HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1864-05-06, Page 1E ‘e.s. Fs` ' - 1.3115inc55 Ditutorn. )11 1 71i. I \ s r. W. I ly 'rhos. I- .ean. D1.1 1- 1 C 1 .k N. RG E . (I.ate 1 H K: oil on /10Apaa:).- - At Baia him H aat/st . 4VS A'W;11 Oderilli C -W. Ir L.ewl4. _12 A IATE A Ntli A'r'11) RN EY.AT. J Law. a.rd n -Cha flyers-. Co inty crow:i ":a nadaW est. n 1hUt House. vi4n40 Law & B-kuut:TER.s.,1)Lici.'OtIS CONVEY- drc -over the Store of [,S2..50 PER ANN. IN AD AND HURONAND BRUCE ADVERTISER.c__ "The Greatest Possible Ebod to tb.a Ccitest Possible Number." W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor. I. V. Dei:or & Son, Goderico, aad Queen Street, kincard. e. 3. S. S.‘cLant,Goderieh 1 A.Saaw, Kincardine. 12:23 - - - - - - - rachan & Mel lertnot, pARRII-; rEits, .k.cru.o;•EYS-AT-LAW. 1..# Notaries Pubilr. e • West. Street, Goiter t•ti. 10:1 . .1 obit Davison. A .1' kl-L W SOLIC COR IN t.NCERY, • 0;tee'Market Square, .- orner of Kinston Street, Goderich. 9:42 , Lotroy se: Yarters-,ori, V ARRISTERS. ATTORNEYS -AT -L AW, Notanes, Conveyancers, te. Office Mc-. iay's corner, West Street, Gouerich-. 9:42 John 13, ir.rorcion, ATTt R.'NE Y- AT -L A W. SO I:4.1C r oit IN Chanceiv, Notary. Public, Coavevancer, --Canada West. 0,fietz-on he Soma s:le tit•tddoor o oat the Conti -House Squme.. T1- Ilayr. A TrOftggy.AT-LA.W. SOLICIYOR. iL Chaeeery,N&ary Pobre.Co ritveveoi e ,&-c.' Goderten,.C-. Soadt Wde» E..st St.: "ew doors &out ‘1r.Darks vton29 Rharle Gooding, •A TY011751.1V. SOLIC_ :OR cit C. W. a is Waion's iLy W- eotraPee F rs. Doo e west of Ga.vgow Hatse. Roberi Nichol. PtARRKVER. A ,` !ORNRY, CONVEY- -1-, ANCVE, Seri:nit in Cuance..r. No..ary Pub, - e. Goderich, C. W. w•t--ty rsit 4tRC14ITECT, - IICI-ANS AN ▪ FwCATIO-.4e.is. or Build:. &;v; go. u --t a ne-t ana correct style Office= „le Ele.o t Aretion Mart; King von Street Esw yin7lyly VAITETZRY..&131114A1,14_, For waiaers, GoMMission Mero1auts ei.EfiEftftL.317CAlt EtQAT cusroza 11OU Etitcok.-krts DEALERS I2. Finar,Sait;-114rk,Whisky,Pinal,LruniffrSze Ifzesor Quay. Garlartch.. an: - v.v,Evsav - rtputAr.t. . L.AND ACENT, TI-Earkbt Square, Goderich attend*CLNTGr every Wednesday,from.11; ri.m , ••° 81:10 • 1.11.1LN R. X' Cii-X-1.-LS'r., DEPARTMENTAL _ -:Parliamentary Agent, czt•mr.m-33-mp, • • T" aus1xv4s Wt' TUE\ (Law Laails o.her Coveqnreqt De- partrnoois ;Jake: out Pilkeit s for 1 nv..n fops, Drars endL4es (-hotze orPr"va.e • ror Parais4 residtn;• 1:9Det CkTuatia, or elsewhere. •sorlo5 WILLIAM NIVIN & CO., Gamm.'ssios Mergliantif a t"401t.W.V.Z.DINII ciut Gertefai 16 St- - Nte5a4fiS Street, -Mono-eat- Tents or sale • Wheat, Flour, A.,hes, Budef Poo: and Gene- • rat Fr ince. A[so. for Vie'tiri•til"..Seo:tiroceriers, tiara xare, Crockery atm Ceiteral ores Ad- . trances made on constgemei. s, syr.29w46-1v - i3ItITISIL EXCHANGE- co-nls Cotirt - House Square, Goderich. D. -PAUL, Pro?ristor. • and assistance for escape from the desperate . position in which be wee-iuvolvecl. The Ev- erton estate had passed, in default Of male issue, to a distatit relative of the late lord; so that ruin, absolute and irremediable,stared ioth the wrached dupe and his telatives in the face. MO Everton's jointure was not a very large one, and her son had been permit- ted to squander sums which should have been -devoted to the dis,..hariTe of claims which were now Kessed harshly against her. I listened with the deepest iiiterest to Lady 1 Everton's narrative. Repeatedlf during the course of it, as she incidentally alluded to the in:inners and appearance of Saudfora, • wire ' 5 had I.een introduced by Mr. Merton to 'his nother and sister, a susi icion, which the police papers had first awakened; that the geutlerran in question was bn old acquaint:. GODERICH, C. W., FRIDAY, MAX 6, 1864. Busin ess DRUGS, DRUGS C.) A. rq, (Suecessorto R.B. Reynolds) -d i a, 1 it al 1, Court-HouseSynare,Goderfrh, OISPtNSIN.G CHMIST 809RUGGIST Dealettn,anct lmportel - GENUINE, DRT./G-S Chemicals, Perlitmerv, rootili, and Neal 13.1m*lies- 1.1 " • P,spirs,on.S, CQLOES„ DYE sTriFS, 'TORSI Lk'. 0.11.11LE 1.• 0ARD7E,N SEEDS, iStC: Orders from' Med cal mea punetually!:attettilwil:o at Lowest Tr-ode:Titres. • - N.B.--Physiciants Prescitiptions caret:ally dis- pensed. , GodericheJan. 10. 185S. 49 LIGflT1 -LIGHT! „Liatcr _ . ROOK. &-COAL OILS„ PhrningFInitl.,LamP Oils. - For Sale hy 0 Godermh, Jan., 17, 1859. c÷oaericii pLANTLiNG MILL Sash, Door, and _ TJ)• flleitCriftin • John McDonald & CO.. HAVING COMPLETED .THEIR NEW Factory,are now preparcd to, take in orders teeny extent. Front their long experienee in the business, and havieg experienced workmen, and a first-class- set of maAnnery, they flatter themselves• ' that they can do us • 'As gnu Establishment= Canada. Partieshiliing • .voik would de wel to. • SL -4 ASHI 'Iherei.saltlo any quantity 0; DOORS & MOULDINGS; . - 31 ALIA KINDS ON HAND ""my also offer • - FIRST CUASS HOUSE has been re-- ▪ rentbr thoroughly, renovtoed and rendered one':'. ie aria)st coinferfaUe ant: comodiens:'west of Toronto. and travePeria.nd ustoin era :nay depend upon v&eedieg„ the mast ramie a_tentlance, and every elteaey`aoti to-turv which the market and seasori afk td and at Moderate charges', Beingz, eentraltys.tnated ..rshouze °demo. most fesirabie oca ion. t.r trait- 'e=s ono men of husiness'; aad be Proprte.o. sssit spare tie 'leramti eollexp6se *make tamGue.Esene, miieolty -g .101T' -.t. ‘,22 i J 1 ]B /11T 11, 75.1r; . *ale tn.' A ..tItit KINDS, or JEWEIIERM -VVERY riEscrapTtox OF EP -AIR- -LI isa done Ind warranted. - Sew I ery made tck order. Wedding ings of my-OV/ii make eon - shindy kept on hand; at thee:I/stand, nextdoartc, the St natoiffee„,, 19 IND, BOOK -BINDING •E./AVID-la made arrangentents with Mr. D. McGBEGOlt„. Book -binder and Manufac- ttirinv Stationer. (who has lately returned from Pbdalphm with_ a targe stock of-Biiding and other, mile!), 1 am prepared toPtirnish Blank -- Books °fall kinds. size and styles witliand with- out printed Readings, at ten tier cent cheaper thaa Toronto- prices.. ' All kinds -of Binding ne.t•giying satVaction will be repaired free of charge. sw421' JOHN BUTLER. -APPLICATION 'WILL be made to the Legislature during the p %fv. prescat iti-qation to revise, amend and ex- tendtbeAci pa,...edin -the Parhainent herd lathe Jfithand 20th years or Her w Aktiesty..,'s reign, en- titled an an Ait to incorporate the 'tatortoo-and Ssugeen Railway Company. Ma)rch 1s4, 1684. w7 -2m • 50 Acres of Land riateion Lake Road: East andiforth Boundary o the Township of Hay. 35 acres cleared and a- good frarnedwelling house ereetedthereon, well situated for a AaVenistanct. Forittrther particulars apply to Matti 11314 ISEIL E. C. GRA -HAM ayfield P ,w84. To Carpertters &Buildexs - —A— LIRERAL6'0-cOUNT FOR THEIR WORK; 3 TERMS, WithoutDiatinetiort. wrist betCASII. 3341einembertheplace: pppaste'the 91i1 riaFis- zig ma(., , s_ Liodet Augurit, , 30 -TrIrez-gsErk AUCTIONEER for'HITRON . . . A-4 and BitUCK- Sales panctually_attenrol to *lamsBcalwin PQ• . wa0-1718 NEWBOOKS .• _ • OF r7y _ :*.STOIEVair" 4010.0111 HE= SOITTIBIEB41 WAR,,7 PELLARD,- of Iiitchtinn9dA__ AT BUTLER'S. 3E80- ..ALZ IN1111 giS Gocley's, Leslie's, and Peterson's, for October, an received • A BUTLER'S. 1%O1J4CL • usinc.09 oirectorm l'IRE INSURANCE. Gore Distriel Mutual File isurance Company; e ta ,shed 1838. Placenix Inanrance Company, art flartford; Capttal; $400.000. MA I/ INL. AND FIRE INSURANCE. Provincial Insurance Company, of Canada; Capital, $1.143.520. Marine and Ft Risks taken on the most favorable aerms in the al -ave offices. - 'Office: Market r• luare. 110RA.CE DORTON, Agen:. Rode& ieb 10:11Anril. /861. , ' • British America Insigance . •Chief Qffice-Teronto.- . $4oci,000!- MARINE DEPARTMENT• . % insurances Effected at Low, Bates. :VANE VERY k I Agents • Goderich. C. 7. 1862. n‘1,4 INSURANCE.' , 11T *TERN' ASSURANCE COMPANY. British Ainirica Assurance CoMpany; Head 011ices,Turanto Ilanne,Fire and Life insurances etlected'on ,avoralAc:,ernts. ' • Pilicp in Mr(tr. B. Gor.nox's Law Cham- bers. s• • • J OFIN HALDAN,/ Aut. Goilerich", No v. 24. 1860 • North British 'anti " cantile r ' s instiratiet OffiCe in Mr Gordon'i LeW Chambers. • - JOHN HALDAN; Agent, Gixierichs Ortocei •5w12-lyr . • THE 1.1V-E1{P00.1: 4, LONDON FIRE A- LIFZINSURANCE UO. •Captteg, 4.4ic1onzdated Fund, • . $5,671,72i. - Brittania Life Askratiee (0., Of London. . . PIIE, undersi cruet hng avibeet appOiotea 1 Agent ker tie alinv e igh y respectable Compames,i fedi° Aceerinoth Fifcand Liter isks,at moderat, iue4-oi n rein UM, -•• - A. M...11.03;Ager.". -Godetich I ltstiP • "f12n3f. . I , A L L. ASSURI G. :ON TITE • 1 F :P1 -4.4.N. - Before the25ih inMant ' . . THE COLONIAL LW- ASSURANCE Will reCeive-TWO yettrat Bonin: at the pi- ' Profits NE:KT:YEAR. " Manager for oanadalICHARD BULL,. " Inspector of Aietitios. For Rates and Prospectuses; aritily to • .• • J D BLACIt; Agind. DR. MACDOUGALL, Medical Referee. - 751,V171un'e5 TriEu SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO STATE that having sold his Stock and Wade' to P.STEWI:RT, and going to retire from usinesi,'having upwards of $A 000 acattered, over the Country, would respectfedly request all those indebted, either by Note or. Book account, to call and settle immediately: other- wise they will lie handed to his attorney* .fiir collection.. Atter this notice, parties- iito cost will have themselves -to blame...1r. JOHN STEWAR4 Goderich, 19th February, 1864. ,In reference to theabove,R. & G. F.'S/W- ART viola 'say that they have -on .hfind and are receiving -large ad.itions .to , the former 'stock, consisting ot Dry Goods, iReady made: Clothing‘ Harware, Crockery, Groceries. &el which will be sold at greatly. reduced rates. They hope 17 stricrattenticin to business and moderate prices to merit a continuance of their predecessor's patronage. - R. G. F. STEWART. Goderich Feb. 19 1864.- w4sw49 VALUABLE FARM POR B.A.XJM. (An A.C.REfofexcellent Isuel,beidg-Lot Na: Ilkit./ 3;10 eon. W. D ot exilberue, 6 miles froni Goderich and hitlfamile Iran the Gravel ._ttoed;.40 acres cleared) tag house ; barn and goo.. sheds. Atso an es.mdlent orehard ortbe -choicest fruit There is never -faille?: creek running HARRIS. oderich. througlithe centre. 11.pplyto Proprietor, or to- •. Q. TRUE w4 -Gin THE .COMMERC1AL UNION . 3ASSURAIICE.COMPANY. .. • _. . . - - 0FIT , .11a' OF.l.FICS:: LONDet4.-10. '9g,N 1:1-II4L, E, -C• 3IfiztiREAL.-.--, 21 &-223.: ST.--PA-UL St. CAPITtL.-$12,500 000. Dep.Isit Funi In Canada - $50 000 11tir** rs.—$t 750 000 GENERAf; AGENTS -14O1t CANADA: -.-Mon- - -yap, WIrsort & po. - Fire Department. PRE distinguishing. :principle of the Gem anyp haa_been the abliihrnent of an equitable elassdieation, clra ing In All cases a . premium proporttona e risk. and the success -of the to. proves that the public fully appreciates this feature ' • . INSURANCE AGAINST- LOSS BY Firoossf!rosepetrd tueyrrandevepryaidint disenp.taionnad. a , without - reference to the London Directors. ' Life; Department. . , Assurances granted in eVeryfonn 'Rates moder- ate. Security god..$0 per cent, of.profits divid- ed amongst participating policy -holders. Claims paid one month alter prool ot death. • Forms . rospectusesi- and all in, formation can be 'obtained at the Chief Mies of the ComnanY, itil Montreal, 221 dz .223 Si.- Paul Street or froth . IL GARDINER & CO., ' - Agents at Goderich. w42aw24-6m SH—AND BLIND .Tbe Uri argues& has_en hand -a --- GE -AS:SORTME 17: _es..it is TO THE LADIES! S. TRELEAVEN, Ti NE MIL. TO HER _FRIENDS ,FOR t eir Past liberal support would take this opport nit% to inform item and the public gene - .1 rally, that she has.resumed the -ML1Jhery and Dress -Making Business. Al.so, • _ _ • sTrLAW -"IiPiTCOELIEC. 1NAL1I1S ARANCHEs. - Straw, Bonnets -and Hats Cleaned and.Altered i u- the' latesi fashion. 41So. -Felt. Hats clean- • -ect and alterecno-rook as gtiod as new. - • Itzsinetircs. Victoria St.,- opposite the Planing Mills; and next doer to the Marble Works. • DOORS BLINS, MOULDINGS, anti Everything r9quire4in!heBuilding ine , I SEASONED LEM PINE, AND HEMLOCK SCAN 9r.I.AI N. .CEDAR pOsars, LATH, TIMOR' ' .ASIL'ILla OTHER . . . . PLANING. DONE TO ORDER. VrOprietor. Goderich, April 28th, 1E63. s w12 • • • " N B. -Two Apprentices wanted. Apply im- med:aiely, ' Gederich, 27th Peb., 1663 - sw51-3m . . .41t1111ND HOTEL, Gogincll ) •*114SQN, gc.oPillt:rott. - THE nence ct high , oierlooking lite Harbor • above is Tat pleasantly satiated on an emi nd Lake '11 u i on ;-1-41ciod rda, Garden it and Horst Wr 'sateched. Boaid $t per day single Meals or Beds: 25 een's.•': .----ir151)100Y Huron Auction kart. - a titE irrinEntiGNi73 HAVINGLEASEp Brick_ Store on KingstonStreet, Owned by M. C. Cameron? Esq., fet•the pur- pose Ofcarrying On ; itUCTION AND COMMISSION BUSINESS Would respectfully Solicit. a share of public atronaae. All orders and sales in any. tart of the 'ounty,puneinally attended to, end -a 1 moneys Paid over. The Rooms to be known as the Huron •Aucti4 %dart. •f - ••- JAMES. SMAIL, ' 1862. ' !9-t .. • f JAMES' THOMSON:t _ OrOX:132rE1.-.X1PME GABINET ViARE.HOU$E • gr•Nx,- - - -oj (THE 7OLDOST IN THE COUNTY) D. G-ORDON 9 CA.13TINT32.sr -AND UNDERTAKER Is Manufactures allig has now On: hand e complete assortment ot F.:Aunt:lure, :Wareroonis, • - WES r -STUELT;-GODERICH; _ ..; •AS • Sofas,. liurbeue,:. Tables, IlegIstcacls, ang and lirciol•seated Gilt Moulding and.Lookito; GFvies itilvariety, of • - • Home • Alanufaetuke- all& -Imported F! G, has alviavsylon-..-haria a Complete •as- s”rtment of COY.FIATS. Also, HEARSES TO HIRE. ' - . Ltiniber and CordssiobdAalren in eX- chanee fort Furniture. ;:-if Goderich, .27th Oct.., 1863, w21 andsfor Sale_ JOT No. 2, in ihr..3rd con. of Ashfield, County of -4-flurun,..coataitur90 acres nine or less: situate within one inifeo;*the Village Of PoriAlbert. and =nine •from Goderich. Soi good, land 4Alitig: Mai beauliful• flats adjoining Oe 9 mile river. which hos aerosir )he sOuthern nornon. This is ararechatite, bei,, conven- ient io ands good gravel road in anticipation this season. . 8. R. I Lot no. VG.. con 3. Township of Ceuntv of Reim, having 15,acres clear. well timbered; and one -mile,f,-oln the Northern Ura,vel Road. Art oftot 13, in the Township of othortie: County of Huronconlaiiimg cal acres. This is. beautifullylocated onihe Northern Gravel Road. eppoisite the Village of Nlitinfro. having a :Ord fraine 'house and barn, also a s ring er6ekPassutg near the dwelling, within 2' miles of Gederich. ; - , • _ , Loviintfrithers31.32.2.9 and 28.containieg each one firth tifanabre in the. yillage of Milburn, on the Northern Gravel likad„'aild withint mile* of Goderich. Also iviliexcellem tots in Bridge End Plite. township of Colborne; which Village is situate on the 13anks of the Maitland and adjoiningthe Town of Goderit. • . For particulars apply;_iflikietteipost-pai , to - GEO. HAWKINS, .Wu. ROBERTSON . Fort ,Albert. • S GaOler, OOde:rith. March 24t41884, -w9sw00..tyr$E • MONANZEI14 GO'S cmNujia.:cANA.DIANspATEIT _SEWING.- . MACHINES klave,takenthe-First Pijzos , A THE PROVINcIAL EXIliBITIN held io Montreal, September 14th, lfith, 6th, and. se • =7th, 1863, aver an °theist and also-atftee Pro- vincial Exhibition held in Kingston, September 22iid,.23rd, and roth and 2btb, 1863. Prises of a 'similar character wcre also awarded to us at the Provincial Exhibition held in Toronto -in 1862,and at the Provincial Exhibition held • at' „London- ip 1861. ' _ Prices .haveen 'be , Greatly. Reduced 1 puid, IND s . _ .• A R.' M. WANZER bo, - Hamilton. . s James Co , Agent, RAW): 1311111,11. 1 • . ....... KINGSTON ST,,...GODERIO.H. East Side,Market Square. DENTISTRY, C. -W.1 FANNING, BEGS' to announee to the 'citizens of God- errch and vicinity; that he is prepared to execute in a ski' ul manner all operations per- ainingt to h.s profession. • Teeth fi led, extracted, inserted, See., at mode- rate prices Rooms over Parker dz 'Cattle's Drug Store Parson's Block -entrance on Kingston Street. - sw52 G. W. FANNING. .A. CONVEYANC NG . HE UNDERSIC.iNED • will pr•Irivi) ..desedtS -an niortgages and attend to per e cotton of the saindi reNdy for revelation, at tit folio -Wino. rates; vrk : . - • Deeds with Pernoristf. .1 . Mortgagee . do it ... ; .. - Other documents at:equally loiv figures. .1-ffic.e,Godericf OH • (. .Noveinber 5th. 1863. S :ts,AA0 UTAT 'WAXER AND' J• WELLER,' .wEsTi ST, GODEUICH, dOof East or Kr. Stotts' Saddlery.. SAME -WILDING WAT(0119,2 iF2',IP'll'oRATNN%:iefELRY tfl the best -Style,& Warranted : , - ALSO, A CIOOD WORESIENT er Gold Pl a ted* Jewelry, Watehen, - are. &c • Oonstantli on hand and warranted to be tis Tepresented ' if not, money refundeth . Gocl—erieh, 1st Schtember. 1863: • Mak • B. MONTGONIERY, SURGICAL - ..xfi • 111E9RADELZAL - • • 13 E.- INT PIS Office. --Over the Medieil tall; BEGS to inform the Public that he Will pertarin" all Optautions that are entrusted to him ins skillid manner. • ' • • Artific.:ia Teeth inserted on' Vulcanized Rubber - Gold, -ilveritand Continuous Gain -Work. Particular attention paid to the regulation .r•ItildrT's 'teeth, and the preservation. of tin nature omits. • "Ckargeillraderatermd all Work Warranted - I • TEatxts 0A.131 -r , - . 7• . • .eonstant Supply of Tooth Powder "keiv:on band.. Only 50 cents nett Box. 11 ERTSONI stroii '. . . \ — Bureaus, Sofas, .LfgungeS; Beditends.111 end.ess variety, ‘‘'ardrobes, Book -Caties, Mattrasses; Center`ribles,.Dininc Tables'Breaktatt. Tables, Toilet, Tables, Wash Stands, Chairs, and Many ether a.rtie.les tociinainerouato eatio_ni All kinds or :•p - , (-)1)STIFIST, 611- Promptly attended to - UPHOLSTERY. in all its •-• . branches.- - UNDERTAKING are . 9 Mr. R. respet tfully. invites an examination oF his sidele• Warranted• (0 be made ofthe best ma- terial and workmanehip. And itt gri:ath( reduced - prices. Call and compare,and be satsfied before going elticWhere. ' • - II.' Cordwood .and all kinds of Farnier's Pro-- duce taken in exchinpi Warerodfn on Elgin Street; - Godench. March 24th, 1803. stvi-)e . • - DAYS *HOTEL, ON THE . GRAVEL ROAD, . NEAR. WROXETER, 1,1HE subsoil-11er, in retireing thanks to inc -1, public for the very liberal patronage bestow- ed upon hint -especially while his house Was in an unfinished state -taken this opportunity of -1113., prising•tis numy friends and the public `generally, - of Ore fact that his house now affords accoinmo- dation rotirior to none intke Countu, and there- fore frusta that 11 a -mmer attention to busineissi he will still inetit he -Shine of patronagelutlicite bestowed upon lion. Let no stage -man or oilier intorerted individttal persuade you into the belief that it is all the same w hither you go tO Wroxetet ornot, because not only is his 'douse not in that' - place, but is2 milestone'," by any rend that is traVr elable, and therefore travellers going to Belmar.) Teeswater, Walkerton, lfze., will find'gc Days HoteP' on the Main gravel road, about -a mile be- yond the finger histid pointing to Wroxeter, and: ran expeet superior accommodation.and a -.hearty welcome at any hour of day or night! Our stab- ling is the -most ttommodioui in the bounty (oty_ _pertutps,excepted.) For a view of the hots c see ft VI.tiermott, R. Mai tin and L. Rol - Nevi Map oftbe County. I • : ;Cr lee Provided in Summer for Iles-ifishing friend& CHARLES 'DAYS,. . - • .esteletnr, • •1 VOL. 2. --NO v70. DIARY OF A DETECTIVE POLICE OFFICER. ONE NIGHT INA OAMING-HOUSE. A,little more than a year after the period when adverse circumstances -chiefly the re- sult of my own reekless follies -con pelted me to entij the ranks of the Metro olaan Police, as the sole means left me of pro urine food and rannent. the attention of one of the principal chiefs of the force svas attracted to- wards me by the ingenuity and Wildness which I was supposed to have manifested in hitting upon and unravellinit; a clue which ultimately led to the detection andpunish.meet of the perpetratmp of an artistically - contrived frand.upon an eminent tradesman of the west end ...af London. • The chief iiegt. for, me: and after a romewhat lengthened, conversation, not only expressed approbation of my 'conduct in the particular , matterunder disetission, but hinted that he might shortly need my services in other affairs requiring intelligence and resolution,. ‘I tbink- I have met youbefore,' he re- marked, with a meaning smile, on dimeissing Stt101i YOUr-- into com- -me -.When you occupied asdiff vet p few ybur -present one ? DO not alarzi self 11 have no to pry untrecessari other then's secrets. Waters nam mon enciii(th in all. ranks' of 'society, and I , .., may, you know ',A -here the cold smi2e eeped in ironical expression -1 be • mistaken' At , All events, the testimony of the gen leman whcse recommendation Obtained yo, r ad• .mission to the force-Lhaie ,looked in o the matter since, I beard of yotik lbehliviorl in the late business.2--is a sufficient4guarante that nothing nore serious than impruden e :and folly can be laid to your -,charge. -I have neither right nor inelinatisin to inqui e fur- ther. To Morrow, in all Prob4ility, I shall send forlyou.' . 1 I cattle to the -conclusion, as. I walked homewards,iha. t the chief's intimation of having previousiv met me in ¶nother of life; was a rundOM and unfounded on had seldom. visited London in my pros days, and stilonore • rarely mMgled in itsso ciety. My .vifeshOwever, to whom I of ourse: relaid the substance ot the convert:on, re - mindZI-int thatilie had diee been at once& lcd him be could - scarcely base exLibited; I ter durieg the races; and suggested that he greater terror and abrprise. . -Bly aspect, '' . _ might possibly have Seen and noticed nie nevertheless, was atudiotusly bland .and there. This was it sufficiently probable ex- conciliating, and my outstretched hand planation of the hint; but whether t e 'cor- seemed -1*-iovite a renewal of our old friend - reel one or not, I cannot decide; its h never ship. .. ., _ , i 4 i afterwards alluded to the subject, an I had 4Waters l' he. at kit stammefed, feebly not the Slightest Wish 10 renew it. . accepting my proff'ered gfasP",'whowould have -Threetidays elapsed before I received'the theught of meeting you here?' ' 'Not you, certainly...ince you stare at lid old friend as if he wereeomils frightful goblin about to swallow you. Really '- 11,itshi I Let US speak together in the loblty. An old friend,' he added in _aniwer to Mr. _ Merton's assoriied stare. 'We will return in. an insta.i t. / - _ 'Why, what -Walt this, Waters ?' *aid Cart , don, recovered his -wonted sang cfroid the potent we were alone, 1 . understood you had .retired from amongst . us; were in fact;Awliat shall. I . 'airy?'- - 'Ruined -done apt NoliOdy-shouid Itnow, that better than you.' -• ,hly good fellow, you do net itriktme.' imagine outlay, my dear ()exam: I was very thoroughly- lone -done brown, as it is written in the vulgar tongue. But fortunately _my linid old uncle-- . ' Tassgreve is (OW P. interrupted u3 old ac- quairttance, eagerly jumping -to -A conclusion, ' and you .are h.s heir! I congratulate you. iny dear fellow. This is indeed a thartzung 'tell verse of circumstances.' ' 'Yes; bat, mind, I have given up the old - phere s, nal ierous ,nee of my owe. and one, moreover; whose tavola I was extremely desirous to return in kind, flashed with increased conviction across , y mind. This surmise I of course kept to myself ; and after emphatically cautioning 'he ladies to keep our proceedittivit profound secret from Mr. Merton. I took my leave; amply provided with the resources requisite itor earryina into effect the schemes which I' had resolved upon. I also arranged that, In. stead of 'waiting personally on her ladyship, which might excite observation and sturpicima I should report progress by letter through the pest. if it should he he!' thought T,as I emerg- ed into the street; The bale suspicion had stilit 66 blood through my veins with furious - violence. -'If this Sandfoal be; as 1 suktect, that villain Cai don, suecess will indeed be tri- umplivittnry I ! Lady Everton need not in that ease seek to animate iny_zealby promises cr', motgy recompensq. A blik.ked \existence, a you'll:and gentle wife by.bis mcabs cast lit down 'from opulence o sordid penury, would. slitimlate the - d Rest - eleven thal-. ever crawled the earth: to energy and aetionao--- . ;Play Heaven my suspicion - prove correct; and thee, oh, mine enemy, Icok well to-- yourselp. for the avenger is at your heels I' . " --- - StiodfOrd, I had been instructed,was usually_ preseet at the Italian Om ittailig it* ballet: -• the box he generally occupied was designated ' iii_the memoranda oftue police: and as I saw ..._ iii_the hills that a very suceessful. piece was to / bbeeinpegrfporermseuedt.thai evening, I -determined on - 1 entered the honseta few minutes 'past ten o'clock, just after the comMenceineut of the ballet, andlooked eageily round, ,.: The box in which . I was ii.structed to seek tor num '. _wait empty. The momentary diaapprontment. was soon Jepaid. Five minutes has not 'elapsed whet] Cardon;looking More insolenty- triumPhant than ever, entered arminirni with a pate; aristocraticloOking young meta oat 1 had -no-difficulty, from his striking resemblance to a . portrait in Lady Everten's drawing -room. in 'deciding to'be Mr. Merton. on, Pausing only fo master e emotion - My course of ' nce determined whieh&se light of the " glitteting *le in whose -pcnsonoue folds I had been involved and crushed inspired, I passed on to the opposite side of the house, and boldly entered the box, anion's back was towards me, and I tapped. him lightly on the shoulder- • He turned quickly round; and if a basilisk had confront. expecte summons. On waiting on itn; I vow agreeably startled to find that I '-kl to be ilt once employed on a Mission which the -India sagacious and exPeriencecl.*f detective - officers would have telt- honored to under- . i take. -- - , 'Here is aViritten detuription of th .ter - soils of this gang of black legs, swindle siand 'forgers,' tooeluderl the commissioner, sum- -ming tip his instructithts. ' Wyatt belonr 'object tadiscover their private haunts, -and secure legal evidence of their nefarious prac- tices. We have Wen hitherto baffled, prin- cipally, Iliiink, through the toO\hatity zeal_ of the officits employed ; you mtiat especially avoid that error. They are practised scow-. drels ; and it will regain) -considemble 'pa - dente, as. well.ii , actin:tint to unliennel and bring them to justice, . 'One of their t more .-eeent victims is yoling -Mr;,- Merton. son. by it former marriage, of the. Dowager LadyEr: ertoa.` Her ladyshiphas applied to us for ossislanee in extocanng -rtitn from the toils VI which he is meshed. i Yoefyill call on her at five O'clock this afteinoon--inPlairi clothes: %if eourse-and -obtain whatever'inforMation . . on the subject she may be able to afford,- game. ',„ Ne• tnore dice -devilry for me. I have promised Emily never even to - touch a card again.' cold, In[rd eye Of the incarnate Send - he was little else-glettmed- mockingly1.-----.._, tteerscit;ig:poodnlanistetettairoins.lba' lab peratointifedy replied, game. s . ' Very good; quite right, My dear boy. 'But come let me introduce to you_ Mr. Marton, Ili . 1 By -the -by., Waters; he added, in Ai citressingf Confidential tone, "my name, for fsmily and - other reasons, which I will hereafter explain' . to you, -is for the present Baudford.', ‘Saudford P 'Yes: do not forget. ;,-Bnt altos*, or, Au ballet v..ill be over.' . • I was introducedindue form to Nr. Meriot as an old and esteemed friend, whom, he- ndford7-had not seen for mane months, 4t the conclusion ot the ballet, Sandfoi4Lpro- it Was riot until she bad perused the note of w464 . OOTS ANDOSHOES! , • . .TlitiT,}ixonyzp- • - Goderich, NOV. 27, 1863„_. - aw25ver no's Remetrtheti, to coiathunioate &wily _With me;: and any assistance you may require shall be romptl; rendered With these, and a few other ntincie directions, tneedless :to iecapitu- late,'I Was dismissed to a task Nii._Itich; difficult ettd f. °risibly perilous as it Might prove, 1. hailed as a delightful relief fronv the wearying monotony and dull Toutine of °Winery duty. - I hastened home; and after dressing with ihighly connected peownaze„ I assure re., g'reat care -the beak -part of my wardrobe had been fortunately saved, by Emily from the wreck of my fortinierr-;-:Ii proceeded.tc Lady Everten4 mansion. 1 was immediately marshalled - to the -drawing-mein, where .1 lound her ladyship -Red lierdaughtebeati- tiful fairy400king girl-aivaitingmy arrival. Lady Everton appeared greatly surprishd at: Lay appearance, differing, as. I dare 84 it! altogether did, from her abstract idea of ai policeinan, however -attired or disguised; and which I was the bearer, that her hau4itty and incredulous atare came miti,:ated 14 a glance. of lofty cendescendent civility. ! - s 1 ' Beleated, Mr. Waters,' -said her ladyship, waving we to a chili.. - This MOOD informs me that you have beet selected for the duty of endeavoring to extricate my son frcm the perilous entanglements in which- he hu tin- happilyinvelred himself.' - ' I Was about to reply -for I was silly _en- ough to feel somewhat nettled at the noble lady'wads hinalithightipnutbsalic9fIlegErvaigeneell.alttirIPawillge-1:11: . ., _ gang of swindlers with whoth her son had id - 1 rayed himself, an . WAS there to procure' .from her ladyship an information she might a result; but fortunately -the- remembrance be poasessed of hkelyto forward so destralde of my actual Tositio r, .spite, of my gentle- man's attire, flashed and instead of permit wag irreverently in t hotturable, I bowed w cenfigeer;lad'vabip ivnliy upon. my mind; ing my glib tongue to 97;4 'e presence of right "th deferential qiiies- • .-' • • eded, and I in substance posed- that we should adjourn tatheTatropean- Coffee-houseinearly opposite. This we agreed toraud out we sallied. At the top of thill Staircase we jostled agaiest the -commissioner' who, like as, was leaving &ebonite. bowed slightly to Mr. Merton's apology, quid his eye wandered briefif and -coldly over ow_ persona; but not the faintest sign of interesf Or regOguition escaped him. I thought it, .possible he did not know me in my changed , apparel; but looking back after descending a few steps I was quickly undeceived. A altar* - 'swift glance, expressive both ot encourage- ment and surprise, shot out from under his penthouse browst and asswiftly- vanished. - lie did not know how hula I needed "atrial to the goal we hac1both viewi (To be contiinter1.) • THU', POI Krauts.-- At the Simeoe Aisizes in Barrie, on She 13th inst., a ftruser - named Chides; .residing. in the Township of. 0..i01 WAS placed hif trial for the.murdet oee of bis wife, in the month of November last, d the followitirnforMetion ;- Hon:' .Telnes Patton; 11nd th* Prisoner _was The case for the Crown was conducted by Oa . h I d 6. the- attainment of his stiedged,idued the ee,easedin hie owe house, - Mr durin the w w°"tir defended Whir. Bois. The prisoner, flitO Pffe aniterity, had very .1i passion 'have tiskeneuttre poa a&noat every day, ha gard and feverish life utis -paned alt play. ording toShiS own be - a run ef .downright' inst him, and he had 1 the ready moiiey he eragamiings" iil‘bfailin:117:edngs4 for 41..ftehiler 47, 1)WralOTrattedin litatElifeeStilfadlnOttielgietake 3°1. ession'of bis bemX 1 and found a nrdiet of,nOt guilty./ well a* night, of his • , A rue of 1-11-11tek,- liet yertirut rolibery---had_set in not only diasips,tedila A ID= in blevelaid Ohio fell asisep at church a Sunday ortwosip, awl w as,the =Dieter Intjan to read Inc the lesson of Scnpture which begins, iSurely for laes initondsr bills, there is a vein for the silver; sad it had inherited, and tbe large sums whit the frigh&lamonut.sild chteheprin obmiptligatigitnrina ighalnia°1 Idai 'sgreat n 1 11 aillr.andereigetZeitileill illy iturindlt1:::Steilleil;ginekl-takiart:emPinSillintIvellstalliasett°sImuldfsitnitcalidble int -: fooliih' indulgence. 61 -hie. lady-motlier bad suPplied him with,, but had involved Iiiiwlf The affeciin4this-rnin was one Sandal -dna mai shmoo.0 41. a fashionable and; d blur exterior, -sq. the . . --..........4.-eseia.-- .. wreshoilliIngwgiaspirictolilmf lesel' oklIedP°t-SefifhdinPet . out. than- AnGAineovernricanmenteiazerougtetiosPintroduesp.-111411testrw Strange to miy, Mr. Merton had the blindest .A.tent jaw. which *du be fano of snail* ____ reliance upon this man's. honor; and even Watence t. Amedmin bunion; flew the itr1deipnited as Ise bad !*.en. by 1present system patents are granted only IN bier and Ws --gang-railed- urnhis e°""1 vesidents of Canada.; under the saw islys 4** prposed to eTteed die protection to isomer • IThe Aimee Mentioned in thew Imitating tors °fart upon., SOLICIT -• are' for obvirins reasonsfr ictinovw. . • • ..