Semi-Weekly Signal, 1864-05-10, Page 2a
Buffet and Lake auron Railroad
"'ramie pAmi.ia.
..1LINTON " 8.46 "
rIARPURHE V. • • • . . 14 9.06 "
SEAFORTH . ... , '. 9.14 ,‘
' CARRON BROOK.....:-ii 9:35 • ".•
MITCHELL .1. lc 9 5 "
STRATFORD „Arta. 10.
STRATFORD ..Dee. 4.30
MITCHELL _ " 5.13
CARRON BIOOK • ig 5.33
H 4, .
,HARPURHE ..... -". 6.02
CLINTON .. .. ... " ' , 6.25
GODRRICH . ...... ARR. 7.1,0
Dar Expires*.
DFP 8.00 A. M.
pun- gnat:
is true with regard to Ottawa is. equally -
true as regards any locality whose repre-
sentative or representatives can semi", a
certain number of followers on a, local
question. In Legislation as in , War,
Right has frequently to succumb to the
power of Might_ But why should it be
so? Why should the Provincial _strong-
box be open to one section and shut to
an:idler, when the representatives of the
people are virtue of their Oaths
to act impartially, and to serve the wholo
countryas well is their own constituents ?
The grasping policy which teaches that
honesty is not the best policy, and- the
'molito of which- is • "-The greatest possible
pod to=ourselves, to,. the disadiantage of
all other " is true to the selfish instincts
of poor human nature, but in. practice at is
4eminently calculated to corrupt the politics
of any country under the sun. If that
GODERiCII, "W MAY 1-0 .186.4. doctrine holds good, Mr. james Dickson
should 'take Cartier by the button and
say,. "Come now,. 3.lonsieur. I have said
. The United Counties of Huron and
Bruce have long, been, in it certain sense,
au unknown land to the Successive Govern-
' - tnetita'of ,Canada. When thereis money.:
to be raised by Way of reenue or other:
wise for Provincial, purposcsi. or when our
instalments of . hitereston; the Municipal
I•Can. Fund debt comes due ire are duly
rememberecVatIead-quarterS, but when,
on thenjonirary,_,.that money has to be elf-
in -tied; we are so far Weitthat we sci-
dOM. or never receive -the slightest,atten-
iron, There is no necessity for argymen-
4 t.ii on this point., The fieti and figures
- ef years all go to shim that tbeffe impor-
tant 'Counties have been -.-most 5
• negleitediay the :of
. try. Thousandi upon. thousand
. _
'Las have been drawn away f
build piers on the St.Lawren
. struct new - roads - In other pa
Province, and to be squandered in pay-
n2ent for political squabbling at the seat
of Government, _while we have been left to
' build our own harhers or allow them io
rot, to foster Our own commerce, and to.
-heir bartheos tat should in all ' justice
have been laid upon the shoulders of the
public.- No doubt- the cireumstancell. in
connietion With the first settlement of the
County ofIltiron tended:to initiate this
indifferentriolioy„. The Canada Company -
had - most' unfortunately obtained posses-
sion of * large portion .of theinil, and took
upon itself Co bald a harbor at Goderieli
and to open up -a leading road to the older.
aettlenients, which it clid„, after a very
alip-shod fashion4 ' In the early dayt when
application was made to Parliament for
• help in the way Of public Itaprovement,
:-the anaWer was, u_You are tinder the bare
of the. Canitea-Company, and must look to
it for sIssistance for.years to come." - Well,
eventually, the land ,to a great extent went.
from under ,the power X& the CoMpariy.
Whits then was the excuse? Not,certaiely,'
that we possessed the _much desired rtri-'
prosements. : for there was not a decent'
harbor on the Canadian sherd of rake
; Huroufrom Sarnia,to the Indian Peninsi-
Ia. Goderich harbor was in a state of
'shameful : dilapidation -the harbors of
Bruce (the Canada COmpany was not in
, the way there) Were in a like condition,
' and every other improvement : was left tor-
he noun-,
of dol-;
m us to
to- eon-
ts Of .the
a-few.bard words -diet* you, but you are
not se bad after all. 'We ,miyjai Of great
service to eachother just new: You would
-like first-rate to have an additional ;vote,
and -1 would be equally pleased to get a
(rood solid GOv.erniv4ent Grant for the pm.:
pose. of building harbors on Lake. Huron,
- and fort other inuch-required improve-
ments. YoU'understand Me„ I will vote
=for you on certam conditions it' And yet,
we rejoice to know? that the rate -payers of
his Vast constituency have never yet -
hinted to their representativel.that such a -
course would be agreeable to them; • They
have been sadly neglected; nay dp'eplY
Wronged, but - their 'very struggles With
adverse :circnatances have inchieed
feeling of manly independenceshich would
disdain the -perpetration of it wrong act
to secitre a - possible good. Time tarts(
bring about -some change. The. 'tat 'dis-
proportion of our representation compared
with the area -of country and the member
of hard,-working,-tax-paYing people_ repre-
sented must eventually lead. 'to' a "-better
state ofthings. We fondly hopethat it
may not be long coming. _The- great
leading facts we have adverted to above
should be persistently pressed Upon the
attention. of the legislature, until atlast
even centralizing selfishness Weald have
to give way and accord to us - at least a
portion of the jtiatice we feel ourselves en-
titled to. '
But it mar -be saidi: why dwell 'upoa
these facts? They are so- patent. to the
_ - .
whole Province as to require no repetition.
We are not so sure of, that. There are
. •
many intelligeat ., men - ;throughout the
country who have but a very 'vague idea
with regard to these Counties. We will
cite one example, which will be ani
sufficient to illustrate 'what -we mean. The
Herald's extra, 8 p. m., says :-" Our troops
The long -threatened advance of the under Gen. Butter are in possession of Peters-
• burg." The followingis from the Tribune's
Federal armies in Virginia began on•:Wed- . extra :-" The Washington Republicalesez-
nesday last. That a great two -days' bat- ' Ira says that General Giant hurled his elittre
tle Was the result we know; but beyond
army against the Contederate army on Fri-
-'day. Lee was driven three miles, leaving
this hard fact all is wraped in mystery.. 3,000 killed and 10,000 wounded in our
* variety of extremely conflicting tele- ; hands. Grunt is master of the field: •Lee is
grains have reached us. First it was ' in fell retreat. Gen. Grant is in hot pursuit
• .. being done for the wounded
reported that Burnside ' had been routed 1.1111t lies in the power of the surgeons and
by Longstreet; then, on Sunday, a rumor ambulance corps." .
was put in circulation that the Confeder- v 00 r 0N01E, May 7. -Port ,eye1
ales had been awfully beaten, Lee -killed, of the 5th„ state that Florida, Georgia and
and the whole arm'', in full retreat for South Carolina, are nearly depleted of Con-
, ,s 'federate troops,who have been sent north to
Richmond These reports proved•
to be join Lee's wimy. A great female bread riot
fab•rications. . -Yesterday we •applied for oceurred in Savannah, on the 17th ult. -
the regular Associated Ilress dispatch-, but
failed to get more thdn ti., meagre . synopsis il NEW YORK. May 7. --Private letters' .from
Bon's- Gap, Tenn.- 27th utt., announce the
of the news contained in the -dailieS Of desti•uction oftheEast Tennessee and , Vir-
yesterday' morning. ' All 1 w -n ' et -in - gather giuia railroad. from 'a distance of 15- miles.
is , -that there tas been a 'wholesale
. „
.destructipn. 9f human life, ..and- that
the battle, judging from Northern tele-
granis, was a It will be a day
Every bridge" and railroad tie in the:whole
extent was burned, and the toad left in such
a condition- that .it cannot be repaired for
WASIIIi:GTONI May 7. -it "IDS telegraphed
-hence by the Independent telegraph line'but
or ;11"Q: before the real state of affairs leaks --refused by the other- lines, doubtless for pin
Ont... We were n1opes of being able . to 'dential reagens,: that ••13. great victowas
• - achieved by Grant on Wednesday and-ThuM
lay some additional 'teleg phic, newi- be -
- .
fore our readers to day, but _it seems, that
this is iinposlible, the Montreal office here
only correspondieg- with Stratford instead
or Brantford' direct as fo inierly,
Glyti4ID Free P ess saysl
that la eoniequenceof: the new -arrange:-
ment the Grand Think is doh% an im-
mense bosiness. Twenty-eight trains per
day Pass over the Western' end.. of the
road, and the rolling stock is: so fully oc-
cupied that the local 'timber . and stave
-trade between -Saruia-.1 and St. Mads is
: QUEER 1niLs -.4hight a pair of trouiscia
which have been- obtained on credit to be
• legally. regarded as breechesof trust? " When
tt. man happens tosptak with a quiver in
his voice, is it right to think his Speech an
arroW-milided one r Would i proalisiory
day, he driving the Confederates :two and a
half wita inmitnerable loss, 'and that he
was following np that victory on the following
morning by an assault Qu -60. _Confederate
-Works. . „ •". • •
, The &aria noticing a similarstatementof
otirafterriOcin-Conteniporary, 'remarks -that we
should he veir_glad Ab, be able to confirm this
ne:ws; but have te say, ufter‘diligent enquiry,
we are satisfied that the geverninent has re-
ceived no -such, information, or any informa:
tion of more ' decisive results than that -fur'
iiished by the l'rtbgne's dispatch. elsewhere.
The fact that Gen Meade-amt.:able 10 stand
the brunt of the Confiderate onset with. a
portion of. of. his e#inatal, is considered a
hopeful indication, fond we hope soon -to be
able -to announce a :decisive victery,. :but we
shall not trifle with our readers by manufac-
turing bogus victors. The above contradic-
tion of the :Star is believed_ to be based on
reliablc information. During the day ma
,enquiries were made of officers of the gov-
ernment, --but without the. satiatAtien natural-
ly -desired on the • of those who have im
'patient desires. for -early and -complete sue -
cess and who fciroct that the- work must be
note which -is Made:payable at sight ba a legal: :necestaxily -*Moroi heavy. and- Persistent on
tender to art inmate of a blind, asylinri ? both sideS,owing to the great iinportance to
each Of the result:
The Stateinents which were yead., here to-
day and which are.entitled to belief are, that
Lee made e tremendous and violent attack to
Pierce- our ,eentre?-heliing Thereby 1.0 :divide
our ;forces and to,- segue a victory; ,but
Hitchcock's BOOS.: enMe to • the relief and
amid a murderous fire formed in line -of battle.
and thwarted -the deeigns. of -the Confederates.
The -loss was -heavy_ on bothsides.General
Sheridan who vies profitably engaged in other
parts of the field,... seat the chief in command
einessage that he had -rented Stuart's cavalry.
The.atteck of Lie. Fat4-.0% our advaecing
cOlunaiii, and he doubtless anticipated a via
TRE ildER-1.0A17 WAR.
The -Trio Days' Battle.
'NEwk Youx, May 6.-A special' despatch to
the Worki, dated ; headquarters of the army
of the ittly4 6 w In, says: -The
-order to moral was issued from Gen. Meade's
headquarters' yesterday. moranig, an ,
scirnnaied through the armybytwo p. to.
Gen: Greg's eaVatry.division, -2 eeompanied,
, Batiostoag, May 8.7 -The Fortran Monroe
'boat, which arrived this morning, brought leo
letter from the prima- t, nOthing
ceptiagne rumors Ile limed frim
Butler's army.
Prodiglode orm Kowernont.
-.Sortte model male l'efertiers in crinoline
are urging up* Amerrictin ladies to curtail
their expe s for rich dresses and trap-
pings, costiltievrels and extravagant turnouts.
What nonsense! Now br.thertinte for shoddy
to revel carnival of prodigality. .The
more tire/ pay for foreign fabrima under the.
present high tariff, the better it is for the
Xreaeury r;if the Government. The' more
they expeOfcir rich articles of home manu-
facture for the silk and satin
niennfacturere ?Ike' better for our manufac-
turing jeivellers„lapiclaiies and workers in all
aorta M preciousigems. ; ..,the better for the
poor and gentle Winker!! in lace, embroideries
and these costly:trimmings and ornaments of'
dresses- and robes .with which ample riches
eriableseme of our American ladies tti adorn
their graceful ,parsons .; the better it is. for
carriage -makers and the legion' of working
people interested in getting up the grand ill-
tablishments winch &male the eye of the be
holder every fair day on the Park. Let
shoddy luxuriate in this, its own ielfinauger-
Med reign of Magnificente. Let themact
upon the admonition of a kind 'old creature
nee neighhoring. city,.. Whose •husband had
suddenly come -into. a big contract and a huge
fortune stalest at the mini 'moment. It was
111 gay party Costly wiee flowed in magic.
liKe.abundance: Modest gliests refrained'
front partaking too generously of the sumptu-
ous and .eaperisiee beverage. never
mind," cried the -kind - hearted hostess,
"though it did cost tee defiers a bottle; drink
away, bois=--there's lashings of it." Let
those who have aicumnlited fertunes as if
They fell like April showers. from the clouds,
in the midst of the golden:sunshine; spend
their money lavishly. • Like water it .came;
like water iet it depart. Thus will our Shod-
dy -people soon again find their former honest
tevel -again touch solid - bottotit!,and thoie
who are not crushed titte0y by the cliande
wilLbreathri freer y itarlit
-more -Met, and step more- _and feel
more behest and manly than ever the/ 'did
while whirling wildly in maelstrom 0 fah -
ion, extravagance and umbitigated folly. Let
-lhoddy 'give back to the, people what it tot
from thepeople.-(N.
"PROTINCIAL F014ITICS.--, It it very singular
how rapidly changes- of views follow changes
of eircurnstances.- ,• A few weeks Weeks age,there
was nothing 5o vile; in the judgment of the
present,Ministerial party; is a; change rifted."
on the part of politicians haying seats Par-
liament. Yet these gentlemen, recently so
orrified at the idea 'Of party • desertion, so
convinced that the Minister* of the day were
attempting te buy up their opponents, and so
resolute in believikg.' that „every a,pparent
change, even though made in. the direction
upon the whore ..germane to the vie** enter-
tained during a hfetime by the pens* mak
ing it; must ba the _result. of a vile bargain,
are now boasting of a ntijoiity which can only
ihad,. if had at all, by the Means of refu-
gees front the party now in tippositionk This
view of the cam does not stnite them as being
'quite so ihocitioias did a eimilar spectacle s
few *make 'age. Their present mond senile
- has grown less. ticklish and more.robult. If
they can only get the: minority they will aik,
tio" -questions m to the means. Whether tliey,t
mill do 'dig another matter. _Some lour orl
ire nameithave been mentioned as those of;
persons who, by deductin strawy Votes froin
to es‘ablish a ressiag. It is reported at this -tau Theraday; in whieh ou less inrkilled and 'Ministerial side, seeiire .to the letter a thrown
that existence of so strange and mur-
derails a system can only be explained by
the condition of India; the extreme tim-
idity' and apathy of its inhabitants, and
" division into castes; the number of
small native governmeata ; the habit of
dwelling in vil4es, divided by extensive
ininhabibx1 tracts; the vast amount of
tette:Bing iii that commercial country,
witheat-na "gable rivers or safe convey-
and!-- and the murderous ifpirit of Hin-
vloo suatie' in., ' •Between the years 1831
and 1837 nearly four thousand Thugs
werelbroughS to justice. &nue of- them
werelkezedmed:; some were transported;
'and Some were allowed -to go-lree upon
giving evidence -for tke State.
. .1
The Edininrgh correspondent of -a•
fiord:pike. contemporary- gives the following
gassip about Palace Alfred,' Who has just left'
that city:-
- " Whethee" or not it is trod ' . that Prince
Alfred, se Lord !Brougham . remarked - at the
late Sock/ 06trgfess,-- is:oop -4of the best .of
pnnces, he has become an immense favounte
amongthe Modern Athenians, some of whom
have, one the leDeh'oflieekini locks of his
-hair from the :basir who usually had the
honor ofcropPing his Royal Highness, Like
his eider brother,the-Prince is a heavy smoker.
'nothing, in fact, seems to please hint better.
than At good pipe ettobacco Wed a -chat with
two Or three cheerful commrions. He is
also Of a Mechanical cast aimed, and. in his
sino4a room at Holyroed be has fitted ups,
turniek lathe. In photography he is remark-
ably proficient, having imbibed a strong relish.
for it frem his mother, who is known to be
practiadly CODTerSitlt with the art, and to
have .instructed her fatality in its details. His
Royal` Highness is equally expert On the vio
lin and harmonium. Line incidentillustrating,
&highly favonible trait of tbe Prince's char-
acter must not be omitted: Some ago,
as will be resnenibered, one of his ;eyes was
accidenally blickened While he wits- playing
at racket ' The poor fellow Who threw the
ball matiifesteclextremeoind do doubt, sincere
sorrowfor the cceurrence, - but his despond -
at Holyrood Palace next day, in order to
lighten the tedium of his temporary imprison.
eienni ice nyn:.:..,„...d..w.,,,,,,:..Qhredeartilyy admiration when
Csir, si-----7-..Toms.-Th4m-e---ere- is a considerable
•fermant du this subjectIrcausedbj the action
of the New Administration: Having con-.
demned Mr.- Howland for rehnposing the l'olls
on the Canals, and carried their elections ia
Montrealon a considerable degree, on tins
question, the Ministry had to do something,
and the partial repeal of the -Tolls WAS prp-
dallied. Thetis, vessels or cargoes having
. - •
paittfall tolls on the Welland Canal, are to
pais through the &. Lawrence Canals' free,
and Stye versa. . Threffecit of this arrange-
ment na,however, . not altogether agreeable
to soile of the forwarders, who zealously la
bored for the present 'Ministry. Theirbnsi,
ness tieing :chiefly connected with Lake Onta-
rio, they have still to pay full toll on the St.
Lawren Canals ;-whilst those whose bust -
nem is n Lake Erie or the Upper Lakes piss
t glIg the Si. Lawrence Canals free. --
he Canadian. farmers_ all around Lake
Who are taxed to paY the interest on
, Lawrence Canes,' have . to pay toile
also' 111 heir produce, whilst the farmers of
ern States who pay no taxes for the
als. send their ..produce through them
his is nit„..ho ever, the end of anom-
The Great Western Railway', which
reduce from the Western States to
for shipmen to, Montreal, will be
nt of .employment, for produce-cpm-
itwill be charged tolls on the St.'
' Canals; vials produce- -coming 1
An American vessels, to Kingston, 1
- • A ani,t
by a portion cf- the canvass pontoon train, -Could advance to the field of battle. The 0 .0
Moved Yesterday afternomitowards'ilichards- appearances -*on =Thursday. were that hos' tili- the .
titlet,anifwerei erigag6'd until lite at ties-krould be reneik:ed on FridaY!
leOarrinar. the road to Elly'iFord..:. &ma idler. Intense ex 'tan - d '
-torilty=hia -otislauirht _before the:main. body-
ci ent petwa ed the city to- the W
midnight- that division moved to the. ford •day in regard to The pending battle south of said-ta
named t)" estuhlish a crossing. About.- t.he Rapidan. No official informetion has
night the.3.rd avalry diviaion, with another bveil'a.eceived. varioui rumors and marjen
portion et the cativass..pontoun train; lett for tural. 'reports " have, been eirculeted. It' is
• . known positively only that battle -Was be . the Oppainon, and coining them over to the.
germAattia For , five or stx nide! above there,:
hour thlt both eff rts- were suceessful. trwoutided wiks -4.bout 4,000including several
. _
..Warden of the
•- UnitedCouaties of Fro -lite- The ' advase of 11 9 a e t; hr a i
- Hancoek conit tandieg, hfoke camp,' at `mid-.
. • ..te 2ICorps, _at. ,...e.t. offi . f.d• • ' • - i ' a •
cers o istinction. t is.un eistood that
nee Lennox and Addington Sidney the Confederate -army had beei driven two
- Warner, Esq., . • a ientIernan _of edneation
•mi es b telt to their dehtises upon Miue-
, , • 3 -night mid II1QV d down the Stevenshure anl.
•and. intIlligeriee, in his Address to the
ltictunoitilvillersoad„-toward Ford.. The As yet, the, Government hits received iutor-
. .
enti-e cerps- iv' re ou the maieb haore.three
Council over in
which h presides .at its and' were ewtretb.eisx; :t1eld-lit'electteateoessdiegsti::
meeting in January last, made. use of. the after daylight. The 5th' Corps; under Maj.
'followine. Words: When I first. entered Oen warren; commenced mtit"'ing at laid -
thisqouncil 10848, the Council num-
." herecti5, we have -now a membershipof
"„35„ haying thi largest r4resentation, of
any enited* Counties- Canada TreSt.!"
‘‘.19-w-; although 1)1i. Sidney -Warner hs
-been a member Of the .i11110X
dington Connell for so Many ' years, and
be made by the people • themselves: In should, perhaps! be -betterposted up, we
private conversation_ with influential min-: believe he was perfectly sincere in making
• isters, theexcusefor this shamliful neglect the abeirestatiment.-- What; then, ' be
publie interests was that we were too. far
- West tole taken into account, but the
excuse made ill public, Wel:that the
• .ernmint of the drticouid not really spate
Menu for public imp:ovements in this fax -
off regieLt_ .Tho fact the money of the
• Province was laid oufprilleipally in Lower
• Canada -paid to subsidise oceansteaniers,
to chiselling tui contractors on theLonrer
. St. iawreneei in large SUMS. libiltda Quebi
and centralizing Montreetsunk in the rock
ttsiderlying 'Ottawa, and .the 'moiety. t
did accrue to ljkier Canada was eationd-
• ed wherever political Mune° could
best secured by_itz means. By the time
. this far Wwil, was reached the exchequer
vat empty and we were left in. the lurch.
-Whew the Governmeut &di. after Much
h character -of -the present Administra.
itiorintisand the certainty that „raider them- a
preening, tura its attention to or Wants,
real system ofprovincial defence will be in
augurated, it the reason Resigned for fide step
--this is complimentary but will -hardly be
considered satiefactory-we like the red coats
rarely see . them -besides: to the citlea the'
army expenditure is of consequence, .hope
that thernsiociaineorrettoe-Thatse
his astimishinetit 'when : itiferin hint
that the terra Incoynitet. of nad:
Bruce has a. representation of yrfiTy-
T WO I. *.and „that, the: .:repraleated new
nuinber rN E ILO US A l.r)
fOtTII;SI • And when he .alselearne:,that.
we have a Soil second to none in the
• •
Proinee in point otAgriCultural resource,
he will; we doubt not, agree With. uti,:iliat
systematia*glect:of our int -deal on the
. _ . .
part of the Government thebonetry is,
:on the highest piibliground5 • Oruel
_ • . - •
It is, currently reported that when the ae-
Cemion toposer of the new ministry became
known iriEogland, it was resolved -reeal:a
large nuniber of the, regular troops framthe
Province. The Confidence:reposed, in the
• it inflicted wean& upon. -us moredriey-:
• ems if Possible than WI previous neglect. -
bitted -of die harbor of refuge: w14ch we
Were led -to hope for, the Harbor Of Gode-T and want them in enr country even if we
rich was hancled'oter to the.. 11. &
paway.f.fompany, without an attempt
lejag made to &is' aoyer whether., the trail?.
stsotian was in accordance with the Wishes
or our, representatives, or the interests -0'
their toiistituents. . There is cause for all
this shameful neglect and studied wiong
a eery': sins* &taw: The, eighty or
loiisety theasitackinb.ebitents of Huron and_
Brume have but one representative Iry 1 the
. Rouge of Assembly, and frem the geogra..,
phieil,sittuttion • or oonstit000, that
one represinitatine t hope -t, have
• -• what- alled in. the lobbies eithe House,
esfoltomisg.Ile cannot rile in his Place
and say, "gentletniS mama you redress.
the Wrongs my people labor under, A will,
% with' the assistance ormy colleagues, vote
jp*Osstof peace r :Hence he is, CODile
.paratively speaking; powerless, and. must
=Win So,. until acme equitable systeaf of
Itspreseatetive *domain efheted. Great
atteMioa pa14 to Ottawaministeri of the
-0,11i1M visit it,Counniasious' or inq*y are
sat tu sty, prowess of increased. energy,*
te reit or tompletiag the OW
jag" ars *4s, whx? ,Simplorpecuase
theithere Ottawa aseasbeiais ifo*
austOoware,. whose! Totag /DM be
'influenced by such a pours& Anil -Ott
If ft is Se currently reported, we should be informed upon what ,ati-
thority; for we. 4rtainly ,Itever saw or
heard of such' a rumor hike.Was it
Cdlenel iTachCa suggestion, that the
tiaerthe country slioddletinght to turn
:oat at the sound -Of the trunipet .44 itt
=fused- sack tionfidence into the British
War Office withregardto Canada, or was
ita.kniiiiledge of the fact tliat gr. rsatta
Buchanan, at It gieat -personal sacrifice,
-had .taleats and his Republican
,,..ideaz upon the alter of his country? it
is all unadulterated bosh, to talk about the
British'T.Itovertireent befit% More . cod.;
demo in 'the abariNer of. the present 31in-
Way than it beitoWed .upeti . that Which
preoeded. it. 'Where ia there: a single
fadt in connection 'with the Nilitiaaehemes
of the Oartier-MaBonadd men to warrant
smith twaddle?' •
• . 4-31
, alsricsx' `A.Trae.0-"-The ''-Eniperor and
Ribpresb of Alexia) ''left Rome on the 20di
ultimo for Cleft& Vece.Ide,, to embark.' for
if__,,e,i t..,,TheY. had iku iklienee 'et the Pope
on the linthr Ind his holiness- .roturned the
visit. 'They attended masa_ at; the. Vatican
befoitifieweittg i-. T.
. . -t-‘ •
mation whatever the progress •of iaffairs,
'except the. common ,report that Grant. has
evered- all connection with Washington, and
'pickets .have been stationed to -prevent the
passage ar. the . rear or. any except his -con-
n ight. . The: advan:a eonsisting of , two ,
-disiaions Of infiintry and &Portion of artillery:4 It is 'expected that the telegraph line to the
passed through Steveuslairg : at. • midnight„'. RapPahaiinock *Sration be placed in
closely -t'Oltowediry the re:awl:Am, of.iho corps -working Order withoui-delay. It is .etridentir'
all marching towards _Gern4mia. Ford. " The from nceotints receivechtliat Lee attemet•-
5th corps ''w1181 closely enegeded t.'"Tithe 66' ed to get between Gra:Wt.:imp andthe fords
under Sedgwiek, -which quitted its camp at; 4! of the Rapitian;:hin Was foiled and cOmpelled
a. 111... Both the 5th :and 6th corps, are tire; to aharidon the attempt. Subsequently a
dersteod to. be Crossing the Rapidan ;at Ger- fin:iotis atttlelt was kept l un' upon our lines,
mania Ford:- The entiro movcateht resolve.e' which hive- steadily the, shoeh, the
itself into the prossingtorihe HaptdSit now tit strong indicatioa Of the 'result is the inelan-_,
two. fords towards the right flank of the choly eine-et of the secession sympathisers. ,
erieiny,. placing itheif after trossilog on a hoe .s-
PourtIllouseliad Chanceilorsville. At Ole
nearly parallel with the river, between Ot.i.hge NEw. ex -
nearly thts :morning says the 6 only omelet intor-
present hoar, tlio movement is maimr weigla!
and Thsre is a probabilitethat be suc-
cessfully accomplished without severe - olipo;
sition Lee,thwhota this boid .push must
he mere .er less. ofsurprise. It is net prehable
that. Any seriphs bombing& w11 be
today; Cavalry -skirmishing and and artiller
duelling are likelY to make up the ditYls
fightinf unless the enemy . contests. theal
winces in force. • . •
Wiimgorot, May 5..."-4---ThisiOdtd:t special
.soys there iftin. doubt now front intelligence
received frotn Eealten- statidn.,:that Lee has
entirely ahandened:10. lineonthe Rapidan,
and with his army; has- taken the roads run,
ning from the inuth of that etreaut to Orange
,Springs; destined either for the eMrenehtnentt
-Richniond or for a is
at Haitover
Court House There is ne indication- of a
rebel merement into the valley , of. Virginitti
and .the fact of Lee's general retreat as he
did fortne.rly to -Mine Ruti, ani beyond, seems
thus eletirlyeatiblished, • s .•
Ngw Touti, May 6 -The s World says that
the passengers who arrived in ,this city from
BaltimerilAS night,' state that' information
bad been :received there , from Confederate
siierces, W II aS from Norfolk and Fort
Monroe, that Gen W F Smith; with 4t. very
large: army,: ad ditieritherked on thl'icaitli
• side.of jeniew iyer,net.fat froni Fortbarling
on Drares 11 tiff; as theCorifederates call it:.
Ris object w of courserrrumier ef!ritere
S-Peatlatiolt- t !melt be feint ini...erder to
distrattilin onfederates and prevent them
sending rem( rcemenui -to. Gen.:: Lee; but
if it Was in ea nest knierint.that Fort Darling
and ,Petersbit were- to • hired and
Richwond t off froin 'communi-
cation from orth Carolina!
If the news lb correct, and it 18 geoer be-
lieved in Bal theocclipation of West
-Vona. M ay wangle ely .deeeive the
"enemy ;. still
rumor, and
tined for Wes
coronae -lett
A 'pedal d
he used sea
here to -day. t
Winchester u
cut the: Virg
While Ratter'
Other rail
seiering all
ation born the army, derived _ from des-
patches 'Of the medicaU director and chief
qUarterriaaster to their respective . harms,-
: Ti,e woanded,numbering from 6,000 to 8,0001
have been Sent from the battle -field Bop-
pabannock station, theni:e to be forwarded to
Washington-. A portion id them have ar-
rived at Rappahannock.. • •
- The:ehief quartermasterlutilnade a requi-
sitio.a for grain, foi7the ;earns* This im-
ports anadvance by Gen,: Grant. General
Iogallailsays . have fought two dip; the
enemy are said to, be retiring,. . There seems
to be no doubt that although nothing -decisive
has yet occurred the enemy has beenfoiled
"in his -confident expectation of driving Gen.
.-Grant- hack before' his operations coital*
fully developed, that Lee has been cehipelled
to give; the tactiee of:the-erieroy have uni
-,formly been- to Strike ire heaviest blow at the
outset; and to this their 'Suomi hes always
been owing. This has now failed. - -
The casualties reported are General Hays
kilted and Generals Getty and Gregg and COI.
Hays. and Gen. Owens wounded, -General
Hancock is reported to have receivid'a slight
wound while rallYing his men to -resist .K.T.
HILL'S ODSet; TWO of :Gin. 'Burnaide'S staff
_are reported killed while carrying despatches.
Reports receired from Alm fivat- up 10
o'clock- on Saturday morniag, say there .had
been two days'_ severe • fighting on Thursday.
and Friday, audit was believed that the Ole-
" My mere iretreating.and our wounded Were
beings,ent to the rear, showing that we•liod-
lost no ground in the fighting. .It is believed
our -forces were pressing furviard, • Nothing
further- hat been heard. fidel IftitUfv-
:Eoportii ftiet Chattenean, dated 5 cOclack
.majority of eight. or ten. But melting all
allowances ,for the tendency of mar to join -
the side Which for the moment seems -to be '
thastrovaq, it. LS difficult to 'believe -04 -will Co e downfree and so doubtless; with
$ $
thole- who he!! heard "i° much ethite200 ex' the Welland Railway. Such e,ffects_eenld sot .
l'preiSed for turn -et -rats will be very 'ready to vireo be contemplated by Mr. Got, and we
exPlielheins4S18 i° din Same agt of an -1 inaYez ct- some change stion.-i-Ifontreq
sure. - The mita. Irldeh, we hive heard witlie
spoken of are chiefly Lower Canadian, only I.
one Upper Conadiett being said to he likely -Al '
therefore. in in-die-1We' Hositi. the ekrinPe linrn
to dpiert bis colors. Even wit• h .a majority, ape er,..regwasiliirl.-perf*Ostikurthede'3414by "rClatiptaillien
Shy of the RoYal - Horse -Guards
diffitifity: of in. U.ppet •Canathen..majonty "'.7 '17
hilt* cif &welly_ Usk in the neighbor -
hood Windsor.. . This officer undertook,
for a r., to run* quarter of a mileA9p
a -9a of* mile,' ,ride. on horseback's
qu.sie .oft a mile, and row *like dietance
an tke 'ear in aquarter of an :hear, *all of
witiebithe,Vepain duly -'executed, winning
with . i .. r- minutes andfdity tecOnita, to'
ing ore
AgauSh. thp Government promisee se be pro-
longed, ao long ea the Present -Ministry con-
tinues` in power,- notwithstanding the incon-
venience, and perhaps ultimate dangeriwhielt-
all persons acknowledge to inhere in diem
• condition of things. It is of very little use to
speculate upon a- fature," -however, whose
development Inuit be so speedy. ',The can
cuses and proceedings' or tbe nest few days
willrnake it.plain Whetherthe predictions Of
the Ministerial party, or the confidence of the
other side. have most -foundation in truth. --
Montreal ileraid.
- The Thugs of recs.
. • , , , .. -i-,-. ' s direct t
' N i" lin"4117itille:Ilitigd4r India She
Swill! ' --r .evhd att-e:igWgiiand;,orsena.t few
weelliaalTye CI go it
4°91 Sotie•Of.y9d do oft iiourse ; but to .
, C I I., will.4 be .adopted. Ile/ ., Aro_ trip
such isido itotikeillIexplatnt- The Thngi- Live-:* t probably be from thecapper mines
are. an iMiSOCrati.011 Df anssOis and .robbera of Superior, offer be_ riontfitis Conipiet;
which l'IDS at one r timi Irery extensive ; *4. •
hitt; IhialiZto the endeavors' °fiber British
• authorities, -.the' otaibera jAre now greettlY .=
...mredeapsue714tet_hrogn"ghoo..t177,'"H- lhait":.00.14aty:ii.17 dindent : . . ti 1: thicotlyiSIErposs*TilliiiimentestAre:*:redi-"titrili,:wpoel:ttofriuktittb-tiribelinit41:1161195"rteini7gth:-740...
Thuggee system is unknown and thenigh
to it, yet _Oa sateiary,goddeesf_;11bulraltee, foreign whom° theito:17:c7c:likiii4lat!cililrees:
iiiiidoosancRolunagiclool.'alike - bf-bng yield ie the hervestn=relly the unpoits of
:Or Kali, who *said. to! prealda veer len- than * y werOduringthe corresponding . ut-r-
founelg.si19114.1uhige°e focermk O- faithbsrr 1.11,Paluanlitetbrr-dbtd ..bobier'actiitf..4 Wsilt'laieidiapram. e'--hinc.freonmelsees:11111,...feri' °:,entbfdiAmininli irirea.
not seem . 49 .:10 , the '. sole object of theli' turee::,,, wbe ex-poptiv. on -'ihir.lithar.ttand, are
work, but in and robbing'they iinite ' 'Adel. ' ; - ' ' -
followed the teaching; Ortheif us , -
-folk and, of; their. ries one•third was A turgsoutsnen ihtusrss.-liev.
:TilteitYY-swit:e.tal*Pt fleas* saerifik Alleettliqr-friu0eddeitY: 11-A"-:11:..1.- n.madeeiliadilID.114:rrauggri"4•iti,,,..en%':Ncif: Esali.w.n.'ibteil.
iota, bi.iogooeo ouivcieed to :be reeebied - TiA ten Inas 1.776,„Vis-f-r and stilt Pm,
froni their' goddess' - and... certain chaie#bilehailelthaliesit:bit. , .euggstilF1'..pte4viittiscorlisstewhp,reveratreld,„
. _ •... , . 1• rot C Wain VW, IS DOW , :
' nal - color. . -1.recommendtlierno
iffeli st;i7fir Uric! '
' -,•-••••.-, -
Naw:r s.ristr. FOR LITERPOOL.-There if
newt az at the railway' dock at 'Windsor a
mariifi nt bark,- built at _Cleveland for- a
Liver .1 Compete, y. and which iiinteadett for
e •between the West and &vivid.
were exempt from their tttacks, wits
wouldnot=misc.& " girl, a min- the
otrei, a. Sikh, Fel* us 'mendicant, nor it for
laboring inechimie , o; d they ioldoni use- DI*,
dered-women eac4t for their own safety.
They usuall travelled in largelangs,ilad eider
werclivi into throe
yeaterday P. _ says that%herman Watt them were ,the inforuras,,,or. op-trappra, 10,110
at Trinnel Ail!. 1 - - ' - ' - . z,- i found ind laid out •the Werk p.. AS
The enemy at Buzzard Roost- Gap and our stranglers ir killers ; and third, Am *the
Gen. McPhersOn was operating agar st the
enerny's communications with Rome, threue
all is m e 'tipauthenticated Banc& ,
enjilitth army 'In"- be dr' Old Sherman has Boni tit the:fipoit to -give
'Point to co-operate with 'sae. Johnson final heaiine
Meade's-army. '-
yodel° the .71Dies save that
eing strongly kirtified, and Will
pot ,fOr stores; It is reported
t. ationg adman of troops
Siegel are marching from
the Shenandoah Valley' at
°limn destinued eventuallytd,
nia and.Tennessee_ Railroad,
force or a part of ititrikee the
at or aear „Petersburg, thus
"'road commedeation between
Richmond an lie gontir- - -
-Butler took the fielditiletairMAli& head
• of thoormy a the peninsula yeetegdah .alut
• hia-hoat lama hailed ,by such leaders as W.
V: Smith,. Gil more, Ferry and Weitzzel. .
An inupe fleet of trangtiormand &strong
samidron of itOrs and gunboatik,will con-
vey it up ono of those broad rivers- to . the
gates or hook
the,iron clac
strength of t
' .The SkiriajaVien3. -we et Jihertrte men
tion facts within our knowledge, we think we
could.demoestrate that 'Lee, haa,treelpiteasion
to dread the strategy of our military opera-
• tions, as well 'as the Tiger witharluchthey
are pressed. -Wei believe that Jeff. Dant
find!' to -day, in reality, What; hu sthrietimes
been talked abc- that if thunders all ar-
ound. -.. The line * f attack by Lei in the fight-
Ing*cif Thursday"- d Friday, -nearly at right
'angles. with Grant's line ofadiancialtakfro
the directk4fOreatte COMA 0911.131iOdicite
that Lee•ni the latter point his `„ Wieland
,-headiparters. . The forced, _march ote'day
end night by -.Burnside:limn Ifinuilial4 by ,
Whielle hell* his tro!ilie-to fitreat'i supportAnt
.TheridaY rughtos d ti have even surpassed'
his brilliant forced., ' -insFtsat-Tpnites
see,bi which lei jeirprilied . thalineairtheri‘ ,.7.-.
, , Probably Lee has by this time had emteruinv
00i, of 1.11410104 AO PfFT-Ps- to feel their presence with Grant.
. psi once . more try--. ALM, - General Webb Was killed in,- thi battle' of
Contederate batteriea Unit me! , yridity„ . Our loss 4. stated at 6,000 to 8iG410
niiinky aod.RappahannOcki. , killcd a . , . . . .. .
. kit c an . wounded. _
aeilb • etriten.ik_ veteran
belonging, to .ft dub In ;A
iitT1C4 1114 year ins lee irdiV
with his lift play #1 match; that
borne -and arrineed the teacup" on-
* • in semi position arthe Monet
who bui:ed the *tints. . 1 and Tors.% 4416116 21"4 in* during ti3e
ee irnoe!entieseivair useirfii their oits, -.-4Natf itsde-Fifit; 1401e agf Abe add
spilicno, blood - the. panel; Mode of mar -
dee tieing that of strangulation, irhich *.1.11
done by a anis& handkerchief eluded.
ind •fiettilfer theporposei. fiemetimin
however; where tbe liandkeribilt -cord& .
not be so favorably ts.ed, a smart writ
the; temPlevithe hat-. mon in he fiends'. Need* Hesselia Coecil
ngthe 4aPet up table, Is• smashed
ye liars . kelt= 1V. the
wife, latarthatitene..--
41gfeertiser. :
'Grattan wife af the
ber,,reesatly delivered a see
Th oh: :wan' chord;
shire, %Ind calling for some refreshmetit, Gas
looking fellows entered a well frequented
of them says.
public -house ib Xorth- Riding of r.
'I'll bet you ileyou cannot do it -for one
'Hits Tritv Go.'-ir-Not long ago lwaltalltrt
II you I can,' replies the.ether amal.„
hearing this, asked what war
theFOcanlusey thIsf,d' issuPsuwieered one of them oar
to bet hint ZIO that he cannot leak at ttas
clock fur one hour, and move his headsimilae
to the movement of the pendulum, antasyi
!Here they go, there they go."
Tone,' says the soft hest, gl can do it.'
The money was-purilewryand mine host
coilimenced his tssla Ina'stort time bardi
the men took the f220 from `the table-amr
went out. Boniface notice( Oita hat; ,
ing it wara dodge to make losa the
money, -went on, 'Here they go, there -they-
Shortly after theofher man went mit, bat
still went on" theih3st. The latailady nuf"f
her appearance and lurked lier metal! lie was
mad. - No answer het 'Here they go, there
they go. .At laA the hour expired,- midi .
cried out, 'I've wool' But the My nma bs
lost Z/0. They had gene.
,Taz lanai Then ii*Ohllehlist pro'
foundly lamentable pi the conversation of' *
following as the direction olanEri father
Cockney. An eichange paper if: the
to his sortz-l'Aily, 'op hup mad go &Wet&
Mr. 'Arlfslind bask 1m hif "eh a bit labs*
or hoak to tuakes est
reintraber something. about as goody sad
quite' true. An actorwas tor
1rWilliam Tell." Pterre 'hu following
apeeelii--illorriblel most horrible! To am
his own and Albereslifel Tell consented m
shoot AD apple offliis own son's head.' The
actorictrockeatabeet his les lOrnidel
most orrible gocave (is limo head Nal-
bert's life, till consenteito shoot hut
happle hoff hewn Sales 'tad.'
WV; Altrttilittnati.
11.0T -IA
Insurame Comply
_ -
Accurnulated Funds onhandi
Annual Income Exceeds $2,500,000..
VLIE Iniurances Attracted at the wirzer
L BATES couatstent witharafify.
.•••=1/1=11.1. • -
Life insnreinee -Ample fiecirityo
Losses Promptly Settled Witimid
Reference to aBard ofThrectort.
Apo. 5.
eroderinh,May, 1864. ;ITO
Photogriphic Art's- t,#Ste
• . ,
a tew oar okay. winch Mose who- wish. -
-VetVet t‘itt.‘• Vslk..ektiaYf2,11 A•
-Taken will Please hair almond.' Pediasianagt
unfinished work in Ihe artist's testis re
ed to call for go oameavithout delay.
• ..Grideriela May Eth, 1864. swath( -
1.0110011PERMA T 1111.
NTOTICE is hereby . elven that James Mama -
't ton, Esq., (Manager ante Bask of Upper
Canada in -this =4) has appointed Stow
levy and Truisurerforthe above 13acielria the
place of William Boyer, Esq., reeved.
AlITTPIissdoas Rif. Loans secs otherfareisess
°Abe .zocietymust therefore be addressed toluene
lia*iiten,Ease• -
Secretary mat TISOSSfee
• London Porml, naiad
Lociaat, C.
Atmort Btirunitos,London,
C. W; WIWI* 11364. -4-• 16 -it
iiiiron and, Bruce, 13 YeaditicielEDOMMISIDMI
.truited Coantiesofilsplf virtue -of 11* Veit of -
10 Wit T Fieri feilluNt111111s-
sned ot Her hfaiesfel roomy Osest er the
Ouuntyoffiliddlescr, wain) hie Atha* '
tholarals and tenements witteevrept
tasery,,derease4, at the lime undatleath is
bands of -William Essary,i-adinittZeielt the
:snit ef.Adotplius Ini01 *ad
taken *execution, ad the nfilailitilla
eit *Abe said deteseleat, la and to let illasshar
Eleven in the third VOicosoti011 ol the Triwashm
oftrimome, isrthe Ueestrdatitalvaa soriteioisg
one Indian:4 sere*. lritti the beadier, Ahetissal
which leads and tenenseas I alba elier
for mile et; so elks ia th.-- Court
Home, la 'the T 4 Tam.
day, the - of.taike oast; alike
hour er Twelve or Arm. _
• louN trt °I' NAM -
. *writ; Ii.1011,
Sys. Pone* -
swill% I
t$4114 •
A NEW 41'00-
-• or ;
• Testrepeivedisad
Sal Mee Book ud
Ala' *040.03Plish " - Bo trio, • to *dense and lighir
systematio were they * all thiir operations raPeatiale .ensouts_ptiosti eo*tsrtari ems.
• that diagrams were 06447 Aug by ths. alualY kebea• :rm. Musa Wag crowded....
iimerthe" baler had hesoitnppedamd To, took leer text from*. Paers
thiRomanaf viii. 4,eadipelse Ira
-an =Wine] sliorl gPig. d ii" Gs "tir- wok ilityalld'aNimatiok forieledily an
AWerifelbill:bstedo and all hoite.r, -
• titekeet colored -up. The &atm- 4". 111-1Weelj‘............ a
a lire $1"11.44°4141104 illa .•'. A restless pules who wig
judged by an adnusnon made to laseft. and after bowies tie
Titylor,at filattgor;:by gh ' wie had Wes L ..___ lesnir at 101•10P as le Podd f"
atdcri lo AllitifY ite Wal_i alluir tr twat- laleet ite-41eilerod ha coal&
.• I Ram 101Iteri grlibi Ilia bap
.1)44e Pfle141.71ha 116: lit giVII§c- 'hillier*. *again a *Si
' the .........osi; oreef
the lino's. testimony, !Taylor tentsrks", -Moss. aaiiheee Ireagal4"Ww that life zactla they
'to dor
tiodetieltt Aptil Stit, 1854
MONEY TO 4111/104
ril=adosituratizoilsoi. Jean
t, •
_ ,