is no scientific reason why horse meat, now sold in some cities, should not be eaten. It is sweeter than beef, but coarser, heavier, stringier and darker, Most of it is crit from the carcasses of horses which arc too old to work and which bring from $5 to $0 a head. It is not likely that many of us will eat horse meat, and this for the reason that there is not enough of it, In the United States about 20,000 horses were slaughtered in August—about double the usual number for that month. Most of the meat was sold as animal food, chiefly to zoos. About four ounces of hortse meat constitute a 'Human meal. At that rate the United States would star. a if it had to rely on horse meat alone. D'J'EVER? / I TOLD YOU IT WAS COLD ENOUGH FOR YOUR WARMER COAT, BUT YOU WOULDNT LISTEN Canada Gets Large Order From'! France France already ha, ordered $27(1 million worth of goo,ls from Can- ada, and wants ru,,re, especially (arm niaehincry and newsprint. (If the `a;u million worth of business, :;100 million i•:as for fond, mostly wheat; $l 10 million was for railway equipment, strips and trucks; and $15 million for assorted Canadian products To ship the goods cost another $15 million. Advantage Over Us Australia is planning immigra- tion at a rate of 70,000 per year, says the Port Arthur News Chron- icle. It wants to build up the country and make it stronger for emergencies, IiLc tborc which struck it in 1941. Australia, too, has an ad• vantage in location. Iter residents, unlike prose of Canada, arc not in position to slip across a border line into the United States. "Fire? Goodness, no! Since I've been serving Grape -Nuts Flakes for breakfast, my husband decided the stairs were too slow." "Would you believe it, I've found that same thing everywhere I've call- ed this morning — people rushing downstairs to taste that malty -rich, nut -sweet flavor of Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes," "And you should see my family tear into the day's activities on that good nourishment Grape -Nuts Flakes give them: carbohydrates for energy; pro. 1'LL KNOW BETTER NEXT YEAR tefns for muscle; phpsphorus fon teeth and bones; iron for the blood; and other food essentials." "Cram ... may I step in for a bowl- ful?" "Certainly—and I want you to try the simply grand muffins I've just finished making from one of the recipes on the Grape -Nuts Flakes package!" ) D'J'EVER REMEMBER THAT RESOLUTION YOU MADE LAST FALL ABOUT WEARING YOUR HEAVIER FALL COAT AT THE FIRST SIGN OF COLD WEATHER— uv `1rs Y.Me.r •- • -: I AND THAT ONE ABOUT NEVER FOOLING YOURSELF AGAIN THATYOUtE SIXTEEN INSTEAD OF SIXTY— i;, f. r 'YiJ AND THAT ONE ABOUT DRIVING MORE CAREFULLY TME MORNING AFTER THE FIRST SNOWFALL HAS MADE THE STREETS LIKE A SKATING RINK,.... , X'..(2 DJEVER REALIZE THAT ITS TIME FOR YOU TO MAKE THESE RESOLUTIONS AGAIN AND KEEPING VA THIS TIME? cravr DAWES ILACK .HORSE BREWERY. 114' ROOF `e1,tt IS SAGGIN'••;' b ONE SIDE 15 BUBTOD • • TH' DOOR WONT .. SHUT --WE GOTirt `` NO WINDERS''' ' 1MPRIOVEM8NT6 NAFTA Be MADE ONE AT A TIME, BROTHER. DUFFY WE'LL START WITH ONE. WE. VOTED ON BEFORE YOU t SHOWED UP ! rTS HIGH TIME! By GENE BYRNES • c1 LU \t t'A(IE 8 PURE WOOL BLANKETS Reversable Satin -Bound Wool Blankets Special Rose -Satin Bound Wool Blankets Wool Motor Rugs, Scotch Plaids White Rainhow-Borders (Special) Grey and Sand, Whipped Ends, All -Wool Blankets Olive McGill , +8.5t •$t).95 X8,,)0 Pair $10.95 Each $6,50 THE STANDARD 1 PERSONAL INTEREST I Doherty Bros. \IL••I's. (;cirge Johnston :Ind Ian. L,.un,ly, ,. \,Ig.i r,t halls, \\crc in gI +\ n ,,n tue„Iay anti \\ t• meals)•, .Il- i a.trnding the International l'lo\w- f iii Match at 1'. rt \thert. \I r. and \I r,. I•:\ Britt 11...\ ir, ..)1 tit. I.,,,,, \lu•h., tori hire 1..1: the Inter I'lu\t ill; \I.Itch, an.1 s/ i prit tine \lien:- I Agents For Intel national- ! s!. Ind ttith \Ir. and \II`. Duncan NI. -Harvester Paris & Supplies Callum. Harvester Rose Gas and Oil. IIIt. a•l'I \I (;eurgr (rule. Lond..n, ) Repairing. , cut file t\r.h-en l \\itll \Irv. Pule'• ('/ar I ailltin arid Repairing. ors, \Ir•. .\1 tvo ;Inial, and \lis, !•`a",1!1 1; hso•I, ;Ilse \\ al \Ii. C. le'• '��� H. t;mr, \I r,. .\. Co!.. Mr. and \Ir-. Frank I�;i:child, of , ,111( Barna. •brut Fri lay c\cIiIli \\•len t R; \Ir-,. 1. \le;eali, and \lir., bills. AlI NH:. and \Ir• \la.Ir:rr Cameron and OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN R W.,yi,e, of lira"cl•, •pent Sun lay at [:rA)pMDtatafatat�tLnPr2tMat�.atMa(rt2tMAt)rMatb!2ts(2+2iitasM:MD,2tatbt>lratat�ratatM2tataoDiDi�;. the hone of \I r. an,l \I r,, llar•ent•r GODERICH - ONTARIO. V,•.,•.,..,•.•.,, .♦ .• • 0•; + .... 4.4. ,+.1.+ •� �• •:,•..• •.•,i, °01., J ,'ill' ` (t. a . y 1 wt••.q..,.•l..ywl,.y,l,.j..l..y,y..,..j..y.y�.i,l,, y Eyes Exnn:ined and Glisacs Fitted, T\Ir. and .\Ir,, L. Il \liber, of (i.y!e- .1 rt , \\ ei e ‘tat .., v. t,l Mr,. A. NI. \Ihth :5 Yecrs Ex,ericnco s t ob... ii_ i on :-.111.1.,v. I;cv. 1. I.. II. an I Ms,. Henderson \vile be in T,'•t,uto lent..\ and Satin. - .'ay at the I'ro\ inn :al :\.\'.I'.:\. t.,,n i S tet (nce. \I'•. \Irwin of Ki'.clu'er i• visiting 11111S WEEK Sam Mr,. F, \let•alf an I other relit- Sau r I{rant, 15c,2for 25c Fresh Chicken, lb., 40c IF'I-:ESIi AND Ct1REl) 11EA'1'S. f A GOOD SELECTION 01? COOKED MEATS. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric 1Velding A Specialty. A. L. COLE 1t,0. -: Supe iore -- FOOD STORES -- Kellcgg'a All -Bran Maxwell House Cof•`ee Lyon's Tea .. Newport Fluffe Campbell's Tomato Scup Clark's Irish Stew Sage or Poultry Dressing Pumpkin Pic Spica Kellogg's Oven -Fresh Corn Flakes Satina Per Bar 07c Bcok Matches Golden Yellow Popring Corn La France, Lnr.rc Pkg. I9c 1 Lb. Bag 43c Half Lb. Pkg. 43c 8 Qt. Ba; 257 Per Tin 10c 15 Oz. Tin 23c Pcr Tin 10: Per Pkr. 10c 3 8.Oz. Pkgs. 25c Pcr Pkg. 14c 12 books IOc Per Lb. 15: FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. PIONEER AND LIFETERIA FEEDS. ROYAL PURPLE PRODUCTS. •= • •: •: •: •: •: •: •: •: .: •: •: .: We Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 =: .�: i••i~i•i••iN�••�•.�••�.�••�H�•.�•.0•,O.�u�•.•0 �.•�• �•.�••�•.�•.�. �. •�,i,••�N�••�••�••♦0•�•.�•.�• �•.♦0.�•,O•�••,0.0.�•JO%••�•••0.�..�••�••�1 • 1 1 • i , 1.10 ,. I Bigger and Better More space has been added to this store, where Quality and Low Prices Prevail. Many items are still scarce, however, new stock is being added reg- ularly, and we invite your inspection. Wendy's 5c to $1.00 Store "SATURDAY NIGHT IS CANDY NIGHT" FEATURING HALLOWE'EN CANDY., Dance Inau al Dance of the Londesboro Athletic Club Friday, Oct. 25 in the LONDESBORO COMMUNITY HALL Garnet Ferrier's Orchestra. Dancing 9 to 1:30. Lunch Counter. Admission At Popular Price DANCE IN THE LONDESBORO COMMUNITY HALL Wednesday, October 30th Music by Ken. Wilbee's Orchestra Blyth Junior Farmers Have invited The Clinton Junior Farmers. This promises to be a night of real entertainment for the young people. Admission At Pcpular Prices. FREE' LUNCH. Everybody Welcome. New Samples Are In WE ARE PLEASED TO AN- NOUNCE THAT OUR NEW SAMPLES QF SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS HAVE ARRIVED. - Your Choice in a Full Range of Beautiful Designs in a Wi'e Variety of Prices. MODERN WAY OF REMOVING WALLPAPER, PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF FiRST QUALITY. • F. C. PREST -i Phone 37.26. LONDESBORO Their Ashes Scattered Over Land and Water Their as'n,:• ••:attcrcrl neer 1•tn'1 and water, so that nj trace of the vile "Red Clover Seed Wanted Highest Market Prices Paid Seed Picked Up R. N. Aexander Phones: Blyth 25-8, Clinton 803.22 twitches may longer be found among men, was the final and just end of 1Icrntan Goering and c mpany, who caused so much \vanton nuscry in the world. Commenting on the manner in which Goering eluded the hangman's rope, George iternard Shaw, writing to the Times of i.ondott, lingland; had this to say: "Attrialg the insanities that tear always produces should be c'i and the general assumption that the suicide of Goering has been a defeat for the Nuernberg Tribunal and the victoriou.: powers, and that the most rigorous in quiry must be made as to who c Indy- (id at it by sonic relaxation cf the man- acling and spy -hole inspection to \which the prisoner was subjected. One wotdd suppose that his e. anion of the rope threatens us with a third \\- ted \var. Ilad the matter been in naw hands I should have supplied all the condemn- ed men with a liberal supply cf morphia tablets and given them every o;,pr,rtnn- ity of sparing tis the disgusting job of hanging them." HULLETT Messrs, Iiugh \leper• c;leu Carter, Jinn Jamieson and Gordan \icGregor have returned home flout the \Vestern harvest field,, They report a fine trio, pleasant hilliday, but too notch rain and straw. Messrs. John Armstrong, George Carter and Alex Riley lt•ft on Saturday for the \Vest to buy rattle. Jars, Jim \1c+lets friends are sorry to hear she had the ntirf• rtnne to fall down some steps and fracture three ribs. \irs. \\'n1. Carter _is holidaying with her daughter, \lrs. Q1). 1t. McKenzie, of Lucknow. Mrs. Charles Stewart is sericusly ill in Seafarth hospital. Fortunately her daughter, •'lrs. Heiman, has been with her through her illness. Mr. Stewart is preparing to move to their new house in Clinton. Mr. Ren Riley went with his cousin, lobo Riley, to North Ray, and has re- turned home with sonic fine cattle. Uurin; the 1 a`1 vice* Mrs. \1'n1. Ilesk was visiting with old neighbours i -.. 41.e. 4' e I.NIJNIIIII E1AL tire, and fr (Mk. \Ir. an 1 \Ir•..\. R. 'I•ask(r and hors, ( vi•.itt•d \with \I r. a:ul \I r•, filen Tas- I i kir, 1.ncl:11 n, l i t 'I'hursda). \\'e are glad to rep'\rt that \I r. Gor- don .\ut u•'inc is impr.sling in health. ' mid aIle to he it tit to\ n again, \Ir. and \I r,. Stuart Durward spent the past wick -end \t:th \Ir. and \Ir•. Arthur N ey, of 1'. rt Stanley. \Irv.:f Ncv returned \vith theta, and -trent a fete dal s here this \veil:. Isaac ltro\\11 returned) home to T. ronto after vi'i;rows her si•tcr, \Irv.' I)cllvery, Wednesday and lams•. Logan and other relatives and itiends in the vic•n•ty. Sittrlyday. Airs. (Iiv.) Taylor of Dorchester ) is \\ ith her mother, 11 rs. Phoebe Tay- I i nor, \vhn \\c reset to say is not en- joying the best of health. \Ir. Fra•cr \letcallc of i,nnd ti, vis- ited this week with hcv. J. I.. II. and \I rs. Henderson. \Irs. \Villiaut Graham of Stratford, i• visiting her sister, \Irv. A. Barr, and \Ir, Barr. \Ir. anti \Irs• :\n(h't'uv Little of Tceswacr, visited 'cm Sunday with \I;•, R. M. \Icl:at•. \Ii•s Isla Metcalfe returned +o her position in Ottawa on Saturday. BIRTHS 111,AKI•:-1n Clinton 1loskj,tal on Fri- day, Octohcr 15'h, 19.1(5, to \Ir. and \Irv. John Blake, a son -Ivan \Vat- ,ott Rowes, Card Of Thanks I wish to thank the Lion, flub, The Blyth ltranch of the Canadian Legion, and Trinity .\ngliean Church for the various tokens f remembrance sent me during my illness .\iso my thank: to the many individual, wltn rcnteinhercd me with tcic•,hone calls, personal visits, Bards, and gifts. G. R. At'i;t-STI\.?. en the 4th and cath prior to her c1'• parttrrc t IJo�Vdmin`ter \where she in- tends to stake her home. NIT-. Hugh (taut;,hell of Walt in, VI,- ited on Stnnlay at the home of George Carter. \li,s Mattie Dal' has been spenliug a few days with \Irv, lien Riley, CONGRATULATIONS Congratt'ons to Kenneth Johns- ton, \rho celehra'e•I his 12th birthday • on Tuesday, ()etcher 22. Cott,gratttlttintts 1 • Bobbie Scott. 1 who celebrates his (rib f.rrlhdav on Sunday, October 27111. Congratulations to Miss Eileen Inh- insnn, of 'I', r'mt ,, who celebrated her birthday on ',Ire l:.\', Octt bcr 21st. NEW STORE OPENING THIS WEEK As annonnc"d in a page 4 advertise- ment of this issue ' illy Harris Shoal", which will he operated by \I r. Gerald Harris, will open 00 Saturday, Octob- er _20th. The occupancy of this corner store by \1r. Harris, completely fills up all available business space cn the main street. During the tsar several build- ing were vacant, but it will he good to once again sue the entire business section lit up on a Saturday night, Property in the residential sections Ennralrements Announced of the term has been changing hands \I r. and I. 1,. Ecdy, of Dun_ rapidly during the past month, attd in all cases very satisfactory prices are gaut-n, wish to announce the engage - reported. t nu•'tt of their only (laughter, l.ttcille phia, t t \Ir. Ralph Snyder 1-iendet'- son, sr n ; f Mrs. Rebecca 1 lentlerson, Goderich, and the late \Ir. David G. Henderson, the wcddin,r t', take place II H. McCallum Butcher, Phone 10, Blyth. ,Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, IIOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "TI -IE HOME 'BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN. EDITH CREIGHTON'S DECORATOR'S SHOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH. CONDITION IMPROVED The condition of \Irs, Glenn son who recently underwent a operation in ait.ontlnn hospital, siderahly improved, friends here glad to learn, Atkin - serious is con - will be LIONS SPONSORING HALL01'VE'EN PARTY on \\'etlm' day, October 30th. tithe ▪ Myth Lion: Club will sponsor t a hall ;we'en Party for the Children of the Community, to be followed by a (lance, in the \Icnu,rial Ilall, on Thurs- day night, October 31st. i'rizes for Attorney -General Toni Clark an - grown -ups and children in costumes nr.unced ;it \\'ashington on Friday will be awarded. that Canadian citizens may enter the. I It is Roped that the children will United States for visits up to six , take advantage of this event which is nnmtIs' dnrati. n w:thont paaports, I being staged for their benefit, and also visas or other •locttunents. I that the adults will alsi. take silvan -1 The new regtdati• its are the result 1 rage of the cnstunle (lance which will of negotiations between Canada and = commence at ') ,in, Further informs- the United States which bairn been tion may he had front an a'y' •'' '-' carried on intermittently fcr vnmc uteut un page four of this issue. months. BORDER CROSSING TRiPS MADE EASIER Wednesday, Octobtr",19'1(1 Stock Tonics and Supplies 1\'1' Tarty Intl and t'otnl,lcte line- „f hnv.al Purple, Ile.- .utd Itr. hell'. Stock Tonics: Roya Purple Poultry Conditioner Roya Purple Stock Conditicner Roya Purple Hog Ton'c Roya Purple Cough Powder Roya Purple Rcup Remedy Dr. Bc'I'a Condition Powders Dr. I ell's Kidney and Blend Powders Dr. BcII's Distemper and Cough Po'n'ders 1)r. Bell's 'Tonic and Indigestion Powders Dr. Bell's Cattle. Cathartic Dr. Bell's Hog-Onic Dr. Bell's Poultry 'Tonic Dr. Bell's Medical Wonder Dr. Hess flcg 'tonic Dr. Hess Poultry Panamin Dr. Hess Stock Tonic -_ COc and $1,75 G0c and $1.75 60c and $1.75 C0c 30c, 60c and 90c E0:. and $1.93 50c . 50c . 51c 50c .. 50c 50c $1.011 65c and $1.60 65c and $1,63 65c and $1.00 R U. PHILP, Phm. B. UKl G1, ,SUNUR1 :S, R'ALLi'AI'ER--PHONE 20. • • remit+atc Ktfat(a'a ovot:ebumcicietztammocetoeteteurtatoctextoc t teiccietaactea LOUGE FURMTU:PE We offer a pleasing Variety in Studio Lounges, fit- ted with Spring -filled Mattresses and Cushions, covered in Attractive, Durable Fabrics. For downright comfort, try one of our Lounge Chairs. Upholstered in high grade Velour Covers, they are built to last a lifetime. A wide selection of Occasional Chairs in good covers, at popular prices. A call will convince you of the many excellent values we are offering. • C'ellew Home Furnisher -- Phones 7 and 8 - Funeral Director. badriXMINDIDtltDtltl117111 k141111 Dt>tintlittlenallailliViDilli20,124a11)'1D44tWaDtInDiA)1lhMDt1 .• 0•• 0.0•..••.•..0.•.•40..0.0.•«0.•..•..•..0..•4.•.0.4.0.•,.0...•1.•N0.•..4.•..•..••0..•..0.�.0.0•�.••'„'. ..•...•. ,.I ti. .. HURON GIULL BLYTII --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG .- Proprietor .1 Inn , , .1 i1. 1.11 1 . 1 , 1 Speiran's Hardware EVERYTHING IN I-IARDWARE. - Handy Metal Tool Boxes. - Cast Aluminum Tea Kettles. - Aluminum Frying Pans and Skillets. - Cotton, Sisal and Aluminum Clothes Lina, - Electric Irons and 'roasters. - Plastic, Unbreakable Hammers & Screw Drivers. - Cocoa Floor Mats. COM INC THIS E . N .0. OIL SPACE HEATERS. TH 7 1 .1 l ,Y it i• .:L . 1.1 •11 1 1 1-,l 111111 n„ •.I. I 111 •, Biu i.6u. 1 .u1 •.1 .e.•u,.,, 1,:..'4 Precision Pens Get your Boy or Girl a Lovely Waterman Set. Good penmanship is encouraged by an instrument of precision -made workmanship. Our stock of Waterman's Pen and Pencil Sets was Never Fore Complete. We also have on hand the Eclipse Pen and Pencil. Inspect Our Stock of Pens Now. Select Yours While Our Stock is at It's Best. A FULL STOCK OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES ON IIAND. YOUR PATRONAGE WILL BE APPRECIATED Standard B00k Store