HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-05-06, Page 4.44 •_ •-• -,••• r !. • ••• a MIIMINI11.0.10aramarr.••••••• • THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. 'honked wag. if he had any tin overalla, No, 1 II A It DIV A It E ! A pedlar heing asked by a long spindle but I have a pair of :audits moulds that will jut fit you.' Amos,1 the list ct" pera!tits Lor the regu'a- tion of Queen Elizaboth's household mils the followin;z:-• That none toy with the maidens un pain of fourpence.' It was reportel both at London and Quebec, that the lion. John Carling m retire froze the representation of that City, in order to inake room for Mr. Foley. The Free. Prep §ays.that the story is a canard. BishopAlorne had his diziiity somewhat taken data when he t'sok possessioa, of the episcof1.1 'palace at Ncrich, in 1782. He turned round upon the sb-ps, and exehoined. 1-• Biess us, bless us I -what a multitude of peo- ple *--011 my lord" said a bystander, •` this is pothia4 to the crowd last tu see a 11141 banged." A Fattier CUT TO A BiattoP'SHEART.- The Lord Bi4hop of Cork. (formerly' Rev. John t;regif, of Dublin,') at a late meeting in that city, t strongly upon the. duty of. the clergv to visit the poor. . '" (live me the clergyailatt Who gues down into the dark. damp c 'liar where the pinta- •nrin 1iss, and, wht kilciAV's. -every paviret4tane abontr the place. Itlive ine the man .who will lind:poor people Out -the man who will ge in and talk to .BitirlY, and dock, and Tom ." Tfrifs• the way to get to- the Bishop; that the short cut to the Bishop's heart and respeet. (LOud. - • . • A Reiteity Fort • Tonveco nho acquired the tlithy habit of Chew, _ inr24 tater co, and wish t' ahantjon it, are, -5th-oh an American rapenipftered the fol- lowing ioned) :---t A friend of mine over- . c sine the Labit f chewinz, tobacco by subs- titating'a bit of cracker for his accustomed Ile had previously tried camomile' tax es and tithe:, Weans, without success _ ipteJ the cracker eon t. e recomined- a• lien of a meal 'e:age cPach Companion sorke years a;.r..o, His banker -ire.; t. tobaeca, aS ao.v.i overcome, and he has „nevetsbad .i reishfOr it 'since. He gaye up the use of the ciackers also in a few weeks. T To BE CAr Oar !-The Marquis, of elaerk-arde recently moved for the _pones 4 • pondepee with the Confederate State% reP trence to the removal of the British consa!s hom Southern parts.. Bart Russet said he would azree to the . itiotion for papers if tbe. words ." so " called were inserted before 't Conrederate Staten."' - .rho Illation, as emended was agreed to. ; Earl Rifieel was • . note to he trapped into an: informal recogni- .--11?••••":1;s1 -.. Til E SU -BSC -TUBER OFFERS. FOR NO. -20, TORONTO -STREET, TORONTO. f ,-LketuSnale, at ted prices, a large 'assert- PRESIDENT2 Hon: ,71. Halyard Cameron;„ P. Accidents Assurance 0 PROVIDENT LIFE ASSURLNOE AND • INVESTMENT COMPANY. - Established oy Special Aie of Parliement. HEAD OFFIOE non of 41.e: Confederates. - - - . R d !land-, and 'Noon Iron - AIANAGING DIRECToR : CAST, BLISTER, • , GERM'N St-,4PRING STEEL,. Vices; Bellows; St..cks- and : .. Sledge aill.fland Hammers; • PLOW' Spades& Snore14, IronAxles,CoilChafllb -. GLASS, PUTTY, PAINTS COLOURS, OILS, • Turpentine- -Lead PJpCkWrought, Cat and Herat TsVilie7s and Cordage; • d India Rfibbeirackinoi:k Belting • . •-! ' Platform .fitOC'olinter Scales ;- Muter, Cross7cut.Ciiiilar, Pa, and Hand Sawsl Cabinet -Maker's • Hardware.; Carpenter's _ and Joiner's ToOLI ; Boring) M aCh i nee ; • - House Forn ;slangs knids; blinds, :Poem ,and Mouldings •••"• • - Chopp.ing;.Broad & Hand Axas: MOW and other celebrated makers. = Agent for Gurney pc. Co.'s - PLATFORM and . • - .t.01:*NTER SCALES, ; . With the Largest Stock of • - • , . - ITAlIDWARE • . .-. • 1 f.ST TUE UOLNTIES. -PurchaitedIrom the .tIenufacturers•yand , or Sa -by - • • i - . - W. E. -GRA . Gliderieh. :Nine le.t. 1863. • - v141136. • f , • • • . , • • . • • - • - rowER's -PATEN AUG..3, - - THE VICTORIA ASKING MACHINE'.- • qiidsts Must be rendered- separate fr.m.thekr Constables' acconnt,s for :seryiee on- in, •-• - .110dIPETS are UNAVOIDABLE, A. ND every one should prow de' a coainst them. • The' are so•frequent that. aceAlipg to the exparience of English Companies, • ONE PE ilSON EVLRY.. 1 WELV,E ..1.5 J.N- .1-1.1111X, YEARLY BY ACLIDENT, • A.c01----13.1yrs° • • BY ROAD,- OR - RAILROAD • ...4.:6_6.1-13 NT 4:. In the lush the *nett or at-HOme , , • . • they- be provided itgainst'by. 'taking out a Policy in this Company; it . , • • r.r. In4itrances Mr any suin, with -weekly allowance incase 'disableinentean be obtained' •on applicant:el to - , - • • - J IINI HAL;DAN Jr "I • Agent;-C-oderich. tEillaieh-22atil. 1664. - a 58-6 - . w pi OILTAI‘IT U110 FOUNDRY! IIED JILD AVM KC .118111. .1111111114111 suir aekan WORXSt --R U -N M A It & 00 NanufactUrers--. of: _GOO and-- Flouring • Circular Mislay and Sash Saw -Mills, **al.1111: NILA..CrilaNTS, EPERATORSAND HORSE POWERS, Mowing and Reaping Machines, Wood Saws, CirntaWilir.a.LTC)Ntlit, pr.41.1%tC3- _1=0XACAttC34-3EtS, brass Castings ilia4et and .Blaelcatnithe work done in a neat and substantial manner, Castine-s-of any description made to order. 'Also, all kinds of machinery - 'repaired ou short notice. A large stock of . - • 1 COOKING. • PARLOUR AND - _BOX -STOVES -•; • titHEI-Indersigned is directed by the Finance Mimster to notify :Coreriera that in Ilititte .they will be required to.state in their accounts -.he verdict of thejury under follorring headS, viz., .1.1ut der, Manslaughter,Jnstifib,ble IlOniicide,Suicide Accident 1 --death (spedi- / A tying cause), Injuries, causes unknown,lognd dead,Naturaldiath, and that in every. claiin' ' for.mileage the names of the places from and to which the journeys have'--beeir Perfornied •--iwill be required. . . • - , • .Atrays en hand, Sugar Kettles, Wagon and Pipe B6xes. - AS our. patteins of the above are of the most -approved- kind, we would solieit-an inspection of our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are offering the above -at the loweet remunerative prices for eaah, or or op - Proved Credit. Old Metal, Brass, Copnet and_all kinds of produce taken in exchange. - . Gudnrieh, October, 1ps% - • w39 - s • other claiths.- • Constables will :els be re - p. Obtained the "iniar.lea.zt at the Frovineial. Ems . • • i • . i • : hibitron in London,'In sizoLai - ., . .quired in feture tastifte - in every aeg4rust3.:for- - • ' .' arrest or conveyance of prisoners the- natiire " , . , :- - ---' THTS . ' ' • 'Of the crithe upon which :the .prisonerii Were • 44'3. 1.0T Iffill:SA1.1 in.- BliNGANN011, - -usoifit-sivilic -,rtlio : . . . . , .: are held aver for trial before the --Assiites or arrestethiand whether they hive been tr.:iodic/I.' . .... Quarter Sessions. '. -. • .- . _ 04 ' - , Itested by the Bureau or AoTteulture;and - --.., - - • • - •" ' VY TUE • ".51113SCRT K anis faesale a ho4e glid declared to lie -the besfs,yet" trought under 7 -• A. N...no:ss,,Treasarer -• • '. tot in the vj: ageof Dungannon.co'kivetrielitly their notice.. It %Simple m its constniction,easily Huron andBrace • situated., The --lot contains one fourth .3(.* acie worked, and not subject to get out of repair. ri .X0.51er.ielli.A01.1si; 1864.. ' w10•6t. - erg • Th I -ansins p ocess is effected bY the rapid ° . . of land, and there isa COMFORTARLE ."•FgAME HOUSE PrePli action o• the wate in the: Maehine,and not by ibb-014.-, thereby avoiding theshgeb1- • est injury. totheline.st fabrics, with a intich $4 • 'Shy 20 feet erect :d on it. Will be sold on very quantityi/ soap than under the band-wahing reasonable terrns. Oas--third ot the money to be system.. -Persons *km have used them are sn • paid down. Applyif by lettir post -pad, to fled. that The machine capable oldoing is much RONIANDBELL -WO& lam° hoursns eau be accomplished Anburn.ls.. 0. ; daby the .ordtnary process, thus • ey2nd1864. w14tt3t Spring Arrangemput I ARNIA, GObEliIC11, KINCARDINE • SOUTHAMPTON UNE., ar JA_ itte.A rt. .i118644 1861, • tANADI- D. ROVIANi- Master, - conneetion with the BufraIo and Lake Huron RallWay AT e0Dileliri and the fir'sfrelass passenger steamer HUI6N; 0. Cole, Mater, twice a week between • GODBRIP4 AND IAGIBTAW, and: on a• -week with Propeller NIAGARA.; ye] ntosh.,. Master. between •• • Coderich and; Chicago. ..DARTIES des6ons of obtaining First Class 1 Cedar for Pene.ne,aild Building purposes crin be supplied- in an • unatity,.- find on reasonable 5.- 34 the - time- and .Lal)Our terms, by amyl g , • , Sa.vina 4- • - -•• W.-ELLIOTT. And.tioth.i,rad,of the Soap. generalliused. • Gotlerich. Feb :10tb.1864,- w2 - The undermentioned perons ------cas-----Ma- . • . • •• : ehipes. and having given them a full trial express 700 TO LOA1sT %- their entire satifs aquon -• 3. J. Wright, Huron. Hotel; ISatie Frederick, • 14 GL ISS MORTGAGES. Jewellers" W. L. Cox Signal' Office; Alex. a . , -si yth; .1-1. Horton, Esq-; Peter Nolan; 1) Cum- • Apply to. , . , - . • - ' legs; Robtti-ibliens, Esq. Warden; Peter -"Cil- - jOHN DAVION; lies; R. Runcimari, Eti.; Rev. Cha. Fleteber. 141anY ottertiames might be added, f- neees•nry. CASK - PRICE ONLY $6.50 The Subscriber -having purchased the Patent Rights for the County or Huron, is now prepared -to supply the machre.of winch he:solicits a teal, feeling assured that al whotest jtWil. b, pleased witlythe rapidity and eaSe skth . wil:..,ii an other -- wise teoioris mid ,aborious wash' is cenin-ined= LatVes 111 confer' a favor hyf alloveng the :nia•-. The 'Canadian' having been purchased for this route, overhauled and refitted in a superior man- . ner, will ply during Inc season of naeiation, snaking the above connectema, (wind' and . • : , weather permatieg,) / - - . Commenping on Mcindkril8th April, - will leave Goderich for Southampton every Mon- day, Nareonesday„ Thursday and Saturday'at 7 o'clock, a. m: • etura same afternoon, leaving '• , Southampton at2 o'clock, p. rnalitllint, each way at Kincardine, Inverhuren, Po L.:W.04 and rt. ' Bruce when necessary and pia licabli, . PON- the application cif the Plaintiff, and _ . 1 itappearirig by affidavit; that after due. • ' W;11 leave Godench tor Senna aria Port Huron- . f . - • diligence the said defendent cannot be -found ‘ • .- - • ' :. to be served witffan office copy Of the Bill in every , _ . .. MONDAY AND THURSDAY -EVNENG, this cause. It is ordored-that thesaid der d en - - , at la o'clock, arriyifer in ' time to crinnect ant, au, Odor before- pie ,;. . , - - : with Rivet' Boat for .Dettoit and G. "W. and - . - -r . -., ; t - T entry -sat day of MAY next .RETURNI\TG . - . Wilt leave Sarnia_and Pat Haien -eery ' : -- - ,--.- - Answer or dpmur to the said Bill. End it -is tUESD.A.Y AND .FRIDNF-, ordered that a copy of this Order' *together / at 1 o'elock,p. in., in -mediate Y.after the arrival with the &Alpe :required by the general orders or the Grarld Trunk Train fr in Detroit of ibis cowl, )3eputdinhed in the Huron - Di: B.-"Ilekettresn be proOnred front any of Mgrial neivseaper, published in the Town ----ot ,... the agents filr Sagrnaw. per steamer Huron, or Gbderich, once in each week for the.' four Chicago lr propeller Niagara tram Ooderieh. ! .freight, accn, apply W,e eks next preceding the. -said - Twenty-sixth . For particulars as to- rate ef la. • day of May next. And it is further ordered ... . VAINIEVERT & it'Ulf.R.A.LIA, that • coo- of this order be forthiviih. served . - goderich, on the wire of the itaidaefendalit .., .: • . • I- - • • - -- • . (Sizned), • : -,. - A a -F1 N '± S s -1 , .I- A. GRANT,- . Skase; SARNIA-,W. B:Clark ; INVERHUR0N-R, , . ' . „- ,...25,...4, . ' . ... Reistrar. i pt. Ebeiy_w..H. Rub- e TI. an.), !. :.. - •-• y. K1NCAlt- ' -1 • i , , , - • 1,. . . . DINE-VanEvery & Rumbalti b.011 a .._-. ;..risnEsliiiioltALN- Tzke Notice that Bayou Thompson. • - do not'answe: or demur to the Bin purtman. t .‘: • TON -.1: A. Barwash; Pt* 111.110N -J. W. ,t' to the above prder, the pluititifit May obtain • Oodereh, April 1st. 1864.. . sw6:40111-tt - .._..„._., ,_ _ - - . ,. an order to take the Bill as. etinf d against 14 errAGE you, and the Court may gtatit. the Plaintiff s tilich i ehashe may :be entitled to on hbisSALE c*ii &eyeing. and you will • not receive any oF .. . • • Barrister' I A.. • • --,w321f ooi,Esicit,i4e Mit • • • is ‘" - /- -ODERICH. CW• .- 103 • •*T• .1=1" 4f: `-' Valvable Property ••=0 NDER and by -Virtue ef &Tower of Sale containedin a Mortgage made by ary • j )AcKearnani of the Township of Tucke mith Q. d3 in the County of Huton; widow,. of the first " u`Ov rz- part; and Christopher Sperling, • of the-Vil• ! • -1 - hoe ot Harpurhey in the County -aforesaid FOR SALE. THE DWELLING HOUSE -and premises at preset occupied by W and 13. Savraoda, Esq... on WEST STREET, with half an acre of land attachsxl. Apply to F. W. THOMAS. Esq. B. M. Coderieh, Feb. 26, 1864. w5sw51-tf - HMI MOT rr Co -r -Vs Nits, Fancl' Goods, Tobaccos, OF ALL KINDS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS! dte , arthe CIGAR STORE OF P. NITORE, . West Street, Goderieh. ' Flesh, Oysters Bakdines, Lobsters, ttc„, • ' gllways on haait.a . mn4 'I.' c " • F41,11- FOR SALE. (N the !ninth concesse7tr, " the -west half of V lot aninber twenty-three, in the Township of Wawaneh, containing One Hundred acres, with about forty cleared, the rest gdod hardWood land and.never-failing sprng-op the lot. There is a shan y, a log barn and a small orchard there - lin. Tiff indispotable: Apply to -the prorietor, . i MAURICE DEVEREAUX. Feb. 10,14164. _ .', w33ito* • • Dee*esFor Sale.' J.& SEEEILLER, rrANNizs! D EALEtS riFFE RS va Le received by the subscriber far kJ- the purchase 6500 worth of Debentures of the Villege" •of Kiacard-ne, being for the -pm- chase ofa Public Cemetery. The Dben:urea are payable on 20th 4anuaty, 11.•68, riod haye couponaietrached for the pavrnent of ta•cret half yearly op the 15-J/ uays of January and July in each year. • • - WM. SUTTON Reeve. - L'9 LEATHER; FM DINGS L a.c., ate GODERICH, C. W. Pebriurry 12,184, . - • sw47w.s SAW- & FAIII FC011, *e THE-iAseribtr]tdestr°tof selling • good) Water situated on Lot 2. 0109 acres), Sable Line, Lake Shore, Stanley, 7 railer below,Bayfield The mill is in first rate rutin* -. order, and therele • plentifid supplyortinther ip the neighborhood. It is fed by a good sprit% creek. There are SO styes of- fine•cleared landla connection with the milt, which will besot(' with it if. desired by purehaser. There is a good orchad on the lot For particulars, price, dze.j- apply on the prernises to • WILLIAM' MARTIN: ianlev. 0,4.2, 1863. • w36 EXCELLENT FARM 1011 SALE rrt:tyrejmngil..licsb4eaapn,d-2005,coacafset of.-ex.celole_ Aothlfiezidends.. .T nelA; rItvelare14.110... r.00c. j:i.:41:17resonr:oleittaoodappreds:7-47R : wiluw:no_ellw, N:7: lob. a- : . rees.150 bearing. : ..(1' in P -'11a• er:Itelinedert. a . Latriko:itouidadif,desanidre..,4.eoterlato•reis:ligr4wIrin7144, *anew oimitise_us: church, Scheel honse,Z,:e.vu . „ h. o,ntsts.se poriestnppises420. October 23, 1860.; Valuable 11 arm For Sale. Rinca dirk', March 29th, 1864. -- .-11V/60-tf TIEINGLot 1o.4.Earn Divon.71krasa., --4---- .... -Township -of eolborne. with 60 aentirof clearedlandi ilia good .stae of cultivation, with , • "--' 14 acres °flail whzt; a young eha.rd-twewelis ofrodwater; also a never-lailing Tin, twu from Godcrich. on :ht. Northern Cravel Road, For further Jrarlculins apply ta .1: B A.Tordea, Esq., Godench, or on the property to John MI, thael Darlineton. To be sold cheap, and time Darlington given ler partof the money. - _ Colborne. 29th March. 1864 w104ta /FAN' 21A. Stoves,.Ploughs seription 1:in;,Ghp Depot, Wea _ . TFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN and Castings Di 'very -de- r and 'Sheet Iron Ware, at Street, Goderreh. C�AL. TOIL:, • - As Esquire, of the second port, •default- hailing - 113-0FlOil LaMps, ske,, dm. UR iron, Cop- ) -' heen tnade in the dile littyntnt thereef, will- per, Bris i- B*68 and sheepskins- taken in ex.--, . . .., GO be tioid. at the Auction Martof . ebunre't • • vi4n49 _G • ! D. ..* M.19, . • _ , -b EURNS HIS MOST SINCERE THANKS for the very flattering eceoutagernent. be has r eeived since be Commenced- bwitees.s in Gode- deb,- not --being able to execute over one-balt 6 the orderibrought to: him last- season having e new :mled remits for ss ..G.Ortitig an Busiliesi4tepsivily and employing none 'but first-class tradesmen.; . 'Ai: as D. 'A. believes his experience as Cutter is sePbrid tenone In the-Provine,e, naving carried on briSiness extensively and Arceessfully'n Hamilton, . ' *Mei ally firselas; as -rowers. and having been --"• • • . 1 . -Clitterin one of -he P.nelal Estab.adments in Etburgh Scotland, rho Teaylessly states to a j3 usiltcss Direct -0m.. A... ruing public that • .• • - ' - • CAN BE MADE •-------------.1•-- • ••• 11 -Y -S1 CIAN, asOt islitrret;eat jncd oRzieesrildeeh77 A estahlisliniCnt tatlie best • Esta )nentwench. 180. Is., styl7w lv ie Toronto or Montreal. . • - gonveyed bv.the -proprieter. rerinwed • , -,r`a - . o4inis to hitested t their residenee; wlech it ain should it notbe purchasec. A 1 the u- - Dr- Cakes'? ' •:" , -- scriber desires is that. the meths tie Machine LAT,OF STANIAY--CLIXTON-„ flhi shoilld be thoroughly tesred. Parties wishing to RON koad. (Alt:Thwifitcescbriniir Store try it will commumeateyrith the p °meter, : - - . July, 1, ' C(-)tiVEL1E11/- . Kingignin St.,Goderielfs• 00yemb_er 3rdi44 11111HYSICI k.N. SURGEON:. 4., (trAdua0 . • : .• . • • CAlege,. Montreal ;1. Iltructow. . yl6w31: • ' • IN CHA;s.ICEEY,) -Saturday the' In Chambers; - teenth: day ofAirill V. G. SP RAG..B; s. in titaixtenty-sevsnik year of fife Reign : of -Her Mai esell Queen M. D. Simeoe; .1Oha Eiais,fiL D., New -York Victorza, and in ths - year of our !Lord7)B A. WORTHINGTON - t[Y&CIAN2, SURGEON; ik., :will at-. . BET.EEN: tend, particularly. to diseases ol and surgical operations upon the eye: . • iI0WICK"Vii.is0e.-Dec.15:1862: • fty47"-lr Clairterorr. ° TTORNEYS, CONVEY' aneers, acc.- Goderich and Clintop. C: CAMERON, .1 J. 1f. ELWOOD, • - Ooderich. - Clinton: Office in Clinton -4 few doorsof the rest Office: • • vi2ner' • A TronNEy4T-AT SOLICITOR IN 'Chaileeiyi -.conveyancer. dre: 'Weakelon Co:.:91 Bruce. - • • • ; vt6106yly" • . Thomas :Weather/aid.; -L • • • 4 is IVIL ENGINEER AND PRVD.ICIAL • Land 'surveyor. Office and.--Iteeidenee, Hamilton•Streef,God'em... ' • . V1563 V- Steinhoff, 1N -L. OMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN,. SUR LL ones, ke. Residence at ' Mr.:'T. EN ADd', Victoria,§treet, atintrini LEFERENCE5 . BULL, g.1.), London Tiros, tenok. city. - n24-6mos John Herey; • • • . Plaintiff, .james ArDonald„ . • • • Defendant: arther notice of the tutus proceedings iii the. 7 _ . . VALUABLE PnorERTY . a'e'' -, -, - ' - . - ' . • ___. :, •,• . - w13 -4t UNDER.andby virtue of a "'OWE!' of Sale t - contained- irt a Mortgage made by. John : MeLarty, of the Township of Huron, in. the • - ' Comity of Bruce, of the first part, default NOTICE TO CRIED ORS. - hiving been Made in the due payment thereof1- . : , win be sold at the • Auction Mart of Messrs. R. Jonbillutisoisir Saddler, . late of ...,„.. _ agan, and Thomson1 Kingston street, the Village of Ainfeyville in the Countgof GMerich, on- um% has made an assignment of all his tares "rd pronewto William 0-.Hingston. ot the town- . " MONDAY the 23rd day of May, fl ip of.Merrisi and:Richard Bayley, of the town- - • . t strip of Grey in the:County of Hurbp!•for the gen- . se- • • 1 •''' oral benefit -of Creditors. ; Alt . es having next,- et 12 o'clock, noonr theifollowing prop- cui erty, viz; Lot number se,venteeri, (17) in' the i • "as ageing the siddlituliop art erebynolified tp send the same to -the said W. G. Hingston, tenth (10) eonea-slon of the township i of Jungle P.O,fer adjustment: and piknies indebted ' Huroni eontainine by admeaaurement one tisithe said Hudson are notified to inar the sa:q W. 0.11in:retell withoat delay. i - : • W. 6.HINGSTON . RICHARD BAYLEY,:,-. _ , • •- . Assignees, • I Dated at Ahlteyville,- this- 2ud day 01 March, A. ). 1864„. 1" - • . . -w-61 ).- MOOUgn11, " • , . • '17 ICENSD AUCTIONEER, 1-4 CountyofRenal. Sales inivifiage pr country pimetDslly attputietNi. • • w94yreo hundred acres (1 O) of land, more or less. -7 • r' . Deed hider -power of sale. wawa. . X. C. CAMEROIST, Solicitor for Mortgagee- ifodetich April 9Ist 1861 ginaw134d13 • , - ;a' 1 r - ' • John EGISTRAR COUNTY BRUCE; vtbs,Groivenor Street, Souther -niacin. OF - It Southampton, March 14,1104. w8 -ti Bay, . 1)110VINCIAL LAN 1) SURVEYOR, AND 1 EngineeiClintOn. July 1,"61. John Desussosci, • ROVINCIA14 LAND SURVEYOR. Civil Ptg.,ineer, arc. Surveying of. every . • . description, and Arehitectural Plaits executed; ...Lands examined "and valued. z s. • •••• .- 1-.1vviaph, 1863: ' " -34'52-vIv$e* . • . 13.1aainliss, • rt_iv IL NGINEER, AND SURVEYOR :Land Agent and Conveyancer; Knicardtnt N. T. eriutead 14C Co., MURSERYMEN, DEALERS IN FRUI1 arid Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, &c Or dors promptlyattended 10: ' • 11 • John Crsinptielli • :-- E R L COMMISSION AGENT Cointissioeer m Queen's Bench, tor taking affidavits, nitiOinder, 6re, dzc. Otaceon Broad vav,V• llanvoiKincardine.e.W,_ . 9:9 1 .J ohn• /oine, . rOlaUSSLONER IN THE COURT OF Clueen/s1Bench,Conveyanber, arc.' Asiteg istry ket-of Farm and Town Lots for Sale; par - nit. • - ties having lois for sale, Or desiring to purchase .rill.ateasd seif full Peulare punitinipriXelci, 20,1857.; -. ' •Pieter • AN 1) COMMISSION '`'Vrve-11:1N71'..!tvz. Notes and -Accounts collected. Business of - any bad- ene trusted to lain Will Tetaave prompt attention: • w40-lytosic DINER 31•En•G the only .exclusive Wara • ware Store in LI VAComity, can supply Tanners. Bililders, and,-Kharrice much fewer ratr; than. any GeeettilOtore in Leon - - '--lheaitive at present on kind a full assortinent .-- • - _ , -MESSRS. - SMAI-LL and ,T110MS0 • Kingston Street, GOiiERICR, lednedatthelst thy if .June S4ff 'aid Heavy Bajdwate I next, at 12 o'clock, noo, the following property. viz: s Lot nnabee.Three, (3) in the First (1) concession, Huron Road, in the TOwrship of Tuckersmith, aforeaid, contain-, mg one hundred (100) acres -of Land more or less. Deed under Power of Sale. - ortgage may be inspected at• the Office of the undersgned. - • • ' • M. C. CAMERON, - • - Sol. for Mortgagee. Goderich, April 30th, 1864. w14 -td • - • eaNSISTitte OE ' ,:itan of all aorta, • Steel ofall kinds. Lod • theins. Glass and Potty, Oils: Paiute.- Oldrs,•Anvilt. iees, all kinds: of Coopeis" Tobls ;• Spades -aim 1.?liostls Powder and, Shot; Saws; Repoli ; Brushes; grindstones; and vaious. • other a tielea too numerous to ineolion .-Brotid and -• • " • DhopphigAxes, tit . „ celebrated . ' Makers • , Saddler y-Hardwkie Coll Oil 'Lamps. . matring S E! • Valuable: .:Propertys:-::. uNDER andbYVirtue of al'oof-iit4 Sale t4-coniaiied- in a Mortgage made by - John 'McDonald, uf the Town of Goderich County of Hifron, carpenter, -of the•first Hannah. McDonald, his wife: (for the papose of baring- her .dOwer) of the stiond party defeult having been wade in the -due paymnt: theeof:, will be sold at the Auctio• Mart-ot • SMAILL:.& TIIOMSON; :Kinston ednisdat- the la Day . 61.111118 instant, at o'lok, noon; - the foflowieg . • p-roperty, viz: Lots numbers (12 i 4) one thousand two hundred. and - seventy four, and (1275) one- thousand two ed and seenty-five. (running numbers)in the 'said Town of Goderich. Deed- under power of sale. Full partiMilars can be bad by appl)ing, thp Solicitor, r• . • sol. or mortiagei. Y, ELWOOD, 's Goderich, Antfl 28: 1864. - w14 td THE y Lands are offered for sale- on tve advautaeotta•terms: TENTH ONLY 1. a: 1 FOLLOWIN PROPER'I'ES _UNC)13.. SALE Ileasonablo Terms! • 71:ta PURCHI IL CAR AT TAB OF TUIttilin Ardi THE iisr,suez NIA() Instatineittol . • Witiliatereet at 6 per cent z 1 - • TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS„:` uIh II in ist ton, .0 acres, • S uth 4 in lst con, 50 acres4 S uth -11 in 2d con, 100 acres,I Stith 21 in Ifd eon,, 100- acres, Nrth 20 in 4h Con, 100 acres.; • N rth 21 in 4h con, 1-00 acres, N rtli 23.in 4h eon, 109 acrea. • TOWNSHIP OF. 110WICKI Lots 3" and 4 in 15th con,.. TOO-acresea& ToNsarP dF' GREY 6 . 26 in 1-st on, -I 00 acres; Lots 34 and 35 in 4- Con., 11)0 actes eacti Lori gland 32 iir 6 Ail!, 1-00 acreserith LOti.26 4n3 con. 99 acres; Lot -32 cony 10 acre?, • • LotS 33, and 34 tit 10 con.11004'aeres TOWNSIIIP OF TURrRERRY : • - • . N. i 43 in 1 con, 50 acres; Applyito CRARixs WinnEniEsq.,Goderiehl or to the owner, . • THOMAS .-GALT, wri24 ; Toronto. and Seip,,Tr Sale (ARA LIBERkh -PREMIUM GIVEN on V.1 payments which can be wade to the Crown Lands Department ip- Land frm. .bee card in another colinnii.,- • • * HENRY GRIST, . • 1 . :Quebec. Godrieh, Dec, 4867, W45sw27 LOTS Ns 117 11019120;135 149,in the, of Bruce. This Magri! is siniawti ont the mom road ,betweenKincardine and Walkerton, the County Town of Bre. • . La Nuinbet to. South' side Of Mechanics', Averine,--m•the own -of 1incardine.andLuts47. 46, 49, 50; 51;52 an -63, in the of Rvers- •dale,also 75 and 76Wost side of Victeria Street, in the Town of Kinearrfine, County of Slime. LetaNiunterit 3, 4,4 on the.North ot the Dur- ham Markel Square, in the Village of Kincardine,' County &Bruce, briatifinineone- uarter of an rising Villace of Itteeadale, inlhe County . nerd f- land eirogi with the buil ;pas therebn -. Os In tact everything that should be kept lea Also Lots 5, &and p on the Durham4toad, and lot Hardwire Stpre. -. -• - ' 25. on •the Mirth sjeardine, contamin50 acres deof the Durnem Road, in the Aentsfor the rommErcizAL ASSIZE,: Township 01 .Ki ANCE °Q.'s:4' London; - See advertisementeabh - .g ;pliitia.ly elearen, : : , Goderiell. November 24th. t63. - W43 Lots 31 and 32 oft West side 0 Queen Street in • 1. -Mortgage --','Sale: - 0F. VALUABLE PROPERTY. TTNDER and by virtue of a; Power of Sale ' J contained in &Mortgage made by Jannui Caldwell Osbfirtfe;•-df the Townshipof Hur�n in the County Of trine, of the first part,. and Mary Osborne, his wife, Of the second'part, (fer the pnropoile of barring her dower); de-,. lank haring beetfinade in the - dee payment thereof, will be sold at the Auction Mart of Mese*. Smailt &oin s n , Kingston street, Goderich On - - . MONDAY the 23rd day of MAY, next, • i! • al 10 o'rlock,•1109% the .0110wing property, yis : Lot nuniber twenty-two(22) in the ninth (90) concession of the Township :ofHuron, containing by sidmeasniement one :hundred acres of land Deed Under po_wer of Sale. . : M. C.50AMERON- . * • So. for Mortagee.. Goderielt April 21st. 1864.1 w13 -td PWELLAlqa' TO LET-. .A COMFORTABLE Dwelling • ;lionse and gardenviti -adjoin- inggotdatab!rgattarhed.the residence ofAr Ira_eaven, victoria Street. I7,ossession first of May. Applyto, . - VAIsTEVERY &-RUMI3ALL.. - '. - • Godcriclij -Anri112the 1864...1." 4 w63 -4t • 1 the -Town at Kincadine. • • . For particulars applyto - ' • - - LEWIS' IRA ' . .. . it 11%6 , &what . Goderiehe .. .. TOItEliT. 04 SEI ... _ - Alt EXCEII.ENT 1 • log houses;log b4rn.' garbles, ikc.. on y miles VALTJABLE FARM 1 - - TO SEL __I OR TO RENT ! F MLE Lois '3,67, to 13,77; near the RAILWAY STATION Goderich„ for $150 each, A t Five Years Credit or longer if required. Apply to '• M. C. CAMERON. - Goderick 'April 8th, 1864 sw_6.2w11 • 13 THERE T OT No.10,concessiOn TOwnship ced, , I rich eaRaining Eighty acres siziy of which are under a high state ofcultavation, with a class stone dwetling, frame* barn and -out *beds, a large orchard beanng fruit and a nereir-failing - spring creek running through sbe lot 3 situated two miles from the Town of Coderich. For tertnesOze‘apply to M. C. c ameron.Esq.,Soliel toe. Goderich, an to thesubscriber,at the Gederict Wool Factory. THOMAS LUGAN. • _ °Wench, Junelth . witt. LANDS FOE, SAL _ A. GREAT 13AIIGAlli I - f 0T16 and part o. ot 17, .."-onestegon B, town - 14 Ship otTurnberry,eme a ni•ngabout150 -acres, (a portion of the land belonging to the late Me, • &lexanderBeek...." adjoining the tomishing vd- lage ofZtland. conseimears 1!.e heirs re. sidin„,<, out -a, the P ovnie, life suWeriber is strueted•to take ..$7 te;-e, -Cash. or a small advance for part cr.). ba once -secured by mortgage, limning over 3 -to 5 veal Is This is a decided ha. -4 -vi .PS I:Inds-ate otexeellent quality and very wisluly ste. ed. Applz.o MARITEMA, Aue iotre Amorist:el, it:e; Land Agent, Goderipli„. July -7th, 1863. w23 - • . , GODERIOE' WAGON Le Ma a, t3 aot Firm. THzr Huron and Brno, that he has on liaad ° subscriber would anneunceto the public( and Will wake to order Carriages, Willfeoss rows, dre, winch wal be sold cheap for nub or approvedcredit. , JOHN 'Victoria Streetifluderick. Aiwil 1st. 1663. ar4.9 6at -WAGGONS AND ijAZAIADEL TAVERN STAND! flONSISTIllsra OP TWELVES00MS, with U farge Stable Shed,pump and large garden, in the Tillageofttluevale,Township of Turn- beriYand known the name of the BLUE VALEBOIEL,-and inthe occupation of the proprietor, 11. C! P13:111.- , The propett.y has large additidns andimprevements, and is wcirthy the treti4e ofany man wheis seeking a holm. - . rim SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO .1- !come* lothe Publicenerally that he reeommengedbileiness in.•Goderioh, Etta on hand and mike to order Waggons, -Oartriapi aw -00 13= I ALL KINDS, OF 0013.1111:i Wont 0;LIV8 n las tine executed ou short settee sea et ram*. HAIR R STOR Eft tizr1zs1.-0 rodsloPffistooretn nit tbeder- betWalte Sous folned3roccuP144 by Manta* Pasiatots• ,..ZYLe.1AILSAN11131$. ' GoderichiJe;20thAr "rillelyet kium:vaimmss .s.t*.vmpla.s. tic C. A. scomszig, 4ro111et.1oiorr.411111OMI MIS maw, ClIrt lotto • '1 very eleterfelly• add my tersiassay,s• &at et museerese itioads4o 'Wooed wino of X& S. A. Allies Wades Zak Sodom sea Sylob d UTT2arc WMC1,LY.Syb"Ilyidrosbosgo - to As natural eaten rodiamsea bald spat" _UT. 7. B. COZNELL, N. T. MT : " I room& it for sr/ben. The idling et the ledr aaM, sad Teetered it foie Ostia grey io manna ad "tifoLoolor.* WSW; Brodslyil, L. I. isetitt • io their oalbo sod Shall Nam Alloy 'remora! my bids idiom it wag bad, sod, orbere • Octriber 8th. 1 sqa. - w37ft-: „delta , • _ INSBEttlik Sodas, XstAz 41thav• semi nor lryVir was Airly,sait.bdido; Jima" 'ARM.FO.R SALE egals.:Bosiss•U‘si laiks4lber. OT 3, Af Township Of Ilona* LA pule irpriiiWroieteri an • . THE 6iimTEL ROAD. - -5. • 10;06heuse and barn, '". 92AcRES-2acLEAREDI A 1 " • F.% W. l'ITOMAS, Fesq., B. M. b) 26 1864 • , m-5sw5.)-tf • tote the-trook ef the ludryritere baldness 1 Imtvethe dest* et may Ow* eyes." - 'Sold forDsoggisti PSIICIPAL SALS. OFFIRS, • • . • . . . --------------- • • : . usCert above. A PARP.I. of 100aeres of land, hi sellas Am& CIODERICH, 69acree4eared, withCO roads lading thereto. Time -Wilily given .1%- arge portion ofthe whose mosisit „ler firs flier particulars a y toJ. B GORDM4 Fmk*, Solicitortioderie orW SEYMOVR & CO. Goderia. 9b Keoreinber 1863. w4141 WANTED, W AGENT to canvass i‘r :1 LAND" ID lhoCOUlay Strop. T1s rare &Mid for a good canyneer, AS et.4-asir tantery wdl given. - Address, Vim. FAIXER, IP • - ' General Agent, sw14:441 - Box 015 T - _ • Consmereigitlisiteilvateben C.IIr TolIN HICKS/ Proprietor-' 214 Is tit* largest and best Country Ifotal in 'Wows Canada, and Charges as moderate as anylivast in Mitchell. Stage Proprietor. Croix/ 1s51)L&Ibr3 1011orses.' Horse4 and Carriages for live, os thc Shortest Notice 141 • -* • .. 4