HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-05-13, Page 4s4, • • • G • - • • .-< ::•••••==• THE- 'SEMI- WEEK.LY - SIGNAL. STRATFORD AND HURON RAILWAY OTICE IS. }IbBEBY GIVEN THAT .1. II. application be made at the present Session or meeting of I arliament, for an act to revive the charter authoriz.ng the construction ot a Rait way from Stmtsord, in the county ot Perth, to Sangeen, in the county of Bruce with branch- es to Kincardine and Owen Sound. (Signed), W. F. MeCULLOCH, • 3P+ • . and other promoters. Stratford April 8 1864. w15 -4t • • A LL. PERSONS ARE HEREBY CAU- 11- tioned aiming purchasinir a note of hand • draw"' by John Coultas and-Lbstrles Coultas, in favRr of Simeon Hodder or bearer, dated 2ath' April, 1863, due April 28. 1864, as no value has been received for thesame. ' • ' JOHN COULTAS, -CHARLES COULTAS. - Bluevale, April 28th, 1864. w15-3tato* - Accidents . - RAIL WAY ACCIDENTS TICKETS - are noW readyfor Sale nyithe Ticket Clerks at the principal Stations on the , Buffalo & Lake Huron Railway, Ticket to insure $500.in eitse of death, 5. cents do do- . $1000 . do dp 10 Cents with ,proportionate compensation for perOonal in - Juries. . _ mii-'.asle for an ACCIDENTS TICKET when you pay your tare. P. DEWAR, Sec. • . Offireof the Provincial Life Assurance and Investment Qompany. • 20. Toronto street, Toronto. .5fae 2.• 1b64. r13. - FOLLOWING PROPERTIES ARE I'()I SAI s . ON Very Reasonable Terins ! r 'OTS Nos. '117, 118, 119, 120, 135, 149, in the .11.4 rising Village of Rtversdale, in the County ot Bruce. This Village is situated on the matn road between tKincardine and 1Wilkerton, ,the County Town of Bruce. - Lot Numbet 16, South side of Mechanics' Avenue, in the own of Kincardine. and Lots 47, 48, 49, O. 51,52 and 53, in the Village of Rivers - dale, also 75 and.16, West aide of Victoria Street, in the Town -of Kincardine, County of Bruce. LotaNinnhers 3, 4,.5, on the. North of the, Dur - Lam Market Square, in the Village of Kincardine,' County of Bruce, containingone-quarter of an acre of land' each, with the buildings thereon. Also Lots 5, 6 and 8 on the Durham Road, and lot 25.. on the North' side ofthe Duman] Road, in the Township of Kincardine, containing 50 acres each, partia.ty clearea. Lots 31 aed 22 on West side o Queen Street In the Town ot Kincardine. • ' For particulars apply to IRA.LEWIS, Barrister. Goderich. • • -MU & F • HURON , 'FOUNDRY 4100 =1 ..11E .11E411. • -.an-- „ Lru1 I , Ile • ittrt Iln,,fllll 1tin . IIHSTEAMINGINtWORKS R-RUNCIMAN 416, C lifaCtuivils of 'arid and Flouring Mills pitpular; laulakand Sash Saiv-Mills, • FOR SALE.- • rxislanaA.si-xirr 3/1A.cial 3os, RATORS HORSE POWE MHE snbseriber is desirous of selling a g 1. Water .a.V-Mill, situated on Lot 22, (1 acres); Bible:Line. Lake Shore, Stanley, 7 mil below' Ba field The mill kilo first' rate runnin order, -and there is - plentiful -simply Of timber the neighborhood., , Lt is fed by a good spring ,creek, There are SO acres of fine cleared land in ' connection with the milt, which wili. be sold withr it It desired by the purchaser. ThereISa good orchaid on the lot. For particulars, apply en the premises to _ WILLIAM MARTIN. Stanley,. Oct2, 1S63' • - • w36 Itow4ig and Reaping littichite?,- -Wood C3 -441.1V -43i. 3PI.4 . _ .. . . SEED. . . Accidents Assurance ANYand OQUANTITY OF BARLEY, Pk,AS ' - • . - '' - - '- . ats, for sale.:Apply at the Market • . • •—• -. c..—.7-- - . PROVIDENT LIFE - 18811illiet S. SLOANE. to s.tr60*.` - • • • • INVESTMENT CONTAtic II DW -v • E tabltshed oy Special Act of Parliament, - „ . . • , - • • . ••• • 44,r' - a;; TT' 11 E ..SVBSCRIBEk OFFERS rFOR 1. Sale, Ift ',Sauced prices, a large -assort; nient cfz..-1E-It'; ' • ilar Hod llikand H000 iron _ CAST, 11144STER, GERVN-Sz,SPRING'SITEL, -lir 1.0 Ali • Bellows, StLeks and - Sledge and- Read Hammers; PEArji-vv- Seadesk Sacvehuiron Axles,Ceilthainb; GLASS,, , PUTTY; TAINTS, taxouRs, Turpe none,l•eadpl\Vroug6i,eui and Horse NaiisTti and Cordage; India Itublierfieking &-Belthig • - Platform find Counter Seeks; MuletriCross-eut.Cireular, Pit, and Hand Saw, at -bidet -Maker's Hardware; Carpenter's .. and Joiner's; Tools; Boring Maehinee; s Housturnishin'gsofall kinds; Sash, ,* • , Doors and Moi lilinga; • • Chopping, Broad & Hand Axes From Blood and other:celebrated makers. • • Agent for Gurney ot Co.'s PLATFOKAI. and • COUNTER SCALES. • • • With the Largest Stock of. '141ELP- HARDWARE • 7. illt,D• OUNTIES. . • rtirchasedfrom the Manulacturers,and for Sa. • • - . W. Er GRACE. Gederielt..Mttv let. 1863. Art4n36 sprip.g' Arrangement! S*RNIA,'GODERIdll, KINCARDINE - AND - SO THAMPTON LINE, w'th 1864. HEAD OFFICE : • NO. 29, TORONTO.-STREET,ZRO - oz. - . • . • • - • s aws, • •-• 'Car amtial mnane achinery ..... CO'KING, PARLOUR . ANTI'''. BOX S . Alit/ s eq hand, S gar Kettles, Wagon and Pipe' Boxes. • As our patterns of the ab ofth moti, apred kind, sie • would •. solicit an inspection of our stock before pure e1sewhes,s we are Offering the above at the lowest remunerative 'price ,for cash, or prov d Credit. 'Old metal, Braiis,-CoPper, and all kinds of produce taken in exchange G derieli, October, 1869. • - ' -- . . . i • . • 111••••••••Min THE DWELLING BOUM-and premises at present occupied by W and 13. SEYMOUR, Esqs.. on WEST STREET, witlilialf in aereof land attacitpd. Apply to F VT. THOMAS. Esq. B.11. Coderich. Feb. 26, 1864. w5sw51-ti 5, -q: ' 1 - -.-- •- ' 'C'• ' °F3 _--1 L-4- 7- - ,, ,. c.A'AR&i.,... ----a. ....„_.. -1 ,,.•-or_.--; E. L t. - : ,f' . 1.L. . I . 454:: C/2 . 4/00_, .... ,_ . • ' e .kh * '• S - RE.4 i7 -2-•', , "t7 -_ q "•-•".11.. I. 0ci ..f...,:_...z....i , c, 1 - ,);•,„ I a- - •r; ,-, , u ' 1 c''” ji 7 . • , f l'—' t• t .. - , .,i - \ t TABLE t9PSgske! / • C,/ 'PRESIDENT: Hon: a. Hillyard Cameron, )I 2., - . MANAGING Macros : 111DIVICYRODitrSt..U1.14 -IC - AbOIDENTS. are NAVOIDABIE A ND evertv one shoulahroy de against them.' • rat tri They, are so frequent lhat.: according to the experience. of English Companies, • . a, ONE'PgRON EVMtY rtvEuvE • 3 MILD YEARLY BY ACtIDENT. . CCI1.111C;ST-T BY ROAD :RIVEVAR.tRALROAD 1 -:• he Busk, the streets, or at liorae, may beprovklettegitiast by liking out a Policy in this gompany. 1:3•• Inneances tor any sulni with Weekly allowance in case ordisablement,cn le obtained on apptication to • , • MORTGAGE E • Valuab e Propert U NDER and by Viia Po f Sale contained in a Mortgage ma by Mary McKearnan, of the Township of Tudkesmith in the County of Iluttin, Widowi of the first part • and Christopher Sperling, of the Vil- lage of Ilarpurhey, in the County aforesaid, Esquire, of the second part, default aving been made in the due payment theree , , will be sold at the Auction Mart of . MESSRS. ' SMAILL and T110bISON, , co .7, Kingiton Steet, doneaten, • • _on cODERICH • - N's• C W c 3 theist Day of June ' - • T A II Li I • mar 7:1 !s; REl tql,es HIS MOST SIN0BR E THANKS. for tlei Very flatteringeceottragetnene he hes. rect Yea sine4te commenced- buituess in•GOde-- lieh not liding able to execute otter one-hatt, o the 1rders lirpii,ght to hiin last season ; having : now Secured facilitits for , JOHN HAL,DANr March 22nd 1864sw• 58.16m.° Ca tying on Btisiness'Extensiely. . . • , , • • andloYinsr none •htir_ first-class traeasinen. And a'D. A. beefier -es his, experience as.' Cutter 14 seco d to r(b up in the Provincethavitpg carried on bind ess eXiensivety and ,guccessflly infiftneren, prin ipellylirst-Oass customers, and having been Cut .r inone of :the Prns:wet Estabbahmeots in Edit burgh, Scotland,. lie :fearlessly states -to Elise ruing public that . 13usiitz9s -13irtitors m Di iimanalion; . • , 111111 SUR1EN,tc - .1- Office and Begidence-.A1 MES ctAsh's,-- EaSt Street, Coderleh. ' - Sw98 33r.c. Cole, - ' T • ATE OF STANLEY--OLINTON-, HU 1-4 unx Read. (Mr. Thwaites's-formier Store July 1, '62.. • rz. McIntosh, M. 13. Cr AL” • ITYSVIAN. SURGEON, dm, (raduate Me(iill College, Montreal,) Luctrow. _ . • it6w1 _ . ISPL....Er. Steinhoff, M.13, 11-031tOPATHIC PHSICIAN, SUR . expx; dre. Residence. at Mr. T, Eve. shed's, Victoria Street, Ciiiitou. • . •• AErEIIENCES • T. 3e1r.,- M. O 1.onden ; Tiros. Ntetrot 51. D;, Sinicoe; J oap traas,-M... D, New Yon: citY. • -- • n24-4mos 1)11 . A. WORTHINGTON, • I pritSiCIA14, SURGEON ac will at. tend, particularly; to diseases of and surgical operations upon the eve.. • • - klowica-Vtizge. Lide,15. 186/ tyr17-1v • Canieionaz 1864 • :ICI ARWSTERS,ATTORNElt; CO• NVEY - LI: aneers, dre. Goderich and Clinton.' 0-4CAMERON, J. Y. ELWO0D, Goderich. -. Clinton. - • Office nt Cinton-ra few dors north of the Post Office. vl2n47 • tion with the • -40 • Rata° .aud Lake. n1 1 ailway AT GODER/CH. thefirstrolass passenger *owner HURON, • Cole, Mastery twice a week between -7- GinizraCif: 410 0SAGIliA • and owe -a week synth Propeller NIAGARA, C. Me-inlnab.,- Mager, between - • Coderick --arid •ellicago., Tr gCanadin' baying•been lenrebased for tliis ▪ • Mete, overhauled and refitted in a superior man- ner, wilt ply during tne season of navigation, making the above connections, (wind and weather permitting') qommencing on lionday,18th April, Wilf leave Goderiet for Southampton every Mon- • day,'Weonesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, a. m. Return same afternoon, leaving Southampton atTo'clock, p. ra.,callingeach way taultinardine, Inverhuron, Port Bight, (and Ft. "teen necessary and practicable. leave Gederichfor Sarnia knd PoriHuron . every MONDAY AND: THURSDAY EVNEING • at 10 o'clock, arriving ins time to connect • with River Boat for Detroit and G. W. and tra Tea. - • RETURNING; leave Simia and Port Heron :evem TUE' SDALY A1131- FRIDAY, at m., immediately after the arrival Or Grand Trunk Train from Deod-it. ▪ - -.11,-Ticketaun be. procured front 911L of the agents for Saginaw per steamer Ifuront or - Chicago by propeller Niagara from.' Goderich for partieniareaste rates of freight, &a.i!0141. to . VANEVERY #RUMBAiL, Goderieb., ...AGFEaVTIgt ARNIA—W. & Ciark; Melton Pt-ELGIN—W. 11. Ruby /UNGAR- ' DINE—"Vinlivery Iteinbalti. $O11'-UA-11?- TON—J. A. Burwash;-. W. Godenc31.44Drillsr,114. • inr61W1141 • • -54 Willta'Pram er, SIT NEY-AT-LW,-- SOLICITOR IN,. CS. Chancery, -Conveyancer. dtc. ralkelo4 Co. Of Btuce. _ vl6n 'boy Thomas N'Ventherald, niV11• L nd Surveor. Office and Resideme.„ .4. ENGINEER AND PROVINCIAL Hamilton Street, Godenc... v1563 1 I I -D.. 1,1claonall; LIC" ED AU4TIONEER, BA -FIELD, County of Huron. Sites in village or couniry punctually attended to. • ' w9.1yr$0 tJohn 111'issy,. ••-• 111Q EGISTRA COUNTY BRUCE ; -OF ix vine, Grosvenor Street, Southampton. • Soutlanipton, March 14, 164. vt8-tt • .. .23a, _ OROVINCIAL LAND surtvEyog AND 1- • Cvil Engineer,Clinton. J.uly l,'61. -,- 1 • Sohn Denison, pROrNel Ali LAND SURVEYOR. • • e va Engineer, tee.: -Surveying of every descri on,- and Architectural lliolans -executed; Lands *emitted and valued; . • BAniELD, 1863., - . w62.-yly$r 1.4131. litamlits, fl_tY L ENGINEER. AND SURVEYOR %./. Lftnd AgentainlCeeveynneert Kineardtnt i . • ; ' - II: • Cuistend=au. co., SERTMEN, DEALERS IN FRUI1 and Ornainental Trees, Shrubs, &c. -Or dere prOmptly attended to. - •41 -- John C umbel' • • rj_EER AL COMMISSION AGENT. • Oonimisslionalin Qbeel's Bench, tortiking tifidavhs,,Convevancer,fee.,&c. Office on Broad ee,VWnosofKincardine.C.W; 99 • John Maine, . ' • - _ (-to SSIONER IN -THE COURT OF, • iteen,s,Benci,Convertnber,ise.AReg kry kith of Farm and Town Lots for Sale; par- bes lisilVitts lobs for tale, or. desiring to intrehass t send full pfut.eulars.1 Dunitannoit.Feb. 20,1857. , 9:9 Peter- - • ORWARDil: -ASV I COMMISSION ilitialuOAmunkr471..Vir.:1 Notes and ACioants ealeeted. -Business of any kind en- trusted to him will receive pt. attention. - w40-1v$osa. -• . • T pu. 40)4vc TIONEEa for HVAION Li sad Bums. Sales 'Punctually attendea to. Mdresa.- Bodwia P. 04 . w50,1yr$e o TIEING CAN BE WI ADE at b s establishinent-equal to the best Establish - me in lrontili or lqotitreal. • _ - ' erieb • Cet.30;18b3.-s , awl7W40-ly • . . • ••• . . • .. RT1ES: desbous of Obtaining. First Glass is Cedar for 4.t.tifaild Building purpoes can be s1pptmLd tn any quantity, -and oil reasonable terms,- by npplying to • • J. W. 'ELLIOTT nleribli. Feb. 10th, 1864. Av2 . 1._ - • - • • • 0.1 1FG thewaily exc4trve Hare ware Store in • the COu. ean supply t anners, Budders, and Meetian s at much lower rates than any Generat Stior itt Trowii , . • They have atpresent baud ki full assortment eif And Heavy -Hardware 1 . • . . -- DCONSISTINGfelt . -: , • . . -". Iron of alt sorts • . Steel, °fall kinds.. Coil , lltini. Glass and Putty, Oils. • . I Paints.. s olors,Anifil, • :V iiea; Nails, ' - ail kinds-, of Coopers! Tools ;Spades ana - tiorvelli; , Powder and Shot ; Saws 4 . KoPas ; ?, • • f ,Brishes i .Grindstones; and various . ear .. inner .airtigei too niini itilIO :_ - . < ,.: . mention • --: Broad.'" ad ' ••• Chopping Axesi 9 ..1 . - Jeelehrated - .-- i ••- makers. • ; . Saddlery -Hardware; '-'CO1 allarap,. . :. ..... : • fl In lad everything that- shoida be iietii in a ; • Agenla or , the COM MERal.,414, "ASSU.R- AMag ca of -London,. • See advertitieritent Goderich. NoveniberAthe 146. - ..' w43 : . • t;•:, :o - • V LIMEILE PROPERTY. DER and by virtiniCf a Power of Sate contained in &Mort -gag -0 .made by James t Cal wellOsborne of the Township of Onion iii. e County of 'Brune, Of the first part, and, Marythilitorhe, hiswife, ofthe. second part, •tfor i the purpose of barring her dower); "di fault having been made in the :Atte payment thereofiAviii be sold at the Auction Mart of Mew;rs. Siutifl daltomsep,Kingston-. street, God rich oti .1- - • - AO D I the 23rd day 311,1$07 ne#,, at 10 o'clock; noon, the.followingproperty, -viz r Lot llumber-tivel41*0422) *the wink (9th)eMicesiloir of-theTolinaliip of Huron," contitininif by admeasurement ' one =hundred power of Sale. • , - My G. OMER N, - - Sol.. for'Mottagee,t !,1 _.„40'clock,) noon, the -following : ?, Lot number Three, (3) in the Huron Road, in the o luekersmith, aforesaid, contain rewire '401.0 (100 awes of Land more or les Power of Sale. : • • Mortagti.may- be inspected et .-the office of the end4riiitecl, • CAMERON, •••••*, ‘=",•: • , 9 • acrea-,:Cf and. mote; or. lac. Ded* noaer I • _Goderieli, April 2lit,1864. w13 -td •-• - Sol. for Mortgagee. Goderich,•Al 30th, 1864.. wl.4•td . South 8 -in ist con., 50 acres,' •• -... • S011th 1.11*I 2d CO11.1'100 acres, , Fruits. Faiicy 'Roods, Tbac6as,, or KINDs. 3/11:S1CAL 1.N$rERUMENTS1 aro 2 atthe CIGAR STORE OF F. NITCH:k West Street, Goderich, Oysteiv, Sard,z'ne.s, Lobsters, &c, sl_Ways„. '•• owit4 FARIS FOR SALE. - fIN-the ninth concessin, . the west half of XiTot eitinbeetwenty,three,- in thebroibnsliip of Wawanosh, contaioing One Hundred acre, with about forty cleared,The rest good hardwod land and never -failing 14pring on the lo. There is a. Shanty...a Joe barn and small orchard there- on: Title indisputable. Apply to the proprietor,. • MAATRICE DEyEREA UX. - Feb: 10.164, • • • w3-3.ictoff .• . . Debentures For CiFF E RS wilf be received by the subscriber for ki the purchase ofsf500 worth of Debent res of "t'f; • A LERS IN - R ),FIEDINGS: ate. GODEDIGH, • d.W. • February 12, 1864; , sw47w.• • EIVELLENT FARM FOR SALE, T' OR sale, cheap, 200 acres of excellent . kat - being lots 4 and 5, edn. W. D. _of Ashfield. There are 100 acres •clear , 40 of, which are nearly clear of sttimp4. G od dweilingand barn. 100 apple • trees, -50 bearing. , (me -half of the fawn sold if. desired. !It -is withinrnile of the Lake Koad$. and there are grist Ind saw .mills, eburb, school house,. Sze..-ner r at hand. APPIY.to A.B. GOBJX/N. Goderieh, - - • -• - or to BENRY BROWN . on the pretnises. October 23;1863. -149-31i4pPAPO Y -L A . 7Ig raise by way of Loan the naive, TICC•Ilty Thousand Dollars for thepit.:: - poses therein mentioned. 4111•,1,1•••••• EIERZ-tbe 069oration ofthe Unita vv Counties or Haroh k Bruce,harresortea' to grade&ritvel and improve- certain rowl, and highways. with the necestary Bridged,* crethasinththeesasai *dulin3C0prnonytywnefeeHtsurepaiees, tthireAelgidsmewiethin the County of Huron, and tbt pense of makingthe same to be -defraytd by the said County, irrespective of theCoaatt of Bruce, the loan or debt wil1 he paid by the' said County of Ifunm,and the late Meditate/ rthapenattoiene:ropweirlity liewitlisethd HnArTid. whereas to carry into •eirPcb recited object, it will be necessary for Corporation • -to raise- the suiti of Tyre*, berei inTheonustwannedaD. oilier! in the mapner, And whereas it will legal* tbe sims, Three thousand two hundred -tars- le lor raisod aundally by special ral for the tat; inent of the said loan or debt a*Liiiterst* also fiereinafter maintained,. • Antli*ofis the amount of the 'Ultra,* Valuable Fain For Sale. DEING Lot No. 4, Eastern Division, Ith T•ownship of 'CoThorpe, with 60 acre* of cleared land, in a good stale of cultivation,with 14 acres often Wheat) # young orhard,twe well* of go5dwater,also a never -tailing sOringi 10! log boupes,logbarn, potables; ace.. only 7 miles from- GOderich, On the Northern Gravel Road.— For further partictilii-is apply to J /3 •brtirdon, Esq., Ci-oderich, or on the property to John 'heel Darlington. To be 'sold cheap, and tun' e given lor.part of the fooney. 1...;olborne. 2th Mewl'. 1864. _ w10 -1m the Nillage Kinc.ardine,' being for flig pur• • VALU BLt FAR chase. an Public Cemetery. The Debentures yearly on the lbth ifeyS of anuarp and Jely in , TO SELL are payable on Lie 20th January, 1#6ts, and have I I coupons ettached for the paiment oftnierest bull each year " • - able property ofthe said Minitipdity ire. , tire of any future increase of the Mae irrespective of any income to be de from the tempprary.iiivestmentof ti_ ing fend hereinafter 'isentiotied, Of snipd, ... thereof.accordng to thhist revised sow tairit.rolls,: tieing for the year. one Right. hundred and sixtyt.hree; was millions, three Initialed and ninety six 1401k- . sand three hundred -and •I" -tie dolls* or And -whereas for p4.-- ...the Interest -14 creating an equal eon Silting fund faL . .• . paying the said sum of. . cog tho . lam and interest, as hereinafttr inentsonek will require an equal annual special mite four,teritits of a niilliirthe dollart-inddtitsi to all __other rates and taxt4 to be iFfieks,i earl). year. • , • •• -414 WM. SUTTON, &eve. OR- TO :BENT Be it therefore entletedbythi I. That ft shall -be lityritil for the co for the time being cf-the said last; Kicardine, Mnrdh 29th, 1864. s760tf ' ." . of the. United Counties of,liasen err 01=t,lt 46,c 1;0 . • - - 1UANUFACTURERS AND DEA.LERS IN -1V.1 Stoves, Ploughs and -Castings of every scription. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, at the Stove Depot, West Street, (3roderteh. COAL 4)IL - • . g 3Coa1 Oil Lamps, &c, &c. iron, Cop- per, Brass, 'Rags and Sheepskins taken in ex- ne . v14n49 OT -No 10 conression 3 Townshi of e - rich, containingEighty acres, sixty of which re under a high state of cultivation, 'with a first lass stone dweiling,trani barn andout sheds, a arge orchard bearing Rust,and a neer-failing pang creek -running through the kit; situated two mles trim theTownol Godenh. Fel terms, ste., apply to M. C. Cameron, Esq., Solici tior, Godeich, on to the suescitheriat the t=oderict THOMAS LOGAN. Goderich, June 9th 163. -• . w5f. . • • p . . L. Vool Factoiy. • - 1 ! , LANDS FOR BALE: - . to be mede, for -such sums nfnioney_as Warden to cause anynumber tif Detente's. LANDS FOR 11 - ° •-•-‘ ‘ b'e requird, 11C1fItaa tan.,:one hundred' i%1° N1 . , that THElfoll0WIng Lands are — ofrered Or sale • - . Corporation, to Isis "wayorlousfroet person or persons, yerbeirvestorperk. who may be willing to advance tho mar upon the credit of the Debentures ter mentioned, a sum of money Ant ing in Dollars, .and Ake ',IteginellinItt4°VrarentoMello be pait into the litods of * Treasurer- of Timid Conaties afore:mg for tbt Und 'with tile object abovererattat.. - Ir. That it stair be lawful for Ibi (11) fl -Jars eacb and at the seid Debentures very advantageous terms : • - be sealed with the seal a the sail'Cotyststi _ •• r 67; 16 and- part oflot 17, -.concession tOwn; ONE --.T. ENTII 0Nrir .4 ship of Inrnberry,contaming about 14 acres, (a portion of the land belonging to the late Mr. Alexander Becket) adjoining the flourislin.g -vil- lage Zetland.- In consequence of the heirs re- sidingoul.ofthd Province, the subscriber is in- strueted to take $7 per note, cash, or a small adyanc,efor part cash end balance secured by mortgage, runningover 3 .to 5 year's credit. Tins is a decided bargain,a8 the landifare :of excellent qualsty and yeurnligiblysitua - Apply 10 _ s G. M. TRUEMA/q, lion, and signed by the said Warde. • III. That The said Debentathtfe made payable in ten years at farlitssthomEt theday hereinafter meadow:4 for Ili. Law to take effeCt either in Loam; in land or some place in'eaultda,- to be- pated in the said Debentures, And sualioyi attached to them covens Jor the payout of imeresfe' • L • it Thatthetesiid.Debonttitet. pone shall be mitdo*It'Lli er money or Provincial currency vinee, the option of the tam Wr ol? THE -. • - - PUltelaSE liOSI. 3 OM IT TIP OF l'ORCHIST • AND TRW BALANCE LN Sine Equal Unita 'instalments, wen interest at ci pe cent, TOWNSHIP OF elORR/S: South I 7 in lat con. 40 aeree SALESouth 21 in 3d 'con, 100 acres, .• Lon OF---------- - Valuabe- Property. : . • UNDER and by Vit ofa Power of Sale &ni mined in a Mortgage made by John ide Dpriaia, of the Tdwn of • Goderich in the County Huron, - carpenter, ot first part, Hannah-McDnald, his wife, (tor the purpose of baiting her dower) ef the second pat, default:hayingbeen made in the due payment thereof; .,11 be sold at ;he Auction Mart of Blessrik,SITAILL. & THOMSON, North ' 20 in 4h eon 100 acres .‘'.Nortli 4 21 in 4h con, I00 -acres, •,•• North 2a.lit 4h con, 100 acres. frovrIcK.:. • Lois i 3'and 4 in 15th con, 100 acrekeali • T2W.NSIIIP OF GREY: •• 0_ 26 in..tst Con, 100 acres, _ . Lnts-34 and 35 in 4 con., 100 acres each; Lots 31 and :32 in 6 con,, 100 aereS each, Lot 26 in -8 con, 09 acres, • . Lot 32 in 8 cOn. 100 acres, • Iota 33 and 34 in 10 con,, 100 acres TO wNswp OF TIIRBERRY • Street GODER1O oN 43,in. 1 cen., 511 aerep. e nos a e ist Day of June, instant, at -140loitir, noon, the followitigr. property, "viz : -'1:Lots numbers (1274)- one thousand; two hundred and seventy four, and (1275) one thousand \two liundied and se etity7fi v e. (running tie in hrs). - in the- said Town of Goderich: - 1)eed under power of sale. • Full particulars can be bad by applying to the botuitoa,. • - °- • • • . . • - - •• T Y„ ELWOOD,: • Sol. for Mortgagee. , • Goderkh, April/8, 1864 w14 td • DW.EILiNG. TO .LET. A _COMFORTABLE Dwelling house and 11. garden, web good' stabling attached adjoining the residence of- Mr. • Treleaven, Victoria Street. Possession first 43( .eay. APpiy to • • VANEVERY & RUMBALL. -G ▪ 'clench, April i2th„ 1864 • ssv63-4t IN C_RANCERY,I $atarday :the . Chatobers, t teenth day Of Aprl,' V . C. SPRAGGE ;' • 1 'HZ- thetwenty-seire!ith year of the Reign of 1jfer IlfalestyiQueen Victoria and in year. of 01# .Lora j 1864. - * BETNEpi t -• . john Hervey, • • , • • AND ; • I • • Jales.111.'Donald TrCgt • Defendant..- . • UPON the 'applicatimi of the: Plaintiff. an.. it appearing by affidavit, that after dui diligence the said defendent cannot be founi! to be served with an °Nee copy of the Bill in thh cause. It is ordercd that the said defemmd.- anido, on or before the , • • • I • Twenty-rsixth44. 61.MAY: next anstver °Namur to the said Bill. And it ip.• ordered that a copy of this 'Order, togethe with the notice required by thegeneral orders Of • this Court, be publishi ed n the Haim Signal newspaper, published inthe Town ot Goderieh, once in each weelefor the four weeks next preceding the said l Tweniyriiath day of May next. And it is further orde.mi that a copy of this Order,be forthwith served on the wife of the said defendant. (Signed); IA. GRANT, Ragistrar. • - omenwomm? • zunsmp,NALD, Take Notice, 'that ifyoa do not &inviter' or demur to the Ball pursuant to the above Order, the plaintiff may obtain. an order to take this"Bill as confessed attainst Youtlind the such ielietis own Sliewing further notice :Cause. may grantt the Plaintiff y be entitled to on his • on will not receive an.% luture proceedingain the .. • 7 134t • App[y,to C2ATtl.ES WIDDER,E8(1.,Goderich, sr to the owner, , . - • THOMAS' GALT ct Ec wn34 . "Tor -on tor • LOT Cdtr..A, ToWrishri' of Howl* mile Row Wroxeter, on T 1,E GRAVEL ROAD. - i Log house andbarn, 92 ACRES, 28 CLEARED APPIY t°F. W'THOMAS, Esq, Ccoderich:Feb 26. 164. w5sw51-tf 70 TO 1.49A.31 - FIL5T-CLAS MORTGAGEg: Apply to. - 3.011N DAVION, - ' • . . *at. Juni /6111. 186/ ' aw82f/ Is! tRERE Anetiotteer„ Appraiser, &e. . - Land Aent'. Gderieh July 7h, 1863. w23 • • botitittert.' OON 41RRIAO: • • • •_ • that the whole amount of said • shall.not eiceed the Wore snentioeed -Jut of Twenty Thousand Dolfata, and-V*10 hear interest at and after the rat* of PS fil* centum per annum, which interest Atoll payable on tile first day of January and day of July in each and every -ye* deis* the continuance of the said Debentures,* bib plaeo where the Debentures stre *Mk P:111'2 ki-F1 /,' payable. V. That tor the purpose of foritiLa AtalkFrolOp Sinking Fund, for the payment of tlei Debentureq and the interest 44 tbe4tiet %V aforesaid to become due thereon, an Nig special rate of Fourtenths of.* snit Dellar shall in addition to Au other retell r4i- taxas,be raised, levied and tollected in yearselely 'upon alt the lutes/Re projpara within the said County of gums daring 41114 continuance 9r the said Debentures or al/ of them. , VI. That this 31041... shad tali and come into operation upon the lot of duly in year of our Lord one eight hundred and sixty.forir. 311ex 33 xi. it t Tsubscriberwould announce lo the public A of Heron -and Bruce thatbe has en band and will make to order Carriages, Wagons Har- rows, &, winch will be sold eheap for cath or, approved crdit. JOHN l'ASSMORK, Victoria Street, Godertli. April 1st. 1663. r w49 gm • • WAGGONS AND CARRIAGES •• IIIIE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO AN-_ A norrivoic to the Public generally that iie has recommenced bigness in Gliderich ana will keep 5 on ' hand ane make to order <Wagons, Carriages, ;r IC) 13,-33 X' MT Gfr . 11 K1ND$ il F DOTINTEY WORK • • n hts4ne e.xecuted onalthri notice and at reacon- able prJce 0Shops on Hamilton St,, between ells' Hotel 'end the Store of Messre. Detlor & Son, formerltoectip.icelty Martin 4 Pathenore, AMOS NMIN. 1ociericli.-Jan.20th.1863. w514v-1 A FARM. of 100 admit dfland, b Miles from. GQDERICH, -60 atavi ZUNI*, Witb good ilierato, Time Aville given for a large portion of the purchase money,_ Fer fur- ther particulars apply toJ. GORDON, Esq., <Sehetor, pderich,•orto WM. SEYMOUR -fr CO; Goderich. ilth November 1863, - %9JC)FtLD'11 AIR RESTORE AND •r= ZYOISAL8A1111l11111 • ittetgliMNSIato BUCZBES.; • • .trelateer Treasurer Aseriess Bala Union, ir. 1. Oh writes: "I very cheerfully add my teitWeaff .10 that of numerous fries& to the -0'es4 van. • otimm 9.A. Alkali Worldee Bair Zest ,arit wit ziloasb*, - mow Err WM. CUTTER, N.Y_. City : " My hair iteheaked to It. ni&imral color, eadgrowiagon bsid spot." Izv.1. H. CORNELL, N. Y. City: "1 procurd. It for a relative. The falling of the heir .toped,ead mitered it from Wimpy 10 110 *twat eadaelmb Ufa tollte.* ' - WP. areoldira,- -nm weekto ' their '411.11a the inassabertrsaen..., They - festered toy hair iwbriesqt Waheldsad, whin groy, to its. ortleaor." a visil wansTms, Boatels; Yam motherit WitkAtgraill;1461417 awit'ardtaisersalt! AN -EX6ELLEN1- "1:106?: • • '...411aitlier- *T A-ITERK: TAND14 7 WANTED, )47: tt ":711"4:t y pro General .1.1014:01T11:i hz • Address, -Wm.PALMER,. Tare ehance ler good canvasser, as exclasiv. merriturv will swI4-tfl Box 1235 'Toronto. • Coilimerininoteliniteiten,c.W • TOtN RICE:si-.1"'"Prietor- the - in fut. Canada and di.arges as moderate tie targettand besteGuntry 'Islotel in We4tern •Aitaalaitit Theta confab* rnHEAtboVe itt IL true con et a melt J. By -Law to -be taken intozoosiderane the Municipality el the 'Tufted' Dom -ft Huron and Bruce et the County Court e the ToWn of Goderielt, in the Huron, =the Twenty-second sky 1864, atthe hour of two o'nlock tat noon, at which tune shad place the of the ilOMICH are bereby requiredt for the purpos0 slalom& D.11. &IZMIR; _rat Co*,440C1,4 A County Cleric's Offie, 1.• Goderich.P12 MATO, 1864. Mf•RT014E-.SAt, VAS TROPERT4 'DER And by virtue Payer t contained in a Mortgage made 1e MiLarty, of the TovinsUp:of. HMO*, County of Mum of the first par4 having been male in tistrdoeliajelliadlitak wilt he sold* the Auction Markt( Smaftl andThomson, r.ingstai elitunithrianirrItontat)Xl_ 9etoilnetisionualkrg br74 hundred acres (100) oflinal, ittOnt -9e 119rrext74ttt rit .titakkYlitoutillatrforgit110141103473142000.:7. 0.-,CAMESON, - * • Deed under power of sale. • - • ‘ala 111T TOR Skif TUE SUBSORTHER V XI* of and therptialt in M.ftehell. :Stage Proprietor, Good stabling for 100 Hones., Horsisiand Genal* forHue2 on -COMFORTAbla the ShortettNotico , 11407 ;fay 'wort *rector" int its . 7LT1U Olt 4 111 Oistsibird reesiefle reasfea-.e terms. of the • ,Itzyje VtioDigioitItr trio LaigiAlenr beaCS. igyathe masses #f .21 own foreer - . ' 100-N$ISTING OF TWELTEROUMS, with aold arDragaista throuthoutthiWtsd• largeStable Shedypenipan4 large uardee, sALts mathe erste Township of Tim. Pit:INCIPAL . 4 • - -herryand known ty the canto ofthe BLITA, li Miell‘flardsiilr-arkP- ° *APR ROTEL and in tit dccuPatiQn of „_ thhasbilp:;rrogp:ri:e7t15414, C. dF:ta7ro.tperiu: nd Jo, 'wnrthirthe,niiticinf any nun who is seeking' • _ pAid tint. 1121. 2.P31 - . •-111trkj , • 01'102.67. to 13,17, naszthe LI STATION Etoderish, for OA At Five Year: igIrM ranger if 'mkt lralt. itot _ October 8a, 1863- Goderieb AnrU 86 1864 $w62w ° Pt