The Blyth Standard, 1946-10-09, Page 117O1 7 - NO, Ula. Blyth Community Memorial Hall Rest Room Fund Contributions $97,-;.111) of t,n Ll,hhl'. ill 11,1 r,'inl lila, t!.,' I 11.\'1.11 lulunicival (.olulcil Glllras,ll' ;lil„I'1(1 to y.'ur Th.t,;1 Ila; n"l c:1111,1, it t\"n;:l 111' a1,;,r,ri:l:1'`I if 1.11t71,'91(1 nsoul'11y nn'clir:, n( Ill, \III in • al 1. oun'il til 1111' Corp 1,111111) roll 111'ul,l 11;1+1. y„c1' ,I„u,11i11n .It !do. Can,1111;1n II;,1I. 1,i l „nl'1„ 11 e ;, t!,1' "i Ley 111 \\,1, Ilt'I,I „n 1 elohcr 7th, I;lylh l'I,muwunit\' kr•I „!u (on,- \\ilii iiletr 11;1)9; 9, and I Cum!' ill,',, nutlet. (Ire tt'ry ;1 n',i'•n• 11, I I1'!!\::!.111, 1 oddcn, \Ir.` (I'I and \\ Ilil- int\r t.i•• t'anva,• 1'1,11111!1.11•,1 '” lite.. Ii! ht' i„ 1;1'1 1111-1.'llt. a1 111A,iti n 1„ 1 aunt n1'„ \\„11, ,01 111 Y'I'II, ON'T'ARIO, WED NESI):1IT, OC"I' 9, 19iii WEDDINGS OBITUARY COLLAR - SUNDEI(COCK MRS, ANNIE E. BABB '1111' home ill MI, and \Ir . 111,11111 NI r,. :\linin Itahh, a folium t,.i S I II,Ib'1',„( I,. I h'I l,'nr, •, •,,II, 11,111,!! d, tit „I 1111; :11111 \t I'll ,111,1 lalnll!'a I, \- Io1ln,ai,', nil- I1 -1','1, 1'j .I !'V1.1y',1,:11,1,11!rre'1 ht' ni,lnv „!,I Ilr'll'I, ;Inl!1llnl 1,\ ,-1,1',11'.t. 11111.11 :II 11 :lift, nn i I.111, 11a 1.f1 ;19:,1 .1,1,11 u!., ;,l Ii,'r S li'lid;11, i), I„hr1 :'Ill, l!9'u' tint': 111,1111' III 1, r,11;1i, r, „11 ti,,l'll'd1y 1,I• langlllrr, I.I:A,„r .1n'Ire1, 1\a. l,uitc,# u,„1 niui, ",,-,,i, nil,,r _:iI11. „1 .1' I?, i ,:11,1 'I'. t 1' 11', -,19 \l, - L':11,h v,:1, 11. 1'n In Itly!II, Hit th,. 11 :kr ,,t\ :n.,- 1 , Hi, , .,I, -, ”( m:., and \I1'•. 11 l'1,!1,Ir, \\ ia,,,In!nl. ,lanulder of Hugh and !--,,1•a!I \tc- \\,11'n I ,1,1 1111' 1.111, : 1,1„1 '1111' \\1'(111'.11; 1'1 n 1'11 'l,1 ,'..I, In 1 forme,! 1 )n;ti'ri'. In 1'11'1 -'I,, \;t, 'Harr':, 1l 1.1 l to :. •'l: •n „l 1 n1', .11„I - ',I. 1 ;1, ,11, I'lhh, af.+l (i1 t'1, i+ ,',A,,t'' „ : . 11! .1111'111 'and Inn, 91,1.:1 l,rr II1,uAl' ill 'Trc•,atl r 1)1+1'1' (!!,,t ,;!I„• ' 'I w„ it:tuollter , 1,;111, tcar!'rr 91 I u' '1'''' pt, \\ .?!I I, 1.r, t, tilt) .II !, tlui:,!1, ‘..-',c1,1!.,,! (r 1111 IILn,L linin+- ,...7,,,,,, ,,,,r,,,,:: (:,'' 1,w1 ,,;,I.•;trt:: ' 1,L and \lan;n-I 1, \\iii f .\mire' , ``?'” 1,,,I,,!, t .u'?,•'I. I .i!!#,•, T,,,,,‘%;11 yr, al,,, !nu 11'11:111'1',,, \1,A. ,,n h\ 1'„n! , I'' ,,'- )InI 1 11111! k„1,1'11 of l'I;ulllilli;nu, \I;urtob;l, and and k„!1' rt! „II that ''1' ! I. In' ;I 'in:?, A, t , ,;,•!1?, ;11'1: i, .! t , ;! 1'„i;,,l. :1'r. \ III !!' '!I','!1' „I ;1,'111!:1', :;11+11 t,, , 't\.. • 11: I, ,.;1,1 i. ._'1,, !r- it,! IIIc 1„•- i ;i 11.11 f nal r„t'1 in :t!:,1 ;,I •"1 I: ''1\\ Ir:1'11,1. !n P11.4,i I! 1,t% It:,\ ,Il, i•'!,, rt .11 r- Iiahh ,.\:,- an ;inti \v mewl!,,',' tAl .,;11:1:', l:\ .1 •;_,' all uttt I, r I „!, !!I,' l'nill it i linr''ll, ;tit! an i:ll,•,,•.f,• ; • 1 ' i \,'i,''!I!.'n? i;' ;,i,1 \ ', 111 +11,1'#,1.1• III lilt' \lntllt'tl,, 1,,,Lii,l?i,tti„Il;; hi :,tit, a t1\-1:1 1 , ;I!'A II': 1!!1' 1::,!t' „I ill'', l'. Ilill;lllilt:, i :I:1 1 111,1. ,.f 11li!:iL:!'r,t l• 1,1a, , • tri Thy priytllc (uncr;ll ;ervint IVa, lic111 ' 11 t Cl''''" 1) 1'.(l.'•'''' 1'• 1'11 ! I., )111. tit 1111 #;111 re-I'Iriinn till I Iln.'I:i,', ( )r.. '1!1' Inn\! n'iiIiI'.'II',11 1.1,e::n!I. l 1',1'. 1,11.1' 1,1, ;11;11 \1';t, I'1,Ildllilt"1 hr kt'1•. •' • 11 Itt:,n1', :I Ii\ -t;,',\ ;,rr,'l,ltnt., Ito \,-c,-:nrnt I:u!t ft.'. Inc \ I tit. 11,1,' II, • 1). .\. Karry', a,�i•tcd by kl'\'. I). 1;.' 1,!'Art 1',11,,1+, „ (f halll,,,r, ( litirr!', (1tirl',1,I,' 1:111' \,. 1' ',rim: a 11y-I•Iv, :11 ;1,1,I't 1'l', pc, ,U cel 1'+':;111 dry-, 11it.1 - ivi-,Inr;,dh„ I t ,'t 1 I'aitli:lrcr, Iver,, \I. A. I)t, Ott! .\-,',-91,111 h'.I! alrrad1' ;1,'1•1',)''1 1,,,,.., .,,;!.,, \1,-- I'':,i,,,,. !11,:,•- •1 1 !arc and t,1•t, 1?n. �, t,' n:lhnr. _ \von.' a con -a.`,• ni II: i ,,,,'1,,# r,,,,,, I. PI.1111.1', \1. 1. Silltt'k, (t. \tt•11t11, ;I, 1'11;1'. 11 \1!11,'11 t!!t• sI''''' I •i- I''ir ,'!11, 1,1, III ' I ( 1111 : '11 - 'i t 1"I' 11,11 nu �. 11. 1'!1;11'rlr a9d I'. T. I'iell . ; ,''a ,,, ,-6, • 11' r; vs.., • ,., t'„wilt, ;9111 !Hi- II•,'t,;t:it, tti (1,,!,' lira \\'ill? gr'i1, au'! t1c >a?c1' i i a I 1 bandratt in 111'1' ha;r. ,Suhscriplion Rates $1.50 in M�'iince; $2.00 in the U.S.A. 1YES'I'FIElJ) 1V • 1. 1‘11;1414'.'1'11.*(; v 'Ili, ,„nl,'I 1 1 „1 1)11 hcl- 1-1. ,dl \\„', I.. ten1,' lu'l'l tl'ir 11,t'I:itt I;t, t1 t1 ,,,, , . „1. 1'.1!1,1! :I, i. 1i(ht in \II,I;uria' 1:ia, , li rt l c i I) + ! i,! 1%:1:1 .t! ., . ,.t t ,1 ”k , -r ! 111'';+1 : 1.1 till' 1)u'i'. IL d Ihr ' 1,1,\.1.9 ,'i,?.. 't,1, 1,:11 and ad •i'',,!1 Ic:,! ., !r;' HI! Il n ,';'11 ,1. •\ i, tit I !i IJ: !' , I."�,ii• ( Illi,, 1 . 1. 1,, 111,1 ,1 „ 1\. ',.',,:�I:l;'-' l;, 119+1•( 1,i; •, (i� i1',. (',: ! 11?, II ( 1: 11, wit '(31 mi 11, , , ,( LOI1 111'1' l}1' 11,1:''. tt1 a:, ! \l I. \I. til \',?• ;,'"ni„# 1 • 11„ 11 r.11I. in ''. ! i I 1!11' Sinn t „' t "n1'• „i # not lit (, I„ 11, 1,1 and I.l u 11 111 I.,iu In •',AAAA tl 1'1, 'ill I. 11','1- •1 ! ,' f' r 1u- 1inivat ` itu- A9' ,i.!, 1 u' , 1' ill I„• II11'I in :•1 t'i11, . Cl/ tl•, u, 11 1111':11! I'lrl \l1•. ( 1.11 r, 't ;111(1 \11 • 1 I). 1'11,11), r, it ., • 1''!11-t !1 1„ ;loci. I,•r the # Intl, 1'1 '4!h 1 1) 1 lint r. Thr 1,1'„•.'r;1nl \t i. i!1 1''ltart"' of f) r ;. i t "I't. ,1,11,,,, 1 ' 1 11e,1lt It ;mil { ! !3,t \1, l.t r,, \\I1„ '1:1tt,r#uct II t!1,° \#inti+, li last rvt'•I!!,u• Inectint, of i,ni,,11 ti 1,au!, u( hcttlt"ric, inter\\„\1'n '. '1:1!,1, h ,'1 I i!” `cl!it n?tmt' 1)1h, tem! and t'trllltl'111Cr1, till \tit 1 I lilt( anti " ''t,• 1.11'.-;111,-1 i•1 1111 ] tujcrt 'win., ,,. ' II t tit du C,1is din fin-!.!,,!, - ('r I'v, !” (; •:1 „I 1 t,;Illi tut,,,` `#r,.dti and t'\:, ., ?„UI! +•1 t'it' In id, 11,,nn!. '1'. „Ii'I pnblishc,l in prey)„'t: ). lue ( 'line 1 : ,111cn. Cat rir,t. tt11 Inv. .1, NII t lr, p,1 t,lr 11j 11lc Standard: I Bills and Accounts 111111 ('nittd 1 •!:rlr, `.p. ,•tc, i:1tl! .\+01'11(11 11rt'tlun,lt' 1t r rtn11 :1'',;,,, Roll Hydro (:,an., ,Irl".t light, 2'119,-111 Ihe hrii!1' \I;1, elle” i;t ?n:lrra', hr t\u1y I`„II ;.1111 I;;tlll Hydro l' in., church sllcll _'.1111 het' 1;11he1', and +till i••''''\ "'• l Itt pale ',nit II;t'I, I I:, .11.,, 1,:„,,,,, ,,ci'll „';Ill•, 21++11 lw.lis -ill, rr,'•,r, -I ., 1 , !1'n.:;; , \',iuh \Ir . I ,lar I ,11• n •.•I):I I;I\I!t lir,l 119.1'•, 1,11911, \lolls '.Illi '11„1'l sl, t•\'1'.. pleated I, dl,..• and pep - Inn or 14,1 Cros-, S; 1 I 1",,, 1 ' I. giltl, 1,1!iont' (,.-11) Ilu9, tr::untr.l 11:!11 pati II;!; . Int:r Iil1'lll Public ~t''' Ol viler "l inn, Dort Kr1 i!Ir, (;Iran .1. jack "Henri\ (I; Itishack i,Curgc \1;1'II, 1'11'1 Cr, igluon \I rs• Victoria I'n,11e• I, Int' Mrs. 1. Logan ' #;,,11 I' I.;1',.r, ill r, Li,hotu• . IIL`!'1 I1„wnr, t\,'1' :I r"r':IL. , 1,;l,1, ill i.1r- 1 \Viii, 'I`Lt:ell, SIT). -;(t,tr}' .1i.11,11 cliiir r,,.1'- al',I a hande,l of till -;rile 1"l1n .\. ('„\\;(l, Sr1 1 to 111 r 1, a:, lira \\ illi ,111; :111 ! ..ill',,' ,pl , I. ,;dant' 811,1111 I 1 till' \I"\t',I II\' L,0111,21:1-1, ,.\11'';a#i mid ritil,, 11. 1#r ,,;II} ,Arlt;1:•1,•91 \t;!- a );„! I \ 1 ,1 I 11 (Atli ;Icinnnl, a,: real 1„il,il awl el' tin, ;1 :'i(1 1„ ':111 wa!er- u 1 ' l I hr raid. .!l,1) (;Irrie,1,, nal )_tr,lullnl tier (ruin L'rr ,'ra',111,It:l- LItt) \I veil by t'oturill„r, \\ hit field awl el' l,1ct fifty ycar, ;1';11. Li)) I lull\ in;nl IIIat a,,,',.u:cnt roll for Ihr \I i•, .\ instep( \\;t&:mach, i 1';Ir 1'1'1,1 Ill' ;,,',',',,II'11, I \\ dill-I,r, 111 -inn , 1 Ili,. IIt.i1!1', \\ ;]• I n. an11 I.::,1 tin, 111,111 Ilr'1 lull!\&; 1,1 1111' 1'o!I1t til k1'yl..:ula the l it, -+Valli, g,1\11111 III,1 ,'Il'; ,:II, 5,11'1 I,1' I1,'I,I ill t!Ir 11I', Ill 11 win"ri;d I l;;! NIA', :Vic(' I" :;1'r,un and N1.,.. "n 'I u, -day, I h t, ht r _'hill al 8 pint and N11 s. I:1anl; k, };neon ;.11'1 ('turn r i. 11 1 1 ! (i i 1 ! NIL and Mr,. I1. \I,1'a!Innt . ,.II'I \1'1\111 li 1'uln-il'1,r, \Ii\';!I:1 awl i• 11'1' linin III) \ „,Id,'n that lay' I.:oV \o. i, I'(h,, a, I \I r,, I. \I, 11c1<av and \li„ (ilk,. •-tr9rlr,l 1” \\ lair :1 tlttr!' t„ \I r. �!,:1'; (; t\:rl. 1, !; 1 \\'in,;1'1111, \ I1.!!1! ( IIIc (titinO \1rL'1111 lxprc-•n?\: 111+' 1'„111.' it • \' \I t, ,'.I.,It ; I,i9,,1 1!1,11 lu'r. \Ir,, t•.dllll ( lei llloll x,111 11,,11 1'l'a(I ttlfl'l' 111111'; 111 ,'poll (1111ll- Ir, I'I”;1111; („ II', t1' lt'{rLl "1'n! ,rc-c!!! I,” , hl•til1er +'1 'OH' :I',1 III, 1\.1, 11•'-1 ;Gill. l'r1•1:iC:, 1 I'1'' I'I'( ill Ili, ;Ih,el!r,' ;11 Ihr !L', 1:int'. 11,1':, . :I r, tilt!\ vii"I•• Ilan! 1111,',' `1'11;11'1 1)ttl'\tal'rl b1111 1Il• 11, iiI'1'"\III 'I t 111'1111 1)Illel'1• dad Il;'rry \Ii('allnul ;.u!I l,ruVide (u1' ;1 I,Lu', for holding Mint- ! \Ir-. 1!Intl, hall. c„u-'1 „i Inn• 1,!',11',' due t„ tut nil"rinu;lit tri !int 1 t •11.11';11,1 !n1' pl )91')1;I( I I' 1, \/ 11 \ 1 ! 11:•11111~ iI:III ;l •t'i1t,1' I l'1' y1 `1 II':{,: :,,H,-,,!;.' 1'',11:1':,:;',;1,-lill'.:r,,i'!I11 hl' - 111„ It". p,ayrl the \ 11+11, IItJ I i Ir I I C OUNci/�„1'111(!1 \!1''I )111';1`!I �\III I,'lil;ll .,„ill!Ilal!•'ll, .I 1111 I'.II'l'll„II, II t I I � I I aI \yt II 11'l, 1'111 i' (ruin I.nllnt'.rill.• Sti ;ti,r, l'I 1.11 tile' Ili•di,;lhiliit ;:',,c:.'!,11,11,!.!!',,,,11,. •! hl, i.., 11( !'1:,t 1 n'I ,,” 1far 1'1.1' WI )n ! Ic,l ;111'1 tlx�llq ';111'1 ;Ilia 1111!1'1 til ! 1111' r1'g11 L11' 11111!11,11\' lure; tll� tit Ill, 1 ,111!1II'� marcht11'1' tint' 111`,11' 1111111'1` 1 Illy Iu1!"%\'H! , ;I,'1'"inn- w'rr1' ,', Ilrl'- 1,r,,\'i'I, •_ \\!1,1!1.1,,;n,' l,1 creation ;111,1 K.Ittin 'I'a Inn 1.1111 >a11r', hr fin:illy 11;1• rd, Lai ricd,11111111 Tim11,11i1, (', uncal \1'a, held on I 1,;1-1,1; Ilat:l; „i 1'•,:9'1., 111. , \ \)hili 1.i. l,1 Int ti 1,0‘.., Iii re br„ugllt 1 ;mil 1 ,atI t r, ;1t 1111 1 to, t. Tiling, 2.; y ear, \)i i t t', (1''Irthrr 7t ll, in the #,,roll_ t', I" I,1' ` i 1' \1„rt!u';!1dc \t 1'l„ .9111 !Irr 1'u1Ail , ;w'1 Marvin 11 r1).,I\rll LI'U\1•ar S,It'in';- l'irl:i;l;I;c-. ._(!111;' \1.1:!:.1.1 .,.!,; 111 iI! , I11,•1'1,1c,\lurris Ilo,n,,11 . ;;I+t(+,1'cCllr{ mtcila,a1'1',911ofthiil Ilgu. '\Alin Irridc', uit to I'u• I,I ,Ic;• 11,1 1'o Punttill tty Ilan. al i.,i1) I'. \I.I \ao .1\'a, ;1111+ 111, •1 all,, 'al'1 111•-t lilt;`, . 11(1'1'1'l11'ar, :I,N'„I'1; II 1.1':1',2:1'1'1'1 1,1":11:` !,1! Ihr 1',11,II•, !1 111:1\,(•:1,:r:.;1''.1'1Alva 'lel)„\1ell1.1'1iul:l;nit ;l ;I, al grntlenln', agree- I 1'111. k1'eVc ;Intl ;111 ulinaher, til IIIc y, nn; I;Iy1!1 Stan'Lud, r:nt ?I:;, ,Ir,.\,Vin Sn1)l I'.".I unit het\ve ii 111c11,rttc, :lull 1ht ati 111 I1 ,rani I, a :- id (11'1'1, IIr11„ill l'„unnil \Vere present. Minutes c.1 the I r,All\li \Illi„1\an', i:; Q. �?: Ill,' , \Ill•,'11'11 \\ ••• I. �lli'p'te , ; ' la... 11' 1,,1 111 CI t1r , •n all u A r„I. \\•. \\•a1,on !1.1111 1 „1li 1, I1, 1 agreed t,.1 di lou +hill set 1\)111 three pearls, I"111' uI„1'11'1 I;t-1 regular Inrrtiniz of Suit, 5th \\ ere I 1 :.#.(,1; I. I', \Irl';11h1'! 9111 V.,ir,rr, Inn, I`. 11)11 t1' ..hill,, Clare and 111.1 NI1:Go\y ul 6.1)11 Illi• -oil of activities,gilt t,. the bride was a gold 101'1, I and 1'1';11'#, 9'1' 11 ,a. t n ill;. !n1' !ih;u1, and 1u I'll hl•,t milli. a gold\ 117.811; Irr•I,nrcr, 1111!11.11 'T\\1', 1"onnr• 5,.1,!. 11:1;'1191'' j„r a r'Alunt:l,'1' 11;1!,1• F. hurt)++, I1 k. I, Anloirn I.(II \I r. Lnlut• Scriult'c"u1' waited un Ihr Motions: I hint 1)r;1in a-se•=nl1'u!, r_R(I OH ; 1'.I 1. .1!„\t c1'. ,\I r,. Cita If( r „ , ;! Council, an, l:1' ;11+1 1'911(1' •ill. 1 1 nt' I In r in - Calvert Falconer .111 I remit -dell that the \ il• I iI}' 1�;Ipsnll ;9111 It•\y.11 - That the I , 1'n!lu\\':Ilg III,' 11 ("Hint' 1 I', lil'I�na \'l', llal! (','ill, .`';IIIN); s!II;111 j, ,I''11;11 ;l,#11!'1,,• I,\ •;Il ll, L' do, .I l'r1 rel _.... Line Hit' 1';,liil ulrut hl' mot rd a• 11,1'1 I lint' i •11"•,, l,1' 1a , ;lultltr, I,c adupinl :1, rc1r1, Parried. \Icl11n-url', „I(;Iry, rr),i•1i; 1;1A1 `;„hi,`• 1\)111 \li \Irl;” !' . �!,(I) \t, t1' al„,nl 1„ c„t9:irncr bn:!, in n '#)111 n \ta- •1nVr 1 111 ,Ani I"rt\ ; . Van tial 11(11;'} child. T. I:II o 11,111' _Li'l Inti!ding ,¢ I . ] � Icw'itt am ])air --'1'11'1+ \1'c pa}' I , I,., l'llt'-(• 'I1 lull' (1!11111 1,1''111` (,'ntrr:lll;: 111'1.11• ;11!11 I, I'll I, ). II; {uta?'. \I,'- i II 111'1' 1,11': Cl!:1,fti'll ;1111# Hill, t+f 9111' ----------- Ihr Rest k um. Thomas 1'; II,etl ten dollars for ileal, Burney. 1\l':'l, all'\ #11`11-)1, �',•,,',, (l1'- ur,;11,H 11n.',1#,c, that \l1' b:l\'e •.nlr- 1 'I'llis nl;llt -r left for further consid- the t chile tta; ;1 hr;u?liiul l'1rc1 .1 icy; itis out ,1'11'1.1' rind ')11'11 11!1 Ihr 0111 Itetlll'n l'�1.0111 Irill)0�'i11)1e t1'rdding nal;r, I' "1 I 111th ;I wh'Ir Viler Sarl:ridrr, +1'1'1.,1, ;Old hlI1.11.•(,I ct1'r11hin); to our cllib!ren „w it • 11cralil'n by t11c Puuuiil• I rail track, ltarried. r \ ,• r t I carnation,, ot11cr driuralions were in S'1_'.75; 1\'c,ley Mine,, chrrhin:; gr,1\ ...1 \rr 1.1,11'1.1. and not allowc'1 theta to III) to New- lr01.11 I'he 1 lurk Ila, Itts:rurted to 1"111! :\ lull )thin of rate;,;1111 )tined'(+- ci').', 1'. hit dun., i':1 I tti:lc, and , I ' htlytll J 1\tin, l'ulttnlis,;ln1 and ,1'c il•' I'inl; auul w'llttc. 1\•afters„', 11'111' \I#s- 1 ('d on an extension III toe Flynn I)t'ai11 . la1 itr, �' Ill; SI;lint• n It it(!t\;11 .11 1- 1 y I Ii I'I I . „ill aur liu'1 ,,ell r.. \I r, ;9111 \Ir;. 'Tur1;111:1 l ti i ti, have se, 191';1 Scol(, Ilecl, \\'nt.,!i, girt tc;i, then heard, :\ hritt hi•rll;,ion 11 r• II'.. 'I,I PInit, s -;til, ;1 hranlf- s„nntlling cannot by dolly In rinully ilii solo, tic,:,,nlpannal by \Ins, I:, 1), rrtllrnrlt after ;I lit 1 rnj,lyah!e ;1111 1111. 1,•':1' V„L';Iee rate of II\dro, re-; friend- 01 the bride, \#i••es \,;lura and I tun#: Mace, :\11 parties 1rnsnnt 1111111,• lic,, epai ; Irr;,.i:tti71\.irr('aulallfalu ` , ' educational trip +\ illi "Ir. I)unda.: ,•>- 1)1'111 ('911(1', sir'rr• 1,f Ihr groom, all 1)1,, repair,, cur„ 7.i I l I Int!. „ ici\ra Irr 1111. 11ydr' use" of thy ed-, Igre able to the de,'fsfon made, Oil I"n., gall �1.,;a; ler Kerr, gravel. I flu' roll r;lll "`ilnndd \1'r have a ire, Miss Margaret Ilnndt „f I-- lalcr, ni 1\'ing#I;911, ;whit \It,s l\eit'I;1 \\';ly•I \Inli,'n, by kap,un and 111itt'n \\`csl ')I: t Streit, Ne)r Durk (`fly, I_,5,110; u\\'. ti. ('r,b,t.nl, insnrau''t' rin'irw'. Ira; \+Aril 1'r-pon'!r'I I„ and \ll-, (;c11t'gc 1 tLi t 11;\find ou Ihr Itti lull, iuu•fn 1 f I li briar, SI':11t; r'I,i'1'1 it Ivy 1 11y \o. 41,, 111, II, 1?, Iii, 1'!, premium, �,ii;;, \li•s Ilundas Ira, lurulerly ;I rrsidr111 wil11 \I r;, \\'. 1;'1,01 1'.i 'I'„ron1,1 , I '1i•rn,•rd, an,l it \1'a, the unanantons 1 . mai, it1;11 { "l dile] on heli;') 11f the I n- 1 1 ,, 17, Ili, he ,given a i:rst an l : e Cclr nil adjourerd to un el on .\o - i r;liurlh. lernatt„nal 1'linving 'latch and re. and Mrs, 1:Ii‘ilhilh Snnd,•r,-'H;, n(: cunll reading. ('arrf:d, I ) opinion \list a cnrictr strictly enforced 11 r. and \Ins. Ilundas auri\cd in I ! \\;Ilion, as con1'en„r•, Vemher 15th. N. N. Ned:mind, Cllr#.I t'nn111 b1' hrnriiri l to III se parent:: New furl; City till Srpteione _•11,1,' nr.'r11 the Cur !ratiun to give 1 (;n1' t, from ;1 ,li,laurte wire ,re,illl, No, Ietllitl II, I)i1t14 I'llat I�I,y /,al�s \Ir. R. N. i.ednnlll ,pent lilt' \ccr!; I who w1're r•pe:=.Illy interested that ! 1 ;l ill' lo1\.url, tett n11 hitt it III I \ . 4 I I I I„ , t , cid \nidi \Ir, anti \1rs. 1'at O'\1 alley I their children b1'• home and off the and on the next clay n', (li a lulu "i, \I„tell by Council!, 1's \Ic\all ;old 1.111 'limn ! , 11mut on.,Clint' 11 and! read a t!lird little. Parried. I the ;Y -lilt, ni the h:g city' that dill I"u: \\ Irl11'1,1 that the (,'onncil sire ;1 grant \\'itlgllal 1, 1tt 1\;1.1<1 11 ;Ind Ili tttI -"Tilsit lir- of Kfn,g,Villr. •\reel; at a certain lime, but it isn't to remain vivid in their nw•wlor\, '''hey The youth , 'Ir. and Mrs. I rank 'I';wn11',yn, \Ins• h,• r\:rrlyd Ilial one child will come i ,:.11) Inward hili Inlcrll:itiolt:il tri, „ c'wl'' ,cit on a 1\cddiut, 1 111, V. I(., 1)) Il. I_, l,i, la, l;, Ill, I, 'I'anlhlyn, of 1 „It.1c 111', ti-itr(1 o11 ill I\'Itl'tl his friend i; aliow'l enjoyed the Radio lily '1'091', a+lend- I Hitt Ii \+:11'11. ('ani'irl#• I 1 I Toronto, , Il 111'it and Windsor. 17 and 18 ;i; ''cad a third time he Inc,- Sttiill;!y \lith \hr, and \I r,, l ri iik I,ttl, t e I to silt- HI' u••IVrLnt ' I„ ' ' I I ! ,\1',11.1 of O',cit, .\ Iberia, in. mai til,• It'• of a I„t:nt' mother ;old a ,le\'• 11.11 ed 1 bnsldral,t null Viiurtl ieliri,f1,11 \ 1ICI ,1';11iun o1 \Ir. C. E. Morris- g t ,, r t .Lill, ,t I sell, ,,gneil ,til' scaled. Carried. in operation, "Ir.. I undas 11;1,1 Ihr , •(:iiiimbell. l on all,! 11 r. km, Ik'htrly waited 1)l, I u;try 1191. ,nit with a while \;Ice 119!1' i I,y I)llc and Jr1\'ill-'\'halt the 1i vis - Mrs, Charles Keating and Mr, 11ar- rrirc prftflcer i1 Aldus ;till' 11caring the Council and presented :1 petition and 111111 lire„orfe,, ;rill a trey t conn+, as pre,'•n(rd he Patti' C';n•rird. old Keating of Morris Township t•fs IZilte )a1' `1';' Enjoy lien husban,l ,n.lhc lelrVisiun srrrctl• rc;lt, adorned with a cru.; f"x nrel: Ity Naomi and h;II"un -'\'hat we I I , L `1 Enjoy Social „ ret(ti111 ,, the Conniff lu Ila„ a 1;y, "I`hcy >:itV Ill: amazing "Irr l'cvic V r. , Piece. 1, ilea „n Snn'lar ++ illi \I r• and 111,.' Ii , , I.a1\' rc,l i, lulls the 1991', of side of I +t1' She :1, o w,1•e the gru,,n1', gill, sell the ditch debentures to 1. I.. Gra- 1i, 1.,!011 191'#1, I vent; Ill Nell ly-Deeol ;Intl 1m the ,;nue cVcnin•; 11 cut to the `1, theatre t,p sec the picture "1 )high„191 ., 'gas,+lin, ill 1 , cls, silk' petition signed The bride i, a nor -e on Isle slatf of ham I\ Cu, if Toronto at 3 percent- i \Ir.. Ida 11111, of phi i, ,1A,"Ad ig by 1'. F. \Io!ri,011 Nov. lluhcrty and the \\'in):lint hospital, and on thea G111ic11. sled School 1)11 September 27th a 77 -mile frill ill' IA,orl;i IlanIln, iu1itt'ti the 11;1111,t• y1111n'; couple tri,! Ity ittpanu anti Il'witt--`i'hal III 1#01(1 fra' d;1y. +lith \II•, anti \lt`•, \\-;111'1' The kal,'pal't'I11 of ti. S, No. 13, Hui. IIle I Iud•1:l, Direr (o I ul,gllk(•n ,,ie, I, Puok. 1 \I„red lit Councillors \Ii\;dl un11 lake up it•j•Ience tltiti. '1'llc be<I How' adjnnrn to 'Heel \nnenlbe•• •tl#t, !rte, t tiLiltcd in the school rti1 tti \Ir. K.Inu'r II"rile ;911 ,on, Itohhy, of Ilyth 1';11'1;. the (011111'1 home of 1111 \'odllrn 111 ' the U 1111 ib inrtstig;Ile 111 lItI of frftn'Is itt Illi, i nunnnity at I.,i(! in tiv afternoon. C'arrfe't' \\-11111'"r. Mr'. J. \Irltrien, of i;ode 11'"lay night for ;( curial evening aur, ,ale I'rc•)dent kou,ittht \\ as al•u an IIIc Icg;ll author:le of , of passing al Ity_ :Inc extended, Accounts 1 concert, staged mainly by CN-11nt,ils od. outstanding event- Other j,ature, . I ___ r;rl Vi,ne'I on tiuuday I1ilh \1 r, an`I the sr'lo1,l, :1.11),11} entertaining interest trete a Irfp over elle (anion: t,a... a111,t!I lei(,iuilihelt\'illla¢t.,. cars of ,irriedl CHAPEL_y to $33 C1+11.111 tStutldlydses l"�t1tl,'tlir, \I r•. 11n;l1 Cauuphl'll' juyalrly yrenilllr gaud' OF COLLEGE l # 1 nlu,t en „ was s,pcnt. . , 1111 Street Itridgi, and al lieu i1 .1 (lujnitalhm frill, Ihr #111'+#1 1.#„n'> SCENE OF WEDDING and att#Vrrti,ilt_, 7.1.•18; ('K \\ 1\`ins_ , • , 111'1.' I 111.111 Sprung of 1 hilt•:t I ; j 1 I'11r kat, ,wens ;u'1. justly 1'1)+1 of 19+911 u,, \i,ilrrl ot'rl Ill' w,ck-t'il'l Ihrir school building, which has Ueyn \n inlerc,liug 11111 1 i1 of Salur_ limn ;u ruunt Scut. _'3 'l,, 3.(I(l; (leo.with her sister, 'Ir.:. Clarence I1ay, r \\', Cmt'an, 1'r cnlhnrsenullt I tit, completely re -decorated during IIsi day, September _8th, IVa; that of \lis;' \Ir, an,l \l1',, Elwin '1'a)1 r, I':tl ;1111 snnuwrr an,l has all,n the most modern 1ltirntlty Ora Ilatcheller. dang!uer of lir<, 13.11;1; k, kr!huintl, clerk', ire', \,''t lain +'kith! 011 Sund•iv w:1 It Nil!' \lajur and NIL,. 1;eorge Ilatcheller, to l'nnglrhltt I)ra:n 8'.;.11t; \1'111, \\'tier" and \Ir,. lr!c Conley, t, til l.nrl;naw', of hydro facties itts1;t11aL \II„ I)tus pierce til I,Itlo ,pint ,( \itolhe.r with:H;ilcfng. of whichtthe 1,111 Ian \Ialhnull.n, Illlav,., \\+halt Island, shopping ,It the I,ug- \'iuh, 1'A 11pu,ed ul est aurtl finest ,(ori, till I�i(tli .\\emir, her and Siluhorpc, \v'aited on the Inv Slallue of I,ibt'rty tr:ls also ti;ited Council respecting the taxation u( the ++'illi a rictV til t11c illy front the rrr•t.! I.1un', Chili Park, as it was pointel) I lin i„nulc Ilinrll alt the tet ll-Inu,t\ 11 i owl other park; of Illi, nature tvcrc 'Pillage Barn' enjoying the iluur sllo\1''' exempt Ir 111 tilx:l1 111 entering the games and square dan- \Ir. I)ul severance and damage, Viii ilblutt ; 1• ,. , son Ill the late \I r, and ,\I r;, John S. I)1.1in, 1)'1.(!)); Churn"' I)itrl•, 'tett icer days with her friend, \hiss \til- Srrlion a Justly proud. is 11+1.)1'.' r1 This nlattrr licit +1')111 the Clcrh lu torr told d;nna:!r, 1 ungblutl 1)1:11.; recnrtl for plirchasin;r \\Aar Saving `,.,vs:, :\ ri;il to kadip Pity \lusic \I:tcKi11 u. kc\', I)1', (irorgc l." dre,l Carlrr. • write the \lunici 1a1 Hoard. ' 311.111); henry \Irl'linchcy, serer;(1!(•,• 1111 (11';ltrs. I)nring the past 1'i 1'C:i. al, the liu'gtst Iltatre 1l, \nit• \'\irk' I I idgr"n uffi1 •t 11 algain,l a( ba, n• l \I r. ;Intl 11 r,. 11'illiaul 1'(1'11.1' al City was ;1Kn en'uVed ;:ltd a Vis'l t.' 1 I'hc i1e Vc brun;,ht nm the matter I gronn,l of IVhflc gladi"li :Ind pini; : and damage, l'ungbhllt \)rain, ,i).(lll; IIIc' ,tudt7n', `,I the sr11 ol,ltvc jitir tended lilt' fulrr;ll un 'Tl11usday n( Ihr of +''lief of l'nlicc 1011 II C11\1;111. :Ind 'tn'y•toll11enntlt(,, and \Ii,s Sally Ca, i (it iiLc A. ('tn\an, >uupli,s, 3. 11; I'11os';I:ltc \Ir, liyrui \\'ikon, of (indr'411, chase•I y_,_(I'71 iu Ccrtific;llcs Ills' lop of I tallest building in till' stat,'(' that Ili, sert'ice.; were nn,;ll- , , . I I l arbett, a(idi)ng, 10.0"1: :\rt, \\Ary- - -V Pity, waiting . for darkness to ser the ty played the \Viddiu;; unt;ir, \lis, I 1'he Sacr:unent of the laird', Str,- g i,i;li l Aryl as f�: a; he w'a. c{+tmr rtu'"I' 1 ierlrudc (icrluck of Ottawa \els solo- i month, grad,' 1 (, at , 1:'.30; .\rule ) : per wa, adl,linislcrr,l in the \\'e 11'),1.1 r, city's night lights. NIT-, and \I r;, 1)1111- and rut.,'nlni,,ndill 10 the (''1111 1 that \Intal I'rodnit•, rnlrcrt, 33.311; Itrrt BIR 11•iS isl• \Amino ('hunch 1111 Sunday, 'There nal da, Visited l;raul', 'Tnutb, and tuuh Ill, on, t'I'iel of I'nlice's resi,gnatiun by ('i • . I Iirun dlpn, ,u ' )lir,. 'L lit (c)rdon kill 11.1111lI'I T ---In G ,dcrfcll Ifo5 hal,• Given in marriage 1!y her father, the; 11 be n', service in the \\'estfichl (hu'c,l U p • (rip along Illi (l'es' lit' I,I1'l'I';itlt' Jll"Ir'' at hI 11 I !'• ; #,ri11Ir;'(t• gal :Ill' >(11''t1t'<, SI.i(I; 1)1,111111- , Tuesday, 1lcio )11' 8th) 'lo NI r. and ,1 on the dould, :decker bus. Tlicy al•n NI,,!,lel Ly Poun,ilh,r \\midfield Ih:11 wars , c e :1 graceful gown :,I ay. i ion kua'1 \#Oli n1. l'u„ grad,, rrt,air, l on Sunday, llctohcr 12th, a hc.nu \I r,, Wm. Il:,at;itl, of Auburn, th atttinded 1it'l'1',i,le I'vesl,\'ll'I'1;111 , Ill t'I'l'pl' 1y1111 Illalillllll: ,elllllll I11)01111vti'1111 allllllver;airy, ' r* o Chill' 111' 1 0161. 1"911 ('oa'an'1 rc,igr- i bodice, iter shonlde- )cit held ++•illi u ' -1.1))); ,'tiff :\'snit, ctlitcrt \\Ati- I \Ins, Flizatel11 \\ il,un of \\`ind,ur, vii' 01 a d:nlgbict•, Church, where they heard Ur. Lulrlrll nation be requei-tell, to take effect at ,r111fn mill cal. 'Her' ler rlow'rr; trtt•,'111111 Carter, road ,opt., 17..../.....20;',; 11101( 1:1.1.11)"I••T--Itt 1 +\lulu! Public I!osOi- preach. Hr, 11 mull i.; forint from1; 1 ) ! , I1\'a, ;1 rrcrnt );welt at the howl, of \lie end of thirty day's time. a rascal, of IOann;1 Ilill r •tA, :Intl' i It ultt, rtilVrrl, _.)111 Oliver \1'riglll•I \Ir. and \I r,, 1\11ii:nw Carlen, t;!!. on \l,ln,klr, Ot•lohcr 7111, 1946, l;Inad1. Still 1'119'1' features of int,, I :1lurnduunt nlurrl b1' (' uncillnls.ni'i(c 1- '-'1'. \Ins. knbrrt 1!1'9(91 11''1'1'., 1'(I); 11,11 iloggart, col to \I r. and \Ir,. Irani: Elliott (tree ,, Ila, a Ili, t1, Coney island and La' �,. rift 1\•. \I, S, hell (heir '1'11;ink-1')f 1 \Ic. ,III ;Hid \'uddrn that 1'1)1'1' of ' Vert,, 8.511; 1.„'n1' \.alts, n, wr,d,, 11,'1'ot11 Perk), the gift of a sort, (in trdii .\i1' ,ort, elle great museum of , l uomrr, 1)119 ill Ib, LI 1"111 ,Vas 111;11- , Irving 1111 t Ing oil Friday, It, l)t1911'1' I I uliic loon C, wan he retained and i ton of honor, 11,211; (cru. W. (:mean, weeds, li.3S; \' Ser - natural hislt'ry and the Hayden Plan- that the Council ;Pa; (hilt b1' 118\'1.I g"wird in (usrhial rrr!,c' \rt. 1\erauonth,\ g''a`ler uprrallpl, lith, wit,) ,14 present. l;n1'-t, w'rrr ;Ilarinnt, and Ihr %1'o ;I1 Central Park. with matt int'; feather hat :Incl gt,111 _ present from Brick 1'nftrd Church, MISSION BAND TO MEET. nuc-h;ill ,lar holiday throughout the acccs.,•ri,,, and carried :I casrrlc of ' 1'r, 11 1\'ill ;Ain \itti t n, dilrhiu„ 111'1 lh'IgraVe l 9)11.,1 l'hurill, The The \I is,ion Band of LOvfng Scr- tir, and Mrs. I)undals greatly cujuyed tach, and 1111+ we recommend that he bronze ponnp, its and 1'11.1, I #O_III); (Ica, W. Cmt'10, part salary,' Int cling opened Ile sin tint "1',111 I Iirc will boll, their in nthlr meeting- and the great play. "State of Ilii Nation", 0,111,1.„\.i, his type of sert'i,c as a con, The gronnt,nt111 was (1iudc 1i, \lay, 11).1(1{1. Your \lair I;li„ins,", followed it I on S;Ilurdal', October 12th, al ,l and at the koxy Theatre they s:nt'' I stable to the Village. Carried. "Three Little Girls in Ilene." Their , Jr.,Iand the ushers were \Ir. ,\Erol prayer by \I r,, \\•m, \Ii\•ittie, \\h);n'tlock, .\II members ar, asked to i Chief of 191)1'1' I Inn ( itt11l's ccs- Laird of Hamilton, and \I r. kuhclt Fnl(MT.R RECTOR VISITED a! -o ,poke words 11i wt•Iiolnc to lift b, ,tt tilt so we only finis,( arran t trip \Vas sit enjoyably that they 1.X- (1`1;11:1'-n \\'a; Icnderrll, and withdrawn; I I F,_ tended their time. 1 1. Can Icr. OLD FRIENDS HERE. , g1t '1,. '1 he roil call was ;t terse p'. r- I merits f"r the b:l'ra,r and tea. r Inn lilt passing of t.1, amendment. :\fiit Ibc reception ;It Ib, Collette Itt'1'. 1 1., \sill,, 11.:\.. 1..'1'1.1 a tor- • t;liuhlg to 11 ittl:' '\'ng. Scripture \ \1011'' by Cumlrillors 11'hill'icld :111'1 Ib, couple lett Igor the I,aurrnli:uls Rev. Rector of 'Tri;::,', c,,.„.,.(i, 11I01I, \\'a, rt.:1,1 by \Ins, 1tttyl, Blair. Pray -\ FARM SOLD \Ic\all,, tll;cl we do now ;Idjlnn'u• ;Ind will I(Ic in 01 itti on Ihi11 re_raCrd un t11c 1�l'1'. I. 1,. II. and Alr,,i1 by \Ins. 11ittty \Icl)u\Vcll. Rra(1 emit)'(\ 11111l Apiioillteil •,lir, Dila ltd Vincent has sold #lis ('1I•ricrl.__Gordon Elliott,Clerk. lura. c \,_ llelttlrt;c tt, and other old friends in 1 tags were siren it \Ir;. Si;ln!t•,' , 1)11, School Board Sce'1r•'hreil5. farts, including the farm stock and I nut -of -town guests were, \iist \I;Iry lilylll 110 \\'edn,'sdae. lie \vas ac- 1 \Irs. Charles Smith, \!1's, Chan:in: \I a , uvial meeting of the 1)11'+1 implements, to NI r• Ihnrdtl Snell. 1.(i li '14,'llti1i1011 Made r11() 11)11'. \Iflne, L'lytli; \!r. and \Ir,, R. \I. vora11llacd b1' hi; i011 0, \Ir. lied P;ittn 1910, \Ir<. Ikcr.l Ptti1I 1 duel 1 1�.1s1 11`aw;utns11. The farm comprises i � . � kow;lt, \lis; `;ornnl h w';Ill, \l1';. \11"e>. \1)!1'111.11. keV. \I r. NI ills Inas \Ir<. 11;9 -,hall Slun1'11 use and \I r, '1:11:;::1:;11‘.1,nt;1rU'd 1111'1 all Itnplt 1111 \\ til- 1:11 acres, and i, situated on the (onrla And A'il's, l,eslie'I111)0111 :\rthnr ('1,',ihtul1 all „f \loll;ria1 kt (1,1' here from 18,4) In 1')INI. Ile is Stanley look. The (1''1'1'.1 I\.I, ¢)1'1'11 \Ir. ltcrn;ud Hill was tllr. c'•n1c;.ion of 1•:a•( \\';It1-116•shi '1'ot111-, \t the regular Sunday School sts- NIT'. Alan 1.vird,'lamilton; NI r... 11, 1),' now retired :Ind Heim; in '1'A'1•nnt,,, by \Irs, (keV.) HaroldSnell on "Rerhuirc 01 fisc 1))ttrallions for 1111' ship, \it•, and \Irs. Vincent expect to sign 111 the United Church last Sunday) Itatclleller, Ingersoll; \l i„ Ila;el It i, o\v'r 40 \cars since Iii last Visited 'pin-ihftitV." :\t the ito-e of the "'ition of Srcrc1u•y-'1'rcasnrrl'. lie ntrvc to Myth ,.)1119' Jim/ next week, morning NI r. and \I r;, Leslie tiilhortt; I�revinall, Miss Gertrude Gerlach. 01- ltlyth. n; t'itii: 1991'1 was ',cry( d. nrrerd, Leslie 1 I#11+'1'9 who tendered where they have purchased he (nrn,rr w,.•re presented with gift; of (,'preen) -dant(; 'Ir. and Mrs. Cclin C. \lat-Nit', v--- \Ir•,'lat'.•ers returned Io her howl+ his resignation. Desmarais residence, oil Din,ley CI on for their service; to the Sund;ly' Iso>:\ngeles, and \Ins, Francis'Trot- A CORRECTION at I.urknatV alltr Visiting ;11 Ili, bolus —"" _'1 Street. (S,bnd#, The pre,enlatiou of a chub tt'r and Miss Bessie Allotter, ('aIle- The Stvldard regrets an error that of her datight, \Ins. 1':a?1 \\•i:;htn:;11t ' RATION COUPON DUE DATES Mr, \'mt•cllt \\'1s sa \vin,g iogs lt'Itil 11:1 12. 1\'(1, illiibtt' to \Ir. Ililb('r'I1, all,, (Ionia, occurred III'I'ed Ill C11111It'rllull with .I It,t ill \'------ Coupons 111'11 rill)' a1', sugar -1,1C Leonard look, in the bush on S:Itur- (\(r,, I lilhorn was the recipient of ;1 ' �'---- Inc„i granted ;d, for ;Ittrnllanrc a t l serves 51 1,1 X30, but: - ' Iti to 1t21 dal' afternoon, \Ir, Vincent tvtis it t- lardy purse. Both \I r. -and ,\l r;, Ilii- ON THE SICK LIST the Myth t'nflttl Church Sunday. 110111E FROM HOSPITAL. :Intl 114, to 1128, meat 1,11 to 11`)-1 and (1)1.1 1111;11(.1). struck on the impel- il' \born have britt elo•ely (•;"(111Th with NI r. Gordon \ngustitc inti \Ir, School, :11t11arfng in our las-t w'eil:'si \In, kohtrt \cttuinite return, \1.51 to NI 54. h1' a limb, and as a result is sportingthe Sunday School, Mr. I1111)0rn in till' Sant Creighton are both confined to i,'ee. 1n the 1, 111 11 -\'car Sell 1' 11 Victoria ilu,tilal, 1 11111 An, on Coupon I 1,, k'I ;uul 11to It?: r#uite a nasty scar,'The accident tt' eitpatent of Sunday Stilool stlteriu- (heir !Pules due l1, illness. \ ,needy (;roup the none khea \It \all should 1....; lay, w lu 1'r he \las a ltatil nt. under and ill 1'.' L'1 a"'1 \131 11' ),Ic ?,;pine not require uteaical allculi gin, tendert, and \Irs, llilborn as a teacher. ( recovery is hoped for hush of them, 1 have read, !:heat Ilan. 1 sows treatment. for tivc day s. Ot-Iohcr 31, l JUST IN FUN Don't Worry Officer in charge of rifle range: "Don't you know any better than to point an empty gun at me?" Raw Recruit: "But it isn't emp- ty, sir; it's loaded." Simple Lady of the IIouse: "Norah, the window in your room is so dirty you can't see out of it." Norah; "But, madam, when I want to look out I open it." Robbery, That's All Two burglars hat' broken into a tadtt.r's shop and were sorting out some suits when one of them saw one marked $50. "Bert, look at tie price of that one," he said ''Why It's downrigh, robbery." Icy Words The amateur actors wer re- hearsing, Mrs. Jones was required to kiss Mr. Smith, and as they arrived at that incident Mrs. Smith appeared. "Oh," excaimed Mrs. Jones, "I hope, dear, you don't mind my kissing your husband." "Not at all darling." was the icy reply. "I don't mind in the least if he doesn't." The Truth ° A young boy in the witness box was so much at ease and answering the questions put to him so fluently that the judge was suspicious. "Did anyone tell you what to say in court before you came here " • he asked. "Oh, yes sir," replied the boy. Counsel for tine prosecution was up in arms at once. "I felt this witness had been tam- pered with," he snapped. The judge turned to the boy, "Will you tell rte," he said, "who told you what to say?" "My father, sir," answered the boy. "He said the lawyers would try to get me all tangles up ,but if I stuck to the truth I would be quite all right." THE SPORTING THING 'Know any hot numbers, bud?" A Way Out Mathematics was not John's strong point, and at the examina- tion he was given a problem as fol- lows: "If one horse can run one mile in a minute and a half, and an- other horse can do the same dis- tance in two minutes, how far would the first horse be ahead if they ran a race of two miles at their respective speeds?" John worried over this for some time, and then thought of a way out. • "I regret to say," he wrote, "that I cannot. deal with this problem, as my parents have always told me never to have anything to do with horse -racing in •my form." Doing Fine "Put up your hands?" com- manded the larger of two bandits who had. stopped the motor coach, "We're goin' to rob the gents and kiss all the ladies," "No," remonstraed the smaller one, gallantly. "We'll rob the gents all right, but we'll leave the ladies alone." "Young man," snapped a woman passenger of uncertain age, "mind your own business( Your friend's managing this hold-upl" All Clear A sailor called unexpectedly on his fiancee. He found her all dress- ed up and ready to go to a dance. "That's the spirit," he told her. "No need to be gloomy," Just then the telephone bell rang, and the sailor answered it. "What?" he said. "Oh, yes — judging from' the number of U- boats we've sunk, 1 should certain- ly think so." And he hung up the receiver. it rho was that?" asked the girl. "Oh, said the sailor. "just a fel- low who tvanted to knots if the coast k clear!" Great Line One Chicago ex -gunman is re- p -110d to he now working as a bili;)ortcr Still In the stick-up line. TABLE TALKS Thanksgiving I Menu .. . Thanksgiving day has been cele- brated ever since the early settlers, after suffering many privations and hardships had their efforts reward- ed by a bountiful harvest promising food for all. All over the world this year people in many lands will he offering prayers of thanks for the food that has been harvested. For many it will be the first real harvest for a number of yl .rs. The people of Canada should be more thankful than any other for the bountiful hart est they have been gn en. Poultry, either chicken or turkey is usually the pleat served at the Thanksgiving dinner, 1f you have a nice fat chicken for the occasion there will be quite a bit of fat to take out when it Is being cleaned. This chicken fat, after It is ren- dered, as well as the fat saved dur- ing the cooking is excellent for baking, Excess fat should be pour- ed off while the chicken is roast- ing, leaving only enough in the pan for basting and for making gravy, With the scarcity of fats in general, it is a wise homemaker who saves all the chicken fat she can; it has the texture and richness of butter, but like other unsalted fats, requires the addition of a lit- tle salt to the amount asked for in the recipe. The home economists of the Consumer Section of the Dominion Department of Agriculture suggest a simple menu with recipes for the Thanksgiving dinner. Tomato Juice • Roast Chicken or Turkey Dressing Brown Potatoes Tomato Eggplant Broil Pickled Beets Crabapple Jelly Grape Neapolitan Coffee TOMATO EGGPLANT BROIL 1 medium egg plant (about 5 to 6 inches In length) 2 tablespoons fat, melted 3 to 4 large tomatoes Salt, celery salt and pepper to taste Grated nippy cheese Slice eggplant in i4 inch slices and peel. Brush slices on both sides with melted fat. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper. Preheat broil- er to 400 deg. F. Place slices on rack and broil on one side until lightly browned, about 5 minutes, turn and broil on other side until tender. Top each slice with a thick slice of tomato, sprinkle with celery salt and a teaspoon of grated cheese. Return to broiler and broil until cheese melts. Serve at once. Six servngs. GRAPE NEAPOLITAN 1 tablespoon gelatine ..y4 cup cold water 4 cups blue grapes 2 cups boiling water s/q cups sugar Few drops of green vegetable coloring. Soak gelatine in cold water. Wash grapes and press pulp from skins. Add 1 cup boiling water to the pulp, cook 5 minutes. Rub through a sieve to remove seals and to the pulp add >•i cup sugar and soaked gelatine; stir until gela- tine is dissolved and add green col- oring. Cool until it begins to set. Beat until light, turn into a wet mould and chill until firm. To the skins add 1 cup boiling water; cook 5 minutes and add 14 cup sugar Cool. To serve, unmould the jellied pulp. Serve with the sauce made from skins Six servings. HOLD EVERYTHING 9tra.,vI,,r rat rrsv+n. se. T. SAM w • IwiaA. "Psssst!" PLAYGROUND FOR MEN ONLY i1- �n>r e. yy g.ay »rte k ` us +1,, at, "t:y?; ':.k°' . q .•:.a.,.ear A unique playground for men only—sometimes for good little boys and girls—is in operation at the Lachine recreation grounds, near Montreal. Here a man is shown taking his children out for a jaunt. VOICE OF THE PRESS Canada Could Use Them One of the Australian govern. ments has bought 150 Bren gun carriers for conversion into tractors for farm work, A good idea which might well be adapted to meeting the needs of Canadian agricultur- ists, Hard To Get Confronted with the alternative of keeping the services of his butler or losing his wife, a Los Angeles man kept the butler, his wife testi- fied In a divorce court. Well, good butlers are hard to get. —Windsor Star. Live And Learn The trouble with most elections 1s that it takes a year or two be- fore the majority of the people dis- cover they voted the wrong way. — I.ondon Free Press. D'J'EVER? Maniacs At Large When we hear of women—and some men—kicking one another on the shins, breaking each other's glasses, stealing packages of mer- chandise out of baskets, and acting generally like demented people in chain grocery stores, we begin to realize the need for increasing the size and number of our mental in- stitutions. —St. Thomas 'Times -Journal. U.S. Imperialism Now For a change it is now "Ameri- can Imperialism" and not British that is under attack In Europe. Communist parties there agree with Moscow that the United States is "seeking the domination of the world," Britain was never accused of more than picking up some territory here and there. —Ottawa Citizen. fi,v,,i,>�M1� TICKET6AY5 AL0WER BERTH ANO 'PHIS is IT - WHATS THE IDEA (lay4///1 11 11 1 YA5 SUH313uT WE NEEDED MIS LOWER BERTH FOR"" The Power We Need Steam power transformed the nineteenth century. It will take team -power to transform the twen- tieth, —Edmonton Journal. No Joke Just as we had almost split our sides looking at our old family album, we saw ourselves in a mirror. —Brndon Sun. Freedom From Top We trust all those voluble critics of British policy in India are not- ing the fact that self-government in that country is being imposed by British authority. Freedom is com- ing from the top down, not from the bottom up—a curious reversal of the revolutionary practice. —Ottawa Journal, DON'T CARE WNo NE .Emo IT'. I RESERVED IT FIRST/ z o'J'EVE2 STARTA HUI.LABAI,Oo WHEN You STEP INTO A PULLMAN ANO FIND • THAT SOMEONE ELSE'S CLOIllES ARE PARKED IN YOUR LOWER BERTH -- WELL,1 PIpNIT' 'MINK You'O MIND CHANGING BERTHS WITH THIS 1ENTLEMAN, SIR. WEUr,WHY DIDI4TYou SAY.s• A IES TO GO' AS THE UOWERE 'TR PLAIN 7HA SWITCHED FROM A LAWER, TO AN UPPER BERTH.-- CER•TAINL.Y, CERTAINLY/ I INSIST ON TAKING me UP•PR/ } Akv MAKE IT EASIER ii✓Oi .'A WOUNDED VETERAN, ()'ARRIVES ONYHE,BCENE u A MIt ATR. pAWES BLpCK° REG'LAR FELLERS—Publicity's Glare OMR D'J' EV ER FEEL EMBARRASSED AS YOU HASTEN E: O Td di .YoU2SELP Ie.w ticiesE.BREwERst TAK% IT DOWN TAKE. IT DOWN! I'LL STUDY I'LL TR' T'GET GOOD MARK: TAKE IT DOWN! Restraint In Buying Panic bud ing of salt cleated out one s11,1 ' of a Mull t supply in a day. 'fhcir i, quite as much need of a patriotic self-re,traint now 111 1'tlt'eltalll}; it( !IN in shot( supply as during the war itself. Patience twill he 1p storelceper and customer to make \di:a is available go round. . (ilahc and !(fail. ',enol for tb t:+ita of Fltlsl; 'I'IIIAi, 111,1FKIt of lirilI b•noula npplinn+o for relief from ltupturo. Itecmlell/ll'd by t.tedicul Prof,' ion, Light nut comfort- u11;e-you will not know you !lava it on. iI loldn tho hernia firmly. in many 1'111411d I the ruptured 1 Hli 1l n rcunao mud rupturo is conquered forever. \Vrito today: 1' nslry'r, °opt. •744.60 Front SI. W., Toronto. MACHINERY NEW AND USED Of Every Description Phone EL 1271 It W. PETRIE CO. LTD 147 front SI. W. — 'Toronto ',WIC 11111" R SICI.1J SAFES Protect your 11001'S and CA 511 from MitlC and 1'111b:1'ES. 1%'e here a else find type of Sole, or I:obinet, for any p+Irpune, 11.11 no, or vvrlle for ()riven. etc.. to Dept. W' ,j,oj,TAVLICIIR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 143 front St E. I nronto 1CslnbIlshrd ISR„ HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. Wo sell our goods only through your local Staco Lenther Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our face torics — Harness, Horse Col• lars, Sweat Pads, horse Blum keta, and Leather Travelling Goods. insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you cot satisfaction. Made only hv• SAMUEL TREES CO., L'T'D. 42 Wellington St. F.., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGl1F STARTS WORKIN JUST 2 SECONDS GENUINE ASPIRIN I5 MARKED THIS WAY Sweet and cool in any Pipe I1 CANADA'S STANDARD'PIPE TOBACCO By GENE BYRNES 1" - ARITHMETIC SPELLING '0 '15 GRAMMAR -'0 HI5TOR,Y •0 GEOGRAPHY -0 D�RTMENi' •000 i• ate! 4-5 WAKE UR PINHEAD! IT3 TIME. TO GO 'TO SCHOOL! ..".-S'1)".-r(1'i;J1 INA'. All, I. rer,,rH. .J, ear • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING lt.lttY 1111('1.. 1'1 1,1,1;'x,, I'IU(1 13 11.1:I:I0 laying. fall halt Ind , lu l.: , for 1111,11i/11 f' 1101 i34(11'', ltro ralnlucUr• F01111 f"r I:t11 day old priaeltdt. '1'811 Not. h ('hit I;et ie: (;uclplt, ()mat 10. Cieil•ICs Fol( I)1:LIY1;1(1' 'TIIIs full (\uv, -Dee,) rhonld lu ordered HOW, 1'ot• quu•I* (1 11.5 i)) )vc')t' a tow spurted chfrhs uu hood„ im- mediate delivery, Ilr:ly Patchily, 180 John N., Hamilton, ()tit, il'1!I,1,14TS 11.1, ,t .i: 1_ 11'1:101(5 o laying, Also 1:11l hatched chicks,rompt delivery, Free catalogue, t la not too Bunn to order l our 19.17 ('!helix, 11'1l(o us, 'I'weddte hick ilateheru's Muffled, Fergus, Ontario BUSINESS O1'1'olt'TUNI'1'11:s CASH 111' Itl:'l'PItN 51 All, 11111 your old Gold Jewellery, (told teeth, Diamonds, Sterling Silver, etc. 100 per cent premium on gold solus. SatisfaetIOn guaranteed or parcel returned prepalr, IClrby Company ,iow'elers, 13 Queen !Cast, Toronto, Ont, ACCOUNTING BY MAIL TO SMALL 101 t'tlt,la[s AND num- floss men who cannot afford to hire a regular bookkeeper we offer tate perfect boolciceeping and tax serv• Jco. Milo for dotells• MAIL CONTACT ACCOUNTING noon. 1100, 21 !Clog St, l., Toronto. (DYEING ANI) CLEANING 11AVIl 1'011 AN1"1'III NC: NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We aro glad to an• ewer your questions, Department F[, l'arkerts Dye Worsts Litnited, 791 Yo11ge Street, Toronto, Ontario, :I,I:s'i'ltll'.11, ISltl'It'M14N'I' N140%".4.111,01151" 1 1 (: 11'1' 1 N G plants pu\vered ly "Ilriegs & Strut - tun" engines, D.C., 350 \vat) $125,00 —f:lrin rs price $I Irho o, 500 watt s tl;u,ue—L•u nu'rs 5150.00. 1500 watt $35o.,—1'ar51a'rs $32a,ae, 0510 watt A,.', ;;lun,0o. Ilrilish gals and Die -el engines 1-,t; to 200 11.)', light- welgIIt, ;Il' rusted, p01'ta.l)tl', (\5'111 cylinder --- 1-y 11.1'. — $135,00, 2 - Alt ;:._;,,o't, I; II.I'. $1130.0)). Diesel 13)114 11111-, 1 11.1'. Soul up 6150.00 and up, F1.1.111 :tacit .\,(', or U,C, \V 'Id- le):' 111.1 0111110.,, ele'll'nde.; and nr- ,.1'"t . �•- .'Cote gay, engine driven portnlde sett-prtnlin.; centrifugal pump, 70 ow, g:t1. per hour, '['utas weigh :te 113'.. operate.; 5 hours one .,;Ilan-$Ix5.00 r, Colt %vin(1- '1( 1) 1 %lith to v,•e gli11.011, :12 volt taus ,Spasm) $")tb.uo 01-0 trans - 1 :-int t:, reeltlirr:, worn' gear re- duce; , 'I'e\tupe 1' belt strives, spot weld .r,)' v"It 11,, motors andht•ut :1 gr I:I,t:i 'i'i;ll' 15'1)1:135 1,1\11 I'ED, Mont is..1 - 'Parasol - 11011(ax - ELECTRICIANS STORES ONLY tl"este iar urn ea14fut;tie un fluw'es• cent II%,nit e-, desk lamps, led 130!'11 ,iu cycIes only. :51x0 Toasters, trams, r;i\t' \V.1.'!'.) Ii,"•ase num- tier. Gotdan-1 Farris Supply l.'0., lte:;'d 5351 \\'aterley St., Slontreul PIM S.lhs: ATTENTION NOVELTY 5-•I , U11'I'1:Int:N'1' 1',11111:'1'IIIs IN one apple ter. .11:0 Slclulush on hardy' rootstocks, 1110(1) and Red currant Plants for cuttunereinl and private plantint; in the ra'w'est yal- rl'tir., I'IIILLI'.S 1.\It1IS. CHA• \'II,1,A(U', (TUI:. .11'ra 1..t Ices ANI) ACCESSORIES for all ears, !'rice hist on request. I'blolt rings for all motors at Pre- war price.,, Dept. 55'„ t'anadlan Auto Parts, 339 Queen St. 55'., 'Toronto. 11001:5i, 1'1,.1'1'1':5 AND I'Il'I('t'Itoe 01 'mutter, 'queens, \\':tterfo\vl, meet r1) 5L, _ (girds, 1'mrol 1ltitluts, Dogs, cats, Itahhits, Aquaria, !lees, Butterflies, 1":)115) and 511u•den. Free. ealnlegue. 5lergan (i:trdens, Lon- don, C111'lil'I1 ,l'• 5l'5'1),t1' S('1105)1, Supplies—Ilibles, hooks, novelties, plaques, oto, 1''ur catalogues write to Slont•eal Christian Supply House, Dept. \V., 1015 St. Antoine Street, 2llutreat, FRESH ut'M'I'I;ns —• RI'SIn':D To goat fresh front the sea const of Nova Scott( Delicious. Informa- tion for 5)011))). I'lronomy Distribu- tors, Kingston, Ont. MAN% '1'110IiSANDS 11O'1'11 01)LJNG and old are now cutting their own hair at home by means of the lit- tle attachment for (:Illette razors. Cost only $1.00 postpaid, .101111 ICn0ph, 127 W. Latta Street, Slinne- apolls, \Iinnesnte, 110111': F1'N 'I'IIAN A CIRCUS 1 1 ]gun cards, Novelties, Magic 'Tricks, Jokes, ete., all for only 10e. Com- ical photos, 100, Lovers Fun Cards, 15e, Shouter.) Sales Company, Dept, \1'W-300, 13eallsejour, Mani- toba. ONE 1uu\V111,0 BEAN 3111,1, W1'1'Ir weigher end drive belt, also sever- al parts for Came (11111. Harry \'nn- roboys, RR. 6, 'I'hanusvllle, PEDIGREED SPRINGER SPANI111, Pups, foto' 111011011s 01.1. Good hunt- ing prospects. Price reasonable, \1'ondview Kennels, Registered. 1). Dielt le, RR 2, London. -- 6,000 PULLETS — 6000 Ready -to -Lay Pullets, also several thousand 2 to 5 months old. These pullets all raised on clean, free range with plenty of space and tender green feed, under the most Ideal conditions. Send for Price List end full particulars. -- OIL BURNERS -- New pot type oll brooders, new pot type range burners and heaters. Prompt delivery or hook for Inter. LAKEViI;W POULTRY FA11M. WI:IN 11110S„ Exeter, Ontario. "SI'I:I;DII:" I1II'1"1'It1C 5I0'I'lllt. The guy motor that features high speed, one cell operation, hon -slip pulley, \vcight'd base, limited num- ber at only $1.75., posh, fid, 'I'hou- sand Island !'rafts, B0\ 91, ft•uel(- vlIle, Ontario, FOR SA1,11, Tl►I IIIS'r lIl'sINI':SS on No. 11 Highway, 12 miles past Huntsville, 42 aeITN of 10)3(1, accom- modation fur 25 people, large mail dwelling, len outer buildings, Ire house with 12 ton of lee, chicken coops will hold 2,000 c1tlrlu'ns, ev- erything modern. eleet vie lights throughout, full basement In main dwelling, water pressure, outside showers fur tourist, fries 511,00)), Terms to right pat'ty. Place now operating. dome up end see It, or w•r!te to The Wagon wheel, Nevar, Ont. \111,11 tilt I: 1'051 ".11,1:, St.2:, 1'1:It 111,, post paid, rhnir.' rl;l tIIO : Illaln't' !WOW.' I„I' Sue al' !WI) il. p:tcl':r 'e•, pit , , );,plait ali- uahi, Ut el rio, t Cult ti :I,1; 11)17 %111111,1:s.%1.1-: 1•. 1'I'.Il.11l;l.'14, ,\lerchant, rt'01 stun'tetp,r, only, I,Irrn.,' number for our tree (('luteole d':i)nlugue, Penn)' -up `Jetrh;tndise ('u., Balfour iBldg., Montreal 18, Que. F,l It115 1')))) S.1 LE PAWL 05 1111,11 501;'1'11 EAM'T ate \Yillltunsilul0 containing 100 acres, largo stone house, Inrge frame barns, mete! roofs ether building., equipped with Hydro. Apply Park- er Luelte, 55'sllianleburg, Unt. ON11 IIIINDIIIOD ACRES, MId311(1AI cloy loam, 1lfteen acres, wooded, balance grass. Immediate (108)40))- x1051, 1?Iizabeia \vete, \1'Inghu)u, ()utnrio. l'A1(01 250 A5.'itl:s, 230 '1')l LAHLIC, solid brick house, good out build- ings, good wells. School van to Public and Continuation School, Co-operative cheese factory In dle- trlcL hydro available, 25 miles south ot Ottawa. Apply N. Crowder, tlounlaln, (nt. CII01(114 1AIt51 CON'T'AINING 1011 acres located in the County of Ox- ford 8 1-2 miles north of the Vlltage of Drumho, farm all under cultiva- tion and In good condltlon. The buildings consist of a targe L she e .steel bank burn with cement sta le and steel ataunchtons, cement s Io and hen house' with southern ex- poeuro on second floor. Two storey stone house In good state of repair. Perm equipped with hydro. Early poasession, For further particulars apply, The Canada Permanent 'frust Co., 11'uodntock, Ontario. IIAIRRDI015SSING: LEARN IIA 5ltu13t,'.ss111 G '51110 Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Robert- son's Hairdressing Academy. 137 Avenue !fond, Toronto. 1)141,1' 1VAN'1'1:D MAIVI'l:lt WI'1'11 GENERAL IEA- perlence needed for Saw 51111, A salaried Job with opportunity for advancement. House provided, Write )tux 617, IIespeler, 11011513'1'(► 115)11511 SALESMAN /COlt paste soap, hand cleaner, household cleansing and purifying products, Write Licitly Products, Kitchener, Un t. 11141)111:1 I, 11."S PROVEN—EVER 5U1e1'1:It- or of Rheumatic Pains or Neuri- tis should try Dixon's Remedy. Slunro's Drug Store, 1135 1':Igiu, Ot- tawa, Postpaid, $1.00. RHEUMA'T'ISM lN'1'ROu1(IN1: A N1:11' AMAZING Rheumatic -pain Salve to eutforere of Rheumatism - Arthritis - Sciatica -Neuritis. 'I'Ilis "American ltheuma• lie Pair, Salve" developed especial• ly and ;titer consistent research le tie:Wa.ldo to you now, 'Phis apcclal introductory trial offer is inex- pensive but the relief obtained l■ priceless. 'Pale advantage ot thle special trial offer at a saving to you. Available now in Canada, One 0511)01' container for only $1.00 1f you sutler Roto: ltheunu(tisnt-Arth• HON -Sciatica - Neuritis - Coll Com• plaints and really %•dnt effective relief—".\nierican Rheumatic lain Salve" Is what you need). l'rovo It to Yourself as chemist's tests's have proved. Write direct to American Drug & Chemical Cu., 232313 Illoor 51., West, Toronto, Ontario, Can- ada. Send 11100e order or postal not. No C.O.D,'s or stamps please, ATI S1'1' IOU ixSla,l'` — EVEltl' suffe)'r of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's 11en1- rlly. Slu(ru's Drug Store, 335 MI - gin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. 911.'SIC,t1, INS'1'ItUMI';H'I'S 1''ltl0D A (15)1)1)!NG'1'(i, IDA S sells, exchanges musical metro. monis 5)) 1'horeh. 'Toronto 2. 01'I'ORT UN I'I'11,S 1(R 11'1111hN BE A HAiRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCIIOOL Creat Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified protcssio11, good wages, thous rinds successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest eye• lain, illustrated enttiogue free. Write or call. MARVEL HAiR,D131:SSING SCHOOLS 353 Dloor 5t. W., 'Toronto Branches: 41 King St„ Hamilton & 7.1 Rideau Street, Ottawa, t'A'r1EN'1'9 1'L'1'11111tS'1'0NIIA 11(:11 & coal PAN 1' Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on request l'l1O'I'OGRRA1,130' IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST OUR YEAH ROUND PAST sEitY- Ice end fine quality work will please you. For satisfaction try Im• perial. 6 or 8 exposure films, de• %eloped and printed, 3011, 1M 1114111lr, PHOTO SI:ICVICE Station 1. Toronto, GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size l0O01-0 or 13 1'sponure■ DEVELOPED AND P111N't' SD 25c 3 MOUNTED ENLAR(1)03!I1NTS 25c Size 4 x 6" In Easel mounts. IFand Colored and Framed Enlargements at sperlal prices, Printf from your negatives 3c each. DEIN'. M. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE )lox 121), Post Office A, Toronto, Print Name and Address Plainly. 111,515 DI O'(0(,OP1:1) 25 CAl\'TM. (;uaranteed ono day service. No wailing, Pay Photo Service, North Bay. DAILY 51:1)01('10, 111E1. -1 X 0 l:N- larg'ement W1111 each 6-S exposure. Roll 25e, Reprints 3r, Crystal l'hn- to Service, 1500 Dundas 15', 'Toronto. 11 1 \'1' 1:11' '51105'I'lllts 1\1) AI,I, 511:11, Cllr,.-hit,g tn•n•Iltnes, advise make, uuul0l, Cir', yeti', colontton and 5151re, by 1"t 5')-, 111300(1 or wire to Ilateutan Motors Limited, 11 hlolra 5). \5'., Belleville, Ontario, 111011 I11'SINl' SS 1)It (;II00- lsry store, private party. Box 116, 7:1 Adela111e 1V., Toronto, 11,1'1'1' l l I N (: 51:115 WANTED It'O11 1917 i itching season, leioche culled and bloodtested free of rhurgo un- der Guwetnmstat suporv'Is10n (1uar- anteed premium plus hatchability premium paid, For full details write 1105 No. 91, 73 Adelaide 1V,, To- ronto, '1'0 RENT 50 '14) 150 ACRE PAM!. Buy If suttublo, William Ilolll', Lakeview, IlISAN'1'1'1'0' 01,5' LARGE WILLOW trees, hanger 1,1mb Company, 86 King Street West, Toronto, Ont. WANTED YOUNG SINGLING 'CANA- ries, young Love Birds (Budgies), 8511011 breed pupptee. Top prices paid. Write full partleulare, Doug- las ]'et Shop, 279 Danforth Avenue, Toronto. GUNS WANTED 550 caeh and up paid for good qual- ity nportfng rifles and ehotgune; Inspection at your convenlenee; out-of-town Inquiries invited, Ivan A. F'latmnn 125 Dawes Rd., Toron- to. Phone (`)X, 2782, DAIRY, 10 T() 12 CAN DAIRY largo town or small city wanted veteran. Box 116, 73 Adelaide ., Toronto, !agar %ow • You Wlll Enjoy Staying At The St. Regis Hotel '1'oIIONTO ▪ !:very IUaonl 1VIlli (lath Shower and Telephone a Mingle, $2.50 up— ilouble, $3,150 up • (100(1 Food Dining rind Dane. Inn N(ghlly Shcrbourne at Carlton 'Vel, 11A. 41:15 � , i„ 1 �1 i� 1111 , 110 47eti eli011 y�m�1_ 1100315 BEAUTIFULLY I'I'I1NiS111:r1 oi $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE' NIAGARA FALLS 01'1', — C,N,IL STATION LIFE can Begin AFTER Around 40 our energy lessens. But, ez• perience has taught us to do our work with leas effort, The years ahead should yield the greatest accomplishments, the most enjoyment and happiness. They can, too, if we avoid the kidney and bladder disorders such as Back- ache, Headache, Rheumatic Pains, Lassitude, Loss of Sleep and Energy which so often attack those wound 40. For over half a century Dodd's Kidney Pills have been helping men and women to keep kidneys and bladder in good order. If you are nearing 40, or past it, for the sake of your health and a happier future use Dodd'a Kidney Pills today! 126 GETTING UPI AT NIOHT? How miserable you feel when your sleep is disturbed, Tired, achey, listless all day long. Why not take Gin Pills—an old reliable remedy for relieving kidney trouble? Com- pounded to help soothe and tone up the kidneys Gin Pills are sold on a satisfactlon•or-moneyback basis, a'b1N, ''• Regular sire, 40 Pills iPI Economy 11:6,110 Pills - (In tho U.S.A. ask for Gino Pills) National Mut & Chemical Company of Canada, tlmlled s NUREMBERG TRIALS UNIQUE IN MAN'S HISTORY Although some have criticized the Nuremberg war crimes trials as long-drawn-out and dull, the fact remains that they were unique in the history of man. For the first time, war of aggression was legal- istically described as a crime—a cringe against humanity. For the firat time the politicians and mill- tariste who conspire and wage such a war, became liable to punishment for their crimes. The Alf German officials at Nuremberg were given the kind of trial which, "They In the days of their pomp and power, never gave to any man." If you were to say of these men that they are not guilty, it would be u true to say there has been no war, there are no slain, there has been no crime. •-•-•-•-•411-41-• SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS •-•-•-•— ("A Six Bit Critic") •-.-•-+-. Although practically all the sports pages—occupied with their baseball, hockey and such -like trash—gave the matter the polite brush-off, and hardly even men- tioned it at all, a real sports trag- edy recently took place in our vi- cinity, And while to many of the ignorant and unenlightened it !night seem like a minor variety of tragedy, a lot of us residents of North York felt :t very keenly, and are still going around hanging our heads and hiding our faces for shame, or souu•thiug, * * * It all calve about at the very first meet, since the war, of the North York 11ounds—one of the oldest devoted to the royal and an- cient sport of harrying the fox on horseback in all this backward and benighted land, For weeks before- hand a lot of ardent sportsmen and sportswomen had been polishing up their brass buttons, oiling their saddles and creaking joints, and tuning their voices to exactly the correct pitch for hollering "Yoicks", "Tally -ho", "Come Seven" and all tate other tints -honored cries essen- tial to the proper conduct of the chase, * At last, after untold w'cary toil and effort, all was in readiness for the great event. A nice course had been laid out—one that would take the field and hounds, although not necessarily in that order, several times past the thrilled and admiring galley. (By the way, fox-hunting galleries always seen) to get in on the cuff, which should be a tip to promoters that they may be over- looking a bet.) The day was fine, the sun was shilling, every last Nimrod and Nintrodcss had been finally derricked into the saddle, and al! seemed for the best in the best of all possible worlds ('That last is a quote, son) * * * And then, just at that supreme moment, Tragedy had to horn in and deal himself a hand, Right when the hounds, green, untutored but eager, were all set to lay their noses to the trail of the scent (creo- sote), a real, live fox crashed into the picture and led 1110111 astray, Long and fast he icd them, seduc- ing them for hours o'er hill an(i dale, far from the prescribed course and far from the sight of the ex- pecting -to -be -thrilled and admiring gallei'yites, tvho stood) there won- dering just what had gone wrong, and what it was all about, * * Of course everything was even- -,tua1ly straightened away. The in- terloping fox was either slaughter- ed or remanded with a warning, we never heard which. The hounds, properly admonished, were led back to the path of rectitude and creo- sote. The horses and rulers gol some nice, strenuous c\cr,:ise. And the gallery hes worked ftp grand ap- petites in our clear, matchless air. 4 * * But that one of our own foxes, (although, happy thought!, Maybe he was a stray from feel or Mark- ham) should be ignorant of the fact that he and his kind require a proper introduction and invitation in order to he welcome at our fox - hunts — that is the unthinkable thing that has brought sorrow and ignominy upon us once -proud resi- dents of North York, Our Govern- ment at Queens Park seems to have plenty of money for educa- tional projects of various kinds. What about a School of Etiquette fur backward and underprivileged foxes, \1r, Drew:- * rew:* * * After trying to keep awake over several of the more recent Joe Lou- is fights, the radia story of the %ale -Graziano middleweight brawl cants as a very welcome change indeed, For that pair battled away as though they'd never heard that boxers aren't supposed to give aura)' anything they might sell la- ter, but tied into one another in a manner that reminded us of Iry Cobb's old one about the coroner's jury down South. * * * This jury had heel, convened to sit on a case in which a couple of neighbors had been involved in a fight. Among the exhibits produc- ed during the evidence were such bric-a-brac as a pair of six-shooters, a set of brass knuckles, a shot -gun, a brace of blackjacks, a butcher - knife, a pitch -fork and several oth- er minor items of a like nature. * * * Finally the jury retired to delib- erate; and, after a lengthy wait, filed) into the courtroom again. "The considered verdict of this here jury," drawled the foreman, "is that it would of gave fo' dollars to have saw the fight." * * * And when we start digging up ancient ones like that, it's high time to sigh off for another week. Great Sportsman Winston Churchill has always manifested a bland disregard for railway schedules and his habit of catching a train by the skin of his teeth las always been an anxiety to his travelling companions. A friend once chided the states- man for his little weakness, "Winston is such a sportsman," explained Mrs. Churchill: "he al- ways gives the train a chance to get away." `Home, James' Residents of Cleveland, Ohio. who jump in a taxi and say to the driver. "Bone, James," won't be at all surprised when they go buzzing straight up in the air. They'll he using the new helicop- ter taxi service recently approved by examiners of the Civil Aeronau- tics Board. No more red !gilts and screeching brakes, just !tail a heli - taxi and away you go! S't'AMI's MUTT AND JEFF— SO WIIAT? JEFF AT LEAST STILL HAS HIS SHIRT CANA1111.1N AND 1' (I It 11 1 (i N stamps, mint and used, en approval. We buy stamps. Claude Langlois, I.\ Albert, \'ictorlaville, Que. 001,1,1:(:'T0It51 SEND $1.00 1011 selection fine approvals. Refunded If not fully satisfied. No trash. A. Bloom, 5317 Yew, Vancouver, Can- ada. 1'1110\111')1 1'111414 '1'1► .514'1105'AI. applicants sending 10 stamp. 3 Maltz; 3 ('osla idea; 10 India, ell for quarter. \V, 1'y son, Box 393, Guelph, Onlatl0. '1'11.11'1'111; 1SOL1 - 1'0\ - 311NIC '1'It 51'1'I:It4 use the hest trapping' s)sleut end gland scents money can buy. Write for particular' to .1. 11, fisher, )los 4211, ('x14:103, .\ ;galla. ISSUE 41-1946 DON'T WORRY JEFF/ A TONSIL OPERATION IS ONLY A MINOR OPERATIO NOW, DON'T You WORRY ABOUT THE OUTCOME! BUT NOW f WELL, I'VE LOST -AND IF THERE'S NoW, iSTHERE DO YOU MY LAST ELEVEN ANYTHING IN ANYTHING I KNOVJ I'LL PATIENTS COME ALRIG ITS STRAIGNT,_0 +i /tv{• THE LAW OF CAN DoFORYoU AVERAGES,YOU BEFORE WE SHOULD PULL START') THROUGH FINE! �(h' •THERE CERTAINLY ` IS, DOC— The large and varied roll of Hermann Goering was half mili- tarist and half gangster. Should Unions Use Secret Ballot? ltithat iti the basis 511 the wide- spread feeling that 101501' unions are undemocratic, and that 0 fair union vote ctllttrtt he assured without outside interference: It is that in all too many instant c- union meet- ings, have, in fact, I ran railroaded by highly local utintn'itics. it is that the voting prof'( .:fates In Some unions do, in fact, lend themselves to high-pressure tactic-, asserts the Calgary Gerald. The standing vote procedure can be used by an unscrutntluus leader somewhat like tits'.: "(Fur negotia- tions with the m;ut:u;cment have broken clown. The 0111.1 gray WC can wits our rights is to fit(ht for then! —to go on strike, :\nvr,'e who won't strike is a sl.:1) and a traitu: to the cause of 0tg 1:izcd labor. How ntant' of you want to be scabs? Stand up and let's have a look at you." Can such a tote be reported a fair expression of (pillion? The solution to this problem lies With Labor itself. It is to stake the essentially democratic nature of labor union.:em so obvious as to be above question and above reproach. In an overwhelmingly democratic country such as Canada, that should be the wish of all but the smallest minority of organized la. bor. The most important thing for all workers to insist on is a secret bal- lot and an impartial count in all votes on important union decisions. This is the very essence of democ- racy, and has been universally rec- ognized in all democratic countries for scores of years. The adoption of the secret ballot by all unions in Canada would be one effective answer to the chargr that union votes cannot be trusted). 60,000 In Britain Que,le For Divorce Iiun(iredls of solicitors in Britain are undergoing special training so that 40,000 Service divorce suits can be dealt with in the next two years. A hill staff of solicitors in London and many. provincial cities will preplan she cases n they have finished thaseirsoothreeas month's coaching in the Divorce Division in London, The queue for divorce. including civilian applications, now total's.;. 60,000 EGGS RUED ship direct to Dominion Stores Ltd. 832 Old Weston Road, Toronto Reg'd. Grading Station No. 029 Highest Prevailing Market Prices Paid. Cases Returned Free Careful Grading and Prompt Remittance. We pay a prerniunl for pout - try farm strictly fresh large, brown or white shell. By BUD FISHER -HELP ME ON WITH MY PANTS AND COAT! 11l t'AGE 4. ar FARMERS THE STANDARD Applications for PURSE veterans coming to Canada shot tly for tvork en farms are to being accepted. Have you placed an order for one of these turn: They are all physically fit, single, young men, carefully selected for farm work by Canadian farm labour officials. Some already speak English or ht curb. Only a limited number are available. If interested, send your applications immediately to your nearest National Employment Office or your Provincial Agricultural Services. DOMINION LABOUR DEPARTMENT HUMPHREY MITCHELL, A. MacNAMARA, Minister of labour. Deputy NI ini•ter. Y DONNYBROOK Anniversary services \will be held in afternoon and 7,30 in the evening. The cnl••t sneaker at both entire, gill be Rev. Stanley llrentl,n. of 1•.thel. The ch - U. g ill he ,t•sistcd by nirntbct s of I�n.r� l nurd Church, Auburn. In the afternoon a ti io compo -ell of \Ir•. I'lal trer, \I r•. S, \l i (lint bc) and \I r. \\ in, Craig and in the et ening duct, ht the Misses lune and rutty \(,test. .311 arc r rdiall) incited to attend t'ic r erv:res. Mi.. (list e kficrson, R.N., Super- ' visor of (truce County Ilospital tit \\ alket ton -pent the week -end at her hunt• herr. (iralrint (•haniney of Taunton, pent a tt builds): at hi, hun:e here. \Ir. \ anon 1l;nuilton t,i 1Ie11,311 I 1 R. Chanute). LONDESBORO Mr. and \Irs. :\. Hick,hill dale, \lichigan, \Ir. and\Ir•. ly belt (pe - gut v. Mart Eel, Michigan, ,lien: Slime dal with \Ir• and \Irs, I. II. Shub- brook. Mr. and \Irs. herb Oahe,. 1;ndcriclt fowtts. ship, spent titans)' with \Ir. ;111,111 \It1icorge \Ir\'ittit, NH -lune Manning; •pent the wrcl.- _ end t\ illi \I is, \I a ion MCI illegal. \I r. and Mr-. 1:1.0,1\Iradll\vs, \\'inl.l urs -pelt a \vtek ttith Mr, and Mr-• l icnrge (i;trr, tt and \I r. and Mrs. I D. ( atter. \I r. and Mr.. I. If. Shl Ibbrouh rt. - turned home .01 \\•edncsday ..i last week aft.,.rending three tvt'elts in wa a Sunda) \i slur at t u' tonic 1t ()'11"";1;I110 Toronto. Mrs. (oho Dented)• returned hoar ; \I r. and \Ir 1. C. Robit,on were 1 to Toronto on Friday of last week a1-' - \Ilistlln visitors '1111.1111-111' week-enll.! ter visiting her sister, Mrs. Clinic. - Their datr:htcr. \Irs. herb, Dainty, ( tilctyal t. - Mrs. Charles Stewart i, it present seriously ill in Scott \lentlrial 11 '- ! - pital, Sc;tfort11. - Rr\, \l r. Patton of ltethel \till Ile - cupy the pulpit here on Sunday and and 1tvo sous, \who have been \'riling; here returned vita them to their h1 me in .\Ili•tou. \Ir. and \I r.. Ted 'I'bont•1.on. and children, and \Ir. and Mrs. hark Tit of \Y.:ugh:uu, were Situ lay vi t' Rcv. \Ir. Tennent twill ilreach ; or; with their parent., Mr. and \Ir•. ni\l tsar) Scrvae• at Itethrl. Norman Tlt nip•on. The Sacrament of the Lord': Supper = v 31r. I.ynett of hclntorc visited tvitlt \las observed in the (.'niter( Church daughter. \I r:. John 1lallaban.----------- --- oral at Till-onburg of the forn'r'; ___I-'-' brother-in-law, the late \\'alter Lynch Ion Sunday in obsrrv;utr of \1'orld bury.\\'ole Communion Sunda)'. 1 iI Wednesday, October 9, 19-14 Blyth Radio Service RADIO SE'T'S ANi) SUPPLIES • RECORD PLAYERS. SPECIAL PHONOGRAPH NEEDLES -Up to 4,000 plays for $1.09 Equip your Radio for Playing Records • Enjoy 'Their Ric'aness of 'lone 1 1. n .11 Il li .1 1 ..11. .6 A,1 I. .1 n. In ,.-,-,a4l111 illi m11r 1 1 11..1114. 1 .. 1.i. RADIO REPAIRING -MI Makes and 'Types. Now is the time to think rf having your set put right for your favourite fall and winter programs. •16.11 I 1...1 11.1i I.. .1. .1 1.JI'u1, 11,.1 I...1].l..Y ,1,.J4•144::/411.1/ • 1 .nM1J I3ATTERIES-All Types; Aerial Kits and Repair Parts; Tubes. GLENN KECHNIE Work Guaranteed. \1r. and \Irs. L C. hobinson. Uonnybro.k United Church next (;eorge Na)lur, and \I r. and Sunday, October 13:h, at 2:3(1 in the Bordon I:ohin,on attended the \Ir . rs. fun - Phone 165, Blyth. ,11 .6 Ow 1111641•10•11101 11 1 .- 14 11141141111 WO 41411 GENERAL Q What are Canada Savings Bonds? A Canada Savings Bonds are the sue- -- •ceasor to Victory Bonds and War Sav- ings Certificates, They are your coun- try's promise to return your money to you at any time and to pay you interest at an attractive rate. Q Why are Canada Savings Bonds being offered? A Because during the war, millions of Canadians learned the savings habit by buying Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates, A recent survey shows that 82% of then want to keep on saving by a similar plan. Q Is the Government selling Canada Savings Bonds just to raise money? A No. Borrowing needs of the Govern- ment can be met by other types of loans. The main purpose of the Canada Sav- ings Bond is to provide Canadians with a 'convenient way to continue this kind of saving and investment in peacetime. Q Is there any limit to the amount of Canada Savings Bonds that one person may hold?? If so, twit)(? A Yes. There is a limit of $2,000 for each individual, but each member of a family may hold bonds up to the limit. Q What is the price of Canada Savings Bonds? A' 100%. That is, a $100 bond costs $100, If payment is not completed on or %before November 15th, 1946, interest will be added to the purchase price. Q In. what denominations arc Canada Savings Bonds available? A $50, $100, $600 and $1,000. 8 out of X10 will'buy again.... Canada a14b9% Bonds CASHING OF BONDS Q Con I cash tn11 hood at anP1 lime before November 1, 193a? A Yes, any branch in Canada of any chartered bank will cash your bond im- mediately at full face value, plus inter- est at 2an %, upon*your identification as the registered holder. Q Can Canada Savings Bonds be assigned or transferred? A They can be cashed, but not assigned or transferred. This is necessary to pre- vent any individual from acquiring more than the authorized limit. INTEREST COUPONS Q it'luct interest is paid on Canaria (Savings Bonds? A 23,a S% --payable yearly on November lst from 194 i to 195ti, by coupon cash - able without charge nt tory branch in Cannula ul any bai):;. Q Arc interest coupons registered? A N'I. They are payable to bearer. REGISTRATION PROTECTION Q Why is it necessary to register Can- aria Savings Bolo's? A Registration gives )rotection in case your hon( is lo;,t, stolen or destroyed. It is also the simple:A way to ensure that individuals do not hold more titan the $2,000 limit. Q 1n ?chose name ran Canada Savings Bonds he registered? A They can be registered only in the name of one individual, adult or minor, up to the amount of the authoriz,:d limit. Q Can Canada Savings Bonds regis- tered in the name of a child be cashed? A Yes, Banks are familiar with the necessary regulations, Q Can Canaria Savings Bonds be Elis. posed of when registered in the name of a deceased person? A Yes, any bank will supply the neces- sary information. Q Can 1 replace lay Canada Savings Bonds, if they are lost, stolen or destroyed? A Yes, It is wise, however, to keep Canada Savings ponds in a safe place, as you would any other valuable docu. atolls. In case of loss ti'oti should inun0' dintely notify the Bunk of Canada, Ottawa, of the circumstances, HOW, WHEN AND WHERE TO BUY Q 11'herc can 1 buy Canada Savings Bonds? A At any branch of a bank or from an authorized investment dealer, stock broker, trust or loan company - or through the payroll savings plan if this is in operation at your place of employ- ment. Q Rota do 1 pall for Canada Savings Bonds? A In any of the following 3 ways: 1. By payment in full at time of purchase. 2. By monthly instalments through a bank, trust or loan company. 8. By regular deductions from pay, where employer's operate the Payroll Savings Plan. 31r. Harry Cools and \Ir. and \Its. l:obert .311 -pack, 'for ntll, .pent the week -end with \1r-. \\'. 'I'antblyn and \Ir:. (i. Cook and ,\1r•. \\'. 'f;nnblyn went to Toronto \vitlt them for a week• \Ir•. kingfor.l, Toronto, i, spending a weel; with her twice, 31r -,•(i. (rook. Cotigratulatinns t 1 \ir•. Margaret Manning, who celebrated her birt�ida) on Sunday, \liss I'aiith Beacons spent the \teck- end with her cater, \Irs. Neil, at I�i1'kton. \Ir. and \Irs. \\'. 1I. (.von, 'I'hurn- 1. ,11 I 1 .al 1 •.1.1:4.1B ...I. I..aa2Yla.I . 1,11.. 1 1.x.1.1 1111.11 i 11 111111 dale, is visitit;t; the former'.• mother, \I rs. I?, I.) ort Iii. v, AUBURN Cortgratulatillrt• hi hill Craig Jr., on hi, >uct'1'•, ;tt the (illdetirb Collegi,ile Si1,lrts ((at', when be licit tilt the Sen- ior ('battii'il.n•hip. 11v. ;Ind \Irs. Ilarldd 1. .\Ilio 1 1 i del sell, \I r. Henry C. Itrect, l l'olbrollh, N.II., ,teem a wee(, -cid re- cently at 11,1 hone of \Ir. awl Mrs. \I. \1r. ;aid `Ile 31. .Olin •;1enl the \1r, and Mrs, IIIc with \ arltlln Ili 1.ondlln. 11.6 1. 1 II. .1 411 4 , , 11,1I_ 111'.0': 1. I..V,.au..111111 I II .I YID . Speiran's PHONE 24. 13LYTIi, TEA POTS, COFFEE POTS (enamel and pyres), KI'TCI-IEN STOOLS, BREAD KNIVES, STEAK KNIVES, CARVING SE'T'S, = 2.1 -PIECE ENGLISIIT'0\VN (CUTLERY SE'T'S. '1'IIERMOii'IE'1'11'RS. LADIES t. • They're A Little Late, But We have Them --- Coles Pack Canners n. 1 11,1.1..1.1.,11 1...1 .i••�11�H�1 y11�1.�N0.�.1�N0.�11� .;1.�11� .�•1� 1�1 /� 101�a1�1.�..� 1�N01�• �,• 1� ,�11�, •QUO .�. f�N� 1,1 �•.�• 1�11�11� 1i11�• 1:„:, •'• 1�•,�1 .:y • Saturday Night Is (Movie Night In Blyth. • ictures Cornmunity PRESENTS FOR YOUR MOVIE ENTERTAINMENT - R.K.O. I'I' " The Falcon in Hoflywood"Hollywood STARRING 'T'OM CONWAY • Musical Short Subject - Duke Ellington and his Orchestra. Also R.K.O. Selected Short Subject At the Blyth Memorial I-Iall - S.:,O PA. Saturday, clober i 21h Adults, 35c; Children under 14 years 18c (Tax Included), COMING, Sat., Oct. 19: "Joe Palooka Champ". Also- "Under Arizona Skies." 1.11�II�N�N� 1�N� 1� 1�11�11� 1�11�11� I�N� 1�11�11�•,� 1� 1�11�1 /�1 �11�1.�• 1�11� 1�/ •�I.�N�11�• 1�11�41�11�11�14..:..:... .:1+4. 4N:1 tX"...:• 1Ve r .011.�1�N�1...�11�.�I.�N�I.�I.�..�N�N�11�11�1 s,N�N01�N�/.�N�11�N�N0.�11�11�1.1N�1 r�11�1 •:• 1:110,�.ON�1 r,11�•.�1 .�1.�/%1.�1.�1♦♦, 1�, . .1 .=1 • :. • • ▪ • • 't• • i, >• >• 4 K1 •, .t• ., >• '4 •4• Farmers, ttention! POW R SPR YI (laving purchased a complete power spraying unit, 1 ant now in a position to execute efficiently and speedily, all types of power spray- ing such as : Orchard Spraying, \\'red Control Warble Fly and White_ washing. Agent for J. K. Cr ng and Co (chemical division) for Rotenon (Warble Fly Control), l)I)T Animal and Fly Spray, also effective in potato and turnip spraying; 2-(1-D Weed Killer. Karnoleunl Disinfec- tant for use in stable and poultry house. Up-to-date Whitewashing Equipment. Edward W. Elliott BOX 293 CLINTON. PHONE Z3). y�{�• •t,,� µ.ms+{�,N11�.4 ,N _ + . N, •�.` Wednesday, October 9, 1 S)'lti THE STANDARD i PAGE 5 Am a,;, & lim Ye I or dwcinv and lac on, all Halt, x1,11 (..111111, 1 lieu 1.1 1,1'11,1 28 colors 108 up -lo -date shades \Irn'•. awl It I\ \\' id. 11 01-. \I, In' Ovcl;tILL, \I'll,!, I',1u1 ;ltd \1'1nh ililt N I•.\\ I'O\ \'.1I; \, ' .{nal 3 I'I.1'. GROCERIES, FRUITS, ANI) VEGETABLES. STE V R } 1,1:a A TS GENERAL SCORE. , WE DELIVER — PHONE 9 NMI 1`{ `ANDCO'4•Y,'`a Mi•htM •'..,VLI iIV CKtt 3{i:Ort4LKi4..I4tatMMt Ll A'tw•Y• .''..'M1iOI.N•'.iVOCIQ'.LN'S 1i Elliott histiraiice Agency Save PERSONAL INTEREST \II and \II• I IIII' ,. I: I,\'.ol :III I \I1 \k.. •l \II- 1 Inn t)1, -,t, ..1 -(I 1 .11 ;1 \II (1,111!1 I)' 1111,;1 1. 1111011, 'taut 1!11' \k, rl. 11111 1.1x1 0I' 1.11, I,t in I;1 111. J1 .111,1 \II• I:t• \Irl 1,1 and I'' 1 - awl \I, -. I,1 Crass 1x41 tool. \.II'I,'e 111 I He )11 Ills 1I, 1 nl '111 ;I,lern, on at I,inr;tl,! I;, lc!). t'.',eri 1111 tn;. f,,11: \k, ,t INT 1111i.M1ORIA I \I- in 1i1tint weir rc of :1 111.1 '.11, and moth, I, 1.11clb Il,ouul, kt' •, 11;t e11 ass ;13 out.. \i ttr ;1:. Oc1•,bl r 1 illi, 1')15. 11er (t, ars Lour, and 11'tk , Ili pain, IIIc tr'•ntle,l I;I"III, ,tic 1•a t, tall ill wit a1'liu.' h ,ut- \se',not\ J4l 14a..14 10Y01b 1114._.... GROCEBES Harry home's hlavcurin:;s, Gel:ttAne Sandwich Spreads, Sweet Pickles, Chicken \-laddie, Sardines, 'Teas, Cof- fees, Toddy, Pest UM, Mired '1'orllal7 Juices. Custard Powders, Pudding Powders, Pickling Spices and Jar Rubbers. Canned Meats, Peas, Peas & Carrots, BULK MINCE MEA'(' (Please Bring Container). Pioneer Feed - Shur Gain Fecd, Royal Put plc Calf Meal, as WE DELIVER—PHONE 39. LI! BLYTI1-- ONT. tie INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. 41 Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident • J..IL R. Elliott Gordon Elliott i Office Phone 104. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE. t4 , iB iti ' AGENT FOR— A l A1, 011„ Li(1 ILIt'Jt3iDi l i`e1t'r2t 5t7t21:%: ;s'Ie1aI:;IJ13"\213: ,:a1 •, 1:?,X37`1•i?t 1 t91^t;3; 73t3t5; t512,d12t317i 121✓t I t s s 1{ON Y '1'IIEATItE, CLINTON. Tal"," NOW ('LAYING: "Frisco Sal", S. ring SuRanna Foster. Monday, I ues.lay, Wednesday "TO•MORROW IS FOREVER" \u I n„I!I .\ted, i t,I1 Ili ,,••1\ !leo til •. t, :wont n i noted,\ 1Utblr. Claudette Colbert, Orscn Welles and George Brent. Thursday, Friday, Saturday Dana Andrews, Richard Conte. and George Tyne. I'.. ..,I t ,'t the Salerno ilea ,"n in \k hick the tt,lll,lnt (nen of the \Aute11 ) x:11:11• II'\1-ioit slid: a I,Lo s'.Itli lane n;ui ,u', "A WALK IN TILE SUN" CAPITAL THEATRE EA'I'RE GODERICH. _ NOW PLAYING: Jack Haley in: "SING YOUR WAY HOME'' REGENT `,1i1EATRE SEAF(,li rr . r.U1Y I'1.AY1N'; 3,canua Foster Monday, 'Tuesday, Wednesday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Ingrid Bergman, Gregory Peck Cornel Wi;dc, Anita Louise and and Leo G. Carroll. Jill hsmr:nd .111x1 II I lit. i1. I I '. 1.1: t•ll', of the IL;1,1.!, -t lull 01 ;I -r "SPELLBOUND)” 11 ,,'LI.,, .. I 11 ill,', .1,.1 11,1 ull 111 II 1111 I' ItI' 1 "'\alts 11AND1'I 01 SI LER 4\'OOU 1'0111?3'T" Thur:,da., I rids',, Saturday Thurs,!ay, F, ;day, Satul ci,y 1 i ;rad B: r!iin i*, Gr1 gri y Pock and Leo Carroll. Randc1;.h Scott, Ann Richards and Ge.rgc Hayes 1 itt I.11h:n„. nn1!a\. 1 i.!. .1 -...Ii "BADMAN'S •I'ERRI'I'ORY” COMING: Ingrid Bergman int 1 COMING: "Teo Young To Know" "SPELLBOUND'' _and ' She Wrote The Book• _ Matinees Sat. & Holidays at 2.30 p.m. Mat., Wcd, Sat•, Holidays 2.30 pm x1114 I I „ .1! 1 11 .f 1111 111;111 11'11 II I .1111'11;1 •, 1,11;,,e '-SPLt.1.L'OUND" COALING: Claud,'tte Colbert in:- "WI'i'HOU'!' RESERVA'IIONS " M;Iticcrc Sat & Hu!'c'nys at ','Iii l .tn. • • • • i : ' i • ' J,• i..1.. 11.11 • . •1111. . . :':•O • . :'i 41.4 , .♦41 I :•i✓1 .,♦• 1 :,I I x•11. I: • • 1 ♦ • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ' 11.11♦ ••, • ♦ • : •1: 1• '• L C,F';U11'I'ITI''.:1.'1'I{E S '.. A S 4114 11:4+1....;•1.,.....44 114..4 f .•1•.•..•,••.••••• 4'•♦•♦•• ••♦♦ • ♦•♦ • ® i ,,..Y t ;; ATTENTION! ' WINGHAM—ONTARIO. :t: I " i. : Two Shows Silt. Night 'I -.WE HAVE ON HAND— : ; Sh,n\ •1;1e1, ret uL,rl} ,It I'.\I' j1:: MASSEY-HARRIS REPAIRS. :; `itnlllac at I5 I'.\I. :t: DRILL 'PUBES. >'(•l;ult'1 , in lin:, \', i'I 11 n, 11 11 hl I"a t, 41 i' PUMP FITTINGS and TAPS• :_. ;; ;le..Thurs., Fri., Sat,, Octc, x:r 10.11-12 i1 _ A. 111. P. Smitb: . BY USING MARVELUBE GREASE NO. 88 IT'S SHOCK PROOF— REQUIRES LESS GREASING 1'I-IONE, BLY'I'11 G8. LES. NAFTEV ovanotolostveitat Y w Buy Your anada SaviDgs (s onds At The Blyth Branch! It's convenient to telly Canada Savings Bonds at your local branch of The Canadian Bank of Com- merce. Buy CANADA SAVINGS BONDS—Your Best Investment—for rash ---on a monthly savings plan ---or on other suitable terms. Cashahle at full value (plus accrued interest) at any time. 1)CIlonlinations: $50, $101), $500, $1,000. The CANADIAN BANK of COMMERCE The Bank will make delivery of all Bonds on 15th October or as soon thereafter as full payment for them is made. N. W. KYLE, Manager. ' 1 ( • ; <,/;,y { t•'rt(`,; •' . '- ,f:jr•',/:,1..>tl Qa .,,ei•.4 x141 .'msµ ^i .- , (;✓,t V N Mll N I1 N/ l JI.41M I Nl I N 10 N'IIAI 11I4,11 1111 M11 N 111 dN IG1 / I ` THIS CAN BE YOURS CANADA SAVINGS4 1 4 BLYTH--- tMR. GORDON AUGUSTINE, Blyth—Phcne 127 Blyth. 1 Intt'ri)t 2.1 Percent. Pas able .\nnually. NDS 11 ,11,1 !raw be rcdeenn•d ,It Par at any time. It.nids in denomination t i ;;511—:Illi)--;1;11:1—y 111110 PRICE $100 Fur Full Particulars and Application Forms See Your Local Ret:resentatire II U LLE'V11 'I'O•sVNSI III.' --- MR. JACK ARMSTRONG, Lonticsboro—'Phone 25r33 Blyth. MR. W: R..IEW1'PT, tut. 2, Locticshcro—Phone 850x4 Scaforth. MR. W. J. DALE, R.R. 1, Clinton—'1'Itonc 811121, Scalorth. EAST WAWANOSII--- MR. JOHN S. SCOTT, R.R. 1, Belgravc--Phone 623r2, Wingham. MR. FRANK '1'HOMI'SON, 11.11. 5, Wingham—Phone 629r3, Wingham. O. F. CAIIIX & SUN WEST STREET pal GODERICII She has found -ss et r1•1 at itt t. lit l• int•taltd, 14:wer I rnn"111:crcl1 I;ntrt ;utt KEEP THIS DATE OPEN The 1 )avie, 1 Iliei t (.,1111;.;013' nl I.1 ulll u, Ont:u'in, t+ill present a nuts; r;lt pII, .rant in the l•nitell l'hntrlh nn \lends\, October 2111, nn,ler ti au, - pares of the \V *hen's \lir-ion;u•)• Sl rirt\ of the (1111x1.11. ISI t'I'') ,tette optit, and i :itch for fnrthtr an- nouncement. TEA AND BAZAAR The \ik-ion Pawl of thy foiled Church\will hold a Itaimir awl Tea on Saturday, Oitetu• loth. !rather particular, Eater, IIt1-I. THANKSGIVING ROOSTERS \Vt. tease ;:valaIle f r hitattl„git- insl, 11)1) \\ell -Mini hell I",.'I h ti -t \1," ill l.rgll,n•n x 1'\l --ex yr;lr-old hen,. 1;13 int; goo 1. 11'1-I• FOR SALE 75 h'll t1111!et:,, 51_ '11,111111, 11111. .\1ply, ('filbert Net!Irr\', 1,!11 ne lo 8, 1t13 t;l. Ito -111, FOR SALE 3 I hu•tant ,tier;, at itt 01111 lbs, ; also a quantity of Green \Ionntain po- tatoes, Apply, Torrance 1)unda•, 2, Itlylll, phone 1,1-15, WW1. I16-1, FOR SALE 100 -acre ',tent. \1.41,1\ 1" \Bred \Iachan,ph.ln,' I85 Ittyt'i u 1 ,l t., y •i• PHONE 92, BLYTH • Ginger Rogers - Pierre "HEARTBEAT" Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Poultry ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23 at I p.m. \t the Farm of 'late sola, It1t!t, adjoining the \'illttll;r elf Iii yen. Durham hull, 3 year, (1,1; :11 I hn'- h;a and ilereford cows, due from 1) - 4 tl,Iet to \larch ; II) '-year-old I)ttrttsuit k and Hereford , r,; .!II heifer,. ri-ing 4 3 years old ; 25 ;Pring calves: 5 sows (York) \lith litter,; 7 pigs (ISP lbs.); 4 1\II yr;u•-oltl tern,; 75 punct\' (5 nr nth, o1111. TERMS CASH '1'111.111;I, Ittltt, I'I•oprietot'. Harold I;I,•h,on, .\urtioncer, i':. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4`' •; L.1 J1 n •n4 11 ! 1 ■ 11111 111 1 II New Samples Are in WE ARE PLEASED TO AN- NOUNCE THAT OUR NEW SAMPLES QF SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS IIAVE ARRIVED. Your Choice in a Full Range of Beautiful Designs In a Wide Variety of Prices, MODERN WAY OF.R•EMOVING WALLPAPER. PAINTS AND ENAMELS OF FIRST QUALITY. • • • F. C. PREST POOL ROOM. ' :' S1i()Klal{'S SUNDRIES :; Cigarettes, 1'of), ::11*. and Otht S11ndrieti. : :• :`') ,,,Open tdl (layItl)ci C\',. :11)1;?;.;; Aunt°\\\ •• 1,,, • • .' • 4 ..•♦::'. ;41.11. . .♦ . ,i \I;,t: S;('lull;l\_:Iti:ritl,H at ' (I, ... ,) • •Mon., Tues., Wed., October 14.15.16'. ,; "THREE STRAIJGERS" ,i ▪ '. Sydney Grecnstrccl and :j. tR• y Geraldine Fitzgerald. •t 1 ;..;..;1.;. J..;.4. ✓• •;.e..,..;, ,,.:..},;, ....441.1.....:•••••••;•:.,:o I, •; a_. .v l .f )r , ..1, ,. I )ate ;11 .111e S:;iii li I1 01 (ice, I ;,II b, r,tt;i;',t I' .-11,' '(11, Clinton. st '.'1':'(' tooth i ate 11\1111 sat si.teti 11 1('f t;sur:,•:, cid. c"1"')"'I F. i): .l,l Real Estate Agencyl, 1 LICENSED AUCTIONEER• I31,1T'fI I. t ; ;:ori i,,li; iim in I \hitt ;III I 11111,, (told 1.1',44 ;.111-facti,tl Ilt:;11;1ntrr,1 telt Alt - --.—' - -i!1‹:1111:,1:,,11, 1: ,. ;111 11'111;111 11 plI il" 1111,. 1„ (1111' Agency iia 1.lr 1, ,il 1t1111 1 1.1• \\ i Ate I.N. N. •1, ( liiiton. It property li-icll for sale: 1 511-ltlp. •1 ' lit) ;i1•re', 10th ('„nix„ion 1tiittrtt s .I II tlILI• + torn,tip; clay leant; 11) acre- ; 4 s i Ii it i food hush ; 1':: ,torev brut, Inconie 'I'iix Returns,, II\\ Aliog ; frame barn 28.01i - 31)...: I5', cement ‘tahlin',, \\at:r in ,table. 4 110(►lil(ec )int; 1(11) acre,, (1•nce••inn 8, dirt, Township; frame d\sellitty; 18.x.2),. - Ih'xIti'; frame bath ,3o'x5.2'; second barn ,111'x511', ss 'tit I•;,tin 3,1'xlt)': 4' cent..tit stabling \silt water in `tat!es : quarter -acre orchard. s i le awl 1 storey trio!: veneer d we'littn on 1)in,ley Street, Myth. tilt lin;trtrr-acre of land: also • lire of Land with frolic stable 2.I'x { • 42'. \\' II -.ell ,cparate13, or the4 entire It fling. 4 Ihisiness block on t,?neett Street, It131t. \\ill sell ,utjel't to lease. I:1)3NAI:i) W. I;L1410'11' I. l c, '1111 111:tiled I t 1, r I Int oil (uturn) d f:onl service \kith t' it \•.I! (;)ll;t•!i. 11 :sir lanae\ , awl n•111 bt: ll;lll:lia}, 1'1, fin ltrr ncvttpati' 11. (, , , c) , 11 'r 11 , tlronl;lt ly an-\wt•re,t l unl ,? ;ire :a ua• it's can hr nlad ELLIOTT Phone 37.26, LOiIDESBORO tl .1 11,1. 11 4 11 .11 11 41.11 1 . (•Ili I .1 1 I 1 I,J'.lu.l .,1414,41114.1, 1111. 19 1,1,11 11'1 4111. 11. ILES are generally caused from a (blood) conger. tine. I ry Bunker's Herbal Pills to treat the ran”' at it: sourer. Money hark ti the tint bottle dor, not sali,ty. ,\t , Wm; Store. (I1 -19-p, 1 I d I. 111 1.14111111 111111.1.... 44 .111 1. 1111 . Ill L1. 11M J -,.I IVW 4J 1 1 Just Received A shintnent of sleigh shoe- ing and Other Steel. Farmers. brink; )our ,lcighs in for t•e- p;lir, bl'fore yon need them, Also have a few sets of 1(i- (iOO rims for putting rubber on wagons. .i. H. PI-IILLIPS (ll '. B1ACKSMITH •.w . .1111. 1.11,.. Ili .I I.I-. 4..44 11.1.11..1.d, 1 1.1n1 .114, 1 .1.4 w, ,.1 BLYTH, ONT. .4 114 L1.•1 JW 411,-11.1. .0111114,1fW.••.J,L..1, ,Ili' w.41.,1i,4.. . „ J, JI.1 1..5.11.1 1 11 4111: I .a,. 1 .1 .1 I. I „.. ,1. 1.4 .111 44 Ontario Royal Commission on Forestry PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICF. IS 111':11'.It\ ( MI\'FN, in confirmation of the .\chance Notice and 'tentative Schedule \suet appeared in the press itt the carp' part ri September, that I'liblic 1Irarin s 11) the Ontario Royal Commission on I orc•try (till br ltlld ;It the t, \Irving times and !,laic,: Sault Sts. \laric ('ort .\rtliur l\taunts Dort Frances (iertldton tondo\ Corin ane Nnrtll Itay 1'enlhrnhc Ottima Toronto Oct. 8- r) NIn• 1- 2 Ntv, 5- 1, N t v, it- ') Nov. 12-13 Nov. 15-1') Now. 25-20 Nov, 28-21 Dec, ?- 3 1)', 5_t4 1)cc. 0 -1U -I1 (•I that il.lti- Courthouse Courthouse Courthouse Ukranian hall County Council Chamber High School Assembly Hall Courthouse Toss n Ilall CI ur 11 use l'niwcr-ity of relit, Senate Chamber a.m. I'tc Connni-,ion tta• apps int; 1 t 1 roves:i;;ate and rt•port upon the forest resource, 1 f Onhum eo and their conserwatit It, nlattaeettiettt and beneficial ntilietltion for all lmlptoses, inrindittt their relation to other ba -ie in,Itlstrie-, particularly farining, anal their rilat'on to recrea;il,n, s.il tnn•et•watiou, and Mater\,: \, and haler !,` tvl'r. Snl4atl•.il1n, are it'\itedt:: i t i t' '': it 1'r nr1; nlirttinn; \t ho slat' u1,h to \\resent rides ant n:atl r'.al at ;tn\ of :hr at'er heating:. Sucl1 evidence (ICIbe pre t'n1 x11 nl';Illy, 111. }!Il' (1'11 111!'• initl'r \vl`Ililt prl'tel t;\luta Iti 111e 111111 of t\riltetl brief,. 11 i- dt'.irable blit not esseitti,tl that )ail\ briefs bet rttai(led to the Secretary for •tnity twill itt ad- vance of the hearing at \tbich they are to be tre,rntcd. It i; rt'Itlleaell that per):'.11< or t'I••I:ini7:tie 1i• tt1,titit'; to lire:flit oral rwil!I•nce at at,t t.f the ai,n\c hcaricb•, „bntit their name: t11 the Secretary, Dttt;uio Koval \'omni:si 11, on Dore:tr%, \,l'nini,trati,'n L'nilllintt, I.onl Branch Sul:til Arm; Hatt, Toronto 1d, Untatio, prior to ;ucll hearing. \V. II. I Il•:\VSON, Secretary. 3 Financial Statements for , Farmers, Business Men, , Professional' :Wien, Garage Operators, and others: ' Arthur Fraser - Telephone: Exeter '17. P.O. Box No• 118 4 Temporary Office at the house of the late Dr. H. K. tlyndman, Thanksgiving Day ? ^luron `eel, %: 11111.1• Monday, October 1.1iii - / SPECIALFrank'sBakery 1,0`W RAIL FARES Between all points in Canada and to all PI -HONE 3S, BLYTII, ONT. United States border points. Fare and One -Quarter FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO: any time front 12 noon Friday, Oct. 111h, until 2 p.m., Monday, Oct. 14 RETURN: leave dcstinatitn not later than midnight, Tuesday, Oct, 156. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children . • . 25c Pull particulars from any agent GOODISON FEED MIXER 590 LB. CAPACITY AVAILABLE JULY 1ST. WE HAVE ON HAND 2 8 -FOOT OLIVER TANDEM DISKS IN STOCK. Colne in and try our fresh home; made 131 call, Chcsley Rolls, Dough - Nuts, Scones and Bran \Muffins, But. to Tarts, Cookies, Date Loaves, as well as our Delicious ;\laplc, Chocolate and Orange Calces. THE 11'IeKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT, Officers President, F. McGregor, Clinton; Vice President. C. W. Leonhardt, Brod- hagen; Secretary-Treasurer and Man - ago', M . A. Reid, Seaforth, Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth, Frank McGregor, Clinton ; Alex. Broadfoot. Seaforth ; Chris. Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John 1.. 'Malone, Seaforth; Complete Line of Oliver Farm Itlwih ; Hugh Alexander, \\';tltou ; Equipment. ` George Leitch, Clinton. Limited number of Manure Loaders ` - Agents to fit Row -Crop Tractors. 3 1111 1'•. Pcllpir, lhuceFeld: V. F. \Iclerchcr, Dublin; 1. F. ['flirter, Complete Fleury-Bissel Line, in- Itrodhagcn ; George A. \\'alt, lMivtll, eluding the fatuous Fleury Plows. ; Parties desirous to effect insurance of tratt<;tct other business, Will be prnnlply attended to by applications to any nE the above named officers ;tdt!:'c>sed to thcit resp:ctivc post of- fices. W. II. 11IORRITT ',,i j DEALER - Phone 4 and 93. , Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY. Telephones: Atwood, 50r31; Seaforth, 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CAN,',DA, LTD. Pr The Quallty Tea ORANGE PEKOE TREASURE OF THE SEA By George E. Walsh sYNOPsIs CIIAI"1'Is`It ''Ili Dick tells the girl his story and she In turn gives him an account of himself, her father and the ship. Iter name, she reveals la hose Bedford. The crew deserted In a storm and she and her father were Iet't alone on board. For three days and nights the schooner had been buffeted about by waves and wind, a plaything of the sea, drifting without guidance or direction. The chance of bring• ing order out of chaos seemed an insurmountable task for a woman, and almost in despair Rose was about ready to yield to the inevi- table when the lugger appeared. But her fighting spirit. in spite of its low ebb, had not entirely do sorted her. The Iugger's crew and suspicious character had awaken- ed a worse fear in her mind, A fate more to be dreaded than drift- ing helplessly around on a derelict aroused her. lm desperation sill determined to defend the schooner against the Caribs, selling her own life as dearly as possible. Dick Jordan's appearance as an ally immediately stiffened her courage. They discussed the situ- ation calmly and practically on deck after a refreshing cup of cof fee in the cabin with Captain Bed• ford. "We have plenty of arms aboard,•' she told Dick. "Father al- ways carried a regular arsenal," "'Three of us, then, well armed," he replied. "can put up a pretty' stiff fight." "Two," she said, shaking her head. "We must leave father out of it I don't dare trust him with a weapon. He might turn it upon us in one of his tt•ild moods." * * * Dick nodded, recalling th,: friendly overturds the captain had made to the boarding party against his daughter's wishes. "Wouldn't it be safer to confine hint to the cabin?" he asked after a pause. "He would be safe there, and out of the way." I thought of that," she aoddcd. "We could lock hitn it there. If things got desperate we would retreat to the cabin That would be our final stand. I'd like father with me then." "That's the only thing to do. Where is he now?" "Dozing below. He always sleeps after taking a glass, I'll go down now, and lock him in while he's asicep." Dick paced' the deck restlessly while she was gone. The lugger .had dropped anchor at a safe df.t• tance from the schooner. Every thing was quiet aboard her, with no evidence that another plan of attack was brewing. "Tucu will wait until it's dark," he mused. "Then under cover of night he'll attack from several quarters. That's his plan." * * * When Rose appeared again ht bold her his belief, and she agreed i'Ith him. "You haven't such a thing as a )searchlight aboard. I suppose?" he Iueried. "No," she smiled. "schooners are n:,t usually equipped with such modern improvements." "'Veil." glancing up at the sky, "it's going to be moonlight until one or two o'clock. After that it will be black as ink. Until then i think we're safe." "Then we'd better take turns resting." she replied practically, "I'll take the first watch," Tht.it long vigil began the nto• ment the sun set and the shadows of night began creeping across the ocean. 'Twilight was succeeded by intense darkness. which brought them to alert watchfulness. This lasted for half an hour until the moon came up and dispelled the gloom. It cast a broad path of white light that revealed every ob- ject almost as clearly as in the day time. The lugger lay directly in this broad streak of light, enabling them to see all that took place aboaro, It was better than a search -light. ' If it would only last until morn- ing,' Dick remarked, "we would not have much fear in the way of a surprise." The night worc on without any- thing happening. Their talk vat running into personal matters when a cloud drifted across the face of the moon, and temporarily day • kened the sea. They started up with a jump. as if it were a sign of trouble. Dick laughed after the first shock. "I thought the moon had gone." he said. "It's only midnight, and we have it with us a couple of (tours yet." "I'm afraid not," she replied. "Look at those clouds. A cloudy night is almost as dark as a moot• less one." "Storni clouds, aren't they?" She nodded and looked worried. "Another storm now, she mur• inured, "would about finish us." * * * The fear of another storm, how- ever, was secondary to the danger threatening thein from the lugger. "We mustn't keep together.' Rose whispered finally, "We mutt divide the watch. I'll take the stern and you the bow. We can meet o'i our rounds and report." It was the only sensible thing to do, but Dick hated to be seperated front her in the darkness. Besides missing her companionship. he was afraid something might hap• pen to her when he wasn't present to lend his assistance. Suppose the Caribs chose the stern for the attack and overwhelmed her be. fore he knew of her danger) He made his circuit of the for- ward deck a little hastily and reek• lusty and found himself at the meeting place long before she had co:npleted her round. When he saw her finally emerge from the gloom, he drew a sigh of relief. "All well?" he asked. She nodded, and after a few m3• menta of pause she turned to re- new her beat. (To be continued) :�: �11!;ww�wsw:;'7ryF;}ywf!tiw1� Don't let constipation get you down. Do this for effective, yet remarkably gentle reliefs Simply take 1 to 4 tablespoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia with water. You'll wake up feeling on top of the world --refreshed and bright: In addition, Phillips' Milk of Magnesia is acknowledged by science ons of the fastest neutralizers of excess stomach - acidity known! Thus you get double - action relief—from acid indigestion and sluggishness. Remember .. Hcos,'s as Me as ZTO" BE SURE. 5 Or THE BEST MAOI /M r,V DA otNutnt ,!I PHILLIPS" r.... 0jYu 1r -PHILLIPS' ,�t�°® "�4 TABLETS 411f,1111/21r, 10,411111 'SQUATTER FEVER' SPREADS TO CANADA London's recent wave of squatter -trouble has spread to Canada where the newly -formed Veterans' Housing League seized several government buildings in Ottawa and installed homeless families. League leader is Franklyn E. Hanratty, former RCAF officer with 46 raids over Germany and Italy to his credit. Above, Hanratty is shown being arrested by a Mounty after he threw lumber around in seized building to make room for another squatter family. Oh, mother, what winning ways this pretty and precious outfit has! One yard makes the jacket plus the jumper for a tiny tyke sized 2. Cut blouse in ONE piece . . wonderful! Pattern 4647 sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10. Size 2, juniper and jacket, 1 yd, 39 -in.; blouse, ) yd. 35 -in. Send TWENTY CENTS (20c) in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to roost 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, To- ronto. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Your children will be smitten with these mittens; And, Mother, you knit thein on two needles In a straight piece . . . that's so easy! Use gay -colored bits of left- over wool; use different colors for each child. Pattern 579 has direc- tions In size 4, 6, 8, 10. Send TWENTY CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to roost 421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, )our NAME and ADDRESS. ISSUE 41—.1946 How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. Ilow can I mend a leak in the umbrella? A. First cut a piece of mending tissue a little larger than the hole. Then cut a piece of silk or cambric a little larger than the piece of tissue. Place tissue over the hole on under side of cover. Then place the silk or cambric over the tissue, tucking the edge under the tissue. Place a wet cloth over all and press with a hot iron. Q. I Tow can I make a good silver polish? A. Mix equal parts of whiting, ammonia, and alcohol. Apply with a flannel, allow it to dry, and then polish with tissue paper. Q. Ifow can I wash oil paint- ings? A. Wash them with warts milk and water, Rub very gently. Then dry them without rinsing, Q. I-Iow can I make boys' pants wear longer? A. When making pants for the boys, try cutting the back of the pants double. When a hole appears, turn in the worn edges and hent down to the under goods. The two pieces will be faded alike. Q, How can I keep pies from be- coming too juicy? A. Roll a soda cracker up into fine pieces and sprinkle it on the lower crust before filling with the fruit. 1-ff • _ ♦-.-N-�-.-. H- -H-1t�-�-1-�1-.-* ... 1 1 •-• I f N-���• gunday School Lesson •-rr.-.-•-.-.-•-a-a- -r- -��-.- --r�-��-�tr�-raw- - - - -r�--r�-�-�-�+•r�-�+� Paul's Conversion to Christ Acts 26: 9-18; 1 Cor. 15: 8-10. Golden 'Text. — Faithful is the sad ing, and worthy of all accepta- tion, that Christ Jesus carne into the tworld to save sinners. -1 Timo- thy I: 15. Saul, the Persecutor A new heart marked the con- version of Saul, the Pharisee. Per- secuting every Christian he could reach, Saul "made havoc of the church" in Jerusalem. He desired and undertook utterly to uproot and destroy Christianity. Hearing of the vigorous church at Damascus Saul secured from the high priest at Jerusalem authority to go to Damascus and arrest the Christians In that city and bring them to Jerusalem for trial, The Lord allowed Saul to go far in his mad career, but at the prop- er time He put forth His hand and saved the little flock at Damascus. Saul, the Penitent The "light out of heaven" that suddenly shone around Saul was the light of Christ's resurrection glory. It was about noon, but the glory of the light that surrounded our risen Lord was above the brightness of the sun. What a moment of awful and ovcrtvhelntingc shame it trust have been in Saul's life when it fully The Bookshelf .. In The First Watch By William McFee William McFec here tells of his life in British tramp steamers as third, second and chief enginter until he left England for the United States and a different way of life. McFce was a marine engineer by profession and choice. The sea was his life, It -"as what he wanted to do. In his watch below he had time to read, think and to write. There were happy ships and hard cases, \Ve hear of days and nights ashore, of skippers and chiefs, of friendships made and lost, of storms and quiet harbors, of the endless problems of coal, of break- downs and leaky boilers, There is the story of the trate and the downy- faced young sailor, with Its amazing denouement; of the first assistant Brown; of the girl in Rouen; of the lady journalist in Fleet Street; of Mite. Valerie's dressmaking establishment in Princes Park, Liverpool, and what happened there when the ship came back after a forteen-months' voy- age. In The First Watch . . . By William McFce . . . Random House . Price $3.76. Eggs For U.K. Australia this year will ship to Britain alone nearly one million dozen eggs in shell, four times the quantity of last year. In addition, she will export large cargoes of egg pulp and still retain sufficient supplies for the local market. broke upon hint that the glorious One tvlto stood before hits was in- deed Jesus, wltotn he had so bit- terly hated and so relentlessly per- secuted. Iiiti with the vision carne the great desire ---"Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" \Vitlt that question Saul's groat dedication to the proclamation of the Gospel of the risen lord began. Paul, the Apostle A new life marked the consccra- tio of Paul the apostle. Paul had a deep sense of his own unworthi- ness before God and of God's won- drous grace toward him. IIe never forgot that he had persecuted the Church of God, but was ever grate- ful for the privilege of recognizing Jesus as his Saviour and Lord. Paul, the once bitter enemy of Christians, was so changed in character and conduct that he rose to a position of first importance in apostolic piety and power. The Grace of God bestowed up- on hint was not in vain but stimu- lating and effectual, 13y grace alone he surpassed in amount and quality of work accomplished all others who had seen and served the liv- ing Christ. Thus abundant labor was wrought through abundant grace, NEW LOW PRICES 12 tablets...—...18c • 24 tablets.—29c 100 tablets 79c GENUINE ASPIRIN 1S MARKED THIS WAY for BETTER SLEEP... BETTER D/GEST/OH.. BETTER HEALTH! • "Just mention the word 'brisk' when you ask me to tett. That's my guarantee and yours of real, satisfying tea pleasure." Lipton's Tea has brisk flavour. That's what the experts say. That's what you will say the moment you taste this gran¢ fu11-bodied tea: Upton's eaitga,thgt frisk flavour, always so fresh and spirited that every cup rates an encore. Change today to brisk tasting Lipton's Tea. CHRONICLES e GINGER FIRM 13y Gwendoline P. Clarke I.ast week, 3 oil rcuu'mhc'r, I ad- mitted how mart 1 got nl the high price of so many Ihings rvc II,rv'_ to buy. Now I suppose that forting will be pretty general because of the big jump in the price of milk, It is a big jump and will undoubt- edly bit many families like a hard blow. Hut then it was bound to come, As long as the government continued the milk subsidy the price paid to farmers was all right, but removal of the subsidy brought the price of milk to a below cost basis, so something just had to be done. But don't let anyone get the Idea That farmers are getting six- teen cents a quart for their milk or anything like it. If we were we would be rolling in wealth. No, be- tween the price paid to the farmer and the price paid by the consrnner there is a wide spread which is us- ed up in cost of distribution and so on, including the profits paid to the shareholders of big dairies, However it is all too complicated for this column. The only thing I can suggest fs for those who have the facilities to try keeping a cow In their backyard. But then the $100 or $150 you would have to pay for a cow would buy milk for a gond many months even at six- teen cents d quart! And of course the cow m'ght blow up and die. Cows have a way of doing that. They can get indigestion quicker than anything I ever knew. After all one stomach is hard enough to keep In order at times — so just think of the poor cow with three! • • • Well, here we are back to stand- ard time again. For over a week I have been thinking how nice it was going to he to have that extra hour in bed for just one Sunday morning. But. habit was too strong. 'Are all woke up—and got up — only a little later than usual. The cows of course recognized no other time than that governed by the ris- ing sun and wet e waiting at the barn as usual; the chickens were clambering at lie chicken pen doors to get out in the open; Mit- chic was mewing plaintively at the kitchen window and so the day be- gan. Now it is four o'clock and all the livestock are looking for their supper. 10 an hour ov two it will he dark and after dark we won't know the difference between fast time and standard. And thus will end another day, Surely the weatherman must have been in league with the pow- ers that were responsible for Day- light Saving Time, At any rate the end of summer weather coincided with the termination of summmer- time. Yesterday the sure was ter- rific—eighty degrees in the shade, Today it is cold, wet and windy. We knew all about the heat yes- terday because that was the day of our local fair, i was so sorry for the livestock, particularly the race horses. The cattle didn't seem to niind it so mush except for one poor Flossie who decided to give birth to a calf right on the fair grounds. One naturally wonders wily her owner was showing her at such a time, 'faking quite a chance one would think, * * $ As we struggled through the crowds in the main hall Partner and 1 wondered whether exhibits would ever make a conte -back. Nowadays there is so little baking, not very much fruit or dressed poultry and a limited display of fancywork. As far as the latter is concerned that is no more than can be expected since war work for several years has taken the place of fancywork and women have not yet got back to their stride. There was a display of antiques which was very interesting with two ladies dressed as Grandma us- ed to dress in the heyday of her youth, There was also a beautiful hand - embroidered Christening robe. We wondered how such fine embroidery was ever done in the days of candles and coaloil lamps, 1 also wondered what brand of soap chips were used to keep the gown so snowy white! As usual there were wonderful exhibits by the various branches of the Women's Institute, Where would the Fairs be without the Women's Institute to back them up? 1 wonder There was r. grand display of aluminum kitchen ware. And that reminds me: A couple who were married quite recently received some lovely wedding presents and among them were SIX pressure cookers! Radar Indispensable The United States Navy said that a weather reconnaisance cruise In Arctic waters has demonstrated the indispensability of radar to Arctic mariners m dodutim ice- bergs. The navy said it was not uncommon for as many as 30 "tar- gets" to show up on the radar screen. RADIOACTIVE ANIMALS TO PROVIDE VITAL MEDICAL DATA Vital information on diagnosis and early treatment of radiation sickness is expected to be obtained from a cargo of 2500 goats, pigs and rats, recently landed from the USS Burleson at Washington Navy Yard. The animals, survivors of the 5000 used in the Bikini Atoll atom bomb tests, will be studied by scientists at the Naval Medical Research Center, Bethesda, Md., for possible effects of radioactivity on humans. Some, of the animals developed an anemic condition after being e::posed to the bomb's rays and were given blood transfuslone to keep up their blood count, like "Goat No, 23," pictured above. Exposure to radioactive rays is thought to produce sterility, but the rat pictured above apparently escaped this fate. She is shown with her two -day-old litter of young ones. I U. S. Naval Air Unit a HORIZONTAL 50 Rectify 1 Depicted is 52 Goes insigne of stealthily — Scouting 53 Harmony Squadron 2, V.ER TICAL U. S. naval 1 Markets aviation 2 Is ascended 6 Father or mother 12 Mountain crest 13 Superin- ,% o er to Prevlou* Puzzle :4 R _c: AIR ETHAll: SLV RIA -:=A L, T1O hMAi.!_ r E f7.: _ ` , „c N of iI '''AGC 1 IRO O A 'M t~ ' i1ARGARET Tat_ E l -L AtNS� TitrJE O.F RI'ttT SELL 3 Payment back rwlE L HALSEY c F f s TOO'.A RE.f3ip7 A L I R 00_K 4 Thai, one 17 Sloth 5 Born 20 Clatters 6 Equal 22 Polish 7 Arrival (ab.) 24 Compound 8 Rupees (ab,) ether 25 Stop 30 Marine fish 31 Mulct 33 Chaplet 34 Kind of 35 Endures 37 Plants tendent 9 Catchers . of 15 Chest bone eels 16 More facile 10 Sewing 18 Sheltered side implement 19 Czar 11 Lock of hair 21 Roman road 13 Hops' kiln 22 Sleeping fur- 14 Contend nature (pl.) 23 Caterpillar hairs 25 Ringlets 26 Seines 27 Gaelic 28 Size of shot 29 Any 30 Story 32 Asiatic kingdom 35 More crippled 36 Slaves 38 God of war 39 Lampreys 43 Rabbit 44 Society for Physical Re- search (ab.) 45 Take into 'custody 47 Expire 48 Cuban trogon • 39 God of love 40 Make n mistake 41 Lion 42 Steamship (ab.) 45 Noah's boat. 46 Road 49 On account sheep (ab.) 51 Manuscript (ab,) I Z.1 12. 4 5 - 'k4 f 3 l 4 6 1 6 9 10 II 15 ft.'t1 ,.1h 19 20 ,19 1 ` 4 9 25 35 26 •:z 30 31 9 � 3 36 31 B `'""',x 9 40 41 l: ?`1'T' 43 44 9b • 1 SO III S2 53 27 Record Non -Stop Flight The Truculent Turtle, United States navy patrol bomber, landed at Port Columbus, Ohio, complet- ing a record-breaking non-stop flight of 11,237 miles from Perth, Australia. The unofficial elapsed time was 55 hours and 18 minutes. POP—In Rare Spirits Australia's Government Returned Australia's Labor government won approval of its wartime record and postwar policy of social secur- ity in the general elections last week and will enter the 18th parlia- ment with probably a alight reduc- tion iu strength, Angora goat, victim of radioactivity, le hoisted from the Burleson's hold, Glass Produced Without Soda Ash Necessity Is Indeed Mother of Invention, Comments the Financial Post Writing of his early manhood as a Mississippi river pilot, Mark Twain relates his experience with the closed shop. River boat pilots formed a union, which became so strong and well disciplined that pilot fees reached fabulous heights. The union be- came the real dictator of river traffic. Finally the union seemed to have all its battles won, to have the situation completely in hand. A cer- tain and rich livelihood with, uto- pian working conditions seemed fi- nally assured for all members. Then the blow fell, Railroads lured away passenger traffic. To beat excessive pilot costs and to meet growing competition, single tugs towing a dozen great barges were introduced and, says Mark ']'wain "behold, in the twinkling of an eye, as it were, the (pilots') as- sociation and the noble science of piloting were things of the dead and pathetic past." There is net obvious link be- tween that record of the past and hast week's report that a Cana- dian firm has bit upon a way to produce window glass without soda ash, Strikes have choked off the soda ash supply completely, Necessity is indeed the mother of invention, hence the new process. 1'Ve wonder if people who call strikes and Werke unrealistic wage and other demands ever think what they may he doing to abolish or to speed the disappearance of their jobs. They remind us of a boxer with a lightning left uppercut. He let go for "the kill" and knocked himself ort—cold. TRACTOR OWNERS S IIVCCM4 Antonini Iv notary Soli Hoven, noir available. Quickly dlgN, cnrrleN, *premix. For road mnlnInInlinc. ditching, e,,envnt- Inle, ear, Ilullt to Inst n lifetime In n Ize to stilt only make or model tractor Prom *I.8 up. nenlcre canted. HOUGIH & COLLINS 99 Leyton Ave., Toronto, 110. 1585 liistaiitlne; generally affords quick relief from -painful discomfort of sinus infection PARTING 15 SUCH SAD SWEET 5ORROW— Request Courteous "I suppose you know the classic example of British shyness?—the two Englishmen who were the only survivor. of a wreck, After swimming around for some time, one of them swam to the other and said, "Excuse me speaking to you without being introduced — but could you please direct me to Southampton?" Costly Project 'file Iola! cost of the atomic hro- jerl to Anicrirr was about $2,- 000,000,000; another industrial na• lino should he able to duplicate the [(stilt fur $500,(10U,000 or less be- eate,e thry ran avoid cnslly expert - mewing, For coughs, colds, Bronchitis For best results follow the in.;trucfions exactly Used to Wake Up with a Headache Now Fresh and Lively Every Morning Here la a man who woke up most mornings with a dull headache, What a diamal way to start the day! But Kruschen transformed his life, [rewording to his letter:— "I used to wake up in the mornings with n dull headache. A year ago, I started taking Kruschen Salta regularly. Today, I wake up fresh and lively and cc.n do my dny'a work without undue exertion. I find Kruschen Salta a great help, and have not been so healthy fur a lung time. I can recommend Kruschen for anyone suffering from headaches and constipation. I'll never he without Kruschen as long as 1 live!—E.l", Dull headaches such as this man suffered from can often bo traced to a disordered stomach and to constipation because of waste material which remains in the system, A small dose of Kruschen taken regularly in the morning promptly helps to remedy this condition, And that 1. how Kruschen acts to relieve such headaches, Try Kruschen for relief of morning headaches and sluggish feelings. 25. and 76c at all drug stores. "Walt Oscar — 1 gotta better Idea. Throw In this package of crisp, crunchy Grape -Nuts Flakes — 'n' if THAT comes out you better leave town" "Now you're talkie, Joel The little woman might toss my hat out again but she'll never part with a package of malty -rich, nut -sweet Post'a Grape -Nuts Flakes. And while she's fondly caressing 'cm, 1'11 sneak up- stairs to bed." "Sure enough these Grape -Nuts Flakes are wonderful smile bait. And they stick -to -your ribs, too — with carbohydrates for energy; proteins for muscle; phosphorus for teeth and bones; Iron for the blood; and other food essentials," "My wife knows that Grape -Nuts Flakes are doubly good because they're made of two grains—wheat and malted barley—cleverly blended, baked and then toasted for matchless flavor, delightful crispness, easy diges- tion. Those recipes on the package for cookies and other good things will catch her eye, tool" By J. MILLAR WATT -r THINK WEiLL PART' AGAIN TOMORROW 411s. 7; J f a ar;ri,rd M T c pelt S: m'.rcnIc. ln� -y PAGE 8 • THE STANDARD PURE WOOL BLANKETS Reversable Satin -Bound Wool Blankets $8.50 Special Rose -Satin Bound Wool Blankets S6,95 Wool Motor Rugs, Scotch Plaids $8.50 el White Rainbow -Borders (Special) Pair $10.911 A Grey and Sand, Whipped Ends, si All -Wool Blankets 11�ach �+(i•50 �fi Olive McGi.I t ~ 115 ► ldltai lFit natiiddiNtt'd'iiiN±li X),Drift'd*DINAMIVAJ9t31P+1.9111 NDIN`diBlOMinDiD.9ia 11000 , 1 1 PERSONAL INTEREST Doherty Bros. \i r. and \I r,. Italllh I III!l rv.\ll il!I, 1 e4 \Ioinc,, Lull;I, \\ere si meds \ r. \\itlt \Ir. and \1r,, 1latti•. \I r. and \I r-. .\ 'hasher and -on. aee"nil,...dell by \Ir. and NI r-. N. \V. I�ylc. \i,Itcd on Sunday \\itlt \I r I.L . i 'I'a,krr, If carnia, al•o cal- ling on \I r. and \I r-. .\. I. I iLI \ I r (1,1011 Stnbh, yi•itcd trIenll, in I esherton and I'i\er,lt;ttn on Sunday. \I r. R,ty 1 n .hent Thursday of last \\rel; in London ti attendittt; a laic l'uder\\rilia's meeting. \Irs. kllhcrt \li(;II lett on Tuc-- GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For International- Ilar\'ester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil. Gar Painting and Repairing. ±Jl1NI.Itt1*****dtINI.N..N.N.1 day in ruin:: for 1)t•troit. s \I r. and \Ir . Leslie I)alt;he-11 and (la ucliter lame(' anal 1)1aIle, 0-117'11 over the \\tek-cult \\its NI r. and \It s tit...I-Q1' l o\\all, ;111 I 11111. li \Ir, kerne l\ and \I is. Ilourd, ! i •i -ter- of )Ir,. lance, \I•trritt, and , I \till knn\\'i! it tlr., vicinity, arc on an extended vi,it t . the Ea.; and '; ,y. :-,....11 the \\evd;-elt'1 \11111 rehlti\es ;Ind I t .1 '• ?, V. I:etty I a r-ervi,-e -pent the I r �i11 Supeor W \\r•• -cn.l \\its \I r. and •\It<. bele. r ''1.1 •. \I r. ant) \Ir IInih Sonlcr. and , !,. .- •I'n, jack. Mr. and \Ir I cnnrlh Souter•, of \I iillan 1, \I r. . \ rchie vol , \!i., le, -ie Strut rs, \i-itell with the I•:\ying family in Toronto neer the.: \\•Irl: -end. Hugh and family left Fri day' nl ening for a few days in -I•inl- Inin< and expect 1.1 he itt Winnipeg about nett her I•lt!l. \I i Ft... ;i;,10, \I i" .\gni•: ratteckinatt, 1tetrt it, \yith \I r. and Mr-. I.. \I Scrirlt. eonr. NI r-. 1. \le'cali and \li•. I•:ILi \let- calfe, attend. I tl,e ,7th \Nodding an- .: river-ary of \I r. and \Ir,. Ft. II, Chow- . en. of I. orlon, , tt \Wednc-day, rcnta•u- •_ , f,,r :I fe\\' lla\ • vi,i'. ,:;I NI r.. Thomas 1•;IlIott i, lea \Int; for i\e\\ Vorl: , n 'noir- lay, \\ here ..lie will 1 1 •p.•.1.1 the \\ inter. •1• "the key. 1). ,. !Rory of I 11 t•town , 1. I f :and \Ir-. J. I. Lee I f Ilighvate were 1 r to vi-Itor, at the hectory, Sunday. We Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 :: ,?, I a lett• day, uitll friend- in t)tt:m ' •.+0-4.-4. j"%++4.+1.'i...•'p 1111:•+:411:41:.•:+11:•+• :..•:. 414•:..,0•�.1:..�•.�.♦0:1•:.Pt \l k Nora \t(. Gini, had her tl,n- ■ • I ,il, rein .ve 1 in \\•itii,hatit General ( -_.�..-.- -____. ,canon.r Butcher, Phone 10, Blyth. ----_---- 111, ,,,,,:,tai la�t I�r:day and ., lull ray- ging•( • , 1• .I .It,. Ill I -t i,., ort ; I ! The 1, ng contInned dry \veather i I h;> recovered .�.....:......,.�,. Mr. and Mrs. Nen, \Vhceler spent fr..rll an attack I.f the tenpin-. Irene ', Friday in London. )causing (1titiIt a; many Lu nur> ;u` Logan al,n .uttered from tit, inal;lle.•ly conduct in \lagistratc Court, \\ting- 't out of water, and lihl\\ine i, very t\Irs. C. R. Coulter attended the bred, •'t not t lo• 'hl t . accomplish.; '\ — _ hang, on \InntI iv. and \\as lined 111,011 A. L. COIF R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN GODERICH - ONTARIO. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Exre►•ienco IINII "1 Mki -- FOOD STORES -- Kellogg's AiI•Bran Maxwell House Coffee Lyon's Tea , .. .. Newport Fluffs ... ... .... ....._ ... Campbell's Tomato Soup . . Clark's Irish Stew Sage or Poultry Dres?ing Pumpkin Pie Spice -. Kellogg's Oven•Fresh Corn Flakes Satina . .. Pcr Bar 07c Book Matches Golden Yellow Popping Corn La France, . Large Pkg. 19c 1 Lb. Bag 43c Half Lb. Pkg. 43c 8 Qt. Bag 25c r Pcr Tin 11c 15 Oz. Tin 23c Pcr Tin 19c, Per Pkg. 1Cc 3 8.0z. Pkgs. 25c Per Pkg. 14c 12 hooks 1Cc Per Lb, 15: FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. PIONEER AND LIFETERIA FEEDS, ROYAL PURPLE PRODUCTS. 4. • Y • ECIAL TIIIS WEEK. VEAL FOR THE WEEKEND. FRESH AND CURET) MEATS. A GOOD SELECTION OF COOKED MEATS. Delivery, Wednesday and Saturday. Wednesday, October 9, 191(1 I Baby Supplies We carry a full line of baby supplies. Guard the Health of your "Pride and .toy". Baby Powder Baby Oil Infantol . - Dcxtri Maltose Pablum Electric Bride Warmer Lysol, 35c and 65c, Bottle Funnel, 25c, Twin Tips 2,ic and 55c 59c and $1.10 90c and $3.00 65c 45c $.1•'5 Glycerin Suppositories, 35c Oil Pcrcontorpliuni 75c 25e R D. PHILF', Phm. E3, DRUGS, SUNDRI s, WALLPAPER --PHONE 29. ,d , ,. . ,,.... ira . .,. � 17tf�a tC+C��►�tB��+S+$+CyZ�+4+���1��;tZ���t4'�'C'c�t:;t�M'r�w�;+G;t�'+!c;�:6:w'::+;uG:-:�,(CiGk:+:71 Is ceaflum BELCIRAVE LOU GE FU ITURE `Ve offer a pleasing variety in Studio Lounges, fit- ted with Spring -filled Mattresses and Cushions, covered in Attractive, Durable Fabrics. For downright comfort, try one of our Lounge Chairs. Upholstered in high grade Velour CoverS, they are built to la:it a lifetime. A wide selection of Occasional Chairs in good covers, at popular prices. A call will convince you of the many excelli-'nt values we are offering, t ,6� ? i ; ' . 4, i 'z s t1 t i• ® aY l l i1:•' 'a yl �1 V it i�t n1 i ,I t n 1 Annual Convention of the Provincial PLEADS GUILTY IN DISORDER- ''titil 1 1'' Ilome Furnisher Phones 7 and 8 — 1l'unerat Director, ti Command of the Legion Auxiliaries, \li,, \linnie Anderson of Torontoe B.E.S.L., held in Windsor last treed:.ci' ha: 6ccn \ i trioti \\its rclati\ c, in sort LY CONDUCT CHARGE ! Tile rharr;c n•;i' laid by 1. hicf o1 IIMMA �,nZ*IDID151�iptbtgtDi3NaiDIDINADC,t�t�tt't312;i,.,x�t<:D.:.:)12,,2•, ,':',�., 2,::,t;,i::,. .,121. 31ya The threshing and silo filling opera. around liclgrayc. tions are practically concluded for the I Mr. and \Irs. George Martin 1'0 ice -I' A. (. V11'ail, 1"1" i" linjscit • • • . • ♦ ♦ rnhcrry. Ill Id -towel berry', arrest in Myth on Friday .. , • • • • • . •hent pleaded guilty t a charge of di.ordcr- night. •'• .1• .t, AY CURTAIL BEVERAGE PRODUCTI SAY BOTT1E*S diate Return of Empties Urgently Needed is a very serious shortage of bottles , • • t •' •t there 1 rtage pa. i •,' ly bevera�feh,tit�ntalllllhlll'el!FFill'�11t `I'1�>t1 Idm\n is made up imntedl yVIIIIIC the production of th'beverages irFeotttired al,l,cab,Uitvrnitlilt�luhrr only in bullies. 'this up your empty bottles and return them without delay. Start a bottle ronnd•up in your li''i1i Gaalwr More then' empty bottles i i y(ntr kitchen - your nrt them it out tl titnti return room—yoursht•11-- tulle cellar, 'elp 1111111 (11 nn(•r, oratlhld is urgent. tl�h~a'1•'de�ttln r►upland is important ... die need return 111.1, empty bottles today in. tomorrow al the loti'sl: Why a Bottle Sh.rtage? Canadian glass factories normally produce ,.l1!MONS of bottles every month. The vital ingredient in Ironic making is soda ash, Since .lulu• 12th the only big Canadian soda ash factory has been strikebound. Since then the stock of soda ash has been used up ... bottle factories are closed dawn .. . bottles are not being made today. Beverage bottlers and all producers of bottled liquids must have your bottles back to keep going. Bottling plants will close down too ... if your empties are not returned. THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) •: >• 114 >: .i, .i, ♦• :• :. HUR GRILL BLYTIL --- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG 1-• Proprietor ':•:'':'':'':''•.•....•.,:.:.•..:•:••..:...•:..•..:....•.••..:..:••..•..•. ••. •: ♦•..:..•♦.•. •:‘••.,•.•:••..•.•••♦:•.•,,:. ••..:, •;. ,:.. :.:, ,•. ••..• ,11 , 1.. JIJIIY 111 a 1 1 L.... l---- J-..I..Sa.. It Is Smart to be Thrifty --- SHOP AT Wendy's 5c to $1.00 Store Saturday Night is T.tandy Night Vodden's BAKERY. WHEN IN NEED OF BREAD, BUNS, PIES, HOME-MADE CAKE OR COOKIES REMEMBER "THE IIOi1IE BAKERY" H. T. VODDEN. BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Next Sunday; October 13th, k An- nivcrsary Sunday, 11):15: Sunday Scho •l. 11:15: Guest Speaker, \\•oolfrcy, of Clinton. 7 P.\1,: key. Reba 1Icrn, of Varna. Special music at both services. Everyone welcome. lev. \\', J. TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH lith Sunday :After 'Trinity. Service withdrawn for United Church Anniversary. TRINITY CHURCH, BELGRAVE 1:45 p.m.: Stutday School. 2:311 p •n,: Evening Prayer and Ser- mon — '.c Rev. 11. C. Jennings, of 'orpcth. ST. MARK'S CHURCH, AUBURN Harvest Thanksgiving Services, 11 a.m.: U nrning Prayer. 7.30 p.m.: Harvest Home. Preacher: Rev, 11, C. Jennings, EDITII CREIGHTON'S DECORATOR'S ShIOPPE PHONE 158, BLYTH. BLYTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Anniversary Setvicc!, Octobtr 20th. 11 :t.nl,: (iuc-t Slx'tIer, kcv. 1'.:\. I"crgn•on, 1lensall. S,,loist : Jamie Sims. \nthenl: I1v' 111 ir. 1)rgatti-t: VI abets 7:311 pan.: Rev. 1'. .\, I cr-:u,on. Special NI tide by Male Quartette frc:;n Sea forth. ORDER YOUR COUNTER CHECK BOOKS AT 'i HE BLYTH STANDARD I